Home Preparations for the winter Cottage cheese cream for cake step by step recipes with photos. Cottage cheese cream for cake - the best recipes for soaking and decorating dessert

Cottage cheese cream for cake step by step recipes with photos. Cottage cheese cream for cake - the best recipes for soaking and decorating dessert

Biscuit cakes appeared so long ago that today it is not known for certain who created this delicacy. And is it really that important? The main thing is that today air baking pleases all connoisseurs of tender and delicious desserts. The dough does not differ in great variety, but the filling in it can be completely unexpected, thanks to which each delicacy has its own unique taste. One of the most delicate layers is curd cream for sponge cake is direct proof of that.

Light and delicate dessert

curd cream- one of the most popular species cake toppings. This is not at all surprising, because such a layer is not only tasty, but also very useful. Working with the cream is a real pleasure: it is very plastic and supple. The dessert is prepared in a matter of minutes, which is very important in the modern rhythm of life.

To make delicious gentle cream from cottage cheese, you do not need to be an experienced pastry chef. Enough to have necessary products, a good mixer and a little desire to pamper your loved ones with an amazing dessert.

Suitable Ingredients

The main component of the cream is cottage cheese. The choice of this product should be taken with all seriousness, because the taste and taste will depend on its quality. appearance confectionery. The dairy product should have a pasty consistency. It is unlikely that it will be possible to make a tender, airy and plastic cream from coarse-grained cottage cheese. The taste of the ingredient is also very important: it should not be sour, otherwise the cake risks acquiring the same taste.

One of essential conditions- freshness dairy product. Poor-quality cottage cheese will not only spoil the holiday treat, but also lead to food poisoning. You must carefully study the expiration date of the product before purchasing it. It should be taken into account that cake can be stored for several days and cottage cheese can turn sour already in ready dish. It is highly recommended to buy a product produced no earlier than a few days before purchase. It is especially important to follow this rule if the treat is prepared for children.

Additional ingredients are other dairy products: cream, sour cream, yogurt, kefir, milk, condensed milk, soft cheese And butter. All products must be fresh and have good quality. Only by giving preference to natural ingredients, you can be sure of an impeccable result. Various analogues labeled "product" (cheese product, sour cream product, etc.) are not suitable for the production of cream, because they do not have the proper quality and taste.

To diversify the taste of the filling, you can use various fruits: bananas, pineapples, lemons, oranges, strawberries, cherries, peaches, apricots, etc. Cocoa, walnuts, almonds, white and dark chocolate will add cream bright colors and new flavors. For a magical aroma, you can add a few drops of fruit extract or vanillin.

To achieve a denser consistency, gelatin or starch is used. However, such a layer is suitable only for juicy cakes, pre-soaked in syrup, coffee or liquor.

Having prepared all the products and removed the mixer from the cabinet, you can safely proceed to create a luxurious treat. Cream sponge cake recipes will help you create a real masterpiece of confectionery art.

Curd-cream layer

If you want to taste the most tender, light and airy delicacy that you can imagine, you should definitely make curd butter cream for the biscuit. The filling is impeccable in every respect: it is quickly prepared, easy to apply and does not flow out. The only drawback is the high calorie content, but dietary qualities are hardly expected from the cake.

You will need:


  1. Grind cottage cheese through a sieve with small holes.
  2. Pour the cream into a deep container, and then add powdered sugar to them, lemon juice and vanillin. Start the process of whipping with a mixer at a low speed. Gradually increasing the power, achieve the splendor of the mass. Well whipped cream should increase in volume.
  3. Gradually adding grated cottage cheese, intensively mix the mass, bringing it to a homogeneous state.
  4. Send the finished cream to the refrigerator for half an hour.

Tip: In order for the cream to whip better, it must be well chilled. Used cottage cheese should also be taken out of the refrigerator immediately before cooking.

Yogurt cream

Is it possible for people on a diet to enjoy the delicious taste of curd cream for biscuit cake? The yogurt recipe answers yes! The ingredients of the layer are very useful in separate form are used even by those who carefully monitor their figure. So why not turn these products into light, gentle and insanely delicious stuffing for a cake?


