Home Perennial flowers Zodiac sign - Capricorn: which stones are suitable? Medicinal properties of zircon. Malachite care

Zodiac sign - Capricorn: which stones are suitable? Medicinal properties of zircon. Malachite care

Constant self-control weakens their strength, and inner shyness and insecurity sometimes leads to depression. Capricorns need stones-amulets that protect against critical situations help reduce anxiety and feel the friendly support of magical assistants.

Almost all stones can be used as talismans - to attract certain benefits and enhance the dignity of their owner, and as amulets that protect, ward off troubles and troubles. But there are among the stones the most powerful amulets - these are amulets, in the name of which there is the word "eye": feline, brindle, falcon ... Each of these stones can be used to protect against negativity: envy, evil eye, vampiric capture, theft, corruption, and betrayal. Despite the fact that Capricorns are accustomed to overcome difficulties and stubbornly go towards their goals, not relying on manna from heaven or anyone else's help, there are envious and ill-wishers in their environment. Help protect yourself from troubles and make life easier cat's and tiger's eyes, jet, hyacinth, tourmaline. Capricorn can overcome or weaken his own shortcomings with the help obsdian. And their talismans will help Capricorns to strengthen their dignity, gain additional energy and confidently move towards their dreams: chrysoprase, chalcedony, onyx, opal, malachite .

In terms of color, Capricorns are suitable for all shades of the earth: these are dark, gray, brown and green gems; red stones are not forbidden ( ruby, pomegranate, hyacinth ) - they have a beneficial effect on the root (red) chakra, provide a feeling of "solid ground under your feet" and relieve fears.

Chrysoprase is a light green variety of chalcedony (from apple to emerald green) - a powerful talisman and amulet for all earthly signs: it increases endurance, restores strength, helps to earn and achieve success. This stone is especially useful for Capricorns: it protects against any negative impact, improves mood, endows its owner with calmness and relieves stress. Green chrysoprase, pleasant in color and energy, will help closed Capricorns to be more trusting and open.

Chalcedony is a translucent stone with a characteristic waxy luster. The main property of this quartz is to maintain Have a good mood... Chalcedony is considered a stone of joy and love: if a woman wears jewelry with this gem, she has every chance to attract men's hearts. The Capricorn lady is distinguished by her correctness, she responsibly approaches not only work, but also numerous household chores, tries to be a good housewife, a caring mother and not forget about her relatives. The magic of chalcedony will help her in this: this exceptionally benevolent mineral energizes and helps to care for children, gives patience, calmness and endurance, does not allow to break down or plunge into gloomy melancholy. In fact, chalcedony is a female stone: on the one hand, it has a bewitching effect, on the other, it gives the weak half strength and confidence in her difficult female share.

Onyx belongs to chalcedony, but for its striped color it was singled out as a separate gem. Like all chalcedony, it is designed to strengthen the spirit and tune in a positive way, to give marital happiness and protect from enemies. However, onyx also has its own special vibrations; this stone brings good luck to those who are determined to win. Onyx is a talisman of leaders, leaders and businessmen, it gives courage and clarifies the mind, helps your emotions and generally accompanies good luck. It is, rather, a masculine stone: dark with straight stripes, it perfectly suits the strict style that Capricorns adhere to.

Malachite is a bright, unique, velvety green gem and eye-catching. Due to its concentric stripes, at times reminiscent of an eye, malachite has been considered a protective amulet against evil influences since ancient times, and is still used as a talisman, especially for children. Malachite symbolizes growth and development, the flowering of life and spiritual harmony. It is no coincidence that figurines of gods and ritual symbols are made from malachite: this stone is able to grant wishes. There is a legend that Napoleon Bonoparte himself used a malachite box in which he kept plans of his victories.

Jet is a stone of mystical black color, a strong amulet that carries protective properties: in the past it was believed that it protects against any witchcraft interference and guarantees victory over fears. Suspicious Capricorns should wear jet every day, so you can protect yourself from deception, get rid of suspiciousness and gain confidence. Jet will protect you from your own obsession and nightmares, help you get rid of painful thoughts and unhappy love.

Opal can have more than a hundred types of colors: from white as milk to black as coal. All are suitable for Capricorns dark views opals with a characteristic iridescent luster. Interestingly, in black this stone is considered lucky talisman: he brings success in business, gives hope and strengthens friendships. This is a stone of change, it adjusts its owner in a harmonious way, helps to move towards the intended goals, but is extremely useful decent people... The playfulness of a gem can affect in two ways: on the one hand, opal soothes, relieves stress, protects against irritation and base passions, but at times it can act exactly the opposite. If a person behaves dishonestly, deceives and robs, opal will "cloud" his head and lead to rash acts, troubles and bankruptcy.

Tourmaline is a stone of inspiration and creativity, but it will be useful not only for artists and artists: this gem reveals a person in communication, making him more relaxed and charismatic. Tourmalines are like paints - there are all colors of the rainbow, but Capricorns should choose emerald green and black stones. Green tourmaline rejuvenates and invigorates, helps to recover after long, hard work, opens the chakra of love in a person (anahata is the green chakra in the area of ​​the heart).

Compatibility horoscope: Capricorn zodiac sign stone talisman by date - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

The period of activity of the sign is from December 22 to January 20. The governing planets are Saturn and Uranus. Element - Earth.

High intelligence, erudition, purposefulness are the main qualities of Capricorns. They grow up quickly, already in early adolescence define their destiny and devote their whole life to it. Capricorns do not flaunt their dignity, but at the same time others appreciate them for their intelligence, erudition, prudence.

The Capricorn woman strives for successful self-realization and high status... In the personal sphere, she is torn between external decency and a fiery temperament. Men, instinctively guessing a passionate nature, are drawn to the beautiful Capricorn, but are puzzled by her ostentatious virtue. In marriage, Capricorn ladies behave differently. Some are always perfect; others embark on adventures, but then return to the path of morality.

