Home Perennial flowers A triangle formed by lines on the arm. There is a triangle on the line of fate, which means

A triangle formed by lines on the arm. There is a triangle on the line of fate, which means

Big triangle

A large triangle is formed by the line of life, head and fate, in individual cases the third party is the health line. Most people have a large triangle on their palms.

Ideally, it should be clear and even, which indicates integrity of nature, broad views and self-confidence. The larger the size of the triangle, the more pronounced the listed qualities are.

A small triangle indicates selfishness and too high ambitions. These people usually have no friends. They are so absorbed in their own self that they simply cannot see the desires and needs of others.

A clearly marked top corner is a sign of good taste and sophistication. The large triangle should be immediately noticeable, since otherwise the questioner is a weak person.

According to Indian palmists, the clearly marked corners of the triangle indicate frugality. A thin top corner indicates distrust and secrecy. Most likely, such a person has faced betrayal more than once. The lines of life and destiny can merge at the base of a large triangle, which speaks of independence and generosity.

It should be borne in mind that the big triangle shows whether a person will succeed. If, as a result of hard work, a person gets what he wants, this will certainly be reflected in the big triangle shortly before the event. The big triangle shows the potential of a person. A sharp high angle speaks of an inquiring mind and high intelligence. Such people never stop at what has been achieved and strive to acquire new knowledge and skills, being sure that sooner or later they will be required.

In some cases, the triangle is so clear and deep that the rest of the lines become invisible. If you meet a person with such a triangle on his arm, it is safe to say that he will achieve tremendous success. A high, clear and sharp triangle indicates a high position in society and material well-being.

Almost all thin lines on the hand appear as a result of stress and anxiety. If you look at the hand nervous person, there will be many small, subtle lines. There will be only a few of them on the hand of a calm, balanced person.

It should be borne in mind that all signs formed by small lines can be explained in terms of palmistry. For example, during periods of depression and nervousness, there may be a large number of stars on the hand. As soon as things go well, the stars will begin to fade and gradually disappear. The most common small characters are squares. They are of two types: protective and limiting. Both the protecting and the bounding squares can be on the same hand.

Protective squares protect a person and appear at the moment when he needs protection. In most cases, they surround the breaks in the lifeline. it good sign, indicating that the person will cope with a dangerous situation. In the absence of the square, the threat to life and health would be greater. Squares on other lines indicate that the person has overcome difficulties in the area for which the line is responsible.

A square on the life line that does not break around it is limiting. This sign of temporary restriction of freedom and in most cases symbolizes imprisonment. However, in practice, there are cases when people with bounding squares were trapped in circumstances and did not know how to live on. V in this case it is worth considering the accompanying signs that will help determine the causes of a difficult situation.

The bounding squares can disappear. This usually happens when a person changes their lifestyle and system. life values... Squares on the Mount of Venus that do not cross the lifeline indicate emotional limitations and distrust. This phenomenon occurs in people who have experienced a painful break in relations with a loved one. If there are several such squares and they form a chain, this indicates self-doubt and the need to hide your true feelings.

Teacher's square

The teacher's square consists of four minor lines on the hill of Jupiter or slightly below. This sign indicates pedagogical ability and the ability to explain. Such a person can become a good teacher and a speaker.

If you remember your school years, you will surely find at least one teacher who you remember as the best. Most likely, he has a teacher's square in the palm of his hand. The majority of teachers do not have this square, since many of them became teachers not by vocation, but by coincidence.

Often the teacher's square can be seen in the hands of those who have never worked in the field of education. However, the ability to explain and persuade will certainly play a role at some point. Such people begin to engage in teaching activities at the level of hobby, explaining to others what is interesting to them. There are many spiritual teachers and mentors among such people.

Trellis are formed by the intersection of minor lines and are usually most noticeable in hills. Regardless of the location of the grille - bad sign... The lattice indicates reckless actions, unwillingness to ponder the consequences.

Such people often ask for advice, but do the opposite. A normal-sized hill grill suppresses positives and enhances negative qualities responsible for this hill. Lattice on the Mount of Venus indicates strong passion and the inability of a person to restrain their desires. People with bars on the Hill of the Moon place too high demands on those around them, so it is almost impossible to please them. The lattice on the Mount of Jupiter enhances selfishness and self-confidence. Such people often consider themselves better than others and are always unhappy with the attitude of others.

Lattice on the hill of Saturn is a sign of pessimists. It enhances the negative attitude and gloominess of a person. Such people see everything in black and are not able to truly enjoy life.

The lattice on the hill of Apollo encourages its owner to strive for recognition and glory. Such a person should always be in the center of attention, everyone should love and admire him. The lattice on the hill of Mercury is a sign of deceit and secrecy. Such people are rarely frank, do not complain about life. Their motto is "I'm doing great." To appear more successful and prosperous, they often come up with interesting stories about my own life.

