Home Vegetables Greek vodka: name, types, photo. Alcoholic drinks

Greek vodka: name, types, photo. Alcoholic drinks

Ouzo- Greek strong alcoholic drink, a distillate of grape spirit, water, anise and other aromatic substances, usually cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg. The strength of the drink is from 40 to 50% vol.

There are three versions of the origin of the name ouzo. According to the first, the name comes from the phrase "uso di Massaglia", i.e. "for use in Marseilles", with which Greece had trade relations. The second version says that the name of the drink comes from the Greek word "ouzo", which translates as "anise", and the third that the word comes from the Turkish uzum, which means " bunch of grapes” or “grape tincture”.

Exact time when the history of ouzo in Greece began is unknown. It's no secret that some suspiciously similar to ouzo drink the ancient Greeks drank, but in the form in which Greek brandy is sold today, it was recognized around the time Byzantine Empire. Although some scholars insist that ouzo appeared after Greece gained independence, that is, in the 19th century. It is only known for certain that in 1932, for the first time, copper distillation cubes began to be used for production - and this technology is still the standard. And in 1989, Greece recognized ouzo vodka as its own. national drink: the name was registered as Greek, and now ouzo can only be produced in this country.
In Greece, respect for national traditions and culture. It is not surprising that this is where the Ouzo festival takes place. Festival (Ouzo Festival) includes various musical performances with the participation of famous Greek artists and singers and takes place on the first day of summer in the city of Mytilene. Numerous producers of ouzo - the famous Greek anise vodka- present their products for free.

For the production of ouzo, grape raw materials (usually the skin of grapes) are mixed with plants and heated in special copper boilers and left to ferment for several months, sometimes a double fermentation system is used. By the way, it is legally established that the share of grape raw materials after distillation should be at least 20%. The entire process of making ouzo is carried out under the supervision of specialists, in particular, they make sure that the strength of the resulting drink does not exceed 50%.

In general, ouzo is a very specific drink. many inhabitants post-Soviet space after the first tasting, it is often compared to the taste of cough medicine familiar from childhood. Ouzo looks like water (it is also colorless), usually served with appetizers (meze), confectionery, octopus, salads, fruits, etc. Due to the fact that ouzo is a very strong drink, many Greeks used to dilute it with water. When water or ice is added to a glass, ouzo becomes cloudy, cooler and less bitter.

Harm ouzo: It is necessary to distinguish between ouzo produced in industrial scale and artisanal ouzo. In the second case, the recipe and technology for cleaning the drink leave much to be desired. Therefore, it is better to refrain from such an ouzo altogether. Fusel oils and aldehydes contained in it are very dangerous for the body.

Ouzo for the Greeks is an elixir for all occasions. In the country, the famous drink occupies a special place. To some extent, this is an area of ​​culture, an integral part of the style of communication and lifestyle.

Ouzo (Ούζο) - Greek anise vodka from moonshine - is considered an analogue of brandy and. They have been making it for a long time, but the name of alcohol was officially registered only in 1989. Today, a drink called "ouzo" can only be produced in Greece.

The history of the origin of ouzo

In Greece, you can often hear the legend that the ouzo was still honored by the Olympian gods. Another story says that the drink was invented in the Middle Ages by monks from Mount Athos. There is also a more prosaic version. According to her, in the 18th century, the Greeks simply began to consider waste as a possible raw material for the manufacture of other alcohol and introduced the distillation method into practice.

Be that as it may, there is still no consensus on the origin of Greek vodka ouzo. The same fate befell its name. It could come from the Turkish üzüm ("grape tincture", "bunch of grapes"). And in Greece, a similar word is called anise - the most important ingredient for making a drink.

Ouzo production features

Greek vodka is produced by distillation ethyl alcohol with herbs and other ingredients. Manufacturers do not reveal all the secrets. It is only known that the recipe may include more than a dozen ingredients, the main of which is anise. It is he who gives the drink a characteristic recognizable taste, somewhat reminiscent of cough medicine.

According to the norms, ouzo must be distilled from at least 20% grape raw materials. The rest of the volume is supplemented by the distillation of other fruits, grains or vegetables. That is why ouzo is often referred to as Greek grape vodka.

Distillation is carried out in special copper boilers. The result is alcohol. high degree cleaning. To turn it into a ready-made drink, aromatic components are added: cloves, coriander, rosemary, dill and others. Often, manufacturers use a large number of different spices, which form a special "bouquet". After infusion, the product is distilled again.

