Home Mushrooms Cambridge education system. Cambridge University: history, structure and specialties, tuition fees. Tuition fees in Cambridge

Cambridge education system. Cambridge University: history, structure and specialties, tuition fees. Tuition fees in Cambridge

The University of Cambridge is a structure of 31 colleges and universities that occupy top positions in leading rankings around the world. Among the graduates and teachers are 88 Nobel laureates, popular figures in science, art, politics, literature, and studying at Cambridge for Russians gives them the opportunity to join this illustrious elite group!

Cambridge Early Years and Primary Years

Before entering the school, children aged 3-5 years can visit “zero classes” or specialized children’s centers, where teachers instill a love of knowledge, teach them how to plan their time and calculate their strength, and cultivate a desire for self-development. Training in preschool age carried out in a game to make it easier for the child to get involved in the learning process. IN primary school Children aged from 5 to 11 years are taught. Required subjects:

  • English literature
  • mathematics
  • science (includes optional: biology, physics, chemistry)
  • physical training.

Studying at Cambridge for Russians also includes all kinds of electives:

  • art, design technology
  • classical civilizations
  • Latin language
  • Greek language
  • Informatics
  • drama
  • French
  • geography
  • story
  • mathematics
  • music
  • religious education
  • PSHE (personal, social and health education).

Secondary education in England

In accordance with English system Students are trained in A-Level and A-Level to obtain a diploma of secondary education and prepare for entering university. From the age of 14, schoolchildren prepare to take the GCSE exam (The General Certificate of Secondary Education) to receive a diploma, and from 16 to 18 years old they take the exam, which is necessary for admission to the university. In their final years at Cambridge, students have big choice specialized subjects for studying, which helps in the future to enter a university in the desired specialty.

Foreign students in GCSE and A-Level programs not only gain academic skills, but also improve their level of knowledge in English; for example, among foreign students The program “English as a Foreign Language” (English as Foreign Language or English as Second Language) is widespread.

Higher education in Cambridge

Students from all over the world come to England to receive higher education, learn from the best teachers and have excellent career prospects in the future. The main directions of the University of Cambridge:

  • humanitarian sciences
  • social Sciences
  • biological sciences
  • natural science
  • clinical medicine
  • equipment, technology.

Language courses in Cambridge for Russians and foreigners

In Cambridge it is easy to find a linguistic course to study English for students of different ages and backgrounds. different levels knowledge - the choice is very large:

  • general course in English
  • academic English
  • business English
  • English for work
  • preparation for exams.

Particular attention should be paid to the level of knowledge of the English language for those wishing to study in: institutions have very strict requirements for the admission of Russian and foreign students. With students language courses The best teachers who are native speakers work, so that after successfully completing the program, students have high scores in exams and easily enter universities.

Popular exams for admission to educational institutions in England:

Summer camps in Cambridge for children and schoolchildren

Participants have a unique opportunity to immerse themselves in the university atmosphere of the city, combine study and leisure, and immerse themselves in the cultural environment of Great Britain. Studying in Cambridge for Russians in the summer is possible in a variety of areas:

  • leadership school
  • medical course
  • architecture study program
  • IT, programming
  • study of law
  • course in physics, chemistry, biology
  • writing skills
  • study of literature and history.

Financing study abroad

Russian students have the opportunity to receive a grant or scholarship to cover the costs of studying abroad, including in Cambridge. Among the popular scholarship programs are listed:

  • Gates Scholarship (Master's, Postgraduate)
  • BAT Cambridge Scholarship for Russia (undergraduate)
  • Amy Li Cambridge Scholarship (Bachelor's degree in Chemistry, Mathematics, Engineering, Physics)
  • Cambridge Trust Scholarship (MSc)
  • Santander Cambridge Scholarship (Master's degree)
  • Parasol Cambridge Scholarship (Master of Philosophy)
  • Wellcome Cambridge Trust Scholarship (college research programs).

Tuition fees for long-term and short-term programs

The cost of studying at Cambridge for Russians is quite high - we can give the following average figures:

  • primary classes- from £3700/term
  • GCSE - £5555/term
  • A-Level - £5555/term
  • - 691512600 £/term
  • Bachelor's degree - from £3940/term
  • preparation for master's degree - 9540 £/semester
  • master's degree - 12600 £/year
  • MBA - £12,600/year
  • general English course - from £180/week
  • participation in summer program- from £690/week
  • preparation for CAE - £335/week
  • IELTS preparation - £250/week
  • preparation for FCE - £310/week.

