Home Fruit trees Project activities in kindergarten according to FGOS: what is it for and what are its types. Design activities in the preschool educational institution. Technologies of project activities in preschool educational institutions

Project activities in kindergarten according to FGOS: what is it for and what are its types. Design activities in the preschool educational institution. Technologies of project activities in preschool educational institutions

The teaching staff is faced with an important task: to send curious and active children to school, therefore the educators write various programs according to the established standard. They also carry out project activities in kindergarten according to the Federal State Educational Standard.

What is GEF?

Project activity in a kindergarten according to the Federal State Educational Standard is the interaction of teachers, children and their parents. As a result of working together, children develop cognitive abilities and creative thinking. Children learn to search for information on their own and apply it in practice.

When it comes about the project, the educator must remember that for the child he becomes an equal partner. To create trusting relationship, the teacher must comply with certain conditions.

  1. The teacher does the tasks with the children - so he makes it clear that they are on the same level. The adult teacher is simply showing the techniques and observing the activities of the children.
  2. The child must take part in the class voluntarily. The task of the educator is to get the children interested in their activities.
  3. Free movement of children during classes.
  4. Work on a project at an individual pace.

How is it implemented

Project activities in the d / garden are considered outside the traditional schedule of activities. Every project requires careful planning and thoughtful details. Project activities in kindergarten according to the Federal State Educational Standard are based on the following theoretical principles:

  • the focus is on the child;
  • the individual pace of work of children is observed, thanks to which everyone can achieve success;
  • basic knowledge is easier to assimilate due to its versatility.

Why project activities in children. garden is always up to date? Because each baby has its own explicit and hidden characteristics, and at each age - sensitive periods. This direction allows you to take all this into account and create the necessary conditions for maximum realization children's opportunities.

Types of project activities in the garden

  • Research. The main goal in this direction is to search for answers to the questions: "why", "how", etc. The preschooler not only listens to what the teacher tells him, but also becomes a researcher himself and tries to find an answer to the question. The task of the educator is to create conditions for the child to independently search for answers.

Further, the preschooler is involved in project activities and, together with the teacher, conducts experiments, etc. Then the child demonstrates the result of his research activities and tells how he understood the topic. The teacher also offers intellectual games to consolidate the material studied.

    Creative. Feature of this species project activities in kindergarten according to the Federal State Educational Standard - this is a duration in time and a collective nature. At the initial stage, there is a discussion and selection of a topic, then the teacher looks for ways to motivate each child to take part in the work.

The most difficult thing in creative approach is the stage at which children try to come to common decision, because it is still difficult for preschoolers to convey their point of view to each other. The teacher should not take sides, he should give the children the opportunity to come to an independent decision.

This will help children overcome self-centeredness and reach new level communications. Next comes the implementation of the idea and its presentation. The results are shown not by all children, but by elected representatives who will talk about the progress of the work.

  • Normative. Project activity in a kindergarten according to the Federal State Educational Standard in this direction implies that children independently create a system of rules and norms in the group. These projects help to solve but are implemented exclusively by children.

Of course, this does not mean that the educator does not have control over the rule-making process. Initially, the teacher conducts ethical conversations with children, during which the necessary behavior is formed. Then there is a discussion of the adverse consequences, and only then the rules of the group are formed.


Summing up, we can say that the need for project activities is due to the fact that it allows you to expand the field for child research... It develops not only intellectual, but also communication skills of not only children, but also adults, therefore, for greater efficiency, project activities are included in the educational program.

Today the state has set the task of preparing a completely new generation: active, inquisitive. And preschool institutions, as the first step in education, already imagine what a kindergarten graduate should be like, what qualities he should have, this is spelled out in the FGT to the main educational program... Modern pedagogical research shows that the main problem preschool education- loss of liveliness, attractiveness of the process of cognition. The number of preschoolers who do not want to go to school is increasing; the positive motivation to study has decreased, the academic performance of children is falling. How can the situation be corrected? Becoming new system education focused on entering the world space requires significant changes in pedagogical theory and practice preschool institutions, improvement of pedagogical technologies.

The use of innovative pedagogical technologies opens up new opportunities for the upbringing and training of preschoolers, and the project method has become one of the most effective today. Design technology refers to modern humanitarian technologies that are innovative in the work of preschool institutions.

This method is relevant and very effective because gives the child the opportunity to experiment, synthesize the knowledge gained, develop Creative skills and communication skills, thereby allowing him to successfully adapt to school.

The project method is interesting and useful not only for children, but for the teachers themselves, because it makes it possible to concentrate material on a specific topic, to increase the level of one's own competence on a problem, to bring relationships with parents to a new level, to feel like a really partner of children in solving research problems, to make the learning process not boring and overly edifying. The project method is naturally and harmoniously woven into the educational process of the kindergarten.

A project activity is a project activity only if direct action in a given situation turns out to be impossible. In other words, if the child wanted to play with the ball, took the ball for this, and realized his plan, or if the instructor organized and spent physical culture leisure, then this activity will not be project-based - the child and the teacher performed all the actions within the framework of traditional productive and educational activities. And if, before spending the "Olympic Games" leisure time, the teacher, together with the children, comes to a decision during the discussion about the need to hold such a holiday, then he plans the ways leading to the achievement of this goal. Children, together with their parents and teachers, for several weeks, select, study and present information about Olympic sports sports, about the rules of competitions, about records and winners, make attributes, learn the rules, watch and discuss presentations and video clips, develop sports skills. And the result of this activity is sports festival"Small Olympic Games»With the involvement of parents, an exhibition of photographs, etc., is a long-term project.

