Home Trees and shrubs Youtube jihad is a bit of an execution. The executioner of the ISIS jihadi-tolik handed out leaflets calling for jihad in November (video). Why Radical Islam

Youtube jihad is a bit of an execution. The executioner of the ISIS jihadi-tolik handed out leaflets calling for jihad in November (video). Why Radical Islam

The executioner of the ISIS* terrorist group banned in Russia () Jihadi-Tolik, who executed the Russian, was killed during a shootout in the city of Mosul. The extremist was wanted by special services and Interpol for committing particularly serious crimes.

Real name Jihadi Tolika - Anatoly Zemlyanka. Dugout was a native of Noyabrsk, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. Joined the Islamic State in 2013. Then he went to Syria, where he became a militant of a terrorist organization. According to the intelligence services, the future Jihadi-Tolik showed interest in extremist organizations back in Russia, where he distributed banned literature and recruited his compatriots.

Russian Anatoly Zemlyanka "became famous" after the publication of a video in which he cracked down on another Russian, who was suspected of spying for the Russian special services. Later it became known that 23-year-old Magomed Khasiev became the victim of Jihadi Tolik. Jihadi-Tolik Anatoly Zemlyanka was dubbed on the Internet after it became known that the executioner of ISIS is Russian by nationality.

*The Islamic State (ISIS) is a banned organization in the Russian Federation.

Jihadi Tolik photo

According to preliminary information dated October 20, 2016, a native of Noyabrsk Anatoly Zemlyanka, better known as the executioner of ISIS (the organization is banned on the territory of the Russian Federation) Jihadi Tolik, was eliminated as a result of a special operation in Iraq. According to sources in law enforcement agencies, a Russian who joined the ranks of extremists was killed during the battle for Mosul (Iraq).

An executioner from the Islamic State terrorist organization put on the international wanted list by Interpol ( IS, ISIS, banned in Russia) Anatoly Zemlyanka(Islamic names "Taymullah" and "Asadullah") imbued with the ideas of jihadism not somewhere in Saudi Arabia or Pakistan, but in Yamal. Which, however, is hardly surprising: since the beginning of the 2000s, the oil and gas north of Russia has been featured in FSB analysts as a zone of expansion of Wahhabi ideas, under the influence of which mainly the Slavic population of the region falls.

Beginning: "The Laughing Boy"
The path of turning Anatoly Zemlyanka into a jihadist was restored by the press through social networks (including his personal VKontakte page). Zemlyanka was born in 1987. Until the age of 15 he lived in Belgorod. At the beginning of the 2000s, Anatoly's parents moved to Yamal, to Noyabrsk. Here Anatoly went to the tenth grade. Former classmates remember him as an ordinary guy of his age, with more than average academic success, but kind and cheerful. “There are people who make everyone laugh, that’s how he was,” recalls school years Anatoly his former classmate. - In general, a good, kind, went in for sports - an ordinary guy.

According to the confessions of a former classmate, Tolya liked to tease teachers, giggling during lessons in the back of the classroom. Also, Tolya Zemlyanka's comrades at school at the time recall that Tolya was a fan of the Rammstein group. The main hobby of Tolik was still sports. AT graduation classes Tolik went to the "rocking chair" and began to visit the section of Thai boxing in the city club "Bailun". In terms of sports, the boy turned out to be the same as at school: good-natured, funny, but with average inclinations that did not even allow him to hope that he would become a promising athlete. Former Zemlyanka coach Oleg Zinner confessed to reporters years later: despite the fact that Anatoly was pumped up, he used him as a sparring partner for "stronger fighters." "He is tall handsome guy, very pumped up, but as an athlete he turned out to be rather weak, with rottenness. The other after the defeat, on the contrary, will get together, eager to fight for revenge, and he immediately gave back. Not a fighting character, ”says the sports mentor. Zinner also said that in terms of training, Tolya was inconsistent, "came from time to time for one and a half to two years."

Having overcome school with triples, in 2004 Anatoly Zemlyanka entered the Financial and Economic Institute (FEI) of Tyumen State University, at the Department of Customs. Together with him, his former classmate entered the "customs officer": the one who told about Tolik's addiction to giggle during the lessons. According to her confessions, Tolya's behavior "at the university" has changed little after school. In pairs, he liked to climb to the very back of the audience and tease the lecturers with funny remarks, which greatly amused his fellow students and drove the teachers crazy. In terms of study - a typical middle peasant, with a strong dependence on mood. I could study well, I could study poorly. Anatoly studied the first two courses in Noyabrsk, where the branch was located. In the junior years, as people who knew him recall, the guy first began to look into the city mosque.

According to those who knew him from school, this was unusual for him. Tolik's teenage fascination with Rammstein music was inspired by the German band's outward style, reminiscent of black SS uniforms and "blood and soil" ideas. The good-natured Tolya liked the greeting “Heil Hitler”, was impressed by the ideas of skinheads, and really did not like the fact that many people from the Caucasus and Central Asia live in Yamal. But he still did not become a complete skinhead. In the autumn of 2006, Tolya transferred from the November branch of IPPE to Tyumen. There he settled in an apartment, which he rented with two fellow students. In Tyumen, Zemlyanka continued to practice Thai boxing, and at the same time began to master kyokushinkai karate. Tolya's former karate mentor Artem Silin admitted that, having looked closely at the tall visiting student, he immediately put an end to him because of the complete absence of combat aggression, which is necessary for every serious karateka. But in general, says Silin, Zemlyanka was a strong, and at the same time kind and smiling guy, a typical "healthy good-natured fellow."

Until the fifth, graduation year, the life of Anatoly Zemlyanka in Tyumen fit into one cycle. In the morning he came from his outskirts of Tyumen to the center for classes at the "university", in the evening he left for training, and then - home, to an apartment in the area called "Defence" in the city. During the holidays, the young man left Tyumen, after the holidays he came back. After finishing my fourth year in Anatolia, a lot has changed. AT october- november In 2008, he told his acquaintances that he had become a Muslim, and now bears the name Taymullah. Tolik-Taymulla made new friends - ethnic Muslims from his Oborona district, who were not university students but came to Tyumen to work. Together with new friends, Taymullah attended Juma prayers and other prayer meetings on Fridays. However, the Muslim Tolik did not break off relations with his study friends, except that he asked to be called by his Muslim name. He asked his kyokushinkai coach Artem Silin about the same.

