Home Roses How to summon the spirit of a deceased relative at home. How to cleanse and protect your home from evil spirits and harmful energies

How to summon the spirit of a deceased relative at home. How to cleanse and protect your home from evil spirits and harmful energies

A person whom you did not know during life and who has never been to your house will not be able to become attached to you after his death, becoming a restless spirit or ghost. No, this sometimes still happens, but it’s so rare that it’s not taken into account. Usually the spirit that has shared its presence in your home is someone you once knew well, or someone who knew your home well, or even considered it theirs. Therefore, with a mention of such spirits, we will begin the list of reasons that can attract this or that ghost to you.

Spirits of former owners of an apartment or house

- otherworldly spirits come into a home out of habit, because... Even though they died, they still consider him theirs. When they arrive, they are surprised to find new guests there, believing that they have invaded without having any rights to do so, and therefore are doing everything to ensure the survival of people. The methods can be incredibly different - from intimidation, to inflicting illnesses, chronic loneliness, poverty, failure.

Method of protection - sometimes it is enough to rearrange, change furniture, or make repairs so that the spirit of the previous residents of the apartment leaves, since it will no longer recognize the apartment, and therefore consider it its own.

Spirits returning due to love or strong affection

– such spirits, despite the fact that they come attracted by love or the inability to cope without another person, as a rule, are not as safe as they might seem.

  • Firstly, almost always, sooner or later, they turn into energy vampires who begin to mercilessly steal the energy of those for whom they stayed.
  • Secondly, considering the world of the living to be the only possible place for existence, they do everything so that their loved one moves there as quickly as possible, not realizing that by doing so they are sometimes depriving him of 10, and sometimes even 40 years of life, which he could have lived without they take him with them.

The method of protection is not to think of the dead as if they were alive. And if the deceased was loved by you, try to get rid of the feeling of love, transferring it to the level of gratitude or bright memories. After all, only in this case will you be able to, which still connects you with the spirit of the deceased, due to which you will not allow him to further influence your life, or steal your energies, or distort your destiny.

Spirits driven by a sense of responsibility

– responsible parents, spouses or relatives. They stay in subtle plans our reality because they believe that you will be lost without them. If the remaining one is good spirit higher order, then his posthumous help will be invaluable, since he will perform the same functions as your personal guardian angel. But if he is a being of a lower order, then sooner or later a classic ending awaits him - having forgotten about the sense of duty and responsibility, such a spirit will turn into an energy devourer who will begin to torment you and poison your life in order to force you to produce negative energies. He simply cannot eat anything else.

The method of protection is to show willpower, and immediately after the death of the person who cared for you, show that you can cope with everything on your own. Only by seeing this will he be able to calmly leave, knowing that you will not be lost without him.

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Often the dead remain for revenge

- and since they are all mentally and spiritually undeveloped beings of a lower order, it is not surprising that their revenge, as a rule, is very terrible. Capable of influencing your and the energies around you, such beings are easily capable of turning your life into hell, sending illnesses, destroying your relationships with children, spouses and parents, forcing you to do stupid and scary things, involving you in accidents of varying severity, etc. .P.

There can be only one method of defense - to change your behavior so much as to show that you do not deserve revenge. Only in this case, the Higher Powers will do everything so that the avenging ghost cannot do anything to you. A sincere request for forgiveness also works well; by passing it through your soul, you thereby break the connection with the person who is offended by you, allowing him to leave.

Ghosts can also remain due to unresolved conflicts

- or because they are afraid that you will offend those they love. As an example - a mother who stayed to protect her children from an evil stepmother or a drinking father. Despite the nobility of the goals that forced the ghost to stay, almost always the matter ends just as badly as in the cases described just above - the ghost turns into an energy vampire who begins to torment not only those from whom he was supposed to protect, but also those whom he sought to surround with his care.

The method of protection is a complete change in the relationship between the participants in the unresolved conflict, because of which the ghost remains, so that the latter sees that he can calmly leave and leaves. But remember that a temporary change or pretense will not give such a result, since a ghost can return a month or a year after its death, because... time in our understanding world of the dead does not exist.