  • one and a half glasses of low-fat cottage cheese;
  • a glass of yogurt 4%;
  • a bag of vanilla sugar;
  • a teaspoon of potato starch.


Tip: if the cream is too thick, the cakes should be soaked in syrup, alcohol or coffee. If the filling is too liquid, you can use a banana. This fruit is able to thicken the cream.

Curd filling with gelatin

If you need to achieve the stability of the dessert, then the curd cream for the biscuit cake with gelatin is what you need. Such a filling turns out to be light and weightless, and baking always has a neat appearance. When using a gelatin layer, it should be borne in mind that the cakes must be quite moist, otherwise the dessert will turn out dry.

You will need:

  • half a kilogram of cottage cheese 9%;
  • a large package of gelatin (40 g);
  • sugar;
  • one and a half glasses of sour cream;
  • half a glass of warm drinking water;
  • two packs of vanilla sugar.


Tip: if the cream nevertheless began to harden, it should be put on moderate heat and, stirring constantly, bring to the desired consistency.

Butter Dessert

Cream of cottage cheese with butter is the favorite type of filling for many confectioners. Such impregnation has a smooth, thick consistency, which makes it very docile even in the hands of an inexperienced cook. Unlike classic oil layers, cream with cottage cheese turns out to be very light and does not weigh down pastries. This dessert is perfect for filling and decorating cakes, pastries, cupcakes, and other goodies.


  • kilogram of cottage cheese;
  • half a kilogram of butter;
  • a few tablespoons of lemon zest;
  • three cups of powdered sugar (the amount can be adjusted at your discretion).


Tip: if the cream is used for decoration, it can be given the desired color. This will help food colorings, which should be entered immediately after the curd.

Treats with condensed milk

The recipe for curd cream for biscuit with condensed milk is distinguished by its simplicity and rich creamy taste. Such a layer resembles a popular dessert " bird's milk". Any cake will become much tastier if you soak it with a filling based on condensed milk and cottage cheese.

You will need:

  • a can of condensed milk;
  • half a kilogram of fat-free cottage cheese;
  • a glass of powdered sugar.


  1. Turn the cottage cheese into a homogeneous mass using a sieve or blender.
  2. In a deep bowl, combine condensed milk and powdered sugar.
  3. Start the whipping process at a low speed. Increasing the power, slowly introduce the curd. Beat until fluffy, smooth.
  4. The cream can be used immediately or cooled slightly.

Tip: If the filling seems too sweet, you can add a little freshly squeezed lemon juice.

Cream with cottage cheese and sour cream

The curd cream turns out to be very lush, tender and airy. Sour cream gives such properties to the layer. The filling perfectly soaks even the driest cake layers. For cream, you need to use products with the highest percentage of fat.


  • a kilogram of fatty cottage cheese;
  • one and a half glasses of sour cream 30%;
  • two incomplete glasses of granulated sugar;
  • vanilla sachet.


  1. Turn cottage cheese into a homogeneous mass in a standard way.
  2. Add vanilla, sugar and beat with a mixer for 5 minutes.
  3. With the mixer still running, gradually add sour cream. Beat all the ingredients until the volume doubles.
  4. Send the finished layer to a cold place for one hour.

Tip: this cream is in perfect harmony with chocolate. To make the cocoa flavored filling, melt two chocolate bars in a water bath. After cooling the mass a little, add it to the finished cream and beat again with a mixer.

banana tenderness

Cream with cottage cheese and banana turns out so tender that it just melts in your mouth. Dessert with such a filling has a delicious taste and lovely fragrance. The consistency of the layer can be changed by increasing the amount of kefir. The saturation of the dessert depends on how many bananas are used, the more there are, the brighter and sweeter the taste.

You will need:

  • half a kilogram of cottage cheese;
  • half a glass of fatty kefir;
  • several ripe bananas;
  • sachet of vanilla sugar.


