Home Trees and shrubs Triangle of money and signs of wealth in palmistry. The meaning of the money triangle in the palm of your hand

Triangle of money and signs of wealth in palmistry. The meaning of the money triangle in the palm of your hand

Everyone wants to know if he will be rich, if he will be able to achieve success. Palmistry deals with the deciphering of a code that reflects the essence of a person, which predetermines the main events of life. About prosperity financial success the line of wealth on the hand will tell a lot. There are several banknotes in the palm of your hand, they also include the shape of a hand, fingers.

Fundamentals of divination by hand for money

Start guessing with money general inspection. No gaps between the fingers - already good. Poverty does not threaten the owner of closely closed fingers. Determine the shape of the palm, compare the right and left hand. Permanent lines are on the left hand. On the right, the current experience is imprinted, the upcoming choice is reflected. These features are characteristic of right-handers. For lefties, the situation is reversed.

Next, the fingers are carefully examined, analyzed appearance phalanges. In people who are able to rationally relate to material values, the phalanges are dense, strong, powerful. If not all fingers are developed equally, pay attention to the following points:

  • The pronounced phalanges of the index finger, little finger show that a person is endowed with the ability to receive good income.
  • Developed phalanges of the middle finger happen if fate has given the ability to save money.
  • An elongated little finger is a propensity for commercial activities.
  • Trapezoidal nail phalanges are a kind of magnet for wealth.
  • Square nail phalanges - the love of money is not supported by the ability to earn money.
  • Curls on several pads are a sign of the ability to attract money.

Interpretation of wealth lines

Information about wealth / poverty, stable prosperity / financial problems is learned by looking at the dashes on the hand. However, it is not worth looking for where the special line of wealth is on the hand. Such does not exist. destined by fate financial victories and defeats are recognized by other lines. The main lines that reveal the possibility money luck, are:

  • life;
  • hearts;
  • Fate.

All marks on the palm are analyzed. What the hell is deeper, smoother, clearer, in this way it is advisable to earn a living. If the deep trait of Apollo, earn through the implementation creativity. With a pronounced feature of Mercury, they rely on education. Most of the information is stored by the trait of Life, which is responsible for all significant changes. An even deep stripe represents vital stability. People with this mark are on good location, have enough money, are often the minions of good luck.

Branches running towards the fingers are considered harbingers of success. If similar ones are visible at the beginning of the line, the person with early years distinguished by self-confidence. The close location of the line of Life from the line of Mind shows a prudent mind, the ability to take only deliberate steps. Such people get wealth early, to mature age become the owners of real wealth.

In the palm of your hand, the amount of money intended by fortune is recognized by the line of Fate. To understand what lies ahead, look what the hell is Destiny. Smooth, clear, deeply drawn - stability, security are guaranteed. Intermittent - a period of contentment will be replaced by a complete lack of money associated with the loss of sources of income.

Some palmists believe that the lines of wealth and possible success on the hand are concentrated precisely in the line of Fate. After all, there are many nuances of its interpretation with financial side. Main features financial success on the line of Fate are the following:

  • The beginning of this line rests on the hill of the Moon, its movement is close to the line of Life, there is an intersection with the line of the Heart in the palm, which means life will pass in contentment.
  • A doubled, tripled line testifies to the many gifts of fate that a person will receive throughout life.
  • Branches looking at Jupiter, Mercury are called the scoop of wealth. Palmistry considers these lines to be an undoubted sign of constant cash flows going to the owner of the hand.
  • Branches to Saturn portend money earned by hard work.
  • Branches to the hill of the Sun show that money will come due to talents, individual abilities.

Symbols of wealth on the lines of the Mind and Heart

Prediction Examples wealth are also found on the line of Mind. IN this case analyze signs, branches. A branch from the trait of Mind, responsible for the opportunity to get rich as a result of classes scientific activity, goes in the palm of your hand from the line of Mind to the hill of Mercury.

