Home Potato The most ancient buildings in the world. The oldest buildings in the world

The most ancient buildings in the world. The oldest buildings in the world

Going to almost any country, you can see architectural buildings that are more than 5000 thousand years old. There are quite a few similar places on the planet. The buildings preserved on our land are sometimes simply amazing. They don't look like structures modern architecture, people don't live there. Historians are wondering which one is the oldest building in the world? They cannot give an unequivocal answer to this question to this day. Nevertheless, there are a couple of cities that any traveler should definitely visit - after all, they keep the history of mankind from the moment of the birth of great civilizations. They will be discussed in this article.

The oldest buildings in the world

In India, the oldest building is considered Taj Mahal palace ... The temple was built from white marble Padishah of Shah-Jahan in the name of love and devotion to his spouse amazing beauty Mumtaz - Mahal. Built in 1631, it combines several styles. A striking element of the palace is a white marble dome. The main place in the palace is occupied by the mausoleum. Inside it is a huge number of rooms decorated with mosaics. In one of the rooms there is the coffin of the ruler, who, after death, wished that the body be buried near his beloved.

Add to the list "The oldest buildings preserved in modern world»Historians have includedTemple of Queen Hatshepsut in Egypt . It is named after a woman who was the only recognized pharaoh. Construction went on from 1482 to 1473 BC. The building turned out to be of magnificent beauty, but, unfortunately, over time, it has undergone severe destruction. Some of them occurred on natural reasons- the building is located near a steep cliff. Also damage ancient building was inflicted at the direction of Thutmose III, whom the queen removed from reign for as much as 15 years. Recovery started with 1961 Today Polish restorers collect the sanctuary bit by bit. The object is located at a considerable distance from the buildings of other kings, erected in the Theban necropolis. On the walls there are pictures of reliefs that reflect the way of life of the inhabitants of the country, the pyramids of that time. The main plot of the reliefs is the story of the birth of the queen. In front of the entrance to the upper terrace, there are statues of a queen with a false golden beard - an attribute of male power. From the point of view of religion ancient egypt, the woman could not take the place of the ruler, because the pharaoh was considered the embodiment of the god Horus, and he was a man. Therefore, the ruler is depicted in this form.

Pyramid of Djoser at Saqqara - the oldest of the preserved architectural buildings on earth. The architectural masterpiece was created by the ancient Egyptian architect and the supreme dignitary of the pharaoh - Imhotep around 2650 BC as a funeral structure for the pharaoh's family.

Preserved in Rome Mamertine dungeon 578 BC, where the offenders were. According to legend, it was held the last days life of the apostles Peter and Paul.

Also the oldest mysterious building in the world - Stonehenge in England ... Years of construction - from 1100 to 3500 BC. Approximately 80 stones of various rocks, weighing up to 50 tons, were used for construction: dolerite, volcanic tuff. Long time no historian could figure out the reason for its appearance. D. Hawkins published a book about this in the 60s. In it, he described that a stone ring, built of stones, was used as an observatory, allowing the British to carry out astronomical observations and calculations.

The oldest building in Russia

There are many buildings in the Russian Federation that have witnessed historical events.Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin , erected from 1475-1479, was rebuilt by workers under the direction of the town planner Aristotle Fioravanti. The building has been well preserved to this day. To this day, services are held here.

Can't be ignoredChurch of John the Baptist in Kerch which dates back to the 8th century AD. Located in the very center of the city, the oldest building in Russia known today is Sophia Temple, built by Prince Vladimir in 1050. The monastery of the princess in Vladimir, the thirteenth century, which was rebuilt many times, experienced ruin, but survived. Walking along the streets of the city of Pereyaslavl-Zalessky, you can see the church built by Yuri Dolgoruky.

The oldest building in Moscow

Today the oldest building in the Russian capital recognized The Savior Church of the Andronikov Monastery of the Savior ... According to legend, the first wooden building was erected in 1357. The oldest known building in Moscow burned down during a fire in 1368. A new one was built on the site God's Temple made of stone. In this form, it has survived to this day. Scientists have been able to conduct a thorough study that proves the historical and cultural significance of the building.