Reading by hand, you will often see when a minor line crosses the main line and forms a small cross. The cross is a sign of changes, the nature of which can be judged by analyzing the traces on the main line.

It should be borne in mind that only clear and noticeable crosses carry essential information. A cross next to a break in the main line indicates trouble and frustration.

The cross can be formed by two secondary lines. Pay attention only to bright and deep signs, because on the hands of emotional people there may be many different lines that are not of fundamental importance in fortune-telling.

Crosses, consisting of secondary lines, carry negative information, they can be considered a warning of danger. a cross located near the line of fate, or touching it, speaks of the danger of an accident. The location of the cross next to the life line warns of imminent personal troubles. Crosses on the health line indicate an imminent illness.

Of course, you should pay attention to the accompanying signs. Often, crosses warn against a rash step or mistake. Thus, crosses warn of situations that a person can prevent by making the right decision in time. For example, if the cross is located on the health line, you need to undergo an examination and pay more attention to your physical condition... If you accept necessary measures, you will soon notice that the cross has disappeared.

However, there are exceptions to each rule, and there are two options for which crosses are considered a good sign. The cross, enclosed in a quadrangle and touching the line of fate, portends a major success achieved by hard work. Such a cross usually means career growth and improved well-being. Despite its positive value the cross indicates that to receive desired by a person will have to make a lot of effort.

The cross, located on the hill of Jupiter and formed by two secondary lines, symbolizes a major change for the better. As a rule, this is a change professional activity or new romantic relationship... In addition, such a cross can mean a change in the value system and outlook on life. A large cross on the hill of Jupiter foreshadows spiritual growth and self-realization.


Crosses on other hills speak of small obstacles that a person has to overcome. In this case, you need to consider the cross in accordance with the characteristics of the hill on which it is inscribed.

The islet is a small, hollow oval formed on the main line. As a rule, there are several islets on one line. By outward appearance they resemble a chain.

A chain of islets on the lifeline indicate ups and downs. Such people tend to try to work in many areas and then choose the one they like best. Islets on the line of the heart speak of emotional experiences. On the rest of the lines, they mean experiences and worries. Sometimes the islets symbolize short-term illness and depression.

The line that forms the island and runs through the entire palm from the hill of Venus predicts failure in personal life. Such people often change partners and quickly become frustrated. If, at the same time, there are several lines of affection in the palm of your hand, this means several marriages.

An island on any hill renders negative impact per person. An island on the hill of Jupiter weakens pride and ambition, on the hill of Saturn - portends difficulties in communicating with people. The Island on the Hill of the Sun impairs creativity and discourages spiritual growth... The island on the hill of Mercury says that it will be difficult for a person to succeed, on the hill of Mars speaks of excessive gullibility. An island on the hill of the moon means weakness and lack of willpower. An island on the hill of Venus indicates that a person does not know how to fight for what he wants and gives up halfway.

Several minor lines can intersect and form a pattern that resembles a star. If the star is located on a hill, it is good sign... This arrangement of the star indicates that a person has every opportunity to succeed in the area for which the hill is responsible. The ideal option is a star on the hill of Jupiter. In this case, the work of the person will be paid for, and the achievements will be recognized and appreciated.

Stars on other areas of the palm predict troubles and situations that will be difficult for a person to cope with. Stars on the line of the heart indicate divorce or painful separation from a loved one. A star on the lifeline speaks of danger. A star on the line of the mind indicates that for some time a person will not develop spiritually.

Like other signs, the star should be viewed not only by its location, but also by the accompanying symbols.

In general, the circle is considered an unfavorable sign, but this only applies to the part of the hand on which it is located. If this sign is located on the hill of the Sun, it means that a person will occupy a high position in society. Besides, he will be lucky.

The circle on the hill of the moon indicates the danger associated with an accident. The circle symbolizes infinity and indicates a return to the past. For example, if the circle is on the lifeline, the person is more likely to revert to their old relationship.

Point. Spot

Dots and spots tend to appear on major lines and are a sign of blocked energy. It should be borne in mind that these signs carry information only if they are clearly distinguishable in the palm of your hand.

A dot or spot on the life line portends an early illness. On the line of the heart is a deep emotional experience. Note, if the dot on this line is white, this indicates a strong and strong love, which was preceded by difficulties in his personal life.

A dot or spot on the head line indicates a negative period, lethargy and fatigue, which can lead to nervous breakdown... Dots and spots on the line of fate speak of difficult periods and a revaluation of values. This is a good sign, as introspection and self-improvement are conducive to spiritual growth. In some cases, points on the life line mean a change in professional activity and an improvement in well-being.

