Home Blanks for the winter Government subsidies to small businesses c. Subsidizing small and medium-sized businesses. Small Business Aid: Who Can Count

Government subsidies to small businesses c. Subsidizing small and medium-sized businesses. Small Business Aid: Who Can Count


Hello! In this article, we will tell you about how to get a loan for a small business from the state.

Today you will learn:

  1. What are the types of loans from the state for business.
  2. Who can get government support.
  3. Which authorities to turn to for help.
  4. What documents need to be collected.

The government offers an alternative - state support for small businesses. But before turning to the authorities for help, you should understand what type of government loan will be optimal for you - this is where we start.

Types of loans from the state for business

In 2017, the government actively supports start-up entrepreneurs and provides assistance in the form of material support such as:

  • Microfinance for small businesses;
  • Guarantee from the state;
  • (gratuitous loan);
  • Compensation payments;
  • Tax relief.

Now we will consider each of the types of state support for small and medium-sized businesses separately.

Small business microfinance

Each region of the Russian Federation has a microcredit fund for small and medium-sized businesses. It is he who facilitates the issuance of loans Money entrepreneurs on a preferential basis.

Credit conditions are different in each region. A significant advantage of this type of lending is its availability: money is provided regardless of the area of ​​employment.

There are only some restrictions that are determined by each region independently. For example, for Moscow it is limiting the amount of a loan to a young entrepreneur.

Average conditions for obtaining a soft loan:

  • or physical () on the territory of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, in which the loan will be received;
  • From 50 thousand to 1.5 million rubles (restrictions may be imposed on the amount depending on the field of activity of the organization);
  • The interest rate of a concessional loan is from 8 to 12% and will depend on the prospects of your business, market needs, the borrower's solvency, the amount of borrowed funds and the term of the loan, the type of security;
  • The money is provided against security: collateral, surety, pledge of a product in circulation, etc.
  • The loan is issued in a non-cash form;
  • If the conditions for the provision of money are not met, penalties are provided in the form of an increased percentage;
  • There is a limit on the number of loans;
  • The duration of consideration of documents for the provision of funds is from 5 to 10 days, depending on the region.

State guarantee

In this case, the money will be given to you by a commercial bank, and the state fund represented by the Federal Notary Chamber will act as a surety. However, it should be borne in mind that not all commercial banks participate in the state program. Their full list in your region can be obtained from the official website of the Russian government.

Unlike the first option, receiving funds under a government guarantee does not differ in terms of terms from a regular loan. The consideration of the application will not be quick. Also, be prepared for the fact that the fund will not guarantee for the entire amount, but only for a part.

Enterprises are most likely to receive a fund guarantee social area service to citizens, production and industry, innovation. Special attention when considering an application for a surety, the fund pays for the number of jobs created by the organization.


A subsidy is the most coveted type of state support by entrepreneurs. The thing is that it is provided to businessmen free of charge.

However, not all entrepreneurs can get a subsidy.

Businessmen need to comply with rather harsh conditions to obtain:

  • You must be registered with the Employment Center as an unemployed person;
  • Answer the questions psychological test in the same Employment Center;
  • Complete training in the direction of "entrepreneurship";

At the same time, all spending of public money must correspond and be documented. After the entrepreneur receives a positive response from the Center, he must register his company. Only after that the money will be credited to the account.

It often happens that an entrepreneur is denied a subsidy. A grant can be allocated for the purchase or, equipment or goods for sale, intangible resources. This should be stated in your business plan.


It is also provided to businessmen at no cost. The disadvantage of grants is that not everyone can get it.

The following are eligible to receive a grant:

  • Beginning entrepreneurs (they have been in business for no more than 12 months);
  • Entrepreneurs who do not have tax debts, loans;
  • Businesses that create many jobs.

Also, in order to receive a grant, the sphere in which the organization operates is important. Each region defines these areas independently.

Compensation payments and tax breaks

In this case, the state simply compensates the entrepreneur for part of the money that he spent on business development.

Such relief can be counted on: companies producing innovative products, enterprises producing import-substituting goods, as well as service providers.

As for tax breaks, in 2017 a novice entrepreneur has the opportunity to take the so-called. They consist in exempting a businessman from paying taxes for two tax periods.

You can take advantage of the vacation if:

  • You are an aspiring entrepreneur;
  • Organization on one of the following taxation systems: or;
  • Are you involved in manufacturing, social security, or science.

