Home Flowers Coffee facial scrub: gentle and effective skin cleansing at home. DIY coffee and sugar body scrub

Coffee facial scrub: gentle and effective skin cleansing at home. DIY coffee and sugar body scrub

Coffee is not easy invigorating drink, which is very pleasant to drink in the morning. It has excellent cosmetic properties and promotes deep cleansing of the skin. A coffee scrub at home will be an effective peeling and lifting remedy. By regularly using aromatic powder, you will prevent early skin aging, stimulate active blood flow, and cleanse pores.

How to make a coffee body scrub

Brewed coffee is a natural body scrub. A mask with coffee grounds helps gently exfoliate dead skin particles and activates blood circulation. To make a scrub at home with your own hands, you can mix coffee of different grinds, selecting the appropriate abrasiveness. It is allowed to mix purchased cosmetics such as essential oils and shower gels into the mask. Thus, each woman can create a recipe for a mask that meets her individual requirements and is ideal for her skin type.

How to make coffee grounds? Grind the beans finely and brew the drink without any additives. It is better to brew coffee than to steam the powder in boiling water. The ideal proportions for preparing the drink are 2 tsp. crushed coffee beans to 1 glass of water. If you require a large number of scrub, then the dosage should be increased. It is better to use brewed coffee grounds immediately after drinking the drink. If this is not possible, dry the powder and store in a clean jar.

For cellulite

It’s easy to prepare an anti-cellulite scrub at home: mix coffee with some base oil or body cream. To lose weight, you should add a warming component to the mask - cinnamon or black pepper. To carry out an express procedure to eliminate cellulite, the scrub is diluted with shower gel and the resulting mixture is massaged into problem areas of the body every time you take a bath.

Scrub recipe with green coffee:

  • Combine 1 tbsp. l. coffee grounds, vegetable oil, add a teaspoon of sugar, a little coarse salt and cinnamon.
  • Mix the ingredients thoroughly and apply to dry clean skin and gently massage the orange peel areas of the body for 3-5 minutes.
  • Cellulite scrubs are conveniently applied to the body using a glove-shaped washcloth. Keep the coffee and sugar on your body for another 10 minutes, then take a shower.

For stretch marks

Before using a coffee scrub at home, take a hot bath to steam your skin. To prepare a mask for stretch marks, choose exclusively natural products. It is better to stick to green coffee, the beans of which should be ground very finely. The mixture prepared according to the recipe below is applied to problem areas of the body with light circular movements. The procedure can be repeated every 10-14 days; more frequent peelings will not allow damaged cells to recover in a timely manner.

Recipe for coffee scrub against stretch marks:

  • Mix coffee and salt in proportions 2:1, add one part of white clay, dilute the product warm water. The scrub should have the consistency of thick sour cream.
  • If your skin type is dry, add olive or other carrier oil to the mask.
  • Leave the product for 7-8 minutes, then rinse with water. Coffee and oil serve as a gentle peeling and effectively moisturize the skin.

Anti hair

Before the procedure, take a bath to steam your skin. Rub the epilation scrub into the skin for at least 3-5 minutes, using circular massage movements. To speed up hair removal, leave the mixture on your body for half an hour, covering it with cling film. You need to repeat scrubbing every 4-5 days to achieve complete removal hairline. As a rule, this requires 4-5 procedures.

Anti-hair scrub recipe with coffee:

  • Will need coffee grounds and soda (2 tbsp per 1 tsp). Mix the ingredients well, add a little water at room temperature, and the mixture should remain thick.
  • To prepare a quality body scrub at home, choose only fresh ground coffee and dilute the product with cool water, because heat deactivates beneficial features soda

Coffee face scrub

Not only expensive professional creams or salon treatments. It is possible to give your face freshness and beauty with the help of simple, available recipes, the components of which can be found in every housewife’s kitchen. A face mask made from coffee grounds is an excellent remedy for skin rejuvenation, as it contains a complex of antioxidants, vitamins, and enzymes. Cleansing the face with this peeling also helps relieve puffiness under the eyes and smooth out fine wrinkles.

From honey and coffee

Scrub with honey is suitable for owners oily skin. It’s easy to prepare, just mix 1 hour at a time. l. coffee grounds, honey, olive oil, natural yogurt. The components are carefully mixed to a homogeneous consistency. The coffee face mask is applied for 8 minutes, then washed off with massage movements. The final stage is to lightly moisturize the skin.


