Home Roses Scientists believe that humanity is becoming more and more... Topic i. social and humanitarian knowledge and professional activities

Scientists believe that humanity is becoming more and more... Topic i. social and humanitarian knowledge and professional activities

education of tolerance - respect, trust, willingness to cooperate, compromise with people, their communities of any nationality, the desire to understand and accept their cultural values, lifestyle, behavior. Tolerance largely determines the consciousness and behavior of individuals, population groups, and representatives of government bodies, and contributes to the development of personal responsibility for the prudent solution of ethnic problems.

Scientists identify several paths that intersect with each other conflict resolution. First - application of legal mechanisms, first of all, changing legislation in multi-ethnic states, eliminating ethnic privileges. The second way is negotiations between the conflicting parties, both direct (between delegations of the parties) and through intermediaries (representatives international organizations, public figures). Unfortunately, often the parties (or one of them), instead of a policy of negotiations aimed at cooperation and limiting access to weapons, rely on uncompromising dictatorship and armed violence. This leads to an intensification of the conflict, intimidation of society, mass casualties and destruction. Negotiations can be difficult and lengthy. But in a number of cases they contribute, if not to overcoming the conflict, then to mitigating it.

The third way is informational. It involves, first of all, the exchange of information between the parties about possible measures to overcome conflict situations. Public dialogue (in print, on television) between representatives of all ethnic groups is appropriate, with the goal of jointly developing proposals that meet common interests.

Joint peacekeeping actions by representatives of different faiths are effective, especially if conflicts have a religious overtone. Actor Orthodox clergy Alexander Men said: “Understanding, patience -

ku-this is our path.”

The psychological influence of the media (especially electronic) requires a careful approach to the methods of presenting information. Information, even neutral, about the facts of extremism can cause new wave conflict. It is necessary to abandon the dramatization of events that is sometimes typical of reporters, because this can become entrenched in historical memory and after some time revive the spirit of conflict. We must not allow the glorification of terrorists and extremists to avoid turning them into heroes and leaders. We must remember that ill-considered words can shoot harder than a bullet.

Adjacent to the information path is government support for multiculturalism policies, which is especially important in connection with the increase in population migration. For example, in Canada, this policy aims to promote the development and preservation of the own culture of all ethnic groups, contacts and interaction between members of various groups in the interests of national unity. Immigrants are provided with assistance in mastering at least one of the official languages so that they can become productive members of Canadian society.

One of the causes of conflicts is the unsettled life conditions of ethnic groups, manifested in poverty, unemployment, low wages and pensions, poor housing, and difficulties in obtaining an education. An indispensable condition for overcoming conflicts is to improve the life of a citizen, to create and consolidate among ethnic groups a psychological sense of satisfaction with a favorable stability of life. This requires regulation of social processes, including agreements between warring parties on the fair distribution of resources, increasing jobs, improving living conditions, equality in employment, education, and access to power structures.


National policy - component political activity state regulating interethnic relations in various fields life of society. Its essence depends on the general direction of state policy. At the heart of democratic national policy - respectful attitude to people representing any ethnic community, orientation towards cooperation and bringing peoples closer together.

The foundation of the ethnopolitics of the Russian Federation is the Constitution. In its preamble, two policy guidelines in the field can be distinguished: interethnic relations:

permeated with patriotic feelings, respect for the memory of our ancestors who passed on to us love for the Fatherland; concern for the preservation of the historically established state unity of peoples united common destiny on your own land;

political-legal focus on asserting human rights and freedoms, civil peace and consent, equality of peoples, to ensure the sovereign statehood of Russia, the inviolability of its democratic foundation.

The Constitution guarantees human rights and freedoms, regardless of nationality, their equality, understanding, observance and protection (Article 2, 19). Everyone has the right to use their native language and freely choose the language of communication, education, training, and creativity (Article 26). Throughout the Russian Federation, the official language is Russian; republics have the right to establish their own official languages, used along with Russian (Article 68). Actions aimed at forcibly changing the foundations are prohibited constitutional order and violation of the integrity of the Russian Federation, propaganda of racial, national or linguistic superiority (Articles 13, 29).

