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Ielts decoding. IELTS exam: What, where, when and how much? Protection against fraud and corruption

Hello my dear readers.

Surely you at least once in your life thought about going to get an education in some foreign university or go to live in another country! Have you ever tried this idea? If not, then the first thing you will encounter is the language barrier. No language - no moving! Yes, it's harsh, but it's true.

And today I want to tell you about how to help in this difficult matter - moving to another country - an international exam in English language IELTS.

Today we will see what kind of thing it is - IELTS, get acquainted with the structure of the test, and you will also receive some tips on how to prepare and what textbooks.

Why are more and more people taking IELTS?

First and most main reason why many take this exam is its versatility. Having passed it, you can enter any, Australia, New Zealand and, probably, the USA. In addition, this exam is also passed if you want to move to another country, because the migration services primarily pay attention to knowledge of the language.

What does the exam consist of?

The structure of the test, like most, is the same and consists of 4 parts: reading, writing, listening and speaking.

  • Reading.

This part is a test of your general understanding of texts in a foreign language. The test consists of 40 questions for which you will be given 60 minutes. By the way, they include time to fill out the answer form.

Lyrics usually go to common topics from newspapers, magazines, etc.

The most common problem in this part is lack of time. But I can say one thing: there is enough time if you use the right tactics. After all, as we are used to: we read the text, we try to mentally translate each word - and these are the most important mistakes! The tactic for successfully passing this part is that you need to scan the text, find answers to questions and move on!

  • Letter .

I am absolutely sure that the letter is the most hard part for almost any candidate, because a lot of components are checked here: your knowledge of the rules for writing texts, first of all; your knowledge of grammar and vocabulary; and more than that, your ability to spell words correctly.

Here you will have to write an essay or either describe a schedule or write a letter.
The biggest mistake candidates make is their attempts to write difficult texts with difficult words. No need! It is better to write texts easier, but correctly, than to lose points due to stupid mistakes!

  • Listening.

The part for which only 40 minutes is given for 40 questions.
This part can become very difficult if you come across unknown words. But there are ways to solve this problem: listen to as much as possible ... everything! Listen to the radio, fill in those gaps with practice, and you'll be fine.

  • speaking.

The fastest part! The candidate has a one-on-one meeting with the examiner and your response is recorded at this point.

The candidate first answers general issues from the examiner, then the candidate receives a card with a topic on which he must speak for 1-2 minutes, after which he answers again for more difficult questions examiner.

The worst thing that can interfere with you in this part is nerves and worries! And that's okay. So my advice is to train as much as possible. As soon as you have confidence in your knowledge, the level of experience will decrease significantly! Here is a complete test sample for you - get acquainted and evaluate your strengths!

It's not that hard, trust me! Here's more for you

  • Decide on a preparation method.
    You can easily prepare yourself, or find a teacher for preparation - it's your choice. I can advise one thing: if you are confident in your discipline and confident that you will prepare yourself and regularly, then success awaits you. If you are in any doubt, study with a teacher who will control you.
  • Make a preparation plan.
    Without a plan - nowhere. Decide on which days, which part of the exam you will study. And follow this plan. Remember that self-discipline and systematization are the foundation of good preparation.
  • Identify your weaknesses and strengths.
    Each person has their own strengths and weaknesses regarding language learning, which need to be worked on. I can tell from personal experience: I have a student who is great at listening because recent years 7, I think he watches movies, listens to radio and audio books only in English. But with the letter she has catastrophic problems. teach her how to write good essay took a long time. Therefore, you should immediately decide on your weaknesses, which will have to devote a little more time.
  • Decide on training resources.
    Take Special attention textbooks for preparation. Publishers now offer thousands of books, but choose a few that you can study from start to finish. It makes no sense to take a dozen books. Of course, if you have several years to prepare, then yes - you can. But often candidates have either a couple of months, or six months or a year. So, in this case, it is better to decide on one or two books than to waste time on a dozen others. Below I will tell you which books are best to study.

In addition to books, pay attention to watching videos and listening to the radio in English to improve your listening skills. And also do not forget about the practice of oral speech!

  • Get rid of all your fears.
    Every exam is stressful. But, to be honest, there are so many rumors and myths around IELTS that it makes no sense to be afraid.

What books to prepare for?

