Home Roses Overactive bladder symptoms in women. Drug treatment of overactive bladder. Definition of the concept of syndrome

Overactive bladder symptoms in women. Drug treatment of overactive bladder. Definition of the concept of syndrome

Hyperactive bladder in women, treatment of which is required immediately after detection of the problem, is a dysfunction of urine accumulation and the appearance of a sharp desire to empty the bladder. This need often carries sharp character and leads to the involuntary release of some urine (incontinence).

Traditionally, therapy begins with the use of strategies - doctors recommend drinking water and other drinks strictly on a schedule, going to the toilet every day at a certain time and restraining sudden urges using the pelvic floor muscles. If these measures do not help, there are other methods of treating the pathology.


If you have problems urinating, it is not a fact that they are caused by an overactive bladder. Symptoms in women appear as follows:

  • a sudden need to visit the toilet, and this need is extremely difficult to control;
  • that is, its involuntary release immediately after the desire to empty the bladder arises;
  • usually more than eight times a day;
  • nocturnal polyuria (nocturia) - a nighttime urge to go to the toilet, repeated more than twice during sleep.

Although many patients manage to get to the toilet as soon as the need arises, almost all sufferers experience the stress of having to empty their bladder many times a day.

Normal organ functioning

The kidneys produce urine, which then drains into the bladder. When you go to the toilet, urine leaves the storage organ through an opening at the bottom and flows out through a tube called the urethra. In women, the opening of the urethra is located directly above the vagina, in men - at the tip of the head of the penis.

As the bladder fills, signals from nerves are sent to the brain, which eventually trigger the need to stool. When urinating, nerve signals coordinate the relaxation of the pelvic floor and urethral muscles (the latter are called the urinary sphincter muscles). The muscles of the organ tense (contract), pushing urine out.

Causes of pathology

When the muscles of the organ suddenly begin to tense up (even if the volume of urine in it is still small), doctors diagnose an overactive bladder. Symptoms in women include, first of all, a sharp onset of need and may be accompanied by signs of diseases that serve as prerequisites for the development of this ailment. However chronic diseases- not the only cause of the problem. Frequent toileting and incontinence may be caused by:

  • neurological disorders, including Parkinson's disease, strokes, multiple sclerosis;
  • intense urine production as a result of consumption large volumes fluid, poor kidney function or diabetes;
  • reception medicines, accelerating urine production or requiring drinking big amount liquids;
  • acute infectious diseases of the urethra, causing symptoms, similar to the signs of such an ailment as an overactive bladder in women;
  • organ pathologies (tumors, stones);
  • factors that interfere with normal urination (in men this may be an enlarged prostate, in women - constipation or past operations to treat other forms of incontinence);
  • excessive consumption of caffeine or alcoholic beverages;
  • depression of the cognitive function of the brain due to aging of the body, as a result of which the bladder has difficulty recognizing incoming signals;
  • difficulty walking, due to which not all patients can get to the restroom in a timely manner;
  • incomplete emptying of the bladder, which can lead to symptoms of overactivity due to reduced space for new urine coming from the kidneys.

Often, however, even experts cannot say exactly what caused the development of organ hyperactivity syndrome.


If you suffer from an unbearable need to go to the toilet too often, your doctor will first check your urine for blood or infection. It is also necessary to determine whether you are emptying your bladder completely. Full diagnostics will most likely include the following activities:

  • study of medical history;
  • primary medical examination with special attention on organs abdominal cavity and groin;
  • urine tests to check for infections, traces of blood and other signs of pathology;
  • a focused neurological exam to look for sensory disturbances or reflex problems.

Special studies

First, the doctor will establish an accurate diagnosis and probable prerequisites for the development of such an unpleasant condition as an overactive bladder in women. Treatment will depend on many factors, but primarily on the quality of functioning of the organ. The bladder's ability to empty itself regularly and completely is tested by urodynamic testing, which consists of several different tests.

What is included in the concept of urodynamic analysis

  • Measurement of residual urine volume. This test is especially important if the organ does not empty completely when you urinate, or if you suffer from incontinence. Residual urine causes symptoms similar to those of hyperactivity. To measure the remaining fluid after a bowel movement, your doctor will prescribe ultrasonography bladder or will place a special catheter (thin tube) to remove and study the remainder.
  • Measuring urine flow rate. If it is necessary to assess the volume and speed of urination, the doctor will ask you to empty your bladder into a uroflowmeter - a device that measures these parameters and converts them into a graph of changes in the rate of emptying.
  • Determination of intravesical pressure. The cystometry method helps measure the pressure in the organ and surrounding tissues when filled with fluid. During this test, the doctor uses a thin tube (catheter) to slowly fill the bladder warm water. Another catheter with a sensor sensitive to changes in pressure is placed in the vagina. This procedure helps to understand why overactive bladder occurs in women. Treatment will depend on what the analysis shows: either involuntary contractions of the walls of the organ will be observed, or its rigidity, as a result of which the bladder becomes unable to store urine at low pressure. You may be asked to have a bowel movement during the test to measure the pressure required to empty the organ and to determine whether there is or may not be a blockage (obstruction). Obstruction caused by pelvic organ prolapse can lead to symptoms similar to the common problem of overactive bladder in women. The causes (treatment, as is known, can only be prescribed by a qualified specialist) in this case almost always include neurological diseases affecting the spinal cord.