Branches to the index finger show the ability to think clearly, take responsibility for everything decisions made. People with such a gift rarely live in poverty. Even having sunk to the bottom, they retain the ability to soar up, to achieve complete success in everything. A small branch to the little finger is also a good sign. Its owners know how to take risks at the right time. As a result, they often win, achieve significant wealth.

Palmistry claims: the line of wealth is often personified by the feature of the Heart. Especially when the heart mark on the hand ends with a fork. The owners of these signs are always “on horseback”: they have an impressive bank account, enjoy universal respect and attention.

Interpretation of other signs of wealth

Signs of wealth on the hand are presented various characters. On the hand, palmistry suggests looking for a confluence of 3 lines, which are called the "triangle". It can be seen in the central part of the right palm. It consists of lines of the Head, Fate, on the third side it is closed with a special line. The big triangle promises big money. A small triangle, but duplicated on both hands, is also considered a sign of a real opportunity to get very rich.

The wealth triangle does not mean that the owner can become a millionaire. His wealth will be obvious only to familiar surroundings. A person will be able to confidently stand on his feet, be more prosperous than the people next to whom his life flows. he will have enough funds for everything he needs, he will leave a decent inheritance to his children and grandchildren.

Important! The triangle is considered a harbinger of monetary success when it consists of completely closed sides. The open sides show that incoming money will leave at the same rate.

The triangle is often formed by branches from the line of life to the thumb. Such figures are signs of an easy opportunity to make financial profit, to succeed without special efforts. Such triangles are often interpreted as signs of a marriage of convenience. Not only the triangle indicates financial success. A star on the hill of Jupiter is a common sign that palmistry interprets unambiguously. People with a star on this hillock are called "lucky." Everything is easy for them: true love, a happy family, prosperity, the opportunity to become famous.

Palmistry calls the strip between the little finger and forefinger the line of inheritance. Nature can draw such when it is necessary to assume the role of an heir. So it can also act as a line of future wealth in the palm of your hand. But this is a sad symbol, meaning both the arrival of money and the departure from life. loved one. It is important to analyze the length of the little finger. The longer it is, the more significant role money will play in a person's life. Such people are ready to do anything for the sake of money. Therefore, in most cases they become rich, but lonely. They betray friends for profit, enter into marriages of convenience, easily walk over the heads of colleagues at work.

The little finger, one third behind the ring finger, tells the owner that he should work hard. Efforts will bring the desired results. True, it is not necessary to dream of superprofits. But stable financial position such people are provided with a fate, provided that they work hard. A short little finger warns the owner about the ban on working in the financial sector. There will be no benefit, losses cannot be avoided. Banking, the exchange is banned. You should not go into commerce either, so as not to end up in a debt hole.

In conclusion, it is necessary to say about the "money wind". This is the name of the strokes that vertically streak the hillock of Saturn. This distinctive sign happens if a person is given the opportunity to "make money out of thin air." But the owners of the "money wind" do not achieve real wealth. Profit quickly disappears without leaving a trace.

Palmistry- an ancient science that helps to predict the fate of a person along the lines in the palm of a person. With the help of Palmistry, you can find out if a person has the ability to enrich himself. This can be read by the combination of different lines in the palm of your hand.

The pictures show 16 signs that speak of potential material wealth and success. On the left of each picture are signs of wealth in the palm of a person, and on the right is a more detailed description of the sign of wealth.

In the description of 16 signs of wealth, there may be terms that are not familiar to you (Line of the mind, Line of marriage, Hill of Mercury, etc.). If you do not know where these Lines and Hills are located in the palm of your hand, then look at the picture on the left. It shows the location of all the Lines and Hills in the palm of a person.

16 Signs of Wealth According to Palmistry:

Fortune telling by the hand gives an answer about the potential opportunity to get rich, but we do not always know how to correctly realize this opportunity. In order to realize the possibility of enrichment laid down by fate, it is necessary to form the worldview of a successful and rich person. Everyone knows that words are material. Unfortunately, we often forget that not only our words, which we consciously say when talking with people, but also our innermost conversation with the Universe, which often takes place inside us, have a tendency to materialize.

