Home indoor flowers Lev Vygotsky. Kind genius. Vygotsky Lev Semenovich

Lev Vygotsky. Kind genius. Vygotsky Lev Semenovich

Lev Semyonovich Vygotsky is called the "Mozart of psychology", and yet it can be said that this person came to psychology "from outside". Lev Semenovich did not have a special psychological education, and it is quite possible that this fact allowed him to take a fresh look, from a different point of view, at the problems facing psychological science. His largely innovative approach is due to the fact that he was not burdened by the traditions of empirical "academic" psychology.

Lev Semenovich Vygotsky was born on November 5, 1896 in the city of Orsha. A year later, the Vygotsky family moved to Gomel. It was in this city that Leo finished school and took his first steps in science. Even in his gymnasium years, Vygotsky read the book by A.A. Potebny's "Thought and Language", which aroused his interest in psychology - a field in which he was to become an outstanding researcher.

After graduating from school in 1913, he went to Moscow and entered two educational institutions at once - at the People's University at the Faculty of History and Philosophy at his own request and at the Moscow Imperial Institute at the Faculty of Law at the insistence of his parents.

Vygotsky was a passionate admirer of the theater and did not miss a single theatrical premiere. IN youth wrote literary-critical studies and articles in various literary magazines about the novels of A. Bely, D. Merezhkovsky.

After the 1917 revolution, which he accepted, Lev Semenovich leaves the capital back to his native Gomel, where he works as a literature teacher at school. Later he was invited to teach philosophy and logic at the Pedagogical College. Soon, within the walls of this technical school, Vygotsky created an experimental psychology office, on the basis of which he was actively engaged in research work.

In 1924, at the II All-Russian Congress on Psychoneurology, which was held in Leningrad, a young, unknown educator from a provincial town presented his first scientific work. His report contained sharp criticism of reflexology. This report was called "Methodology of reflexological and psychological research."

It pointed out the striking discrepancy between the classical method of educating a conditioned reflex and the task of a scientifically determined explanation of human behavior as a whole. Contemporaries noted that the content of Vygotsky's report was innovative, and it was presented simply brilliantly, which, in fact, attracted the attention of the most famous psychologists of that time, A.N. Leontiev and A. R. Luria.

A. Luria invited Vygotsky to the Moscow Institute of Experimental Psychology. From that moment on, Lev Semenovich became the leader and ideological inspirer of the legendary trio of psychologists: Vygotsky, Leontiev, Luria.

Vygotsky was most famous for the psychological theory he created, which became widely known under the name "Cultural-historical concept of the development of higher mental functions", the theoretical and empirical potential of which has not yet been exhausted. The essence of this concept is the synthesis of the doctrine of nature and the doctrine of culture. This theory presents an alternative to the existing behavioral theories and, above all, behaviorism.

According to Vygotsky, all mental functions given by nature (“natural”) over time are transformed into functions of a higher level of development (“cultural”): mechanical memory becomes logical, the associative flow of ideas becomes purposeful thinking or creative imagination, impulsive action becomes arbitrary, etc. .d. All these internal processes originate in the direct social contacts of the child with adults, and then are fixed in his mind.

Vygotsky wrote: "... Every function in the child's cultural development appears on the scene twice, on two planes, first socially, as an interapsychic category, then within the child, as an intrapsychic category."

The importance of this formula for research in the field of child psychology was that the spiritual development of the child was placed in a certain dependence on the organized influence of adults on him.

Vygotsky attempted to explain how the relationship of an organism with the external world forms its internal mental environment. He became convinced that both hereditary inclinations (heredity) and social factors influence the formation of the child's personality, his full development almost equally.

Lev Semenovich has many works devoted to the study mental development and patterns of personality formation in childhood, problems of teaching and teaching children at school. And not only normally developing children, but also children with various developmental anomalies.

It was Vygotsky who played the most prominent role in the development of the science of defectology. He created in Moscow a laboratory for the psychology of abnormal childhood, which later became an integral part of the Experimental Defectological Institute. He was one of the first among domestic psychologists who not only theoretically substantiated, but also confirmed in practice that any shortcoming in both psychological and physical development can be corrected, i.e. it can be compensated for by preserved functions and by long-term operation.

The main focus of the study psychological features Vygotsky made anomalous children for the mentally retarded and the deaf-blind. He could not, like many of his colleagues in the shop, pretend that such a problem did not exist. Since handicapped children live among us, every effort must be made to make them full members of society. Vygotsky considered it his duty, to the best of his ability and ability, to help such destitute children.

Another fundamental work of Vygotsky is The Psychology of Art. In it, he put forward a proposition about a special "psychology of form", that in art the form "disembodies the material." At the same time, the author rejected the formal method because of its inability to "reveal and explain the historically changing socio-psychological content of art." The desire to stay on the ground of psychology, on the “position of the reader who is under the influence of art,” Vygotsky argued that the latter is a means of transforming the personality, a tool that evokes in it “enormous and suppressed and constrained forces.” According to Vygotsky, art radically changes the affective sphere, which plays a very important role in the organization of behavior, socializes it.

On the last step In his scientific work, he took up the problems of thinking and speech and wrote the scientific work "Thinking and Speech". In this fundamental scientific work, the main idea is the inextricable connection that exists between thinking and speech.

Vygotsky first suggested, which he himself soon confirmed, that the level of development of thinking depends on the formation and development of speech. He revealed the interdependence of these two processes.

Vygotsky's scientific background provided one alternative. Instead of the dyad "consciousness-behavior", around which the thought of other psychologists revolved, the triad "consciousness-culture-behavior" becomes the focus of his search.

To our great regret, the long-term and rather fruitful work of L.S. Vygotsky, his numerous scientific works and developments, as often happens with talented people, especially in our country, were not appreciated. During the life of Lev Semenovich, his works were not allowed to be published in the USSR.

From the beginning of the 1930s a real persecution began against him, the authorities accused him of ideological perversions.

On June 11, 1934, after a long illness, at the age of 37, Lev Semenovich Vygotsky died.

Legacy of L.S. Vygotsky is about 200 scientific works, including the Collected Works in 6 volumes, treatise"Psychology of Art", works on the problems of the psychological development of a person from birth (experiences, crises) and the patterns of personality formation, its main properties and functions. He made a great contribution to the disclosure of the issue of the influence of the collective, society on the individual.

Undoubtedly, Lev Vygotsky had a significant impact on domestic and world psychology, as well as on related sciences - pedagogy, defectology, linguistics, art history, philosophy. The closest friend and student of Lev Semenovich Vygotsky, A. R. Luria, called him a genius and a great humanist of the 20th century.

The outstanding scientist Vygotsky Lev Semenovich, whose main works are included in the golden fund of world psychology, managed a lot in his short life. He laid the foundation for many subsequent trends in pedagogy and psychology, some of his ideas are still waiting to be developed. Psychologist Lev Vygotsky belonged to a galaxy of outstanding Russian scientists who combined erudition, brilliant rhetorical abilities and deep scientific knowledge.

Family and childhood

Lev Vygotsky, whose biography began in a prosperous Jewish family in the city of Orsha, was born on November 17, 1896. His surname at birth was Vygodsky, he changed the letter in 1923. The father's name was Simkh, but in the Russian manner he was called Semyon. Leo's parents were educated and wealthy people. Mom worked as a teacher, father was a merchant. In the family, Leo was the second of eight children.