In the “Concept of State National Policy Russian Federation"(1996) the principles of this policy are formulated as follows:

equality of rights and freedoms of man and citizen, regardless of his race, nationality, language;

prohibition of any form of restriction of the rights of citizens on the basis of social, racial, national, linguistic or religious affiliation;

preservation of the historically established integrity of the Russian Federation;

equality of all subjects of the Russian Federation in relations with federal authorities state power;

guarantee of indigenous rights small peoples;

the right of every citizen to determine and indicate his nationality without any coercion;

development assistance national cultures and languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation;

timely and peaceful resolution of contradictions and conflicts;

prohibition of activities aimed at undermining the security of the state, inciting social, racial, national and religious hatred, hatred or enmity;

protection of the rights and interests of citizens of the Russian Federation outside its borders, support of compatriots living in foreign countries, in conservation and development native language, culture and national traditions, in strengthening their ties with the Motherland in accordance with the norms of international law.

The consistent implementation of these principles meets the diversity of interests of the peoples of Russia.

NIS Basic concepts: interethnic relations, interethnic conflicts, national politics.

ShSh Terms: ethnology, separatism, xenophobia, tolerance.

Test yourself

1) Name the levels of interethnic relations, show what is common and different in these levels. 2) What is the essence of two trends in the development of interethnic relations? Give examples of manifestations of these trends. 3) What is the essence of interethnic cooperation? 4) What are interethnic conflicts? Name their main reasons. 5) What are the ways to prevent and overcome interethnic conflicts? 6) Describe the principles of national policy of the Russian Federation.

Think, discuss, do

1. UN documents indicate that tolerance is a moral duty, a legal and political necessity, leading from a culture of war to a culture of peace; aims to respect and understand the diversity of cultures; means an active attitude to reality, formed on the basis of recognition of universal human rights and freedoms. Relying on personal experience, facts of history and modernity, show how the principles of tolerance can be implemented in interethnic relations.

2. Explain why now it is especially important to follow the principles of tolerance and respect of peoples for each other, and to overcome common difficulties together.

3. Scientists believe that humanity, while becoming more interconnected and united, does not lose its ethnocultural diversity. If you agree with this point of view, then confirm its correctness with facts from social development XX century; If you do not agree, give reasons for your views.

4. Think about the answer to the question: how professional activity historian, lawyer, economist can contribute to interethnic cooperation and conflict prevention?

5. Analyzing the main trend of the modern policy of the Russian Federation in the field of interethnic relations, scientists believe that it consists in switching from national-territorial direction to cultural-educational and cultural-educational. How do you understand this conclusion of scientists, do you share this point of view?

Work with the source

Read a fragment of the work of ethnologist V. A. Tishkov.

Ethnonationalism in post-Soviet states

The most serious challenge for Russia and a number of other post-Soviet states is ethnonationalism in its radical and intolerant manifestations. So called

national movements in peaceful political and cultural forms among the peoples former USSR played and continue to play important role in the approval of decentralized forms government system and management, in the preservation and development of the cultural integrity and distinctiveness of large and small nations, in the growth of socio-political activity of citizens. But ethnic factor in some cases, it has become the basis for the formation of programs and actions, as well as for the promotion of ideas and attitudes that provoke intolerance, cause conflicts and violence.

The nationalism of small peoples, being a reaction to past traumas and the degraded status of non-Russian cultures, often takes on aggressive forms in conditions of social crisis, political destabilization and weak modernization of the population. This is manifested in attempts to usurp power and prestigious positions in favor of representatives of one ethnic group, change the demographic composition of the population by forcibly expelling ethnic “outsiders”, change administrative or interstate borders, carry out spontaneous secession (withdrawal from the state - Ed.), including by force of arms. Instead of improving governance and socio-cultural living conditions, extreme nationalism offers seemingly simple, but essentially unrealistic solutions, attempts to implement which cause inter-civil tension and conflicts...

No less a threat to democratic transformations and social world It also represents a growing nationalism of the hegemonic type, formed on behalf of the numerically dominant peoples. In Russia, Russian nationalism is trying to gain the status of a national ideology, to appropriate the idea of ​​all-Russian patriotism and to replace the formation of a common civic identity with the same unrealizable slogan of self-determination of the Russian ethnonation. Extremist groups and individuals are increasingly promoting fascist ideas, anti-Semitism and disdain for minorities.

