Home Trees and shrubs Thirty-second obstetric week of pregnancy

Thirty-second obstetric week of pregnancy

From the 36th week the last ninth month of pregnancy begins. During this period, it is necessary to finally resolve the issue of choosing a maternity hospital - in paid maternity hospitals, it is from the 36th week that contracts are concluded with future mothers. Before concluding an agreement, you must familiarize yourself with the conditions of stay in the maternity hospital (comfort of the ward, number of beds in the ward, the possibility of staying with the child), discuss the possibility of your husband being present at the birth and, most importantly, get to know the doctor who will conduct the birth and, accordingly, ask him questions that interest you.

This month you will meet with your pregnancy doctor every week. Both the mood and the content of your conversations will constantly remind you that a long time is approaching. given period childbirth

During your weekly visit to the doctor, the following examinations will be carried out (taking into account your well-being and the doctor’s working methods):
· weighing yourself (slowing or stopping your weight gain) and measuring your blood pressure (it may be slightly higher than in mid-pregnancy;
· urine tests for the presence of protein and sugar, as well as blood tests to assess the level of hemoglobin, leukocytes and ESR;
· studies of the child’s cardiac activity;
· determination of the height of the uterine fundus and abdominal circumference;
· determining the size of the fetus (you can find out the approximate weight), as well as how low the fetus has sunk;
· examinations to detect swelling in the feet and hands, as well as the possible appearance of varicose veins in the legs;
· internal examination of the cervix, for
· determining the degree of its readiness, as well as, if necessary, for a repeat vaginal smear;
· discussion of your condition, possible symptoms, especially new ones.

In addition, you must conduct an ultrasound (which determines: the size, position and condition of the fetus, the condition and degree of maturity of the placenta); Doppler measurements are performed during ultrasound. This method assesses the completeness of blood flow in the vessels of the placenta.

In addition to the above examinations, cardiotocography (CTG) is performed once every 10 days to assess the condition of the fetus, its activity, and the rhythm of cardiac activity. On the eve of CTG, it is advisable to get a good night's sleep and not take tests on the day of the examination.

During this period, your exchange card is in hand (from 30-32 weeks). The doctor will enter all new results of tests and studies into the exchange card at each appointment. When leaving home, do not forget to take your exchange card with you in the place with your passport!

What can you feel
· change in fetal activity (the baby sways more because it becomes cramped);
· discharge from the genital area becomes more frequent ( sex life It is advisable to stop from 36 weeks, since the uterus is easily excitable during this period);
· possible problems with stool;
· heartburn, indigestion;
· leg muscle cramps during sleep ( this symptom may indicate a lack of potassium or calcium in the blood);
· feeling of discomfort in the spine, feeling of heaviness;
· manifestations of varicose veins on the legs;
· itching of the skin of the abdomen (possibly due to dry skin, use moisturizing creams on herbal based or baby cream);
· relatively easier breathing after descent of the uterus and fetus;
· insomnia;
· increase or, conversely, loss of appetite.

Emotional condition
· increasing agitation, anxiety, absent-mindedness, feeling of fear;
· simultaneously with the above - a feeling of relief,
· that it's almost over;
· impatience and excitement
· fantasies and dreams about a child.

Right now we need the advice of psychologists given at the School of Motherhood. These tips will help you cope with emotions, fear and... good mood conduct last days pregnancy.

Try to remember all the recommendations of the School of Motherhood specialists: what you need to take with you to the maternity hospital, is everything ready at home for the arrival of a new family member. Let's remember once again what you need to take with you to the hospital:
· Personal hygiene items ( Toothbrush and paste, soap, comb, two towels)
· Sanitary pads (1 or 2 packs for heavy discharge, 1 or 2 packs for normal)
· Panties and bra (panties can be disposable)
· You can use a postpartum bandage (preferably with a belt, not panties)
· Clothing at your discretion (T-shirts, socks, tracksuit or robe)
· A package of baby disposable diapers (some maternity hospitals allow the use of baby cosmetics, but your baby will only need clothes for discharge).
· The changes and physical signs of the prenatal period may last a month or longer, or they may only last a few hours.

The following are the main prenatal symptoms:
· Typically, 2-4 weeks before giving birth in primiparous women, the fetus begins to enter the pelvic cavity. In women who have already given birth, this rarely happens before labor begins.
· Spasms in the groin area and nagging pain in the sacral area.
· Before the onset of labor, some women lose weight from 1 to 1.5 kg.
· When the cervix becomes short and open, the plug of mucus that covers the uterus in the cervical canal is pushed out, this can happen 1-2 weeks before actual contractions begin or at the beginning of labor.
· Some women feel it before labor begins strong work intestines, and loose stools may appear.