Borrower requirements

Let's take a closer look at what requirements for applicants for state support are presented to receive a particular benefit. Information is given in the table.

Conditions for receiving Important features
Microfinance - registered in the region where funds are received;

- the loan must be secured by property

- goal: development of small and medium-sized businesses;

- loan terms -
no more than a year

State guarantee - the bank must participate in the state program;

- you must be an active organization for at least 6 months;

- registration in the region of obtaining a loan is required;

- you do not have problems with creditors and tax;

- it is necessary to repay a certain percentage of the loan with your own funds (set in each region)

- Priority activities for financing are: manufacturing, innovation, construction, service activities, transportation, tourism (in the Russian Federation), education, medicine, housing and communal services.

- Does not apply to the extraction and sale of minerals, gambling, banking and insurance activities, funds valuable papers, pawnshops

Subsidy - the importance of business for the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. Each subject has its own significant areas (you can find out the priority areas of activity for your region on government resources);

- availability of a business plan that must meet certain criteria (also set in each region);

- the entrepreneur must invest a certain amount of his own funds (depends on the program)

Funds are issued for the acquisition of:

- raw materials and supplies;

production equipment;

- intangible resources.

The term for using the funds is limited. Typically 1-2 years

Grant - entrepreneurial activity has been conducted for less than a year;

- the businessman does not and did not have problems with loans and borrowings ("clean" credit history);

- the company creates a certain number of jobs;

- you did not receive other government benefits;

- availability of own funds

Funds are allocated for the development of medium and small businesses
Compensation payments

Borrowers can be:

- manufacturers and developers innovative product;

- sellers of import-substituting goods;

- organizations involved in the provision of services

Purpose of spending: development of medium and small business
Tax incentives - employment in entrepreneurial activity for no more than a year;

- you are a member of the taxation system: PSN or STS;

- assistance is provided to firms engaged in science, industry, providing services to the population.

To summarize, we can say that government assistance is available for:

  • Novice businessmen ();
  • Organizations engaged in the production of products, the development of innovative products;
  • Enterprises providing services to the public;
  • Entrepreneurs have no problems with loans.

Where to contact

For each material benefit, a certain state body is responsible, to which the entrepreneur must apply.

Microfinance is provided by the Entrepreneurship Support Fund in your region. To get a loan on preferential terms, you need to collect a package of documents (it is different for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities).

You can familiarize yourself with this issue in more detail on the official website of the foundation in your region, we will name only the main generally accepted documents:

  • Application and questionnaire of the applicant, as well as the guarantor;
  • Entrepreneur data;
  • Constituent documents;
  • Extract from the register of small and medium-sized businesses;
  • Certificate of entry to / and extract from there;
  • Copy of the applicant's passport;
  • Copy of SNILS;
  • Activity licenses;
  • Accounting and tax reports.

After you have collected all the documents, you should apply for a loan to the Support Fund. You can also download such a statement on the official website of the Fund for your region.

For a government guarantee, you must apply with all the necessary documents to the bank that participates in affiliate program with the Foundation for the Promotion of Entrepreneurship.

The bank itself will assess the possibility of state support and submit the application to the fund, which will consider it within three days. An application for a surety should be attached to the standard package of documents required for obtaining a loan.

A subsidy or grant can be obtained from the labor exchange. To do this, you must meet a number of conditions, which we have already described above. The package of documents for obtaining a subsidy includes an application and a business plan.

You can get compensation payments at the employment center. To do this, provide a business plan and a corresponding statement.

To obtain tax benefits, you should contact tax office, there you will receive information about the documents that will need to be collected.

Non-state support for small business

If you do not pass any parameters to obtain state aid, you can apply for non-government assistance to small businesses.

Such assistance is provided by non-state funds at banking organizations, it is expressed in the form of a grant. At the same time, a non-state grant can be issued both with a refund and on a gratuitous basis.

The grant is received on a competitive basis. In this case, the members of the commission will evaluate exactly economic benefit project.

You will have to attach to the standard package of documents for a grant, which will describe the product and its cost.

All small businesses have one common feature: they are chronically short of money, especially in the first year of existence. In search of vital investments, aspiring entrepreneurs show rare ingenuity, turn to friends, relatives, banks, private funds - but only a few think about how to get money for the development of small businesses from the state in 2019.

