Home Perennial flowers The meaning of the name Dmitry Olegovich. Dmitry - the meaning and origin of the name. Famous people named Dmitry

The meaning of the name Dmitry Olegovich. Dmitry - the meaning and origin of the name. Famous people named Dmitry

The origin of the name Dmitry, or in a more accurate church pronunciation Demetrius, is ancient Greek. It means "dedicated to Demeter." IN ancient mythology Demeter is the goddess of fertility and patroness of agriculture. Therefore, it is possible that Dmitry is a fruit of the earth. The name is good, joyful, reliable, bright and active, very popular in Russia.

Dmitry is a strong person with a strong character, energy and a desire for self-development. He is a true perfectionist who tries to achieve perfection in everything he undertakes. In general, Dmitry’s life is a series of ups and downs, incredible successes and serious failures, but much depends on what time of year he was born.

Characteristics of the name Dmitry

Corresponding zodiac sign: .

Patron planet: .

Dominant element of Feng Shui: .

Talisman-stone, mineral, metal: Lapis lazuli.

Talisman-color: Purple.

Plant talisman: Chrysanthemum.

Animal mascot: Walrus.

Character traits: Patience, Impulsiveness, Independence, Ingenuity.

Dmitry and Alina- such a tandem is successful and durable, since Dmitry and Alina strive for the same ideals. They love to travel and meet new people. Their relationship is dominated by love and sensuality.

Dmitry and Diana– Dmitry is the breadwinner in this union, and Diana is the embodiment of his aspirations regarding creating a prosperous family. He is emotional and stubborn, she is calm and flexible, so it is not surprising that their marriage may well become strong.

Dmitry and Evgenia- this is a difficult union in which a woman does not want to be a housewife, because she is attracted by a career as an independent businesswoman. Dmitry does not agree to put up with Evgenia’s constant absence from home.

Dmitry and Daria– in the pair of Dima and Dasha, bright emotions and fun reign, therefore their relationship is full of passion and new discoveries. But, as you know, a fire that flares up quickly can burn out just as quickly. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to constantly nourish the relationship.


Dmitry Koldun (Dzmitry Kaldun)

What does the name Dmitry mean?

According to history, the origin of the name Dmitry is Greek. The adverb was formed from the word “Demetrios,” translated as “dedicated to Demeter.” She, whose name modern men bear, is the goddess of fertility, as well as the patroness of agriculture. In common parlance this name sounded like Mithraeus.

Forms (analogues) of the name Dmitry

Dima, Dimochka, Dimon, Dimulya, Dimushka, Dimusya, Dimasya, Mitya, Mitenka, Mityai, Mityusha and Mityunya.

Origin of the name Dmitry

In ancient mythology there is such a goddess - Demeter, the goddess of fertility. She was considered the patroness of farmers. By the way, this goddess was considered one of the most influential on Olympus.

There is a legend about the Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessaloniki, who was born in the Greek city of Thessaloniki. His parents secretly converted to Christianity, but for a long time they could not have children. And then a miracle happened - as a reward for their faith and daily prayers, the Lord sent them a son, who was named Demetrius and secretly baptized in their home church.

Demetrius matured and after the death of his father took his place as Roman proconsul. His duties included protecting the Thessalonian region from enemies and fighting secret Christians. But Dmitry, who himself was an adherent of the Christian faith, disobeyed the emperor and began to convert the pagans to the faith of Christ. Emperor Maximian was beside himself with rage when he found out what Demetrius was really doing and sentenced him to death.

After the execution, Demetrius's servant Lupp managed to remove the bloody robe and ring from the deceased, with which he subsequently healed the sick. But soon rumors of these healings reached the emperor, and Luppa suffered the same fate as his master.

In church tradition the name Demetrius is used.

Compatibility of the name Dmitry

Incompatibility of the name Dmitry

Compatibility of the name Dmitry with the signs of the Zodiac

Dmitry – Aries is a purposeful and powerful man who knows his worth. He cannot live without adventures and risks; we note that he does not always benefit from his risky plans and ideas. Dmitry-Aries loves to be the center of attention, and achieves this at any cost. In relationships with women, Dmitry-Aries is almost unpredictable, which attracts and at the same time alarms the fair sex.

Dmitry – Taurus– active and energetic, has business acumen, and is successful in business. He calculates his every move and action in advance. And he is exactly the same in love, besides, he loves to test his chosen one, test the depth of her feelings, and cause jealousy. Based on this, a suspicious and impressionable woman will not be able to live with him.

Dmitry – Gemini possesses artistry, charm, as well as intelligence and extraordinary abilities. Women are crazy about such a man. Dmitry-Gemini is well aware of this and openly takes advantage of it.

Dmitry – Cancer– vulnerable and dreamy, takes everything to heart, therefore susceptible nervous breakdowns and melancholy. He is impressionable and good-natured, and all this greatly hinders him from building a career. He can create a strong family only with a practical woman.

Dmitry - Leo- narcissistic, never admits his mistakes, he is a leader and his opinion is always the only correct one. Dmitry-Lev is a passionate and temperamental man, he needs a submissive woman who will daily praise the abilities and merits of her beloved.

Dmitry – Virgo- a reserved person with a strong character. He was used to relying only on himself in all matters. It is difficult for him to get along with people, for this reason Dmitry-Virgo has practically no friends. Due to his high demands on women, his personal life is also not easy.

Dmitry – Libra– absolutely selfish and narcissistic nature. Believes that the whole world revolves around him. He has wit and sociability, but is not at all responsible for his words. In the personal relationships of Dmitry-Libra, everything is exactly the same; everyone should please only him. This state of affairs is unlikely to suit a woman seeking to create a harmonious family.

Dmitry – Scorpio- a powerful person with remarkable willpower. But at the same time, he is sensual and charming, open and straightforward. In addition, he is an excellent psychologist. Therefore, liars and two-faced people have no place in his environment. He also prefers to build love relationships on trust and mutual understanding. He will love his chosen one limitlessly, but he will also demand the same from her.

Dmitry – Sagittarius- a temperamental and very stubborn man, if he has already got something into his head, no one can convince him. Loves risk and adventure. In love relationships, he loves complete obedience on the part of the woman.

Dmitry – Capricorn– a principled man who clearly and purposefully moves towards his dream. Obstacles do not frighten him; he has true masculine character. And he will pursue the woman he likes long and hard.

