Home Mushrooms Moon scorpion. Female natal chart with scorpio moon

Moon scorpion. Female natal chart with scorpio moon

Moon in Scorpio

A person in whose horoscope the Moon is in Scorpio is an ambitious and passionate nature. The self-confidence of the moon Scorpio can not be shaken by any person, not a single circumstance. In life, this quality is often valuable. But only if it does not turn into its opposite. Moon Scorpio in the negative is deceit, stubbornness, selfishness, acrimony, resentment, hard-heartedness, rudeness, aggressiveness, rancor, lack of tact. In this state, his self-confidence crosses the line, beyond which begins to overestimate self-esteem. Then the biggest mistakes are made: a person is simply not able to adequately assess his actions and therefore makes the wrong steps. At the same time, it often turns out that it is simply pointless to persuade him. He can take on a business that he is not able to pull, or make commitments that he will never keep. But he does this not from carelessness, but from the unbending confidence that he can do everything, although in fact, no matter how strong man nor was, its possibilities are limited. In such or approximately such circumstances, a person becomes simply unbearable - more precisely, his harshness, irascibility, readiness to explode with or without reason is unbearable. In anger, moon Scorpios are not as scary as they are reckless. And this is even worse, because if you do not think about the consequences, then you can do things that will then have to be taken apart for a very long time.

If we talk about the lunar Scorpio in a positive way, then this, on the contrary, is a man of iron endurance. Even if something strongly touches his soul, he will not show it and will keep a stony, and more often contemptuous expression on his face. But in the soul, moon Scorpions are capable of strong experiences. They can show mercy and compassion, but in their own way. The same can be said about their sincerity: this is the area in which they are most often not in the first roles. They are able to be insensitive and laugh at other people's spiritual tragedies. They simply will not assure a person that everything is fine if they believe that everything is bad and will continue to get worse. In this regard, Moon Scorpions, with their cynicism, are not the best comforters and vests for crying. Although, if you met such a "psychologist" on your way, it is better not to forget: his ostentatious cruelty is just self-defense, he himself is also capable of suffering, and very much. But on the other hand, such people are a good support for those who are looking not for tormenting old wounds, but for constructive actions and changes. If the moon Scorpio is nearby, he will transfer part of his active strength, which he has more than enough.

Moon Scorpio is not only restrained, but also disciplined. These qualities, multiplied by hard work, hard work, willpower, ingenuity and diligence, help to make a good, sometimes even brilliant, career. Moon Scorpio won't hold on to one thing workplace, he will easily switch to another, to another firm. Recognition is very important to him, and the worst thing for him is to be an unrecognized genius. He reasonably believes that his achievements should be celebrated. One more useful quality such a careerist is the ability to bring any business to the end. Moon Scorpio is able to complete what he started, even if this gives him enormous difficulties and causes tangible inconveniences. A very useful quality for a conscientious worker striving for career heights. He is a profitable employee and boss: he is excellent at planning, and in business, planning is fifty percent of success. These people always make plans, they have everything distributed according to graphs, and for years to come: how many years to marry, in what month to go abroad, in what year to get a promotion, in how many years to buy a car.

Moon Scorpio is a nature of heightened sensuality. Such sensuality is rarely sublimely romantic and inactive. The energy of his passion is strong and energetic. For Lunar Scorpio, the struggle for the object of desire is important, he does not appreciate what came into his own hands, for which he did not have to fight. But if he was struck by some feeling, one should expect that he will have it for a long time. His feelings are deep, emotions are strong, both positive and negative. Under the influence of emotion, such a person makes a decision - often thoughtlessly, often in vain. For example, getting angry at best friend, breaks off relations with him so that they cannot be restored, and then regrets about it; having met a pretty face during the blues, he can easily grab the “chosen one” by the hand and run to the registry office, then to live in hell for months and share property. Vindictiveness is also in the nature of these people, they can wait a very long time, but then they still sting. Moon Scorpio does not recognize obstacles, moves towards the goal decisively and rudely, believes that all means are good, does not hesitate to use other people. That is why he so often makes opponents for himself. In addition, he reads well in the souls of other people. It is difficult to deceive him, although if you try, you can be fooled.

Unlike some other signs, Lunar Scorpios have nothing against mysteries and changes. They love adventures and often seek and find them themselves. People consider the moon Scorpio to be a secretive person, and they are very close to the truth. True, he often tries to surround himself with a kind of mystery, and all because he has a keen interest in everything unknown, incomprehensible, inexplicable: what can be more interesting than solving himself? And of course, Lunar Scorpions will not tell everyone about their plans. These are people who always keep some secrets or weave some kind of intrigue. What and why they are doing is their problem, they will not initiate anyone into their secrets.