In order to become rich and successful, it is important to learn the Language of Success. This will help you learn how to think successful man, thereby attracting situations that contribute to enrichment into our lives. According to science palmistry line on the palm of a person indicate enrichment factors, and a change in consciousness will help to practically realize these opportunities.

The basic rules of a rich man:

1. Don't blame other people for your own failures. Even if to some extent some of your accusations are objective, you should not scold and get angry at others for your failures. After all, according to science Palmistry, failures are also reflected on the lines of a person’s palm and are the result of past impious deeds. Moreover, bids destroy you, sucking out of you a lot of energy, which is so necessary for your enrichment.

2. Stop absorbing negative information into your mind. Our mind absorbs what we see, hear or talk about. If you often watch horror films on TV, read books with a dramatic plot, then monetary prosperity, unfortunately, will bypass you. You need to focus your mind on a positive source of information.

3. Stop resenting and scolding your life. In no case should this be done either in the morning or in the evening. In the morning, grumbling at life, you set yourself negative program for the rest of the day. Negativity before bed causes insomnia and anxiety that interfere with a healthy sound sleep. If you don't rest for the night, you will be unhappy the next day, which will lead to a meaningless and inefficient day. But if in the morning and in the evening your program is positive, then success is guaranteed to you. After all, specialists in Palmistry know examples when the correct mindset of a person can to some extent change the pattern wealth lines in the palm of a man.

4. Do not say the phrases "if", "wherever". With these phrases, you yourself set yourself up for obstacles to achieve prosperity. Let your favorite and often spoken phrases be "I can", "I can do it", "I decided"
such phrases will change your mind and thoughts and create the future you aspire to - successful and prosperous.
Say these phrases to yourself for at least 15 minutes a day, shaping the worldview of a successful and happy person.

Signs on the palms will answer questions about the financial situation and the opportunity to get rich, gain success and a name in society. One of the main symbols of wealth in palmistry is the money triangle.

What is the money triangle

Any information about a person's life is written in his palm, and thanks to palmistry, you can read not only the fate itself, but also learn about the character, attitude towards life and marriage. The worldview is often imprinted on the palm of a person, one has only to look closely and correctly read what is written on it. Predictions about fidelity, marriage, children and the general family atmosphere are a priority for many, but the most interesting topic for most is profit. Thanks to the money triangle, you can easily find out what financial situation awaits on life path. The basics of palmistry say a lot of interesting things about the money triangle on the hand.

How to find a figure in the palm of your hand

In order to see events that have not yet happened and to correctly interpret certain signs of fate, they always look at right palm She is in charge of the future. There you can also see a triangle located at the intersection of the lines of the Heart and the Mind, usually it is small in size. Sometimes it is problematic to notice it due to fuzzy lines or its absence in the palm of your hand, but the features on the hands are fixable and change over the course of life, you will have the chance to change them at your discretion.

The line of Fate and the line of the Head show how much a person is prone to making a profit. If he is destined by fate to have a lot of money, then this will be shown on his hand.

Such people have a triangle of money and signs of wealth in the palm of their hand, but this phenomenon is very rare, it is more often acquired during life. The fact that the sides of this triangle are the most important talking lines, shows the importance of the connection of reason and ingenuity with profit, or a possible connection with luck and fate: if a person has concomitant luck, he will certainly make his wealth.

What are the types of triangle

Like any other line, the money triangle in the palm of your hand does not have a single pattern for everyone, and its meaning varies depending on the location and depth of the lines, size and intersections.

  1. closed triangle. He shows a good fortune acquired during his lifetime. The man can keep it. He will always have money, they will accumulate, it depends only on the efforts and aspirations, as well as the goals set for himself.
  2. A torn money triangle on the hand indicates that a person with such a sign in the palm of his hand will not hold money: they will constantly go somewhere and for no apparent reason.
  3. A person containing lines and signs inside a triangle will more often be content with several sources of his financial well-being, money will come easier and faster due to the presence of several different points of profit.
  4. Having no closing part, even a small line that could show the lower edge, the triangle says, the owner of such a pattern in the palm of his hand will not be able to save his money, no matter how hard he tries.

