Home Fertilizers Which stones suit different zodiac signs. Precious stones and their meaning according to zodiac signs

Which stones suit different zodiac signs. Precious stones and their meaning according to zodiac signs

Probably everyone knows that precious or semi-precious stones have magical properties. A person, having taken this or that pebble as a companion, counted on its natural and even magical power. From an astrological point of view, minerals can both help and harm. It is important to choose a “friend” based on your character, goals and zodiac sign.

Astrology magical science

Even in ancient times, people, knowing about the invaluable knowledge of astrologers, turned to them for help. The requests were basically the same: to make an amulet, a talisman for good luck, love, health, wealth. Astrologers, in turn, selected each ally according to their zodiac sign.

In astrology, the year is conventionally divided into 12 parts: each part is dedicated to one of the zodiac signs. And these are the stones natural springs strength. This special function of the “children of the earth” attracted the attention of specialists, and they began to study each piece of jewelry.

It is believed that a person under a certain zodiac sign, together with a stone that suits his spirit, has strong help and protection. It is only important to choose your own pendant.

You need to understand that talismans are used to realize important thoughts and main ideas. And you can expect protection from the amulet from the negative views and thoughts of people.

Aries and his stones

People born under the sign of Aries have a high vital energy, are distinguished by fortitude and efficiency. They bright personalities, self-confident. Due to their tough character, Aries often have ill-wishers. They also need complete rest of soul and body.

The color of the stone for Aries is red or colorless. The main precious stones are ruby ​​and diamond.

Diamond is a symbol of strength and power. Suitable only for people with strong character. This stone will protect its owner from diseases and the influence of enemies.

Heliotrope, also known as hematite, helps people get rid of constant stress and smooth out ambitions and abundant emotions. It protects against the evil eye, gives the character courage and masculinity.

Suitable stones for Aries are ruby ​​(attracts a soul mate), amethyst (restrains a violent temper), aquamarine (gives well-being in family relationships), agate (protects against the evil eye, gives health), pearl (saves from the torment of unrequited love).

The antipode of Aries is the sign Libra. This means that stones intended for Libra should under no circumstances end up on Aries. Minerals can only do harm, even if they have certain magical properties. Prohibited stones: opal, peridot, morion, citrine, jade, tourmaline, lapis lazuli.

Taurus and its stones

Taurus are by nature courageous people with strong character. However, important things are not completed. They are smart and noble. Taurus are ardent materialists.

The color of their stones is blue, blue, green.

The most suitable stone for Taurus is turquoise. Turquoise is considered the winner's stone. It has a powerful protective effect, sets the owner’s spirit for victory, attracts money into the house and gives harmony between spouses.

Malachite will protect Taurus from heart disease and ailments respiratory tract. Absorbs all negativity from others, gives good mood and brings a person out of a depressed state.

Taurus stones: sapphire (protects from evil tongues), emerald (brings happiness), opal (gives hope), agate (saves from envious eyes, gives health), jade (protects from diseases, gives vital energy and strength).

The antipode of Taurus is the sign of Scorpio. Scorpio stones topaz, tiger eye, aquamarine, garnet, tourmaline, beryl are prohibited minerals for Taurus.

Gemini and its stones

Geminis are very versatile individuals by nature. They are active life activities, are interested in everything new, love to travel. Therefore, they will need protection from the evil eye of ill-wishers, a talisman on the road and travel, and an assistant to achieve their goals.

Gemini stones are usually yellow in color.

Agate will help Gemini become an excellent speaker and protect them from misfortunes and enemies. Agate gives longevity and health.

Beryl has a cleansing function. It perfectly cleanses the energy and aura. Relieves stress and fills with vitality. Beryl will be an excellent amulet for travelers.

Chrysoprase is a universal helper. It brings success in any business and endeavor.

Suitable stones for Gemini: garnet (uplifts mood), pearl (protects against depression), sapphire (stone of fidelity), golden topaz (for friendship, gives peace of mind), amber (protects against illnesses and troubles).

Gemini's antipode is Sagittarius. You should not take as allies: turquoise, emerald, amethyst, peridot, quartz.

Cancer and its stones

Cancers are the most emotional people. They can be lazy and arrogant, or they can be in complete harmony with themselves and the world. They have a variety of characteristics. They need protective stones to neutralize the bad effects of the Moon and attract good luck and success.

Green stones are suitable for Cancer.

The most basic talisman is the emerald. This stone will help with the concentration of thoughts, feelings and mind, and will relieve bad thoughts. Attracts wealth and protects you on a long trip.

Moonstone will give health, calm the nerves, and affect poor health.

Pearl copes with emotional state, helps you find your love.

Suitable stones: ruby ​​(causes reciprocity in the person you like), opal (gives hope).

Pisces antipode Capricorn. You need to beware of minerals such as morion, turquoise, malachite, tiger's eye, and tourmaline.

Lion and his stones

Those born under the fire sign have mystical abilities. They are strong by nature, powerful, scrupulous, and judicious.

The Leo stone must also have an equally strong character, otherwise it will simply lose its magical power.

The color of the stone suitable for Leo is golden, yellow, white.

Heliodor improves mental capacity, improves mood, drives away depression.

Topaz relieves you of bad thoughts, sets you up for positivity, preserves charm and beauty, brings money and family well-being, and protects you from misfortunes.

Amber suits creative individuals. It promotes the birth of new ideas, protects health, and gives strength.

Suitable stones for Leo: onyx (causes mutual feelings), carnelian (protects from magic, protects marriage), ruby ​​(for marriage), diamond ( lucky stone), peridot (from nightmares).

Leo's antipode is Aquarius. Aquarius stones turquoise, aquamarine, lazurine, jade are prohibited for Leo.

Virgo and his stones

Virgos are quite optimistic and calm by nature. However, everyone has ill-wishers, and also dreams that must come true.

The best color for Virgo is yellow.

The main helping stone is carnelian. It develops the best character traits of a person. It is an excellent amulet against the evil eye, envy and negative energy. It is a symbol of love and health.

Serpentine is a stone that is contraindicated for most zodiac signs. However, he is an excellent ally for Virgo. He is able to protect from dangers and troubles.

