Home Fruit trees Modern forms of organizing methodological activities in the dhow

Modern forms of organizing methodological activities in the dhow

One of the leading forms is pedagogical council, which is called upon to be the spokesman for collective pedagogical thought, the body of collegial leadership in educational work, a school of excellence and a tribune of pedagogical experience. The head, being the chairman of the pedagogical council, organizes its work on the basis of the "Regulations on the pedagogical council of a preschool institution."

During the year, at least 6 meetings of the pedagogical council are held, at which topical issues of the work of this kindergarten are discussed, aimed at improving the professional level of teachers' work, at eradicating the shortcomings of the educational and educational process.

Pedagogical council meetings can be devoted to both general issues strengthening children's health, reducing morbidity, preparing children for school.

The preparation of the teachers' council includes the selection of topical issues, the discussion of which is dictated by the kindergarten education program and the actual state of affairs in the kindergarten, which appear in the annual work plan.

Already at the beginning of the academic year, the entire pedagogical team knows what issues will be discussed, who and when speaks at the teachers 'council, each speaker must prepare in advance for the teachers' council: develop a specific plan of events on their topic.

The effectiveness of pedagogical councils depends mainly on the work of the methodologist, aimed at implementing the decisions made.

Consultations- a permanent form of assistance to educators. In the children's institution, consultations are held for educators of the same group, parallel groups, individual and general (for all teachers). Group consultations are planned for a year. Individual consultations are not planned, as their conduct is dictated by the need of educators to obtain certain information on a specific issue.

However, not all questions can be fully answered in a short period of time. Some problems of raising children require a longer conversation, discussion, and if they are of concern to several educators, then it is advisable to organize such a collective form of methodological assistance, which is seminar.

Experienced educators who have a good track record on a specific issue can be assigned to lead the workshop. At the beginning of the academic year, the methodologist determines the topic of the seminar, appoints a leader. The duration of the classes depends on the topic: they can take place over a month, half a year or a year. Attendance at the seminar is voluntary.

The theoretical knowledge obtained at the seminar can be supported by preschool workers with practical skills, which they consolidate and improve by participating in workshop... How to blind a hare so that it looks like a real one, how to show puppet show, so that the characters bring joy to children and make them think about how to teach children to read a poem expressively, how to make didactic games do it yourself how to arrange a group room for the holiday. For these and other questions, educators can get an answer from an experienced teacher-methodologist.

To organize special practical lessons, the head studies the need of teachers to acquire certain practical skills and abilities. Educators can use the teaching aids prepared during the workshops in their further work with children, and some of them remain in the pedagogical office as samples - standards.

A common form of methodological work is conversations with educators... The methodologist uses this method when summing up the results of the check. pedagogical work, when studying, summarizing best practices and in a number of other cases.

Before starting a conversation, you need to think over its purpose, questions for discussion. A casual conversation disposes of the teacher to frankness.

This form of methodical work requires great tact from the methodologist. Ability to listen carefully to the interlocutor, maintain a dialogue, accept criticism benevolently, and act in such a way as to influence them, first of all, by their behavior.

Talking with the teacher, the methodologist finds out his mood, interests, difficulties in work, learns about the reasons for failures (if any), seeks to provide effective assistance.

An effective form of improving the qualifications of educators, providing them with methodological assistance are collective screenings of the work of experienced teachers... Depending on the topic discussed at the teachers' council, it is advisable to conduct such screenings with the aim of demonstrating, illustrating those theoretical positions that were expressed in the reports, and with the aim of studying and introducing advanced methods into the practice of other employees.

When discussing such a lesson, the methodologist must emphasize that the educator did a lot of multifaceted work and was able to generalize the knowledge, ideas of children, based on their impressions, made them think, reflect, draw independent conclusions.

Those educators who already have it should show their work experience. Analyzing the experience of colleagues, teachers should gradually develop their own successful techniques. The Methodist must see this in the work of every educator. Noticing certain successes of the educator in any section of the program, he projects its further development: selects certain literature, consults, observes the practical actions of this employee. Collective screenings are held no more than 1 time per quarter. This allows everyone to prepare well for them: both those who demonstrate their experience and those who adopt it. Preparation should include: the correct choice of the topic (its relevance, the need for it of all educators, connection with the topics of teachers' councils, etc.), assistance to the teacher-methodologist in the formulation of the main goal of the lesson (or in the process of some other activity of children), drawing up a synopsis activities indicating educational and educational tasks, methods and techniques, the material used.

In order for all educators to watch an open lesson (or a game, work, holding regime moments), it is necessary to duplicate it for those employees who at that time worked with children in groups. In this case, it is desirable to show a similar lesson, but not a copy of the previous one.

In order to study and borrow the best experience, such a form of improving pedagogical skills is also organized as mutual visits to workplaces... In this case, the role of the methodologist is to recommend to the educator whether to attend a partner's lesson to develop uniform requirements for children or a parallel group educator's lesson to compare work results. The methodologist must give this work a purposeful, meaningful character. For this purpose, mentoring is organized. When a new, novice educator appears in the team, at first he has many questions, and he needs help.

Due to his busy schedule, the leader is not always able to provide such assistance. Therefore, from among the more experienced teachers, he appoints a mentor, taking into account that mentoring should be voluntary on both sides.

The mentor's candidacy is approved at the teachers' council, and his report is heard there. The mentor should help the new employee establish the necessary business and personal contacts, get acquainted with the traditions of the team, with its success, as well as with the difficulties in work.

The methodologist also supervises the self-education of educators. First of all, it creates the necessary conditions: together with teachers, selects literature of interest to them, materials covering best practices, advises on the choice of a topic, a form of self-education, registration of the results of increasing knowledge and pedagogical skills of working with children. When recommending topics for self-education, the methodologist proceeds from the interest of each teacher and from his need for education.

Considerable efforts are required from the methodologist to study, generalize and introduce advanced experience, which is a combination of knowledge, skills, and abilities acquired by the educator in the process of practical educational educational work... Only such experience can be considered advanced, which, as a result of creative search, opens up new possibilities for raising children, contributes to the improvement of the accepted forms, methods and techniques of pedagogical work.

An indicator of advanced experience is the sustainability of positive, methodically grounded results in the upbringing and education of children.

There are certain stages and methods in the methodologist's guide for identifying, generalizing and implementing pedagogical experience.

The first step is to identify the best experience. For example, the head or methodologist, in the process of systematic observation of the work of the teacher and the behavior of the children of the older group, saw that everyone is constantly busy. interesting things... The guys clean the cages of rabbits, work in the garden.

Children's games are meaningful, long-lasting, they reflect the work and relationships of the people around them. Much has been done for games by the children themselves and by the teacher, etc.

The head or methodologist, in a conversation with the teacher, finds out how, by what methods, he achieves good results... The main thing is that the educator himself loves nature and work, reads a lot of special natural history literature.

Having received general idea about interested, thoughtful, systematic work to familiarize children with the work of livestock breeders, the methodologist invites the educator to describe his experience: how he started work, what manuals, methodological literature he used, whose experience was an example for him, how a set of methods and techniques for education was developed children have hard work, respect for the work of adults, what was new in this work, etc.

The combination of various methods allows children to educate on a positive emotional background such a very important personality trait as social activity.

The methodologist recommends keeping records of children's games, taking photographs, sketches of children's buildings, preparing games for open viewing, classes to familiarize children with the work of collective farmers. The methodologist enlists a replacement teacher and parents to help the educator.

Thus, the methodologist brings the teacher to the second stage - the generalization of his advanced experience. At this stage, the educator should be assisted in the selection and description of the most significant moments in the formation of positive qualities in children, and in identifying the dynamics of their development.

An educator who has summarized his experience in the form of a report can speak with him at a teacher's council, method associations, at a conference. This is the third stage - the dissemination of advanced experience and its propaganda in order to be used by other educators in their work. It happens that there is no systematic experience yet, there are only isolated findings, successful methods of working with children. In this case, it is necessary to clearly define the problem, the main pedagogical idea, according to which the experience will gradually accumulate and generalize. At the same time, the methodologist should not forget about a very significant indicator of advanced experience - its efficiency, which presupposes the achievement of positive results with the least expenditure of time and effort for the educator and his wards. One cannot be considered an advanced experience that cultivates one of the aspects of upbringing at the expense of other sections of the program and to the detriment of them.

The essence of the use of advanced pedagogical experience is to weak sides to make up for the work of one employee with the strengths of another. Therefore, the leader must constantly look in the team for talented people who love their work, willingly and skillfully transferring all their knowledge and experience to colleagues: strive to concentrate and direct the efforts of all team members to improve pedagogical work.

In order to provide educators with methodological assistance and more effectively implement the requirements of the upbringing and education program for children, a pedagogical office is being created, where each employee can find the necessary material, get advice from the head, senior educator, and consult with colleagues.

The head or methodologist selects literature and teaching aids for all sections of the program, systematizes materials on the upbringing and education of preschool children, draws up annotations and recommendations for their use, summarizes the experience of the best kindergarten teachers, develops and decorates stands, folders - travel, exhibitions and other materials to help teachers in accordance with the objectives of the annual plan, topics of teachers' councils.

The methodologist attracts all educators to the equipment of the pedagogical office: some are responsible for the timely change of materials in folders or on an information stand, others monitor the issuance and accounting of benefits, others - for the timely production, repair or write-off of materials that have fallen into disrepair, etc.

It is necessary to teach employees to work culturally with benefits, not to lose them, to take them in advance and hand them in on time, put them in place, repair equipment on their own or involve parents and bosses in this work. If these rules are respected, all manuals, books and teaching aids serve the kindergarten for a long time, money resources, time of educators are saved, and most importantly, they teach everyone to strict order. However, this should not interfere with their active use in work with children.

All material in the pedagogical room should be divided into sections, and each section, in turn, by age groups. In order to save time to prepare for classes, a card index is started up, which helps to quickly navigate the abundance of information. In each program section there should be instructive and directive documents corresponding to the topic of the section, methodological literature, development of classes, recommendations, notes, a description of the work experience of the best educators, visual aids that meet all pedagogical and aesthetic requirements. The methodologist timely replenishes the cabinet with newly published manuals.

The head and the methodologist educator advise teachers on the effective use of visual material, the creation of additional manuals. In the pedagogical office, all conditions must be created for a friendly exchange of views, experience, for the creative work of each employee.

2.2 Methods for activating educators in methodical work

How to make every educator be an active, interested participant in the work of teachers' councils, consultations, seminars? How to get rid of the passivity of individual teachers?

These questions are of particular concern to the heads of preschool institutions today.

There are methods of activating teachers in conducting methodological events that help the methodologist in working with personnel.

Practice has shown that the end result of any methodological event will be high and the return is effective if various different methods inclusion in active work... The choice of methods for each event should be determined by its goals and objectives, the characteristics of the content, the contingent of teachers, the specific state of the educational process. Some of the methods described below, in conjunction with standard methods of organizing methodological work, will make it possible, by selecting specific situations of the educational process, taking into account the gradual complication, to achieve the greatest interest and activity of educators.

In situations - illustrations simple cases from practice are described, and here the solution is given.

Situations - the exercises need to be solved after doing some exercises (draw up a synopsis plan, fill out the table of the children's assimilation of the program section, etc.).

In situations - assessments, the problem has already been solved, but the teachers are required to give its analysis and justify the decision, evaluate it.

The most difficult activation method is situations - problems where specific example from practice is stated as existing problem to be solved. Several questions are given to help educators.

Dialogue, discussion, have become a true sign of our time. However, not everyone knows the art of collective discussion of issues in the form of dialogue or dispute.