Natural minerals stones talismans help to correct negative spheres, enhance dignity, find good luck.

Talisman stones of all Capricorns

There is a lack of warmth and light during the period of the sign! At this time, "hot" bright red gems are relevant - a source of internal fire.

It is enough for a representative of the mark to have only 4-5 names of stones, one of them is red, green or black.

Capricorn must use his small energy potential... In this he will be helped by a strong "fiery" gem - almandine.

The mysterious black stone will strengthen Capricorn's penchant for philosophical insights. For more down-to-earth individuals, jet will become an excellent talisman against negative energies and unreasonable fears.

The green mineral will strengthen the health of its owner, In addition, malachite is a symbol of the fulfillment of desires.

Capricorns go to their heights in small steps. Black or brown obsidian will relieve them of indecision, prepare them for change.

The magic of the stone will endow the owner with the ability to unravel the thoughts of his opponents. She will bring respect to the head of the team. And onyx is also a talisman against sudden death.

Having experienced disappointment in business or love, Capricorn often gives up, instead of looking for new opportunities. Opal will open him an alternative option for self-realization.

The gloomy amulet from rauchtopaz will give its owner an insight at the moment of making difficult and responsible decisions.

The purple-red gem represents successful career and financial well-being, wonderful love and a happy family. The darkening of the ruby ​​signals a threat to its owner.

Capricorn stones mascots by date of birth

Representatives of the first decade achieve a lot - wealth, power, fame. They are distinguished by secrecy and independence.

  • Blue agate- will make Capricorn more attractive in communication, save from envy and hatred.
  • Serpentine, blood jasper- will assist in the implementation of plans, give wisdom and firmness.
  • Rhinestone- will replenish energy reserves.

Capricorn of the second decade is convinced of his high destiny. Stagnation can turn an interesting person into a boring couch potato.

  • Heliotrope, chrysoprase- will enhance mental activity, bring success in new endeavors.
  • Tourmaline awakens inspiration.

People of the third decade are capable of great love, but they do not always know how to express it. Productive workers, they can lose enthusiasm due to depression.

  • Pyrope (blood red garnet)- gives happiness in love.
  • Tiger's Eye- relieves despondency.
  • Alexandrite, red and black coral- symbolize good luck and luck in all areas.

Additional set of charms:

colorless diamond, labradorite, jade, uvarovite (green garnet), zircon.

Forbidden stones

Although the opinion of modern Astrologers differs about unsuitable stones and some, on the contrary, advise choosing stones, not according to the Sun sign, but according to a weak planet in natal chart... A list of stones to which Capricorns should take a closer look.

  • Pearl- will destroy the family happiness of the Capricorn woman.
  • Emerald- will turn its owner into a hermit.
  • Sapphire- will take away energy, develop retrograde and cynicism in the owner.
  • Citrine- will plunge Capricorn into the abyss of lies and bad habits.

Stone of Capricorn

Selection of stones for decades

Stones-amulets of Capricorn

One of the most powerful astrological signs is Capricorn, stones for him must also have powerful energy. Ruby, according to astrologers, the most successful stone of Capricorn. He makes the representative of this zodiac sign, who is rather dry in communication, softer and more tolerant of other people's shortcomings. Ruby helps to fight excessive caution and suspicion. Precious talisman with a bright red stone, directs the practical and calculating nature of the sign to achieve noble and lofty goals.

Ruby makes the sign of Capricorn more affectionate and gentle towards family members, helps to reveal feelings and express them correctly. The sign often falls into a depressed state if it cannot fulfill its ambitious plans. A talisman with this gem will share energy with its owner and help fight the fear of failure. Ruby calms the sanguine Capricorn, gives wisdom and prudence.

It is difficult for this sign to find true friends and meet happiness in marriage. Talisman with pomegranate makes its owner more tolerant, sociable and cheerful. Mineral helps Capricorn sign of the zodiac to show their Creative skills and teaches you not to be afraid of outside opinions. In moments of danger, pomegranates give courage, energy and clarify thoughts.

Decoration with onyx- a good talisman for Capricorns of any gender. He makes them strong and independent. Onyx, according to astrologers, promotes a long life without disease. The mineral protects the sign from enemies, envy and the evil eye. The stone orients the stubbornness of its owner to achieve the most important and lofty goals. Onyx as a talisman improves memory and general well-being.

Gems for the Capricorn woman

Talisman with amethyst is very suitable for a typical Capricorn woman... The stone softens sharp corners her character makes her more feminine, affectionate and gentle. Jewelry with amethyst has a positive effect on a woman's health, helps to get pregnant and become a good mother. The gem helps relieve stress and soothes, reduces the risk of developing diseases associated with shocks of the nervous system.

It is useful for Capricorn women to wear a talisman with hairy... This mineral helps, first of all, in personal life, makes women sexy, relaxed and attractive. It is believed that the hairy man is able to prolong youth, relieve loneliness and melancholy. The stone contributes professional growth and financial well-being, enhances intuition and feminine flair.

The Capricorn woman is very worried about herself and her family, she sees dangers everywhere. Talisman with coil will bring her a sense of security and confidence in the future day. Mineral for energy corresponds strong woman Capricorn, therefore given sign can wear the coil quite often. The stone is very suitable for doctors and nurses, scientists and researchers.

Gems for Capricorn men

According to the horoscope of a Capricorn man, decoration with onyx... The stone makes its owner confident, fearless and noble. Onyx has a positive effect on the material position of Capricorn according to the sign of the zodiac and helps to achieve the much desired heights in his chosen field. The mineral promotes success with women and attracts love into a man's life.

Some stone connoisseurs believe that onyx enhances masculine strength and fights disease.

