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What is the difference between a university and an institute? What is the difference between an institute and a university: advantages when choosing the latter. Institute or university? Key Similarities

The University of Glasgow is one of the oldest universities in Europe and the second in Scotland after the University of St Andrews. The university was founded in 1451. Pope Nicholas V by his bull granted permission to open a university at Glasgow Cathedral. The original bull was in mid-16th century century was taken to France and, unfortunately, lost.

The University of Glasgow is the only higher education institution in Scotland where law, medicine, veterinary medicine, dentistry, science and medicine are taught. social Sciences, technical disciplines, ancient and modern languages, literature, theology and history.

Initially, the university was located in one of the premises at Glasgow Cathedral, then moved to separate building. IN late XVII century, the university moved to the Gilmorehill area, away from the city center. The famous staircase with sculptures of a lion and a unicorn was also transported to the new location. The university complex was designed by architect George Gilbert Scott in the neo-Gothic style. The most large building in some ways it resembles the old university building. Construction was completed by George Gilbert Scott's son, Aldrid. He is the designer of the magnificent assembly hall in which examinations and graduation ceremonies are held. Aldrid Scott added a Gothic tower to the university complex. Facing with light sandstone and Gothic style completely alien victorian era buildings, but the University of Glasgow is the second largest example of the Neo-Gothic style in Britain after Westminster Abbey in London.

Gilmorehill now houses the main building and main campus of the university. On the outskirts of Glasgow, Birden, there is a veterinary faculty, an observatory and sports grounds. The Faculty of Dentistry is located in the city center. Due to the expansion of the university in the middle of the 20th century, many additional buildings were built, reading room libraries, etc. The university library is one of the largest in Europe, it has more than 2.5 million volumes, not counting periodicals, microfilm and digitized data.

The university consists of four colleges, each of which, in turn, includes several faculties. These are the College of Arts, the College of Medicine, Veterinary and Life Sciences, the College of Engineering and Technology and the College of Social Sciences. When it was founded in 1451, the university consisted of only four faculties - arts, theology, medicine and law. Now the University of Glasgow is an internationally recognized educational institution, which firmly occupies the top lines of rankings of higher education institutions, and is part of the Russell Group and Universitas 21. There are six university graduates Nobel laureates and two British Prime Ministers.

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The largest city in Scotland and the third most populous in the UK (after London and Birmingham). Is administrative center Glasgow area. Located in the west of central Scotland, on the River Clyde 32 km from its mouth. English Glasgow Gaelic. Glaschu Scots. Glesga

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City - Glasgow Region - Scotland Region - Glasgow Internal division - 21 administrations. District Lord Mayor - Bob Winter Area - 175.5 km² Population - 580,690 people (2006)

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The coat of arms was granted to the city by the Lord Lyon (Head of the Heraldic Service of Scotland) on 25 October 1866.

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The symbols on the Coat of Arms illustrate 4 miracles attributed to the city's patron saint, St. Mungo: The first miracle is the resurrection of a robin after Mungo's fellow disciples killed their mentor's favorite bird and blamed the future saint for its death. The second miracle occurred when the fire in Culross Church was lost and St. Mungo miraculously lit a hazel branch on fire. The third miracle is a bell, which was a gift to the saint from the Pope. The story of the fourth miracle is connected with Queen Langeoreta. Her husband, King Ridderach, suspected his wife of infidelity and found out that she had given her “lover” her Golden ring. The king stole this gift and threw it into the waves of the Clyde. He then demanded that Langeoreta bring the ring. Saint Mungo, her lover’s confessor, knew about their relationship and told the poor man how to carry out the King’s orders. At the instigation of the Saint, he caught a salmon in the river with a ring in its mouth, and thus saved the queen’s honor.

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During the conquest of Britain by the Romans, the settlement on the site of Glasgow was called Cathures. 1st version of the origin of the name: “Glasgow” has British roots and, going back to the Cumbrian language, means “green dell”. 2nd version: the name of the city was given by Saint Mungo, calling the community he founded Glesgu, i.e. "beloved family" 3rd version: on the site of Glasgow there was a settlement called Deschu, which, due to an error by a medieval copyist, turned into Glaschu.

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Glasgow was founded in the mid-6th century and was considered one of the important religious and educational centers Scotland. Industrial Revolution The 18th century turned the city into one of the major industrial centers of Great Britain (especially in the field of shipbuilding), and in the next century the flourishing of the city's economy took on such proportions that Glasgow at that time was considered the second city of the Empire (after London).