Dialogue is a conversation between two or more people, their conversation. Each participant in the conversation expresses his point of view.

Discussion - consideration, research, discussion of a controversial issue, problem. This is a method of discussion in which it is necessary to come to common positions.

Discussion of two opposing points of view. The methodologist offers for discussion two points of view on the same problem. The teacher must express his attitude and justify it.

Practical skills training. This method is very effective, but it must be thought over in advance, it must be decided which of the teachers can be entrusted with it. Better to give a teaching element from work experience.

The method of imitating the teacher's working day. The teacher gives a characteristic of the age group of children, forms the goal and tasks that need to be solved and is offered to model your working day. In conclusion, the methodologist organizes a discussion of all the proposed models.

The solution of pedagogical crosswords and punched cards helps to clarify the knowledge of educators on a specific topic, develops their horizons, and therefore affects the quality of work with children.

Work with instructive - directive documents. Educators are invited to get acquainted with this or that document in advance, apply it to their work, and highlight one of the areas, think over a work plan to eliminate their shortcomings. Everyone does this work independently, and the teachers' council discusses different approaches to solving the same problem.

Analysis of children's statements, behavior, creativity. The methodologist prepares the material. Educators get to know him, analyze him, assess the skills, development of children, form several specific proposals to help the educator working with these children.

The method of game modeling increases interest, arouses high activity, improves skills in solving real pedagogical problems.

Generalizations of scientists, specialists make it possible to highlight those qualities that are required today by a methodologist or manager.

1. The erosion of traditional values ​​has led to a serious breakdown in personal beliefs and values. Therefore, the facilitator must clarify his personal values.

2. There is a wide choice. Therefore, the manager (methodologist) is obliged to determine the goals of the work performed, his own goals.

3. Organizational systems fail to provide all the learning opportunities required by the modern educator. Therefore, each manager must himself support his own constant growth and development.

4. Problems often snowball, and the means to solve them are limited. Therefore, the ability to solve problems quickly and efficiently is becoming an increasingly important part of management skills.

5. Competition in the service market makes it necessary to put forward new promising ideas. Therefore, methodologists must be resourceful and able to respond flexibly to changing situations.

6. Many management methods are outdated. Therefore, new, more modern management techniques are required, and the manager must master different approaches in relation to his subordinates.

7. Large costs are associated with the use of personnel labor. Therefore, the methodologists must skillfully use the available labor resources.

8. New approaches are required to combat the possibility of our own “obsolescence”. Therefore, the methodologist is required to be able to help others to quickly learn new methods and master practical skills.

9. The facilitator should be able to create and develop groups that can quickly become inventive and effective.

A methodologist with the above qualities will be able to most effectively organize the work of a preschool educational institution.



Preschool Educational Institution - Results Based Management

The purpose of this course is to help students understand their own management experience and the system of methodological work with personnel, as well as to introduce the latest achievements in the field of management into practice. At the heart of the preschool education management technology developed by P.I. Tretyakov and K.Yu. White, lies the concept of management by results, proposed by Finnish authors (T. Santalainen et al.). This course will help the leader draw up a program for the development of his preschool institution, taking into account the social order.
In performance management, each participant pedagogical process must be able to link his participation in a common cause with the activities of other team members - this will be discussed in the lecture "Organizational foundations of effective methodological work."
The control function is an integral part of management activities. The author examines the features of building a system of intra-garden control. Mastering the management course allows you to move from a vertical command-and-control management system to a horizontal system of professional cooperation. The proposed course reveals the main management mechanisms that ensure the transition of a preschool institution from a functioning to a developmental regime.

Curriculum of the course "Preschool educational institution - management by results"

Lecture number 5
Organizational foundations of effective methodological activity in a preschool educational institution


1. Methodical activity and its importance in the preschool education system.

2. Types of methodical work: research, experimental, correctional.

4. Forms of organizing methodological work with the teaching staff.


1. Belaya K.Yu. Diary of the senior educator of the preschool educational institution. M .: AST, 2002.

2. Volobueva L.M. The work of the senior educator of the preschool educational institution with teachers. M .: Creative Center "Sphere", 2003.

3. Vasilyeva A.I., Bakhturina L.A., Kobitina I.I. Senior kindergarten teacher. M .: Education, 1990.

4. Senina A.I. Methodical office.

1. What is methodical activity, its importance in the preschool education system

Methodological activity is usually defined as the activity of generalizing and disseminating pedagogical experience. In the book "Management modern school"Edited by M.M. Potashnik (M., 1992) gives a definition:

“By methodological work at school, we mean a holistic system of interrelated measures, actions and activities, based on the achievements of science, advanced experience and a specific analysis of teachers' difficulties, aimed at the comprehensive improvement of the professional skills of each teacher and educator, at the generalization and development of the creative potential of the teaching staff. in general, and ultimately - to achieve optimal results of education, upbringing and development of specific students, classes. "

This definition fully applies to preschool education.

In pedagogical practice, a whole system of methodological services has developed different levels... For example: city, district (district) methodological services and methodical service of an educational institution (school, kindergarten). In preschool educational institution methodical work is carried out by a senior educator or deputy head for educational work.

Task methodological activities is to create such an educational environment in an institution where it would be fully implemented creative potential teacher and teaching staff.

Experience shows that most teachers, especially beginners, always need help - from more experienced colleagues, leaders, senior preschool educators, from the professional methodological community. Currently, this need has intensified many times over in connection with the transition to a variable education system. Special additional training and constant methodological support, in order to competently and consciously build an integral educational process, taking into account the diversity of interests and opportunities of children in the practice of teaching and upbringing.

Methodological work in a preschool institution is a complex and creative process in which practical training of educators in methods and techniques of working with children is carried out.

In August 1994, the Ministry of Education issues a letter "On the forms of organization and directions of activity of methodological services in the education system of the Russian Federation" No. 90-M. The letter highlights the main directions in the activities of methodological services, implemented in such areas as information, diagnostic and prognostic, innovative and experimental, the field of educational content, advanced training, certification.

Thus, the methodological service is the most important component of the educational infrastructure (along with scientific support, training and retraining of personnel, the formation of an educational environment, etc.). It is designed to support the normal course of the educational process - to promote its renewal.

2. Types of methodical work: research, experimental, corrective

For the effectiveness of the pedagogical process, a constant search for new, more effective methods of education and training is necessary, with the help of which the content of education is transferred to children. It is the methodological activity that is given the leading role in the creation and implementation into practice of the most effective methods of upbringing and teaching children.

Analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, scientific research allows you to highlight different approaches to the definition of activities. By definition S.Zh. Goncharova, “methodical activity is a specific type educational activities, the content of which is the systemic unity of the creation of a method, its approbation, implementation of the method (obtaining methods), application of methods. "

The author has developed a model of methodological activity, which includes three "spaces of activity" (the term of G. P. Shchedrovitsky): the space for creating methods, the space for disseminating and implementing methods (obtaining a method), and the space for applying the methods.

In the process of methodological activity, these spaces are interconnected in 3 types of methodical activity, which are a single chain of certain elements, in which each stage has a final product: a method, a technique, a guaranteed result. This is clearly shown in the presented diagram.

Types of methodological activities
(according to S.Zh. Goncharova)

Focusing on this scheme, it is possible to highlight the main actions of the methodologist (senior educator) in each of these spaces.

When creating, looking for methods of working with children are used: the study of the methods used in practice, observation, description, comparison, identification of patterns, expert opinion on the significance, etc.

When introducing the method into the work of teachers the senior educator informs, teaches, disseminates, organizes experimental work and reproduction this method etc.

When applying the technique, method the main emphasis is on monitoring the implementation of the main provisions and correcting this methodology.

The activities of the senior educator are aimed at solving priority and urgent tasks. Therefore, it is necessary to design, determine its content for the entire composition of management functions: information-analytical, motivational-target, planning-prognostic, organizational-executive, control-diagnostic and regulatory-corrective (P.I. Tretyakov).

Let's try to fill these functions with the content of the activities of the senior educator. It should be supplemented taking into account the specifics, features of the work of each particular kindergarten (see table).

In each kindergarten, methodical work with personnel is planned annually. It is important to remind that now we need to talk about the system of methodological work, the modernization of its tasks, content. And here there is both general and specific.

To the general, we refer to the building of a system of methodical work in three dimensions.

1. In relation to a specific teacher, where the main task is to form an individual, author's, highly effective system of the teacher's pedagogical activity. Therefore, methodological work in kindergarten should be aimed at enriching the teacher's knowledge, developing his motives for creative activity, and developing the pedagogical technique of performing arts.

2. In relation to the teaching staff of the kindergarten, methodical work solves the problem of forming a team of like-minded people. It is aimed at developing a pedagogical credo, traditions of the collective, at organizing diagnostics and self-diagnostics, monitoring and analyzing the educational process, at identifying, generalizing and disseminating advanced pedagogical experience. At present, it is important to involve the collective in scientific and experimental work.

3. Methodological work in kindergarten is built in relation to the general system of continuing education, which implies a creative understanding of regulatory documents, the introduction of scientific achievements and best practices. In each kindergarten, a system of advanced training of teachers through self-education and all forms of methodological work is being built differentially.

It is possible to build a system of methodological work based on the analysis of the achieved results of the preschool educational institution: the results of the educational process, the level of pedagogical skill and qualifications of teachers, the maturity and cohesion of the teaching staff, specific interests, needs and requests of educators. Search and choice are always relevant for a manager. the best option methodical work. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the versatile nature of its content and the variety of forms and methods of working with personnel.

To assess the system of methodological work in a preschool institution, it is necessary to highlight the assessment criteria. Their number may be different and depend on a particular kindergarten, but the most common ones should always be taken into account.

The first criterion for the effectiveness of methodological work can be considered achieved if the results of the development of children grow, reaching the optimal level for each child or approaching him in the allotted time without overloading children.

The second criterion for rational spending of time. The efficiency of methodological work is achieved where the growth of teachers' skills occurs with a reasonable investment of time and effort on methodological work and self-education, at least without overloading teachers with these types of activities.

The third criterion for the stimulating role of methodological work is that the team is experiencing an improvement in the psychological microclimate, an increase in the creative activity of teachers in their satisfaction with the results of their work.

It is important to remember that a true assessment of the effectiveness of methodological work is given by the end result, and not by the number of various activities carried out.

4. Forms of organizing methodological work with the teaching staff

All forms can be presented in the form of two interrelated groups: group forms of methodological work (pedagogical councils, seminars, workshops, consultations, creative micro-groups, open views, work on common methodological topics, business games etc.); individual forms of methodological work (self-education, individual consultations, interviews, internship, mentoring, etc.). Let's consider the main forms of methodical work.

Within the framework of various forms, various methods and techniques of working with personnel, which were described above, are used.

Combining forms and methods of working with personnel in unified system, the leader must take into account their optimal combination with each other. I would like to remind you that the structure of the system for each preschool institution will be different and unique. This uniqueness is explained by the organizational-pedagogical and moral-psychological conditions in the team, specific for the given institution.

Pedagogical Council is one of the forms of methodical work in a preschool educational institution.

The pedagogical council in the kindergarten, as the supreme body of management of the entire educational process, poses and solves specific problems of the preschool institution. We will talk in detail in lecture 6 about how to prepare and conduct a meeting of the teachers' council, so I invite you to once again recall the content of this lecture.


Of the various forms of methodological work in kindergarten, such a form as counseling for teachers has become especially firmly established in practice. Individual and group consultations; consultations on the main areas of work of the entire team, on topical problems of pedagogy, at the request of educators, etc.

Any consultation requires preparation and professional competence from the senior educator.

