Home Useful properties of fruits Interesting facts about obscene language. Obscene expressions and their effect on a person

Interesting facts about obscene language. Obscene expressions and their effect on a person

Obscene words, of course, are prohibited, but there is an opinion that swearing even helps to strengthen the corporate spirit. If you swear at work, then you can afford it, because your colleagues are not just accomplices. general labor, but also your friends, who will understand, smile and ... forgive everyone ...

How permissible is mate in speech? Why did Pushkin swear? Didn't the Mongols leave these expressions to us as a legacy? We ventured to get answers to these delicate questions from the dean Faculty of Humanities Of the Kirov branch of the Moscow State Power Engineering Institute Alexei Kalinin.

In the foreground, it seems that in Parvo's dialogues one can see a direct reference to body functions like "shit" and "piss". Parvo fits the description given by Ramon Menendez Pidal of kakuros runners as people who do not have good character who speak without argument, who, through the streets and squares, ominously carry out their nefarious repertoire, without any rule, winning a bad salary in a dishonorable life. But if we pay a little more attention to this language, we find that Parvo's speech is nonsense as well.

Is swearing allowed at work?

Official, especially public speech must be completely devoid of obscene vocabulary. At the same time, naturally, there are situations in life when its use is fully justified - but this is already the sphere of unofficial relations between people.

You should always correctly assess the situation and remember with whom you are communicating. If I know that a relationship with this person is strong Russian word can only help, and I am sure that it will not offend him, then I would not consider this a very big violation.

For example, when Parvo verbally confronts the Devil, he uses words that are not words but have sexual content. Consider the following verse: take the bread that fell to you! Therefore, the pao reinforces the image of the Devil as a horned character who must accept this deceptive woman who touched him. However, the word that has the sexiest resonances is the word "rabbit". The fool uses this word when he wants to humiliate the devil. The leg of the old buzzard, the clawed rabbit, the pillory of Pampula!

At that time, "pulha" was an obscene saying, which indirectly meant to humiliate someone. But this humiliation had to be done at the right moment. In this case, we see that Parvo is very accurate at using pulch. "Rabbit-Kaganite" is a very strong trauma, started against the Devil, because his masculinity is being questioned. Parvo has the ability to combine in one sentence the worst sound "kaganit", which means spherical excrement, and the word "rabbit" refers to "kunnus". This phrase creates female image the devil, who is not able to "drive" something grandiose.

For example, I myself am an amateur fisherman, and if in relation to fishermen we have an estimate, for example, of the size of a fish with the use of such vocabulary, then it will be absolutely normal. If this is a different situation, then it will be categorically impossible to use the checkmate.

Consequently, the verb "shit" becomes in this basic ridge auto sacramental synonym for creation, where Parvo and who creates images, while the Devil can create nothing. The Devil and "talak eunuko", and not Silvo, like the Devil himself, said in Parvo at the beginning of the conversation. This means that now, and with an obscene word, Parvo is canceling the script. What was inside is now gone. This is why the Fool can get out of the Devil's boat and negotiate with the Angel about his salvation.

But the Angel's speech is ambiguous, because it is not clear whether the words of the Foolish are also evil before the eyes of the Angel and, therefore, before the eyes of God; or if these words are not considered at the moment of death, in the final judgment. This last opportunity will open Pandora's box and likely lead to a discussion of a possible heresy. It is understood that Gil Vicente does not go deep into this discussion, but leaves it for public discussion.

When communicating with colleagues at work, such use of profanity is unacceptable, as it clearly demonstrates a person's culture or the absence of it as such. Although I am ready to agree that at work, a mate can slip through (it all depends on what kind of work a person is doing!) cases when the relationship between us is friendly, when we know each other inside and out, we know that this will not offend.

The hatred explored in this drama by Gil Vicente fits the ideas of Renat Hartog and Hans Fanthal. For them, obscenity can be regarded as "a counter code for any orthodoxy." Suppose that obscenity helps fight for divine spaces as a metaphor for social spaces, or that lexicons serve to humiliate opponents and to say these forbidden words social institutions, this resource becomes a necessary tool of the language, especially when the world is changing rapidly, as in the Renaissance.

The above confirms what William Forbes says about the role of play and jokes in society: The seriousness and toughness of social and religious norms must be softened by "play", a dimension that allows at least, temporarily separate from the norm of the norm. And in the drama of Vincentia, this function becomes concrete through the figure of Parvo.