Virgo stones: agate (against the evil eye), topaz (for friendship), sapphire (symbol of fidelity), malachite (for spiritual strength), jade (gives vital energy).

Antipode of Virgo Pisces. Not allowed to wear: aquamarine, pearls, emerald, blue sapphire, amethyst, opal.

Libra and its stones

The air element is represented by sociable, loving and communicative people.

Color suitable stones: orange, white, green.

An important mineral for Libra is opal. It is a "symbol of friendship." That is, the stone helps to establish relationships with others and evoke sympathy. Drives away bad thoughts and dreams, supports the immune system.

Coral is another friend for Libra. Helps to cope with complex problems and their solutions. It has protective properties against bad views and thoughts. Sets up work internal organs, improves skin condition.

Friends of Libra: lapis lazuli (uplifts mood), diamond (brings happiness), pearl (protects against depression), sapphire (symbol of fidelity).

The antipode of Libra is Aries. Libra should not be friends with Aries stones. Taboo: ruby, agate, turquoise, carnelian, hemiotrope, aquamarine.

Scorpio and its stones

Scorpios are energetic, strong, passionate, amorous, and artistic by nature.

Such representatives of water need to be helped to rationally spend their energy and direct their forces in the right direction. Protection from enemies will also not be superfluous.

A color suitable for Scorpio should be bright.

Dark red garnet is a faithful ally of all Scorpios. It is believed that this mineral is able to saturate a person with spiritual and physical strength. Great for concentrating and awakening best qualities owner.

Alexandrite, possessing amazing property adapt to the environment, improves intuition, promotes mental development. Yellow dots that suddenly appear on the stone notify the owner of impending danger.

Suitable for Scorpio: ruby ​​(for mutual feelings), coral (protects from the evil eye), topaz (stone of friendship), aquamarine (stone of lovers), beryl (opponent of frivolity of feelings).

You should be wary of Taurus stones: sapphire, emerald, rose quartz, onyx, agate, aventurine.

Sagittarius and its stones

People with strong character and endless vitality. They need to protect their physical and spiritual strength, develop thinking, intelligence and Creative skills. Sagittarius needs a stone that will repel envious glances and bad words.

Color for Sagittarius: blue, purple, red.

The best ally of Sagittarius is considered to be purple amethyst. It has the property of improving mental abilities and balancing a shaken psyche. A person wearing an amethyst knows how to concentrate well on the necessary objects and tasks.

Protects from diseases and dangers, lifts your spirits.

Ruby is rightfully considered the stone of love. Its wearer attracts the opposite sex like a magnet. This stone is able to fulfill your deepest desire.

Wearing a sapphire will cause a storm of emotions, direct energy in the right direction, and bring victory in any endeavor.

Ally stones for Sagittarius: opal (gives hope), peridot (from bad dreams), topaz (for friendship), garnet (for mood), emerald (brings good luck).

You should not wear Gemini stones: agate, carnelian, citrine, pearls, alexandrite, tiger's eye.

Capricorn and its stones

Capricorns are calm, homely, balanced by nature, smart people. To succeed in business, they need assistants to make the right decisions and protect them from diseases and dangers.

Suitable colors are dark gray and green.

Most true friend for Capricorns obsidian. This mineral helps you make the right decisions and protects you from thoughtless actions. Protects against external negative manifestations.

Black tourmaline is a powerful protector against diseases and the evil eye.

Green tourmaline heals and promotes the proper functioning of internal organs.

Black onyx gives confidence and vitality.

Ally stones: garnet (for mood), ruby ​​(for mutual feelings), lapis lazuli (has healing properties), malachite (for spiritual energy), turquoise (for lovers), amber (protects against diseases and troubles).

Antipode Cancer. stones, suitable for Cancer, are strictly contraindicated for Capricorn. These are stones: chrysoprase, aquamarine, aventurine, pearl, opal.

Aquarius and its stones

Aquarians are vain, smart, moral people.

They need to cope with their emotions, cleanse their mind and soul, and protect themselves from enemies.

The colors for Aquarius are blue, yellow, green.

The main stone suitable for Aquarius is aquamarine. It relieves fatigue, irritation, anger and fear. Sets thoughts and mind in the right direction. Has a healing effect.

Azurite is able to cope with psychological problems owner. Relieves depression, stress, anxiety.

Zircon promotes the emergence of positive thoughts and emotions. Suppresses everything negative inside. It improves mood and increases self-esteem.

Suitable stones: sapphire (for fidelity and trust), amethyst (for passion and drunkenness), opal (gives hope).

Antipode Aquarius Leo. Unsuitable stones for Aquarius: amber, topaz, carnelian, quartz, onyx, garnet, sardonyx.

Fish and his stones

Pisces are complex and contradictory people. They are whimsical, sensitive, love fame.

What they most need is material well-being, prosperity, protection from enemies and misfortunes.

Pisces choose light purple, white and gold colors.

Yellow sapphire will help Pisces businessmen in any endeavor. This stone helps to fulfill your cherished desire and achieve your goal.

Aventurine drives away melancholy and depression. Strengthens intuition.

Labradorite attracts good luck. This mineral can attract happiness and success. Has protective properties.

Suitable stones for Pisces: opal (gives hope), amethyst (dulls passion), amber (gives health and good luck), aquamarine (stone of well-being), turquoise (stone of happiness).

Having chosen your stone, it is recommended to perform some rituals before wearing it. First you need to cleanse the mineral from the influence of the energy of other people. To do this, place the stone in saline solution for a few days. You can charge the stone by placing it in the sun for a couple of hours.

To find out for sure whether the chosen stone will be a helper and not a pest, hang it on your left hand and go to bed. If during the night a person saw good dreams, then the mineral will be an assistant, but if you have nightmares, then the stone will not be able to help.

Natural minerals have amazing ability– they “adapt” to their owner and give him the qualities he needs, protect him from circumstances, and also neutralize some bad habits. The main thing is to choose the right stone. We'll tell you how!

Please note that the same stone can be chosen for several zodiac signs at once - it will activate certain of its properties depending on your zodiac affiliation, affecting different aspects of your character.