It's time to go to the maternity hospital
· Some women prefer to go to the maternity hospital a few days before the expected due date, others go to the maternity hospital with the onset of labor, so we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the symptoms of actual labor:
· Early contractions become stronger and more intense (try to remember when regular contractions began, their duration and frequency) Feeling of pressure in the sacral area. The appearance of discharge Pink colour sometimes streaked with blood and mucus.

If you have any doubts, call your doctor, even though you know the signs of impending labor, because... the doctor will evaluate this or that symptom from a medical point of view.

The long-awaited one has come last month pregnancy. The expectant mother is looking forward to the start of labor, because the state of a pregnant woman in the ninth month can hardly be called pleasant and joyful. A woman’s body is actively preparing for the upcoming birth, causing a lot of inconvenience and unpleasant feeling woman. The baby has already reached his maximum height and is waiting for the cherished moment to see the world. The ninth month of pregnancy has begun and childbirth can occur completely suddenly at any moment. This is not something to be afraid of, because a baby in the ninth month is considered full-term. In the meantime, it’s time to prepare everything you need for the maternity hospital, put the finishing touches on the nursery for your beloved baby and wait for the real contractions.

Ninth month of pregnancy how many weeks

Most expectant mothers know the duration of their pregnancy to the nearest week, but for expectant daddies it can be quite difficult to determine which week the ninth month of pregnancy begins. The ninth month of pregnancy lasts from 37 to 41 weeks. At this time, it is necessary to know your gestational age in order to guess at what time childbirth may occur. And they can happen completely unexpectedly, so you need to have your bag already packed for the maternity hospital (what you need to take with you to the maternity hospital) and that’s it Required documents.

Baby in the ninth month of pregnancy

A baby in the ninth month of pregnancy is already completely ready for life outside the mother’s belly. The baby has developed a sucking reflex, which will be vital for the first year of the baby’s life. The digestive system is ready to begin receiving and processing breast milk, and the baby's lungs are breathing.

In the ninth month of pregnancy, the fetus looks like a perfectly proportional little man, its skin has acquired a soft pink color, and the lanugo fluff has practically disappeared from the body.

After birth, vernix and lanugo can remain in those areas of the skin where special protection is required. For example, on delicate shoulders or folds.

At the beginning of the ninth month of pregnancy, the baby is already in the position from which it will be born. The normal position of the fetus is considered to be cephalic presentation, when the baby is placed head down. He tries this position until the birth itself. If the baby takes the wrong position, this may be an indication for a caesarean section.

Now the baby occupies the entire uterine cavity and has practically no room for active movements. However, this does not mean that it should not move. His movements will simply become smoother and less abrupt. Counts. That before birth the baby calms down a little, gaining strength for the upcoming journey across birth canal.

The nervous system is putting the finishing touches on its development. The intestines are ready for work and the baby’s first stool, meconium, has even accumulated in it. This is the result of the bulking of amniotic fluid, broken blood cells and dead intestinal and skin cells. A sufficient amount of iron has already accumulated in the liver, which will ensure the functioning of hematopoiesis for the first year of the baby’s life. However, until the birth itself, iron in the liver will continue to accumulate. Ready to work in outside world and the heart of a child. After the baby is born, the hole in the central septum will close and blood will circulate through the lungs. Now the blood circulation process bypasses the lungs, because the baby is not yet truly breathing.

The baby's immune system is still developing, and this process will continue after birth. Now the baby receives antibodies through the placenta, and then they will reach the baby through breast milk. Therefore, it is very important that the baby is on breastfeeding first year of life. Reproductive system in girls it is already fully developed, but in boys the process of lowering the testicles into the scrotum is still ongoing. In rare cases, the baby may be born before this process is completed.

By the time of birth, the child reaches an average weight of 3500 kg and a height of 53 cm. However, it is worth understanding that these indicators are very average. The size of the baby depends only on individual characteristics development of pregnancy.

Ninth month of pregnancy sensations

A few weeks before giving birth, the expectant mother will feel that she can breathe easier. This is due to the fact that the baby’s head has dropped to the bottom of the pelvis and the uterus no longer squeezes the lungs. But at the same time a stupid one will appear, pressing pain in the pubic area due to the pressure of the baby's head on the nerve endings.

