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Hyperactive child at school: advice to parents. Hyperactive child what to do for parents psychologist's advice

Of course, any excited child whose energy is overflowing should not be classified as children with various disorders or diseases. nervous system. If children are sometimes stubborn or do not obey, this is normal. Correspond to the norm and cases when a child sometimes "walks" in bed, although it's time to sleep, wakes up at dawn, is naughty or indulges in a store.


In the middle of the 19th century, the German neuropsychiatrist Heinrich Hoffmann was the first to describe an overactive child and gave him the nickname Fidget Phil. Since the 60s of the 20th century, doctors began to single out such a condition as a pathological one and called it minimal brain dysfunction (minimal disorder of brain functions). Since the 80s of the twentieth century, the state of excessive motor activity (hyperactivity) began to be distinguished as an independent disease and entered into the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) under the name Attention Disorder (or Deficit) Syndrome with Hyperactivity (ADHD).

It is due to dysfunction central nervous system (CNS) of a child and manifests itself in the fact that it is difficult for the baby to concentrate and hold attention, he has problems with learning and memory.

This is primarily due to the fact that it is difficult for the brain of such a child to process external and internal information and stimuli. It should be noted that although outwardly the excessive mobility of the baby comes to the fore, the main defect in the structure of this disease is attention deficit: the little one cannot concentrate on anything for a long time.

Children suffering are distinguished by restlessness, inattention, hyperactivity and impulsiveness. ADHD is a serious social problem, as it occurs in a large number of children (according to various studies, they suffer from 2.2 to 18% of babies) and greatly interferes with their social adaptation. Thus, it is known that children suffering from ADHD are at risk for the development of alcoholism and drug addiction in the future. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder occurs in boys 4-5 times more often than in girls.

Symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

The first manifestations of ADHD can sometimes be observed already in the first year of life. Children with this disorder are overly sensitive to various stimuli (for example, to artificial light, sounds, various manipulations of the mother related to caring for the baby, etc.), they are distinguished by loud crying, sleep disturbances (difficulty falling asleep, sleeping little, being too awake) , may be slightly behind motor development(they begin to roll over, crawl, walk 1-2 months later than the others), as well as in speech - they are inert, passive, not very emotional.

In the first years of a child's life, the main concern of parents is the excessive number of movements of the baby, their randomness (motor anxiety). When observing such children, doctors notice a slight delay in their speech development, babies later begin to express themselves in phrases; also, such children have motor awkwardness (clumsiness), they later master complex movements (jumps, etc.).

The age of three is special for a child. On the one hand, attention and memory are actively developing during this period. On the other hand, the first one is observed three year crisis. The main content of this period is negativism, stubbornness and obstinacy. The child actively defends the boundaries of influence on himself as a person, his "I". Often at 3-4 years old, before the child enters kindergarten, parents do not consider his behavior abnormal and do not go to the doctor. Therefore, when the baby goes to the kindergarten and the teachers begin to complain about uncontrollability, disinhibition, the inability of the child to sit during classes and fulfill the requirements, this becomes an unpleasant surprise for the parents. All these "unexpected" manifestations are explained by the inability of the central nervous system hyperactive child cope with the new demands placed on him against the background of increasing physical and mental stress.

The deterioration of the course of the disease occurs with the beginning of systematic education (at the age of 5-6 years), when classes begin in the senior and preparatory groups of the kindergarten. In addition, this age is critical for the maturation of brain structures, so excessive exercise can cause overwork. emotional development babies suffering attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, as a rule, is late, which is manifested by imbalance, irascibility, low self-esteem. These signs are often combined with tics, headaches, fears.

All of the aforementioned manifestations determine the low academic performance of children with ADHD at school, despite their fairly high intelligence. Such children are difficult to adapt in the team. Due to their impatience and slight excitability, they often come into conflict with peers and adults, which exacerbates the existing learning problems. It should be borne in mind that the child attention deficit hyperactivity disorder not able to foresee the consequences of his behavior, does not recognize authorities, which can lead to antisocial acts. Especially often antisocial behavior is observed in such children in adolescence, when impulsiveness comes first, sometimes combined with aggressiveness.

Diagnosis of ADHD

First of all, parents who suspect such disorders in their children, no matter what age this happens, should consult a neurologist and examine the child, because sometimes other, more serious diseases are hidden under the guise of ADHD. It is better to contact a specialized neurological center or the department of pediatric neurology. It is advisable not to limit yourself to a consultation, but to go through comprehensive examination lasting 2-3 hours.

It is conditionally possible to distinguish three stages in the diagnosis of this disease.

The first- subjective - includes a subjective assessment of the child's behavior based on generally accepted diagnostic criteria developed by the American Psychiatric Association (see Appendix). In addition, the doctor asks parents in detail about the peculiarities of the course of pregnancy and childbirth, about the diseases the child has suffered, about his behavior. A detailed family history is taken.

Second stage - objective, or psychological. By the number of mistakes made by the child when performing special tests, and by the time he spent on this, the parameters of the child's attentiveness are measured. It should be remembered that such studies can be carried out in children only starting from the age of five or six.

On the third stage, an electroencephalographic study is carried out - with the help of electrodes superimposed on the head, electrical potentials brain and corresponding changes are detected. This is done to objectively assess the state of the child's brain. There are more recent studies using magnetic resonance imaging. These studies are harmless and painless. Based on the totality of the results obtained, a diagnosis is made.

Classification of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

There are three variants of the course of ADHD, depending on the predominant symptoms:

  1. hyperactivity disorder without attention deficit;
  2. attention deficit disorder without hyperactivity (more often observed in girls - they are quite calm, quiet, "hovering in the clouds");
  3. a syndrome that combines attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (the most common variant).

In addition, there are simple and complicated forms of the disease. If the first is characterized only inattention and hyperactivity, then with the second, headaches, tics, stuttering, and sleep disturbances join these symptoms. Also attention deficit disorder can be both primary and secondary, that is, it can occur as a result of other diseases or as a consequence of birth injuries and infectious lesions of the central nervous system, for example, after suffering the flu.

Causes of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

At the heart of ADHD are functional immaturity or disruption of a specific system of the brain - the reticular formation, which provides coordination of learning and memory, processing of incoming information, and retention of attention. Failures in adequate processing of information lead to the fact that various visual, sound, emotional stimuli become redundant for the child, causing anxiety and irritation.

In addition, with ADHD, under the influence of the above adverse factors, the functioning of frontal lobes, responsible for intelligence, subcortical nuclei of the brain and the nerve pathways connecting them.

Origins of ADHD important role play and genetic mechanisms. It is believed that the presence of this syndrome in a child is due to mutations in three genes that regulate the metabolism of dopamine, a specific substance of the nervous system involved in the transmission of nerve impulses. Families of children with ADHD often have close relatives who had similar disorders in childhood. In such cases, the risk of developing ADHD is approximately 30%.