When organizing project activities in a kindergarten, teachers may face the following problems.

Inconsistency between the traditional form of organization of educational activities and the nature of project activities. Project activities, as noted above, are carried out in a space of opportunities, where there are no clear set norms. In this case, both the teacher and the child find themselves in a situation of uncertainty. Project activities are focused on research as possible more opportunities inherent in the situation, and not on the passage of a predetermined (and known to the teacher) path.

Non-discrimination of the child's subject and object position. Most preschool teachers are very sensitive to children and support them emotionally. However, this emotional support should not translate into a willingness to perform a creative task for the child, whether it is the formulation of a creative idea or the search for possible ways solving the problem. The teacher should organize a problem situation for children, but should not offer his own options for solving the problem. Otherwise, the child will be in the position of the object.

In project activities, subjectivity means the expression of initiative and the manifestation of independent activity, while the child's subjectivity can manifest itself in different ways. So a child can express original idea(that is, not previously expressed by other children) or support and slightly modify the idea of ​​another child. In this case, the educator should focus on the originality of the child's idea.

Research shows that preschoolers can successfully complete project activities. At the same time, there are clear positive changes in the cognitive development of children, there is personal growth preschoolers, which is expressed in the desire to perform original creative work. Change significantly interpersonal relationships preschoolers, children gain experience of productive interaction, the ability to hear another and express their attitude to various aspects of reality. There has been a change in the relationship between children and parents.

It is the project activity that will help to connect the learning and upbringing process with real events in the child's life, as well as to interest him, to carry him into this activity. It allows you to unite teachers, children, parents, teach how to work in a team, collaborate, plan your work. Each child will be able to prove himself, to feel needed, which means that he will gain confidence in his abilities.

So what is “PROJECT”?

In the etymological dictionary, the word “ project" borrowed from Latin and means “thrown forward”, “protruding”, “striking”.

Project" is a method of pedagogically organized learning by a child environment in the process of a phased and pre-planned practical activities to achieve the set goals.

Under project also means independent and collective creative completed work that has a socially significant result.

The project is based on problem, to solve it, a research search in various directions is required, the results of which are generalized and combined into one whole.

Project method is a pedagogical technology, the core of which is the independent activity of children - research, cognitive, productive, in the process of which the child learns the world and translates new knowledge into real products.

Applied to kindergarten project- this is a set of actions specially organized by the educator and independently performed by the pupils, aimed at resolving a problem situation and ending with the creation of a creative product.

The essence of " method of projects»In education is a member of such an organization educational process, in which students acquire knowledge and skills, experience of creative activity, emotional-value attitude to reality in the planning and implementation process gradually increasing complexity practical assignments- projects that have not only cognitive, but also pragmatic value.

"Everything that I learn, I know why I need it and where and how I can apply this knowledge" - this is the main thesis modern understanding a project method that attracts many educational systems seeking to find a reasonable balance between academic knowledge and pragmatic skills.

The project method can be used with children from early preschool age. It allows you to define learning objectives, form the prerequisites for educational and research skills and abilities in accordance with the main lines of development.

To implement the project, the teacher determines the stages of its implementation, thinks over the content of the activity and selects practical material. The implementation of any project involves working with children, methodical work with staff and interaction with parents.

When planning project activities, the teacher should remember about three stages in the development of project activities in preschool children, which are one of the pedagogical technologies of project activities, which includes a set of research, search, problematic, creative methods.

First step-imitative-performing, the implementation of which is possible with children 3.5-5 years old.

At this stage, children participate in the project "on the sidelines", perform actions at the direct suggestion of an adult or by imitating him, which does not contradict nature little child; at this age there is still a need to establish and maintain positive attitude to an adult and imitate him.

Younger preschool age

Learning objectives:

  1. arouse interest in the proposed activity;
  2. to introduce children to the learning process;
  3. form different views;
  4. involve children in the reproduction of images using various options;
  5. encourage children to joint search activities, experimentation.

Improvement of mental processes:

  1. the formation of emotional interest;
  2. acquaintance with objects and actions with them;
  3. development of thinking and imagination;

4. speech development.

  1. awareness of the goal;
  2. mastery different ways solving the tasks;
  3. the ability to anticipate the result based on your past experience;
  4. search for various means to achieve the goal.

The second stage is developing, it is typical for children 5-6 years old, who already have experience of various joint activities, can coordinate actions, provide assistance to each other. The child is less likely to turn to an adult with requests, more actively organizes joint activities with peers.

Children develop self-control and self-esteem, they are able to fairly objectively assess how own actions and the actions of peers. At this age, children accept the problem, clarify the goal, are able to choose the necessary means to achieve the result of the activity. They not only show a willingness to participate in projects proposed by adults, but also find problems on their own.

Third stage-creative, it is typical for children 6-7 years old. It is very important for an adult at this stage to develop and maintain the creative activity of children, to create conditions for children to independently determine the goal and content of future activities, to choose ways to work on a project and to organize it.

Senior preschool age.