It would seem - why exactly the state? After all, there are so many people around who want to issue a loan or a loan, invest in business? Meanwhile, upon careful consideration of the proposed conditions, it turns out that:

  • Banks are not very fond of those who need money, without having an impeccable credit history, a reliable guarantor, or at least a mansion as collateral. This is clearly not the place;
  • Selling property for the sake of starting a business is tantamount to losing it, because nine out of ten enterprises are closed during the first year of their activity;
  • You can ask your relatives for money, but in this way they get leverage on your business and will not be very happy if the company turns out to be unprofitable;
  • Venture funds scrupulously choose areas for investment - your future kebab or poultry farm is unlikely to be in their area of ​​interest.

In addition, assistance to individual entrepreneurs from the state in 2019 is attractive because it is completely and completely free of charge. It would seem, what is the interest of the state here? Yes, the fact that the entrepreneur creates new jobs, replenishes the treasury with taxes - that is, the issued loan is returned in one way or another.

Types of assistance to entrepreneurs

Existing government assistance programs for small businesses in 2019 will include both general and regional subsidies. In addition, the concept for the development of entrepreneurship in the regions approved by the government can focus on priority areas, such as Agriculture, production, environmental, educational or social projects, innovative technologies.

Common ones include:

  1. Reimbursement of expenses for SPD registration;
  2. Financial assistance for starting a business;
  3. Assistance provided for the development of an existing enterprise;
  4. Preferential;
  5. Partial compensation for commercial loans and leasing agreements;
  6. Financial assistance for participation in exhibitions and fairs of entrepreneurs;
  7. Tax breaks and vacations;
  8. issued by government and non-government foundations.

In addition to direct material assistance, the state can lease land, production facilities and equipment to an entrepreneur at a reduced rate, provided that these assets are used in a business that is beneficial to society as a whole.

For beginners who are not familiar with the intricacies of the legal or tax side of business, information assistance to a novice entrepreneur from the state in 2019 can be no less relevant. For this purpose, so-called business incubators are being created, where anyone can turn for advice on drafting contracts, choosing the optimal form taxation, proper preparation reporting and developing business plans.

Conditions and features

The state is the most demanding investor: subsidies are not distributed to everyone without a clear understanding of where and how the money will be spent. Only a businessman who has a carefully thought-out plan for launching and developing an enterprise for at least a two-year period - with detailed calculations, taking into account risks, and expected profit - can apply for financial assistance to small and medium-sized businesses from the state in 2019. A big plus in favor of the project for officials will be the possibility of employing several unemployed candidates from the employment center.

Second important aspect: public investment presupposes the subsidized own funds and assets. Starting capital for small businesses from the state in 2019 received by an entrepreneur should not exceed 30-45% of the total investment - the rest can be attracted from other sources, including the applicant's personal property. Such partial funding is designed to guarantee the integrity and seriousness of the intentions of the future businessman.

What is characteristic: an entrepreneur who has successfully applied assistance from the state in 2019 in his small business and has documented this can apply for a subsidy again. The likelihood that he will receive it is quite high. In addition, in some sectors (such as agriculture), subsidies are made on a regular basis.

Allowable expense items

Each state ruble should be directed towards business development. The purchase of personal items or luxury goods with this money is unacceptable - money for small businesses from the state 2019 must be used in accordance with the business plan for such purposes as:
  • Lease of industrial premises (no more than a fifth of the amount);
  • Acquisition of licenses and patents, other intellectual property;
  • Purchase of raw materials (no more than a fifth);
  • Purchase of machinery, equipment, machine tools and tools (except for vehicles).

At the end of the period specified in the agreement (from three months to a year, depending on the purpose of the subsidy), the state will need a detailed report on how the funds were spent: with checks, receipts, payment orders and invoices. Of course, the intended purpose of the payments must correspond to the approved spending plan. If these conditions were not met or the enterprise existed for less than a year, the subsidies allocated to small businesses from the state in 2019 will have to be returned to in full- regardless of what share and for what purposes has already been spent.

Who is denied help?

Refusals to receive money for business from the state in 2019 are very unpleasant for entrepreneurs. To avoid this, we recommend that you pay attention to the following:

  • The business concept should correspond to the current state priorities in the development of agriculture, education, medicine, new technologies or production;
  • The idea cannot be related to credit or gambling business, banking services, trade in alcohol, tobacco, medicines or other excisable goods. For these types of activities, it is impossible, in principle, to receive money for business development from the state in 2019;
  • The business plan should show a specific development strategy, ways to achieve success, and the given data on costs and profits are as reliable as possible;
  • The commission will also assess the personality of the entrepreneur, his understanding of the goals and objectives of small business, the propensity for discipline and self-organization.