In 1897, the Vygodskys moved to Gomel, where their father became a deputy bank manager. Leo's childhood was quite prosperous, his mother devoted all her time to children. The children of brother Vygodsky Sr. also grew up in the house, in particular brother David, who had a strong influence on Leo. The Vygodsky House was a kind of cultural center where the local intelligentsia gathered, cultural news and world events were discussed. Father was the founder of the first in the city public library children are used to reading from an early age. good books. Subsequently, several prominent philologists left the family, and in order to differ from his cousin, a representative of Russian formalism, Leo will change the letter in his surname.


For the children, a private teacher, Solomon Markovich Ashpiz, was invited to the Vygodsky family, known for his unusual pedagogical method based on Socrates' Dialogues. In addition, he adhered to progressive political views and was a member of the Social Democratic Party.

The lion was formed under the influence of the teacher, as well as brother David. From childhood he was fond of literature and philosophy. His favorite philosopher was Benedict Spinoza, and the scientist carried this hobby through his whole life. Lev Vygotsky studied at home, but later successfully passed the exam for the fifth grade of the gymnasium externally and went to the 6th grade of the Jewish male gymnasium, where he received his secondary education. Leo studied well, but continued to receive private lessons in Latin, Greek, Hebrew and English at home.

In 1913, he successfully passed the entrance exams to Moscow University for Faculty of Medicine. But pretty soon it is translated into legal. In 1916, he wrote many reviews of books by contemporary writers, articles on culture and history, and reflections on the "Jewish" question. In 1917, he decides to leave law and is transferred to the Faculty of History and Philology of the University. Shanyavsky, who graduates in a year.


After graduating from university, Lev Vygotsky faced the problem of finding a job. He is with his mother and younger brother first he goes to Samara in search of a place, then he goes to Kyiv, but in 1918 he returns to Gomel. Here he is connected to the construction of a new school, where he begins to teach with his older brother David. From 1919 to 1923 he worked in several educational institutions of Gomel, he also headed the department public education. This teaching experience became the basis for his first scientific research in the field of methods of influence on

He organically enters the pedological direction, progressive for that time, which united Vygotsky, creates an experimental laboratory at the Gomel Technical School, in which his pedagogical psychology is formed. Vygotsky Lev Semenovich actively speaks at conferences and becomes a prominent scientist in new sphere. After the death of the scientist, the works devoted to the problems of developing skills and teaching children will be combined in a book called "Pedagogical Psychology". It will contain articles on attention, aesthetic education, forms of studying the personality of the child and the psychology of the teacher.

First steps in science

While still studying at the university, Lev Vygotsky was fond of literary criticism, published several works on poetics. His work on the analysis of "Hamlet" by W. Shakespeare was a new word in literary analysis. However, systematic scientific activity Vygotsky begins to study in a different area - at the junction of pedagogy and psychology. His experimental laboratory carried out work that became a new word in pedology. Even then, Lev Semenovich was occupied mental processes and questions about the activities of the teacher. His works, presented at several scientific conferences, were bright and original, which allowed Vygotsky to become a psychologist.

Path in psychology

The first works of Vygotsky were connected with the problems of teaching abnormal children; these studies not only marked the beginning of the development of defectology, but also became a serious contribution to the study of higher mental functions and mental patterns. In 1923, at a congress on psychoneurology, a fateful meeting took place with the outstanding psychologist A. R. Luria. He was literally subdued by Vygotsky's report and became the initiator of Lev Semenovich's move to Moscow. In 1924, Vygotsky received an invitation to work at the Moscow Institute of Psychology. Thus began the brightest, but short period of his life.

The interests of the scientist were very diverse. He dealt with the problems of reflexology relevant at that time, made a significant contribution to the study of higher mental functions, and also did not forget about his first affection - about pedagogy. After the death of the scientist, a book will appear that unites his many years of research - "Psychology of Human Development". Vygotsky Lev Semenovich was a methodologist of psychology, and this book contains his fundamental reflections on the methods of psychology and diagnostics. Particularly important is the part devoted to the psychological crisis, of extreme interest are the 6 lectures of the scientist, in which he dwells on the main issues of general psychology. Vygotsky did not have time to deeply reveal his ideas, but became the founder of a number of areas in science.

Cultural-historical theory

A special place in Vygotsky's psychological concept is occupied by the cultural-historical theory of the development of the psyche. In 1928, he makes a bold statement for those times that the social environment is the main source of personality development. Vygotsky Lev Semenovich, whose works on pedology were distinguished by a special approach, rightly believed that the child goes through the stages of the formation of the psyche not only as a result of the implementation of biological programs, but also in the process of mastering "psychological tools": culture, language, counting system. Consciousness develops in cooperation and communication, so the role of culture in the formation of personality cannot be overestimated. Man, according to the psychologist, is an absolutely social being, and many mental functions cannot be formed outside of society.

"Psychology of Art"

Another important, milestone book for which Vygotsky Lev became famous is The Psychology of Art. It was published many years after the death of the author, but even then it made a huge impression on the scientific world. Researchers from different areas: psychology, linguistics, ethnology, art history, sociology. the main idea Vygotsky was that art is an important area for the development of many mental functions, and its emergence is due to natural course human evolution. Art is the most important factor survival of the human population, it does a lot important functions in society and the lives of individuals.

"Thinking and Speech"

Vygotsky Lev Semenovich, whose books are still extremely popular all over the world, did not have time to publish his main work. The book "Thinking and Speech" was a real revolution in the psychology of its time. In it, the scientist was able to express many ideas that were formulated and developed much later in cognitive science, psycholinguistics, social psychology. Vygotsky experimentally proved that human thinking is formed and developed exclusively in speech activity. At the same time, language and speech are also means of stimulating mental activity. He discovered the phasic nature of the formation of thinking and introduced the concept of "crisis", which is now used everywhere.

Scientist's contribution to science

Vygotsky Lev Semenovich, whose books today are mandatory reading for every psychologist, in his very short scientific life was able to make a significant contribution to the development of several sciences. His work became, among other studies, the impetus for the formation of psychoneurology, psycholinguistics, and cognitive psychology. His psyche lies at the base of the whole scientific school in psychology, which begins to develop most actively in the 21st century.

It is impossible to underestimate the contribution of Vygotsky to the development of Russian defectology, developmental and educational psychology. Many of his works are only today receiving their true assessment and development; in the history of Russian psychology, such a name as Lev Vygotsky now occupies an honorable place. The scientist's books are constantly reprinted today, his drafts and sketches are published, the analysis of which shows how powerful and original his ideas and plans were.

Vygotsky's students are the pride of Russian psychology, fruitfully developing his and their own ideas. In 2002, the scientist's book "Psychology" was published, in which his fundamental research in basic sections sciences such as general, social, clinical, and developmental psychology. Today, this textbook is the base for all universities in the country.