Dmitry – Aquarius- a persistent and cheerful man. He will endure any hardships of life with dignity, this will only strengthen his spirit. At first glance, he approaches problems with humor and self-irony, but in his heart he worries very much about every failure. He is inclined to be jealous of his beloved, but he will never show it.

Dmitry - Pisces has charm, charisma and incredible magnetism. At first glance, he is soft and mannered, but in reality, under this mask he hides a sharp and insightful mind. In relationships with women, Dmitry-Pisces is passionate, sometimes even tyrannical.

Dmitry Dikusar

Character, conveyed by name Dmitriy

Dmitry, by type of character, is often classified as choleric.

The boy Dima is especially adored by his mother. His mother often spoils him not only in childhood, but also in adulthood. As a child, Dima was prone to frequent sore throats, flu and bronchitis. Excessive pain in childhood makes him a capricious and tearful boy with an unstable nervous system.

Don’t forget that Dima needs to be put in his place from childhood, later it will be much more difficult... if not completely impossible!

With age, health problems become fewer, whims go away, and their place is taken by character traits such as perseverance and perseverance.

His peers love and respect him, Dima is kind and responsive to them. Although a little silent. Fights are commonplace for him; in them he defends either his own interests or the interests of his friends. There is also a bit of recklessness in him; it is with this quality that he tries to compensate for the lack of increased attention to himself from adults.

But Dima is very susceptible to the influence of others, so if he is surrounded by children who study well, Dima will be a diligent student. If the influence is bad, it will have an extremely negative impact on the boy’s fate.

Teenager Dima is stubborn and hot-tempered, which makes it very difficult to communicate with him. But, he realizes that he is wrong and tries with all his might to control his actions and statements.

WITH young age Dmitry leads an active lifestyle. He loves fishing, hiking, and attends various sports clubs. And, no matter what he does, he tries to become the best in this matter. Are manifesting it leadership skills, he likes the very feeling of competition, and his friends are therefore strong, decisive and strong-willed. There are not many friends, but they are proven.

Dima does not tolerate injustice, does not forgive lies and insults. He is not vindictive, so he will simply erase the offender from his life.

Adult Dmitry loves comfort and coziness, he is ready to give any money and make any moral and physical efforts for this.

Dmitry is strong and determined, but needs the support of a person who believes in him. Otherwise, he may become addicted to alcohol, in case of serious defeats and failures, be it work issues or problems in family relationships.

One of Dmitry's shortcomings is that he wants to get everything at once, in one jerk. He does not know how to move towards his goal slowly and confidently. He is satisfied only when he manages to solve problems and assigned tasks with one powerful blow.

Dmitry's practicality, sociability and entrepreneurial spirit, his penchant for risk and adventure, can lead him to the top of the career ladder. But Dmitry often misuses his capabilities. In addition, he is hampered by his property - first do, and then think.

As already noted, Dmitry is a choleric person, but he is in complete control of his reactions. He carefully selects smart and intelligent comrades to whom he remains faithful, but he cannot imagine friendship without the complete subordination of his friends to his will. Very sensitive to defeats and failures.

"Summer" Dmitry- is too emotional, so much so that he practically cannot control and restrain his emotional impulses. And as a result, all this negatively affects his career and significantly complicates his personal life. In addition, he is amorous, jealous and loves himself too much, all this often prevents him from creating a strong and happy family.

"Winter" Dmitry– a very ambitious man, has fighting qualities, strives to occupy leadership positions in life, this applies to both work and family.

"Autumn" Dmitry– practical, knows how to earn and save money. But he is not stingy, he happily spends money on beautiful and necessary things.

"Spring" Dmitry– stubborn and unpredictable personality. He is always in search of something new and unknown, and devotes a lot of attention and time to his self-development.

Positive traits of the name Dmitry

Dmitry has a sharp mind, perseverance, dedication and determination. He is an optimist and is able to quickly adapt to various situations. Dima is faithful and devoted friend who will always come to the rescue.

He is guided in life by high moral and ethical standards, which he adheres to both in personal and public life.

Negative traits of the name Dmitry

Dmitry is a subjective and closed person, does not like emotional conversations, prefers to keep his experiences to himself. He also lacks tact and diplomacy - his statements are too categorical and straightforward, which often offends people close to him and his work colleagues. Too hot-tempered, prone to risks and adventures, he acts first and thinks only after. Possessing developed intuition, Dima rarely listens to her because of the impulsiveness and impetuosity of his difficult character. Injustice and lies can unbalance Dmitry, provoking an outburst of rage. Dmitry is overly subjective, rarely tries to put himself in the place of another person.

Name Dmitry in love and family

Dmitry is charming, brave and tough, which attracts women to him. They feel in him a strong and fearless protector, support and strong shoulder. But his temperament, which is so alluring at first, can later become an insurmountable obstacle when building family life.

Dmitry prefers women who are beautiful, smart and economical. Before marriage, he is easily attracted to women, but when he meets his one and only, he will remain faithful to her until the end of his days. But, despite all his efforts, Dmitry does not always manage to save his marriage. Therefore, there may be several marriages in his life, and he will sincerely love each of his chosen ones.

In his family life, Dmitry is hampered by his suspicion; he will constantly be jealous and control his woman, and will never forgive her for cheating. In addition, Dmitry is grumpy, stubborn and capricious, selfish, and therefore stingy in showing feelings for his wife. He expects his wife to please him more than he is ready to fulfill her desires and whims. All this will greatly upset his chosen one. Dmitry, if he still wants to save his family, should be more gentle, affectionate and courteous with his woman. If both compromise, then the marriage with Dmitry can be very happy.

Dmitry will love children endlessly and will try to devote every free minute to them. Even if the family breaks up, he will always take care of the children and will take an active part in their lives.

Sexuality of the name Dmitry

Dmitry enters into an intimate relationship with a woman in a rather late age. Only at the age of forty does he come to understand what he wants in sex and what he is capable of. The problem is that Dima often lives in the grip of prejudices regarding relationships with women. The result is frequent disappointments and bitter regrets.

Being young and inexperienced, Dmitry does not know how to behave correctly with a woman. But, over time, he comes to understand the feminine essence, which has a positive effect on his intimate life. In many ways, it depends on the woman whether Dmitry can get rid of his prejudices regarding sex life.

