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Categories of libraries. Service in rural libraries. Current state and development prospects

The concept and features of public (public) libraries, their types: state, municipal, confessional (religious), cooperative, etc. The main categories of library users. Principles of organizing the activities of public libraries.

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5.5. The procedure for using interlibrary loan (IBA).

5.6. Preferential Service

1.1. Terms of use of the Scientific Library of the South Ural state university(national research university) (hereinafter referred to as the library) are a document regulating the relationship between users and the library of the head university. The relationship between users and libraries of the university branches is regulated by separate Rules.

1.2. Rules for using the library:

- determine groups of individuals who are users of the library;

- determine the procedure for access to the information resources of the library, the types of services and the conditions for their provision to various groups of users;

- regulate the rights, duties, responsibilities of users and libraries.

1.3. The document giving the right to use the library is a library card with a bar code - the reader's identifier in the automated library information system(ABIS).

- For students of part-time and part-time forms of study, such documents are a student card with a library user's bar code printed on the back and a record book.

- For students with academic debts, without extended student and reader's cards, the document giving the right to service only in the reading rooms is a record book and a certificate from the dean's office.

1.4. Users of the National Library of the University acknowledge the accuracy of information about ordered, received, extended and handed over editions stored in the electronic form of the ABIS user

2. Categories (groups) of library users

2.1. Users are employees and students of the university, as well as other persons registered in the library as users.

2.2. All library users are divided into the following groups:

- Group A users:

§ basic university students;

§ full-time graduate students;

§ doctoral students;

§ teachers and employees enrolled in the staff of the base university (professional and teaching staff of departments and educational support staff);

§ university veterans.

- Group B users:

§ graduate students of the correspondence department;

§ employees of the services of the host university, not associated with educational process;

§ students of university branches;

§ teachers and employees of the university branches;

§ teachers and employees of secondary specialized educational institutions and general education schools who have entered into an agreement with the university;

§ applicants degree(in accordance with agreement);

§ university students;

- Group C users:

§ teachers and staff working at the university part-time;

§ other persons (individuals and legal entities) who are not employees and students of the university and are registered as users;

3. Rights, duties and responsibilities of library users

3.1. Users of all categories and groups have the right to:

- receive high-quality, efficient and comfortable library services.

- use services wireless internet ( Wi-Fi)

- express in writing and orally their opinions, comments, suggestions about the work of the library, ask questions about the organization of services and receive answers and explanations, including on the "Guestbook" page web -library website

- appeal against the illegal actions of library officials that infringe on their rights with higher managers

3.2. Group A users have the right to access the entire range of library information and services of the library, are served on subscriptions, in reading rooms, on an interlibrary loan (IBA). This group of users is issued a permanent library card. Its validity period is set in accordance with the period of work or study of the user at the university, but not more than one academic year.

- students absentee form studies related to group A, have the right to receive documents at home only on the subscription of students of correspondence courses.

3.3. Group B users have the right to partially limited access to the main services of the National Library of the University and full access to additional services and are served in the reading rooms only. This group of users is issued a temporary library card. Its validity period is set depending on the purpose of visiting the National Library of the University from one day to a year. The validity of a temporary library card can be extended.

- Faculty, staff, graduate students and students of the university branches have the right to use the services of the IBA and Electronic Document Delivery (EDD).

3.4. Group C users have the right to be served only in the reading room "Professorsky" on a paid basis. This group is issued a temporary paid library card. The term of its validity is set depending on the period of registration of the user in the National Library of the University.

3.5. Library users are required to:

- comply with the Rules for Using the SUSU Scientific Library.

- not to transfer the library card to another person, and also not to use other people's library cards.

- immediately report the loss (theft, etc.) of a library card to the registration and accounting department of library users.

- take care of the publications taken from the National Library of the University: do not make notes, underline them, do not tear out or bend the pages, etc.

- carefully review the received publications and, if defects are found, report this to the librarian.

- do not remove books or other publications from reading rooms and subscriptions without registration in the electronic user form, or without the special permission of the librarian.

- return publications within the terms established by the Terms of Use.

- in case of expulsion or dismissal from the university, return all publications attributed to the user, return the library card or its duplicate and sign the section of the bypass sheet relating to the NL of the university.

- Present your library card at the entrance to the National Library of the University.

- when visiting the National Library of the University to take outerwear to the wardrobe.

- when visiting reading rooms with open access to funds, leave bags, briefcases, bags, etc. in the cloakroom.

- observe silence and order during visits to the library and work in its divisions.

- not to use cell phones in the premises of reading rooms and subscriptions.

- prevent damage to furniture, equipment, appliances, interior elements, information and navigation systems of the National Library of the University.

3.6. Users of all groups are responsible for:

- for damage caused to the library on the basis of Articles 9 and 13 of the Federal Law "On Library Science" (1994);

- in cases stipulated by the current legislation and these Rules.