Personal life

Like any scientist, Vygotsky Lev Semenovich, for whom psychology has become a matter of life, most gave his time to work. But in Gomel he had a like-minded person, a bride, and later a wife - Roza Noevna Smekhova. The couple lived a short life together - only 10 years, but it was a happy marriage. The couple had two daughters: Gita and Asya. Both became scientists, Gita Lvovna - a psychologist and defectologist, Asya Lvovna - a biologist. The psychological dynasty was continued by the granddaughter of the scientist, Elena Evgenievna Kravtsova, who now heads the Institute of Psychology named after her grandfather.

End of the road

Back in the early 1920s, Lev Vygotsky fell ill with tuberculosis. He caused his death in 1934. The scientist continued to work until the end of his days and on the last day of his life he said: "I am ready." The last years of the psychologist's life were complicated by the gathering clouds around his work. Repressions and persecutions were approaching, so death allowed him to avoid arrest, and saved his relatives from reprisals.

, Moscow City People's University named after A.L. Shanyavsky

Notable students A. N. Leontiev, A. R. Luria, A. V. Zaporozhets, L. I. Bozhovich and others

Lev Semyonovich Vygotsky(name at birth - Lev Simkhovich Vygodsky; November 5, Orsha, Mogilev province - June 11, Moscow) - Soviet psychologist. Founder of the research tradition that has come to be known since the critical writings of the 1930s as "cultural-historical theory" in psychology. Author of literary publications, works on pedology and cognitive development of the child. A team of researchers known as the "Vygotsky-Luria circle" (also "Vygotsky circle") is named after him.

The current situation in the development of Vygotsky’s legacy in Russia and abroad is often characterized as the “cult of Vygotsky” (Vygotsky cult, the cult of Vygotsky, the cult of personality around Vygotsky): “Currently, in psychology there is a certain “cult of Vygotsky”, blind worship , rarely based on understanding and reading the works of this undeniably outstanding scientist. On the other hand, as a counterbalance to this cult, since the early 2000s, a “revisionist revolution in Vygotsk studies” has been going on all over the world.

Encyclopedic YouTube

    1 / 5

    ✪ Geniuses and villains Lev Vygotsky Non-classical psychologist

    ✪ LIFE STRATEGIES: Vygotsky Lev Semenovich

    ✪ Ideas L.S. Vygotsky and modern defectology

    ✪ S.N. Mareev - L.S. Vygotsky Part 1: The Problem of Method



Lev Simkhovich Vygodsky (changed his surname in 1923) was born on November 5 (17), 1896, in the city of Orsha, the second of eight children in the family of a graduate of the Kharkov Commercial Institute, merchant Simkha (Semyon) Lvovich Vygodsky (1869-1931) and his wife, teacher Tsili (Cecilia) Moiseevna Vygodskaya (1874-1935). A year later, the family moved to Gomel, where his father received the position of deputy manager of the local branch of the United Bank. The Vygodsky family was quite prosperous: together with other heirs of the late brother Semyon Lvovich Vygodsky, they owned a house in Gomel. The children were educated by a private teacher Sholom Mordukhovich (Solomon Markovich) Ashpiz (1876-after 1940), known for using the so-called Socratic dialogue method and participating in revolutionary activities as part of the Gomel Social Democratic organization. A significant influence on the future psychologist in childhood was also exerted by his cousin, later known literary critic and translator David Isaakovich Vygodsky (-). After the death of his father in 1897, David Vygodsky with his brother, sister and mother Dvosya Yakovlevna lived in the family of his uncle - Semyon Lvovich Vygodsky and was brought up together with his eight children. L. S. Vygodsky subsequently changed one letter in his surname in order to differ from the already famous D. I. Vygodsky.

Having received his primary education at home, L. S. Vygotsky passed the exams for 5 classes and entered the 6th grade of the state gymnasium, finished the last two classes at the private Jewish men's gymnasium A. E. Ratner. He continued to study Hebrew, Ancient Greek, Latin and English with private teachers, independently studied Esperanto. In 1913 he entered the medical faculty of Moscow University, but soon transferred to law. As a student, he wrote a two-hundred-page study "The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark by W. Shakespeare" (1916), which, upon graduation from the university, he presented as a thesis (published in 1968 as an appendix to the second edition of The Psychology of Art). In 1916, he published articles on literary topics in the New Way weekly devoted to Jewish life (in which he worked as a technical secretary): “M. Y. Lermontov (on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of his death)” and “Literary Notes (Petersburg, novel by Andrey Bely)”; also published in the "Chronicle" and "New World" published by Maxim Gorky. Until 1917, inclusive, he actively wrote on the topics of Jewish history and culture, expressing the rejection of anti-Semitism in Russian literature and a negative attitude towards the ideas of socialism and communism. In 1917, he dropped out of classes at the Faculty of Law of Moscow University and graduated from the Faculty of History and Philosophy of the University. Shanyavsky.

He also worked in a number of government, educational, medical and research organizations in Moscow, Leningrad, Kharkov and Tashkent. At the very beginning of 1934, Vygotsky was invited to the All-Union Institute of Experimental Medicine, which was being created at that time in Moscow, to organize a psychology sector in it. However, these plans were not destined to come true: Vygotsky was hospitalized in May and died on June 11, 1934 in Moscow from tuberculosis. He was buried at the Novodevichy Cemetery on June 13, 1934.