When drawing up a plan, you need to take into account almost everything: suppliers and possible changes in prices for raw materials, distribution channels, expected costs and profits, staffing of the company, expenses for wages and taxes required start-up capital(including money for business development from the state in 2019). If you do not have experience in such developments, you can entrust it to professionals by contacting the same business incubator.

The first steps

Start-up entrepreneurs traditionally neglect government assistance at the stages of business registration, considering this process laborious, and the compensation received not worthy of attention. Of course, there is some logic in this - if you remember that it comes about amounts from 4 to 20 thousand rubles. However, one should not ignore such a simple way to understand how the subsidy system works, what are the subtleties of the bureaucratic process, and how to get money from the state for the development of small businesses in 2019 in the future (which is now actively used by experienced businessmen).

Start by obtaining unemployed status - visit the employment service with a full set of documents: passport, work book, diploma, salary certificate for previous location work. You will be offered vacancies in accordance with the specified in work book profession, and the proposed employers will have to be visited in order to conduct an interview. If within ten days workplace will not be found, the desired status will be obtained automatically.

Now you can inform the CPC inspector about your desire to try your hand at business. It is possible that you will have to attend several compulsory classes on the topic of entrepreneurship, the legislative and tax base, forms of ownership and how to get money for business from the state for free 2019.

You can register a company both independently and with the help of intermediaries. The main thing is that all services rendered to you (including the payment of duties) must be documented by checks and receipts, because the state even compensates you for the production of stamps. We provide the collected checks to the Central Service Center, after which within a month we receive compensation to the account of the newly created legal entity. At the same time, we turn to the tax office, where we receive recommendations on how.

It should be noted that the reimbursement of registration costs and the business start-up subsidy are in no way related. Compensation can be received by anyone who wants to become an entrepreneur - for this you do not need to study the priority areas of economic development, draw up a business plan and defend it in front of the commission in order to receive money for starting a small business from the state in 2019.

What to register?

Ownership determines a lot more for a business than aspiring entrepreneurs think. For individual entrepreneurs on the simplified taxation system, there are a number of limits (fortunately, this does not apply to assistance in the development of small businesses from the state in 2019) - on the number of employees (no more than a hundred people), on an annual turnover (no more than 60 million rubles) and on the cost of basic funds (no more than one hundred million). In addition, certain types of activities are prohibited, for example, the production of excisable goods or legal practice.

An LLC does not have such restrictions in its activities, but it has to be paid for by a more complicated registration procedure (founders, charter and authorized capital are needed), reporting, additional attention from the inspection bodies and the inability to freely dispose of profits. When deciding what to think about, first and foremost, the prospects for your business.

The sole proprietor is the sole owner. He can use all available funds in his personal interests (of course, except for assistance for individual entrepreneurs from the state in 2019), while all employees of the LLC receive a salary, and additional income for the founders is possible only through the accrual of dividends. On the other hand, in the event of an unfavorable outcome, the entrepreneur risks everything, including personal property. LLC's liability is limited only authorized capital and assets registered to a legal entity.

This difference may also lead to receiving government aid for small businesses in 2019. preferential loan for an individual entrepreneur, it is somewhat more difficult - after all, he has much less assets, inventory, fixed assets or property to secure a loan.

The taxation system has no significant differences for different forms property. Depending on the type of activity, you can choose a general or a simplified system. Here or an individual entrepreneur on the general taxation system:

  • Value Added - 18%;
  • Income tax - 20%;
  • On property - 2.2%
  • Social tax - 26%.

The overall system is quite complex and requires the involvement of a qualified accountant. Therefore, novice entrepreneurs most often choose the simplified one, where these four types of taxes are replaced by one, and reporting is much easier.

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And finally, an individual entrepreneur cannot attract investors as co-owners of a business (at the same time, nothing prevents him from obtaining a loan for a small business from the state in 2019), while a limited liability company can have up to 50 founders, and dividends are paid to them in accordance with the share in the authorized capital.


The well-being of any state with a market economy depends on how comfortable small entrepreneurs feel and how well the state programs for supporting small businesses are being implemented in 2019. After all, millions of able-bodied citizens are employed here, who receive salaries, pay taxes, make purchases and indirectly stimulate the development of another small business. business. Perhaps, in the future, such a state of the economy is achievable, in which the question of how to get support for small businesses from the state in 2019 will not even arise for entrepreneurs.