Tishkov V. A, Requiem for Ethnicity: Studies in Sociocultural Syntropology. - M., 2003.-S. 319-320.

NI Questions and tasks to the source. 1) What is ethnonationalism? 2) What is the difference between radical ethnonationalism

And peaceful forms national movements? 3) Illustrate with examples from history and modernity the position that radical ethnonationalism is a great danger to peoples and states post-Soviet space. 4) What caused it

And How does the nationalism of small nations manifest itself? 5) What is the

What is the essence and danger of hegemonic type ethnonationalism? 6) The opinion is often expressed that the development of democracy, civic culture, stabilization of the socio-economic situation will have a positive impact on overcoming ethnonationalism. Do you agree with this opinion? Give reasons for your answer.

There is some debate about this

The non-Russian population makes up 20% of the total population of the Russian Federation. This gives some authors a reason to consider Russia a mononational state. This point of view meets with objections, because it does not take into account the historical conditions of the development of Russia and the commitment of many peoples to their languages, culture and way of life. What is your opinion?

§ 10 . Demography of modern Russia


What indicators are important to consider when assessing the structure of a country’s population? What is immigration? What is emigration?

At the very beginning of 2005 there was significant event: The world population has exceeded 6 billion people. Among the social sciences there is a science that knows everything or almost everything about population. The name of this science was given by the French scientist Achille Guillard, who published the book “Elements of Population Statistics, or Comparative Demography” in 1841. He defined demography as the natural and social history of man or the mathematical study of a population and changes in its physical, civil, intellectual and moral condition. Since then, debates about the subject of demography have not subsided, just as debates about the significance of this science in the life of society have not subsided.

Sources of information about population are current records, registers and lists, population censuses, as well as special sample surveys. Such censuses have been known since time immemorial. Population registration for tax collection was carried out in Ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, India, China, Judea. One of the books Old Testament describes a census conducted by King David, which was followed by a pestilence that killed 70 thousand people. Population records were kept and antique policies, and medieval sovereigns. In modern times, censuses have not lost their importance. In population censuses in Russia in the 19th century. prominent public figures and famous people, including P. P. Semenov-Tyan-Shansky, L. N. Tolstoy.


Scientists note with alarm that in the demographic situation of Russia there are enough negative trends. Let's name the most significant of them.

The number of Russians is decreasing. The population of the Russian Federation was 145.2 million people. Our country ranks 7th in the world in terms of population after China, India, USA, Indonesia, Brazil, and Pakistan. However, Russia is losing its position in the global demographic hierarchy. By the end of 2001, the share of Russia's population (51% of the population of the former USSR in 1990) in the world population had fallen to 2.4%, and this decline continues.

Compared to the 1989 census, the population decreased by 1.8 million. During 1992 -2000. the number of residents decreased in 65 out of 89 constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Over the past century, Russia has experienced several periods when population reproduction was narrowed, that is, it did not provide growth. Two of these periods were associated with catastrophic mortality during the world wars. The years have taken their toll mass repression. After World War II, infant mortality fell rapidly while birth rates increased. But already from the mid-60s. The birth rate has decreased, reaching 2.1-2.2 children per woman of childbearing age, which no longer ensures simple population reproduction. Russia is currently experiencing the consequences of children born during this period of reduced reproduction becoming parents themselves. The country's population grew until 1992, but only due to a combination of circumstances that cannot be called happy. Already in the 70-80s. The ratio of fertility and mortality in Russia was extremely unfavorable and did not ensure population growth. But at that time there were relatively few elderly people in the country. At this time, older people belonged to the generations born in late XIX- early 20th century They experienced the catastrophic events of the first half of the 20th century. Few of them lived to old age.

In the 1990s. V elderly age people born in 1930 and later began to join. Their childhood years coincided with

4-L. N Bogolyubov. 11 classes

period of the Great Patriotic War, however, they themselves did not participate in the war. The proportion of them who lived to old age was much greater than that of their predecessors. A sharp drop in the birth rate in the 90s. only aggravated the already unfavorable situation with population reproduction. But even if today it were possible to return to the fertility indicators that existed before the decline in fertility, say, to the indicators of 1965-1985, this would not lead to the restoration of positive natural increase population of the country. A return to the higher birth rate of the late 1930s or at least the early 1950s, when more than half of Russia’s population was rural, is now unlikely. It should be taken into account that low birth rates are also characteristic of developed countries of the world.