The meaning of the word “competence” is disclosed in dictionaries “as a field of issues in which he is well aware” or is interpreted as “the personal capabilities of an official, his qualifications (knowledge, experience), allowing him to take part in the development of a certain range of solutions or to solve the issue itself due to the presence of certain knowledge, skills ".

So, the competence that is so necessary for a senior educator to work with teachers is not only the availability of knowledge that he constantly renews and replenishes, but also experience, skills that he can use if necessary. Helpful advice or a timely consultation will correct the teacher's work.

Major consultations are planned in the institution's annual work plan, but separate ones are held as needed.

Using different methods when conducting consultations, the senior educator not only sets the task of transferring knowledge to teachers, but also seeks to form their creative attitude to activities.

So, with a problematic presentation of the material, a problem is formed and a way to solve it is shown.

When using the partial search method, educators take an active part in putting forward hypotheses, drawing up plans for activities, and independently solving the problem. The most common method of consultation is the explanation method. This method has a number of positive qualities: reliability, economical selection of specific facts, scientific interpretation of the phenomena under consideration, etc.

In order to stimulate the attention of educators and encourage them to follow the logic of the presentation, it is useful to formulate questions at the beginning of the consultation. Questions addressed to teachers during the consultation process help them to comprehend their experience from the point of view of scientific conclusions, express their views, guesses, and formulate a conclusion.

Depending on the level of qualifications of teachers, the senior educator determines to what extent it is possible to draw on knowledge from their experience or limit himself to his own explanation.

When exchanging experience between educators, identifying knowledge, analyzing specific situations, the method of heuristic conversation can be used. During the conversation, individual provisions of the read methodological literature are revealed in more detail, explanations are given on those issues that are of greater interest to teachers, the erroneousness of their opinions and shortcomings of professional experience are revealed, the degree of understanding and assimilation of knowledge is revealed, an orientation towards further self-education is carried out.

However, the effectiveness of the heuristic conversation will be achieved when certain conditions are met. It is better to choose a practically significant, topical issue that requires comprehensive consideration as the subject of the conversation. It is essential that educators have a sufficient supply of theoretical knowledge and professional experience. The person preparing the consultation should draw up a well-grounded conversation plan that allows him to clearly imagine what new knowledge the educators will gain and what conclusions they will come to. When organizing a heuristic conversation, it is advisable to alternate the statements of experienced and novice educators. Heuristic conversation, conducted with the aim of transferring new knowledge, requires serious preparation and thinking through the entire course of the lesson.

During the consultation, a discussion method is used.

In terms of form and content, the discussion is close to the method of conversation. It also involves the choice of an important topic that requires comprehensive discussion, preparation of questions for educators, an introductory and concluding speech. However, unlike a conversation, a discussion requires a struggle of opinions, raising controversial issues. During the discussion, many other additional questions have to be asked, the number and content of which cannot be foreseen in advance. Therefore, the use of discussion as a method requires a senior educator to have high professional competence, pedagogical skill, great culture, tact. The leader of the discussion needs to have the ability to quickly navigate the situation, to catch the train of thought and the mood of the participants, and to create an atmosphere of trust. The participants in the discussion should have knowledge of theory and a desire to improve their activities.

The concluding remarks briefly analyze the speeches of the participants and clarify the solution of fundamental issues.

Seminars and workshops

Seminars and workshops remain the most effective form of methodological work in kindergarten.

In the annual plan of the preschool institution, the topic of the seminar is determined and at the beginning of the school year, the leader draws up a detailed plan of its work.

Expansion of the plan with a clear indication of the time of work, thoughtfulness of tasks will attract attention more those wishing to take part in its work. At the very first lesson, you can propose to supplement this plan with specific questions to which the educators would like to receive an answer.

The head of the seminar can be a head or a senior educator, invited specialists. It is possible to involve educators, specialists, medical workers in conducting individual classes. The main task of workshops is to improve the skills of teachers, so they are usually taught by educators who have experience in this issue. For example, at a workshop on ikebana, teachers, under the guidance of a specialist, learn the art of arranging a bouquet. These skills are subsequently used both in decorating a group room and in working with children. And in the classroom of the workshop on making Christmas tree decorations, teachers not only master the techniques of working with paper and other materials, but also develop a system for organizing various exciting activities with children in a group room for the period of the New Year holidays, where the main thing is a Christmas tree decorated with crafts by children, parents, teachers ... Teachers come up with surprise moments, select literary material to create a fabulous atmosphere in the group these days.

To the seminar "Features of the organization and conduct of observations in nature in summer period»Educators are offered questions in advance to discuss the problem. For example: How often do you observe natural objects in the classroom (excursions), walks, in everyday life? What do you think is the main thing in the method of organizing and conducting observation? What difficulties do you face? What techniques do you use to develop children's interest in nature and education of observation? What observations in nature have arisen at the initiative of children? How do you support, awaken, develop children's curiosity, curiosity? What influence does their interaction with nature have on children's behavior? Do you use elements in your work with children? environmental education? The workshop provides an opportunity to discuss different points view, the deployment of discussions, the creation of problem situations, which ultimately make it possible to develop common positions in solving the problem. It is important that the results of the seminars are formalized in the form of concrete and really implementable recommendations, and their implementation is under control.

The question of the need to teach parents, especially young mothers, the methods of personality-oriented communication with a preschooler is increasingly being raised. Therefore, organizing a workshop for parents is an important form of work. Various specialists can be involved in conducting such a seminar, who will tell you which toy is preferable to buy for your baby; they will teach you how to organize the game. You can arrange an evening of games for children and adults, in which the workshop leader will be an attentive advisor and observer. He will tell his parents about his observations and notes in the next lesson and give specific recommendations regarding methods of individual communication with the child.

It seems that such work will be useful for both parents and children, and a preschool institution, whose authority in the eyes of parents will only grow. The seminar as a form of methodological work differs from the seminar practiced in higher educational institutions.

The first distinguishing feature is its duration. It can include one or several activities. Sometimes a permanent seminar is planned for a long period, for example, several months or even an academic year. The second important feature is the location of the event. This can be a methodological office of a kindergarten, a group room or other places (museum, exhibition hall, square, etc.), depending on the goals and tasks that the leader of the seminar should solve. The third sign is the nature of the didactic tasks, which are solved in the classroom of the seminar. This is both educational activity to systematize and improve knowledge, and work on the formation of skills. In addition, during the seminar, the tasks of disseminating pedagogical experience are solved.

The fourth sign is the source of information. This is both a word (reports and co-reports of participants) and actions (implementation of various practical assignments), and a visual demonstration on the topic of the seminar, and pedagogical analysis.

Consequently, the workshop is not limited to a specific time frame and is not associated with a permanent venue.

Big role Properly organized preparation for it and preliminary information play a role in the effectiveness of the seminar. The topic of the seminar should be relevant for a specific preschool institution and take into account new scientific information.

If the seminar is long, then it is good to prepare a memo to the participants of the seminar, in which to indicate the topic, place and order of conduct, a list of questions to think about, an obligatory list of literature, which is useful to get acquainted with in advance. It is important to think over the methods and forms of involving all participants of the seminar in an active discussion of the topic. For this, situational tasks are also used, work with punched cards, discussion of two opposing points of view, work with regulatory documents, methods of game modeling, etc. The leader of the seminar must clearly think over the tasks for each topic of the lesson and the assessment of their implementation. At the end of the seminar, you can arrange an exhibition of the works of teachers.

Open show

Each educator has his own pedagogical experience, pedagogical skills. The work of the educator who achieves the best results is singled out, his experience is called advanced, he is studied, he is "equal".

"Advanced pedagogical experience is a means of purposeful improvement of the educational process that meets the urgent needs of the practice of teaching and upbringing!" (Ya.S. Turbovskaya).

Advanced pedagogical experience helps the educator to explore new approaches to working with children, to distinguish them from mass practice. At the same time, it awakens initiative, creativity, and contributes to the improvement of professional skills. Best practices arise in mass practice and are, to some extent, the result of it.

For any teacher studying advanced experience, not only the result is important, but also the methods and techniques by which this result is achieved. This allows you to measure your capabilities and decide on the implementation of experience in your work.

Advanced experience is the fastest, most operational form for resolving contradictions that have matured in practice, quickly responding to public requests, to the changing situation of upbringing. Born in the thick of life, advanced experience is very instrumental and, if a number of conditions are met, it successfully takes root in new conditions, it is the most convincing, attractive for practice, because it is presented in a living, concrete form.

Due to this special role of advanced experience, open screenings are held annually within the framework of methodological work in kindergartens, at which the best experience of work in one of the areas of preschool pedagogy is presented.

Open demonstration makes it possible to establish direct contact with the teacher during the lesson, to get answers to questions of interest. The show helps to penetrate into a kind of creative laboratory of the educator, to witness the process of pedagogical creativity. The director organizing an open show can set several goals:

Advocacy of experience;
- teaching teachers methods and techniques of working with children, etc.

The forms of organizing an open display can be different. For example, before the start of the viewing, the leader can himself tell about the system of the teacher's work, suggest questions that should be addressed Special attention... Sometimes it is advisable to distribute the questions, for one teacher - to calculate the activity of children, for another - a combination of different methods and techniques used by the teacher, the rational use of manuals, to assess whether the children are comfortable.

Such preparation for an open lesson will help the leader to organize interesting discussion of what he saw, to develop a common opinion of the team. It should be remembered that in the discussion, the first word is given to the educator demonstrating his work with children. Based on the results of open viewing, a decision is made: for example, to introduce this experience into your work, submit the abstracts to the methodological office, or continue generalizing the teacher's work experience in order to present it to the district pedagogical readings.

Thus, when planning methodological work, it is necessary to use all types of generalization of pedagogical experience. In addition, there are various different shapes dissemination of experience: open demonstration, work in pairs, author's seminars and workshops, conferences, pedagogical readings, weeks of pedagogical skills, a day open doors, master classes, etc.

Practice shows that the study, generalization and implementation of pedagogical experience is essential function methodical work that permeates the content and all its forms and methods. The value of pedagogical experience can hardly be overestimated; it teaches, educates, develops teachers. Being essentially intimately connected with the progressive ideas of pedagogy and psychology, based on the achievements and laws of science, this experience serves as the most reliable conductor of advanced ideas and technologies in the practice of preschool educational institutions.

In the methodological office of a preschool educational institution, it is necessary to have the addresses of pedagogical experience.

Business games

Currently, business games are widely used in methodological work, in exchange rate system advanced training, in those forms of work with personnel, where the goal cannot be achieved in simpler, familiar ways. It has been repeatedly noted that the use of business games has positive value... It is positive that the business game is a powerful tool for shaping the personality of a professional; it helps to most activate the participants to achieve the goal.

But more and more often the business game is used in methodical work as an external spectacular form. In other words: the one who conducts it does not rely on psychological-pedagogical or scientific-methodological foundations, and the game "does not go". Consequently, the very idea of ​​using a business game is discredited. So what is a business game?

A business game is a method of imitation (imitation, image, reflection) of making managerial decisions in various situations, by playing according to the rules set or developed by the game participants themselves. Business games are often called management imitation games. The very term "play" in various languages ​​corresponds to the concepts of joke, laughter, lightness and indicates the connection of this process with positive emotions. It seems that this explains the emergence of business games in the system of methodological work.

A business game increases interest, arouses high activity, improves the ability to solve real pedagogical problems.

In general, games, with their multifaceted analysis of specific situations, make it possible to link theory with practical experience.

The essence of business games is that they have the features of both teaching and work. At the same time, training and work acquire a joint, collective character and contribute to the formation of professional creative thinking.