Buildings of the same age as the capital have not survived: most of the buildings of that time were wooden, and enemy raids, fires and simply the passage of time led to the fact that the capital was rebuilt more than once, changing beyond recognition. And yet, there are buildings in Moscow that have survived for many centuries.

oldest building Moscow. According to the chronicles, the first wooden building of the temple was erected simultaneously with other buildings of the monastery, in 1357, but as a result of a fire in 1368 it burned down. In its place was built a new cathedral made of stone, which after sixty years, between 1420 and 1425, was rebuilt and in this form has survived to this day. They took part in the painting of the temple Andrey Rublev and Daniil Cherny However, only the ornamental painting on the frames of the altar windows has survived from their works. The decoration of the cathedral has changed a lot more than once. According to the inventory of 1763, there was a porch with a sacristy chamber, from which nothing remains today, and in 1812 Archimandrite Theophanes reported significant destruction caused by the retreating Napoleonic army. The French robbed the cathedral, lit the iconostasis, which caused "the vaults with the head to fall inside the temple ...". In 1934, the entire Spaso-Andronnikov monastery was planned to be demolished, but for various reasons this did not happen. In many respects, his salvation was facilitated by the work on the cathedral published in 1940 by the Academy of Architecture, after which the importance of the temple as a monument of Russian architecture became clear to everyone. In 1959-1960, the building was reconstructed in its original forms.

Andronievskaya square, 10

The Savior Cathedral of the Spaso-Andronikov Monastery. Photo: Commons.wikimedia.org / Lodo27 was built in 1326-1327 and was at that time the first stone church in Moscow. However, after a hundred years, its condition ceased to correspond to the status of the main temple of Russia: the walls that were threatening to collapse, which had lost their presentable appearance, were propped up with logs. The construction of the new cathedral began on April 30, 1471 and was entrusted to the Russians architect Krivtsov and Myshkin... The tragedy prevented the completion of what had been begun: during the earthquake on May 20, 1474, the walls of the temple, brought almost to the vaults, collapsed, since "the lime was not glued, and the stone was not hard." Ivan III Italian was invited architect Aristotle Fioravanti, who completely dismantled the building of Russian architects and began construction from scratch. The new cathedral was consecrated on August 12, 1479. Many key events in the history of Russia are associated with it. For example, in 1547 he was married here Ivan IV and starting with Peter II in the Assumption Cathedral, the coronation of each new Russian emperor despite the fact that the capital was moved to St. Petersburg. repeatedly suffered from fires and rebuilt again: in 1547 the top of the building was covered with gilded copper sheets, and in 1624 the dilapidated vaults were dismantled and folded again. In 1812, the temple, like many other Moscow shrines, was plundered and desecrated by the Napoleonic army. After October revolution it was closed for access and worship, and in 1955 it received the status of a museum. After the breakup Soviet Union the temple became known as the "Patriarch cathedral”, And today services are held in it on separate days with the blessing of the Patriarch.

Moscow Kremlin

Assumption Cathedral. Photo: www.globallookpress.com

Faceted Chamber, the oldest surviving civilian structure in Moscow, was built in 1487-1491 according to the project Marco Ruffo and Pietro Antonio Solari... Meetings were held here Boyar Duma, sat Zemsky Cathedral, various festivities were arranged. It is interesting that for the children of the tsar, a special secret "examination chamber" was provided in the ward. The queen with the children could watch through a special lattice the magnificent receptions of foreign delegations. Today the Faceted Chamber is a hall at the residence of the President of Russia.

st. Volkhonka, 3/4

Faceted Chamber. Front facade. View from Cathedral Square. Photo: Commons.wikimedia.org / Gérard Janot