When reading by hand, keep in mind that all the described signs should be analyzed only in conjunction with others. In this case, both main and minor lines should be taken into account. In addition, be sure to consider the legibility of the signs. As we already said, almost imperceptible lines and signs do not carry significant information, while bright and pronounced ones are essential.

Fundamentals of corrective palmistry. How to change fate along the lines of the hand Kibardin Gennady Mikhailovich

Money triangle

Money triangle

It is considered a sign of wealth. This is what many people constantly talk and dream about, especially in young and middle age. The money triangle on a person's hand is formed by three lines: Mind (Head), Destiny and the short circuit line of Mercury. Note that the main sides of the money triangle are the main lines on the palms of your hands.

The money triangle is small (Figure 9) and large (Figure 10). V general case the presence of a money triangle in the palm of a person, of course, suggests that he has a clear line of Destiny. Although the above example with Tatiana indicates that the "blunders" of the line of Destiny can be successfully compensated for by their enormous hard work and unconditional belief in success.

Rice. 9. Small money triangle

Rice. 10. Big money triangle

Most people in Russia have to make a living on their own, and this is quite normal. Miracles happen only in fairy tales. Nevertheless, our financial capabilities are well reflected by the small triangle in the center of the palm. This triangle is very small and it only speaks about a person's ability to make money, and not about the fact that by the end of his life he will have a sufficiently large amount of money.

Small money triangle (Figure 9) shows that its owner knows how to earn, save and increase his money.

However, it is impossible to acquire prosperity in life or wealth by lying on the couch near the TV or drinking beer every day in the company of the same young loafers near the nearest fence. Wealth does not come by itself. As the people say, water does not flow under a lying stone.

You should clearly learn a simple truth: without active mental and physical efforts on your part, without simple luck and good luck in fate, it is difficult to become a rich person.

The larger the money triangle (Fig. 10) and the clearer its lines, the better. If the angles of the triangle at the tops of the lines of Destiny and the Head are fuzzy, then this person clearly does not use his full potential, although he can earn much more, but is lazy.

If the "weak angle" of the lines of the Head and Mercury, then this person does not know how to keep the money earned. He quickly wastes them on trifles.

If inside this large triangle there are additional lines and small triangles, it means that a person in life will always have different and numerous sources financial income... And money from them sometimes, as a rule, is taken literally from nowhere.

With a very well-expressed line of the Head going to the hill of the Moon, and the absence of the line of Mercury, the owner can quickly become rich solely thanks to his mind. This is what happened to my friend Tatyana when she abruptly decided to change her fate.

If at the same time on the hand all the main lines are well expressed, but there are no small signs, then this is another pointer to a successful person.

Sometimes from the line of the Head there are "twigs" in the direction of the hill of Mercury - these are the so-called "scoops of money". Their owner knows how and what to do in order to make a good profit.

This means that for some people a billion is not money, but for other people, a relatively small amount of money earned can be considered a great achievement and wealth, fully allowing them to satisfy their needs.

If the triangle is not closed on the hand or there are gaps in the line, then it is into this "slot" that your money will flow. Break in the closing line (usually from the bottom right at right palm) indicates that a person will gradually waste a fortune. In this case, money is not added, although they are earned in enough a large number... Such a gap indicates that this money is being spent quite intensively (sometimes for trifles).

If the triangle does not have one side at all (a short locking line), then the person clearly cannot keep the earned capital.

If you look at your left palm and see a money triangle there, it means that your non-poor life is predetermined from above, you are just a financially lucky one. However, you absolutely need to work actively, including using your mind, otherwise big money just don't get it.

The money triangle on your palms is a sure sign of a wealthy person. However, it also affects other signs. For example, thin fingers on a person's hands change their interpretation in favor of this sign and are already regarded by an experienced palmist as an inability to manage incoming finances and material resources for your own good.

It is interesting to note that for a truly rich person, the locking line in its depth and clarity is not inferior to the lines of Mind and Destiny. It can also be noted that the money triangle appears on the palm of a person very early and transforms little over the course of the life of its owner.

Looking at your Life line, you can find there small triangles directed acute angle to the thumb is a sign of easy money.

If, on the other hand, there is a line between the little finger and the ring finger, directed to the middle of the palm, rejoice! This is a sign of a great inheritance.

In addition to all this, there are other signs on the palms of your hands that indicate a tendency towards financial well-being. Therefore, you should study the Fate line, the thickness of the fingers, papillary patterns and other additional signs of attracting wealth to you. Having dealt with the money triangle, consider additional signs (signs) of your financial well-being on your palms.

