Home Fruit trees Strict apple diet. Apple-egg diet. Apple diet, prohibited foods

Strict apple diet. Apple-egg diet. Apple diet, prohibited foods

The catalog contains information about weekend fairs held in all administrative districts. The catalog contains information about operating sites indicating administrative district, district and address landmark of the site location; working hours on weekdays and weekends; quantity retail places.

In order to provide residents and guests of the capital with high-quality food and agricultural products, as well as support domestic agricultural producers, weekend fairs have been created and operate in the city of Moscow.

Trading at weekend fairs is popular among Russian farmers and entrepreneurs. Thousands of farmers and entrepreneurs from about 50 regions take part in weekend fairs every week Russian Federation, mainly from the regions included in the Central Federal District.

To attract to weekend fairs in Moscow more direct producers from Russian regions and achieving accessibility for the population of goods sold here, trading places at weekend fairs are provided free of charge.

At each weekend fair, 70% of the total number of trading places for the “vegetables and fruits” product group is intended to be provided to individuals running a peasant (farm) household, personal subsidiary plot or engaged in gardening, horticulture, and livestock farming.

According to the established procedure, three trading sessions of weekend fairs are held from the beginning of April to the end of November.

24 days before each trading session for 15 calendar days application campaigns are carried out during which individuals, leading a peasant farm, personal subsidiary plot or engaged in gardening, vegetable gardening, as well as individual entrepreneurs And legal entities starting this year, they submit electronic applications for participation in weekend fairs through the “Services and Services” section on the Official website of the Moscow Mayor (https://www.mos.ru/).

Those wishing to take part in weekend fairs in the city of Moscow through the “Catalogue of Services” on the specified website are invited to go to the “Business” section, where they select the “Retail Trade and Catering” subsection, which contains the tab “Get a place at the weekend fair in Moscow."

Electronic applications for participation in weekend fairs in Moscow are submitted from any geographical location from computers, tablets or smartphones with access to the Internet.

If the applicant does not have access to the Internet, the application can be submitted independently at any of the My Documents public service centers in Moscow. Each of them has an electronic services area with computers with free Internet access. You can find out the addresses of the centers on the official website md.mos.ru

At the end of the application campaigns, the register of decisions is posted on the official website of the Department of Trade and Services of the City of Moscow dtu.mos.ru, as well as the State Budgetary Institution “Moscow Fairs”: fair.mos.ru, and notifications are also sent to “ personal accounts» applicants on the portal of public services of the city of Moscow.

Weekend fairs operate in modern, presentable arched-tent structures that meet organizational requirements trading activities in the capital by appearance, quality of materials, safety and convenience for participants and visitors of fairs.

Weekend fairs in the city of Moscow operate in accordance with the Decree of the Moscow Government dated May 4, 2011 No. 172-PP “On approval of the procedure for organizing fairs and selling goods (performing work, providing services) at them.”

Weekend fairs provide for the sale of exclusively agricultural products and food products produced in the territory of the Member States Customs Union. The sale of non-food products is provided at regional fairs, as well as at specialized fairs.

Up-to-date information about the activities of weekend fairs in Moscow is posted on the official website of the Department of Trade and Services of the city of Moscow: dtu.mos.ru.

Do you know what?

Since 2016, the authority to organize weekend fairs has been exercised by the State Budgetary Institution “Moscow Fairs”, established by order of the Moscow Government dated December 23, 2015 No. 758-RP.

In connection with the creation of the State Budgetary Institution “Moscow Fairs” and the transfer of authority to organize weekend fairs to it in 2016, a multi-stage system for monitoring the activities of fairs was introduced, which made it possible to quickly identify and eliminate shortcomings.

When preparing materials, the following websites were used: www.mos.ru and www.dtu.mos.ru

Don't know how to please your husband? Try losing weight in just 7 days with the diet in this article.

It is believed that those who eat one apple every day protect themselves from many diseases and live longer than others. This fruit contains many vitamins and other useful substances, so its health benefits are difficult to overestimate.

Apples also have a beneficial effect on your figure; it’s not for nothing that they are included in the menu of most weight loss methods. A diet based on this fruit in just 7 days will help you correct your silhouette without forcing you to eat tasteless foods, which, although they get rid of extra pounds, but destroy any hint of pleasure from losing weight.

