Home Useful properties of fruits Business plan for opening an electrical installation company. Documents required to open an LLC. Income and return on investment

Business plan for opening an electrical installation company. Documents required to open an LLC. Income and return on investment

Electrical work is an integral part of any type of construction and repair work. The business of providing such services is profitable and viable. Regardless of the crisis in the country, residents will always need electricity. At the same time, it is not easy to become a successful owner of such a company. The business plan of the electrical installation firm must be detailed, and the requirements for the organization must be strictly adhered to. In addition, such a project is very costly, and its organization requires an investment of time and effort. To avoid problems, it is better to use a ready-made business plan with calculations and adapt it to your own company.

Opening your own electrical installation company is a guarantee of good earnings, because everyone uses electricity

Required documents for business registration

In order to engage in electrical work, it is enough to register with the Federal Tax Service of Russia as an individual entrepreneur. But in this case, the scope of services provided will be limited, and the income will be minimal. This option is suitable for aspiring entrepreneurs who are not sure that they will be able to successfully enter the market.

How to open an IP for electrical work

Registration of an individual entrepreneur for electrical installation is no more difficult than for any other type of activity. First you need to fill out an application, and so that there are no mistakes or blots in it. He, as well as his passport, a receipt for payment of the duty and an application for switching to the simplified tax system (if desired) should be submitted to tax authority at the place of registration. After 5 days, you will be issued a document confirming the right to maintain entrepreneurial activity... After that, you need to open a current account in any bank and order your own seal.

To conduct some types of electrical work, you will need to additionally obtain a certificate of competence, which is issued by Rostekhnadzor for 3 years on a voluntary request. On the website of this body, you can study the list of required papers and complete list works for the implementation of which a certificate is required.

If you decide to open an electrical installation company, be prepared for the fact that you will have to walk a lot.

How to open an LLC for electrical installation

More experienced entrepreneurs can register a company as a limited liability company. This will require a larger number of documents, but it will make it possible to join the SRO (self-regulatory organizations). This will allow in the future to cooperate with the largest construction and repair companies, suppliers, and will also give the right to participate in various auctions.

The package of documents submitted to the tax service for opening an LLC must include:

  • Prepared by-laws of the company;
  • An extract from the bank on the contribution of the authorized capital;
  • Application of the established form;
  • Order on the appointment of a director;
  • Receipt for payment of the state fee.

Filling out an application for opening a company for the provision of electrical services is not difficult, so in general, paperwork will not take much time. At the same time, you will not have to obtain a special license for electrical work. Additionally, the businessman provides a package of documents confirming that the company is located in an existing building with a real legal address.

Remember that the execution of all documents can be entrusted to specialists. It will cost money, but it will help save time and hassle.

V last years the tax office is very strict about the confirmation of legal addresses, therefore, the place of registration must be open office, and the company itself must have cooperation agreements with service organizations. If, upon arriving at the legal address, the tax representative discovers closed door, and no one will be able to confirm to him that such a company really operates in this place, he can refuse to register an LLC on completely legal grounds.

To become a member of an SRO, you will also need to collect some documents, namely:

  • Application for membership in SRO;
  • Insurance;
  • Documents confirming the registration of the company;
  • Constituent documents;
  • Licenses to conduct certain types of activities;
  • Documents confirming the qualifications of the company's employees;
  • Labor contracts;
  • Information about the property of the company;
  • Other papers.

Request full list documents for performing electrical work are better directly at the SRO Association.

Requirements for the location and equipment of the organization

An electrical installation company does not have to have its own roomy office. As a rule, a meeting with clients ordering electrician services, installation of electrical wiring and other types of work takes place at the customer's site. Small company It may well work without an office, but in this case, finding clients will be difficult.

In order to find customers, but at the same time not spend a lot of money on the arrangement of the office, you can rent a small room for receiving visitors. It is also necessary to organize a warehouse in which equipment, materials, etc. will be placed. A small company will have enough room of 10 meters in size, so it will not require serious expenses.