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Chapter 8 Money Feng Shui

Palmistry - oldest system fortune telling by the lines in the palm of your hand. The triangle on the line of the heart is interpreted in different ways, because each person is unique. Certain lines on the palms are a mirror image of the properties and qualities of a person, his life experience, ups and downs. The heart line is special. It displays our spiritual experience, which is hidden from prying eyes.

The line of the heart tells about the joys and sorrows we have experienced, about the strength of the spirit, about the "deeds of the heart." Palmists also claim that this band can be used to judge the health of the heart. But few know about the marks and geometric shapes located on it. Neophytes in palmistry are especially interested in the triangle sign on the hand.

The symbolic meaning of the triangle

The symbolic meaning of this geometric figure is interpreted in different ways. But still, in most cases, positive characteristics are characteristic of it. Her presence in the palm of your hand indicates the high intelligence of the owner. The exact interpretation depends on the position of the figure. The location on the strip of the mind (head) indicates great achievements due to the gifts of the intellect.

The triangle on the life line promises unforeseen circumstances, the outcome of which does not depend on you. The appearance of the triangle on the line of the heart is of paramount importance. If a heart line is drawn through it, you are in front of you who, in choosing a life partner, is guided mainly by reason.

The shape of the triangle is also important. Typically, there are these types of triangles:

  1. Isosceles.
  2. Equilateral.
  3. Rectangular.

The sequence in the interpretation of marks or geometric shapes on the hand is of fundamental importance. Keep in mind, first of all, we examine the palm, fingers, the line of the mind, the line of the heart, as well as the lines of fate and life. In most cases, it is customary to interpret the heart line first, and then all the others.

Large and small triangles

First, let's deal with the terminology, and then with the large and small triangle. Talking about the big and small triangles, let's talk about the concept of the throne of the hand. The throne of the hand or palm is the distance between the line of the mind and the heart, it can be large or small. The large distance between these lines characterizes the owner of the hand as a person of a wide soul, but overly emotional. He rarely controls his emotions. If the distance between the line of the heart and the head is small, this means that such a person constantly needs help and support. After all, without her, he will either break a bunch of firewood, or stop acting for fear of making a mistake. This is a depressive and pedantic nature.

Now let's find out what the large and small triangle of the palm are. Big triangle - geometric figure, located between the line of the head, life and Mercury. If a person is the owner of a large triangle, then this is a strong individual who has everything under control. If such a triangle is correct, his life is calm and harmonious. Especially if the lines of the triangle are not interrupted or cut off by other straight lines.

Fateful signs. Palmistry: Heart line. Squares, triangles, crosses on the line of the heart

PALMISTRY. Signs of WEALTH on the hands. Triangles

We are talking about the presence of a small triangle if the strip of the Sun / Apollo and Saturn is divided into parts by a large triangle. There can be several small triangles. If one of them is pronounced, this indicates that we are faced with a creative and easily trained person. If the beginning of the small triangle lies on the tubercles of Mercury and Saturn and the triangle itself has long sides, this indicates a creative personality. Sometimes the sides of a small triangle form a horn or tulip shape. This means that such a person is a born inventor.

Bumps on the arm

Bumps or hills on the hand are located near the heart line at the base of the index, middle, ring finger and little finger. They have the following names:

  • the hill of Jupiter;
  • the hill of Saturn;
  • hill of the Sun or Apollo;
  • hill of mercury.

The pronounced hill testifies to positive properties character of a person. What matters is whether the hill is displaced or located at the base of the finger. Only an experienced palmist will tell about the inclinations of human nature on the hills.

Right hand or left

For those who are just trying to understand what palmistry is, which hand to disassemble the triangle on the heart line, I will answer: the lines on both hands are important. But there is some difference. On the left hand, we read what is destined from birth. On right hand- what the person himself creates, his life experience. That's why left hand passive, and the right one is active.

If the stripes on both hands are very different, this indicates that the wearer of the palm has done tremendous work on himself. Since the line of the heart tells mainly about what has already happened, it is better to read about it on the right hand. But remember that the opposite is true for lefties.

Interpretation of the heart band

It should be noted that the heart line can be interpreted in several directions. It doesn't matter if you read it from index finger to little finger or vice versa. But palmistry suggests considering the line of the heart, starting from the side of the index finger. The stripe of the heart under the little finger ends. What should be taken into account when interpreting the line of the heart?

  1. If there is no heart line at all, then such a person is not emotional. Logic comes first. As a rule, the line of mind in such people is pronounced.
  2. If the beginning of the heart line passes under the index finger, this indicates that the owner of the palm is selective in choosing a life partner.
  3. If the heart stripe begins under the middle finger, it means that such a person is egocentric, not ready for self-sacrifice and compromise.
  4. If the beginning of the heart line is located closer to the middle of the palm, it is easy for a person to turn his head.
  5. A long and wavy streak of life indicates impermanence.
  6. Short and straight - proof that for a person love relationship- far from in the first place.
  7. If the line of the heart and head are identical and located opposite each other, this indicates the ability to cope with feelings and emotions.
  8. A stripe on the hand of the heart, touching the life line, speaks of a person's vulnerability.
  9. An interrupted heart line is an indicator of serious psychological trauma in a person's life.