Amethyst also very suitable for the Capricorn man. Gem enhances intellectual abilities its owner and enhances intuition. Mineral promotes professional growth and creative development. The talisman with an amethyst makes Capricorn according to the zodiac sign flexible and sociable, helps to negotiate and make useful contacts.

It is useful for a male Capricorn to have a talisman with obsidian... The mineral, first of all, protects the sign from negative sides own character. Obsidian does not give despair in moments of defeat or arrogance during takeoff. The stone reduces nervousness, makes the sign less gloomy and withdrawn. In addition, obsidian helps to reflect the negative energy of ill-wishers.

Hazardous minerals sign

Sapphire is a rather controversial stone. Astrologers do not advise the sign to wear this mineral often, although sapphire is considered the stone of Saturn, the patron saint of Capricorns. The soft effect of the gem is practically unable to affect the down-to-earth nature of the representatives of the sign. Sapphire is neutral in most cases, but sometimes it can make Capricorns even more fearful and distrustful.

If this sign of the zodiac still really liked the sapphire, you can conduct a kind of test for energy compatibility with the stone. The gem is tied to the left hand and so they sleep all night. If sapphire brings good and pleasant dreams, then Capricorn can sometimes wear jewelry with it. If the sleep was restless, it is better to refuse sapphire altogether.

Stones for other signs of the zodiac:

How to choose a stone for a Capricorn woman by date of birth?

Capricorn women born between December 22 and January 20 are impeccable in everything. They are attentive spouses, kind mothers and responsible employees.

Representatives of the Capricorn sign are very persistent persons, but they can sometimes be overtaken by a prolonged depression.

They can only cope with their anxiety on their own. They need to find strength in themselves and understand that depression interferes with the achievement of goals. The right stones and minerals can help them with this.

Characteristics of the sign

The representative of this zodiac sign is distinguished by physical endurance, hard work, practicality, and the desire for independence.

But, nevertheless, the Capricorn woman is ready to part with her independence, fall in love without looking back and find a family with a man firmly on his feet.

Her partner should inspire respect in her, be financially secure, be a reason for pride... The representative of this sign will not agree to anything less, since the high position and authority of her family is important to her.

By marrying a respectable and reliable man, the representative of the earth sign becomes an ideal mistress, maintains the status of a good, faithful wife and caring mother.

At work, Capricorn women achieve great success ... But it is not luck that helps them, but their own hard work and a great desire to achieve their goals.

Despite prudence and a practical outlook on life, Capricorn women know how to dream. Only their desires are much more mundane than those of representatives of other signs.

The objects of their dreams are everything that will help them realize themselves and live in comfort: a wealthy husband, beautiful clothes, a representative apartment and a car.

What stones are suitable for Capricorn women?

For minerals to bring good luck, you need to choose them based on your date of birth.

Born from December 22 to January 2

Capricorn women born from December 22 to January 2 are characterized by calmness, confidence and the gradual accumulation of knowledge and material wealth. The planet Jupiter helps them in this.

Stones can help you achieve your goals serpentine, tiger's eye.

Amethyst helps to soften the character, bestows femininity and helps to be a more comfortable interlocutor.

Agate is necessary for Capricorn women of the first decade to supply the necessary energy and help in success at work. Also, this stone makes its owner attractive to men, helps to find and maintain a family.

Jade can give good health, regain the energy spent on achieving the goals, and also save you from envious people.

Obsidian can help representatives of the first decade to control their own strength, with him they can become practically invulnerable. But you need to choose a stone only in dark shades.

Second decade - from 3 to 13 January

Representatives of the Capricorn sign, born from January 3 to January 13, attract others with their ability to captivate them. They owe this to the influence of Mars.

But, having lost their vitality, women of the second decade can settle at home and turn into bored and boring persons. Stones can "ignite" their inner fire heliotrope and sardonyx.

Onyx able to reward the representatives of the second decade with impeccable intuition and protection from trouble.

Opal will help to reveal talent. But Capricorn women, who are unable to control their emotions, should beware of him.

Rhinestone will protect you from the evil eye and will not allow you to lose vital energy.

Chrysoprase will help Capricorn women who are successful at work in business. He will endow them with confidence and the ability to handle any amount of money.

Born from 14 to 20 January

Representatives of the third decade, born from January 14 to January 20, are ruled by the Sun. They are very hard-working, energetic, but sometimes contradictory and can become discouraged. Alexandrite, tourmaline will help them to avoid this.

Bright stone ruby indispensable for women of the Capricorn sign of the third decade. He is able to restore the expended energy, can be of good help in family and friendships. It also brings good luck.

Zircon able to develop intuition, give confidence and tune in an optimistic mood.

Garnet will help insecure women become more sociable and teach how to smooth out conflict situations.

Hyacinth is able to help the representatives of the third decade to correctly set goals and achieve them. It is also indispensable in the fight against depression.

Talismans and amulets

Suitable mascot stones of Capricorn women should be carried with them in the form of jewelry, or kept at home in the form of figurines and interior decorations.

Jewelry with minerals in the shape of an owl (a symbol of wisdom), a goat (a totem animal), a turtle (a symbol of peace) and stairs of all sizes and styles (a symbol of success and achievement of goals) are suitable for representatives of this sign.

Young girls you should pay attention to amulets with a cat... This magical creature will not let them get carried away by passions and make mistakes, especially when choosing a spouse.

Adult and bright Capricorn women need to be presented with jewelry with dark but bright stones. Young confident girls are suitable more amulets light, delicate shades.

To improve their magical properties, talismanstones must be framed in metals: silver, platinum and gold.

A ring with a ruby ​​is iconic for all representatives of this sign. It is better to wear the amulet on the index or middle finger of the right hand.

It awakens assertiveness and confidence, but at the same time allows Capricorn women to restore their expended strength. Also ruby gives the character of a practical woman sensuality and charm.

An amulet with a carnelian, like a ruby, will help the representative of the Capricorn sign to become desirable, alluring and attractive. The talisman stone preserves youth and grants everlasting beauty.