The strength of the finished drink is 40-50 degrees. According to manufacturers, its main advantage is raw materials. It is available for production all year round and not just after harvest. The second advantage, already from the point of view of consumers, is that ouzo can be drunk immediately. Vodka should not be infused for a long time, like other strong ones.

How to drink ouzo

Often in Greece you can see cafe visitors who sit at tables on the street and slowly savor ouzo. This is the tradition: locals drink this drink without haste. Even the summer heat is not a hindrance - Greek vodka is often consumed in the afternoon before going on vacation, and is often used as an aperitif.

So, how to drink Greek ouzo? Traditionally, alcohol is served in narrow glass piles with a volume of 50-100 ml. They drink ouzo both before and during meals: it is believed that vodka improves appetite and is practically suitable. Appetizers served with ouzo include olives, vegetables, anchovies, sardines and seafood.

Consume the drink as pure form(this option is suitable for the most persistent), and diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1. Unmixed Greek vodka is as clear as a tear. She burns and is able to “knock the spirit out” of an unprepared beginner in no time. Ouzo should be drunk in small sips. When it is served undiluted, a glass of water is placed separately next to it.

If the drink is mixed, it becomes cloudy and becomes like diluted milk. Greek vodka ouzo acquires such a characteristic cloudy-white shade due to the content of anise oil. Anise oil dissolved in alcohol is transparent, but with a decrease in the strength of the drink, it crystallizes and precipitates into a fine precipitate.

Ice can also be added to the ouzo stack, but this must be done in a certain sequence. First pour alcohol, then dilute it with water and only then put ice. Connoisseurs do not recommend putting ice cubes and then adding to a stack of ouzo: this sequence distorts the unique taste.

Ouzo - the best Greek souvenir

Ouzo is produced throughout Greece, but manufacturers from the cities of Tirnavos and Kalamata are especially famous. Long-term traditions connect vodka with the famous Greek island of Lesvos. The town of Plomari is even considered its homeland, and the drink produced here is one of the best.

In general, ouzo vodka in Greece is sold and served almost everywhere: it is present in the menu of any institution. You can also buy it as a souvenir. Such a gift will cost 5-7 € for 0.35 liters, and a 0.7-liter bottle can be bought at a price of 8 to 20 €, depending on the brand.

Crayfish - the nectar of Crete

The topic of Greek vodka will not be fully revealed without a story about raki, the authentic alcoholic drink of the island of Crete. Just like ouzo, crayfish are made from grape raw materials, and the strength of this alcohol is also 40 degrees. The peak of its production falls on the grape harvest season (September-October).

Without this intoxicating nectar, it is difficult to imagine the Cretan culture. Raki has become a real symbol of hospitality and communication with friends in a pleasant atmosphere. Whether the inhabitants of Crete receive guests, discuss something in a friendly atmosphere or celebrate a holiday - not a single joyful or sad occasion is complete without a bottle of raki. And the purpose of using this strong drink is not intoxication at all, but pleasant human communication.

The method of producing raki has not changed over the centuries and has been passed down from generation to generation. First, the grape pomace for fermentation is aged for more than a month in barrels, and then placed in a cauldron with water, which has a lid and a tube for steam to escape. A fire is kindled under the cauldron. During heating, the alcohol evaporates, condenses in the outer tube and flows into the prepared dishes.

Crayfish - natural product, it does not contain dyes, fragrances and preservatives. On the island of Crete, they believe that crayfish stimulates brain activity, relieves intrusive thoughts and awakens the appetite. Cooled drink can be a great refreshing aperitif, and when warm, mixed with honey and cinnamon, it helps to warm up in the cold.

Similar spirits, like ouzo and raki, are available not only in Greece, but also in other countries. Vodka with anise is produced in Turkey, Italy, France and other countries, where it is called crayfish, mastic, sambuca or pastis. In the Middle East and in Central Asia a similar alcohol is known as arak.

Traditional alcoholic drinks are an indicator by which it is easy to determine the temperament of a nation, its attitude towards alcohol and everything connected with it. In Greece, strong drinks are an integral part of any feast: like noisy fun big company, and intimate romantic dinner.