Learning objectives:

  1. to develop search activities, intellectual initiative;
  2. to develop special methods of orientation - experimentation and modeling;
  3. form generalized ways of mental work and means of building your own cognitive activities;
  4. develop the ability to predict future changes.

Formation of prerequisites for educational activities:

  1. arbitrariness in behavior and productive activity;
  2. the need to create your own picture of the world;
  3. communication skills.

Formation of design and research skills and abilities:

  1. identify the problem;
  2. look for the right solution on your own;
  3. choose from the available methods the most adequate and productive use of it;
  4. independently analyze the results obtained.

The specificity of interaction with the use of the project method in preschool practice is that adults need to “guide” the child, help detect a problem or even provoke its occurrence, arouse interest in it and “involve” children in a joint project, but at the same time do not overdo it with the help of and guardianship.

Project planning starts with questions : "For what do you need a project? "," What is it being implemented for? "," What will become a product of project activities? "

Work on a project, which includes drawing up a well-founded action plan, which is formed and refined throughout the entire period, goes through several stages. At each of the stages, the interaction of the teacher with the children is personality-oriented.

Project work

The first stage is choosing a topic.

The task of the teacher is to carry out, together with the children, the choice of a topic for a deeper study, to draw up a plan of cognitive activity. One of the ways to introduce the topic is related to the use of the model “ three questions”:

  1. What do I know?
  2. What do I want to know?
  3. How to find out?

At this stage, the dialogue with children, organized by the teacher, contributes not only to the development of the child's self-reflection in the field of cognition own interests, assessment of existing and acquisition of new thematic knowledge in a free relaxed atmosphere, as well as the development of speech and the speech apparatus itself.

 the teacher sets a goal for himself based on the needs and interests of the child;

  • involves preschoolers in solving the problem;
  • outlines a plan of movement towards the goal (supports the interest of children and parents);
  • discusses the plan with families at a parent-teacher conference;
  • seeks recommendations from the specialists of the preschool educational institution;
  • together with children and parents draws up a plan - a diagram of the project;
  • collects information, material;

The second stage is the implementation of the project.

The implementation of projects takes place through various types of activities (creative, experimental, productive). The task of the educator at this stage is to create conditions in the group for the implementation of children's ideas.

The uniqueness of the application of the design method in in this case lies in the fact that the second stage contributes to the versatile development of both mental functions and personality traits child.

Research activity at this stage is activated due to problematic discussion, which helps to discover all new

problems, the use of comparison and comparison operations, problem presentation of information by a teacher, organization of experiments and experiments.

The sequence of the teacher's work at this stage:

  • conducts classes, games, observations, trips (activities of the main part of the project),
  • gives homework to parents and children;
  • encourages independent creative work children and parents (searching for materials, information, making crafts, drawings, albums, etc.);

The third stage is the presentation of the project.

It is important that the presentation is based on a tangible product of value to children. During the creation of the product, creative potential preschoolers find application of the information obtained during the implementation of the project.

The task of the educator is to create conditions for children to have the opportunity to talk about their work, feel pride in their achievements, and comprehend the results of their activities. In the process of his speech in front of peers, the child acquires the skills of mastering his emotional sphere and non-verbal means communication (gestures, facial expressions, etc.).

The sequence of the teacher's work on the project at this stage:

organizes the presentation of the project (holiday, class, leisure), compiles a book, an album together with children;

sums up the results (speaks at the teachers' council, parent meeting, shares work experience).

The fourth stage is reflection.

The interaction between the teacher and the child in project activities can change as the child's activity increases. The position of the teacher is built up in stages as research skills develop and independent activity grows from teaching and organizing at the first stages to guiding and coordinating towards the end of the project.

Thus, in the project activity, the child's subjective position is formed, his individuality is revealed, interests and needs are realized, which in turn contributes to the child's personal development. This corresponds to the social order for the present stage.

In the practice of modern preschool institutions are used the following types projects:

1. research and creative projects: children experiment, and then the results are drawn up in the form of newspapers, dramatization, children's design;

2. role-playing game projects (with elements of creative games, when children enter the image of the characters of a fairy tale and solve the problems posed in their own way);

  1. information-practice-oriented projects: children collect information and implement it, focusing on social interests(decoration and design of the group, stained-glass windows, etc.);
  2. creative projects in kindergarten(presentation of the result in the form children's party, children's design, for example "Health Week").

Since the main activity of the preschooler is play, then, starting with younger age, role-playing and creative projects are used: "Favorite toys", "Alphabet of health", etc.

Other types of projects are also significant, including:







By duration they are short-term (one or several sessions), average duration, long-term (for example, " Sport games and entertainment as a means of increasing the interest of preschool children in physical culture ”- for the academic year).

The main goal of the project method in a preschool institution is to develop free creative personality child, which is determined by the tasks of development and the tasks of the research activities of children.