Cinnamon mask – perfect solution for problematic facial skin. To prepare it, mix coffee grounds with melted honey and cinnamon (all ingredients are taken in equal quantities). To give the mixture a suitable thick consistency, dilute it with water. Rub the scrub with coffee using massage movements, then wait 6-7 minutes and rinse your face with warm water. This product helps clean pores and cure skin inflammation. To achieve lasting results, repeat the procedure a couple of times a week.

With sour cream

Homemade coffee scrubs are suitable not only for oily, but also dry and combination skin types. Such products imply the presence of a nutritional component in the mask. Great option For those with dry or normal skin, use a product with sour cream. To prepare the scrub, you should mix fresh milk product, coffee and olive oil in equal quantities. Cover your face with the mask, leaving it for 8-10 minutes, then rinse it with warm water and pat dry with a towel. The skin will acquire a pleasant color, cleanse, and become smooth.

Coffee scalp scrub

The basis of a coffee hair mask is freshly ground powder or coffee grounds. However, the second option is considered preferable due to its gentle soft texture. A natural coffee scrub at home accelerates hair growth, making it strong and soft. Scrubbing the head is recommended for any type of hair, but before the procedure, make sure that there are no wounds, scratches, or other damage on the skin.

With gelatin

Thanks to the collagen contained in gelatin, hair becomes smooth, manageable and shiny. The mask envelops the hairs with a protective coating that prevents the loss of moisture and nutritional components. To prepare the mixture, it must be diluted in warm water 1 packet of gelatin. When the component swells, add 2/3 tbsp. l. coffee grounds and a small amount of hair conditioner. Cover your hair nutritional composition, leaving for half an hour, then rinse. Repeat the procedure at home 1-2 times a week.

With egg

Combine 1 tbsp in one container. l. cognac and boiling water, 1 tsp each. olive or linseed oil and coffee grounds, add 2 egg yolks. After mixing the ingredients until smooth, apply the product to your hair. Place a plastic bag over the mask and wrap it with a towel. A hair mask with an egg at home lasts for at least half an hour. To make your curls “alive”, silky, thick, carry out the procedure every 5-6 days.

Video: coffee grounds scrubs

Making homemade cosmetics has become extremely fashionable. This approach to appearance care allows you to save money and time on trips to the cosmetologist. In addition, home treatments provide the opportunity to independently select and experiment with suitable ingredients for cleansing scrubs, masks and lotions that are better suited to a particular representative of the fair sex. In the video you will learn about the rules for preparing home remedies for effective peeling.

Early morning. There is no need to rush to work - today is a day off. You can brew it for yourself flavored coffee and sit quietly in the living room, enjoying a drink... But your skin also dreams of relaxation. Is it possible to make something beneficial for the skin from coffee and sugar with your own hands? Yes, you can. For example, fragrant and natural body scrubs. The scrub will be very useful for those who want to cleanse their skin well, and, in addition, it will be useful for those who do not like to take a bath for various reasons. Sugar will clean off dead skin cells, and oil will nourish the skin.

Both coffee and sugar scrubs are very easy to make at home. The ingredients for them can be found in almost every kitchen, and preparation will take a maximum of half an hour.

Sugar scrub

You will need:

For the base
  1. Mixing containers – 3-5 pcs.
  2. Tablespoon – 1 pc.
  3. Sugar (including cane) – 3 tbsp. (minimum).
  4. Vegetable oil (olive, jojoba oil, avocado, etc.) – 1 tbsp.
  5. Honey – 1 tbsp.
For flavoring and color
  1. Essential or aromatic oils – 1 bottle.
  2. Cinnamon - tbsp.
  3. Sea buckthorn oil – 1 bottle.

Making a sugar scrub

1. Place sugar in a container, add vegetable oil and stir. Mineral oils ( baby oil, massage oil) is better not to use. The sugar should be saturated with the oil.

2. In order to consolidate the resulting mass and make the scrub convenient to use, add honey. If there is not enough honey, you can add it. If you think there is too much, add sugar to the container. Mix again until you obtain a dense mass from which you can pinch off a piece and rub it on the skin. The scrub base is ready.