3.7. Users of all groups can be held liable:

- for non-compliance with these Rules - in the form of a warning, which is recorded in the library card, and also entered into the user's electronic form. A user who has received 1-2 warnings during the entire period of using the library may be deprived of the right to use its resources and services for a period of 2 weeks to 3 months. A user who has received 3 or more warnings may be deprived of the right to use the library;

- for the loss, damage of a library card - in the form of compensation for the damage caused in the amount of the cost of a library card with a bar code or a lost bar code;

- for damage to bar codes printed on copies of publications - in the form of compensation for the damage caused in the amount of the established cost for 1 damaged bar code of the publication;

- for damage to publications provided by the National Library of the University for temporary use (marking, underlining, tearing out and bending pages) - in the form of deprivation of the right to use the National Library of the University for a period of 2 weeks to 6 months. Torn pages are restored by the user by copying pages of a similar edition. Responsibility for damage to publications is borne by the person who used the last edition (according to the electronic record of the history of the issuance of this copy in ABIS) and did not declare defects when issuing this publication to him;

- for the loss of publications provided by the National Library of the University for temporary use - in the form of replacing them with the same publications or publications recognized by the National Library of the University as equivalent in content. In case of impossibility of replacement, the user shall reimburse the NB of the university, in the form of compensation for the damage caused, cash in the amount of 5 times the book value of the lost edition, which is the only copy or rare book and 3 times the book value for all other editions;

- - for violation of the terms of use of publications - in the amount of the cost of excess use of the publication, determined by clause 2 of the Price approved by the Rector of SUSU.

- for damage to machinery, equipment and furniture in the premises of the National Library of the University in the form of compensation for the damage caused in the amount of the cost of repair and restoration work.

4. Rights, duties and responsibilities of the library
user service

4.1. The National Library of the University is obliged to:

- create conditions for the exercise of the rights of users to Free access to information and documents from the funds of the National Library of the University;

- improve the quality of user service by expanding the range of library, information and service services, ensuring the completeness and efficiency of their provision;

- provide all user groups, in accordance with their rights in relation to library services, free access to its library, bibliographic and information resources and services, incl. service;

- inform users about all types of resources and services provided by NL University;

- improve library and information-bibliographic services for users by introducing new library and information technologies;

- in the absence of the necessary publications in the collections of the National Library of the University, request them by interlibrary loan from other libraries;

- carry out constant monitoring of the return of books, materials and documents to the library;

- disseminate among the university community information about the events, services and services of the National Library of the university;

- create and maintain comfortable conditions for the work of users;

- systematically provide users with information about the activities of the National Library of the University.

4.2. The National Library of the University has the right to:

- , prepare and submit changes and additions to the Rules for the use of the National Library of the University for approval by the rector on the basis of the “Regulations on Scientific Library SUSU";

- prepare and submit for approval of the rector the repertoire, cost, additional library and information and service services provided by the National Library of the University on a paid basis;

- establish and change, depending on demand, the terms for using publications and other materials from the funds of the National Library of the University;

- issue warnings to users for non-compliance with the Rules for Using the Library and, on the basis of this, restrict or deprive them of the right to access library and information services;

- notify the dean's offices about the violation by students of the Rules for using the NL of the university;

- determine the conditions for the use of library and bibliographic and information resources National Library of the University on the basis of contracts with legal entities and individuals;

- not respond to messages received on the "Guestbook" page of the website of the National Library of the University, if they are expressed without observing the generally accepted norms of communication.

4.3. The National Library of the University is responsible for:

- for the quality of user service and provided library-information and service services;

- for the safety and security of collections and other library, bibliographic and information resources.

5. The order of service of users in the library

5.1. Registration (record) of users .

- Registration of users of all categories and groups is carried out upon their application to the library and on the basis of the order of the rector on enrollment or employment at the university;

- Registration of 1st year students of all forms of education is carried out automatically after entering information about them in the ABIS on the basis of the order of the rector for enrollment;

- In the Registration and Registration Department of Users (ORUP), an electronic form is filled in ABIS and a library card of the established form is issued depending on the user group, except for the cases provided for by these Rules;

- To register, users must present the following documents to the librarian:

§ teachers and staff

§ students of all forms of education , incl. for masters - a student card (or a certificate from the dean's office) and a passport;

§ graduate students– certificate of a graduate student of the established form (or a certificate from a graduate school) and a passport;

§ degree applicants – an agreement with the university, an order of the rector and a passport;

§ university veterans - certificate "Veteran of the University" of the established form and passport;

§ other personswho are not students and employees of the university and representatives of organizations - a passport and an agreement (for organizations);

§ employees of services not related to the educational process – service certificate of the established form (or a certificate from the personnel department of the university) and a passport;

§ IBA subscribers– passport, application and/or letter of guarantee from the organization, a service agreement for the IBA, an order form for the IBA.

- When registering, the user is obliged to familiarize himself with the Rules for using the library and the List of services to which he has the right to access;

- Familiarization with these rules is evidenced by the user's signature in his library card or other document determined by the National Library of the University;

- In case of loss or damage to permanent or temporary (including paid) library cards, users are issued with a duplicate of it. A duplicate is issued on a paid basis in accordance with the order of the rector and the Price List valid for this period;

- The basis for issuing a duplicate is the user's statement about the loss or damage of a library card, a receipt / check for payment of its cost and the publications returned to the National Library of the University. A damaged library card is handed over to the ORUP;

- If a duplicate library card is lost, the second duplicate is issued on the same basis as the first one;

- If the user finds a library card after issuing its duplicate, the duplicate is handed over to the PIU;

- If a user has two or more library cards, it is regarded as a violation of the Rules for the Use of the National Library of the University and may serve as a basis for excluding him from among its users.

5.2. Re-registration of users.

- Every year, for further use of the library, users of groups A and B are re-registered for the new academic year at the PIU in the period from July 1 to December 31 of the current year. Users of group C can re-register a saved paid library card for a fee;

- Users who have debts in the library departments are not subject to re-registration;

- To re-register, the user presents:

§ permanent or temporary library card;

§ extended student card or ID;

§ the passport.