Practitioners ask the question: "How often can you plan and conduct a business game with the whole team?" It would be wrong to answer it unequivocally. Here it is necessary to take into account the fact how the business game fits into the integral system of methodological measures for the given academic year. And then it can be used 1-2 times a year. If you have never conducted business games, then it is better to try using one of the methods of game modeling to activate teachers during a methodological event. It is good if you yourself take part in a business game and feel it “from the inside”. And only then start preparing and conducting a business game in your team.

Preparing and conducting a business game is a creative process. Therefore, the design of a business game bears the imprint of the author's personality. Often, taking a model of an already developed business game, one can change its individual elements or completely replace the content without changing the model.

However, observations allow us to conclude that often those games in which the game model of the participants' activity is poorly worked out.

There are theoretically grounded methods of designing and conducting business games. Knowing them is necessary in order to avoid mistakes that can negate work.

If a business game is used for the purpose of training, then it must be remembered that it cannot precede seminars and special courses, practical exercises. It should take place at the end of the training.

The direct development of materials for a business game includes the following stages:

Business game project creation;
- a description of the sequence of actions;
- a description of the organization of the game;
- drawing up tasks for participants;
- preparation of equipment.

"Round table"

This is one of the forms of communication between teachers. When discussing any issues of upbringing and teaching preschoolers, circular pedagogical forms of placement of participants make it possible to make the team self-governing, it allows all participants to be put on an equal footing, and ensures interaction and openness. The role of the organizer of the "round table" is to think over and prepare questions for discussion, aimed at achieving a specific goal.

Literary or pedagogical newspaper

Some preschool educational institutions use interesting shape work that brings employees together. Purpose: to show the development of creative abilities of adults, as well as children and parents. Educators write articles, stories, compose poems, personal qualities, professional qualities necessary in working with children are assessed - writing, mastery of speech skills - imagery of statements, etc.

Creative microgroups. They arose as a result of the search for new effective forms of methodological work.

Such groups are created on a purely voluntary basis, when it is necessary to master some new best practices, a new methodology or develop an idea. Several teachers are united in a group on the basis of mutual sympathy, personal friendship, or psychological compatibility... In a group, there may be one or two leaders who, as it were, lead, take on organizational issues.

Each member of the group first independently studies the experience, development, then everyone exchanges opinions, argues, and proposes their own options. It is important that all this is realized in the practice of everyone's work. Group members visit each other's classes, discuss them, and highlight the best methods and techniques. If there is a gap in the understanding of the teacher's knowledge or skills, then there is a joint study of additional literature. Joint creative development of new things is 3-4 times faster. As soon as the set goal is achieved, the group breaks up. In the creative microgroup, informal communication, the main attention here is paid to search, research activities, the results of which are subsequently reviewed by the entire staff of the institution.

Work on a single methodological topic

At the right choice a single methodological theme for the entire preschool institution, this form makes all other forms of work to improve the skills of educators integral. If a single topic is really capable of captivating and capturing all teachers, then it also acts as a factor in rallying a team of like-minded people. There are a number of requirements to consider when choosing a single theme. This topic should be relevant and really important for a preschool institution, taking into account the level of activity achieved by it, interests and requests of teachers. There should be a close connection of a single topic with specific scientific and pedagogical research and recommendations, with pedagogical experience, the accumulated practice of other institutions. These requirements exclude the invention of what has already been created and allow you to implement and develop everything that is advanced in your team. The above does not exclude such an approach when the team itself conducts experimental work and creates the necessary methodological developments. Practice shows the expediency of defining a topic for the future, with a breakdown of a major topic by year.

United methodical theme should run like a red thread through all forms of methodical work and be combined with the themes of self-education of educators.


The system of continuous professional development of each teacher of a preschool educational institution assumes different forms: training in courses, self-education, participation in the methodological work of the city, district, kindergarten. The systematic improvement of the psychological and pedagogical skills of the educator and the senior educator is carried out at refresher courses every five years. In the intercourse period of active pedagogical activity, there is a constant process of restructuring knowledge, i.e. there is a progressive development of the subject itself. This is why self-education between courses is essential. It performs the following functions: expands and deepens the knowledge gained in the previous coursework; promotes comprehension of advanced experience at a higher theoretical level, improves professional skills.

In a kindergarten, a senior educator must create conditions for teachers to educate themselves.

Self-education is the independent acquisition of knowledge from various sources, taking into account the interests and inclinations of each particular teacher.

As a process of mastering knowledge, it is closely related to self-education and is considered an integral part of it.

In the process of self-education, a person develops the ability to independently organize their activities to acquire new knowledge.

Why does a teacher need to constantly work on himself, replenish and expand his knowledge? Pedagogy, like all sciences, does not stand still, but is constantly developing and improving. The volume of scientific knowledge is increasing every year. Scientists claim that the knowledge that humanity has at its disposal doubles every ten years.

This obliges each specialist, regardless of the education received, to engage in self-education.

Korney Chukovsky wrote: “Only that knowledge is strong and valuable that you have acquired yourself, prompted by your own passion. All knowledge must be a discovery that you made yourself. "

The head of a preschool educational institution organizes the work in such a way that the self-education of each teacher becomes his need. Self-education is the first step towards improving professional skills. In the methodological office, the necessary conditions are created for this: the library fund is constantly updated and replenished with reference and methodological literature, the experience of teachers.

Methodological journals are not just studied and systematized over the years, but are used to compile thematic catalogs, help the teacher who has chosen the topic of self-education to get acquainted with the different views of scientists and practitioners on the problem. A library catalog is a list of books available in a library and located on a particular system.

A special card is entered for each book, in which the author's surname, his initials, the title of the book, the year and place of publication are recorded. On back side you can make a short summary or list of the main issues covered in the book. The thematic filing cabinets include books, magazine articles, and individual book chapters. The senior educator makes catalogs, recommendations to help those involved in self-education, studies the influence of self-education on changes in the educational process.

However, it is very important that the organization of self-education is not reduced to the formal maintenance of additional reporting documentation (plans, extracts, notes).

This is a voluntary desire of the teacher. In the methodological office, only the topic that the teacher is working on is recorded, and the form and term of the report. In this case, the form of the report can be as follows: speaking at the pedagogical council or conducting methodological work with colleagues (consultation, seminar, etc.). This can be a show of work with children, in which the educator uses the knowledge gained in the course of self-education.

Summarizing what has been said, we emphasize that the forms of self-education are diverse:

Work in libraries with periodicals, monographs, catalogs;
- participation in the work of scientific and practical seminars, conferences, trainings;
- obtaining advice from specialists, practical centers, departments of psychology and pedagogy of higher educational institutions;
- work with the bank of diagnostic and correctional development programs in regional methodological centers, etc.

The result of these and other types of work of the teacher is the process of reflection on the experience gained and, on its basis, the construction of a new experience.

5. The content of the activities of the senior educator

The organizer of the methodological work in the preschool educational institution is the senior educator.

Together with the head of the preschool educational institution, he manages the preschool institution.

Senior educator participates v:

Selection of candidates for the positions of educators, their assistants, specialists;
- creating a favorable moral and psychological climate in the team, a system of moral and material incentives for employees;
- the formulation of a social order for your preschool educational institution, the development of a philosophy, and the definition of the goal of the preschool educational institution;
- strategic planning, development and implementation of development programs and work plans for preschool educational institutions;
- creating an image of a preschool educational institution among the population;
- selection (development) of educational programs for children;
- organization of educational, educational work with children;
- organization of experimental, research work in a preschool educational institution;
- development, effective use intellectual potential of the preschool educational institution;
- development of cooperation with other preschool educational institutions, schools, children's centers, museums, etc.

In addition, the senior educator plans educational, methodological work, taking into account the professional skills, experience of educators and in order to create an optimal model of the educational process in a preschool educational institution, providing:

Proposals for the work plan of the preschool educational institution;
- professional development of educators;
- helping educators in self-education;
- certification of educators;
- drawing up a network of classes by age group;
- methodological assistance to educators (primarily beginners) in the preparation and conduct of classes;
- exchange of experience of the employees of the preschool educational institution;
- familiarization of educators with the achievements of pedagogical theory and practice;
- development of the continuity of preschool educational institutions and schools;
- improving work with parents;
- completing groups with teaching aids, games, toys;
- constant analysis of the state of educational, methodological and educational work and the adoption on its basis of specific measures to increase the effectiveness of methodological work.

Organizes educational, methodical work:

Prepares and regularly holds meetings of the pedagogical council;
- conducts open classes for educators, seminars, individual and group consultations, exhibitions, competitions;
- organizes the work of creative groups;
- timely acquires the equipment necessary for teaching and educational, methodological work;
- maintains a card index of published educational, pedagogical and methodological literature;
- completes, promotes among educators a library of educational-methodical and children's literature, manuals, etc .;
- organizes the work of educators in the production of manuals, didactic materials;
- conducts joint activities with the school;
- prepares stands for parents, travel folders about the experience of family education;
- prepares pedagogical documentation in a timely manner;
- forms and summarizes the best experience of teachers in various problems and areas.

Carries out control at work of educators:

Systematically checks the plans of teaching and educational work;
- attends classes in groups according to the schedule;
- monitors the implementation of the annual work plan, decisions taken at meetings of the teachers' council.

Senior educator organizes interaction in the work of an educator, psychologist, speech therapist, music director, and other specialists.

Regularly conducts diagnostics of the development of children, their knowledge, abilities, skills.

Studies plans of educators for self-education.

Carries out interconnection in the work of a preschool educational institution, family, school.

The professional competence of a senior educator consists of several components, including:

Availability methodological culture, conceptual thinking, the ability to model the pedagogical process and predict the results of their own activities;
- the presence of a high level of general communication culture, experience in organizing communication with educators, carried out in a dialogue mode;
- readiness for joint mastery of social experience with all participants in the pedagogical process;
- striving for the formation and development of personal creative qualities that make it possible to generate unique pedagogical ideas;
- mastering the culture of receiving, selecting, reproducing, processing information in conditions of an avalanche-like increase in information flows;
- the presence of experience in systematic study and research of the pedagogical activity of educators and their own professional and pedagogical activity.


1. What is methodical work in kindergarten?

2. What are the three types of methodological activities aimed at?

3. Name and briefly describe the most common forms of methodological work.


Choose a topic, define a goal and make a plan for your self-education (in free form).

Examination work No. 2

For students of advanced training courses "Preschool educational institution - management by results"

Dear students of advanced training courses!

Dear students of advanced training courses!
To receive credit for the passed part of the course (4th and 5th lectures), you need to complete test No. 2, which is a practical task.
The assessment of the test work will be carried out according to the "pass / fail" system. Please complete the test and no later than December 15, send it to the address: 121165, Moscow, st. Kievskaya, 24, Pedagogical University "First September" along with a completed printed form.

Middle name:

Identifier (indicated on your personal card):

If you don't know your ID yet, leave this field blank.

Methodical work is the main way to improve the teacher's skill and competence.

The work reflects the principles, goals and objectives of the organization of methodological work.

The characteristics of the common forms of methodological work are given - pedagogical advice, business game, conference, round table, consultation, seminar, seminar - workshop.

In this work, one can also get acquainted with such new forms of methodological work as the relay race of pedagogical skills, creative living room, KVN, review - competition, mentoring, mutual visits and many others.

At the end of the lecture, you can get acquainted with the advice of L. Seivert, a German scientist, a leading expert on the rationalization of managers' work on the successful conduct of meetings.



Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 65 of a combined type



Senior educator

Olga A. Kabankova



1. Introduction.

2. Definition of the concept of "methodical work".

3. Principles, goals and objectives of the organization of methodological work.

4. Pedagogical Council - as a permanent self-governing body of the preschool educational institution.

5.Traditional and new forms of methodological work in preschool educational institutions.

