Home Useful Tips How to salt cucumbers to make them crispy. Pickled cucumbers: my grandmother's recipe (cold method)

How to salt cucumbers to make them crispy. Pickled cucumbers: my grandmother's recipe (cold method)

First of all, it should be noted that special fruits are selected for salting; they should be with an uneven surface, covered with pimples. Of course, interesting option will preserve the natural green color of vegetables - for this purpose, they must be doused with boiling water, and then immediately placed in a container with cold water... In addition, another way to preserve color and speed up fermentation is to transfer cabbage with leaves.

Sterilization recipe

In an enamel saucepan with a capacity of 4-5 liters, place 10 g of horseradish, 50 g of tarragon, chopped cloves of garlic in the amount of 3-4 pieces, a little bitter red pepper. In this case, one part must be put on the bottom of the pan, and the second - already on top of the cucumbers.

Sort out the vegetables - discard the overripe ones (they can be used in other types of preservation), then rinse, place them vertically in a saucepan.

To prepare brine, dissolve salt in water (take 50 g for 1 liter), boil for a couple of minutes, pour into a saucepan and cover with clean gauze on top. Let this container stand in the room for 3-4 days. Then pour the brine into another vessel, wash the pickles thoroughly with boiled warm water and place vertically in clean jars with fresh garlic and dill already added. The brine that you drained earlier, you will need to boil and remove the foam. Pour this brine into jars, cover with a previously boiled lid and place in a bowl filled with water at a temperature of 60 degrees. In it, sterilize three-liter bottles for 25 minutes, and liter bottles - 15. After that, seal the vessels, turn the bottom upside down and leave in this position until they cool completely. Do not worry if the brine is not clear at first, the haze will settle over time.

Prepare and.

Recipe without sterilization

Wash 1.5-2 kg of cucumber fruits that are approximately the same size. Wash very thoroughly. Peel 3-4 garlic teeth and cut into slices. Wash the herbs thoroughly - a couple of dill umbrellas, a sprig of cherry leaves and two horseradish leaves.

Place the lids in a saucepan, cover with water and boil, "cook" over medium heat for 3-4 minutes.

To prepare the filling, dissolve 50 g of salt in a liter of cold water (about 1-1.3 liters of filling will take for a three-liter bottle). Place the vegetables in jars and layer them with spices, adding also 3-4 lavrushkas and 5 peppers.

Pour hot filling into the bottles, cover with tin can lids, but do not roll up, but simply place in the fermentation room (it will take about a week or a little more). At the end of this period, fill in the additional amount of the fill and seal using a seaming machine. This recipe is simply adored by the hostess because the quality of the finished product is unusually high, and even with room temperature it is stored perfectly.

Learn and - this vegetable also makes delicious snacks.

It was the Slavs who learned how to harvest the most delicious pickles for the winter in jars and other containers. Today there is a wide variety of different recipes for canning and salting this vegetable. You can salt cucumbers hot, cold, under a nylon or metal lid - the main thing is that these vegetables are fresh and firm.

There is enough unusual ways cooking cucumbers for the winter, and the most ancient and one of the first was the preparation of delicious cucumbers in a pumpkin. Today, almost every housewife prepares crispy cucumbers. Pickles allow you to diversify the diet and complement other dishes in winter season, when fresh vegetables the menu is not enough. They are used as independent meals, add to pickle, salads, and brine is excellently used as a separate drink.

In order to make salted vegetables, you need to know the basic rules and methods of cooking.

There are many ways to preserve vegetables. Recipes have their own secrets of pickling cucumbers and differences from each other, but there are several basic rules that are followed in order to prepare delicious canning.

To begin with, it is worth choosing the right vegetables for pickling. The way the fruits are prepared plays a role here. For example, pickling cucumbers for the winter in liter jars requires the selection of small and approximately the same size vegetables, which will allow them to be neatly arranged in containers without violating their integrity. There are recipes where the fruits must be cut into rings - for this you can use larger and uneven cucumbers. It is also worth paying attention to their density, color and damage.