Here are my favorites study guides in IELTS, the preparation for which will give you pleasure and will be most useful:

1. Vocabulary for IELTS.
The basis of knowledge of English is a good lexical base. Therefore, this book will help you to replenish your vocabulary.

2. Step up to IELTS.
A good book on systematic preparation for all parts of the exam.

3. Cambridge IELTS Practice Tests.
In this collection only practice and practice. This is just for you and an example test. Take a practice test and analyze all your mistakes. Pass the next - and do the same. In this way, you can get used to the format of the exam, as well as identify your strengths and weaknesses, which I mentioned earlier.

4. IELTS writing.
Writing is the most difficult and unloved part of the exam for Russian speaking candidates. Therefore, preparation for it must be very thorough.

5. Listening for IELTS.
Listening takes the same special attention. Grab this book if it's yours. weak side, or simply for systematic preparation for the exam.

6. Improve your IELTS Reading Skills.
Each part of the exam is about using the right execution tactics. You can learn about these tactics in the book, as well as test them all in practice.

7. Objective IELTS.
If, as I said, you do not have much time to prepare for the exam, then take one book with which you can go through all the components of the test. This book is one of those.


The cost of passing the IELTS exam is approximately 16,000 rubles. You can take it in almost any city, and you will find out the results online within 13 days after the date.

I hope, my good ones, that today this test has been sorted out in your heads and you are ready to embark on the path of preparing for it. And to make preparation much easier, subscribe to the blog newsletter to receive all the most important and useful materials.
See you again, my dears.

We invite you to take an IELTS practice test. The test consists of 10 vocabulary questions. You can also download the correct answers to the test

Choose the word that most closely matches instead of the ellipsis. Also, we want to remind you that the forms of the word have been changed in some questions. AT this list the original forms of the word are given.

By the way, you can now register for free on the Lingualeo website

Trial IELTS test online. Test 1

IELTS is widely recognized as a reliable means of assessing the language ability of candidates who need to work or study where English is the lingua franca.

The IELTS exam consists of 4 sections. All candidates take the same Speaking and Listening exam. The Reading and Writing sections may differ depending on the test module. Students are offered a choice of either an academic or a general module. The first is aimed at those who wish to study abroad. The second is for those who leave for permanent place residence or work.

The results of the exam are evaluated on a 9-point scale, where 9 is the highest score and 0 is the lowest. In this case, the score is set for each of the 4 sections separately. For example, you got 8 for the reading section, 7 for the speaking section, and so on. After that, 4 results are added up, and you get an average score.

After 14 days, each candidate can view the results of the test online. You also receive one paper copy. In addition, when applying for the test, you indicate the universities where you want to send your results. Usually these are the universities where you plan to enter.

Most universities in the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the United States accept candidates with IELTS scores of 6-7.5 for admission to degree programs.

How more tests you do, the more you'll be ready for successful delivery test.

IELTS- an international standard test that assesses the level of English proficiency among the non-English-speaking part of the population. It was developed in 1989 and is run jointly by the University of Cambridge and the British Council. IELTS is one of the main English tests. There are two different types of IELTS - Academic and General Training.

Academic IELTS

Academic version for those who want to enter and study in higher education institutions, as well as for professionals (such as health workers, lawyers) who are going to work in their specialty in an English-speaking environment.

General Training

It is intended for work in other specialties, for studies outside of higher educational institutions, as well as for immigrants. IELTS scores are trusted by the majority educational organizations Britain, Australia, Ireland, more than 3000 universities in the USA and Canada.
There is no minimum threshold for passing the test. Based on its results, you are assigned a score from 0 to 9, and each organization sets its own threshold for passing. Organizations are advised not to consider test results older than two years unless the candidate demonstrates that they have worked to maintain their level. In 2012, over 2 million people took the IELTS test.

IELTS tests all 4 language skills: listening, reading, writing and speaking. The score is set for each skill separately. The conversation is held one-on-one with the examiner with a mandatory record in case of appealing the results.


It consists of four sections of increasing complexity and lasts 40 minutes, of which 30 are allotted for listening, and 10 minutes for transferring answers to the examination sheet. Each section is either a dialogue or a monologue, begins with an introductory part that explains the situation and introduces the speakers.

The candidate then has some time to look at the questions. The first three parts of the test have a break, when the candidate can again look into the questions, evaluating what should be paid special attention to when listening. Each part is played only once.