Triangles on the heart line

By the triangle on the line of the heart on the right hand, the apex of which is facing towards each of the tubercles, we learn about the character, inclinations of a person, his relationship with others. Let's consider some options for palms with three corners on the line of the heart.

Isosceles triangle

  • If the apex of the triangle on the line of the heart is facing towards the index finger, this means that the owner of the palm is a person suffering from loneliness. He has no understanding with the world around him. Such a person is withdrawn, and therefore he has few or no friends;
  • if the top of the three corners on the straight line of the heart points towards the middle finger, this means that the person controls other people in the name of achieving his goal. In this he is helped by innate acting abilities, because he can go from crying to laughing in one second;
  • the triangle pointing to the ring finger indicates the ability to help people and great intuition. Most often, the owner of a palm with such a triangle on the line of the heart will become a good doctor;
  • three angles pointing to the little finger indicate that a person lives in harmony with himself, he is balanced and calm. A person with three corners, the top of which is located towards the little finger, knows what he wants from life. He sets a goal for himself and sees no obstacles.

Equilateral triangle

  • An equilateral triangle, directed to the index finger, means that in front of you is a person who succeeds in everything, for whatever he takes. This is a multifaceted personality who is realized in several areas. Accumulating experience and capital over the years, such a person will not need anything. A nice bonus for the owner of the palm with equilateral triangle- his relatives will not live in poverty either;
  • equilateral triangle on the line of the heart, indicating middle finger, indicates a specific person as a successful entrepreneur;
  • if the top of an equilateral triangle on the line of the heart is directed towards the ring finger, the owner of such a palm floats with the flow and does not want to change anything in life;
  • if the vertex of the equilateral triangle on the right hand on the heart strip is directed towards the little finger, such a person is a family man. He values ​​and respects the spouse throughout his life. You will live "soul to soul" with him, if only a person with an equilateral triangle on his hand reciprocate his feelings.

Right triangle

  • The rectangular triangle on the right hand on the stripe of the heart, directed to the index finger, indicates a sensitive and caring friend. He listens more than speaks. He has a lot of friends. But such a person rarely reaches career heights;
  • a right-angled triangle on the right hand on the line of the heart, pointing to the middle finger, means a strong-willed, artistic, aggressive personality;
  • if on the right hand a right-angled triangle on the line of the heart points towards the ring finger, then in front of you is an ordinary jealous person. A person with rectangular three corners of stripes on the palm is often irritated and angry over trifles;
  • if on the right hand a right-angled triangle on the heart strip, pointing towards the little finger, indicates that the owner of such a palm has a complex character. It is difficult to get along with this person under one roof, he annoys and worries those who love him. Although he himself is attached to them.

What does the triangular stripe on the other stripes of the palm mean?

If it is clear with a triangle on the line of the heart, what does the triangle on the other stripes on the right hand mean? If a triangle forms on the line of the head, it means that in front of you is a person with a scientific career. Such people are intellectual and read a lot. If the triangle on the right hand is formed on the life line, this indicates financial well-being person. This triangle is called "money". Its owners are happy people... But in order to correctly interpret such a sign, look at where the life line begins and ends. It is also important where the triangle itself begins and ends. The length of the lifeline determines the lifespan of a person. An unfavorable period is determined at three angles on the life strip.

The triangle adjacent to the base of the life strip is evidence of such a period. The big triangle means that unfavorable circumstances will accompany a person for some time. Therefore, you should be patient. Small, on the other hand, suggests that the unfavorable period is already ending, not having time to begin. If you are interpreting the triangle sign on the life line, remember one feature. It is important whether this sign is adjacent to the line or not. Also, consider other signs above or below the triangle. Therefore, I still do not advise you to judge the triangles in the palm of your hand on your own. Consult an experienced palmist. He will determine when a period of difficulties awaits you, he will help you to pass it. After all, a palmist is good psychologist... But do not forget: palmistry is not an exact science, errors are possible.

It is natural for a person to make attempts to look into the future, for this, tasks were invented, playing solitaire, consultations of psychics and clairvoyants, as well as palmistry. It is worth saying that the last method can be used independently at home. The fact is that the human hand is a kind of atlas of our fate, having the slightest knowledge of palmistry, you can skillfully read all the signs and lines, put them together and learn about what was, is and will be.

The line of Fate, Life, Love and Mind speaks most eloquently about the fate and life of a person. However, this does not mean that you can close your eyes to small branches and signs, one of such signs is a triangle in the palm of your hand. Today we will learn how to find it, what it can tell about.

