Home Fertilizers Argan snail tree. Argan oil - Argania spinosa. Argan functional oil for skin

Argan snail tree. Argan oil - Argania spinosa. Argan functional oil for skin

or Kozo tree


Rosaceae - Rosaceae.

The parts used are flowers.

The pharmaceutical name is kozo flowers - Koso flos (formerly Flores Koso).

The popular name is Kozo tree, Abyssinian gagenia, iron tree.

Botanical description

Argan is an evergreen tree about 20m in height, dioecious, with thorny branches, lives 150 - 200 years.

The leaves are odd-pinnate, small, up to 4 cm long, oval in shape, with a curved end. small, collected in multi-flowered panicles, with five pale, yellowish petals. Blooms in April.

In the harsh desert conditions, fruits appear on the tree only once every two years. The fruits are larger than olives and look like yellow plums, up to 4cm in length and up to 3cm in width. Inside the fruit there is a very hard stone containing 2-3 kernels, shaped like almonds, rich in fats and surrounded by a layer of pulp that smells unpleasant.

The fruit has a dark yellow color (from golden to deep red). has a light aroma with pronounced tones of nuts and spices. The taste is slightly reminiscent of pumpkin seed, but more piquant and noble, leaving an islandy aftertaste. It takes one year for the fruit to ripen.

Goats love to feast on Argan fruits; they spit out the seeds or they come out naturally, A local residents The remaining seeds are collected to make oil.

It grows in the tropics of East and Central Africa, on Kilimanjaro and in the Uzambara Mountains.

Active ingredients

Argan fruit kernel oil contains unsaturated fatty acids (80%), linoleic acid (about 35%), vitamins E (74%), rare sterols, as well as antioxidants - polyphenols and tocopherols, of which argan oil contains 2.5 - 3 times more than in olive oil.

Healing effect and application

Fresh kozo flowers are used as a good anthelmintic (for tapeworms, as well as roundworms).

Argan oil was exported back in the 8th century; it was and is considered one of the most expensive, rare and valuable oils in the world, with a price comparable to truffles, oysters or black caviar.

In medicine, argan oil is used to treat infectious, skin and cardiovascular diseases, Alzheimer's disease and immune disorders.

— Thanks to its specific and unique composition, the oil has found wide use in cosmetology. Argan oil prevents the aging of skin cells, thanks to the presence of oligo-linoleic acid in the oil, which makes the oil indispensable in the fight against premature aging of the body, has a huge rejuvenating effect.

Argan oil is also used in cooking.

The indigenous population of Morocco - the Berbers call the argan tree eternal youth and life. They use it as food for themselves and for animals, and the tree serves them as building material and fuel.

Proponents of natural cosmetics and alternative medicine know what unsurpassed results various plants and products developed on their basis can produce. One of the extremely rare representatives The flora used for such purposes is the argan tree. You may have seen on pharmacy shelves oil obtained from the amazing fruits of this plant. If its price is too high, then this is the same vitamin product that can significantly transform the epidermis and increase the defenses of the human body. Exist good reasons on why it costs so much and is considered so valuable. They will be discussed below.

General information about the plant

Argan is a long-lived plant; it can be found only in some parts of our planet. In nature, there are specimens whose age is estimated to be centuries old (the oldest is 400 years old). Where does the argan tree grow? Its distribution area is Algeria, Morocco, and some parts of the Sahara Desert. It can be found in the wild in Mexico.

Belongs to the Sopotaceae family, is a monotypic genus - Argania prickly. The plant has another name - “iron tree”, it received it thanks to its twisted strong trunks. Their height reaches 6 meters.

The rare specimen has thorny shoots and a rather deep root system, extending 30 meters into the soil. A photo of an argan tree perfectly illustrates the power and luxury of this plant. The leaf blades are small, oval in shape and about 3 cm long. The flowers consist of five petals of a soft green or yellow hue. The fruits are small, similar to plums, slightly larger in size than olives, and their skin is yellow. Inside the fleshy pulp there is a strong bone, which, in turn, has three almond-shaped kernels.

The tree blooms in April and has an interesting aroma, with pronounced accents of spices and nuts.

Cultivating a plant as a crop is quite problematic. It reproduces by seeds, which germinate very poorly. Currently, biologists have managed to grow a small argan plantation from shoots. The exotic garden is located in the Negev Desert.