Sometimes people bind spirits to themselves

- not realizing that they are thereby turning them into energy vampires and destroyers of their destinies. This happens when we cannot let go of the deceased, and we delay mourning for him for too long, or too

Cleansing the house is a ritual familiar to many peoples,
because since ancient times people have felt: to cleanse their home of
energy dirt, clean the clogged vessels of your home
simply necessary.

Some methods and rituals that have developed in Russia:

They lit incense and, walking along the perimeter of the house, burned it incense on everyone
rooms, especially in corners, closets, closets and other places where
there were accumulations of things. Sometimes they were thrown into the fire of a stove or on
frying pan pieces of chaga and crushed dry celandine leaf and
thistle. The smoke itself spread where necessary and drove out evil spirits from
stagnant corners.

But first of all, clean your home: remove all the dirt
everywhere, wash windows, mirrors, all plumbing fixtures, sinks, wipe
central heating batteries. All this must be washed thoroughly before
shine, since these are the things that are the source of pollution of the soul and
energy at home.

Rake through the rubble of old newspapers and magazines. Everything that is not needed
throw away what else is useful - put it neatly in a closet or bedside table
(that is, into any enclosed space). But remember - you need to leave
only what is really necessary.

After this revision of the “printed junk”, bring perfect cleanliness to
bathroom and toilet. A dirty laundry store only in closed
boxes or closet. Negative energy accumulates in worn clothes,
which should not penetrate outside.

When washing windows and mirrors, add holy water. The walls can also be wiped with a cloth soaked in this water.

When moving to a new home, you should never leave
In an old house, there is untidy garbage: it can be damaged. Funny? A
imagine the words and thoughts of the new owners addressed to those who left
slobs! The word, as you know, has terrible physical power.

Remember that you should not throw out garbage in the evening - they might get stolen.
You can't take anything out after sunset. Our ancestors believed
that garbage was once a refuge for restless souls, therefore it is worthless
get rid of it at night, looking at dark time days.

After this you can use the strongest and most effective method cleansing - cleansing with a candle and holy water.

This work needs to be done together, and
it is advisable that no one else is in the house at that moment and no one
bothered you neither phone calls, nor unexpected visits.

One person holds a lit church candle in his hands, the other holds a vessel with water blessed in the church.

You need to start work from the front door. Light a candle, take
her in right hand and, standing with your back to the door, looking into the fire, read
prayer "Our Father" (you can do it out loud, or you can do it silently):

"Our Father, who is in heaven! Hallowed be your name yes he will come
Thy kingdom, Thy will be done, as it is in heaven and on earth. Our bread
Give us this day our daily needs, and forgive us our debts, just as we forgive
our debtors, and do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from
the evil one. For Yours is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen".

After reading this prayer, begin to move along the walls counterclockwise
arrows, continuing to read the prayer again and again and baptizing the walls with flame
candles. Special attention should be given to angles, including those that
formed by furniture, as well as mirrors, windows and sleeping places: their
baptized with a candle three times. A lot of negativity accumulates in
phone and TV, you need to stay here longer. Another man
after you, crosswise sprinkles the walls, corners, mirrors with holy water,
furniture, etc. If somewhere a candle begins to smoke or goes out, it means that
there is a lot of negative energy in that place: you should stop and stand with
candle longer, especially intensively baptize this place with flame and
sprinkle with holy water.

You don’t need to go into closets, bathrooms and toilets, just
open the doors there and cross the space behind the door with a candle,
mentally bringing into the room a fiery cross formed by a candle flame.

Having walked around the perimeter of your home in this way, stop again in front of
front door, but now facing her, cross her three times with a candle and
sprinkle with water, then open the door and splash some holy water behind
threshold. So you will finally expel all negative energy from his
housing. Close the door and read the Lord's Prayer again while looking at the flame
candles. Now you can blow out the candle. The work is done.

If there are places in the house where for a long time was seriously ill or
a dying person or where someone has died, then in such premises one should
do special work. In the place where the person died, a
stable communication channel with the afterlife. It's kind of a black hole
where the energy of both the housing itself and the people living in it is absorbed.

Here you need to put a candle, light it and not extinguish it until it burns out
fully. It is possible that this will have to be done more than once. Then you need
take another lit candle and make circular circles over this place
movements counterclockwise, as if burning out the remaining negativity.
After this, light another candle and, looking at the flame, imagine
like the golden glow emanating from a candle flame completely fills
a cleared space: it’s like we’re “darning” black hole,
fill it with a golden glow and close the entrance to the afterlife.