Chronology of the most important events of life and career

  • 1924, January - participation in the work of the II Psychoneurological Congress in Petrograd, moving from Gomel to Moscow, enrollment in graduate school and a position in Moscow (Director of the Institute - K.N. Kornilov)
  • 1924, July - the beginning of work as the head of the sub-department of the education of physically handicapped and mentally retarded children of the department of the Social and Legal Protection of Minors (SPON) (head of the department of SPON - S.S. Tizanov) of the Glavsotsvos under the People's Commissariat of Education of the RSFSR; dismissed from office in 1926 due to disability
  • 1924, November 26-December 1 - II Congress of the Social and Legal Protection of Minors (SPON), Moscow: at the congress, during the work of the mental retardation section, a turn to social education as a new direction in the development of Soviet defectology and special pedagogy; a collection of articles and materials was published under the editorship of L.S. Vygotsky "Issues of education of blind, deaf-mute and mentally retarded children"
  • 1925, May 9 - the birth of the first child: the daughter of Gita
  • 1925, summer - the first and only trip abroad: sent to London for a defectological conference; on the way to England, he passed through Germany, where he met with local psychologists
  • 1925 - dissertation defense Psychology arts. On November 5, 1925, due to illness, without protection, Vygotsky was awarded the title of senior researcher, equivalent to the modern degree of candidate of sciences, a contract for the publication Psychology of art was signed on November 9, 1925, but the book was never published during Vygotsky's lifetime
  • November 21, 1925 to May 22, 1926 - tuberculosis, hospitalization in the Zakharyino sanatorium-type hospital; on discharge from the hospital for medical reasons qualified as a disabled person until the end of the year
  • 1926 - throughout the year temporary disability due to disability caused by recovery from treatment for chronic tuberculosis; Vygotsky's first book, Pedagogical Psychology, was published; writes notes and essays that constituted an unfinished manuscript on the "crisis of psychology", subsequently, several decades later, after the author's death, published under the title The Historical Meaning of the Psychological Crisis
  • 1927 - from the beginning of the year (officially - from January 1, 1927) returns from disability, resumes work in and in a number of other institutions in Moscow and Leningrad
  • 1927, September 17 - the scientific and pedagogical section of the State Academic Council (GUS) approved Vygotsky as a professor
  • 1927, December 19 - appointed head of the Glavsotsvos of the People's Commissariat of Education of the RSFSR, remained in this position until October 1928 (dismissed of his own free will), since 1929 - freelance scientific consultant, head of psychological laboratories at the Experimental Defectological Institute (transformed Medical and Pedagogical Station )
  • 1927, December 28 - January 4, 1928 - First All-Russian Pedological Congress, Moscow; Vygotsky takes part in the work of the congress as co-editor of the section on difficult childhood (editors: L. S. Vygotsky and L. V. Zankov) of a collection of abstracts and reports, and also presents two reports: “The development of a difficult child and its study” (at the section on difficult childhood) and instrumental method in pedology” (at the research and methodological section); they are thematically adjoined, respectively, by Zankov’s reports “Principles of constructing integrated programs auxiliary school from a pedological point of view” and Luria “On the methodology of instrumental-psychological research”; first public presentation of "instrumental psychology" as research method and the first public application for independent scientific direction in psychology associated with the names of Vygotsky and Luria
  • 1928 - first publications in the spirit of independent psychological theory and based on the results of experimental studies using the "instrumental method": a series of journal articles was published in Russian and English and Vygotsky's second book, "Pedology of School Age"
  • 1928, December - conflict with the director of the Institute of Experimental Psychology (GIEP) K.N. Kornilov, Vygotsky submits a memorandum to the collective governing body of the institute, the Collegium of the Institute; Vygotsky continued to work at the Institute of Psychology as a teacher of psychology, but from the end of 1928 he research activities group Vygotsky-Luria folds in this organization, and experimental research is transferred to the Academy of Communist Education, to the department (laboratory) of psychology (head since 1924 - Luria)
  • April 1929 - Vygotsky lectures in Tashkent (returned to Moscow in early May of that year)
  • 1929, autumn - the first official work in the institution of the healthcare system of the RSFSR: Vygotsky was hired as an assistant (later: head of the psychological laboratory) of child psychoneurology and experimental psychology at the Clinic for Nervous Diseases 1 of Moscow State University (dismissed no later than March 1931)
  • 1929, September - IX International Psychological Congress at Yale University; Luria presented two reports, one of which was made on the basis of his many years of original research (using the so-called coupled motor method), and the other was co-authored with Vygotsky; Vygotsky himself did not take part in the work of the congress.
  • 1930 - the birth of a second child: daughter Asya; the third book is published (co-authored with Luria), “Etudes on the History of Behavior: Monkey. Primitive. Child" and Vygotsky's fourth book, in three parts (respectively, in 1929, 1930 and 1931), "Pedology of the Adolescent"
  • 1930, January 25-February 1 - First All-Union Congress for the Study of Human Behavior ("Behavioral Congress"), Leningrad; Vygotsky takes part in the work of the congress as a member of the presidium and co-editor of the materials of the congress on the section of pedology in the collection of abstracts and reports (other members of the presidium of the pedological section and co-editors: Basov M. Ya., Vygotsky L. S., Molozhaviy S. S. and Shchelovanov N. M.), and also presents three reports:
  • 1930, April 23-27 - At the VI International Conference on Psychotechnics in Barcelona, ​​the final report of L. S. Vygotsky "Le problème des fonctions intellectuelles supérieures dans le systeme des recherches psychotechniques" was read in absentia (the abstracts of the report were also published in Russian in 1930 year: "Problem higher intellectual functions in system psychotechnical research" in the journal Psychotechnics and psychophysiology labor); the first public presentation of the results of emiric research by the researchers of Krug Vygotsky and Luria as joint project to study " higher forms" and "cultural development" in the conditions of normal and abnormal development
  • 1930, summer - they move from Berlin to Soviet Union and former students of Kurt Levin Nina Kaulina and Gita Birenbaum begin to work in collaboration with the researchers of the Vygotsky-Luria Circle: the beginning of a full-scale revision of the research program and convergence of "instrumental" and "cultural-historical" psychology of Vygotsky with the German-American Gestaltist movement in psychology
  • 1930, October 9 - report on psychological systems, made at the Clinic of Nervous Diseases 1 of Moscow State University: the beginning was announced a new research program aimed at studying psychological systems ; actual refusal to study isolated "psychological functions"
  • 1931, January-February - the beginning of the first official work in the People's Commissariat of Health: by order of the People's Commissariat of Health of February 17, 1931, Vygotsky was hired as deputy director for scientific affairs
  • 1931, March 1 - from a researcher of the 1st category was transferred to full members (Director of the Institute - A.B. Zalkind)
  • 1931, spring-summer - early March: reactological discussion in State Institute psychology, pedology and psychotechnics; in the course of the discussion, Vygotsky and Luria publicly renounce "reactology" and the mechanism of the "instrumental period" of the 1920s; May-August: Luria's first psychological expedition to Central Asia(with absentee participation of Vygotsky); the third student of Kurt Levin Blum Zeigarnik moves from Berlin to Moscow and joins the Circle Vygotsky-Luria; Vygotsky entered the medical faculty of the Ukrainian Psychoneurological Academy in Kharkov, where he studied in absentia together with A.R. Luria
  • 1931, October 22 - father's death
  • 1932, March - report by Vygotsky at the Institute of Psychology, Pedology and Psychotechnics: the first public presentation of the research project and the project of the book "Thinking and Speech" (Director of the Institute - V.N. Kolbanovsky)
  • 1932, summer - the second psychological expedition of Luria to Central Asia (with the direct participation of Kurt Koffka and the absentee participation of Vygotsky)
  • 1932, December - report on consciousness in Moscow, formal divergence from Leontiev's group in Kharkov
  • 1933, April-May - Kurt Levin stops in Moscow on his way from the USA (through Japan), meetings with Vygotsky
  • 1934, January-February - Vygotsky receives an invitation and begins work on the creation of a specialized psychological department in (VIEM), in Moscow
  • 1934, May 9 - Vygotsky was transferred to bed rest
  • 1934, June 11 - death
  • 1934, December - publication of a posthumous collection of works of 1928-1934. titled "Thinking and Speech"

Places of work after 1924

  • (from 1924 - Researcher 2 ranks, since 1931 - full member),
  • (GINP) at LGPI and in (in 1927-1934),
  • Academy Communist Education named N. K. Krupskaya (AKV) (1929-1931),
  • Clinic of Nervous Diseases at the First Moscow State University (1st Moscow State University) (as an assistant, then head of the psychological laboratory; see Rossolimo, Grigory Ivanovich) (1929-1931)
  • Second Moscow State University (2nd Moscow State University) (1927-1930), and after the reorganization of the 2nd Moscow State University -
    • Moscow Pedagogical State University (MGPI named after A.S. Bubnov) (1930-1934; Head of the Department of Pedology of Difficult Childhood) and
    • (MGMI) (1930-1934; head of the department of general and age-related pedology);
    • (up to the liquidation of the institute in 1931)
  • at the Natural Science Section of the Komakademiya (member of the section from 17.03.1930: ARAN. F.350. Op.3. D.286. LL.235-237ob)
  • (from the beginning of 1931 in the position of deputy director of the institute for the scientific part)
  • (EDI named after M. S. Epstein) (1929-1934, scientific director of the research laboratory)

He also gave lecture courses at a number of educational institutions and research organizations in Moscow, Leningrad, Kharkov and Tashkent, for example, at the Central Asian State University (SAGU) (in April 1929).