Strong and unripe fruits with pimpled skin are ideal for conservation. After the product is selected, it is soaked in cold water for 2-3 hours. There is one secret so that the cucumbers are well salted and soaked in brine: their tails are cut off a little on both sides and several punctures are made at this place with a fork.

The dishes in which the vegetables will be cooked play an important role: they must be perfectly clean. The banks themselves must be heat sterilized. Many housewives still prefer soda and soap solutions for washing cans and tubs. Lids, depending on the material from which they are made, are also treated with steam or boiling water. Neglect elementary rules preparation of containers can serve in the further formation of sourness and lead to spoilage of the dish.

The water from which the pickle for cucumbers will be prepared also matters: it must be clean, without impurities. Store-bought distilled water can be used.

V mandatory for pickling cucumbers, salt is used - it is this that gives the necessary taste. Different recipes require a certain amount, but the same is that the salt is used only of a stone type. Experienced housewives warn that the use of fine and even more sea salt will make vegetables soft and not crispy.

Such an important point as spices and spices should not be missed. It is they that make it possible to cook the most delicious and aromatic pickles. For example, in order to achieve crispy cucumbers, you need to put peeled oak bark in a jar or tub. The classic recipe for pickles for the winter in jars includes the following set of spices and spices:

  • dill twigs along with inflorescences (umbrellas);
  • horseradish and currant leaves;
  • pepper, salt, garlic.

Other recipes may contain completely different ingredients in the form of spices and herbs.

Salting methods

There are many recipes for pickling cucumbers for the winter, but all of them, without exception, are divided by 2 different ways cooking: cold and hot.

With the cold method, you can quickly and easily prepare vegetables for future use. The recipe for pickling cucumbers is as follows. To begin with, fruits are laid out in a previously prepared container, poured with cold brine and covered with a nylon lid. The brine is prepared quickly: salt is added to the water and stirred well, you can also add garlic or spices at your discretion. This is the most quick way salting. The container with vegetables is stored in the refrigerator or cellar - it is important not to leave the workpiece warm, otherwise it will deteriorate.

There is also the following recipe for pickled cucumbers: the hot method involves cooking the brine itself on fire and rolling the cans with metal lids. It is in this way that crispy pickled cucumbers in jars are most often prepared. This method allows you to achieve unique aromas and taste thanks hot working... V classic form canning of cucumbers by this method is carried out as follows:

  1. The brine is being prepared. The necessary spices and spices are added to the boiling water, they are allowed to boil for some time.
  2. Pour the prepared brine into jars of cucumbers up to half and leave them in this form for a while.
  3. After a long time, the brine is added and the cans are rolled up with tin lids.

Pickled cucumbers in jars are stored for some time in a room with room temperature, after which they are sent to a cool place for a long time. There are subtleties for the preparation of this kind of pickles: experienced housewives recommend adding mustard grains to containers so that the brine does not ferment, and horseradish leaves will help to avoid mold.

Other pickled cucumber recipes

For more long-term storage pickles are best cooked hot, and with cold pickling you can prepare vegetables quickly, but they do not last very long.

Quick recipe

For cooking, you will need 2 kg of vegetables, 3 inflorescences of dill, 1 clove of garlic, 5 currant and cherry leaves, 8-10 peppercorns, leaves and horseradish root, 1.5 liters of water, 2 tablespoons of vodka, ¼ shots of salt.

Before quickly pickling cucumbers, you need to select vegetables and pour boiling water over them, then immerse them in ice water... It is this fact that will preserve the density. Stack the fruits in 3 liter jar, while each layer is sprinkled with spices, herbs, garlic and horseradish. The brine is prepared separately (salt and alcohol are poured into the water), after which cans are poured into them. In this way, crispy, moderately spicy and very tasty cucumbers are prepared without vinegar.

Spicy cucumbers

For the preparation of fragrant and spicy pickles, the following recipe is suitable. The fruits are soaked in cold water for 2-3 hours, after which they are placed in jars. At the bottom of the container you need to put garlic, pepper, dill and horseradish root. Salt is added at the rate of 1 tablespoon to 3 liters of water. The cans are covered with a nylon lid and placed in a cool place - initially the brine will be cloudy, but then it will gradually brighten. You can consume such pickles in 2-3 weeks.