6. Conclusion.

7 Literature.

According to V. M. Lizinsky, methodical work is an activity aimed at the successful organization of the educational process. It is a systematic collective and individual activity. teaching staff aimed at increasing their scientific, theoretical, general cultural level, psychological and pedagogical training and professional skills.

Durova V.P. believes that methodical work in a preschool institution in to a greater extent is aimed at studying the experience, style and methodology of the teacher's work, at providing him with methodological assistance by the forces of preschool educators or experienced methodologists. The main goal is to ensure continuous education of the educator, his creative growth. According to L.I. Falyushina, methodical work is a function of quality management of educational educational work in pedagogical systems, which consists in a two-way process of teaching and learning its object, aimed at deepening, expanding the knowledge, skills and abilities of teachers necessary for the high-quality implementation of pedagogical activities for the comprehensive upbringing of children.

All researchers agree that methodical work is the main way to improve the teacher's skill and competence. So, K.Yu. Belaya, Yu.A. Konarzhevsky, A.A. Orlov and others in their research specifically consider the relationship between the concepts of "methodical work" and "teacher training" through the allocation of the subject (control subsystem) and the object (controlled subsystem) of methodical work in the process of organizing teacher training aimed at deepening and expanding knowledge, the formation of professional skills and the skills necessary for the high-quality implementation and education of children.Thus, methodological work in a preschool educational institution can be called an integral part of a unified system of continuous education for teaching staff, a system for improving their professional qualifications.

Principles, goals and objectives of the organization of methodological work.

Improvement of professional activity- the following are performing (according to L.I.Ilyenko)

  • The principles of relevance, unity of theory and practice - the practical implementation of the law of the Russian Federation "On Education", taking into account the modern order of society for education, focusing on the social significance of the child in modern difficult conditions life, taking into account the problems close to a specific teaching staff.
  • The principle of scientific character, which aims at the compliance of the entire system of professional development of teachers with modern scientific achievements in various fields.
  • The principles of consistency and complexity, which require the implementation of an approach to methodological work as an integral system, the optimality of which depends on the unity of purpose, objectives, content, forms and methods of work with teachers, the unity and interconnection of all sides and directions of professional development of teachers.
  • The principles of focus, consistency, continuity, continuity and mass character, collectivity provide for the transformation of methodological work into a part of the lifelong education system, full coverage of teachers various forms methodical work throughout the academic year.
  • The principle of creating favorable working conditions - moral, psychological, hygienic, the availability of free time for the teacher's creative activity.
  • The principles of efficiency, flexibility, mobility and an individual approach require methodologists to show the ability to quickly receive educational information and transfer it, taking into account

Individual characteristics of teachers of an educational institution.

The principle of constant self-education of teachers, the provision of qualified assistance, both in theory and in practical activities; increasing the effectiveness of his pedagogical work.

The principle of creativity presupposes the creative nature of methodological work, the creation of its own system of methodical work in an educational institution.

I.V. Klemesheva, A.I. Tebyakina also believe that the global goal of methodological work - to ensure the quality of education and the development of a continuous education system for teaching staff of an educational institution - is determined by the principles of methodological work, among the diversity of which can be distinguished as the leading principles of democratization and humanitarization of education.

V.P. Simonov considers the following as the main tasks of methodical work:

Raising the professional and cultural level of the teacher.

Improvement of methods and styles of interaction with children on the principles of democratization, humanization and transparency.

Improvement of the teacher in the organization of creative, research, independent work of children, both in class and outside of class.

Formation of skills, skills of the teacher's analysis of the educational process as a whole and the introspection of his work.

Introducing teachers to research activities based on accessible and understandable methods.

Annually planning methodological work with the teachers of his institution, the senior educator uses well-known, widely used forms. Group (pedagogical councils, seminars, workshops, consultations, methodical exhibitions, mutual visits, creative micro-groups, schools of excellence, business games, etc.) and individual (self-education, individual consultations, interviews, internships, mentoring, etc. .).

In the practice of the preschool educational institution, a wide variety of forms and methods of holding meetings of pedagogical councils has developed. They can be conditionally divided into three groups: traditional (classical); modernized (representing one or another improvement of traditional ones) and non-traditional (based on the high activity of all participants).

Correctly chosen forms of methodological support allow teachers to reveal their creative abilities, talents, activity and organizational capabilities.

The Pedagogical Council is a council of professional teachers on the educational process, which makes a joint decision on the coordination of specific issues and pedagogical tasks that arise in the daily life of the preschool educational institution. At the meetings, teachers come to a common decision on improving the educational and educational process, activating educators, organizing experimental and research work. The pedagogical council determines the prospects for the development of the institution. His decisions are binding on all members of the team.

Pedagogical advice in the form of a collective creative work involves the active cooperation of all teachers in the process of finding solutions to urgent theoretical practical problems, it allows all teachers to unite and direct their efforts to achieve common goals, increase motivation to overcome emerging difficulties, distribute responsibilities and delegate authority, implement individual and collective control over the achievement of the results of a common cause.

Let us dwell on the most common forms of methodological work in order to highlight the features, to emphasize the need for each in a holistic system of methodological support for preschool teachers.

Business game.

A pedagogical council in the form of a business game can be held to summarize the work of the team on any problem or for a certain period. The main place in such a teachers' council is occupied by group work. It is important for organizers to think over the scenario to the smallest detail, define roles, tasks, calculate the schedule. Group members complete assignments, develop goals and objectives, develop programs that will form the basis of the pedagogical council's decisions.

Most often, business games are used for educational purposes - educational games... Among them stand out:

Imitation business games are a type of games related to such abstract concepts and topics that cannot be played up in other ways, for example, teachers are required to beat the concept of “development” with the help of micro-studies. "Play", "education" and "training".

Positional business games are a type of games in which the interaction between the participants of the game is built as a clarification of positions according to well-known, traditional and non-traditional methods, technologies, programs through a clash of views and pedagogical attitudes, a struggle of opinions.

Role-playing business games are a type of games in which the characteristics of the roles and positions of the participants in the interaction with respect to a particular issue or problem are determined.

Situational business games are a type of games in which the roles and positions of the participants in the interaction are determined, but the leading component is the situation, that is, intense action in a relatively short time. Situational games are associated with playing around situations - illustrations, situations-exercises, situations-assessments and problem pedagogical situations.

Narrative business games are a type of games in which the roles and positions of the participants in the interaction in a certain plot are determined.

Organizational-activity business games are the most difficult type of business games associated with the development of theoretical concepts of practical recommendations within the framework of the problem, the collective writing of recommendations, methodological developments.

Functional business games are a type of business games that is associated with the work of initiative creative groups in preschool educational institutions that have been operating for a long time.

The conference .

Pedagogical advice - the conference can consist of several component parts, for example: the main theoretical message and dialogue, which is organized by the senior educator with a group of specialists (music director, psychologist, instructor physical education, speech therapist). The answers of these specialists to questions asked will encourage everyone else to ask questions to develop the topic, to express their opinion. In conclusion, recommendations are adopted on the issue under discussion.

Round table .

Pedagogical advice in the form of a "Round Table". To prepare such a teacher's council, managers need to select important issues that are interesting for discussion, and think over the organization. For example, give some topics in advance to a group of educators and offer them relevant literature. Then they will have the opportunity to get acquainted with different theories, approaches, opinions, think over and develop their point of view on this issue (topic). The main rule when organizing a round table is the preparedness and interest of each participant. It is important to choose a facilitator who knows how to navigate the issues and direct the conversation in the right direction.


The pedagogical advice in the form of a discussion requires that teachers divide into subgroups in advance and prepare their concepts of the problem under discussion. During the discussion, a plan for solving the problem is jointly developed.

Pedagogical council - dispute.

This is a kind of teachers' council - discussion. Such a teacher's council is a collective reflection on a given topic, problem. The subject of the dispute should be a problem that causes conflicting judgments, is solved in different ways. The dispute does not exclude, but presupposes the depth and comprehensiveness of the disclosure of the problem. Where there is no subject of dispute, but there are only speeches that supplement or clarify the arguments, there is no dispute, this is at best a conversation. The wording of the topic should be acute, problematic, awaken the thought of teachers, include a question that in practice and in literature is solved in different ways, causes different opinions, for example:

Does kindergarten need standards?

What do preschoolers need to teach today?

Innovative technologies: pros and cons.

What is the role of family education today?

A variant of the pedagogical council-dispute is the solution of pedagogical situations. The senior educator selects a bank of difficult situations on the problem and offers it to the team. The form of presentation can be varied: address, by drawing lots, dividing into groups. The administration of the preschool educational institution can play the role of a jury, presenter, consultant, opponent, etc.

Situational pedagogical adviceconsists in considering one or several pedagogical situations that can be played here by previously prepared teachers' council participants.


Consultations are an equally common form of methodological work in educational institutions of preschool children. The topic of group, subgroup and individual counseling can be suggested by the teachers' questions or determined by the senior educator. At the same time, the modern practice of working with teachers often requires the choice of non-standard forms of consultation. One can single out such a form of methodical work as consultation-dialogue. This consultation is carried out by two teachers with different points of view on the issue under discussion. Considering the topics, they can present their arguments for each thesis, and the listeners can choose the point of view that corresponds to their pedagogical views.

Consultation - a paradox, or consultation with planned mistakes, has as its purpose to draw the attention of teachers to the most difficult aspects of the problem being presented, to increase their activity. The senior educator names the number of mistakes (at least ten) that he will make in the consultation process. Students are invited to distribute the material on a sheet of paper in two columns: on the left - reliable, on the right - erroneous, which is then analyzed.

Seminars and seminars - workshops.

Seminars as a separate form of methodological work play important role in raising the scientific and theoretical level of educators in improving their professional competence... You can prepare and conduct seminars in different ways, depending on the content of the topic and the purpose of the lesson.

Before the seminar, teachers are offered special tasks, the fulfillment of which will allow everyone to actively participate in the seminar. In this regard, it often turns out that preparation for a seminar involves reading additional literature, studying primary sources, and taking notes. Teachers learn to critically evaluate what they read, to choose the information they need. They must understand the essence of the material being studied in order to assimilate and use it in their practice. Therefore, during the seminars, such forms of organization are used as open classes or events, the use of video materials and multimedia presentations, the analysis of the results of children's activities and products. children's creativity and etc.

At workshops, consisting of theoretical (seminar) and practical (practical) parts, educators generalize and systematize best practices, show the necessary techniques and methods of work in action, which are then analyzed and discussed. This form also presupposes the development of certain methods of work without the participation of children. The choice of the topic of the seminar is not accidental and is explained by the increased requirements for the quality of preschool education, the adaptability of the educational process, the urgent need for the mandatory foresight of the results and development prospects. The implementation of the modern goals of the pedagogical process determines the use in the activities of the educator innovative technologies that are guaranteed to lead to the achievement of the expected result.

The seminar-briefing differs in that it allows to maximize the activation of the participants both in the process of preparing for the seminar and in the lesson itself: the group is divided into subgroups in accordance with the number of proposed discussion questions. Moreover, the number of participants in subgroups can be arbitrary. Since the whole subgroup answers the question, and repetitions are not allowed, then, naturally, the participant finds himself in such a situation that it is necessary to answer thoroughly and to the point. After each member of the subgroup has spoken, a discussion begins; in this case, additions, clarifications, questions to each other are possible.