Examples of educational institutions in Cambridge

  • - private school with primary, middle and senior classes (A-Level), you can also take preparatory Course before entering the university - International Foundation. The school is proud of its multicultural and international environment - even the teachers are representatives of different nationalities and states
  • - one of 5 private colleges of The Alpha Plus group, which specializes in preparing applicants for admission to top universities in the world (many students continue their studies at the University of Cambridge). College preparatory programs: GCSE, A-Level, International Foundation, IELTS. In three years, you can also get an education in business and management (the program was developed by specialists from the University of Buckingham). On summer period students are invited to take medical course
  • is one of the most popular and elite universities in the world, where students receive bachelor's and master's degrees. Students here have access to the resources of 114 libraries and 9 museums. The most popular specialties among students are in the fields of natural sciences, engineering, medicine, exact sciences (mathematics), law, history, economics, modern languages, psychology, political science, sociology
  • - Language school, operating for over 60 years and welcoming over 4,000 students annually. Foreign students here can prepare for FCE, CAE, IELTS exams, and during summer or winter holidays combine relaxation and learning English. For those wishing to teach English to foreigners, the CELTA course is available, which involves obtaining a certificate that allows you to teach foreign students
  • - a prestigious summer academic camp with two-week training programs for teenagers 16-18 years old. A total of 17 programs are available to choose from, each of which corresponds to a particular discipline and field of knowledge: for example, courses in architecture, biology, chemistry, writing, programming, English literature, philosophy, medicine.

One of the most prestigious and respected universities in the world and the wealthiest university in Europe, Cambridge consistently ranks highly in university rankings. A rich history, a high level of education and a degree that opens many doors have made Cambridge one of the most popular universities in the world.


Cambridge is the second oldest university in the UK and second only to Oxford. By the way, it was indirectly thanks to its eternal rival that Cambridge was born. Between a group of scientists from Oxford and local residents a conflict arose, as a result of which the learned men left the university and founded their own in 1209. This is how Cambridge was born. At first, theology, philosophy, mathematics, logic and classical languages ​​were studied at Cambridge University, and later other sciences, both exact and humanities, were added to the curriculum. Today in Cambridge you can study the most various items- from genetics to business.


At Cambridge, you can get a bachelor's degree, master's degree, and also study in a research program leading to a doctor of science (PhD) degree. The choice of areas and specializations in Cambridge is large - from medicine and computer technology to social anthropology and law. In addition, Cambridge has a business school. Judge (Cambridge Judge Business School), which offers MBA programs.

Number of students

About 20 thousand students study in Cambridge. Of these, 12 thousand are studying at bachelor's degrees. 10% of undergraduate students are foreigners.

Famous Alumni

There are many celebrities among Cambridge graduates - politicians, scientists, writers and businessmen. Physicist, mathematician and astronomer Isaac Newton, philosopher Francis Bacon, poet and thinker John Milton studied here. statesman Oliver Cromwell, scientist and traveler, author of the theory of evolution Charles Darwin, poets George Gordon Byron and William Wordsworth, scientist, theologian and writer C. S. Lewis, writers Vladimir Nabokov, Stephen Fry and Peter Ackroyd, actress Emma Thompson, actor Ian McKellen, heir british crown Prince Charles, 15 British Prime Ministers and 25 leaders of other countries. Cambridge is especially strong in exact sciences and medicine, and in terms of the number of Nobel laureates produced, Cambridge is ahead of other universities on the planet. .


Cambridge, like Oxford, its eternal rival, is a collegiate university and consists of faculties and departments specializing in certain areas of knowledge, and colleges (colleges).

Faculties and departments make up the central University, which is responsible for developing content curricula, organization of lectures, seminars and practical classes, organizing and conducting examinations and issuing diplomas.

Colleges provide undergraduate admissions, small-group instruction to complement university-sponsored lectures and seminars, and housing, food, and opportunities for undergraduate students to participate in sports and other activities for three years (usually the length of the degree program). ). There are a total of 31 colleges in Cambridge, 29 of which offer undergraduate programs, and two colleges specialize in postgraduate education and work with students in graduate and graduate programs.


Bachelor's degree

An application for admission to Cambridge must be submitted in advance, approximately a year before the expected start of studies. The first stage is filling out an online form on the centralized portal for applicants to British universities UCAS (Universities and Colleges Admissions Service).