Tip: the finished cream should be tasted. If bananas do not give enough sweetness, you can increase it with the help of powdered sugar.

Little tricks for big fun

Preparation of curd cream creative process. By experimenting with the ingredients, you can achieve incredible results that will delight all tasters. Correctly selected natural ingredients make baking not only tasty, but also healthy. So that the dessert always turns out to be “5+”, you should follow a few simple rules:

Having started baking with curd cream for the cake, you don’t have to worry that the dessert will remain invaluable. Products with such a filling always arouse admiration and gratitude from all those who were lucky enough to eat them. Bon appetit and the most delicious cakes!

Attention, only TODAY!

Cottage cheese cream for a cake is a delicate airy mass with a wide variety of flavors. It holds its shape perfectly and does not spread, which is why many chefs use it to work with complex desserts. However, even curd cream itself is already a full-fledged treat for the sweet tooth.

Curd cream for the cake is prepared using a blender or mixer, which allows you to achieve the perfect smoothness of the cheese mass. For taste and aroma, a variety of ingredients are added to it. Almost every recipe for curd cream for a cake contains sugar or powdered sugar. Vanillin, butter, milk, cream, sour cream, condensed milk and natural yogurt, eggs, etc. are also often used.

More original options for curd cream for cake involve the addition of cognac, liquor or dessert wine, fruit puree or syrup, cocoa, gelatin, etc.. Usually, all the ingredients are simply mixed together and whipped into a fluffy mass, which is very easy to use to soak the dessert.

Curd cream for cake allows you to experiment with fillings, because it is combined with almost all sweet ingredients. You can also choose absolutely any cakes - the curd cream always lays down in an even layer and emphasizes the consistency of the dessert.

Cake with cottage cheese cream can be cooked in the oven or made without baking at all. So, pancakes are often used as a base or shortbread. Curd cream is also great for decorating the top of the cake - you can make beautiful patterns and small confectionery figurines.

The secrets of making the perfect curd cream for the cake

Curd cake cream is ideal for home baking, and professional confectioners often use just such a filler for their masterpieces. This airy delicacy is made extremely simply, and the result exceeds all expectations. Novice cooks can learn a few secrets, how to make cream cheese cake, from the following notes:

Secret number 1. Cream cheese must be crushed before adding it to the rest of the ingredients. You can do this with a blender, and in its absence, use a sieve. The procedure is necessary even if the curd itself is not grainy.

Secret number 2. Cottage cheese-yoghurt and curd-sour cream must be kept in the refrigerator for a while after cooking. If gelatin is also present in the recipe, then the finished cake will also need to be left in the cold for a while.

Secret number 3. To prepare the curd cream for the cake, it is best to get a mixer or blender. You can beat the ingredients with a whisk, but the whole process will be quite laborious, but the consistency of the finished cream may not match the expectations placed on it.

Secret number 4. To give the curd cream any shade, you can use fruit or vegetable juice. The best dyes in this case are beets and carrots.

Secret number 5. In recipes for cottage cheese cream for a cake, it is absolutely impossible to replace butter with spread or margarine.

This cream is very gentle due to the addition of powdered sugar and condensed milk. In addition, the dessert will complement the aroma of vanilla sugar and cognac. If there is no cognac, you can use liquor or dessert wine. Of course, if the cake is being prepared for children, it is better to exclude the alcoholic ingredient altogether or replace it with berry syrup. The consistency of the cream will be thick. It is recommended to use impregnation for biscuit together with it.


  • Cottage cheese - 320 g;
  • Condensed milk - 65 g;
  • Powdered sugar - 90 g;
  • Butter - 175 g;
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 sachet;
  • Cognac - 1 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Heat oil to room temperature and place it in a deep bowl.
  2. Pour powdered sugar and vanilla sugar to the butter, beat everything with a mixer until white.
  3. Continuing to beat the cream at high speed, gradually introduce condensed milk into it.
  4. Add cognac and beat a little more.
  5. Rub the cottage cheese through a fine strainer and pour into the finished cream, mix everything gently.
  6. Blend all ingredients again until completely combined.