5.3. Procedure for using the reading rooms .

- Issuance of publications in the reading room with closed access to funds is carried out on the basis of a completed reader's requirement of the established form;

- In reading rooms with open access to funds, the user himself selects the necessary publications from the bookshelves. All books removed from the shelves are returned to special carts;

- The issuance of publications in reading rooms with closed access to funds is registered in the electronic form of the user;

- In the absence of publications in the funds of the reading rooms, they are requested, in agreement with the user, from the main book depository. These editions can be booked for up to 5 days if there is no demand for them;

- The number of publications issued at a time in the reading room with closed access to the fund is limited to 10 copies, of which 5 copies are issued from the reading room fund and 5 copies from the fund of the main book depository;

- The period of use of publications from the funds of the reading rooms is limited by the time of the reading room during the day;

- At the request of users, the issuance of publications that are not the only copies from the funds of the reading rooms can also be carried out on short term(1 day), and on weekends and holidays - up to 2 days;

- With an increased demand for individual publications, the time of using them may be limited, but not less than 2 hours;

- Copies of the main storage (the first and only copies in the library), encyclopedias, reference, periodicals, abstracts and other information publications, rare and valuable books, unpublished materials (dissertations), publications from the collection of documents of limited use (DOP), issued to users for work only in reading rooms.

5.4. The procedure for using library subscriptions .

- Issuance of publications is carried out on the basis of a completed reader's requirement of the established form and is registered in the electronic form of the user;

- Each title of the publication is issued in only one copy;

- The period of use of publications is determined by the class of the issued copy, recorded in the ABIS;

- The period of use of publications can be extended if there is no demand for them;

- All publications taken by students in the past academic year returned by July 5th. The exception is the editions necessary for the internship. The period of use of publications is extended if there is a certificate from the dean's office, at the end of the practice they are returned.

5.5. The procedure for using interlibrary loan (IBA) .

- To receive MBA publications that are not in the funds of the National Library of the University, the user fills out an order form of the established form, separately for each publication requested by him;

- The period of use of publications received through the MBA is established by the library of the city or country that provided them, and is not extended;

- Publications received by the IBA are issued to users for work only in the reading room;

- The services of the IBA NL University can also be used by libraries of other systems, departments and organizations on the basis of a contract of the established form for a period of 1 year and completed order forms of the established form;

- The deadline for fulfilling the NB University order for the MBA is 1-5 days.

- Encyclopedias, reference books, periodicals (including newspapers), abstracts and other information publications, publications from the DSP fund, normative and technical documentation, rare and valuable books, unpublished materials (dissertations ) and their abstracts, as well as publications increased demand and single instances.

- Editions are issued to the IBA subscriber library in the amount of not more than 5 copies, for a period of 10 to 30 days. The period of use of individual publications may be reduced or extended at the discretion of the National Library of the University.

5.6. Preferential user service .

The following users have additional rights (privileges) in service.

- The teaching staff of the base university (staff):

§ for service out of turn in all departments of the library;

§ to order and receive ordered publications from the main fund and branch reading rooms at the issuing department in the reading room "Professor" (202/3d);

§ to order publications from the main book depository using the ABIS Electronic Order system and / or e-mail indicating the full name of the customer, the department / department of the university and the term / date of the order;

§ to receive foreign publications from the reading room of foreign literature for a short period of time (no more than 1 month).

- Full-time PhD students:

§ to order publications from the main book depository using the ABIS Electronic Order system and / or by e-mail indicating the full name of the customer, the department / department of the university and the deadline / date of the order;

§ to receive foreign publications from the reading room of foreign literature for a short period of time (no more than 2 weeks).

- Veterans of the university, employees of departments, departments, services and other structural units of the base university, not related to the educational process:

§ to receive literary and artistic publications and publications for leisure on a subscription fiction if you have a certificate of an employee or veteran of the university.

- Disabled Users:

§ to receive publications from the reading rooms for a period of not more than 2 days.

- Library staff:

§ to receive publications from the funds of the main book depository and reading rooms in the “service subscription” mode for a period of not more than 15 days.

FROM full text“Rules for the use of the SUSU NL” can be found in the library service departments.

The construction of any classification is based on the properties of the objects under consideration. We have already noted that the library is characterized by many features. Based on the provisions of the system approach, they can be divided into two groups, determined by the external and internal environment.

Each of the elements external environment the library acts as a basis for the selection of one or more classification features. Among the most important elements of the external environment that generate classification features, it is necessary to name society as a whole and the state, which determines the forms of ownership, the mechanism for establishing and financing its institutions, administrative-territorial division and other attributes of the activities of libraries.

Among the most significant features of the classification of libraries, determined by the external environment, their social (public) purpose is often called. Based on the social purpose of libraries, which is to meet the information needs of users, three types of libraries can be distinguished: general, special and personal (Fig. 5.1).

Rice. 5.1. Classification of libraries according to social purpose

Libraries that meet general information needs are NL, regional universal libraries, CLS public libraries; independent public libraries that are not included in the CLS, as well as public libraries of various enterprises, organizations and institutions.

Due to the fact that the emergence of special information needs is due to four main types of human activity: scientific, educational, industrial and managerial, then on the basis of them on next level division can be divided into four groups of needs: industrial, scientific, educational and managerial. In accordance with each group of needs, four types of libraries can be identified: production, scientific, educational and managerial. Continuing the further differentiation of needs by type of activity, it is necessary to single out technical, agricultural, medical, military and other subtypes among production libraries. Among the libraries that contribute to the satisfaction of scientific information needs, we propose to distinguish between academic libraries that provide scientific needs fundamental science, and libraries of branch scientific research institutes and design bureaus, contributing to applied scientific research. Educational libraries, depending on the type of needs met, can be divided into libraries of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions, schools and out-of-school institutions, as well as institutions for retraining and advanced training of specialists. According to the mentioned criterion, among the management libraries, libraries are distinguished that satisfy the needs associated with legislative, executive and judicial activities, as well as libraries political parties and associations, as a result of whose activities management bodies and policies are formed (Fig. 5.2).