Of course, most business people are not sure if such programs work. This looks logical - considering that the main condition for obtaining various grants for starting a business for start-up entrepreneurs in 2019 is not only the desire to get as much profit as possible, but also to make the enterprise socially significant. If the main mission of your business was originally the idea of ​​public benefit, then receiving assistance from the state can give it a significant incentive to develop. 10 voted. Rating: 4.90 out of 5)

What specific measures of state support can a person who has opened his own business expect?

Subsidies from the employment center

If you are just planning to open your own business, then the first thing you need to know about is the existence of a special program of the Ministry of Economic Development for the provision of subsidies to small and medium-sized businesses for regional level... Within the framework of this program, the employment center provides one-time financial assistance in starting their own business.

The amount is provided in the amount of 12 times the maximum amount of the unemployment benefit. Previously, it was 58,800 rubles. (assuming that the amount of unemployment benefits was 4900 rubles). However, from January 1, 2019 maximum size the allowance will rise from 4900 rubles. up to 8000 rubles, so the size of the subsidy may increase. It also provides for one-time financial assistance for the preparation of documents: payment of state fees, performance of notarial actions during state registration, purchase of blank documents, production of seals, stamps, legal services, consultations. For example, in the Moscow region, financial assistance for the preparation of documents is 7,500 rubles.

The subsidy from the employment center is available to citizens who have reached the age of 18. But in order to get it, they need to register with the employment center, that is, have the status of unemployed and receive benefits. It is also worth considering that subsidies are not given to everyone, since there are a limited number of them, and they are issued at the beginning. fiscal year(you need to try to get into the right period). About these and other subtleties Vasily Puchkov, deputy director of the regional center for support of the Olympic movement.

Grant support

Such a measure of state support is usually provided by regional authorities. The grant is provided to a novice entrepreneur in the form of a subsidy at a time, on an irrevocable and gratuitous basis. The maximum amount, as a rule, is 600,000 rubles. But depending on the region, the conditions for obtaining grants may differ. Therefore, it is better to find out all the details locally. The money is allocated to those whose applications have passed the competitive selection. Among the selection criteria are the scope of the business, the amount of revenue, the number of jobs, etc.

In 2019, novice farmers can still count on special support from the state. The size of the grant within the framework of the "Support for Beginning Farmers" program can reach 3 million rubles. This amount, for example, is received by novice livestock farmers in the Moscow region, if they specialize in breeding cattle, and 1.5 million rubles each. provided to farms working in other areas. V farming who received such a grant, at least one job must be created for every 1 million rubles. grant.

In Tatarstan for 2019, the amount of grant support under the Beginner Farmer program will be higher - it will amount to up to 5 million rubles. instead of the previous 3 million. So the conditions and amounts should be clarified in each specific case.

In addition, there are grants of up to RUB 30 million. for the development of family livestock farms.

In St. Petersburg, since 2015, the program "Support to Social Entrepreneurship" has been implemented, within the framework of which the costs associated with the payment of lease payments and the purchase of equipment: rental of buildings, non-residential premises, equipment rental and equipment purchase.

In addition, in St. Petersburg, a program has been developed to support entrepreneurs who set up children's centers; handicraft entrepreneurship support program; and other programs.

For details on how to receive grants and subsidies, visit the official government websites that provide information on business support measures. For example, on the website of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan, all areas of state support are detailed. In the Moscow region, such information is provided by the website of the Center for the Development of Entrepreneurship of the Moscow Region. The site "Small Business of Kuban" provides detailed list subsidies for entrepreneurs working in the south of Russia.

It will be easier if you use the search in the section "Support for SMEs in the regions" on Federal portal small and medium-sized businesses. Just specify the region in the search - and you will be automatically transferred to the "local" portal of small and medium-sized businesses.

On the website of the Ministry economic development RF, you can use the list of authorized bodies to support small and medium-sized businesses in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Federal business support programs

This type of business support can be divided into programs from:

  • Ministry of Economic Development of Russia

His area of ​​interest extends to the implementation of a program for the provision of subsidies from the federal budget to provide state support to SMEs in the regions (in accordance with and annually issued orders of the Ministry of Economic Development).

Funds are distributed on a competitive basis between the regions and allocated for activities envisaged by regional programs, but on condition that the costs are co-financed by the regions.

The program of the Ministry of Economic Development assumes direct and indirect support measures, which can be counted on by those who are engaged in the production of goods, develop and introduce innovative products, specialize in folk arts and crafts, carry out craft activities, promote rural and ecotourism, and develop social entrepreneurship.