Interesting from the network

If not only the taste of the cake is important, but also its appearance (for example, if we are talking about a festive dessert), it is best to use cream cheese cream with the addition of gelatin. This simple secret ingredient will make the curd mass even more airy, and the cream will add a rich White color and soft texture. Before soaking gelatin, it is better to read the instructions on its packaging and follow the recommendations suggested there, even if they differ from the recipe.


  • Granular cottage cheese - 250 g;
  • Cream - 300 ml;
  • Gelatin - 10 g;
  • Sugar - 80 g;
  • Water - 50 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour gelatin cold water and leave for 40 minutes.
  2. Grind the cottage cheese through a sieve, add half the sugar to it.
  3. Dissolve gelatin to liquid state and cool to room temperature.
  4. Pour the gelatin into the curd and mix.
  5. Mix the cream and the remaining sugar, beat everything into a foam using a mixer.
  6. Gradually add the cream into the bowl with the cottage cheese, stirring constantly the cream.
  7. After adding the cream, the cake will need to be kept in the refrigerator for several hours.

For a cake with fruit filling, just such an airy curd cream is best suited. It will emphasize the taste of the rest of the ingredients, make the dessert very tender. You need to take the simplest yogurt - without any flavoring additives. The fat content of this product is of fundamental importance. The process of preparing the cream is extremely simple - you can entrust it even to a novice hostess or practice using it for more sophisticated recipes.


  • Cottage cheese - 250 g;
  • Heavy cream - 400 ml;
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • Vanillin - 1 sachet;
  • Yogurt - 200 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Put cottage cheese in a blender bowl and grind it until smooth.
  2. Add vanilla and yogurt to cottage cheese, beat at medium speed.
  3. In a separate bowl, mix the cream and sugar, beat them until a strong foam.
  4. Combine the curd and creamy mass, continue to beat everything together until completely homogeneous.
  5. Before preparing the cake, leave the cream in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

This recipe for curd cream for a cake is considered a classic, so every housewife who likes to work out should definitely familiarize herself with it. homemade cakes. Thanks to butter, the curd mass becomes even more tender and juicy, and vanilla gives an appetizing aroma. Before applying the cream to the cakes, you do not need to heat or beat it again - it is better to use it chilled.


  • Cottage cheese - 200 g;
  • Powdered sugar - 150 g;
  • Butter - 200 g;
  • Vanillin - 1 pinch.

Cooking method:

  1. Heat the butter to room temperature, cut into cubes.
  2. Pour powdered sugar to the butter, beat them together until a fluffy white mass is obtained.
  3. Separately grind the cottage cheese in a blender and transfer it to the sugar-butter mixture.
  4. Beat the cream intensively, adding vanilla in the process.
  5. When the cream becomes homogeneous, transfer it to the refrigerator for 1 hour.

Pancake cake is quite popular homemade dessert. Cooking cakes for him is as easy as shelling pears - just fry more pancakes! Nevertheless, the main taste of the dish directly depends on the chosen cream. Cottage cheese will become one of the simplest, but at the same time delicious and useful options. If you wish, you can use your favorite pancake recipe instead of the one suggested below. If you don’t want to make a chocolate cake, just exclude cocoa from the dough.