Rice. 5.2. Classification of special libraries according to social purpose

Another criterion for classifying libraries formed by society is their founders. In accordance with this criterion, one can single out libraries created by an individual (private) and established by society (public). At the next level of division among the libraries established by the society, it is necessary to distinguish between libraries established by the state and non-state libraries.

In Belarus, libraries established by the state, in turn, can be divided into libraries of republican and local authorities authorities. The founders of libraries at the republican level are various ministries and departments (the ministries of culture, education, health, defense, internal affairs and others, state

new science and technology committees, physical education and sports and others, the presidential administration, the prosecutor's office, etc.), and at the local level - regional, district, city, settlement, rural authorities and self-government. At the last level of division, this classification may include libraries of specific state enterprises, organizations and institutions.

Non-state libraries in accordance with the founders are divided into libraries of non-state enterprises, organizations and institutions. Among the libraries of non-governmental organizations, trade union libraries, libraries of various parties and associations, public funds, etc. can be singled out. Libraries of non-state institutions should include, for example, libraries of commercial universities and other non-state educational institutions. Schematically, the first levels of division of the classification of public libraries are presented in fig. 5.3.

Rice. 5.3. Classification of public libraries according to founders

The state also determines a number of criteria by which libraries can be classified. The most important among them are the form of ownership, the status of institutions, the degree of their accessibility, and the administrative-territorial division.

The Constitution of the Republic of Belarus defines two forms of ownership in the country: public and private, therefore, in accordance with this criterion, public and private libraries can be distinguished at the first level of division. In this case, it is reasonable to classify as private libraries the libraries of all enterprises, organizations and institutions in which the share of state ownership is less than 50%, as well as independent libraries financed by private funds, including charitable contributions and donations.

According to the legal status, independent and non-independent libraries are distinguished. Independent libraries include libraries registered with the relevant authorities state power as independent organizations with the right of a legal entity. Other, . those. being structural divisions any organizations

enterprises and institutions are dependent. Independent libraries in Belarus include the National Library of Belarus, sectoral republican libraries, regional libraries, CLS of public libraries, public libraries that are not included in the CLS. The rest of the libraries, including schools, other educational institutions, libraries-branches of the Central Library Library and others are not independent.

Public authorities also determine the procedure for assigning various organizations, including libraries, the status scientific institutions. Scientific libraries are those that carry out scientific activity in the field of library science and related disciplines. According to the rules of dichotomy, all other libraries must be considered non-scientific (we use this word due to the lack of a better term).

One of the oldest and most frequently used is the classification of libraries according to administrative-territorial division. This criterion is unstable, since the administrative-territorial division of each country changes from time to time under the influence of a number of factors: new territorial units appear, the area of ​​the state decreases or increases, the structure of the administrative-territorial division changes, new settlements arise, and others stop their activity. Existence. In accordance with the modern administrative-territorial division of Belarus, the following libraries can be distinguished: republican, regional, district, city, settlement and rural.

The regulations in force in the state also determine the degree of accessibility of libraries. In accordance with this criterion, public libraries and libraries with limited access are distinguished. By general accessibility it is necessary to understand the right and opportunity for every member of society to visit the library and use its services without any restrictions on racial, national, religious, physical or other grounds. L.V. Solonenko made an attempt to further classify public libraries. Public libraries are primarily public libraries. However, their general availability must be understood subject to a number of limitations. Thus, public libraries provide subscription services only to residents of their locality (district, microdistrict of the city); many of them, under the pretext of concern for the safety of funds, refuse their services to students. Almost all public libraries of the republic are not adapted to serve people with a violation of the musculoskeletal system, which also reduces the level of their general accessibility.

Libraries operating in the structure of enterprises, organizations and institutions operate in a restricted access mode and serve, as a rule, only their employees. At the same time, the degree of accessibility in the libraries of this group is different. For example, access to the school library is more favorable than to the library industrial enterprise, and even more so the military department. This can also serve as a criterion for further differentiation of the libraries of this group.

It is necessary to distinguish between the criterion of availability and the criterion of payment. In accordance with the latter, paid and free libraries are distinguished. The use of most public libraries is

is free. Libraries that operate on a commercial basis and charge a one-time or subscription fee for using the services are classified as paid ones. These are, for example, libraries of commercial universities and other non-state educational institutions.

The state system of libraries also acts as an external environment for individual libraries. Depending on the functions performed, the system can be divided into central and grassroots libraries. Depending on which system is the object of classification, the same library in different situations can act either central or lower. Thus, the Central Library within the Central Library System is central in relation to other libraries of the system, which is reflected in its name. But in the system of libraries of the region, it will already be grassroots, and the regional library will take the place of the central one.

Within the limits of the republican system of libraries there is also a division of spheres of activity. Depending on the territory covered by the library service sector, there are republican, regional, district, city, rural, as well as libraries individual enterprises, organizations and institutions.

Based on the understanding of the library as a four-element system, the elements internal environment, generating classification features are the library fund, the contingent of users, staff and material and technical base.