Family and relatives

Khaya-Anna Semyonovna Vygodskaya (Havina, 1895 - June 6, 1936). Zinaida Semyonovna Vygodskaya (1898-1981), linguist, author of Russian-English and English-Russian dictionaries, translator. Esther (Esya) Semyonovna Vygodskaya (1899-1969). Claudia Semyonovna Vygodskaya (1904-1977), linguist, author of Russian-French and French-Russian dictionaries. Maria Semyonovna Vygodskaya (1907-1990) . David (presumably 1905-1918 or 1919). Gita Lvovna Vygodskaya (1925-2010) - psychologist and defectologist, candidate of psychological sciences, researcher, co-author of the biography “L. S. Vygotsky. Strokes for a portrait "(1996) (her daughter - Elena Evgenievna Kravtsova, Doctor of Psychology). Asya Lvovna Vygodskaya (1930-1985), candidate biological sciences, Researcher .
  • Cousin - David Isaakovich Vygodsky, poet, literary critic, translator (his wife is children's writer Emma Iosifovna Vygodskaya).

Scientific contribution

The formation of Vygotsky as a scientist coincided with the period of restructuring of Soviet psychology based on the methodology of Marxism, in which he took an active part. In search of methods for the objective study of complex forms of mental activity and personality behavior, Vygotsky subjected a number of philosophical and most contemporary psychological concepts to critical analysis (“The Meaning of the Psychological Crisis,” an unfinished manuscript), showing the futility of attempts to explain human behavior by reducing “higher” forms of behavior to "lower" elements.

Exploring speech thinking, Vygotsky solves the problem of localization of higher psychological functions as structural units of brain activity in a new way. Studying the development and decay of higher psychological functions on the basis of child psychology, defectology and psychiatry, Vygotsky comes to the conclusion that the structure of consciousness is a “dynamic semantic system” of affective, volitional and intellectual processes that are in unity.

Despite the fact that the designation "cultural-historical theory" is found only once in the texts of Vygotsky himself, this name subsequently took root among a number of scientists who positioned themselves as followers of Vygotsky. Since the beginning of the 21st century, there has been a historical analysis of missed opportunities in the original theory of Vygotsky, a revision of traditional assessments all over the world. creative heritage Vygotsky of the Soviet period and the development of new - originally conceived by the author, but subsequently forgotten or ignored in Soviet psychology of the 20th century - ways of its development at the present stage (see, for example). This intellectual movement has become widely known in a number of recent publications as the "revisionist revolution" in Vygotsk studies.

The doctrine of "higher psychological" processes

Throughout the whole decade of his scientific career as a psychologist (1924-34), Vygotsky always understood the meaning of his scientific work as the development of the doctrine of "higher psychological" processes, phenomena, functions, systems of functions, forms of behavior, etc. At the same time, he emphasized the importance of understanding these phenomena precisely as “higher psychological ones”: “Consciousness determines life (image), but it itself arises from life and forms its moment: ergo life determines life through consciousness. As soon as we tore thinking away from life (from dynamics) - we took it as a concept of the mental, and not the psychological - we closed off any way for us to clarify and explain its main property: to determine the way of life and behavior, to act, to influence. At the same time, Vygotsky emphasized the fundamental importance of distinguishing psychological And mental phenomena from the point of view of dialectical psychology and, in particular, his psychological theory:

Dialectical psychology ... does not confuse mental and physiological processes, it recognizes the irreducible qualitative originality of the psyche, it only asserts that psychological processes are one. Thus, we come to the recognition of unique psycho-physiological unified processes representing the highest forms of human behavior, which we propose to call psychological processes, in contrast to mental processes and by analogy with what is called physiological processes.

Moreover, in his works, published during the life of their author, Vygotsky never used the expression "higher mental”to describe the phenomena that his psychological theory described and studied. However, immediately after his death, Vygotsky's texts began to be systematically edited in preparation for publication, which ultimately led to systemic falsification of his scientific heritage in post-war publications of Vygotsky's works throughout the entire Soviet period of the 1950s-1980s.

Cultural-historical theory

The most striking expression of the posthumous falsification of Vygotsky's legacy is presented in Vygotsky's so-called "cultural-historical" theory. In an unfinished and untitled manuscript of a work published in a distorted form in 1960 under the title "History of the Development of Higher Mental Functions" (the title is given by the first words of the text, the work on the manuscript was completed no later than ) and presented as the main theoretical work of this author, an extended presentation of the cultural-historical theory of the development of the psyche, according to which it is necessary to distinguish between lower and higher psychological functions, and, accordingly, two plans of behavior - natural, natural (result biological evolution animal world) and cultural, socio-historical (result historical development society), merged in the development of the psyche.

The hypothesis put forward by Vygotsky offered a new solution to the problem of the relationship between lower (elementary) and higher psychological functions. The main difference between them lies in the level of arbitrariness, that is, natural psychological processes cannot be regulated by a person, and people can consciously control the higher psychological functions. Vygotsky came to the conclusion that conscious regulation is associated with the mediated nature of higher psychological functions. Between the influencing stimulus and the human reaction (both behavioral and mental) there is an additional connection through the mediating link - stimulus-means, or sign.

The most convincing model of mediated activity, which characterizes the manifestation and implementation of higher psychological functions, is the “situation of Buridan's donkey”. This classical situation of uncertainty, or a problematic situation (the choice between two equal possibilities), interests Vygotsky primarily from the point of view of the means that make it possible to transform (solve) the situation that has arisen. By casting lots, a person "artificially introduces into the situation, changing it, new auxiliary stimuli that are not connected with it in any way." Thus, the cast die becomes, according to Vygotsky, a means of transforming and resolving the situation.

He noted that the operation of throwing lots reveals a new and peculiar structure, so the person himself creates stimuli that determine his reactions, and uses these stimuli as a means to master the processes of his own behavior.

Developing a method for studying higher psychological functions, Vygotsky is guided by the principle of “manifestation of the great in the smallest” and, in addition to casting lots, analyzes such phenomena as “tying a knot in memory” and counting on fingers.

In the last years of his life, Vygotsky paid most of his attention to the study of the relationship between thought and word in the structure of consciousness. His work Thinking and Speech (1934), dedicated to research this problem is fundamental for domestic psycholinguistics. In this work, Vygotsky points out the different genesis of the development of thinking and speech in phylogenesis, and that the relationship between them is not a constant value. In phylogenesis, a pre-speech phase of intellect is found, as well as a pre-intellectual phase of the development of speech itself. But in the process of ontogenetic development, at some point, thinking and speech intersect, after which thinking becomes speech, and speech becomes intellectual.

Inner speech, according to Vygotsky, develops through the accumulation of long-term functional and structural changes. It branches off from the external speech of the child along with the differentiation of the social and egocentric functions of speech, and finally, the speech functions acquired by the child become the main functions of his thinking.