But this cannot be when dealing with students, with female colleagues - in such a case, it is a complete taboo.

It is believed that the Tatars brought mat into the Russian language. Is it really all about the Mongol-Tatar yoke?
- There are a number of versions of the origin of the mat, and this is just one of them. But to be absolutely sure of her correctness, in my opinion, is impossible. If we take it for the truth, then it turns out that before that time we did not have a mat.

Other possible explanation Parvo's obscene words comes from the collision of two worlds: an allegorical world characterized by the transformation of characters into abstractions that lie outside the concrete references of space and time; and the earthly world, from which the "graceful" is not yet separated. And it was as if the Fool tried to apply the same rules operating in the earthly world, in that transitional period, which is the transition from life to death and death to life by means of salvation. We believe that this is Parvo's main stubbornness that prevents him from getting on one of the two boats.

However, the facts speak about something else: "strong words" existed earlier, albeit, perhaps, in a slightly different form. Moreover, written monuments convey such evidence to us. If the whole point is in the Mongol-Tatar yoke, then where did the mate come from in other languages ​​- English, French? These peoples have not experienced the yoke ?! Mat is a ubiquitous phenomenon, rude words were and are everywhere.

Proof of Parvo's mistake can be seen and told about his life and its similarity to the Bible's model of a good Christian. The importance and transcendence of the Angel and Devil questions are not fully understood by the "graceful" drama. The Angel does not condemn Parvo for staying in the boat of Hell, because he believes that his own stubbornness does not allow him to understand what and how he can achieve Divine Glory. Parvo's stubbornness comes from his rather human vision of the world, which should be completely divine and does not come exclusively from his actions.

Experiments were carried out with water. The liquid, which was "cursed" with a choice mat, was poured over the wheat, and it turned out that only 43% of the grains were germinating. Wheat, which was watered with holy water, sprouted 93%. In addition, they say that a person who swears starts to get sick. Do you think obscene words can have such a negative impact?

It seems that Gil Vicente, through the figure of Parvo, reveals the vanishing point of the allegorical system that supported the foundations of the Church and the Spanish monarchy, which set aside daily survival, focusing on the satisfaction they will receive after death.

In a way, the way the Church and the monarchy recognized this profane reality that Parvo refers to was through moral discourse that tried to change reality. Therefore, there was a need to always be present on the cars of a certain didactics. In this case, he represents a social and political morality opposed to the behavior of such characters as a Jew, a correspondent, etc. however, this example and didactics put an end to Parvo's buffoonery and jokes, as they convey ethical ambiguity.

V in this case I do not presume to evaluate. Can't tell if mate affects the physical mental condition person. But, in principle, such an opinion may have a right to exist. There must be something in this. It is no accident that it is said: a word can kill, a word can revive.

Morality clearly defines, as Cardoso Bernárdez expresses, the difference between Good and Evil. But, despite this limitation, as well as through anecdotes and jokes, a perspective is achieved that allows, according to Forbes, and socially confirms their due weight and value. Therefore, an example of the chance of sinners is a Jew, a monk, a breezid, etc. - is contrasted in the case of the four Christian knights, each of whom bears the cross of Christ as a sign that they have been freed from their sins and feathers because of their struggle with Muslims in defense of religion.

The presence of sinful characters proves in this I am duality in theatrical script for these divisions of people, between good and bad, demonstrate how the will of God is best proclaimed through constant interaction with the Devil. To conclude this essay, we need to consider the author's point of view in this debate about winning fame or hell. Thus, proceeding from those theories that show that the "gracious" and alter ego of the playwright, and assuming that there is a similarity between the Foolish and the "graceful", we can say that Parvo, together with the voice of Gil Vicente, is a dramatic effect of the work.

There is an opinion that the Russian language is much richer in swear words than foreign ones ...

I will allow myself to disagree with this. If we turn to the English language, then we can state with complete confidence that the field of cursing words in it is far from poor. The set of their swear words is in no way inferior to the Russian ones. The fact is that only a limited number of foreign language profanities are gaining wide popularity in the Russian-speaking environment, we know only a minimum - this is due to the fact that we are not carriers of their language culture.

And to force public forces, and political, religious and social environment appear more clearly before the eyes of the audience. Therefore, "crazy" buffoonery was only a high price to be paid in the currency of laughter for the sake of unbridled expression and the freedom to speak the bitter truth.