In approximately 60-70% of cases, adverse factors during pregnancy and childbirth play a leading role in the occurrence of ADHD. the number of pregnancy factors that are prognostically unfavorable for the development of ADHD: intrauterine hypoxia (lack of oxygen) of the fetus; threats of termination of pregnancy; smoking and malnutrition of the mother during pregnancy; stress during pregnancy.

Unfavorable factors in the course of labor are: prematurity (the birth of a baby weighing less than 2500 g), premature, transient or prolonged labor, stimulation of labor. Also, risk factors are the presence of lesions of the central nervous system in newborns. varying degrees expressiveness. Tension and frequent conflicts in the family, intolerance and excessive severity towards children also contribute to the development of this syndrome. Injuries cervical spine in a child, contrary to popular belief, are not the cause of this disease. It should always be borne in mind that several unfavorable circumstances, mutually influencing and complementing each other, are more likely to provoke the manifestation of ADHD in a baby. But the main risk factor is the child's predisposition to this disease: if it is not there, then ADHD cannot manifest itself.

Features of the treatment of ADHD

Treatment of ADHD should be comprehensive, that is, include both drug therapy and psychological correction. Ideally, the child should be observed by both a neurologist and a psychologist, feel the support of parents and their faith in a positive outcome of treatment. This support reinforces the skills that the child develops during the treatment process.

Psychological features hyperactive children are such that they are immune to reprimands and punishment, but are quick to respond to the slightest praise. Therefore, it is recommended to formulate instructions and directions for children with ADHD clearly, concisely, and clearly. Parents should not give them several tasks at the same time, it is better to give the same instructions, but separately. They should monitor the child's compliance with the daily regimen (clearly regulate the time of eating, doing homework, sleep), provide the baby with the opportunity to spend excess energy in exercise, long walks, running.

To correct behavior, you can use the so-called operant conditioning, which consists in punishing or rewarding in response to the child's behavior. Together with the baby, it is necessary to develop a system of rewards and punishments for good and bad behavior, as well as place a set of rules of conduct in the kindergarten group and at home in a place convenient for the child, and then ask the child to pronounce these rules aloud. You should also not overwork the baby when performing tasks, as this may increase hyperactivity. It is necessary to exclude or limit the participation of easily excitable children in activities associated with congestion a large number of people.

The choice of partners for games is also important - it is desirable that the child's friends be balanced and calm. Punishments must follow wrongdoing quickly and immediately, i.e. be as close as possible in time to misbehavior. If the child is really sick, then scold him for hyperactivity not only useless, but harmful. In such cases, the baby can only be criticized.

What is the difference between "criticize" and "criticize"? It is necessary to give a positive assessment of the child's personality and a negative assessment of his actions. What does it look like in practice? "You good boy, but now you are doing wrong (specifically, it must be said that the baby is doing badly), you must behave like this ... "In no case should you make a negative comparison of your child with other children:" Vasya is good, but you are bad.

It is recommended to reduce the TV viewing time and computer games. It must be remembered that excessive demands and excessive training loads lead to persistent fatigue of the child and the appearance of aversion to learning. The child is recommended a gentle training regimen - minimal amount children in a group, class (no more than 12 people), shorter duration of classes (up to 30 minutes), etc.

Of course, a comprehensive rehabilitation of such children is needed, using both medication and non-pharmacological means. In this case, treatment should be individualized and prescribed taking into account the examination data.

in the USA and European countries most widely used in treatment attention deficit hyperactivity disorder psychoactive drugs are used. The use of these drugs with their high efficiency is very often accompanied by the development side effects. The most common of these are insomnia, irritability, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, headaches, nausea, growth inhibition.

In Russia, nootropics are traditionally used to treat ADHD ( GLIANTILIN, CORTEXIN, ENCEPHABOL). Nootropic drugs are drugs that positively affect the higher integrative (unifying) functions of the brain. These drugs are more effective in cases where inattention prevails.

If hyperactivity prevails, preparations containing gamma-aminobutyric acid are used. This substance is responsible for inhibitory, controlling reactions in the brain. Most commonly used PANTOGAM, PHENIBUT. It must be remembered that drugs can be taken strictly according to the prescription of a neurologist.

In addition, for the treatment of children, a very weak electric current is applied to certain areas of the brain - transcranial micropolarization is used, which makes it possible to reduce the degree of hyperactivity. This treatment reduces the functional immaturity of the brain that underlies ADHD. This method activates the functional reserves of the brain, has no undesirable side effects and complications.

There is another treatment ADHD- method feedback, which allows the brain to find the best way to work and improve attention: since the brain in children is quite plastic, it can be "trained" to function correctly. The essence of the method lies in the fact that electrodes are attached to the child's head, with the help of which the potential generated by the nerve cells of the brain is recorded, and the cells are displayed on the computer screen. In the form of a game "willpower" the child is invited to consciously or unconsciously find ways to reduce the pathological activity of the brain and bring the encephalogram to normal (it is also displayed on the screen). The main task facing the child is to memorize such a "normal" state and try to, if not preserve it, then at least learn to call it up at will. But this treatment can be used in children only from the age of 8-9: it is difficult for young children to understand what exactly is required of them.

The good news is that some hyperactive children "outgrow" their disease, that is, they have adolescence the symptoms of the disease disappear. But in 30-70% of children, ADHD manifestations pass into adolescence and adulthood (especially if this pathology is not treated).

Diagnostic Criteria for ADHD

Behavior features:

  1. appear up to 8 years;
  2. are found in at least two areas of activity (in a children's institution and at home, in work and in games, etc.);
  3. not due to any mental disorders;
  4. cause significant psychological discomfort and disrupt adaptation.

inattention(of the following signs, at least 6 must have been present continuously for at least 6 months):

  • inability to complete a task without errors, caused by the inability to focus on details;
  • inability to listen to addressed speech;
  • inability to complete the work performed;
  • inability to organize their activities;
  • rejection of unloved work that requires perseverance;
  • disappearance of items needed to complete tasks ( writing instruments, books, etc.);
  • forgetfulness in daily activities;
  • Detachment from activities and increased reaction to extraneous stimuli.

Hyperactivity and impulsivity(At least four of the following must have been present continuously for at least 6 months):



  • fidgety, cannot sit still;
  • jumps up without permission;
  • aimlessly runs, fidgets, climbs, etc. in inappropriate situations;
  • can't play silent games, rest.



  • shouts out the answer without listening to the question.
  • can't wait for their turn.

There is probably no other condition that would cause so much controversy and doubt among doctors, parents and psychologists as hyperactivity. Some argue that the problem is far-fetched and does not really exist, while others believe that hyperactivity that is not detected and not corrected in childhood threatens career growth, social adaptation, and personal relationships in the future.