  • SME corporations

This organization is engaged in solving a different spectrum of tasks, including providing financial, property, legal, infrastructural, methodological support; organizes various types of support for investment projects, etc.

  • JSC "SME Bank"

More information about support programs and conditions on the basis of which one can apply for state assistance in business development can be found on the regional portals of small and medium-sized businesses. For example, the Ryazan portal gives detailed information and by types, and by forms, and by infrastructure of support.

Loan interest subsidies

A business can count on compensation for the cost of paying interest on loans received from credit institutions to support and develop activities, including the renewal of fixed assets (with the exception of loans received for the purchase of light vehicles).

The conditions for obtaining subsidies need to be clarified in the regions. For example, in Moscow they are as follows:

  • the organization meets the criteria for an SME entity;
  • the organization or individual entrepreneur is registered and operates on the territory of Moscow, and the duration of registration is at least 6 months before the day of filing an application for a subsidy;
  • the period of overdue debts for taxes, fees and other obligatory payments on the day of filing the application does not exceed one month;
  • there are no unfinished contracts for the provision of subsidies from the budget of the city of Moscow on the day of application;
  • there are no violations of contractual obligations secured from the budget of the city of Moscow;
  • there is a loan agreement with a credit institution included in the list of credit institutions selected in accordance with the established procedure joint stock company"Federal Corporation for the Development of Small and Medium-Sized Businesses", and has entered into a cooperation agreement with the Department of Science, Industrial Policy and Entrepreneurship of the city of Moscow, or has received the approval of a credit institution to issue a loan.

In 2019, the state will allocate 7.2 billion rubles to banks. for concessional loans for entrepreneurs, thus increasing subsidies from the budget for the program of concessional loans for small businesses in priority sectors by 11 times. This is provided in the project federal budget for 2019 and subsequent years 2020-2021. total amount expenses for the next 6 years will amount to 190.9 billion rubles.

The proposal is to issue loans to small and medium-sized businesses for projects in priority sectors at a rate of 6.5%. It will apply to such industries as agriculture, construction, transport, communications, tourism, manufacturing, electricity, gas and water production, healthcare, waste collection, treatment and disposal, industries in which priority areas of development of science and technology are implemented. and technology.

According to the rules, the difference with market rates (3.1% at credit agreement for medium-sized businesses and 3.5% - for small businesses), banks are reimbursed from the budget. In 2019, thanks to innovations, concessional lending will be carried out for more than 200 billion rubles.

Small Business Support: Changes in 2019

In the summer of 2018, the president signed, which is expanding property support for small and medium-sized businesses. This law establishes an indefinite right to buy out the leased state and municipal property and the possibility of using land plots when providing property support to SMEs.

Also, shortly before 2019, the Government Decree of 10.10.2018 No. 1212 was presented. The document amends the rules for granting subsidies from the federal budget to credit institutions to reimburse them for lost income on loans issued to SMEs at a preferential rate.

According to the doc, maximum amount the loan issued to a SME for investment purposes at a preferential rate has been reduced from 1 billion rubles. up to 400 million rubles. But the maximum amount of the total volume of loans that can be issued to one borrower is still 1 billion rubles. Changes have been made to enable banks to provide loans more SMEs.

In addition, it is important to mention the Order of the Government of November 26, 2018 No. 2586-r, which refers to the draft federal law amending Art. 25 Federal law"On the development of small and medium-sized businesses in Russian Federation". This bill was prepared for the implementation of the national project "Small and Medium Enterprises and Support for Individual Entrepreneurial Initiatives", which provides for expanding the access of SMEs to financial resources, including concessional financing.

When the draft law is adopted, the guarantee support provided by JSC "Corporation for SMEs" to SMEs will be expanded. This will affect companies operating in high-tech industries, start-ups, agricultural cooperatives, fast-growing innovative companies and SMEs implementing projects in the Far East and North Caucasus federal districts and in monotowns.

The current situation in the economy of the Russian Federation prompts the government of the country to think seriously and help the development of small entrepreneurs' business. The market economy in the country got its start relatively recently. And it’s not easy for ordinary citizens to move from hired work to running their own business. To make it easier for individual entrepreneurs to overcome all initial problems, assistance to entrepreneurs from the state in 2018 will also be provided. This year will not be an exception in terms of receiving government support. What kind of assistance from the state can a sole proprietor expect? This will be discussed in our article.