Although the oil is exported to many countries, Moroccan law requires that the fruit itself be exported the rarest plant outside the state is not allowed. Famous cosmetics companies in Europe proposed to the government of the country to formalize a deal to buy out plantations with trees. However, he defended his interests by protecting state property. Now the plantations are still available local authorities and are presented as a biosphere reserve.

Areas of application

The oil is highly valued even in its homeland, where it has its own name - “liquid gold”. The scope of the argan tree is so wide that superstitious Africans consider it sacred. The oil obtained from its seeds is used in cooking, cosmetology and medicine. In addition, local residents use tree wood as building materials and fuel. Lamps and lamps are filled with liquid. Harvested from the hard stem part of the plant charcoal. The fruits and branches are used as animal feed; goats and camels feed on the shoots.

The purposes for which the plant oil is used depends on the degree of processing or purification of the fruit. The main product is obtained from kernels extracted from the seed. It can serve as an auxiliary component in various types production, as well as as an independent means.

The collection of valuable fruits is carried out by cooperatives specializing in the supply of raw materials, the main workers of which are Berber women (representatives of the Moroccan tribe).

Labor-intensive process of procuring raw materials

The process of obtaining oil has largely not changed since ancient times; this technology is still carried out mainly by hand. It is divided into two types - culinary and cosmetic. The first is characterized by more rich taste, color and aroma.

To produce one liter of product, from 80 to 100 kg of fruit are processed. This amount of raw material can be obtained from 13 argan trees. Since the skin of the seeds is very strong, and you need to get the kernels out of them, the work requires a lot of physical effort and a lot of time. As a result, women receive 3-5 kg ​​of seeds. This takes them almost two working days.

For production food grade The kernel oils are lightly fried. Next, they are placed under a press and the oil is mechanically squeezed out. The product goes through a filtration process. Special paper is used for this purpose. Before starting this labor-intensive process, the fruits of the argan tree are first dried in the sun and the fibers are removed from them.

The exclusively manual method of obtaining the useful component allows for maximum preservation of all its substances. Recently became famous new way- chemical, it is considered sterile, but the oil obtained in this way is only suitable for scientific research and industrial purposes.

In Morocco you can observe an incredibly interesting picture, which is not possible to see in any other part of the world - goats walk freely along the thorny branches of an exotic plant. The argan tree serves as their favorite food source. It is noteworthy that animals eat only the skin of the fruit, the rest of it is thrown to the ground. So they, without realizing it, take part in the preparation of raw materials for valuable product. Having passed the first stage of extraordinary cleaning, the fruits fall into human hands for further processing.


The argan product contains fatty acids: ferulonic, palmitic, stearic. The oil contains squalene (antioxidant), triterpene alcohols, phytosterols, polyphenols, vitamin E.

Due to its rich composition, the product has many useful properties, which allows it to be used in various production areas.

Medicinal properties

First of all, the oil the rarest tree renders beneficial influence on general state body. Scientific studies have proven that the product strengthens blood vessels, the heart, and normalizes blood pressure and glucose levels. If you consume two tablespoons of the product every morning, you can lower cholesterol.

The oil is a natural fungicide and antibiotic. Applications using a healing product prevent the destructive processes of tissue in rheumatism and arthritis.


The traditional food of Moroccans in the old days was a sauce in which they dipped bread. This dressing consisted of two ingredients: honey and butter.

Employees of restaurants and elite establishments around the world know firsthand about the argan tree. First courses of vegetables and legumes, meat, and poultry are seasoned with oil. It is added to salads in pure or mixed form. It even goes well with fruits and nuts. To soften the taste of the ingredient, it is diluted with other oils, such as olive or grape seed product.

To create a spicy taste, just add 5 drops of oil to any dish - and it will pleasantly surprise you.


Although the rare plant is not included in the pharmacology of Russia, in our country the oil made from medicinal fruits is known as a product of alternative medicine. It is recommended for burns, cracks in the skin, and neurodermatitis.

In nutritional science, the product of the argan tree is only gaining popularity. It has been noted that it improves appetite and at the same time helps to get rid of extra pounds. This is due to its composition, in which 85% is fatty acids. unsaturated acids. These are those that are not synthesized independently and must enter the human body together in food or through the epidermis. Acids are responsible for lipid metabolism and maintain the natural moisture of the skin at the proper level.