Which of them is right, what kind of hyperactive child he is, what to do if the doctor made such a conclusion to your baby, we'll talk in this article.

From this article you will learn:

Most parents who have ever heard of childhood hyperactivity are actually quite vague about what in question, sometimes investing in this concept is not medical, but everyday meaning. Therefore, first of all, let's deal with the terms.

Hyperactivity, or motor disinhibition- this is a state of the child's nervous system, in which the processes of excitation in the brain occur more actively than in ordinary children. In other words, brain cells are constantly generating nerve impulses that simply do not allow the baby to sit still.

Therefore, a hyperactive child is not just a very mobile, naughty, capricious or inattentive bully, as many mothers are used to thinking, but a baby in whose behavior a neuropathologist (and only he!) saw deviations. The presence of hyperactivity in a child can be established at any age.

Hyperactivity in children should not be confused infancy with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), which is a mental developmental disorder and can be detected no earlier than 3-4 years of age.

Hyperactive vs Active: What's the Difference?

A healthy baby by nature is always full of energy, mobile, stubborn and even capricious. These qualities help him to know the world around him and his place in it. That is why it is so difficult to distinguish motor disinhibition from character traits. However, there are some starting points that may encourage parents to take a closer look at their child's behavior.

Hyperactive babies - what are they?

Most often, these babies are well developed physically. They learn to sit, crawl, and walk earlier than their peers. It is difficult for them to sit still, their day passes in motion. Babies are tireless and fearless so much that they often fall off furniture, changing tables, open windows.

They don't seem to be able to get tired. Even when the strength is running out, the hyperactive child will continue to move, accompanying him with crying, tantrums, whims. Only mommy can stop him, picking him up in time.

Such children sleep very little, which amaze relatives and friends. 2-3 month old babies can stay awake for 4-5 hours in a row, while their peers divide the day between mother's breasts and sleep.

They are very sensitive sleepers, waking up at the slightest noise, and then cannot fall asleep for a long time. Easy to get used to motion sickness.

An environment full of sounds, unfamiliar faces, bright lights (the arrival of guests or a trip to the clinic) leads hyperactive kids to real euphoria, forcing them to double their antics.

Such babies love toys, but rarely play with them for a long time. They are easy to get interested in, but hard to captivate. Interest in a new toy or game disappears after a few minutes.

Hyperactive children are very attached to their mother and rarely get along well with strangers. They are prone to fits of anger, throwing toys, biting, fighting. In addition, kids are jealous, conflict situations are resolved with the help of tears and roars.

How not to make a mistake?

Since children of the first year of life have not yet developed speech and other ways of communication, parents often worry in vain, mistaking age-related cheerfulness for hyperactivity. There are a few distinctive features mobile healthy baby from hyperactive. Temperamentally healthy children, as a rule:

  • move a lot, but tired, prefer to lie down or sit;
  • fall asleep well, the duration of daytime and nighttime sleep corresponds to age;
  • sleep peacefully at night;
  • a well-developed sense of fear, they remember dangerous actions and situations and try to avoid them;
  • easily distracted during whims and tantrums;
  • early begin to realize the word "no";
  • during whims are non-aggressive;
  • have a temperamental mom or dad.

I would especially like to dwell on the last point. Unlike others, it must be skillfully applied. Very often, mothers and fathers who do not have a fiery temperament “suspect” their baby in hyperactivity. A logical connection works: calm parents cannot have a naughty child. The situation is aggravated by grandparents on both sides, who say in surprise: “who was he born into,” “my children have always been lower than grass, quieter than water.”

This is the wrong approach. Genetics is a complex science, and genes that did not manifest themselves in mom and dad can “play” in a child.

Therefore, I would like to advise all calm mothers again: before turning to a neurologist for help, analyze why the baby “worries” you. He is insufferable, annoying with his mobility, curiosity and completely unlike you in character, or he is really unstoppable with all your understanding of childish nature.

Who is guilty?

The child's hyperactivity always has a basis physical reason, that is, changes in the functioning of nerve cells in the brain. This may occur if:

  • baby was born in C-section;
  • childbirth was difficult, prolonged, accompanied by the imposition of obstetric forceps;
  • the child was born severely premature or underweight;
  • there was a failure in the laying of the nervous system in the prenatal period due to the flu, colds, under the influence of adverse environmental factors, bad habits;
  • there is a hereditary predisposition, that is, the closest relatives suffered from hyperactivity in childhood.

Can't be cured, can be helped

If you have a hyperactive child, what can you do to help him? Most importantly, you need to understand that hyperactivity is not a disease, but a type of behavior that depends on the characteristics of the nervous system of your baby. That is, it cannot be cured in the broadest sense of the word, but it can be taken under control in such a way that this condition successfully “overgrows” and does not pass into adulthood.

Treatment of hyperactivity consists in the sequential mastering of the following steps:

  • Psychological preparation of parents;
  • Educational approaches to the baby;
  • Daily regime.

Psychological preparation of parents

Probably the most milestone. After all, how smoothly the next will go depends on its success.

Parents need to be aware of:

  • hyperactivity is NOT a DISEASE, but a personal quality of the baby;
  • the child does not consciously misbehave and cause them anxiety, it’s just that this is how his nervous system works;
  • there is no fault in what happened;
  • it is necessary to accept the child for who he is - a mischievous, "zhivchik", capricious and jealous, but passionately loving mom and dad;
  • hyperactivity in infants with the right approach does not negative influence to the physical and mental development in future;
  • the baby is not obliged to be similar in his behavior to the son of Maria Ivanovna or the daughter of Elena Sergeevna, no matter how good they may be. He can also act very differently than mom and dad at his age. Small man- a big personality and has the right to individuality, even through hyperactivity.

Some of these items are not easy to complete. But if the parents accept them, then we can assume that the child's hyperactivity is half under control.

I would like to say a special word to moms and dads who have a "hyperactive" character. If your temperament is hot like an Arabian stallion, then it's time to take him under the bridle. Calmness, a pre-planned program for the day, the absence of surprises will help not only create favorable environment for a hyperactive baby, but will improve the overall emotional background in family.

Educational approaches to the child

A hyperactive child, like no other, needs the support of mom and dad. After all, his nervous system is very vulnerable and easily depleted. Therefore, it is necessary to make sure that the child does not often get upset. This does not mean indulging all whims. You just need to protect the baby from negative emotions: do not leave him to cry for a long time, do not lock him in a room as a punishment, interrupt his roar and tantrum as soon as they begin. It is best to distract the baby with a toy, pick it up, go out onto the balcony or go to the window.

Do not scold the child and blame him, he is still so small that he cannot justify himself and say that he loves you.

