Home Flowers Famous men are scales by horoscope. Libra man

Famous men are scales by horoscope. Libra man

The question of style is quite sensitive. A woman is a big individual, and the more difficult it is to divide all these individualities into 12 parts, into 12 signs. And yet, having read the recommendations, the female representatives make some notes for themselves in order to become more attractive, to emphasize the dignity of their sign and correct the shortcomings.

It is worth noting that in the horoscope of a woman, a planet like Venus also shows tastes, temperament, preferences, including in clothes. Therefore, if Venus is strong in your horoscope, then most likely there will be no problems with femininity.

It will also consider the archetypal features of the 3 signs of the zodiac according to the Sun, in the field of fashion, beauty and style.

Libra women.

Ah, Vesikhi - enchantresses, everyone wants to marry you "- it was written on the cover of one Soviet magazine... Indeed, the charm of Vesikh is hard not to notice: they captivate with their contact, ease of communication, manners, artistry, voice, gestures and, of course, taste.

Nature has endowed these women with the ability to dress beautifully, like Taurus, but, unlike Taurus, Libra is very partner-oriented, so they can change their preferences, style, if the partner wants it. They are driven by the desire to blend in with those around them, which becomes the main thing in the choice of outfits, accessories, color palette.

But Libra also meets other people by their clothes: negligence in this matter can interfere with acquaintance, or from the very beginning become the cause of a bias.

Light, fluffy, fleecy fabrics, white, bed colors: pink, light green, blue, beige are suitable for this sign. Trousers that do not hinder movement are suitable, but at the same time feminine and elegant, business suits, and dresses are especially relevant for Libra. In the decoration of clothes, lace is recommended, a material with a small pattern.

These ladies shouldn't ignore hats and scarves.

Libras do not tend to wear things for a long time. They, as representatives of the air sign, need novelty, including in the wardrobe. Therefore, you should not deny yourself the desire to buy something new.

Libra follows fashion, but at the same time does not forget about their individuality. Of all the variety, these women will be able to choose exactly what suits them, emphasizes their femininity, beauty, but at the same time does not stand out from their personal preferences.

Knock down Personal settings, as already mentioned, can only be a partner and a desire to please him, or adjust to his age, status, preferences.

Scales are very fond of jewelry, and they can make them themselves from the simplest, available material. This will not only be a source of pride, but also another opportunity to emphasize your taste and your individuality.

Thin, graceful earrings, rings, bracelets with inserts of opal, chrysolite, diamond, amethyst are suitable for Vesikha.

Particular value acquire inherited or donated jewelry that they especially like.

Jewelry, such women should give those that represent artistic value... It should be at least small, but a work of art.

So that Libra women can feel a surge of strength and good mood, they need to get in touch with art and people who are inclined to a calm, pleasant conversation. Of course, do not forget about romantic dates, meetings under the moon and love confessions.

It is very difficult to keep the delicate balance of the surrounding world, but Libra can do it!

Famous women scales

Writers, poetesses: Larisa Rubalskaya, Marina Tsvetaeva.

Actresses, TV presenters: Sarah Bernhardt, Brigitte Bardot, Monica Bellucci, Catherine Deneuve, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Veronica Castro (“The rich also cry”), Maria Kiseleva (“The Weakest Link”), Sylvia Christelle (“Emmanuelle”), Elena Koreneva (“The same Munchausen "), Neve Campbell (" The Scream "), Lyudmila Maksakova, Gwyneth Paltrow (" Shakespeare in Love "), Susan Sarandon (" Eastwick Witches "), Mira Sorvino (" Replacement Assassins "), Alicia Silverstone Crazy, Amazing, Crying), Sigourney Weaver (Alien), Kate Winslet (Titanic), Nina Usatova, Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina (Kalina Krasnaya), Rita Hayworth, Chulpan Khamatova (Lunny dad "), Inna Churikova (" Vassa ").

Dancers, ballerinas: Olga Lepeshinskaya

Singers: Sam Brown, Toni Braxton, Sati Casanova (Star Factory), Elena Katina (Tatu), Avril Lavigne, Tatiana Ovsienko, Romina Power, Gwen Stefani (No doubt), Anastasia Stotskaya.

Sport: Elena Berezhnaya, Martina Hingis.

Fashion: Donna Karan.

Management, politics: Anna Eleanor Roosevelt, Margaret Thatcher, Princess Sophia Alekseevna.

Women are Scorpions.

It has long been a known fact that one of the strong and attractive traits of Lady Scorpio is sex appeal. They are alluring, dangerous, erotic. This is the image of the fatal beauty, Lady Vamp. There is always history, mystery, mystery behind them. Men are fascinated by a deep look, magnetism, passion and high sensuality.

Black colors prevail in clothes, silver jewelry, translucent blouses, short tight skirts, jeans, bodices. A modest office suit can be sexy underwear, stockings, a pierced navel, or a scarlet pedicure.

Venus, in this sign, is in a weak position, so the feminine can be minimized, brought to the edge, or even absurd.

Weak Venus is the cause of unhappy love or difficult relationships, which this sign does not want so much, but it certainly finds.

The magnetic attraction is both the strength and the weakness of Scorpios. You can try to change, but not everyone needs it. Despite the difficulties, Scorpio women are ready for them and are able to endure them. They have their own idea of ​​femininity, and although not entirely correct, it is natural for them.

Therefore, it is worth orienting such ladies to deep saturated colors (dark red, green, blue, violet), to bright shades of lipstick, to eye makeup, which further enhances the attractiveness and depth of gaze. Fabrics: velvet velor, velveteen, wool.