That is why now the main and practically the only mechanism that can be used to counteract the rapid decline of the Russian population is immigration. However, its possibilities are not limitless. Reception large quantity Migrants in general, especially foreign-language migrants associated with other cultural traditions, are far from a painless process, and in the conditions of the current economic state and social climate in Russia, it is doubly not painless. Today's migration problems are one of the new challenges that Russia will have to respond to in the 21st century.

The natural population decline is becoming greater.

IN population is mostly declining due to its natural decline, i.e., the excess of the number of deaths over the number of births, as well as due to emigration to foreign countries.

IN In 2000, the mortality rate was 15.3 people. on

1000 people. Among the most common causes of death, experts name circulatory diseases, cancer, cardiovascular diseases and accidents. Negatively on life expectancy Russian population alcoholism and drug addiction take their toll. These causes of death are becoming noticeably younger. The male mortality rate is 4 times higher than female mortality and 2-4 times higher than

V economically developed countries.

Data from the 2002 census show that women outnumber men by 10 million (77.6 million versus 67.6 million). There are 1,147 women per 1,000 men (in 1989 there were 1,140). The predominance of the number of women over the number of men is observed from the age of 33. It is not difficult to assume that such a ratio has an adverse effect on the institution of marriage and family.

The working-age population is declining. According to census data, the working age population

(men 16-59 years old, women 16-54 years old) amounted to 89.0 million people, or 61%, under working age - 26.3 million people (18%), over working age - 29.8 million (21%) .

Thus, experts assess the current situation with the population in Russia as depopulation - narrowed reproduction and population decline, with negative natural increase. Depopulation occurs when there is a systematic decrease in population size. The main reason for depopulation is the decline in the birth rate to extremely low levels.

Along with low level The cause of depopulation is the decline in average life expectancy. Wherein average duration Men's lives are shorter than women's. When saving modern level Mortality among the working-age population of Russians who reached 16 years of age in 2000, according to demographers, only 58% of men will live to be 60 years old.

A decline in the birth rate and a reduction in the number and proportion of children in the population structure lead to demographic aging. Already in 1989, for the first time in the country as a whole, the number of people retirement age exceeded the number of children and adolescents under 16 years of age by 110 thousand people.

The social consequences of depopulation are associated with the prospect of a reduction in labor potential and a decline in the economic activity of the population. Population aging, in turn, gives rise to Additional requirements to the development of social security and medical care for the elderly. Even in economically developed countries, as the share of older people in the population pyramid increases, governments are forced to increase the retirement age. Another side of the process of population aging is the worsening problem of loneliness of older people and their alienation from younger generations.

The problems of population migration remain acute for Russia. During the 1990s. the population of the northern and eastern regions Russia. For 1992-1999 the northern regions alone lost 8.5% of their population, or more than 1 million people.

The situation with migrants is complicated by the consequences of armed conflicts in the North Caucasus. The instability of some forced migrants, refugees and internally displaced persons (lack of work, housing, means of subsistence) creates social tension, leads to the emergence of interethnic conflicts.


Is there a way out of the demographic impasse? The “Concept of Demographic Development of the Russian Federation for the Period until 2015,” approved by the Russian Government in September 2002, states that “the goals of the demographic development of the Russian Federation are to stabilize the population and create prerequisites for subsequent demographic growth.”

This goal is intended to be facilitated by a special demographic policy- purposeful activities of the state and other social institutions in the sphere of regulation of population reproduction processes. It is designed to promote the formation of a type of population reproduction desirable for society, the preservation or change of trends in the dynamics of fertility, mortality, family composition, resettlement, internal and external migration, and qualitative characteristics of the population.

Demographic policy identifies a number of priorities and outlines measures for implementation important events. Thus, in the field of improving health and increasing life expectancy of the population, strengthening the health status of all generations of Russians is highlighted as priorities. To implement in practice measures that contribute to solving this problem, it is not only expected to improve the state and non-state health care system, accessible medical care, the development of consulting and diagnostic services that help to recognize the disease in time and take measures to prevent the most dangerous diseases, but also separate measures are planned to increase the economic interest of employers in improving working conditions.