Rhinestone-adorned watches and bracelets can protect against the evil eye... To activate the talisman stone, just touch it at the right time.

A ring with malachite will help attract love to an unmarried Capricorn woman. And any jewelry with a pomegranate (brooch, pendant, bracelet) can strengthen family relationships and defend against attacks from rivals.

To protect her home from fire, the Capricorn woman should take a closer look at the onyx stone. It is more expedient to use an amulet in the form of a figurine or a casket.

Astrologers advise the representatives of the Capricorn sign to choose mascot stones, focusing on intuition, and not the visual appeal of the amulet. Even one correctly selected and “own” talisman stone is able to eliminate all negative traits in character and help in achieving goals.

Capricorn stones by date of birth. Stones of Capricorn-woman and Capricorn-man

Capricorn is a reliable and ambitious zodiac sign. For women and men born under this constellation, astrologers have selected natural stones that are beneficial in different areas of life. In our article we will consider what they are, the stones of Capricorn, and what they will give to their owners.

Intending to acquire jewelry or consciously choosing a talisman for himself, Capricorn ponders the following questions: “Which stone is suitable for one purpose or another? What mineral, a wonderful creation of nature, will help in family life, career or will it bring good luck? "

As for the color scale of minerals for Capricorns, they are best suited to their nature. brown shades... They symbolize stability, resilience, stubbornness - specific traits of this zodiac sign.

Astrologers have found that the interaction of natural stones with men and women is different. Accordingly, the result of friendship between a person and a mineral will differ. The first point of our conversation is a universal mineral for such a sign as Capricorn: a talisman stone that equally gives positive energy to both men and women.

It is believed that the love affairs of Capricorns are accompanied by the ruby ​​gem. Those born under this sign are advised to give a purple-red ruby ​​to someone whose love they want to win. It is believed to help arouse mutual romantic feelings. In addition to being a companion in love affairs, the ruby ​​for Capricorns, according to ancient beliefs, is a protector from various natural hazards (lightning, floods, etc.).

Onyx ornamental stone - beautiful natural mineral green and brown, which will be very useful for the representatives of this sign. However, like all other zodiac stones. Capricorn wearing jewelry with onyx will be able to enhance such a quality as the ability to influence other people. For Capricorns, onyx is a stone of power.

It was customary to attribute similar properties to onyx in ancient times, it was considered the stone of the leaders. In addition to power, he gave his owner the ability to predict the actions of opponents, gave clarity and consistency to thoughts. Also, onyx is considered a strong talisman against sudden death.

Modern astrologers summarize the meaning of onyx for this sign. In their opinion, this is the best talisman stone for Capricorns for men and women.


To streamline and develop the spiritual life of Capricorns, they should have a talisman made of green malachite. Malachite is a natural ornamental stone of bright green color. Its texture is contrasting: darker stripes are interspersed with lighter ones. The properties of this bright stone were highly valued in the East. Malachite, according to the Eastern sages, promotes spiritual development, helps in scientific research.

In ancient times, people believed that green malachite helps to cope with rheumatism, terrible diseases such as plague and cholera. Malachite powder was recommended to their patients by medieval physicians. He was supposed to help get rid of indigestion, pain in the liver, and women - to cope with some diseases of the reproductive system.

Capricorn stones-woman

For women who are firm in their decisions, born under the auspices of the constellation Capricorn, dark natural stones are suitable as amulets. The colors are dominated by cold shades. So, it is recommended to present precious gifts to beautiful ladies with ruby, jade, chrysoprase, agate, topaz. Young girls will like stones of delicate shades, even light ones, and adult women - bright and dark ones.

A variety of talismans for all spheres of ladies' life

A cold pink ruby ​​is a wonderful amulet that helps to maintain friendly warm relationships. It will establish a romantic mood in a couple where the woman is Capricorn, the talisman stone is rhinestone. Also, happiness in personal life will bring hematite, labrador, opal. They will reveal the inner potential of their mistress and attract success into life.

A business woman dealing with finance will be assisted in the work of green chrysoprase. Under his influence, she will gain confidence and cast off fears of failure in negotiations. You can also wear a pomegranate talisman to aid your career. Intellectual ability and the physical state jade has a beneficial effect.

Universal gifts for the Capricorn lady

For the holiday of your friend, who was born under this sign, you did not have time to choose the most relevant stones of Capricorn in terms of their magical properties as a gift? Women will certainly appreciate the universal minerals for this sign. The most acceptable option is blue, purple, pink or gold topaz. Noble shades and magnificent shine are not all the virtues that these Capricorn stones possess.

Topaz are considered stones of generosity, piety, decency. They protect their owner not only from psychological negativity, but also from diseases (in particular, from infertility).

Young girls in times of stormy romantic experiences will help to accept correct decisions agate. It has long been considered a parting talisman for solving serious problems.

Capricorn man stones

Only those who are alien to the reliability of men born under the sign of Capricorn do not know astrological horoscopes generally. Stones created by nature as if specially for them help to reveal best properties their unique character. Consider further the main talismans-stones of Capricorn-man.

Stones for solid men

Is your beloved man or friend a Capricorn? Which stone suits him as an amulet? It is worth knowing about in order to do good gift... Since Capricorns are a pedantic, sedate, even conservative people, you can help them to reveal their share of adventurism with the help of chrysoprase.

Another stone for the activity and vitality of Capricorns is rhodolite. He acts as a guiding energy hidden in the representatives of this sign. With the help of rhodolite, it will be easier for her to find the right channel and serve the Capricorn man with benefit. Charisma and passion in Capricorn will wake up if he becomes the owner of a pink pomegranate talisman (this is how rhodolite is called for its characteristic color).

Other stones-amulets

Semi-precious stone tourmaline for Capricorn is a great help in introspection. In addition, it brings good luck to its owner and promotes quick changes for the better. Smoky quartz helps to develop intellectual abilities.