Danton Downer, Leslie. "Poetic language and obscenity". Tsiolkovsky. 19. Formation of "Autoreligion" in the Espagno-vanguard of Calderon. William. "Funny" to functional reappraisal. Hartogs, Renatus and Hans Fantel. Games with four words: the psychology of obscenity.

In fact, there are much more of them. And in Russian mate, by and large, there are only 4 main obscene words. Although, according to one of our researchers, the compiler of the mat dictionary A. Pluzer-Sarno, there are about 9 words and their derivatives that are indecent to use. By the way, there are an infinite number of words derived from them.

Madrid: Center historical research... "Latin grammatical and rhetorical tradition". Tsiolkovsky. 40. Social control and artistic creation in the European Middle Ages. Leiden, Boston and Cologne: Brill. This sacramental car belongs to the Vincenza trilogy.

For Leslie Danton-Downer, verbal obscenity tells us something about a world with musical, visual, or performative obscenity that we cannot produce. First of all, it should be noted that on French several books have been written about sexism in the language.

On the shelves of bookstores, you can find many dictionaries that contain profanity.

Mat is an integral part of the life of our society, a part national language... Language in all its forms is always studied and will be studied by linguists. And this applies not only to its literary field, but also to the periphery, to which the obscene vocabulary belongs.

Marina Jagiello is a linguist and professor at the University of Paris. She is an excellent speaker of her native languages, she demonstrates knowledge that covers many foreign languages... This dimension is especially important to help us understand what French culture is and what is more widely used in the world.

At the same time accessible and accurate, it is at the same time a real specialist's book, a real warlike book, remaining on the street. For many reasons, we can assume that he is not old and that his analyzes remain valid. In addition to this book of synthesis, we owe Mariuna Jagiello a slightly smaller academic booklet in which he humorously emphasizes the connotations of some French words, "The floor of words."

From the point of view of a linguist, there is nothing shameful in studying mat - this is a fact of reality, and we must know it. Therefore, it would be wrong to say that such dictionaries are not needed.

Naturally, when a person is taken to such a dictionary out of idle curiosity, then his delight very quickly passes, because such sources are intended for specialists, written scientific style, so reading such dictionaries for entertainment is simply not interesting.

This book provides a complete picture different forms sexism associated with language. Central to the creation of even a bitch guard, it seemed important to us not to make cuts in relation to the covered fields and to maintain the level of detail necessary for a good understanding. In turn, this reading sheet is long but rich in lessons for both feminists and others.

The book is divided into two parts. The first deals with the structures of language and what they have from sexism, "The language of men, the language of women." Second: "The image of women in language" rather denotes the types of expressions, practices, use of language, regardless of its structures. More theoretical, the first part is also more timeless.

Mat is called an integral part of Russian culture. Do you agree with this?

You practice applied linguistics and do linguistic examinations. Tell us about your practice?

I am dealing with cases that took place on court hearings, events that took place at the scene of the offenses. Sometimes I need to assess whether the use of the mat was an insult or not.

All arguments are based on extremely numerous examples taken from a very different languages, and which will be reported here only occasionally. Jaguello immediately reveals his affiliation with one of the pioneers of sociolinguistics, William Labov. The latter was one of the first to indicate that the language is not a single whole, but it has variants that are certainly local, but above all social. These commandments are clarified from the first lines.

Language is a symbolic system that deals with social relations so we must reject the idea of ​​"neutral" language and emphasize conflicting relationships. "The relationship of the individual with the language is in his relation to society." First, "language is also to a large extent a cultural mirror that captures symbolic representations and is an echo of prejudice and stereotypes."

It is known that obscene vocabulary can be used by a person simply because his vocabulary is too limited, and then obscene language does not carry an evaluative value, but only indicates the low culture of the speaker.

But there are often cases when a person deliberately uses a mat to offend the interlocutor. The task of an expert is precisely to correctly analyze such situations.

For reference:

Article 130. Insult

1. Insult, that is, humiliation of the honor and dignity of another person, expressed in an indecent form, is punishable by a fine of up to forty thousand rubles or in the amount of wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to three months, or compulsory labor for a period of up to one hundred and twenty hours, or correctional labor for a period of up to six months.

2. The insult contained in public speaking, a publicly displayed work or in the media, - shall be punishable by a fine in the amount of up to eighty thousand rubles or in the amount of the wage or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to six months, or compulsory labor for a term of up to one hundred and eighty hours, or correctional labor for a term of up to one of the year.

