Home Preparations for the winter Secrets of the name Camilla: light and positive. What does the name Kamila mean with one letter?

Secrets of the name Camilla: light and positive. What does the name Kamila mean with one letter?

Guardian (name Camilla Greek origin).

The meaning of the name Camilla is determined by versions of origin, and there are several of them. So, if you translate the name Camilla from Greek language, then you get the phrase “from a noble family.” Latin interprets the name Camilla as “servant of the temple” or “impeccable birth.” By the way, in Europe the popularity of the name Camilla increased significantly after Fanna Burney’s novel “Camilla” was published in 1796.

It must be said that there is a variant spelling of the name Camilla with one letter “l”. The name Kamila is a form derived from the male name Kamil, translated meaning “mature”, “perfect”.

Short meaning of the name Camilla: Kami, Cam.

Camilla's Angel Day: The name Camilla celebrates name days twice a year:

  • March, 3rd
  • May 31
  • July 18

Zodiac name Camilla: a lion

Positive traits of the name Camilla: There is a sense of mobility and emotional excitability in Camilla: her emotions rarely have greater depth. Camilla's character usually does not imply isolation at all; on the contrary, most often Camilla is open to communication and does not try to restrain her thoughts and feelings. As they say, what's on her mind is on her tongue. This quality of hers often provokes conflict situations, but the cheerfulness of the name Camilla does not allow negative feelings gain sufficient strength, and therefore Camilla calms down as quickly as she starts up. Many people are attracted by its lightness and even some frivolity. For this ease, Camilla is forgiven a lot.

Negative traits of the name Camilla: Touchiness, unpredictability of behavior, mood swings and feelings - all this complicates communication with Camilla.

Personality of the name Camilla: What does the name Camilla mean? The meaning of the name Camilla from the point of view of numerology is determined by the number 1. It indicates a person who is full of desire to act, to take everything from life. She has a lot of energy. By the way, this approach really helps Camilla react to extreme situations and quickly adapt to the most various events. However, at the same time, Camilla does not have the habit of planning her actions and going long and persistently towards her goal. So, a girl named Camilla is highly discouraged from engaging in business, trading, or embarking on risky adventures in which you need to carefully consider every step. In work, the name Camilla is better at carrying out assignments than leading. At the same time, even being not in the very high status, she may well earn good money. This happens because Camilla is always confident in herself, her strengths and capabilities, and therefore makes her way forward. But it’s hard to call her a generator of ideas - she perfectly copies other people’s actions and ideas, and this is exactly what can be used to entrust the name Camilla with doing some kind of work. This does not mean that she steals other people's ideas - it is simply easier to imitate and follow Camilla's models, as a rule.

As a child, the name Camilla is quite capricious, and only independently decides what she would like to do. At the same time, they tend to keep everything to themselves, being distrustful of people. Therefore, Camilla does not immediately find a friend to whom she can tell everything. Integral components of Camilla's character are creative skills. So, she draws, dances and sings beautifully. Among the advantages of the name Camilla are restraint, seriousness, and perseverance. However, sometimes Camilla goes too far, and these very advantages become disadvantages. Although, if such qualities are aimed at achieving the goal, the name Camilla will achieve success in many areas, build an excellent career, and arrange her personal life. Otherwise, it will be difficult for her.

By the way, when it comes to choosing a life partner, Camilla is quite demanding and takes quite a long time to make a decision. Also distinctive feature can be considered the fact that very often Camilla gives preference to henpecked men, because they are able to tolerate her character.

In friendship, the meaning of the name, despite its obstinate nature, is distinguished by generosity and sincerity. Yes, at first a girl named Camilla may turn out to be gloomy, but over time she loosens up, learns to spend time with pleasure, have fun and communicate. If Camilla grows up as a recluse as a child, then in her youth she already acquires sociability, and therefore, parents should not worry about this.

Choosing a profession by name: There are often unusual events and episodes in Camilla's life, she is distinguished by great ambitions, and is accompanied by prophetic dreams and unexpected revelations. Sometimes the name Camilla will have a tendency to study everything mysterious. She can prove herself as an artist or musician, a children's doctor, or a traveling salesman.

Camilla's business and career: If the name Camilla wants to achieve something truly serious financial success in life, it doesn’t hurt her to learn some consistency and patience. But making money is not the main goal of her life.

Camilla's love and marriage: Camilla has many chances to get married successfully; she doesn’t even have to shine with excessive beauty - her lively, agile character and self-esteem compensate for any shortcomings. This character especially attracts older men. However, Camilla’s capriciousness, eccentricity, and rapid changeability of emotions and feelings hardly correspond to the concept family happiness. The union of the name with August, Alfred, Arthur, Milan, Severina, Filaret, Eldar, Erast, Julian is favorable. Complex relationships of the name are likely with Hilarion, Silantius, Erasmus.