Praise, kiss and encourage your baby at any age. infant may not understand the words, but an approving tone will be his best reward.

Find the golden mean between strictness and connivance. The kid should gradually begin to understand the word "no".

It is necessary to protect the child from too noisy environment. For example, unfamiliar guests, crowds, public transport. This does not mean to keep him in isolation, but it should be remembered that shopping center and a party with friends is not the right place for a hyperactive naughty. But a walk in the park, on the playground, a family picnic trip is a good reason to throw out energy without harming yourself and others.

Always be ready to help the baby when something goes wrong. Hyperactive children are very sensitive to failure and immediately get upset if the goal is not achieved the first time. Achieve it together, calmly and wisely support the baby in his exploits.

Daily regime

The best way to cope with the manifestations of hyperactivity in a child daily regime. It not only balances the nervous processes, but also disciplines the parents.

It is best if the hours of morning awakening and going to bed are the same every day. This will allow you to train the baby's nervous system and develop your own rhythm.

An important role in the formation of restful sleep is played by the “evening ritual”, which is repeated every day and consists of the same actions. This will teach the baby's body to prepare for sleep. It can be, for example, such as “bath-lullaby-sleep at the breast-transition to the crib” or, if you are not used to bathing the baby every day or the bath, on the contrary, is exciting, then “dressing in pajamas-lullaby-breastfeeding or a bottle with a mixture-sleep in your own crib.

You should limit outdoor games 1 hour before going to bed.

It is better to have a baby bed up to a year in the same room where the parents sleep. Hyperactive children often wake up at night, tormented by disturbing dreams. The gentle voice of the mother, who is nearby, is enough to calm down.

In the room where the baby spends most time, the TV or radio must not be turned on. Bright colors, music, constantly changing pictures on the screen disinhibit the nervous system. If the children's room is decorated with bright pictures - stickers, posters, large toys, they should be removed. breastfeeding baby still does not understand their meaning, and bright spots act excitingly on the nervous system.

The chandelier and lamps in the children's room should be made of frosted glass, which gently scatters light and does not give disturbing reflections.

Hyperactive kids need to expend energy . This will help gymnastics, massage, outdoor games. You should strictly monitor the duration of active games. Hyperactive children do not feel tired and cannot stop themselves. Therefore, depending on age, periods of outdoor games must be alternated with calm ones.

Final word

Dear parents, your baby is a miracle, whatever it may be. Therefore, instead of asking the question “I have a hyperactive child, what should I do now and how to live with these further”, try to calmly and wisely go through this difficult period of the formation of a small personality with him.

What does ADHD mean?

Nowadays, many parents, coming to a neurologist, or just by ear, come across such a concept as a “hyperactive” child or a child with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder - ADHD. Let's see what it means. The word "hyper" - from the Greek means to exceed the norm. And the word "active" in translation from Latin - active, effective. All together - active above the norm.

Psychological characteristics of hyperactive children

Hyperactive children are very restless, they run, jump, and show activity all the time. Sometimes it seems to everyone that they have attached a motor that runs endlessly. They can actively move for a long time, even if others do not require it from them.

During games and activities, children cannot sit still and are unable to control their arms and legs. So, at 2 - 3 years old, when the baby is very mobile, he often throws tantrums, is naughty, runs and quickly gets overexcited, gets tired. Against this background, there may be various diseases, sleep disturbance.

At the age of 3-4, a disorder of coordination of movements is added, and parents are so tired of such behavior that they begin to sound the alarm and turn to specialists. It has been proven by experts that maximum amount manifestations of ADHD symptoms are observed during the child's crisis - at 3 years and at 6-7 years. Such a portrait of a hyperactive child really causes many problems and difficulties in parenting.

Parents should not label their child “ADHD” just like that, only a specialist – a neurologist, can do this, and a psychologist will help correct this behavior in the classroom. Let us examine in more detail what signs of behavior may occur in children with this syndrome.

Attention deficit and hyperactivity

Signs of manifestation of this diagnosis depend on a combination of three main manifestations:

  1. Attention deficit (inattention). The kid is inconsistent in his actions. He is distracted, does not hear the speech addressed to him, does not follow the rules and is not organized. Often forgets his belongings and avoids boring mentally demanding activities.
  2. Motor disinhibition (hyperactivity). Such children cannot sit in one place for a long time. An adult has the impression that a child has a spring inside or a running motor. Constantly fidgeting, running, sleeping poorly and talking a lot.
  3. Impulsiveness. The child is impatient, can scream from a place, intervene in the conversation of others, is not able to wait for his turn, sometimes aggressive. Poor control over their behavior.

If at the age of 6-7 years the child shows all the above listed signs, then it will be possible to assume the diagnosis of ADHD.

Understanding the reasons

It is important for every parent to know and understand where the child has these symptoms and why. Let's try to explain all this. The brain of a child at birth for some reason received weak damage. Nerve cells, as you know, do not recover, and therefore, after an injury, others, healthy nerve cells begin to gradually take over the functions of the victims, that is, the recovery process immediately begins.

Parallel to this, the age development of the child goes on, because he learns to sit, walk, talk. That's why from the very beginning, the nervous system of a hyperactive child works with a double load. And in the event of any stressful situation, prolonged stress (for example, adaptation in kindergarten or school), the child experiences a deterioration in the neurological state, symptoms of hyperactivity appear.

Damage in the brain

  • prenatal pathology;
  • Infectious diseases;
  • Toxicosis;
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases in the mother;
  • Attempts to terminate a pregnancy;
  • Immune incompatibility according to the Rh factor;
  • Acceptance of alcohol and smoking.

Complications during childbirth:

  • Malposition;
  • Stimulation of labor activity;
  • Asphyxia;
  • internal hemorrhage;
  • Premature or prolonged labor.

For information on how birth trauma affects the subsequent hyperactivity of the baby, see the video:

Genetic Causes

Research shows that attention disorder tends to run down the family line. Children with ADHD usually have at least, one close relative who also suffers from ADHD. One of the causes of hyperactivity is the congenital high level of excitability of the nervous system, which the child receives from the mother, who is in an excited, stressful state at the time of conception, and during the pregnancy itself.

Psychosocial causes

This is one of the most important causes of hyperactivity. Most often, parents who come to us for a consultation do not suspect that the reasons for such behavior of their children lie in the family:

  • Lack of maternal affection and human communication;
  • Lack of warm contact with loved ones;
  • Pedagogical neglect, when parents do not pay attention to the child at all;
  • Incomplete family or many children in the family;
  • Mental tension in the family: constant quarrels and conflicts between parents, an excess of emotions and actions associated with manifestations of power and control, a lack of emotions and actions associated with love, care, understanding;
  • child abuse;
  • Different approaches to raising a child in a family by different educators;
  • Immoral lifestyle of parents: parents suffer from alcoholism, drug addiction, commit offenses.

