Home Fruit trees Is it worth getting a job in December? Looking for a job in December: you have to dare! Who finds it easier to find a job after the New Year holidays?

Is it worth getting a job in December? Looking for a job in December: you have to dare! Who finds it easier to find a job after the New Year holidays?

Regulations on checking notebooks.

1. General provisions.

1.1 This Regulation has been developed in accordance with the Uniform Requirements for Oral and writing students and is intended to resolve issues related to checking notebooks.

1.2. These Regulations have been agreed upon with the school's methodological council, which has the right to make changes and additions to it.

1.3. A notebook is a mandatory attribute of a student’s education; it is kept by every student in all subjects of the curriculum.

1.4Checking notebooks is paid for teachers of primary school, Russian language and literature, mathematics, foreign language.

2. Tasks for checking notebooks:

The teacher's fulfillment of the norms for checking notebooks.

Students completing homework.

Compliance with a single spelling regime.

Correct notebook maintenance tests and their preservation throughout the year.

Correct signature of notebooks.

Match the amount of classwork and homework.

3. The procedure for checking notebooks.

3.1 Primary classes.

All notebooks are checked daily.

Presentations and essays are returned no later than two days later.

Types of errors are shown in the margins of the notebook (/ - spelling error; v - punctuation error).

The volume of written work in the Russian language (for a lesson, as many words are written in a notebook as provided for in the reading technique program).

3.2. Russian language and literature.

Workbooks in the Russian language are checked in grades 5 and 6 (first half of the year), every work, in grades 6 (second half of the year), in grades 7 - 9 - the most significant work, but necessarily once a week, in grades 10 - 11 once a week month, low-performing students are tested twice a week.

Workbooks on literature are checked in grades 5 - 9 at least twice a month, in grades 10 - 11 - at least once a month.

Tests are returned to the next lesson.

Presentations and essays are returned after a week in grades 5 - 9, after 10 days in grades 10 - 11.

The error is highlighted and corrected by the teacher.

After each checked work, work is done to correct errors.

Grades for tests are posted in the journal, for independent work- at the discretion of the teacher.

The volume of written work in the Russian language (for a lesson, as many words are written in a notebook as provided for in the reading technique program).

Volume homework equal to 1/3 of the class work.

3.3.Foreign language.

Workbooks are checked: in grades 5 and 6 every work, in grades 7 - 9 - once a week, grades 10 - 11 once a month, for low-performing students it is checked twice a week.

Tests are returned to the next lesson.

Types of errors are entered in the margins of the notebook (/ - spelling error; v - punctuation error, L - logical. F - factual, P - speech, speech errors are underlined with a wavy line), GR - grammatical).

The error is highlighted and corrected by the teacher.

After each checked work, work is done to correct errors.

The scope of work performed must comply with program requirements.

Grades for tests are posted in the journal, for independent work - at the discretion of the teacher.

The amount of homework is equal to 1/3 of the amount of class work.

3.4 Mathematics.

Workbooks are checked in grades 5 and 6 (first half of the year) every day, each work; in grades 6 (second half of the year), 7 - 9 - the most significant work, but always once a week, 10 - 11 grades - the most significant work, but it is mandatory twice a month for all students; low-performing students are tested twice a week.

Tests are returned to the next lesson.

An error is emphasized, a rough one - with two lines, a non-rough one - with one line, a defect - with wavy lines, work is being done on the errors.

Tests are returned to the next lesson.

Grades for tests are posted in the journal, for independent work - at the discretion of the teacher.

The amount of homework is equal to 1/3 of the amount of class work.

3.5 Physics, chemistry, biology, computer science.

Workbooks in grades 5 - 11 are checked twice a month, the most significant work is checked for all students, and for weak students it is checked once a week.

The error is highlighted and work is being done to correct the errors.

Tests, practical and laboratory works return to the next lesson.

Grades for tests, laboratory and practical work exhibited in a magazine, for independent work - at the discretion of the teacher.

The amount of homework is equal to 1/3 of the amount of class work.

3.6. History, social studies, geography.

 Workbooks in grades 5 - 11 are necessarily checked twice a quarter, the most significant works are checked for all students, and every work for weak students is checked.

 The error is emphasized speech error is emphasized with a wavy line, and work is being done to correct errors.

 Grades for tests are posted in a journal, for independent work - at the discretion of the teacher.

4.Payment for checking notebooks

4.1 Teachers must pay for checking notebooks:

Primary classes- 10% of the number of hours of Russian language and mathematics;

For teachers of Russian language and literature - 15% of Russian language hours for grades 5-11 and 15% of literature hours for grades 8-11

For mathematics teachers - 10% of the number of hours;

According to the formula x = (% of hours/(number of classes * 25 people) * (number of students trained)

For foreign language teachers - 10% of the number of hours according to the formula: According to the formula x = (% of hours/(number of classes * 15 people) * (number of students taught)

4.2 The rest of the subject students are paid subject to the availability of the institution’s wage fund.

4.3. The checking of notebooks is carried out by the Deputy Director for Internal Affairs once a month.

4.4 Payment can be withdrawn by 50% if the verification was not complete and 100%. If the notebooks were not checked at all.