Remember - it is very dangerous to keep things in the house
dead people. Russian villages have known about this for a long time,
ministers also warn Orthodox Church. This applies specifically to those
things that belonged personally to the deceased. They are no good for you
they promise. Even if the deceased was very good, kind person and wonderful
treated you, it doesn't change anything. The point is that after death
a person's belongings begin to carry information about death;
one might say that they bear the indelible mark of death. In memory of
you can leave photographs of a departed loved one (but they must also be kept
in a secluded place, in a special album), jewelry, personal items (but only
not clothes) with which the deceased did not come into direct contact
last years life.

We live in an era when age is hidden at all costs, about death
prefer not to think, much less speak, but honor and wisdom have become
"insolvent" in the "market of semi-spiritual values." On the top
pyramid of our life, the cult of thoughtless and insane youth flourishes.

And yet we should remember the wisdom of distant ancestors, their messages to heaven, the sacred incense of death.

Juniper. Our ancestors used to cook
incense dry twigs, berries and juniper needles. He actually was
favorite plant of the Magi. Its smell is disinfectant
effect, cleanses rooms and clears a clouded mind. After removal
the body of the deceased from the room in which he had been for a long time,
the room was certainly “smudged” with juniper incense.

Sage. Our ancestors used dried sage leaves. He
purifies the air, its smell comforts grief-stricken relatives and
opens their hearts to comprehend spiritual wisdom and light. Exactly
ancient sorcerers used sage to “fumigate” rooms with
seriously ill patients, since the aroma of this plant neutralizes unpleasant

Pine. In this majestic tree stretching to the sky our
ancestors saw a symbol of harmony, beauty and human connection with the world.
At the same time, the pine tree was for them a symbol of honor and immortality.
The incense was prepared from twigs, needles, resin and tree bark. Them
“fumigated” the space in the room where the dying person was:
it was believed that this smell would help him prepare for the transition from
one state (life) to another (death). It was also used for
funerals, since our ancestors were convinced that the aroma of such
incense is capable of both comforting the living and giving them the highest wisdom
death, help revive your spiritual strength. The smell of pine incense
as if “informing” those left to live that the circle is closing, the sky and
earth, life and death merge into a unique unity.

It is possible to talk with a loved one even after his death. To do this, it is not necessary to seek help from magicians or psychics. Similar ritual can be successfully carried out at home, and the caller does not need to have supernatural abilities. To carry it out, several auxiliary tools will be needed, but as a result, a person will be able to contact the deceased relative and get an answer to his questions from him.

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      How to summon the spirit of a deceased relative

      To evoke the spirit of a deceased relative, you should follow the following instructions, which even experienced psychics adhere to.

    1. 1. The calling of the spirit of the deceased is carried out at night, from 12 at night to 4 in the morning. The dead are not called during the day.
    2. 2. Turn off the electric light, light wax candles (not church candles) of any color, but preferably red, white and black.
    3. 3. Use incense to help you tune in to the session - citrus, lavender, sandalwood or juniper. Incense must be added to them to protect against negative impact evil spirits.
    4. 4. Remove all objects that ring the body. These are chains, bracelets, belts, earrings and rings. Amulets and pectoral crosses leave.
    5. 5. Open the window and door to the room so that the soul can visit its loved ones.
    6. 6. All questions are written down in advance so as not to get confused or make mistakes at the right time.
    7. 7. The soul is always thanked after the answers received.
    • Ouija board

      The Ouija board is ideal for communicating with souls who have left the world of the living. It is advisable to buy a special board or make it yourself from oak, ash or other wood, but it should not be energy vampire. If a person does not have the opportunity to acquire special device, a paper analogue will also work. But it is worth remembering that it is easier to work with a wooden surface.

      Devil's Board

      The Ouija or Devil's Board has been used to communicate with ghosts since the early 20th century. It is not advisable to conduct the session alone, because the ritual takes away a lot of mental and physical strength. At least two people must participate in the process, and both of them must be relatives of the deceased.

      To carry out you will need:

      • wooden plank;
      • wooden tablet index.

      The board can be ordered, made or bought in a specialized store.