3. Now you can scrub. Remember, if you have chosen to do this essential oils, then they must be handled very carefully, because the oil will remain on the skin, and an overdose can lead to unpleasant consequences. 1-2 drops are enough for aromatization. If you use cosmetic fragrances, then you do not need to follow the exact dosage.

4. You have achieved the desired consistency and pleasant aroma. The next step is to decorate the scrub. To do this, set aside 1 tbsp. the resulting mass into another container and add cinnamon there. The moistened spice gives the scrub a dark brown color. To get an orange tint, you can use sea ​​buckthorn oil. It is very beneficial for our skin, but do not overdo it, as excess color can stain the skin. Dosage: 3-5 drops. Set aside some again, add a drop of oil and stir the mixture until the color is uniform. What if instead of the usual white sugar If you use reed scrub, you will get a beige scrub.

5. And The final stage. We put all 4 resulting colors - white, brown, orange and beige - into the jar in layers or in waves.

6. Sugar scrub is ready!

When using this, remember that it is applied to clean skin. After using it, it is better not to wipe the skin; excess oil will be absorbed.

The shelf life of the sugar scrub is equal to the shelf life of the oil you use. One of the longest lasting oils is jojoba oil. It deteriorates the fastest sunflower oil. This cosmetic product can be stored at room temperature. All ingredients are edible and safe, so there is no need to be afraid if the scrub is accidentally confused with jam.

Coffee scrub

Let's move on to making a coffee scrub. Coffee beans smell great and lift our spirits, which means a coffee scrub will perfectly tone the body in the morning in the shower. And if you use freshly ground coffee, it will also give your skin a tanning effect. Coffee scrub You can also make it from coffee grounds, but you will need to collect more of them.

So, you will need:

  1. coffee beans – 3 tbsp.
  2. honey – 1 tbsp.
  3. cane sugar – 1 tbsp.
  4. vegetable oil – 1 tbsp.
  5. essential oil or food flavoring – 1 bottle.

Making a coffee scrub

1. Grind the coffee. Grinding depends on what kind of scrub you want to end up with: rough or soft.

2. Bond the resulting powder by adding honey and mix. This will be the base of the scrub.

3. To change the color, sprinkle the resulting porridge with cane sugar and mix again.

4. Now pour in the vegetable oil. This will give the mixture softness and prevent it from crumbling.

5. The aroma of coffee is wonderful in itself, so no additional aromatization is required. For special connoisseurs, we can recommend adding a couple of drops of essential oil or food flavoring to add a hint of orange or lemon.

6. Our scrub is ready! It can be poured into a jar.

The composition can also be supplemented with salt or vitamins.

Both of these scrubs moisturize and make it soft and velvety. Stay beautiful!

1 013 0 Hello, in this article we will talk about coffee body scrub and how to prepare it at home with your own hands. And also about what recipes are suitable for the sauna. Coffee has long and firmly entered our lives, and many of us simply cannot imagine our morning without a cup of freshly brewed aromatic drink. How many of you, dear ladies, use coffee for other purposes? For example, to care for your skin.

What are the benefits of coffee body scrubs?

No matter how much the lovers of this break their spears ancient drink and its opponents (who are clearly outnumbered), both in beauty salons and at home, our women have long been using it to maintain the beauty of their skin, making scrubs based on it. Even scientists, based on numerous studies, have identified beneficial influence coffee on the skin. After all, coffee beans, in addition to caffeine, are rich fatty acids, vitamins, stearins. Among the positive qualities of cosmetics with caffeine are the following:

  • Antioxidant– prevents photoaging and inflammation of the epidermis.
  • Anti-cellulite– increases blood circulation, improves metabolism, helping to fight orange peel.
  • Restorative– improves general form and skin condition due to the ability to influence the production of collagen and elastin in it.
  • Protective– prevents Negative influence sun rays.
  • Anti-aging– reduces and reduces wrinkles, moisturizes, removes excess liquid, helping to relieve swelling.
  • Toning and cleansing– due to the removal of dead cells of the upper layer of the epidermis, the face is smoothed, the color becomes even.

After using a coffee scrub, your skin will delight you with its condition: it will become silky, soft, moisturized and receive a light tan. With regular use, it becomes a wonderful tool for strengthening the walls of blood vessels, which prevents the appearance of varicose veins.

Which coffee is best for cellulite?