Of the jewelry they are suitable for necklaces, pendants, bracelets, which can be massive, heavy and expensive, such as gold or precious stones. Gems: topaz, aquamarine, garnet, alexandrite.

For wellness and an attractive appearance Scorpios need to avoid excess energy in themselves, as this leads to an overload of the emotional plan, which leads to nervous breakdowns, unbridled jealousy and suspicion, which worsens the relationship. Most diseases are due to this. Exercise, sports, and sex are essential at any age to transform excess energy.

Famous Scorpio women:

Writers, poetesses: Zinaida Gippius, Astrid Lindgren ("The Kid and Carlson"), Margaret Mitchell ("Gone with the Wind"), Victoria Tokareva ("Gentlemen of Fortune").

Actresses, TV presenters: Lyudmila Gurchenko, Whoopi Goldberg, Amalia Goldanskaya (The Hunt for Cinderella), Rina Zelenaya, Annie Girardeau, Grace Kelly (who became the Princess of Monaco), Jamie Lee Curtis (True Lies), Vera Komissarzhevskaya, Virginie Ledoyenne (The Beach) , Vivien Leigh ("Gone With the Wind"), Demi Moore ("Striptease"), Sophie Marceau ("Anna Karenina"), Natalia Negoda ("Little Faith"), Meg Ryan ("You've Got Mail"), Julia Roberts ("Pretty Woman "), Winona Ryder (" Alien: Rebirth "), Ekaterina Semenova (actress of the Imperial Theater), Ksenia Sobchak, Jodie Foster (" The Silence of the Lambs "), Peta Wilson (" Her Name Was Nikita "), Goldie Hawn (" Death to her face "), Elena Tsyplakova (" We are from jazz "), Yana Churikova (" 12 angry viewers"On MTV).

Directed by: Dinara Asanova ("The woodpecker does not have a headache"), Kira Muratova, Alla Surikova ("The Man from Boulevard des Capucines").

Singers, music performers, composers: Bjork, Galina Vishnevskaya, Lolita Milyavskaya, Vanessa May, Alexandra Pakhmutova, Vika Tsyganova, Marina Khlebnikova.

Dancers, ballerinas: Ekaterina Geltser (prima ballerina The Bolshoi Theater, early. XX century), Ilze Liepa, Maya Plisetskaya.

Sport: Oksana Baiul (figure skater), Nadia Komenechi (gymnast).

Politics: Indira Gandhi, Hillary Clinton, Condoleezza Rice.

Sagittarius woman.

The classics of astrology divide women into 2 categories: the first is a proud, noble secular lady, shining in society with intelligence, education, and having the necessary connections. The second category is passionate Amazons who find it very difficult to come to terms with the fact that there are some limitations in life, and that someone or something is able to stop their aspirations.

You can emphasize such qualities as: friendliness, generosity, desire to patronize, sincere openness, optimism, as well as honesty, directness, sincerity.

Such women cannot be denied a good taste for clothes and interior items, but more often, they are guided by fashion trends, advice from magazines and experts. They believe that they must live in step with the times, therefore they will not skimp on fashionable expensive things, value the brand and prestige, but it is very difficult for them to listen to themselves, to find something that would reflect their individuality and originality.

The Sagittarius woman knows how to appreciate exquisite jewelry and exclusive outfits.

The money she often spends is only a means to achieve a comfortable existence.

Often, the style of Sagittarius is laid down by upbringing, parents, the influence of a significant and respected person, or the desire to correspond to the position, position, environment, can affect.

Everything that surrounds must be approved by others, must pass the test of time and get more positive reviews.

It is worth advising the representatives of the sign to pay more attention to their feelings and their own needs. Not everything that is chic, expensive, or available in a friend's wardrobe may suit you.

Main planet Streltsov - Jupiter, planet of expansion and increase. From his light hand, representatives of the sign often have a wide, large figure, or tend to be overweight. He also inclines Streltsov to gluttony. Therefore, Sagittarius should keep an eye on their figure from youth, play sports and not sit still, because moving forward is the only way to live comfortably. Sagittarius will watch in style on horseback, on a tennis court and, of course, in a tracksuit, going on their next journey.

Sagittarius women are great travelers. They love to get to know the world and get new experiences. They can find their zest in this and show a unique individuality. For example, from different countries you can bring jewelry or some item national dress, then cleverly combine it into Everyday life with other things from your wardrobe. Thus, a Sagittarius woman can live for some time with the flavor of the country she has visited.

Representatives of this sign are quite freedom-loving and independent. it male type zodiac that gives more success in the career and in public life... It is difficult for such women to achieve harmony in a pair, it is difficult to cook borscht and be housewives. It is only vanity and pride that compel us to perform these difficult female tasks. After all, the house of Sagittarius should be the best, most respected, and relatives and friends - the happiest!

Famous Sagittarius women

Writers, poetesses: ZA Volkonskaya (wife of a Decembrist, mistress of a literary and musical salon), Larisa Vasilyeva ("The Kremlin Wives").

Actresses, TV presenters: Zhanna Agalakova (ORT TV presenter), Ekaterina Andreeva, Laura Antonelli (Innocent), Olga Aroseva (Old Robbers), Kim Basinger (9 ½ weeks), Anastasia Vertinskaya (Amphibian Man), Nina Grebeshkova ( The Diamond Arm), Judi Dench, Mila Jovovich (The Fifth Element), Natalia Krachkovskaya (12 Chairs), Lucy Liu (Charlie's Angels), Nona Mordyukova (Alien Relatives), Julianne Moore, Clara Novikova, Galina Polskikh, Nina Ruslanova ("Tomorrow was the war").