It turns out that swearing in an official speech speaks of a low culture. But Pushkin also swore and wrote obscene poetry ...

A rare person, especially a man, never uses such words in his speech. The situation is important. It is important to remember that checkmate may be appropriate sometime. In addition, it should be especially emphasized that the words that we now refer to as forbidden were not considered as such at one time.

It is from these positions that Pushkin should be assessed: he undoubtedly used obscene language - remember at least his "Gavriliad". But when a work is created with talent, devoid of vulgarity, then this is quite acceptable.

According to your observations, how often people swear at recent times?

I do not presume to judge absolutely precisely. But I would say this: the mat has been used, is used and, in all likelihood, will be used.

30 facts about profanity

1. Psychologists believe that mate is good remedy to restore energy balance and relieve stress. But, despite the effectiveness of the mate, it is prosecuted!

2.In Russian legislation there is an article prohibiting publicly speaking obscenities. The fine for this administrative violation is about 500 rubles.

3. For the first time Russian mat was mentioned in birch bark 12th century, recently discovered by archaeologists. It is true that the archaeologists refused to clarify what exactly is written on the birch bark letter.

4. Swearing helped invent the telephone! It was the curses of his assistant that Alexander Bell heard in the telephone receiver, after the assistant had incorrectly connected some wires. Therefore, swearing was the first words spoken on the phone.

5. According to statistics, the majority of Russians - 64% - believe that it is unacceptable to use obscene expressions in speech under any circumstances. A third of our fellow citizens (32%) are still sure that it is sometimes permissible to use swear words in speech.

6. If 250 years ago you called a girl "infection", she would not have been offended, but would have thanked for the compliment. In those days, the phrase "What an infection you are!" meant "What a charm you are, charm itself!"

7. Former American President George W. Bush is very fond of a strong word. Moreover, it slips into the president's speech not only in moments of anger, but even more often in a relaxed state. However, George W. Bush never swears in front of new acquaintances, in the Oval Office and in the presence of his wife Laura.

8. Philip Kirkorov is considered by many to be the most unlucky swearing man in Russia. After a famous press conference at which Philip publicly insulted the heroine in a pink blouse, his songs in protest were excluded from their air about 700 radio stations and TV channels across the country.

9. Despite the fact that tennis is called "the sport of gentlemen", everyone there swears. At Wimbledon, they even had to create an unspoken headquarters to combat swearing. The perpetrators pay heavy fines.

10. In one of the schools Sverdlovsk region, the teacher of the Russian language taught high school students the subtleties of foul language for six months. Was loud scandal.

11. By quantity obscene words and expressions of the Russian language, was only in third place in the world. Holds the palm English and in second place is the Dutch language.

12. In ancient times, MAT was considered holy words. Russian men used them during ceremonies and rituals to "call generic strength". It was possible to use these words only 16 days a year, and then they were strictly prohibited.

13. In Melbourne, there is a special psychological release service, which spouses turn to during a scandal. Instead of breaking the dishes in a rage, the husband or wife dials the number - and a stream of terrible abuse comes from the tube, this immediately brings the brawlers to their senses.

14. In Belgorod local authorities made a decision to introduce penalties for the use of obscene expressions in in public places... The amount of the fine is 1.5 thousand rubles. For several months, the city budget was replenished "at the expense of the mat" by 510 thousand rubles.

15. One of the oldest rules of etiquette comes from swearing. King George V of England once banged his fist on dining table, after which he burst into violent abuse. When he calmed down, he issued a decree according to which the forks should lie on the table with the prongs down.

16. According to statistics, 17% of Russians use a mat against stress and throw out their emotions, 5% use a mat to find mutual understanding and clarity of their speech. And, finally, 1% of Russians believe that swearing is possible “every day”, “in any life situations».

17. The word "cretin" in translation from Latin means - Christian.

18. Taoist monks, according to the rules Buddhist monasteries, taught, among other things, with a baton and abuse. As history has shown, the method was very effective.

19. The famous showman Roman Trakhtenberg was one of the first on our stage to start using profanity. In addition, he devoted his dissertation to Russian mat and considers himself an obscene philosopher.

20. Psychologists explain the origin of the mat simply - people do not have enough words to express emotions. Bright to confirmation - mate in the work of rock bands. The musicians themselves are sure that mate helps to cope with stress.