You can find coffee scrubs on sale, but a homemade homemade remedy for cellulite is much better. It is always better and healthier, because you are confident in its composition. Our experienced beauties recommend choosing coffee good quality, preferably varieties such as Robusta or Arabica . Don't forget to check the expiration date. You can grind it yourself or take it ready-made, already ground, from a pack. If you want to prepare a rejuvenating remedy, take green coffee.

You can also do body scrub and coffee grounds. The main condition is that you only need the grounds that remain after brewing natural and strong coffee, without any additives. No sugar or milk needed. To obtain a suitable thickening, the drink needs to be boiled a little, and not just poured with boiling water.

Remember that surrogates and coffee drinks are absolutely not suitable for making scrubs. They will bring nothing but harm to your health. Instant coffee simply useless.

How to make coffee body scrub at home

To make a coffee scrub, you don't need to be a cosmetologist. The main rule is to maintain the proportions of all the ingredients that make up the scrub. Coffee particles are only an exfoliating component; you can choose the base for this product yourself, taking into account your skin type. The basis can be shower gels, dairy products, honey You just need to know what properties these products have and how they will benefit your skin.

Very often, essential oils are added to this beauty product, which will enhance the effect of its use. Your body will be pleased by the addition of emollients, for example, vegetable oils (olive, peach, almond, apricot or others).

And be sure to check the coffee grind: you can use medium or fine, coarse ones can harm your skin.

If you have already learned how to make the basic composition of a coffee scrub, then you can experiment with the ingredients, choosing the composition that you and your skin will like the most.

Don't forget to test your new product for allergies.

Principles of applying coffee scrub

In order for you to be pleased with the effect of using a coffee scrub, you must follow the established procedure:

  • You can apply the composition after taking a hot shower or bath to allow the skin to steam. When you use a coffee body scrub in a sauna, do it after your first visit.
  • Do not wipe your body, let the skin be damp.
  • Gently distribute the prepared composition over the body, moving from bottom to top.
  • Massage gently for a few minutes, do not rub.
  • Wash off the scrub with warm water without soap/gel with a soft sponge.
  • After the procedure, moisturize your skin with your favorite product.
  • Do not use the scrub more than twice a week.

Homemade Coffee Scrub Recipes

There are quite a few ways to make coffee scrubs, but the principle of their preparation is the same: mix all the ingredients into a homogeneous paste. Therefore, below I simply present the compositions of different scrubs.

Basic recipe: 1 tbsp. l. add finely ground coffee to a detergent (gel, milk) or liquid soap, coat yourself with your loved one.

Coffee scrubs for oily skin

  • Coffee scrub with added sea salt: 2 parts coffee powder, 1 part finely ground salt (if you have it, replace it with Dead Sea salt), a quarter cup of kefir.
  • With grape oil: 2 parts coffee, 1 part liquid honey, 3 parts olive oil grape seeds(as an option - St. John's wort/calendula oils).
  • With blue clay: the same number coffee and clay (diluted with water or mineral water, as indicated on the package), a quarter glass of kefir. The consistency should be like liquid sour cream, so you may need more kefir. To enhance the effect, wrap problem areas, such as thighs and buttocks, in film for an hour. You can take clay of any color, and replace kefir with water.

Coffee scrubs for dry skin

  • Gentle: 2 parts coffee, 1 part honey, 1 part sour cream with a fat content of at least 20% (choose from natural ingredients), 1 part olive oil, rosehip oil – 10 drops.
  • With peach oil: 2 parts coffee, 1 part richer sour cream (do not forget about the naturalness of the products), 1 part peach oil or any other.
  • With almond oil: 2 tbsp. l. coffee, 50 ml. almond oil, 2 tbsp. l. honey, you can use brown sugar.

One of the most common coffee body scrubs remains anti-cellulite. Basic recipe: 2-3 tbsp. coffee, the same amount of olive oil (coconut, jojoba, peach).


  • 2 parts coffee, 1 part olive oil, 1 part sea salt, 3-4 drops of ginger oil.
  • 2 parts medium ground coffee, 1 part honey, 1 part favorite vegetable oil, two pinches of ground black pepper, 5 drops of any citrus essential oil.
  • 1 part coffee, 2 parts green coffee or almond oil, a few drops of rosemary or juniper oil.