The main criteria for the classification of libraries, determined by library fund, are the content and form of documents, the total volume of the fund and the programmed activity of its use.

The classification of libraries according to the content of the documents they have collected is one of the most traditional and well-established. In accordance with it, it is customary to single out universal and branch libraries (Fig. 5.4).

Rice. 5.4. Classification of libraries according to the main features of the fund

The universal ones are those that have a fund for different branches of knowledge, and the sectoral fund includes documents for one or more branches. Branch libraries, in turn, can be divided into humanitarian, technical, medical, etc. Traditionally, the NLL, regional and public libraries are referred to as universal ones. The libraries of universities and schools are also universal in terms of the composition of their collections. Branch libraries primarily include special libraries of individual enterprises, institutions and organizations. At the same time, this criterion is one of the most fuzzy, since any library has at least a few universal reference publications, which actually makes it universal. Libraries of secondary specialized educational institutions can be classified as special with a large degree of conventionality, since in these institutions, in addition to special ones, they also study general educational disciplines and, accordingly, complete the literature fund for them.

Depending on the types of documents that make up the collection of libraries, it is advisable to distinguish between universal and specialized libraries. In this case, libraries are universal, the collection of which consists of various types of documents, and specialized libraries include libraries, the collections of which contain certain types documents. Specialized ones, in turn, are divided into libraries of printed, microform and electronic works. Among the libraries of printed works, libraries of patents, standards, etc. can be distinguished. Like the previous one, this classification criterion is also not clear, because in most libraries, along with the main ones, there are other types of documents, albeit in a small amount.

The classification of libraries according to the volume of the fund provides for their distribution into groups depending on the number of documents. In accordance with this criterion, UNESCO differentiates public libraries into four groups: those with up to 2,000 volumes, between 2,001 and 5,000 volumes, between 5,001 and 10,000 volumes, and over 10,000 volumes. For UNESCO School Libraries given feature another classification is proposed. In the latter version, due to the growth in the volume of UNESCO libraries, the quantitative parameters of the boundaries have been changed and libraries with up to 5,000 volumes, from 5,001 volumes to 10,000 volumes, from 10,001 volumes to 20,000 volumes and more than 20,000 volumes have already been allocated. The EU, within the framework of the UBECON 2000 program, proposes a different grouping of libraries depending on the volume of their collections. In Belarus, there is no clear differentiation of libraries on this basis, fixed in regulatory documents, therefore, the necessary quantitative boundaries cannot be established between classes.

The predetermined activity of using library funds is the basis for the allocation of depository libraries and repository libraries. True, the second part of this dichotomy is almost never used when designating libraries.

The main features of the classification of libraries, determined by the contingent of users, are their age, physical capabilities and number (Fig. 5.5).

Rice. 5.5. Classification of libraries according to the main features of the user contingent

Depending on the age of users, it is necessary to distinguish between universal and specialized libraries. Universal libraries include libraries serving different age categories of users. These are primarily the corresponding types of public libraries. Specialized libraries should be considered those that serve users of a certain age group: children, youth or adults. Most of these libraries. So, children's libraries are CLS of children's public libraries, children's libraries-branches of mixed CLS, school libraries, libraries of out-of-school and children's organizations. Youth is served by such a type of specialized libraries as the libraries of vocational schools and secondary schools. Other libraries, i.e. scientific, industrial and managerial, serve only adult users.

Depending on the psychophysiological capabilities of users, it is also necessary to distinguish between universal and specialized libraries.

In this case, universal libraries include libraries that serve different groups users selected by the specified parameter, and only those who are oriented to specialized

vans to work with certain categories of users. Among them, there are libraries for persons without physical limitations and persons with certain types of limitations in physical and mental development. Most of the libraries in Belarus in this case should be classified as specialized, as they are focused on serving users who do not have restrictions in psychophysical development, and therefore cannot be considered universal according to the named parameter. Even the public libraries of the republic, which, according to their status, should serve different categories of users, do not have funds intended for people with visual impairments, different forms mental illness. They are also, as we have already noted, architecturally and technologically not adapted to serve people with a violation of the musculoskeletal system. Another type of specialized library is made up of libraries for the blind and visually impaired, which are represented in the republic by the BLOIZ system. A special kind of specialized library includes libraries for persons with disabilities mental development, including the corresponding special schools.

The classification of libraries by the number of users, as well as the classification by the volume of the fund, is often used in statistical groupings, as well as in regulatory documents. So, when determining the typical states, the CBS of the Republic of Belarus are combined into four groups of CBS, the securities of which have less than 1750 users, 1750-2449 users, 2450-3849 users and more than 3850 users. In the resolution on classifying libraries as payroll groups for managers, the CLS classification was proposed into four groups: 10-25 thousand, 25-45 thousand, 45-75 thousand and more than 75 thousand users. For libraries of other types, distinctions are made according to other quantitative boundaries.

In contrast to the fund and the contingent of users, the signs of personnel are much less often used in the classification of libraries. The first among them is the availability of full-time staff in the library. Such a classification criterion, for example, is the most important one in German library statistics, which distinguishes libraries with and without staff.

When classifying libraries, depending on the number of full-time employees, there are groups of libraries that do not have full-time employees, with one employee, with 2-5 employees, and so on, depending on the objectives of the study.