Registration of an individual entrepreneur through public services

According to the current legislation, each individual can begin to commit commercial activities if received state registration and IP status. Once this procedure will be completed, you can count on the support offered by the state.

How to get help for a young entrepreneur from the state in 2018? To this end, you need to take the following steps:

  • submit an application for registration as an individual entrepreneur, completed in the form No. 21001;
  • attach a photocopy of the passport so that the page with the registration is printed;
  • pay a duty to the state budget (800 rubles);
  • submit all the requested documents to your district tax service (IFTS).

What kind of help is given to aspiring entrepreneurs from the state? foreseen on? The state has special service services. Anyone can go to the page on the Internet using the link www.gosuslugi.ru, register and fill out an electronic application in the form No. 21001. As a result, a package should be prepared in the service required documents... Also, through the designated site, a duty is paid at a discount of 30 percent - 560 rubles. Thus, assistance from the state to beginner individual entrepreneurs is associated with organizational issues and the ability to submit documents and perform some registration actions online via the Internet.

Also government bodies provide individuals consulting in the field of starting a business and obtaining the status of an individual entrepreneur. But do they provide financial assistance to a budding entrepreneur from the state in 2018?

Help for entrepreneurs: what you can count on

Below is a list of some types of assistance and support to entrepreneurs from the state:

Subjects of the Russian Federation can provide tax benefits and holidays for new individual entrepreneurs. Also see "".
Some banks are ready to reduce interest rates on loans based on government programs aimed at supporting small businesses. Alternatively, they can help in paying off part of the interest on previous loans.
Financial assistance to start-up entrepreneurs from the state can be expressed in the provision of subsidies for the start of their activities in the amount of 58,800 rubles. It is provided in some constituent entities of the Russian Federation through the Employment Center.
If an entrepreneur already has his own business and would like to develop it further, he can count on government subsidy up to 500 thousand rubles (each constituent entity of the Russian Federation has its own maximum amount).
At the level of legislation, an individual entrepreneur without employees is exempted from accounting.
The state provides assistance in reimbursement of all costs associated with participation in fairs and exhibitions.
Subsidizing the acquisition of fixed assets by an entrepreneur on a lease basis. We can talk either about the first installment, or about the full repayment of the payment. The amount of the subsidy directly depends on the cost of the OS. For example, the city authorities are ready to subsidize up to 1/3 of the cost of the leased asset excluding VAT (value added tax), but in amounts not exceeding 5 million rubles.

Before summarizing the information provided, it is worth noting that

now, and in a very substantial volume, a program of assistance to young entrepreneurs from the state is being implemented. However, it is not easy to obtain development grants.

If an individual entrepreneur has questions about obtaining a subsidy or the possibility of closing the registration of his activity with outstanding debts, he can get advice:

  • in the territorial Fund for the support of small entrepreneurs;
  • at a local business incubator;
  • from a private consultant.

Subsidies for individual entrepreneurs: what to keep in mind

When applying to an individual entrepreneur for state support of his own business, you should remember about some of the nuances, in particular:

  • if activities related to real estate, alcohol, tobacco products are planned, with the performance of supply functions, then you cannot count on help from the state;
  • the future entrepreneur must have his own material resources, since the state, as mentioned earlier, is ready to provide him with only partial financial support (as a rule, no more than 40%).

Also in 2018, the regions may have their own programs for supporting and subsidizing individual entrepreneurs, about which a future entrepreneur can learn from the media or get advice from specialists directly involved in these issues.

In 2018, entrepreneurs from the state will receive assistance in different types... This is especially true for 2019, but the state budget usually plans expenses that are intended for special programs, including those aimed at the development of small and medium-sized businesses. In addition, there is partial funding for innovation in priority sectors. Russian economy... This article will discuss what kind of assistance is provided to entrepreneurs this year from the state.

State aid to entrepreneurs and its main types

Our state provides in 2017 for entrepreneurs some types of assistance, which have their own characteristics. Let's consider them in more detail.

It will be about subsidizing or financing from the state budget:

  1. Some specific part of interest rate on loans issued. This type of assistance is calculated as compensation for the cost of purchasing equipment to improve production or modernize it.
  2. Payment of the first installment or advance payment under a lease agreement - this assistance from the state is intended for the purchase of not only production equipment, but also vehicles.
  3. Some part of the money spent on business development - this assistance from the state consists in targeted support only for those entrepreneurs who are engaged in a certain type of business (each region determines these types independently - state support for agricultural producers, the educational sphere, folk crafts, and the like).
  4. Assistance to start-up entrepreneurs, including young people - most often this type of support is provided on a competitive basis with the help of grants, as well as through employment centers.

