Home roses How can I learn Russian quickly. How to memorize the rules of the Russian language: a new textbook to help

How can I learn Russian quickly. How to memorize the rules of the Russian language: a new textbook to help

Many schoolchildren are faced with a situation where they simply need to quickly learn a verse, but there is practically no time left for this. Exists effective technique, which answers the question how to learn poetry fast at recess, even before the lesson, providing accelerated memorization. Let's face it: the technique is not too simple, but if desired, it can be mastered.

Instruction for memorization

  1. In order to quickly learn a verse, it should be read aloud 2-3 times.
  2. In the process of reading, it is better to act by the method of associations, mentally imagining the picture that is mentioned in the poem. After that, something must remain in the head for sure.
  3. The poem needs to be read one more time, but at a slower pace, trying to remember the form and tenses of the words.
  4. In order to connect another type of memory, you need to rewrite the poem on paper. In this case, it is worth pronouncing the poem aloud. You should not miss this moment, as it will allow you to learn the verse even faster.
  5. In order to simplify the memorization process, you can break each stanza of the poem into several even smaller parts.
  6. It is necessary to memorize a verse directly only from the sheet of paper on which it was copied. Read the first line several times, and then repeat it out loud, no longer looking at the sheet. Then you should read the first and second line together, and then repeat them aloud all together. Then you should do this with the first, second and third lines, each time adding one more. However, it is not at all necessary to learn a whole poem in this way. A new cycle can be started with 4-8 lines.
  7. Sometimes it happens that some places in the poem can not be memorized. Basically, this happens at the junction of the so-called cycles. Therefore, you can write a cheat sheet on your hand with the word with which the cycle begins, which is difficult to remember. http://otmetim.info/kak-bystro-vyuchit-stix/
  8. This method of memorizing poetry is very effective and allows anyone to learn several pages of text in 1 hour even without any training. However, if you have a little more time left, then start memorizing the verse 2 days before it is due. On the first day, this process should be given 20 minutes before bedtime, and on the second, this time should be increased to 1 hour. After all, it is no secret to anyone that at night a person comprehends what he has learned. As a result, a poem memorized in this way will bounce off like teeth.

We recommend that you bookmark this page press Ctrl+D). Problems with memorization can arise if you do not get enough sleep. To improve memory, try to sleep at least 7 hours a day, breathe fresh air, be more often in nature, go in for sports.

How to learn a rule in 5 minutes (Russian)

School students often wonder why they are asked learn the rules of the Russian language. They spend a lot of time memorizing, but often in vain, because the level of literacy does not increase from this. This is because the rules are not memorized "on the machine", they need to be understood and comprehended. This cheat sheet contains recommendations for students: how to learn a rule in 5 minutes (Russian language). It will talk about fast but the right way learning the rules of the Russian language.

Why you need to learn Russian

The study of the native language is in the first place in the system school education any country. Our native Russian language is given more time than other subjects. This is not surprising, because it can be studied throughout life and every time you discover new knowledge. Without a sufficiently extensive vocabulary of words and their use in correct meaning it is impossible to correctly and logically build your thought. A diligent study of the subject makes it possible to understand the meaning literary works different eras up to the present, as well as to achieve an early understanding with the interlocutors.

How to quickly and permanently learn the rule in the Russian language

1. You should definitely tune in to memorizing the rule. You can’t do this hastily and with the devices that make noise and sounds turned on (tape recorder, TV, computer). You need to decide on the purpose of memorization: to teach only in order to answer the teacher or knowledge of the rule will come in handy throughout life.

2. The rule must be read thoughtfully, pronouncing all the words clearly. For best result be sure to understand the meaning of what is written. Without knowledge lexical meaning words used in the rule is impossible. The words that are the main (key) ones should be underlined with a pencil or highlighted with a colored marker (if this is not a library textbook!). Underlined words will help when reproducing the rule from memory, as it will involve visual view memory. It can help to present the rule in a graphical, easy-to-understand diagram or table. This will take no more than 5 minutes.

Help in understanding the meaning of the rule can be reformulated (if possible).

If the rule contains several subparagraphs, then each of them should be considered separately. And when memorizing the content of all subparagraphs, you need to link them. Helps you learn the rules creative thinking and fantasy, if you try to imagine a picture of what the rule says.