Behavioral therapy treatment

Behavioral therapy, or the acquisition of what is necessary to combat the disease good habits, is the first and most effective measure on the road to recovery. The undoubted advantage of this method is the complete absence side effects. If you have no idea how to treat overactive bladder in women, try the techniques below.

Best troubleshooting methods

  • Exercises for the pelvic floor muscles. No wonder they have gained worldwide fame and unprecedented popularity: perhaps there is no more natural way to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor and urinary sphincter. Stronger muscles can permanently rid you of involuntary contractions of the bladder walls. The doctor will give detailed advice on correct execution famous gymnastics. Follow the recommendations of a professional and be patient: it often takes quite a lot to noticeably improve your well-being. for a long time(six to eight weeks).
  • Maintaining normal weight. If you are obese, returning to a normal weight can help tame an overactive bladder in women. Treatment (reviews can be found at thematic forums) in this case implies following a diet based on the principles of proper nutrition.
  • Monitoring fluid intake. Your doctor may recommend limiting your liquid intake and help you create a schedule for drinking your favorite drinks.
  • Double emptying. In order for the bladder to completely empty, you need to wait a couple of minutes after the first void and then try to relieve yourself again.
  • Scheduled urination. The scheduling method is useful not only in terms of drinking fluids, but also for going to the toilet. If you follow a planned schedule (for example, going to the bathroom every 2-4 hours), your body will get used to the same routine and you will stop experiencing unnecessary stress from a sudden need.

What else can you do?

  • Intermittent catheterization. When overactive bladder is diagnosed in women, treatment and feedback on the prescribed therapy largely depend on the individual effectiveness of the prescribed method. However, there is a general universal method alleviate the symptoms of the pathology, which involves periodic use of a catheter to completely empty the organ. Consult your doctor before using this method.
  • Wearing urological pads. Using urological pads or special absorbent underwear will help protect clothing from the effects of incontinence and eliminate the associated psychological stress. Such pads and underwear come in all sizes and have different absorbency rates.
  • Bladder training. This term refers to the development of one’s own ability to restrain small needs. You need to start with short periods - for example, 30 minutes, after which you can gradually increase the intervals until you go to the toilet only once every three to four hours. Overactive bladder in women (treatment, causes, symptoms discussed above) can be stabilized in this way only if you are able to independently strain (contract) the pelvic floor muscles.

Overactive bladder in women: treatment (medications)

To reduce hyperactivity syndrome, medications are used to help relax the walls of the organ. This:

  • tolterodine (Detrol);
  • oxybutynin in the form of a skin (transdermal) patch (Oxytrol);
  • oxybutynin in;
  • trospium;
  • solifenacin;
  • darifenacin;
  • fesoterodine.

Be careful

The above medications can cause side effects, including dry mouth and constipation, which can worsen the symptoms of overactive bladder in women. Treatment (tablets and other oral medications) should be prescribed by a doctor, but if you suffer from these side effects, it is better to consult a specialist about replacing tablets with gels and patches.

Problems with bladder can wear different character and one of the dysfunctions is organ hyperactivity. Such a violation appears, sometimes the process begins involuntarily, a person cannot control it.

If the norm is considered to be emptying about 10 times during the day, then with an overactive bladder the urge occurs much more often. In addition, uncontrolled urine leakage is possible when a person is unable to control himself.

Forms of hyperactivity

Natural urination occurs due to the contraction of the sphincter or a kind of valve connecting the bladder and the excretory tract. When the organ is filled, its walls stretch, special impulses are formed and transmitted, which leads to the desire to urinate.

If there is an overactive bladder, disruptions occur in this system of transmitting impulses to the brain. As a result, difficulties occur or appear with urine retention, although the volume of the organ is not yet full.

The development of such a syndrome can take the following forms:

It is most often diagnosed and the causes of its occurrence can be a variety of provoking factors.

Causes of pathology

provoke overactive bladder syndrome There may be a number of reasons that differ in etiology. They can be divided into neurogenic, associated with pathologies nervous system and non-neurogenic - abnormalities in muscle tissue, blood supply and other complexes.

The following reasons are typical for neurogenic activity of the bladder:

  1. Brain diseases. This may be in the back or head, lesions of a chronic, systemic type. The list of diseases includes many dysfunctions, for example, oncology and benign neoplasms, encephalitis, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease and so on.
  2. Injuries leading to disruption of the integrity of the structure of the brain and spinal cord. They can be mechanical, formed as a result of the formation of hernias, after a stroke, or childbirth.
  3. Congenital anomalies that may worsen with age.
  4. Heavy chronic diseases, including diabetes.
  5. Alcohol addiction, drug use, psychotropic drugs.
  6. Changes associated with aging of the body, deterioration of blood supply to cells.

Neurogenic disorders can significantly affect the functioning of many organs, including the bladder, the activity of which is difficult for a sick person to independently regulate.