Where exactly and why the student Tolik Zemlyanka became a Muslim, none of his acquaintances can say for sure. Oleg Zinner, his former Thai boxing coach, suggests that Anatoly's transformation into Taymulla most likely occurred during his summer holiday in Noyabrsk. Specifically, in the mosque, where, as his friends recall, Tolik first began to look at school. As the coach suggests, those who converted Anatoly to Islam, most likely, began to work on him in a radical Islamic way. “Anatoly has always been weak psychologically. So Anatoly was treated psychologically, all his complexes were taken into account, and he felt like a hero, - says Oleg Zinner - Terrorists recruit young and beautiful people to make them leaders, a picture of the movement. Anatoly Zemlyanka disappeared from the field of view of his university comrades immediately after graduating from his native land, in 2009. No one knew what happened to him, and few watched. Yesterday's students began an independent life, full of much more important concerns.

It is known that after receiving a diploma, Zemlyanka settled in his native Noyabrsk, with the Muslim organization "Yamal-Nenets Kazyat", located on Khvoynaya Street, house 13. At the end of 2012, Anatoly-Taymulla Zemlyanka became one of the leaders of Ikhsan, a city Muslim organization, registered under the auspices of the Yamalo-Nenets kazyyat. One of the actual owners of Ikhsan was the head of the kazyyat, Mirsang Davlavtov, a native of Tajikistan who settled in Noyabrsk in 1999. Ihsan's office was located in a private apartment. Davlatov also brought Zemlyanka into the leadership of the Iman organization, the representative office of the kazyyat in the Vyngapurovsky microdistrict of Noyabrsk.

On the "true path"
The newly minted Muslim activist Anatoly Zemlyanka registered on the VKontakte network under the nickname "Tolik Asadulla ** Taymulla." Characteristic is the entry on the wall of the account dated December 8, 2010: “And let the armies of the infidels not seem great to you. Indeed, how many times have we already defeated them, and how many times have they retreated! Textual analysis showed from which source the young Muslim took these words - from the brochure "Jihad - the true way to establish the power of Allah." This book, which abundantly quotes the ideologists of Wahhabism and the Muslim Brotherhood, is being distributed in all Wahhabi communities in Russia. Summary the books can be summarized as follows: since real Muslims wage jihad in Iraq, Muslims in Russia are obliged to wage jihad in Chechnya, Dagestan and other regions of Russia, and those who evade jihad are non-Muslims. The goal of Islam, as the brochure says, is to build a single "Islamic state" (!) in the world, where there will be only two nations - Muslims and non-Muslims.

The question of how this sample of terrorist literature fell into the hands of a young neophyte is more appropriate to address it to teachers and mentors - the leaders of the Yamalo-Nenets kazyyat Mirsang Davlatov and Vildan Akhmatshin. A similar question was asked by the kazyyat and the prosecutor's office of Noyabrsk. On May 29, 2013, the prosecutor's office issued a warning to Mirsang Davlatov, chairman of the Yamalo-Nenets kazyyat, about the inadmissibility of extremist activities. He, in turn, appealed to the court with a statement about the illegality of the warning. However, the Noyabrsky City Court refused the head of the organization. In August of the same year, an appeal was again filed with the court, this time on behalf of the acting chairman of the kazyyat Rafisa Kormurzin. At the same time, in confirmation of his authority, the court was presented with the minutes of the meeting of the local organization "Ihsan" - the very one, among the leaders of which was Anatoly - Taymulla - Asadulla Zemlyanka. The court denied the appeal. On October 16, 2014, the Ihsan organization was liquidated by a court decision for repeated gross violations of laws on the activities of religious and non-profit organizations.

Translated into ordinary Russian, "Ihsan" could not explain to the court why it did not bring its statutory documentation in accordance with the law, did not declare, as expected, its financial statements while ignoring the decisions of the authorities. The Yamalo-Nenets kazyyat, which itself was in limbo by that time, acted as the defendant in the liquidation of Ikhsan. From 2011 to 2014, the leaders of the organization practically did not get out of the courts, where they acted mainly as defendants in other people's claims. Kazyat was charged with both distribution of extremist materials and violations of laws on the activities of non-profit organizations.

Taymulla Zemlyanka, the former Anatoly, avoided legal red tape. In 2014, he was already in Syria, where in 2013 he went "on jihad." In Syria, the former good-natured, healthy Tolik turned into a jihadist. In early December, Anatoly Zemlyanka - the eternal middle peasant in life - finally became famous. All the world's media spread around the video, where a 28-year-old native of Yamal beheads on camera another Russian Muslim - Yevgeny Yudin, who converted to Islam under the influence of his foster Chechen mother, and then, like Zemlyanka, went to seek his fortune in ISIS. People who knew Zemlyanka at school and university are still in a state of shock. Yes, they guessed that their former fellow student on the Islamic topic could “go crazy”, this was evidenced by the “contact” of Zemlyanka, chock-full of nasheeds, posters and videos calling for jihad and caliphate. "Friends" even gave Dugout the nickname "Tolya Jihadist". But no one believed that this yesterday's good man would be able to cut heads. After all, quite harmless pictures appeared on the “Jihadist’s” contact wall, like a photo of kissing girls with the inscription “I’m a normal person: I see lesbians, I like it.”

Qui prodest
Many people are to blame for the transformation of yesterday's student Tolik, who liked to make everyone laugh, into the executioner of ISIS. First of all, Zemlyanka himself. But no one becomes a jihadist just like that. Leading experts in Islamic studies have long since revealed that the Tyumen Region, the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug have long turned into a hidden incubator for cultivating jihadists. The largest Muslim organization in this vast region, the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Tyumen Region (DUMTO), takes an open pro-Wahhabi stance, focusing on preachers from Saudi Arabia and Qatar. The Yamalo-Nenets kazyyat, where the Muslim formation of the Zemlyanka took place, belongs to the "eparchy" of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Asian part of Russia (DUMACHR). The personality of the head of the DUMACHR Nafigully Ashirova does not need additional comments: it is enough to read the website “Voice of Islam” published by Ashirov. By the way, both Ashirov and the head of DUMTO Galimzyan Bikmullin are members of the leadership of the Council of Muftis of Russia. This disposition led, in particular, to the fact that in the years Chechen wars practically legal hospitals and rehabilitation bases for Ichkeria militants operated on Yamal.