These recipes show you how to quickly and easily salt canned cucumbers for the winter. It is worth remembering that the taste and quality of pickles will depend on the amount of salt and spices.

If we preserve vegetables for long-term storage, then it is best to use the hot cooking method.

Scented cucumber recipe

Of the ingredients you will need:

  • cucumbers;
  • salt, sugar;
  • garlic;
  • horseradish;
  • Bay leaf;
  • lemon acid;
  • water;
  • Dill.

The cucumbers should already be selected and soaked in cold water. Banks, meanwhile, are sterilized. Boil water in a separate bowl. The fruits are laid out in glass containers and poured with boiling water - they stand for 15-20 minutes, after which the water is drained.

For the brine, boil water and fill it with vegetables again, then drain it again and add spices and spices to it. Pour citric acid into each jar and then fill with brine. It is customary to keep jars of pickles warm for several days, while they are turned upside down and wrapped in a thick blanket. After they are lowered into the cellar or placed in the pantry.

Recipe for hot and crispy pickles

This method will tell you how to pickle cucumbers in jars with the addition of oak bark, which gives pickles a special piquant taste and crunchiness. For pickling, you need to prepare cucumbers, cherry leaves, currants, dill, horseradish root, salt, garlic and oak bark. The latter can be purchased at pharmacies. All spices, twigs, leaves and 1 tsp each are placed on the bottom of sterilized jars. chopped bark. Jars of fruits are poured with cold brine and closed with nylon lids. Place the containers with pickles in a dark and cool place.

Cucumbers in cucumbers recipe

Many people liked this method, since it is quite simple, and the cucumbers are extremely tasty. Vegetables must be carefully selected: one part for cooking cucumber mass, and the second for whole pickling. Ingredients for fermenting vegetables:

  • salt;
  • garlic;
  • Dill;
  • horseradish, cherry, apple, raspberry and grape leaves.

To prepare "cucumber sauce", grate on a coarse grater fresh cucumbers, then add salt and spices to the mass. Put the leaves and horseradish root on the bottom of the cans, spread the cucumbers and fill with the mass. Finish the styling with horseradish leaves and garlic, then cover with nylon lids and put in the refrigerator. After 2 weeks, "cucumbers in cucumbers" can be put on the table and enjoy their taste.

Experienced chefs recommend taking beautiful and dense vegetables for pickling. Recipes for cucumbers for the winter in jars should be chosen to your taste and based on which dishes they will be added to. For example, pickled vegetables are better for pickle, and hard and crunchy pickles are more suitable for salads. Not only traditional dill and horseradish can be added from herbs, but also tarragon, celery, basil, parsley, mustard and saffron.

Pickles cooked in tomato juice... Don't be afraid to experiment with various recipes canning, because only through own experience you can select the most delicious canning methods.

Salting is a popular way of preparing vegetables for the winter, including crispy cucumbers that go well with any meal. Salting cucumbers for the winter is tens and even hundreds of the most different recipes which differ in the amount of salt, seasonings used, and salting methods.

In order for the harvesting of cucumbers for the winter to be successful, you need, as always, to carefully approach the issue of choosing vegetables. The cucumbers must be strong and free from damage. Therefore, harvesting cucumbers on the day of picking from the garden is considered optimal. It is also advisable to sort the cucumbers by size so that they are equally saturated with salt and seasonings.

You should be aware that chlorinated water is not a suitable option for salting. Of the spices, experienced housewives advise currant, cherry and oak leaves. You can also use grape leaves, bay leaves, garlic, onions. Before pickling cucumbers, it is recommended to soak and change the water to get rid of the bitterness.

The main type of preparation, besides, is hot and cold salting.

A hot way of pickling cucumbers in jars.

Spice leaves are spread at the bottom of the cans, then the cucumbers are tamped tightly. Between the cucumbers, you can also add cherry leaves, currant leaves, etc. Then the cucumbers are poured with boiling water and covered with sterilized lids, wait 3 minutes and the water is drained. Then the cucumbers are poured again and wait 5 minutes. Then the water is drained and poured with boiling brine with 30 g of salt per liter. The cans are rolled up and cooled.