If we consider non-neurogenic causes of the development of pathology, we distinguish:

  1. Diseases genitourinary system . This includes prostate hyperplasia, complicated cystitis, including nearby organs, and some other diseases.
  2. Hormonal disbalance. provoke hormonal imbalance maybe pregnancy, menopause, pathologies thyroid gland, taking medications.
  3. Weakening muscle tone or the lining of the bladder. Associated with age-related changes, injuries, including birth.

Hyperactivity of the organ can be provoked by several reasons at once, which is necessarily detected during diagnosis.

How to recognize the syndrome?

It is difficult for a person to immediately recognize the symptoms of an overactive bladder, as some refer to a cold, drinking a lot of fluid and other factors. In any case, it is better to consult a doctor for an accurate diagnosis. ABOUT possible syndrome The following symptoms may indicate:

The signs are not only obvious, but also cause constant discomfort, both physically and psychologically.

Difference between women and men

In terms of symptoms, there are practically no differences in the manifestation of bladder overactivity in men and women. Women over 45 years of age lead in the incidence of pathology, since at this age the pelvic muscles begin to weaken, hormonal changes in the body and the onset of menopause are possible.

During pregnancy and the postpartum period, the bladder muscles can also involuntarily contract and lead to frequent or poorly controlled urination.

In men, pathology of the urinary tract in the form of its special activity is less common, but can be provoked not only by neurogenic causes. In some cases, prostate diseases, in which the gland enlarges, contribute to additional pressure on the urinary tract, which leads to its hyperactivity.

Irritable bladder in children

In infancy, or more precisely up to 4 years of age, it is difficult to talk about bladder hyperactivity as a diagnosis, since the baby’s body is still developing, the child learns to understand his conditions. Often it is the immaturity of the nervous system that does not allow the baby to control urination and also provokes incontinence.

Regarding the reasons that lead to special activity of urea in children, the following can be noted:

  • pathologies of the brain, both spinal and brain, which can be temporary and disappear with age;
  • inflammation of the pelvic organs, genitourinary system, for example, cystitis;
  • congenital organ abnormalities;
  • injuries of the muscular type, nervous system and other disorders leading to failures in the supply of impulses to the brain and timely muscle contraction.

The exact reasons are determined after a comprehensive examination of several specialists, tests, and relevant research.

Regarding the symptoms, there are practically no differences in the manifestations in an adult and a child. This is with a small amount of urine, involuntary leakage of urine, bedwetting.

Diagnostic methods

To determine the true causes of overactive bladder syndrome, biological materials are analyzed and special equipment is used. The activities are carried out comprehensively and include the following procedures:

In addition to laboratory and instrumental studies, tests necessary to understand the process of urination can be carried out. The event helps to identify the volume of urine, the rate of urine excretion, and the duration of the process. If neurogenic causes are suspected, MRI and electroencephalography are prescribed.

Complex therapy

The problem of high urea activity can be eliminated only by comprehensive measures, the principle of which depends on the underlying causes and provoking factors. The goal is to stop symptoms, normalize the functioning of nerve endings and generally restore bladder function.

What drugs to treat?

Anticholinergic drugs are used to treat overactive bladder in women and men, which block neurotransmitters that transmit impulses to the nervous system. Sometimes specially selected antidepressants are prescribed that reduce the excitability and nervous state of the body.

In the presence of concomitant diseases that can affect the functioning of the genitourinary system, drug treatment of these dysfunctions is simultaneously carried out.


External effects on the muscle tissue of the bladder have a positive effect on the dynamics of the disease. The following physiotherapy procedures are recommended:

  • thermal effects in the form of special applications;
  • electrical stimulation;
  • ultrasonic manipulations;
  • laser processing.

For each individual case Physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed to facilitate effective treatment. At the same time or after improvements, the main therapeutic therapy is carried out.

Surgical intervention

Surgeries for an overactive bladder are carried out only after the use of conservative therapy, if it is impossible to eliminate the problem by other methods.

Surgical intervention can take place according to several schemes: cutting a fragment of the bladder neck or its entirety, introducing a special conductor for transmitting impulses to the spinal cord, denervation.

The last option is the most common and involves increasing the total volume of the bladder by fixing additional tissue taken from the patient’s own intestine.

Surgical interventions are planned in extreme cases, their possibility is influenced by the age of the patient, general state health, the cause of the pathological syndrome.

Psychological assistance and behavioral therapy

Treatment on a psychological level for problems with urination gives good results together with general therapy. Developed special programs, helping a person restore normal functioning, do not focus solely on the urge to go to the toilet.

There are techniques that promote behavioral adjustment of a patient recovering. A kind of diary is compiled to track the amount and frequency of urination, and a optimal quantity once. You should adhere to exactly the chosen scheme, teaching and training your bladder to endure.

Traditional methods

In the treatment of urological problems, folk remedies are often used, which to some extent can improve the situation.

It is important to understand that you do not need to completely rely on decoctions, infusions and other options for using plants in treatment, this is only auxiliary therapy and it is agreed with the doctor.

To prevent stagnation of urine, oral solutions and douching are used, which is practiced in women.