They are interested in riddles and secrets because they are a good ground for the manifestation of intuition. And the intuition of the lunar Scorpions is very strong, especially with regard to the deep causes of some events. They are born researchers and investigators. They always “see to the root”, superficiality is not peculiar to them, rather, on the contrary, they are able to tire with their corrosiveness and meticulousness.

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Moon in Scorpio Sexual abstinence is recommended.It is good to treat ailments of the throat, thyroid gland, diseases of the endocrine system, upper respiratory tract, runny nose and sinusitis. To renew the blood, you can drink 100-150 g of Cahors. It is good to massage with nettles

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Moon in Scorpio - look for easy ways to solve problems “How to satisfy your desires without spending any energy or money on it? Where can we find someone who will solve our problems? Oh, how I want new strong sensations! How many mysteries there are in the world! And how many temptations! " This is the Moon in Scorpio

When Moon in Scorpio, the subconscious becomes very active: intuition increases, the ability to understand the hidden, inexplicable. Emotional sphere overwhelmed, emotions are tense and can uncontrollably splash out on others. Criticality, suspicion, and acrimony increase.

Recommended: engage in creative, intellectual work that requires enthusiasm and a lot of energy; a good time to train unusual abilities. The period is good for testing new technology, work related to fire and metal. These days there is an opportunity to solve a problem that did not give in for a long time, to tackle problems to which there is no direct access.

Auspicious time to reveal secrets, find lost things. It is possible to begin repairs associated with the destruction of unnecessary and obsolete, but care must be taken when working with tools. If necessary, the treatment of throat, upper respiratory tract, sinusitis, runny nose, rhinitis will be successful.

Not recommended: surgical intervention in the groin, genitals and the entire excretory system, endocrine glands, large intestine, renal pelvis, urinary tract. Avoid big gatherings; family celebrations are better to postpone to another period (emotional tension can lead to scandals). Be careful on the subway when working underground.


When Moon in Scorpio, we are drawn to the destruction and restructuring of the internal structure. We strive to destroy everything "to the ground", and then build new world and start new life... For a while, we become like the Phoenix, burning and reborn from the ashes in a slightly different quality.

The bad thing is that not everyone has a focus on creation, which means that for such people a period of self-destruction begins. For those who strive for spiritual perfection, Moon in Scorpio provides a favorable period for personality transformation.

And yet, this is a difficult time for everyone: no one is immune from pessimism and misanthropy. This period is characterized by a complete lack of emotional balance, increased nervous excitability and mood swings.

If the inner world of another person, his pain points and vulnerabilities are revealed to us, then, depending on our spiritual orientation, we act in relation to him either in the role of a psychotherapist or in the role of a manipulator.

In the first case, we sincerely try to help, in the second, we press the necessary buttons, trying to get the maximum benefit from the situation for ourselves. For those who are interested in esotericism, it is important to know that with Moon in Scorpio clairvoyance awakens and mediumistic abilities are enhanced.

This is a good period for making the most serious and responsible decisions. But these days you should not start new business, take on new responsibilities.

Influence on the born

Moon in Scorpio means the strength of feelings, and in people of this disposition, intuition is especially strong. They have to take care to properly use its potential.

Owner Moons in Scorpio feelings and intuition go hand in hand, and he can use this advantage in order to find his life partner. However, the fruits of your imagination should not be mistaken for the promises of intuition.

Woman with Moon in Scorpio extremely charming, emphasizes unusual, extravagant features. Desire to seduce and be seduced, while Main way to the heart lies through physical sensations... Eroticism. In a woman, sometimes it is not easy to coexist together ease and sexual passion with her inherent sobriety.

A man is attracted to mysterious women, it is difficult for him to resist their sexual attraction. Representatives of both sexes have a subtle sense of what is hidden behind external beauty. Connections are mysterious, sometimes perverted dignity of a woman.

Lunar horoscope of health and beauty

The genitals are vulnerable, so it is best not to overload the sexual sphere these days, they are the best for sexual abstinence. These days, exacerbation of hemorrhoids and the appearance of constipation are possible, while treatment and cleansing of the intestines is contraindicated. Can be treated endocrine system(except prostate), throat, tonsils, adenoids, sinusitis, runny nose, rhinitis. It is not recommended to eat spicy foods.