Directed by: Galina Volchek (artistic director of the Sovremennik theater), Svetlana Druzhinina (Midshipmen, forward!).

Singers: Christina Aguilera, Patricia Kaas, Sinead O'Connor, Edith Piaf.

Sport: Katarina Witt (figure skater, two-time Olympic champion).

Politicians: Dolores Ibarruri, Yulia Tymoshenko.

Duplicity: Male

Triplicity (element): Air

Quadruplesity (quality): Cardinal
Libras are active, artistic, easy-going, peaceful, appreciate beauty and harmony, diplomatic and well-mannered, gravitate towards society.

Ruler Planet: Venus, goddess of love and beauty. She rules pleasure, social life, art and jewelry. Its influence is manifested in self-indulgence and a love of luxury.

Symbol: Libra, symbolizing balance, peace, order and justice.

Glyph (graphic symbol): The pictogram shows the balance in complete equilibrium. This is an ancient Egyptian symbol of the setting sun, supposedly connecting two worlds. Symbolic interpretation of glyph elements - a crescent moon is connected to two segments above the third. Emotions are limited on both sides by the mind, the bottom line means partnership.

Motto:"I'm weighing"

Polarity: Aries
Libra is a sign of marriage and partnership. Those born under this sign feel best in union with someone; they often lose their balance and optimism, being forced to find themselves alone. Opposing Libra, Aries is a sign of ego, individuality and independence. Aries tend to put themselves first, selfishness is one of their negative traits.

Body parts controlled by Libra: Loins, buttocks and liver. Libra is prone to sprains in the lower back, lower back pain, and kidney infections.


Day: Friday

Numbers: 6 and 9

Stone: Opal. He brings financial success, relieves of jealousy and greed, enlightens the mind.

Colors: Blue and lavender are the colors of love, harmony and sophistication.

Cities: Vienna, Copenhagen, Charleston, Lisbon

Country: Burma, China, Tibet, Argentina, Japan

Flowers: Rose, space, hydrangea

Trees: Almond, cypress and ash

Metal: Copper

Libra-ruled animals: Snakes and lizards


Those born under the sign of Libra awaken anger in other people in love-related situations. Because of their indecision and the ease with which they make love confessions, Libra often angers and disappoints their lovers. They are prone to impermanence and betrayal.

Your Most Attractive Trait: Charisma

It is easy for those born under the sign of Libra to win sympathy - they are endowed with charm, dress tastefully, and are usually beautiful. In addition, people feel significant in your society because you are a great listener, intuitively able to get the other person talking.

You are ruled by Venus, the goddess of love and beauty. You admire beauty in all areas - in music, applied arts and people. Your home will always be distinguished by elegance, you love to receive guests in style. You love comfort and everything that money can buy.

You are prone to narcissism and expect admiration. Want to be a diamond in any environment. You remember all the compliments you received. You tend to judge people by their appearance. If the person has a charming appearance, you will not dig deeper. Therefore, you can become an easy prey for a swindler with disposable manners.

Libra is a sign of partnership; in the language of psychology, we can say that you are turned face to the side outside world... Your energy is directed towards making contacts with other people; you show your best features in personal relationships. However, in them, your main interest is in yourself. You intuitively understand other people's emotions, no one is better able to understand you and take into account the point of view of the interlocutor. However, this point of view will be quickly forgotten or consumed by your selfish interests. Those born under the sign of Libra strive for balance and harmony, they feel happy in an orderly and serene environment. You are willing to pay any price for peace and sacrifice a lot to avoid friction and discord. By clearly understanding all the arguments in the dispute and the consequences of the chosen line of conduct, you have tact and the ability to resolve conflicts. You are a born diplomat. For the sake of avoiding an unpleasant scene, you will even suppress own feelings... In fact, all too often you can't even pinpoint them. By trying to please everyone at once, you come across as an indecisive person. You seem to be forever balancing on the brink, unable to take a step in one direction or another, weighing all the pros and cons, comparing advantages with losses, risk with results. Your good-natured, unflappable mask hides internal strife prior to making a decision.

Possessing developed intuition you don't trust her enough. A dispassionate indifference gets in the way of your success. Most of the time, your desires are too weak to fight for their fulfillment. An exception is when you are denied a privilege that you consider to be your legal right. This causes your fur to bulge. Those born under the sign of Libra are known for their stubbornness, but it comes from the fact that you are a zealous champion of justice. You are outraged by the unfair treatment and imperfection of the world as a whole.

You get along well with people with an even temperament, especially those who have difficulty smiling. You highly value talent in any field - art, literature, music. If you yourself do not possess it enough, then you often start some kind of artistic hobby.

Money flows between your fingers, because you do not love them, but things that you can buy. Frivolous Libras do not like serious work and prefer to shift it to others. The love of beauty pushes many of this sign to careers in the arts, theater, composing music, the profession of a designer, but at the same time, it often retains the dilettante approach who loves the reward but avoids the effort required to obtain it.

You are an incorrigible idealist and romantic. Heartfelt, loving, sentimental, optimistic by nature, you do everything to please. Your strongest card is charm.