Constant quarrels and conflicts with parents only exacerbate ADHD

Positive points

But such children have not only shortcomings in behavior, but also many positive qualities. These are unbridled dreamers and inventors, they always have an extraordinary answer ready for any question you ask.

As adults, they turn into various showmen, actors, join the ranks of creative thinking people. They love to dream, and they notice in the world around them what you did not see.

Their energy, flexibility and desire for success attract people to their person, because they are wonderful interlocutors. In games and various groups, they are always on the lead, leaders from birth. You definitely won't get bored with them.

Most children diagnosed with ADHD become talented and extraordinary individuals.

Classes and games for the correction of hyperactivity


Most full scheme psychological correction through games and exercises is described in the books:

I. P. Bryazgunova and E. V. Kasatikova "The Restless Child":

E. K. Lyutova and G. B. Monina "Hyperactive children":

Artsishevskaya I. "The work of a psychologist with hyperactive children in kindergarten":

Classes that are held with such children may include the following methods and techniques:

  • games for the development of attention and coordination of movements;
  • self-massage training;
  • games for the development of tactile interaction;
  • mobile games of constraining moments;
  • finger games;
  • work with clay, sand and water.

Recommended for hyperactive children group lessons with a child psychologist

Here are some games from these books for preschool and school age that any mother can carry out at home:

  • An exercise " Yoga gymnastics for kids»;
  • « We start an alarm clock"- we squeeze the palm into a fist, perform circular movements at the solar plexus;
  • « The alarm clock rang, "ZZZ"- stroking the head with the palm of your hand;
  • « We sculpt a face"- we draw our hands along the edge of the face;
  • « We sculpt hairs"- press the fingertips on the roots of the hair;
  • « We sculpt eyes"- touch the eyelids with your fingertips, spend index finger around eyes. We blink our eyes;
  • « We sculpt a nose"- we draw the index finger from the bridge of the nose along the wings of the nose down;
  • « We sculpt ears"- pinching the earlobes, stroking the ears;
  • « We sculpt a chin"- stroking the chin;
  • « We draw the nose of the sun "- turn your head, draw rays with your nose;
  • « We iron our hands"- stroke first one hand, then the other;
  • We say in chorus: I'm good, kind, handsome, pat ourselves on the head";
  • Exercise "One, two, three - speak!": Mom draws a path, grass and a house on a piece of paper or board. Then he offers only after the command is sounded: “One, two, three - speak!”, Say what is drawn in the picture. After that, the mother, with her eyes closed, asks the child to finish drawing a flower or a bird, then she guesses that her baby has finished drawing. This game teaches the child to be patient and attentive.

The video below demonstrates remedial lesson with hyperactive children:

The game "Attentive eyes"

Mom invites the child to carefully consider what the doll has, her clothes, what color her eyes are. Then the child turns away and tells which doll is from memory.

Exercise "Wonderful bag"

The child examines 6-7 small toys. Mom discreetly puts one of the toys in a cloth bag and offers to touch the toy in the bag. He alternately feels the toy in the bag and expresses his guess. After that, he takes out a toy and shows it to him.

The game "Chants - whispers - silences"

Mom shows the child colored squares. If he sees a red square, then you can jump, run and shout, if it’s yellow, you can only whisper, and if it’s blue, you need to freeze in place and shut up. Also suitable for the baby are various games with sand and water.

In school-age children

Corrector game

Take any typed text in large print. Give one part of the text to the child, leave the other to yourself. As a task, invite the child to cross out all the letters “a” in the text, after completing the task, exchange texts for mutual verification.


An adult portrays a monkey, and the children repeat after him. First standing still, and then jumping around the hall. We try to keep the image of a monkey in motion.

"Twisted Lines"

Many lines and scribbles can be drawn, and the child must follow any line with his eyes from its beginning to its end, especially when it is intertwined with others.

"Word Line"

Name the child various words: sofa, table, cup, pencil, bear, fork, school, etc. The child listens carefully and claps his hands when he comes across a word denoting, for example, an animal. If the child is confused, repeat the game from the beginning.

Children of primary school age are happy to work with psychologists

In working with hyperactive children, you can use such a method as multitherapy and fairy tale therapy. Choose a cartoon individually according to the given problem of the child.

Cartoons and fairy tales for the prevention and correction of hyperactivity

Invite your child to watch the following cartoons:

  • "Naughty Kitten"
  • "Masha is no longer lazy"
  • "Monkeys"
  • "Naughty Bear"
  • "Nehochuha"
  • "Octopussy"
  • "Wings, Legs, and Tails"
  • "Fidget"
  • "Fidget, Crumb and Netak"
  • "That's how absent-minded"
  • "Petya Pyatochkin"

Read fairy tales to your child from the following collections:

"Correction of motor disinhibition":

  • "Naughty goat";
  • "Little Chirik";
  • "The story of how Lenya stopped being lazy";
  • "Restless Yegorka";
  • "Bad Fingers"

"Self-organization of behavior":

  • "Children and parents defeated the Mess in the apartment";
  • "Day without rules";
  • "Puddle of Bon appetit!";
  • "The Tale of the Boy Who Didn't Like to Wash His Hands";
  • "The tale of how clothes offended".

Reading fairy tales to a baby helps develop his imagination and attentiveness.

"Ambulance" when working with a hyperactive child in different situations

If your child shows symptoms of ADHD, distract and switch attention:

  • Interested in other activities;
  • Ask your child unexpected questions;
  • Turn the child's behavior into a joke;
  • Do not forbid the child's action in a categorical manner;
  • Do not order arrogantly, but ask to do something politely;
  • Try to listen to what the child has to say;
  • Try to repeat your request many times with the same words (in a calm tone);
  • Leave alone in the room (if it is safe for his health);
  • Do not read moralizing (the child still does not hear them).

Listen to Dr. Komarovsky's advice on how to raise a hyperactive baby:

  • It is difficult for children to keep a lot of information in their heads. It is best to break tasks for them into parts. First give one task, then another. For example, first say that you need to put the toys away and only after the baby has done this, give the next instruction.
  • Most hyperactive children have a huge problem with the sense of time. They do not know how to plan their activities. That is, they cannot be told that if you complete the task, then in a month you will receive a toy. It's important for them to hear you put the toys away and get the candy.

The “token” system works best with such children. For the performance of any business, the child receives encouragement in the form of points or tokens, which he then exchanges for something. This game can be played by the whole family.