When applying, you can indicate your desired college (up to one) or submit an open application. In the second case, the system itself will send your application to a suitable college. As a rule, every year about a quarter of applicants are enrolled in a different college than the one they indicated in the application. There's nothing wrong with that: there are no bad colleges in Cambridge.

Many applicants are worried and unsure which college to choose. However, in practice everything is not so difficult. The level of education you will receive at Cambridge does not depend on which college you attend. Within the same specialization, students from different colleges attend the same lectures, seminars and practical classes.

Criteria for choosing a college may also include its location, living conditions, average age of students (some colleges are aimed at students at least 21 years old), size and number of students. When choosing a college, you are choosing not what you will study, but where and how you will live.

Once your application on the UCAS website has been accepted, you will receive an email with a link to a detailed application form, including questions about your education and qualifications.

Those who pass the initial selection are invited for an interview in Cambridge. The percentage of those who pass the first stage is usually high - about 80%. Applicants with excellent certificates and recommendations have a good chance of qualifying for the next round.

For some courses, an interview will be the only test applicants must pass, while others may require written work and/or additional examinations. Sometimes exams are conducted along with an interview. In other cases, the university may ask you to submit written work and/or take an exam prior to the interview so that they can discuss the results with you during the interview. You will find information about which exams you need to take for admission to specific programs on the Cambridge website.

Interviews are usually conducted by December, and by the end of January you will hear back from the college whether you have been accepted or not.

Foreigners wishing to study at Cambridge must not only have an excellent command of the English language (the knowledge will need to be confirmed by passing IELTS exam or Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English - check in advance what the minimum score needs to be achieved), but also have high grades, especially in the subjects that the applicant plans to study at Cambridge. Additionally, in addition to UCAS, foreigners must complete the COPA (Cambridge Online Preliminary Application).

Russian applicants cannot enter Cambridge, like other British universities, immediately after school: the Russian certificate of secondary education is not considered a sufficient level of preparation, so those who are going to enter Cambridge will first have to study for at least a year at a Russian university. Find out in advance what transcripts of grades you will need to provide when filling out an application to Cambridge: you will need not only data on grades from the application to the certificate, but also an extract about your success at the university.

The average competition at Cambridge is five people per place, but varies depending on the course and program. When considering applications, two main points are taken into account - academic success and the potential of the applicant.

  • Information for undergraduate applicants: www.study.cam.ac.uk/undergraduate/
  • Information for international students applying for undergraduate studies: www.study.cam.ac.uk/undergraduate/international/
  • Portal for applying to British universities: www.ucas.com
  • COPA application portal: www.study.cam.ac.uk/undergraduate/apply/copa.html

Master's degree

Applicants to master's programs can choose two colleges as their desired ones. First you need to fill out the GRADSAF application and send it to in electronic format required documents (for example, resumes and diploma transcripts). You must also provide recommendations and a letter of motivation why you want to study in this particular program. Once your application has been received, you can track its status online at personal account and provide additional documents if necessary.

Russian students entering master's and postgraduate programs must also demonstrate a high level of English language proficiency. Cambridge accepts results IELTS tests Academic, TOEFL, CAE (Certificate of Advance English) and CPE (Certificate of Proficiency in English). Each course and program has its own English language proficiency requirements and may not accept all test scores, so please check the requirements for your chosen course in advance.

For Russian students those entering the master's program, the minimum level of education is Russian diploma a specialist with an average score of 5 out of 5 or a bachelor's degree with an average score of at least 4 out of 5.

Postgraduate studies

The Cambridge PhD application process has many similarities to the Master's degree application process, but there are also differences. For example, in some cases a bachelor's degree may not be enough and a master's degree will be required. Because the path to a Doctor of Science (PhD) degree involves serious research work, the application must describe research project what you want to do at Cambridge. You need to find your topic, as well as the supervisor under whom you plan to work, before submitting your application.

Information for applicants to master's and postgraduate programs: www.graduate.study.cam.ac.uk/


The classic MBA program at Cambridge Business School lasts one year. Applicants must complete an online application, provide a resume, GMAT test scores (and IELTS or TOEFL for foreigners), recommendations and write an essay. Those who successfully pass the first round are invited to an interview, after which a decision on enrollment is made.