Emotionally, this is a difficult period. Scorpions better to spend time alone to devote free time self-care. Energy costs increase significantly, therefore Libra, Taurus and Scorpions some deviations from the dietary habit are allowed.

The time is favorable for the comprehensive restoration of their potential. Hot baths and astringent masks will have a very good effect on the body of water signs. Drinking Cahors is a good idea to renew blood.

In summer, massage with nettle is good - just whip yourself with it, but only if you do not suffer from allergies, if the vessels and heart are in order. If not, then limit yourself to general massage, nettle decoction, active movement. Breast massage is prohibited.

Taurus you should pay attention to the condition of the skin of the neck and bust. Compresses on the neck area, alternating with hot and cold water, gargle with the addition of motherwort infusion, valerian, contrast shower.

Diet and walking on fresh air are necessary Sagittarius... During this period, you can start a course of treatment with adaptogens - tincture of ginseng, Eleutherococcus, Rhodiola rosea, Manchurian aralia. For women Scorpions avoid overheating of the lower body, choose shoes with low heels.

Effectively surgical and conservative treatment varicose eyelids Vodoleev and Pisces. Virgin and Twins can begin a course of facial rejuvenation and smoothing of fine wrinkles. It is good if cosmetic treatment is accompanied by a reception homeopathic remedies iodine and sulfur.

Deep cleaning persons are allowed to do Aries and Lions... You should not use hormone-based creams and ointments at this time, with placenta extract, unstable cosmetic preparations of natural origin, start using new contraceptives.

To harmonize metabolism and prevention skin diseases these days, look at the blue sky more often, choose blue clothes.

Lunar calendar for work in the garden, in the country

Scorpion(the element of Water, ruled by Mars) is a wet, fertile sign. The moon at this time makes the fruit tastier and more fragrant. Many crops can be sown, especially those intended for long-term storage... But potatoes planted and harvested at Moon in Scorpio is watery and tastes unpleasant during storage.

If you sow the seeds when moon passes the sign Scorpion they come in quickly. Plants grow tall and strong with a strong root system, and the stems and branches can easily withstand juicy and large berries. The harvest is long and well stored if it is harvested at the appropriate time. A lot of seeds are tied, good quality, and they are stored well.

Plants are good at resisting various diseases. Sowing of leafy vegetable and flower plants will be successful. On these days, you cannot plant trees and propagate plants by roots, because they are saturated with moisture. Do not harvest or dig up flower bulbs.

Pruning trees and berry bushes, grafting, fertilizing, watering, destroying pests, plowing and loosening the soil are effective. The sign is good for canning fruits and vegetables, and when Scorpion is in the waning moon (closer to the new moon) - it's time to ferment cabbage.

Moon Scorpio

General characteristics of the position of the moon in the sign of Scorpio

Scorpio (Latin Scorpius) - the second watermark Zodiac.

Element - Water.

The governing planet is Mars, Pluto.

Favorable colors are bright green, bright blue, bright red.

Fortune stone - opal, topaz, moon crystal.

The part of the body corresponding to the sign is the genitals.

Moon Scorpio is a symbol of unbridled passion. Under this sign, people are born with a wide variety of characters - from mystics to materialists. It is extremely interesting sign Zodiac and at the same time obscure to others.

Moon Scorpios are beautifully built, medium to tall, with proportional body parts, a discerning gaze and a sensual mouth.

Famous personalities born in the sign of the Moon Scorpio: Charlie Chaplin, Karl Bryullov, Michelangelo Buonarotti, Vladimir Vysotsky, Anna German, Gerard Depardieu, Igor Ilyinsky, Arkhip Kuindzhi, Arkady Raikin, Elizabeth Taylor.

Psychological portrait of a man with the Moon in the sign of Scorpio

The moon gives Scorpios extremely strong emotions. Sometimes people of this zodiac sign frighten those around them with their unbridled energy and uncontrollable desires. After all, for them there are no restrictions in achieving the goal, they are not afraid of the condemnation of others. And the Moon Scorpios themselves are not always able to curb emotions and often suffer from this.

Meanwhile, Moon Scorpions are stubborn, steadfastly endure all the blows of fate. They do not give up in the face of difficulties, they often take risks. They cannot be embarrassed or dyed. They do not like to complain and humiliate themselves. They generally look down on others. Others' opinion does not bother them much, and they also do not need advice. They do not make concessions or compromises.