The training assumes preliminary and final diagnostics, at least using the questionnaire method and expert assessments, professional skills of teachers in a certain area of ​​their pedagogical activity, the selection of practical tasks and game exercises aimed at the formation of missing or insufficiently formed skills of professional activity, which are performed in situations of programmed success, and then transferred to the situation of real practical activities of teachers of a preschool educational institution ... Therefore, training can be short-term, if it is about the formation of highly specialized skills, for example, the use of physical culture minutes in the process of conducting classes with children, or long-term, if it is about the formation of a whole range of professional operations and actions related to the organization of a holistic educational process, and not its individual elements.

Pedagogical Council is a practical conference.

A pedagogical council in this form can be prepared and conducted by combining the efforts of several preschool educational institutions on the basis of an institution that has the status of an experimental site. When preparing it, open days for teachers should be organized in advance. It is important to set the agenda in such a way that each institution participates on an equal footing in demonstrating its experience, discussing problems and proposing solutions. Decisions at such a teachers' council can be made both general for everyone and for each collective separately, taking into account its specifics.

Creative groups- the next important form of methodological work with preschool teachers. It involves the implementation of such an approach to the implementation of methodological work in an educational institution, which allows teachers to be involved in experimental and research activities. The work of the creative group is based on the following algorithm:

  • identifying problems and substantiating the relevance of their solution to identify the practice of an educational institution, diagnostic and analytical stage;

Development of a detailed program of experimental work or research activities, prognostic stage;

Organizational stage, creating conditions for the implementation of the program;

Implementation of the program, practical stage, correction of the used methods and technologies, control "cuts";

Registration and description of the results of experimental or research work, summarizing the stage;

Dissemination of pedagogical experience, implementation of innovations in the activities of an educational institution.

The logical conclusion and the result of the work of the creative group are the creative reports of teachers who talk about the results of the program of experimental, research and scientific and methodological work, share their experience, talk about the problems that arise in the practice of an educational institution, and propose to introduce innovations.

Collective review of the educational process.

The task of collective viewing is to show the most effective conditions, forms or methods and techniques for working with children and their parents. Particular importance is attached to the implementation of methodological principles that determine the optimal impact of the factors of upbringing and education (the formation of motivation in children, the change of activities, the dynamism of perception, the development of higher mental functions, productive processing of information, repetition teaching material, ensuring the transfer of methods of activity, a game form of conducting, etc.). At the same time, the collective show concerns not only conducting classes with children, but also the organization of free types of children's activities and regime moments.

Collective shows are organized once every 3 months, in the first and second half of the day, so that all teachers can attend. At the same time, each of them receives a questionnaire for observation with a set of statement phrases and question phrases in a constructive form. (These phrases do not make it possible to use the discussion situation to exacerbate the conflict and clarify the relationship. For example, a senior educator may recommend teachers to use the following formulations : "I liked the fact that ...", "It's good that you", "It would be nice if you ...", "Probably, it would be more effective if ...", "Where else do you use ..?") In the process of conducting a collective review, teachers make notes in these questionnaires.

After the viewing, its discussion is organized: first, the teacher talks about the goals and objectives that he used during the demonstration of the educational process, then the audience is asked questions, and he answers them. At the same time, he is encouraged to explain the reasons for choosing one or another behavior in the course of organizing a collective viewing, to give a reflection of his own activities and the activities of children. The senior educator continues this line, thanks the teacher for the work done, analyzes its advantages (and not disadvantages), highlights those forms and methods that, in his opinion, could be used in the work of the entire teaching staff.

Brain attack (brainstorm).

It is a rational way to collectively produce new ideas to solve practical problems that cannot be solved. traditional ways... In essence, brainstorming is a collective thought process: solving a problem through logical analysis, hypothesis, its justification and proof. The teachers are divided into two groups. The first group is "idea generators", the second is "analysts". The former should, within a short time, offer as many options as possible for solving the problem under discussion. In this case, the proposals are not discussed and all are necessarily recorded in the protocol. "Analysts" carefully consider each idea, choosing the most reasonable. Any criticism of ideas is strictly prohibited. Selected proposals are grouped and announced to the team. The participants then change their roles.

Bank of ideas.

A type of brainstorming is"Bank of ideas". Educators are introduced to the formulation of the problem and are offered to give their solution in writing. The deadline for opening the "bank" is set (at the next teachers' council, final meeting). The "bank" is opened in the presence of the collective, ideas are read out and discussed, the most rational ones are taken as decisions of the teachers' council.


It should not be forgotten that the competence of the pedagogical council includes the discussion of the problems of the development of individual children. At the meeting, they often talk about the group as a whole, forgetting about individual characteristics certain children. In practice, situations arise when it is necessary to draw the attention of the administration, psychologist, speech therapist, parents to the problems of upbringing and development of a particular child (for example, gifted child, a child who is lagging behind in his development, etc.). For this purpose, you can hold a small pedagogical council in the form consultation. This form of work will contribute to the development of strategies and tactics for working with a specific child based on in-depth study and collective analysis of his development. Bearing in mind that the pedagogical council is a tribune of excellence, it is periodically possible to conduct it in the formauction, presentation... At such a meeting, it is appropriate to present new educational programs, technologies, methodological and didactic manuals, game materials, etc.

Work on a single methodological topic.

With the right choice, a single methodological topic can really captivate teachers. There are a number of requirements that must be taken into account when choosing a single topic: relevance for a preschool institution, taking into account the achieved level of activity, interests and requests of teachers, close connection with specific scientific and pedagogical research and recommendations, pedagogical experience of other institutions. Such an approach is not excluded, when the team itself conducts experimental work and creates the necessary methodological developments. Practice shows the feasibility of defining a topic for the future, broken down by years. A single methodological theme should run like a red thread through all forms of methodical work and be combined with the themes of educators' self-education.

Literary newspaper.

An interesting form of work that unites employees. The goal is to show the creative possibilities of teachers, children and parents. All participants write articles, stories, compose poems, make drawings.

Relay of pedagogical skills.

Competition between several groups of teachers, where one teacher begins to cover the problem, and the next continue and together reveal it. The last participant sums up the results, draws conclusions.

Artistic piggy bank.

The piggy bank, depending on the pedagogical tasks, may include reproductions of works visual arts, photographs, drawings of objects, animals, natural phenomena, diagrams, signs (any necessary information). A good way to grab the attention of children. The piggy bank materials can form the basis of the exhibition.

Creative living room

The form of organizing the interaction of teachers in accordance with their interests and preferences. An atmosphere of free, relaxed communication is created.


A great opportunity to show in competition your creative abilities, theoretical and practical knowledge, quickly resolve the pedagogical situation, be able to objectively assess the knowledge of your colleagues. Stimulates the activity of participants in the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and abilities.

Review - competition.

Checking method professional knowledge, abilities, skills, pedagogical erudition. Demonstration and assessment of the creative achievements of teachers. It involves the ability to evaluate results by comparing one's own abilities with others.

Music Salon.

One of the forms of aesthetic communication between teachers, children and parents, preserving the best folk traditions and customs. Reception of the formation of a favorable microclimate in the team.

Thematic exhibitions.

Presentation of visual materials: drawings, products, literature. They contribute to the enrichment of knowledge, are a meaningful form of exchange of experience among teachers.

Individual forms of work with teachers.

The purpose of individual forms of methodological work is to help a particular educator in solving those problems that only cause difficulties for him or which are the subject of his interests.

Traditionally, such forms of work are distinguished as individual consultations, conversations, mentoring, mutual visits, and self-education.

Observation of the educational processwith children the most great place in the work plan of the senior educator. His presence in the group should not be an event, but a normal working atmosphere of a preschool institution. An indicator of the consistency of this aspect of the leader's activity is the invitation of educators to attend this or that lesson, this or that regime moment. Each observation should end with a conversation with the teacher, which is held at the end of the teacher's working day.

Conversation - one of the most frequently used individual forms of methodical work in working with teachers. The purpose of the conversation is to clarify the positions, views of the teacher on the process of upbringing and education of children, identifying the level of the teacher's self-esteem, developing pedagogical reflection, expressing wishes, recommendations aimed at improving the observed aspects of pedagogical activity.

In whatever form the teachers' council is held, decisions are made without fail. They are recorded in the protocols. The wording of decisions should be specific, indicating the responsible persons and the deadline for implementation. After all, each new teachers' council begins with a brief summing up of the results of the implementation of the decisions of the previous one.

Regardless of the form of the meeting, the teachers' council needs careful preparation. The organizational and methodological aspects are distinguished here. Organizational preparation involves informing the meeting participants in detail about the purpose, topic, time and place of the meeting, preparation of the premises (selection and placement of furniture, manuals, equipment, TCO). There is special research on the topic "Are large rooms suitable for mental activity?" or "What is the best arrangement for meeting participants and seating furniture?" Do not dismiss such "trifles". Indeed, the productivity of his participation largely depends on how comfortable it is for the teacher at the meeting. The trouble with preschool institutions is the need to hold meetings for children's furniture. The inconvenience of the posture leads to impaired blood circulation, and the result is low performance as the least of evils.

The methodological preparation of the pedagogical council provides for consulting speakers, studying the pedagogical process on the topic of the pedagogical council (complex and thematic tests, comparative control, diagnostics, etc.), collective screenings, the development of methodological materials, the design of exhibitions, etc.

Speaking about the course of the meeting, it is interesting to get acquainted with the advice of L. Seivert, a German scientist, a leading expert on the rationalization of managers' work: “Start the meeting exactly on time. Express confidence in a successful meeting. Keep breaks under control, recognize critical points. No telephone conversations and absences. Every 45 minutes there is a short pause for a breath of air, a change of position and usually very useful behind-the-scenes clarifications. Repeat the decisions made, clarify them, secure the consent of the contractor in order to eliminate discrepancies. End your meeting at the right time. End the meeting on a positive note. "

Today, one of the tasks of preschool institutions is to improve the pedagogical process and improve the quality of educational work with children. To solve this problem, first of all, it is necessary to create conditions for increasing the activity and initiative of educators, encouraging their creative searches. At the same time, a correctly built strategy for the work of a senior educator is of particular importance.

The main thing in the activities of a senior educator is to improve the quality of the educational process. The senior educator is a strategist and tactician of the educational process. The key to the success of the upbringing and educational process is in the timely, well-thought-out strategy and tactics of the work of the senior educator. It is very important to define the strategy together with the team.

The problem of improving the quality of training and holding the pedagogical council worries the majority of heads and senior educators of preschool educational institutions. It is relevant for both beginners and experienced managers.

The Pedagogical Council, as the supreme body for managing the entire educational process, solves the specific tasks of a preschool educational institution, this is the central link in the organization of all methodological work. How to hold a teacher's council that would amaze colleagues with the originality of the topic and methodological equipment? How to turn it into an event


1. Reference book of the senior educator, No. 9, 2008.

2. Reference book of the senior educator, No. 3, 2008.

3. Methodical work in the preschool educational institution. Effective forms and methods: method. Manual / N.A. Vinogradova, N.V. Miklyaeva, Yu.N. Rodionova. - M .: Ayris-press, 2008 .-- 192s. (c - 4-8, 21, 24-26, 29, 30, 34-36, 47-51).

4. Pedagogical council in a preschool educational institution / NF Dick. - Rostov n / a: Phoenix, 2005 .-- 288s. (c - 17, 18).

5. Methodical work in a preschool educational institution: Analysis, planning, forms and methods. - M .: TC Sphere, 2007 .-- 96p. (58-60).

6. Pedagogical council in a preschool educational institution: preparation and conduct / K.Yu. White. - Moscow, 2002 (from 7-9).

7. The work of the senior educator of the preschool educational institution with teachers. - M .: TC Sphere, 2005 - 96p. (p46.47).