3. A new rule will be easier to learn if you connect it with previously studied material. Already studied information with new knowledge is better absorbed when compared.

4. The rules are usually illustrated with examples that you need to read and compare these samples with the information that explains the meaning of the rule. It is advisable to perform appropriate exercises to consolidate what has been learned. In the course of work, do not forget to repeat the rule, saying it out loud.

5. It is useful to retell the learned material to one of the relatives or to yourself (the textbook must be closed). You can also try this option: someone close to you reads the beginning of the rule, and you need to finish it. Or like this: answer under what condition it will be written or said correctly.

Love to mother tongue is instilled from childhood, and knowledge of the basics of spelling and speaking is necessary for every person. Without knowledge of the rules of the Russian language and the ability to apply them in practice, it is impossible to fully use the language as a powerful tool for communication between people.


How to learn English in 5 minutes?

English is considered international language, which occupies an important place in communication, commercial and industrial activities and cooperation between countries. Most of us are very fond of traveling and understand that it is impossible to do without knowing this language.

For many students it is important to learn English language quickly for the international exam to improve their skills. Today, knowledge of this language is required in almost all industries: medicine, trade, economics, and so on. But not everyone has time to learn a foreign language.

Is it possible to learn English in 5 minutes?

If you allocate at least 5 minutes of your time for learning new foreign words for the whole day, then the result will be noticeable in the near future. The knowledge gained in such short sessions will gradually accumulate and will be useful in the future.

Methods for quickly learning English

memorization of words

There are several ways to quickly memorize foreign words:

  • To get started, start learning English with outstanding words, which are applied in everyday communication. This will help you achieve the desired result much easier.
  • Prepare some cards. On one side write a foreign word, on the other its translation into Russian. Look through the cards daily, pronouncing the words several times and memorizing their translation. Put the learned cards aside, but do not forget to periodically check yourself with them.
  • For words that are difficult to remember, use associative thinking. Try to pick foreign expression associations in Russian. For example, if it is difficult for you to remember the word puddle, which means - a puddle, mud, pay attention to the consonance - fell, and you can immediately imagine or remember a situation like you or someone else fell into a puddle or mud. This method effectively allows you to remember words in English that are difficult for you to perceive.
  • Create a notepad that you will always carry with you and write the value of the new foreign word with associations and combination with other words or expressions.
  • Listen to foreign music or just audio recordings of spoken language.
  • Surround yourself with words that are difficult for you to remember, stick them everywhere: on the refrigerator, above the bed, on the walls, so that they are always in your sight.
  • Learn to speak fast foreign language very easy too.

    There are a few tips, using which you can achieve a good result in communicating with foreigners:

  • Read small texts with the help of online translators, for example, news in English.
  • Watch movies in a foreign language with Russian subtitles. This method will help you to listen to various expressions by ear, the meaning of which you will quickly begin to understand, besides, this method is also a pleasant pastime.
  • Try to communicate often with your family and friends in English.
  • Translate your thoughts into a foreign language. With this method, you will be able to better remember new words.
    Sing songs, read poetry in English.

If you want to learn English on your own, then reading quickly and correctly will not be an easy task for you.

Foreign words are spelled completely differently than they are pronounced:

  • There is such a thing as transcription used to represent sounds in English. Having studied its rules, you can learn how to read foreign words correctly.
  • Read aloud. Use a dictionary in your work, learn new words and expressions, pronouncing them with the correct stress.
  • While reading, give Special attention words with difficult pronunciation and perception of sounds.
  • Grammar

    The grammar of the English language includes many rules and exceptions that can only be remembered by studying and understanding them. If you want to learn how to write, speak, read correctly in a foreign language, then you cannot do without the basics of grammar. Having an understanding of the structure and system of this language, you can easily and quickly put your knowledge into practice.