What are the features of the interpretation of the figure

We often think that a large triangle of money in the palm of your hand means incommensurable wealth. This is far from full interpretation, in most cases it is not correct. How a person relates to money can be understood by analyzing the signs in the palm of your hand and explaining them correctly. Two outcomes are possible:

  1. Attitude to earned money: someone will have enough and not bad wages, and someone works for the sake of awareness itself a large number money.
  2. Attitude to life and comforts: someone will be satisfied with a roof over their heads and a piece of bread, other people will want everything and more - they will not be satisfied with any major purchase.

The size of the money triangle in palmistry shows the love for money and its importance in human life. You should definitely remember this if you want to read your own or someone else's palm.

How to correct the profit sign

Everything in this life is fixable, you can also adjust the triangle of wealth on your hand. Following a few instructions, you can change the lines in the palm of your hand.

Due to this, your financial situation will improve and even out, and you yourself will learn to look differently at the final goal of your earnings.

  1. Think about what goal you are pursuing by making money. These are trips, gifts or basic means of need. Depending on the answers, build a certain line of behavior that would be opposite to the previously existing one. If you were easy on money and considered it an integral part of life, give it more importance, but within reason. If you have placed too much hope on your wealth learn to treat them a little easier.
  2. It is important to change the attitude towards money for those who like to complain about the lack of a sufficient amount of profit. It should be said that a person is rich, money easily goes into his hands. When the installation takes effect, you will notice that finances have become more willing go into your arms. Even if you are experiencing difficulties, do not stop repeating these words, and in time they will surely come true.
  3. Draw what you want. You just need to take a pen and draw a line in the missing place. It will be better if you draw the whole triangle at once. Do this periodically 2 times a week, and walk around until the paste on your arm is worn off.

You should learn to respect money, radically change your attitude towards them and try to attract them to you with words, mental attitudes, which should be repeated from time to time like a mantra. The more you believe in what you say, the faster it will come true.

Are there other signs of wealth

In addition to the triangle that is located between the line of Fate and the Head, there are several more signs in palmistry that can be used to determine the degree of money flowing into a person’s life and their role.

Thanks to the study of papillary patterns of the line of Fate and more close attention to the thickness of the lines you can add up the money picture of a person. The thickness of the fingers can also tell you enough about your predisposition to enrich or preserve the acquired capital, you just have to carefully look not only at the palm, but at the whole hand.

An example of this is thin fingers, which, even with a pronounced triangle on both palms, indicate that such a person is completely unable to manage money. He thoughtlessly spends them on unnecessary or harmful things, he has no experience and habit of accumulation.

In the future, this will bring enough inconvenience, but in early age such people do not think about future problems, preferring to spend. These are spenders, they suffer from this quality. You can change this, but only with hard work and a desire to be more frugal.


Correction of the money triangle on the hand is a simple matter, but it depends on your mood. Your messages and desires are driving force in a mechanism that will help you succeed in bringing money into your life.

This article talks about deciphering the line of wealth and money. You will also learn how to strengthen it.

Look at your palms, having thoroughly studied them: a strip of money will tell you what financial opportunities were laid down for you at birth and given by nature. Thanks to this information, you will understand whether you have a predisposition to becoming a rich person. Read more in this article.

On which hand to look at the line of wealth and money, how does it look, how to determine it?

Thanks to such a science as palmistry, you can read the fate of a person along the lines on the palms. It is worth noting that there is no line of wealth and money on hand.

  • It is necessary to look at a combination of different signs and symbols, as well as analyze the location of the main bands relative to each other.
  • After that, conclusions are drawn, on the basis of which it is clear whether a person has a predisposition to wealth or not.
  • Carefully study the diagram below. This way you will know where a particular line or hills of the planets is located. You will also learn what signs and symbols are on the palms.

Important: Wealth is not only a financial component, but also a clear mind, good health, easy fate and happiness in life. Therefore, all stripes on the palms are considered, and it is also worth paying attention to the fingers, the shape of the hands and nails.

