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How to get an academic leave. Granting academic leave to students

How to go on academic leave while studying at a college, institute

Those students who want to go on vacation ask the question: how to go on academic leave while studying at a college, institute... Let's start with why they want to suspend their studies, there can be many reasons for this, but the main one is the threat of expulsion, which appears after a large number of absences and debts. By law, it is possible to get an academic leave for three main reasons:

Students during the first semester can take academic leave only for health reasons, the reason for passing the compulsory military service or caring for a child up to 3 years old. From the second semester, students can also take academic leave for on their own... Academic leave cannot be taken during the extended period of study (with the exception of parental leave and for health reasons).

An application for academic leave must be submitted in a free form to the name of the college director.

Is it possible during academic leave take part in educational work?

During academic leave, a student can take part in academic work, take exams and study as a guest student at universities in Estonia and abroad.

If a student is sent on academic leave, then his registration for subjects and exams may be canceled upon application.

During academic leave, the student is not transferred to next year(well). The end of the student's nominal period of study is postponed for more late period according to the period of academic leave.

If a student studying at an extra-budgetary study place takes part in academic work during the academic leave, then he pays the tuition based on the cost of the subject item or semester.

to the order of the Ministry of Education of Russia

dated 05.11.98 No. 2782

granting academic leave

1. Academic leave is a leave provided to students of educational institutions of higher and secondary vocational education on medical indications and in other exceptional cases (natural disasters, family circumstances and in others).

2. In case of granting an academic leave, its duration, as a rule, cannot exceed 12 calendar months.

3. Conclusion on the possibility of providing college leave academic leave for medical reasons is issued by the clinical expert commission of the state, municipal medical and preventive health care institution at the place of constant observation of the student, including the student clinic. In this case, the diagnosis of the disease without the consent of the patient is not indicated in the conclusion. In cases where medical services for students are provided by a health center, the conclusion can be issued by clinical expert commissions of state, municipal institutions health care, the structure of which includes this health center.

4. The decision on granting academic leave to students is made by the head of the educational institution. The basis for the issuance of the order is:

for medical reasons - a personal statement of the student and the conclusion of the clinical expert commission of the health care institution;

in other exceptional cases - a personal statement of the student and the corresponding document confirming the grounds for obtaining an academic leave with an indication of the reason.

The basis for issuing an order for admission to educational process of a student on academic leave for medical reasons is a personal statement of the student and the conclusion of the clinical expert commission of the healthcare institution.

5. Students who are on academic leave for medical reasons are assigned and paid monthly compensation payments in the amount of 50 percent. minimum size wages in accordance with the Procedure for the appointment and payment of monthly compensation payments to certain categories of citizens (clause 1), approved by the Government Russian Federation dated 03.11.94 N 1206 "On approval of the procedure for the appointment and payment of monthly compensation payments to certain categories of citizens" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1995 N 29, art. 3035).

Educational institutions of higher and secondary vocational education have the right to make additional payments to students on academic leave at their own expense.

The financial conditions for granting academic leave to students studying on a paid contractual basis are determined by the terms of the contract or supplementary agreement.

6. The provision of a hostel to students on academic leave is carried out in accordance with the housing legislation of the Russian Federation (Articles 109, 110 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation) and Model provision on the student hostel of an educational institution of higher and secondary vocational education of the Russian Federation, approved by the resolution of the State Committee for Higher Education of Russia dated 05/31/95 No. 4 (p. 20) (Bulletin of the State Committee for Higher Education of Russia, 1995, No. 9, registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on July 13, 1995 No. 903).

7. The procedure and conditions for granting academic leave to foreign students studying at the expense of federal budget, are determined by the terms of intergovernmental and interdepartmental agreements concluded in accordance with paragraphs 71 and 72 of the Regulation on the Ministry of General and Professional Education of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 05.04.97 No. 395 (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1997 No. 15, Art. 1796).

Sometimes circumstances force us to change our life plans. If an unforeseen emergency interferes with learning, the life-saving way out of the predicament can be academic leave, often referred to as simply academic or academic among students.

What is academic leave

This is a postponement of study provided to a student or graduate student due to the occurrence of circumstances that temporarily prevent the continuation of full-fledged studies. It is assigned to students of universities and secondary vocational educational institutions studying on a budgetary or commercial basis in full-time and part-time departments.

If the student has been approved for an academic leave, and the payment for the next semester has already been paid, the educational institution offers two options: a refund or crediting to the balance for future studies.