Dima's sexual temperament is average. Sharing a bed with an unloved woman will not. He gives his partner a lot of sensuality great importance. But he doesn’t know how to seduce women; his techniques are often rude and awkward.

Dima Bilan (Viktor Belan)

The influence of the name Dmitry on business and career

For Dmitry, it is best to connect his life with professions where the main role is given to the ability to communicate with people. Dmitry is disciplined, hardworking, not afraid of responsibility, rational and efficient, and does not put off until tomorrow what can be done today. All these qualities help him achieve success and occupy leadership positions. He does not like surprises and surprises, so he needs to clearly set tasks and outline the scope of work.

Dmitry will also be able to show the creative side of his nature in trade, medicine, engineering, design and architecture. He will also make a good writer, director, politician or artist.
Dmitry may well become worthy team player, but only if you learn to control your impulses to always criticize and teach people.

Possessing business acumen, Dima does not always know how to use it correctly, and all because of the inability to distribute and retain his irrepressible energy. In addition, in a joint business, his priority is not profit, but a trusting (even friendly) relationship with his partner, and such an approach to business can harm the venture, especially if Dima’s partner decides to take advantage of his good attitude towards himself.

But, with the correct organization of business, Dmitry can become successful entrepreneur, he has all the qualities for this: an analytical mind, high ability to work, determination, practicality and sociability.

The influence of the name Dmitry on health

As a child, Dima often suffered from tonsillitis, flu and bronchitis. In adulthood, problems appear in the functioning of the nervous system, heart and circulatory organs.

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters in the name Dmitry

D- reflection, thinking before starting a task, family orientation, willingness to help, sometimes moodiness. Often - psychic abilities.

M- caring personality, willingness to help, possible shyness. At the same time, a warning to the owner that he is part of nature and should not succumb to the temptation to “pull the blanket over himself.” By being predatory towards nature, the owner of this letter harms himself.


T- intuitive, sensitive, creative person, a seeker of truth who does not always balance desires and possibilities. The symbol of the cross is a reminder to the owner that life is not endless and one should not put off until tomorrow what can be done today - act, using every minute effectively.

R- the ability not to be deceived by appearances, but to delve into the essence; self-confidence, desire to act, courage. When carried away, a person is capable of taking stupid risks and is sometimes too dogmatic in his judgments.

AND- subtle spirituality, sensitivity, kindness, peacefulness. Outwardly, a person shows practicality as a screen to hide a romantic, soft nature.

Y- subtle spirituality, sensitivity, kindness, peacefulness. Outwardly, a person shows practicality as a screen to hide a romantic, soft nature.

Numerology of the name Dmitry

Soul Number: 7.

Holders of the name number 7 show talents in the field of philosophy, science, arts or religion. “Sevens” perfectly understand other people, which determines a large number of leaders among them. Also, “sevens” often become excellent teachers. Their guidelines in life are restraint, dignity and seriousness. Sevens are always reserved, do not like to show their emotions, are averse to tomfoolery, but they have a good sense of humor and are famous for their irony. In business, “Sevens” rarely show themselves with positive side. Money matters are not their strong point; money in general is not their primary interest; “Sevens” find the meaning of life in the intangible area.

Hidden Spirit Number: 2
Body number: 5

Signs of the name Dmitry

Planet: Mercury.
Element: Air, cold-dry.
Zodiac: Gemini, Virgo.
Color: Variegated, changeable, mixed.
Day: Wednesday.
Metal: Mercury, bismuth, semiconductors.
Mineral: Emerald, agate, porphyry, topaz, glass, rock crystal, sardonyx.
Plants: Basil, parsley, walnut, celery, valerian.
Animals: Fox, monkey, weasel, stork, parrot, nightingale, thrush, lark, ibis, flying fish.

Orthodox name days Dmitry celebrates

February 17 – Demetrius (Ilyinsky), martyr, psalmist; Demetrius (Kazamatsky), martyr, psalmist; Demetrius (Kedrolivansky), martyr, priest

June 5 – Demetrius (Kazansky), martyr, priest; Tsarevich Dimitri of Uglich and Moscow

November 8 – Dimitry Basarbovsky, Bulgarian, preacher; Tsar Demetrius the Self-Sacrificer, Iveron, martyr; Demetrius of Thessalonica (Thessalonian), Myrrh-Streaming, Great Martyr; Dimitry Tsilibinsky, preacher

November 27 – Demetrius (Bnevolensky), martyr, archpriest; Dimitri (Lebedev), martyr, archpriest; Dimitri (Rudakov), martyr, priest

December 17 – Demetrius (Nevedomsky), martyr, archpriest
Dmitry celebrates Catholic name day

Dmitry Kharatyan

Name Dmitry in other languages

isp. - Demetrio (Demetrio)

port. – Demétrio (Demetriou)

it. - Demetrio (Demetrio), Venetian. (Venice, XV-XVI centuries) Dimittri (Dimitri), Dimitri (Dimitri), Friulian. Dimitri (Dimitri);
Sicilian. Dimetriu (Dimetriu), Dimitriu (Dimitriu);
Sardinsk Demitri (Demitri), Deomidri (Deomidri), Mittiri (Mittiri)
Venetsk Metrio (Metrio),
Sicilian Itrio (Itrio)

rum./mold.- Dumitru (Dumitru), church. Dimitrie

weng. – Dömötör (Demeter), Demeter (Demeter)

Greek. – Δημήτριος (Dimitrios), Δημήτρης (Dimitris), Δημητρός (Dimitros)

Ukrainian. - Dmitro

Belarusian. - Dzmitry, Dzmitry, folk forms: Zmitser, Zmitser, church. Dzimitry

floor. – Dymitr (Dimitr), Demetriusz (Demetrius)

Czech. – Dimitrij (Dimitri), Dmitr (Dmitr)

more. - Dimitar, Dimitri, Dimitri

Serb. – Dimitar, Dimitar (Dimitar), Dmitar, Dmitar (Dmitar), Dimitrie, Dimitrije (Dimitrije), Mitar, Mitar (Mitar), Mithra, Mitra (Mitra)

Famous personalities with the name Dmitry

Public and political figures:

Demetrius of Thessalonica (306) - also known as St. Dmitry Myrotochets, Christian saint, revered among the great martyrs

Dmitry Donskoy (1350-1389) – Prince of Moscow and Grand Duke of Vladimir

Demetrius I Poliorcetes (336-283 BC) - king of Macedonia in 294-288 BC.