And in cosmetology, argan oil is used to produce soap, creams, masks and other care products. It is added to products to strengthen nails and hair. The component has a tremendous effect on the epidermis. Thanks to its soothing and antiseptic effects, it quickly eliminates skin irritation, making it velvety and smooth. The oil has high protective properties, nourishes and restores well skin covering. Due to the presence of unsaturated compounds in its composition fatty acids and a complex of vitamins is used to eliminate sunburn and prevent premature aging of the skin. IN summer period The product is good to use as ultraviolet protection.

If you use shampoos and masks on a regular basis, you can significantly improve the condition of your hair and its structure. Products containing oil help fight dandruff and give hair shine and silkiness. By eliminating unwanted shine, they make strands elastic and manageable.

Bath and massage oils are available on sale. A useful component is found in cosmetic products from French manufacturers. They are the ones who purchase raw materials from large volumes to develop your products.

Using oil at home

If you have already purchased healthy oil in the pharmacy, then discover all the secrets of beauty and health that the argan tree conceals. At home, you can make creams and masks that will be no worse than production means. You can add it to absolutely any cosmetic compositions that you are used to using. The main thing is that a high quality product is chosen.

You can prepare a face mask. For this you only need a teaspoon useful product. It will need to be mixed with the previously prepared mixture. Take: 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal, 2 egg whites, one tablespoon of honey. Mix the resulting pulp thoroughly with argan oil and apply to the face. After 20 minutes, rinse off and perform a contrast wash - first with slightly hot and then cool water.

To restore too dry skin on your hands, you need to mix several types of oils: hazelnut, chamomile and argan. Heat the mixture in a water bath. The product can be rubbed into the skin with massaging movements or used as hand baths.

To treat nail plates, the oil can be applied in its pure form.

To strengthen your hair, you need to apply the product undiluted for half an hour and then rinse with water. For getting better effect you can mix it with burdock oil.

It is good to use argan oil compresses for people suffering from joint diseases and radiculitis.

Once upon a time, 25 million years ago, vast expanses North Africa And Southern Europe were covered with forests, and not simple ones, but… iron ones. Now African argan (or ironwood) grows only in the southwest of Morocco, in the Dra River valley on the outskirts of the Sahara.

An unknown tree spiny argan (Argania spinosa) today it provides the life of an entire two-million-strong tribe of Moroccan Berbers. According to botanists, in an area in southwestern Morocco on an area of ​​8,000 square kilometers There are about two million trees growing. Members of the tribe call argan the tree of life because it provides material for construction, fuel, food for people and animal feed, oil and medicine. The natives use the bare branches of the argan tree to build frames for their adobe huts. The trunks are used to make furniture, the branches are burned in ovens, and the leaves are fed to goats.

Prickly argan reaches a height of 10 meters, the crown circumference is 14-15 meters, and the roots, in search of water, penetrate the sand to a depth of 30 meters. Thousands of thorns protect its branches from herbivores. No wonder the full name of this tree is "African prickly argan". Only camels dare to gnaw its leaves - a thick keratinized layer of skin protects their mouths from injury. But over time, goats also learned to cope with the recalcitrant tree; they climb to its top and eat leaves and fruits.

Moroccan goats have learned to climb trees for the miraculous argan fruits.

About a dozen goats are peacefully grazing on a tree, deftly moving from branch to branch. The leader skillfully balances at about 3-4 meters from the ground, almost at the top of the crown. This is not a story from children's cartoon, this is a reality that can often be observed in Morocco. Only in this country does the argan tree grow, the fruits of which are credited with miraculous properties.

Argan fruits are larger than olives, they look like yellow plums, the pulp is bitter in taste, there are up to three seeds inside with a very strong shell (16 times stronger than that of a hazelnut). In the harsh desert conditions, these fruits appear on the tree only once every two years.

Perhaps it is these long periods of suspended animation that allow the tree to reach a very respectable age. Argan lives for 150-200 years, but there are also four-hundred-year-old specimens.

In any case, reproduction is not very effective: Only a small portion of the seeds germinate. There are suspicions that only those seeds that have passed through the intestines of a camel or goat germinate. Therefore, it is not possible to propagate argan with seeds collected from the tree. Only Israeli biologists in the Negev desert were able to grow a small plantation of shoots. It is curious that trees grow better if they are watered not with fresh, but with brackish water.

Very valuable oil

Argan seed oil is considered one of the most expensive plant products in the world, it is comparable in price to truffles, oysters or black caviar.