Travel palace Basil III(father of Ivan the Terrible)- the oldest secular structure outside the earthen city. Its discovery in 2003 was a real sensation. Then, during the restoration of the Golitsyn estate, white stone masonry of the 16th century was discovered under a layer of plaster. The layout of the ancient building has been preserved almost completely. The place for the construction of the palace was not chosen by chance: it was here in 1395 that they met Vladimir icon Vladimirskaya Mother of God, which, according to legend, saved Russia from the invasion of hordes Tamerlane... Now the house is occupied by commercial organizations.

st. Staraya Basmannaya, 15

The Traveling Palace of Vasily III. Photo: pastvu.com / losinka1 - The oldest civilian structure outside the Kremlin. This white-stone residential building was built in the 15th century and was owned by Ivan Bobrishev nicknamed "Yushka", the bed-bed of the Grand Duke Ivan III. Apparently, Yushka left no heirs, and after his death the building became state-owned. Chambers began to be called the English court after in 1553 Sir Richard Chancellor opened the North sea ​​route that connected England and Russia. The British supplied gunpowder, saltpeter, lead, pewter, and furs, blubber, wood, hemp, and leather were brought to England. Ivan the Terrible was interested in trade relations with England and granted overseas merchants a house in Zaryadye. After the severance of trade relations with England in 1649 in connection with the execution in Great Britain King Charles I all English merchants were expelled from Russia, and their property was confiscated. After that, the boyar owned the chambers for more than 20 years. Ivan Andreevich Miloslavsky, and then the courtyard of the Nizhny Novgorod Metropolitan was located here. V mid XVIII century Peter I arranged in this building one of the first arithmetic schools in Russia, and then it was sold to private hands and changed owners many times. By the middle of the 20th century, the chambers lost their original appearance: in Soviet time there were residential apartments, various institutions. The revival of the chambers in its original form is associated with the name restorer Pyotr Baranovsky, who in the 1960s discovered an architectural monument under later layers and insisted that it be preserved. After a comprehensive study, the building was restored to its 16th century appearance. In 1994, the grand opening of the Old English Courtyard Museum, which became a branch of the Museum of the History of Moscow, took place.

st. Varvarka, 4

English courtyard in Zaryadye. Photo: Commons.wikimedia.org / NVO - a complex of buildings in which fragments of buildings have survived late XVI - early XVIII centuries. This is the oldest existing residential building in Moscow. Once upon a time there was a courtyard Chief Marshal Lewald, and later the owners were Prince Ivan Urusov, merchant Semyon Mylnikov, Collegiate Counselor Mikhail Chebyshev... His daughter Ekaterina Chebysheva married Prince Pavel Golitsyn, and from that moment on, the estate was associated with this surname. However, even after the Golitsyns, its owners were representatives famous namesKarases, Savostyanovs, Tsyplakovs... In the second half of the 19th century, the estate was rented out for various institutions: in different time there were furnished rooms, School of Music, hospital, printing house, bookbinding. In the latter, in 1914, he worked as a typesetter Sergey Yesenin... According to activist of the city protection organization "Arkhnadzor" Alexander Mozhaev, five years ago, the restoration of the estate began, which was planned to be turned into an elite housing, but it was frozen. V this moment unidentified persons live in a half-abandoned building (lights are on on the second floor in the evenings). The homestead is in disrepair, especially the roof and façade. The wings of the complex are occupied by various commercial organizations.

Krivokolenny lane, 10

The Golitsyn chambers. Photo: Commons.wikimedia.org / NVO

Solodezhnaya Simonov Monastery- the oldest "multi-storey building", was erected in XVI-XVII centuries and is one of the few surviving buildings of the Simonov Monastery. The monastery, founded in 1370, was almost completely destroyed during the construction of the ZIL automobile plant. The malt (dry) was intended for storing monastery products, grain, malt, and according to other sources, it was also a canteen. The uniqueness of this building lies in the fact that it is higher than a modern five-story building: such houses were very rare in those days. Now the building is used for household needs.

st. Vostochnaya, 4

View from the bell tower to the Moskva River (below you can see the Dulo tower and the Sushila (Solodezhnaya) building; to the left of the river bend - the church in Old Simonov, old photograph.