Health and talents named Camilla: Camilla should be given Special attention diet, otherwise it will come to operations.

The fate of the name Camilla in history:

  • Camilla is the daughter of King Privernus (Metaba), known in Roman mythology.
  • Camilla Collett - Norwegian writer
  • Camilla Belle - actress
  • Camilla Parker Bowles is the wife of Prince Charles.
  • Camille Doncier is the first wife of the painter Claude Monet, who also worked as a model when he painted a number of canvases.
  • Camilla Pisana is an Italian courtesan who wrote a book about her life.

Female name Camilla, whose meaning will certainly interest all its owners, came into Russian culture along with the adoption of Christianity in Rus'. It is currently very popular. New parents like the original meaning of the name Camilla and its beautiful sound, so they very often call their newborn daughters this way. What will this name bring to the little ones, how will it affect their destiny?

Name Camilla: meaning, origin

Linguists claim that it originates from the Roman nickname Camillus. If the meaning of the name Camilla is translated from Latin, then literally it will sound like “impeccable origin.” However, some translators argue that more exact value will be a "temple servant". The double translation is explained by the fact that in ancient times this name was given to a girl from a noble family who served at the temple.

Followers of Islam also have the name Camilla. The meaning of a Muslim name depends on what class its bearers belong to. The same nickname can have several translation options. Most Muslim nicknames are of Arabic origin, which influenced the meaning of the name. Camilla from Arabic sounds like “perfect” or, literally, “without flaws.” By the way, in Muslim countries, not only girls are called by this name. Representatives of the male gender are called consonantly - Kamil.


Initially, it seems that the meaning of the name Camilla for a girl should be associated with something light and airy. However, this is often not the case at all. While still very young, this little girl is already attracting everyone's attention. She is willful, has an explosive and perky character. The meaning of the name Camilla for a girl is very difficult to overestimate, since with proper upbringing and skillful direction it will bring its owner a happy and successful future. A child with this name naturally has talents for playing music, dancing, and drawing. Having chosen an activity she likes, the girl will devote all her free time to it.

Camilla grows up as a very secretive child. She does not trust her experiences and secrets even to her closest people. In this regard, the girl does not have close friends, although she will not be left alone. Camilla feels most confident in the company of boys, and most of them are secretly in love with her. The guys are ready to do anything crazy for Camilla, and this state of affairs continues throughout her life.


The meaning of the name Camilla left its mark on the girl’s youth. Growing up occurs rapidly, a mixture of a quarrelsome character and youthful maximalism makes the girl almost uncontrollable. However, despite her eccentricity, Camilla is very sensitive to the boundaries of what is permitted and rarely goes too far. IN adolescence The girl develops new character traits. She becomes confident in herself, practically does not listen to other people's advice and recommendations, trusting only her own intuition. Among her friends, Camilla stands out for her light and cheerful character. However, this does not apply to the personal front. She keeps all her girlish experiences in her soul, just like in childhood.

Camilla: name meaning, character

Camilla is a person who wants to take everything from life. She is full of energy and desire to act. Thanks to this, the girl quickly reacts to various extreme situations and adapts well to a new place. However, despite all these qualities, Camilla does not tend to plan her actions and persistently achieve her goal. In this regard, she is not recommended to hold leadership positions or engage in own business, where you need to calculate every step. The owner of this name is better at carrying out assignments than leading people or an enterprise. However, even without being on leadership position, Camilla, thanks to her self-confidence, will be able to earn good money and not completely depend on anyone. Very often, the owner of this name chooses professions related to the world of art. She will make an excellent choreographer, model, and composer.

Relationships with the opposite sex

Many men worship this woman. They are ready to become rivals, even if she already has serious relationship. Camilla, as a rule, gets married very early, and prefers henpecked men who could withstand her difficult character. In marriage it is very the responsible person, who will try with all his might to maintain a warm and passionate relationship with his soulmate. Camilla occupies a leading position in the family. The last word even in small things she always remains behind her. She really doesn’t like being jealous and considered property, although she herself can repeatedly arrange scenes of jealousy for her partner.

Intimate relationships are incredibly important for Camilla, and if at any moment her partner stops satisfying her in bed, she will, without thinking twice, take a lover. Camilla is very principled in this regard. If the husband cannot satisfy her desires, the relationship may end in divorce. Of course, this will not be a spontaneous decision. Initially, she will try with all her might to change intimate life with my husband in better side. Camilla will never live with her husband “for the sake of the children”; her own well-being is also not an empty phrase for her. Although even after the divorce he will support with ex-husband good friendships.


In everyday life, Camilla is clean and diligent. She cannot be taken by surprise by an unexpected visit, since in her house there is always perfect order, and there is always something tasty in the kitchen. With her children, Camilla is gentle, attentive and fair. In raising her offspring, a woman prefers to use the “carrot” method. Relations with her husband's relatives are often strained, since she will not allow anyone to interfere in her family life or discuss its principles. However, Camilla will not show open hostility.