The sequence of divination by hand for wealth consists of the following stages:

  • The shape of the palm is analyzed
  • Studying the shape of the fingers
  • Examination of the main lines of the palm and their decoding

Advice: Study both hands, as one palm can misinterpret the meaning and prophesy a different fate. If you understand that divination is a difficult science for you, then refuse to study palmistry. After all, it is the correct interpretation that is important, and not everyone can understand this science.

So, the real lucky ones have a beautiful palm, with clear stripes, extended long fingers. Their nails are beautiful and have an oval shape (as in Figure B).

  • First look at the phalanges of the fingers: people prone to wealth have strong lower phalanges. If the phalanges are massive at the little finger and index finger, then a person can earn a lot of money with his work. Strong phalanges on the middle and ring fingers, a person knows how to keep money.
  • Long pinky indicates success in commercial affairs.
  • Fingertips: trapezoidal - the owner knows how to attract money, square - there is a love for money, but skills and knowledge are needed to earn them.
  • Most fingerprints have a round coil, which means that the owner will be able to attract wealth.

At the next stage, you need to study the main stripes on the palm of your hand:

  • Deep indicates self-confidence and success.
  • Direct and speaks of purposefulness and the presence of important life goals and ambitions. In addition, a person has every opportunity to realize these ambitions if the streak of fate ends on the hill of Jupiter.
  • head band should not just be clear and deep. In a rich person, lines depart from it towards the hillock of Jupiter and to the base of the little finger. This speaks of a risky, but lucky person who always wins.
  • should also point to money. At the end of this strip there should be a fork extending up to the base of the finger.

If the owner has all the stripes with signs, and his hand and fingers have correct form This means that such a person will be successful in business and his wallet will always be full.

Remember: Think with your head and accept right decisions! Do not completely rely on the pattern of the palms on the hands.

If you do not have the above signs of wealth, do not be discouraged. Maybe you have other signs and lines that indicate the potential that can be developed, and thanks to its timely disclosure, come to cherished goal. Now let's take a closer look at what other lines and signs indicate a predisposition to financial well-being.

Palmistry - a line of money in the palm of the hand of women and men: meaning, decoding, photo

In palmistry, there is such a thing as a “money triangle” - this is a sign that forms a strip of money in the palm of the hand, both for women and men.

  • This triangle is located in the center of the palm.
  • It is formed by the features of fate and the head. The base of this sign triangular shape- This is a line that has a clear outline. In addition, the larger this sign, the more wealth a person will have.
  • If the lower base of this symbol is discontinuous- this suggests that a person can earn money, but his financial well-being passes him by.
  • A good sign is a few crossed lines on the hill of Jupiter. This speaks of good luck in all matters, including financial ones.

Here are some more money symbols:

  • Easy money sign- symbols of a triangular shape (#6), the base of which is on the life bar, and the top looks to the side thumb.
  • A pronounced line indicates the receipt of an inheritance.(No. 7) between the little finger and ring fingers. This sign is rare.

It's important to know: If the central triangle is on both hands, then soon the owner of such a sign will gain great wealth.

How to fix and strengthen the money line of wealth in the palm of your hand for wealth: tips

The thoughts in the head also affect the cash flow, and not just what is destined by fate. Make daily settings for yourself, and then the wealth streak will increase. Here are some tips on how to get material well-being and how to fix the wealth money line in the palm of your hand for wealth:

  • Don't blame other people for your troubles, even if you think that someone is really to blame for your material problems.
  • The negative is reflected in the stripes on the palms. Therefore, any trouble is a bookmark with your thoughts or words.
  • Only positive information should be in the heart and mind. Chat with positive people, watch funny movies and TV shows. A negatively minded person cannot be rich.
  • Do not complain about your fate and do not say that life is bad. If we talk about the bad, especially in the morning, then the installation can last up to 3 days.
  • Phrases that will lead to financial well-being: “I can”, “I am determined”, “I do”.
  • Do not pronounce phrases with the particle “would”: “if”, “why”, “as if”. All of this is uncertainty for the future.