Coffee scrubs for normal skin

  • With honey: 2 parts coffee, 1 part olive oil, 1 part honey.
  • With sour cream: 2 parts coffee, 1 part honey, 1 part sour cream.
  • "Morning coffee": 100 gr. melted cream soap base, 1 tbsp. dry cream, 2 tbsp. coffee, 1 tsp. almond oil, 5 drops of Coffee fragrance, 3 drops of vanilla fragrance.

Coffee scrub for stretch marks

  • 1 part coffee, 5 parts apple cider vinegar, of course, natural, 5 percent.
  • 2 parts coffee, 2 parts white clay, add water to thick sour cream.

Scrub for those who want to lose weight: 6 tbsp. l. natural yogurt without any additives, 2 tbsp. coffee, 1 tbsp. cognac. Or coffee and pepper bitters in a 1:1 ratio.


As with any other cosmetic product, there are contraindications when using a scrub with coffee. This is an allergy to any ingredient in the scrub, skin diseases, or even minor damage (pimples, scratches, wounds).

Where to find and how to store coffee grounds for scrub

If you use coffee grounds for scrub, know that it contains fewer nutrients, but it smells nicer and does not stain the skin as much.

It is better to take the grounds from the coffee you just drank, but if you don’t have any, you can make preparations: freeze or dry them in the oven. If you don’t want to bother, remember that in normal conditions the grounds are stored in a jar for no more than five days. The area should be cool, dark and dry.

If you don't brew enough coffee to make a scrub, you can look for grounds in coffee shops and small establishments that make coffee regularly. It happens that they sell coffee grounds to those who want them.

Coffee body scrub - reviews of use and recipes from your personal collection.

Where to buy natural coffee body scrub

For body and face:

  • Coffee face and body scrub ORIGINAL, ECOLAB - Ingredients: Coffea (Coffee) Seed Powder (Ground coffee), Maris salt (Sea salt), Saсcharum officinarum (Brown Sugar) (Cane sugar), Argania spinosa(Argan) Oil, Prunus Persica (Peach) Oil, Coffea (Coffee) Seed Oil, Vitamin E, Retinyl Palmitate (Vitamin A).
  • Face and body scrub coffee and CHOCOLATE ECOLAB
  • COFFEE-SALT SCRUB “COFFEE & CARAMEL” BODY SPA DELIGHT (Spain) - Ingredients: Dead Sea salt; sweet almond oil; Arabica coffee; shell walnut; vitamin E; caramel.
  • SCRUB “CHOCOLATE-COFFEE” WORKSHOP OF OLESYA MUSTAEVA - Ingredients: sugar; ground coffee; cacao butter; cocoa mass; shea butter; grape bone oil; fucus extracts; kelp extract; horse chestnut extract; horsetail extract; ivy extract.
  • COFFEE SCRUB AROMA ROYAL SYSTEMS(Russia) — Ingredients: salt; sweet almond oil; Arabica seed coffee powder; nut shell powder; salt dead sea; tocopherol

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Coffee grounds are a wonderful skin care product. Don't throw away the leftovers. Add a couple of natural ingredients to them - and the coffee scrub is ready.

Deep cleansing promotes rapid cell regeneration and removal of dead particles of the epidermis. Natural compositions heals the skin. Regularly use an aromatic coffee scrub at home and you will see how soft and radiant your skin has become.

Benefits and principle of operation

Coffee beans are a storehouse of vitamins, minerals, and unique acids. Each of the components actively affects the skin:

  • antioxidants smooth out wrinkles and take care of the elasticity of the epidermis;
  • carotenoids give the face and body a pleasant color, freshness, and fight free radicals;
  • caffeine protects the epidermis from harmful effects, tones, gives a delicate aroma to the skin;
  • polyphenols enhance the production of elastin and collagen. Regular use of coffee scrubs can increase the elasticity of the epidermis;
  • Chlorogenic acid in combination with carotenoids prevents skin aging and helps in the prevention of cancer.

Indications and contraindications

Not a single woman can do without regular deep cleansing of the epidermis. Pay attention to the coffee residue if you have at least one of the problems listed above.


  • oily, problem skin;
  • gray, dull complexion;
  • increased activity of the sebaceous glands;
  • fading, wrinkled skin;
  • enlarged, clogged pores;
  • rough, keratinized epidermis;

Advice! Is your skin soft and fresh? Also, do not throw away leftovers after preparing a flavorful drink. Fresh, smooth, healthy epidermis responds well to the effects of a natural product.