Grounds for academic leave at the university

Before taking an academic leave, you need to get a positive response from the management of the institute. The approval of the administration is guaranteed only if a full-time or part-time student has really good reason to interrupt his studies for a long time.

Scroll good reason for academic leave:

  • pregnancy and childcare up to 3 years old. V in this case applications are drawn up in the same stages as when leaving the place of work on maternity leave:
    • Maternity leave (so-called maternity leave) lasts 140 days; when multiple pregnancy or complications during childbirth, this period increases;
    • after the expiration of the initial period, an application is written for the granting of parental leave to care for a child (children) up to 1.5 years old;
    • if necessary, a parental leave is taken out until the child reaches 3 years of age;
  • health status - exacerbation of chronic or the emergence of new diseases requiring long-term treatment, serious injuries;
  • conscription for military service;
  • difficult family circumstances, such as caring for seriously ill loved ones or a sharp drop in financial condition;
  • getting an education in another educational institution.

If there are sufficient medical grounds, the university has no right to refuse a student permission to interrupt his studies. In other cases, the decision remains with the administration. educational institution and may be negative.

How to apply for an academic leave at a university, institute, college

Sometimes students get lost because they don't know what kind of certificate is needed for academic leave. The procedure for providing an academic is the same for secondary and higher educational institutions.

  1. Hand over all "debts", if any.
  2. Collect a package of documents confirming the need for a break in studies.
  3. Write to the name of the rector a statement justifying the reasons.
  4. Bring documents, medical certificates and an application to the dean's office.
  5. Wait until the appeal is considered.
  6. If cash payments are due, apply for them separately.

A sample application for an academic leave, as a rule, can be obtained from the academic department or from the secretary of the dean's office.

If all points are carried out correctly and without delay, the whole procedure will take no more than 2-3 weeks. In accordance with the legislation, the consideration of the request is carried out no longer than 10 days from the date of its receipt.

An academic transcript with a list of subjects listened to is not issued when taking interruption leave. This document is issued only upon deduction.

Timing and quantity

The legislation does not set a limit on the number of exits on academic leave, however, there are still some restrictions:

  • it cannot last more than two years (an exception is a decree, special rules apply here);
  • You can re-enter academic leave no earlier than after a year from the end of the previous one.

You can take an academic leave at any stage of study, including in the first year before the session or in the last year before the defense of the diploma. However, the dean's office is often wary of students who have expressed such a desire, suggesting that students in this simple way are trying to cover up their academic failure or unwillingness to complete their thesis.

If you are going to take medical leave, you will need evidence that you did not attend class due to illness during the semester, due to at least, within 30 days. Particularly strong evidence in this case will be certificates and extracts from case histories received in the hospital. Therefore, if you firmly decided to leave after this semester in the "academic", certificates (F-027u and F-095u) should be stocked up in advance, and not in last days session, which you, as they say, did not work. In addition, your illnesses should really be quite serious (injuries, chronic diseases in the stage of exacerbation, defeat internal organs requiring surgical intervention) so that the management of the university will meet you halfway. Only maternity leave is provided without any problems.

If you are going to take an academic leave for family reasons, prepare for a serious rebuff from the university administration. If you not nonresident student, then you are unlikely to be able to take leave to care for a seriously ill relative. Sometimes the administration, as an option, may offer you to transfer to the correspondence department. Usually, if the situation is really stalemate, it is better to choose this option than exclusion from the university for academic failure. Although young mothers are usually not denied parental leave for a child under 3 years old.

The difficult financial situation of the family can serve as a reason for the academic leave of students who are on paid education or students from other cities. Although the latter are also sometimes offered the option of "correspondence" or even material assistance from the trade union committee (if the student is doing well in all subjects). For other categories of students, the administration can find many reasons for refusal.

"Other reasons" that are the basis for obtaining an "academic" are force majeure situations(flood, fire, etc.), as a result of which it is not possible to continue training at this time. In this situation, the administration may also refuse or, in extreme cases, offer a place in a hostel for a certain period, if as a result of force majeure the student simply has nowhere to live.

After all the certificates confirming the validity of the reason for the academic leave have been collected, contact the dean's office and write a statement. The application is written to the name of the rector of the university. Indicate his full name, degree, title, your full name, group number. Ask him about granting you an academic leave, indicate the period for which you need it and the reason for requiring a break in studies. If you are entitled to any payments during this period, be sure to mention it. If you are a nonresident student, write and cancellation of the hostel for the duration of the vacation with the right of priority check-in at the end of the due period.