In accordance with the parameters of the material and technical base of libraries, a number of classification criteria can also be distinguished. For example, depending on the technical condition of buildings, libraries are distinguished that require overhaul, current repair and not requiring repair. This classification is actively used in library statistics. Libraries are classified according to the area they occupy. In accordance with this criterion, libraries with an area of ​​up to 50 square meters can be distinguished. m, 50-100 sq. m, etc. The technical equipment of libraries is also the basis for determining many features of their classification. Only in accordance with

Wii with one of them - the availability of access to computer networks- three groups can be distinguished: libraries that do not have access to computer networks, libraries that have access to a local network, and libraries that have access to the Internet.

Since the facet classification makes it possible to more fully reflect the significant, from the point of view of the researcher, features of libraries, and they are equal conditions can be used as its basis, we have built such a classification of libraries in accordance with the features mentioned above (see Table 5.2). The list of classification features proposed by us, which are determined by the factors of the external and internal environment of the activities of libraries, is not exhaustive; Accordingly, the list of selected library classes cannot be exhaustive. Depending on the tasks facing the researcher, the range of classification criteria can be expanded, or the classification can be continued at smaller levels of division according to already identified features. This will define new library classes.

Table 5.2


It is based on library system The Republic of Belarus

bgcolor=white>1. Public 1.1. State republican authorities:

Ministry of Culture Ministry of Education Ministry of Health Ministry of Agriculture

Ministry of the Interior

Ministry of Defense of the State Committee for Science and Technology of the State Committee for Physical Culture and Sports of the Administration of the President of other ministries and departments;

local authorities and self-government:

regional authorities and self-government district authorities and self-government city authorities and self-government village authorities and self-government rural authorities and self-government

1 2 3
and raising




executive authorities

judicial authorities of party organizations and associations 3. Personal


1 2 3
1.2. Non-state







State Type of ownership Public Private
Legal status Independent


Scientific status Scientific










Availability public limited access,




Library system Status Central
Service zone Republican







organizations and


1 2
Elements of the internal environment of the library
Library Content




Form of documents 1. Universal

2. Specialized

printed works



Fund volume Less than 2000 copies. 2001 - 5000 copies. 5001 - 10,000 copies. More than 10,000 copies.
Programmed usage activity Repository Depository "




1. Universal

2. Customized:

children's youth for adults





1. Universal

2. Specialized

for persons without developmental disabilities for the blind and visually impaired for persons with mental disorders



Less than 1750 users 1750 - 2449 users 2450 - 3849 users More than 3850 users
1 2 3
Staff Availability of staff With staff

No staff



Without employees With one employee With 2 -5 employees With 6 - 10 employees With 10 - 50 employees With 51 - 100 employees More than 100 employees
MTB Technical condition of the building Requires a major overhaul

Needs ongoing repairs

Does not require repair

Room area Up to 50 sq. m 51 -100 sq. m 101 - 500 sq. m 501 - 1000 sq. m More than 1000 sq. m
Degree of access to computer networks Not having access to the network

Having access to a local network Having access to the Internet

The rows identified by us in the proposed facet classification can be used to construct more complex hierarchical and multidimensional types of classification. As an example of such a multifunctional approach to the use of the proposed classification, we propose a classification of libraries developed on its basis, intended for national library statistics. It is built according to the principles of multidimensional classification and taking into account the specifics of libraries in Belarus.

1. Shared Libraries

1.1. National Library of Belarus

1.2. Regional universal libraries

1.3. Regional CLS of public libraries

1.3.1. City public libraries

1.3.2. Rural public libraries

1.4. City CLS of public libraries

1.5. Public libraries of enterprises, organizations and institutions

1.5.1. BelOIZ Public Libraries * Central Bank BelOIZ Libraries of enterprises, organizations and institutions of BelOIZ

1.5.2. Public union libraries

1.5.3. Public libraries of sanatoriums and rest homes

1.5.4. Public libraries of other enterprises, organizations and institutions

2. Special Libraries

2.1. Scientific Libraries

2.1.1. Central Scientific Library of the National Academy of Sciences

2.1.2. Libraries of branch research institutes of the National Academy of Sciences

2.1.3. Libraries of industry research institutes and design bureaus

2.2. Learning Libraries

2.2.2. Libraries of higher educational institutions FB B GU Libraries of classical universities Libraries of specialized universities Libraries of pedagogical universities Libraries of technical universities Libraries of economic universities Libraries of agricultural universities Libraries of medical universities- Libraries of sports universities Libraries of universities of culture

2.2.3. Libraries of secondary schools and vocational schools College Libraries Libraries of pedagogical secondary schools Libraries of technical secondary schools Libraries of economic secondary schools Libraries of agricultural secondary schools Libraries of medical secondary schools Libraries of sports colleges Libraries of secondary schools of culture Libraries of vocational schools

2.2.4. School Libraries Public School Libraries Libraries of Specialized Schools

2.2.5. Libraries of extracurricular institutions

2.2.6. Libraries of institutions for retraining and advanced training of specialists

2.3. Production Libraries

2.3.1. Technical Libraries RNTB Libraries of enterprises, organizations and institutions

2.3.2. Agricultural Libraries Libraries of enterprises, organizations and institutions

2.3.3. Medical Libraries RNMB Regional medical libraries Libraries of enterprises, organizations and institutions

2.3.4. Sports Libraries RNMBFK Libraries of enterprises, organizations and institutions

2.3.5. Libraries of cultural institutions

2.3.6. Other production libraries

2.4. Management Libraries

      Ganitskaya, I. Directions for the development of national libraries of subjects Russian Federation/ I. Ganitskaya // Library. - 2002. - No. 10. - P. 53-54; cont.: No. 11. - P. 46-49.