Most of the electrical companies that work only with individuals do not have an office at all. it good way save money, but such a company looks undignified

If you plan to open an electrical installation company big size, capable of receiving orders from large construction projects, its owner should better take care of renting a good office. This should be a spacious room that contains a place for a manager's work, a room for electricians, a warehouse and other needs. Keep in mind that the minimum area of ​​such an office should be 40 m2, since this point is extremely important for tax officials even at the stage of LLC registration. The cost of renting a room of this size will amount to an average of 30 thousand rubles per month.

You can save on the location of the organization. There is no need for high cross-country ability or proximity to major transport lines. Major clients in the construction business, these are always representatives of private or public companies, and cooperation with them often begins with tenders and auctions. Therefore, customer representatives can come to any part of the city. As for customers ordering electrical work for their apartment or private house, it is easier for them to call and invite specialists to their territory, so they will come to the office twice: to conclude an agreement and final settlements.

As for the purchase of furniture for the premises and carrying out repairs in it, it is not necessary to show off here. It is quite possible to get by with a modest set: workplace for the manager, a computer with the ability to design, a place for fitters to rest and a warehouse. It is unlikely that the cost will exceed 100-150 thousand rubles.

One of the advantages of an electrical installation company is that there is no need to arrange an office

Choosing a car for a company

In addition to the premises, for the productive work of the employees of the electrical installation company, you will need a good roomy car. You will not find a single example of a business plan for such a company that does not include this cost item. This is due to the fact that work is always carried out with big amount equipment and materials, some of which are large. They can be delivered to the place of electrical installation only by our own transport. For these purposes, at least, you will have to purchase a minivan or station wagon. Some entrepreneurs prefer to rent a car for the first time, but sooner or later they will have to get their own.

When choosing a model and brand, you should pay attention to the possibility of simultaneously transporting a folding ladder, a box with consumables and tools, as well as the installers themselves. In addition, the car must freely pass to construction sites, many of which are not prepared for the passage of cars. It is not economically feasible to purchase a completely new car, as well as an old one that requires frequent repairs. In the first case, the recoupment of the acquisition will come after a very long time. In the second, the need for frequent repairs will bring additional losses and delays in the delivery of objects.

average cost a used car that meets all the requirements is 400 thousand rubles. If this amount exceeds the available budget, you can rent a car on a lease basis. This will distribute the costs evenly over several months. Please note that you need to choose a leasing company very carefully.

Presentable car is a step towards the company's success

Purchase of tools and equipment

One of the most important and expensive articles costs in the business plan of an electrical installation company with calculations - professional tools and equipment. You cannot save on this point, since a poor-quality tool will quickly fail, creating additional problems during the workflow. The minimum set that you need to purchase if a company starts from scratch includes:

  • signaling devices;
  • voltage indicators;
  • hammer drills and electric drills;
  • screwdrivers;
  • wall chasers;
  • stepladders;
  • overalls;
  • hand sets.

The number of tool kits should correspond to the number of work teams. The average cost of equipment in 2018 is about 100 thousand rubles per 1 brigade.

Also, before opening a company, you will have to thoroughly purchase consumables. For work you will need:

  • cable of different cross-sections;
  • corrugated pipe;
  • installation and distribution boxes;
  • insulating tape;
  • counters and shields;
  • automatic machines;
  • sockets;
  • switches;
  • residual current devices, etc.

Most of them will be purchased specifically for the fulfillment of each order, but it is still better to store some of them in the warehouse just in case. Advance purchase will shorten the lead time, because you can purchase consumables from wholesale suppliers who need time to form and deliver products.

Pay attention to the quality of the material before purchasing. If you purchase a product of poor quality, you may encounter constant breakdowns and alterations during the warranty period. If the budget of the company for electrical work allows, it is better to pay attention to the materials, the manufacturers of which are the most famous in the market. If you need to save money, you can pay attention to alternative items with a lower price.