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Glasgow is located in the north-west of Great Britain, in the central part of the Lowlands of Scotland in front of the North Scottish Highlands on the River Clyde, 32 km from its mouth. Altitudes above sea level range from 70 to 200 m. Vegetation in the city is represented by: big amount artificial plantings, alleys, parks (there are about 70 of them in Glasgow). This is mainly the flora of the coasts and the temperate zone - pine and larch.

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The climate is temperate maritime, characterized by fairly heavy rainfall. The weather in Glasgow is formed under the influence of warm air currents from the Atlantic, where the warm Gulf Stream flows. Therefore, temperatures in Glasgow are higher than in cities at the same latitude (for example, Moscow). Winters are warm and humid, summers are cool ( Maximum temperature July - the warmest month - usually does not exceed +20° C). Glasgow is characterized by westerly winds and increased cloudiness. The most low temperature(−17° C) was recorded on February 15, 1936. The most heat(+33.5° C) was recorded on July 31, 1900.

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According to the 2001 census, men make up 47.07% of Glasgow's population, while women make up 52.93%. The percentage of adult residents who are unmarried is significantly higher than the Scottish average at 40.98%. The percentage of residents who speak Gaelic is 0.94%.

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Glasgow is the most cosmopolitan city. 89.62% Scots, 4.11% English, 1.59% Irish, 1.07% Continental European, 0.72% Indian, 0.67% Chinese, 0.31% Black, 0.17% Welsh , 0.04% are from Bangladesh.

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2/3 of the population consider themselves Christians, with 31.5% of total number- These are adherents of the Church of Scotland, and 29.2% are Catholics. A little less than a quarter of the population are atheists (22.7%). 3.1% Muslims, 0.4% Sikhs, 0.2% Buddhists, 0.2% Jews and 0.2% Hindus. 7.8% of residents found it difficult to answer the question about religion.

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There are 4 Christian churches in the city cathedrals(St. Mungo's Cathedral, St. Andrew's Cathedral, St. Mary's Cathedral and St. Luke's Cathedral), 13 mosques, 7 synagogues. In addition, there is a Hindu temple, and in 2007 a temple was built for adherents of Sikhism.

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Among the population of Glasgow and surrounding cities, a dialect based on the English-Scottish language, the so-called Glasgow Patter, is widespread. His distinctive features is the abundance of local words, as well as the replacement or “swallowing” of some syllables and sounds. For example, the letter combination th at the beginning of a word is pronounced as h, the letter t is often replaced by r, the diphthong ʌu before k is replaced by o, etc.

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Glasgow is made up of 21 administrative district. 1.Linn 2.Newlands-Auldburn 3.Greater Pollok 4.Craigton 5.Govan 6.Pollokshields 7.Langside 8.Southside Central 9.Calton 10.Anderston-City 11.Hillhead

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The city's annual economic growth rate is 4.4%, which is the second highest in the UK (after London). Noted a sharp decline unemployment rate (by 45% over the last 9 years). The city's GDP in 2006 was £12.8 billion, and in terms of GDP per capita - £21,905 - Glasgow ranks 11th among European cities. Glasgow is considered the region's economic engine. The number of jobs provided by the city increased from 309 thousand in 1993 to 419 thousand in 2006, reaching its highest level in the last 25 years.

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Tourism plays an important role in the city's economy - Glasgow is considered the third most popular city in the UK (after London and Edinburgh) and receives about 4 million tourists annually. Over the past 20 years, Glasgow has undergone significant economic diversification. Traditional industries - shipbuilding and heavy engineering - have given way to the dominant place in the service sector.

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Glasgow city center is an urban area on the north bank of the Clyde, bounded by the High Street to the east, the riverbed to the south and the M8 to the north and west. The historic center is the area between St Mungo's Cathedral and Glasgow Cross, which are located respectively to the north and south of High Street, the city's oldest street. The heart of Glasgow is George Square, adjacent to the City Chambers, the seat of the municipality.

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In the XVIII – XIX centuries. in Merchant City, which is located in the eastern sector of the city center, wealthy merchants settled who made a fortune trading tobacco, sugar and other goods. The center of Merchant City is Glasgow Cross, the junction of the area's five main streets, and in the center of the square stands the Tolbooth Clock Tower, the only surviving part of Glasgow's old town hall.

University of GlasgowGlasgow)

Preparatory programs for admission to the University of Glasgow take place in Glasgow International College which is part of Kaplan International College. In 2015, Kaplan IC celebrated 10 years of success for its students in learning English and preparing for higher education. Kaplan IC cooperates only with prestigious UK universities. The University of Glasgow was founded in 1451 and is ranked in the top 1% of universities worldwide according to QS World University Rankings 2014/15 by reputation, research programs and quality teaching and is a member of the Russell Group. The University of Glasgow is a leader in research activities. IN currently 25,000 students from 120 countries study here. The University of Glasgow is one of the most prestigious universities in the field of medicine and biology. In 1957, the University of Glasgow became the first higher education institution in Scotland to offer degrees in computer technology and electronics.