If you are taking medical leave, please attach the following documents to your application:

- Help F-027u (extract from the outpatient card);
- certificate F-095u (certificate of illness);
- positive conclusion of the KEC(clinical expert committee) or a certificate from antenatal clinic(for maternity leave).

If you want to get leave for other reasons, prepare the opinions of experts of fire supervision, environmental supervision, etc. in order to motivate the lack of opportunities for continuing education at the moment.

For registration of an academic leave you must write an application addressed to the rector of the institution. In it, indicate for what reasons you need academic. If you are taking parental leave, you must provide a birth certificate.

If there is a medical indication for an academic leave you need to provide an opinion of the medical commission on the need for suspension from education to the application. You can get it on the basis of a statement from your medical record. Medical certificate Form 095-y indicates the presence of a disease, the certificate 027-y will provide information on its severity, as well as recommendations for removal from physical activity and training sessions. This is the set of documents that will give you the right to apply for an academic leave.

If you are taking family leave, you also need supporting documents. They can be a certificate of the death of a relative, a certificate of a serious illness in a close relative and a conclusion about the need to care for him, etc.

After providing all required documents to the dean's office of the educational institution, they will be transferred to the rector, on the basis of whose decision the secretariat will issue an order on the appointment of an academic to you. It will contain the start and end dates, as well as the reasons for the forced leave .

Sometimes students have circumstances that do not allow them to continue their studies or may interfere with studying in in full... Throwing out and institute for the sake of this is not worth it, it is better to suspend studies for certain time... In such cases, it is worth considering taking a sabbatical. If those who study on a full-time basis usually big problems does not exist, but it can be more difficult for correspondence students. In addition, not many people know that it is also possible to arrange such a vacation at the correspondence department. How to take an academic leave at the university, reasons, correspondence department, and other related issues, this will be discussed today.

Academic leave is paid only in some cases

Reasons for academic leave at the university in the correspondence department

There is an opinion that students of correspondence departments do not need an academic leave, because they do not need to attend an educational institution every day. it is enough just to come twice a year for the session. But this is not true. There are times when it is impossible to come to the session and there can be no question of preparing for the exams either. Academic leave from the university reasons for distance learning are the same as for students full-time... Here is a list of them:

  • For family reasons - these include the inability to pay for education, caring for a sick relative, caring for a child under the age of three;
  • During pregnancy;
  • Military service;
  • Medical contraindications are the conclusions of doctors, according to which the student cannot continue his studies for health reasons. It is imperative to provide the conclusion of a medical and social examination.

In order to take an academic leave at the correspondence department, you need to have not only the very reason and the application for leave. but also documents confirming this. When family reasons- this is a certificate of family income, a certificate from the attending physician, a certificate of incapacity for work, hospital discharge, conclusion medical commissions, a certificate from the maternity hospital about the birth of the child and the birth certificate of the child.

Read also: Certificate for academic leave

In the correspondence department, you can take academic leave due to pregnancy

It is necessary to prepare all the documents, write a statement to the rector and take it all to the dean's office. The decision on permission to take a vacation is made within ten days. Therefore, it is worth doing this in advance, if possible.

Not many female students take maternity leave on maternity leave. Most often, it is possible to combine study and being in interesting position, but sometimes the pregnancy is difficult, and it is not possible to travel to the sessions and prepare for them, or the exams coincide in time with the expected due date. Then you need to take an academic leave. It is necessary to come to the dean's office or to the rector with a pregnancy certificate and certificate 095 / U - after that you will be given a referral and you will have to go through a medical expert commission. To do this, you come to your local clinic and show you a referral, and a number of additional documents:

  • Grade book;
  • Student ID;
  • An extract from the antenatal clinic, which will indicate that you are registered for pregnancy;
  • Help 095 / U.

Then go through the commission, with its decision, come to the dean's office and write an application for vacation.

If you study at paid branch and paid for the semester, but did not have time to start their studies, then cash you will be returned

After the expiration of the maternity leave, you can write an application for parental leave.

Academic leave due to conscription

Full-time students have a grace period military service... Therefore, academic leave in the correspondence department of the army is not so common. To issue it, you need to provide a summons to the military registration and enlistment office and write a statement asking for a vacation. It will be possible to continue training from the course from which you went on vacation.