Website of the business school named after. Jaja: www.jbs.cam.ac.uk

TUITION COST (per year)

For international students, the cost of studying at Cambridge is higher than for citizens of the UK and the European Union. The cost consists of the cost of tuition, college fees and living expenses. International students are not allowed to work while studying, so they must provide financial guarantees to demonstrate their ability to study and live in the UK while studying. The student must provide financial guarantees to both the college and the consulate when applying for a student visa.

Bachelor's degree. From 15 to 35 thousand pounds. The most expensive programs are in medicine. The cheapest place to study the humanities is at Cambridge. An additional college fee of 6-6.5 thousand pounds is paid.

Master's degree. From 20 to 26 thousand pounds

Postgraduate studies. From 20 to 36 thousand pounds

School of Business. Jaja (MBA): 45 thousand pounds


Scholarships for international undergraduate students are few and far between, and typically cover only part of the cost. Typically, such scholarships are provided by colleges themselves to promising students.

Opportunities to receive a scholarship or research grant are much higher in master's and postgraduate programs. You should look for sources of funding in advance, a year before the expected start of your studies, so find out what opportunities exist for undergraduate and graduate students in your specialty. In particular, scholarships for international students are provided by the Gates Cambridge program. If you don't find funding for your research, you may not be accepted into the university.

Business school students also have the opportunity to receive a scholarship that will partially or fully cover tuition costs and sometimes even living expenses. The scholarships are awarded to promising students with achievements in their field. There are scholarships designed for representatives of a specific field or country, as well as for women in business.

Scholarship information:

Cambridge Scholarships and Grants Program:

Scholarships and funding sources for MBA students:

The University of Cambridge, which dates back to 1209, is a symbol of the highest level of education in the most best traditions. Thanks to him, the ancient English town acquired world fame. A student whose goal is to obtain a prestigious diploma must meet the stringent selection criteria of Cambridge University. The annual competition in Cambridge averages 4 people per place.

The main condition for admission to Cambridge is the applicant's passing special program preparation for British A-Level universities. Training in this program lasts two years and includes subjects independently chosen by the potential student. These disciplines must correspond to the specialty that will be studied upon successful admission to the university. Specialists at the University of Cambridge have developed a list of subjects that are undesirable for passing. Of the three required evaluators, only one included in this list is allowed. You can download it on our website. At the end of the course, the future student takes exams in three subjects. The ideal option is to have three highest grades of category A. You can also take tests in the subjects studied by an independent authorized organization and receive an AEA certificate (Advanced Extention Award), which is valued more than the highest score in all assessed subjects. Graduates of schools in different countries where they study under the International Baccalaureate (IB) program are also eligible to enter the university. Graduates Russian schools it will be necessary to take an additional one-year course in the IB program, since the outdated training system in the Russian Federation does not meet the requirements of leading foreign universities. Additional points for admission can be obtained by completing a voluntary internship at any charitable organization during the year. Such an internship is automatically included in the IB program.

Foreign students also provide an IELTS 7.0 or 7.5 certificate, confirming sufficient knowledge of the English language. It can be replaced by the Cambridge Certificate, the exam for which is taken at the British Council offices, which are open at British embassies in different countries. The above documents are accompanied by recommendations from educational institutions which the applicant graduated from, as well as a letter outlining the motives and reasons for entering the University of Cambridge. These documents are sufficient for the initial selection of applicants. Students who successfully complete it are invited to an interview, where a final decision is made on the possibility of enrolling in the first year of Cambridge University. You can find a step-by-step plan for writing a motivation letter here. In addition, the university annually provides 40 international scholarships to young scientists from around the world.

The largest in England in terms of area, the oldest in the world and the most prestigious among universities, the University of Cambridge was founded in 1209. At first it was a college with its own independent system(it was opened in 1284), and the university on its basis was formed later.

Today, according to experts around the world, the best professors work here, teaching the knowledge of the most High Quality. To prove this, we can cite the data that Cambridge University- kind " trademark", under which a variety of discoveries were made.

That these discoveries really represent a huge scientific interest, They say Nobel Prizes, which were awarded to researchers working at this university. There are more than 80 such University of Cambridge laureates working here.

The English-speaking world assumes that the University of Cambridge is the second of the two oldest universities. Documentary evidence preserved from the time of his education speaks in favor of the fact that he was born on the personnel foundation of Oxford. It was to the University of Cambridge that teachers and students fled when tensions arose with local residents at their previous place of residence and previous work.