In the ninth month of pregnancy, everything also makes itself felt, along with frequent urination. Due to the enormous load and increased amount of fluid in the body of the expectant mother, most often the legs swell during the ninth month of pregnancy. In addition to compliance special diet and restrictions on fluid intake should be taken into account Special attention complete rest.

In the last month of pregnancy, the belly no longer grows, but the skin is under enormous stress and can itch unbearably. There is no need to scratch it and do not neglect the daily use of a special cream or oil for stretch marks. Many pregnant women claim that they went to bed with a beautiful belly, and woke up with red stripes on it. Therefore, it is important to remember that stretch marks can appear literally overnight, but getting rid of them is already very difficult, and often impossible.

In late pregnancy they may appear unpleasant symptoms first trimester, namely fainting and dizziness. Only now they have nothing to do with stuffy rooms and lack of oxygen; now the cause of their appearance is the compressed vena cava while resting on the back. It is for this reason that it is very important for a pregnant woman to know how to sleep in late pregnancy so that no complications arise. Most experts recommend sleeping on your side in late pregnancy so that the vena cava is not compressed.

At this stage of pregnancy, a woman becomes especially absent-minded and forgetful. However, before childbirth there are bursts of violent energy. Physical and emotional fatigue goes away and is replaced by nesting syndrome, when the expectant mother wants to do everything and arrange the apartment as much as possible for the arrival of the baby.

The last month is especially difficult for the expectant mother. Pregnancy in the ninth month, pain does not leave the woman until childbirth. They appear here and there and are associated with a huge load and changes in the body of a pregnant woman. At night, my legs cramp with painful cramps, the ninth month of pregnancy, stomach pain and nagging pain in the lower back, dull pressing pain in the pubic area, painful sensations in the buttocks and pelvic area, uterine contractions become more and more noticeable and this is not the whole list. Now the strength of the expectant mother is simply at its limit, but it is worth remembering that not a single pregnancy has lasted forever and very soon everything will end, all you have to do is be patient.

Ninth month of pregnancy discharge

At the end of the ninth month of pregnancy, the nature of the discharge changes. Now it is considered absolutely normal discharge mucus, which may contain blood streaks. As a rule, such discharge can be provoked by an examination by a gynecologist, or after intimacy with a spouse. But a few weeks before giving birth, the mucous plug may begin to come off. This is a normal phenomenon before childbirth, but if the expectant mother has concerns about this, then she should see a doctor. Bleeding in the ninth month of pregnancy, as at any other stage, is of particular concern to a pregnant woman. If it appears, you should immediately contact a specialist. Most often, at this stage of pregnancy, every fourth case of bleeding is caused by premature placental abruption. At the same time, mother and baby should feel good. A minor placental abruption at the final stage of pregnancy remains without consequences and may even go completely unnoticed. However, to diagnose exact reason Only a doctor can determine if bleeding occurs.

Detachment of a large part of the placenta can result in quite serious external and internal bleeding, which can resemble menstruation with some clots. At the same time, the woman’s arterial pressure, the pulse quickens, pallor and weakness appear.

Bleeding in the ninth month of pregnancy, what are the consequences?

If bleeding occurs due to premature detachment of a larger portion of the placenta, at best to the expectant mother Bed rest is prescribed under constant medical supervision. IN difficult cases possible applications caesarean section or causing premature birth. In any case, if bleeding occurs, timely involvement of the attending physician is necessary.

Every pregnant woman in her ninth month eagerly awaits the start of labor and close attention looks for changes or symptoms indicating the onset of labor. To know the exact date the birth of the baby is impossible, even during an ultrasound, the specialist only says the approximate date of birth, because only the baby decides when to be born. However, there are some precursors of childbirth that can tell the expectant mother that childbirth is just around the corner.

The most obvious sign of impending birth is the drooping of the abdomen, when the baby descends into the pelvic area. In addition, a slight weight loss can signal an upcoming event. Some experts claim that a woman can lose 1-2 kg in a few days, this is due to hormonal changes before childbirth.

However, it is worth understanding that pregnancy is individual in nature and one pregnant woman may experience weight loss, while another may not have it at all, or the birth itself will begin not in a few days, but, for example, in a few weeks.

The release of the mucous plug also indicates that labor is approaching. As soon as the cervix begins to ripen, its canal opens slightly. The mucus plug, which has served as a protective barrier all this time, begins to come out. As a rule, the mucus is colorless or has a yellow tint, but it may be streaked with blood.