There is also another recipe. Cucumbers are poured with boiling brine and kept for a day, and then placed in the basement for 7-8 days. When the cucumbers are ready, the brine will need to be drained into a saucepan, the jars should be washed and sterilized. The cucumbers will need to be re-stacked with new portion spices and pour boiling brine (drained). It remains to seal with lids and cool. In both cases, it is recommended to cool quickly.

Cold way of pickling cucumbers for the winter.

Cucumbers with spices are placed in jars, poured with cold solution - 50-60 g of salt per liter. To obtain brine, the salt is dissolved in a small volume of water and then poured into cold water. Then you should cover the jars with gauze and wait a couple of days to ferment. Then the banks are placed in a cool place for a week and a half at a temperature of 1-4 degrees or for a week at a temperature of 17 degrees. When the fermentation process is complete, you need to top up the brine and seal the jars without sterilization (hermetically sealed). Such cucumbers are stored at a temperature not exceeding 4 degrees.

Pickling cucumbers for the winter can be done according to other recipes. For example, cucumbers can be salted in barrels - not only oak, but also plastic. The method of pickling cucumbers in packages is also popular.

It's August - it's time to turn fresh cucumbers into crispy pickled and pickled cucumbers! What is needed for that? A bucket of fresh, strong greens, a bunch of greens smelling in summer, several glass jars and a desire to defeat everyone on the spot with their skill. It remains to remember a few processing secrets and you can roll up your sleeves!

Salty, green, spicy and crispy

Pickles are the kings of everyone festive tables... A rare hostess does not stock a couple of cans of this traditional dish for every family date. And so that no one is disappointed with their pickling failures, we will be happy to share the secrets of how to avoid all mistakes and cook the most delicious pickled cucumbers in the world.

Rules for choosing cucumbers for pickling

It is necessary to approach the choice of cucumbers for pickling "wisely": not every even beautiful cucumber is suitable for this. There are several important points, which will help you choose the "right" zelentsy.
  • Variety: of the best "pickling" cucumbers, the most famous varieties are "Nezhinsky", "Muromsky", "Competitor" and "Favorite". The varieties "Era", "Nezhinka", "Etap" and "Nosovsky" are no less loved. Excellent in salting "Avangard", "Altai" and "Voronezh", "Beregovoy", "Vyaznikovsky 37" and "Kaskad". Less well-known new varieties and hybrids are also good for salting: "Salting", "Khabar", "Parisian gherkin", " Funny boys"," Herman "," Lilliput "," Courage F1 "," Nightingale F1 "," Semcross F1 "and others.
  • The size: the most preferred are short-fruited cucumbers, ranging in size from 5 to 12-13 cm.
  • Maturity degree: Cucumbers are generally eaten unripe, and for salting it is all the more important that the fruits are harvested before they are fully ripe.
  • Peel: pickled cucumbers are distinguished by a lumpy (not smooth) peel, which should be quite thick (so that the nail pierces it with effort). Spines on tubercles are black and prickly.
  • Freshness: hard fresh cucumbers are used for salting - those that have lain and have lost their elasticity will be less tasty when salted. The skin should be cool to the touch (warm fruit - stale or overripe).
  • Color: how younger cucumber, the juicier the greens. You need to choose fruits that are green, without a hint of yellowness. The yellowness indicates that the fruit is overripe, and its peel and seeds are already tough.
  • Taste: bitter cucumbers do not lose their bitterness even when salted, so it is advisable not to use them at all for winter preparations.

Correctly selected cucumbers are already 50% of success. At the very least, they will be crunchy and bouncy.

What is the secret of delicious pickles

There are dozens, if not hundreds, of pickling recipes for cucumbers, but they all have an almost unshakable classic "core" - salt, dill and horseradish. And here are the various combinations " green additives"- cherry, currant and oak leaves, amaranth, bay leaves and garlic give an infinite variety of completely different-tasting salty crunchy magic on our festive tables.