In August 2003, the AiF-Siberia weekly published an interview Ildar Ziganshin, authorized representative in the Tyumen region mufti Talgata Tadzhutdin. Ziganshin stated that there are more than 80 Muslim communities in the Tyumen region, and all of them are under the influence of the Wahhabis, who spread their influence from the North Caucasus. Since then, the number of adherents of radical forms of Islam in the region has only increased, and their influence on the mood muslim ummah only intensified.

Most of The imams that Bikmullin and Ashirov put on their mosques in the Tyumen-Yamal region are from Central Asia, mainly from Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. In the reports of the FSB, they are described as activists of Hizb-ut-Tahrir, the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan and others. terrorist organizations operating in Central Asia. The date of arrival of these people in Russia in each case is the same - the 1990s, the period when the Central Asian regimes stepped up their course to eliminate Islamist formations in their republics. But even in those parishes where the imam of the mosque is not a Wahhabi, Wahhabi influence exists and even grows stronger. The oil and gas fields of the North are constantly in need of cheap labor force, and in the flow of workers who go to the “north”, there are always adherents or preachers of jihadist ideologies. The Far North of Russia is the place where it is most convenient to get lost. To the number of already existing adherents are added those who joined the ideas of jihad and the caliphate, serving sentences in prisons in the Tyumen region, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug and YNAO.

Anatoly Zemlyanka, who became a Muslim "from the hands" of pro-Wahhabist leaders, could not avoid the corresponding ideological indoctrination. As a result, the newly minted Russian Wahhabi ended up in the ranks of ISIS. Even if there was no Dugout, another similar Russian guy from this oil and gas region could have been in his place. Russians (as well as Ukrainians and Belarusians) are viewed by preachers of jihadism as empty vessels that can be filled with anything. Or like dough, from which you can sculpt anything. For example, a suicide bomber or an executioner.

From now on, the video is considered extremist: you can’t watch it, save it to yourself on social networks and on your home computer.

News of Tyumen and the Tyumen region - 12.02.2016

The prosecutor's office of Yamal ensured that the video featuring Jihadi Tolik was officially banned. The decision of the court became known on Friday, February 12. In a controversial video, Anatoly Zemlyanka, a native of Noyabrsk and a resident of Tyumen, publicly cuts off the head of Magomed Khasiev, whom ISIS suspected of espionage.

Video featuring Jihadi Tolik banned

If just a few weeks ago this video could be easily found on social networks or on YouTube, now it is classified as extremist material. Everyone who watches it or saves it on their own Personal Computer risk becoming a defendant in a criminal case.

Recall, as NASHA wrote earlier, a video featuring Anatoly Zemlyanka and Magomed Khasiev appeared on the Internet in the fall of 2015. The video shocked everyone with its composure, as well as the fact that a Russian guy executes his fellow countryman - a Chechen with Ural roots.

Who is Anatoly Zemlyanka: born in Noyabrsk, lived in Tyumen

Later it turned out that Anatoly Zemlyanka was a native of Noyabrsk (Yamal). In his youth, he moved to Tyumen. Here he studied at the university, met girls. Then he sharply became interested in Islam, cut off all family ties, stopped communicating with friends, after which he disappeared without a trace. As it turned out, he went to Syria and joined the ISIS terrorist group (the organization’s activities are banned in Russia by decision Supreme Court RF).

  • Now Anatoly Zemlyanka, who was nicknamed Jihadi Tolik, is on the international wanted list. A criminal case has been opened against him. He is accused of participating in an illegal armed formation.

The story of Anatoly Zemlyanka, a 28-year-old executioner of ISIS, of Russian origin, who publicly executed his Russian compatriot from Chechnya in Syria (accusing him of involvement in our special services), greatly shocked the Russian public. And again forced to return to the discussion of the topic of Russian Muslims involved in Islamist terrorist organizations ...

I have already touched on this topic on our site. But it is obvious that I will have to write about this more than once or twice. Because the situation, unfortunately, does not change for the better.

In the beginning there was a word...

So, for some time now, Russian young people have begun to show great interest in the radical Islamist underground. We will talk about the reasons for this interest a little lower, and I will note that the militant Said Buryatsky, who fought against the Russian law enforcement agencies as part of the extremist organization Emarat Kavkaz, acted as a kind of “pioneer” in this regard. Here is what the highly informed website "Caucasian Knot" writes about this person:

"Alexander Tikhomirov (Said Buryatsky). Born in 1982 in Ulan-Ude. His father is Buryat, his mother is Russian. AT adolescence studied at a Buddhist datsan. Independently studying Islamic literature, he converted to Islam at the age of 15. Later he moved to Moscow, studied at the Rasul Akram madrasah, a Sunni madrasah in the city of Buguruslan, Orenburg region.

From 2002 to 2005, Alexander Tikhomirov studied at the Center for the Study Arabic"Fajr", studied theology at the Islamic University "Al-Azhar" in Egypt, and then with various reputable sheikh scholars in Egypt and Kuwait. Due to problems with the Egyptian secret services, he was forced to return.

At the same time, according to the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation, A. Tikhomirov at that time "was undergoing lengthy training in Saudi Arabia."

After returning from Kuwait, he was engaged in self-education, worked in the religious publishing house "Umma" in Moscow, served at the Moscow Cathedral Mosque. Thanks to numerous lectures distributed on audio and video media and on the Internet and very popular among Islamic youth, Alexander Tikhomirov became known as a theologian (sheikh), a preacher of Islam. Traveled with sermons in Russia and CIS countries. Having married, he returned to Buryatia, to Ulan-Ude, where his sister and mother lived.

In May 2008, Alexander Tikhomirov secretly arrived in the North Caucasus, where he met with the leader of the Caucasian Mujahideen, the "military amir of the Caucasus Emirate" Dokku Umarov, and took the oath (bayat) to him. According to Tikhomirov: “After the proclamation of the Caucasus Emirate, all doubts disappeared. We have one amir and one state. And it is the direct duty of every Muslim today to go out on Jihad and help Jihad with word and property.”

During the year of participation in the “holy war against Russia”, A. Tikhomirov participated in a number of sabotage operations of armed groups led by Dokka Umarov. He made video messages in Russian on the Internet calling on Islamic youth in the CIS countries to join the armed struggle in the Caucasus, wrote articles for the Kavkaz Center website and gave interviews about jihad. In the environment radical Islamists gained fame as an "internationalist mujahideen", a kind of "Islamic Che Guevara".

Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov has stated that, according to his information, Alexander Tikhomirov is “the main ideologist of the bandit underground” and that he trained the suicide bomber Rustam Mukhadiev for a year and a half, who blew up a bomb on Theater Square in Grozny on July 26, 2009.

On July 30, 2009, the Investigation Department under the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Chechen Republic initiated a criminal case against A. Tikhomirov...

On March 2, 2010, federal intelligence officers blocked several houses in the village of Ekazhevo (Ingushetia), where, according to operational information, the militants were hiding. During the battle, six separatists were killed, another 16 people were arrested on suspicion of involvement in illegal armed formations. March 4 representatives power structures The Chechens declared that Alexander Tikhomirov was among the militants killed in Ekazhevo on March 2. Soon this information was confirmed by the separatists, whose websites published messages about the “martyr” of A. Tikhomirov (Said Buryatsky).”

By the way, the sermons of Said Buryatsky were very popular among Russian youth and not only among traditional Muslims. Many Russians fell under the influence of these sermons. This became clear at the end of 2013, when a series of explosions took place in Volgograd, killing dozens of people.

In this regard, the Russian special services were looking for a certain Pavel Pechenkin, a native of the Republic of Mari El, an active member of the Buynaksk terrorist group in Dagestan. Most likely, it was this person who directly developed and carried out the attacks...

Until some time, Pavel was a completely normal guy and worked as a doctor in his homeland. But then I got carried away with the Islamic creed. A few years ago, he converted to Islam and took on the new name Ansar Al-Rusi (Rusi means Russian in Arabic), after which he disappeared. And soon the special services received information that the newly-minted Muslim showed up in Dagestan already as an active underground terrorist.

During 2013, Pechenkin's parents urged him three times via video messages to hand over his weapons and return to ordinary life. They even specially came to Dagestan to meet with their son. However, Paul did not respond to their calls. Only once, through YouTube, did he answer his parents. He stated that he came to Dagestan deliberately in order to earn himself a “hit in paradise”, and did not intend to return home.

After that, he cut off all external communication with the world. “Reminded” of myself already through the tragedy in Volgograd ...

Alas, the figure of Pechenkin is, unfortunately, no exception in the terrorist underground. The previous terrorist attack in the same Volgograd, which was carried out by the suicide bomber Naida Asiyalova, who blew up a trolleybus with students, also has a distinct Russian trace. Asiyalova was inspired by her common-law spouse, 21-year-old Dmitry Sokolov, a demolition worker of the Makhachkalinskaya sabotage and terrorist group, to the “feat”. His muslim name- Abduljabar.

Sokolov's path to the gangster underground was about the same as that of Pechenkin. After school in 2009, he entered the Moscow State University forestry. However, two months later he took an academic leave, and then completely took the documents from the university. The reason is the passion for the ideas of radical Islam.

In the summer of 2013, the disappearance of their son was reported by his parents, who said that he once went to the mosque and never returned home. Further, Sokolov appeared only in the operational reports of the special services.

A few weeks after the bombing of Dmitry Asiyalova in Dagestan, FSB officers tracked down and blocked him in one of the houses. He refused to surrender, and was destroyed ...

Sister in death

But what messages came from Astrakhan. Newspaper "Izvestia":

“Russian special services prevented another terrorist attack. During a large-scale anti-terrorist cleansing operation in Astrakhan, operatives detained the 25-year-old militant's widow Viktoria Volkova, who took the Muslim name Aisha Kurbatova.

Her 27-year-old husband, Viktor Volkov, once worked as a loader in one of the Astrakhan markets, where, according to the intelligence services, he was recruited by Caucasian militants. In 2010, he converted to Islam, changed his name to Valid and became a member of the Kizilyurt gang in Dagestan.

According to the intelligence services, the "Russian Wahhabi" participated in several murders of police officers, FSB officers and prosecutors, in robberies and robberies. In September 2012, it was destroyed. After the death of her husband, Volkova lives in Astrakhan with her mother and two young children. She still professes Islam and does not work anywhere.

During a search of Volkova's house, operatives found a powerful improvised plastid bomb, stuffed with metal scraps as striking elements. Volkova herself claimed that she did not know anything about the cache, and stated that the bomb belonged to her husband ...

And in total, according to operational data, in last years in the Astrakhan region, several dozen ethnic Russians converted to Islam. In the summer of 2013, Aleksey Baigushkin, a representative of the Federal Security Service for the Astrakhan region, said that there were 60 wives or widows of militants in the region who could be considered potential terrorists...

“The latest acts of suicide bombers have shown that Wahhabi terrorist attacks have the face of a Russian girl.- says the article "Russian girls in the plans of the Wahhabis" (website "Greater Caucasus") - In 2011, it was the face of Maria Khorosheva, who blew up the police station in the Dagestan village of Gubden. At the end of August 2012 - the face of Alla Saprykina, who killed Sheikh Said Effendi of Chirkey. The beginning of 2013 was marked by the name of Alena Bykova. 19-year-old Alena, a resident of the city of Volzhsky, did not have time to undermine anyone, but she was engaged in far from harmless things: she recruited Russian girls on social networks to accept “pure Islam” and the subsequent war with the infidels “on the path of Allah.” Even judging by this fact, the conclusion suggests itself: the Wahhabi gang underground has its own special plans for Russian suicide bombers.

Briefly, the essence of these plans can be stated as follows. A Russian Wahhabi woman is not just a zombie doll trained to make contacts on the "shahid's belt", but an active, talking tool that can not only blow up, but also engage in active propaganda of the ideas of "correct Islam" among girls of all nationalities of Russia. The “Russianness” of the recruiter is the main guarantee of the success of the enterprise, and the dagwat (call) from the lips of the Russian sister is more effective and productive”...

There are neither Russians nor non-Russians in the jamaat, there are sisters in faith. The Russian inhabitant of the jamaat is distinguished only by greater zeal and activity. Thanks to this zeal, Russian Wahhabis often take precedence over their non-Slavic "sisters". If the Russian sister is “successfully” undermined, then her name is pronounced with a sense of reverence. “Our Russian sister became a martyr in the way of Allah,” they say. And dream of repeating her actions. If some girl suddenly stops halfway, they shake her up with the words: “Do you want to hand us over to the FSB? They won't pity you, don't dream. This world needs to be hated. Do your job and pray to get to heaven soon.” These are the roughly quoted words of Maria Khorosheva, addressed to another “sister” who did not want to blow herself up because she was pregnant by her Wahhabi husband ... ".