Notable people born under the sign of Libra:

Bud Abbott
Julia Endrus
Hannah Arendt
Brigitte Bardot
David Ben-Gurion
Joyce Braders
Art Buchwald
Truman Capote
Al kapp
Miguel de Cervantes
Ray Charles
Montgomery Clift
her. cummings
Catherine Deneuve
Angie Dickinson
Michael Douglas
William O. Douglas
Elinor Dewes
William Faulkner
Anita Ekberg
Dwight D. Eisenhower
F. S. Fitzgerald
John Kenneth Galbright
Mohandas K. Gandhi
George Gershwin
Graham Greene
Helen Hayes
Rita Hayward
Charlton Heston
Vladimir Horowitz
Lee Iacocca
Julio Iglesias
Jesse Jackson
Johnny Mathis
Deborah Kerr
Le Corbusier
John Lennon
Walter Lippman
Jenny Lind
Mickey mantle
Grocho Marks
Marcello Mastroianni
Buster Keaton
Aimee Semple McPherson
Melina Mercury
Arthur Miller
Yves Montand
Roger Moore
Charles Munch
Admiral Horatio Nelson
Louise Nevelson
William S. Paley
Luciano Pavarotti
Juan Peron
Rex reed
Mickey rooney
Elinor Roosevelt
C.P. Snow
Ed Sullivan
Giuseppe Verdi
Gore Vidal
Barbara Walters
Sigourney Weaver
Oscar Wilde
Thomas Wolfe

September 25 gave the world at once three famous actors, two of whom in this world managed to find each other and start a family. This is a popular Hollywood couple Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones, who just recently overcame family differences and reunited again.

Let me remind you that two-time Oscar winner Michael Douglas turned 69 this year, his wife, with one Oscar in her luggage, Catherine Zete-Jones, is 44.

The third in their company, who celebrated his birthday on September 25, two-time Oscar nominee, "the guy in black" Will Smith... He has a semicircular anniversary this year - 55.

A couple of days later, on September 27, another Oscar winner and loyal companion of the Iron Man Gwyneth Paltrow celebrated her 41 years.

The next three days - September 28, 29, and 30 - are exclusively occupied by French film stars. This is the famous BB or Brigitte Bardot, On the 28th celebrated her 79th birthday; On September 29, a popular journalist from Fantomas celebrated her 78th birthday Mylene Demonjo; Oscar winner Marion Cotillia r turned 38.

The month of October is opened by the famous Hollywood comedian Zach Galifianakis, who celebrated its 44th birthday on October 1. Most recently, Bachelor Party fans all over the world could see Galifianakis in the third part of the comedy.

On October 3, the 49th birthday was celebrated by an attractive winner of the Golden Globe Clive Owen... In November, the Russian premiere of the film "Blood Ties" will take place with Owen in the title role.

Oscar-winning Kate Winslet from love story on the Titanic on October 5, celebrated its 38th anniversary.

On October 8, there are three heroes of the day. Matt Damon celebrated the 43rd anniversary with the Oscar on the shelf in the home walk of fame. Fans of Damon's talent will soon be able to see him again in theaters in the movie "Theorem Zero", which is scheduled to premiere in Russia on January 23, 2014.

On the same date, the master of Soviet and Russian cinema Leonid Kuravlev celebrated its 77th birthday.

The third in the company of those born on October 8 turned out to be always fighting with strangers - Sigourney Weaver... The two-time Golden Globe winner is 64 years old. The actress continues to work fruitfully, and on December 14, 2014 she can again be seen on the screens in the new film by Ridley Scott "Exodus".

The next day, October 9, the actress of Soviet and Russian cinema celebrates her 58th birthday Marina Dyuzheva, who by her participation in the films "For family reasons" and "Pokrovskie gates" secured the eternal love of the audience.

The younger generation is a white collar worker Matt Bomer October 11 will celebrate the 35th anniversary. On February 13, 2014, the film "Winter Fantasy" will be released, in which Bomer will play together with Will Smith.

"Wolverine" and the owner of a very fresh "Golden Globe" for Best Actor in the musical "Les Miserables" Hugh Jackman October 12 will be 44 years old. Just now, Jackman could be seen on the screens of cinemas in the action-packed drama "Captives". The sequel to the X-Men story "X-Men: Days of Future Past" is slated to premiere on May 22, 2014.

Infamous actor and screenwriter Sacha Baron Cohen will celebrate its 42th birthday on October 13th.

Indian star from the Oscar-winning movie "Slumdog Millionaire" Frede Pinto

29 years old will be October 18. On January 16, 2014, Richard Raymond's biographical drama Dancing in the Desert with Pinto in the title role will be released on the screens of Russian cinemas.

October 20 to the actor and the wife of the actress Emily Blunt - John Krasinski from "Everybody Loves Whales" turns 34.

The luminary of Soviet and Russian cinema and the owner of the Oscar statuette, which testifies to the worldwide recognition for the film Burnt by the Sun, Nikita Mikhalkov will celebrate its 68th anniversary on October 21.

And will complete the series of world famous celebrities born under the zodiac sign Libra, a true legend of French cinema - Catherine Deneuve... The owner of various prestigious prizes and awards, including the Venice Volpi Cup, continues to actively act in films. Currently, she can be seen in cinemas in Russia in the film "For Cigarettes". This year, on October 22, Catherine Deneuve will celebrate her 70th anniversary.

Among famous people there are many representatives of this zodiac sign. What kind famous people were born under this zodiac sign and why did they become celebrities? They are helped by the stars: in almost everything that the representatives of this zodiac sign undertake, they are able to achieve serious success.

Celebrity Libra - Who Are They?

Any area in which they decide to realize themselves opens up for them and gives them the opportunity to express themselves and develop. However, such successful activity Libra is due not only to the luck that accompanies them, but also to real perseverance and dedication.

Famous Libra representatives are able to "keep the brand". They almost never cease to be famous, if at least once they reached the climax of their fame.