      Demidov, A. Access to information: the creation of the Presidential Library / A. Demidov // Bibl. a business. - 2007. - No. 7. - S. 6-9.

      Zaitsev, V. N. Responsibility national library for the development of the country's infosphere: report / VN Zaitsev // Bibliotekovedenie. - 2006. - No. 4. - S. 22 - 26.

      Fedorov, V.V. “Where did it come from ...” - RSL: biography pages // V.V. Fedorov // Bulletin of BAE. - 2003. - No. 3. - S. 36-41.

      Firsov, V. R. Headquarters of branch science / V. R. Firsov // Library. - 2003. - No. 6. - S. 56-59.

L. V. Sokolskaya

  1. Public (public) libraries: meaning, social functions, types. Modern problems of the functioning of public (public) libraries

Public libraries (PP) are an element of the state mechanism of social protection of the population (free services in the context of the high cost of books, leisure; accessibility).

“A public library is a library that provides the opportunity to use its fund and services to legal entities, regardless of their organizational forms and forms of ownership, and to citizens without restrictions on the level of education, specialty, attitude to religion.” Specific features of O(P) libraries:

    Maximum proximity to users (to the place of residence and work through the use of stationary and non-stationary forms).

    Usage active forms promotion of information and documents to users.

The social purpose of O(P) libraries is to contribute to the general development of users. Tasks of O(P) libraries: maximum provision of self-educational information needs and interests of users; maximum involvement of the population in reading; support of the authority of the book and reading as the most important means of cultural, educational and spiritual development of the individual.

GOST 7.0 - 99: "public public library designed to meet the information needs of the general population”.

A significant network of libraries is represented by libraries of various types, differing in the following features.

I. Order of establishment and form of ownership

1) state established by the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Federation (regional, regional, republican - as part of the Russian Federation - children's, youth libraries and libraries for the blind);

2) municipal - established by local governments;

3) public - established and financed by public organizations:

a) union ( differences from municipal ones: other departments, availability of literature on the trade union movement, connection with special libraries of the enterprise);

b) political and ideological(party and various political organizations and movements: LDPR library, Independent public library in Moscow);

in) confessional (religious) libraries;

G) national society libraries;

e) cooperative libraries, created by a group of persons at their expense and providing services, as a rule, for a fee;

e) private libraries established by a separate individual at own expense;

and) libraries of others various societies(All-Russian Society of the Deaf, Society of Dog Lovers, etc.);

h) libraries of various organizations, foundations(Moscow Business Library, established by the American Foundation "XXI Century")

1) children; 2) youthful; 3) for all age categories;

4) for the blind, for the deaf.

III. Territorial placement

      urban; 2) rural.

IV. Territorial status

1) settlement; 2) inter-settlement; 3) district; 4) urban;

5) district (Moscow, KhMAO); 6) regional (republican, regional) children's, youth, for the blind.

V. Fund Profile

a) universal;

b) specialized (family reading, spiritual revival, religion, history, ecology, etc.).

VI. Type of document

a) libraries with dotted and machine-readable documents (for the blind);

b) branches specialized in the type of document (periodicals).

The CLS of Public Libraries is a special library institution. The CLS is a library association, which is an integral institution functioning on the basis of common management, a single staff, fund, organizational and technological unity. The CBS consists of central library and branch libraries

A specialized library is a library whose purpose is to satisfy the needs of users by type of documents or to serve a separate special group of readers. . Types of specialized O(P) libraries:

    Specialized O (P) libraries without a pronounced profiling of the fund (libraries of family reading: orientation in content and forms to serve the whole family; libraries, cultural complexes and social and leisure centers; libraries, information and educational centers.

2. Specialized O(P) libraries with a pronounced profiling of the fund on any topic, industry, genre, language (cultural and historical orientation: libraries of science fiction, bestsellers, periodicals, etc.)

Types of libraries in the countryside: public, special. The main type of rural library is a public municipal library. Rural library - a public library located in a rural area, serving the population of several villages or one village, its part.

Tasks of public municipal rural libraries:

    Contribute to the overall development of users;

    Assistance to specialists (teachers, doctors, agricultural specialists, entrepreneurs, etc.);

    Assistance in the educational activities of schoolchildren, students ( distance learning, branches from the countryside).

As almost the only type, the rural library performs on a large scale the functions of promoting educational, self-educational and leisure activities. . A wide spectrum of functions of rural OB: cultural and educational, historical and local history, socializing, pedagogical, etc.

Features of the position of modern rural libraries

    Increasing the importance in the cultural, leisure and educational environment of the village.

    Decreased funding, technological inadequacy to modern requirements of most rural libraries.

    Network imperfection.

    Carrying out all-Russian and regional actions aimed at supporting rural libraries.

    Changes in the position of rural libraries in connection with the implementation of Federal Law No. 131.

Non-stationary service - a type of service that brings library services closer to the place of residence, work, study, recreation, treatment of users. Forms of non-stationary service; library point, mobile library, bibliobus, book collection.

The increasing importance of children's libraries and library services for children is due to the following factors.

    Decline in children's interest in books, reading in competition with TV, computers, new forms of electronic leisure, as a rule, leisure (Internet clubs, slot machines, etc.);

    Exacerbation of the moral and pedagogical problems of raising children.

It follows that library services for children should become attractive to them (MTB, comfort, specialized environment, staff with appropriate training, quality of events, etc.)