Diamond– a stone of leaders, who, undoubtedly, are Aries. This mineral helps them not to deviate from their decisions, attracts adherents and like-minded people to them, and enhances all the best qualities of their owners. It also attracts financial success.

Ruby gives Aries an inexhaustible supply of energy, arouses the desire to perform everyday feats, helps to find passionate love and preserve it for many years. In addition, this mineral makes representatives of this sign less selfish.

Emerald brings wealth to Aries, makes them more constant in their feelings and desires, and does not allow them to commit impulsive actions and fatal mistakes. This mineral contributes to the success of its owners and helps channel their irrepressible enthusiasm in the most rational direction.

Heliotrope develops the imagination of Aries, helps them realize any fixed idea, strengthens their influence on others and increases their authority. In addition, this stone does not allow its owners to waste time on trifles; it pushes them to achieve only great goals.


Tortoiseshell agate helps Taurus establish contact with any person, and since they love to make useful connections, this stone is simply irreplaceable for them. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on the relationship of its owner with relatives.

Opal brings Taurus success in all endeavors. In addition, it makes its owner more lenient towards people and less down-to-earth, helps to see the signs of fate and respond to them in a timely manner.

Turquoise attracts Taurus cash flows, fuels their ambition, helps not only to gain, but also to maintain financial independence and a stable career position. This mineral also makes representatives of this zodiac sign more courageous and insightful.

Nephritis gives Taurus comfort, but at the same time focuses attention not on physical, but on spiritual benefits. Nevertheless, this mineral brings them success in commercial affairs, promotes favorable changes, and helps them gain power.

Samanta Messi earrings with imitation turquoise (price on the link); gold ring SL with quartz, agates, and cognac diamonds (price on the link)


Yellow agate is an excellent talisman for Geminis involved in trading. It attracts rich buyers to them, helps them find the right approach to each client, and protects them from scammers. In addition, this stone makes its owner more reserved.

Pomegranate makes Gemini more constant and less frivolous, it helps them move towards their intended goal, gives them the will to win and emphasizes the artistry of their nature. In addition, it fully reveals the sensuality of the representatives of this sign.

Chrysoprase attracts good people to Gemini and protects them from those who are not worth messing with. He protects them from slander, and he does not allow the representatives of this zodiac sign to spread gossip.

Jasper relieves Gemini of all the negativity that they masterfully attract to themselves. This mineral has a very beneficial effect on psychological condition their owners, relieving the effects of stress and preventing the development of phobias.

Silver earrings SL with garnet (price on the link); SL gold ring with diamonds, quartz and garnet (price on link)


Moon rock– the most reliable and effective talisman for Cancers. It further sharpens their already phenomenal intuition, but at the same time protects them from fears and doubts, relieves internal tension, helps them always maintain peace of mind and does not allow them to draw the wrong conclusions from sudden insights.

Emerald makes Cancers wiser, protects them home, dispels melancholy and bad thoughts. It gives its owners constancy of feelings, not only their own, but also that of the person they love.

Pearl protects Cancers from dubious transactions and from the influence of people with bad intentions. This “stone” prolongs the life of its owners, brings fertility into their existence, and in every sense of the word.

Aquamarine improves the mood of Cancers, makes them more cheerful and sociable, protects them from unfair attacks, and stabilizes their psycho-emotional state. In addition, this mineral has a great effect on the personal life of its owners and helps them not only find their soulmate, but also keep them.

Silver earrings SL with pearls (price on the link); Silver pendant SL with cubic zirconia and moonstone (price on the link)

a lion

Amber– the main “stone” of Lviv. He gives them happiness and health, creative forces and faith, both in something fundamental and in oneself, in one’s abilities. This “mineral” helps representatives of this zodiac sign to realize themselves in any field and achieve all their goals.

Sardonyx helps Leos in realizing their ambitious plans, contributes to the achievement of career and creative success, eliminates reflections and gives strength so that if obstacles arise, they do not deviate from the chosen path. It also stimulates and supports the characteristic curiosity of Leos.

Ruby encourages Leo to do great things, gives them unlimited power over the minds and souls of those around them, and awakens compassion. This mineral also strengthens the weak point of representatives of this zodiac sign – the heart.

Diamond brings Leo good luck in all endeavors, wealth and career success. It rids them of negative manifestations of character and makes them more tolerant of the shortcomings of others. This mineral also helps to gain power.

SL gold earrings with diamonds and rubies (price on the link); gold ring SL with diamonds and rubies (price on the link)


Malachite gives Virgos spiritual strength, helps them find reliable support, and helps achieve a harmonious balance in the body. In addition, it gives a chance to find true love, and most importantly, believe in it.

Yellow carnelian helps Virgos strengthen their weak point - gastrointestinal tract. The stone relieves poor digestion, and also “suggests” which foods should be consumed and which ones should be avoided.

Chrysoprase brings Virgos good luck in any projects, and helps those who deal with large sums of money to avoid mistakes and deception. It also increases the prudence of the representatives of this zodiac sign, but at the same time does not allow them to fall into empty tediousness.

White onyx prolongs the youth of Virgos, strengthens their health, helps preserve visual appeal. In addition, it gives its owners the ability to penetrate the plans of others and respond to them in a timely manner, and most importantly, correctly. And he also gives them marital happiness.

Gold pendant SL with diamonds and onyx (price on the link); gold ring SL with diamonds and sapphires (price on the link)


Rhinestone helps Libra achieve the harmony they strive for throughout their lives. In addition, it protects representatives of this zodiac sign from the evil eye, eliminates doubts, promotes making the right decisions, and strengthens intuition. This mineral also helps maintain peaceful and friendly relationships with everyone around you (and this is very important for Libra).

Dark sapphire brings Libra happiness in love, helps to remain faithful, and protects their peace of mind. In addition, this mineral makes them more decisive and bolder, relieves them of reflection and protects them from irrational fears.

Moon rock also helps to achieve and maintain harmony, in addition, it protects Libra’s weak point – the kidneys, and in case of exacerbation of kidney diseases, it reduces pain.