Today, to this mournful terrorist list, one can safely add the name of Varvara Karaulova, a student at Moscow State University, who tried to flee to ISIS territory this spring.

Where is the truth, brother?

This is such a sad picture - terrorist structures today are being intensively replenished with Russian people. By the way, the well-known Chechen field commander Shamil Basayev spoke loudly about the threat of “Russian terrorist Islam” ten years ago, who claimed that many Russian people began to get involved in radical Muslim ideas. According to Basayev, this is very good, as it will make it possible to transfer the "holy war against the infidels" from the Caucasus to purely Russian regions.

Then our authorities considered these statements of Basayev to be bragging and simply dismissed them. However, time has confirmed the seriousness of the Chechen leader's threats.

And the reasons for this alarming state of affairs, it seems to me, lie literally on the surface.

First of all, our state does not very often demonstrate commitment to the principles of social and other justice - rather, on the contrary. What Islamist recruiters actively use ...

The Muslim North Caucasian republics became the first "victim" in this regard. Today, our authorities explain the survivability of the local terrorist underground primarily by supporting certain international extremist organizations, such as the notorious Al-Qaeda or the same ISIS. However, they do not provide clear explanations of the local causes that give rise to terrorism in the Caucasus region.

Unfortunately, at one time Moscow made a fatal mistake when it handed over all power in the region to local bosses. As a result, only the relatives of these bosses gained access to power and other resources. The rest of the population of certain republics actually turned out to be thrown to the sidelines of life with all the ensuing consequences - mass unemployment, very low level life and the complete absence of any prospects for young people.

It is not surprising that such a state of affairs literally pushes the local youth into the environment of radical Islamists...

The next object of radical propaganda was Russian young people, who more and more often face approximately the same social and spiritual problems as their Caucasian peers - a moral vacuum, arbitrary power, lack of life prospects. Often this is superimposed on the general social disadvantage of the families where future terrorists grew up. Here is what, for example, the neighbors recalled about the childhood of Viktor Dvorakovsky, one of the now wanted Islamic extremists, who organized an entire school for suicidal martyrs in the gangster underground:

“Mother pulled everyone on her: her husband and two sons - the younger Vitya and the older Alexei. For a long time the woman worked as a ticket attendant at a discotheque, then she retrained as a cashier at a bar, and later she was demoted to a cleaning lady - she washed the tablecloths, washed the floors, did all the dirty work. Lyosha and Vitya undertook to help their mother. For three years they robbed cherry orchards and sold the berries on the highway. Part of the proceeds were given to the guards so that they would not chase them.

Such a life is already early youth threw Victor into a radical environment:

“In 2005, Dvorakovsky joined the local skinheads. He wore a black uniform, an emblem with a swastika on his chest, and a shaved nape. And he constantly shouted: “Russia for the Russians!” Despite such oddities, Vitya always had friends. He had a company of 7-8 people. They all drank together, went to discos. Vitya broke off relations with the guys when he met a certain Vladimir Skirko, who persuaded Dvorakovsky to convert to Islam.

Since then, Victor has been featured exclusively in the operational reports of the special services ... Anatoly Zemlyanka also went through approximately the same path to Islamism, through a passion for Nazism.

According to LifeNews website:

According to him, the favorite group of Zemlyanka, a resident of the city of Noyabrsk (Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug), was Rammstein. “It cannot be said that he was a complete fascist skinhead, but he showed interest in this, spoke respectfully about them. He liked the external ostentatious side - loved Nazi salute", - said Yuri. “He spoke disapprovingly of non-Russians, and then after some time he suddenly changed his attitude towards them,” added a classmate.

Muslim Akhmedkhanov, an acquaintance of the terrorist, said that Zemlyanka at some point became an adherent of radical Islam, and people around him called for jihad. “They came to the mosque together, argued with other Muslims all the time, pushed through their position, handed out leaflets on the sly, their brochures,” recalls Akhmedkhanov.”

In 2013, Zemlyanka left for the Middle East, where he joined the ISIS group ...

Why did these people move from Nazi ideas to Islamist ideas? Apparently because only Muslim preachers-terrorists were able to answer many of their vital questions.

Why is there no spirituality? Because there is no faith in Allah, and officials are mired in lies and debauchery. Why is there no justice? Because people do not honor the Koran, which proclaims everyone without exception equal in the face of the Lord God. How to achieve perfection and bliss? Only by killing the infidel, a true Muslim goes to heaven... Simple answers to the most difficult questions...

Albir Krganov, Chairman of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims in Moscow, in an interview with Izvestia, said that neophytes (that is, those who convert to a new faith) do not always get along with the environment in which they came. They separate. They were strangers in the environment from which they left, but they do not become their own even where they came. Hence complexes and self-expression appear, which most often manifests itself in violent terrorist attacks. This is confirmed by other experts, for example, a well-known Islamic scholar in our country, Professor Roman Silantiev:

“Russian Muslims, of whom there are only six thousand people, have given the country more terrorists than Muslim Tatars, of whom there are almost 4 million. Both imams, conditionally Russian by nationality, served time, one for inciting religious hatred, the other for participating in terrorist activities ... A fact that cannot be avoided: a large part of people go to Islam in order to engage in terrorism and overthrow the government. More than a hundred years ago, people went for this to the Narodnaya Volya, and now they believe that terrorism should be dealt with through Islam. Not because they love it so much, but because they perceive it as the most reliable means of armed struggle. The same “seaside partisans”, although they were not Muslims, used the disks with the sermons of Said Buryatsky very actively. Now Islam has become a kind of refuge for people who want to blow up the situation in the country at any cost and arrange a new revolution...

Islam for neophytes is primarily a search for expression of aggression. Here I hate, for example, the authorities, I want to kill them all - officials, cops - where will I go? Of course, I can create an organization myself. But it’s much easier to join the ranks of comrades who have everything well-established for a long time.”

Departed from the cross

Another problem is the almost complete absence of spiritual and moral guidelines for the younger generation. Neither our authorities, nor society as a whole, have developed anything in this regard in the years since the collapse of Soviet ideals. Moreover, the authorities do not seem to be eager to set these benchmarks!