    Consider a few basic rules in English grammar:

  • Building a proposal. Unlike the Russian language, in English there is a certain order for constructing a sentence, which must be observed, otherwise the meaning of the phrase may lose its meaning. At the beginning English sentence there is always a Subject, then a Predicate, and then an Addition and Circumstances (what? where? when?). Between the article and the word, there is a Definition, for example, the black table - a black table.
  • Present indefinite tense ( The Present Indefinite Tense). This time is formed due to the main form of the verb, for example, I swim - I swim, except for the 3rd person singular where the ending -(e)s is added to the verb, for example, he swims - he swims. Interrogative form sentences are formed with the help of the auxiliary verb do for the first person and does for the third person singular and is specified before the subject. question word put before auxiliary verb eg what do you like to cook? What do you like to cook? negative form suggestions is formed using the negative particle not, which is placed before the verb in the main form, for example, she does not like to cook - she does not like to cook her own.
  • Learning English quickly, spending a minimum of your time on it, is a very simple task. If you use all the above rules and tips, you will be able to put your knowledge into practice in the near future. Remember, in order to achieve the desired result, you must adhere to a specific plan and study this language daily.

    How to learn the rules in 5 minutes

    Repeat them several times! Yes, and comprehend them!

    First just read it once
    Then follow this rule.
    Read again
    Then write an exercise for this rule
    Check if it's right
    And then try to tell this rule without a book or an auxiliary thing.

    I can't teach correctly

    just turn on the sound recording and go to sleep. I have seen such ways.

    And we haven't seen them.

    just learn then write and everything is ready just tell me right

    thanks you helped me

    Thanks for helping me learn the rule!

    Other questions from the category

    So from the winter and remained shaggy.

    And in the air - spring bells,
    Even the spirit took over the crow.

    Suddenly jumped sideways stupid lope,
    Down on the ground she looks sideways:

    What turns white under the tender grass?
    They turn yellow under the gray bench

    Last year's wet shavings.
    It's all in the crow - toys,

    And so the crow is happy
    That spring, and breathe freely.


    How to learn geometry quickly?

    • Geometry textbook
    • Teaching aids
    • encyclopedias
    • notebooks
    • Drawing supplies
    • Once it becomes clear that you have thoroughly launched the geometry. As a rule, the realization of this comes at the moment when it needs to be solved very quickly, in connection with the upcoming control or exams. In a couple of days, of course, you won’t be able to learn everything, but in order to do it as soon as possible, you will need to read the following:

      Remember that moment in time when you abandoned geometry. This will help you decide on which topic to start studying the unlearned material again. Review all the important definitions and theorems that you remember up to the moment when you stopped studying the subject. This will be exactly the base from which you will build on, dealing with the subsequent material. As a rule, any figure can be described in different ways, for example, a circle can be represented as an equidistant set of points from some center or an infinite set of polygons that form its boundary with external corners. All this can be gleaned from the previous, to the point of incomprehensibility, definitions.

      To understand how to quickly learn geometry, you also need to understand that almost all three-dimensional figures are formed by rotating flat figures, for example, a ball - by rotating a circle, a cone - a triangle, a cylinder - a rectangle. Accordingly, some of the properties of flat figures are also applied to stereometric ones similar in type. To describe any figure, use axioms, that is, statements that do not require proof. And on the basis of the properties of the figure described by them, which do not need provability, it will already be much easier to deal with proofs of theorems.

      Any theorem contains only two parts: the conditions of the theorem and the conclusion. As a rule, the condition describes what needs to be proved, and the conclusion, in fact, is the proof itself. The conclusion is based on the use of axioms or other previously proven theorems. That is why, without understanding the proof of the previous theorems, an insurmountable misunderstanding of the proof of the current one arises. That is why the sequence of study is very important in geometry.

      Also, for a better understanding of how to learn geometry, it is very important to be able and use drawing. geometric shapes. This not only helps in proving simple theorems without mathematical calculations, but also activates visual memory. Geometry is also interesting in that it allows you to graphically depict the evidence. However, it should be noted that when drawing, all proportions and ratios must be observed, otherwise you can get even more confused.

      Take a closer look at the actions of the teacher, how and in what form he tells new material. From this one can understand best ways studying the subject, since teachers, as a rule, choose the most visual and rational ways of conveying information. Using the same technique, you can greatly facilitate your assimilation of the material being studied. From their methods, you will notice that the problems solved in geometry, as a rule, are typical. Applying solutions of one type or another, it is quite possible to solve more global problems in parts.