21. A person uses obscene language on average 230,000 times during his life.
Paradox! According to statistics, 29% of Russians never use obscene expressions in speech (according to the respondents themselves). At the same time, among 70% of the respondents, the majority of their acquaintances use swearing in their speech.

22. Large Russian mobile operator interviewed its subscribers and published the so-called "Mobile Etiquette". One of the rules of this etiquette recommends "not to use sound phrases that are offensive to others as a phone ring."

23.120 years ago, a US court considered the question: is it permissible in a private telephone conversation rude speech and abuse. Of course, swearing was banned on the grounds that the telephone lines are served by decent women.

24. In the United States, they invented a special device that recognizes obscene expressions in TV programs and films. In the case of a mate, the device is able to immediately turn off the sound so as not to injure the psyche of the viewer.

25. The word "cattle" comes from the Germanic word "Skat". It meant money, wealth, treasure.

26. According to official statistics, motorists in Germany most often pay fines not for breaking the rules road traffic, but for wrangling and swearing at the police.

27. It has been established that with complete loss of memory (with amnesia), the last thing that a person is still able to remember is swearing at native language... It is from them that doctors can, for example, determine the nationality of the patient.

28. One day, scientists set up an experiment. They cursed the water with a choice mat, after which they poured it over the wheat seeds. As a result, of those grains that were watered with water with a mat, only 48% sprouted, and the seeds watered with holy water sprouted by 93%.

29. Former mayor Moscow Yuri Luzhkov, by his own admission, uses a mat for communication different parts suggestions. But this did not stop him from canceling the concert of the Leningrad group, which was supposed to take place at the Moscow stadium. The reason for the cancellation is obscene expressions in the songs of the Leningrad group.

30. In the opinion of the majority of Russians, fighting obscenities is, in principle, useless. Neither fines nor agitation will help. The main thing is upbringing and internal culture, so many people think.

The concept of foul language

Foul language is speech filled with obscene expressions, obscene words, abuse. This word has many definitions, among them: obscene language, unprintable expressions, non-literary expressions, vocabulary of the "bodily bottom", etc.
Swearing in the Russian people is called foul language, from the word "filth." Valentin Dahl's dictionary says: “Filth is an abomination, filth, filth, everything vile, disgusting, disgusting, obscene that freezes carnally and spiritually; impurity, dirt and rot, decay, carrion, eruptions, feces; stench, stench; lewdness, debauchery, moral corruption; everything that is disgusting. " Now we understand that foul language invokes all of the above.

Offensive (invective) vocabulary exists in many languages ​​of culture, it is from such words that mat consists. This is a relatively small ("dirty dozen", as the English say) closed group of words and phrases, the use of which is taboo in the cultural community. You may have noticed that since it is educational institution, then teachers and all staff communicate in a civilized language without using bad words. Thus, you understand that you are in a cultured society, therefore, do not allow obscene words and expressions.

This group includes the names of parts human body, first of all, the genitals (the so-called vocabulary of the "bodily bottom"), physiological functions, sexual intercourse, as well as words derived from them. This also includes some offensive lexemes like a word, in its main meaning serving as the name of a dissolute woman, but still more often used in the interjection function - when expressing the whole gamut of human emotions: anger, indignation, amazement and even delight.

Why, then, was I amazed? I have, of course, heard obscenities throughout my life. But in this use, when the place of interjections that serve to express our emotions, children inserted curse words... Their communication consisted entirely of bad words. And most importantly, they understood each other, and I, straining all my imagination, could not understand anything.

The roots of foul language

Where does foul language come from? After all, it is not just that we have words. You know that on Earth, nothing living except man speaks. Only the highest creation of God, man, has a speech apparatus. Pre-Christian people believed in the existence of the invisible the other world, believed in the existence of God and in demons. They believed in the existence of some spirits that sent thunder, rain, could take away crops, take away health. Demons brought misfortune to people. So that the goblin would not be caught unawares in the forest, it was necessary to scare him, showing himself to be nasty, disgusting, disgusting. You go into the forest and send it obscenely ... People are accustomed to the fact that everything works for us and even the invisible world. The question arose: how to attract spirits so that they would work for a person. In what language to communicate with them? The language of prayer for demons horrible power... How can you lure them into your service? So, they frightened the demon with nasty abuse, a demonstration of their lewdness. For this, ritual incantatory words were composed, for communication with the spirits of darkness. This was done by "specialists" who were called with the letter "X", this word called the Magi. And when they say: "You went ... to the letter" X ", it means:" Go to the sorcerer and call the demons for help. "

You raise your education, your level, you will bring light, beauty and harmony to people. You will plant beauty around yourself - flowers, flower beds, plants. I want to convey to you that mat is not beauty, not harmony.