While the body is completing preparations for childbirth, the expectant mother has time to thoroughly prepare for the upcoming event, but the main thing is to remain calm and have a positive attitude. Considering that childbirth can happen at any time, it is better to always take your passport and exchange card with you when leaving home.

Nutrition in the ninth month of pregnancy

In the ninth month of pregnancy, nutrition is still a very important moment in the life of the expectant mother. Not only the overall weight gain, but also the well-being of the mother and baby, as well as the development of the upcoming birth, depends on how well she eats. Weight in the ninth month of pregnancy should normally increase by 12-14 kg from the moment of pregnancy. However, for each expectant mother, weight consists of individual parameters. However, if the expectant mother’s growth significantly exceeds the norm, it is worth paying attention to proper nutrition.

Salted, fried, spicy food, confectionery products in the last month of pregnancy should completely disappear from the diet of the expectant mother. Now it is also worth reducing your intake of foods high in calcium. Preference now should be given to vegetables and fruits, various cereals with a small addition of meat.

Sex in the ninth month of pregnancy

In the ninth month of pregnancy, whether or not you can have sex, each family decides individually. The opinions of experts in this regard differ. Some claim. That at such a late stage of pregnancy it is better to refrain from intimate relationships, because they can provoke premature birth. Other experts don’t see good reasons to refuse physical intimacy between spouses, in the absence of contraindications during pregnancy.

There are times when the baby stays in the tummy longer than expected and then sex can become one of the methods natural stimulation childbirth

Ninth month of pregnancy video

Author of the publication: Leonid Guryev

Hello, dear readers! Before we could blink an eye, we found ourselves at the most crucial stage, the finale of which will be a grandiose event in your life. What does he have in store for us? 9 months pregnant , how long it lasts, what problems you will have to face - I essentially answer these and many other questions that are definitely tormenting you.

Unusual month

If you decide to find out from what week the 9th month begins, then you know - from the 35th. Final segment pregnancy is not entirely normal, since it can last from four to six weeks, because the norm fits both a period of 38 and a period of 40 or even 42 weeks.

So, twins may well come out at 35-36 weeks, and a single child may have to wait another two to three weeks.

Brief weekly overview

How does fetal development proceed? from 35 to 40 weeks, and what changes occur in a woman’s body?

Week 35 Our baby is growing by leaps and bounds - every week he gains 250-350 grams. With an average height of 46 cm, he already weighs 2.4 kg. Thanks to accumulation subcutaneous fat The baby's skin is becoming more and more straightened, but the cute folds on the legs, neck and arms will remain after childbirth. Unique fingerprints become clearer.

As before, a child needs a lot of calcium, because the formation of a person’s skeleton continues until the age of 25. If the nervous system and immunity have not yet completed their formation, and the lungs do not yet know how to breathe on their own, then in all other respects the baby is completely ready to appear to the amazed public.

Week 36. The baby is almost completely ready for birth. Most of its systems function fully (brain, liver, kidneys, circulatory system), others will be launched at the moment of birth: the lungs will begin to breathe, the intestines will begin to remove processed food. It is precisely because the lungs do not yet perform their functions that the birth of a child during this period is considered undesirable, since he will need special equipment to breathe.

At 37 weeks the placenta begins to “age”, so the intake useful substances is shrinking. The lungs are already sufficiently developed, but they are not yet included in the circulatory system. This will happen at birth, when a special valve opens in the newborn's heart. The baby inside already hears all the sounds and rejoices at the familiar voice of his parents, and in his brain the process of forming coordination of movements begins, which will last the first year of life. All reflexes become clearer, especially sucking.

At 38 weeks due to restrictions on what passes through the placenta nutrients the baby's growth and weight gain are inhibited. Although most mothers belly size not just big, but huge, the baby is very cramped inside, so he is not so active. But during the day you should feel an average of 10 tremors. A special substance, surfactant, has already appeared in the tiny lungs, which will help you take your first breath. If you are expecting a girl, then she may well appear this week. Girls are bolder and prefer to finish a difficult task quickly.

Baby's size and final weeks

If you find it difficult to imagine what your baby looks like photo of the fetus, then at 39 weeks in weight and length, it resembles a small 3 kg watermelon with a diameter of 50 cm. Among the features of this week, it is worth mentioning the child’s inability to focus his gaze further than 30 cm - this is exactly the distance he needs to see the mother’s chest and face. But his brain already perceives volume, colors and movement.