Developmental and educational psychology

In the works of Vygotsky, the problem of the relationship between the role of maturation and learning in the development of higher mental functions of the child is considered in detail. Thus, he formulated the most important principle, according to which the preservation and timely maturation of brain structures is a necessary but not sufficient condition for the development of higher mental functions. The main source for this development is the changing social environment, to describe which Vygotsky introduced the term social development situation, defined as "a peculiar, specific for a given age, exclusive, unique and inimitable relationship between a child and the reality surrounding him, primarily social". It is this attitude that determines the course of development of the child's psyche at a certain age stage.

L. S. Vygotsky noted that culture creates special forms of behavior and modifies the activity of the mental function. In this regard, the concept of the cultural development of the child is explained by him as a process corresponding to the mental development that took place in the process of the historical development of mankind. Both types of mental development are repeated in the development of the child: biological and historical. In other words, these two types of development are in dialectical unity.

Revisionist movement in Vygotsk studies

The current state of affairs in critical international Vygotsk studies of the 21st century is characterized as overcoming the "cult of Vygotsky" and a "revisionist revolution in Vygotsk studies". Criticism of various interpretations of Vygotsky began as early as the 1970s both in the Soviet Union and abroad: in the 1980s-1990s, and especially in the 21st century. The number of critical publications has steadily increased all this time up to the present day, and only recently, in the 2000s, did it finally take shape during the “revisionist revolution” in Vygotsk studies. Both the quality of the translations of Vygotsky and numerous members of the Vygotsky circle and the authenticity of his texts published in the Soviet Union in Russian are subject to revision. All this critical literature makes a great contribution to the reassessment of the historical role and theoretical legacy of Vygotsky in the context of modern science as well. The revisionist movement includes scholars from Brazil, Britain, Germany, Greece, Israel, Canada, Korea, the Netherlands, Russia and South Africa and is growing rapidly. A whole series of revisionist publications has taken place recently in Questions of Psychology and PsyAnima, Dubna Psychological Journal.

Complete Works of Vygotsky

An essential component of the revisionist movement in Vygotsk studies is the work on a voluntary, non-profit research and publishing project " PsyAnima Complete Works of Vygotsky PsyAnima Complete Vygotsky" project), during which a number of Vygotsky's texts for the first time become freely available to a wide range of readers, and in a form freed from censorship, editorial interventions, distortions and falsifications in posthumous Soviet editions of a later time. This publishing-editing work is underpinned by a stream of critical research and scientific publications on questions of textual criticism, history, theory and methodology of the psychological theory of Vygotsky and members of the Vygotsky-Luria circle.


  • Facsimile editions published and available free of charge as part of the non-commercial publishing project PsyAnima Complete collection works Vygotsky
  • L. S. Vygotsky Institute of Psychology, Russian State University for the Humanities
  • Gomel State Pedagogical College named after L. S. Vygotsky
  • In honor of L. S. Vygotsky, a street in the Novinki microdistrict in Minsk and a lane in the center of Moscow were named (2015).
  • Monument to Vygotsky in the building of humanities faculties

He is not the author of methods, but his theoretical developments and observations formed the basis of the practical systems of well-known teachers (for example, Elkonin). The studies begun by Vygotsky were continued by his students and followers, giving them practical application. His ideas are especially relevant now.

Biography of L.S. Vygotsky

L.S. Vygotsky was born on November 17, 1896 in Orsha, the second child in a large family of a bank employee. In 1897, the family moved to Gomel, where it became a kind of cultural center (her father was the founder of the public library).

Leo was a gifted boy and was educated at home. Since 1912, he completed his studies at a private gymnasium.

In 1914, after graduating from the gymnasium, Vygotsky entered the Faculty of Medicine at Moscow State University, and a month later he transferred to the Faculty of Law and graduated from it in 1917. At the same time, he received an education at the Faculty of History and Philology of Shanyavsky University.

In 1917, with the beginning of the revolution, the young man returned to Gomel. The Gomel period lasted until 1924 and was the beginning of his psychological and pedagogical activity. Here he marries and has a daughter.

At first he gave private lessons, then he taught a course in philology and logic at various schools in the city, and took an active part in the formation of a new type of school. He also taught philology at a pedagogical college, where he created a consulting room for psychology. Here Vygotsky began his psychological research.

In 1920 Lev contracted tuberculosis from his brother, who died.

In 1924 he was invited to the Moscow Institute of Experimental Psychology. From that moment began the Moscow period of the scientist's family.

In 1924 - 1925. Vygotsky created his own cultural-historical psychological school on the basis of the institute. He began to get involved in working with special children. Continuing psychological research, he simultaneously worked in the People's Commissar of Education, where he proved himself to be a talented organizer.

Through his efforts, in 1926, an experimental defectological institute was created (now the institute correctional pedagogy). He led it until the end of his life. Vygotsky continues to write and publish books. Periodically, the disease put him out of action. In 1926 there was a very severe outbreak.

From 1927 - 1931 the scientist published works on the problems of cultural and historical psychology. In the same years, he began to be accused of retreating from Marxism. It became dangerous to study psychology, and Vygovsky gave himself up to pedology.

The disease periodically worsened, and in 1934 Lev Semenovich died in Moscow.

The main areas of Vygotsky's research

Vygotsky was, first of all, a psychologist. He chose for himself the following areas of research:

  • comparison of adults and children;
  • comparison modern man and ancient;
  • comparison of normal personality development with pathological behavioral deviations.

The scientist compiled a program that determined his path in psychology: to look for an explanation of internal mental processes outside the body, in its interaction with the environment. The scientist believed that these mental processes can be understood only in development. And the most intensive development of the psyche occurs in children.

So Vygotsky came to in-depth study child psychology. He studied the patterns of development of ordinary children and abnormal ones. In the process of research, the scientist came to study not only the process of child development, but also his upbringing. And since pedagogy is the study of education, Vygotsky began research in this direction as well.

He believed that any teacher should build his work based on psychological science. So he connected psychology with pedagogy. A little later, a separate science in social pedagogy emerged - psychological pedagogy.

Being engaged in pedagogy, the scientist became interested new science pedology (knowledge about the child from the point of view of various sciences) and became the main pedologist of the country.

He put forward ideas that revealed the laws of the cultural development of the individual, his mental functions (speech, attention, thinking), explained the internal mental processes of the child, his relationship with the environment.

His ideas on defectology marked the beginning of correctional pedagogy, which began to practically help special children.

Vygotsky did not develop methods for the upbringing and development of children, but his concepts of the correct organization of education and upbringing became the basis of many developmental programs and systems. Research, ideas, hypotheses and concepts of the scientist were far ahead of their time.

The principles of raising children according to Vygotsky

The scientist believed that education does not consist in adapting the child to environment, but in the formation of a personality that goes beyond this environment, as if looking forward. At the same time, the child does not need to be educated from the outside, he must educate himself.

This is possible with the right organization of the educational process. Only the personal activity of the child can become the basis of education.

The educator should be only an observer, correctly direct and regulate independent activity child at the right time.

Thus, education becomes an active process from three sides:

  • the child is active (he performs an independent action);
  • the educator is active (he observes and helps);
  • the environment between the child and the caregiver is active.

