Home Indoor flowers Mudras for attracting love, wealth and good luck. Mudras for attracting money, luck, influence

Mudras for attracting love, wealth and good luck. Mudras for attracting money, luck, influence

Mudras for attracting money, luck, influence allow you to control energy flows and shape the desired events. Even in ancient times, our ancestors found out that meditation and some combinations of fingers can influence different aspects life. As a result of many years of experience, mudras have appeared that are now available to everyone.

How to work with mudras to fulfill desires?

Harmony in the financial sector will be ensured by the wise for attracting money, luck, influence. Mudra is a certain plexus of fingers and hands that gives energy a special shape and creates conditions in the material area.

Before proceeding with the mudras, three main conditions must be observed:

  • The goal should be clearly stated (for clarity, you can write on paper).
  • It is important to maintain a motivating attitude within yourself.
  • You need to set yourself up to achieve the goal.

Mudras attracting wealth are performed with both hands. It is generally accepted that this is how the energetics of a man and a woman work in a person. We must sit down and look to the east, the back must remain strictly straight. You should meditate in the well-known lotus position, but if this position is difficult for you, then you can sit on a simple chair.

First you need to practice in a secluded place. With experience, the realization will come that the place is not so important, because solitude is achieved from within. You can work with like-minded people. When several people practice the same mudras, the result is achieved very quickly.

You need to work with one pose for about 10-15 minutes. The main thing is comfort within consciousness. You need to keep the pose until you get tired. Mudras for attracting wealth should be practiced 2-3 times daily. It is important that the sessions are regular. This is the only way to achieve the set goal.

Speaking about striving, it is necessary that it remains firm. A given goal awakens the power of consciousness and is able to change reality. Thinking about your desire, you need to colorfully imagine how it came true, and remember your feelings at this moment. Any doubts should be taken calmly and indifferently, otherwise doubts will cause obstacles that interfere with the achievement of your goal.

Basic mudras that attract luck and money

From a psychological point of view, the effectiveness of mudras is explained by the placebo effect. Let's remember famous example when, during the experiment, a person was given an ordinary pill disguised as good medicine... Favorable changes were observed in the body, although in reality the pill did not have a therapeutic effect. That is, healing took place through the power of thought.

Mudra is necessary primarily for people with a fickle source of income. Those who often find themselves out of work are interrupted odd jobs... Or works in a permanent job, but with unstable income.
Also, those whose business brings either income or continuous losses, and this situation cannot be evened out. That is, to all people for whom the usual situation in life is described by the saying "sometimes thick, sometimes empty."
This mudra will help those who think that money is either loved or not. When the take-off necessarily precedes the fall. When you are afraid of your success, because you know that trouble will follow. It’s as if after successes some kind of shutter suddenly closes, through which the energy of well-being went, and this flow stops, and you find yourself in emptiness.

All this means that you have energy distortion. The flow through which monetary energy flows is unstable and periodically chokes, as if it were being blocked by a dam. It is necessary to remove these congestions, create conditions for an even and abundant flow of money energy, and life situation will get better.

How mudra works

Mudra creates a pole of attraction in your life for a constant and stable flow of the energy of money and material wealth... This does not mean that all the blessings of the world will rain down on you as if from a cornucopia, threatening to fill you with riches and the entire space around you. The benefits will be dosed out - exactly to the extent that it does not create excesses and discomfort for you, and at the same time allows you to live with dignity, in abundance. An even flow of energy of material goods will be stable and constant, it will not be interrupted and choked, it will always and everywhere be absolutely reliable.

In outside world this will be expressed in the fact that new sources of income will begin to open up for you, and the old sources will either level out and stabilize, or go away as unnecessary.

You can get a lucrative job, or start your own business, or move to a well-paid position. In addition, unexpected sources of money will open up at the right time, so you will always be sure: if you need money, it will come, sometimes from where you do not expect.

This mudra will help you find peace and financial independence... You will be absolutely sure of tomorrow, you do not have to save and save for a rainy day. Money will come from the source of abundance as needed.

You will become more confident, stronger, and calmer, and your ability to attract the flow of abundance will increase every day.

How to apply

The mudra should be done twice a day, in the morning immediately after waking up and in the evening just before bedtime, for 2-3 minutes, during the week. Then take a break for a week and perform again for a week in the same way.