The total cost of equipment and materials (subject to the work of two teams of assemblers) can be about 300 thousand rubles or more. This amount is very relative and depends both on the types of work performed and on the selected material.

The team must bring all the necessary tools with them

Requirements for the personnel of the electrical installation company

It will not work to hire a person from the street. The law very rigidly dictates the rules that must be followed by the owner of such a company when hiring people. Finding the right talent can be time-consuming, so it is best to leave your recruiting to a professional recruiter. If you decide to take this job on yourself, then keep in mind a few important points:

  • The candidate must have at least a Level 3 electrical safety clearance. This means that the installer has the right to single-handedly carry out the connection, maintenance, inspection and disconnection of electrical installations from the network, the voltage in which does not exceed 1000 V. In this case, the specialist's certificate must be valid, and the employee himself must periodically undergo a knowledge test;
  • The candidate must have positive reviews with previous place work. Ideally, the owner of the firm should give preference to those job seekers, whose work he saw personally;
  • The electrical knowledge gained during training is often insufficient. The profession of an electrician involves constant gaining of experience. If an employee has been out of work for too long or has been engaged in a non-core business for some time, it is better to refuse to hire him or offer him to undergo qualification training. Only an experienced specialist will be able to adequately respond to an unforeseen situation that has arisen;
  • An employee working at the customer's site must be able to interact with people, be friendly and capable of giving competent explanations to questions that arise. This forms the trust of customers to the entire company as a whole, which means that the arrival of new customers is guaranteed;
  • It is important that there are no people with bad habits among the installers;
  • Important appearance candidates. There is a prejudice about workers in our country: they are considered alcohol-prone, dirty and simply irresponsible. Neatness, responsibility and politeness are indispensable qualities for every electrician. It is these qualities that form the perception of the company's employees as professionals in their field, who can be entrusted with orders from large clients.

Of course, employees who meet the listed requirements require good payment for their services, but at the same time, it depends on them how many orders will be executed daily, and whether satisfied customers will advise the company to their friends, acquaintances and business partners.

Remember that the specialist is the face of the company. He must be neat, polite and responsible.

If the task is to find suitable people seems overwhelming, it is worth contacting HR specialists. At the stage of opening a company, they will prepare a series of questions for candidates and conduct an initial interview, which will allow us to weed out inappropriate personnel. Typically, candidate questionnaires include questions to identify the level of knowledge in the field of general electrical engineering, knowledge of the operating procedure and maintenance equipment, safety and first aid. A person who is far from electrical installation will definitely not be able to pass testing on these topics, so you will be confident in the theoretical professionalism of a potential employee.

But even this careful selection does not guarantee that the candidate has practical skills. That is why every employee must be tested. probationary period... During the internship, the installer must be under constant supervision, because one mistake can cost big money... Large electrical installation firms organize professional courses where they themselves train future employees. In this case, a person who already has a detailed understanding of the work is guaranteed to enter the client's territory. If it is not economically feasible for an organization to conduct its own courses, it can negotiate with one of the specialized training centers.

In addition to qualified installers, it is advisable to find a good accountant for a permanent job in the company. All financial issues and documentation can be shifted onto it. Hiring such an employee is especially relevant if the owner of the company has no time to keep financial statements (or he cannot cope with this task on his own). In recent years, many accountants have been working part-time in several companies, which allows entrepreneurs to save money on wages and workplace equipment.

One more important person on the staff - a designer. It is he who draws up the technical work plans, and then approves them in the power grid company. To save money, you can conclude an agreement with a design office, whose employees will carry out this work as needed.

Marketing plan and promotion of the company

Marketing and advertising are equally important components of the success of any company. The organization of an electrical installation company also cannot do without detailed elaboration plan to attract new customers. Let's consider the two components of this process separately.

Marketing plan of the project

The situation in the field of construction and renovation can change dramatically in a matter of days, so before you open new company, it is better to carefully study the market. If in this moment the city is actively being built up, new retail space and residential buildings are appearing, which means that the services of electricians will be in demand in the implementation of large projects. In this case, it is necessary to direct efforts to attract the attention of developers to their company.