Demetrius I Soter (187-150 BC) - king of Syria (from 162 BC) from the Seleucid dynasty.

Demetrius II Nicator (161-125 BC) - king of Syria (146-139, 129-126 BC) from the Seleucid dynasty. Second son of Demetrius I Soter.

Dmitry Bibikov (1792-1870) - a prominent official of the Nicholas reign, Kiev Governor-General (1837-1852), Minister of Internal Affairs Russian Empire(1852-1855), general of infantry (1845).

Dmytro "Bayda" Vishnevetsky (1517-1564) - Ukrainian magnate in Volyn, prince of the Kribut gerbra from the Gediminovich dynasty. Cossack hetman. Officer of the Kingdom of Poland. Owner of estates in the town of Vishnevets, Kremenets district. The castle he built on the island of Malaya Khortytsia is considered the prototype of the Zaporozhye Sich.

Dmitry Doroshenko (1882-1951) – Ukrainian political figure, diplomat, historian, publicist, literary critic, bibliographer.

Dmitry Ustinov (1908-1984) - Soviet political and military leader. Marshal of the Soviet Union. Hero of the Soviet Union. One of the two people is a holder of eleven Orders of Lenin, the highest award of the USSR.
Döme Stojai (Dimitrije Stojakovic) - (1883-1646) - Hungarian general and diplomat of Serbian origin, Prime Minister of Hungary during the 2nd World War, who took a pro-German position.

Demetrios Kalergis (1803-1867) – Greek general and politician.

Dumitru Dorin Prunariu (1952) – Romanian astronaut. Hero of Romania. Hero of the Soviet Union.

Dmitry Pavlovich Levitsky (1877-1942) - Ukrainian social and political figure, lawyer, attorney. Doctor of Law.

Dmitry Chizhevsky (1894-1977) - Ukrainian, Russian and German Slavist, philosopher, church historian, political figure.

Poets and writers:

Dmitry Pisarev (1840-1868) – Russian publicist and literary critic. He was rightfully considered a great Russian critic of the sixties.

Dmitry Merezhkovsky (1865-1941) - Russian writer, poet, literary critic, translator, historian, religious philosopher, public figure.

Dmitry Grigorovich (1822-1900) – Russian writer.

Dmitry Mamin-Sibiryak (1852-1912) – real name Mom's Russian prose writer and playwright.

Demetrio Aguilera Malta (1909-1981) - Ecuadorian writer.

Dimitar Dimov (1909-1966) – Bulgarian writer, prose writer and playwright.


Dmitry Mendeleev (1834-1907) - Russian scientist-encyclopedist: chemist, physical chemist, physicist, metrologist, economist, technologist, geologist, meteorologist, oil worker, teacher, aeronaut, instrument maker. Professor of St. Petersburg University; Corresponding Member of the Imperial St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. Among the most famous discoveriesperiodic law chemical elements. Author of the classic work “Fundamentals of Chemistry”.

Dmitry Laptev (1701-1771) – Russian polar explorer

Dmitry Likhachev (1906-1999) – Soviet and Russian philologist, culturologist, art critic, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Author of fundamental works devoted to the history of Russian literature and Russian culture.

Dmitry Ilovaisky (1832-1920) – Russian historian, critic of the Norman theory.

Dmitry Yavornitsky (1855-1940) - Ukrainian historian, archaeologist, ethnographer, folklorist, lexicographer, writer, researcher of the history of the Ukrainian Cossacks. Current member Scientific Society them. Shevchenko.


Dmitry Levitsky (1735 - 1822) - Ukrainian artist-painter, master of ceremonial and chamber portraits. Academician of the Imperial Academy of Arts.


Dmitry Sautin (1974) – Soviet and Russian diver, two-time Olympic champion, the only winner in history of 8 Olympic medals in diving. Honored Master of Sports of Russia.

Dmitry Sychev (1983) – Russian football player.

Dmitry Nelyubin (1971-2005) - famous Soviet and Russian cyclist, Olympic champion.

Dmitry Alenichev (1972) – Soviet and Russian football player, midfielder. Honored Master of Sports of Russia.

Demetrio Albertini (1971) – Italian football player, midfielder most playing career in the Italian Milan.

Dmitry Timashov (1996) – professional Swedish hockey player Ukrainian origin, left winger.

Dmitry Tolkunov (1979) – Ukrainian hockey player, defenseman.

Dmitry Tsyrul (1979) is a Ukrainian hockey player who played as a left winger.

Dmitry Karyuchenko (1980) – fencer, world and European champion.

Dmitry Dmitrenko (1973) is a Ukrainian figure skater who competed in singles skating. European champion in 1993, two-time champion of Ukraine.

Dmitry Dun (1989) is a Ukrainian figure skater who competed in ice dancing. Two-time champion of Ukraine.

Dancers and choreographers:

Dmitry Dikusar (1985) – Ukrainian dancer ballroom dancing, choreographer.

Dmitry Kolyadenko (1971) – Ukrainian choreographer, dancer, TV presenter and singer.

Theater and film actors:

Dmitry Kharatyan (1960) - Soviet and Russian theater and film actor. Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. People's Artist of the Russian Federation.

Dmitry Pevtsov (1963) – Russian theater and film actor. Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. People's Artist of the Russian Federation. Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation.

Dmitry Dyuzhev (1978) – Russian theater and film actor, film director.

Dmitry Nazarov (1957) – Russian theater and film actor, film director.

Dmitry Nagiyev (1967) - Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, TV presenter. People's Artist of Russia.

Dmitry Sharakois (1986) – Russian actor.

Dmitry Astrakhan (1957) – Russian theater and film director, actor, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.

Musical figures (singers, musicians, composers):

Dmitry Shostakovich (1906-1975) - Soviet composer, pianist, musical and public figure, doctor of art history, teacher, professor. People's Artist of the USSR, Laureate of the Lenin Prize, five Stalin Prizes, State Prize of the USSR, State Prize of the RSFSR. M.I. Glinka.

Dmitry Kabalevsky (1904-1987) - Soviet composer, conductor, pianist, teacher, doctor of art history, professor. Academician of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR, People's Artist of the USSR, Lenin Prize Laureate, three Stalin Prizes, State Prize of the USSR and State Prize of the RSFSR named after. M.I. Glinka.