This unpleasant conflict, as time has shown, confirmed the wisdom of the saying that there is always a silver lining. Soon after the flight, the beautiful university University of Cambridge emerged in a new place, now worthy competition to its founding university.

A few words about the history of the university

The University's legitimate pride lies in King's College Cathedral. Its construction took about a century, starting in 1446. Upon completion of construction, the cathedral was included in the list of the greatest architectural structures England.

Every year, on Christmas Day, the university becomes the site of a television broadcast of a performance by the cathedral's boys' choir.

A strong connection with the powers that be from religion has been maintained for many centuries. Official Rome did not recognize Cambridge University immediately, but only in 1318. By this time, literally out of nowhere, a forge of knowledge had already arisen, proudly bearing the name of an established educational institution.

In earlier times, the educational process did not have much in common with what the university offers now. If previously students at the University of Cambridge were educated for many years, now this process has been significantly shortened.

Therefore, talented boys and girls from all over the world strive to enroll here. In addition, the previous rules required that a graduate of Cambridge University work here for two years as a teacher. Now, of course, there is no such mandatory training requirement here.

Subsequently, the university significantly relaxed its internal regulations. Moreover, as a result of Victorian reforms, Girton was opened on the basis of the University of Cambridge. This was the first attempt to create a women's college.

University structure and its features

We can say that the University of Cambridge is a separate state, concluded in the format English state. It lives according to the laws of its own constitution, and governance is carried out on the basis of decisions of its own legislative body. It's called Regent House.

The university called the University of Cambridge is a small, beautiful town with ancient, well-preserved buildings. Some of them date back to the Middle Ages. Modern university is a large friendly family, where 3 thousand mentors with various academic degrees are engaged in teaching students, this number also includes administrative workers.

Coordination and management of all inner life the students studying here are supervised by the general board. Its representatives keep their finger on the pulse educational process. Their sphere of influence at Cambridge University also includes their ward schools and faculties.

The number of students for whom the University of Cambridge has now become a second home amounts to more than 18 thousand. Every sixth of the young men or women studying here is a citizen foreign country. And the joint community of Oxford and Cambridge began to be called Oxbridge, now it means single territory Union of English Universities.

The modern University of Cambridge is a central department to which a structure of 31 colleges is subordinate. Three of them are female, in the rest boys and girls study together, for whom the dream of entering one of the most prestigious universities peace.

In addition, Cambridge University consists of hundreds of departments, including faculties and schools. And if the coordination of all this intense activity is carried out by the general management, then the administrative body of the university is its Council.

What the cost of studying

For those Russians who intend to enroll in this university, you should know that studying at one of the most prestigious universities in the whole world is quite a big investment Money. It will pay off for those who subsequently think of applying their knowledge in a prestigious, high-paying job. But for those who need Cambridge University only for a prestigious pastime, this is just money spent.

A prerequisite for a university to become your home is an interview.. It is carried out by the admissions committee of the University of Cambridge, but for this you also need to stock up on a certificate that would indicate that you know English. It has one of the formats generally accepted in English-speaking countries: “GCSE-C”, “IELTS 6-7” or “TOEFL 600/250”.

Tuition prices vary by theoretical course University of Cambridge starts from 9 thousand.

If the course includes clinical practice, then this is already 22 thousand. In addition, the student supports the university of his choice with an additional fee - this is the so-called financial support.

Here the amount is 3000-4000, the exact number depends on which Cambridge University college you attend. Accommodation, which must also be paid if the university you choose - Cambridge University - amounts to around 7 thousand.

As in Russia, this English university has the opportunity to study through “budget” scholarships. Here this is called a grant, it is provided by the university itself, but the number of such opportunities is very limited.

The Rector of the University of Cambridge is Prince Philip, who also bears the title of Duke of Edinburgh. The position of vice-rector is filled by world-renowned professor Alison Richard.

What do they study at Cambridge?

Here is a list of scientific specialties taught at Cambridge University:

  • veterinary medicine;
  • natural Sciences;
  • medicine;
  • mathematics;
  • industrial engineering;
  • engineering;
  • computer science;
  • chemical engineering.

To the number humanitarian specialties University of Cambridge include:

  • religion and theology;
  • social and political sciences;
  • philosophy;
  • Eastern culture;
  • music;
  • modern and medieval languages;
  • management;
  • linguistics;
  • right;
  • land management;
  • art history;
  • story;
  • geography;
  • English;
  • education;
  • economy;
  • antique classics;
  • architecture;
  • archeology and anthropology;
  • Anglo-Saxon, Scandinavian and Celtic cultures.