If at the moment the construction of new buildings is sluggish, then it is better to draw up a marketing plan to attract customers from among individuals... In this case, the emphasis should be on the fact that the company provides services for replacing electrics during repairs, installing an electrical panel and wiring, connecting new electrical appliances, and so on. Orders of this kind will cost much less, but they will be received regularly, and executed faster, respectively, payment will also be received regularly.

Another marketing strategy that can be carried out when opening an electrical installation company is working at tenders and government orders. To do this, you will have to obtain an SRO admission. But with the presence of a pass, you can provide yourself with stable large orders for the next 3 years without the risk of losing large sum money for unscrupulous customers. Even before starting a business, it is better to decide for yourself which marketing plan the company will adhere to, and choose the appropriate type of advertising to attract customers.

Remember that the most fruitful and reliable cooperation is long-term

Advertising company

The selection of advertising must be carried out based on marketing strategy companies. If you plan to cooperate with construction companies, you can take part in professional exhibitions, order a cold sales service in a special agency or advertise in the media. Large formats of outdoor advertising are also suitable. the main objective- to make as many people as possible know about the company.

Otherwise, advertising on social networks and the Internet will be most effective. It will also be the cheapest. If you spend once on creating a colorful site and promoting your own group in social network, then all subsequent months will need to pay only for administration and this is not too expensive.

To participate in tender auctions, a company must have good connections... Therefore, it is important to monitor your reputation and collect positive reviews. Remember that it is in the professional environment that an opinion about the company should be formed.

The budget of an advertising project is different in all cases. If it takes an average of 50 thousand rubles to create a website and promote a group, then outdoor advertising or a media campaign will require investments from 150 thousand rubles. Remember that the site will have to be constantly administered in the future, while large firms attracted by advertising can conclude an agreement for several years in advance.

In any case, the advertising issue should not be left to chance. It is better to invite experienced specialists to cooperate, who will develop a clear plan for minimally possible cost... Competent advertising begins to attract customers already in the first month after its appearance, so that the result will be visible immediately.

How much can you earn on the services of an electrical installation company

Let's try to calculate the profitability of an electrical installation company, provided simultaneous work two teams of assemblers. To begin with, we note that opening such a company is always a costly business. About 1 million rubles will have to be spent on the preparation of all documents, the purchase of equipment and materials, a car, office rental and advertising. This price is not final as the business can take different paths. Approximate items of expenditure at the initial stage are as follows:

  • Registration of permits (excluding obtaining an SRO permit) - 20 thousand rubles;
  • Premises rental - 30 thousand rubles;
  • Purchase of office furniture and repair work - 150 thousand rubles;
  • Car - 400 thousand rubles;
  • Tools and equipment for 2 work teams - 200 thousand rubles;
  • Consumables - 100 thousand rubles;
  • Advertising - 100 thousand rubles.

Total: 1 million rubles. If the company immediately draws up an SRO admission, the initial cost of the project increases by another 200-300 thousand rubles.

The company's monthly expenses will consist of:

  • Rent - 30 thousand rubles;
  • Salary for 4 installers, administrator, designer and accountant - about 270 thousand rubles (including mandatory contributions);
  • Payment utilities- 10 thousand rubles;
  • Purchases of consumables and other expenses - 50 thousand rubles.

In total, 360 thousand rubles will be required per month.

Calculation of the average income of the enterprise

As mentioned earlier, the income of an electrical installation organization directly depends on the type of services provided. So, a complete replacement of the wiring in a two-room "Khrushchev" will cost its owner about 20 thousand rubles, a smaller installation may come out cheaper. If each team of installers makes an average of 10-15 thousand rubles every day, then the total profit will average 25 thousand rubles. For a month, the amount of income will be about 500 thousand rubles. Also, summer periods traditionally bring construction business more income.