The answer to these questions should be found in the Instructions on the procedure for determining paid hours of organizational and educational work and additional control educational activities students in educational institutions, auxiliary schools (boarding schools), institutions providing vocational and technical secondary education, approved by Decree of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus on November 25, 2004 No. 70 (hereinafter referred to as instructions).
Checking school notebooks refers to additional monitoring of students' educational activities. It also includes teachers conducting work to test students’ knowledge using differentiated and individual forms and using modern technologies. Additional control is carried out in individual academic subjects, with the exception of such disciplines as music, labor training, physical education, pre-conscription and medical training etc. A prerequisite is that additional control is carried out outside the time allotted for conducting training sessions in accordance with the curriculum.
According to the instructions, to determine paid hours of additional control in general education institutions, an average of two hours per week is established for one class of students at the first stage of general secondary education, and an average of two and a half hours per week for one class of students at the second and third stages of general secondary education. week. Each teacher, depending on what he teaches educational subjects no less than 0.5 and no more than 2 paid hours per week are established based on the rate, based on established norm hours of teaching work, which today is 18 hours a week.
The volume of hours of additional supervision is determined for each teacher performing this work in proportion to the volume of teaching work established for the corresponding academic subject.
Annually as of September 1st management educational institution a list of academic subjects is established for which additional control should be carried out, and the volume of hours of additional control is distributed among teachers. At the same time, the level of complexity and novelty of the used forms of monitoring students’ educational activities are taken into account.
Payment for additional supervision hours is made in the same way as for teacher teaching hours. This takes into account the teacher’s education, work experience in his specialty and qualification category.
Therefore, dear Nina Ivanovna, payment for additional supervision depends primarily on the established norm of teaching hours. Your standard is 16 hours a week. By carrying out simple arithmetic calculations it is easy to establish maximum amount hours per week that you must be paid is 1.8 hours. The legislation does not establish the dependence of remuneration for checking notebooks on their quantity. At the same time, the head of the educational institution is given the right to annually distribute hours of additional supervision among teachers. Therefore, he can set each teacher a certain number of paid hours, taking into account the number of students in the class.
Editorial " People's newspaper» thanks the Deputy Minister of Education of the Republic of Belarus Kazimir Farino for the consulting assistance provided in the preparation of the material.

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Remuneration system teaching staff quite complex because it depends on many factors. In our article we will look at general principles salaries for teachers of secondary institutions vocational education.

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Secondary vocational education in Russia

The vocational education system in Russia has several levels. Institutions of primary vocational education (PTE) and secondary vocational education (SVE) implement two-stage training of specialists. SPO is engaged in training mid-level specialists, allowing to satisfy human needs in deepening and developing knowledge acquired on the basis general education or initial vocational education.

Remuneration system teaching staff of budgetary and government educational organizations includes:

  • salaries (official salaries), wage rates;
  • compensation payments;
  • incentive payments.

This is stated in paragraph 1 of the Regulations, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 5, 2008 No. 583.

Important! Educational organization within the limits of the funds available to her, she has the right to establish a wage system independently (Article 135 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Crib. Types of remuneration systems with examples

At the same time, the manager sets the size of official salaries and wage rates based on the requirements for vocational training and level of qualifications required to carry out activities in the relevant professional qualification group, taking into account the complexity and volume of work performed (Articles 132, 144 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The remuneration system for teachers of secondary vocational education involves the payment to each employee who has completed an additional amount in addition to the basic salary. Typically, the conditions under which bonuses are awarded for achieving quantitative or qualitative indicators are also established by other local acts.

Regulations on bonuses

Remuneration for teachers of secondary vocational education: features

The procedure for remuneration of teaching staff often raises a lot of questions due to its complexity, because the remuneration of a teacher depends on many factors. Most vocational education institutions today use a remuneration system based on a unified tariff schedule (UTS). In accordance with this system, the main components can be identified wages teachers of secondary vocational education:

  • official salary or rate determined according to the Unified Labor Standard, taking into account working conditions and the specifics of the work;
  • additional payment for work not included in job responsibilities(examination written works, office management, etc.);
  • additional payment for work at night, for work during harmful conditions and so on.;
  • established premiums for high quality, tension and intensity of work;
  • bonuses and other incentive payments;
  • compensation and other payments provided for by law.