Therapeutic gymnastics and Kegel exercises

It is a proven fact that the bladder can be trained and. To do this, you can try the following Kegel exercises:

  1. Periodic squeezing and relaxation of the perineal muscles. The nature of the movements resembles holding back urine when you urge. You need to start with several approaches, with moderate loads. Usually the program is recommended by a doctor, but you can also start training on your own.
  2. Pushing or straining of the bowels, as when having a bowel movement.
  3. Intense contraction, weakening of the pelvic floor muscles.

They may differ in the principle of execution and the location of the body. It is necessary to first completely empty the bladder, and preferably the intestines.

Regime and diet

Reducing fluid intake will help to slightly reduce the hyperactivity of the urinary system, at least during the period of treatment and until recovery. You should avoid stressful situations or regularly take medications that reduce excitability and nervousness.

The diet should be chosen with the exception of “aggressive” products, namely carbonated drinks, coffee, hot spices, smoked meats, chocolate, and so on.

Prognosis and prevention

After treatment, many patients get rid of the problem; difficulties may arise in older patients. Preventive measures to eliminate provoking factors and take medications provide positive dynamics of treatment and prevent relapses.

It is difficult to completely eliminate the occurrence of overactive bladder, but it is quite possible to significantly reduce the risk of such a problem. To do this, it is recommended to adhere to following rules:

  • not only for discomfort in men, but also in for preventive purposes, especially after 50 years;
  • A visit to a gynecologist for women should be carried out at least 2 times a year;
  • active lifestyle, regular moderate physical activity is desirable;
  • eliminating stress;
  • weight control combined with eating healthy food.

You can cope with bladder overactivity quite successfully; the main thing is not to be ashamed of the problem and contact a urologist in a timely manner.

Overactive bladder (OAB) is a disease associated with dysfunction of the bladder. In this case, a person experiences a frequent, strong urge to urinate that is difficult to control. In some cases, such patients experience urinary incontinence.

This disease occurs due to a violation of the innervation of the detrusor - the muscular layer of the bladder. Such a disorder is associated with neurological diseases or is idiopathic in nature - that is, it is not always possible to accurately determine the causes of the pathology. In any case, OAB can cause a lot of inconvenience to a person.

It is better to use non-drug methods to treat the disease.

  1. Bladder training and exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles are effective.
  2. Improve the patient’s condition and take traditional medicines for the treatment of bladder diseases. This therapy will help restore normal functioning of the organ.

At the same time, folk remedies do not have a negative toxic effect on the human body.

  • Causes of overactive bladder

    The pathology is quite common. The disease occurs in men and women of different age groups. Overactive bladder in women often develops at a young age, and in men - in old age.

    The disease also often occurs in childhood, because the child has less control of his bladder. It is worth noting that an overactive bladder in women often causes urinary incontinence, while in men this symptom develops less frequently.

    Currently, it is not always possible to accurately determine the causes of bladder overactivity. It has been established that a strong, sudden urge to urinate is associated with increased activity of the detrusor, the muscular lining of the organ. Patients with an overactive bladder experience sudden muscle contractions bladder, which a person cannot control.

    Depending on what factors cause this syndrome, there are:

    • neurological form of the disease - detrusor contractions are caused by neurological disorders;
    • idiopathic form of the disease - the causes of bladder overactivity have not been precisely established.

    The following factors are identified that can lead to the development of OAB:

    1. Impaired functioning of the central and peripheral nervous system: injuries, vascular diseases, degenerative and demyelinating processes.
    2. Thickening of the bladder walls against the background or stricture of the urethra. In this case, the detrusor tissues receive insufficient oxygen. Oxygen starvation leads to the death of neurons innervating the bladder and the development of spontaneous contractions.
    3. Anatomical disorders of the urinary tract. The abnormal structure of organs can lead to disruption of innervation and the development of OAB.
    4. Overactive bladder can occur as a result of age-related changes. Growth occurs gradually connective tissue and deterioration of blood supply to the detrusor.
    5. Sensory impairments. This disorder develops in response to a complex of factors. In particular, thinning of the mucous membrane of the bladder leads to impaired sensitivity of nerve fibers. As a result, acids dissolved in urine act on unprotected nerve endings, causing involuntary spasm. Thinning of the mucous membrane often develops against the background of a decrease in the amount of estrogens in women after menopause.

    Symptoms of the disease

    An overactive bladder is manifested by the following symptoms:

    • strong and sudden urge to urinate;
    • , inability to control these urges;
    • the bladder does not have time to fill completely, so the volume of urine is insignificant;
    • more frequent emptying of the bladder (more than 8 times a day);
    • night urge to urinate.

    Such a disease is not dangerous, but can cause a lot of discomfort to a person and become an obstacle to the normal socialization of a child or public life adult.

    Diagnosis of the disease

    Urinary disorder can be caused by a complex of different reasons:

    • infectious processes in the organs of the genitourinary system;
    • or ;
    • bladder tumor and others.

    Before making a diagnosis of “overactive bladder,” it is necessary to exclude all other possible pathologies of the urinary system. Therefore they carry out comprehensive examination body.

    To make a diagnosis, the following tests are performed:

    • ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs;
    • laboratory tests of blood and urine;
    • bacterial culture of urine;
    • cytoscopy;
    • urodynamic study.