Annual income can reach 6 million rubles, but about 4.5 million will be spent on monthly expenses. Then the net profit will reach 1.5 million rubles, which means that in a year the company will not only pay off, but will also bring its first income. In this situation, profitability electrical business is 24%. Not bad for a project built from scratch.

Opening such a company also has its disadvantages. Firstly, the competition in this area is quite high, and it will not be so easy to find your major customer. But there will always be small private clients. Secondly, seasonality is clearly visible in business. Most the work will have to be performed in spring and summer, while the autumn-winter season will bring a minimum of funds. Thirdly, the owner of the company bears great responsibility for the health of employees and customers, for the quality of work, and so on.

You need to be psychologically prepared for all this, so not everyone will be able to enter the business, as well as to stay in it. If the pitfalls do not scare you, you can safely start creating an electrical installation company from scratch.

The electrical installation business attracts investors during the construction boom. New firms appear almost monthly and undertake. Nevertheless, the profitability remains at the level of 30%. This indicator is even higher for individual entrepreneurs who do not have an administrative apparatus. But what are the chances of finding your place in the market, where dozens and hundreds of companies operate !?

Let's take a look at a business plan for an electrical contractor.


The goal of the project is to open an individual entrepreneur that will provide electrical installation services. Business investments in the first year will amount to RUB 2,260,000. The funds will pay off in less than a year.

In order for a small electrical installation organization to work, you do not need to obtain a license and go through other complicated bureaucratic procedures. It is enough to register an individual entrepreneur - and you can work. In the future, in order to be able to participate in tenders and perform work on construction sites, it will be necessary to register an LLC and join an SRO. But so far we have no such plans. After registering an individual entrepreneur, it will be possible to perform work in residential multi-storey buildings and cottages, as well as commercial properties: offices, shops.

Business environment

The high demand for electrical work indicates a favorable economic situation in the region, since new wiring is required not only in newly erected buildings, but also in those where renovations are being carried out. The opening of restaurants and cafes, production workshops and shops requires repairs and, as a result, replacement of wiring. Currently, the region is dynamically developing due to the inflow of investments, as a result, the demand is high.

Another large segment of the market is new buildings with a rough finish. This niche is occupied individual entrepreneurs and small firms. Entrepreneurs always find jobs. The number of orders and the level of income differ markedly, but the activity pays off and brings relatively stable income even without serious advertising campaign... The company's activities already need to be promoted, since the company incurs additional costs associated with more high level service. However, 9 out of 10 newbies survive. Not everyone manages to earn a lot, but it comes out to recoup the costs.

On average, an electrical installation organization earns 300-350 thousand rubles a month. or 3 600 thousand rubles. per year, if the work is performed by 2 teams. This will recoup the costs in 8-10 months.

Before word of mouth starts working, when clients recommend a firm to each other, an investor will have to make an effort to attract attention to himself, ie. you need to conduct an advertising campaign. Moreover, it must be active enough to attract a sufficient number of clients for 2 teams. Of course, you need to place ads on the internet and local newspapers. It is highly desirable to apply advertising information on the car. You can also promote the company through your own website, where, in addition to contacts and other information about the company, there should be articles that help clients navigate the quality of work and other issues that customers care about.

Special premises for work are not needed, since all of them are performed at the client's place, and the necessary materials are purchased for a specific order and stored at the customer's premises, in which the wiring is to be carried out. But a small room is still required. First, the company will need a vehicle to purchase materials. Secondly, you need to store the tool somewhere. We decided to buy a used car and rent a garage for it, where we will also store tools. A small car will not work, because in addition to cables and tools, you will have to carry ladders. In addition, repairs in apartments with a rough finish usually begin before the developer has landscaped the area. That's why vehicle must have good cross-country ability. It is not necessary to buy an SUV, but a low-slung foreign car will make the job impossible. We chose the GAZelle of the Gorky Automobile Plant.