Recently, a big boss said on television that the spirituality of our youth should be sought ... in sports. Like, for this, such grandiose events as the Olympics in Sochi are held.

I wouldn’t comment on this outright nonsense if this uncle really wasn’t a big boss, which means that his words really reflect the current public policy. Or rather, the complete absence of such in the matter of the spiritual and moral education of young people.

We can safely say that today we do not have any youth policy at all! Although any self-respecting state should give priority to this issue - after all, the future of the state itself depends on it.

It was not for nothing that in the Soviet Union there was a whole system of youth organizations - from October to the Komsomol - which was just engaged in the deep and comprehensive education of children as conscious citizens. Soviet country. And if not all young people, but the vast majority of them, these organizations really brought up just such citizens, who, in addition, had a healthy immunity to any kind of extremism. And for the kids, the out-of-class education system worked great - all kinds of circles, houses of creativity, sports clubs. And all this is completely free!

The then rulers were well aware that it was impossible to save on youth. Such savings can later cost the country too much. The current terrorist threat to Russia, where all the previous Soviet developments in youth education have been destroyed, is a vivid example sad consequences this kind of savings...

At one time, in the early 1990s, our public had great hopes for the Russian Orthodox Church, which was supposed to give a spiritual impetus to the development of the Russian people. However, disappointment quickly set in.

I have repeatedly written that our Church actually fully supports the policy of our current government, even in its most unfavorable manifestations, such as the policy of social injustice or liberal “reforms” that are detrimental to the country. Moreover, the current church hierarchy actually became part of the ruling class in the country - not only in terms of power, but also in terms of property. Sometimes one gets the impression that hierarchs today are most concerned not with questions of spirituality, but with concern for accumulating wealth and increasing church property.

I remember ten years ago the well-known Orthodox publicist Mikhail Nazarov bitterly told me that our church hierarchy, by such behavior, is literally pushing Russian people seeking God out of the Orthodox Church into the ranks of pagans and Muslims.

“I, a Russian, was betrayed by my Russian government, Russian priests and cops. They betrayed you too. The true goal of life is one - jihad in the path of Allah, self-sacrifice and the Gardens of Eden. Approximately this was how the Wahhabi girl Maria Khorosheva, the wife of a “mujahideen” named Vitaly Razdobudko, preached to girls ...

“I believe that the Islamization of Russian girls is largely the result of bad work Russian Orthodox Church and officials who do not pay due attention to Russian youth,” Ruslan Gereev, director of the Center for Islamic Studies of the North Caucasus, told the Greater Caucasus. - There is no spiritual protection of the Russian population in Russia anywhere. Because of this, Russians are the first to fall victims of alcoholism, drug addiction, totalitarian sects and are infected with the virus of radical Islamism. Spiritual insecurity pushes Russian girls into jamaats, makes them suicide bombers. Their number, alas, will only increase ... ".

Thus, from the point of view of spirituality, Russia, like the countries of the West, is now in a virtual void. And as one Russian proverb says - a holy place is never empty. The void is rapidly filling with other forces, sometimes openly hostile to Russia, including radical Islam. And I agree with Ruslan Gereev - against such a sad background, the replenishment of the ranks of terrorists by Russian youth will only increase every year.

Obviously, until we are commanded by people who call to seek spirituality exclusively in sports or pray only for the Olympic Games...

Vadim Andryukhin, editor-in-chief

As you know, radicals from all over the world come under the banner of the Islamic State. In addition to the “expected” natives of Saudi Arabia and Algeria, you can meet Indians, Bengalis, Uighurs from China, and even a few Chileans there. Once, a teenager even escaped from IS South Korea. Through the Turkish-Syrian border, thousands of natives of the North Caucasus and Central Asia, about which Ruposters already . Among the radical Islamists, one can also meet ethnic Russians - those who converted to Islam and went to fight for a new homeland in the country of zeytun trees and red earth.

Anatoly Zemlyanka

Anatoly Zemlyanka and Magomed Khasiev

Perhaps the most famous ethnic Russian militants in ISIS were Anatoly Zemlyanka and Magomed Khasiev (he will be discussed later). In December 2015, they appeared in a video released by Raqqa Media Center. The video showed the interrogation of Khasiev, who was labeled as a “Russian spy”, and then his execution by a former compatriot Zemlyanka.

Anatoly Zemlyanka is from Noyabrsk, YaNAO. According to teachers, at school he did not particularly stand out from the mass of his peers, although in high school he began to attend the karate section. According to his fellow trainees and mentors, Zemlyanka was seriously fond of sports, but he lacked the “sports aggression” to break into the lead.

In 2004, Zemlyanka entered the Faculty of Customs of the Financial and Economic Institute of Tyumen University. The first two years he studied at the branch in Noyabrsk, and then transferred to Tyumen. According to some reports, he started visiting the mosque where the recruiters were waiting for him back in Noyabrsk. He began to publicly call himself a Muslim only on summer holidays ah before the last year of high school.

Communication with people with whom Zemlyanka surrounded himself in Tyumen was not in vain. In the city, which in the mid-2000s became one of the most populated by immigrants from the Caucasus on the other side of the Ural Mountains, a fairly large community of Salafi radicals has already taken place. In October-November 2008, Zemlyanka already “officially” converted to Islam, i.e. read the shahada in the presence of new Tyumen Wahhabi friends. After converting to Islam, Tolik began to call himself Teymullah.

Comments of Anatoly Zemlyanka's acquaintances on the VK page

The conflict in Syria has had a major impact on Sunni Islamic society around the world, including and Tyumen Salafists. Gradually, from the end of 2012, students of local universities, local Chechens, Lezgins, Kumyks, Dargins, etc. began to go to Syria to “support Jihad”. By the fall of 2013, he had “completed the Hijra” (resettlement to the territory where “jihad is going on”) and “Teymullah” Zemlyanka. He joined the armed group “Tyumen Jamaat of the Islamic State of Iraq and Sham”, which was formed by Islamists from Western Siberia who arrived in Syria.

Graffiti of the “Tyumen jamaat ISIS”, Syria, spring 2014

Zemlyanka participated in the execution of his compatriot in December last year, and, as of last August, he is still alive - he is fighting as part of one of the Russian-speaking units of the ISIS in the province of Deir az-Zor.