These faculties are designed to make the ordinary boy or girl of the future Nobel laureate . The preferences given by students at the University of Cambridge are as follows: more than half of those who choose this university are studying courses in the humanities.

Training and admission features

Study time at Cambridge University is not divided into two, as usual Russian university, and for three semesters. Here they are called trimesters. But, since the training time provided by the university does not extend beyond the normal calendar year, they last less.

Milmax (first trimester) times are October, November and December. Lenta time (second or Lenten trimester) – January, February and March. Easter (or third trimester) time is April, May and June.

A first-year student representing the University of Cambridge is a boy or girl over 18 years of age. You can find out more about your future studies at the University of Cambridge by visiting the website that this university has - www.cam.ac.uk.

Before enrolling, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the offered programs in April-May. Then, before October 15, you should submit an application to the university about your desire to enroll in one of its faculties. There is a centralized UCAS system for submitting documents. September-December is given off to arrive at the university and undergo an interview.

Only one school certificate Cambridge University does not recognize. You should stock up on an A-level certificate or present a certificate that before the interview at the University of Cambridge you studied at the university for one or two years.

All previously received awards and certificates that you would like to pick up as a portfolio and take with you to Cambridge University for an interview should be translated so that they can be read by an English-speaking person, with notarization. If you demonstrate good knowledge and diligence during your studies at the University of Cambridge, your tuition fees may be significantly reduced.

For the first time ever famous university The United Kingdom has lifted the curtain on the entry requirements for undergraduate programs. Cambridge on its website published a list of the least attractive subjects from the point of view of the university admissions committee, thereby forcing both parents and school advisers to seriously think about the topic of choosing them for study and further passing exams for the high school course.

Let's first look at the general conditions for admission to Cambridge.

First of all, the university prefers to have applicants who have completed A-Level program and have passed final exams in 4-5 subjects studied in more depth. All grades obtained in these disciplines are provided to the university, but those for which they intend to further study at Cambridge are mainly taken into account. It is preferable that candidates have the highest grades - A.
For example, of the applicants to Cambridge in 2005, 70% had the highest A-Level score - 360 points, i.e. 120 points for each of the three final exams taken at school. Of these, 95% received places at the university.

One of the exams may be replaced by a document establishing that the candidate has received confirmation from one of the authorized organizations of excellent knowledge of a particular subject (Advanced Extention Award - AEA). This will be evidence that the applicant not only passed the subject of an increased level of complexity, but also that he spent additional effort studying it and testing his knowledge through an independent organization.

Therefore, the admissions committee will treat with equal attention an applicant who, instead of three “A” in A-Level, has provided two “A”, one “B” and an AEA certificate. Some colleges that are part of Cambridge even give preference to candidates with AEA.

Those who decide to enroll in mathematics at Cambridge must, in addition to the A-Level exams, pass an additional test called Sixth Term Examination Papers in Mathematics (STEP). The University believes that STEP grades can characterize a candidate better than A-Level exams. STEP is taken only by those who are focused on studying mathematics at the country's leading universities. In 2005, for example, 1,350 candidates took them.

However, each specialty taught at the university has its own specific requirements. They can be found on the university website.

Applicants who have received secondary education in Scotland, Wales, Ireland and have successfully passed exams (Scottish Advanced Highers, Welsh Advanced Diploma in the Welsh Baccalaureate or Irish Leaving Certificate) can compete for a place at the university on a general basis.

Graduates of schools that teach International Baccalaureate (IB) programs have a good chance of becoming a first-year student at Cambridge University. On average, they need to score from 38 to 42 points out of a possible 45 for the final exams.

Their task is made easier by the fact that the IB course includes a mandatory section called “Creativity, Action, Service” (CAS). Let's take a closer look at the components of this extremely important part of the educational work of IB schools.

“Creativity” - development of creative skills in students, for example, participation in school musical productions, theatrical performances, graduation school newspaper or school website, etc.
“Action” - participation in school and regional sporting events, group or individual sports.

"Service" - work in the service of society, for example, in voluntary fire brigade, branch of the Red Cross, provision of social services, active participation in the activities of school self-government bodies, in training guide dogs, etc. (a list of activities is proposed by each individual school).
Why is this part of the IB program so important when applying not only to Cambridge, but also to other famous universities around the world? The fact is that Western society wants to see its citizens not only highly educated, but also capable of contributing to its development, which is not possible without active participation in public life countries.