Even in antiquity, the Greek people had their own traditions of wine drinking. Those who drank wine undiluted or consumed it in large quantities, were identified with barbarians and nomadic tribes. However, if you look at this issue from the other side, you can find big contradictions. Everyone knows the legendary ancient Greek inhabitant of Olympus, the god of winemaking Dionysus (in Roman mythology Bacchus). It was his admirers who arranged horrific drinking parties and other outrageous actions, with which, in their opinion, they propitiated Dionysus and asked him for even more fun and wine. This bipolarity of ancient Greek society subsequently had a huge impact on the future of alcoholic beverages in Hellas.

Today in Greece, traditional alcoholic beverages are:

Ouzo. This is anise vodka with a fragrant bouquet of other spices. The alcohol content in it is 40%. This drink is sold in many shops and supermarkets. In taverns, ouzo is served in small glass decanters. It is not known for certain since when this vodka has been produced, but already at the beginning of the 19th century several ouzo factories were built in Greece. The Hellenes have a tradition of adding a teaspoon of ouzo to freshly brewed coffee.

Tsipouro. So the Greeks call high-strength vodka (up to 47%), which is made from grape pomace or pomace from other fruits. This alcoholic drink was legalized only in 1988, although it has been made since the reign of Ottoman Empire in Greece. Drinking tsipouro room temperature or chilled. The analogue of tsipouro in Italy is grappa, and in Eastern countries arak.

Rakomelo. Cretan vodka, reminiscent of Russian mead. Many Cretans use it as remedy at colds. It is prepared from tinctures with cinnamon, cloves and honey. In summer it is drunk chilled, and in winter it is heated.

Metaxa. This is the most famous brand from all alcoholic products which is known all over the world. At the beginning of the 20th century, he was even awarded a special gold medal. Russian Empire. This brandy drink (40% alcohol content) appeared at the end of the 19th century after the successful experiments of Spyros Metaxas. Today you can buy Metaxa drink in almost any country in the world.

And finally, how not to mention the most excellent wine, which since those ancient times, according to the words of the prophet David, “rejoices the heart of man.” Traveling in Hellas, you can buy both excellent collection wines and wines at a cheaper price, but good quality. The monastic Cahors is also in great demand among tourists.

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    Ottoman control of the city during the last decades of Turkish domination was the backbone of its development, especially in infrastructure. A large number of new public buildings were built in an eclectic style to form the European face of Thessaloniki. Between 1869 and 1889 the city walls were destroyed as a result of the planned expansion of the city. In 1888, the first maintenance of the tram line began, and already in 1908, the city streets were lit with electric lamps and posts. From the same year Railway connected Thessaloniki with Central Europe via Belgrade, Monastir and Constantinople. The city again began to acquire its national “Greek face” only after the departure of the Turkish conquerors and the state gaining freedom. However, the turbulent events of the last century left their mark on the modern image of the city. Currently, Thessaloniki plays the role of a metropolis with a rather mixed population - representatives of more than 80 peoples live here, not counting minor ethnic groups.

"Ouzo" is a traditional national Greek drink, which is widely known worldwide. At its core, ouzo is a double distillate. grape wine(or grape pomace) distilled with anise.

In Greece, varieties of "ouzo" great amount. They differ somewhat in taste, and recipes are carefully kept by manufacturers. But the main thing that unites them all is the use of well-prepared anise seeds.

Few people know that in "ouzo" in addition to anise, it can also be added nutmeg, and coriander, and star anise.

Feature: when mixed with water (or if drunk with ice), the color of the drink becomes cloudy milky. The strength of the drink is from 40 to 50%.

As gifts and souvenirs, Greek manufacturers produce cute bottles, the design of which is impressive in itself.


This is the most famous strong alcoholic drink from Greece, which is a unique blend of brandy and muscat wine. Produced by double cognac distillation of grapes grown in three Greek regions (Crete, Corinth and Attica).

The drink is aged in oak barrels from 3 to 15 years. Then the 60-degree "nectar" is mixed with a special variety of muscat wine aged for at least a year, as well as with an infusion of herbs. After all this, "metax" is sent to "ripen" for another 6 months.

drink "metaksu" both in its pure form (the drink is strong, but fragrant, easy to drink), and as part of cocktails.

Export version - "metaksa" aged 3, 5 and 7 years. There are also exquisite varieties that are sold in porcelain bottles, as well as rarer "editions" aged from 12 to 16 years, and even a collectible 50-year-old "metaxa".