Learning programs:

The programs include 4 elements:

  1. Academic English (essay writing, note-taking, information analysis, reporting and presentations)
  2. Subjects required for admission
  3. Skills and topics required to study at specific specialty
  4. Independent work student

Foundation Certificate - a course in preparation for entering the university to obtain a bachelor's degree in the field of:

Pre-Masters - a course for admission to the master's degree program at the University of Glasgow. 2 areas of the program:

Preparatory English - additional course English language for those who wish to join the Foundation Certificate or Pre-Masters programs, but the level of English is insufficient. IELTS level must be at least 4.0. Duration this course- 0.5 - 1st trimester.

How to enterUniversityofGlasgow:

Students entering the Foundation Certificate program must provide a high school diploma and demonstrate knowledge of the English language IELTS certificate. For a course lasting 3 terms, IELTS must be at least 5.0. The higher the IELTS score, the shorter the course. So for a course duration of 2 - 2.5 terms - IELTS 5.5.

A student entering the Pre-Masters program provides a diploma confirming a bachelor's degree, as well as an IELTS certificate of at least 5.5. If the language level is lower, then you can take an additional 0.5-1 trimester to improve your English language skills, but the language level cannot be lower than IELTS 4.0.


Students live in student dormitories located 5-20 minutes walk from academic building. Single rooms with private bath or shower. The hostel has access to the Internet via Wi-Fi, as well as a shared kitchen equipped with the necessary appliances and utensils, a relaxation and study area.


Glasgow International College is located on the University of Glasgow campus in the Anderson College building. Students can use all the facilities of the university. There are spacious classrooms, equipped laboratories, a library, a dining room, computer classes, sports complex, dormitories.

Sports and recreation:

Studying at the University of Glasgow is not only about academic lessons, but also about the comprehensive development of the student as an individual. There are clubs and communities of interest here: tea club, singing, music, football, chess debates. For lovers physical culture There is big choice, in total there are 47 sports at the university. Excursions are organized throughout the year.


The University of Glasgow is located in the central part of the large city Scotland. international Airport Glasgow is just 20 minutes' drive from the university campus. You can easily get to the airport by car public transport, and by taxi.

Address: Anderson College, 56 Dumbarton Road, Glasgow G11 6NU, UK

Dmitry Kosykh, educated at the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute ( Technical University). Since the beginning of this school year is a Master's student at the University of Glasgow in Management/Engineering. We bring to your attention an interview with Dmitry Kosykh.