Jihadi Tolik with "colleagues" in the battalion

Magomed Khasiev (Evgeny Yudin)

Khasiev on the ill-fated video

Magomed Khasiev is another hero of the mentioned execution video. It would seem that the text about the Slavic jihadists, where does Magomed Khasiev, both in name and surname, look more like a Chechen?

Nine years ago, Magomed Khasiev was called Yevgeny Yudin.

His life is comparable in intensity to the plot of "Santa Barbara". After his mother was deprived parental rights, he from Chelyabinsk ended up in an orphanage in Chechnya, where at the age of 14 he was adopted by Marha Khasieva. Then Yudin converted to Islam and became Khasiev. Since then, Magomed's life has flowed as usual, and no out of the ordinary events have occurred in it. Like many, he asked Ramzan Kadyrov on Instagram to help him get a job, while keeping in touch with those of his peers who left to fight in Syria.

In the summer of 2014, Khasiev was allegedly caught transporting drugs, and in exchange for his freedom, he had to go to IS-controlled territory to report on people from the North Caucasus in the ranks of the group. What happened a year and a half later is known from a video called “You will be humiliated, oh Russians!”. Khasiev/Yudin was caught by the “amniyat” (“security service of the Caliphate”) and beheaded by a Russian guy like himself.

Vadim Dorofeev (Abu Ilyas ar-Rusi)

Actor Vadim Dorofeev with his family

It happens that the "Islamic State" not only produces its own "stars" like Jihadi John, but also attracts already established actors. In 2014, Russian actor Vadim Dorofeev left for Syria. During his life, he managed to star in a dozen films, playing mostly episodic roles. One day he had the good fortune to perform leading role in the film by Sergei Bodrov "Daughter of the Yakuza".

The actor's family does not disclose the reasons why Dorofeev, the father of two children, converted to Islam in early 2014. The wife claimed only that he "got in touch very bad people". If Zemlyanka had a gap of five years between the adoption of radical Islam and a trip to Syria, then Dorofeev reached the desired condition in just six months. During the spring-summer of 2014, he persuaded his wife to convert to Islam and take the children to Syria, on September 16 of the same year he told his wife that he went to a sports bar, but in fact he took a ticket to Istanbul and after a few days ended up on IS territory.

Vadim Dorofeev aka Abu Ilyas ar-Rusi in Koban shortly before his death

Taking the name of Abu Ilyas ar-Rusi, he quickly went through a training and Sharia camp, after which he was assigned to the Al-Aqsa Chechen battalion, which took part in the battles for the Kurdish city of Kobani on the border with Turkey. Almost all the militants from this battalion - 200 people - died in Kobani under the bullets of the Kurds and from coalition air strikes. In December 2014, during one of the air strikes, Dorofeev himself was killed.

Andrei (Umar) Karasik

Andrei Karasik is another unique character among those who left to fight for ISIS. He is unique at least in that he is almost the only Jew in the Islamic State. But that's not all.

In 1997, Karasik graduated from the university with a degree in Philology and, like his father, a professor at the VGSPU, defended his dissertation on the topic “Linguistic and cultural characteristics of English humor”. In parallel, he received a second degree. From philology, Karasik was drawn to the technical field, and in 2003 he received a diploma from the Faculty of Electronics and computer science VolSU, and then the degree of candidate of technical sciences.

The holder of two Ph.D. degrees became interested in radical Islam in 2006 in gym, where he met an Egyptian student who studied in Volgograd as a doctor. Soon Andrei converted to Islam, after which he began to call himself Umar and write poignant texts about Islam in English language on VKontakte. Karasik Sr. explains the abrupt transition to Islam by his son's craving for adventure:

“He was a completely sane person, except for one fad - if he believed in something, he could not be moved by a tractor. To all attempts to convince him, he said: "You do not understand anything." He was bored with living an ordinary measured life, it was necessary to perform feats. You know, there are people who need to swim across the Atlantic on a leaky tire. Naivety, plus such romanticism, with an exclamation point, and complete isolation from life. He was fond of science fiction films and treated the world around him as something unreal,” the father of the future militant told reporters.

Andrey Karasik in IG

Apparently, the craving for adventure can also explain the fact that in 2014 Andrey-Umar Karasik, a teacher at the Volgograd Technical University, took his wife and three children to the Islamic State. After the “hijra”, Umar-Andrei often published his own photos with weapons on social media pages.

There are very few details about Karasik's life in IS. It is known that he lived in the Syrian city of Shaddadi, which was recaptured from ISIS in February of this year. It was there that Karasik's passport was found along with the documents of his wife and children. The media immediately declared Karasik dead, although there is no direct evidence of his death. Perhaps soon we will hear about the new adventures of the candidate of philological and technical sciences.

Sergei Alexandrov (Umar Abu Saad al-Gygani)

“Exotics from Russia” in IG is not limited to a representative Jewish people. In 2013, at least one gypsy from Russia appeared in the Islamic State. In the world, Sergey Alexandrov, on the territory of the "Caliphate" not yet declared by that time, he took the name of Abu Saad al-Gygani and joined the Sabri battalion, where he fought at least until the fall of 2015.

Abu Saad al-Gygani (left) with Abu Rayana al-Shishani (right)

"I would never say that a Russian would be closer to me than those who sit on the couch in Makhachkala"

In fact, there are many more ethnic Russians in IS. “Ar-Rusi” often flashes in the reports, but in general, the personal stories of each of them are little known. There are only fragmentary information, for example, about Abu Abdullah ar-Rusi ( pictured below) it is known that before moving to the Islamic State at the end of 2013, he studied theology at one of the universities in Cairo, and in his free time he sold flat cakes, which are especially praised by classmates who remember him.

Some of the so-called. ethnic Russian “students”, i.e. those who studied Islam in the Arab countries are honored to make their own video message, as, for example, Abu Muhammad ar-Rusi, a “student” from Astrakhan who studied in Cairo.

Other Slavic immigrants from the Russian Federation occasionally appear on the video of the group, for example, as Abu Zarr ar-Rusi ( wearing a mask in the photo), who, in a video published in the spring of 2014, tears up his Russian passport to the approving exclamations of the terrorist international.

Dozens of other Russians in IS are known mostly from reports in unofficial ISIS news communities. You can find out that this or that Russian Muslim went to IS from a short obituary on the pages of the social network indicating the place of death. There you can read comments in the spirit of “Alhamdulillah, I would never say that a Russian would be closer to me than those who sit on the couch in Makhachkala.”