Moon Scorpios have incredible discernment. They always understand the intentions of other people, and it is difficult to hide something from them. Although the Moon Scorpions themselves are very secretive. They try to keep all their feelings to themselves. They very fiercely defend the right of privacy and will not allow anyone to invade their personal space.

Nevertheless, Moon Scorpios are attractive to those around them for their directness, decency, ability to make decisions without hesitation, to fulfill their promises. They do not know how to flatter and sneak, and if they praise someone, it is sincere. But on the part of those around them, Moon Scorpios also demand sincerity and do not like being led by the nose. It is better for them to listen to a bitter truth than a beautiful lie. But in friendship they have no equal. Moon Scorpions are reliable comrades, they know how to support and protect, give wise advice... But at the same time, they are extremely touchy and rancorous. Therefore, they easily make enemies for themselves.

At the same time, Moon Scorpios are very romantic. They tend to seek the ideal and rarely really get attached to anyone. It's not easy for them in love. They are individualists and owners, they can torture their partner with jealousy for any reason. And at the same time, Moon Scorpios are very passionate natures and recklessly give themselves up to the power of sex. In the family, they do everything to protect their loved ones and children from trouble.

Moon Scorpio Male

Moon Scorpio man is quite independent. He always has his own opinion, he does not give in to other people's influence. He is little interested in what others say and think about him. He is confident in himself, courageous, purposeful, aimed at winning at any cost. Indeed, the Moon Scorpio man knows how to find a way out of any, even the most confusing situation.

In any case, people born under the sign of Lunar Scorpio give all their best full program... They are active and adventurous. They cannot be found tired or lethargic.

Moon Scorpio man is unlikely to remain unnoticed in society. He inspires admiration and respect. He will never obey and appreciates strong-minded people.

The Moon Scorpio man is very demanding to those around him, he does not even try to be delicate. He can prick painfully without paying any attention to it. And in general, any emotions are rarely reflected on the Moon Scorpio's face. He carefully controls and hides them. Although, in fact, under the mask is a passionate nature.

True, in his passions such a man can go to extremes, being carried away, for example, by alcohol or drugs. It doesn't matter to him public opinion and there are no moral boundaries.

In communication, the Moon Scorpio man is attentive, responsive, but at the same time can play with human feelings and weaknesses. If you hurt him badly, he will brutally take revenge. Therefore, with the Moon Scorpions-men, you need to stay on your guard, be able to fight them back.

Moon Scorpio man loves to comprehend the secrets of the female soul, which is very attractive to the opposite sex. But the chosen one of the Moon Scorpio-man must have incredible strength and patience in order to withstand his stormy temperament.

For such a man, it is important that the companion reckons with his authority, knows how to give in and obey. In return, he will give her tenderness and care. In sex, he is very temperamental, has a rich erotic experience and knows how to please a woman.

However, the Moon Scorpio man is difficult to deceive. He will immediately understand if his chosen one is cheating on him. In jealousy, he is terrible and does not forgive the insult inflicted. No whims and tears can pity him. He would never hold back his companion.

But in the Moon Scorpio family, a man will become an excellent husband and father. He will bring prosperity and luxury to the house. With his characteristic ease, he will overcome any difficulties. He will become a worthy example for his children, teach them to be strong and decisive.

Moon Scorpio Woman

Moon Scorpio woman is active, confident, possesses strong character and a masculine mindset. Hesitations and doubts are alien to her. She acts assertively and decisively.

Lunar Scorpions women boldly rush into adventures and dangerous events, bravely endure any blows of fate. Such a woman is not easy to break, as she has incredible physical and spiritual strength. After defeats, Moon Scorpio women do not lose heart and quickly recover. In general, they are very proud and independent, they will not reckon with other people's opinions, despite the general discontent.

Lunar Scorpio woman carefully selects her surroundings. She prefers worthy people who know how to be responsible for their actions. She appreciates kindness and justice, knows how to be a good friend and keep other people's secrets. But he will not open his soul even to close people.

The moon endows the Moon Scorpio woman with mystery and attractiveness. She knows how to flirt and makes men fall in stacks in front of her. Sometimes she is called a femme fatale, she is capable of ruining a man in love with her. He can make any sacrifices just to be close to her.