Shevyakina Lyubov Vitalievna
Position: educator
Educational institution: MKDOU "Bolshesoldatsky Garden"
Locality: Bolshesoldatsky district of Kursk region
Material name: report
Theme:"Project activities in kindergarten"
Date of publication: 05.03.2017
Chapter: preschool education

Report "Project activities in kindergarten"
Shevyakina Lyubov Vitalievna Report "Project activities in kindergarten" Recently, in the practice of preschool institutions, an innovative method of problem-based and integrated learning has been actively used. This is the method of projects. The basis of this method is the independent activity of children - research, cognitive, productive, during which the child learns the world around him and embodies new knowledge in life. Translated from Greek, a project is a way of research. The famous scientist A. Einstein said at one time: “The children themselves love to search, to find themselves. This is their strength. They always feel like Columbians, never get tired of being amazed at the many wonders of living life. Perhaps the most difficult thing is to teach them to understand other people who are not always like you, to learn the depth of each. We overload children with books, impressions, do not help them to select the main thing that leads into the depth of knowledge, into the depth of their own thoughts and creativity. Children, like plants, need much more freedom, the opportunity to know themselves. " Preschool children are characterized by the desire to penetrate the innermost secrets of life, they want to know everything. To satisfy the curiosity of some children, an interesting story by a teacher in a group is enough. There is little explanation for another category of pupils, the framework is tight for them organized classes... These children need to get to everything on their own (check in practice, feel with their hands, conduct an experiment, put an experiment, look into a reference book, an encyclopedia). The teacher's task is to identify all interested children and involve them in research activities without any coercion. Freedom and the opportunity to know oneself, in my opinion, is provided by project activities that allow the child not to feel the "pressure" of adults. From the very birth, a child is a discoverer, an explorer of the world that surrounds him. For him, everything is for the first time: sun and rain, fear and joy. At all times, mothers have taught and are teaching their children what, in their opinion, will be useful to the child in life, so over time, the attitude to the problem of involving children in social reality has changed: to its goals, content, methods. A person needs to get a positive social experience as soon as possible in the implementation of their own ideas. The ever-increasing dynamism of economic and social relations people requires the search for new, non-standard actions in a variety of circumstances. This skill must be brought up from childhood. According to the teacher's instructions, preschoolers perform various tasks and create specific products.
These products can be presented to others, but they are not an expression of the child's creative ideas, but are the result of mastering the program content. Currently, project activities are organically included in the new standards of primary education. However, preschool educational institutions introduce the method of projects in kindergarten. V modern pedagogy and psychology, a certain approach to the organization of project activities has been built, for example, in this direction are working: N.E. Veraksa, A.N. Veraksa, E.S. Evdokimova, N.A. Ryzhova, N.A. Korotkova and others. The project is a method of pedagogically organized development of the environment by a child in the process of phased and pre-planned practical activities to achieve the intended goals. Kindergarten projects are usually educational in nature. Preschoolers, in terms of their psychophysiological development, are not yet able to independently create their own project from beginning to end. Therefore, teaching the necessary skills and abilities is the main task of educators. Projects in kindergarten can be Creative (design the result in the form of a children's party), Informational (children collect information and implement it), Role-playing (with elements of creative games, when children enter the image of fairy tale characters, solve the set problems in their own way), Research ( children experiment, and then the result is drawn up in the form of a newspaper, dramatization). Projects require a clear structure, designated goals, the relevance of the research subject for all participants, social significance, thoughtful methods of processing the result. Three stages in the development of project activities in preschool children have been identified, which represent one of the pedagogical technologies of project activities, which includes a set of research, search, problematic and creative methods.
First step
- imitative-performing, the implementation of which is possible with children 3.5–5 years old. At this stage, children participate in the project "on the sidelines", performing actions at the direct suggestion of an adult or by imitating him, which does not contradict the nature of a small child; at this age there is still a need to establish and maintain a positive attitude towards the adult and to imitate him.
Second phase
- developing, it is typical for children 5-6 years old who already have experience
a variety of joint activities, can coordinate actions, help each other. The child is less likely to turn to an adult with requests, more actively organizes joint activities with peers. Children develop self-control and self-esteem, they are able to fairly objectively assess both their own actions and the actions of their peers. At this age, children accept the problem, clarify the goal, are able to choose the necessary means to achieve the result of the activity. They not only show a willingness to participate in projects proposed by adults, but also find problems on their own.
Third stage
- creative, it is typical for children 6-7 years old. It is very important for an adult at this stage to develop and maintain the creative activity of children, to create conditions for children to independently determine the goal and content of future activities, to choose ways to work on a project and to organize it.
Project activity unfolds in a problematic situation that cannot be resolved by direct action. For example, if a child wanted to draw an object and drew it, then we cannot say that he has implemented project activities, because this is not a problem situation. If the child wants to express in the drawing his attitude to the object, then in this case a special project task arises, associated with the study of possibilities and the search for forms of transmission of his attitude to the object. Participants in project activities must be motivated. Simple interest is not enough. It is necessary that both the teacher and the child formulate the reason why they are included in the research. For example, preparing for a holiday. The child may be interested in preparing for the holiday, but the project activity will begin only at the moment when the teacher, together with the child, tries to understand what this event means for each of them. Once the meaning is determined, you can look for ways to present it. Project activities are targeted. Since in the course of project activity the child expresses his attitude, he always looks for the addressee - the person to whom his statement is addressed, designed in the form of a product. That is why project activity has a pronounced social connotation and, ultimately, is one of the few socially significant actions available to a preschooler. Since the leading activity of preschoolers is play, preference is given to creative and role-playing types. Group projects in kindergarten can be the first step.
The sequence of the teacher's work on the project:

The teacher sets a goal based on the needs and interests of the child; - involves preschoolers in solving the problem; - outlines a plan of movement towards the goal (supports the interest of children and parents); - discusses the plan with families at a parent meeting; - applies for recommendations to the specialists of the preschool educational institution; - together with children and parents draws up a plan for the project; -collects information, material; - conducts classes, games, observations, trips (activities of the main part of the project); - gives homework to parents and children; - encourages independent creative work of children and parents (searching for materials, information, making crafts, drawings, albums, etc.); - organizes the presentation of the project (holiday, activity, leisure), compiles a book, an album together with children; - sums up the results (speaks at the teachers' council, summarizes work experience).
Stages of project activities
Stage 1
"Theme selection"
The task of the teacher is to carry out, together with the children, the choice of a topic for a deeper study, to draw up a plan of cognitive activity. One way to introduce the topic is through the use of three-question models: What do I know? What do I want to know? How to find out? The dialogue with children, organized by the teacher, contributes not only to the development of the child's self-reflection in the field of knowledge of his own interests, the assessment of existing knowledge and the acquisition of new thematic knowledge in a free relaxed atmosphere, but also the development of speech and the speech apparatus itself. Collection of information and planning of educational work within the framework of the project. The task of the educator is to create conditions for the implementation of the cognitive activity of children. Stage 2
"Project implementation"
The task of the educator is to create conditions in the group for the implementation of children's ideas. The implementation of projects takes place through various types of activities (creative, experimental, productive). The uniqueness of the application of the project method in this case lies in the fact that the third stage contributes to the multilateral development of both mental functions and the personality of the child. Research activity at this stage is prompted by a problematic discussion,
which helps to discover more and more new problems, using the operations of comparison and comparison, the problem statement of the teacher, the organization of experiments and experiments. Stage 3
It is important that the presentation is based on a tangible product of value to children. In the course of creating a product, the creative potential of preschoolers is revealed, the information obtained during the implementation of the project is used. The task of the educator is to create conditions for children to have the opportunity to talk about their work, feel pride in their achievements, and comprehend the results of their activities. In the process of his speech in front of peers, the child acquires the skills of mastering his emotional sphere and non-verbal means of communication (gestures, facial expressions, etc.). Stage 4
The interaction between the teacher and the child in project activities can change as the child's activity increases. The position of the teacher is built up in stages as research skills develop and independent activity grows from teaching and organizing at the first stages to guiding and correcting by the end of the project. Project activity is intellectual work. The suppression of children's initiative always blocks search behavior, which can lead to the development of a passive position in the future (in school and life, when a person surrenders at each encounter with difficulties. Design technology requires patience from the teacher, love for the child, faith in his capabilities.
Why are projects needed?
Projects: - help to activate independent cognitive activity of children; - help children master the surrounding reality, comprehensively study it; - contribute to the development of the creative abilities of children; - contribute to the ability to observe; - contribute to the ability to listen. The method of projects is one of the few methods that take the pedagogical process out of the walls of a children's institution into the surrounding world, natural and social environment, facilitates the process of mastering the world by the child. The involvement of parents in this process is of great value: by becoming active participants in the learning process of their children, moms and dads feel like “good parents” as they contribute to learning and acquire new skills;
-the parents form a higher assessment of the achievements of their children and pride in them; - develops a deeper understanding of the learning process of preschool children; -the ability to consolidate the knowledge gained in kindergarten through homework; Teachers have the opportunity to understand how parents motivate their children, to see how mothers and fathers help their kids to solve problems; the possibility of using the knowledge and interests of parents in the process of studying with children. In the process of joint education of children, trust in educators and other kindergarten staff arises; parents are trained in activities that they can enjoy with their children at home. What does the child learn from communication with parents, joint participation in affairs, observation of the actions of family members? - the participation of parents in joint affairs with the child gives children special pleasure, favors their success; -expands the child's social experience and provides positive role models; D-children begin to treat parents as a source of knowledge and experience. Thanks to the participation of parents in the pedagogical process, a sense of pride is formed in children, self-esteem increases, and in those children whose parents more often played the role of assistants, there is significant progress in development. Children become more relaxed and independent, purposeful and self-confident, sociable, more attentive and caring in relation to their peers and adults; capable of mutual understanding and cooperation. In our group, a project was implemented: "Our feathered friends" Purpose: formation of the desire in children to take care of wintering birds, to recognize birds, to name their body parts. During the implementation of the project, classes were held with children "Birds in Winter", "Funny Sparrows", a conversation on the picture "Titmouse at the Feeder", outdoor games "Owl", "Crow and Dog", "Dog and Sparrow", etc. We also made bird feeders with children. Parents gladly took part in the actions: "Bird's house", "Feed the birds in winter". At the same time, we spent parent-teacher meeting, where parents were told about the work that we are doing and invited them to joint active participation. We suggested that parents conduct conversations with children, make bird feeders and just feed the birds near their home and kindergarten. In terms of solution educational tasks this project creates an objective prerequisite for educating children to respect wildlife. A folder was drawn up - a transport, a card index of riddles, poems about birds, a selection of literature was carried out, a conversation was held about what you know about birds. Poems about birds were learned with children, riddles were made,
didactic outdoor games. Together with the children, we set up a stand about wintering birds, they also engaged in productive activities - drawing, modeling, listening to the voices of recording birds. During the implementation of the project, the children, together with their parents, made the feeding troughs. The final stage is the entertainment "Birds' Festival". Solving various cognitive practical tasks together with adults and peers, children acquire the ability to doubt, think critically. The positive emotions experienced at the same time, surprise, joy from success, pride in the approval of adults - give the child confidence in his abilities, encourages a new search for knowledge. By accumulating creative experience, children, with the support of adults, can become authors of research, creative, playful, practice-oriented projects. The project method is interesting and useful not only for children, but for the teachers themselves, because it makes it possible to concentrate material on a specific topic, increase the level of one's own competence on a problem, bring relationships with parents to a new level, feel like a really partner of children in solving research problems, make the learning process not boring, but very interesting. Collective experiences bring children closer to each other and with adults, contribute to the improvement of the microclimate in the group. Project activity allows you to get to know the pupils better, to penetrate inner world child. It is the project activity that will help to connect the learning and upbringing process with real events in the child's life, as well as to interest him, to carry him into this activity. It allows you to unite teachers, children, parents, teach how to work in a team, collaborate, plan your work. Each child will be able to prove himself, to feel needed, which means that he will have confidence in his abilities. Project results: I believe that as a result of the work done, there are positive results: developing mental capacity children who are manifested in the ability to experiment, analyze, draw conclusions: children have a desire to communicate with nature and reflect their impressions through various activities. Parents have expanded opportunities for collaboration with their children by listening to their opinions; are involved not only in the educational process of their group, but also in the development of a preschool institution. The work on research projects is interesting because the range of knowledge of children turns out to be extremely wide, and it is constantly growing, as children begin to acquire knowledge on their own, attracting all available means. The method of designing the activities of preschoolers at the present stage of development of preschool education is one of the priority methods. Thanks to projects, children develop skills in research, cognitive activity, creativity, and independence; the ability to plan their activities, work in a team develops, which in the future will contribute to the successful teaching of children at school. For teachers, the advantage of the project method is: - improving the quality of the educational process;
- one of the methods of developmental education, since it is based on the development of children's cognitive skills, the ability to independently construct their knowledge, navigate in the information space; - the development of critical and creative thinking; - helps to improve the competence of teachers. Thus, the development of design technology by teachers will increase the level of their professional skills and create conditions for effective educational and educational work in the preschool educational institution.