Aquamarine helps Libra to seek justice and deters them from unlawful acts, it saves them from laziness, from wasting time, and also helps to expand their social circle and find true friends.

Silver pendant SL with cubic zirconia and moonstone (price on the link); gold earrings SL with diamonds and sapphires (price on the link)


Rauchtopaz (smoky quartz) helps Scorpios to reveal the inherent magical abilities and strengthens them many times over. In addition, this mineral gives them an inner core that allows them to cope with negative manifestations of their character and manage secret knowledge for the benefit of others.

Labradorite (spectrolite) also enhances the magical abilities of Scorpios, and also sharpens intuition. The stone helps them choose the right path. And it also gives good luck not only to its owner, but also to those who provide this person with all kinds of assistance.

Jet (black jasper) protects Scorpios from themselves and from dark forces, relieves them of suspiciousness, fears and phobias, heals their soul, taking away pain and resentment. This stone prevents the development of bad tendencies and makes the life of representatives of this zodiac sign more creative.

Alexandrite gives risk-loving Scorpios protection, it brings them luck, which helps them get out of the most difficult and dangerous situations and live a long, interesting life.

Silver ring SL with cubic zirconia and alexandrite (price on the link); gold pendant SL with diamonds and quartz (price on the link)


Yellow-brown agate Perfect for those Sagittarius who are engaged in science or simply like to philosophize frequently. It helps to find the only correct solutions and formulations, expands the boundaries of consciousness. In addition, this stone pacifies anger and makes its owner more tolerant of the shortcomings of others.

Chrysolite helps Sagittarius get rid of bad habits and negative energy, it protects them from everything that can harm them, including irrepressible passions. In addition, it gives strength and attracts financial well-being.

Emerald promotes creative self-realization Sagittarius, gives inspiration and optimism. In addition, this mineral neutralizes negative energy, both coming from outside and the one that representatives of a given sign accumulate on their own.

Turquoise protects Sagittarius in all their adventures and risky enterprises, gives them victory in sports and in commercial confrontations, brings them material well-being. This mineral also helps them understand the true meaning of life and find their true purpose.

Gold pendant SL with diamonds, topazes and amethysts (price on the link); gold ring SL with diamonds and emeralds (price on the link)


Ruby enhances everything positive traits Capricorns, warns them of danger, “teaches” them to love both life and representatives of the opposite sex. This mineral also makes them more humane and awakens generosity in them.

Pomegranate helps Capricorns enjoy life and relationships – friendships and love. This mineral brings complete satisfaction with success and attracts mutual love, helps restore strength after intense mental or physical labor.

Malachite helps Capricorns deftly handle commercial affairs. In addition, it protects them from rheumatism and knee diseases - weak point representatives of this zodiac sign, and when joint pain occurs, it reduces it.

Black tourmaline protects Capricorns from the torments of jealousy, protects them from outside manipulation of consciousness and from their own aspiration somehow artificially “stimulate” your thought process. In addition, this stone helps to understand sexual preferences and love desires.

Gold pendant SL with diamonds and rubies (price on the link); gold ring SL with diamonds, amethysts and garnet (price on the link)


Lapis lazuli brings Aquarius luck, career success and material well-being. In addition, this mineral makes representatives of this sign more attentive towards others, giving its owners genuine, rather than ostentatious, friendliness. He also relieves them of old grievances.

Light sapphire protects Aquarius from betrayal and slander, warns of impending danger, and helps to cope with emotional anxiety. In addition, it promotes creative self-realization.

Zircon helps strengthen the official position of Aquarius and find a way out of difficult work situations. This mineral enhances their intuition and helps them rationally manage information and knowledge acquired on a subconscious level. It also protects its maximalist owner from hasty and incorrect judgments.

Amethyst helps strengthen marriage bonds, relieves Aquarius from negative thoughts associated with their spouse, reduces the desire to criticize a loved one and demand unconditional perfection from him.

Gold pendant SL with diamonds and sapphires (price on the link); gold ring SL with diamonds, topazes and amethysts (price on the link)


Pearl protects Pisces from unhappy love, promotes their longevity, brings financial well-being and prosperity. In addition, this “mineral”, worn in a bunch (in the form of beads or cluster earrings), relieves its owners from tears.

Emerald also promotes the financial prosperity of Pisces, and also promotes health, protects against the occurrence of chronic diseases, gives peace and tranquility.

Amethyst protects Pisces from addictions. In addition, it helps them control their emotions, relieves them of unnecessary worry and anxiety, insomnia and suspiciousness. This mineral protects its owners from stress, and in critical situations helps relieve depression.

Sapphire strengthens the memory of Pisces, promotes concentration, “teaches” how to love without strain, and pacifies unhealthy passions. This mineral awakens an extraordinary emotional vision of individual situations and life in general.

Gold pendant SL with diamonds and pearls (price on the link); gold ring SL with diamonds and emeralds (price on the link)

If you choose stones according to the signs of the Zodiac, then they are capable of providing beneficial influence on their owners. Minerals will not only attract good luck and make a person successful, but also heal if you use talismans correctly and wear them every day. Some stones can strengthen the immune system and prevent various diseases. For others, the action is aimed at finding a soul mate. Still others protect against negative energy. Talismans that are selected according to the signs of the Zodiac have a special effect on a person. But you cannot use unsuitable minerals, as they, on the contrary, can harm their owner.

If you choose stones according to the signs of the Zodiac, then they can have a beneficial effect on their owners

If you choose gemstones according to the signs of the Zodiac, then they will perform the following functions:

  • will make a person invulnerable to various diseases;
  • will prevent the impact of negative energy on its owner;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • will give strength, energy, make you more active and cheerful;
  • relieve the blues, apathy, depression;
  • will help in the development of innate abilities and talents;
  • will bring more positive emotions into life;
  • strengthen intuition;
  • will have a beneficial effect on personal life;
  • will make you successful in the affairs that a person is engaged in.