The girl's health is quite good. As a child, Camilla may often get sick infectious diseases, however, with age, immunity improves, and you can practically forget about colds. The only one weak point what remains is the nervous system. Camilla's impressionability often negatively affects her health, so parents need to closely monitor the load on her nervous system child.

Name compatibility

Men with the following names are ideal for Camilla's marriage: Dmitry, Artem, Robert, Kirill, Igor, Andrey, Leonid, Trofim, Makar, Fedor.

It is unlikely that strong relationships will develop with Ernest, Osip, Gleb, Khariton, Yakov, Gennady, Efim, Victor, Vasily, Bogdan.

What does the name Camilla mean: characteristics, compatibility, character and fate

Independent Generous Hospitable

Camilla Belle, actress

Origin of name: Greek

When you're lucky: Monday

When there are problems: Thursday

Important years of life: 20, 27, 36

Zodiac sign: Virgo

Lucky number: 4

What does the name Camilla mean?

Depending on the spelling, the meaning of the name Camilla is interpreted; the most common is with two “l”s, but there is a form with one letter.

It is believed to be of Greek origin. So in ancient Greece They named the most worthy boys first, and then the girls who had the honor of serving in churches.

The name is found in Latin; during the Roman Empire there was even a generic nickname Camillus, which translated sounds like “noble, noble.”

According to another version, Camilla is the feminine form of the Arabic male name Kamil, in which case it is written with one letter “l”. Moreover, its meaning is close to the previous one and is interpreted as “perfect, best.”

Would you name your child this name?
Not really

Most often, researchers agree that the name first appeared in Greece, during the cult of the Olympian gods.

According to this version, the origin of the name Camilla is associated with the custom of choosing the most noble and impeccable of young girls, in order to then involve them in ritual actions.

The story also goes that when the Greek pantheon of gods was borrowed by the Roman Empire, Latin language The word Kimilla also migrated, which was given the status of a generic name here.

The way it happened, as well as what the name Camilla means, makes us talk about its unusually strong, but at the same time light and bright energy. He exudes joy, light, and love of life.

Forms of the name Simple: KamilaFull: KamillaAntique: KamillaTender: Kamilka

It is worth noting that Camilla is a name with a claim; its rarity and unusual sound are guaranteed to attract maximum attention to its owner.

But, the characteristic of the name Camilla represents this person as active and easy to communicate with, who is alien to arrogance.

Since childhood, her character has been characterized by stubbornness and willfulness; it is simply impossible to control her. She knows perfectly well what she wants, what she needs to do, and will not tolerate interference in her affairs and plans.

And, although she is subject to strong emotions, she strives in every possible way to avoid conflicts, and tries to treat everything in life as simply and easily as possible.

No matter what happens, Camilla never falls into despair; no difficulties can break her. Sometimes she can be too careless, but this does not prevent her from being responsive and sympathetic.

People around him feel great sympathy for the owner of this name; she captivates with her openness, friendliness and spiritual gentleness.

The ability to find good in everything, achieve what you want, help others and live for your own pleasure - short description main life principles Camilla.

Remembering what the name Camilla means, it is difficult to dispute her impeccability; her strong and kind energy allows you to harmonize the space around and do many good deeds.

This person has a truly stoic character; she never stops halfway, always achieving her goals.

Increased emotionality may become a problem for her. As they say, it starts with half a turn. But having released steam, it instantly cools down. Will never exaggerate the significance of the problem.

In general, the characteristics of Camilla are dominated by positive features, her cheerfulness and friendliness can smooth out any sharp corners, thanks to them she will get away with a lot.

Character Traits Sincerity Resourcefulness Optimism Friendliness Generosity Carelessness Stubbornness Narcissism Selfishness Temperance

This name gives its owner a phenomenal character that charms those around her and attracts the opposite sex like a magnet.

It should be noted that the secret of the name Camilla lies in the unshakable confidence in her exclusivity; her own attractiveness and strength are never in doubt for this girl.

That is why she will never have enough gentlemen, and she will easily find a suitable match for herself.

But it is worth noting that Camilla is often completely unsuited to family life. It is difficult for her to make concessions, she will strive for unconditional leadership, and behave selfishly.

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To achieve family happiness, the owner of the name should work tirelessly on herself, restrain her emotions and think not only about her own interests.

Restraint, patience and the desire for stability are of primary importance in achieving love harmony.

When is the name day?

March 3 May 31 July 18 © Author: Alexey Krivenky. Photo: depositphotos.com

Secrets of life. What does the name Camilla mean?

What a beautiful name Camilla! It sounds like a melody. It is feminine and gentle, affectionate and pleasant. If you dream of naming your girl this way, then you will be interested to know the meaning of this name. Is not it? A pleasant surprise awaits you. This name is one of the best. It will give its owner an amazing life.