Next, you should purchase tools and conclude a contract with a material supplier or with several suppliers. A stable contract will allow you to make purchases for more low prices and thus attract customers. This completes the organization of the production of electrical work - you can advertise and start serving customers.

Workforce plan

In our case, the structure of the electrical installation organization will be extremely simple, since it is planned to start small. The work will require 2 teams of assemblers, 2 people each, as well as a measurer and a foreman, who will coordinate the work and purchase the necessary materials. All personnel must be experienced and approved for electrical safety. It is possible to hire people according to an advertisement only if the owners or a trusted person is personally at the facility. Otherwise, this approach is dangerous. The consequence can be not only a damaged reputation of the company, but also emergency situations for example a closure. As a last resort, if you do not have your own team or recommended specialists, you need to clarify the professional skills and reputation of the specialist with the previous employer.

Good day. One of these days I decided to check what can be found on the Internet if you fill in the search bar. I was pleasantly surprised, because the information that I read, in my opinion, is not entirely relevant today. Before taking the first step, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with this information.

What does Yandex offer us on given request? Business school of an electrician from Shneider-Electric, open an individual entrepreneur or LLC, engage in electrical installation. Google did not go far, it did not find any special differences there. On forums, sites and blogs, it is mainly about how to correctly, legally competently conclude transactions with customers, about design, regulatory documentation, modern solutions, about the installation of equipment, etc. Dig deeper if interested.

I do not plan to develop in this direction, but I thought about it when I studied at the school. In my opinion, in order to engage in electrical installation, you need to start small, especially since you will not see serious customers without LLC (unless of course you have no cronyism).

Here is a good leverage for this type of income =>

By small, I mean repairing sockets, switches, or hanging and connecting a chandelier at home, for example. Those works that do not require large investments, a special tool, the conclusion of contracts. Here you are not a hassle with taxes, nor picky customers (although anything can happen). In general, shabashi so to speak, or hack.

it the best option if you don't have big money!

There are many business plans for both an electrician and a person with any other specialty. I will not now list my business ideas and the types of earnings known to me, since there will be its own article for each option.

Today we will only talk about what, first of all, an electrician should learn to open any business. Any thoughts? If you say funds, money, I agree, a business from scratch often remains at zero, but this is not the main thing. Sell.

Selling is the # 1 skill in business!

This needs to be clearly understood. I recommend that you approach the idea of ​​creating a business responsibly, taking your time, thinking over each step, since I personally encountered this problem when creating my own business. If you are just planning to do installation in the future, then you also need electrical knowledge, but if you do not learn how to sell, your services are unlikely to be in demand.

Perhaps someone wants to challenge my opinion, you can write about it in the comments, but I will immediately give some facts regarding trading. We are all born merchants. Observe the children, if you (a father, for example) do not give the child something that he really wants, he runs to his mother.

If his mother doesn't give him what he wants, he runs to the phone and calls his grandparents. Just gradually, as we grow up, some of us lose inner feeling « i can get everything". We are disaccustomed by saying that we must stop begging, whining and complaining. Thus, we are disaccustomed to selling.

There are many examples, but if you don’t learn how to sell, then an electrician's business, like any other business plan, is not for you. Get a job as a manager, sign up for courses, watch trainings, read forums, learn and practice! It is a necessary skill in both business and life. The ability to sell is communication, people should understand you and you should not be afraid of them.

Also, consider the business includes relationship between people and partnership, and what kind of relationship can there be if someone does not know how to communicate? I think everything is clear with this.

A couple more points, think about why you need an electrician business? What goals do you pursue, how much do you want to earn, what are you willing to give in return in order to achieve your goal. Create a specific action plan, draw it on a piece of paper, and if all goes well, start putting it into action.

Imagine, I just pulled out a magazine from the closet, and my first business plan (one of several) fell out of it. Direct match Look:

It can be seen badly of course. So I was planning to open my own company for the sale of electrical engineering, cable, lighting equipment. I didn’t have a mentor, I worked in trading companies, read forums and blogs, absorbed information, then acted, stuffing big shots and drawing conclusions only from personal experience.