  • Timer application. It helps children who have trouble keeping track of time. You can use normal hourglass or musical moments.
  • Be sure to observe and consult with a specialist, neurologist and, if necessary, take medications.
  • Eliminate excess sugar intake. This can give extra energy, and lead to overexcitation of the nervous system.
  • Eliminate foods that cause food allergies from your diet. It can be various dyes, preservatives, flavorings.
  • Make sure your child gets regular vitamins.
  • Always in contact with a child maintain a positive attitude.
  • Always speak in a calm tone. Avoid the word "no", "no".
  • Avoid large crowds and noisy companies.
  • Anticipate his fatigue switch attention.
  • Take the child to the sports section, this gives a useful discharge to his body.

In any situation, parents should be a support and support for the child.

Sample menu for a hyperactive child

Specialists nutritionists have developed a special menu for the little fidget.

Breakfast: oatmeal, egg, fresh juice, apple.

Lunch: nuts or peeled seeds, mineral water.

Dinner: soup with vegetables and herbs, fish cutlet or chicken with mashed potatoes, berry juice jelly.

afternoon tea: yogurt (ryazhenka, kefir), whole grain or wholemeal bread, banana.

Dinner: fresh vegetable salad, buckwheat porridge with milk or cottage cheese, herbal tea from lemon balm or chamomile.

Late dinner: a glass of milk with a spoonful of honey.

It's only indicative list dishes, the menu can be adjusted taking into account the risk of possible allergic reactions and the child's addictions.

Often the most common cause of hyperactivity in a child is a lack of attention. With his excessive mobility and busyness, he tries to attract parents, peers, teachers to him. Sometimes the reason may be a feature of a person's character. However, many other factors have the greatest influence: at risk are children who were born through a caesarean section, artificial babies, etc. Therefore, it is quite important to understand the root cause.

Judging by the statistics, hyperactivity occurs in almost every twentieth child, by the way, it should be noted that boys are two to three times more likely. It turns out that in the classroom you can meet at least one kid with excessive activity. A hyperactive child is handed out to everyone who is not too lazy, but in fact, you only need to listen to specialists.

Scientists have proven that hyperactivity is a diagnosis

For a long time, this diagnosis was considered only a feature of the child's behavior, but more recently it has been proven that this is a mental disorder that cannot be corrected by simple pedagogical methods. And if there are parents in the family? The advice of a psychologist will help to understand this.

Interestingly, in 1970, studies were conducted that showed that this disease is based on physiological and genetic causes, and the syndrome itself refers not only to pedagogy and psychology, but is also associated with medicine.

The main causes of occurrence

  • Lack of necessary hormones in the child's body.
  • Past illnesses and injuries.
  • Maternal illness during pregnancy.
  • Any illness that the child had as an infant. They could affect how the brain works.

And regardless of the fact that medicine has made great strides in this matter, and there are pharmacological methods of treatment and psychological and pedagogical, nevertheless, childhood hyperactivity is considered an incurable syndrome that can be corrected in adolescence. Based on this, we will try to draw conclusions and give recommendations: hyperactive children, what should parents do?

The advice of a psychologist can help the child adapt to society and become a fully developed personality in the future.

Disease in adulthood

In fact, many adults suffer from this disease, but most often they are simply considered too impulsive, active and flighty. This syndrome occurs in childhood, it has not yet been fully investigated, therefore it has not been proven that it remains in a more mature age.

How to recognize a hyperactive child

Parents may encounter the first signs immediately: children do not sleep well, cry a lot, are very irritable during the day, and can react to any noise and change of scenery.

A hyperactive child in a year already begins to manifest itself, for example, in speech delay, awkward movements due to impaired motor skills. Nevertheless, he is constantly active, trying to walk, move, he is fussy and mobile. His mood is also constantly changing: at one moment the child is cheerful and joyful, and the next minute he can be sharply capricious. So, before you is a hyperactive child (1 year old). What should parents do? Such children will have to be given much more attention, and efforts must be made to achieve results.

critical age

When it comes to preparatory classes, it is also difficult for the child to concentrate on one task: he cannot sit still, complete at least one thing, or do the exercise carefully and with concentration. The kid does everything carelessly to finish the job and start something new.

Reasonable advice to parents of a hyperactive child can only be given by a specialist, as well as to recognize hyperactivity. But before turning to a professional, the mother and father should observe their child, determine how excessive activity and impulsiveness interfere with his learning and building relationships with his peers. What situations are worrying?

Main symptoms

  1. it is always difficult to focus on a task or game. Parents constantly have to be reminded of everyday affairs, because the child simply forgets about them, and also constantly breaks or loses his things. In addition, attention is disturbed: the baby never listens to anyone, even when the speech is addressed directly to him. If he does the task on his own, he often cannot properly organize his work, constantly being distracted and not completing the task to the end.
  2. Impulsiveness. In the classroom, the child, without waiting for his turn, shouts from his place. It is difficult for him to follow the established rules, he constantly interferes in the conversation, etc.
  3. Hyperactivity. It is difficult for a child to sit still, he constantly fidgets in his chair, talks a lot, constantly runs even where this cannot be done. The kid cannot calmly play or relax, he always asks a lot of questions, but he cannot remember even one answer. Many of the actions and actions of the child are completely thoughtless, he often breaks objects, or breaks dishes. Even during sleep, he is not calm - he constantly wakes up, tossing and turning, sometimes screaming in his sleep.

Hyperactive and active: differences

Often, when parents say about their child that he is hyperactive, they put a positive meaning into this word. But most people simply confuse two different concepts - active and hyperactive. It is really good when a child is inquisitive, shows interest in the world around him, and is drawn to new knowledge. But hyperactivity and attention deficit disorder, which are often interrelated, are neurological-behavioral disorders. They most painfully make themselves felt after the age of five, which undoubtedly has a negative effect on the child, preventing him from developing along with other children.

Active children can be mobile at home, on the sports ground with friends, in the kindergarten, but when they come to any new place for them, for example, to visit or see a doctor, they immediately calm down and begin to behave like real quiet ones. With hyperactive children, everything is different regardless of the circumstances, place and people who surround them: they always behave the same way and simply cannot sit still.

An active child can be carried away by an ordinary game, for example, checkers or picking up a puzzle, while a hyperactive child lacks perseverance.

In any case, everything is very individual, therefore, only on the basis of observations, it is possible to give recommendations to parents. Hyperactive children are harder to scare, they have an underestimated pain threshold, they are not afraid of anything, not thinking about their safety at all.

From the foregoing, it follows that if the baby loves outdoor games, he likes to learn something new, and this curiosity does not interfere with his studies and social relationships, then he should not be called hyperactive. The child is developing normally for his age. If the kid cannot sit still, listen to the story to the end or finish the task, constantly demands attention or throws tantrums, then this is a hyperactive child. What should parents do? The advice of a psychologist can help in this difficult matter.