  • Milk - 600 ml;
  • Vegetable oil - 30 ml;
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • Flour - 1 cup;
  • Baking powder - ½ tsp;
  • Salt - ½ tsp;
  • Cocoa - 1 ½ tbsp. l.;
  • Sugar - 100 g;
  • Cottage cheese - 400 g;
  • Sour cream - 100 g;
  • Vanillin - 2 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Break the eggs into a deep plate, pour salt and one and a half tablespoons of sugar to them.
  2. Beat the eggs thoroughly and pour half of the specified amount of milk into them.
  3. Sift the flour together with the baking powder, gradually fold into the dough.
  4. Mix all the ingredients until smooth, add to them all the remaining milk and vegetable oil.
  5. Set pancake batter aside for 20 minutes.
  6. Bring the cottage cheese with a blender to a paste-like state.
  7. Add the remaining sugar (about 80 g), vanillin and sour cream to the resulting mass.
  8. Beat the cream until smooth with a blender or mixer.
  9. Divide the dough for pancakes into two parts and add cocoa powder to one of them, mix.
  10. Heat the pan well and grease it with a small amount of vegetable oil(it is better to use a silicone brush).
  11. Scoop up the pancake batter with a ladle and pour it into the skillet.
  12. Spread the dough over the entire surface of the pan, fry the pancake on both sides until golden brown.
  13. Do the same for all the other pancakes.
  14. Put a white pancake on a flat dish and grease it with cottage cheese cream, then put a chocolate pancake on top.
  15. So form the whole cake, grease it on top and on the sides with the remaining curd cream.
  16. Decorate the top with cocoa.

The combination of cherries, cottage cheese and chocolate dough is loved by absolutely all confectioners and sweet tooth. Such a delicacy, even if cooked from the most simple products still looks very appetizing and elegant. For biscuit dough, instead of cocoa, you can take grated chocolate (about 50 g), but then the dessert will turn out to be really very sweet. So that the cherry filling does not spoil the cream, it is better to sprinkle it with a small amount of starch before adding it to the cake. The biscuit here is prepared a little unusual, but it is this way of kneading the dough that allows you to get enough fluffy pie- the test is enough for three cakes.


  • Flour - 2 cups;
  • Eggs - 5 pcs.;
  • Starch - 1 tsp;
  • Cocoa - 1 ¼ tbsp. l.;
  • Sugar - 1 ½ cups;
  • Vanillin - 5 g;
  • Sour cream - 200 g;
  • Cottage cheese - 200 g;
  • Gelatin - 10 g;
  • Freshly frozen cherries - 300 g;
  • Powdered sugar.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix flour, cornstarch and 1 tablespoon cocoa powder in a deep mixing bowl.
  2. Break the eggs into a separate saucepan, add vanillin and half a glass of sugar to them.
  3. Put the saucepan on a slow fire, beat the eggs for 3-4 minutes (heat to no more than 50 degrees).
  4. Remove the saucepan from the heat and continue to beat the eggs with sugar for another 10 minutes using a mixer.
  5. Sift dry ingredients (flour, starch and cocoa) through a sieve and gradually add to the egg mass.
  6. Transfer the dough to a greased or parchment-lined form, bake at 180 degrees for 35 minutes.
  7. Prepare gelatin according to package instructions, melt and cool.
  8. Mix cottage cheese, sour cream and remaining sugar, mix well.
  9. Add gelatin to the cream and mix everything again until smooth.
  10. Leave the cream in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes (no longer!).
  11. Carefully cut the finished biscuit into three cakes, put the first one on a flat dish.
  12. Lubricate the cake with cream, defrost the cherries and put on top curd mass, cover with a second cake.
  13. Add cream and filling again, lay out the third cake and grease it with curd cream.
  14. Sprinkle the cake with cocoa powder and powdered sugar, leave in the refrigerator for 3 hours.

Now you know how to make cottage cheese cream for a cake according to a recipe with a photo. Bon Appetit!

Today we will analyze an awesomely delicious cream, which has many flavor variations, but its basis remains the same - cottage cheese.

The curd coating for the cake is made with sour cream, cream, yogurt, butter and even brewed with milk. It can also act as a separate dessert, decorated with nuts, chocolate or fruits.

Honestly, when I tried it, I just fell in love with its very pleasant and non-greasy taste. It seemed to me that for its preparation you need a lot of products and some complex actions, it turned out that all this is not so.

Purchased cakes with such a cream are much more expensive, and there are not so many of them, but home cooks who prepare desserts to order use it very often.

But it was the moment when my sister made a cake with this decoration for the first birthday of my nephew that captivated me. Well, if she managed to prepare such a cream with a one-year-old baby in her arms, then it means that it is quite affordable. Let's start with the recipes.