Given the growing importance of reasonable migration policy, the government concept until 2015 defines such priority areas as the selective attraction of migrants, primarily citizens of the CIS member states. At the same time, it is planned to create conditions for reducing the emigration flow, leading to a decrease in scientific, technical, intellectual and creative potential population of the Russian Federation. An important role in stabilizing the population through migration can be played by improving the legal framework regulating migration processes and creating a system effective protection legislative rights of forced migrants on the territory of Russia. Along with these measures, it is planned to conduct an active regional economic policy, contributing to the preservation of population in those regions of the country that are of great geopolitical importance. Such measures

National policy is an integral part of the political activity of the state, regulating interethnic relations in various spheres of society. Its essence depends on the general direction of state policy. The basis of democratic national politics is respect for people representing any ethnic community, orientation towards cooperation and bringing peoples closer together.

The foundation of the ethnopolitics of the Russian Federation is the Constitution. In its preamble, two policy guidelines in the field of interethnic relations can be distinguished:

Imbued with patriotic feelings, respect for
in memory of our ancestors who passed on to us love for the Fatherland; care
that is about preserving the historically established state
th unity of peoples united by a common destiny in their

Political and legal focus on approval
human rights and freedoms, civil peace and harmony, equal
rights of peoples to ensure sovereign state
of Russia, the inviolability of its democratic foundation.

The Constitution guarantees human rights and freedoms, regardless of nationality, their equality, understanding, observance and protection (Article 2, 19). Everyone has the right to use their native language and freely choose the language of communication, education, training, and creativity (Article 26). Throughout the Russian Federation, the official language is Russian; Republics have the right to establish their own state languages, used along with Russian (Article 68). Actions aimed at forcibly changing the foundations of the constitutional system and violating the integrity of the Russian Federation, propaganda of racial, national or linguistic superiority are prohibited (Articles 13, 29).

In the “Concept of State National Policy of the Russian Federation” (1996), the principles of this policy are formulated as follows:

Equality of rights and freedoms of man and citizen regardless
Simo from his race, nationality, language;

Prohibition of any form of restriction of the rights of citizens according to
characteristics of social, racial, national, linguistic
or religious affiliation;

Preservation of the historical integrity of Russia
Siysk Federation;

Equality of all subjects of the Russian Federation in
relations with federal government agencies
noah power;

Guaranteeing the rights of indigenous peoples;

The right of every citizen to determine and indicate
your nationality without any coercion

Promoting the development of national cultures and languages
peoples of the Russian Federation;

Timely and peaceful resolution of contradictions and

Prohibition of activities aimed at undermining
state security, agitation of social, racial,
national and religious hatred, hatred or enmity;

Protection of the rights and interests of citizens of the Russian Federation
tions outside its borders, support for compatriots, living
working in foreign countries, in the preservation and development
native language, culture and national traditions, in
strengthening their ties with their homeland in accordance with the norms
international law.

The consistent implementation of these principles meets the diversity of interests of the peoples of Russia.

NIS Basic concepts: interethnic relations, interethnic conflicts, national politics.

ShhTerms: ethnology, separatism, xenophobia, tolerance.

Test yourself

1) Name the levels of interethnic relations, show what is common and different in these levels. 2) What is the essence of two trends in the development of interethnic relations? Give examples of manifestations of these trends. 3) What is the essence of interethnic cooperation? 4) What are interethnic conflicts? Name their main reasons. 5) What are the ways to prevent and overcome interethnic conflicts? 6) Describe the principles of national policy of the Russian Federation.

Think, discuss, do

1. UN documents indicate that tolerance is
is a moral duty, legal and political requirement
ity, leads from a culture of war to a culture of peace; directions
Lena to respect and understand the diversity of cultures;
means an active attitude towards reality, forming
based on the recognition of universal rights and freedoms
catcher. Based on personal experience, historical and contemporary facts
minorities, show how the principles of tolerance can
be realized in interethnic relations.

2. Explain why it is especially important now to follow
the principles of tolerance and respect of peoples for each other,
overcome common difficulties together.

3. Scientists believe that humanity, becoming more and more
more interconnected and unified, does not lose its ethno
cultural diversity. If you agree with this point
view, then confirm its correctness with facts from society
military development of the 20th century; if you don't agree, give reasons
those views.