Highly important point! If you are planning to open a company with partners, and you doubt them, do not do it! Be responsible for the choice of partners, since you will work with these people. And the company's success largely depends on internal relationships.

Persistence is also important. At the initial stage, almost everyone faces difficulties, they need to be overcome. In general, learn to sell and everything will be fine with you.

If the above is interesting to you, subscribe to blog updates and you will receive announcements of new articles directly to your mail. We will talk more and more about business, sales, trainings, ways of making money.

Also remember that in everything that you want to achieve, you need - a strong, burning desire! Without it, an electrician's business plan, like any other plan, will not work.

That's all for me, until communication!

  • How much money is needed to open an electrical installation company
  • The main stages of business organization
  • Marketing plan
  • Advertising
  • Production plan
  • Equipment and documents
  • Choice of taxation regime
  • Staff recruitment
  • Permit to electrical work
  • Financial plan
  • HOW MUCH CAN YOU EARN on the services of an electrical installation company

Business plan for opening a small electrical installation company in a city with a population of at least 500 thousand people.

How much money is needed to open an electrical installation company

The organization of an electrical installation company may require a significant amount by the standards of a small business - a little less than 1 million rubles:

  • Purchase of a car - 500 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of sets of tools and equipment (signaling devices, current indicators, drills, punchers, ladders, etc.) - 80 thousand rubles.
  • Office rent - 20 thousand rubles.
  • Advertising budget (website development, outdoor advertising) - 100 thousand rubles.
  • Reserve fund - 100 thousand rubles.
  • Business registration and other expenses - 50 thousand rubles.

Total - 850 thousand rubles.

The main stages of business organization

The electrical installation company has good prospects development, when there is a significant recovery in the economy. In this case, the income of the population increases, and the demand for housing grows, which stimulates the development of construction and electrical installation enterprises. But even in less attractive conditions, with competent organization business, you can earn good money doing electrical work.

The phased creation of your enterprise includes:

  • Detailed analysis of the market situation and determination of the prospects for the development of this project.
  • Business plan preparation.
  • Solving financial issues.
  • Business registration and joining an SRO.
  • Office search.
  • Purchase of tools, transport and equipment.
  • Opening a bank account.
  • Search for colleagues.
  • Making a seal.
  • Signing contracts with contractors.
  • Organization of an advertising campaign.

If you do everything while adhering to the business plan, you will certainly achieve your goals and organize a profitable enterprise, even in an unstable economy.

Marketing plan

When planning to open this business, one should fully rely on the situation in the construction industry. If the construction is going on actively, residential complexes are being erected, shopping centers and new buildings - this means that electrical installation companies will have a lot of orders. Otherwise, you will have to be content with an extremely small market for the installation of electrical wiring and equipment in apartments and houses.

Those companies are successful that are able to provide a wide range of services: design of power supply, energy audit, laying of cables (television, power, telephone, etc.), installation of electrical wiring and replacement of electrics, installation of sockets, collection and installation of lamps, chandeliers, decorative lighting , connection of electric stoves, assembly of electrical panels. Thus, with proper advertising, orders can be received on a daily basis.

To earn really good money on electrical work, you will have to get an SRO (self-regulatory organization) admission. Only with a SRO permit can you get large state. orders, winning tenders and working on large construction projects. Joining an SRO, depending on the region, will cost from 150 to 300 thousand rubles. You will have to spend money on annual payments in the amount of at least 30 thousand rubles.


Advertising and business promotion plays a special role in business. Competition, especially in large cities serious enough and without proper advertising, the client will never find you. Here many can be effective known methods, including posting ads, distribution of advertising brochures on mailboxes, outdoor advertising and advertising on the Internet. The role of the world wide web in the promotion of business is especially important in big cities where the number of internet users is very high. Your own website, advertising in Yandex-Direct can be very effective.