In this article you will learn what the 7-day apple diet is, what menu options exist for this technique and whether it has any contraindications.

Essence and features

Entire generations have been losing weight on apples. It's simple, affordable and delicious way get rid of wrinkles on the most attractive parts of the body. Among other things, apples supply the body with vitamins and improve your mood, and this is when all your thoughts are in the confectionery or butcher shop.

This fruit is useful for those losing weight because it contains only 47 kcal per 100 g of weight. This means that even 3 kg of apples a day will not harm your figure, although eating them in such quantities is still not worth it even with the best intentions, because then your health will suffer.

However, you can gradually include fruit in your diet or go on a moderate diet.

Another important indicator of any dietary product- it is his glycemic index, that is, the rate at which carbohydrates are converted into glucose. If it is produced quickly, in large portions, then the excess is converted into adipose tissue.

This does not happen after eating apples, because their glycemic index fluctuates in the range of 30-45 units depending on the variety, and the upper acceptable threshold for losing weight is 55.

Exist different variants apple diet. Some prefer to use the fruit as a supplement to the diet, others combine apples, and others choose. It all depends on what results you want to achieve.

If you need to lose a lot, choose a strict mono-diet, but only if you are consciously prepared for deprivation. If you need to significantly correct your figure, but strict methods are not suitable, you can give preference to a two-component menu. For those who want to relieve the body and lose a little weight, a varied diet, including, in addition to apples, other products, is suitable.

Advantages and disadvantages

In addition to the fact that the apple diet for weight loss for 7 days allows you to quickly get rid of extra pounds, it is also famous for the fact that. The fiber contained in fruits normalizes intestinal motility and accelerates metabolic processes, and this helps to further prevent the formation of new fat folds. Of course, this won't work if you continue to eat junk food V large quantities, but if you rearrange your diet, then unloading on apples will become the first step on the path to health.

Another advantage of the technique is that it is accessible to almost everyone. At any time of the year, apples can be bought at a reasonable price, and in summer and autumn you can even pick them from your own garden.

At the same time, it doesn’t matter too much which variety you use for weight loss. It is believed that green apples are the healthiest, but you can just as easily eat any other apples - the difference will not be noticeable.

Apples have a mild diuretic effect, therefore they help remove excess fluid from the body and normalize water-salt metabolism. Thanks to this, puffiness disappears from the body, and this is also an important step on the path to a beautiful figure.

The technique also has disadvantages, and they cannot be neglected:

  1. The fruit acid contained in apples can upset digestion and lead to diseases of the stomach and intestines.
  2. Tooth enamel is also threatened by fruit acid.
  3. Some people notice that apples stimulate the appetite, and this interferes with weight loss, as the likelihood of diet failure increases.
  4. Eating large amounts of apple seeds is harmful, because they contain a large number of iodine and hydrocyanic acid.

All these disadvantages can be smoothed out with the right actions. To protect the stomach and enamel from fruit acid, you need to alternate consumption fresh apples with baked ones. If the fruit stimulates the appetite, a cracker made from black bread will not harm your figure. You don’t have to eat apple seeds at all, but if you wish, consume no more than 5 pieces per day, clearing the fruits of them.


To achieve the desired result, it is not enough to simply stock up on apples and eat them without restrictions during the week. Losing weight using this method cannot be called rational, but you need to learn from it maximum benefit and prevent bad influence on the body. Apple diet for losing weight for 7 days requires compliance with the following rules:

The apple diet is not for everyone. It is contraindicated for people with diseases gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular and excretory systems. Also, the technique cannot be used when diabetes mellitus, mental disorders, in childhood and adolescence, during pregnancy and during breastfeeding.

Below are the apple diet menu options for the week.


The simplest menu option is a mono-diet. For a week you are asked to eat only apples, washed down with water or green tea, sometimes it is allowed to stop hunger with a cracker. This technique really gives impressive results, but it can be dangerous to health, so if there is another way out, it is better not to take unnecessary risks.