Payment for academic leave

As for the issues of tuition fees and scholarships for correspondence students. Academic leave in the correspondence department payment for the institute - if you managed to pay for the course or semester, but did not start classes, then the money is either returned or transferred to the next course. It will be possible to clarify this in the accounting department of the institute. If the academic leave in the correspondence department is taken after the beginning of the semester, then the money for it cannot be returned, since it is considered that you have already started studying, but you will not have to pay for the next semester.

Academic Leave Abroad Pay - The payment of scholarships, compensation and benefits depends on several factors. If you study for free, then you will receive half the amount of the scholarship, if you study on a paid basis - then the rector decides to pay or not pay the scholarship, then most often the answer is no.

In the correspondence department, as well as in the full-time department, you can apply for an academic leave

During maternity leave, an allowance is paid, it is equal to the amount of the scholarship. To get it, you need to write an application for this benefit, while you indicate the reason why you are entitled to it

Students living in a hostel and going on academic leave cannot continue to live there. but they are entitled to compensation. For this, a statement is also written in the dean's office.

Terms of academic leave in the correspondence department

Academic leave in the correspondence department has very clear terms - no more than one year. Part-time students may take academic leave several times during their studies, but their total duration should not be more than two years.

An exception to the rule is maternity leave.

In these cases, academic leave in the correspondence department has the following terms:

  • one hundred and forty days - if childbirth is standard, 70 of them go to the prenatal period and 70 after childbirth
  • one hundred fifty-four days - if the pregnancy is multiple, 84 days before childbirth and 70 afterwards
  • one hundred and ninety days - difficult pregnancy and childbirth, including cesarean section - 84 days at the beginning and one hundred and ten days after discharge from the hospital
  • parental leave can be written at the end of the maternity leave - its duration is maximum three years.

At the end of the academic maternity leave, you can write an application for parental leave

In normal cases, a second academic leave can be taken no earlier than a year after you leave the first one.

Now. when you know that academic leave in the correspondence department is also possible, you will not have any difficulties in obtaining it, and you will not have to leave the educational institution if you suddenly become very ill, decide to become a mother, or you are taken into the army. Just bring supporting documents to the dean's office and write a statement, and you can safely return and continue your studies after completing your business.

How to take an academic leave (sample application, reasons)?

Receive academic leave for medical reasons, students whose state of health, in accordance with the conclusion of the medical commission, interferes with the passage of training.

Family circumstances

These circumstances by default include: pregnancy, childbirth and the need to care for a small child under 3 years of age. In addition, the administration usually provides academic leave students who have a disabled adult family member or a disabled child over 3 years old who require constant care, as well as in case of a difficult financial situation that does not allow paying for their studies.


The conscription guarantees the provision of academic leave in an educational institution in the case of receiving education on extramural forms e. Full-time students have the right to deferment of military service.

The procedure and terms for granting academic leave

In accordance with Order No. 455, academic leave can be provided by decision of the management educational institution an unlimited number of times, each of them for a period not exceeding 2 years. Students who receive education on a paid basis are exempted from tuition fees during their vacation.

Most universities agree to academic leave only in the absence of academic debts, but the law does not regulate this moment, that is, in exceptional cases, alternative options are possible: for example, transfer to a lower course or obtaining an "academic" on the terms of passing the "tails" after graduation.

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The procedure for obtaining an academic leave

To obtain academic leave... the following documents must be submitted to the university administration:

  • application for academic leave ;
  • documents confirming the existence of circumstances that temporarily impede the continuation of training (medical report, summons to the army, etc.).

The application must be considered within 10 days, at the end of which an order is issued to provide academic leave or to refuse to provide it with an indication of the reasons.

Pregnancy leave

A student preparing to become a mother and who wants to take academic leave... should perform a series of actions:

  1. Submit to the administration a certificate of pregnancy and health status, form 095 / U, on the basis of which she will be issued a referral to undergo a medical expert commission.
  2. Contact the polyclinic at the place of study or residence and submit, in addition to the received referral, the following documents:
  • student ID;
  • grade book;
  • an extract from the outpatient card of the antenatal clinic about registration due to pregnancy;
  • certificate of form No. 095 / U.
  1. Pass a medical expert commission and get your hands on a solution.
  2. Submit the decision of the commission to the university administration together with an application for academic leave .

Important: at the end of the maternity leave, "academic" can be extended up to six years in connection with the need to care for the child.