How many years can a residential building last for a person? History gives very unexpected answers to this question - there are cases when in detached houses live for centuries and even millennia! It all depends on the material environment and a person's attention to their home.

So, let's try to identify the oldest residential building in the world.

House made of wood

The oldest of the wooden residential buildings, which has not only survived to this day, but also continues to serve faithfully for its intended purpose, is the so-called "King's Farm" in the Faroe Islands (which are part of Denmark on the basis of autonomy). It was built presumably in the 11th century.

At first, this house housed the residence of the local bishop and the seminary. But after in 1538 all the property catholic church in the Faroes it became the property of the King of Denmark, the "mansion" got its classic name. The ancient Danish Patersson family that lives here since mid XVI century, only rents land and housing from the Danish crown.

House made of stone

Perhaps this very original house of either three or four floors, located in the French Aveyron, can be called the oldest stone residential building inhabited so far. Its history dates back to the 13th century.

Such an unusual design, expanding upward, speaks of the frugality of its previous owners. The point is that in medieval France all residential buildings were subject to quantity tax square meters, and only the first floor was taken into account.

If hotels can be attributed to residential buildings, then the "champion" in this category is undoubtedly the hotel "Hyoshi". Built in the suburbs of the Japanese city of Komatsu, it received its first guests back in 717.

Since then memorable year almost 50 generations of owners have already changed, but the hotel still hospitably opens its doors to guests who are ready to pay 300 euros per day for comfort, modern conveniences and SPA procedures in healing springs, but most importantly - for unrepeatable aroma antiquity.

They can argue!

In the dispute about who and what is ancient, other objects in which people still live could completely interfere, if not for one "but" - with all the conventions, it is difficult to call a traditional house ... a cave. But still.

About 170 families live in the village of Kandovan (Iran). They organized their life in bizarre grottoes that have arisen in volcanic rocks. People have been settling here for over 800 years.

The construction of buildings and structures is defined as a structure human production used or intended to support or shelter inclement weather or permanent residence. This article lists 10 oldest buildings built in the world that are a masterpiece of craftsmanship and self made people of that era. Today we are surprised to see these miracles, as in such distant centuries without any modern technologies and machines, such masterpieces were created. So, the top 10 the oldest buildings in the world.

10. Dhamek Stupa, India

Dhamek Stupa is a massive stupa located in Sarnath, 13 km from Varanasi in Uttar Pradesh, India. It was built in 500 AD, which was to replace the earlier architecture commissioned by the great Mauryan king Ashoka in 249 BC, along with several other monuments, to commemorate the Buddha's activities in this place. Dhamek Stupa originated as circular mounds surrounded by large stones. King Ashoka built the Dhamek Stupa to anchor small pieces of calcified bone and other relics of the Buddha and his disciples. Ashoka a pillar engraved on it with a decree stands nearby.

9. Sanchi Stupa, India

Sanchi Stupa or Great Stupa is oldest building in India made of stone and was built by order of Emperor Ashoka the Great in the 3rd century BC. Its core was a simple hemispherical brick structure over the relics of Buddha. From the outside, it looks like a crown symbolizing high rank that was intended to honor his relics. Sanchi Stupa has four carved decorative sluices with a balustrade surrounding the entire structure. Construction works Sanchi Stupa was ruled by Empress Devi, who was Ashoka's first wife.

8. Thracian Tomb of Kazanlak, Bulgaria

The Thracian tomb of Kazanlak has a vaulted brickwork"beehive", which is located near the town of Kazanlak in central Bulgaria. The Kazanlak tomb is located near the ancient Thracian capital Sevtopol. The Kazanlak tomb is part of a large Thracian necropolis. It includes narrow corridor and a round burial chamber, which is decorated with frescoes representing a Thracian couple at a ritual commemoration. The monument dates back to the 4th century BC and has been listed since 1979 World heritage UNESCO.