The menu looks like this:

During a diet, it is better to purchase mineral water without gas, but if desired, you can use boiled or filtered. If you start to get bored with apples, you can drink 1-2 times a day 1 glass of low-fat kefir, yogurt or fermented baked milk or eat 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese.

There is also a more varied menu that will prevent you from thinking about junk food:

  • Day 1 – for breakfast, salad of apples, oranges and walnuts with lemon juice or low-fat yogurt, for lunch a salad of apples, boiled eggs and a lot of greens in olive oil, for dinner 2-3 apples, fresh or baked;
  • Day 2 – for breakfast rice porrige, boiled in water, with pieces of apples, for lunch the same as for breakfast, and for dinner just rice porridge without additives;
  • Day 3 – for breakfast cottage cheese casserole with apples for lunch skim cheese with apple, orange and walnuts, only cottage cheese for dinner;
  • Day 4 – for breakfast, salad from grated apple, carrots and raisins with lemon juice, for lunch the same salad with a spoon of honey, for dinner 3 baked apples with cinnamon;
  • Day 5 – for breakfast, a salad of boiled carrots and beets, 1 apple eaten separately, for lunch oatmeal, boiled in water, 1 boiled egg and 1 apple, for dinner a salad of fresh grated carrots with raisins with lemon juice;
  • Day 6 – repetition of the menu of day 1;
  • Day 7 – repetition of the menu for 2 days.

Thus there are various options apple diet menu for 7 days. However, not only the diet itself is important, but also the right way out from her.

Important! After completing the technique, a smooth transition to a normal diet is necessary.

At first, unleavened porridges and porridges are introduced into the menu, then more satisfying side dishes and lean meats and seafood are added. Portions should be gradually increased, but only to the volume that will satisfy hunger without causing a feeling of overeating.

Below you can read the reviews and results of the apple diet for 7 days.

Results and reviews

You can lose up to 10 kg in a week on the apple mono-diet, but such a result, of course, is not so common. Usually girls notice a plumb line of 5-7 kg, and this is more than enough. As for the varied menu, you can lose 3-5 kg ​​in a week without strong feeling hunger.

Those who have tried to lose weight using this method leave different reviews about the apple diet for 7 days.

For example, the girl Dina writes:“After the holidays, I constantly gain excess weight, so I have to do a week-long deload to get back in shape. I tried both a strict and a gentle apple diet, but the result was more pleasing for the first one. You only need to endure a week on apples, and then your figure will become the same again. I manage to lose about 4 kg every time.”

Another girl, Sophia, left the following review about the apple diet for a week:“I tried this diet back in school, but I’m still dealing with the consequences. I lasted a whole week on apples and water, and it almost ended up in the hospital. I lost 6 kg, but I still have terrible hair, nails and skin, but before my experiment everything was fine.”


A weekly apple diet can be both beneficial and dangerous. It all depends on how seriously you take the matter and how closely you monitor your condition. If no ailments arise, you can only rejoice at the results, but if you feel unpleasant symptoms, you need to stop the diet and go back to your previous diet.

Reader's story "How I lost 18 kg in 2.5 months"
I've been fat all my life, I suffered because excess weight. In clothing stores I chose size L, which by the age of 25 turned into XL and continued to grow. I can tell you for a long time how I tried to fight my 30-35 extra pounds: diets, hunger strike, and physical exercise, even pills and some kind of conspiracies. The effect was short-lived or absent altogether. In short, despair, depression and almost resignation to one’s enormous weight. But one day I came across... a chocolate bar that helps you lose weight! It didn’t cost me anything to try it - I love chocolates. I ordered it and ate it. And the weight crept down!! It seems like mysticism, but it's true. I began to study the issue and realized how it all works. Girls, try it! I have already lost 18 kg in 2.5 months. And I continue. It's up to you, but you don't lose anything except weight, of course. Try Choco Burn chocolate for weight loss for 147 rubles.

The apple diet is a popular cleansing technique aimed at getting rid of excess weight and overall health of the body. We invite you to familiarize yourself with its different options - each of them deserves your attention.