Production plan

As an organizational form, an LLC (legal entity) will be optimal for an electrical installation company. Possessing the status legal entity you can receive many more orders from large companies that are VAT payers.

At the initial stage, you can do without an office, but the need for it is difficult to overestimate. An office is necessary not only for a meeting with a serious customer, but also elementary for storing tools and accommodating the organization's personnel.

There is also a high need for our own transport. Often equipping electricians involves a number of not easy tools, ladders, cables and other components. It is not possible to translate this by hand or by car. Therefore, before opening a company, one should be puzzled by the purchase of a roomy car, such as a van (GAZelle).

Equipment and documents

To perform electrical work (at the initial stage of business development), it is enough to provide the fitters with the following tools:

  • drill and hammer drill;
  • ordinary ladder and stepladder;
  • signaling devices;
  • voltage indicators;
  • electric screwdrivers;
  • hand tools and overalls.

The most expensive purchase for this expense item will be the purchase of a vehicle. It should be reliable car, capable of transporting people and equipment not only within the city, but also in the conditions of field roads.

The preparation of documents for the operation of an electrical installation company includes not only the registration of an LLC with the Federal Tax Service, funds and Rosstat, but also the execution of the following papers:

  • permits of organizations for labor protection, fire inspection and Rospotrebnadzor;
  • documents confirming membership in self-regulatory organizations (SRO) of builders (for firms working with serious customers);
  • labor contracts with staff;
  • contracts with clients.

Each fitter must have documents about vocational education and the third group of electrical safety approval.

Be sure to indicate in the application for registration with the Federal Tax Service the code of your activity. For electrical work, this is OKVED 45.31. Novice businessmen can be pleased with the fact that enterprises that are engaged in electrical work no longer need to obtain licenses and additional permits.

Choice of taxation regime

If you are planning to cooperate with large construction companies and government organizations, then you'd better work and pay taxes on a general basis. Owners of firms providing services to the public can write a statement to the Federal Tax Service on the choice of the simplified tax system (simplified system). It allows you to pay 6% of the proceeds or 15% of the company's profits before tax.

Staff recruitment

Finally, the most important thing is to find adequate fitters capable of performing work of any complexity. Even small firm you will need to find at least 3 professionals. Electricians are the face of the company. It is on the quality of their work that the mood of the customer depends, and therefore the positive feedback about the work of the company as a whole. Therefore, the search for personnel must be approached especially responsibly.

Permit to electrical work

According to Russian legislation admission to electrical work can only be obtained by people with prof. technical education and the third group of admission to electrical work. The specialist must know the principle of operation of electrical engineering, safety rules, must be able to provide first aid to the victim of injury electric shock... A good employee is not only an experienced specialist, but also a person without bad habits, responsible and hardworking.

Remuneration for assemblers - piece-rate (percentage of the order). It makes no sense to put on the salary of workers, since this not only reduces the quality of work, but also increases costs during the period of absence of orders.

Financial plan

We will calculate the main indicators economic efficiency work of an electrical installation company.

Fixed monthly expenses:

  • Office rent - 20 thousand rubles.
  • Fuels and lubricants - 25 thousand rubles.
  • Advertising - 30 thousand rubles.
  • Taxes - 15 thousand rubles.
  • Other expenses (documentation, approvals, etc.) - 30 thousand rubles.

Total - 120 thousand rubles per month.

HOW MUCH CAN YOU EARN on the services of an electrical installation company

The average revenue from installing or replacing electrical wiring in an ordinary two-room apartment is 18,000 rubles. Of this amount, 25% is the remuneration of the installers. The rest is the firm's income. If we take into account only work with small customers, then with proper promotion, you can count on a cash turnover of 200-250 thousand rubles. This is about 15 - 20 "apartment clients" per month. Minus fixed costs the profit of the company will be about 80 - 130 thousand rubles per month. Taking into account the time for the promotion of the business (6 - 8 months), the initial investment pays off in 1.5 - 2 years of work.

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