Celebrities can be listed endlessly, because many events have happened over these 2 thousand years. But it is important to say that among the representatives of this zodiac there are people who have achieved high indicators in politics, science, literature, sports, cinema, etc.

This indicates that people who have a clear idea of ​​what exactly they want from life - almost always get it and become celebrities. Libra seems to be patronized by luck. They do not always need to apply any special efforts so that everything goes according to plan. This is their main feature - they wanted and after a while (or immediately) received.

But besides luck, the scales have a special charisma, the ability to bewitch, and even fall in love. Their power of persuasion has no boundaries, if they themselves are sure of something. These are people who can talk complete nonsense with a serious face, tell a joke with a sad face, and tell a tragedy with a cheerful face.

That is why among the representatives of this zodiac, regardless of whether it is a man or a woman, there are a lot of actors, singers, producers, writers and, in general, people with creative specialties.

Libra's Secret of Celebrity Success

Libra often takes a very long time to decide which peaks they will conquer, this time. It is not easy for them to do this, they are looking for the most convenient and advantageous positions. It is important for them to calculate before everything to the smallest detail, and when something does not go according to their imaginary scenario.

They can either fall into depression, or vice versa - get angry at everything and firmly go towards their goal (such, by the way, are the majority). Naturally, everyone has different goals.

Someone just needs to become the owner point of sale in the market, and someone is aiming for the presidency. These can all be scales. It does not matter for them where and how, it is important for them to realize themselves as an individual, and the fact of the achieved goal.

Famous Libra - scientists, actors, singers

Most often they are associated with art. Often, representatives of such a zodiac as Libra achieve success in the field of activity that interests them.

A feature is that they are looking for themselves for a rather long period of life, trying to understand what is closer to them and what they are striving for.

Scales - popular people who are able to maintain their popularity for a long time, which is carried out at the expense of serious contributions to their field of activity.

These are people who can work hard on themselves, who clearly plan their future, literally "weighing" all the possible pros and cons.

Among people who were born under the sign of Libra, there are always those who have made a serious contribution to science, culture and other spheres of human life. The most popular over the past two centuries are: Margaret Thatcher, Dmitry Pisarev, Mikhail Lermontov, Oscar Wilde, Sergei Yesenin, Denis Diderot, Thor Heyerdahl, Niels Bohr, John Lennon, Giuseppe Verdi, Art Blakey, Nina Andreeva, Chuck Bury, Zhanna Bolotova, Alfred Nobel, Gianni Rodari, Julio Iglesias, Dmitry Shostakovich, Prosper Merimee, Georgy Tovstonogov, Alfred Dunhill, Oleg Efremov, Mahatma Gandhi, etc.

These are the famous Libra, whose names, despite the passage of time, are still known to almost everyone. There is no list of more modern celebrities in the above list, as their contribution to modernity is very difficult to assess.

All these personalities are united by a peculiar instinct of "achievers", which does not give the weights an opportunity to relax. They work hard, and due to the fact that they are constantly looking for something in between, a middle ground or a consensus, they come to serious conclusions that can change the worldview of thousands of people.

Compatibility horoscope: great people born under the zodiac sign Libra - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Zodiac influence on character, inclinations, financial position and the health of people born this month.

The zodiac sign of Libra begins on September 21, but the first seven days are transitional, since they are influenced by the previous sign, so this sign gains full strength no earlier than September 28. From this date until October 20, he is at the zenith of his power, and then gradually loses strength over the course of seven days, yielding to the influence of the incoming sign of Scorpio.

So, the sign of Libra is a symbol of balance. People born during the mentioned period, namely from September 21 to October 20 and on transitional days, up to October 27, may have the most different tempers, however, they are distinguished by thorough balance and rationality in all matters.

They love to think over and discuss all matters so carefully that very often they remain "with their own people". However, once they decide how to act, they act that way, without taking into account any circumstances.

Mentally, they analyze and weigh any presented arguments and arguments rather scrupulously. They can express their thoughts eloquently and sophisticatedly, or limit themselves to laconic energetic phrases, however, one way or another, they attach great importance to the word.

People born during this period very often find themselves involved in social activities, while they, as a rule, are guided by the desire to achieve an informed decision or compromise, to everyone's pleasure or, according to at least, satisfaction.

Many of them, due to natural inclinations, try to get legal education, because they are great at reasoning and making logical constructions, they love to formulate conclusions and rules and pass laws, as well as write on this topic.

Other persons born under the sign of Libra devote their lives to some special studies; they become excellent scientists or medical specialists, while always taking any occupation seriously and thoughtfully.

People born during this period are usually very sensitive to their surroundings. In unfavorable conditions, they easily fall into melancholy, are prone to bouts of nervous depression and can withdraw into themselves.

Usually they are very balanced - they are inborn peacemakers, hating noisy scandals and all kinds of "study". They are neat, tidy and hate clutter.

They are very careful about their appearance, but they never dress loudly.

People born during this period should take into account that the orbit of the Sun passes through the zodiacal sign of Libra, and the sign itself is ruled by Venus (negative), Saturn, being in exaltation, and the setting Sun.

The unusual location of the Sun in the sign of Libra determines the difficult character of people, due to this sign - the dominant desire for balance and temperament, which is a mixture of a sanguine person with a melancholic. They are versatile in nature, they are subject to different moods, each of which can be given many shades. However, their character is based on nobility, striving for the ideal and high moral principles. Their thoughts and deeds are always positive and definite, they strive to keep their magnificent innate intuition under the control of the mind and do not take anything for granted.