  • individual intolerance to components in coffee beans;
  • stronger inflammation, serious skin diseases with profuse rashes;
  • thinned, overdried epidermis with increased sensitivity.

Note! If you are pregnant, you should not use a coffee scrub. Caffeine is active and penetrates into the deep layers of tissue. Use a milder cleanser, such as one made with oatmeal.

How to make a coffee scrub at home? Remember a few rules:

  • Use only high-quality roasted coffee, fine or medium grind. The soluble form is not suitable;
  • Be sure to check the effect of the prepared product on the elbow or wrist. Apply half a teaspoon of the mixture, observe the reaction of the epidermis for 5 minutes;
  • do not rub your body with coffee grounds without adding fillers - you can damage delicate areas;
  • the drier the skin, the fattier the other components should be;
  • Massage your face and body in circular motions for about a minute. Don't press too hard;
  • if the composition does not contain too caustic components, lemon juice, for example, leave the paste for 10 minutes, then rinse carefully;
  • Before the procedure, thoroughly cleanse your face with milk or foam. It is advisable to take a shower or bath;
  • clean the epidermis with grounds or high-quality ground grains once a week. After a month, change the composition;
  • After the procedure, moisturize your skin.

Recipes and uses of coffee facial scrub

Some compositions can be used as a mask. After using aromatic mixtures, you will feel a subtle, pleasant aroma of coffee.

Choose a recipe for your skin type. Every week, deeply cleanse the epidermis with coffee grounds. Carry out the procedure in the evening, after 18 hours.

Oily skin

Proven recipes:

  • coffee and honey scrub. Take 2 dessert spoons of black coffee, the same amount of rich nourishing cream, 1 tsp. thin honey. Leave the paste on your face, after 10 minutes remove the paste, wash;
  • salt cleansing mixture. Mix coffee grounds or grounds with sea salt. Proportions – 2:1. If the salt is too coarse, lightly grind it in a coffee grinder;
  • for problem skin. Take cinnamon, honey, brown sugar and leftover coffee in equal parts. Add a little if necessary mineral water. Excellent tool from acne and blackheads; (Recipes for masks against blackheads are described in the article);
  • yogurt delight. Will need natural yogurt(2 tbsp.), ground grains (half as much). Mix the ingredients and let the mixture sit for a few minutes. Carefully apply a mass of medium thickness, after 15 minutes remove the scrub mask with slightly warmed water.

Combination and normal skin

Best Recipes:

  • coffee-curd scrub. The composition refreshes, nourishes, tones, and perfectly cleanses. Mix a tablespoon of homemade cottage cheese with the same amount of aromatic grounds. Wait 10 minutes, carefully rinse off the composition;
  • coffee plus cleansing milk. Add a teaspoon of finely ground grains to a tablespoon of the milk you use to wash your face. Gently massage your face for a minute, wash, apply a light cream;
  • honey scrub Take a teaspoon of heated honey, cooled grounds, mix, add a dessert spoon of olive or linseed oil. The composition tones, nourishes the epidermis, gives smoothness, freshness, and radiance to your skin; (Recipes for nourishing masks are described on the page);
  • yogurt plus oatmeal for facial cleansing. Mix equal amounts of aromatic coffee grounds and plain yogurt. The fermented milk product can be replaced with medium fat sour cream. Add a couple of dessert spoons of ground oatmeal. An excellent product for gentle cleansing of the skin. (Cleansing masks are described at the address).

Dry skin

The basis is vegetable oils or fatty fermented milk products. Use deep cleansing no more than once a week.

  • almond scrub. For 100 g of a base product with a pleasant aroma, you will need a couple of tablespoons of the leftover coffee and a dessert spoon of brown sugar. Don't rub your face! Just apply the mixture, after 10-15 minutes, wash thoroughly;
  • sour cream plus coffee. Combine a tablespoon of ground product with full-fat sour cream. Proportions – 1:2. Keep the scrub mask on for no more than 10 minutes. (The best recipes for facial scrubs are described in the article).

Recipes and uses of coffee body scrub

Fragrant grains of coffee beans are indispensable in the fight against orange peel. It is no coincidence that many anti-cellulite creams contain coffee extract.

Before the procedure, shower with a mild cleanser. If there are no contraindications, steam your body in a hot bath. Rub the skin well and apply the scrub.