So, for the preparation of curd cream, you need only three products: cottage cheese, liquid milk component and sugar.

If you are for healthy eating or count calories, you can take a product with 0% fat content and low-calorie yogurt, and everything will work out anyway!

Those who like it sweeter can add condensed milk to it, someone adds candied fruits and dried fruits, someone likes the taste of crushed nuts. All additives are up to your taste and imagination, but the basis remains the same.

This cream is prepared with and without gelatin. Gelatin allows the mass to become denser and keep its shape well, it is usually used for decoration.

2. We will need the rest of the milk when soaking the gelatin, which we do - we take 100 ml of milk for 20 grams of gelatin.

3. Mix the curd mass with vanilla and sugar. Stir to dissolve sugar.

4. Dissolve gelatin in a microwave or water bath.

5. Add dissolved gelatin to the whipped mass and continue mixing with a mixer or a kitchen machine for about three minutes.

6. Then we take the oil, which is easily mixed with a spoon and add to the whipped mixture.

Oil can be omitted, but with it the cream will become more airy, light and tender.

If you do not need the mass to stand on the cake, then you can take not 20 grams of gelatin, but 10.

You need to start working with it immediately, until all the gelatin has taken.

Curd sour cream recipe

Sour cream is very available product, so it is most often involved in the preparation of pastries and creams. But try adding cottage cheese to the usual sour cream mass, and you will see how much more unusual and tastier it has become. You will also need less sour cream, which will lead to a decrease in the calorie content of the cake.


  • 500 g sour cream
  • 300 g cottage cheese
  • 300 g granulated sugar

1. Beat cold sour cream until smooth.

2. Add sugar or powdered sugar and mix first at a low mixer speed, and then increase it.

3. When the consistency of sour cream becomes thicker, mix it with cottage cheese, which was previously rubbed through a sieve a couple of times to saturate with oxygen and chop the lumps.

At first, the cream can be hard to mix until the curd is saturated with sour cream.

And then increase the speed and continue mixing for another two minutes.

Recipe for eclairs and profiteroles

For other desserts, the following recipe is suitable. Raw is added to it. egg yolk, but don't worry, because it is brewed with milk on the stove. I am also not a supporter of eating raw purchased eggs, I already wrote that I do not respect salmonellosis, but everything will be harmless here, you can also give it to children.


  • 100 g cottage cheese
  • 10 g butter
  • 0.5 egg yolk
  • 35 g sour cream
  • 15 g sugar
  • 20 g milk
  • Vanillin

1. Rub the yolk with sugar.

2. Pour milk into the yolk, mix and put on the stove. Stirring, cook the mass, but do not boil.

3. Then, stirring, put in cold water cool down.

4. In the cooled mixture, wipe the cottage cheese through a sieve.

5. Then spread the sour cream, melted butter and vanillin. Mix well and put in the refrigerator.

Now the cream is ready to fill the eclairs.

If the consistency seems thick to you, add sour cream. By the way, did you notice that we did not use a mixer in this recipe?
Of course, it is easiest to measure grams with a kitchen scale, but you can also count with spoons according to various available measurement tables.

If you have prepared a cream according to the recipes I have described, please comment.

This is just a magical dessert! Be sure to try and treat your little connoisseurs! They will definitely appreciate it.

In order to prepare a new dessert that would please children and delight adults, you just need to slightly modify the good old proven recipe for your favorite cake. How to do it? Prepare a new curd cream with cream - this is exactly what will make your family take a fresh look at a sponge cake or the most ordinary cupcakes. Airy, moderately high-calorie, with a delicate creamy taste, it will become not only a wonderful layer for biscuit cake, but also an excellent addition to fruit salad, as well as an appropriate filling for eclairs and shu. Such a cream is prepared from only three ingredients, and the time for which you can prepare it will not exceed 15 minutes.