Mystery and origin

Before telling you what the fate of the owner of this name will be, we want to tell you secret meaning. Very ancient and interesting name Camilla. Its origin is Greek. It means "born into a noble family." This literal translation from ancient Greek. According to other sources, Camilla is a woman who is loved by the gods. There is a legend that during the times of sacrifice, the priests invited a virgin with the name Camilla to the altar. She had to be present at the moment of turning to the gods. Only then higher power listened to the pleas of those asking.

Little Camilla

We invite you to find out what the name Camilla means. And let's start from childhood. She was born in a happy complete family. Her parents dote on their daughter. Baby Camilla is cheerful and mischievous. She constantly laughs and enjoys everything that surrounds her. This girl sees only positive sides. She is friendly and quickly gets used to being in the company of her peers and gains trust. Children like to play and talk with her. She is smart beyond her years. Likes to reason and dream. Since childhood, she has grown purposeful and always sees things through to the end. IN preschool age often gets sick. Parents should pay attention to respiratory system child and make every effort to strengthen the girl.

Camilla at school

Telling what the name Camilla means, we want to focus on her school years. This is truly a happy period for both the girl and the parents. Mom will not be ashamed of her daughter. Camilla is always among the top achievers in academic performance and is the first person to look up to. She is constantly set as an example to her classmates. Among her peers, many will dislike the girl for this and envy her. But don’t be upset, the meaning of the name Camilla suggests. For this girl, envy and gossip from ill-wishers are not scary. No one will be able to undermine her authority among her friends or tarnish her impeccable reputation.

In high school, Camille's character will change significantly. She will grow up quickly, turning from a smart girl into an adult girl with a serious outlook on life. As a high school student, Camilla already clearly knows what she will do in the future. She purposefully strives to make her dreams come true. The most amazing thing is that even youthful love(and her first love will be full of feelings and emotions) will not be the reason for Camilla to abandon her studies. For her, education and the future are most important.


Let's continue to find out what the name Camilla means. She has already matured and has long become an independent person. She has an excellent education, a promising and well-paid job, a successful and happy marriage. Camilla will live in luxury and prosperity. But she only has herself to thank for everything she owns. Everything was acquired through backbreaking labor. Camilla will marry for love. Immediately after the wedding she becomes pregnant and gives birth to a child. But she will not devote herself completely to the family hearth. Rather, he will learn to combine home, work, and caring for children. She has time everywhere. Sometimes you are surprised how much strength and energy she has. Of course, it is impossible to tell everything that the name Camilla means. But, you see, you don’t really want to know all the secrets of this female name. Let something remain undisclosed.

A few words about her children

Camilla usually gives birth to same-sex children. She will become a good and caring mother and will devote a lot of time to the upbringing and development of her offspring. But her children usually grow up to be selfish and callous people, ungrateful. Probably all because Mom Camilla did not refuse them anything and, infringing on her own interests, tried to fulfill every whim of her children.

Kamilya: the meaning of the name and its origin

The name Kamila (in the Muslim version Kamila) is very popular in the CIS. Parents really like its originality and beauty, which is why newborn girls are often called that way.

Kamilya - the meaning of the name

This name has several interpretations and meanings. However, the most popular version of the decryption is the Roman one. IN Ancient Rome girls from the noble class who served in the temple were called Kamila. There is another theory about the meaning of the name and its origin. According to her, it has Arabic roots. Some experts believe that it came from the male name Kamil or Kamil. This is quite possible, given that they are consonant. The meaning of the name Kamil in Arabic is strong and mature. According to the third theory, the name is of Germanic origin. From Dutch, German and Danish languages it translates as "chamomile". The true origin of the name is not really that important. The main thing is that it sounds beautiful, light and gentle - Kamila. The meaning of the name, however, gives its bearers very special features.


Kamilya is characterized by impulsiveness, impetuosity, openness and excitability. The name has more influence on its bearers in childhood. Kamilya is a smiling, sweet and gentle child. The main advantages, which are also disadvantages, are the enormous stubbornness and feminine frivolity of the owners of the name. However, thanks to their character, these ladies always have enough friends. Over the years, these girls become more serious, but childish gullibility remains with them for the rest of their lives. This leads to the fact that many people shamelessly, and sometimes simply compulsively, use this quality. Kamilya is very often deceived, but she stubbornly refuses to learn from her mistakes. It is better for her to remain kind and compliant. She tries her best to be useful to the people around her. Over the years, these ladies become more reasonable and serious. This is more consistent with the meaning that it carries male name Kamil, which means “strong and mature.”


The bearers of this name are very different good health, however, in childhood they often have infectious diseases. But if there is a person who only gets stronger over the years, it is Kamila. The meaning of the name determines that the health of its bearers improves with age. Most of all, these ladies are prone to diseases related to the nervous system.