All this applies not only to precious stones, but also semi-precious and ornamental ones. The main thing is that they are natural and not artificial. Otherwise, they simply won't help. Synthetic ones do not contain the energy that was produced during the formation of the rock. It only contains energy from its manufacturer, and it certainly will not be able to significantly influence its new owner, and it will not be a talisman. When choosing minerals based on zodiac signs, you will need a special table where the acceptable options are listed for each sign.

When choosing which stone is suitable as an amulet, amulet or talisman, it is important not to harm the person. If the choice is made incorrectly, it will immediately make itself felt:

  1. A person constantly feels discomfort and anxiety, and there is no sense of harmony.
  2. Loss of strength and weakness appear. Apathy develops.
  3. A person develops an antipathy towards stone, even if the decoration is very beautiful, expensive and exquisite. I am constantly tormented by the desire to get rid of it as quickly as possible.

You cannot purchase ornamental, semi-precious and precious stones in pawn shops.. They may be stolen. In addition, you need to take into account that the mineral is already someone’s talisman, and he will begin to take revenge for being taken away from him. former owner. It will no longer become an amulet for a new person; rather, on the contrary, it will bring various troubles to his head.

Experts do not advise purchasing stones that have defects. These can be various inclusions, cracks, stains, scratches - evidence that the mineral previously took the blow of negative energy, protecting its owner. Because of this, unexpected cracks appear. It is prohibited to wear such jewelry any further.

If the ring constantly slips off your finger, then it is best not to wear it. The same applies to cases when beads and necklaces fall apart - the talisman was chosen incorrectly.

You cannot wear several types of stones on your body at the same time. They just might start to quarrel with each other.

It is necessary to take into account that the stone will not immediately begin to act. Of course, if it was given to a person, then it will definitely manifest itself as a talisman from the first contacts with the person. But if a person acquired it for himself, then he will have to be patient, since the mineral must get used to the owner and determine its energy. It will take a long time before he finally starts helping his owner.

Stones for Aries, Taurus and Gemini

When choosing a stone for Aries according to their zodiac sign, it is best to turn your attention to diamonds. This option is the best. Diamond is a symbol strong man, winner. The name of the gem comes from the Greek word, which translates as “indestructible.” Not surprisingly, diamond is ideal for Aries. It will not only make him very lucky, but will also bring him closer to victory in different areas life. In addition, diamond can prevent outbursts of rage and anger.

Amethyst is also suitable for Aries. It will get rid of negative energy and calm a person. Aries will no longer be so hot-tempered and will begin to make informed decisions in different situations. In addition, sapphire, jasper, and rock crystal are suitable for Aries. You can wear turquoise, carnelian, citrine and agate.

Stones according to zodiac signs (video)

When choosing stones according to the horoscope for Taurus, you need to pay attention to those that can cope with a person’s shortcomings. For example, emerald will make him wiser and more attentive. He will help him achieve his goals. In addition, Taurus will become more cheerful and cheerful. Chrysoprase is perfect for Taurus stones. It will make a person more decisive, help in his endeavors, and protect him from failures. More Suitable for Taurus chalcedony. It helps cope with emotional and psychological stress. In addition, if you choose semi-precious stones according to your zodiac sign, then aventurine is perfect for Taurus. It is also recommended to wear pink quartz, sapphire, agate and onyx.

Agate is great for Gemini. It will make a person prudent and add more stability to life. It smooths out a person’s shortcomings and makes him calmer. In addition, the mineral will help creative individuals find new directions for work and have a beneficial effect on imagination. You can also use alexandrite. He will protect Gemini’s nervous system and smooth out contradictions. To achieve what they want, Gemini needs to keep beryl with them. Topaz, citrine, and sapphire are also suitable. Tiger's eye, carnelian and garnet are also useful.

Gallery: stones according to zodiac signs (50 photos)

Talismans for Cancer, Leo, Virgo and Libra

If you need to find talismans for Cancer, then it is best to pay attention to pearls of any shade. He is able to develop a person’s talents and attract good luck. It adds attentiveness to Cancers and makes them more insightful. It will help Cancer women find a husband. Another suitable stone would be emerald. It will help control emotions, even the strongest ones, relieve melancholy, make a person cheerful, relieve constraint, and attract wealth. Cancers are recommended to have a cat's eye with them - this strong amulet, which will make a person strong and successful, and protect him from the effects of negative energy. It is also recommended to have as a talisman Moonstone, gray aventurine, greener aquamarine and chrysoprase.

If you need to choose zodiac stones for Leo, then it is best to pay attention to amber. It is believed that it will bring good luck only to Leo, since this sign is ruled by the Sun, and amber is considered just a “sun” stone. In addition to attracting good luck, it relieves insomnia and eliminates the consequences severe stress, treats diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Chrysolite is also perfect. He will help selfish Leos improve their relationships with other people. Topaz will help you make friends with the management of the company where the person works and will make the person financially secure. In addition, the stone will help you figure out who a person’s enemy is. Golden quartz, red tones and rock crystal are also suitable. You can wear carnelian, opal, onyx, sardonyx, zircon.

For Virgos, chrysolite is recommended as a talisman. It will make a person more attractive in the eyes of society. In addition, this stone will help in a person’s education and will contribute to his intellectual development, will constantly influence him to gain knowledge in new areas. It is also recommended to have jasper with you. These natural stones will help you make friends with people around you. They will maintain harmony and peace in the family. Virgos will behave more tolerantly, despite the fact that previously they preferred to constantly criticize everything. Jade is perfect for Virgos. This stone will make its owner wiser and strengthen his fortitude. If you heat it and use it as a compress, it cures certain ailments. In addition, carnelian, diamond, chalcedony, sapphire, and emerald are suitable for Virgos. It is recommended to wear jadeite, onyx, and rock crystal.

For Libra, it is best to choose aquamarine. It will make a person calmer and relieve sudden changes in mood. Previously, aquamarine was given to brides to ensure loyalty on both sides of the family. You can use lapis lazuli. It is a symbol of sincerity. For Virgos, it will help clear their minds and bring about some kind of insight. This stone helps a person for a long time stay young as it improves metabolism. It is recommended to have a rainbow opal with you. It helps to reveal talents, strengthen the nervous system and get rich. Tourmaline is suitable for Libra, as it eliminates sudden changes in character. You can also wear citrine, morion, and chrysolite. Jade and amethyst are used as talismans.