In moments of life, when in Capricorns' soul there is confusion with feelings, the inner world of bright red pomegranates will be put in order. Onyx, which we remembered as a wonderful amulet for all Capricorns, will help its owner gain confidence: not overly expressed, but noble, which comes only from an open and benevolent personality.

We select a stone talisman for Capricorn

To acquire suitable talisman from the world of natural stones, Capricorn needs to focus on his character traits. Minerals have the wonderful property of enhancing or muffling certain energies. Overly active, and therefore somewhat lost, Capricorns need a guide stone. Restrained and conservative - a talisman that gives courage.

Astrologers advise different minerals for success in personal life or career for women and men. Some are aimed at softening character traits, others, on the contrary, are designed to emphasize confidence, to give power over others. All these properties that have different stones, can be used for your own purposes.

In addition to astrological prescriptions, for Capricorns, when choosing a talisman, it is worth focusing on sensations. "Own" stone will surely cause a feeling of special comfort. External attractiveness minerals, undoubtedly, is also important (especially for women's jewelry with stones). In addition to the fact that you need to choose a Capricorn stone by date of birth, you should also focus on the compatibility of the accessory with wardrobe elements.


Capricorns are reliable and charismatic personalities, solid and accurate in their actions. They are characterized by powerful energy and ambition, pushing them to hard work in order to achieve their goals. Capricorn stones are "serious" minerals, both in appearance and in properties attributed by astrologers.

Talismans for Capricorn-man and Capricorn-woman exist both common and different. So, for example, astrologers recommend wearing onyx to all representatives of the sign. Chrysoprase and rhodolite will become the best companions for a man, and topaz, agate and ruby ​​for a woman.

The Earth sign Capricorn is strong and more than self-sufficient, so he almost doesn't care which stones to wear. Moreover, he can afford to limit their set and wear any stones regardless of the season and without looking back at the month and the zodiac signs that dominate them.

Capricorn is considered a sign of hope, because according to the horoscope he comes into force on December 22, on the Solstice Day with the most a short day in the year, but after its completion the night begins to decline. Therefore, people born under this sign are inherent in activity, assertiveness and offensiveness. However, at the same time, they have difficulties in completing the work they have begun and some inconsistency in their actions. Fire stones, considered dangerous for other signs (for example, labrador, serpentine, Arabic onyx) will help women - Capricorns cope with this.

Dark cold stones with strong energy will also help Capricorns achieve their goal, which no other sign cannot cope with, because its planet is gloomy, but powerful Saturn.

For women of this sign, it is enough to choose just a few stones of different types and wear them at will, regardless of the circumstances. This set must contain one dark color, one fiery and one deep green, they will help the owner in different moments of life.

  • Black or steel hematite.
  • Black and gray pearls.
  • Black or bright red corals.
  • Black or blue labrador (lunar).
  • Dark blue lapis lazuli (with pyrite).
  • Black or dark brown obsidian.
  • Dark green malachite (with patterns).
  • Arabic onyx (preferably with contrasting stripes).
  • Green serpentine (serpentine).
  • Bright green garnet (uvarovite).
  • Blood red garnet (pyrone).
  • Deep red dark ruby.

Let's take a closer look at the properties of some stones.

Talismans for women

As already mentioned, Capricorn is one of the strongest signs of the horoscope, so he can calmly wear those stones that are contraindicated in most other signs. In Capricorn, on the contrary, they reveal the inner powerful essence and allow you to cope with some confusion and inconsistency. How do stones affect the character of this sign?

Arabic onyx... This is the stone of a human leader. Onyx will help to achieve success on a difficult career path, will help the owner to gain respect from colleagues and recognition of merits from their management. And in the modern world, this is no less important for women than for men. Also, this stone helps to control the owner of their emotions and actions. At first glance, this is not necessary for a cold-blooded-looking Capricorn, however, sometimes under the ice mask a whole whirlwind of emotions can be hidden.

Malachite... This stone is simply necessary for the health of Capricorn, the maintenance of his soul, and also physical strength, improvements wellness and restoring the internal balance of the body. Women of this sign strive for stability in everything, so malachite will become an excellent talisman for them.

Ruby... One of the most beautiful gemstones, which will also help in your career and progress on the path to success, will add financial stability. It should be among the jewelry of any business woman seeking recognition in this area. But among other things, the ruby ​​will become great helper and in personal life, will help create a strong friendly family, provide understanding and harmony between partners.

But remember that this is a very strong fire talisman with too powerful energy, so you should not wear it often for women who have health problems ( high blood pressure and heart).

Coil... It has a second name - serpentine and is considered one of the most dangerous semi-precious stones. Rarely what horoscope sign can afford to wear it, because quite often serpentine instead of help, on the contrary, puts obstacles. But he takes from Capricorn negative energy without a trace, but it is not advisable for him to wear a coil all the time.

The most valuable stone is considered to be inherited, as it has the ability to remember family problems and helps protect its current owner from them.

Other useful stones

Also useful for the Capricorn woman will be:

Jasper... This red stone will contribute to the strengthening of the heart health of women, as well as reduce blood pressure, relieve headaches and insomnia. For Capricorns, the stone will also bring prosperity to the house, help to find strong friendship and achieve success in study and work.

Agate... Black agate is more suitable for men, it will help them become more attractive to women, as well as strengthen the relationships that are already taking place. White agate is suitable for both sexes, it will make its owner softer, help to awaken good and kind qualities. In addition, a stone of any color will relieve a lingering cough and throat ailments.

Nephritis... This stone is an assistant in married life, he will preserve family relationships, find understanding between a woman and a man, help avoid quarrels and increase sexual desire. But jade cannot be worn as jewelry, its place on the bedside table in the form of a mascot figurine.

What can Capricorns not wear?