7. Parthenon, Greece

The Parthenon is a temple on the Athenian Acropolis, Greece, dedicated to the goddess Athena, whom the people of Athens considered their patron saint. Its construction began in 447 BC, when the Athenian Empire was at its peak. It was completed in 438 BC, although the decoration of the building continued until 432 BC. It is the most important surviving building from Classical Greece. The Parthenon is considered a lasting symbol Ancient Greece, Athenian democracy, Western civilization and one of the greatest monuments world culture. On the seventh line in the top 10 the oldest buildings in the world.

6. Minoan Palace of Knossos, Greece

The Minoan Palace of Knossos was solemn and political center Minoan civilization and culture. The palace was excavated and partially rebuilt under the direction of Arthur Evans in the early years of the 20th century. Its size far exceeded his original expectations, as did the discovery of two ancient scripts, which he called Linear A and B, to distinguish their spellings from pictograms. At some point in the late Bronze Age, the palace was abandoned (c. 1380-1100 BC). The case is not known for certain, but one of the many disasters that befell the Palace was probably the refusal of the population to use it as a administrative building, by the Mycenaean Greeks, who previously occupied the city-state.

5. Great Pyramid of Giza, Egypt

Also known as the Pyramid of Cheops, it is the oldest and largest of the three pyramids at Giza, Necropolis, Egypt. it oldest building of seven wonders the ancient world, and the only one that remains virtually untouched. Egyptologists believe the pyramid was built as a tomb for the fourth dynasty egyptian pharaoh Cheops from the 10 to 20-year period 2560 BC Originally at 146.5 meters (481 ft), Great pyramid has been the tallest man-made (man-made) structure in the world for over 3800 years.

4. Pyramid of Djoser, Egypt

Located in Saqqara, Egypt, the Pyramid of Djoser was built in the 27th century BC. for the burial of Pharaoh Djoser by his architect Imhotep. This first egyptian pyramid, which consists of six steps built on top of each other.

The pyramid is 62 meters high, with a base of 109 mx 125 m. The core of the tomb is made of white limestone. The stepped pyramid is considered the earliest large-scale stone construction. The oldest known rough stone structure. The construction of the pyramid dates back to 3000 BC.

3. Tarxien Temples, Malta

The Tarshin Temples are archaeological complex Tarshin, Malta. They date back to around 3150 BC. The temples were admitted to the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1980. The Tarshin Temples are made up of three separate but attached structures to each other. The main entrance has been undergoing renovation since 1956, when the entire complex was restored. At the same time, many of the ornate slabs found at the site were moved to a protection room at the Valletta Archeology Museum. The first temple was built around 3100 BC. and is the most ornate of the temples in Malta. Third line among the oldest buildings in the world.

2. La Hougue Bie, Jersey

La Hug Bee - historical monument, with a museum, in Groville County, Jersey. The monument was erected around 3500 BC. It is a corridor shroud with a length of 18.6 meters, covered with a 12.2 meter high earthen rampart. The mound was first excavated in 1925 by the Jersey Society. In Western Europe, it is one of the largest and best-preserved corridor tombs Western Europe... During World War II, the chapel was used as an observation point, and an underground command bunker was located in and around the mound.

1. Tumulus of Bougon, France

The oldest building in the world, The Bougonne necropolis is a group of five megalithic burial mounds (Kurgan A, B, C, D, E, F), from the Neolithic era, found in the bend of the Bougonne River, France. The opening of the necropolis in 1840 caused a great

scientific interest. To protect the monument, it was acquired by the De-Sèvres department in 1873. Excavation resumed in the late 1960s. The oldest structures in this complex date back to 4800 BC.

According to experts, structures of architecture appeared long before our era. The ancient structures preserved on our planet are amazing, they amaze the imagination. We will find out which buildings are the oldest in the world. The buildings of the ancient world that have come down to us are completely different from the buildings of modern architecture.