4. Think about the answer to the question: how to professionally
the activity of a historian, lawyer, economist can
promote interethnic cooperation, prevention

5. Analyzing the main trend of modern politics
RF studies in the field of interethnic relations, gender scientists
They say that it consists of switching from national-territory
torial direction on cultural, educational and
cultural and educational. How do you understand this conclusion?
scientists, do you share this point of view?

Work with the source

Read a fragment of the work of ethnologist V. A. Tishkov.

Ethnonationalism in post-Soviet states

The most serious challenge for Russia and a number of other post-Soviet states is ethnonationalism in its radical and intolerant manifestations. So called

National movements in peaceful political and cultural forms among the peoples of the former USSR have played and continue to play an important role in the establishment of decentralized forms of government and governance, in the preservation and development of the cultural integrity and distinctiveness of large and small nations, in the growth of socio-political activity of citizens. But the ethnic factor in a number of cases became the basis For formation of programs and actions, as well as to promote ideas and attitudes that provoke intolerance, cause conflicts and violence.

The nationalism of small peoples, being a reaction to past traumas and the degraded status of non-Russian cultures, often takes on aggressive forms in conditions of social crisis, political destabilization and weak modernization of the population. This is manifested in attempts to usurp power and prestigious positions in favor of representatives of one ethnic group, change the demographic composition of the population through the forcible expulsion of ethnic “outsiders”, change administrative or interstate borders, carry out spontaneous secession (secession from the state. - Ed.), including by force of arms. Instead of improving governance and socio-cultural living conditions, extreme nationalism offers seemingly simple, but essentially unrealistic solutions, attempts to implement which cause inter-civil tension and conflicts...

No less a threat to democratic transformations and social peace is posed by the growing nationalism of the hegemonic type, formed on behalf of the numerically dominant peoples. In Russia, Russian nationalism is trying to gain the status of a national ideology, to appropriate the idea of ​​all-Russian patriotism and to replace the formation of a common civic identity with the same unrealizable slogan of self-determination of the Russian ethno-nation. Extremist groups and individuals are increasingly promoting fascist ideas, anti-Semitism and disdain for minorities.

Tishkov V. A, Requiem for Ethnicity: Studies in Socio-Cultural Syntropology. - M., 2003.-S. 319-320.

NI Questions and assignments to the source. 1) What is ethno-nationalism? 2) What is the difference between radical ethnonationalism and peaceful forms of national movements? 3) Illustrate with examples from history and modernity the position that radical ethnonationalism is a great danger for the peoples and states of the post-Soviet space. 4) What causes and how does the nationalism of small nations manifest itself? 5) What is the

This is the essence and danger of hegemonic type ethnonationalism? 6) The opinion is often expressed that the development of democracy, civic culture, stabilization of the socio-economic situation will have a positive impact on overcoming ethno-nationalism. Do you agree with this opinion? Give reasons for your answer.

There is some debate about this

The non-Russian population makes up 20% of the total population of the Russian Federation. This gives some authors a reason to consider Russia a mononational state. This point of view meets with objections, because it does not take into account the historical conditions of the development of Russia and the commitment of many peoples to their languages, culture and way of life. What is your opinion?


Parameter name Meaning
Article topic:
Rubric (thematic category) Philosophy

UN documents indicate that tolerance is a moral duty, a legal and political necessity, leading from a culture of war to a culture of peace; aims to respect and understand the diversity of cultures; means an active attitude to reality, formed on the basis of recognition of universal human rights and freedoms. Based on personal experience, historical and modern facts, show how the principles of tolerance can be implemented in interethnic relations.

Explain why now it is especially important to follow the principles of tolerance and respect of peoples for each other, and to overcome common difficulties together.

Scientists believe that humanity, while becoming more interconnected and united, does not lose its ethnocultural diversity.

If you agree with this point of view, then confirm its correctness with the facts of social development of the 20th century; If you do not agree, give reasons for your views.

Analyzing the main trend of the modern policy of the Russian Federation in the field of interethnic relations, scientists believe that it consists of switching from the national-territorial direction to the cultural-educational and cultural-educational ones.

How do you understand this conclusion of scientists, do you share this point of view?

Homework Learn § 9, complete the task. Prepare an answer to the question: How can the professional activity of a historian, lawyer, or economist contribute to interethnic cooperation and conflict prevention?