General information about the triangle

It is worth saying that a triangle in the palm of your hand is an ambiguous sign that can take on both positive and negative meanings. It is important to evaluate not only the presence or absence of a figure itself, but also the characteristics of the triangle on the hand, that is, its size, clarity of lines, any detail is important.

What affects the analysis of a triangle of lines in the palm of your hand:

  • Where the triangle is located. This factor means a lot. On which hill (Jupiter, Saturn, Mars, Apollo, Moon or Venus) or on which line (life, mind, love or children) the sign will be located, its meaning will radically change.
  • How many triangles are located in the palm of your hand. The larger the number, the more difficult it will be to analyze a given hand.
  • The size of the triangle. The larger the figure, the more pronounced this or that quality will be. It is important to be able to interpret all the signs in aggregate, this will help to recreate a real picture of fate. In addition to signs, moles must also be taken into account, however, the analysis of moles should be done by professionals, that is, a palmist with work experience.

However, despite all these nuances, there is total value this karmic symbol. If at all, then a triangle in the palm of your hand means positive sign than negative. If such a pattern is visible in the palm of your hand, it is a sign that your future is likely to be bright and cloudless. Such people often find themselves in science, medicine, as well as politics or social activities.

Although there is an opposite meaning, when the triangle takes on a different, ominous interpretation. There are situations where a triangle means serious illness, loneliness and even death, but, thank God, this is extremely rare. This only happens when the triangle is pointing downwards or if it comes from the little finger of the left hand.

Triangles of fate

In this section, we will talk about how the meaning of the triangle in the palm of your hand changes depending on which zone it is located in.

On the hill of Jupiter

If the triangle is located on the knoll or rosette of Jupiter (located near the index finger), that is, near the index finger not on the left hand, then this indicates that a hand is in front of you talented person who can find his calling in public speaking, it should be said that keeping the attention of the public is his talent. Such people can become successful politicians, heads of large companies, as well as stage workers. In addition, such people are distinguished by outstanding mental abilities, they generate great amount ideas, many of which are successful and even unique. It is worth saying that such people are a magnet for attracting various non-standard situations, you can write books about the life of such people.

On the hill of Apollo

If the sign is located on the hill of Apollo, that is, below the ring finger, then these are very disciplined people, their vocation is exact sciences, this is where they can reach their full potential. Among the owners of the mark can be found famous architects, as well as engineers who created extraordinary projects.

On the hill of Mars

There is a triangle on it, this area is on the edge of the wrist, it should be said that this sign is extremely rare. Usually, the triangle on the hill of Mars is seen in men who achieve success in the military industry, they become excellent generals, as they can lead people with them. Its location is the lower area under the little finger.

On the hill of the moon

If the triangle is located on the hill of the moon, that is, in the lower part of the rib of the hand, this is a sign that there is a difficult person in front of you. Usually, this mark indicates magical abilities, many magicians and psychics can boast of this sign. It is believed that the figure on the hill of the Moon endows the owner with a special cosmic connection with otherworldly forces, which will further contribute to witchcraft. In addition to magic, they can be realized in art, as they are able to subtly feel the beauty.

On the hill of Venus

Speaking about the location of the triangle in the Venus zone, one cannot but say that this is a bad sign. Most likely, in the fate of this person there will be many trials that will force him to show maximum strength and faith in himself. Of course, this is not a sentence, the prediction will not necessarily come true, but this is a good reason to think about whether you are doing everything right, or whether it makes sense to reconsider certain aspects of life.

If the triangle is on the right hand

Palmists assure that the decoding of the triangle will change depending on which hand the sign appears on. Moreover, the symbol is not found on every hand, it also has its own meaning. Such people usually live their lives, that is, they do not differ in special skills, do not encounter insoluble problems, this option cannot be called bad.

Let's talk about what the triangle, located only on the right hand, means. Usually, it is located in the middle of the hand, where the palm is divided in half, so it is simply impossible not to notice it. For a full interpretation, it is necessary to analyze which vital lines are the edges of the figure, the meaning of the symbol will depend on this:

If the triangle is formed by the line of the Mind (Head) to the segment of Fate on the right hand, which happens most often, this is a sign that such a person will never experience material problems most likely a rich and carefree life awaits him. However, it cannot be said that money will come from nowhere, it is not. Most likely, considerable efforts will have to be made to achieve real financial independence but believe me it's worth it.

It is worth paying attention to the clarity and clarity of the lines, only thick and really noticeable lines will indicate monetary success... If there is a triangle on the right hand, but at the same time the edges of the triangle are fuzzy, broken, and in some places even resemble a dotted line, this also indicates an influx of money, only in your case, they will quickly come and just as quickly leave you.