Description of the mudra

  1. Place your hands in front of you, palms up, fingers facing forward.
  2. Put your palms together, cupping them together, as if you want to draw water. Side surfaces the little fingers and the ribs of the palms from the side of the little fingers fit snugly together.
  3. Pinch the pads of your thumb, forefinger, and middle finger together on each hand.
  4. Close your eyes. Breathe deeply and freely.
  5. Focus on the area of ​​the bridge of the nose. Imagine that there is a bright golden glow at the point between the eyebrows.
  6. Form an intention to tap into a constant and inexhaustible source of abundance.
  7. Remain in this position for a few minutes.

Why do mudras work?

Each of our hands and each finger on this hand has energy centers... Moreover, according to the rules of palmistry, each finger is associated with five elements and some planet that controls it. Therefore, every time we take the yoga pose for the fingers - mudra - certain energetic vibrations enter our body, mind and spirit.

This mudra is for those who urgently need money - for medical treatment, for repairing a car or apartment, for an urgent trip, and so on.

It will not provide you with a constant cash flow, that is, this mudra acts exclusively for emergency purposes. If there is no money now, but they are very urgently needed for some important urgent thing.
This is a kind of monetary Ambulance... Mudra allows you to find the source of the required amount Money very soon.

How mudra works:

Mudra stabilizes your own energy creating a base for adoption powerful energy money, and also opens the way for the flow of monetary energy. The flow of monetary energy included by the mudra is so powerful that to an ordinary person it is difficult to sustain it over time.
This mudra gives you this power for temporary use, and use it for occasional use. For a constant flow of money, use other mudras for abundance and wealth.

How to do it:

1. Place your palms in front of you at the solar plexus level with the fingers of both hands facing each other. Moreover, in women right palm facing the floor, and the left - up, in men, vice versa: the right palm, facing up, the left - down.

2. Join your thumb and forefinger on each hand in a ring.

3. Move the pinky, ring and middle finger on each hand.

4.Connect the little finger pads right hand and the ring finger of the left hand,

5. Connect the pads of the ring finger of your right hand and the little finger of your left hand.

6. The middle finger on both hands remains free, slightly bent, and does not come into contact with other fingers.

7. Close your eyes and breathe deeply and slowly.

8. Focus on the solar plexus area. Feel the support there. Imagine a powerful stream of energy going through your body.

9. Form a clear intention to receive the required amount of money.

10. Remain in this position for a few minutes.

If necessary, with a break of a minute, repeat this mudra for 10 minutes to half an hour.

When to apply:

When you urgently need money, this mudra is performed only for one day, but several times. The most optimal scheme is in the morning after waking up, then three more times during the day with an interval of 4 hours and before bedtime. Duration - 5-10 minutes.
If you need a very significant amount, then one of these five (preferably in the middle of the day) practice mudra for 15-30 minutes.

I repeat once again - it is wise for special cases and it is not performed for more than one day in a row. As a last resort, you can take a break for one day and perform in the same way for one more day.

Mudras for quick improvement financial situation

Mudra to gain inner strength, to get out of stagnation and crisis

Who needs a mudra

This mudra is necessary for you if you find yourself in a deep financial crisis, from which you do not see a way out.

It is for those who cannot cope with poverty, whose incomes are steadily falling despite all the efforts being made.

This mudra is for those who feel that they lack the strength to cope with the circumstances.

It will help when there is a desire to do something and achieve success - but there is a feeling that there are only one around closed doors and all your attempts to change something end in nothing.

It is also for those who are overcome by laziness, it is difficult to force themselves to act, although it is necessary to act.

This is wise for those who want to act, but for some reason cannot. But not for those who are inactive because they do not want to act!

Mudra will help you get out of a bad streak or vicious circle where troubles, problems and troubles pursue.

In order for your actions to finally begin to bring the proper result, so that the financial crisis, poverty and setbacks are left behind, you first need to gain special strength for this. So far, your desires, aspirations and actions simply lack energy, so you fail after failure. This energy will not be given to you by anyone and nothing from the outside - it can and should be created within yourself.

This is the mudra of the Beginning - because it creates the main thing: the potential for success.

This mudra gives the main conditions for success - fortitude, charisma, it will sharpen your intellect and intuition and, of course, will attract the energy of abundance.

Think how ready you are for this. Because, having opened the source of power within yourself, you will have to immediately find the use of this power - to act, otherwise an excess of energy can lead to undesirable consequences, up to nervous breakdown and disease. That is why this mudra is one of the most difficult.

How mudra works

This mudra clears internal source your strength.