Usually, a Moon Scorpio woman is pursued by weak-willed men, since she patronizes them, helps them achieve success in life. But she will stop her choice only on a courageous and courageous companion, confident in herself, for whom she will feel like for stone wall... Lunar Scorpio women are treated with disdain for casual relationships, she does not allow such treatment of herself. If a woman born under the sign of Moon Scorpio falls in love, then forever, sincerely and passionately. But she can also hate violently if she is deceived or offended. She will never return to the one she left behind.

In the family, a woman born in Moon Scorpio will become her husband's assistant and counselor. The prestige of her husband is important to her. Therefore, she will make every effort to make him succeed. However, such a woman does not differ in loyalty. She is looking for new sexual experiences on the side, but she does it carefully so as not to destroy the family hearth.

Moon Scorpio brings up children in severity, teaches them to be resistant to any adversity, helps to resolve difficulties. At the same time, she cares about their future and with early years develops abilities and talents. She will furnish her house with taste. Cleanliness and order will always reign in it.

Moon Scorpio Child

The moon gives the Scorpio child tremendous energy. He never sits still. Everything is interesting to him. Nothing will escape the penetrating gaze of the little Moon Scorpion. It is almost impossible to hide anything from him. He will immediately suspect that something is wrong. Trying to calm him down is useless, he will not obey, but will only do everything in spite. Therefore, the Lunar Scorpio child must constantly be given a release of energy. But at the same time, you must not take your eyes off him, since he does not see any boundaries. If something is forbidden to such a child, then it is imperative to explain why.

In the team, Moon Scorpio children behave independently, they know how to stand up for themselves. But compromises are not easy. It is better not to hurt such children, they will not be afraid to offend or take revenge. However, those they love are truly loyal.

Moon Scorpio children are very susceptible and can succumb negative impact companies. To this he is often led by unwillingness to obey generally accepted norms. Therefore, it is important to follow the firm discipline of Lunar Scorpio and at the same time surround him with love and attention.

Lunar Scorpio children are purposeful, able to achieve their goals. Therefore, they can achieve great success in their studies if they are interested in it. It is important from an early age to identify the abilities and talents of the child in order to direct him in the right direction.

Lunar Scorpio child early shows interest in sexual life, and sex education he needs it like no one else.

Health born with the Moon in the sign of Scorpio

Most often, Moon Scorpions are in excellent physical shape. They are extremely hardy, and their body is not susceptible to any ailments. Moreover, most of representatives of this sign loves to play sports and lead a correct lifestyle.

If, nevertheless, Moon Scorpio gets sick, then it collects all the information about its illness and can sometimes neglect the advice of doctors. In addition, in the constant struggle with the hardships of life, they sometimes bring their nervous system to exhaustion. Moon Scorpios are not immune to accidents.

Vulnerable places of the body in Moon Scorpions are the throat, reproductive system, back and legs, gallbladder.

They most often have diseases such as inflammation of the genitals and anus, cholelithiasis, varicose veins, tonsillitis, viral infections, tumors, paralysis, blood loss.

Moon Scorpions usually recover quickly from illness. But they need to be more careful with themselves, and at the first signs of fatigue, give themselves a long rest. It is good for Moon Scorpions to take a cold shower in the morning. Active physical activity is also suitable for them.

Lunar Scorpio's vulnerability is organs reproductive system organism.

Especially important for Moon Scorpions is the observance of the measure in food. Should be avoided spicy food and exciting spices. To completely abandon alcohol, since the Moon Scorpios do not know the measure in this. It is also useful to carry out cleansing procedures of the body, such as vegetable diets.

Moon Scorpio (career & goals)

The moon gives the Moon Scorpions tremendous energy. They are ready to work day and night. Therefore, active, and not monotonous activity is important for them. But in the first place for people born in Lunar Scorpio, there is power. They strive for superiority over others, so they often envy those who occupy higher positions. In leadership positions, Moon Scorpios do not know compassion and require full dedication from employees in their work. They do not forgive even the smallest mistakes.

Of course, people born under the sign of Lunar Scorpio make excellent businessmen.

The eternal desire of Moon Scorpions to the essence of what is happening helps them to achieve success in forensic science, detective affairs. Professions in the field of psychology and politics are also suitable for them, since they know how to penetrate human souls, to understand the secret motives of human actions. Moon Scorpions make excellent teachers and doctors, as they have the gift of influencing people.

There are many inventors among Moon Scorpions, they are full of new ideas and are not afraid to implement them.