If we talk about love and affection of the heart, then people born in the described zodiacal period are not inclined to demonstrate their feelings, sometimes they are too analytical and tend to weigh the pros and cons, forgetting that love is the flight of the soul, and not the subject of an academic study, and even under the glass of a microscope. As a result, they are often deceived and disappointed. As a rule, Libra people are popular with those around them, they are excellent at receiving and entertaining guests and friends and, at the same time, remain withdrawn by nature, often “withdraw into themselves”.

They are not too chasing after money and rarely do business, embarking on adventures or speculating.

They love to be in comfortable environment and largely depend on the environment. They are very sensitive to the "biofield" of others, and they are often transferred to physical or mental condition other people. They are very artistic - they love music and art and have good abilities to all these activities. They are thoughtful, tend to research work, they also make good teachers. As a rule, they live in the present, have little attachment to the past, and they are not afraid of the unknown lurking in the future.

Since people born under the described zodiac sign are influenced by Venus and Saturn, they often devote themselves to other people, whether it be out of affection of the heart or out of a sense of duty. In reality, this means that they often have to take care of their parents or some relative (unless they are married in young age), or about a sick husband or child, and these worries prevent them from achieving what they want and making their dreams come true.

As far as money is concerned, it must be said that although among the persons of "Libra" you can find many wonderful personalities and strong characters, they, even having achieved financial well-being, often cannot keep the accumulated until old age.

An example is the life of Sarah Bernhardt, who was born on October 22nd, earned a lot of money because she was a great actress and yet died in extreme poverty. Another example is the life of Oscar Wilde, born October 16, at one time the highest paid playwright in the world and literally begging for last years life (he was buried with the money of a few loyal friends).

The above does not mean at all that Libra persons are not able to make money, they just often do not know how to keep it and care little about the future.

When considering the horoscope of people born under the sign of Libra, it turns out that they have an instinct from birth that allows them to maintain healthy body and a healthy mind. As a rule, they really manage to maintain the necessary balance between them and avoid serious breakdowns. However, if they immerse themselves too deeply in any activity or give free rein to emotions, health inevitably suffers.

Most often, overstrain makes itself felt as diseases of the kidneys, a very sensitive system of the body. Libra people, in general, cannot boast of an excess of vital energy, but they have the ability to quickly restore strength. They definitely need to spend a lot of time on fresh air, do not indulge in excesses and follow a diet.

People born under the described sign have the most harmonious relationship add up with those who were born under a similar or similar Zodiac, namely: in the period from September 21 to October 20 (the second House of the trigone of air - Libra), in the period from 21 May to 20 June (the first House of the trigone of air - Gemini), in the period from January 21 to February 19 (the third House of the trigone of air - Aquarius), as well as in seven transitional days at the beginning and at the end of each of the named periods.

They often have an interest in and attraction to people born in the opposite sign of the zodiac, that is, from March 21st to the end of April.

To receive detailed meaning, attributed to each day of this sign, depending on the influence of the planets according to Chaldean numerology - click here!

21 secrets that are hidden from everyone, born under the sign of Libra

The constellations of the Zodiac in each person laid all the most best qualities... The combination of these qualities makes each of us exceptional and unique. People born under the sign of Libra are psychologically arranged a little differently.

Many different factors shape the personality of a scale. In addition to the open and well-known traits, Libra also has hidden characteristics that have a great influence on everything that a Libra has in life. Knowing these little secrets, you can greatly simplify and improve everyone's life. Make her much happier, healthier and more successful.

1. Libra forgives ... but does not forget.

Libras don't like to waste their precious time on pointless grievances, so when someone makes a mistake, they tend to quickly forgive him and give him a second chance.

2. Libras often strive for long-term and meaningful relationships.

Libras are programmed from birth to seek long-term and serious relationships instead of fleeting romances.

3. Libras are fair, balanced and always ready to admit they are wrong.

Libra is an ardent champion of truth and justice, who will make every possible effort to ensure that everything is fair.

4. Libra is incredibly intelligent and extremely discerning.

Never doubt the intelligence of Libra: this is one of the smartest and most advanced signs of the zodiac.

5. Libra does not believe in things that they have not seen with their own eyes.

Libra is by nature extremely skeptical: they prefer to objectively analyze everything and draw their own conclusions, rather than repeat other people's gossip.

6. Libra - skillful negotiators, able to dissuade people from doing stupid things.

When people lose their composure, and the situation threatens to turn into complete chaos, Libra shows their gift of mediation and suggestion.

7. Libra is extremely observant and often knows more than it shows.

Libra constantly observes the world around and mentally records everything they see. They often notice things that no one else can see, and have the unique ability to read other people's thoughts and intentions.

8. Libra hates egoists and boors.

If anything can make Libra mad, it is selfish and boorish who think only of themselves and spit on everyone else. If you are a nasal smartass who never hears other people, Libra will simply stop noticing you.

9. Libra has a relaxed and calm attitude towards life.

Perhaps the most famous trait of Libra is their rather relaxed and calm attitude towards life. They do not get turned on by little things and do not tend to inflate an elephant out of a fly, keeping calm and prudence even in emergency situations.

10. Libra is very persuasive, so it is difficult for them to refuse.

When Libra says something, it always seems so reasonable that it is almost impossible for them to refuse something. In addition, the consistency of thinking and the ability to select correct words allows them to easily persuade others!