What does the triangle on the left palm mean?

The triangle on your left hand is also an important sign that indicates that you most likely will not have money problems in your life. However, compared to the interpretation of the symbol on the right palm, money will come easily, without any effort on your part. Usually, it can be winning the lottery, receiving an unexpected inheritance, and more.

Here it is important to analyze which side is the base of the triangle, that is, its longest side. If this is the Life Line, then you can achieve success professionally, most likely you will become a good leader. If this is a triangle on the line of Love, then there will always be loving person who will sincerely support any of your endeavors. If it comes about the Line of Destiny, then your life will be full of adventures - traveling, meeting new people.

What does the big triangle stand for

It is worth saying that the triangles are different, some compare them to fingerprints, the pattern is so unique. Of all the varieties of the symbol in the palm, there is such a sign, which is called the Big Triangle, usually it is a triangle in the very center of the palm. It is formed from the following lines:

  • Intelligence (Heads)
  • Fate
  • Mercury

This combination of lines is considered unique and has its own interpretation. It is worth talking about the special meaning of the triangle only if all three edges are drawn clearly and deeply enough.

It should be said that this is a definitely positive sign that indicates certain abilities. He indicates that it will be with enviable ease for you to cope with all the problems that arise on your life path, namely: your mind will always remain cold, and you will be able to adapt in time to any situation and deftly get out of it, get out of the water dry. It also suggests that your life will always maintain balance and harmony, which is so often lacking in our life.

Speaking of the big triangle, you need to mention the characteristics of the figure, which must be taken into account when explaining:

  • The form. If the triangle has equal sides, that is, it is correct, then this suggests that you will be equally happy in all aspects of life;
  • Pay attention to the angle of inclination of the edges. If a triangle from the line of the Head and Mercury creates a right angle when crossing, this is a sign that you should listen to your own intuition, it will not let you down;
  • The presence of breaks and cracks. Such a sign suggests that everything in life will be shaky, today you can be on a horse, and tomorrow you are broke, try not to take risks.

What does the small triangle mean?

The presence of a small triangle will indicate creative person who is able to decorate this world with herself. It can be formed from various lines, here it is important to note its size and the lines with which the vertices of the triangle are in contact.

If one of them touches the line of Love, then this suggests that your chosen one or the Chosen One will always share your hobbies and, most likely, you will work in the same area. If the middle, that is, the top, is in contact with the Life Line, this is a sign that creativity should not become your main activity, yes, it can be your hobby, but no more than that. Most likely, you will not be able to achieve real success in this field.

God's Eye or High Triangle

The high triangle, the Red Triangle or God's Eye, as it is called in palmistry, is formed from three lines - the Line of Mind (Head), Mercury and Apollo, comes from the ring finger. People who have such a symbol in the palm of their left or right hand have extraordinary abilities for science, at present, they can be realized in such a field as IT technologies.

However, this does not mean that such a person is only able to sit at the computer for hours and do tedious and monotonous work, this is not the case. The presence of God's Eye in the palm of your hand endows such people with all-round development in many areas, therefore we can say that a person with such a mark is simply doomed to success, his grounding is simply impossible.

Long-sided triangle

Separately, it should be said about when a triangle with long edges forms on the palm, it is also called the Witch's triangle on the hand. Not every palmist can find it, especially if you are dealing with this for the first time. However, it is still worth trying, since its meaning completely changes the fate of the owner of such a sign on his hand.

The difficulty in defining the witch's triangle lies in the fact that it is formed by several hills and lines at once. The first facet comes from the hill of Mercury, the second is the side of the hill of Saturn, and the third is the line of Fate in the triangle. It is worth saying that often the edges of the figure are indistinct and barely noticeable, so you have to work hard to find them.

Parses in detail the meanings of all lines and symbols on the hand, as well as the shape of the hand itself and fingers. The triangle on the life line has a different meaning from the triangle on other parts of the palm. Several triangles are believed to symbolize happy destiny human, but consider all the symbols in order.

To decipher the meaning of the symbol, you must pay attention to the following:

  • the size and clarity of the outline of the form;
  • directionality of the top;
  • on which palm is located.

When determining the meaning of the figure, it is necessary to take into account the person's age, as well as the location on the hand - right, left, or both. On the right hand, there are marked changes in fate, which was foreordained from above. On the left hand, you can read the destiny intended for a person. Palmists have long noticed that a person's actions can radically change fate - these changes are marked on the left palm.

Important! For left-handers, the left hand is the dominant hand, therefore, changes in life are indicated on it. For right-handers, the signs of change are on the right palm.

If a triangle appeared on the leading hand, which was not a sign of fate on the other hand, then the person was able to change his life on his own. If a triangle appears on the left hand, but not on the right, the person could not realize the potential laid down by fate.