Ginger-honey scrub

Complement anti-cellulite treatments with regular use ginger tea. The effect will be amazing. The inconspicuous-looking root actively burns fat.

Mix 10 tbsp. l. medium ground coffee, 2 tbsp. l. sea ​​salt. Pour in 5 drops healing oil geraniums, add 1 tsp. grated ginger. Massage your body and leave the nourishing mass for another 5-10 minutes. Take a shower and apply orange peel cream to problem areas.

Honey extravaganza

Cleansing and fighting accumulations of hated fat - this is the result of a simple action, effective means. Combine 6 tbsp. l. black ground coffee, the same amount of medium-sized sea salt, pour in 1 tsp. gentle almond or flaxseed oil. It wouldn’t hurt to add some orange – 4-5 drops.

Apply the paste to problem areas, massage for a couple of minutes, and leave on the body for another 5–7 minutes. Then take a shower and treat the bumpy areas with cellulite cream.

Breath of the sea

Base – creamy shower gel or rich body cream – 4 tablespoons. Fillings – sea salt – 2 tbsp. l., ground grains - 3 dessert spoons.

Mix the ingredients thoroughly, massage the belly, thighs, buttocks, and lumpy areas on the arms with the paste. Leave the mixture for 15 minutes, let the composition nourish the epidermis useful substances. Take a warm, then cool shower, lubricate your body with anti-cellulite cream.

Coffee scrub for stretch marks

Are you tired of ugly whitish stripes on your thighs and stomach? Coffee will come to the rescue again. Inexpensive useful remedy smoothes the skin and makes stretch marks less noticeable.

Components - White clay, coffee grounds. Take the same amount of each ingredient. Dilute the mixture with water to optimal thickness.

Massage your body with a coffee grounds scrub and leave for 15 minutes. As soon as the composition begins to dry out, wash it off.

Smooth heels

Ground coffee in combination with others natural products works wonders. An effective remedy will help to easily and painlessly peel such a problem area as the feet.

Mix 3 tbsp. l. black coffee, 2 des. l. thick sour cream, fermented baked milk or kefir, 3 drops of tea tree oil. Apply the cleansing mixture to the steamed skin and massage your feet. The duration of the procedure is 5 minutes. Wash your feet, lubricate with a special foot cream.

Cleansing mask-scrub for the décolleté area

Use finely ground coffee beans. The massage should be light, without much pressure. After the procedure, a nourishing cream is required.

Combine 5 tbsp in a container. l. high-quality sour cream or linseed (almond) oil. Add 2 tbsp to the base. l. ground coffee or grounds, 1 tsp. healing wheat germ oil. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and apply to top part chest and neck.

Agree that any woman can make a scrub from coffee grounds or ground coffee beans. The costs are minimal, the results are amazing. Coffee will give your face and body freshness, a delicate aroma, and smooth out wrinkles and lumpy skin. Carry out this pleasant procedure at least a couple of times and you will certainly feel the wonderful effect of coffee.

From the following video you can learn another recipe for making a coffee scrub for cellulite:

Nowadays, many people make their own various scrubs for the face and body. A homemade scrub is much cheaper than a regular scrub, not only due to cheap ingredients, but also due to the fact that you can use already used products to make the mixture. As perfect example Let's take coffee grounds. Most women who become aware that the remains of brewed ground coffee can be used for the benefit of the body by making a homemade coffee scrub immediately want to know the recipe for making such a scrub.

About irreplaceable properties

Why is ground coffee scrub so beneficial? At the very beginning, one cannot help but mention the inimitable effect that the long-suffering skin of the inhabitant of our planet receives. The main component of coffee is caffeine. In addition, the drink contains a large amount of antioxidants, polyphenols and vitamins, which together have a very beneficial effect on the appearance of the skin.