Psychological compatibility with people who have the moon in different signs Zodiac

In love, Moon Scorpios are very passionate and temperamental, but at the same time, dangerous. They can offend their loved ones without even noticing it. Very often they become dictators in an effort to prove their authority. Moon Scorpios require loyalty from partners. Although they can create the appearance that they give their chosen one or the chosen one complete freedom, in fact they are very jealous and suspicious. To catch betrayal, they are even ready to follow their faithful. Although the Moon Scorpios themselves often allow themselves romances on the side without any twinges of conscience. They believe that no one has the right to condemn them.

If people born under the sign of Lunar Scorpio are constantly inferior in relationships, then they experience discomfort. Therefore, relationships with such people are rarely harmonious.

Moon Scorpions can be truly happy only with partners equal to themselves, who know how to compromise and at the same time defend their rights.

Moon pair Scorpio - Scorpio. This union is unlikely. Signs are attracted by strength and self-confidence, but they torment each other with suspicion and quickly end the relationship.

Moon pair Scorpio - Aries. Signs are attracted to each other, but their relationship will be full of contradictions, which will certainly lead to a break.

Moon pair Scorpio - Taurus. This union can be twofold - either the signs love or hate each other. He is successful in sexual relations, especially if the man Moon Taurus... But marriage is rare and short-lived and falls apart due to the painful selfishness of Moon Scorpio.

Moon pair Scorpio - Gemini. The union is conflicting. Mental closeness may arise between the signs, but Moon Gemini They will constantly suppress Moon Scorpio, trying to reeducate and criticize him.

Moon pair Scorpio - Cancer. The signs are perfectly compatible sexually. But it is difficult for them to get along with each other. Lunar Cancer does not accept the pressure and control of Lunar Scorpio. Only if Moon Scorpio can restrain his aggression and impatience can the marriage be successful.

Moon pair Scorpio - Leo. A union can be incredibly vibrant and passionate. But a break will be inevitable due to the urge Moon Lion and Moon Scorpio to power.

Moon pair Scorpio - Virgo. Signs are attracted to each other. Their union can be successful if Moon Virgo show patience and wisdom and curb the passionate Moon Scorpio.

Moon pair Scorpio - Libra. This union can be successful. Lunar Libra balance the emotionality of the Moon Scorpio. Their sexual relations are distinguished by passion.

Lunar pair ScorpioSagittarius. This union can be successful. Moon Scorpio and Moon Sagittarius have similar personalities and temperaments, together they achieve great success.

Lunar pair ScorpioCapricorn. Two strong sign make a happy and lasting union. Their love will be strong and deep, and children will grow up in an atmosphere of harmony. In the event of a rupture, Lunar Scorpio and Moon Capricorn become bitter enemies.

Lunar pair ScorpioAquarius. This union will not be able to last long. And although the signs are attracted to each other, their relationship will be full of quarrels and conflicts.

Moon pair Scorpio - Pisces. This is a very passionate union. Moon Scorpios understand Moon Pisces, but they constantly keep them on their toes. Moon Fish cannot tolerate the difficult nature of Moon Scorpions for a long time and break off relations themselves.

Our relationship with other people is largely determined by the Moon. It determines the emotional perception of each other, unconscious, irresponsible attitude to another person, his acceptance or rejection, understanding or misunderstanding. The moon reflects the relationship of two people on an internal, hidden, intuitive level, which, however, turns out to be no less important and significant than rational, conscious relationships in the Sun or other active, Yang, planets. And it depends on what sign at the moment of birth the Moon was with your partner (husband, wife, friend, colleague, boss), it depends on how harmonious or disharmonious your relationship with him will be, whether you will be comfortable and good with each other, you want whether to hear and understand each other.

Please select moon sign zodiac partner. If you don't know your partner's lunar birth sign, calculate your lunar birthday. It is very important to remember that disharmonious interactions on the Moon have an extremely negative effect on the human psyche and can lead to emotional breakdowns, mood swings, outbursts of aggression, etc.

Your sign ♏ Scorpio, choose your partner's lunar zodiac sign

♏ Scorpio is a characteristic of the zodiac sign

Moon and love relationships
A love relationship with such a person can be both bewitching, exciting, and frightening in its unpredictability. Forgetting them is not easy. Love infatuation is not a fleeting feeling for Moon Scorpio, he rushes into it headlong, forgetting about everything.

In the depths of his soul lies the need for a partner who would coincide with him in everything. He may be the most romantic idealist, but the fear of discovering this quality makes him, at first glance, a cynic in love. Carefully hiding their vulnerability, Scorpios prefer to live with a reputation as a person who has seen everything in life, although this is certainly not the case.