Education is closely related to learning. Both processes are collective activity. The structure of the new labor school created by Vygotsky and his students is based on the principles of the collective process of upbringing and education.

Unified Labor School

It was the prototype of a democratic school based on a creative, dynamic pedagogy of cooperation. It was ahead of its time, it was imperfect, it made mistakes, but at the same time it functioned successfully.

Vygotsky's ideas were brought to life by the teachers Blonsky, Wenzel, Shatsky and others.

On the basis of the school, the pedological theory was tested:

  • offices of psychological and pedological diagnostics worked;
  • constant medical and psychological control was carried out;
  • classes were created according to the pedological age of the child.

Such a school existed until 1936, until it began to be attacked. Soviet power. The school has been converted into a regular school.

The very idea of ​​pedology was perverted, and it fell into oblivion. Pedology and the idea of ​​a labor school received a second life in the 1990s. with the collapse of the USSR. Unified Labor School in modern understanding is a democratic school, very relevant to today's education.

Development and upbringing of special children

Vygotsky developed new theory abnormal development of the child, on which defectology is now based and all practical correctional pedagogy is built. The purpose of this theory is the socialization of special children with a defect, and not the study of the defect itself. It was a revolution in defectology.

He connected special correctional pedagogy with the pedagogy of a normal child. He believed that the personality of a special child is formed in the same way as in ordinary children. It is enough to socially rehabilitate an abnormal child, and his development will go along the usual course.

His social pedagogy was supposed to help the child remove the negative social layers caused by the defect. The defect itself is not the cause of the abnormal development of the child, it is only a consequence of improper socialization.

The starting point in the rehabilitation of special children should be an unaffected state of the body. "Based on what is healthy and positive, one should work with the child," Vygotsky.

By launching rehabilitation, you can also launch the compensatory capabilities of the organism of a special child. The idea of ​​the zone of proximal development has become very effective in restoring the normal development of special children.

Zone of proximal development theory

The zone of proximal development is the "distance" between the level of the current and possible development child.

  • Level of actual development is the development of the child's psyche this moment(what tasks can be performed independently).
  • Zone of Proximal Development- this is the future development of the personality (actions that are performed with the help of an adult).

This is based on the assumption that the child, learning some elementary action, simultaneously masters the general principle of this action. Firstly, this action itself has already a wider application than its element. Secondly, having mastered the principle of action, you can apply it to perform another element.

This will be an easier process. There is development in the learning process.

But education is not identical with development: education does not always push development, on the contrary, it can become a brake if you rely only on what the child can do, and the level of his possible development is not taken into account.

Learning becomes developmental if you focus on what the child can learn from previous experience.

The size of the zone of proximal development varies from child to child.

It depends:

  • from the needs of the child;
  • from its possibilities;
  • from the readiness of parents and teachers to assist in the development of the child.

Merits of Vygotsky in pedology

At the beginning of the 20th century, pedagogical psychology appeared, which was based on the fact that education and upbringing depend on the psyche of a particular child.

The new science did not solve many problems of pedagogy. The alternative was pedology - a complex science of complete age development child. The center of study in it is the child from the point of view of biology, psychology, sociology, anthropology, pediatrics, and pedagogy. The hot problem of pedology was the socialization of the child.

It was believed that the development of the child goes from the individual mental world to the outside world (socialization). Vygotsky was the first to put forward the postulate that the social and individual development of the child do not oppose each other. They are simply two different forms of the same mental function.

He believed that the social environment is the source of personality development. The child absorbs (makes internal) those activities that came to him from the outside (were external). These activities were originally enshrined in public forms culture. The child adopts them by seeing how other people perform these actions.

Those. external social and objective activity passes into the internal structures of the psyche (internalization), and through the general social-symbolic activity (including through speech) of adults and children, the basis of the child's psyche is formed.

Vygotsky formulated the basic law of cultural development:

In the development of a child, any function appears twice - first in social aspect, and then in the psychological (that is, at first it is external, and then it becomes internal).

Vygotsky believed that this law determines the development of attention, memory, thinking, speech, emotions, and will.

The impact of communication on the upbringing of a child

The child quickly develops and masters the world around him if he communicates with an adult. At the same time, the adult himself should be interested in communication. It is very important to encourage verbal communication child.

Speech is a sign system that arose in the process of the socio-historical development of man. She is able to transform childish thinking helps to solve problems and form concepts. At an early age, words with a purely emotional meaning are used in a child's speech.

With the growth and development of children, words of a specific meaning appear in speech. In older adolescence, the child begins to designate words and abstract concepts. Thus, speech (word) changes the mental functions of children.

The mental development of the child is initially controlled by communication with an adult (through speech). Then this process passes into the internal structures of the psyche, inner speech appears.

Criticism of Vygotsky's ideas

Vygotsky's research and ideas on psychological pedagogy were subjected to the most violent condemnation.

His concept of learning, based on the zone of proximal development, is fraught with the danger that you can push forward a child who does not have sufficient potential. This can drastically slow down a child's development.

This is partly confirmed by the now fashionable trend: parents strive to develop their babies as much as possible, without taking into account their abilities and potential. This dramatically affects the health and psyche of children, reduces the motivation for further education.

Another controversial concept: systematically helping the child to perform actions that he did not master on his own, you can deprive the child of independent thinking.

The spread and popularity of Vygotsky's ideas

After the death of Lev Semenovich, his works were forgotten and did not receive distribution. However, since 1960, pedagogy and psychology have rediscovered Vygotsky, revealing many positive aspects in it.

His idea of ​​the zone of proximal development helped assess the potential for learning and proved to be fruitful. Her outlook is optimistic. The concept of defectology has become very useful for correcting the development and education of special children.

Many schools have adopted Vygotsky's definitions of age norms. With the advent of new sciences (valeology, correctional pedagogy, a new reading of the previously perverted pedology), the ideas of the scientist became very relevant and fit into the concept of modern education, the new democratic school.

Many of Vygotsky's ideas are being popularized in our country and abroad today.

Michael Cole and Jerome Bruner included them in their developmental theories.

Rom Harre and John Shotter considered Vygotsky the founder of social psychology and continued his research.

In the 90s. Valsiner and Barbara Rogoff deepened developmental psychology based on Vygotian ideas.

Vygotsky's students were prominent domestic psychologists, including Elkonin, who also dealt with the problems of child development. Together with teachers, based on the ideas of Vygotsky, he created an effective developmental program for Elkonin-Davydov-Repkin.

It teaches mathematics and language according to a special system, it is approved by the state and is now widely used in schools.

In addition, there are still many talented hypotheses and unrealized ideas of Vygotsky, which are waiting in the wings.

Treasury of works of the scientist. Bibliography

Lev Semenovich Vygotsky wrote over 190 works. Not all of them were published during his lifetime.