    There are three ways of memorization - rational, mechanical and mnemotechnical. One of the most effective ways considered rational. It is based on logic. That is, you first need to understand what in question, explain logically, and then easily remember what you need. The mechanical method is nothing more than cramming. It can be used if you cannot logically explain what is required. With the mnemonic method in memory, it is necessary to create an image of what needs to be remembered. But whichever way you use it, there are certain rules which help you quickly learn everything you need.

    Start learning the material from the most difficult. What you think will be easy to learn, leave for later.

    Divide the necessary text into small pieces in order to make it easier to remember. After all, it is known that it is better to learn information little by little than to try to “swallow” a large piece at once.

    For better assimilation of the material, break the process into four stages. First, just look at the desired text. Then highlight the main idea. Repeat the most important thing several times. Make a plan for the material to be remembered and repeat everything in accordance with it.

    It is best to study in the morning - from 7 to 12 o'clock. It is during this period of time that complex material is best remembered and assimilated.

    alternate studying proccess with rest - learn the rules for 40 minutes, and rest for 10 minutes.

    Try to memorize the rules not in the order in which they are given in the source, but arbitrarily.

    When memorizing information, try to use both auditory, visual, and motor memory. So, read aloud, skim and write down the text. You can also associative series. Listening to information in an audio recording will also be very effective.


    • remember faster

    One of the most difficult sciences - physics - is extremely important in human life. It is difficult to name at least one side of people's lives, wherever physics has penetrated. That is why it is so important to master and learn this difficult but wonderful discipline.

    You will need

    • Patience, perseverance


    Physics is very difficult, and therefore it is not enough just to read the material in order to learn it. If, for example, you can start learning from any section, from any era, then it won’t work like that. Everything is interconnected here, and in order to make it easier for yourself further, you need to start from the basics. It is difficult to find a section in which, for example, Newton was not used. But they are at the very beginning. Therefore, do not lose sight of a single detail, everything will come in handy.

    Start studying the desired section of physics from the theoretical part. In any textbook, theory is given enough attention. Thoughtfully, slowly, ask for the basic provisions. Try to restore the text from memory. If the topic is complex, there is a lot of new information - read the paragraph again. Speak the topic out loud or take notes important aspects.

    Once you understand the theory, you can begin to practice. No section of physics is complete without. As a rule, it is the tasks that present the greatest difficulty in the study of physics. You will find the formulas you need in the theoretical part. Understand them, remember each value. Do not forget about the units of measurement, find out their physical meaning. Break the task into subtasks, solve it step by step. If there are diagrams in the problem, be sure to carefully draw them, they will help in solving.

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    Rules are various kinds of generally accepted norms. Without rules, human life would be chaos. Rules accompany us everywhere: on the street, at a party, in in public places etc. Many norms of behavior are taught to us from childhood, and we take it for granted. But there are rules that we must study, without which it is impossible to get an education, to master a profession. These include, for example, the rules of the Russian language, various laws. memorization huge amount such standards will help to successfully apply them in practice.

    You will need

    • - textbook
    • - a collection of tasks (exercises)


    Tune in to memorizing the rule, determine how much time you need for this. Learn the rules in a hurry and under the influence of any distractions (TV,).
    Decide for yourself why you memorize - just to answer the lesson, or it will be necessary for you and in later life.

    Read the rule carefully, pronouncing each word clearly.
    To successfully memorize a rule, you need to understand the essence of its content. To do this, it is necessary to determine the meaning of each word in it.
    Keywords can be underlined or highlighted. So visual memory will work faster, with the subsequent reproduction of the rule, you will remember the highlighted words.
    In addition to highlighting keywords, if possible, it would be efficient to provide this rule graphically, for example, in the form of a diagram or a table.
    In order to better understand the content of the rule, you can reformulate it, if possible. For example, a rule has the following structure: “If there is…, then we do…”. Let's just say: "We do ... when there is ...".
    If the rule consists of several points, then first comprehend each part separately. For memorization, link the content of each item. This may be a causal relationship between them, or the use of all items in one specific situation.
    Connect your fantasy and creative imagination and try to figuratively imagine the content of the rule. This technique is actively used by nursery educators and when explaining any norms to kids.