Currently, the state has set before educational institutions a fairly clear and important task: to prepare the most active and inquisitive young generation as possible. In the main programs today, the basic requirements that even a kindergarten graduate must meet have long been spelled out.

For a child to become truly inquisitive and strive to acquire new knowledge on his own, and not under compulsion, it is extremely important that project activities are actively used in the process of upbringing. In the preschool educational institution of our country this direction not very well developed yet, but the situation is gradually changing every year.

What is it for?

The fact is that it is the projects that are able to link the not-too-fun educational process with real events that occur from time to time in a child's life, which attracts and can interest even the most restless kid. In addition, it is the project activity in the preschool educational institution that allows you to turn any team into a close-knit team, whose members will be able to work together to solve even the most difficult and non-trivial problems. In such conditions, each child can feel needed, interested in performing an important task.

What is a project? General information about the concept

You should be aware that the term "project" itself was borrowed from the classical Latin, in which it originally meant “thrown forward”, “protruding”, “striking”. And how can all of this be linked to work in a preschool educational institution? In this case, a “project” is a way of assimilation by a child of information about the world around him, when he independently searches for information and prepares its announcement in front of his peers. The main work in the direction of cognitive activity is performed by the teacher.

It is important to remember that project activities in a preschool educational institution must necessarily imply obtaining a socially significant result. Simply put, the work should be based on a certain problem, for the solution of which a consistent search is needed, the identification of the most crucial points. The results of this activity are analyzed and combined into a single whole.

From a pedagogical point of view

From the point of view of the teacher, project activity in a preschool educational institution is good in that it involves independent activity children, as a result of which they learn to find and use the necessary information for their own purposes. In addition, in this way the child gets the opportunity to transform "dry" and inexpressive data into practical experience, who may well help him throughout his life.

The essence of the technology of project activities in a preschool educational institution is such an organization of the educational process in which students willingly receive theoretical and practical data, participate in events creative plan, and also solve the ever-increasing complexity of tasks of the most diverse nature.

Any project must necessarily have not only cognitive, but also pragmatic value. The child should know what specific data he receives, and where he can use it in practice. This is the main thesis of the technology of design activities in the preschool educational institution. Today, almost all modern educational institutions try to adhere to this point of view, which are trying to find a reasonable balance between obtaining practical and theoretical knowledge.

The basis of the method, its stages

The method is based on the idea that any educational activities should be aimed purely at the result, the achievement of which should be carried out by joint work children's collective and a teacher. Moreover, all characters working on a common theme. V currently professional teachers distinguish three main stages in the development of project activities. They represent a special collection of research, creative and problematic methods. Let's take a closer look at each step.

First step . It means "imitation and execution", and the implementation of this method is possible only in the case of working with children 3.5-5 years old. At this stage, the organization of project activities in a preschool educational institution involves the participation of children “on the sidelines”, when they do something either at the direct suggestion of an adult teacher, or simply imitate him. It is important that this approach does not contradict the very nature of the child. The fact is that at this age children have a desire to attract the attention of an adult, to establish good relations with him.