Interesting Facts. Metaxa is the first alcoholic drink to travel into space. It is as fashionable in the world as the Mediterranean diet.


She is directly connected with wine. Greek history. It is no coincidence that one of the oldest household items Ancient Hellas found by archaeologists were amphorae - elegant jugs for storing wine.

Even the ancient Greeks used healing properties this drink in healing wounds, physical and mental. The cult of Dionysus, the god of wine, has been of paramount importance for a long time. There are innumerable references to wine and traditional libations in myths and legends. Ancient Greece

The cultivation of grapes is one of the oldest traditions of Greece and has a rich history - much richer than in neighboring countries. The variety of Greek wines can make any gourmet dizzy.

It does not matter whether you buy inexpensive wine or fine collection wine, whether you drink it in a stylish restaurant or in a simple tavern on the seashore: the varieties of wines and their bouquet will differ, but the quality will always remain on top.

Greek wines everyone can choose according to their taste, ranging from light white, sweet or dry, to pink and red, semi-sweet and sweet. Each region of the country produces original varieties that differ in taste and have their own fans.

One of interesting views Greek wine is a young retsina wine with a specific resinous aroma.

Greek vodka with anise ouzo is made on the basis of grape distillate or a mixture of brandy with rectified (pure alcohol with a strength of 40-50%) and infused with anise and various other aromatic herbs. In the production of ouzo, almonds, star anise, cloves, fennel, cardamom, coriander and many other spices are often used, the use of which is determined by the region where the anise-infused vodka is prepared. Anise is an invariable component of this strong drink. By appearance Ouzo is no different from ordinary vodka - the drink is absolutely transparent. The whole process of making vodka with anise is similar to making homemade sambuca, but Greek vodka is not as sweet and does not contain elderberry. The drink has a very soft and balanced taste. Each ouzo manufacturer has own recipe preparing a drink. The national legislation of Greece prescribes compliance with the release of alcohol only two binding rules- ouzo must contain at least 20% wine alcohol from juice or pomace and anise must be present.

According to legend, ouzo is the drink of immortality for the gods. In Greece, it is produced everywhere, not a single feast is unthinkable without anise vodka. Vodka with anise is a national treasure and pride of the Greeks.

The history of the drink

The predecessor drinks of ouzo, which are herbal tinctures in wine alcohol, originate from the time of the Byzantine Empire. In the 14th century, vodka tinctures were used even by Athos monks. According to legend, it was the monks who began to use anise in the recipe for the drink, called in Greece the word "ouzo". But the final recipe for ouzo was finalized already in the 19th century after Greece gained independence. The main center for the production of aniseed vodka was the Greek island of Lesvos and its settlements of Tirnavos and Kalamata. Since 1989, the name "ouzo" has become a registered trademark that can only be used for Greek-made products.

Methods of use

Tincture on anise and vodka can be used both in pure form and diluted. Pure ouzo is commonly called "Sketo". The drink is served in this case poured into glasses of 50-100 grams with a temperature of about 20 degrees Celsius. In Greece, it is customary to drink aniseed vodka in small sips so that you can make out all the shades in the taste of alcohol. Alcohol perfectly copes with the task of stimulating appetite, therefore it is recognized as an excellent aperitif. They eat ouzo with a similar serving of seafood classic for Greek cuisine, light Mediterranean salads, as well as meat, cheese, fruits, olives, sweets and strong coffee.

During mass feasts in Greece, it is customary to dilute the ouzo with water. This is done to reduce the strength of the drink and soften its taste. The tincture is diluted on anise in a ratio of 1: 1, after which it becomes cloudy and acquires White color. In Greece, they never make cocktails based on ouzo and do not mix it with any other drinks.

Sometimes ice cubes are added to pure ouzo to soften the rich anise flavor. For this purpose, you can also cool the drink well. Temperature change actively influences changes palatability anise vodka.

Despite the categorical rejection in the homeland of the drink of its combination with other types of alcohol or juices, in Europe they often make cocktails based on aniseed vodka. The most popular cocktails are the Iliad, Buzo and Greek Tiger.

To prepare the Iliad, you need to take 120 milliliters of ouzo, 60 milliliters of Amaretto, 3 strawberries and crushed ice. A cocktail glass is filled halfway with ice and then topped with Amaretto and Ouzo. Strawberries need to be stewed in a blender and the resulting pulp added to a glass with a cocktail. All ingredients are actively mixed.