People of this sign at the beginning of their acquaintance treat partners with great caution, fearing to make mistakes. Scorpio needs a partner who understands his need to protect his inner world, can listen to him. Questions of psychological vulnerability need to be discussed, and Scorpio understands this. But he must be confident in the person before he reveals his weaknesses.

The beloved of the Scorpio sign is distinguished by an exceptional intensity of feelings. He may not say anything about his feelings, but everything will be written on his face.

Scorpios want to find in partners ardor, passion, sensitivity and at the same time strength. No other sign of the zodiac can boast of such a depth of feelings that Scorpio has. If you are in the mood for a peaceful, calm, serene relationship, look for another person.

Sometimes it is difficult to navigate a relationship with such a person. Sometimes it seems that Moon Scorpios seem to give up their emotions, hiding them in the deepest recesses of the soul, doing something differently than usual. For Scorpio himself, such variability is in the order of things, and for his companion it can become offensive, reduce trust. People born under the sign of Scorpio are loyal and sensitive, and their bad moods pass quickly. Scorpio respects only the strong, so it's best not to show him your weaknesses.

Scorpio is very jealous, hates when there is talk about past hobbies and partners. Of course, any person does not like this, but we must remember that Scorpios are vindictive, which means they will remember past grievances.

Moon Scorpio - from the category of psychologically difficult partners. He does not immediately reveal the depth of his feelings, and gradually you have to discover more and more new qualities of his personality. Scorpio for no reason can retire to own world, not letting even your beloved go there, who is offended by such alienation. It is not important for Scorpio to think alone, to listen to his "I" in order to know how to act correctly in the future. You should not blame him for such actions, because personal space is necessary for everyone.

To keep your beloved Scorpio, you need to be an ideal partner for him, a kindred spirit, empathetic, patient and self-possessed.

Moon and family relationships
If the childhood of a person born under the sign of Lunar Scorpio was not happy, then for the rest of his life he will have fear for his children. He will do everything so that the child does not need anything, surround him with care, indulge in various whims, pamper. Such efforts lead to the inability of the child to adulthood... It is difficult for him to make decisions on his own, to deal with problems. As a result, excessive care of the parent turns into stress, depression of the child, who does not understand what he is guilty of, that the whole world has suddenly become hostile.

Moon Scorpios show exceptional concern for family members and friends. An acquaintance who ran into a visit for a minute stays for the whole evening, and all his excuses, references to being busy with Scorpio are not accepted, being considered offensive. A warm and affectionate attitude towards friends, of course, makes them hospitable hosts. But do not compose hymns in their honor ahead of time. For all their loyalty, Scorpios are very vindictive, they do not forgive even minor sins and do not forget the most insignificant grievances.

Lunar Scorpios need to trust their relatives and friends more, not to fan the fire of resentment due to misunderstandings.

With increased mental sensitivity, people of this sign should learn to feel more free, at ease both at home and in a friendly company.

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Traditionally, a person is characterized by the sign of the zodiac that the Sun passes through at the moment of his birth. The moon is the second most important planet, and if you take it into account, you will not get twelve zodiac characteristics, and one hundred and forty-four, and even more - taking into account other planets. At the moment of a person's birth, his character acquires unique features precisely under their influence. The moon in a horoscope determines emotional compatibility with people. Disharmony on the Moon leads to emotional breakdowns and depression of the psyche. A man whose zodiac sign is the lunar Scorpio has his distinctive features and features of compatibility with other astrological signs.

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    Lunar Scorpio character traits

    Lunar Scorpio in the natal chart represents a secretive, pessimistic person, in his eyes there is quiet sadness, and in his soul there is a mystery. Despite the increased emotionality, outwardly it does not manifest itself in any way. Those close to him will help him get out of depression with the compassion he needs so much. People with a moon in Scorpio are able to do great success in their careers, they make unsurpassed superiors and executive subordinates.

      A deep inner world endows him with qualities such as vulnerability and sentimentality, and with all this, he needs adventure, which makes him the best lover among all the signs of the zodiac. Highly sexy man who can't live without romance. Tension, the intensity of feelings seem to tone it up and are a familiar element, which is beyond the power of other signs.

      Moon Scorpio is endowed with all the necessary inclinations for the development of clairvoyance and healing.