Capricorn, of course strong sign, but there are stones that are not recommended for him to wear. And there are those that are completely contraindicated, because they can turn all its advantages into disadvantages and put obstacles in achieving the goal.

  • Sapphire.
  • Amethyst.
  • Aventurine.

The first two stones take away all strength from their owner, bringing in return irritability and constant fatigue, which will not pass until Capricorn removes them and puts them away. But aventurine will endow the owner with unnecessary frivolity and a tendency to rash acts, which is highly undesirable for this horoscope sign, which sometimes finds it difficult to bring its endeavors to the end.

Yellow pearls, mother of pearl, beryl, emerald, amazonite, white opal and yellow diamond are also contraindicated in Capricorn.

It is not recommended for this sign of the Zodiac to wear jewelry made of blue aquamarine and turquoise, moonstone and black opal, orange agate and carnelian, and also use chalcedony, carnelian and chrysolite as talismans.

Obsidian can be used in rare cases, when it is necessary to concentrate forces on a certain matter or hone the skill of an orator, but it is also unsuitable for constant wearing, since it turns a person's caution into elementary cowardice.

We carry stones correctly

It is not enough to choose a stone that matches the owner's horoscope; you also need learn how to wear it correctly... Each stone requires a special attitude, and even more so the strong fiery and dark talismans of Capricorn. Otherwise, they may be "offended" and instead of helping bring the owner one harm.

For example, malachite cannot stand unnecessary pretentiousness and categorically will not accept a gold frame. Its ideal companion in jewelry will be silver, which will reveal the true rich essence this stone. For a Capricorn woman, jewelry made of large malachites framed in silver will be ideal.

Onyx also does not like gold frames, it is a modest stone and simple silver chains will be an excellent companion for a pendant made of this stone.

Ruby- a precious, expensive and very strong stone, therefore only special works of jewelry art are created with it, which, of course, flatters him. He loves gold in any form and will look great in rings, earrings and pendants. But remember not to wear it too often, especially large stones.

Agate jewelry Capricorn women are best worn in the form of beads or as a pendant.

Serpentine is a special stone, one of the most powerful and dangerous, but at the same time he does not like to be displayed. It is best to carry it in a breast pocket or as a pendant on a long leather cord or chain hidden under clothes. He will be good, albeit secretive, to protect you.

Jasper, on the other hand, loves to show off and will be an excellent helper in the form of rings and beads.

If there is temporary need in using obsidian, put it away from the heart, for example, in a trouser pocket, or insert it into a silver ring and wear it on the middle finger.

Well, and most importantly - remember, all the stones that suit you according to the horoscope are first of all charms and talismans, respectively, they drive away all the negative and bad energy absorbing it into yourself. To clean the stone and let it work well again, do not forget to put it at least once a week under running cold water, which will take away all negative emotions.

bright representatives the elements of the earth and in accordance with the characteristics of the horoscope, this is a rather inconsistent sign in its actions, which is not always able to bring what has been started to its logical conclusion.

Description of the mark

Since Capricorns are ruled by the planet Saturn, this indicates that cold and dark stones have a beneficial effect on the representatives of this sign.

They will help not only protect against negative external influences, but also help solve many health problems, in particular, normalize the work of the digestive tract and the spine.

How to choose a stone?

As representatives of the zodiac sign, Capricorns are recommended to opt for stones of blue or green, black or gray, as well as bright fiery tones and shades. The stone itself must take into account all the qualities of its owner, taking into account the horoscope.

The following stones are suitable for Capricorns:

  • Ruby and uvarovite, fire opal- they will direct energy in the right direction, help to reach new heights.
  • Regarding semi-precious gems, which are perfect in their strength and energy for the Capricorn woman - here you can opt for black tourmaline or golden rutile.
  • To protect against negative magical influences from outside, dark witchcraft - choose stones such as malachite or black hematite. O , highlighted here.


What stone is the talisman of Capricorn considered the main one? This, of course, - you can choose from many types of stone at your discretion, but it is best to stop the choice on it.

This mineral will help a man to level emotions and give more optimism, but to Capricorn women it will give health, help cope with migraine attacks and allow a positive look at the world.

In particular, in the countries of the East they associated the mineral itself, opal with hope and devotion - everyone who wears this stone will not only be true to themselves, but also help others to hope for the best.

Turquoise and pomegranate

All Capricorns are perfect - it will not only bring good luck and happiness to its owner or owner, but also help the lovers.

Remember Capricorn - the stone talisman for love is exactly turquoise, which will keep the purity of feelings for many years, protecting people from anger and internal strife. So beautiful and at the same time powerful amulet- light as the sky and powerful as the ocean.

In particular, astrologers are shown to wear turquoise to the December Capricorns - it will contribute to trade, help to strengthen the financial position, and raise their status in society.

For Capricorn men, turquoise will help to strengthen self-confidence, courage and independence, and women born under this sign can preserve their beauty for many years, calm their minds, not worry about trifles and unfounded gossip.

If Capricorn was born in January, it is best to choose it as a talisman. The name itself recalls such a bright, fragrant and sweet southern fruit - it is he who will amuse the heart and give more optimism to all Capricorns.

For men, pomegranates will give a charge of strength and a dose of courage, save them from wounds on the battlefield, but for women, it will ease the course of menstruation.


An excellent stone for Capricorn is onyx, a type of agate. It was onyx that was previously considered the stone of leaders and born leaders; it should be worn by Capricorns who are somewhat insecure in their abilities, but overly self-confident, hot-tempered; it is recommended to wear it from time to time.

You should not be zealous even with protective amulets - even an overabundance of medicine can become poison and this should always be remembered.