The main part of the salary of a teacher of secondary vocational education is the salary (rate), which is set on the basis of the unified technical system. As is known, UTS tariffs and coefficients imply that the employee fulfills certain production standards. Special attention is paid to the issues of rationing and recording the working time of teaching staff.

The procedure for establishing the teaching load for teachers and lecturers is regulated by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 22, 2014 No. 1601. The right to distribute the teaching load is vested in the head educational institution, while he must take into account the opinion of the trade union. The volume of workload established at the time of conclusion is allowed to be reduced in subsequent academic years only in the event of a decrease in the number of students and a reduction in hours according to curricula and programs.

In particular, for a rate of 720 hours per year, which is distributed over 10 academic months. Moreover, in case of load reduction during school year, as well as during the holiday period, which does not coincide with the teacher’s annual leave, he must be paid a salary in the amount established at the beginning of the year.

It is also necessary to keep in mind that the teaching load for VET teachers should not exceed 1440 hours per academic year.

Registration of remuneration for teachers of secondary vocational education

When concluding an employment contract with a vocational education teacher, the document must specify:

  • salary or wage rate;
  • amounts of compensation payments;
  • size and criteria of incentive payments.

Crib. How to indicate the components of a salary in an employment contract

Employment contract with a teaching employee

The salaries of teachers of secondary vocational education are established taking into account the requirements for professional training, availability qualification category, whether the position belongs to a professional qualification group. The wage rate is determined taking into account the standard hours pedagogical work depending on what position the teacher occupies and what are the characteristics of his work.

Regulations on remuneration

It is advisable to consolidate the basic norms regulating the remuneration of teachers of secondary vocational education in the form Remuneration Regulations with approximately the following structure:

  • General provisions.
  • The procedure for the formation and distribution of the wage fund.
  • The procedure for calculating employees' wages.
  • Peculiarities of remuneration for teaching staff.
  • The procedure and conditions for establishing incentive payments.
  • Procedure and conditions for bonus payments to employees.
  • Financial encouragement and provision of financial assistance.
  • Other remuneration issues.

The regulations on remuneration may provide for the establishment of increasing coefficients to the rate for certain categories of teachers. Incentive payments for all employees can be introduced, for example, for high performance results, for length of continuous work, etc.

  • Regulations on remuneration (form).doc
  • How much time do teachers spend checking notebooks, written work (independent work and tests), etc..? What if this work doesn’t pay everyone? Should I? Let's look at this problem from a legal point of view.

    For work we need

    Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated May 11, 2016 N 536 “On approval of the Peculiarities of working time and rest time for teaching and other employees of organizations engaged in educational activities"(Registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on June 01, 2016 N 42388) (hereinafter referred to as Order 536)

    What does this document say

    According to clause 2.3 of Order 536, another part of teaching work, determined taking into account job responsibilities provided for by the qualification characteristics for positions held by employees conducting teaching work, as well as additional types of work directly related to educational activities, performed with their written consent for additional payment , is regulated as follows:
    - employment contract ( additional agreement to the employment contract) - performance, with written consent, of additional types of work directly related to educational activities, on the terms additional payment(classroom management; CHECKING WRITTEN WORK; management of classrooms, laboratories, workshops, educational and experimental areas; management of methodological associations, others additional types works indicating in employment contract their content, deadline and amount of payment).

    This work is paid additionally regardless of whether this responsibility is included in the job description or not.

    What do you need to pay for checking notebooks?

    This provision of Order 536 does not make payment for checking written work dependent on the subjects taught. Therefore, to be eligible for payment, you need two components:
    - real check of written work (the presence of a notebook in which students perform work);
    - an indication of written work in your documents (RP, KTP, FOS, etc.).

    If your documents are signed by the administration, and there is an indication that students must complete written work, then someone should check them, right? And if the administration signed your working documents, then it agreed that you will carry out written work and, accordingly, agreed to pay for this work.

    If the administration does not pay you for this work, then remove the mention of written work for students from the documentation and do not conduct it. Conduct the assessment entirely orally. No checking of written work - more free time.

    It is often said that teachers of Russian language and literature and mathematicians check more notebooks than other teachers, and it is rude to pay extra money to other teachers. It is rude not to pay for the work that should be paid. Moreover, no one forbids the administration to set a coefficient for paying for checking written work for teachers of the Russian language, literature, and mathematics.

    Where the administration will get the money to pay for checking students' written work should not concern teachers.

    Application template for establishing an additional payment for checking students’ written work

    I ask you to establish for me, Ivanova I.A., a teacher of history and social studies, on the basis of paragraph. 7 p. 2.3 of the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated May 11, 2016 N 536 “On approval of the Peculiarities of working time and rest time for teaching and other employees of organizations engaged in educational activities” additional payment for checking written work for students in grades 6 and 7, who, according to the RP, FOS provides 40 written works during the academic year.
    Date, signature

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