    The patient also needs to keep a urination diary for three days, where the exact volume of liquid drunk, the time of emptying the bladder and the amount of urine must be recorded.

    Overactive bladder - treatment!

    For effective therapy It is necessary to determine exactly why the patient has developed an overactive bladder.

    1. Treatment of the neurogenic form of the disease is aimed primarily at restoring the innervation of the organ and other functions of the nervous system.
    2. In the case of age-related changes or the idiopathic form of the disease, therapy is aimed at improving blood circulation in the bladder and strengthening the detrusor.

    Apply non-drug treatment OAB. This therapy includes the following areas:

    • bladder training;
    • behavioral therapy;
    • exercises to strengthen the pelvic muscles;
    • correction of nutrition and drinking regime.

    Diet for overactive bladder.

    Behavioral therapy and bladder training

    1. The patient needs to make a schedule for visiting the toilet and strictly adhere to it. Even if by a certain time a person does not feel the urge to urinate, he still needs to visit the toilet. The intervals between visits to the toilet should be small at first, but gradually they need to be increased. This schedule will help you control your bladder better.
    2. The disease also needs to be taken into account when planning your daily route. It is important that the patient has constant access to the toilet, since it is very difficult for such people to predict and control the urge to urinate.
    3. Urinary incontinence can become big problem for patients with this disease. To improve the situation, you can use special adult diapers. This measure will hide the deficiency and reduce the inconvenience of this problem.

    Physical exercise

    For patients with overactive bladder, it is important to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. A set of Kegel exercises is suitable for this.. A set of Kegel exercises improves blood circulation in the pelvic organs and has a complex positive effect on the organs of the genitourinary system.

    • Each exercise is performed in 10 repetitions 5 times a day.
    • Every week the number of repetitions of the exercises should be increased by 5 until there are 30.
    1. Exercise 1. Compression. You need to tense the muscles that are responsible for stopping urination, hold in this position for a few seconds, then relax.
    2. Exercise 2. Elevator. The patient needs to strain the pelvic floor muscles, gradually rising from bottom to top, like on an elevator: first the lowest level, then higher, higher and higher. At each level you need to linger for a few seconds. You also need to relax your muscles in levels.
    3. Exercise 3. Contraction and relaxation. The patient needs to tense and relax the pelvic floor muscles with maximum frequency.
    4. Exercise 4. Pushing. You need to tense up, as if going to the toilet, stay in this position for a few seconds and relax.

    All exercises are performed while sitting. During muscle contractions, you need to control your breathing: breathe steadily, do not hold your inhalations and exhalations.

    Traditional methods of treating overactive bladder

    Treatment is also used for overactive bladder folk remedies. These drugs improve the functioning of the organ and help restore its functions. Traditional treatment is absolutely safe. It improves metabolism and promotes the regeneration of damaged tissues.

    Traditional recipes:

    1. St. John's wort. It is useful to drink an infusion of St. John's wort instead of tea. To prepare an infusion in a teapot or thermos, you need to infuse 40 g of dried herb in a liter of boiling water. The drug is infused for several hours, then filtered.
    2. St. John's wort can be combined with centaury. In a liter of boiling water you need to steam 20 g of each plant, leave for several hours and strain. They drink this infusion instead of tea, 1–2 glasses a day. You can add honey to taste.
    3. Plantain. For treatment, plantain leaves are used: 1 tablespoon per glass of boiling water. The drugs are infused for an hour, then filtered. This infusion should be taken in small portions: 1 tbsp. l. 3-4 times a day before meals.
    4. Cowberry. A decoction of lingonberry leaves is useful for treating bladder diseases. For a liter of boiling water you need to take 2 tablespoons of leaves, leave in a warm place for 1 hour, then strain. This remedy is also drunk instead of tea. You can add honey to taste.
    5. Dill. Healing effect dill seeds have. Prepare a decoction: take 1 tbsp per 200 ml of water. l. seeds, boil over low heat for 3 minutes, then cool and filter. This decoction is drunk once a day, 200 ml.
    6. Elecampane. The rhizome of this plant is used in therapy. It is cut into pieces and poured with boiling water, cooked over low heat for a quarter of an hour, then left for another 2 hours and filtered. Standard dosage of this product: 3 tbsp. l. 2–3 times a day.
    7. Onion, apple and honey. The onion needs to be peeled and chopped, mixed with 1 tsp. natural honey and half a grated apple. This paste is eaten in one sitting half an hour before lunch.

    The maximum effect will be if you combine several medications. However, it is worth remembering to limit the amount of fluid consumed. It is also recommended to drink healing agents courses for 2–3 weeks. At the end of the course, you need to take a week's break or change the drug. Long-term continuous use contributes to the development of addiction to the medicinal components of plants, and the healing effect disappears.

    Prognosis and prevention

    The prognosis is generally favorable. The disease is not dangerous to human life and health. When performing exercises and recommendations, it is possible to restore bladder control and improve the patient’s quality of life.

    The danger is posed by GAMT, which is a syndrome of severe neurological disorders. In this case, the prognosis depends on the severity of the underlying disease and the effectiveness of treatment.

    To prevent this disease, it is important to lead an active lifestyle and exercise. Regular sports training improve blood circulation and promote tissue nutrition internal organs.