Main advantages and positive impacts coffee mixture:

  • the contact of such a scrub with the skin has a positive effect on the production of collagen and elastin in tissues;
  • caffeine tones the skin;
  • has a protective effect against adverse effects environment, destroys different kinds bacteria;
  • stimulates metabolism in cells, resulting in the burning of fat deposits;
  • coffee scrub enhances blood microcirculation;
  • carotenoids included in the composition fight unnatural complexion and significantly reduce the risk of cancer (malignant tumor);
  • provides positive influence to produce enzymes that can reduce cholesterol in the blood;
  • helps normalize fluid balance in cells;
  • the speed of lymph movement improves, which in turn helps to moisturize the skin, eliminate swelling, and give elasticity to the tissues;
  • The antioxidants included in the composition smooth the surface of the skin, effectively fight wrinkles, and give the skin softness and silkiness. After just a few treatments, the skin becomes soft, like a baby’s;
  • such a mixture is capable of removing many toxins and chemically active elements from the body;
  • absolute harmlessness and safety for the body. Its use is allowed even during pregnancy in order to maintain skin and body tone.

Preparation options and areas of application

To prepare any coffee mask, you need natural coffee - coffee grounds or ground beans.

Dry, normal and combination skin can be pleased with the following mixture: an equal amount of coffee grounds should be mixed with fatty cottage cheese, apply the resulting pulp to skin covering and massage your face with gentle circular movements for 1-2 minutes. Wash off the mask with warm water no earlier than after 10 minutes.

The following sequence of actions can cleanse dry skin well and rid it of flaking:

  • You need to thoroughly mix in the required proportions such ingredients as coffee grounds, a small pinch of salt and cinnamon, 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil and 1 teaspoon of sugar.
  • The resulting mass should be evenly distributed on the skin using light massage movements.
  • Rinse off after 10 minutes with warm water.

Knowledge of the following recipe is simply necessary, because the resulting product can almost instantly improve appearance and give the skin freshness. Ingredients: coffee grounds (slightly damp) + 2 teaspoons of thoroughly ground walnuts should be mixed well and then applied to the skin using patting movements and left for 15 minutes. Use cool water to rinse off.

Dry and normal skin can be improved by applying the following home recipe: ground coffee (1/2 tablespoon), sour cream (same amount), olive oil (1 teaspoon). The resulting mass should be applied to the face for at least 10 minutes, after which it should be washed off with cool water.

For oily skin, it is better to use the following mask: ground coffee (1/2 tablespoon), kefir, whey or yogurt (2 tablespoons). This composition is also applied for 10 minutes and then washed off with cool water.

By the way, it’s very good to wipe your face with cold strong coffee, diluted with zucchini juice.

In addition, natural ground coffee can give your face a tan. A small amount of ground coffee beans needs to be diluted boiled water until a thick mass is obtained. Apply the resulting mask to the skin and leave for 10 minutes.

Note! Freshly brewed coffee has a tonic and refreshing effect, which can be used to wipe your face instead of washing your face in the morning.

You can prepare a body scrub that has anti-cellulite properties, see how to do this in the video:

Currently available great amount recipes for making scrubs based on coffee. Most of them are very affordable and easy to prepare, so you can use a coffee scrub every day. For example, the following is considered very simple and at the same time effective: equal amounts of ground (preferably unroasted) coffee and salt should be mixed with a small amount of olive oil.
Before applying this scrub, it is recommended to take a hot bath. Simply applying a coffee scrub directly to steamed skin allows you to achieve much more best result. After just a few treatments, you will notice that your skin has become much softer and more toned.

The following coffee scrub is even more simple (by the way, you can use it every day): ground coffee is simply mixed with any shower gel. And during the adoption water procedures problem areas are massaged. In just a few weeks, cellulite and stretch marks will become less noticeable.

About the correct use of scrub

To prevent irritation, microtrauma, burning and others from appearing on the skin. unpleasant consequences, you need to remember the following simple rules using such a magnificent and irreplaceable product as a coffee scrub:

  1. Before applying such a scrub to the skin, you need to ensure that it is thoroughly cleansed. If we're talking about about your face, remove makeup and remove all cosmetics.
  2. For achievement maximum effect the skin should be steamed well.
  3. Areas with rough skin deserve special attention: knees, elbows, feet.
  4. When applying the scrub to the skin, you should avoid applying strong pressure - this can lead to injury. Every movement must be smooth and careful. Trust your feelings.
  5. When applying the coffee scrub, avoid areas with damaged skin.
  6. Remember that dry skin can withstand using a scrub no more than once every 10 days, while oily skin requires much more frequent use– at least 2 times a week.
  7. If after using the product your skin feels dry and tight, it is better to pay attention to other recipes.

After the procedure, you should soothe the skin with a nourishing cream or nourishing mask.


See how else you can use ground coffee:

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