Reading Test

This part of the test lasts 60 minutes. The academic version consists of three parts - three texts, for each part - 13-14 questions, in total you need to answer 40 questions. The general version can include up to 5 shorter texts, also 40 questions.


In the academic version writing consists of two parts. In the first part, candidates describe a scheme, a graph, a diagram - some kind of process, and in the second part, they need to give arguments “for” or “against” on a given topic, that is, to emphasize the advantages and disadvantages, expressing their opinion on this issue.

There are also two tasks in the general version of the test. The first part is to write a letter or explain the situation, and the second part is to write an essay (see article). Some video tips from the Oxford English School on how to write a good essay.


The conversation lasts 10-15 minutes and consists of three parts. The first part is an interview where you will have to tell a little about yourself, your hobbies, why you need to take the IELTS test, and also talk a little about general topics. modern world: computers, fashion, free time, internet, family.

The second part is a conversation on a given topic. One minute is given to prepare, then you begin to tell what you know about this topic.

The third part is considered the most difficult, this is a discussion with the examiner, as a rule, of the topic that was in the second part.

Total test duration

The test lasts 2 hours and 45 minutes without a break of one day for listening, reading and writing (in that order). And the conversation is assigned separately - either before or after passing these three modules.

Test scores are scored on a scale of 0 to nine and are rounded as follows: if for any skill your result ends in 0.25, then it is rounded up to 0.5, if you get 0.75, then it is rounded up to whole.


You receive a final certificate, which indicates the marks for each part separately, as well as the overall average rating. You can get "5" for conversation, "8" for written work, but in general it will be 6.5-7, for example. Some establishments look at overall score, although in others it will be possible to write that the total is such and such, but for each individually not less than "6".

This is what IELTS, the international English language test, looks like

Interpretation of test results according to the common European assessment system:

  • 5-6 points in IELTS - this is level B2,
  • 6.5-8-C1,
  • over 8 - C2

The test is accepted in more than 500 locations in 121 countries around the world. The number of test takers is increasing very rapidly year by year.

Price IELTS in Moscow for this moment(September 2015) $ 250, in other places it may be higher due to the need to pay agency fees, you need to check on the official website ielts.org. The delivery schedule - several times a year - is also on the website, you need to sign up in advance.

There used to be a time limit for retaking the test, but now it has been removed, so you can retake IELTS at least a few times a year.

What is the IELTS passing score required by various organizations? For example, here are some:

  1. Most high score- 8.5 required by the Department of Journalism at the University of Columbia, USA
  2. Oxford University - 7 points
  3. Cambridge - 7-7.5
  4. Bermingham - 6.5
  5. Essex - 5.5

But not all organizations trust IELTS, some conduct their own testing or interviews on topics related to their line of work. In addition, there are other international systems for assessing the level of language proficiency. For example TOEIC, TOEFL, FCE, CAE.

Cambridge exams:

FCE(First Certificate in English) - this is the first Certificate in English, this is approximately the average level.
CAE(Certificate in Advanced English) is an advanced level exam, a more difficult Cambridge exam.

They can be compared to a single IELTS test that tests the same knowledge but covers a much wider range. If your level of knowledge of the language is average or below average, then the IELTS test will be very difficult for you, there is no point in wasting time and money on it.

Worth choosing another more suitable test for your level Cambridge system exams and you will be more likely to pass it.

If your goal is to get a job abroad, then the FCE test may also be suitable. For example, people come to England for the purpose of learning English and at the same time want to find suitable job. Any service specialty or job in English family, child care and the like. FCE is the best fit for this.

IELTS General

You can also take the IELTS General, but this is more high level. It all depends on the job you will be doing. Some people just want their CV (curriculum vitae) - resume - to have an English grade.

American tests TOEIC, TOEFL

TOEIC(Test of English for International Communication) is more used international corporations, most popular in Japan, Korea and Taiwan. This is a multi-choice test that only tests reading and listening skills, so it's inexpensive and fast.
TOEFL(Test of English as a Foreign Language) is also a multi-selective test, in this it is similar to TOEIC, but it also includes testing the other two skills: writing and speaking. It is used mainly educational establishments America.

Preparing for the IELTS test.

The best preparation for any test, according to linguists, is to develop all four language skills through long-term exposure to interesting, meaningful content.