School education

If before the start of classes at school, parents are not particularly worried about this trait of character, then with the beginning of training, seeing the many problems that their child faces, they begin to worry a lot. It is difficult for these children to understand how to behave and how not. The child does not know where the acceptable line is, it is difficult for them to establish relationships with other children and the teacher, and just calmly learn the lesson. Therefore, during the adaptation period, recommendations are necessary for parents of hyperactive children, since this age is the most critical. You can take your child to a psychologist. If you have a hyperactive child, the recommendations of specialists must be followed literally in everything.

It is important to remember that hyperactivity and attention deficit disorder often go hand in hand with other serious problems.

Hyperactive child: what should parents do? Read below for tips from a psychologist to follow.

It is important to carefully approach safety precautions, remove all unsafe and sharp objects, when leaving the room, turn off Appliances, since ordinary children often break something, or fall and hit, and with hyperactive children this happens twice or three times more often.

If a hyperactive child has something important to learn, the advice of a psychologist to parents will be useful. You need to make sure he listens. It is not enough just to call out to him - you need to establish contact, remove toys from your field of vision, turn off the TV or computer. And only after making sure that the child really listens to you, you can start a conversation with him.

It is necessary to establish rules in the family that the child would steadily follow. And it is very important that they are always performed every day without exception, regardless of the circumstances. It is important to constantly remind the child about them, repeating that some tasks must always be performed, and doing something is strictly prohibited.

A very important nuance is the mode. The kid needs to be taught to do everything on time, and exceptions cannot be made even on a day off. For example, always get up at the same time, have breakfast, do homework, go for a walk. Perhaps this is too strict, but the most effective. It is this rule that will help in the future and assimilate new material.

These children are very sensitive to mood, so it is very important that the emotions they receive are positive. Praise them for even the smallest achievement. Let them feel that his parents are proud of him. It is necessary to support the child in difficult moments for him, more often speaks of love for him, hug.

You can organize a reward system, for example, if he behaved well all week, then on the weekend he receives a small present or a trip to nature, a movie trip, a museum. Let parents come up with joint games that will captivate the baby. Of course, it will take a lot of time, patience and ingenuity, but the result will not be long in coming.

It is important in general to monitor the atmosphere in the family so that all conflicts pass by the baby, and it is especially impossible for him to participate in them.

If the child behaved badly, then it is possible to punish, but not severely, and it is better to refuse assault at all.

A hyperactive child never runs out of energy, so it is constantly necessary to create conditions for him to put it somewhere. The kid should walk more in the air, go to the sports section, play. But there is also important nuance: the child should be tired, but not too overtired.

When forbidding something to a child, it is extremely important to provide him with an alternative, while explaining in a calm tone why his actions are wrong.

You can’t take your child to places dominated by large crowds of people: his psyche is already too sensitive and weak, and the crowd can lead to overexcitation of the nervous system, so you should avoid mass events, supermarkets during busy hours. Here are the walks fresh air, forays into nature have a beneficial effect on the baby. It is better for such a child to play with only one friend.

It would be nice if parents keep an observation diary in which they can note all the changes and reactions to the world around them that occur with a hyperactive child. After this diary can be shown to the teacher (it will be much easier for him to get the big picture).

Hyperactive child: what should parents do? The advice of a psychologist listed above will help solve many problems.

School work

First of all, the child should sit as close as possible to the teacher - so it will be much easier for the latter to control discipline. It is also important that the baby has the opportunity at any time to ask all the necessary questions.

The teacher should write down all tasks on the blackboard and give only one task for a certain period of time. If the task is too large, then it must be divided into several parts, to limit the execution of time and constantly monitor their execution.

It is difficult for a hyperactive child to sit in one place for a long time and still memorize the material presented. Therefore, it is necessary to teach him consistently, to involve him in the lesson, even if the baby is spinning, shouting, fidgeting in a chair. Next time, let the baby focus only on being calm.

He just needs to move, so it’s better not to follow his behavior in the classroom, let him run around on the school playground or gym.

Also, children often fall into a vicious circle: praise is simply necessary for them, but studying well costs them incredible efforts. Due to the fact that they are inattentive and cannot concentrate properly, they make many mistakes and their work is sloppy. Therefore, initially, you should treat them less strictly.

During a lesson, activities can change several times, and if this is beneficial for ordinary children, it is much more difficult for a hyperactive one to switch. Therefore, they need to be warned in advance, given the opportunity to prepare.

It is very difficult for a teacher to work with such children, but still, if you find the right approach, the result will be excellent. Hyperactive children are well developed intellectually, as evidenced by many tests, but they find it difficult to cope with their temperament.

Find out which children can be called hyperactive. How to behave with them, communicate, play. Also read the advice of psychologists to parents of little fidgets.

Now it is not uncommon to see a very active child on the street. Such children cannot stand in one place for a long time, react little to comments, prohibitions, interrupt elders, speak loudly. Unfortunately, adults do not understand that this is an ailment, and you should not react irritably to an energy baby.

This syndrome is called hyperactivity (attention deficit). Such children require a special attitude, parents should help their child get rid of this psychological illness.

Signs of a hyperactive child

  • The nervous system of an overly active baby is working to the limit. He cannot independently regulate energy consumption, concentrate his attention on something for a long time. These symptoms are visible in early age(at 2-3 years old)
  • It seems that your baby is not listening to you at all. He can be distracted by any noises, actions, quickly change activities
  • Often these children have a delay in the development of speech, sleep disturbance
  • They do not perceive any rules, norms. They don't like being banned from something.
  • They forget where they put this or that thing. And sometimes they even lose clothes, shoes and other items.
  • They often cry and worry. They are characterized by anxiety, emotionality, restlessness, impulsiveness, sudden mood swings.

IMPORTANT: Do not hesitate to contact a psychologist if you notice such problems in your baby. An experienced specialist will help to cope with it. It will tell parents how to act so that conflict situations do not arise.