    1. It is also important to strengthen pelvic muscles and back muscles.
    2. To prevent the disease from developing, it is important to promptly identify and treat diseases that can lead to hyperactivity. Such pathologies include primarily neurological diseases and vascular pathologies.
    3. It is very important to control your weight, because people who are prone to overweight and obesity, you are more likely to experience overactive bladder.
  • Overactive bladder is a disease characterized by a frequent urge to urinate, which is often accompanied by incontinence. Since the bladder consists entirely of muscles, this means that with this disease a person is not able to independently suppress the emission of urine. With this disorder muscle begins to react to even a slight accumulation of fluid, the person feels a constant fullness of the bladder and repeatedly visits the toilet. Despite such discomfort, a patient with such a disease excretes a very small amount of urine at a time, and sometimes only a few drops.

    This disorder is most typical for the female half of the population - women over forty are often affected. U male half It is much less common and usually strikes in old age, starting from the age of sixty. Very often, the symptoms of the disease appear sharply and unexpectedly, so that a person cannot hold urine on his own. In some cases, this circumstance forces the patient to wear adult diapers, because there is no other way to hide this disorder other than treatment.


    The causes of overactive bladder syndrome in men and women may include: various diseases, among which:

    • benign neoplasm prostate gland(this causes narrowing of the urination channel);
    • a wide variety of disorders of the brain structure, for example, traumatic brain injuries, hemorrhages, oncology;
    • spinal cord disorders - tumors, injuries and bruises, complications after surgery;
    • nervous system disorders;
    • various poisonings of the body with poisonous chemicals, alcohol, drug overdose;
    • congenital pathologies in the structure of the urinary canal;
    • hormonal changes in women, especially during the period of cessation of menstruation. That is why such a disease in to a greater extent female representatives are susceptible.

    In addition, the long-term impact stressful situations, communication with unpleasant people, harmful conditions labor can serve as factors for the manifestation of an overactive bladder. Pregnancy in women can cause this disease, also because the fetus puts a lot of pressure on the bladder. Age category plays an important role - cases of such a disorder in young people are extremely rare. But in some cases, bladder overactivity is observed in children, but the reasons for this are completely different features:

    • increased activity child;
    • excessive fluid intake;
    • severe stress;
    • unexpected and severe fear;
    • congenital pathologies of the urethra.

    It is these factors that become the causes of this disease in the younger age category. But we must not forget that for children younger three years, uncontrolled urination is quite typical. When symptoms of overactive bladder are observed in adolescents, it is necessary to immediately seek help from specialists, because it may be associated with mental disorders, which are best treated in the initial stages.


    Overactive bladder can manifest itself in several forms:

    • idiopathic – in which it is impossible to determine the factors of occurrence;
    • neurogenic - the main causes of manifestation are associated with disorders of the central nervous system.

    Despite the delicate connection between the bladder and the nervous system, in most cases the basis for the appearance of urinary incontinence disorder arises precisely because of various infections and diseases.


    In addition to the main symptom of overactive bladder - urinary incontinence, there are several symptoms characteristic of this disorder:

    • repeated urge to pass urine. Despite the sensation of a full bladder, a small amount of fluid is released;
    • strong urge to urinate (often so strong that a person does not have time to get to the toilet);
    • passing urine at night or during sleep. In the normal state of the bladder muscles, a person does not get up at night to relieve the need;
    • involuntary release of a few drops of liquid;
    • excretion of urine in several stages, i.e. after the first process has ended, after straining, a second wave of urine excretion occurs.

    If a person has the urge to stool more than nine times per daytime, and at least three at night, this serves as the first symptoms that he is susceptible to a disease such as an overactive bladder. But this amount may vary depending on the amount of fluid consumed, alcoholic beverages or diuretics. Under normal conditions, this process occurs less than ten times a day and is generally not observed at night. Both women and men may experience one or more of the above symptoms.


    If the disease is treated incorrectly or untimely, the following consequences may occur:

    • constant anxiety and, as a result, decreased concentration on household or work matters;
    • long-lasting, which can develop into;
    • the appearance of insomnia, as a consequence;
    • loss of ability to adapt to the conditions of the social environment;
    • the occurrence of congenital pathologies in the baby, if this disease was diagnosed in a pregnant woman.

    It is worth noting that complications develop much faster in children than in adults.


    The main thing in diagnosing overactive bladder is to exclude other diseases of the urinary tract. In order to do this, they use a set of diagnostic measures, including:

    • collection complete information the patient has about possible reasons occurrence, time of appearance of the first symptoms, whether they are accompanied by pain. Doctors recommend keeping a toilet diary, in which you need to record the frequency of visits and the approximate amount of fluid released;
    • analysis of medical histories of close relatives and hereditary factors;
    • , general and biochemical, testing according to Nechiporenko - will indicate pathologies of the kidneys or organs involved in the emission of urine, and Zimnitsky - in which a study of urine collected per day is carried out;
    • culture of urine to detect bacteria or fungi;
    • examination of the urinary tract using an instrument such as a cystoscope;
    • radiography with a contrast agent, which will help identify pathologies in the structure of these internal organs;
    • urodynamic study, complex.