It has a deep golden color with a reddish tint. The aroma is very bright and strong with tones of nuts and spices, the taste is reminiscent of pumpkin seeds, but much more piquant, the aftertaste is spicy. When pressed from the seeds, oil is obtained different color- from dark amber to orange.

Just a few years ago, very few people in Europe knew about argan oil. According to Moroccan historian Abdelhadi Tazi, the export of argan oil to the Middle East began in the 8th century AD. At that time it was an extremely expensive product. The process of its extraction was and remains very labor-intensive. To obtain one liter, it is necessary to process up to 80 kg of fruits, the collection of which is also not an easy task, because the argan tree itself is thorny.

The fruits are cleaned of pulp (and Berbers often collect goat droppings, in which these seeds have already been cleared of it), crushed with stones, dried on a flat roof in the sun, then lightly fried and ground in a stone mill. Flour mixed with water is pressed into oil. The remaining paste after squeezing out the oil is mixed with honey and spread on bread.

According to experts, the Berbers collect about 350 thousand tons of argan seeds per year and obtain 12 million liters of oil from them.

This is very little: sunflower oil Almost 9 billion liters are produced annually in the world, and approximately 3 billion liters of olive oil. A liter of argan oil costs at least 60 euros in Europe.

Argan oil important in nutrition local population- it is widely used instead of olive oil and other fats, it is excellent in salads, for cooking, for lighting, for making cosmetics and soap.

In Morocco, argan oil is especially widely used as a culinary oil and as a seasoning, combined in salads, for example with lemon juice. This oil is often seasoned with couscous and tagine (stew) just before serving, and is also often added along with honey to breakfast yogurt. For breakfast, Moroccans, even before French colonization, ate the simplest food - they mixed argan oil with honey and dipped bread in this seasoning.

Today, argan oil has become popular all over the world - chefs of international restaurants have also begun to use it: they season soups made from vegetables and legumes (especially lentils), complex salads (especially good in combination with blue or goat cheeses), porridges and stews, sprinkled with it grilled meat, fish and vegetables. Even the familiar taste of grilled halibut or sea bass becomes unusual and unforgettable when it comes into contact with argan oil.

Argan oil goes well with salads made with colorful ingredients (goat and blue cheeses), grilled meats and poultry, and even nuts and fruits.

The healing properties of argan oil

Berbers believe that the oil has healing properties. They have long used argan oil to treat sunburn, neurodermatitis, lichen and other skin diseases. Argan oil every Moroccan has in his first aid kit. It's interesting that modern research this opinion is confirmed.

Argan oil is very beneficial: it consists of 80 percent unsaturated fatty acids, which improve the health of the heart and blood vessels. Contains antioxidants and vitamin A, large amounts of vitamin E, as well as substances such as antibiotics and fungicides. In terms of tocopherol content, argan oil is 2.5-3 times higher than olive oil.

Several laboratories around the world are testing argan oil for anti-cancer activity. It contains substances that help improve blood circulation, digestion and strengthen protective forces body. It helps with cardiovascular diseases and cancer, as well as Alzheimer's disease.

A tablespoon of this natural elixir stabilizes blood pressure, has a beneficial effect on the liver, removes toxins from the body, stimulates blood circulation and increases potency, and also reduces the risk of obesity because it suppresses appetite. In addition, it is used in the treatment of rheumatism, radiculitis and various skin diseases.

Binds free radicals and thereby delays skin aging. It is actively used in the manufacture of various creams, as it restores the hydrolipid layer of the skin, improves the condition of dermal cells, strengthens hair roots, heals abrasions and wounds, and is indispensable in the treatment of burns, so it is also recommended for everyday use on the beach under the hot sun. The best remedy the evil desert sun is unknown to medicine. The oil helps rejuvenate the skin, smooth out wrinkles, thanks to it, the skin of Moroccan women remains young for a long time.

Based on materials from the journal “Science and Life”

The VIVASAN company presents a new line of skin care with argan oil, which includes 4 products:


All this unique products, which were presented for the first time on Russian market and which, we are sure, will be appreciated and will quickly become popular and loved by our consumers. In addition to argan oil, they also contain olive, soy, almond, Palm oil and shea butter.

Argan oil, which is part of the ARGAN line products, is 100% natural oil, obtained by cold pressing, without dyes, flavors and preservatives. For my high quality it is awarded the EU Bio-Certificate. Delivered to Switzerland directly from Morocco.