By appearance a child is no different from a newborn, but its motor activity decreases even more - there is no space left in the uterus, the amount of amniotic fluid has decreased, and in order to be born it is necessary to accumulate more strength.

If you are walking for 40 weeks , then your baby is clearly in no hurry, despite the fact that he is completely ready to get acquainted with the new world. Only the bones of the skull were not fused to make it easier to pass through the birth canal. Fusion will occur within a few days after appearing on the account.

About your health

Because of active growth The baby's mother is finding it increasingly difficult to breathe, shortness of breath and heartburn are tormented, and the pushes of the baby sitting inside her into the liver area can be simply unbearable.

And yet the sensations Every woman has special ones. Some are full of energy for walks, meetings with friends and endless conversations about the upcoming birth and the difficulties of life. Others dream of only one thing - for all this to end as soon as possible (and, according to observations, these are the majority).

By 38 weeks the belly drops, so constant feeling“pulling uterus” is tiring. Although breathing becomes easier, the pressure increases bladder increases even more. It’s uncomfortable to sleep, sit, stand, and my head is a complete mess and fear of the upcoming birth. The body is preparing for a serious test - it is changing hormonal background, joints become more mobile, pelvic bones move apart.

Unpleasant conditions in the final month of pregnancy:

  • frequent urination and diarrhea;
  • heartburn and shortness of breath;
  • swelling;
  • colostrum secretion;
  • training contractions;
  • tingling fingers and toes.

Recommendations about what is possible and what is not , remain unchanged. Take care of yourself, listen carefully to your body, and don’t be nervous. And keep the exchange card close to your heart, because you can get to the maternity hospital at any time.

Dangers of 9 months

The signal for an emergency trip to the maternity hospital will be broken water, which can “spill in a torrent” or leak slightly. If sharply lower stomach pain , and on underwear If you find red blood, see a doctor immediately. These may be symptoms of placental abruption, a condition that is very harmful to the baby.

Among other dangers of the 9th month, let’s not forget about:

  • gestosis - a strong increase in blood pressure (help to understand this tests urine for protein and pressure measurement);
  • eclampsia - a complication of gestosis with fainting, convulsions and respiratory arrest;
  • hypoxia (oxygen starvation) of the fetus.

If for several days you experience a condition similar to , don’t hesitate to call an ambulance.

Although is not strictly prohibited; at the final stage, most couples abstain from it. But if you are post-term, don’t be surprised if your doctor advises you to have sex to stimulate the process.

About presentation and bandage

As labor approaches, the question of correct presentation becomes more and more relevant, because the principle of delivery depends on this - independent or by cesarean. The doctor will allow you to give birth on your own if the presentation is cephalic or breech. Caesarean section is usually used if the baby:

  • rests its legs on the uterine os;
  • lies diagonally, for example, with the head to the mother’s right belly, and the butt to her left ribs;
  • across the uterus.

There is a whole system effective exercises, which help the baby to turn around in the womb. For example, you can lie alternately on each side for 10 minutes, or lie on your back for 5 minutes with bent knees and a cushion under the lower back. Your activities in the pool will also help your baby greatly. It usually takes a couple of weeks for the baby to develop. As soon as the doctor tells you this good news, put it on - he will prevent the fidget from again taking the wrong position.

Important! If the presentation is incorrect, you cannot wear a bandage!


At 38 weeks you will have to:

  • take a general urine test;
  • measure blood pressure;
  • determine the length of the abdominal circumference;
  • height of the uterine fundus;
  • pelvic size;
  • undergo a CTG recording the baby’s heartbeat and uterine contractions.

The gynecologist will also evaluate how the cervix is ​​preparing for childbirth. An ultrasound at 9 months is performed only if complications are suspected, for example, when the doctor suspects an entanglement in the umbilical cord.

Bags for the maternity hospital

Now your baby can at any time declare his desire to be born :), so if you have not yet prepared your bags for the maternity hospital, then now is the time to take care of this important issue.

You need to collect 3 bags:

  1. for childbirth, for you
  2. to the postpartum ward. for you and baby
  3. for discharge from the maternity hospital for you and your baby

You can see the list of what to put in each of them here.

Read more about each of the weeks in my pregnancy calendar, and be sure to like and post articles on social networks if the information in them was useful to you.

As you know, the 9th calendar month pregnancy is the final stage Total gestational period. This time period is the most exciting for the expectant mother herself, because... There is very little time left until the main event of the entire pregnancy. Let's take a closer look at the 9th month of pregnancy, talk about the sensations, determine what week it begins, and what changes occur at this time.