More specific training in the form of courses may be offered certified centers IELTS. In addition, you can prepare yourself using the examples of tasks posted on the official website in the preparation section.

There are a lot of materials that will help you figure out what circle of knowledge is needed for successful completion test. There is also an information booklet on the procedure for taking the test and information on purchasing a two-volume practice material on CD or DVD of your choice. They can also be ordered from your nearest IELTS center or directly from England and Australia.

Can also be used to prepare great amount material from the internet:

We wish you all successful preparation and delivery!

The IELTS test is an international language assessment system. This test is intended to test certain knowledge in English. It was developed in order to assess the level of English proficiency for those who want to live, study or work in English-speaking countries. Now this standard is recognized in 140 countries of the world, more than 9,000 different companies, both public and private, accept IELTS results. You can get tested in almost any country in the world, there are also training courses or advanced courses.

Usually the test is carried out on Saturdays, several times a month. The exam is oriented on a rating scale from 1 to 9 points, where only those who did not pass the exam at all receive the lowest score. You can get a unit for the IELTS test only if you forget to come to it.

The difference from other assessment systems of knowledge is fundamental - depending on the purpose for which the test person confirms knowledge of the language, the format of the test is chosen.
  • This is a universal exam, its results are valid all over the world, which allows you to get an international certificate.
  • Any person, regardless of citizenship and nationality, can be tested and confirm their knowledge of English.
  • Two modifications of the test are adapted for different purposes - the academic level differs from the general one not only in style, but also in the level of proficiency, outlook, vocabulary and other characteristics.
  • The test can be taken as many times as needed.
  • The IELTS exam was developed by experts in the linguistic environment, and now first-class linguists, educators and philologists around the world prepare test materials.
  • It should also be noted that the test is not conditional, it is a practical exam, where the candidate will have to prove his own knowledge and skills.
  • The IELTS test is accepted as proof of language proficiency when applying for a job, when entering a university, or even when moving to another country.
  • Diagnostic testing allows you to separate immigration language needs from academic ones. So, for example, the immigration level of language proficiency in IELTS is 5-6 points, but in order to study at the university, you will need to get a score above 7 on the IELTS scale.

IELTS scoring system

Differences from other exams

The IELTS certificate remains valid for two years, after which it will be necessary to retake the test in order to confirm that the language skills have not been lost, or to get a higher score. This is the main difference between IELTS and Cambridge tests which are valid indefinitely. However, on the other hand, Cambridge type certificates are not used for any specific task. Most often, universities that count CPE and SAE diplomas pay attention to the year they were received - and here it becomes clear that the perpetuity of the diploma is not such a big plus - those who received the certificate more than three years ago are asked to confirm its results.

Appearance of the IELTS certificate

The IELTS exam can be taken as often as needed - exams are held regularly in Russia. Twice a month, testing takes place in the capital, and regional tests are also held in accredited centers.

After the exam is passed, the certificate is issued two weeks later. While the results of other tests come in 1-2 months.

How is the exam

The language proficiency test is an integral process in which examiners must ensure that the respondent understands speech, can read, speak and write. Each skill is assessed separately, then the assessments are summed up in the overall result.

Of course, few people can pass a three-hour test with a school volume of knowledge. Even if a person has a good command of the language at an intermediate level, this does not mean at all that the exam will be successful - it is best to prepare for testing. Preparing for Ielts can be done on your own. It is not profitable for training courses to support this idea, so the most common assurance is that no one can prepare for Ielts without a teacher. This is not the case if the language level is at good level, then it is enough for some time to complete tasks similar to those offered by Ielts and note the errors, trying to understand their nature (and not just memorize).

Proper preparation for Ielts involves daily practice and familiarity with the exam algorithm - it takes skill to learn how to allocate time between different exam modules.

How will the Internet help?

Preparation for Ielts online is underway different ways. There are sites where tasks are collected to prepare for different modules - by completing them, everyone will be able to improve certain language skills.

Ielts podcasts online will also be useful - people from different countries, who scored above average, talk about their experience and give advice to beginners.

Tips from those who have successfully passed Ielts online will also help. The majority of successful examinees focus on the fact that main mistake during the test - not bad English, but the wrong approach to time management, which affects the Ielts certificate.


During the Reading module, 20 minutes are allotted for the text, you need to learn how to solve tasks in specified time or even faster - the time saved will help in solving more complex tasks.