Properties of olive oil:

Contains vitamins, microelements and essential fatty acids, which are a necessary building element of the surface layer of the skin. Increases skin elasticity, protecting against adverse external influences. Has excellent softening and moisturizing properties.

Smoothes the skin and relieves irritation. Promotes rapid healing of any damage, including sunburn, especially useful for sensitive skin.

Properties of soybean oil:

Properties of almond oil:

Properties of palm oil:

Properties of Shea butter:

Shea Butter- the most valuable natural ingredient, known for its amazing properties, obtained from the fruits of the Shea tree (shea, karite), growing in the savannah of West Africa.

African women attributed the Shea tree to truly mystical power thanks to its powerful energy potential.

Vegetable oils of the Shea tree nourish and saturate the skin with moisture, improve metabolic processes in cells, eliminate irritation, have healing properties, prevent the appearance of stretch marks, protect and soften even very dry and sensitive skin, and also actively influence collagen synthesis and have regenerating properties , making the skin firm and elastic.

In the modern cosmetics industry, Shea butter is used to create luxury cosmetics.

ARGAN Functional oil for skin

Care for normal, dry, sensitive and aging body skin with argan, olive, palm, soybean oil and vitamin E.

Regenerates and protects the skin, improves skin elasticity. Forms an emulsion-like protective film on the skin and helps increase tissue elasticity. By massaging the skin, blood microcirculation is stimulated. The skin becomes velvety, soft and smooth, acquiring freshness and vitality.

Application: After a bath or shower, apply the required amount of oil to the skin and rub in light circular movements. Suitable for massage and daily care.

ARGAN Body Cream

Enriched body cream with almond oil, vitamin provitamin B5 for daily care of normal, dry, aging and sensitive skin. Soothes, softens and smoothes the skin.

Supports cell renewal, has a regenerating effect, and moisturizes the skin.

Protects skin from dryness, neutralizes free radicals, preventing premature skin aging.

Application: After a shower or as needed, apply a sufficient amount of cream and massage gently into the skin.

ARGAN Lip Balm

Enriched water-in-oil emulsion with argan oil, shea butter, beeswax and allantoin for daily care of delicate lip skin. The balm makes the skin of the lips soft and smooth, protects against dryness and improves water balance sensitive skin of lips. Protects against light stress thanks to a UV filter.

Application: Apply as needed several times a day, using the special nozzle on the tube to distribute over the entire skin of the lips.

ARGAN Hand and nail cream

Enriched hand and nail cream with argan oil, almond oil, witch hazel, vitamin E and provitamin B5. Nourishes and protects the skin of the hands, makes it soft and smooth. Tightens pores and improves skin structure. Neutralizes free radicals, thereby preventing premature skin aging. Moisturizes the skin, binds water. Additionally provides nail and cuticle care. Particularly effective for dry and damaged skin, peeling nails. Does not leave an oily sheen on the skin.

Application: Apply after washing hands or as needed. Absorbs quickly, leaving a feeling of comfort on the skin.

To the question: “What is argan?” - not everyone will answer. Perhaps only specialists in the cosmetics industry and those who have traveled to Morocco will definitely find the answer. So what is argan?

Argan is an amazing tree that grows only in Morocco, and not everywhere there either. Argan grows exclusively in the west-central part of the country (Souss) and the Atlas Mountains.

Latin name- Argania spinosa (ironwood)

Family- Sapotaceae (Sapotaceae)

Description: Evergreen tree up to 15 meters tall and lifespan 150 - 300 years. In the harsh desert conditions, fruits appear on the tree only once every two years. The fleshy fruits of the argan tree are larger than olives and look like yellow plums; each fruit contains 2-3 kernels, shaped like almonds, with a very hard shell (16 times stronger than a hazel nut). The color of the fruit is dark yellow, from golden to deep red. The smell is light with pronounced tones of nuts and spices. The taste is slightly reminiscent of pumpkin seed, but more piquant and noble, leaving an islandy aftertaste.

The indigenous population of Morocco - the Berbers - proudly and lovingly call argan the tree of eternal youth and life, as it provides material for construction and fuel, food for people and animal feed, oil and medicine. Since time immemorial, the secret of preparing miraculous argan oil has been passed down from generation to generation in Berber families. Since this tree grows only in Morocco, it is not surprising that just a few years ago, except for the Berbers of Morocco, few people in the world knew about this oil. According to botanists, in the region of Morocco, about two million trees grow on an area of ​​8,000 square kilometers. Several years ago, the argan tree was in danger of extinction. The ever-increasing demand for argan oil in the world has led to the fact that it is now necessary to take care of preserving the number of trees of the Argania spinosa species, as well as expand their plantings. UNESCO in 1999 declared the region of Morocco in which these trees grow to be a world biosphere reserve.