Dmitry Bortnyansky (1751-1825) - Ukrainian composer, singer and conductor, author of 6 operas, chamber instrumental works, choral cyclic concerts, 10 two-orist concerts, cherubic and sacramental works.

Dmitry Gnatyuk (1925) - Soviet Ukrainian opera and chamber singer (baritone), director, teacher. People's Artist of the USSR, Laureate of the USSR State Prize, the Lenin Komsomol Prize and the State Prize of the Ukrainian SSR. Shevchenko, Hero of Ukraine.

Dmitry Malikov (1970) is a Soviet and Russian composer, pianist, singer, actor, producer and TV presenter. People's Artist of the Russian Federation.

Dmitry Koldun (1985) – (Dzmitry Kaldun), Belarusian singer, composer.

Dmitry Hvorostovsky (1962) – Soviet and Russian opera singer (baritone). People's Artist of Russia. Laureate of the State Prize of the RSFSR named after. M.I. Glinka.

Dmitry Shurov (1981) is a Ukrainian musician, lead singer of the Pianoboy project since 2009. In the past, he was a pianist in the groups Okean Elzy (2001-2004) and Estetic Eduction (2004-2008); from 2006-2009 he was a pianist in Zemfira’s group. He is the author of music for many films.

Dima Bilan (present Viktor Belan) – (1981) Russian singer and film actor.

Dmitry Yaremchuk (1976) - Ukrainian singer (tenor). Honored Artist of Ukraine. Son of People's Artist of Ukraine Nazariy Yaremchuk.

Dmitry Klimashenko (1979) - Ukrainian producer and singer. Honored Artist of Ukraine.

Monatic (1986) - present name Dmitry Monatik, Ukrainian singer, dancer, composer.

TV presenters:

Dmitry Shepelev (1983) – Belarusian, Ukrainian and Russian television and radio presenter.

The name Dmitry sounds very beautiful and noble. But it is also a monument of Russian culture and history, and its owners can rightfully be proud of their name. Yet, despite its popularity, few know what the name Dmitry means, and even more so, what is the history (or secret) of its origin, the interpretation of the name and its meaning for children.

The interpretation of the male name Dmitry is associated with the Greek word “Demetrios”, which means “relating to Demeter”. IN Greek mythology Demeter is the patroness of agriculture and the goddess of fertility, and she is undoubtedly reflected in the owners of this beautiful name.

A little history

The history of the name Dmitry begins with Byzantium, from where it came to Rus' and immediately gained popularity among all segments of the population, becoming one of the most common baptismal names. In addition to Dmitry, the origin of other names is associated with the name “Demetrios”: Dimitri, Mityuk, Dmitry, Dmitry, etc.

Of all the saints, Christians most revered Dmitry Donskoy (the Grand Duke who lived in the 14th century), Dmitry Solunsky (the great martyr who suffered for the faith). This list can also be continued by the names of people who left their mark on the history of the Russian church: Metropolitan Dimitry of Rostov, Dimitry of Prilutsky. In total, the church list of saints includes fifty-three Demetrius, two Dimitrians and one Dimitrion.

Among famous people Those bearing the name Dmitry include Dmitry Mendeleev (chemist), Dmitry Averkiev (writer), Dmitry Kabalevsky and Dmitry Shostakovich (composers), etc.

Basic character traits

Since childhood, the boy has had a capricious character and some instability in terms of emotions. He is very demanding of those around him. Over time, he becomes stubborn and strong-willed. But nervous system everything is also unstable: he can easily “explode”, and therefore difficulties often arise in communicating with him. He loves his mother very much, and she means a lot to him, even as an adult.

  • As for classes and studies, parents and teachers need to be able to direct his energy in the right direction, for a “good” cause, and not waste it. Sports (active types) are ideal for this purpose.
  • In terms of health, Dmitry often suffered from colds as a child. Fortunately, a child’s body gets stronger with age. But a painful childhood makes itself felt: he adult life cares about his health.
  • In the professional sphere, he has the characteristics of an intelligent, inventive, hardworking person who approaches any business with cold prudence. He is also appreciated for his sociability and optimism. These qualities are important in career growth: thanks to them, he easily reaches heights in the profession. He is especially lucky in those areas where he often has to communicate with people, show imagination and all his business qualities. For example, he can make a good writer, artist, politician, or businessman.
  • IN love affairs The owner of the name Dmitry has the characteristics of an amorous person. But, despite the large number of chosen ones, he feels sincere sympathy and real feelings for each one.
  • In marriage, he shows his capricious and grouchy character: his wife has to work hard to please his desires and needs. But for this work he will reward her with a reverent and romantic attitude, right up to old age.
  • In relationships with children, Dmitry shows himself as a caring father. Even if the marriage to their mother breaks down (which happens quite often), he maintains a close relationship with them.

A generalized description of character from the positive side: friendliness and sociability, optimism, quick-wittedness, lively mind and ingenuity, perseverance, acumen.

Negative traits of Dmitry: capricious, selfish, impulsive, self-willed, proud, stubborn.

Character traits of children born at different times of the year

  • For “spring” Dmitry this is male name promises an unpredictable and stubborn character. We can briefly say about the profession that the whole secret of the name is revealed in them - they are destined to create something. They can become excellent writers, sculptors, painters or decorators.
  • Characteristics of “summer” Dmitry: he is proud, amorous and very jealous.
  • “Autumn” owners of this name are characterized by such masculine qualities as practicality, composure. They can become dentists and epidemiologists. They also have talent as an organizer and leader.
  • But most of all, organizational skills, as well as fighting qualities, are expressed in Dmitry, born “in winter”. This means that he has every chance of becoming a leader.

Compatibility with patronymics and female names

In addition to the meaning of the name Dmitry, you need to pay attention to the name of the father with which it should be combined. A suitable middle name helps you open up positive qualities and brings good luck to its owner.

For a “spring-summer” boy, the patronymics Artemovich, Denisovich, Maksimovich, Olegovich, Petrovich are more suitable, and for an “autumn-winter” boy: Andreevich, Borisovich, Viktorovich, Leonidovich, Mikhailovich, Sergeevich.