    In addition, additional consultations with a neurologist may be necessary, since the disease is often associated with disorders of the nervous system.


    Treatment of overactive bladder, similar to diagnosis, consists of several measures. The main goal of therapy is to learn to control urges and, if necessary, restrain them. The treatment complex consists of:

    • taking individual medications, depending on the causes of the disorder;
    • the use of special medications that affect the functioning of the nervous system;
    • performing special physical exercises to strengthen the pelvic muscles;
    • drawing up correct mode day. Leave at least eight hours a day for rest, do not drink liquids several hours before bedtime;
    • rationalization Everyday life- consists of avoiding stress or unpleasant communication, increasing time spent in the fresh air;
    • physiotherapeutic methods of treatment, for example, electrical stimulation, current and electrophoresis treatment, acupuncture.

    Surgical intervention is resorted to only in cases where other methods of therapy have proven ineffective. In such cases, several types of operations are performed:

    • additional supply of nerves to the bladder;
    • injection of sterile liquid into the bladder, which will increase the size of this organ;
    • introduction into the walls of the organ, using injections, of special drugs, the main task of which is to disrupt the transmission of nerve impulses;
    • replacement of a small part of the bladder with intestines;
    • removal of a certain part of the organ, but the mucous membrane remains in place.


    In order to prevent the occurrence of this syndrome, necessary:

    • be observed by a urologist at least once a year for men, and at least twice a year by a gynecologist for women;
    • contact a specialist in a timely manner (at the first symptoms of urinary obstruction);
    • monitor the amount of fluid released;
    • avoid stressful situations;
    • Pregnant women regularly visit an obstetrician-gynecologist;
    • take the child for consultation with a child psychologist;
    • lead healthy image life, do not expose children to passive smoking.

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    Diseases with similar symptoms:

    Cystitis is a fairly common disease that occurs as a result of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder. Cystitis, the symptoms of which in the vast majority of cases are experienced by representatives of the fairer sex aged 16 to 65 years, can also be diagnosed in men - in this case, the disease most often develops in people aged 40 years and older.

    Overactive bladder (OAB) is a disease associated with dysfunction of the genitourinary system.

    The disease affects both women and men. The main symptom is frequent urge to urination, which is not always easy to control. Problems with frequent urination make life very difficult.

    Doctors distinguish two types of disease - with unknown causes and neurogenic. The first type occurs in approximately 60% of patients. The second type is recorded in patients with disorders of the nervous system.

    The disease is detected in 20% of the population on Earth. However, there is considerable suspicion that the real figure is higher, since not all patients go to the doctor.

    This applies to a greater extent to men. Hence the misconception that women are more likely to suffer from OAB.

    Most patients are around 40 years old, give or take a couple of years, when the disease is diagnosed. Among patients from 40 to 60 years old, women are more common. After 60 years, men are more likely to get sick.

    Despite the high prevalence of OAB, there are certain problems with diagnosis and treatment. Not all people (especially men) apply for medical care due to shyness or various matters.

    Treatment for overactive bladder in women begins at the age of 25, in men – at the age of 20. The disease can also occur in old age.

    Many patients are interested in whether overactive bladder can be cured without surgery or medication.

    Why does overactive bladder occur?

    The causes of overactive bladder are not fully established. It is believed that with the development of this disease, the nerve endings in the muscles of this organ are affected.

    As a result, the shape and structure of the muscles changes. In the area where the changes have occurred, there is increased activity of muscle cells.

    An overactive bladder differs from a normal bladder in that its detrusor (muscle) stretches when it is not completely filled. In this case, disturbances of the urinary organs are noted and rapid filling of the bladder is observed.

    There is an illusion that the volume of the bladder has decreased, although it remains the same. In a properly functioning organ, muscle contraction occurs only when the bladder is full.

    Overactive bladder syndrome is characterized by the fact that the organ is unable to accumulate and retain even 0.25 liters of urine. In this case, disorders of the neurogenic form are stated, when normal nervous regulation is absent.

    The following factors contribute to the development of the disease:

    • pathologies of the prostate gland (most often benign neoplasms that lead to narrowing of the urethra);
    • brain diseases (trauma, tumor, hemorrhage);
    • kidney disease;
    • complications after surgery of internal organs;
    • diabetes;
    • poisoning with potent chemicals;
    • congenital disorders of the urethra, contributing to the appearance of an active bladder;
    • regular use of alcohol and drugs;
    • hormonal disorders in women after menstruation;
    • frequent stress and difficult working conditions with hypothermia;
    • pregnancy in some cases causes urinary incontinence, sometimes there are prerequisites for the onset of the disease;
    • age (the disease is often observed in people over 60 years of age).

    Overactive bladder associated with disorders of the genitourinary system is observed more often in women than in men. This may be due to more low level serotin in female brain.

    Whenever hormonal changes Serotine levels decrease even further. According to many experts, this factor is one of the main causes of cystitis and active bladder.

    Nervous system disorders in older people cause inflammatory processes.

    Muscle elasticity decreases and there is a lack of blood supply, the nerves of the spinal cord are damaged and further development of the disease is observed (an overactive bladder occurs).