For lovers of strong alcoholic drinks, the Buzo cocktail is perfect. It randomly mixes 30 grams of ouzo, 60 grams of bourbon and 15 grams of dry red wine. The ingredients are cooled and served in a tall cocktail glass.

The drug "Alcobarrier"

The lightest and most feminine is the Greek Tiger cocktail, which is also prepared on the basis of anise vodka. Alternately pour 30 milliliters of ouzo and 120 milliliters of orange or orange into a glass with ice. lemon juice. The cocktail is actively mixed and served with a citrus slice decoration around the edge of the glass.

Anise vodka recipe

Vodka on anise at home is quite simple to prepare. Of course, the resulting alcohol has nothing to do with traditional Greek ouzo. However, if you insist vodka on anise, then the taste of a homemade drink turns out to be quite identical to the original product.

Anise vodka recipe involves the use of the following ingredients:

  • 1 liter of vodka;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 100 grams of anise;
  • 20 grams of star anise;
  • 2 cloves;
  • 5 grams of cardamom.

First, anise and all prepared spices are added in turn to a container where alcohol or vodka is previously poured. This mixture is tightly covered and placed for 2 weeks in a dark place with an air temperature of about 22 degrees. After this period, the alcohol is filtered through gauze, diluted clean water up to a fortress of 20-25% and poured into a container for distillation. All the spices collected after filtering are suspended in the same container in gauze. Vodka must be distilled and the finished product kept for about 3 days in the dark.

Before starting home-made ouzo analogue, you need to take care of where to buy anise for vodka, how to choose high-quality alcohol and determine the number of alcohol distillations, each of which makes the degree of vodka higher than the original one.

The benefits and harms of anise vodka

Anise tincture on vodka has a number of useful properties. It is often used as an effective medication, since it contains essential oils that improve digestive functions and have disinfecting properties. With regular problems with the stool, anise tincture is consumed before meals in a tablespoon.

Useful properties of anise tincture on vodka are also manifested in the treatment of tracheitis, bronchitis and cough of various etiologies. To do this, 5-10 drops of an alcoholic anise drink are added to herbal collection, consisting of hawthorn, wild rose and St. John's wort, seasoned with honey and allowed to drink 2 times a day until all painful symptoms. The medicine helps to expel sputum, soothes coughs and eliminates pathogens.

Anise-infused vodka helps women deal with feeling unwell during menstrual cycle. The drink relieves spasms and pain in the back and abdomen. Anise tincture to combat premenstrual syndrome taken 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.

Anise and vodka tincture helps to eliminate bacteria in the oral cavity, due to which it often occurs bad smell and gum problems. To do this, 20 drops of tincture are diluted in a stack of water and rinse your mouth with this solution after each brushing your teeth. Such an elixir is able to eliminate bad breath and improve gums in just a few days.

With angina, you can also use anise vodka. In glass warm water it is necessary to dilute 50 grams of tincture and gargle with the resulting solution every hour. Within 1 day, purulent plaque from the tonsils goes away, the throat stops hurting and inflammation is eliminated.

Sometimes even nursing mothers are prescribed anise tincture to improve lactation. Of course, in this case, its concentration should be minimal - 1-2 tablespoons per cup of tea with milk, which will not allow alcohol to harm the child, but will significantly improve the quality and quantity of milk produced.

There are also contraindications to the use of anise vodka, because, like any other alcohol, it can quickly cause alcohol addiction. In addition, the drink has a high allergenic property, so people who are prone to allergic reactions should refuse ouzo to avoid anaphylactic shock.

For quick and reliable getting rid of alcoholism, our readers advise the drug "Alcobarrier". It is a natural remedy that blocks the craving for alcohol, causing a persistent aversion to alcohol. In addition, Alcobarrier launches regenerative processes in organs that alcohol has begun to destroy. The tool has no contraindications, the effectiveness and safety of the drug has been proven by clinical studies at the Research Institute of Narcology.

An important contraindication to the use of anise is high excitability and a tendency to epileptic seizures, since it can aggravate the course of diseases. As a rubbing, anise cannot be used in its pure form, since it causes burns to the skin.

In addition, in the treatment of diseases respiratory tract in no case should the dosage of alcohol in solution be exceeded, since in small quantities anise tincture is a medicine, and in large quantities it can become a real poison, aggravating the course of the disease.

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