Great value for family happiness has the name of a companion. Dmitry can create the most successful marriages with Anna, Lyubov, Elena, Natalya, Lyudmila, Yana, Lesya, Lilia. Alliances with Irina, Marina, Sofia, Victoria, Julia, Inna, Angela, Nina, Rimma, Agnessa, Zinaida are undesirable.

P.S. In the article we told you what one of the most beautiful male names – Dmitry – means. And this is perhaps the most important factor that influences a person and determines his future fate.

Also touched upon: important topics, like the mystery and origin of the name Dmitry, its compatibility with patronymics and female names. Now you know what qualities are inherent in a child and how they can be influenced (or will be inherent, if you want to choose this name) so that happiness and good luck are his constant companions in life!

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If you looked here, it means you want to learn more about the meaning of the name Dmitry.

What does the name Dmitry mean?

The name Dmitry means - belonging to Demeter, goddess of the earth (Greek)

The meaning of the name Dmitry is character and destiny

A man named Dmitry is stubborn, an avid debater. Does not tolerate objections, is domineering, jealous, unbalanced, but completely harmless, does not remember evil. He has many friends, he will never let a friend down. But with women he is not too decisive, especially in his youth. Very amorous, he easily changes partners, because, as a rule, he enjoys success with women. However, he is in no hurry to tie the knot and is not even looking for a spouse. Everything works out for him by itself - he marries late, and to a friend whom he dated for many years. Dmitry has absolutely no sense of responsibility towards his wife, although he feels tenderness and affection for his children, which does not disappear even if the marriage ends in divorce. A man named Dmitry loves homeliness, comfort, and is not averse to a tasty and satisfying meal. Selfish, cares more about own interests, believing that his wife is in the house to please him. He loves to travel, but only in comfort, staying in luxury hotels and eating in expensive restaurants.

The meaning of the name Dmitry for sex

Dmitry meets his first woman quite late. It happens that only by the age of forty does he begin to fully understand his sexual capabilities and comprehend what other men knew in their youth. Having discovered the full range of sensations that sex can give, a man named Dmitry gets rid of his previously typical idealization intimate relationships and begins to lead an intense sex life. Dmitry often finds himself unable to free himself from prejudices and misconceptions about sex life. In that case, disappointment and regret about the lost years of youth await him. Dmitry is not characterized by adventurism. He tries to moderate his passions, suppressing them with reason. He treats sex with caution, chooses an experienced lover. Dmitry has a moderate temperament, but talks a lot about sex and listens to him with undisguised pleasure.

The character and fate of the name Dmitry, taking into account the patronymic

First name Dmitry and patronymic....

Dmitry Alekseevich, Dmitry Andreevich, Dmitry Artemovich, Dmitry Valentinovich, Dmitry Vasilyevich, Dmitry Viktorovich, Dmitry Vitalievich, Dmitry Vladimirovich, Dmitry Evgenievich, Dmitry Ivanovich, Dmitry Ilyich, Dmitry Mikhailovich, Dmitry Petrovich, Dmitry Sergeevich, Dmitry y Fedorovich, Dmitry Yurievich prudent, knows the value of money, knows how to make money. However, you cannot call him stingy, he does not waste time on trifles, and loves to give gifts. Caring in the family, values good relations, loves children. Secretive, rarely shares his problems at work with his wife. He loves unexpected trips, business trips, is easy on ideas, always achieves positive results, which is why he is sent more often than others. Jealous, especially in drunk. In such a state he can be abrupt, unbalanced, you cannot object to him, it is unsafe. He is a freedom-loving man, does not allow his wife to control him, and reserves the right to have a private life. Married has sons.

First name Dmitry and patronymic....

Dmitry Alexandrovich, Dmitry Arkadyevich, Dmitry Borisovich, Dmitry Vadimovich, Dmitry Grigorievich, Dmitry Kirillovich, Dmitry Maksimovich, Dmitry Matveevich, Dmitry Nikitich, Dmitry Pavlovich, Dmitry Panteleevich, Dmitry Romanovich, Dmitry Tarasovich, Dmitry Timofeevich, D Mitry Timurovich, Dmitry Eduardovich, Dmitry Yakovlevich impulsive, unbalanced. Very amorous, highly sexual. He often changes partners, does not strive for other relationships with women, easily evades responsibility, and avoids complications. He doesn’t let his lovers get close to him, he’s secretive, it’s impossible to look into his soul. Cunning, calculating and careful. Does not marry for a long time or is married several times. He feels more confident around women than around men. In family relationships he is complex, unyielding, selfish, although he is very attached to children. He chooses a wife who is energetic, independent, cheerful, and witty. Reliable in matters relating to family well-being and home improvement.

First name Dmitry and patronymic....

Dmitry Bogdanovich, Dmitry Velyamovich, Dmitry Vilenovich, Dmitry Vyacheslavovich, Dmitry Gennadievich, Dmitry Georgievich, Dmitry Danilovich, Dmitry Egorovich, Dmitry Konstantinovich, Dmitry Robertovich, Dmitry Svyatoslavovich, Dmitry Yanovich, Dmitry Yaroslavovich, as a rule, gifted, musical, has a subtle sense of humor, an excellent storyteller, a dreamer. He devotes a lot of time to his appearance, is selfish and selfish. He is prone to inflated self-esteem and is very vulnerable. Does not tolerate a monotonous life, loves fun companies, often holds parties in his home. He marries late and never decides to divorce on his own initiative, no matter how difficult the relationship with his wife may be. It is difficult to get used to new circumstances and living conditions. Attached to his family, although he is rarely at home. He often spends time with friends playing preference, goes to the hippodrome, and enjoys fishing and hunting. He often cheats on his wife. Has children of different sexes.

First name Dmitry and patronymic....

Dmitry Antonovich, Dmitry Arturovich, Dmitry Valerievich, Dmitry Germanovich, Dmitry Glebovich, Dmitry Denisovich, Dmitry Igorevich, Dmitry Iosifovich, Dmitry Leonidovich, Dmitry Lvovich, Dmitry Mironovich, Dmitry Olegovich, Dmitry Ruslanovich, Dmitry Semenovich, Dmitry Filippov ich, Dmitry Emmanuilovich has a strong and firm character. He does not succumb to the influence of others, he himself is able to influence others. He is a good diplomat and psychologist. Enjoys increased attention women. Charming, knows how to impress, unusually sexy. Always leaves only about himself good memories, although, not wanting to complicate his life, he never starts long-term love relationship. In no hurry to start a family. He chooses a sexy, outwardly attractive, intellectually developed woman as his wife and becomes a good family man: he knows how to provide a comfortable existence for his family, and helps with housework. Most often he has daughters whom he simply adores. But in old age he becomes grumpy, capricious, and annoying.