How does the expectant mother feel at 9 months?

Before talking about the well-being of a pregnant woman at this stage, it is necessary to say that in obstetric weeks this period is 36, and the 9th month begins with the 33rd week of gestation. Thus, according to doctors’ calculations, the woman still has 4 weeks left before the baby is born. However, in practice, birth can occur as early as 38-39 weeks, especially if we're talking about about multiparous women. Let us remind you that a full-term baby is considered to be one that is born at 37-40 weeks.

The belly at the 9th month of pregnancy looks like a large watermelon in volume and shape. The fundus of the uterus is set at a level of 35-40 cm above the womb. It is with this fact that the pregnant woman’s feelings are primarily associated.

Due to the fact that the uterus occupies all the available space in abdominal cavity, its bottom puts a lot of pressure on the diaphragm. As a result, quite often at the end of pregnancy, women experience shortness of breath and difficulty breathing (a feeling of lack of air appears). As a rule, this feeling is present throughout the ninth month. Only 2-3 weeks before the onset of labor, when the woman begins to feel better.

Due to the fact that the free space in the abdomen is limited, the organs located in it, in particular those related to the digestive system, change their position. That is why pregnant women often experience heartburn at this stage. To prevent this from happening, nutrition during the 9th month of pregnancy must be given great attention. Should be absent from the diet fried foods, smoking, pickling. Dairy products, boiled meat, and fresh vegetables will be useful for the expectant mother.

As for changes in the body of a pregnant woman, by the end of the 9th month of pregnancy the placenta begins to reduce the synthesis of hormones, primarily progesterone. In response to this, the body synthesizes a hormone in a larger volume, which helps to increase the tone of the uterine myometrium, and thereby provokes the rapid onset of the labor process.

At this stage, the woman’s circulatory system begins to actively produce more red blood cells. In this way, the body prepares for possible blood loss during childbirth.

What changes does the fetus undergo during the 9th month of pregnancy?

The baby's body is actively preparing for birth. Thus, changes are noted in the respiratory system: a substance such as surfactant begins to be synthesized, the highest concentration of which is observed by the 36th week. This is what is necessary for the expansion of the lungs during the first breath after birth. At the same time, there is an improvement in the functioning of internal organs and systems.

As for weight gain, during this period the fetus can gain 15-30 g per day. At the same time, its body length reaches 45-47 cm by the end of the month.

What difficulties can a pregnant woman face at 9 months?

Due to the fact that the stomach at this stage has big size, expectant mothers are thinking about how to sleep properly during the 9th month of pregnancy. The only acceptable position for sleeping and resting is on the left side.

Also, often in the 9th month of pregnancy, the expectant mother complains that her stomach hurts. In such cases, it is very important to understand the cause of the pain. If the pain is mild, aching character, are localized in the lower abdomen and occur only periodically, then, most likely, this is due to the divergence of the pelvic articulation. This is how the body prepares for the upcoming birth.

If the pain is severe, occurs in attacks, and intensifies over time, then in such cases it is necessary to consult a doctor. Perhaps this is caused increased tone uterus, which requires medical supervision. As a rule, such women are placed in a hospital.

The ninth month is the final stage of the 3rd trimester of pregnancy. This period occurs at 37-40 weeks intrauterine development child. For expectant mothers, this time is characterized by careful preparation for meeting the baby, purchasing things and choosing a maternity hospital.

However, sometimes pleasant chores are overshadowed feeling unwell and women's mood swings. It may also turn out that something is wrong with the baby - small man lies incorrectly or is wrapped in the umbilical cord.

Expectant mother 9 months pregnant

In the last month of pregnancy, a woman’s body undergoes significant hormonal changes. Mood swings are a common companion during this period. The feeling of external unattractiveness and internal torment, fears of radical changes in life - all this is present in the life of almost every woman preparing for childbirth.

To get rid of unnecessary worries, you need to:

  • rest and sleep as much as possible;
  • do exercises and walk in the fresh air;
  • eat properly and nutritiously;
  • delegate your household responsibilities (including caring for an older child) to another family member;
  • don't communicate with unpleasant people and not to receive unwanted guests;
  • choose a maternity hospital and a doctor that will meet the needs of the expectant mother;
  • communicate with other pregnant women who are positive.