Scientific research on the impact on humans

Many scientists and researchers have been concerned about this recently. Petr Petrovich Gariaev (author new science"Wave genetics"), candidate biological sciences Institute of Control Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences, which studies the effect of sound on humans, invented an apparatus that translates human words into electromagnetic vibrations... We understand each other at the level of sound waves, the speed of which is very high.

Electromagnetic vibrations affect the property and structure of DNA molecules. Scientists have found that when a person swears, his chromosomes bend and twist, genes change places. As a result, DNA begins to develop unnatural programs. And so the self-liquidation program is gradually passed on to the offspring. Scientists have recorded that swear words cause a mutagenic effect similar to the one that produces radiation with a power of thousands of roentgens.

An irradiation experiment has been carried out for many years on the seeds of the Arabidopsis plant. Almost all of them died, and those that survived became genetic freaks. These monsters, having suffered many diseases, passed them on by inheritance, and after several generations degenerated. Interestingly, the mutagenic effect did not depend on the strength of the words; they could be pronounced either loudly or in a whisper. On this basis, scientists have concluded that certain words have an informational effect on DNA.

The opposite experiment was also carried out: scientists "blessed" the seeds killed by radioactive irradiation of ten thousand roentgens, then the confused genes, torn chromosomes and DNA strands fell into place and fused, the killed seeds came to life.

Someone may doubt: how can ordinary words affect the hereditary program? The fact is that the concept of a genetic apparatus consisting only of chemicals has long been outdated. Wave genetics suggests that a gene is not just a cell. The human program is encrypted in the so-called garbage part of DNA, and not only in chemicals but also in physical fields, which are formed around chromosomes and have a holographic (volumetric) structure. All information about the past, present and future of the organism is contained in a folded form at each point of the wave genome. DNA molecules exchange this information using electromagnetic waves, including acoustic and light. Scientists have come to a stunning conclusion: DNA perceives human speech, its wave "ears" are downright adapted to picking up sound vibrations.

Perhaps you have heard a story that when a plague attacked people in Europe, as a result of which thousands of people died out, the monks noticed that in monasteries people not only did not die, but also did not become infected. In Chernobyl, where the atomic disaster occurred, as a result of a chemical examination, they also noticed that Orthodox churches there was no radiation. This is due to the fact that the temples have bell towers. Bell ringing kills bacteria, and even radiation exposure.

The most interesting thing is that the molecules of heredity receive both acoustic and light information: silent reading reaches the cell nuclei through electromagnetic channels. One text heals heredity, the other injures it. The prayer words that people use to address God awaken backup capabilities genetic apparatus. We all know the concept of a curse, which also undoubtedly works. The curse destroys wave programs, which means it disrupts the normal development of the human body.

The famous psychophysiologist, doctor, member of the World Ecological Academy Leonid Kitaev-Smyk argues that the abuse of obscenities slowly but surely leads to hormonal disorders, especially in women. Cosmetologists noticed that those of their clients who cannot live without a mat suffer more than others from increased hairiness of the limbs, they have more low voice... The fact is that the mat promotes the production of male sex hormones.

In Russia, the most a large number of children with Down's disease. Mat destroys a person at the genetic level. And also notice that the word "mat" is consonant with the word "mother". So, the use of a mat is aimed at destroying the mother and at the woman's absence of signs of motherhood. Recently a woman came to me who told me about her grief, she was pregnant several times, but the pregnancy ends in miscarriage. She herself does not swear, her parents swear. The child cannot survive.

Orthodox view

From the Orthodox point of view, foul language is a sin. He was condemned at the Council of Carthage (right. 71): "Obscene words offend the honor of the mothers of families and the chastity of others." The one who uses bad language, first of all, dishonors the honor of mothers, impudently curses at the God-established laws of birth, forgetting that he himself was born and raised by a mother. The Russian people have long been called blasphemers.

The habit of foul language forms the moral image of a person, hinders his introduction to culture, makes him unreliable in relationships with others. The habit of foul language is a sign of a person's spiritual and moral decay. Rotten speech corrupts a person: he not only gives his soul into the power of demons, but also affects the state of mind of the people around him, he does not spare either the shyness of women or the purity of children. "By your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned."

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