Anything superfluous that bothers you simply falls off like the petals of a withered flower. Doubts go away, self-doubt, recede negative emotions experiences that interfere with your success. You blossom, and all the best that is in you is revealed. You become resistant to external influences, including the opinion of other people about you. It ceases to be a limiting factor for you. Now you can completely rely on yourself, trust yourself, your strengths, knowledge, intuition. Nobody will lead you astray.

By opening your inner source of strength, mudra simultaneously triggers the process of restructuring the circumstances around you. Be attentive to even the smallest details! The coincidences of circumstances you need will begin to arise, happy coincidences that may seem random to you.

But remember that after you have completed this mudra, there will be no more accidents. Life will start giving you chances. Don't miss them.

Also, be attentive to your dreams - they can give hints and guide you on the right path, warning you against erroneous steps.

Notice other signs, omens, and clues that will begin to appear on your way. Usually they draw attention to themselves - it can be an accidentally overheard conversation, or a line in a newspaper headline that says something important to you personally, or other similar things. Think, analyze, trust your intuition to read such signs correctly.

Be especially careful about those special moments in your life that require you to act. You will definitely feel when the moment will come. Your awakened power will simply keep you busy. And you yourself will feel that passivity is inappropriate, you need to do something. Moreover, the circumstances themselves will clearly tell you what exactly you need to do. You can't go wrong.

Act if you are not even completely sure of the correctness of the action! In fact, now you will only get lucky chances, and in the end everything will work out in the best possible way.

How to apply

This mudra is very strong, so it is enough to apply it only for 3 days, once a day, preferably in the morning (but not immediately after waking up, but when you have already woken up, got up and are ready for action), for 3-5 minutes ...

Description of the mudra

1. Place your hands in front of your chest, palms facing each other, side edge down, fingers pointing forward.

2. Bring the bases of the palms closer to each other and bring them together tightly.

3. Bend the little fingers, ring fingers, and middle fingers inward. Now each of these fingers is in contact with the same finger of the other hand, the middle phalanges.

4. Bring the thumbs together so that their sides fit snugly together, and lift them vertically upward, at a 90-degree angle to the palm.

5. Connect the straight index fingers pads and pull forward, away from you.

6. Close your eyes, breathe slowly, measuredly.

7. Concentrate on the solar plexus area and imagine that a powerful source of your internal energy is being formed there.

8. Form in your mind the intention to create a powerful internal support, an energy core, and imbued with a feeling of growing inner strength in order to get out of stagnation or crisis.

It is wise for a "breakthrough" in material sphere

Who needs this mudra

This mudra will help those people in whose life there has never been financial success who are used to barely making ends meet.

Poverty is not the norm. And you are just as worthy of success in the material sphere as any other person. You are poor not because you are worse than others, but simply because you have some kind of energy distortion, possibly inherited.

Start your practice with this mudra. It is she who will help correct the unfavorable energy structure that programs you for poverty.

If you do not correct this situation with the help of this mudra, then neither the mudra of wealth, nor the mudra of abundance, nor the mudra that attracts money, nor all the others will help you.

If you have any specific goals - for example, you want to take out a loan or pay off debts - first practice this mudra anyway, and only after mastering it, move on to the mudras that match your goals. Otherwise, they either will not work at all or will work badly.

Please note: mudra helps in case of total monetary bad luck. If in your life there is a place for both successes and failures, if periods of lack of money are replaced by periods of abundance - you do not need this mudra, in this case other wise will help, for example, for attracting money, for success in business, etc. - depending on according to your circumstances.

And only if there is no prosperity in your life now, there was no earlier and is not foreseen in the future - this is wise for you. It can change your life, and then completely different prospects will open in the future.

How mudra works

Mudra creates such a powerful energy flow that it completely transforms the unfavorable energy configuration that previously tuned you into poverty. Energy distortions are straightened, energy flows are organized, leading money energies directly into your life, and not bypassing you, as it was before.

Since our inner psychological condition is determined by the state of energy, then due to the implementation of mudra you will feel stronger and more confident, you will gain the feeling that you are worthy of success, prosperity, wealth. Gradually, more and more complete deliverance from the psychology of poverty will go.

The mudra, which attracts money energies into your life, at the same time organizes a kind of energy "bowl" where the energies of money can accumulate and multiply. Thanks to this, your life will gradually become a full cup, and you will no longer have to suffer from a lack of money.

Mudra will also set you up for favorable changes in your life in a special way, creating a new track for these changes. Now you can safely take on even those cases in which you previously failed. The black streak is over, it's time for the white streak in your life.