The procedure for obtaining leave for medical reasons is generally similar, the difference lies in the need to obtain additional help- Form 027 / U, which is an extract from an outpatient card or a discharge summary (in the case of a student undergoing treatment in a hospital).

Family Leave

Academic leave for family reasons that are not unconditional grounds for obtaining it, it is provided at the discretion of the rector or an employee of the educational institution authorized by him.

To do this, together with an application for academic leave it is necessary to submit to the administration any documents confirming the existence of such circumstances. For example, it can be a certificate of illness of a young child or a referral to surgical treatment family member.

If you want to suspend your studies due to temporary insolvency, you can confirm it with a certificate from the social security service. Full-time students under 23 years of age can provide the administration with social security certificates in the names of their paying parents, along with a certificate of family composition.

Academic leave for 1 year

The law does not provide minimum time student training in educational institution to provide him academic leave... Thus, both freshmen who have just entered a university and students who have passed all exams except state ones have equal rights to a break in studies.

Academic leave by correspondence department

Today, many people prefer to work and get an education at the same time, so part-time education is very popular among residents of Russia. Despite the fact that this direction is often chosen by mature people, they can enjoy all the privileges of students. For example, they are given academic leave at the correspondence department... Such a temporary break can be used only if it is agreed with the management of the educational institution and there are objective reasons for it. The latter include:

  • the appearance of serious ailments;
  • a sharp deterioration in the financial situation;
  • the birth of a baby;
  • the need for help from a seriously ill relative.

In any case, when applying for a part-time academic leave, you will need to provide a large number of various documents. These include a personal statement, certificates, extracts. You can find out which forms should be brought at the dean's office.

What are the terms of a part-time academic leave?

Usually part-time student's academic leave lasts a year, but the period can be changed both up and down and depends on the occasion. If a student is preparing to become a mother, then in aggregate she will receive a temporary suspension from classes for three years. To get all the privileges and go to the academy without problems, you must pass all the exams on time. Only in this case, the dean's office will calmly release the correspondence student on academic leave.

Most Popular Reason for Academic Leave in Correspondence

One of the most popular reasons is poor health. In this case, it is easy to prove the need for treatment - you need to provide various certificates and undergo a medical examination. If you decide to carry out the latter not in a student clinic, in the future you will have to certify the certificates in it. In this case academic leave for distance learning it can be either 6 months or a year. Often the reason is:

  • chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • serious damage to internal organs;
  • operations, etc.

V modern life it is not uncommon for students, due to some circumstances, to have no time to study. Studying at a university requires dedication and takes most free time. However, in life, sometimes events or troubles occur when the learner is not at all up to study, and in order to solve them, it is necessary to spend a certain period of time. Sometimes there are unforeseen circumstances when you have to finish your studies at the university ahead of schedule. To avoid this, you can get an academic leave.

Academic leave concept

The term "academic leave" includes the right to take a break from the student's learning process. The student is not expelled from the university; adjustments are made to the curriculum, shifting the time intervals for passing certification tests in various disciplines. It goes without saying that the missed program after academic. vacations will have to catch up. You can't just take an academic leave in order to take a break from the everyday routine of study - you must have a good reason. In addition, to obtain it, you need to carry out a number of activities. If you have a problem that catches you by surprise, preventing you from regularly attending classes, you should consider taking a sabbatical.

Pregnancy Leave

Pregnancy is quite common among female students. At the same time, girls have the opportunity to attend lectures during pregnancy and the right to receive an academic leave in connection with pregnancy. In this situation, everything is based on the patient's well-being and condition. Situations are not uncommon when, due to deteriorating health, regular attendance at lectures is simply impossible. Academ. pregnancy leave is obtained at any stage - from early dates until the final weeks.

To get an academic. leave in connection with pregnancy, you must provide a certificate from honey. institutions proving the fact of pregnancy. Sometimes it may be required to provide a certificate of incapacity for work. In the normal course of pregnancy, there is no need to interrupt the learning process.

Academic leave due to illness

It is no secret that any disease leads to a decrease in performance. In cases of prolonged or severe illness, it is possible to obtain academic. holidays due to illness, because regular attendance at classes in this case is very problematic. There is a certain category of diseases that gives the right to take academic. vacation:

  • Anatomical injuries;
  • Chronic diseases;
  • Weakening of immunity;
  • Significant deviations in the body's working capacity.