Cucumbers "Salted crisps"

For cooking you will need (calculation for one 3-liter can):
  • 1 large horseradish leaf (25-30 cm long);
  • 3 sprigs of amaranth (lizards) - about 10-12 leaves;
  • 4-5 currant leaves;
  • 1-2 large dill umbrellas;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 3 bay leaves;
  • 3-5 peas of black pepper;
  • 50-60 g of rock salt.
1. Rinse cucumbers thoroughly and soak in cold water for 2 to 6 hours, changing the water 2-3 times.
2. Put spices in a jar. Lay the cucumbers as tightly as possible to each other: the bottom row - vertically, then to the taste of the hostess. Whether or not to trim ponytails and noses is also a matter of taste.

Pickled cucumbers

3. Measure the amount of water for the brine, pouring water into a can of water "to the eyeballs" and pouring it into a saucepan. Pour salt there at the rate of 50 g per 1 liter, bring to a boil and pour cucumbers with this brine.
4. Leave the cucumbers at room temperature for 3-5 days for fermentation.
5. Then, if there is a basement, just close it with tight plastic covers and leave it that way for the winter. If not, drain the brine, boil, refill the cucumbers with boiling brine and roll up with tin lids.

To boil or not to boil the brine, to change or not to change the greens after fermentation, whether to add mustard powder or hot pepper - these are the family secrets of every housewife. In the next video with your recipe cold salting cucumber shares Lyubov Hook:

In secret to the whole world

  • it was noticed that the most delicious cucumbers will turn out if you pour them with brine 5-6 days before the new moon, so that by the new moon they have already been rolled up or lowered into the cellar;
  • if, in addition to horseradish leaves, you put several thin slices of horseradish root on the top layer of cucumbers, the cucumbers will not grow moldy;
  • if you plan to pickle cucumbers in a barrel, before pickling it is good to evaporate the barrel with well water with dill, thyme and other aromatic herbs;
  • 1-2 tablespoons of mustard powder (or a pinch of mustard seeds) will add pickles pungent taste and protect from excessive fermentation;
  • so that the jar of cucumbers does not "explode", it is advised to pour 2 tbsp into the brine. spoons of vodka or 1 tbsp. a spoonful of alcohol.

Pickled, spicy and aromatic

The most undeniable advantages of pickling cucumbers is the simplicity of the process itself, high guarantee the safety of the seams and an excellent result - delicious cucumbers that can be used as side dishes, added to salads or eaten without any additives. The rules for choosing cucumbers for pickling are exactly the same as for pickling. And the process itself will take very little time.

The whole secret is in the marinade

Almost all recipes are based on one basis - marinade pouring, or marinade. It is a sweet and sour mixture dissolved in water:
  • salt;
  • Sahara;
  • vinegar (or other food acid, for example, lemon);
  • spices and herbs (black peppercorns, allspice, bay leaf, flower buds of cloves, garlic and others).
Depending on how many spicy vegetables and herbs are put in the jar, cucumbers will be more or less spicy, spicy, sour and differently aromatic.

Pickle pouring recipe

  • water - 1 l;
  • salt - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • vinegar 9% - 100 ml.

Pickled cucumbers can be made in a variety of ways.

  • hot fill: with this method, boiling water or marinade is poured into a jar with laid cucumbers and spices for 3-5 minutes in a multiplicity of 2 to 3 times. Vinegar is added to the last pour and the jar is rolled up;
  • cold way: with this method, the marinade is poured cold and the cans are rolled up without heating;
  • with sterilization: with this method, jars with completely filled contents are sterilized.
All methods are good in their own way. Our hostesses have already shared their recipes, which we bring to your attention

Pickles for the winter almost every housewife cooks. However, she often doesn’t turn out the way she would like. What is the reason, and how to fix it - we will tell you in our article. After reading it, you will only prepare the best winter blanks.

Choosing the right cucumbers.

Cucumbers should be small size to fit well in the jar. In addition, young cucumbers are not big size have a sweetish good taste... There are no voids inside, so they crunch perfectly. The skin should have black thorns, pimples. If the fruit has smooth skin and white thorns, leave them for salads. The fruit of the cucumber should be firm and not bitter to the touch. To do this, just chew on the darkest part to test it.