All forms can be represented as two interconnected groups:

group forms methodological work (pedagogical councils, seminars, workshops, consultations, creative micro-groups, open screenings, work on common methodological topics, business games, etc.);

individual forms methodical work (self-education, individual consultations, interviews, internship, mentoring, etc.). Let's consider the main forms of methodical work.

By combining the forms and methods of working with personnel into a single system, the manager must take into account their optimal combination with each other. I would like to remind you that the structure of the system for each preschool institution will be different and unique. This uniqueness is explained by the organizational-pedagogical and moral-psychological conditions in the team of Vasiliev A.I., Bakhturina L.A., Kobitin I.I. Senior kindergarten teacher. M .: Education, 1990, p. 36 s. ...

Pedagogical Council is one of the forms of methodical work in a preschool educational institution. The pedagogical council in the kindergarten, as the supreme body of management of the entire educational process, poses and solves specific problems of the preschool institution.

Of the various forms of methodical work in kindergarten, such a form as counseling teachers. Individual and group consultations; consultations on the main areas of work of the entire team, on topical problems of pedagogy, at the request of educators, etc.

Any consultation requires preparation and professional competence from the senior educator.

Major consultations are planned in the institution's annual work plan, but separate ones are held as needed.

Using different methods when conducting consultations, the senior educator not only sets the task of transferring knowledge to teachers, but also seeks to form their creative attitude to activities.

Seminars and workshops remain the most effective form of methodical work in kindergarten.

In the annual plan of the preschool institution, the topic of the seminar is determined and at the beginning of the school year, the leader draws up a detailed plan of its work.

Expansion of the plan with a clear indication of the time of work, thoughtfulness of tasks will attract the attention of more people who want to take part in its work. At the very first lesson, you can propose to supplement this plan with specific questions to which the educators would like to receive an answer.

The head of the seminar can be a head or a senior educator, invited specialists. It is possible to involve educators, specialists, medical professionals... The main task of workshops is to improve the skills of teachers, so they are usually taught by educators who have experience in this issue.

The question of the need to teach parents, especially young mothers, the methods of personality-oriented communication with a preschooler is increasingly being raised. Therefore, organizing a workshop for parents is an important form of work. Various specialists can be involved in conducting such a seminar, who will tell you which toy is preferable to buy for your baby; they will teach you how to organize the game. You can arrange an evening of games for children and adults, in which the workshop leader will be an attentive advisor and observer. He will tell his parents about his observations and notes in the next lesson and give specific recommendations regarding methods of individual communication with the child.

The workshop is not limited to a specific time frame and is not associated with a permanent venue. A seminar can be considered effective if it helps to make changes in the educational process quickly and in a timely manner.

Properly organized preparation for it and preliminary information play an important role in the effectiveness of the seminar. The topic of the seminar should be relevant for a specific preschool institution and take into account new scientific information.

If the seminar is long, then it is good to prepare a memo to the participants of the seminar, in which to indicate the topic, place and procedure for holding, a list of questions that need to be thought about, a mandatory list of literature, which is useful to get acquainted with in advance. It is important to think over the methods and forms of involving all participants of the seminar in an active discussion of the topic. For this, situational tasks are also used, work with punched cards, discussion of two opposing points of view, work with regulatory documents, methods of game modeling, etc. The leader of the seminar must clearly think over the tasks for each topic of the lesson and the assessment of their implementation. At the end of the seminar, you can arrange an exhibition of the works of teachers.

Each educator has his own pedagogical experience, pedagogical skills. The work of the educator who achieves the best results is singled out, his experience is called advanced, he is studied, he is "equal" to NS Golitsin. Organization and content of the work of the senior educator of the preschool educational institution. - M .: "Scriptorium 2003", 2008, p. 74-75. ...

Advanced teaching experience is a means of purposeful improvement of the teaching and educational process that satisfies the actual needs of the practice of teaching and education.

Advanced pedagogical experience helps the educator to explore new approaches to working with children, to distinguish them from mass practice. At the same time, it awakens initiative, creativity, and contributes to the improvement of professional skills. Best practices arise in mass practice and are, to some extent, the result of it.

For any teacher studying advanced experience, not only the result is important, but also the methods and techniques by which this result is achieved. This allows you to measure your capabilities and decide on the implementation of experience in your work.

Advanced experience is the fastest, most operational form for resolving contradictions that have matured in practice, quickly responding to public requests, to the changing situation of upbringing. Born in the thick of life, advanced experience is very instrumental and, if a number of conditions are met, it successfully takes root in new conditions, it is the most convincing, attractive for practice, because it is presented in a living, concrete form.

Due to this special role of advanced experience, open screenings are held annually within the framework of methodological work in kindergartens, at which the best experience of work in one of the areas of preschool pedagogy is presented.

Open show makes it possible to establish direct contact with the teacher during the lesson, to get answers to questions of interest. The show helps to penetrate into a kind of creative laboratory of the educator, to witness the process of pedagogical creativity. The director organizing an open show can set several goals:

promotion of experience;

teaching teachers methods and techniques of working with children, etc.

When planning methodological work, it is necessary to use all types of generalization of pedagogical experience. In addition, there are various forms of sharing experience: open screening, work in pairs, author's seminars and workshops, conferences, pedagogical readings, weeks of pedagogical skills, an open day, master classes, etc.

Practice shows that the study, generalization and implementation of pedagogical experience is the most important function of methodological work that permeates the content and all its forms and methods. The value of pedagogical experience can hardly be overestimated; it teaches, educates, develops teachers. Being essentially intimately connected with the progressive ideas of pedagogy and psychology, based on the achievements and laws of science, this experience serves as the most reliable conductor of advanced ideas and technologies into the practice of preschool educational institutions Tavberidze V.A., Kalugina V.A. Diagnostics and criteria for assessing the activities of the educator in a preschool educational institution: organization of management of methodological work. - M .: School press, 2008, p. 92-93. ...

Currently business games found wide application in methodological work, in the course system of advanced training, in those forms of work with personnel where the goal cannot be achieved in simpler, familiar ways. It is positive that the business game is a powerful tool for shaping the personality of a professional; it helps to most activate the participants to achieve the goal.

A business game increases interest, arouses high activity, improves the ability to solve real pedagogical problems.

In general, games, with their multifaceted analysis of specific situations, make it possible to link theory with practical experience.

Preparing and conducting a business game is a creative process. Therefore, the design of a business game bears the imprint of the author's personality. Often, taking a model of an already developed business game, one can change its individual elements or completely replace the content without changing the model.

If a business game is used for the purpose of training, then it must be remembered that it cannot precede seminars and special courses, practical exercises. It should take place at the end of the training.

The direct development of materials for a business game includes the following stages:

creation of a business game project;

description of the sequence of actions;

description of the organization of the game;

drawing up an assignment for participants;

preparation of equipment.

"Round table" - one of the forms of communication between teachers. When discussing any issues of upbringing and teaching preschoolers, circular pedagogical forms of placement of participants make it possible to make the team self-governing, it allows all participants to be put on an equal footing, and ensures interaction and openness. The role of the organizer of the "round table" is to think over and prepare questions for discussion, aimed at achieving a specific goal.

Some preschool educational institutions use an interesting form of work that unites employees - literary or pedagogical newspaper... Purpose: to show the development of creative abilities of adults, as well as children and parents. Educators write articles, stories, compose poems, personal qualities, professional qualities necessary in working with children are assessed - writing, mastery of speech skills - imagery of statements, etc.

Creative microgroups arose as a result of the search for new effective forms of methodological work.

Such groups are created on a purely voluntary basis, when it is necessary to master some new best practices, a new methodology or develop an idea. Several teachers are united in a group on the basis of mutual sympathy, personal friendship or psychological compatibility. In a group, there may be one or two leaders who, as it were, lead, take on organizational issues.

Each member of the group first independently studies the experience, development, then everyone exchanges opinions, argues, and proposes their own options. It is important that all this is realized in the practice of everyone's work. Group members visit each other's classes, discuss them, and highlight the best methods and techniques. If there is a gap in the understanding of the teacher's knowledge or skills, then there is a joint study of additional literature. Joint creative development of new things is 3-4 times faster. As soon as the set goal is achieved, the group breaks up. In the creative microgroup, informal communication, the main attention here is paid to search, research activities, the results of which are subsequently reviewed by the entire staff of the institution.

Next form - work on a single methodological topic. With the right choice of a single methodological topic for the entire preschool institution, this form makes all other forms of work to improve the skills of educators integral. If a single topic is really capable of captivating and capturing all teachers, then it also acts as a factor in rallying a team of like-minded people. There are a number of requirements to consider when choosing a single theme. This topic should be relevant and really important for a preschool institution, taking into account the level of activity achieved by it, interests and requests of teachers. There should be a close connection of a single topic with specific scientific and pedagogical research and recommendations, with pedagogical experience, the accumulated practice of other institutions. These requirements exclude the invention of what has already been created and allow you to implement and develop everything that is advanced in your team. The above does not exclude such an approach when the team itself conducts experimental work and creates the necessary methodological developments. Practice shows the expediency of defining a topic for the future, with a breakdown of a major topic by year.

A single methodological theme should run like a red thread through all forms of methodical work and be combined with the themes of educators' self-education. Belaya K.Yu. Methodical work at the preschool educational institution. Analysis, planning, forms and methods. - M .: TC Sphere, 2007, p. 45-47. ...

methodical teaching staff educator

Continuous professional development Each preschool teacher assumes different forms: training in courses, self-education, participation in the methodological work of the city, district, kindergarten. The systematic improvement of the psychological and pedagogical skills of the educator and the senior educator is carried out at refresher courses every five years. In the intercourse period of active pedagogical activity, there is a constant process of restructuring knowledge, i.e. there is a progressive development of the subject itself. This is why self-education between courses is essential. It performs the following functions: expands and deepens the knowledge gained in the previous coursework; promotes comprehension of advanced experience at a higher theoretical level, improves professional skills.

In a kindergarten, a senior educator must create conditions for teachers to educate themselves.

Self-education is the independent acquisition of knowledge from various sources, taking into account the interests and inclinations of each particular teacher.

As a process of mastering knowledge, it is closely related to self-education and is considered an integral part of it.

In the process of self-education, a person develops the ability to independently organize their activities to acquire new knowledge.

The head of a preschool educational institution organizes the work in such a way that the self-education of each teacher becomes his need. Self-education is the first step towards improving professional skills. In the methodological office, the necessary conditions are created for this: the library fund of the reference and methodological literature, the experience of the work of teachers.

Methodological journals are not just studied and systematized by years, but are used to compile thematic catalogs, help the teacher who has chosen the topic of self-education to get acquainted with different views scientists and practitioners on the problem. A library catalog is a list of books available in a library and located on a particular system.

A special card is entered for each book, in which the author's surname, his initials, the title of the book, the year and place of publication are recorded. On the reverse side, you can make a short annotation or list the main issues covered in the book. The thematic filing cabinets include books, magazine articles, and individual book chapters. The senior educator makes catalogs, recommendations to help those involved in self-education, studies the influence of self-education on changes in the educational process.

However, it is very important that the organization of self-education is not reduced to the formal maintenance of additional reporting documentation (plans, extracts, notes).

This is a voluntary desire of the teacher. In the methodological office, only the topic that the teacher is working on is recorded, and the form and term of the report. In this case, the form of the report can be as follows: speaking at the pedagogical council or conducting methodological work with colleagues (consultation, seminar, etc.). This can be a demonstration of work with children, in which the educator uses the knowledge gained in the course of self-education. Belaya K.Yu. Methodical work at the preschool educational institution. Analysis, planning, forms and methods. - M .: TC Sphere, 2007 .-- 83-85 p. ...