During the Listening module in the Ielts test, you need to read the text and match it with the audio you listened to. You need to focus on the questions in order to answer correctly.

After the audio file ends, you can return to the questions and try to remember the answers to them. This will help you earn some points. Series and films in English will help to improve skills in this module.

You can prepare for this module only by listening to live speech. It can be radio or various talk shows, the main thing is that listening comprehension is trained.

The Ielts speaking test is an important module. In preparation for it, a teacher may be required, or a person with a good knowledge of the language - who can correct mistakes. If this is not possible, then you can take something from Ielts books and choose topics for Ielts speaking from there. Professionals advise you to record your speech on a voice recorder in order to evaluate pronunciation.

IELTS test preparation via Skype

The Ielts writing test module is practice-based. There are enough services on the Internet to learn how to write correctly and not make mistakes. During the test, you need to describe a diagram or graph, and write an essay on a given topic with a certain number of words. It is necessary to use various literary expressions so that the speech does not look too naive.

In order to successfully pass Ielts writing, during preparation it is advisable to have a notebook and learn not only useful words, but also verbal constructions, speech turns- this will help to make a coherent, easy readable text. Having collected about three hundred expressions and words used to link the text, you can compose almost any essay and get as a result Ielts certificate with high scores.

Testing system The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) was created to set a standard for determining the level of English proficiency of those who intend to study or work in English-speaking countries.
This system replaced The English Language Testing System (ELTS) in 1990. In 1995, the IELTS tests were revised and updated.

IELTS administrators are the department University of Cambridge in England - Cambridge ESOL, British Council and IELTS Australia: IDP Education Australia.

IELTS is required for admission to many British, Australian, New Zealand and Canadian universities, as well as to participate in many educational programs middle and professional level and in training.
IELTS is not recommended for those under the age of 16.

What is included in IELTS?

All candidates for this exam must pass the Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking tests. The Listening and Speaking tasks are the same for everyone. The Reading and Writing tasks can be selected depending on the goals that you set for yourself when taking the IELTS. You can choose the Academic option if you intend to study at an English-speaking university or graduate school, or General Training if you are going to travel to an English-speaking country to complete your secondary education, work or take any courses, and also if you plan to immigrate.

Reading– 60 minutes
As already mentioned, when passing the Reading test, you need to choose tasks of the academic (Academic) or general (General Training) direction. The academic version of the test includes texts that may be interesting and acceptable for those who are going to study at an English-speaking university or graduate school. The texts of the General Training Reading variant are texts of a more general topic, they cover various situations. Everyday life, social issues.
Both the one and the other version of the test consists of three sections, a total of 40 tasks. Among them are such as choosing the appropriate answer, filling in the gaps in the text, searching necessary information for short answers, determining the mood and views of the author.

Writing– 60 minutes
Before proceeding with the tasks of this test, you also need to choose one of the options - Academic or General Training Writing. The academic version of the test requires writing short essays or general reports addressed to educators or an educated but non-professional audience. The tasks of the general option include writing personal, semi-formal and official letters, or an essay on a given topic, as a learning task.

Both versions of the test include two mandatory tasks. The first task requires writing a text of at least 150 words, the second - 250 words. In the first task of the academic option, you will need to give a written interpretation of a diagram, table, or other similar data. To complete the first task of the general option, you need to write a letter to solve a specific issue. In the second task, some controversial point of view is stated, someone's opinion or a problem is presented, about which you need to express yourself in writing, starting from specific facts, offering their own solution, arguing it and developing their ideas on the proposed topic.

listening– about 30 minutes
Listening is a test of listening comprehension of English speech in general level. The test includes four parts. The tasks of the first two parts are based on different situations everyday life, the second two parts are more related to learning objectives. Among the texts offered for listening, there are both monologues and dialogues between two or three people. Audio recordings can be listened to only once.

The 40 test items include choosing the appropriate answer, short answers to questions, filling in gaps in a text, table or diagram, dividing words or sentences into groups, recording missing information, etc.

Speaking– 11-14 minutes
The test is in the form oral interview examiner and examinee and consists of three parts. Tasks different parts suppose various options communication of interlocutors, different formulations of tasks and, accordingly, different ways of their implementation.

In the first part, you need to answer general questions about yourself, your family, studies / work, hobbies, etc. This will take 4-5 minutes.