Second phase... This is the time of development, and the implementation this method starts from the age of 5-6 years. At this time, children are characterized by the fact that they are already capable of organized independent activity, they can provide each other with the necessary this moment help. The child is already much less likely to make requests to the teacher, tries to more actively establish interaction with his own peers. Children already have self-control and self-esteem.

Thus, the organization of project activities in a preschool educational institution at this stage should take into account that the child can adequately assess and be aware of both his own actions and the actions of his peers.

It is worth remembering that they already see and evaluate the problem, are able to clarify the goal being achieved, and also choose those means that optimally contribute to the achievement of the result required by the teacher. The most important circumstance is that they are already capable not only of a mechanical discussion of the topics proposed by the teacher, but also of their own projects.

Stage three. This is already the time of real creativity, which is typical for children aged 6-7 years. Any method of project activity in a preschool educational institution must create such learning conditions that will not scare him away from solving complex problems. It is necessary to create such conditions under which the child would be comfortable choosing topics for their projects, as well as the methods and time of work on them.

The specifics of working with preschoolers

What should characterize any method of project activity in a preschool educational institution? You must clearly understand the fact that in most cases the child has to "lead", help to detect the problem, and in some cases - directly contribute to its occurrence. It is important to try to "drag" the children into some kind of joint venture, but it is extremely important in this case not to overdo it with custody.

How to start planning a project?

Planning any project activity in mandatory should begin with a discussion and pondering of the following questions: "What is this work for at all?", "For what is it worth doing?"

The requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard also speak of this. Project activities in preschool educational institutions are also important in that they teach children to clearly allocate and plan their time. It is important to teach them how to distribute the project over a certain time interval so that there is enough time to solve each stage of the problem. At each of the stages, student-centered technologies should be used, since the abilities of each child can differ significantly from those of their peers.

Project work

As you might guess, at the first stage you have to correctly and reasonably choose a suitable topic. What should involve the use of project activities in a preschool educational institution from the point of view of a teacher? In this case, you need to understand that an in-depth choice of a topic should be carried out only in conjunction with the child (!). Experienced teachers they say that the choice must be preceded by three golden questions: “What do I know? What do I want to know in the near future? What is the best way to learn about it? "

Of course, the topics of project activities in a preschool educational institution should be quite simple and interesting, capable of capturing the interest of every child.

If the teacher is able to organize a correct dialogue with children, then he will contribute not only to the development of their self-esteem, but also their ability to evaluate the data obtained from the point of view of their usefulness in everyday activities. It is important to remember that the implementation of project activities in a preschool educational institution also contributes to the normal formation of the child's speech apparatus and language abilities. This is confirmed by speech therapists, who in last years record a rapid increase in the number of specific problems in this area.

It is necessary to properly organize the process of collecting information: this work should be exciting, it cannot tire the trainees. The educator or teacher must create such conditions in which it would be as comfortable and not burdensome for children to work.

Implementation of the project

It is important to remember that design and research activities in a preschool educational institution should actively use not only the creative method of cognition. Experiments are very important, during which the child receives invaluable scientific experience, which will probably be useful to him in later life... In general, the uniqueness of the project method lies in the fact that it contributes to the versatile development of the student's personality: the child becomes an integral, comprehensively developed personality with well-developed self-esteem and the ability to be responsible for all his actions.

As for the incentives for research activity, then discussions of a problematic topic should appear in this role. This not only helps the child discover new sides and nuances of the topic of interest, but also allows the entire team to be involved in the discussion. This is very useful anyway, as “shared intelligence” can help you solve really difficult problems.


The project activity of the educator ends Preschool educational institution presentations on the covered topic. During this event, the creative potential of each preschooler is perfectly revealed, and they also find practical use all the information that the children received while working on their project. The task of the educator is so that each child can talk about the work he has done, comprehend everything that has been done, and also feel pride in his successes.

It is extremely important that children acquire the skills of speaking in front of an audience, as well as master non-verbal communication techniques (specific facial expressions, gestures, etc.).


As the child's activity increases, the position of the educator or teacher in relation to him may change. In general, these are commonplace provisions of student-centered learning methods. They tell that first the teacher plays the role of a teacher and organizer at first, and then a mentor and a corrector who only directs children's aspirations in the right direction.

Average project plan

It should be noted that most often creative project activities in a preschool educational institution are organized within the framework of specially designated classes. They have a strictly defined structure and include the following stages: the creation of positive motivation for students, an introduction to the problem and a story about its importance, as well as the development of a step-by-step plan for solving the problem, which is formed in the course of research activities. After that, there is a discussion of the results, systematization of the data obtained. If possible, children can demonstrate their skills in practice.

The following types of projects (in terms of duration) can be implemented: long-term (from one to three years), for several months, for a month, a week (weeks), as well as for several days or even a day.