Briefly about the benefits of the apple diet for weight loss

The apple diet has a complex effect on the body. Due to the presence of a large amount of fiber and pectin substances, it allows you to cleanse the intestines of harmful accumulations. The balanced composition of apples helps cleanse the blood of toxins. This product normalizes the functioning of the digestive system and puts metabolic processes in order (including fat).

Glucose and fructose present in apples relieve hunger and nourish the body. The apple diet is an effective prevention of many diseases affecting the cardiovascular system (in particular, atherosclerosis and hypertension).

This popular fruit is full of useful elements. It contains vitamins (A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, C, PP, H) and minerals (iron, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iodine, fluorine, zinc, etc.). The calorie content of apples is very low - 100 g of the product contains on average 46 kcal.

special instructions

It is worth remembering that anyone, even the most useful product, may have individual contraindications, so before starting the apple diet, you need to consult a doctor (despite the fact that there are no strict contraindications to eating apples).

If there are no problems with the digestive system, apples should be consumed with the peel - it is in it that the most of useful elements.

For a number of diseases, it is recommended to introduce into the diet not raw, but baked apples or applesauce(in particular, with colitis and urolithiasis). For peptic ulcer disease, as well as gastritis with increased acidity You should avoid sour apples (sweet varieties are completely permissible). Low acidity makes choosing sour apples justified.

When purchasing apples for a diet, there is no point in choosing beautiful imported fruits - in order to preserve their presentation, they may be subject to certain influences. Thus, the diet will bring harm, not benefit.

To avoid getting bored with the apple diet for weight loss, it is quite permissible to alternate different varieties apples (each variety has its own “zest”).

Apple diet for weight loss and cleansing the body

The following options for the apple diet cleanse the body of harmful accumulations and get rid of excess weight.

Option No. 1: throughout the day, apples of any variety are allowed (without restrictions on the volume of servings), as well as still water (you can use melted water, table water, mineral water). The optimal duration of the diet is 3 days. The average weight loss during this period is 2 kg.

Option number 2 (fast apple diet): daily ration includes only 1.5 kg of apples (fresh, baked). Water and any other liquid are prohibited. Optimal duration of the diet: 1-2 days. The average weight loss per day is 0.8-1 kg.

Option number 3 (apple diet for 3 days): the diet includes 5-6 big apples and 1-1.5 liters of kefir. Optimal duration of the diet: 2-3 days. Average weight loss during this period: 2-3 kg.

Option number 4 (apple diet for a week): the diet includes apples, rye crackers, unsweetened green tea and still water. Apples should be consumed according to the following scheme:
Days No. 1 and 6 – 1 kg
Days No. 2 and 5 – 1.5 kg
Days No. 3 and 4 – 2 kg

The last, seventh day of the apple diet is devoted to water fasting. A strict diet takes away 4-6 kg per week.

Therapeutic options for the apple diet

For hypertensive crises and mild to moderate enterocolitis, a fairly strict apple diet is prescribed (it should be followed for no longer than 2 days). Patients are recommended to eat 1.5 kg of apples in 5-6 doses (they must be grated before eating).

For edema caused by cardiovascular diseases, the following diet is beneficial: throughout the day, patients need to eat 8-10 medium-sized apples and 500 g of not very fatty cottage cheese. Duration of the apple diet in this case limited to five days.

The juice should be prepared immediately before use. The cleansing scheme is as follows:
8.00 – 200 ml juice

On the third day, you need to make small changes to the dosage regimen:
8.00 – 400 ml juice
8.30 – 100 ml olive oil and 200 ml diluted with water apple juice
10.00-20.00 (every 2 hours) – 400 ml of juice

The apple diet for weight loss can be followed at any time of the year - this is another important advantage of this technique.

The apple diet is a great way to quickly and effective reduction weight. Apples are a source of pectin fiber, which magically helps you lose 10 kg within 7 days. The apple diet for weight loss is known in several versions. The difference lies in the duration, the number of fruits consumed and additional products in your diet.

Benefits of the Apple Diet

The apple diet is safe and harmless. It cleanses perfectly, gets rid of excess fluid and makes your figure slimmer. At the same time, your body becomes healthy and resilient.

This fruit contains a large amount of fiber, so you are guaranteed a feeling of fullness while losing weight. Also, glucose and fructose will relieve you of hunger.