    Link new knowledge to previously learned. So you refresh the memory of the material covered and, in comparison with it, better remember the new one. New information is easier to remember when you already have knowledge on the topic.

    After formulating a rule, it is usually followed by its application in practice. Get to know them. Compare the phenomena that are in the sample with those that are mentioned in the rule.
    Follow the suggested training exercises to consolidate the acquired knowledge. In the course of their implementation, pronounce the wording of the rule.
    Perform a variety of types of exercises, so you remember the possible nuances of this rule.
    Repeat the content of the rule even when you "automatically" use it in practice. This will allow you to validate it. correct application.

    Retell the rule to someone close or repeat to yourself by closing. It is also helpful if someone reads the first part of the rule to you and you continue. Or vice versa, they ask you in which case or something specific is done, and you name this condition.

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    When memorizing the rule, try not to be distracted by extraneous matters and thoughts.

    Useful advice

    It is best to memorize the rules in the morning or in the evening.


    • How to memorize correctly in 2019

    Knowing the rules of the road will never be superfluous. Regardless of whether you have a car or you are just going to pass on the rights, knowledge of traffic rules will come in handy.
    To quickly learn the rules of the road, you only need a little time and patience.

    You will need


    Everyone needs to know. You drive or while you are a pedestrian - this knowledge will be useful to you every day. Who the traffic light is on, is it possible to cross the road in this place, will the driver let you pass, will they fine you for parked - these are just some of the many questions that are solved every day with the help of traffic rules.

    Without knowledge of traffic rules it is impossible to get any category. Therefore, it is better to start them in advance.

    To quickly rules of the road, there are several ways. In order to understand which one better fit just for you, think about what information you perceive better: printed or figurative.

    If it is easier for you to remember what you read, purchase a printed collection of the Rules of the Road (make sure that it is the latest edition, with current edits and comments). Start learning the rules by carefully reading the sections and, if necessary, taking notes especially important points. Pay special attention to the chapter Road signs".

    If you have more developed imaginative thinking, it may be easier to learn the rules of the road with the help of special programs. Enter in the search engine "traffic rules", select the link to the traffic police website ( www.gai.ru) and start learning the rules of the road with examples. A program for passing an exam on traffic rules from cards, each of which contains a description of the traffic situation and several answer options for right action. If the answer is wrong, it fixes your mistake and gives a detailed solution of the example with excerpts from the traffic rules.

    It is believed that this option is more effective, as it allows, in addition to studying, to prepare for passing the theory to the traffic police (the same program is used).

    The more often you take online testing, the faster and better you remember the rules of the road.

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    In case of incorrect answers, carefully read the comments of the system - this will help to avoid mistakes in the future.

    Useful advice

    Take online tests more often on the website www.gai.ru - this will help you quickly learn the rules and prepare for passing the theory.


    • how to remember traffic signs

    While studying or working, you may need to learn text as soon as possible. Do not memorize it without understanding the essence, it is useless. Take the job seriously and you'll get good result per short term.


    Make time. Choose preferably a segment from the half of the day when your brain is working. It depends on what type of person you are: an owl or a lark. The so-called owls learn new material better in the afternoon, in the late afternoon. For larks, on the contrary, in the first half of the day, memorization will be most productive. text a.

    Organize the necessary space around you. You should not be distracted by people and extraneous sounds. It is important for you to focus on the task at hand. If it is impossible for you to retire in a separate room, just isolate yourself from everyone in the corner, turning to the wall.

    Read text which you need to learn. Do it slowly, thoughtfully and carefully. You need to understand the essence of the proposals. Determine what they are about. Can be analyzed text a: what means and literary devices used by the author to create it, what mood it brings to you.

    Make up the structure text but based on its key points. This will help you plan his plan and not miss any of his passages. Divide text into several parts depending on its volume. You can break it down based on the content or on equal passages in size.

    Remember text in the way that works best for you. For example, if your visual memory works better, teach it with the whole page on which it is printed. If your auditory memory is better than your visual memory, read text out loud and record it on a tape recorder. Listen to the recording in short sections.

    Choose associations for difficult parts text a. They will help you deal with passages that are more difficult to remember than others.

    Set aside learned text until the next morning, and then repeat it.