If you find triangles on both hands, this is a sign of the lucky one and the favorite of the gods. A person is given a chance to become rich if he realizes it.

Now let's look at the shape of the triangle and the lines that form it. Usually, three vertices form the main lines of the palm - head, heart, and life. A money triangle appears in the center of the palms. It should be even, clearly outlined and closed - only in this case the sign has a positive meaning. If the triangle is open or has irregular shape it shows financial failure. Basically, an open and deformed triangle indicates a money leak.

Location on the lines of the palm

How to determine which of the lines on the palm is leading when interpreting a triangle? You need to find the main side of the sign.

Head line

If forms the main side of the triangle, a person will earn wealth, thanks to his mental abilities.

If the sign is located with its apex to the mound of Venus ( thumb), a person can achieve fame in the field of arts through the implementation of creative abilities. If the sign is located with its apex to the mound of Mercury, a person will achieve success through the sphere of scientific knowledge.

If the sign is located in other places on the line of the mind, this indicates the receipt of an inheritance either material wealth from my father.

Life line

If the sign is located on this site, it predicts natural disasters or fatal events. However, it matters which side the triangle is on. If it is adjacent to the life line or located on the outside or inside, this is always a harbinger of trouble.

Only the mound of Venus can soften the fateful meaning of the sign - if the triangle rests against it, troubles can pass by and not touch the fate of a person. If the apex of the triangle faces the Mount of Venus, it is a sign of good luck!

Line of fate

A triangle on the line of fate speaks of luck. However, a person must make efforts to achieve prosperity and success in life, because water does not flow under a lying stone. The triangle shows that in any circumstances, a person will be successful if he does not miss his chance.

Heart line

The figure on the heart line speaks of a person's ability to adequately assess the situation, reason and act logically. The figure on the line of the heart characterizes the person who builds marriage relationship solely on the calculation - these people do not know how to love and succumb to feelings.

A person with a triangle sign on the heart line is a scientist, professor, mathematician. They can also be excellent philologists and translators from foreign languages.

Dimensions and appearance

Now let's look at what a triangle looks like on a hand. It can be small or large, equilateral or isosceles. Big figure, as a rule, formed by the leading lines of the hand - the head and life. These people are characterized by a strong will, determination and ability to control everything.

Note! How more correct figure, the more favorable value it possesses.

If the triangle, formed by the lines of life and mind, is equilateral - a calm person expects harmonious life... If you see a small figure, but clearly outlined, this indicates creativity in a person. The triangle can resemble the shape of a tulip or a horn - this shows the creative mind.

If the figure appears at the wrist and crowns the line of life, the personality has well-developed qualities of intuition. The main thing here is to learn to listen to inner prompts and use intuitive knowledge in life.

Now let's look at the shape of the figure:

  1. rectangular;
  2. equilateral;
  3. isosceles.

If a right-angled triangle is located on the heart line with its apex to the index finger, this characterizes sociability and the ability to be friends. However, such people rarely achieve career growth - they are not adapted to this.

If a right-angled triangle is located with its apex to the middle finger on the line of the heart, the person has the qualities of a leader. The top in the direction of the ring finger speaks of a jealous character and irritability for no reason. The top in the direction of the little finger shows an obstinate unpredictable disposition.

An isosceles triangle on the line of the heart with its apex to the index finger characterizes a closed, unsociable person. The direction of the top to the middle finger shows an egoist who has an acting gift - this is a hypocritical selfish person. Vertex direction to ring finger shows kind person always coming to the rescue. The top in the direction of the little finger characterizes an integral harmonious nature, which can handle everything.

An equilateral triangle at the index finger characterizes a successful person who can assert himself in any area of ​​life. The figure apex to the middle finger shows a commercial vein. The figure with the top to the ring finger characterizes an incapacitated person who simply exists. A triangle with apex to the little finger characterizes a reliable spouse.

Money sign

Many people are interested in this symbol. Where is the wealth triangle located? It is formed by the three main lines of the palm - Mercury, head and fate. The line of Mercury shows an entrepreneurial streak, the line of the head - the ability to think adequately, the line of fate - the ability to set specific goals and achieve their implementation.

It is very important that the money triangle has a clear solid shape, any deformation shows damage. The well-being of a person also depends on the size of the figure: the larger it is, the more capital.

What will they talk about? If the gap is localized at the junction of the lines of the head and fate, labor activity does not bring a person stable income... The gap at the connection of the lines of Mercury and fate shows that all finances go to providing for the family. If the gap is indicated at the intersection of the lines of the head and Mercury, money flows through the fingers.

Guess today with the help of the "Card of the Day" Tarot spread!

For correct fortune-telling: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

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