Depending on the level of physical and intellectual development of the child, his reading experience, children are served by libraries of three groups:

1. Scientific, special, universities serve children through intermediaries (parents, teachers, etc.), since these libraries are legally, territorially and organizationally inaccessible to young readers;

2. Publicly accessible state, municipal, trade union libraries, legally, territorially and organizationally accessible to children, serve them personally and through intermediaries;

3. Specialized libraries for children, legally, territorially and organizationally intended for them.

Organizational forms of specialized library services for children. Children's Library - a library that provides library services to children (up to 14 years old) and educators. Children's Library this is a library with a specialized environment accessible to the child, i.e., having a complex of library and bibliographic resources of a specifically "children's" nature: fund, MTB, SBA. Game design attributes are close to intellectual and physical capabilities children. Tasks of DB libraries as a special type of institution:

    Involving all children in reading;

    Organization of systemic content, systematic according to the duration of children's reading;

    Formation of a harmoniously developed personality.

Organizational forms of specialized library services for young people:

          Educational libraries (school, professional educational institutions - schools, technical schools, universities);

2. Public Libraries for Adults ;

3. Specialized youth libraries (YB).

The Youth Library is a generalist library serving users aged 14 to 20, as well as anyone interested in youth issues. Specialized UB is a cultural, educational and information institution that contributes to the process of socialization and education of a young person by creating conditions for ensuring his general educational, cultural development, leisure and interpersonal communication .

Types of specialized UB :

    Libraries-branches of the CLS - city youth libraries (only in major cities, more than 20 in the country);

    Regional (republican) youth libraries;

A modern feature: a significant revitalization of the YB.

The term "mass" in the name of this type of library has been used since the 1920s. Its application was successful, as it allowed to reflect the quantitative aspect (there were many libraries of this type - “mass”) , high-quality (these libraries were focused on everyone, i.e. on the "mass") , ideological (in opposition to the names of such libraries abroad - "public").

"Library Encyclopedia" (M., 2007) defines mass libraries as public universal libraries, a grassroots link state system library services in the USSR, as close as possible to the population (state - city, district, rural; trade union, collective farm).

In the early 1990s the moral and ideological obsolescence of the term “public libraries” was recognized, it was proposed to rename them into folk or general, educational, public, etc. In 1994, the Federal Law on Library Science established the term “public libraries” , without using the concept of "mass libraries" in its content, which allows us to consider them renamed.

It must be admitted that at that stage in the development of librarianship it was impossible to introduce the name public libraries in relation to mass libraries, since their real state did not correspond to the ideas that had developed in the world about public libraries as a type of library. According to international ideas, public libraries have the utmost accessibility (they serve without restrictions on age, social status); for them, the universality of the fund is not obligatory (public can be both school and special, etc., the quality of their functioning allows to satisfy the information requests of users to the maximum.

Meanwhile, the desire for international unification of terminology, certain qualitative transformations of public libraries, allowed in 1999 in GOST 7.0-99 "Information and library activities, bibliography" to introduce the concept of "public library" in the content of "public library designed to meet the information needs of wide strata of the population."

As a result, today, in accordance with federal law on librarianship and GOST 7.0–99, the same type of library is called differently. In library vocabulary, the method of simultaneous use of two terms, i.e. “public (public) libraries”, has become widespread, which in practice, depending on the real state of a particular library, allows you to call it either public or public.

3.4. Types of public (public) libraries

A significant network of public (public) libraries is represented by institutions of various types, which are grouped according to the most important typological features.

I. The procedure for the establishment of the library and the form of ownership:

1) state libraries - established by the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (regional, regional, republican (within the Russian Federation) children's, youth libraries and libraries for the blind);

2) municipal libraries - established by local governments;

3) public libraries – established and funded public organizations:

a) trade union libraries (their differences from municipal ones: they are established by another department, are located according to the production principle, their fund contains literature on the trade union movement, they work closely with special library enterprises);

b) political and ideological libraries (party and various political organizations and movements: for example, the LDPR library, the Independent public library in Moscow, the library of the Memorial society (victims of political repressions) in Nizhny Tagil);

c) confessional (religious) libraries (in particular, among Orthodox libraries, public libraries include the Synodal Library of the Moscow Patriarchate, the library at the Krutitsky Compound (Moscow), the library at the Church of St. Catherine (Moscow); public libraries include libraries of Orthodox parishes, as well as mosques, synagogues, etc.).

d) libraries of national societies (for example, the library of the Jewish society in Chelyabinsk, the library of the society "Georgian community" in Moscow, etc.);

e) cooperative libraries created by a group of persons at their expense and providing services, as a rule, for a fee;

f) private libraries founded by an individual individual at his own expense;

g) libraries of others various societies(All-Russian Society of the Deaf, Society of Dog Lovers, etc.).

1)children's libraries;

2) youth (youth) libraries;

3)children's and youth libraries;

4)libraries for all age categories;

5)libraries for the blind;

6)libraries for the deaf.

III. Territorial type municipality- location of the library:

1)city ​​libraries;

2)rural libraries.

IV. Territorial status of the library:

1)settlement libraries;

2)inter-settlement libraries;

3) central city libraries;

4)central district libraries;

5)district libraries (Moscow, KhMAO);

6)regional (republican, regional) children's, youth libraries and libraries for the blind.

V. Library stock profile:

1)universal libraries;

2)specialized libraries (family reading, spiritual revival, religion, history, ecology, etc.).

VI. Types of documents in the library fund:

1)libraries with dotted and machine-readable documents (for the blind);

2)libraries, branches specialized in the type of document (for example, periodicals).

A visually specific typological characteristic of publicly available (public) libraries is presented in the appendix in tables 1 and 2.

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