    • how to memorize text

    In many universities philosophy as an important element scientific knowledge, teach even in non-core specialties. And before the session, the student may face the task of remembering large arrays of very complex material. In this case, the methodology for preparing for the exam in philosophy can help.

    You will need

    • - exam tickets;
    • - textbooks and works on philosophy;
    • - lecture notes.


    Find suitable literature for preparation. You can use any textbook on philosophy for high school. It will also be useful to study the philosophical works themselves, at least in summary or in the form of an anthology. It is advisable to have with you notes of lectures on philosophy that you were supposed to attend. In this case, you will be able to use any opinions and your own work of the teacher, which will help you improve your opinion on the exam.

    When studying the history of philosophy, try to remember not a large number of names, but the names of philosophical schools, various currents and summary their concepts. Use the skills of analysis of the studied material. For example, when answering the question about the development of philosophy in antiquity, one should not only describe the literature created in that period, but also draw conclusions about the specifics of philosophical knowledge in that period, its connection with science and politics.

    During the analysis of tickets in certain areas of philosophy, for example, ontology and epistemology, start your answer with brief history development of this discipline. Then describe the main concepts, as well as state of the art philosophical knowledge in this area.

    When preparing answers to tickets dedicated to national philosophy, for example, Chinese or Russian, describe not only the features of philosophical knowledge in specific regions, but also the reasons for this specificity - cultural, political, religious.

    The session for students usually comes unexpectedly, and preparation for exams passes quickly. Learn fast necessary information and not to fill up the test is possible only under the condition of complete concentration of attention.


    Start preparing at least a week in advance. It will be impossible to learn the exam in one day, especially if you did not attend classes for the whole semester or did not pay attention to the words of the teacher. Dosing information will lead to better assimilation and memorization.

    Estimate the amount of information you need to learn and make a schedule. Divide all the information into tickets, count their number and distribute them over the remaining days before the exam. Set yourself the task of reading a certain number of tickets every day, and in no case do not deviate from this goal, otherwise in the end you will have to learn many times more, which will not work.

    Do not be distructed. It is better to read just an hour in silence than several in a noisy stop. Turn off the TV, radio, player and computer. Resist the temptation to take a moment to look into social networks or call a classmate. Focus on the material, think about what you read, if something is not understood, go back and read it again. Do not try to remember the text by heart. The main thing in preparation is to understand the material, assimilate it and tell the teacher at the exam.

    Read and see also:

    Studying the history of rules

    Students will better understand and, therefore, remember the rule if they delve into its history, find out who and how first formulated it, how words were written before the spelling rule appeared, why the rule was required in the spelling system at all. For such work, old editions of books on Russian grammar, starting with the works of Lomonosov, will be required. Such publications are easy to find on the Internet. It can also be used to analyze laboratory work copies of books from the 18th century. There is a history of some spelling rules in the "Can Write" website guide. For example, the rules for spelling prefixes.

    Selection of words for one rule

    Sometimes people remember the rule of the Russian language all their lives and do not suspect that there are only a few words for this rule in the language. Or a few dozen. For example, adverbs with a hissing at the end are only 12: 9 with a soft sign and 3 without soft sign at the end. 3 adverbs are considered exceptions (more on the spelling rule b after hissing). And remember the spelling of these specific words sometimes easier than remembering the rule. But this is not interesting, but the fact that after compiling complete list words on the spelling rule, the student remembers this rule forever. When compiling such lists, reverse dictionaries and the search for letter combinations in electronic dictionaries help. You can also methodically write out words from exercises in different textbooks. Students can be offered ready lists words for different rules. In a group of 10 - 15 people, it is easy to play games for memorizing lists. For example, in the auction game, the winner is the one who names the last word. These methods work great in literacy training. For a class in a regular school, you can give homework make a story out of words. Stories can be printed and made a bright wall newspaper. Each, after a long creative torment, will read what others have written and thus repeat the words many times.

    Well, of course, no one has canceled the traditional dictations with commentary and polls. They should always be in the background.

    Learn the rules of the Russian language in a fun way!