Summarizing what has been said, we emphasize that the forms of self-education are diverse:

work in libraries with periodicals, monographs, catalogs;

participation in work scientific and practical seminars, conferences, trainings;

obtaining advice from specialists, practical centers, departments of psychology and pedagogy of higher educational institutions;

work with a bank of diagnostic and correctional-development programs in regional methodological centers, etc.

The result of these and other types of work of the teacher is the process of reflection on the experience gained and, on its basis, the construction of a new experience Golitsin N.S. Organization and content of the work of the senior educator of the preschool educational institution. - M .: "Scriptorium 2003", 2008, p. 95..





Methodological activity is usually defined as the activity of generalizing and disseminating pedagogical experience.

In pedagogical practice, a whole system of methodological services of different levels has developed. For example: city, district (district) methodological services and methodical service of an educational institution (school, kindergarten). In a preschool educational institution, methodological work is carried out by a senior educator or deputy head for educational work.

The task of the methodological activity is to create such an educational environment in an institution where the creative potential of the teacher and the teaching staff would be fully realized.

Experience shows that most teachers, especially beginners, always need help - from more experienced colleagues, leaders, senior preschool educators, from the professional methodological community. Currently, this need has intensified many times over in connection with the transition to a variable education system. Teachers needed a special additional training and constant methodological support in order to competently and consciously build an integral educational and educational process, taking into account the diversity of interests and opportunities of children in the practice of teaching and upbringing.

Methodical work in a preschool institution is a complex and creative process in which practical training of educators in methods and techniques of working with children is carried out.

For the effectiveness of the pedagogical process, a constant search for new, more effective methods of education and training is necessary, with the help of which the content of education is transferred to children. It is the methodological activity that is given the leading role in the creation and implementation into practice of the most effective methods of upbringing and teaching children.

Methodological activity is a specific type of educational activity, the content of which is the systemic unity of the creation of a method, its approbation, implementation of the method (obtaining methods), and the use of methods.

Methodical activity includes three “activity spaces”: the space for creating methods, the space for disseminating and implementing methods (obtaining a method), and the space for applying methods.
Cut out.

The activities of the senior educator are aimed at solving priority and urgent tasks. Therefore, it is necessary to design and determine its content for the entire composition of management functions: information and analytical, motivational and target, planning and prognostic, organizational and executive, control and diagnostic and regulatory and correctional.

Cut out.

To purchase the full version of the work, go to link.

3. Methodological work in kindergarten is built in relation to the general system of continuing education, which implies creative comprehension of regulatory documents, the introduction of scientific achievements and best practices. In each kindergarten, a system of advanced training of teachers through self-education and all forms of methodological work is being built differentially.

It is possible to build a system of methodological work based on the analysis of the achieved results of the preschool educational institution: the results of the educational process, the level of pedagogical skill and qualifications of teachers, the maturity and cohesion of the teaching staff, specific interests, needs and requests of educators. For a manager, it is always relevant to search for and choose the best option for methodological work. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the versatile nature of its content and the variety of forms and methods of working with personnel.

To assess the system of methodological work in a preschool institution, it is necessary to highlight the assessment criteria. Their number may be different and depend on a particular kindergarten, but the most common ones should always be taken into account.

The first criterion for the effectiveness of methodological work can be considered achieved if the results of the development of children grow, reaching the optimal level for each child or approaching him in the allotted time without overloading children.

The second criterion for rational spending of time. The efficiency of methodological work is achieved where the growth of teachers' skill occurs with a reasonable investment of time and effort on methodological work and self-education, at least without overloading teachers with these types of activities.

The third criterion for the stimulating role of methodological work is that the team is experiencing an improvement in the psychological microclimate, an increase in the creative activity of teachers in their satisfaction with the results of their work.

It is important to remember that a true assessment of the effectiveness of methodological work is given by the end result, and not by the number of various activities carried out 1.

All forms can be represented as two interconnected groups:

- group forms methodological work (pedagogical councils, seminars, workshops, consultations, creative micro-groups, open screenings, work on common methodological topics, business games, etc.);

- individual forms methodical work (self-education, individual consultations, interviews, internship, mentoring, etc.). Let's consider the main forms of methodical work.

By combining the forms and methods of working with personnel into a single system, the manager must take into account their optimal combination with each other. I would like to remind you that the structure of the system for each preschool institution will be different and unique. This uniqueness is explained by the organizational-pedagogical and moral-psychological conditions in the team, specific for the given institution 2.

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The question of the need to teach parents, especially young mothers, the methods of personality-oriented communication with a preschooler is increasingly being raised. Therefore, organizing a workshop for parents is an important form of work. Various specialists can be involved in conducting such a seminar, who will tell you which toy is preferable to buy for your baby; they will teach you how to organize the game. You can arrange an evening of games for children and adults, in which the workshop leader will be an attentive advisor and observer. He will tell his parents about his observations and notes in the next lesson and give specific recommendations regarding methods of individual communication with the child.

The workshop is not limited to a specific time frame and is not associated with a permanent venue. A seminar can be considered effective if it helps to make changes in the educational process quickly and in a timely manner.

Properly organized preparation for it and preliminary information play an important role in the effectiveness of the seminar. The topic of the seminar should be relevant for a specific preschool institution and take into account new scientific information.

If the seminar is long, then it is good to prepare a memo to the participants of the seminar, in which to indicate the topic, place and procedure for holding, a list of questions that need to be thought about, a mandatory list of literature, which is useful to get acquainted with in advance. It is important to think over the methods and forms of involving all participants of the seminar in an active discussion of the topic. For this, situational tasks are also used, work with punched cards, discussion of two opposing points of view, work with regulatory documents, methods of game modeling, etc. The leader of the seminar must clearly think over the tasks for each topic of the lesson and the assessment of their implementation. At the end of the seminar, you can arrange an exhibition of the works of teachers.

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Advocacy of experience;

Teaching teachers methods and techniques for working with children, etc.

Drawing up an assignment for participants;

Equipment preparation.

"Round table" - one of the forms of communication between teachers. When discussing any issues of upbringing and teaching preschoolers, circular pedagogical forms of placement of participants make it possible to make the team self-governing, it allows all participants to be put on an equal footing, and ensures interaction and openness. The role of the organizer of the "round table" is to think over and prepare questions for discussion, aimed at achieving a specific goal.

Some preschool educational institutions use an interesting form of work that unites employees - l literary or pedagogical newspaper... Purpose: to show the development of creative abilities of adults, as well as children and parents. Educators write articles, stories, compose poems, personal qualities, professional qualities necessary in working with children are assessed - writing, mastery of speech skills - imagery of statements, etc.

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Next form - work on a single methodological topic. With the right choice of a single methodological topic for the entire preschool institution, this form makes all other forms of work to improve the skills of educators integral. If a single topic is really capable of captivating and capturing all teachers, then it also acts as a factor in rallying a team of like-minded people. There are a number of requirements to consider when choosing a single theme. This topic should be relevant and really important for a preschool institution, taking into account the level of activity achieved by it, interests and requests of teachers. There should be a close connection of a single topic with specific scientific and pedagogical research and recommendations, with pedagogical experience, the accumulated practice of other institutions. These requirements exclude the invention of what has already been created and allow you to implement and develop everything that is advanced in your team. The above does not exclude such an approach when the team itself conducts experimental work and creates the necessary methodological developments. Practice shows the expediency of defining a topic for the future, with a breakdown of a major topic by year.

A single methodological theme should run like a red thread through all forms of methodical work and be combined with the themes of self-education of educators 4.

Continuous professional development Each preschool teacher assumes different forms: training in courses, self-education, participation in the methodological work of the city, district, kindergarten. The systematic improvement of the psychological and pedagogical skills of the educator and the senior educator is carried out at refresher courses every five years. In the intercourse period of active pedagogical activity, there is a constant process of restructuring knowledge, i.e. there is a progressive development of the subject itself. This is why self-education between courses is essential. It performs the following functions: expands and deepens the knowledge gained in the previous coursework; promotes comprehension of advanced experience at a higher theoretical level, improves professional skills.

In a kindergarten, a senior educator must create conditions for teachers to educate themselves.

Self-education is the independent acquisition of knowledge from various sources, taking into account the interests and inclinations of each particular teacher.

As a process of mastering knowledge, it is closely related to self-education and is considered an integral part of it.

In the process of self-education, a person develops the ability to independently organize their activities to acquire new knowledge.

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This is a voluntary desire of the teacher. In the methodological office, only the topic that the teacher is working on is recorded, and the form and term of the report. In this case, the form of the report can be as follows: speaking at the pedagogical council or conducting methodological work with colleagues (consultation, seminar, etc.). This can be a show of work with children, in which the educator uses the knowledge gained in the course of self-education 5.

Summarizing what has been said, we emphasize that the forms of self-education are diverse:

Work in libraries with periodicals, monographs, catalogs;

Participation in the work of scientific and practical seminars, conferences, trainings;

Getting advice from specialists, practical centers, departments of psychology and pedagogy of higher educational institutions;

Working with a bank of diagnostic and correctional development programs in regional methodological centers, etc.

The result of these and other types of work of the teacher is the process of reflection on the experience gained and, on its basis, the construction of a new experience 6.

For the head of a preschool institution, the search and selection of the optimal option for the work of a kindergarten is relevant. The collective of each pedagogical institution must have its own person, there must be an individuality in the system of work of a preschool institution.
For this, it is necessary to use new forms and methods of work with teachers to increase their interest in work and creative dedication; to look for ways of non-standard solutions to many issues that arise in the practice of planning the work of a preschool institution. So that the end result is always high and effective.

V modern conditions can be built effective system methodological assistance to the educator only with knowledge of the specific characteristics of each teacher. Indeed, the work of educators with children depends on the work of the head with the teachers. The main thing is to teach the teaching staff to think together about improving the ways and means of education. The educator should have pedagogical freedom, independence in choosing the most effective option in the current situation, possess the moral qualities of kindness and responsiveness, breadth and sincerity, decency, and respect others.

And the main task of the leader in this regard is to promote the creativity of teachers.

When working with teachers, it is necessary to provide feedback, a frank exchange of views, analyze specific situations, and make the necessary decisions. It is also necessary to teach a culture of discussion, to unite the team, to raise the level of relations between employees.


  1. Belaya K. Yu. Methodical work in the preschool educational institution. Analysis, planning, forms and methods. - M .: TC Sphere, 2007 .-- 96 p.

  2. Vasilyeva A.I., Bakhturina L.A., Kobitina I.I. Senior kindergarten teacher. M .: Education, 1990 .-- 215 p.

  3. Volobueva L.M. The work of the senior educator of the preschool educational institution with teachers. M .: Creative Center "Sphere", 2003.

  4. Golitsina NS Organization and content of the work of the senior educator of the preschool educational institution. - M .: "Scriptorium 2003", 2008. - 104 p.

  5. Skorolupova O. A. Planning as one of the stages of work in a preschool educational institution. - M .: "Scriptorium 2003", 2009. - 101 p.

  6. Tavberidze V.A., Kalugina V.A. - M .: Shkolnaya pressa, 2008 .-- 154 p.

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1 Volobueva L.M. The work of the senior educator of the preschool educational institution with teachers. M .: Creative center "Sphere", 2003, p. 64-65.

2 Vasilyeva A.I., Bakhturina L.A., Kobitina I.I. Senior kindergarten teacher. M .: Education, 1990, p. 36 s.

3 Tavberidze V.A., Kalugina V.A. - M .: School press, 2008, p. 92-93.

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