Libra - celebrities (actors, musicians, writers, politicians)

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It will take several months for people born under the Libra zodiac sign to find a new car. Libra very carefully and painstakingly choose only desired functions only the options they need. Whatever car Libra has, they will be truly happy with it, because before buying it, it was not in vain that months were spent studying and improving it. A favorable color for a Scales machine is considered to be dark green. In order for a car to fully meet all the requirements, it is best to opt for Italian brands such as Alfa-Romeo or Fiat.

Fragrant talismans for Libra

Libra's patron saint is nutmeg. From time immemorial, sorcerers and witches have used this plant as a sure way to control secret forces. Carry it with you as a "magnet" to attract good luck. Nutmeg oil can be used in all known aromatherapy methods. This fragrance makes men tireless, and women - more charm and attractiveness. You can also carry aromatic oil with you - by dropping it onto a silk scarf. And if you put a tiny drop of oil on the bridge of your nose, then - attention! - you can learn to read and guess other people's thoughts and desires.

People born with such a combination have a bright appearance, are very elegant and always know which side to show themselves from. They are very eloquent and erudite, they can conduct a conversation on any topic. Libra gives the Horse the knowledge of invisible things, gives its character imperceptible nuances. These Horses are distinguished by their extraordinary patience. What they can't stand is mediocrity and absence good taste... In their actions, they always defend ideals, and they think in a very abstract way. These Horses adapt easily to any circumstance and environment, which helps them to thrive. They know how to love, but, even being in love, they will never allow themselves to be fiddled with. For Libra, the Horse will set the task - to demonstrate its merits. In addition, you should plan your actions. Reliable, respectable friends and business, promising connections may appear, but it is worth using intuition.

This is the only zodiac sign that the Rooster recommends using something fur in his outfit. One of the options is a brooch with a fur frill. Horoscope for 2017 for zodiac sign Libra believes that it is permissible for them to shine on New Year's Eve. You can afford to opt for an outfit that has been the subject of your dreams lately.

The whole year of 2017 for Libra will be held under the sign of calmness and well-being. But the main mission of all representatives of this zodiac sign is to balance the forces of white and black. You just need to learn how to solve certain problems and that's it. It is worth showing yourself and trying to take your creative destiny into your own hands. When moving towards creative success, you should not pay attention to minor troubles and inflate real disasters from small problems.

Lonely Libra will think about looking for a soul mate, while the stars recommend being careful in their statements and judgments.


Characteristics of people born under the zodiac sign of Libra. Characteristics of Libra. The secrets of Libra's happiness.

This zodiac sign is the sign of great lovers.

"Scales" born for love, although sometimes they get irritated because of the hardships of marriage and responsibility - the "scales" look at them as "fetters". You can never live alone and waste away for your loved one. Your extraordinary charm attracts people around you. At times this can cause controversy and quarrels, but you remarkably maintain your position, dignity and self-control.

Your attitude to sex is warm and positive, with a desire for innovation and experimentation. Going too far can make you unreliable and unstable, and your sincerity and your goals can raise people's doubts and suspicions. At times, your marriage partner can be overwhelmed by jealousy and apprehension.

Astrological characteristics of the zodiac sign Libra

Libra ruling planet: Venus.

The sign of the judge, the messenger.

The character of the owner of the Libra sign: diplomatic, charming, cheerful and cheerful, balanced, somewhat indecisive, impartial and fair, fickle, alert and dexterous.

Positive qualities of Libra: grace and sophistication, fairness and poise, diplomacy, charm, vigilance and intelligence.

Negative qualities of Libra: carelessness and carelessness, sometimes - laziness, indecision, selfishness and inconstancy, indifference, insincerity and a tendency to hesitate.

Your Libra personality

Your sign is the seventh sign of the zodiac, symbolizing marriage and war at the same time - a truly strange combination! Your aggressiveness manifests itself more intellectually or in areas international relations, public welfare and government. Marriage fulfills your inherent need for harmony.

You are intelligent and distinguished by unusually attractive manners, and your brilliance is not just appearance: you need interaction, direct contact with people, it allows you to prove yourself. At the same time, the love of balance and harmony inherent in "scales" usually generates great dispassion in you. Incidentally, this is the reason why the representatives of your sign often fail to form close and lasting relationships. After going through some stage in your friendship attachment, you also tend to distance yourself. You are not a bad friend, although not necessarily a perfect friend.

As noted earlier, interacting with people attracts the bulk of your attention - after all, you are capable of outstanding tact, persuasiveness and diplomacy. You display a lot of the sobriety and selfishness necessary to close successful deals. At times, you find it difficult to say a firm no. You must curb your tendency to impermanence, learn to be more specific and assertive - otherwise you may find yourself in a difficult situation. You may also lack the strength to fight alone, neglecting the company of other people in difficult situations.

It can be difficult for you to find your niche in the business world. There are too many things you want to do that you can do well. Mostly, however, you prefer to work with people rather than alone. You also don't tend to work too hard. Many astrologers have already said enough about the good-natured and cheerful nature of "Libra".

You love praise, recognition, flattery, support great relationship with the opposite sex. You enjoy people’s approval and do your best in these situations. Note that this makes you overly trusting, and sometimes malleable to flattery.

"Libra" as a friend

Often times, you keep quite aloof, although you are not indifferent. You are brilliant in the company, you can be a good friend, but you do not like the unnecessary obligations imposed by friendship. Your advice is always conscientious, balanced, and often helpful, even if delivered in a dispassionate manner. You have subtlety and grace and perfectly smooth out all the contradictions in human relationships.

"Libra" as a father

You are kind, generous and easily influenced. Your attitude towards children is gentle, and they may try to benefit from your "weakness" for them. You should not allow children to "sit on your head" - this can worsen their character. However, you have a kind of perseverance and fighting spirit (especially when the rights of your children or yours are infringed upon), as well as a love of fair play.