    I think this will help:
    step 1. open the tutorial
    step 2.read the rule
    step 3. read again
    Step 4. 1. Write letters. A study conducted in 2008 at the University of Kyoto showed that if, before starting cramming, for 15-20 minutes, remember and write down your sad thoughts and the smallest troubles that occurred during recent times, learning efficiency will increase dramatically. The fact is that we a priori remember everything negative very well. And all the information that comes immediately after the epistolary outpourings, the brain, by inertia, will perceive it as “bad”, which means it will reliably fix it. Not the most fun method, but it really works.
    2. Take care of nature. It turns out that the tradition of domestic students to prepare for exams in the country is very wise. Three years ago, psychologists from the University of Michigan found that contemplation of nature increases cognitive function by as much as 20%. By the way, it is not necessary to go to this very nature, you can just look at the photos for 5-10 minutes.
    3. Scream louder. Words are remembered 10% better if they are shouted out. It is not necessary, of course, to yell at the whole house “cat!”, “Walk!”. It is enough to pronounce each word loudly and clearly several times.
    4. Be expressive. Another tip for students difficult languages: Gesture all the words and phrases you are learning. Literally: if you learn the conjugation of the verb "jump" - jump. And if you need to learn a dialogue or a complex phrase, act out a skit. You will see, everything will be remembered amazingly quickly.
    5. Listen to yourself. After learning some information, say it into the recorder. And when you fall asleep, quietly turn on this record - you just need to sleep under it. This is amazing effective way in order to consolidate already familiar, but poorly remembered things.
    6. Don't sit still. Learn poems, textbooks, and reports as you circle the room. The fact is that walking activates the work of the brain, and your ability to memorize increases significantly.
    7. Change the environment. If you need to study for two exams (or meetings) in one evening, do it in different rooms. The information that we remember under different circumstances is not mixed up in our heads.
    8. Throw out words. A super way to learn a large amount of continuous text, for example, the words of a song or a report. Rewrite this text, leaving only the first letter of each word, and learn it by trying to remember these words. Naturally, at first you will have to look at the original, but in the end it will be enough for you to look at the truncated version and the text will instantly pop up in your memory. It is very convenient to take such a cheat sheet with you.
    9. Sleep more. The longer you sleep after you have learned something, the better you will remember this information in the morning. And sleepless nights, on the contrary, significantly impair memory. It is better to sleep a couple of hours before the exam than to try to learn more "a couple of tickets."
    10. Go in for sports! A lot of research has been done on this topic, and everything has been confirmed: aerobic exercise improves cerebral circulation and memory. Take up Fit-bo or dance before you sit down for books: you can memorize at least “Eugene Onegin”. Or at least the first stanza.

    The human brain is a very practical thing. He remembers only what, for some reason, seems important to him, and discards the unimportant. The brain considers abstract figures, obscure phrases to be informational garbage, which, if not disposed of, then put into the farthest memory closet. Therefore, attempts to memorize traffic rules from a book sheet are likely to be futile.

    To make numbers and clerical language interesting and memorable, they need to be made less abstract, more alive.

    1. Add a little personal

    A rough example: if you are once fined for crossing the road in the wrong place, you will remember for a long time when it is possible to cross the carriageway and when it is not worth it.

    However, you don't have to be fined. Just try to try on the points set out in the traffic rules for yourself.

    For example, if you are currently riding a tram and not a car, find an advantage in this: on the other hand, the tram is always right. This is an accessible, personal presentation of one of the basic principles of traffic rules: with an equal right to travel, a tram has an advantage over others vehicles regardless of direction of travel.

    Relating theory to personal experience, you can easily click the tram puzzles on the exam.

    2. Laugh

    Laughter reduces levels of cortisol, a stress hormone that inhibits hippocampal function. And this area of ​​the brain is responsible for translating information into lasting memories. In addition, when we laugh, the level of improving endorphin in the body rises.

    The cumulative effect looks like this: if you laugh, then you will remember the information that caused the laughter better than any other. Tales, anecdotes, cartoons about road traffic- a great way to fix traffic rules in memory.

    In Russia, a new marking on the highway has been introduced - three solid lines. They mean the same as two or one, but something must be done!


    Unlike the test in the traffic police, you will have an unlimited number of attempts. Bring the solution of problems on traffic rules to automatism - and a driver's license is almost in your pocket!

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