Varvara Karaulova (Alexandra Ivanova)

Do not forget about other news heroes, even those who, before their cherished dream have not arrived. This, of course, is about Varvara Karaulova. An excellent student, a student of the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University, who suddenly flew to Istanbul and was detained near the border with Syria.

The story of Varvara, who then changed her name to Alexandra, is widely known. A Tatar from the Islamic State managed to persuade her to radical Islam through social networks. Actually, the girl was going to him, intending to cross the border with two dozen people like her.

But it all started with more harmless things. Varvara came to classes at the university wearing a hijab, and, according to the girl's classmates, performed namaz right in the toilets of the university building (which, in general, is prohibited by Islam). At the same time, the parents did not notice any cardinal changes in the behavior of the girl. AT this moment Karaulova-Ivanova is being held in custody.

Maria Pogorelova

Other Russian girls turned out to be more successful in terrorist activities. In particular, Maria Pogorelova managed to leave for the Islamic State. A student at the St Petersburg College of Fashion fled to Syria in November 2014.

According to her friends, Maria differed little from her peers: she loved to dress beautifully, wore fashionable hairstyle. The only thing is that during her college years she developed an interest in reading religious texts. First she read the Bible, then the Koran, and after the summer holidays of 2014, she returned to college already in a niqab, a dress that completely covers her face, except for a narrow strip of eyes. Moreover, unlike Karaulova, she also tried to promote radical ideas among classmates.

However, she failed to recruit anyone. In IS, she is reported to have married a certain Abu Bakr al-Dagestani, whose brigade is based in Mosul.

The selection would be incomplete without indicating a few more types of "exotic" Islamists.

Islam al-Ukraine

In the summer of 2014, the editors of the IS-owned website Fisyria released a video message from another militant. Everything would be fine, but the main character of the video was a man who called himself Islam al-Ukraine. In a three-minute video, he briefly told his story. Being a native of Ukraine, he went to Austria in search of work, where he converted to Islam.

In 2013, from the heart of Europe, he went to Syria, where he joined the brigade of a notorious militant from the Pankisi Gorge named Murad Margoshvili (he is also known as Muslim al-Shishani). During his eight months in this “jamaat”, he became completely disillusioned with al-Shishani and his approach to “jihad” and left for the “Islamic State”, where he also moved his family. O future fate Ukrainian militant is unknown.

Daniil Lyashuk (Daniyal al-Takbir)

The next character in this collection is likely to interest psychiatrists more than others. This is a citizen of Belarus, originally from Brest, Daniil Lyashuk, who became widely known about a year ago in connection with the disbandment of the “Tornado” battalion.

Lyashuk before “accepting Islam”

In his 20 years, Daniel managed to change at least three belief systems. In 2012, at the age of 16, he became a Nazi rapper, chose paganism as his religion, and also actively opposed alcohol and drugs.

In 2013, he became an anti-fascist, moved to Sevastopol, where he got hooked on hashish and amphetamines. In March 2014, after the referendum on the reunification of Crimea with Russia, Lyashuk left the peninsula, abandoned the anti-fascist movement and became a Nazi again, now in St. Petersburg. In the summer of the same year, under the influence of the popularization of ISIS in the media, Daniel became interested in the propaganda videos of the group and began to consider himself a Muslim. However, instead of the Middle Eastern theater of operations, Daniil decided to choose something more native, at the end of the year he left for Ukraine, changed his name to Daniyal al-Takbir (at the same time, not caring about the fact that Arabic phonetics implies the spelling “at-Takbir”) and joining a special company Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine "Tornado".

In an interview with the media, Lyashuk explained his motivation as follows: “I certainly consider what the Islamic State does as an ideal. I want there to be no kafirs (infidels) on earth at all, and in fact love, peace and tranquility will reign. Yes, everything is happening because of the infidels, because of the unbelievers, those who have no God!”

Being in the "Tornado" Lyashuk continued his activity in in social networks, rejected his own past, calling them "kafirs", i.e. infidels, and Nazis, and anti-fascists, and the DPR with the LPR. "Daniyal al-Takbir" was involved in many crimes against the civilian population in the war zone, which were committed by the fighters of "Tornado". As a result, the unit was disbanded almost with a fight, and a few months later “Daniyal” himself ended up behind bars, where, however, he did not give up his beliefs, continuing to shock the public with his statements. AT this moment Lyashuk is under investigation.

Jihad in Russian and against Russians

The selection of personalities of the “Russian jihad” presented above concerned mainly those who did not find opportunities for waging “jihad” in their native country. In the 2000s, this phenomenon was a little less widespread, but due to the fact that Iraq and Afghanistan were difficult to reach for the “Mujahideen” from Russia (although in the Supreme Council of one of Iraqi factions in 2014, a real “ar-Rusi” was discovered, and some “cadres” still got to Afghanistan), they mainly went to the North Caucasus, where they ran through the mountains along with local “bearded men”.

Said Buryatsky

Some of them, such as Said Buryatsky (Buryat by father, Russian by mother) became the ideological inspirers of “jihad”, others became terrorists guilty of terrorist attacks outside the North Caucasus, such as Dmitry Sokolov, who prepared the explosions in Volgograd.

Dmitry Sokolov

Some personalities who became famous for banditry also tried to “stick” to the topic of jihad. In particular, Alexander Kovtun, a member of the gang of “seaside partisans”, converted to Islam in prison. This decision by a newly-minted Salafi speaks to a pronounced trend in Russian prisons - often Russians convert to Islam, finding themselves in a closed community and feeling that Muslims behind bars have much closer ties than “ordinary” prisoners.

"Primorsky partisan" Alexander (Seifullah) Kovtun

Why Radical Islam?

According to the latest data, there are about 20,000 Russian Muslims in Russia, and 99.9% of them profess what is commonly called radical Islam. Why is that?

so-called. “Traditional Islam” is the prerogative of the national minorities that profess it - this Islam is permeated with the national traditions of ethnic groups, which is almost impossible for a Russian to convert to. so-called. "pure Islam", on the contrary, does not accept nationality, and, accordingly, is open to everyone. There are known cases of transition to “pure Islam”, Salafism, representatives of the peoples of the North. And from “pure Islam” to radical Islamism is within easy reach: pure Islam tries in everything to follow the literal interpretation of the Koran and the Sunnah, in which there is simply no other interpretation of jihad, except for armed struggle against the infidels.

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