  • Cottage cheese - 300 g;
  • Powdered sugar - 150 g;
  • Cream (33% fat) - 200 ml;

Recipe with photo: cottage cheese buttercream

1. First you need to kill the cottage cheese so that its granularity disappears, and it becomes pasty. You can make this in the bowl of a food processor or with an immersion blender. If the cottage cheese is not very fatty, add 50 ml of cream - this will help to kill the cottage cheese much more efficiently.

2. Cool the cream well in the refrigerator, beat with a mixer, gradually adding powdered sugar. When the cream forms firm peaks, this is a sign that no more whipping is needed. Do not overdo it so as not to smash them into oil.

3. Spread whipped cream into the pasty curd.

4. Gently, with light movements, combine both parts of the cream together. Bring them to homogeneity.

5. This completes the process of making curd cream. Use it to layer cakes or garnish cupcakes, fill or straws and serve with fruit. Prepare a gentle cottage cheese buttercream and get a real pleasure! After all, its light, airy texture and gentle creamy taste turn the most ordinary dessert into a culinary masterpiece.

Curd cream is distinguished by the presence of a slight sourness (although a lot depends on the cottage cheese itself and other ingredients), light texture and amazing delicate taste. In addition to cakes, curd cream can be added to desserts (for example, as a dressing), to fill waffle baskets, profiteroles and custards with it. Ideal and as an independent dessert - the cream is laid out in a bowl and decorated with any topping from grated chocolate to exotic sauces. In my opinion, this is the best dessert that you can remember from childhood!

There are several recipes for cottage cheese cream, and they are all delicious in their own way. It remains only to choose the option that suits you best. Below are 4 options. I would like to note that it is better to regulate the amount of sugar on your own, focusing on your own taste.

1. Delicate curd cream with sour cream

It is this recipe that is most suitable as an independent dessert. Moreover, it can be slightly frozen, and you will get wonderful soft ice cream! Try it, it's incredibly delicious!

Ingredients for the preparation of cottage cheese cream are needed as follows:

  • 400 g cottage cheese
  • 150 g sour cream 20%
  • 100 g powdered sugar
  • vanillin to taste
  • 20 g dark chocolate

Recipe for making cottage cheese cream for a cake: detailed instructions on how to do it right


Regardless of the cooking recipe, it is always recommended to wipe the cottage cheese (sieve, blender) to get rid of small lumps. It is this technique that will give the cream that airiness.

Put sour cream, vanillin and powder in a blender bowl. If you wish, you can add different spices: cinnamon, natural vanilla seeds, a pinch of cardamom or ground saffron for color.

To make the sour cream for the curd cream thicker, you can use special thickeners or do otherwise: put the sour cream in several layers of gauze and hang it for a while so that excess whey is glassed.

Add grated cottage cheese to this mixture and beat everything together again. Transfer the finished cream to a glass container and put it in the refrigerator.

You can make an excellent simple dessert based on cottage cheese cream. Grate chocolate.

Pour cream cheese into serving bowls and chill. Sprinkle with grated chocolate before serving.

Bon Appetit!

Olga shared a step-by-step recipe for curd cream.

2. Curd cream: a classic recipe

Suitable for stuffing tubules, eclairs and profiteroles. It has a delicate texture and creamy taste.


  • 300 g cottage cheese 9-18%
  • 70 g butter
  • 100-150 g powdered sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract

How to make classic curd cream

Do not forget to wipe the cottage cheese, as stated in the first recipe.

Add extract and butter at room temperature to cottage cheese. Beat with a mixer at low speed to get a uniform consistency. When you get the texture you want, start introducing the powder little by little, continuing to beat the cream until the mass becomes homogeneous.

3. Curd cream with cream: the perfect combination of tenderness and taste

Perhaps such a tandem for making cakes, profiteroles and custards can be called the best. The cream turns out to be airy in the truest sense of the word, has a creamy taste and an amazing structure.


  • 300 g cottage cheese of any fat content
  • 300 g cream 30%
  • 100-150 g sugar
  • vanillin - to taste

How to make Cream Cheese Cream

Combine the cream with sugar and vanilla, beat (the cream should become thicker). Combine the grated cottage cheese with the creamy mass, mix and you're done!