Speak positive phrases all the time, set yourself up for good. When success is reflected in your thoughts, a line of wealth will appear on the palms.

How to draw the line of wealth, money in the palm of your hand?

There is such a thing as corrective palmistry - this is a change in fateful forecasts, as well as the prevention of unpleasant events and the fulfillment of desires.

  • This method is called chirography.- biofeedback.
  • The main events in life are reflected on the palms in the form of stripes.. And if a person admits this, then why not try to change these events by influencing iconic symbols.
  • Since ancient times, people have decorated themselves and painted signs on their bodies.. Symbols must be positive, because the owner wanted to improve his life.
  • Now you can draw various lines on the palm of your hand., including wealth and money to run biological feedback to attract financial well-being.
  • This can be done using henna, mascara or other natural dyes.
  • It is enough to draw a sign of easy money, wealth or inheritance, as the money will begin to flow into your hands.

Draw the money triangles and wealth lines that were described above. Palmists who study chirography claim that this method will not take long.

Video: Mystical signs on the hands, talking about the superpowers and talents of a person. Palmistry. part 1

The amount of money in a person's life depends on two qualities: the talent to earn and the talent to keep. Whether you have them or not is very easy to find out. First of all, you should consider the line of Fate (in the photo on the right, line 1). The clearer and deeper it is, the more efficient the owner of the palm is, the more opportunities he has to do good career. But for wealth, the ability to “plow like a horse” is not enough.

The second line, which speaks of our abilities and ability to make money, is the Head line (2). “If you are so smart, then why are you so poor?” the Americans say. Ideally, the head line should be not only clear, without breaks and “islands”, but also straight. This is a sign of rationalism and efficiency. It is good when there is a so-called scoop of money (3) on the head line - a branch extending towards the hill of Mercury ( 7) It speaks to the ability to clearly see earning opportunities where everyone else does not see them.

As you know, Mercury is the god of trade. On our palms there is a line of Mercury (4), it reflects the commercial abilities of its owner and should also be clear and even. Together, these three lines - Fate, Head and Mercury - form a figure called the Money Triangle (in the photo below - ABV).

A well-defined triangle is a sign of prosperity and the ability to earn money. Alas, a clear and even triangle is a rarity. As a rule, it has breaks in the corners.

If this is angle A, then wealth is given to you with great difficulty. Money does not come because the angle with the break A is directed to the hill of Jupiter (5). And Jupiter is a career, which means that no matter how hard you work, you won’t earn much. How to fix it? Appreciate your work and demand appropriate payment for it.

Angle B is directed to the hill of Venus (6). Venus is life, health, family. If corner B is broken, all the money goes to life or to support the family and relatives.

And the most unpleasant gap is the B angle. It is directed to Mercury (7). The owners of such a triangle have no commercial abilities. And yes, the money is going nowhere. And it doesn't matter how much you earn: everything will be spent, or rather, everything will be spent. Breaking angle B is a sign of spenders.

What to do when there is no Money triangle at all, and primarily because of the absence of the Mercury line? If the rest of the lines in the palm of your hand are clear, then you can rejoice - this is a complete Financial independence. You are not a selfish person and at the same time you are in full control cash flow you can earn as much as you want. If the line of the Head is weak, thin, torn and tortuous, it remains to be consoled by the saying “Happiness is not in money”.

Can a person live happily without knowing how to earn money? And how! How full our life will be, the Indians determine by the “grain of wheat”. or "phala rekha" in Sanskrit. Wheat line (8) is located on the fold of the first and second phalanges of the thumb. If the “grain” is large and well-defined, life will pass without material difficulties, it will be happy and full.

The Money Triangles may still be on the Life Line (9) with inside. They are formed by additional lines. These are the so-called Easy Money Triangles (10). True, they say about such incomes: “It came in one fell swoop and left ashes.” But still, we most often rejoice in them. Along the line of Life, you can also determine the age at which money rain will fall on your head (1 cm - about 10 years). The main thing is to save everything later - both money and head.

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