Woman's feelings

A woman’s physiological sensations in the last days of pregnancy may resemble symptoms of pregnancy. There are frequent cases of nausea, dizziness and even fainting. The latter signs are manifestations of vena cava syndrome. It is characterized by compression of the vena cava located under the uterus and, as a result, the body does not receive the required amount of oxygen. To avoid this, gynecologists do not recommend lying down or sleeping on your back for too long at the end of pregnancy.

The legs and arms swell greatly and cause significant discomfort. Fluid stagnation can be caused by: hormonal imbalance, and non-compliance drinking regime. Often the presence of swelling of the legs in combination with abnormal blood pressure indicates the development of a life-threatening condition for the mother and child - gestosis (late toxicosis). When it is diagnosed, the woman is placed in a maternity hospital for preservation until childbirth.

Among the unpleasant manifestations of the last 9th month of pregnancy include itchy skin in the abdomen, thighs, buttocks and chest. You cannot comb your skin, because... it will only traumatize her. The appearance of such itching indicates the risk of stretch marks in these areas of the body. To avoid stretch marks, it is necessary to use special moisturizing and skin softening creams and lotions.

Sizes of the abdomen and uterus

The uterus, which has grown to a significant size (normally its height varies from 32 to 37 cm, its circumference is about 100 cm) causes a number of unpleasant phenomena and sensations, which include:

  • frequent urination (especially at night);
  • heartburn;
  • constipation and bloating;
  • labored breathing;
  • lower back pain and pelvic bones when walking and at rest;
  • cramps of the calf muscles.

However, approximately 7-10 days before giving birth, it becomes much easier for a woman to breathe, and heartburn disappears. If at this time you look at the stomach from top to bottom, the navel will completely disappear from view (see photo), and when viewed from the side, it becomes noticeable that the stomach has dropped. This sign is one of the main harbingers that the gestation period is coming to an end.

Nature of the discharge

Vaginal discharge is one of the most important indicators women's health. Their number, consistency, color and smell can indicate the approach of ovulation, the imminent onset of critical days and the presence of any pathological changes in the microflora.

Much attention is paid to the nature of discharge during pregnancy. Okay, a little bleeding at the end. menstrual cycle can tell an unsuspecting woman that the fertilized egg has successfully attached to the uterine wall (implantation has occurred).

In the absence of any pathologies, the vaginal discharge of a pregnant woman should be white, free of blood and unpleasant odor in moderation. By the ninth month they may change - becoming yellowish and more abundant.

Immediately before the start of childbirth, a woman can trace the process of removal of the mucus plug, which for all 9 months was located deep in the cervical canal of the cervix and acted as a protective barrier for the fetus. Outwardly, it resembles a thick jelly of yellow, brown or transparent color with admixtures of bloody streaks. The lower abdomen hurts and tugs a little, but there are no contractions yet.

What happens to the child?

Starting from the 38th week, the pregnancy is considered full-term, and if contractions begin, doctors will not stop them, trying to keep the baby inside until 40 weeks. During this period, the child has already fully formed and has taken its final position inside the abdomen.

In order for the birth to take place naturally, the formed fetus should lie head down. If the ultrasound shows a breech or transverse presentation of the fetus, surgeons will help it be born via cesarean section.

Fetal body size and weight

The baby preparing to be born has all the parameters of a newborn child, which include:

  • weight – from 2.5 to 5 kg (there are cases when newborns weighed more);
  • body length – from 48 to 55 cm;
  • convex chest;
  • pink skin tone;
  • the presence of subcutaneous fat forming folds on the bends of the limbs;
  • elastic and mobile cartilage of the facial bones and head;
  • nails that have grown to the tips of the fingers;
  • hairy head and small fluff on the body;
  • correct location of the umbilical ring;
  • final formation of the genital organs in boys and girls.

Development of organs and systems

All internal organs and the child’s systems are already fully formed by the end of the gestational period. His lungs can perform breathing movements and will open with the first breath. The digestive and excretory systems also work at full capacity, because... while in the womb, the child processed amniotic fluid, the remains of which in the form of meconium are in his intestines. After birth, it is meconium that fills the baby's diaper for the first time. Don't be afraid of its color and consistency. Thick and dark brown, it will come out completely in just a few passes.

The child’s circulatory and nervous systems are ready to work. The heart, which is one of the first to form, waits for the moment when it can work autonomously, for which, immediately after birth, a hole in one of the central partitions will close.