      If the moon was at the time of a person's birth in Scorpio, his character is distinguished by depth and sensuality. The natural magnetism of this man can drive you crazy and make you passionate about him. He skillfully weaves the most sticky nets, which he can only grasp at the moment of an embrace. If the moon Scorpio decides that he likes a particular woman, he will get her, and the circumstances will seem to be in his favor. People with the moon in Scorpio are selfish, secretive and vindictive, do not forgive offenders, are capable of rudeness and cruelty.

      What kind of woman does he need

      He is very picky about a woman. If she wants to please him, she needs to become a mystery to him and have an impeccable appearance. Lunar Scorpio is suitable for unusual and mystical women. Also, this sign likes women with the illusion of inaccessibility. The image of his wife is associated with a person who knows how to conduct long conversations on topics of interest to him, amaze with intelligence and a sense of humor. She should dress in branded exquisite outfits and wear no less impressive jewelry, and in life she should be both a lover and a fighting friend.

      Lunar Scorpio is suitable for a person who meets his passionate and refined nature, energetic and lively, with a sense of humor and knows how to love - he hates boredom and earthiness. Calm, colorless relationships are not for him. He is often overwhelmed by jealousy, characterized by frequent mood swings.

      Sometimes a man seems to be dependent on his partner, but here such qualities as possessiveness, manipulation, a desire to keep his wife on a short leash are manifested. The sensitivity, vulnerability and rancor of this man will certainly contribute to the development of relations.

      With mutual sympathy, you don't have to worry about how to take a step towards the lunar Scorpio - he will be able to take care of everything himself. It must be borne in mind that in the life of this sign there are no casual relationships, love for him is more than serious. And if the connection was short-lived, it still left a deep mark on his soul. Unfortunately, if his wife ceases to arouse his interest, and there is a cooling of feelings, he will prefer loneliness to marriage.

      Moon Sign Compatibility

      Moon Compatibility:

      • Aries. Interaction resembles a lightning strike, accompanied by a riot of elements. The wonderful feelings of this couple are not superficial, but the potential for pleasant experiences is fraught with danger in the form nervous breakdowns... Therefore, for successful coexistence, it is recommended to be mobile enough to reduce the intensity of passions in time.
      • Taurus. Strong attraction, mutual interest contribute to the creation of a wonderful couple. And only manifestations of jealousy on the part of Taurus will bring some confusion to the relationship. For the union to be strong, Taurus needs to understand that if the choice of Scorpio fell on him, then his feelings are serious.
      • Twins. Scorpio's strength and passion can look intimidating in this union. Gemini prefer a more graceful and easy relationship than such a frank display of sexuality.
      • Cancer. Sensitive Cancer is able to appreciate the desires of Scorpio better than other signs. This is what he needs most. Perhaps it is with Cancer that Scorpio will moderate his freedom-loving disposition.
      • A lion. The pride of this sign does not allow you to directly merge with Scorpio, to submit to his power. Harmony will be achieved through the humility of one of the partners, otherwise life will turn into continuous torment.
      • Virgo. Scorpio is not at all the person with whom she could find the much-desired peace and safety. Life paired with a Scorpio is like testing a volcano, and in order to enjoy it, you will have to change yourself.
      • Scales. If Libra can recognize a sensitive soul behind the external manifestation of passion, this will begin their relationship with Scorpio. The unpredictability of the latter can bring significant discomfort to unbalanced Libra.
      • Scorpion. The mutual power of passions will create an amazing atmosphere in this union. All beauty is realized on the condition that love must be strong enough. It must be remembered that the Scorpio nature, multiplied by two, is not calm.
      • Sagittarius. His natural cheerfulness and self-sufficiency to some extent restrain the oppressive influence of Scorpio. Relationships will delight in the event that Scorpio is able to accept the freedom of a partner as a prerequisite.
      • Capricorn. For a lasting union, the passion that flares up between these people is not enough, although at first the union is fascinating, exciting. Capricorn will need more sensitivity, gentleness. The open manifestation of passions introduces him to bewilderment.
      • Aquarius. Scorpio should not show a possessive instinct and remind Aquarius of his coldness so that the partner does not withdraw into himself. It is better to emphasize spirituality, tenderness, the ability to inspire and rejoice in Aquarius. The latter may be afraid of inconsistency and withdraw into himself for a long time, it is better for him to openly let his partner understand what feelings he needs.
      • Fishes. Both partners are romantic and sensual, enrich each other intellectually and sensually. Scorpio shouldn't forget about the gentle nature of Pisces. Resentment will sow cooling and separation between them.

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