In the second part, the candidate for the exam is offered verbal material (photo, picture, graph, etc.), and is given the task to speak on a specific topic. One minute is allotted for preparation, 2-3 minutes for speech. The examiner then asks one or two questions about the topic.

In the third part, the examiner and the examinee enter into a discussion on more abstract topics that are related to the questions raised in the second part of the test. The discussion lasts 4-5 minutes.

Before taking the IELTS exam

Most people who want to take IELTS take special training courses, which can last from 8 to 24 weeks. Passing such courses is not necessary, but it can help you understand the specifics of passing the exam, prepare for tasks that at first glance may seem difficult, but are not difficult for a person familiar with this form of work.

If you would like to try the exam and if you are currently studying English, discuss with your teacher the possibility of preparing for IELTS. If you are not currently studying English, you can get advice from your local Cambridge ESOL Authorized Examination Centre.

IELTS study guides and practice materials are available from publishers, a list of which can be obtained from the UCLES organization or from the UCLES website www.cambridgeesol.org/support/publishers_list/index.cfm.

Here is some of them:
Bloomsbury Reference (including Peter Collin Publishing) – www.bloomsbury.com/easierenglish
Cambridge University Press - publishing.cambridge.org/ge/elt/exams/ielts/
Express Publishing – www.expresspublishing.co.uk/showclass.php3
Longman – www.longman.com/exams/IELTS/index.html
Oxford University Press – www.oup.com/elt/global/catalogue/exams/

To get ready the best way, it is necessary to use a variety of materials. Thus, some teaching aids will have to be supplemented by others. Care must be taken in the selection of manuals and support materials so that they meet the requirements and content of the IELTS exam.

The UCLES organization does not undertake to give advice in the choice of this or that textbook or training course.

Sample IELTS Tests

Variants of exams that have already been taken can be used in the preparation process. They can be obtained from your local UCLES representatives.

Written answers from the exam can also be taken from the UCLES office or on the website of this organization. However, we do not recommend that you focus mainly on practicing similar tests during your preparation, as this alone will not improve your English language skills.

You can see examples of IELTS tests on the official website.

Evaluation of tests and presentation of results

IELTS has an assessment system that determines the level of language proficiency demonstrated during the test. This exam cannot be “failed”; passing the test, you need to set the task not to “pass” the exam, but to show the highest possible level of knowledge of the language.

The score ranges for each of the four sections, as well as the overall percentage of scores, are organized into nine groups, the so-called “Bands”. They are marked on the test report form. The evaluation is accompanied brief description level of knowledge of the language.

The level demonstrated during testing and reflected on the score sheet is considered to be correct for two years. It is assumed that for longer period time proficiency foreign language may change markedly.

Results are reported within two weeks of taking the tests.

Characteristics of different levels of language proficiency in the IELTS system

9 EXPERT USER Has a perfect command of the language, competently, consciously and easily uses the necessary language structures in appropriate situations.
8 VERY GOOD USER He speaks the language perfectly, allowing only some inaccuracies and errors from time to time. Misunderstandings can only arise in unfamiliar situations. In a discussion, he can convincingly, weightily argue his point of view using complex language structures.
7 GOOD USER He is fluent in the language, although he makes mistakes from time to time and in some situations shows misunderstanding. In general, can handle complex language structures and understands extended reasoning.
6 COMPETENT USER In general, he speaks the language well, despite some errors, inaccuracies and misunderstandings. Understands and uses fairly complex language structures, especially in familiar situations.
5 MODEST USER Slightly fluent in the language, picking up the basic information needed in most situations, although making many mistakes. Can use knowledge of English to a limited extent in his field of activity.
4 LIMITED USER The use of language is limited to familiar situations. Often has difficulty understanding and expressing his own thoughts. Unable to use complex language structures.
3 EXTREMELY LIMITED USER Captures only the most general information and expresses his thoughts only in the most in general terms and only in familiar situations. Often unable to communicate in English.
2 INTERMITTENT USER Uses only individual words or short phrases in familiar situations. Normal communication is impossible except for the exchange of the most simple and basic information. Has great difficulty understanding spoken and written English.
1 NON USER Cannot use language, except perhaps for a few isolated words.
0 DID NOT ATTEMPT THE TEST There is no data to assess the knowledge of the candidate.

Where to take IELTS

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