How to apply

Mudra should be practiced for a week, in the morning immediately after waking up, for 3-5 minutes.

This mudra is a wonderful precursor to other monetary mudras that you can practice once you have mastered it. It creates the basis for your well-being, and then, relying on this base, you can already achieve more specific goals.

Therefore, after a week of practice, take a break for a week, and then start practicing mudra aimed at a more specific, relevant goal for you (attracting money, getting a loan, traveling, education, etc.).

Description of the mudra

1. Place your palms vertically in front of your chest parallel to each other at a distance of 5-7 centimeters. Fingers slightly apart and pointing up.

2. Bring the bases of the palms together. Areas where the wrist ends and the palm begins are firmly pressed together. Above this area, the palms are directed upward, like a barely blossoming flower bud.

3. Without closing your palms, close the pads of your little fingers and thumbs. These fingers themselves remain straight.

4. Now round your middle fingers and rest their pads against each other.

5. Index and ring fingers are open, they are straight and point straight up. Thus, your palms are likened to a bowl or basket, framed on both sides by closed straight little fingers and thumbs, and in the center closed with rounded and closed middle fingers.

6. Close your eyes. Breathe vigorously, but freely and regularly.

7. Focus on the coccyx area. Imagine that you are firmly connected to the earth.

8. Imagine that your palms are like a bowl, which you can fill at will with whatever you need, and control its contents at your will.

9. Remain in this position for a few minutes.

The mudra that opens up constant access to the source of abundance

Who needs a mudra

Mudra is necessary primarily for people with a fickle source of income. Those who often find themselves out of work are interrupted by odd jobs. Or works in a permanent job, but with an unstable income. Also, those whose business brings either income or continuous losses, and this situation cannot be evened out. That is, to all people for whom the usual situation in life is described by the saying "sometimes thick, sometimes empty."

This mudra will help those who think that money is either loved or not. When the take-off necessarily precedes the fall. When you are afraid of your success, because you know that trouble will follow. It’s as if after successes some kind of shutter suddenly closes, through which the energy of well-being went, and this flow stops, and you find yourself in emptiness.

All this means that you have energy distortion. The flow through which monetary energy flows is unstable and periodically chokes, as if it were being blocked by a dam. It is necessary to remove these congestions, create conditions for an even and abundant flow of money energy, and the life situation will improve.

How mudra works

Mudra creates a pole of attraction in your life for a constant and stable flow of the energy of money and material wealth to you. This does not mean that all the blessings of the world will rain down on you as if from a cornucopia, threatening to overwhelm you with riches and the entire space around you. The benefits will be dosed - exactly to the extent that it does not create excesses and discomfort for you and at the same time allows you to live with dignity, in abundance.

An even flow of energy of material goods will be stable and constant, it will not be interrupted and choked, it will always and everywhere be absolutely reliable.

In the outside world, this will be expressed in the fact that new sources of income will begin to open up for you, and the old sources will either level out and stabilize, or go away as unnecessary. You can get a lucrative job, or start your own business, or move to a well-paid position.

In addition, unexpected sources of money will open at the right time, so you will always be sure: if you need money, it will come, sometimes from where you do not expect.

This mudra will help you gain peace of mind and financial independence. You will be absolutely confident in the future, you will not have to save and put off "for a rainy day." Money will come from the source of abundance as needed.

You will become more confident, stronger, and calmer, and your ability to attract the flow of abundance will increase every day.

How to apply

The mudra should be done 2 times a day, in the morning immediately after waking up and in the evening just before bedtime, for 2-3 minutes, during the week. Then take a break for a week and perform again for a week in the same way.

Description of the mudra

1. Place your hands in front of you, palms up, fingers facing forward.

2. Put your palms together, cupping them together, as if you would like to draw water. The side surfaces of the little fingers and the ribs of the palms from the side of the little fingers fit snugly together.

3. Pinch the pads of your thumb, forefinger, and middle finger together on each hand.

4. Close your eyes. Breathe deeply and freely.

5. Focus on the area of ​​the bridge of the nose. Imagine that there is a bright golden glow at the point between the eyebrows.

6. Form an intention to tap into a constant and inexhaustible source of abundance.

7. Remain in this position for a few minutes.

The mudra that allows you to get money urgently

Who needs a mudra

This mudra is necessary when money is urgently needed for some emergency purposes - treatment, renovation of an apartment or car, purchase of a broken one. household appliances, unexpected but necessary trip, etc.