Therefore, Western high school graduates intent on scaling higher education, can, upon completion, spend a year volunteering for various charitable organizations.
This adds points for admission to elite universities around the world. I don’t want to draw parallels, but our parents still strive to send their children to study at a foreign school, accompanied by nannies.
Graduates of foreign high schools who have received a national certificate with good grades, for example, the French Baccalaureate, the German Abitur, and the Italian Maturita, have a chance to enter Cambridge. For applicants from Russia and other countries former USSR, which still retain the Soviet eleven-year system of secondary education, this does not apply. They lack a year of study, which can be covered by studying at preparatory program(Foundation). However, upon completion, the chances of entering Cambridge are extremely low.

In addition to excellent grades in the certificate, foreigners must provide a document confirming their knowledge of the English language at a very high level. high level(IELTS no lower than 7.0, better 7.5). All applicants also provide feedback from their educational institutions, and also write so-called letters of intent, in which they must explain in a motivated manner what made them choose to come to Cambridge.
The university may also request to write 1-2 additional essays on a specific topic.

But that's not all. After the applicant passes all stages of the initial selection, he will be invited to undergo an interview. Questions asked during an interview may be provocative. For example, future doctors are asked: “If you had a choice - to kill one healthy person to transplant his organs into two other terminally ill patients, or to leave these two to die, which would you choose?”

Although the university, due to financial circumstances, is extremely interested in foreign students, who significantly replenish its budget (for example, the number of foreign students admitted by the university to the 1st year in 2005 was 16.7%, and in 2004 - 13.4%), it does not reduce the strict admission requirements. The competition is tough. Each year, approximately 14,000 candidates compete for one of Cambridge's 3,400 places.

Therefore, for those who have graduated from vocational colleges and received professional certificates and diplomas (VCE, Applied A-Level, GNVQ, BTEC), it will be very difficult to enter the University of Cambridge. A stereotype comes into play here, based on the fact that you need to start getting ready to study at leading universities (that is, build your career path) as early as possible.

Returning to the undesirable subjects, I will quote the information given on the Cambridge website: “To be a realistic candidate, the applicant must present results in two traditional academic subjects (including 2 subjects not included in this list). For example, mathematics, history and business may be an acceptable subject combination for a certain number of our disciplines. At the same time, history, business and media cannot usually be considered acceptable, because... this combination contains only one item not listed below. Likewise, for applicants who have completed International Baccalaureate (IB) programs, the diploma must contain no more than one of the disciplines listed.”

The list of unwanted items is as follows:

A levels

Art and Design (see also Architecture requirements)
Business Studies
Communication Studies
Drama/Theatre Studies
Film Studies
Health and Social Care
Home Economics

Information and Communication Technology
Leisure Studies
Media Studies
Music Technology
Performance Studies
Performing Arts
Physical Education
Sports Studies
Travel and Tourism

Business and Management
Design and Technology (see also Engineering requirements)
Information Technology in a Global Society
Visual Arts

Also, in the case when a student has not yet decided on the choice of a future specialty, the admissions committee recommends choosing a set of disciplines as subjects for passing exams for the A-level course, which would include chemistry, English literature, history, mathematics, and one of the modern languages , as well as physics.

It should also be noted that, not entirely satisfied with the quality of A-Level exams, from 2008 the Cambridge International Examinations Council (CIE) will introduce new exams, called Pre-U. The purpose of these exams is to identify the most talented children who are able to study at the most prestigious universities in the UK. New system tests were developed in collaboration with renowned British boarding schools and universities that make up the Russell Group. To pass Pre-U, students will need to study 3 subjects in depth during the last two years of school, pass exams in them and write an extended essay on a given topic. The new exams do not replace the old A-Levels system and students can take both Pre-U and A-Levels, but preference will be given to those taking the new test when applying to Division 1 universities.

Parallel to Cambridge London school Economics has posted its set of subjects, more or less preferred by the university admissions committee. Maths, French and Economics will look better to her than Maths, French and Business. But examiners will have a very negative attitude towards the combination of mathematics, accounting and media. Best view will have A-Level GCSE results in two academic subjects and only one subject from a list of: Accounting, Art and Design, Business, Communication, Dance, Design and Technology, Drama/Theater Studies, Home Economics, Information Technology communications, law, media, sports.

The article was written for Kommersant Publishing House

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