Tax incentives are one of the types of state aid. It is a simplified taxation system designed specifically for individual entrepreneurs. Its meaning is that certain types entrepreneurial activity get the opportunity to pay taxes at a reduced tariff rate, which is set at the regional level.

Benefits of state aid (with comments from specialists)

Russian entrepreneurs can receive financial assistance from the state in several institutions that deal with the following issues:

  1. Local (regional) administration.
  2. Department of Entrepreneurship.
  3. Employment center.

One of popular types state aid for entrepreneurs is a subsidy for part of the interest rate on the loan received. If an individual entrepreneur uses credit funds on a contractual basis, then he can apply for subsidies and receive compensation payment of a certain part of the costs spent on the payment of interest on the repayment of this loan. But such an application is considered by the tax service, and subsidies are made only if it is fully approved. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that such assistance from the state has its own mandatory conditions with a limit on the amount - ¾ or 50% of the accrued interest. The rest of the individual entrepreneur pays himself.

For subsidies under a lease agreement (that is, reimbursement of funds for the cost of purchasing equipment / transport through leasing company) there is no danger of not receiving financial compensation, since the discount is provided immediately at the time of purchase necessary equipment... Although leasing is considered a more expensive pleasure than a loan, it is much easier for an entrepreneur to obtain it. Moreover, it is convenient when maintaining not a "simplified", but common system payment of mandatory taxes.

Targeted regional assistance to entrepreneurs includes those types of entrepreneurial activities that are most significant for a particular region of our state. Therefore, in order to get one, an individual entrepreneur needs to submit his project, in which to substantiate all its importance and effectiveness for the local development of entrepreneurial business. Also, this targeted assistance can be aimed at financing entrepreneurs to participate in various fairs or exhibitions (we are talking about different types folk crafts). This is compensation for ½ or 1/3 of the money spent on renting exhibition equipment, the amount should not be more than 300 thousand rubles.

At present, youth entrepreneurship especially needs state support, and our state is ready to provide it, but this will require taking part in a competitive selection. Although the result is worth it: the awarded grant will help significantly reduce cash costs young entrepreneur... Usually grants are allocated from the local budget (sometimes from the regional), but the individual entrepreneur must have an already approved and certified business plan in hand. In 2017, such subsidies are issued in the amount of up to 300 thousand rubles. In addition, investment of your own funds is welcomed - half of the amount that is needed for the project of this business plan to be implemented (as they say, the "fifty-fifty" mechanism works - 50% of yours + 50% of the state).

Experienced entrepreneurs who already have some experience in business can also use government assistance to expand their business. But such a subsidy has a specific purpose with a specific reference to further development already operating business. The amount of such assistance fluctuates up to 90% of the total costs incurred. So, this year, the maximum amount allocated to support small business entrepreneurs from the state is 10 million rubles.

Regional employment centers also offer several types of assistance to entrepreneurs:

  1. Russians with officially established unemployed status may receive some subsidies in order to start their own business.
  2. The organization of additional jobs for the unemployed population of our state is subsidized.

Details of this assistance can be obtained directly from the local office of the Employment Center. This is where employees will tell the entrepreneur:

  • what direction in business is preferable for this region;
  • will clarify the real availability of funds in the local budget.

Therefore, you should open an individual entrepreneur, relying on subsidies from the Employment Center, only after receiving advice, a verdict on permitting this subsidy and concluding an agreement. Otherwise, the entrepreneur will not receive assistance from the Employment Center. Employment centers can offer unemployed Russians to take advantage of a special grant. That is, an unemployed person is able to receive all compensation payments within one year on the condition that he opens own business with further employment of other unemployed Russians who are registered. For each employed unemployed person, a cash payment is due - in 2017 it is 58 thousand rubles.

"In-kind" assistance to entrepreneurs from the state

Of course, each individual entrepreneur needs financial state support, but our government has developed several types of so-called non-monetary assistance. These include:

  1. Free internship for entrepreneurs.
  2. Preferential participation in various projects that can bring financial profit.
  3. Outsourcing (or product promotion).
  4. Additional training at public expense.

Entrepreneurs can also take advantage of these free benefits by contacting local administration or the Department of Enterprise.

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