In parallel with losing weight, apples can help in the fight against other ailments. For example, normalize arterial pressure or lower cholesterol levels, solve the delicate problem of constipation or give elasticity to your blood vessels.

This is interesting ! It is beneficial to eat apples daily. If you do this an hour before meals, your appetite will definitely increase and the digestion process will improve.

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About the benefits of pectin

The apple diet is classified as a so-called pectin diet. Consumption of pectin helps sharp decline calories. It helps the proper digestion of food and cleanses the body of toxic substances and unnecessary fat, even the most old ones.

Pectin is also useful because it puts in order the intestinal microflora, removes heavy metals and pesticides. But to get the maximum benefit from pectin, you should consume fresh fruits in which it is contained.

Apples, as the main source of pectin, help combat the effects of excess carbohydrate intake. And they are the very “enemies” of our body, because of which we get better.

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Two options for losing weight in 7 days

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Option #1

The apple mono-diet involves eating only apples. This is a strict nutrition system for people with a healthy stomach.

The menu for this diet is very simple. Every day you need to eat a certain amount of these fruits:

  • on the first and last day – 1 kg;
  • on the second, fifth and sixth days - 1.5 kg;
  • in the third and fourth – 2 kg.

You are allowed to drink plenty of liquid - water, green tea or herbal infusions. You can also eat two small rye crackers a day.

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Option No. 2

The apple diet minus 10 kg allows you to consume a number of additional products. Among them, carrots and beets with a high pectin content will predominate during the week.

The apple diet for a week involves the following menu.

Monday: apple day:

  • Breakfast: 3-fruit applesauce with lemon juice and walnuts.
  • Lunch: salad of apples, boiled eggs, parsley and green onions.
  • Dinner: 3-4 medium apples.

Tuesday: Apple Rice Day:

  • Breakfast: 3 apples and rice without salt (100 g).
  • Lunch: a portion of rice (200 g) with boiled apple pulp and adding lemon juice.
  • Dinner: rice without salt (100 g).

Wednesday: apple-curd day:

  • Breakfast: 2 apples and low-fat cottage cheese (100 g).
  • Lunch: cottage cheese with the addition of boiled apple straws, lemon juice, honey and walnuts.
  • Dinner: low-fat cottage cheese (150 g).

Thursday: carrot-apple day

  • Breakfast: mashed potatoes fresh carrots(3 pcs.) and apples (1 pc.).
  • Lunch: repeat breakfast with the addition of honey.
  • Dinner: 3 baked apples with a spoon of honey.

Friday: carrot-beet day:

  • Breakfast: boiled beets (1 pc.) and carrots (2 pcs.).
  • Dinner: boiled eggs(2 pcs.) and beets (1 pc.), serving oatmeal.
  • Dinner: carrot puree with honey.

Saturday: repeat apple day

Sunday: repeat apple and rice day

The apple diet will remove 10 kg without special problems, if you strictly adhere to this diet and are not too lazy to do 15-20 minutes a day physical exercise.

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If you want to try losing weight this way, be sure to consult with your doctor. He will definitely tell you the diet option that suits you best. the best way suitable for your body. After all, each of us has some kind of health problems, we should not neglect it.

It is important to know that sweet apples are suitable for people with peptic ulcer stomach. And for those who have gastritis and low acidity, it is better to choose sour varieties of this fruit.

It is also worth paying attention to the content of fruit acids in these fruits, which can damage tooth enamel. In order to avoid this, you need to rinse your mouth after eating apples, and your enamel will not be damaged.

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Doctor on the role of apples in weight loss

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Completing the diet week

When the week of the diet has come to an end, there is no need to pounce on food that you did not eat during this period. It’s better to start your morning with apples, eat some vegetables in any form during the day, and for dinner limit yourself to a serving of porridge and a glass of kefir. It is recommended to leave foods containing proteins for the next day, but it is better to postpone eating fatty and fried foods for at least a week or avoid them altogether.

In your quest to lose weight, don’t forget about your physiological characteristics and taste preferences. Don't commit violence against yourself! Some diet product is not suitable, it is better to replace it with one that you enjoy - this way you will significantly increase your chances of success.

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