Personal life

Kamila tries to keep some distance from the men. She's in no hurry to get married. However, many representatives of the stronger sex seek the favor of these ladies. If the bearer of the name decides to get married, then she will make a wonderful, faithful and loving wife. However, even in marriage she is surrounded by the attention of men. Camila makes wonderful housewives and wonderful mothers. They love their children very much and try to give them everything they need.


IN professional activity Kamila is interested in work related to creativity. They make excellent choreographers, art critics, composers, choirmasters, music school teachers, art gallery and museum workers, as well as fashion models.

What does the name Kamila mean?

Snezhana burned

General description of the name Camilla
Greek name meaning "girl from a noble family."
Parents are trying to give their daughter as much as possible, to develop her musical abilities, perhaps to enroll her in a ballet school. The girl is capable, really very artistic and not timid. She will be happy to perform at the holiday: read a poem, dance. True, she will first need to beg for a long time.
Camilla is somewhat arrogant and complacent, but she has an easy character, and therefore there is no shortage of friends. These are cheerful, cheerful and compliant people, kind and trusting (especially the “summer” ones). Excessive gullibility leads to the fact that they are often deceived, but this almost never serves as a lesson for them. “Winter” Camilles have rather poor health; They are especially susceptible to infectious diseases.
Camilla gets married quite early, with the exception of the “spring” ones, who are very careful in choosing a life partner. She is a hospitable hostess, loves her family, and sometimes is simply obsessed with her love for children. Camilla sincerely strives to help others and be useful to them. In her youth she became interested in collecting photographs. famous actors theater and cinema.
Camilla is an introvert and feels good only in own world, where he dreams of jewelry, palaces and magnificent receptions. She lives in a fabricated world, which involuntarily forces her to lie. Interested in everything related to beauty. Among them there are artists, models, models. Intuition serves Camille's life plans, although she is a bit of a schemer. As for morality, it would be surprising if such natures did not make some compromises with their own conscience.
The totem animal is the cod, the totem plant is the orchid. The main features are intuition, sociability, receptivity, excitability.
The influence of the name Camilla on fate
In ancient Rome, Camillas were boys and girls from noble families whom their parents planned to give to the service of the gods.
Camilla is energetic and very emotional person. Sociable and excitable. Camilla's ability to talk about everything without thinking quite often provokes conflicts or indelicate situations. Her emotions are rarely dictated by deep feelings; they are superficial and flighty. But it is precisely for this lightness and recklessness that Camilla is forgiven almost everything. She has quite a lot of fans, but her family life is chaotic and unstable.
Camilla's professional success is also very inconsistent. Her fickle, eccentric character does not allow her to achieve serious success in life.
Camilla should great attention pay attention to your health, since diseases may be incurable.
The key to communicating with Camilla
You can’t rely on Camilla’s emotions, they are fickle like the weather on an autumn day: sometimes it rains, sometimes the bright sun shines.
Camilla celebrates Catholic name day
May 31

Meaning of the name Kamila
Origin of the name Kamila. The name Kamila is Tatar, Muslim, Kazakh.
Synonyms for the name Kamila. Camilla, Camila.
The name Kamila is of Arabic origin, which means “perfect in all respects, the best.” Camila is female uniform male name Kamil.
Camila is also one of the spelling variants of the name Camilla.
Kamila is growing up as an active girl. She has a kind and sympathetic character and treats her peers and parents with affection and participation. Kamila is resourceful and does not give up after failures. The girl is subjective, she sees any situation as a whole. Kamila has a good memory. A woman with this name can be careless, but at the same time she is always ready to help her loved ones. To help those in need, Camila easily spends money.
“Winter” Camila is more emotional, she is selfish and a little persistent. The girl has a choleric temperament. She will definitely finish the job she starts.
Camilas are the most sensitive, born in autumn. Life's disappointments greatly influence a girl; under their influence, she can withdraw into herself. Kamila finds a mate easily and gets married early. Kamila's wife turns out to be faithful and caring.
Camila prefers to be in intelligent society. The girl is non-conflict by nature. Although she is emotional, she successfully hides her feelings from strangers. Kamila cannot stand lies and tries not to make empty promises. The “autumn” girl is straightforward. Although in communication Kamila is simple and open to people, but in a circle strangers becomes proud.

Albina Kalprivonovna

My name is Camilla. At the age of 10, I wanted to find out the meaning of my name and went to the library. They gave me a piece of paper and I read that the name Camilla means Chamomile. And now I suggest you play interesting game which is called shararam - click on the source below. Get your own Smesharik. Become the richest player.

How to spell the name Camila or Camilla?

Camila and Camilla These names are synonyms.

Therefore, how Camila so and Camilla it will be right.

Name Camilla- Catholic name.

That's why in the West in Europe girls are called Camilla.

IN Arab countries and in Central Asia girls are called Camila or Kamila, and boys Kamil.