Legendary buildings of the ancient world

Who built oldest buildings, for what purpose, and by what technology, how they have survived to this day - all these questions arise when you see the buildings of the ancient world. Read more about the most interesting buildings that period.

Temple of Queen Hatshepsut (Egypt)

By product ancient architecture The Temple of Queen Hatshepsut, which has survived to this day, is in excellent condition. He is in Egypt. The year of construction is not known for certain, presumably one thousand four hundred and seventy-third year BC. NS. Even now we can say that the architect who created the temple is a genius.

Dungeon of Mamertine (Rome)

The Mamertine dungeon was erected in Rome near the Capitoline Hill even BC. NS. - in the five hundred and seventy-eighth year. Criminals were kept there, and many of them were innocent. It was in this prison that Saints Peter and Paul ended their lives.

Josser's pyramid at Sakara

In two thousand six hundred and fiftieth year BC. NS. in Egypt, the architect Imhotep built the Josser pyramid. As you know, this is the oldest pyramid in Egypt and one of the most ancient structures in the world. Its height is sixty two meters.

Greater Zimbabwe

V South Africa the oldest and at the same time the largest building is considered Greater Zimbabwe. This building appeared in the eleventh century, its population was at least eighteen thousand people. Scientists do not know why Great Zimbabwe was abandoned in the fifteenth century.

The height of the ancient ruins reaches eleven meters. All structures were erected by dry masonry - granite slabs were laid in rows. This is surprising since wood and clay were the standard materials in Africa during this period.

Settlement Skara Bray

Ten houses built on the territory of modern Scotland in two thousand five hundredth year BC. NS. - the oldest buildings in Europe. This settlement is named Skara Bray. It is located on the islands. All houses are perfectly preserved, thanks to which scientists have found out how the ancient people lived. According to the researchers, the dwellings were well equipped - they had water supply, heating, covered walkways.

The oldest buildings in Russia

In Russia, there are many old buildings that have witnessed many historical events, survived a number of eras, but were able to survive to this day. Most of these buildings are churches and monasteries.

Transfiguration Cathedral (Pereyaslavl-Zalessky)

In one thousand one hundred and fifty-second year, Yuri Dolgoruky founded a church in the city of Pereyaslavl-Zalessky. Five years later, the construction was completed by Prince Andrey Bogolyubsky. This white-stone temple stands in the center of the city, having been its adornment for more than eight hundred years.

Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery (Pskov)

In the middle of the twelfth century, in Pskov, at the place where the Mirozhka and Velikaya rivers merge, male monastery... It was named the Holy Transfiguration Mirozh Monastery. There are always many pilgrims in the cathedral. They are attracted by the unique pre-Mongol frescoes preserved there.

Dormition Knyaginin monastery

At the very beginning of the thirteenth century, a monastery was erected in Vladimir. Its founder is Prince Vsevolod Big Nest... The Knyagin's monastery got its name because the wife of the prince Maria Shvarnovna insisted on its construction. The princess's monastery was rebuilt several times, survived the ruin, the years of the invasion of the Mongol-Tatars, but survived.

Church of Boris and Gleb (Kideksha village)

Near the city of Suzdal, in the village of Kideksha, there is an ancient church, protected by UNESCO. The year of its construction is one thousand one hundred and fifty-second. The monument of white-stone architecture was built by Yuri Dolgoruky. Now the church is part of the Vladimir-Suzdal Museum-Reserve.

The oldest surviving building in the world

The oldest building in the world is located in the Bougonne necropolis, which was discovered in France on the banks of the Bougonne River in the first half of the nineteenth century. Extensive excavations were carried out there in the late sixties of the last century.

The necropolis is made up of five megalithic burial mounds dating back to the Neolithic era. As a result of excavations, it turned out that the oldest building of this complex was built in four thousand eight hundredth year BC. NS.

And the most Old city in Russia it is Derbent. The site has a detailed website and their stories.
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