First name Dmitry and patronymic....

Dmitry Alanovich, Dmitry Anatolyevich, Dmitry Veniaminovich, Dmitry Dmitrievich, Dmitry Nikolaevich, Dmitry Rostislavovich, Dmitry Stanislavovich, Dmitry Stepanovich, Dmitry Feliksovich has a complex, unyielding character. Hot-tempered, does not tolerate objections. Jealous, emotionally unbalanced. He is cheerful in company, but until he gets drunk. After drinking, he argues endlessly and can cause a scandal. His first marriage is rarely successful, and he will not marry a second time soon. Among these Dmitrievs there are many convinced bachelors. He loves women very much, although relationships with them do not last long. Dmitry does not like to make promises. The undisputed leader in the family, a good father. Even if he divorces his wife, he never forgets about the children. He gives birth to boys.

Numerology of the name Dmitry

The earth, nature’s mother, is also her grave:

What she gave birth to, she buried.

William Shakespeare

Meaning of the name Dimitri: The name comes from the name of the Greek goddess Demeter.

There are many memorial days, including 01/04, 02/09, 02/17, 02/24, 08/14, 09/13, 09/24, 11/14, 12/08, 12/14.

Personality. Fertile field.

Characteristics of the name Dmitry by letter:

D - sense of duty;

And - love of art;

M - peacefulness, peacemaking;

And - repeat;

T - sacrifice;

P - professionalism;

And - repeat;

Y - impulsiveness.

What does the name Dmitry mean in numerology:

DEMITRIY = 51512912 = 8 (Uranus).

The purpose of life of a person with the name Dmitry is determined by the vibrations of Uranus, the planet of great transformation through a flash, impulse, and brilliant insight.

What does the name Dmitry mean in astrology:

5-1 (Jupiter - Sun), the aspect is strengthened - an exaggerated opinion of oneself, the need to develop patience;

1-2 (Sun - Moon) - a successful marriage, great relationship with others, excellent health;

9-1 (Neptune - Sun) - evolution of personality development;

8-2 (Uranus - Moon), line of the White magician, activities in the present.

Karmic lessons named after Dmitry:

3 (Mars) - pronounced self-criticism, pessimism, sometimes inappropriate seriousness;

4 (Mercury) - chaos in business, lack of methodology and discipline;

6 (Venus) - lack of warmth in relationships with people;

7 (Saturn) - lack of will to realize the best qualities of a person.

Characteristics of the name Dmitry, taking into account the analysis

Dimitri is endowed with “imperial” qualities by nature. He is inclined to change his mind, making contradictory decisions, but this is not his fault - he is karmically dependent on higher powers. Often they are the ones who allow you to show your best qualities.

Can succeed in literally anything. Areas of activity: theater directing, film studies, film business, drama, writing, in general - creativity, jurisprudence, military affairs, sports, religion. It's a shame, but Dimitri's excellent data is often not used.

Average sexuality. Faithful husband, caring father. Women's names: Daria, Maria, Marina. Of particular importance have no names.

The mystery of the name oculus.ru

Dmitriy- belonging to Demeter (ancient Greek), greek goddess fertility and patroness of agriculture.
The Russian form of the name Dmitry is very popular, in terms of prevalence it is on par with Andrey, second only to Alexander, Sergey and Alexey.
Zodiac name: Scorpion.
Planet: Saturn.
Name color: purple.
Talisman stone: lapis lazuli.
Auspicious plant: rowan, chrysanthemum.
Patron name: walrus
Happy day: Tuesday.
Happy time of year: autumn.
Main features: independence, temperament.


Dimitri Basarbovsky (Bassarabovsky) Bulgarian, Rev., November 8 (October 26).
Dmitry Dabudsky, martyr, November 28 (15).
Dimitry Donskoy, Grand Duke, June 1 (May 19). Born in 1350. According to the chronicle, “he brought all the princes under his power, and those who did not obey his will, he began to encroach on them.” Under him, Moscow established its leadership position in Russian lands. Glorified for centuries as the conqueror of the Tatars, although he domestic politics in curbing civil strife is even more remarkable.
Demetrius of Constantinople, martyr, August 22 (9).
Dimitry Prilutsky, Vologda, noisy, February 24 (11).
Dimitry Rostovsky, Metropolitan, June 5 (May 23), October 4 (September 21), November 10 (October 28). He wrote the “Cheti-Minea”, that is, the lives of the saints for the entire year, and many other soul-saving books (end XVII-early XVIII V.)
Demetrius of Salaminisky (Cyprus), deacon, martyr priest, July 3 (June 20).
Demetrius of Skepsia (Hellespont), prince, martyr, September 24 (11).
Dimitry Uglichsky and Moscow, Tsarevich, May 28 (15), June 5 (May 23), June 16 (3).
Demetrius of Thessaloniki (Thessalonian), Myrrh-streaming, Great Martyr, November 8 (October 26). He was the son of the Roman proconsul in Thessaloniki (modern Thessaloniki, or, as the Slavs called them, Thessaloniki). Dmitry's father and mother were secret Christians, the boy was baptized in a secret house church and taught in the Christian faith. After the death of his father, the already adult Demetrius was summoned by Galerius Maximilian, who ascended the throne. In 306, convinced of his education and abilities, he appointed him in his father’s place as proconsul of the Thessalonian region. Having accepted the appointment, Dmitry confessed Jesus Christ in Thessalonica and began to openly teach the inhabitants of the city the Christian faith, eradicate pagan customs and idolatry. Having learned about this, Maximilian became angry and went with the army to Thessalonica. Demetrius, having learned about this, distributed his property, devoted himself to fasting and prayer, preparing to accept the crown of martyrdom. When the emperor entered the city, Demetrius boldly confessed himself to him as a Christian. Maximilian ordered him to be imprisoned. The emperor staged gladiator games and watched as his favorite strongman, a German named Liy, threw warriors of the Christians he had defeated in the fight from the platform onto spears. The brave young man Nestor came to his mentor Demetrius in prison and asked for his blessing to fight the barbarian. With the blessing of the saint, Nestor overpowered the German and threw him off the platform onto the spears of the soldiers, just as a pagan threw off Christians. The emperor ordered the immediate execution of Nestor and Demetrius. In 306 they were stabbed to death with spears in prison. From the 7th century, at the tomb of St. Demetrius, a miraculous outflow of the holy myrrh began, in connection with which the Great Martyr Demetrius received the name Myrrh-Streaming. Dmitry Solunsky is especially revered Slavic peoples, in Russian epics he is portrayed as Russian by origin - this is how his image merged with the soul of the Russian people. The veneration of Dmitry of Thessalonica in Rus' dates back to the times of Epiphany. In the 11th century, the Dmitrievsky Monastery was built in Kyiv, in the 12th century - the Dmitrievsky Cathedral in Vladimir, in the 13th century - in Moscow. The memory of Saint Demetrius in Rus' was associated with military feats, patriotism and defense of the Fatherland. On icons the saint is depicted as a warrior in armor with a spear and sword in his hands. On the scroll was written a prayer with which Saint Demetrius addressed God for the salvation of his native Thessaloniki: “Lord, do not destroy the city and the people. If you save the city and the people, I will be saved with them; if you destroy them, I will perish with them.”