Gems talismans for Capricorn

Among the talisman stones for all who were born under zodiac sign Capricorn, practicing astrologers distinguish special ones:

  1. First of all, it's a black diamond rare and so enchanting. It is it that is used in magic rituals of the highest level, but if desired, it can be configured not only for defense, but also for an energy type of weapon, acting like a boomerang, returning all the evil sent to its owner.
  2. Among the semi-precious stones, black quartz should be singled out as an amulet for Capricorns. It is he who is considered the main stone of necromancers and everyone who communicates with the other world... He will help in conducting spiritualistic seances, attracting luck and protecting against dark forces, but in magic practice it is not recommended for beginners.
  3. Another important amulet for Capricorns is jet. The magical characteristics of this mineral have not been studied for certain, but it is he who is considered the stone of the Great ancestor of everything living on earth - that is why it is perfect for romantic natures, women who have already become mothers or are still preparing to become them. But pregnant women should wear it carefully - the stone stimulates premature birth. But for men, this mineral will help reveal any deception, and therefore is optimal as an amulet for businessmen and entrepreneurs.

Choosing a stone taking into account a decade

Stones for Capricorn, taking into account the decade:

  • 1st decade - the period from December 22 to January 2. Everyone who was born during this period is inclined to accumulate knowledge, money, always keep their goals to themselves. It is optimal for them to choose - rock crystal and agate, as well as malachite, or a tiger's eye. It is these amulets that will protect you from many problems.
  • 2nd decade - the period from 3 to 13 December. All Capricorns who came to this world during this period, leaders by nature, are capable of capturing everyone with them. But if they lose their incentive in life, old and boring couch potatoes come out of them. And in order to prevent such a transformation, be always on top and in good shape. For them, opal or carnelian, onyx or chrysolite will be a strong amulet.
  • 3rd decade - the period from 14 to 20 January. These Capricorns especially need a talisman that will drink them with constant and endless energy. Therefore, it is best for them to choose hyacinth or tourmaline, opal or ruby ​​- they will help not only stay active, but also achieve their goals.

Capricorn stones

Among the variety of stones and gems, precious and semi-precious, Capricorns should pay special attention to the following stones:

  1. - a dark and warm gem associated with the earth, providing internal protection Capricorns, helping to make the right decisions, and protect them from rash actions. It is best to choose exactly dark red obsidians - they will protect you from anxiety and help you find inner harmony, will protect you from serious losses.
  2. Onyx- the best talisman for everyone who was born under the zodiac sign of Capricorn. Onyx will give confidence in your abilities and help to cope with your beloved anxieties, and for all patients it will contribute to a speedy recovery. Onyx is a very powerful mineral and therefore, before buying it, take the gem in your hands and hold it for a couple of minutes. So, you will understand whether it is your stone or not.
  3. Black or green tourmalinebest protection for all Capricorns, protecting him from danger and evil eyes, helping to protect the mind and strength from negative influences from the outside. Among other things, black tourmaline helps to strengthen the immune system and eliminate back pain, and the green mineral helps to normalize the work of the heart and fight fatigue. can be found here.

Talismans for the Capricorn woman

If the question is about which talisman for Capricorn women is the strongest, practicing astrologers highlight several gems. You can wear them in any product - be it a pendant or earrings, a bracelet or inlaid in a ring.

So, talismans for Capricorn women:

  • Garnet- shows the best feelings and helps to get rid of addiction, gives great mood and a charge of vitality, helping to achieve the set goals.
    If the girl is not yet married - find your soul mate and true love carnelian will help. A talisman with this mineral will help preserve youth and beauty, attracting good luck in love affairs. And its positive impact on nervous system has been known for a long time.
  • Agate- will give good health, protecting from any gossip, makes a woman more attractive, very sexy, protecting the family from quarrels and poverty.

How to turn a stone into a talisman?

First of all, it is worth remembering - in order for the amulet to have more power, it must be inherited by the woman from her mother and grandmother. As practicing astrologers note, a large mineral will gain its astral strength only after at least 7, or even 9, 12 years of contact with the body of its owner.

What a woman should know - it is recommended to wear an amulet at least 1 time a week, otherwise the mineral will not enter into full resonance with the biofield of its mistress and will not gain strength. And to enhance the effect of the mineral, learn to meditate, incorporating the mineral into your own practice. So, you will not only get more strength from the meditation session, but also fill the mineral with positive energy.

Stones contraindicated in Capricorn

If we talk about which stones do not fit in the horoscope of Capricorns, then practicing astrologers say - Cancer is its opposite and all stones - they should not wear amulets of this sign. Which and which are contraindicated can be found here.

In addition, you should not wear jewelry for Capricorns that are inlaid with stones such as:

  1. Sapphire- it will not bring happiness to Capricorns, since it tends to take away energy and makes a person cynical, conservative and squeezed in his little world. Such is the amulet - energetically strong, correct and the most powerful of all.
  2. Citrine- is able to transform Capricorn into an incredibly stubborn person, a liar and a sociopath, eventually leading to the fact that the representatives of this sign will lose the right direction in life they need.
  3. Emerald- under his influence, a woman becomes more squeezed and constrained, bitchy, who has lost interest in everyone and everything. Despite the fact that Capricorns already have a lack of emotions and feelings, the emerald will deprive them of them, nullifying all the crumbs of energy and optimism, positive mood.

When choosing a piece of jewelry, it is also worth looking at the frame - it should be made exclusively of precious alloys such as gold, platinum and silver.

In all other respects - always rely on your own impressions and sensations when choosing a stone, hold it in your hands, warm it in your palms. And if from him you feel positive energy, a force that you can control, but which will not guide you, then your choice is correct.

The Capricorn lady is distinguished by an enviable vitality, a solid supply of patience and dedication. Self-sufficiency, active position and stress resistance are their main trump cards presented by the stars. If Capricorn does not know what laziness is, then he will undoubtedly be successful in all endeavors.

Talismans-amulets in the form of stones will also come to the rescue. To choose the right amulet, you need to take into account all the determining factors. So, what kind of stone does Capricorn woman have according to the horoscope?