High-quality water will help to achieve an excellent taste of cucumbers. If you harvest fruits in spring and "city" water according to the same recipe, then you will get two completely different tastes... That is why take clean water from the well. If this water is not available to you, use good bottled water. As a last resort, you can filter, boil tap water, and insist on honey or silver. This will greatly improve her. taste qualities.

Should you soak cucumbers?

Be sure to do this! Soak cucumber fruits for two to three hours, or better for half a day. In this case, the cucumbers will become firm and elastic.


Each hostess uses her own own recipe... Some people like allspice, some mustard seeds, some cloves. For a classic set, the following spices are suitable: peppercorns, dill umbrellas, horseradish leaves, currant leaves... In addition, you can add basil, coriander, cumin, lovage, tarragon, mint, celery, horseradish root, mustard, garlic, currant berries, cherry and oak leaves. Leaves can be used whole or coarsely chopped. They are laid out on the bottom, and cucumbers are placed on top and covered with lids. Leave them soaked in this form for two hours.


Before setting cucumbers, soak glass jars in soda solution, wash thoroughly with soap and water, rinse and rinse with boiling water, dry. For sterilization, you can also calcine the container in the oven at 110 degrees. The lids should only be sterilized in boiling water.

Be sure to prepare and.

For pickling cucumbers, rock salt is excellent, which gives a full, rich taste... Using a different salt can cause the workpieces to explode. Another danger that can come with the addition of soft salt is that the fruits can become soft. For one liter of water, you will need about 50-60 grams of salt. The cucumber pickle can be hot or cold. Hot brine should be the case if you are using vinegar.

Cucumber bookmark.

Large cucumbers are placed on the bottom. In the event that they are too large, then put them in upright position... Each cucumber should be as close as possible to the other. Place the spices between the layers of cucumbers. You can also put them on the bottom. After pouring the brine, lay out the leaves of horseradish and currant.

Cold salting method.

Cucumbers prepared in this way should be stored in the refrigerator or cellar. In a warm room, they will simply swell and explode. This method of salting is very simple - put cucumbers in jars along with spices. Stir salt in cold water, pour cucumbers with this brine. Cover the jars with plastic lids heated in hot water. After about a month, the cucumbers will be salty.

Hot way.

Dissolve the salt in boiling water, add a few stalks of horseradish and dill, a couple of oak leaves to the brine, boil for a few minutes, pour cucumbers with this brine. Leave them unrolled for a week. Then add brine and roll up.

A few little tricks:

1. Add a few mustard seeds to the brine. In this case, the banks will not explode.
2. To protect the cucumbers from mold will help a few thin slices of horseradish, which must be placed under the lid.
3. A tablespoon of alcohol will also help protect the container from explosion.
4. A piece of oak bark will make the fruit crisp.
5. For better salting, cut the tails of the cucumbers and pierce them with a fork.

Recipes: pickles for the winter

Mustard Cucumbers.


Water - 5 liters
- mustard seeds - 520 g
- fruits of cucumbers - 10 kilograms
- onion - 3 pieces
- a clove of garlic

To prepare the marinade:

Sugar - 2 kilograms
- salt - 320 g
- vinegar - one liter


1. Cut large cucumbers in half, remove seeds, cut into cubes.
2. Boil water, add vinegar, pour marinade over cucumbers, leave for one hour. Arrange the cucumbers in sterile jars, sprinkle with finely chopped onions, mustard seeds and garlic.
3. Cover the jars with sterile lids, sterilize them, roll them up, turn them upside down, wrap them up to cool.

Crispy pickles for the winter


Bay leaf - 2 pieces
- peppercorns - 6 pieces
- a clove of garlic - 4 pieces
- cherry and currant leaves - 4 pieces each
- horseradish
- cucumbers - 1.8 kilograms
- dill umbrellas - 1.5 pieces
- vinegar - two tablespoons

For cucumber pickle:

Water - 1.5 liters
- sugar - a tablespoon
- salt - two tablespoons
- hot peppers- 0.3 pieces


1. Place cucumbers tightly, alternating with spices. Put the horseradish on.
2. Pour boiling water over, let stand for 10-15 minutes. Drain the water, repeat the procedure again.
3. Prepare the brine: add sugar, salt to the water, let it simmer for 10 seconds. Put the capsicum while boiling.
4. Pour cucumber fruits with brine, add citric acid or vinegar. For bloating, you can add an aspirin tablet.
5. Roll up the jars, wrap them in something warm, cool and put them in the cellar.