On November 8, St. Demetrius Day in Rus', a wake is held for the deceased. Dmitrov week is called parenting week. The establishment of this commemoration belongs to the Grand Duke Donskoy, who, having won the famous victory in 1380 in the Battle of Kulikovo over the Tatars, decided that on the first Saturday before the saint's day an ecumenical memorial service would be held for all those who died on the battlefield.
If November 8 is cold and snowy, then spring is late and cold, and if there is a thaw, then winter and spring are warm.
If Dmitriev's day is in the snow, then Holy Easter is in the snow, and Dmitriev's day is in the snow, and Holy Easter is in the snow.


Little Dmitry is adored by his family and is exclusively called Mitya. He is a kind, easy-going boy, calm and diligent, therefore, if the family in which he grows up attaches importance to education, in the future he will prove himself in the scientific field. At school he gains independence and even self-will. However, he may follow the lead of not very good friends, especially since he prefers to be friends with older boys.

Adult Dmitry is charming, brave and cruel. Resentment and injustice infuriate him, he recklessly attacks the offender, without thinking about the consequences, for which he is often punished. It is difficult to be friends with him, he is proud, strives always and everywhere to be the best and unsurpassed. However, he has friends, and they are loyal to each other.

Unusual activity, temperament, stubborn strong-willed character will help Dmitry achieve success in show business, ballet, and politics. As an artist, he can charm crowds of fans; he has the magic of acting; a politician will also achieve success. He is practical, knows the value of money, can be a dentist, or work in trade. Most often, Dmitry is the leader. “Winter”, having special fighting qualities, must be a leader. Dmitry has been accustomed to discipline since childhood and demands the same from others. He is hardworking, has a cold analytical mind, and draws conclusions only after thoroughly studying the situation.

Dmitry loves coziness, comfort, various pleasures, beautiful women. He likes to drink, but he doesn't have a particular addiction to alcohol.

Sexual maturity comes to him very early, but his lack of restraint in conversation and his energy, which tends to quickly splash out, do not provide the opportunity for easy success. Dmitry is very amorous, until his old age it is difficult for him to limit himself, he often has remarriages. He loves children and takes care of those born in previous marriages. Even in adulthood, his mother has a great influence on him; he takes care of her touchingly. Dmitry is happiest in his marriage to Anna, Elena, Lyubov, Lyudmila, Natalya.

P.A. Florensky said about Dmitry:

“Dmitry has a significant character and overall appearance, in some of his capabilities often exceeding the measure of humanity and even humanity.”

Surname: Dimitrievich, Dmitrievich, Dimitrievna, Dmitrievna.


Dmitry Grigorievich Levitsky (1737-1822) - the largest Russian portrait painter of the 18th century, belonged to the circle of leading representatives of Russian culture. His friendship with outstanding cultural figures of education - I.I. Novikov, A.N. Radishchev, G.R. Derzhavin had a huge influence on the nature of creativity. The extensive gallery of images of his contemporaries created by him testifies to the diversity of the painter’s creative interests in the portrait genre, both in the nature of the portraits - chamber, ceremonial, portrait-paintings - and in the faces depicted in them. But until the end of his life, the artist gave preference to ceremonial portraits, painting them with dazzling brilliance and pomp.

The most significant of Dmitry Levitsky's works is a series of portraits of students of the Smolny Institute, which had just been founded by Catherine II. The artist worked on this order of the empress, unprecedented in scope and complexity, designed to perpetuate Catherine’s achievement in educating young people in 1773-1776.

On six huge canvases, Levitsky deploys a dazzling luxury of colorful combinations, always new, never repeated, striking in their sophistication: dark brown is juxtaposed with blue, pale coffee with pink, sparkling white with deep green... The artist is masterfully, convincingly conveys a variety of materials for ballroom and masquerade dresses of girls - thick silks, light veils, muslin aprons. The artist openly shows that girls only play at being society ladies, they are cheerful and spontaneous, clumsy and graceful, they are charming with their sparkling youthful joy.

A number of the artist’s works are realistic in nature. The portrait of a priest, painted in 1779, is particularly profound. There is a special warmth in his attitude towards the model, a shade of involuntary bitterness at the sight of the destruction that merciless time causes to a person. But, noting external signs fading wrinkles, watery eyes with inflamed eyelids, gray hair - the portrait painter reveals others: the nobility of spiritual wisdom, wealth life experience. The dark colors of the clothing and background highlight the face illuminated by light and emphasize the concentrated seriousness of the portrait. Here too, the artist retains the sonority of color - dark cherry and olive in the depiction of the cassock.

In Russian painting of the 18th century, portraits of old people represent very rare. They usually had an allegorical meaning: for example, they could personify winter in the “Seasons” cycles. Dmitry Levitsky gave a rare example of understanding old age as a period of life that has independent value. The time of withering emphasizes the spiritual virtues of a person wise in life.

The diversity and objectivity of Dmitry Grigorievich Levitsky's creativity allowed him to create a school; he taught at the Academy of Arts and had private students. His students correctly took into account the most valuable thing that the artist brought with him: the truth of life.

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