Good afternoon, Dmitry. First, please tell our readers about yourself. And by the way, how did you do on your final exams?
Good afternoon, I am 23 years old, in the summer of 2007 I graduated from MEPhI with a degree in engineering physics, and in September I started my management course at the University of Glasgow. I passed the final exams shortly before the New Year, but their results will be known only in February.
Was your decision to choose this program dictated by the desire to obtain a highly regarded qualification or is it one of the stages of an already planned career?
Probably both. The fact is that an engineering specialty alone is not enough to build a career, and then I wanted to gain knowledge in management to broaden my horizons, well, it was just interesting.
Do you think your choice was due to the fact that education abroad is of better quality than in Russia or you in to a greater extent were you interested in the prestige of studying abroad?
I was primarily interested in gaining experience living abroad, but also in the prestige of education, of course. After all, education received abroad speaks volumes and, of course, you acquire good language skills and useful life experience.
Our readers, both future students and their parents, are always interested in how student accommodation is organized in foreign universities. Could you talk about your experience at the University of Glasgow?
I live in a so-called student dormitory. Actually it's apartment house 20 minutes walk from the University, located in a quiet and picturesque location. I have a separate room in a five-room apartment with a shared kitchen. Guys from Singapore, Sri Lanka, Canada and Romania also live here.
We have breakfast and dinner “at home”, and have lunch during breaks between classes in the university canteen.
How, in your opinion, does Scotland compare favorably with other foreign educational destinations?
As far as I know, in Scotland they teach very strongly master's programs, that’s why, in fact, my choice fell on this country. Well, and besides, I wanted to study at a large and famous University.
How difficult was it for you to adapt to teaching in English? English language? Have you visited language classes?
I took IELTS courses back in Moscow and got a good score on the test. But still, it took me a while to get involved in my studies, and I didn’t catch everything. Of course, then gradually everything got better. I must say that after three weeks I could communicate quite freely. And I would like to advise other students, in order to quickly adapt to a new language environment, you need to speak the language as much as possible and watch TV. By the way, basically, in all foreign educational institutions there are language courses for foreign students, which are also very useful to visit.
The University of Glasgow is one of the oldest in Europe. In your opinion, has it managed to preserve centuries-old traditions of education and at the same time develop dynamically? Are there any disadvantages, in your opinion?
I would call the University of Glasgow a “strong average”; it maintains a decent level and, as they say, holds its own in the UK.
I would consider slow as a disadvantage feedback. Those. We take a written exam, and we get the results only after a month. Maybe this is a feature of the program, but while we are waiting for the results of one work, we manage to write a second one, and in it we make the same mistakes as in the first. If we had known our ratings earlier, we would have corrected something.
We recently spoke with a student from one of the New Zealand universities, and he spoke in detail about educational process, i.e. about how teaching is conducted, what methods are used, what equipment is used, etc. Could you tell us about your studies at the University of Glasgow, so that our readers have something to compare with?
Most of the time consists of introductory lectures in the form of presentations. At the same time, the teacher comments on the slides shown and answers questions. Each lecture lasts one hour.
The schedule is designed so that there are lectures on one subject per day. Up to 100 students can attend such lectures. Seminars are also held on the material covered. Seminars usually involve three groups of students of four people each; we discuss various issues, while the teacher adds and corrects something, i.e. Students are expected to show initiative and independence in their studies.
During the two final exams we take five disciplines, which are divided into three sections. Exams are taken over two days.
I would say that the big plus of the University of Glasgow is good access To educational materials. This is an excellent library and Internet access.
Do you plan to stay in Scotland on the Fresh Talent program after graduation?
Yes, I would like to try if I can find a good job.
More than 20 thousand students study at the University of Glasgow. Is there a community of Russian students at your University? And what do you do besides study?
There is no community as such, but at the University there is a community of Russian language lovers, where Russian students are always welcome. In general, there are few students from Russia and we communicate mainly about studies.
After studying I usually go to the gym. The University has every opportunity to engage in any kind of sports, there is a swimming pool, sauna, etc.
How does the University help foreign students in their studies, as well as in solving other problems?
The university helps us a lot; the International Society operates here, where you can contact us with any questions. For example, I was issued a visa until October 2008, but the course ends in November. I asked for help, and they explained everything to me and promised to help. Here they will tell you how, for example, to get a driver's license in the UK and much more.
Well, and finally. Are you satisfied with your choice and would you recommend the University of Glasgow to your friends?
Yes, I am happy with my choice, the impression of studying is very good. I would certainly recommend it to friends. The only thing is that the weather in Scotland in autumn is gray and rainy, but I think that for those who care about their studies and not environment, the weather is not the most important thing.
Thank you, Dmitry, for an interesting conversation!

The University of Glasgow is one of the four oldest universities in English-speaking countries. For 5 centuries, since the distant year 1451, the university has opened the way to the future for talented students. Today, the University is one of the most active research centers with a wide network of partners around the world.

In 1957, the University of Glasgow became the first university in Scotland to be equipped with computers. Today, the alma mater of Lord Kelvin, Adam Smith, James Watt and Joseph Lister has 5,800 staff, nine faculties and approximately 23,600 students. If you want to achieve great things in life, we invite you to become one of our 18,000 undergraduate students. At our university you will find a huge selection of programs, each of which can be adapted to your interests and wishes. Our international reputation, high level graduate employment and excellent student reviews speak for themselves.

The University of Glasgow was founded in 1451 and is the fourth oldest university in English-speaking countries. For five centuries now we have been expanding our horizons human knowledge. Among our graduates there are 7 laureates Nobel Prize, one Prime Minister and one First Minister of Scotland. Within the walls of our university, Albert Einstein gave a lecture on the origin general theory relativity.

The first Scottish women to graduate medical education, were our graduates who graduated from the university in 1894. The world's first ultrasound image of an embryo was obtained by Ian Donald, a professor at the University of Glasgow, in 1958. In 1840, our university was the first in the United Kingdom to offer a Doctor of Engineering degree, and in 1957 we became the first university in Scotland to be equipped with a computer. This means that by choosing our university as your place of work or study, you will follow the path of the greatest world scientists, from physicist Lord Kelvin and economist Adam Smith, to television creator John Lowgie Baird.

Our university is part of the Russell Group, which unites 24 of the best research universities in the United Kingdom. In 2014, the University of Glasgow was ranked 55th on the list best universities world (QS World University Rankings). It was also ranked fourth among UK universities for international student satisfaction (according to the International Student Barometer Summer 2013 survey). The University of Glasgow is one of the founding universities of the Universitas 21 association, which includes universities advocating the introduction of international standards higher education. Our university is also a member of the International Network research universities», international association universities from research centers V various areas Sciences.

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