Healing properties of oil. Argan oil is one of the most expensive, rare and valuable oils in the world; it is comparable in price to truffles, oysters or our black caviar. According to Moroccan historian Abdelhadi Tazi, Morocco has been widely exporting argan oil since the 8th century AD. The secret of argan oil is that it contains 45% oligo-linoleic acids. These acids prevent the aging of skin cells and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. It is also an amazing source of vitamin E (74%) due to the alpha-tocopherol content in the oil. Saponins and tocopherols, in large quantities Argan oil contained in the extract has a pronounced antioxidant effect and makes the oil indispensable in the fight against premature aging of the body. Due to its specific and unique composition, the oil is used for dietary, cosmetic and medical purposes.

The unique properties of the oil are explained by its chemical composition: It consists of 80% unsaturated fatty acids, including about 35% linoleic acid, which is not produced in the body and can only be obtained externally. Argan oil is rich in natural antioxidants - polyphenols and tocopherols. In terms of tocopherol content, argan oil is 2.5 - 3 times higher than olive oil. Polyphenols have an anti-inflammatory effect. Argan oil also contains rare sterols, not found in any other oil, which have strong desensitizing and anti-inflammatory properties.

Due to its wonderful properties, argan oil is used today in cosmetology as a means of combating many severe skin diseases, and also how powerful tool fight against aging. Medicine also uses medicinal properties argan oil to counteract diabetes mellitus and various infectious and cardiovascular diseases, Alzheimer's disease and immune disorders.

The process of making oil. Until now, the process of making oil from the fruits of the argan tree is very difficult and painstaking. Only women and... goats are involved in this process! Yes, don’t be surprised, it’s goats. Local goats have long appreciated the properties of medicinal argan and even mastered it for its sake. special equipment balancing on tree branches. This picture can only be seen in Morocco: a dozen goats graze peacefully... on a tree, sometimes deftly and gracefully moving from branch to branch at a height of up to 5 m above the ground! The skin of argan fruits is a favorite delicacy of local goats, which eat this skin, spitting out the fruits, and thus carry out the first stage of cleaning the argan fruits. Next, the fruits are collected and dried in the sun. Dry fruits are cleaned of fibers and Berber women manually crack the shells of the fruits with stones. To extract edible oil, the seeds collected from the fruit are first fried over low heat to give them a characteristic tart, nutty aroma. Argan oil is also prepared for cosmetic use, but the seeds are not fried - as a result, it has almost no odor. The oil is pressed using a mechanical press, then filtered through special paper.

One mature tree produces 6 - 8 kg of fruit. From 100 kg of fruit you can get about 5 kg of seeds, from which about 1 - 2 liters of oil are squeezed out. That is, to obtain 1 liter of oil you need to harvest from 6 - 7 trees! In terms of time, it takes more than 1.5 days of work of several women to obtain one liter of oil, because the entire process of preparing oil today is done manually and is very labor-intensive. Just peeling the nuts using stones takes approximately 12 hours!

According to experts, the Berbers collect about 350 thousand tons of Argan seeds per year and obtain about 12 million liters of oil from them. This is very little, for comparison: almost 9 billion liters of sunflower oil are produced annually in the world, and approximately 3 billion liters of olive oil.

The main buyer of argan oil from Morocco today is the French cosmetics industry. And the range of products offered by modern cosmetology containing this wonderful oil is quite wide: anti-aging and regenerating creams for skin and nails, hair strengthening products, massage oils and bath products. By the way, if you are going to relax in Morocco, then better means To get a unique bronze tan without any danger of getting burned in the hot African sun, you won't find anything better than argan oil!

ARGAN - an amazing tree of Morocco January 23rd, 2013

In the southwest of Morocco, in the valley of the Dra River on the outskirts of the Sahara, an amazing tree grows - Argania spinosa, which provides life for the two million population of Moroccan Berbers.