Remains far from perfect the immune system baby. Having not encountered any viruses or bacteria, she does not produce her own antibodies and receives them through the placenta from the mother. After childbirth additional protection the baby will be given breast milk, which will be transferred from mother to baby genetic memory about everyone pathogenic microorganisms that she encountered.

Baby's movements

One of the most common reasons What worries expectant mothers is that a previously quite active girl or boy, having entered the last month of intrauterine development, began to behave much calmer. This is explained by the fact that the fetus is no longer small, and it is simply cramped and uncomfortable for it to move in the stomach.

However, the gynecologist leading the pregnancy must warn the woman that if the baby has not given any signals for 3-4 hours, and it is impossible to rouse him in any way, it is necessary to urgently seek medical attention. medical care. In most cases, children simply sleep, but sometimes ultrasound results reveal pathologies that become indications for surgical delivery.

Training contractions and their differences from real ones

Training (false) uterine contractions begin to appear 2-3 weeks before birth. Such contractions appear unexpectedly, there are no clear intervals between them, they last no more than 2-3 minutes and in most cases are painless. If there is increasing pain that is accompanied by bloody issues, you need to urgently go to the hospital.

Training contractions are needed so that during labor the muscles of the uterus can contract with a force that would be enough to push the baby through the birth canal (we recommend reading:). Also, before childbirth, contractions of the uterine muscles help soften the cervix.

False muscle contractions can be provoked by:

  • active fetal movements;
  • physical exercise;
  • touching the stomach;
  • unemptied bladder;
  • sexual intercourse;
  • emotional instability.

Many women rush to go to the maternity hospital when false contractions appear. IN to a greater extent this applies to first-time girls who do not know what the differences are between training contractions and real contractions.

The main difference is that during false contractions, the cervix does not dilate, which entails the release of water and the start of the labor process. In addition, the following may indicate a delay in the onset of labor:

  • absence of sharp pain (tugging sensations may appear);
  • irregularity and unpredictability of contractions;
  • muscle tension is localized in a certain part of the abdomen;
  • After a few minutes the discomfort goes away completely.

Diagnostic tests at 9 months of pregnancy

Visit antenatal clinic in the ninth month of pregnancy it becomes more frequent. If previously you had to go to the gynecologist once every 2-3 weeks, now monitoring is carried out weekly. Each of the visits to the doctor and the results of studies and examinations in mandatory are fixed in exchange card, which is the main medical documents of a pregnant woman.

Examinations at the 9th month of pregnancy are necessary to clarify the woman’s sensations and well-being, determine the position and body weight of the fetus. The woman’s blood pressure is also measured and the results of diagnostic tests are checked - general analysis blood and urine.

One of the most important moments visual examination of a pregnant woman - examination of the upper and lower limbs for the presence of swelling. Also, if there are complaints about changed discharge, the gynecologist can take a smear of the vaginal flora. Based on the results of the study, it will be clear whether emergency sanitation of the vagina is necessary.

Ultrasound examination of the fetus in the ninth month is usually not performed, because The last screening should be performed no later than 36 weeks. However, at the request of the doctor, an additional ultrasound may be prescribed before birth to determine the position and condition of the child.

If the expected date of birth has passed and the baby is in no hurry to be born, the pregnant woman comes to the doctor for a re-examination. If there are no signs of the onset of labor and dilatation of the cervix, the woman will be given a referral for hospitalization in a maternity hospital, where she will be artificially induced to give birth.

Possible complications and dangerous symptoms

When the ninth month of pregnancy begins, the most dangerous condition for a woman is gestosis. It is characterized by swelling of the arms and legs that does not go away by mid-day, protein in the urine, and high blood pressure. Complications of late toxicosis can include severe convulsions, frequent losses consciousness, cerebral edema and even death of the woman in labor.

Also one of possible complications bloody discharge occurs that is not associated with the discharge of the mucus plug. The causes of discharge and abdominal pain as during menstruation can be:

  1. Placental abruption. When the detachment is minor, it does not cause serious consequences for the life of mother and child. When more than a third of the baby's place is separated, an emergency caesarean section is indicated.
  2. Placenta previa. This condition characterized by initially incorrect attachment ovum to the walls of the uterus, when, as the placenta grows, it covers cervical canal. Previa can only be determined using ultrasound.

Dangerous symptoms requiring urgent medical attention:

  • weak fetal movements;
  • leakage of amniotic fluid;
  • the appearance of severe swelling of the legs or arms;
  • blood pressure surges;
  • strong headache and clouding of consciousness.

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