What charms are suitable for this zodiac sign

Representatives of the constellation Capricorn keep emotions inside, but outwardly they look very restrained. Therefore their talismans are dark rocks of the fire element... They help protect from dangerous situations, as well as bring the plan to its logical conclusion.

The talisman stone should increase volitional qualities its owner and guide her to new heights.

Opal - main stone all Capricorns... It brings health to ladies, relieves chronic headaches and eye problems. For many nationalities, it is considered a symbol of hope and devotion.

The Capricorns wearing it are always true to themselves and hope for the best, regardless of the prevailing circumstances.

Pomegranate - a stone that laughs at the heart for the Capricorn woman. The red talisman helps to cope with pain during menstrual cycle, green - with unpleasant symptoms of menopause.

This is a talisman against various negative addictions. He reveals the sensual side and improves mood, contributing to the achievement of the goals of his mistress.

Turquoise is the first helper for lovers... He is strong not only in amorous affairs, he also contributes to successful trade, material stability and a strong position in “his own circles”.

Agate - protector from gossip and ill-wishers... If you wear such a charm constantly, then it will protect against evil eye, damage and other dangers. Also, the stone reveals the sexuality of its mistress.

Onyx is a striped variety of agate, a stone of power... Since ancient times, the mineral has symbolized leaders and leaders. It helps to anticipate the actions of the enemy, gives clarity to thoughts, and gives the ability to control people.

It is considered a strong protector against sudden death.

Mountain crystal - a stone of trust... The talisman will help a suspicious Capricorn woman to become more sociable, soft and sensual. Its owner opens up to the world and stops looking for a catch in every phrase.

Carnelian - stone unmarried girls Capricorn... He preserves youth and beauty, helps to attract his betrothed. The amulet has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system.

Capricorn ladies need to choose minerals in dark blue, fiery, gray, green and black shades. You can wear talismans all year round regardless of the location of the stars.

Which ones to avoid

According to the horoscope, the opposite of Capricorn is Cancer.- fire element against water. Therefore, some amulets are not suitable for the wards of Saturn:

  • citrine(will lead to a loss of life orientation and turn Capricorn into a stubborn liar);

  • sapphire(will take away energy and make Capricorn a cynic and a convinced conservative);

  • Emerald(will make the Capricorn woman even more closed and squeezed).

Also, you should not wear the representatives of this constellation. Moonstone, aventurine, pearls, amazonite, mother of pearl, beryl.

Horoscope selection rules

In order for the gem to become a reliable amulet for a woman according to the Capricorn horoscope and perform its functions correctly, you also need to be guided by date of birth.

First decade: December 22 - January 2

Women born at this time fall under the influence of Jupiter. They are calm, patient and confident. Knowledge, experience, material goods and these Capricorns accumulate spiritual values ​​gradually.

In life, the following mascot stones are suitable for Capricorn women:

  • tiger eye, serpentine(supports purposefulness, helps in achieving goals);
  • dark obsidian(helps to keep your own strength under control);
  • nephritis(maintains health, restores spent energy, protects against envious people);
  • amethyst(softens the "iron" character, awakens femininity, helps to conduct a dialogue);
  • agate(feeds vitality his mistress, makes her more attractive to the opposite sex).

Second: January 3-13

During this period, Mars rules, therefore, his beautiful wards are able to turn their heads and take any man with them.

True, they spend almost all their energy on this, so they risk turning over time into housewives without other interests. Will help to avoid such a sad "ending" will help:

  • sardonyx, heliotrope(will maintain inner fire and interest in life);
  • opal(will reveal natural talents, but is contraindicated for Capricorn women who cannot control their emotions);
  • onyx(gives his mistress unerring intuition and reliable protection from troubles of any scale);
  • chrysoprase(helps to achieve success at work, rewards the ability to handle any amount of money);
  • rhinestone(saves vital energy, protects from the evil eye).

Third: January 14-20

These Capricorns are ruled by the Sun... They have a high performance, a large charge of energy, as they say, over the edge.

Negative trait - often give in to discouragement... Amulets will help to emphasize the positive qualities and smooth out the negative ones:

  • tourmaline, alexandrite (drive away despondency, give a high spirits);
  • ruby (will bring good luck, help build family and friendships, restore energy);
  • pomegranate (will smooth out any conflicts, give confidence in communication);
  • zircon (will set you on a wave of optimism, will help in matters in which intuition is needed);
  • hyacinth (combats depressive mood, helps to set the right goals).

Mascot stones should always be carried with you or kept at home in the form of interior items. For Capricorn women, jewelry in the form of:

  • owls (wisdom);
  • turtles (poise);
  • goat (totem animal);
  • stairs (symbol of success);
  • cats (error protection).

When choosing an amulet or amulet with your own stone should be guided by recommendations:

  • For home protection, onyx caskets and figurines are suitable.
  • When choosing, you should be guided by your feelings, "your" stone will immediately cause a feeling of comfort and security. The external attractiveness of the product fades into the background.
  • Bright stones of dark shades are suitable for adults and wise Capricorns, light delicate colors for young ones.
  • A ring with a ruby, as an iconic amulet for all Capricorns, must be tried on on the index or middle finger right hand.
  • To improve the magical properties of talismans, they must be framed in gold, platinum or silver.
  • An auspicious day for buying a talisman is Saturday. Unfavorable dates - from June 22 to July 22.

Capricorn women are reliable and charismatic natures, clearly representing what they want, their actions are accurate and logical. Irrepressible energy and ambition help fragile individuals overcome any obstacles on the way to the goal.

Therefore, the stones of Capricorn-women by date of birth not only look serious, but also have such qualities.

One correctly selected amulet with "its" pebble is able to enhance the best sides his master's character and iron out the worst. Such magical effect will help you get what you want, overcome difficulties and get around troubles.

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