Stones for Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces

Choosing natural stones for zodiac signs, aquamarine can be given to Scorpios. This amulet will save the family. It cools passion, gives confidence and fidelity. Strengthens the nervous system. Pomegranate is also suitable as a talisman for Scorpios. It is considered a stone of honesty and has strong healing properties. It is recommended for Scorpios to wear black opal. It will restore calm and relieve strong emotions.

Bloodstone, aquamarine, tourmaline, and coral are suitable. Tiger's eye and alexandrite are also considered amulets for Scorpios.

When choosing gems for Sagittarius, it is recommended to pay attention to turquoise. She will help you achieve material well-being and a certain high social position. Yellow topaz also helps them get rich, and it also cures some diseases. Is a good helper in decision making. Chrysolite will prevent wrong actions and relieve problems with the eyes and blood.

For Capricorns, ruby ​​is best suited as a talisman. It is worth choosing pendants, then the person will become respected in society. In addition, the stone protects against diseases and various problems. A person with such a talisman will become a real winner. By the way, onyx has the same property. It will give the person more power. Malachite is ideal for Capricorns. It will improve your health. For Capricorns, it is worth choosing all opaque stones that are black in color.

Amethyst is best for Aquarius. It will attract good luck and prevent hangovers and illnesses. By the way, by its shade you can determine what the weather will be like in the future. It will help Aquarius to restore strength and relieve melancholy. It is recommended to wear jewelry with zircon. It will make a person more intelligent. The most suitable stone for Aquarius is hyacinth, a type of zircon. The stone is perfect for those who are interested in traveling.

For Pisces, aquamarine is suitable as an amulet. It will make a person more courageous, helps restore justice, take care of other people, and protect Pisces from big expenses. You can also wear pearls. It will protect you from the effects of negative energy. Amethyst will return sincere feelings, will help you find your soulmate. Blue sapphire, emerald, and alexandrite are also suitable.

How to wear stones (video)


When choosing a talisman for a person, you definitely need to know which stones are suitable for your zodiac sign. There are minerals that are universal. They are suitable for almost all people, but for some they will help more. This is what you should be guided by when choosing a talisman depending on your zodiac sign.

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Since ancient times, people have learned to make amulets, talismans and amulets from minerals that bring good luck and protect against misfortunes.

Nature fascinates with its beauty, generously bestowing with outlandish gifts. One of the most luxurious gifts are precious and semi-precious stones. A scattering of gems from the depths of the earth surprises with its splendor and magical power. Therefore, since ancient times, people have learned to make amulets, talismans and amulets from minerals that bring good luck and protect against misfortunes. The choice of a magical assistant cannot be random. The sages believed that God himself arranged semi-precious and precious stones according to the signs of the Zodiac; man cannot violate the established order with them. Apparently, for this reason, we tend to seek protection from gems, using them natural strength to attract well-being, improve health, and unlock creative and professional potential.

How to choose a talisman

When the energy of a person and a stone coincides, new facets open up and miracles happen. The talisman protects the owner in every possible way, attracts goodness and good luck. For an amulet or amulet to really work, it must fit the horoscope; this is the most effective and centuries-tested criterion for choosing a talisman stone.

For an amulet or amulet to really work, it must match the horoscope

There are many criteria for choosing amulets. There are many subtleties: a person’s age, gender, date, and even exact time birth. The most effective method for selecting a talisman stone is a table of minerals belonging to the zodiac sign. An incorrectly chosen amulet may not only not help, but also cause trouble. When choosing precious or semi-precious stones as magical protectors, you should know the characteristics of the mineral, and also adhere to some rules:

  • Catching sensations. Esotericists believe that an incorrectly selected gem will make itself felt. A person may feel discomfort, lack of energy connection with him.
  • Do not buy jewelry with stones from pawn shops.

A pawn shop can often sell stolen items, which can lead to disaster.

You should not buy jewelry with stones in pawn shops: stolen items will bring bad luck

The best talisman is one made with your own hands or the hands of a loved one, as well as jewelry passed down by inheritance.

Jewelry is inherent in absorbing the positive energy of the family, becoming a powerful amulet for a person.

  • When buying or receiving talisman stones as a gift, you should carefully inspect them for cracks, chips, dark spots, foreign inclusions. Such stones can harbor negative energy.

Having chosen a talisman, you should not decorate yourself with “mismatched” gems at the same time; stones, by their nature, can “conflict” with each other. You should also not acquire a cobblestone, because a talisman is a miniature, elegant, often hidden from prying eyes, object that has magical, healing properties. Often people are faced with the fact that a crack suddenly appears on a stone without the slightest intervention. This may mean that the talisman took the “blow” upon itself, protecting the owner. You need to know how to choose jewelry inlaid with gems. Innate taste and knowledge will help with this. The science that studies the interaction of precious, semi-precious stones and zodiac signs originated in ancient times, however, the correspondence table is still used today. Jewelers, when creating collections of jewelry in the form of amulets and amulets, are accustomed to using a description of the stone, its properties and affinity to the signs of the Zodiac.

Zodiac signs and gemstones

Ornamental stones are often used to make your own collections of hand made jewelry. Craftswomen should know that amulets can only have power if the material is natural. Only natural stones according to the signs of the Zodiac will powerful amulets, strengthening best sides and protecting from negativity. Artificial gems have no power, but only perform a decorative function.

Only natural stones according to the signs of the Zodiac will become powerful amulets, enhancing the best aspects and protecting against negativity

To choose jewelry for yourself or as a gift to a loved one, you should know exactly which stones are suitable for your zodiac signs. Everything is decided by the fusion of two energies - natural and human. The temperament of the owner of the amulet, his strengths and weaknesses are also important. I exist different kinds precious gems. To “hit the bull’s eye”, you need to navigate the basics of a difficult science, understanding the essence of the meanings of stones according to the signs of the Zodiac.