This is a kind of cash ambulance. When there is no money at all, or there is money, but far from the required amount, while unforeseen circumstances require urgent expenses.

Mudra allows you to find the source of the required amount of money very quickly.

It can be used not only in emergency, critical situations, but even then, for example, when you liked a thing in the store that you have been looking for for a long time, but right now there is no money to buy. After completing the mudra, you will find money, and you will not have to postpone purchases until better times.

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Eastern mudra for attracting money is a special method of working with a person's energy potential, using the folding of the fingers together. Let's talk about what the meaning of the ancient mudras is, and how to use them correctly.

The concept of mudras came to us from ancient oriental teachings. They set forth the thoughts of initiates that there are many special points on the hands of a person that are directly related to the energy state of the aura.

By acting on these points in a certain way, you can influence the aura and achieve the desired goals. We will analyze the most effective mudras for wealth, attracting money and prosperity.

Way out of the financial crisis

Mudra "Beginning" is used in cases when a person is in a completely hopeless financial situation... If you have a lot of debts, loans, and income does not cover all needs, use this technique to raise money in an emergency and financial luck into your life.

It is especially worth noting that the energy of mudras works under the condition of your sincere faith in it. magic power... So don't hesitate, just go for it.

What do we have to do:

  • Stand up and put your hands together, as shown in the figure
  • After folding your fingers in the correct way, lower your eyelids and concentrate on the breathing process. Inhaling and exhaling should be slow, deep, very measured and calm.
  • Then start visualizing: imagine a strong energy support forming in your body. See what she looks like? Each person has a different image: a large energy ball, a luminous sword, or something else.
  • Imagine how this support helps you, supports, helps you out of financial difficulties, and sets you up for a wave of financial luck and influence.

Repeat the meditation with the beginning mudra for a week. This is best done in the early morning hours before sunrise.

Financial breakthrough

The next mudra is called balancing. It is used in cases where, in principle, everything is favorable for you, but there is not enough luck and luck. Let's say you work hard and hard, but your pay is poor.

If you are not doing anything, but prefer to just wait for money to fall from the sky on you, mudra will not help - choose other options.

Technique of execution:

  • Stand up, fold your palms together, as shown in the picture
  • Close your eyes and begin to breathe rhythmically, quickly and deeply. At this time, all of your internal energy strive to direct towards the base of the spine at the bottom of the lower back
  • Then visualize how coins and bills appear in your hands. There are a lot of them. Fill your folded wise hands in your mind completely. And then spend all your money without leftovers

This meditation should be done daily for a week. It is very important to do this in the first minutes after waking up, when your consciousness is maximally receptive.

This technique will help you fill with energy and enter the funnel. cash flow... Thanks to this, the Universe will send you good luck, luck and many new opportunities to strengthen your financial position.

Constantly raising money

This mudra is aimed at the long term: you will not receive the required amount right away, but in the future your income has every chance of increasing and becoming stable.

Raise your arms to your chest, palms facing you. Take the position shown in the figure.

Then relax, close your eyes and concentrate on your breathing. Try to imagine that you have as much money as is required for a comfortable and easy life. “Catch” this state and remember it.

Meditation using the "acceptance" mudra should be done for five minutes daily. Not less than forty days.

Watch a video about the use of mudras to attract money:

Emergency fundraising

Use this technique if you urgently need a specific amount of money to achieve a goal. For example, tomorrow you need to make a payment on a loan, but you have no idea where to get the required amount.

What to do:

  • Place your palms in front of you as seen in the image
  • Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and turn your full attention to your solar plexus. Imagine a powerful beam of energy and light coming from there.
  • Concentrating, mentally ask the Universe for the required amount. Imagine this money and put it in the location of the energy beam

This practice should be done in the morning, as soon as you wake up.

  • Remember to keep track of your thoughts constantly. Drive any negative attitudes out of your head. Using mudras, you will increase your energy potential... But continuing to consider money as evil or committing dishonest acts, you will reduce beneficial effect to zero
  • Practice meditation with mudras regularly. A single application will give minimal effect, constant work will lead to colossal life changes.
  • Learn to let go of extraneous thoughts and concentrate on the breath. This is necessary in order to enter the correct meditative state, which is most suitable for the application of mudras.

If you sincerely believe in the magical power of mudra, the Universe will certainly give you a chance to get the right amount of money. The source may be completely unexpected. Just remove the limitations in your subconscious mind that shout at you that money is not easy to come by, and believe in your enormous energy potential.

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