      The ritual is carried out as follows:

    1. 1. On flat surface Three candles are placed and Ouija is placed between them.
    2. 2. People sit around the area with the board. Spirit Summoner should be directly in front of it.
    3. 3. The person conducting the session places both hands on the tablet pointer, the rest touches the Devil’s Board with at least one finger.
    4. 4. Summoning the spirit of a relative begins with an invocation dead person, everyone says together: “Spirit (Name), we call you to come here! Come to us and show yourself!”
    5. 5. After some time (1 minute is enough), you need to make sure that the call worked. To do this, a clarifying question is asked: “Spirit, answer, are you here?” Everyone should look carefully at the board.

    There are three possible scenarios for the development of the situation:

    • If the tablet starts moving towards the word “Yes”, the call has worked, and you can start communicating with the relative. You should treat him respectfully, asking clear questions that mean “Yes” or “No.” The Devil's Board allows you to communicate with sentences, the spirit can show and desired date. But it is advisable to ask such questions as a last resort. In order for the participants not to become weak, the session must be ended as soon as possible.
    • If the answer was “No,” the ghost is not in the mood for communication today. You need to say: “Spirit (Name), forgive me for the anxiety. Return to yourself” and stop the ritual (blow out the candles and turn on the electric light, close the window and door). A few days later the call is made again.
    • If after a minute there is no answer, you can repeat the question. If there is silence, you should immediately end the call, because the ghost is angry with one of the participants, or the wrong day was chosen. It is better not to disturb this soul and try to make contact with another deceased relative.

    The person conducting the ritual must be a serious person who believes in otherworldly powers. A careless and cynical person will ruin the ritual and only anger the deceased.

    Paper analogue

    Before summoning the spirit of a deceased relative, it is necessary to make a board of paper. A piece of whatman paper or cardboard will do. A diagram of letters, numbers and the answers “Yes” and “No” is drawn on it. The ritual must be carried out in the same way as in the previous method. As a pointer, you can choose a white porcelain saucer without drawings (an arrow is drawn on it) or a pendulum (a crystal or black thread with a needle will do).

    The question must be asked by the medium holding the pointer. Others can communicate with him, but only in whispers.

    Session with photography

    The photograph contains a piece of a person’s aura and energy, so it is suitable for communicating with a deceased relative at home. To summon a spirit you will need:

    • photograph (preferably the last image of the person being called);
    • three candles.

    Before the ritual, you need to relax, discard all negative thoughts and calm down emotionally.

    1. 1. Light candles are placed on the table, and a photograph of the deceased is placed in the middle.
    2. 2. They read the spell three times: “Spirit (Name), I call on you. I want to know my answers to your questions. Appear before me like a shadow and tell me what the next day will give me.”
    3. 3. After this they voice symbols, with the help of which the summoned spirit, returning to the world of the living, will communicate with its loved one. For example, when answering “Yes,” he must raise his right hand to the questioner.
    4. 4. Having received the desired answers, the ghost is thanked and released with the words: “Where you came from is where you will go. Amen".

    After the session, it is better to go to bed immediately, having previously written down the information so as not to forget it in the morning.

    Summoning in a dream

    Sleep is a special state during which a person’s soul enters other worlds. She can easily contact dead people. Summoning the spirit of a relative is done alone. The ritual is simple, but effective if the person asking for advice was especially close to the deceased.

    When you go to bed, you need to imagine loved one, try to remember it as accurately as possible. IN this method There is no specific scheme; it is enough to sincerely ask a loved one to help solve a difficult situation. If the ghost responds to the request, he will send prophetic dream. After waking up, it is advisable to immediately write it down on paper or speak it into a voice recorder. The spirit of a relative will show the living possible variant developments or answer his questions.

    Magic of stones

    The mineral andalusite is actively used when communicating with the dead. For the session you will need:

    • Andalusite in any form (decoration or piece of mineral).
    • Black wax candles - 5 pieces.
    • Large red scarf, never worn before. A scarf is necessary to protect a living person. It will scare away evil entities that the soul of a deceased relative sometimes brings with them.