So, let's describe the indirect sequence of work on some task:

  • Depending on the needs and abilities of a particular child, the teacher sets a task (after consulting with his own ward).
  • Next, the teacher involves the students in the process of solving the problem.
  • Next, you need to captivate schoolchildren and even their parents as much as possible with the task assigned to them.
  • The parent committee and teachers' council should be involved in the decision. Project activity in a preschool educational institution is a social task!
  • If there is such a need, you can ask for help from some narrow specialists in this area.
  • In addition, the project activity of a teacher in a preschool educational institution also presupposes further joint work with parents: together with them you need to draw up detailed plan activity.
  • The child himself at this time (using the help) collects all the necessary information.
  • At the same time, he conducts observations, participates in themed games and attends the necessary excursions.
  • The teacher should not forget that at this time the children should receive their homework.
  • It is very important to encourage in every possible way the independent actions of both the children themselves and their parents, who can search for material through independent "investigation" in a given area.
  • After that, the teacher organizes a presentation of the project, in which the children tell all the information that they managed to get and organize.
  • The teacher makes the final speech, if necessary, speaks at the pedagogical council.


Thus, during the implementation of the project, a certain position is formed on a specific issue for each child, children get the opportunity to reveal their creative streak, to show everyone their individuality. All this has an extremely favorable effect on the development of the child's personality, contributes to the formation of normal self-esteem. Simply put, the projects ideally prepare preschoolers for their further education at school and even university.

In kindergarten.

Intense change in the surrounding life, active penetration scientific and technical progress in all its areas dictate the teacher the need to choose more effective means training and education based modern methods and new integrated technologies. One promising method for solving this problem is method of project activity.

Project activity is an independent and joint activity of adults and children in planning and organizing the pedagogical process within the framework of a certain topic, which has a socially significant result. This is a method of the child's pedagogically organized assimilation of the environment; it is a link in the upbringing system, in the chain of a program that develops a personality.

Specificity of the project is its complex integrated nature (e.g. interconnection environmental education with aesthetic, economic education; practical focus, the inclusion of the child in creative activity, the organization of the child's interaction with the social urban environment). The project is being implemented in game form, the inclusion of children in various types of creative and practically significant activities, in direct contact with various objects of the social environment (excursions, meeting people of different professions, playing on objects of the social environment, practically useful things).

The main purpose the project method in preschool institutions is the development of the child's free creative personality, which is determined by the developmental tasks and research tasks of children.

Development objectives:

    ensuring the psychological well-being and health of children; development cognitive abilities; development creative imagination; development of creative thinking; development of communication skills.

Research tasks are specific for each age.

In junior preschool age this is:

The entry of children into a problem game situation(the leading role of the teacher);

· Activation of the desire to look for ways to resolve a problem situation (together with a teacher);

· The formation of the initial prerequisites for research activities (practical experiences).

In older preschool age, these are:

· Formation of prerequisites for search activity, intellectual initiative;

Development of the ability to identify possible methods solving the problem with the help of an adult, and then independently;

The formation of the ability to apply these methods, contributing to the solution of the task, using different options;

· Developing a desire to use special terminology, conducting a constructive conversation in the process of joint research activities.

In the practice of modern preschool institutions, the following are used types of projects:

Research and creative : children experiment, and then the results are drawn up in the form of newspapers, dramatization, children's design;

"Tree", "In the footsteps of Christmas tree decorations"

Role-playing : ( with elements of creative games, when children enter the image of the characters of a fairy tale and solve the problems posed in their own way);

S. r game " Sea cruise"," On a visit to grandmother. "

Information-practice-oriented : children collect information and implement it, focusing on social interests (group design and design, stained glass windows, etc.);

"Let's decorate the group for the holiday", "Knizhkina hospital"

Creative: (registration of the result in the form of a children's party. Children's design, eg "theater week"

Ø Creative (6 - 7 years old)

All aspects of a child's personality are intensively formed: moral, intellectual, emotionally strong-willed, efficiently practical. The role of an adult is to develop and support the creative activity of children, to create conditions that allow them to independently determine the goals and content of future activities. Choose ways to work on a project and organize it, determine development prospects.

Project activities with preschoolers provide for the observance of a certain sequence of stages:

The choice of the topic of the project, its type, the number of participants Problem statement. Goal setting. Consideration of steps to achieve the goal, forms, methods of work, distribution of roles. Independent work project participants according to their tasks. Interim discussion of the data obtained. Protection of projects. Collective discussion. External evaluation results, conclusions.

The topic and the problem are formulated either by the teacher, relying on the interests of the children, and the children accept it; or children with the help leading questions an adult. In kindergarten, project topics should be based on the reproduction of home life: housing, equipment, family relationships, family members' responsibilities, adult work. Then the theme expands to the reproduction of social life.

The main condition is that design should be aimed at applying existing knowledge and acquiring new ones. (eg, when children build houses for their dolls, the educator puts forward the idea of ​​placing them side by side - a street appears. The street should have a name, houses - numbers. The teacher shows children letters and numbers - new knowledge is acquired.

The teacher helps children plan activities, organizes activities to solve the problem through experimentation, modeling. Organizes work on the project in stages: directs to finding solutions, experimenting, substantively - speech activity, productive, research. Provides practical assistance (if necessary). Parents of preschoolers can be involved in the implementation of the project. They will help the children collect and design materials. Competitions for the protection of projects should not be held among preschoolers. Good shape- festivals of projects, because the pursuit of quantity and prizes badly affects the very idea of ​​the project. In each project, you need to see and mark something good, create a situation of success for each child.

Thus, the project method is relevant and very effective. It gives the child the opportunity to experiment, synthesize the knowledge gained, develop creativity and communication skills, which allows him to successfully adapt to the changed situation of schooling.

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