The female names Kamila and Camilla, which are quite rare in Russia, seem similar, but one letter “L” makes them completely different.

Let's start with the fact that there is both one and the other name. In this matter, you must first understand what is written on the girl’s birth certificate or passport, and that will be correct in writing.

Camila/Camilla is of Arabic origin. According to statistics given name became widespread in France in 2009.

It is worth noting that sometimes, thanks to your passport and birth certificate, it is worth checking the spelling of not only first names, but also middle and last names. What seems unambiguous by ear may have several variants in writing. For example, patronymic Valerievna or Valerievna.

Right here

Both Camila and Camilla are correct. Depending on how the original name was given, this is how it is used. And in fact, this can be said different names.

People have an opinion that:

But one way or another, it is quite difficult to hear how many letters L are in a name, and in this case, when writing, you need to clarify or rewrite the data that already exists.


The name Kamila is a non-Russian name and is written with one L. In Central Asia, girls were called that in families of mixed ethnicity.

The name Camilla is worn by Russian and European girls-women. They write it in two letters.

Often in registry offices and passport offices they make mistakes, correcting Camilla to Camila, and Camila to Camilla.

And therefore it is more correct as Camilla-Camila has it written in her passport.

In Word, for example, when you write Kamila, it shows an error, but when you correct it to Kamilla, everything is fine.


I agree with the opinion that what is written on the birth certificate/passport is correct.

In our country, almost identical names are considered different:




Daria - Daria.

I couldn’t find an explanation for this, because my Russian Natalia is Natalia in the calendar.


In Russia this name is not yet so common. But soon, I think, it will take root with us.


Camilla is a European name. I recently read a book, and there was a girl in it and her name was Camilla. The book described Victorian times. It is possible that the name Camilla was used at this time. To date, I have not heard the name Camilla among the English.


A long time ago I read an English detective story and there the name Camilla was written with two letters L. And Prince Charles has Camilla Parker, her name is also written with two letters L. So in English version double L. And the name Kamila with one L can also be.

Adventurer 2000

In fact, it is correct to write with both one letter “L” and two letters “L”. Since these are completely different names, and there is both the name Camila and the name Camilla. The name Camilla is described very well in this article.


Camila and Camilla are practically the same names, one might say synonyms. It all depends on how they write it in the passport, and it will be correct. So it is impossible to subordinate the spelling of a name to any rule.

The name given at birth is by no means an empty phrase. After all, it accompanies a person throughout all the years of his life, unless he suddenly decides to choose a new one. Therefore, sometimes it is useful to know what the chosen name means. Usually it is enough to read horoscopes, articles on the numerology of the name, or, for example, open the same calendar. And you should approach the choice of a name responsibly, and not grab the first one you like. IN last years which used to be quite rare, so future parents should know the meaning of the name Camilla. This will help you decide.

The secret of the name Camilla lies in the fact that there are three versions of its origin. First of all, this is what the girls from noble families who served at the temple were called. In addition, "camilla" means "daisy" in German, Danish and Dutch, and it is quite possible that the girl's name was derived from this flower. The latest, more exotic version says that the female name came from the male Kamil (or Kamil). significantly influence the character of the girl.

This word itself is very beautiful, gentle and light, as if weightless. Despite some exoticism, it goes well with both Russian-language surnames and patronymics. In addition, this name has many cute diminutive abbreviations, for example Milochka, Mila, Kamilochka. But, oddly enough, as they grow up, gentle, smiling and sweet Camillas often become completely different: excitable, impetuous, open, assertive and impulsive. Camilla's character is the complete opposite and is distinguished by such traits as increased excitability, impetuosity, impulsiveness and at the same time openness.

The meaning of the name Camilla also implies the presence of creative inclinations, noticeable success, for example, in music, art or ballet school. These girls are artistic, in childhood they are trusting, obedient and shy, but starting from adolescence, if they are not educated, Camille can become complacent, deceitful, and capricious. But if you don’t start the process, the child will grow up to be cheerful, sympathetic, kind, easy to talk to, albeit a little secretive. The meaning of the name Camilla implies that it is best to give it to representatives of the Virgo sign, because they are the ones who will have enough balance, calmness and strength to smooth out the complex nature of the name. It is Camilla-Virgos who are calm, efficient, responsible and sociable, and also successful in many areas.

You should also not forget about the meaning of the name Camilla in terms of your personal life. Camilles are not good at making a small compromise, agreeing and giving in, resolving conflicts, they always consciously or involuntarily try to become a leader, to control everything and everyone. And they are also very jealous of their other half. Here you need to develop patience and restraint. Otherwise, overly persistent care and guardianship can annoy loved ones. But Camille only helps with her work. As a rule, these girls choose creative fields: they can become a choreographer, model, artist, art scientist, teacher, composer or choirmaster.

Camilla's name day according to the Catholic calendar falls on July 18 and May 31. IN Orthodox calendar There is no point in looking for this name.