Libra as a mother

A Libra mother can rightfully claim a prize for being polite to her children. She will go to any effort and sacrifice in order to give them all the best, but she requires the most high standards behavior, sometimes using even threats to improve discipline. She almost always scolds more than really gets angry. In her home, she tries to maintain friendly, harmonious relationships.

A look at the decades

If you were born between September 24 and October 3 (first decade), then your planet is Venus; beauty and harmony are above all for you. You are peaceful (par excellence), all you need is love. You love to impress people, and with a supportive environment, you are capable of extraordinary success at work.

If your birthday fell on the period between October 4 and 13 (second decade), then the planets Saturn and Uranus are your rulers, which makes you an unpredictable, but strong and full of magnetism person. You are a great champion of the new order, the owner of remarkable powers and abilities; your intuition can take you very far.

If your birth took place between October 14 and 23 (third decade), then your ruling planet is Mercury, which gives you extraordinary energy and the power of persuasion. Let's note the special abilities for writing, as well as teaching, journalism, entrepreneurship, publishing. Helpful Hint: Learn to be more accurate and persistent.

About people of a double nature - for those born on the days of the change of signs

Your circle is children and animals. Yes, there is a certain contradiction, a ramification in your character, behavior, way of thinking. You would like to please and pressure, flatter and criticize at the same time. This is not always possible and therefore you may have problems. In this case, it is very common good looks, charm and arrogance, harmony and rudeness, going hand in hand with each other; less common are the ability to judge or evaluate, to be a writer and critic, a lawyer or judge, a diplomat or dancer, a psychologist and novelist, an artist and an accountant. Your lucky colors should be blue, orange and yellow.

Taking care of your health may require special attention to your back and stomach. Weak spots organism - kidneys, urinary tract, large intestine, intestines, solar plexus, genitals, feet; rash possible.

Major years: 5-6, 14-15, 23-24, 32-33, 41-42, 50-51, 59-60. 68-69, 77-78, 86-87. Physical activity is imperative.

If you were born between October 22-25, then your date of birth was at the time of the Libra / Scorpio transition.

Grace and awkwardness, love and hate are merged here as in a strange crucible: the ancient astrologers and alchemists, what is common features, running like a red thread through the signs of Virgo, Libra and Scorpio, and this clearly affects people born on the borders of these three signs. This common thread is curiosity and exploratory talent. Everything psychic and spiritual attracts you inevitably.

Your passions will be strong and passionate. Great taste should naturally come to you in the fields of books, clothing, food, arts, etiquette, design. People like you come out good doctors, lawyers, detectives, inspectors, orderlies, insurance agents, miners, treasure hunters, hotel keepers, chemists and pharmacists, surgeons, actors and artists, research scientists and nuclear physicists, geneticists, psychiatrists, even gurus. Your colors are blue, red, scarlet, crimson, purple.

In your case, you should also turn Special attention on the genitals, intestines, back, urinary tract, breathing problems, sinuses, leg diseases (for example, dislocation of the ankle or knee that periodically makes itself felt) - or, you may have to face the consequences of your own negligence.

Those born on these days are credited with a little bit of cunning, as well as sincerity. Often they are forced to pretend to be what they are not - and this is primarily the fault of the circumstances (here the author judges quite impartially: he himself was not born in the days of changing signs). In other words, fate itself prompts them to play a role on the stage of life. They are forced to obey her, and in the innermost depths of their hearts they understand this.

The coming years will be the key to major incidents and events: 5, 6, 9, 23, 24, 32, 33, 36, 41, 42, 45, 50, 51, 54, 59, 60, 63, 68, 69, 72, 77, 78, 81, 86, 87, 96.

Know what works for you:

Lucky number for Libra: 6, 15, 24, 33, 42, 51, 60, etc. (series of sixes).

Libra's lucky color: blue and green (light airy tones).

Happy Libra day: Friday.

Lucky Libra flowers and herbs: daisies, orchids, poppy, rose, ivy.

Zodiac horoscope

for all occasions



Zodiac sign - Libra is woven from contradictions. People born with September 24 to October 23 are often paradoxical. They strive for balance in all areas of life, but this is not easy for them. Therefore, Libra, gushing with interesting ideas, needs support and help. In any business, they need partners, so the process itself is not to Libra's liking. They can come up with great ideas and successfully complete the business, but the daily routine of Libra is not very pleasant.

Representatives of this zodiac sign have a charm that they often enjoy. Even the most incredulous people cannot resist the charming Libra. They are often very beautiful and have high intelligence, which contributes to the successful completion of the work begun.

Most often, Libra has a calm character and does not often get annoyed. But attempts to morally suppress them will certainly be thwarted. The scales swing for a long time, but the moment comes when they put any offender in their place.

Libra does not like being guided, preferring freedom of action in work and in personal life. Other people are very reluctant to enter Libra territory, but, nevertheless, they appreciate partnerships... Libra's ability to adapt to the characters of other people makes them good friends ready in difficult moment lend a helping hand.

Libra people tend to strive for justice, which allows them to use this inclination in their professional activities. Libras often acquire a legal profession or engage in work based on communication with different people.

Inborn aestheticism often allows Libra to become artists, musicians, actors. They often implement excellent taste in the field of fashion.

Libra's well-being is largely dependent on their location and environment. The fine mental organization of these people reacts negatively to any discomfort. Sensitive nervous system often leads them to emotional distress.

Irina Vorontsova

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