4. Curd-yoghurt cream

This cream is best used as a dressing for fruit salads, for purchased waffle cakes and for cakes with thin layers.


  • 300 g cream 35%
  • 300 g cottage cheese 5-9%
  • 200-250 g natural yogurt
  • sugar - to taste
  • vanillin - to taste

Cooking cottage cheese and yogurt cream

Wipe the curd. Pour yogurt into it, add a pinch of vanilla. Pour sugar into the cream (in a separate bowl), beat with a blender until they become thicker. Then combine the cream with cottage cheese and beat again. Put the finished cream in the refrigerator and cool before using.

The amount of natural yogurt can be changed depending on the thickness of the cream you need to prepare a particular dish.

Recipes for baking with curd cream

1. Thin pancakes with milk

Thin pancakes with cottage cheese are a classic of the genre. Usually, raisins, prunes or other dried fruits, sugar are added to cottage cheese. But you can turn an ordinary breakfast into a culinary masterpiece by adding curd cream to the filling. The recipe will suit any of the proposed ones, but the most delicious with the classic version.

Ingredients for thin pancakes with cottage cheese:

  • 500 ml milk
  • 3 eggs
  • 200 g wheat flour
  • 30 g butter
  • 2 tbsp Sahara
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 0.5 tsp salt
  • curd cream classic
  • chocolate sauce for serving


Add baking powder and vanilla to flour and mix. Melt butter and set aside. Break the eggs into a bowl, add sugar and salt, beat until light foam. Continuing to beat, add little by little wheat flour. When the dough is ready, add butter and stir.

Heat up a frying pan and bake pancakes. To make pancakes thin, you need to bake them from a small amount of dough, and the dough itself should not be too thick (about like 1% kefir).

Wrap classic cottage cheese cream in ready-made pancakes, put on a plate and pour over with chocolate sauce.

2. Wafer baskets with fruit and curd cream

If you have an electric waffle iron, do not deny yourself the pleasure of eating waffle baskets with fresh fruit and gentle curd cream with yogurt.


  • 300 g wheat flour
  • 200 g sugar
  • 200 g butter
  • 5 eggs
  • vanillin - to taste
  • 1 bar of milk or dark chocolate
  • any fruits and berries (fresh)
  • curd cream with yogurt

How to make waffle baskets:

Leave the butter on kitchen table 2 hours to make it a little softer. Put in a bowl in which you will knead the dough, add sugar and vanilla and chop with a knife. Beat eggs in a bowl with oil, mix until the mass becomes homogeneous (it is better to do this with a mixer). Gradually adding flour to the butter, knead the dough of medium density (approximately like heavy cream).

Bake waffles on a hot waffle iron. While still hot, place each waffle on an inverted glass, form sides and leave to cool completely.

For the filling, chop fruit, put in waffle baskets, and put 1-2 tablespoons on top. spoons of curd cream with yogurt and sprinkle with grated chocolate. Choose fruits for waffles that are not too juicy, otherwise the waffles will get soggy. Apples, bananas, grapes and the like will do.

3. Gingerbread cake

The simplest gingerbread cake with cottage cheese cream, which can be prepared in minutes with the simplest ingredients. For such a cake, curd cream with sour cream is perfect.


  • 500 g chocolate gingerbread
  • 3 bananas
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • cottage cheese cream with sour cream
  • cocoa - optional
  • 1 tile milk chocolate for decoration

How to make a gingerbread cake with curd cream

Prepare cottage cheese cream with sour cream according to the recipe above (it is better to add more sour cream to make the cream more liquid and soak the cake better). Gingerbread cut lengthwise into three parts. Cut bananas. Line a suitable bowl with cling film. Pieces of cut gingerbread, dipped in cream, put in a bowl, periodically shifting them with slices of bananas. Cover the finished cake with cling film on top, gently tamp it into a bowl and refrigerate for 1 day.

A day later, put the cake on a dish, remove the film. Grate the chocolate on a fine grater and sprinkle the gingerbread cake.

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