    Characteristic symptoms

    The main symptoms of an overactive bladder in women and men are:

    • frequent urination(more than 10 times a day);
    • regular visits to the toilet at night (from 2 times);
    • the urge to urinate appears after a recent visit to the toilet;
    • during urination, a small amount of urine is often released;
    • urinary incontinence.

    Overactive bladder occurs when a person has one or more of the above symptoms. Sometimes patients may experience an urge that is difficult to bear.

    Frequent urination causes a person to experience discomfort in in public places. However, urine tests are normal.

    Active bladder occurs in some adolescents during laughter, coughing, and severe physical exercise. More often this pathology occurs in girls.

    In a child, an overactive bladder presents with symptoms of urinary retention. For other children this process occurs without problems. The process of urination in older people can take several minutes.

    Diagnosis of the disease

    How to identify an overactive bladder? First of all, the diagnostician must exclude common diseases of the urinary organs. At the first stage of diagnosis, the urologist talks with the patient.

    He asks in detail about when exactly the first symptoms of a possible illness appeared. Finds out how often a person goes to the toilet, whether he has any painful sensations. It is important to establish whether any of the immediate family is sick.

    The next stage of research will be a general and biochemical urine analysis. The result may be the identification of disturbances in the functioning of the kidneys and organs of the genitourinary system.

    An analysis of several urine samples that was excreted during the day is often used. The analysis reveals bacteria and fungus.

    Patients must undergo ultrasound and MRI. They seek help from radiologists after receiving a referral from a urologist.

    A general urodynamic study is also performed to determine the condition of the genitourinary system. A not very pleasant, but nevertheless necessary procedure is to examine the urinary canals using a cytoscope.

    You may need to visit a neurologist, since, as mentioned above, overactive urinary tract can occur against the background of disorders and diseases of the nervous system.

    In many cases, after identifying an overactive bladder, the doctor suggests that the patient keep a diary of visits to the toilet. It is necessary to record the time of visit and the approximate amount of urine excreted.

    The diary should record the approximate amount of liquid drunk and record all moments of urinary incontinence.

    When identifying overactive bladder in women, it is necessary to determine the number of pads used. A vaginal examination is performed, during which the woman is asked to cough a little.

    The doctor receives the necessary information about the muscles and organs of the patient’s reproductive system.

    Complications and consequences

    If overactive bladder is not treated promptly, it may cause unpleasant consequences and complications.

    Among them, we note increased agitation, sleep disturbances, the appearance of depression, difficulty adapting to the work team, and the appearance of complications during pregnancy.

    It is important to know that the disease develops much faster in children. If a woman is diagnosed with hyperactive urinary tract during pregnancy, then there is a possibility that a similar pathology will appear in the baby. Therefore, OAB must be treated.


    Overactive bladder is treated with three methods:

    1. Non-drug
    2. Medicinal
    3. Surgical

    Before treating overactive bladder in women and men with drugs and surgery, doctors advise trying physical therapy and perform certain exercises.

    Treatment for overactive bladder in women is largely the same as for men. The emphasis should be on exercise and muscle training pelvic girdle. The doctor prescribes Kegel exercises for young women and men.

    Women are more familiar with them. During childbirth, Kegel exercises are performed to develop the pelvic muscles. When treating OAB, it turned out that exercises allow you to train the muscles of the urethra.

    The patient's condition is positively influenced by the toilet routine. The doctor makes a schedule for the patient to go to the toilet. The challenge is to increase the periods between visits.

    This reduces the number of urinations, and the person gets out of bed less often at night. Training, when the patient needs to tense his muscles, is very useful for incontinence processes and weakened urges.

    Active bladder is treated with surgery in rare cases. During operations, surgeons most often perform the following actions:

    • interruption of impulses to the muscles of the bladder by denervation;
    • surgery on the muscle to reduce its contractions;
    • replacement of part of the bladder wall with intestinal tissue.

    Treatment of overactive bladder in men and women medicines sets the goal to reduce the number of trips to the toilet and reduce the number of muscle contractions.

    Before looking for something to cure or treat overactive bladder, you should consider your age. There are drugs that are injected into the wall of the organ and help improve the condition over 6 months.

    GPM can be treated with folk remedies. A positive effect is achieved if you drink decoctions and tinctures with the addition of St. John's wort, plantain, lingonberry, dill, onion, apple and honey.

    Lifestyle correction

    Active bladder often occurs due to poor nutrition and a sedentary lifestyle. You should reduce the amount of fatty, fried and smoked foods you consume.

    You should not drink tea and coffee before bed. You need to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables (especially dried apricots and prunes).

    It is extremely important to do all the exercises prescribed by your doctor during your consultation. You should always remember to keep a diary in which you record all your trips to the toilet. The patient’s task is to reduce the time of urination and the number of approaches.


    Overactive bladder should be treated as soon as the diagnosis is confirmed. To prevent its occurrence, you should be examined by a gynecologist and/or urologist 1-2 times.

    In old age, you should visit a doctor at the slightest suspicion of illness. It is useful to perform exercises for the muscles of the pelvic girdle: bicycle, scissors, holding while lying in a hanging position.

    You should not smoke indoors, creating discomfort for others and increasing their chances of contracting OAB and other diseases.

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