Active, energetic, honest, courageous, but often aggressive, straightforward. The sign is patronized by such a precious stone as a diamond. It gives Aries calmness and prudence, helps them find compromises, and cools down their “hot heads.” Magic talismans that are suitable for Aries are garnet, emerald, ruby, lunar amethyst. Features of choice:

What stones should Aries avoid? Malachite, opal, peridot, aventurine are gems that are not suitable for the zodiac sign.


Soft and simple-minded natures, admirers of beauty and harmony in everything, idealists. It is not easy for such people to choose gifts, but they will be able to appreciate jewelry inlaid with precious stones.

What gemstones protect Taurus? Sapphire, opal, emerald are the main stones of the Zodiac. For women the perfect talisman turquoise will become, and black agate will help men realize themselves in the professional field.

For Taurus women, turquoise will be the ideal talisman

Taurus are secretive and often lack sociability. Sardonyx will help correct the situation by presenting the owner with the gift of eloquence. What stones can the Taurus sign choose for itself? It is best to choose by decade:

Ruby, pearls and amber are energetically incompatible with Taurus.


People born under this sign are unique in that they can successfully do several things at the same time. To replenish lost strength, they need talismans-stones. For the fair sex, the ideal “helper” would be a radiant emerald or a magical moonstone. Men should choose alexandrite as an amulet. He will show them shortest way to achieve the goal, will calm and create harmony.

Gemini men should choose alexandrite as an amulet, which will indicate the shortest path to achieving their goal

Eat important nuance: Before going to bed, it is better for a Gemini man to remove alexandrite. Another stone energetically associated with this sign is beryl. Such a talisman can be given to a careerist man.

Beryl is suitable for Gemini careerists

But citrine is suitable for those with an analytical mind, it will help develop oratory talent and increase communication skills. There are several special amulets for young Gemini girls:

All representatives of this sign, without exception, should definitely refuse to wear onyx, black opal, ruby ​​and diamond.


Cancers are sensitive, have a rich imagination, but are very vulnerable, irritable and inert. All shortcomings and weaknesses will be helped by correctly selected stones according to your zodiac sign. Each decade has its own gems:

The most powerful female talisman for Cancer will be earrings with heliotrope. Beautiful decoration with magical properties will help in resolving difficult situations and achieving family well-being.

The most powerful female talisman for Cancer will be earrings with heliotrope


Leos are full of energy and generosity. They strive for glory, honor, and are somewhat selfish, as befits royalty.

To achieve success, Leos need to develop tact and prudence, avoiding haste and excessive excitement. Enhance positive sides, talisman stones will help reduce the activity of negative traits.

There are several tips for choosing:

Representatives of the royal sign, beginners new way personal life or career, heliodor is irreplaceable; it is called the stone of the first step.


Prone to criticism, overly pragmatic Virgos need magical helpers. The importance of stones for Virgos is difficult to overestimate, because they help to reveal such natural qualities, like rationality and consistency, develop a range of interests. The best minerals for Virgos:

  • emerald - will help maintain harmony family relations;
  • jade - develops the gift of justice, gives sharpness of mind;
  • sapphire is a talisman that dispels melancholy.

For doubting, insecure Virgo men, lapis lazuli will be an excellent talisman, and jasper will help avoid financial losses. Virgos should avoid stones such as ruby, tourmaline, and obsidian.


Peace-loving and friendly Libras often lack self-confidence and the ability to face facts. Amethyst, quartz or diamond will help develop these qualities. The choice of talisman should be made based on the date of birth:

Libra women need to be given diamonds. This is a symbol of strength, purity and reliability, because these are the traits that representatives of this sign should develop.

Libra women should be given diamonds that represent purity and strength.


Scorpios are prone to conflicts; they should develop the ability to forgive and be able to find compromises. It is especially important for a Scorpio woman to acquire a talisman. It should be a crystal with a transparent structure such as jasper, tiger's eye and serpentine. The main talisman for Scorpio women is opal. It will enhance natural attractiveness and create a strong shield around its owner, preventing energy depletion.

Opal will enhance the natural attractiveness of a Scorpio woman

The following stones are suitable for men:

Among Scorpios there are often people with psychic abilities. Alexandrite will help develop them.


These people strive to learn something new, they are authoritative and smart. Sagittarius should develop tact and self-discipline. Talisman stones for representatives of this sign are divided into male and female:


People born under the sign of Capricorn are persistent, patient, and can reach unprecedented heights. Talisman stones will help them achieve success.

Onyx is the main patron of the sign, a talisman against sudden death. He will teach you to read the thoughts of your opponents and bring respect from the team. This is a natural indicator: if the gem changes color, this is a signal of danger.

Onyx is the main patron of Capricorns, a talisman against sudden death

Other talisman stones:

Forbidden stones for Capricorns are citrine, emerald and pearls.


The sign has virtually no flaws. These are originals and altruists, daredevils and strategists. TO weaknesses character can be attributed to abstraction, sometimes arrogance. The main keeper of peace and good luck for Aquarius is amethyst. It protects the family hearth, health and success of its owner. Other patrons of the sign are:

Ruby, carnelian and bloody jasper are considered unfavorable for Aquarius.


Impulsive, sympathetic and sacrificial, Pisces often need protection. Stones whose properties will help suppress character flaws and weaken negative influences will become amulets for this sign. Favorable Gems:

The danger for Pisces comes from energetic, active minerals with a thick dark color.

The only exception is jet, which will protect against dark dreams. You should also avoid jewelry with jasper, serpentine, lapis lazuli and hematite.

Stones with dark colors are usually not suitable for Pisces, but jet will protect you from dark dreams

In order for a gemstone to become a friend, helper and protector, intuition is important when choosing a talisman. But no less important is the meaning of the gem and the interpretation of its properties. This is what determines the influence of natural energy on humans. The main rule for zodiac signs is to take care of the chosen talisman, amulet or amulet when putting it on, think only about the good, and believe in its natural power.

It is believed that depending on the time of birth of a person, different objects, phenomena and factors influence him different influence. Jewelry stones occupy a special place among them.

In the photo: Jewelry stones from the Gem Lovers collection for different zodiac signs

We have done a lot of work and provide material that has no analogues anywhere. This publication opens a series of articles that will become your guide to the world of precious stones for the formation of your personal unique collection.