Hyperactive children: causes

Until the end, this pathology has not yet been studied. Scientists are still studying what is the root causes of it. However, it is already possible to say with certainty which factors adversely affect the health of the baby. DHD syndrome occurs when:

  • parents in childhood also had such a disorder, i.e. hyperactivity is inherited
  • the expectant mother abused strong drinks, smoked
  • the baby in the womb has oxygen starvation
  • a pregnant woman has severe toxicosis, anemia, the threat of a breakdown
  • there is an incompatibility of the crumbs and the mother according to the Rh factor
  • at future mother hard work, she's under stress
  • the woman in labor has a protracted, difficult birth with pathologies
  • occur in newborn head injuries
  • the baby has a lack of vitamins, minerals as a result of malnutrition
  • unfavorable environment, environmental pollution, electromagnetic radiation from a computer, TV

What to do with a hyperactive child at home

  • Mom and dad need to be patient first. Do not try to limit the movements of your child, be prepared that the baby will run, climb furniture, jump and still have time to answer your questions
  • Try to praise the baby as often as possible, even if he did not fully complete the task you set. Hyperactive children react positively to this kind of praise.
  • Notice when a child becomes interested in something for a long time try not to distract him. Next time, get him to do the same thing again.
  • Regularly, without distractions, spend classes with your child for at least two minutes three times a day. Build a schedule for their conduct and observe the daily time of the lessons. Train your baby's attention
  • Keep a close eye on your fidget, remove items that can harm the baby
  • Play outdoor games with him, do not try to put him in a corner for a fault, seat him on a chair. Just show that the kid upset you with this or that act.
  • Notice when the fidget's activity decreases, try to read something to him at this time, do something useful

Interaction with a hyperactive child

To have some kind of order, you need to accustom the baby to a clear daily routine. He must know exactly when to stay awake, when to eat and what time to go to bed. Of course, this cannot be done in one or two days, but if you persistently, without screaming, with small tricks, teach the baby the established rules, then it will be much easier for you and your child in the future in moral terms.

Days need to be made a bit of the same type. For example, in the morning the baby woke up, washed, brushed his teeth, had breakfast, started active phase. Then after a while - a small lesson, lunch. Then a walk outside, an afternoon snack, reading a book, playing games, dinner in the evening, chatting with dad, who came home from work. Exactly at nine in the evening, mom spreads the bed, turns on her favorite nightlight, the baby after water procedures lays down in pastel. Mom reads her favorite book.

IMPORTANT: Excessive softness of parents in raising fidgets is not welcome. Make sure that your child does not overwork.

Raising a hyperactive child
hyperactive child 1 year old. What to do?

At one year old, it is difficult to determine which baby is just active or hyperactive. Most often, psychotherapists make such a diagnosis only at the age of four or six. And at such a young age, parents just need to surround your beloved child with attention and care. As mentioned earlier, accustom to a strict regimen. Try to ensure that the baby does not have negative impressions. For this, peace is needed in the house so that adults do not swear, less noisy companies, all kinds of festivities.

Create a cozy environment. Play outdoor games with your baby. Try to be less in places where there are large crowds of people and you can get too many new emotions (for example, in supermarkets). Let your little one do things on their own. For example, let him learn to eat with a spoon. Even if he doesn’t get it right, don’t interfere. The main thing is that he focused his attention on this and at this time he is calm, busy with something.

Hyperactivity in preschool children

Try not to send your restless child to school at the age of six. After all, it will be very difficult for him to concentrate on the lessons. Let it be like kindergarten classes in the beginning. Just ask the teacher in advance not to tie him to one place, let him sit where it is convenient for him, move, play, jump.

Although it often happens that the child begins to be rude to the teachers, does not find common language with kids. In such cases, it is better for parents to change the group or even the kindergarten. In order not to aggravate the situation. Unfortunately, not all educators are able to find a certain approach to such children.

Hyperactivity in school-age children

It is especially difficult for a hyperactive child to be attentive in the classroom. Primary School for a fidget, this is a real test. After all, before that, the kid could do almost anything, and in the classroom you need to sit in one place, listen carefully to the teacher. Such demands for children with DHD syndrome are unbearable. As a result, students have learning problems. They have difficulty reading, writing, and math.

To get rid of such problems, parents must actively support their child. Be sure to contact a psychologist, a pediatrician - do not ignore the problem. Let the student be assigned drug treatment and not only. The psychologist will tell you how to properly deal with the child.

To gradually deal with your child's hyperactivity, put into practice the following tips from specialist psychologists:

  • ADVICE: Do not give the student several tasks at once. Get one simple job done first, then move on to the next.
  • ADVICE: Do not set goals for your fidget for the distant future, he will forget about them anyway. For example, if you clean your room for a whole month, then dad and I will give you a new bike. It’s better to say that if you take away the toys now, then I will let you play on the computer.
  • ADVICE: For each task well done, give your child a reward (token). For example, if you collect twenty tokens, then we will give you a puppy
  • ADVICE: If tomorrow you are going to the clinic, then today think about what you can do there, while waiting in line to see a doctor
  • ADVICE: Try to teach your child to feel the time. To do this, when performing any task, use an hourglass, a timer. In the future, thanks to this, the baby will not put off important things for later.

Activities for hyperactive children

Such children are impulsive, they cannot fight emotions, so you need to find your own approach to them. When working with a student, adhere to the following rules:

  • do not regret for the child compliments for a job well done
  • do not demand too much from him, but also to load him too little is not an option either.
  • think over the situation in advance and produce it so that the child can show his best side
  • ignore the bad deeds of children, do not focus on them everyone's attention

Games for hyperactive children

Basically, games for such kids are designed to correct their attention.

Game - Attention

Have your child memorize a simple movement. Ask him to repeat after you. Then the second simple movement, also let him repeat it. Then let him repeat the first and second alternately. And so bring up to five movements. Then ask the fidget to remember independently the movement No. 4, 2, 3, 1, 5

Game - Palms

Suitable for toddlers. Clap your hands in front of you. Then clap your hands with the baby, again in front of you. Then left hand with the baby, in front of you and right. And so repeat several times until you get it fast.

Game - Traffic Light

Draw three circles: red, yellow, green, cut them out. Then show them to the children one by one. Green means you can run, shout, jump, etc. Yellow - you can walk, talk in a whisper. Red - stand still, be silent.

Game - Animal Paws

Prepare a few items in advance: a glass bottle, a makeup brush, an edge, a pen. Give each item a name for an animal. Ask your child to close their eyes. On the handle, cheek, stroke the child with any of these items and offer to guess what kind of animal it was

IMPORTANT: If the fidget is not ready to play games for attention, perseverance now, postpone these classes for later. Forcibly sit down, force the child is not necessary.

Communication with a hyperactive child

  • As mentioned above, it is important that the baby has a clear routine. When a first grader is going to school, parents should help him
  • Without unnecessary information and consistently remind: put down the math book, when he does this, then the next thing is put down the arithmetic book, etc. But this is at first, then you can write a memo right next to his workspace
  • Don't say the word "No". Use it in combination with the word - "You can." For example, don't draw on the wallpaper, draw on this piece of paper. Don't throw snowballs at a girl, throw them at a tree
  • Try to switch your baby's negative reactions to positive ones.

Hyperactive child - Komarovsky

Dr. Komarovsky argues that parents should receive information from doctors on how to act in a given situation, learn how to properly deal with such children. It’s great if grandparents help moms and dads in raising a restless child. After all, parents also periodically do not hurt to relax. As a rule, the disease of lack of attention and hypermobility disappears during adolescence.

Video: ten rules for raising a fidget

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