Vygotsky's books on pedagogy and psychology:

  • "Thinking and Speech" (1924)
  • "Instrumental method in pedology" (1928)
  • "The problem of the cultural development of the child" (1928)
  • "Instrumental Method in Psychology" (1930)
  • "Tool and sign in the development of the child" (1931)
  • "Pedology of school age" (1928)
  • "Pedology of adolescence" (1929)
  • "Pedology of a teenager" (1930-1931)

Main publications:

1. Pedagogical psychology. - M: Education worker, 1926

2. Pedology of a teenager. - M: Moscow State University, 1930

3. The main currents of modern psychology. - M + Leningrad: Gosizdat, 1930

4. Etudes on the history of behavior. Monkey. Primitive. Child. - M + Leningrad: Gosizdat, 1930

5. Imagination and creativity in childhood. - M + Leningrad: Gosizdat, 1930

6. Thinking and speech. - M + Leningrad: Sotsgiz, 1934

7. Mental development children in the learning process. - M: State education teacher, 1935

8. Diagnostics of development and pedological clinic of difficult childhood. - M: Experiment, defectol. in-t im. M. S. Epstein, 1936

9. Thinking and speech. Problems of psychological development of the child. Selected Pedagogical Studies. - M: APN, 1956

10. Development of higher mental functions. - M: APN, 1960

11. Psychology of art. Art. - M, 1965

12. Structural psychology. - M: MGU, 1972

13. Collected works in 6 volumes:

vol. 1: Questions of the theory and history of psychology;

vol. 2: Problems of general psychology;

v. 3: Problems of the development of the psyche;

v. 4: Child psychology;

vol. 5: Fundamentals of defectology;

vol. 6: Scientific heritage.

M: Pedagogy, 1982-1984

14. Problems of defectology. - M: Enlightenment, 1995

15. Lectures on pedology 1933-1934 - Izhevsk: Udmurt University, 1996

16. Vygotsky. [Sat. texts.] - M: Amonashvili, 1996

Questions of theory and history of psychology.

The first volume includes a number of works by the outstanding Soviet psychologist L. S. Vygotsky, devoted to the methodological foundations scientific psychology and analyzing the history of the development of psychological thought in our country and abroad. This also includes the work The Historical Meaning of the Psychological Crisis, published for the first time, which is, as it were, a synthesis of Vygotsky's ideas concerning a special methodology of psychological cognition.

Collected Works in 6 volumes. Volume 2. Problems of General Psychology

In the second volume of the Collected Works of L.S. Vygotsky included works containing the main psychological ideas of the author. This includes the well-known monograph "Thinking and Speech", which represents the result of Vygotsky's work. The volume also includes lectures on psychology.

This volume directly continues and develops the range of ideas presented in the first volume of the Collected Works.

Collected Works in 6 volumes. Volume 3. Problems of the development of the psyche

The third volume includes the main theoretical study of L.S. Vygotsky on the problems of the development of higher mental functions. The volume consists of both previously published and new material. The author considers the development of higher psychological functions (attention, memory, thinking, speech, arithmetic operations, higher forms of volitional behavior; the child's personality and worldview) as the transition of "natural" functions into "cultural" ones, which occurs in the course of a child's communication with an adult on the basis of mediation. these functions by speech and other sign structures.

Collected Works in 6 volumes. Volume 4. Child psychology

In addition to the monograph “Pedology of the Adolescent”, known from the previous publication, the volume includes chapters published for the first time from the works “Problems of Age”, “ Infant age", as well as a number of special articles.

Collected Works in 6 volumes. Volume 4. Part 2. The problem of age

The volume is devoted to the main problems of child psychology: general issues of periodization of childhood, the transition from one age period to another, the characteristic features of development in certain periods of childhood, etc.

In addition to the monograph “Pedology of the Adolescent”, known from the previous publication, the volume includes chapters published for the first time from the works “Problems of Age”, “Infancy”.

Collected Works in 6 volumes. Volume 6. Scientific heritage

The volume included previously unpublished works: “The Teaching of Emotions (The Teaching of Descartes and Spinoza on Passions)”, which is a theoretical and historical study of a number of philosophical, psychological and physiological concepts about the patterns and neuromechanisms of a person’s emotional life; “Tool and sign in the development of the child”, covering the problems of the formation of practical intelligence, the role of speech in tool actions, the functions of sign operations in the organization of mental processes.

A detailed bibliography of the works of L. S. Vygotsky, as well as literature about him, is presented.

Imagination and creativity in childhood

Psychological and pedagogical foundations for the development of children's creative imagination are considered. First published in 1930 and republished by Enlightenment in 1967, this work has not lost its relevance and practical value.

The book is provided with a special afterword, which assesses the works of L.S. Vygotsky c. areas of children's creativity.

Thinking and speech

The classic work of Lev Semenovich Vygotsky occupies a special place in the series on psycholinguistics. This is the work by which psycholinguistic science itself was actually founded, although even its name was not yet known. This edition of Thought and Speech offers the most authentic version of the text, untouched by later editorial revisions.

The main currents of modern psychology

The authors of the collection present and develop views on the psychology of the victorious clan of anti-mechanists in Soviet philosophy and openly support the positions of A.M. Deborin, who monopolized the study of philosophy in the country for almost the entire 1930.

Nevertheless, already at the end of 1930, Deborin and his group were criticized for "Menshevik idealism" and were removed from the leadership of philosophy in the country. As a result of this critique and a two-front campaign against mechanism (left inflection) and "Menshevik idealism" (right inflection), this publication has become inaccessible and rare.

Fundamentals of defectology

The book includes published in the 20-30-ies. works devoted to theoretical and practical issues of defectology: monograph " General issues defectology", a number of articles, reports and speeches. Children with visual impairments, hearing impairments, etc. can and should be educated in such a way that they feel full and active members of society - this is the leading idea of ​​the works of L. S. Vygotsky.

Pedagogical psychology

The book contains the main scientific provisions of the largest Russian psychologist Lev Semenovich Vygotsky (1896-1934), concerning the connection of psychology with pedagogy, education in children of attention, thinking, emotions.

It deals with the psychological and pedagogical problems of labor and aesthetic education schoolchildren, taking into account their giftedness and individual features in the process of education and upbringing. Particular attention is paid to the study of the personality of schoolchildren and the role of psychological knowledge in teacher work.

The problem of cultural development of the child

In the process of its development, the child learns not only the content of cultural experience, but the methods and forms of cultural behavior, cultural ways of thinking. In the development of the child's behavior, therefore, two main lines must be distinguished. One is the line of natural development of behavior, closely connected with the processes of general organic growth and maturation of the child. The other is the line of cultural improvement of psychological functions, development of new ways of thinking, mastery of cultural means of behavior.

So, for example, an older child may remember better and more than a younger child for two very different reasons. Memory processes done during this period notable development, they have risen to a higher level, but which of the two lines this development of memory proceeded can only be revealed with the help of psychological analysis.


The book contains all the main works of the outstanding Russian scientist, one of the most authoritative and well-known psychologists, Lev Semenovich Vygotsky.

The structural construction of the book is made taking into account the program requirements for the courses "General Psychology" and "Age Psychology" of the psychological faculties of universities. For students, teachers and all those interested in psychology.

Psychology of art

The book of the outstanding Soviet scientist L. S. Vygotsky "The Psychology of Art" was published in the first edition in 1965, the second - in 1968 and won universal recognition. In it, the author summarizes his work of 1915-1922 and at the same time prepares those new psychological ideas that constituted Vygotsky's main contribution to science. "Psychology of Art" is one of the fundamental works characterizing the development of Soviet theory and art.

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