For the Berbers, Argania from time immemorial has been and remains the tree of life, since it is everything for them: it provides material for construction, fuel, food for people and food for animals, oil and medicine: from the branches of the tree the Berbers build frames for their adobe huts, from the trunks they make furniture, the wood is used as firewood, and the leaves are fed to goats.
Argan oil is squeezed from the kernels of the fruit - it is rich in vitamins and, depending on the degree of purification, is used for various purposes. It is added to cosmetics and is believed to moisturize and rejuvenate the skin. Doctors use it to treat atherosclerosis, chicken pox and rheumatism. A couple of drops of oil added to a salad or tagine gives food a subtle aroma and taste; it is used to fuel lamps and lamps.

Argan seed oil is one of the most expensive plant products in the world, comparable in price to truffles, oysters or black caviar. From one tree you can collect about 30 kilograms of fruit. These fruits appear on the tree only once every two years.

Argan fruits are larger in size than olives; inside the fruit there is a hard kernel with 2-3 fat-rich seeds.

This is what dried Argan fruits look like:

For thousands of years, the technology for producing argan oil has not changed - still the same manual harvesting, cleaning of the pulp (and often the Berbers collect goat droppings, in which these seeds, undigested in the stomach, have already been cleared of it),

Fruits are still crushed with stones and ground in the same stone mills.

Women's labor is used in this physically difficult process. It takes more than 1.5 days to obtain one liter of oil.
No matter how much Ivan and Sergei tried to turn the stone mill, they were unable to squeeze out a single drop of precious oil!

Argan is an evergreen deciduous tree, the painfully twisted trunks of which reach 8-10 meters in height, and the crown circumference is 14-15 meters. In search of water, the roots of the tree penetrate the sand to a depth of 30 meters. Thousands of sharp thorns protect the tree from being eaten by animals, but for camels the thorns are not a hindrance - they willingly feed on the leaves and fruits of Argan. The goats, calmly jumping along the branches of the tree, have also adapted to the thorns.

I had heard before about the amazing tree-climbing goats of Morocco, but I was very skeptical about it. Until the moment when on the road from Essaouira to Marrakesh I saw these pictures:





During a particularly severe drought, the tree sheds its leaves and stops growing, sometimes for several years.

According to experts, the Berbers collect about 350 thousand tons of Argan fruits per year and obtain 12 million liters of oil from them. This is very little: almost 9 billion liters of sunflower oil are produced annually in the world, and approximately 3 billion liters of olive oil.

Depending on the type of processing, oil is divided into edible and cosmetic. To produce edible oil, the fruits are first fried and then cold pressed. Cosmetic oil is obtained by cold pressing from unroasted Argan fruits.

Edible argan oil:
Studies carried out in French and Moroccan laboratories and clinics confirmed positive properties effects of argan oil on the cardiovascular system. When consuming 1-2 tablespoons on an empty stomach, the following is observed: a decrease in blood cholesterol levels, stabilization blood pressure, blood sugar is stabilized, appetite is normalized, and the body’s immune system is strengthened. Argan oil is widely used in dietetics as it normalizes appetite and promotes weight loss.
This excellent remedy for cancer prevention prostate gland, obesity, miscarriages and premature births. It is a strong aphrodosiac - increases libido.
Vitamin E content is twice as high as in olive oil. The oil contains plant sterols (phytosterols), which have anti-inflammatory properties and help with arthritis.

Cosmetic argan oil:
Argan oil is a sensation in foreign cosmetology! It has no equal for use in cosmetology:
Thanks to the content of unsaturated fatty acids and antioxidants, the oil prevents skin dehydration, premature aging, and restores the natural brightness of the skin;
Vitamin E also protects the skin from dehydration, nourishes, regenerates and increases its healthy glow;
Argan oil reduces wrinkles, stretch marks, treats skin irritations: acne, psoriasis, eczema, eliminates the consequences of chickenpox, burns, scars;
Argan oil is recommended for strengthening dry and damaged hair;
Argan oil is used to strengthen split and broken nails, protecting them from external aggressions;
The oil contains no fragrances, dyes, or preservatives that can cause irritation.

In an area of ​​southwestern Morocco recently declared a UNESCO biosphere reserve, botanists estimate there are about two million trees spread over an area of ​​8,000 square kilometers.

I read about interesting fact, identified during attempts to propagate the tree: only a small part of the seeds germinate. There are suspicions that only those seeds that have passed through the intestines of a camel or goat germinate! (!)

I really regret that this interesting information I learned about argan oil only after returning home. Otherwise, all my luggage would consist of jars and bottles with cosmetics and edible oil amazing Moroccan tree - ARGAN!

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