    The ritual is carried out in stages:

    • The candles are placed in a circle and lit with the left hand and counterclockwise.
    • A mineral is placed in the center between the candles.
    • They pronounce the spell: “I call on you, spirit (Name)! Come, show yourself to me and help me make my choice.”
    • While observing the fire, the caller will notice that the flame will begin to intensify and swing in different sides. The ghost responded to the call and is now in the circle. You can only ask him one question.
    • After answering the question, the spirit is released with the words: “Don’t stay here any longer, go back to where you came from.”

    The world of the dead is a dangerous structure, so you shouldn’t come into contact with it often. You should turn to the help of the dead only in cases where other options have already been exhausted. Respect and love are the main aspects necessary for a successful session. A deceased relative will be able to help his loved one, tell him a way out and open up the future. You need to use the acquired knowledge wisely. With them, a person is able to correct possible mistakes.

Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Issue 15 Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

Exorcise the spirit of the deceased

Exorcise the spirit of the deceased

To get rid of the dead spirit that plagues the living, you must first observe a seven-day fast. Every day go to the temple and light twelve candles. Every time you light a candle, order yourself a prayer service “For health.”

On the day you cast the spell, your body and home must be absolutely clean; The woman should not have her period and should cover her hair with a new white scarf. The spell should be read in a low voice, clearly and slowly, kneeling. His words are:

Supreme King of the army of the dead and the living,

I beg you! I beg and conjure!

Descend upon me, the servant of God (name), with Your power,

Ban Your legion of the dead

Come to me

And approach me with temptation.

Our Father, give repose to these souls.

Thy threefold power, Father,

Let the dead be invincible!

Open, Holy and ever-living Spirit,

Door to the dead spirit

For him to leave me.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

How children obey their mother

Waiting for her praise or punishment,

So, Lord, let the army of the dead listen to You,

Fulfilling all Your orders.

Dead spirit, become attached to your grave,

And get rid of me forever and ever.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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Legitimate question: how to expel a Ghost or some kind of spirit from your home or premises? How to make sure that evil spirits leave this or that place if it lives there? Is it possible to do this yourself if you don’t particularly understand these issues?

Is it possible to exorcise a Ghost or Spirit? Yes, you can!

Can you do this yourself? I wouldn't recommend it. A person who does not know, and does not see and does not understand the Spiritual Laws can make such a mess that even his ancestors will get it. So, it’s definitely better to contact a specialist, for example.

  • But first, read the article -

How to expel a Ghost or Spirit? And why do you need a specialist for this?

1. Behind any Ghost or Spirit there are Forces that are responsible for it and hold it. And expelling a Ghost or Spirit always means working with the corresponding forces that stand behind it, and from which you often don’t know what to expect.

2. In order to do everything correctly when expelling or liberating (a lost Soul or entity), it is first necessary to find out the reason why this ghost is here at all, why this soul is punished, etc.

3. When it is clear what happened, what sins are on this restless soul, why it is tied to this or that place or room, who else is involved in the relevant events of the past - you can begin to unravel this tangle.

What to do with evil spirits?

First of all, you need to identify it and understand what it is - Is it a creature, some kind of demon, a dark spirit or what? Yet again, a common person, without psychic abilities cannot do this.

When exorcizing evil spirits, it is important to know its nature, strength and reasons for its presence. Often you will have to fight and this is in pure form.

Evil spirits, if they are not ghosts, never come for nothing; they are usually introduced to them, again as a punishment. Therefore, in order to drive out the unclean, it is necessary to find out the reason why, to whom and for what reason she was placed.

After this, having dealt with the reasons, you can draw conclusions, repent for the corresponding sins and conduct a ritual of expelling the dark force, evil spirit and disconnect it from the premises, and sometimes simply destroy it.

This should also do good specialist, powerful Healer!

Is it possible to try to expel the Ghost and Spirit yourself?

You can try it if you have Light Forces and at least some spiritual or esoteric experience.

It happens that if a ghost has already served its purpose and there are no special conditions for expelling it, one appeal to To the Higher Powers in prayer, asking for the release of this lost soul (ghost) and for the cleansing of the premises.

  • Read more -

Sometimes it happens that a ghost is released immediately as soon as one single person prays for his Soul and asks for him. But, more often than not, there are still individual conditions that need to be clarified and worked out.

If you need specific help in cleaning the premises, in exorcism -! I can recommend you a good specialist.

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