The consonance of the words from which the current names are derived, in different languages sometimes leads to great confusion when we try to determine the origin of a given name. The meaning of the name Camilla has more than one version - different researchers trace its origins to different languages, and it turns out that it can have more than one meaning.

The origin of the name Camilla can be traced back to the ancient Greek language, where it meant a girl “from a noble family.” Another version is that it is translated from Latin and means “temple servant.” According to the third version, the name came from the group Germanic languages and is translated from Old German as “daisy”.

The “nationality” of the name Camilla is also difficult to determine because in Islam there is a male name Kamil. Among Muslims, in Islam, it means “perfect.” He has and female version- Camilia.

But the Muslim Camilia and the European Camilla are different names, even though in Lately among Muslims living in European countries, it has become customary to name daughters in the European manner. But the origin of these names is different, and the meaning is different, Kamilia means “perfect”.

You can also find a variation when the name specific person it is written not with two, but with one letter “l” - Kamila. This short form named Camilla. But the short form of Kamiliya is written as Kamilya (like other paired Muslim names, for example Ramil - Ramilya).

To understand what features the name Camilla gives to the girl or woman named by it, you need to consider it “in dynamics”:

  • Like this " letter code» will affect the child?
  • How will the character of an adult woman develop?
  • What will love and family mean to Camilla?
  • How will her career develop and what kind of health will the woman be endowed with?

The main thing is to make it interesting!

The meaning of the name Camilla is childhood its owner is manifested in the fact that she grows up smiling and affectionate. It is no problem for a girl to be a good helper in household chores for her mother or grandmother - the baby even enjoys it. However, do not be deceived: behind the external complaisance and diligence lies bubbling energy!

The girl can be very independent, she knows without prompting what she wants, what she should do, she does not like to share her secrets with her peers, so she has one, or at most two, friends. At the same time, the name Camilla rewards its owner with a large share of artistry, and the girl loves to perform in front of the public - at matinees in kindergarten or junior school.

Her independent and energetic character also affects her studies at school: Camilla’s parents should expect good and excellent grades only in subjects that interest the girl. She willingly takes part in public affairs of the class and school, showing her character here too: she can insist on her own and achieve what she considers right.

But at the same time, her character can be easy - that is why the girl has many friends. She understands early on that the ability to please people can be “capitalized”, and at the right moment she will not fail to take advantage of it.

In adolescence, Camilla's emotionality and energy can be expressed in unexpected bouts of whims, but, rather, such behavior is temporary and stops with the end of adolescence.

Over time, artistry and a penchant for creativity gain special meaning for Camilla, the craving for beauty and the desire to express oneself in art take on a sustainable character. But the problem for a woman is to save. Camilla can do something well and for a long time only if it really excites her.

Cold on the face, passionate inside

The character of the woman who bears the name Camilla determines her choice of profession. The most successful options will be those that coincide with her interests and relate to art. A girl can become a dancer, artist, photographer, singer, actress. If she clearly defines her goal and moves towards it, she will be guaranteed success.

However, very rarely Camilla’s fate is connected only with professional self-realization. Usually she has many fans, but this does not mean that the girl will get married early. She will decide for herself when the most suitable time comes for her.

Intimate relationships in family life are very important for Camilla. big role: if the husband stops satisfying her as a passionate lover, the fate of such a marriage will very soon be decided. And getting married again will not be difficult for a woman. However, we must give Camilla her due - she will try to save her marriage to the last and will file for divorce only when she is truly unable to do anything.

But even when everything is in order in the relationship, Camilla, despite her inherent passion, will not demonstrate her true attitude to her husband in public. At the same time, despite the fact that she is already “busy” and madly loves her husband, her fans do not decrease over time. The name Camilla endows its bearer with charm in the eyes of the opposite sex for many years.

Fate rewards a woman not only with artistry; she is not that “exalted person” who knows nothing about household. Camilla's home is clean and cozy, she knows how to create a warm atmosphere for her household. Guests also love to visit her house thanks to the efforts of the “fairy hearth and home" Author: Olga Inozemtseva

The name Kamila is of Arabic origin. It is translated as “the best”, “beautiful”. Over time, this name penetrated into everything Muslim countries and culture. Now Camila remains very popular name for girl. By the way, this name is a pair, that is, the male name Kamil, which, in the meaning of the translation, is identical. There is also a Catholic name, Camilla, but it is only similar in pronunciation. These names are often confused.

Camila's fate

The girl respects her parents very much, but in search of her life's calling she is always independent. Camila needs to maintain a constant sense of novelty, so she is always looking for a new hobby. One day he finds what he wants to do for the rest of his life. This could be jurisprudence or a creative direction. Camila knows a lot about beauty, about what attracts other people.

Camila can become a very rich person, but she may prefer a job that is not particularly profitable, but she likes it because of the variety pleasant little things. In both cases, she will be happy.