Minerals and rocks accompany humanity from the very beginnings of its existence and are always close to man. The roots of knowledge and ideas about the influence of stones on human destiny and the connections between minerals and zodiac constellations go to extreme antiquity. These ideas were formed in various cultures, transformed and structured over time, wandered from mouth to mouth for thousands of years, the location of the stars underwent changes, and mineralogical knowledge improved. The names of minerals changed.

It is important to note that mineralogy as a science was formed about 200 years ago. Before this, stones of the same color, as a rule, had one name, for example, all known red stones (rubies, spinels, garnets) were called the word “lal”. Therefore, it is important to consider the possibility of errors in the interpretation of gems based on mineralogical varieties. In addition, since then, when lists of stones were compiled for various astrological interpretations, it was discovered great amount new varieties and deposits. For example, kunzites, tanzanites, new varieties of garnet and many others.

We have analyzed a wealth of material on this issue and bring to your attention several approaches to the selection of gems based on astrological views on the time of a person’s birth:

  • ornamental and jewelry stones according to zodiac signs in the J. Stone classification;

Astrological data helps you navigate among the many jewelry stones, taking into account the time of birth, and make wonderful gift for yourself and a loved one, choose what suits you.

By collecting a collection for yourself, you create an individual selection of stones that are right for you, according to various astrological schools. Remember that zodiac stones are a series of recommended gems that have a beneficial effect on the one who wears them. It is generally accepted that the larger the stone, the greater its impact on humans. The best collection is the one that contains stones by birth month, by your birth planet and by zodiac sign.

Relationship between planets and gemstones

The classification of the correspondence of gems to your patron planet is interesting. You can determine your planet according to your zodiac sign using your horoscope. In the Middle Ages, alchemical ideas about the connection between the heavenly bodies, planets and constellations included in the zodiac circle were formed.

Star of the sign Leo. Jewelry stones of the Sun - colorless (diamond), with a yellow tint, chrysolite, chrysoberyl, chrysoprase. Special mention is made of zircon hyacinth and ruby.

Changeable and beautiful, therefore jewelry stones zodiac sign Cancer, ruled by the Moon, these are primarily iridescent opals and moonstones. Also associated with this luminary are pearls, coral, beryl, and aquamarine.

In astrology - a male planet, named after the god of war Ares in Greek mythology(Mars from the Roman pantheon of gods). Zodiac signs are influenced by Mars Aries and Scorpio. It symbolizes determination, courage and physical strength. Red colored gemstones such as ruby ​​and red garnets are attributed to Mars.

Venus, the patroness of love, romance and passion, corresponds to the signs of the zodiac Taurus and Libra. Gems the planets Venus are green, purple-red, blue: emerald, turquoise, blue, pink sapphires, padparadscha sapphire, zircon - hyacinth.

Symbolizes wealth, luxury, status, access to intimate knowledge. The Roman god Jupiter is considered the supreme deity and corresponds to Zeus in Greek culture.
If a person was born under the planet Jupiter (signs Sagittarius and Pisces), blue and purple stones, blue sapphire, blue spinel, amethyst, turquoise, blue and blue-violet tanzanites, blue tourmalines are suitable for him.

(embodiment ancient Greek god Chronos), and also governs the signs Capricorn and Aquarius. Dark and black stones are suitable for Saturn, and blue, gray-blue, stones with asterism effect, spinel, aquamarine are suitable for Uranus. These also include blue lapis lazuli, blue zircon and blue tourmaline.

Ornamental and jewelry stones in the J. Stone classification

There are many lists of gems according to zodiac signs, they come from different sources. The most widely used classification by amateurs is the one highlighted by Jasper Stone. This classification includes both semi-precious and precious stones. Ornamental ones are more often used to make pyramids, bowls, figurines, balls and figurines.

  • Aquarius - aquamarine, garnet, amethyst, ametrine, rose and black quartz, zircon, obsidian, chrysoprase.
  • Pisces - demantoid, tsavorite, aquamarine, moonstone, coral, opals, peridot.
  • Aries - diamond, zircon, rock crystal, kyanite.
  • Taurus - alexandrite, amazonite, agate, turquoise, white cacholong opal, malachite, chrysocolla.
  • Gemini - amethyst, ametrines, beryl group, morganite, cat's and tiger's eyes, obsidian, agate, rhodonite, rhodochrosite, citrine, charoite.
  • Cancer - emerald, pearl, chrysoberyl, aquamarine, tsavorite, moonstone, hematite.
  • Leo - ruby, tourmalines, uvarovite, spinel, amber, verdelite, rock crystal, obsidian.
  • Virgo - rock crystal, jadeite, cat's eye, jade, carnelian.
  • Scales- aquamarine, malachite, amethyst, jade, rhodochrosite, rubellite.
  • Scorpio - alexandrite, apatite, garnet, topaz, kunzite, morganite.
  • Sagittarius - alexandrite, sapphire, tourmalines, uvarovite, chalcedony, chrysocolla, topaz, verdelite, turquoise, lapis lazuli, red garnets.
  • Capricorn - tourmaline group, garnet, chrysocolla, smoky quartz.

Gemstone by month of birth

It is also a popular opinion that when choosing a talisman you should focus on your month of birth. Aristotle wrote about this. There are many options for matching gems by month of birth, depending on the traditions and characteristics of different cultures.

The International Colored Stone Association (ICA) has published on its website a list of gems recommended for those born in different months, and specifically mentions talismans that bring good luck. This list contains modern and traditional options.

January, both according to modern and traditional classification, corresponds to a group of garnets; it unites a significant number of varieties that differ in chemical composition and structural features: from bright orange spessartine garnet to emerald green demantoid garnet.

Amethyst is a talisman for those born in February, its cold purple from very light to rich, with a reddish sheen, it really suits frosty February perfectly. Amethyst is considered the most valuable variety of the quartz group.

Those born in March are recommended to wear aquamarine, a noble variety of blue and greenish shades from the beryl group. According to the traditional system of birthstones, March corresponds to heliotrope, and the talisman of the month is considered

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