Topic I. SOCIAL AND HUMANITIES KNOWLEDGE AND PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Theme I. SOCIAL AND HUMANITIES KNOWLEDGE AND PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY" 2015, 2017-2018.

  • - Stage II - laying and preparing the material for sterilization.

    Dressing material and surgical linen are placed in boxes (Fig. 7). In the absence of bixes, sterilization in linen bags is allowed.

  • With universal placement, material intended for one small typical operation (appendectomy,...) is placed in a bix (bag).

    - Stage I - pre-sterilization preparation

  • The purpose of pre-sterilization preparation is thorough mechanical cleaning of instruments, syringes, injection needles, transfusion systems, removal of pyrogenic substances and destruction of the hepatitis virus. Personnel must wear rubber gloves when working.

    Used, but... .

  • - Phylum Arthropoda. Class Insecta.

    Class Insecta. Row louse (Anoplura). Vidi: head louse (Pediculus capitis), clothing louse (P. vestimenti; or P. coporus), pubic louse (Phirus pubis).

  • Row of fleas (Aphaniptera). See: human flea (Pulex irritans), beetle flea (Xenopsylla cheopis). Row of bedbugs (Heteroptera). See: bed bug (Cimex lectularius), kissing bug (Triatoma infestans).... .

    - Salpuga (Galeodes araneoides)

  • Phalanxes are hizhaks. I will attack well-developed chelicera. The wounds of the phalanx are not to be cleaned, but their bites are painful and can develop due to ignition processes, and the wounds become clogged with excess fluids that stick to the chelicerae. The respiratory organs are the trachea. Lead the phalanx... .

    - Section XIII

  • Module 1. Ditini's development. Anatomical and physiological characteristics, research methods and semiotics of illness in children. Substitution module 11. Immune system and blood system in children Topic 14. Anatomical and physiological features of the blood system, research methods,... .- Section II. Maud. 1., Zm.mod. 2. Periods of childhood, Topic 4. Test items: 1. 5 6. 4 11. 3 16. 4 21. 1 26. 2 31. 4 36. 1 41. 1 46. 1 2. 5 7. 3 12. 2 17. 3 22. 3 27. 4 32. 1 37. 3 42. 3 47. 3 3. 2 8. 4 13. 3 18. 5 23. 1 28. 2 33. 3 38. 3 43. 4 48. 2 4. 2 9. 4 14 . 3 19. 4 24. 2 29. 4 34. 4 39. 4 44. 2 49. 1 5. 5 10. 4 15. 3 20. 3 25. 1 30. 4 ... Norwegian scientists say that

    humanity is rapidly becoming stupid.

    The thesis about the gradual decline in the level of human intelligence is far from new. Despite the constant accumulation of new knowledge by civilization, individual people do not become more intellectually developed.

    Some scientists even believe that modern man loses in a number of mental indicators to the Cro-Magnon. This is due to the fact that the inhabitants of the 21st century Earth no longer have to fight every day for their survival, which largely neutralizes the evolutionary role of natural selection.

    However, something else is interesting. Statements are increasingly heard that humanity is “rapidly becoming stupid.” And this is in Once again confirmed Norwegian scientists from the Ragnar Frisch Center for Economic Research. The material for their study was the results of IQ testing of Norwegians entering the military service in 1970-2009.

    In total, scientists used the results of 730,000 tests. According to these results, over one generation the level of intelligence fell by an average of seven points, which is, of course, a very serious indicator. As possible reasons scientists are considering ecological problems, as well as lifestyle changes. We are talking, in particular, about computerization.

    The findings of Norwegian scientists have already been criticized, pointing out the limited sampling and, therefore, the impossibility of their application to all of humanity.

    However, another group of scientists previously came to similar conclusions. Then the researchers compared the level of education modern people and residents Victorian era from 1837 to 1901. The results showed that then man was more developed and inventive.

    A program analyzing psychophysical data showed that a man's reaction speed in 1889 was 183 milliseconds, while today the figure is 253 milliseconds.

    In the case of women, the figures were 188 and 261 milliseconds, respectively. Experts also found that every decade IQ fell by 1.23 points, and over a century and a half the decline was 14 points. According to experts, with such dynamics, a person may eventually descend to the level of an advanced monkey.

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