She has many friends because she is very interesting person and a pleasant conversationalist. Camila's life is full of various events, so her husband or loved ones will not be bored. Kamila loves to travel and cannot resist the temptation to visit an unfamiliar place, so she can happily choose the profession of a flight attendant.

Camila supports everyone and in everything, that's her distinguishing feature. If someone needs help, Camila will come to the rescue immediately. She will not demand anything in return, but she will not forget the shamelessness addressed to her.

Camila can have many children, because she does not like loneliness. She especially wants to have two, three or more children if she grew up in a family alone. She received all the love of her parents, so she will be ready to give it to her children.

Character of a girl named Kamila

Camila can have two types of character, and the traits of both types can replace each other from time to time. The first Camila is a soft and kind girl who loves everyone around her. The second is the rude and restless Camila.

Both of them always solve their problems on their own. The girl does not like to ask adults for help, because she is interested in testing herself for strength and learning everything on her own. Sometimes this leads to problems, but Camila does not give in to difficulties, but again and again tries to learn something. This quality of character is incredibly useful in adult life, but Camila almost always loses it as she grows up.

Kamila uses the experience she gained throughout her life. She understands that there is no better training than that given by life itself. The girl is wise beyond her years, and therefore does not require special help from her parents. However, it is necessary to raise a girl with a name with tics very carefully, because she may fall under the bad influence of other children. Her parents need to become her friends so that she can trust them. Only in this case will it be possible to gain confidence in Camila’s bright future.

How well a girl will do at school depends on her interest. Camila can develop an interest in anything. The girl's character is complex, so it is impossible to forcibly instill in her a love of learning. She needs to understand the importance of learning herself.

Camila is growing up quickly, imperceptibly. A girl may one day come up and ask some tricky question philosophical nature about the meaning of life.

Numerology of the female name Kamila

Six is ​​an ambiguous number for the name Kamila. And it so happened that it is precisely this that determines the life of this person, guides, gives strength and sets new goals. Camila can achieve anything she wants. There is one “but” – if you are not lazy. Laziness for her is like a stop for a shark - no movement, which means no life. And not only self-development is important to her, but also the desire to win... A more detailed numerological analysis of the name is available.

All names in alphabetical order:

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The owner of the name Kamila can certainly be proud of a very beautiful and euphonious name.

Listen to your name, and you will feel the connection of times and peoples, you will catch that unique moment in history from which your life began. The name is an integral part of the personality of every person, so it is so important to know what a particular name means, the history of its origin, as well as the fate of the people who previously owned it. In ancient times, people were convinced that every word carries a certain charge of energy, and naming a person truly has magical power. This is due to the fact that each of us hears our name dozens of times a day, and, therefore, its meaning has a huge impact on our behavior, mood and hobbies.

The female name Kamila has a rich and completely unique history, as it arose in different time and at different nations, and can have both Latin and Arabic roots.

The Catholic baptismal name Camila, common in Europe, is of ancient Roman origin. This name is based on the Latin word camillus - “a girl of impeccable origin, from a respectable family, dedicated to serving the gods.” In Ancient Rome there was a personal as well as a generic nickname (cognomen) Camillus.

This name was included in the Catholic calendar in memory of Saint Camilla, a former student and witness of wondrous miracles and healings performed by Saint Bishop Herman of Auxerre - one of the greatest saints of Gaul. Saint Camilla is commemorated Catholic Church March, 3rd. The name Camilla has become widespread in all countries where it is professed. Catholic religion, while in many of them, for example, in Spain, Portugal, the Czech Republic and Poland, it lost one of the letters “l” and acquired the form Kamil. Under the influence of Polish tradition, the name Kamila also became widespread in Belarus and Ukraine, long time part of the multinational state of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.

There is also a female name Kamila of Arabic origin. A large number of names among various peoples professing Islam, came along with religion from Arabic and Persian languages. The long presence of these names in different languages ​​has led to the fact that the former foreignness of many of them is forgotten, and they are perceived as their own, national. On Arabic the word "kamila" means "perfect in all respects, without flaws." The female name Kamila (and its dialect variant Kamil) is widespread among all peoples professing Islam.

The name Kamila is not in the Orthodox Christian calendar, so it entered the Russian name book only in the 20s of the 20th century, when, after the abolition of the ancient tradition of naming children only with the names recorded in the church calendar- Saints, - many new names have appeared, both artificially created and borrowed.

Today, the name Kamila is consistently included in the name list of many peoples, and parents are happy to call their daughters with this gentle and affectionate name.

Sources: Ter-Sarkisyants A.E., Systems of personal names among the peoples of the world. Kublitskaya I.V., Names and surnames. Origin and meaning. Superanskaya A.V., Name – through centuries and countries. Leontyev N.N., What's in my name for you? Superanskaya A.V., Dictionary of Russian personal names. Gafurov A., Name and history.

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