To obtain an academic leave, it is required to convene a council of medical specialists, at which the degree (stage) of the disease, its severity and prognosis for recovery are discussed. In the case when a long stay of a student in the hospital is required for treatment, then academic. leave is given for the required period. A positive or negative decision on the possibility of granting an academic leave and its duration depend on the conclusion of the doctors.

Family Leave

There are times when one of the relatives is seriously ill and there is a need to take an academic. vacation. In this case, it is provided in connection with patient care for a certain period of time. To get an academic. sick leave of a relative is required to provide a certificate confirming the state of health and general state patient, as well as a document confirming Cohabitation a student and a sick relative. The members of the commission should not have any questions about the fact that no one except the student can provide care to the sick. All moments and circumstances are taken into account, after which the commission decides on the provision of academic. holidays to the student.

Registration of academic leave: features of obtaining

For registration of academic. leave it is necessary to contact the administration of the educational institution. Then you should write a statement indicating the reasons for leaving on academic leave. All certificates or other documents (depending on the reason for leaving) specified above must be attached to the application. V individual cases a commission decision is required with the study of all the reasons and circumstances for which it is necessary to obtain an academic. vacation. Each case is considered in a separate order, taking into account all the circumstances and subtleties of a particular case.

For the entire period of study, a student can receive an academic leave 2 times. Academic leave should not exceed 1 year (12 months).

To obtain academic leave at the university, reasons to do this must be weighty enough. There may be several such reasons. More often they go on academic leave because of pregnancy, to care for a small child or for health reasons.

Academic leave is granted to a student on the following grounds:

In the case of an application for medical reasons - on the basis of the student's personal application, as well as the conclusion of the clinical expert commission of the state, municipal medical and preventive health care institution at the place of constant observation of the student. The conclusion must be written or certified by the medical health center of the university. In this case, without the consent of the student himself, the diagnosis is not indicated in the conclusion.

In the case of an application for other reasons - on the basis of the student's personal application, as well as the corresponding document, which confirms the basis for obtaining an academic leave with an indication of the reason.

A student applying for academic leave must not have any subject arrears. Otherwise, the request may simply be refused.

To obtain an academic leave for health reasons, you must obtain a special certificate in the form 095 / U. The same certificate is required when applying for an academic leave for pregnancy. A student who has not completed such a document on time may be expelled for academic failure.

Another reason a student can apply for academic leave is difficult financial position families. A student can get an extra year of deferral from studies by taking in the authorities social protection appropriate confirmation of the material condition. You can also get an academic because of the need to care for a sick relative.

Most often, academic leave is given for six months or a year. However, the mother of a young child is entitled to a grace period of up to six years. True, if there is an opportunity, you need to try to finish your studies at the university as early as possible. For the entire period of study at the university, a student can take no more than two academic leaves.

Many students want to go on sabbatical due to severe subject arrears. But practically no one succeeds in doing this. Even if the student has good reason to take an academic, he can simply be expelled for academic failure.

An application for academic leave must be submitted to the name of the rector, who can reject or approve it. Various documents and certificates may be required from the student to confirm valid reasons. Based the decision the order of the rector is issued.

If a student does not start studying at the end of the academic leave within a month, he is expelled from the university.

In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1206 of November 3, 1994, students on academic leave for medical reasons receive monthly compensation payments. Also, the university can pay students who are on academic leave, benefits from its own funds.

Students at the academy have the right to live in a hostel. The procedure for paying for tuition when granting academic leave to students who study with full compensation for tuition costs is determined by the terms of the contract.

The student cannot receive academic leave from the university due to disability. During the period of incapacity for work due to pregnancy and childbirth, in accordance with Federal Law No. 81-FZ of May 19, 1995, students are granted maternity leave with the payment of benefits established by this law. Part-time and part-time students in these cases are granted leave with the wording “for family reasons”.

So, in order to receive an academic leave, a student must submit to the dean of the faculty a personal application completed in the prescribed form, as well as one of the following documents:

The conclusion of the clinical expert commission, certified by the medical health center of the university, or the conclusion of the medical health center of the university;

A document confirming the grounds for obtaining an academic leave, indicating the reason why the student wishes to take an academic leave from the university.

The dean of the faculty endorses the application, and then submits it for consideration to the vice-rector for academic affairs. When positive decision a statement with the resolution of the vice-rector is sent to the HR department and social work to prepare an order. After the order was issued Common department University sends an extract from the order to the faculty.

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