Cucumbers marinated with vodka.


Cucumber fruits - 2 kilograms
- sugar, salt - 2 tablespoons each
- vodka - 50 ml
- water - 1.5 liters
- vinegar - 100 ml


1. Wash small cucumbers, leave in cool water for 3 hours.
2. Place the spices at the bottom of the jar.
3. Put all the ingredients for the marinade, except for vodka, in a saucepan, boil.
4. Put the cucumbers in batches for a few seconds, then put in a jar, cover with marinade, which is boiling, cover with a lid and leave for five minutes.
5. Pour the marinade into a saucepan, boil, pour it back into the jar, cover with lids, and leave it again for 5 minutes.
6. Repeat the procedure, but before pouring the marinade for the third time, add vodka to the jar, roll up, turn the jar upside down, wrap until it cools.

Preparations for the winter - pickled cucumbers

Cucumbers in Polish.


Clove of garlic
- cucumbers - 10 kilograms

To prepare the marinade:

Mustard seeds, allspice - 20 g each
- allspice black pepper - 20 g
- bay leaf - 10 pieces
- sugar - 120 g
- vinegar - 720 g
- salt - 155 g
- water - 9 liters


1. Prepare the cucumbers, place in jars in an upright position with the cloves of garlic.
2. Fill all this with boiling brine, cover with sterile lids.
3. Sterilize the cans, roll them up, turn them over, wrap them up until they cool completely.

Secret recipe delicious cucumbers.


Cucumber fruits - 4 kilograms
- a bunch of parsley
- Cup sunflower oil
- a glass of table vinegar
- salt - 85 g
- a glass of sugar
- head of garlic
- ground black pepper


1. Wash the cucumbers. Cut large fruits into pieces, put in a saucepan.
2. Cut a bunch of parsley, send to the cucumbers, add salt, a glass of sunflower oil and vinegar, a dessert spoon of black pepper and a glass of sugar.
3. Wait 5-6 hours for the cucumbers to give juice.
4. Take prepared jars, fill them with cucumber slices.
5. Pour the marinade over the jar, cover with prepared lids, sterilize for about 20 minutes.
6. Remove, roll up tightly, leave the cans upside down until they cool.

Fast lightly salted cucumbers in the bank.


- a clove of garlic - 5 pieces
- dried dill seeds
- fresh dill
- coarse rock salt - three tablespoons


1. Rinse cucumbers thoroughly, put garlic and dill on the bottom.
2. Place cucumbers, dill umbrellas, add salt.
3. Boil water in a kettle, pour cucumbers.
4. Close with nylon caps.
5. Gently hold the lid on the jar and move to disperse the salt.
6. Refrigerate the cooled cucumbers. After a day, you can already eat cucumbers.

Lightly salted cucumbers with apples.


- currant leaf
- apples
- salt - per liter of water - a couple of tablespoons
- allspice
- horseradish leaf
- dill umbrellas


1. Put the cucumbers with spices in a deep container, put the apple slices.
2. Dissolve the salt in water, boil, cover with a plate so that they do not float, leave at room temperature, put in the refrigerator. The next day, you can eat cucumbers.

Pickled cucumbers - a recipe for the winter

Salting cucumbers in a barrel.


- cucumbers
- horseradish
- garlic
- black currant and cherry leaves
- mint
- tarragon
- celery
- salt
- water


1. Select cucumbers of the same size, rinse them with cool water.
2. At the bottom of the barrel, put a third of all the spices, half of the cucumbers, then put another third of the spices and the rest of the cucumbers.
3. Top with the rest of the spices. Stack the cucumbers in tight rows.
4. Pour the cucumbers with brine, cover with a clean cloth, put a wooden circle and a load, leave in the room for 3-4 days, put out in the cold and keep at 0-3 degrees.

As you can see, there are many different ways salting delicious cucumbers. You can do this in a barrel, can, or bags. Add your favorite spices - and enjoy the amazing taste of winter preparation!

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