Home Preparations for the winter Games and exercises for the formation of the correct sound pronunciation. Game exercises to activate the correct sound pronunciation

Games and exercises for the formation of the correct sound pronunciation. Game exercises to activate the correct sound pronunciation

Games for the formation of the correct sound pronunciation in children with dyslalia "

Anya, for my file cabinet, so far only such games have been found, I’ll look again, then I’ll add

"Games for the formation of the correct sound pronunciation in children with dyslalia"

Selection of methodological material for working with children with dyslalia:



a) Silence

Target. Sound automation sh.

Description of the game. The driver stands at one wall, and all the other children are at the opposite. Children should quietly, on tiptoe, approach the driver; with each careless movement, the driver makes a warning sound shhhhh, and the sensational one must stop. Whoever quietly reaches the leader first, becomes the leader himself.

b) "Train"

Target. Automation of the sound sh in syllables and words.

Description of the game. Children become one after another, depicting a train. Ahead of the train is a locomotive (one of the children). The train leaves on the command "Go, go, go." The pace is gradually picking up. They drive up to the station (an appointed place or a building made of cubes) and say: “I came, I came, I came” (slowly: sh, sh, sh - let off steam). Then a bell is given, a whistle is given - and the movement resumes.

Note. You can enter into the game a semaphore, ticket sales. You can complicate the game - the children will depict different trains, for example, an ambulance and a freight train. The ambulance moves to the sounds of shu-shu-shu - (quickly), the goods one - shshshu-shshshu (slowly).

c) "Bees and cubs"

Target. Sound automation.

Description of the game. Playing children are divided into two groups: one group - bees, the other - cubs. Bees climb on the gymnastic wall (or chairs). This is a hive. Bear cubs hide behind a tree (bench). Having heard the signal “Bees, for honey!”, the children go down to the floor, run away and, like bees, fly from flower to flower. The cubs at this time climb over the bench and go on all fours to the hive. At the signal “Bears are coming, the bees are returning from sound w-w-w-w. And the cubs quickly straighten up and run away.

When the game is repeated, the children change roles.

d) Greedy cat

Target. Differentiation of sounds sh-zh.

Description of the game. Choose a driver. He is a cat. The cat sits in a corner and says: "I'm a terribly greedy cat, I catch all mice - and in my mouth." The rest of the children are mice. They walk past the cat and whisper in fright: "Hush, hush, the cat is getting closer, closer." Children say these words twice. With the last words, the cat jumps out and catches mice. Whoever fell into the paws of a cat should say the words “quieter” and “closer” 5-10 times. Then the role of the cat is transferred to another child, and the game continues.

e) "Sparrows"

Target. Automation of sound h in onomatopoeia.

Description of the game. Children (sparrows) sit on chairs (in nests) and sleep. To the words of the teacher, “The sparrows live in the nest And everyone gets up early in the morning,” the children open their eyes, sing loudly:

Chirp chirp chirp, chirp chirp chirp!

They sing so cheerfully, The teacher finishes.

After these words, the children run around the room. To the words of the teacher “They flew into the nest!” return to their places.

e) "Chizhik"

Target. Automation of sound ch and differentiation of sounds ch-zh.

Description of the game. One child is a cat, the rest of the children are siskins. They occupy a part of the site, which is circled in chalk. This is a cage. The other part of the site is free. The teacher (or selected child) says:

The chizhik was sitting in a cage, the chizhik in the cage sang loudly: “Chu-choo-choo, choo-choo-choo, I will fly free.”

After these words, the siskins wave their arms and fly to the free part of the site, saying the words:

Choo-choo-choo, choo-choo-choo, I will fly free.

A cat appears, and the siskins fly back to their cage. The cat catches chizhikov.

g) Scouts

Target. Automation of sound u in words and phrases.

Equipment. Brush, toy puppy, sliver, box, raincoat, pincers.

Description of the game. The teacher sits the children in a semicircle and says that they will play "scouts". The children are shown objects to be hidden. They need to be found. For searches, a group of scouts is allocated, who must find the item, bring it and name it. The one who found and named the item correctly receives the scout badge. (By analogy, a game could be organized to automate any sound.)


a) "pump"

Target. Sound automation p.

Description of the game. Children sit on chairs. The teacher tells them: “We are going to ride bicycles. You need to check if the tires are well inflated. While the bikes were standing, the tires were a little flat, they need to be pumped up. Let's take the pump and we will inflate the tire: "ssss ..." The children stand up and take turns, and then they all inflate the tires together, making the sound with and imitating the action of the pump. If a child does not get a sound with, it means that he does not accurately perform movements. The pump is being repaired.

b) "Flowers and bees"

Target. Sound automation h.

Description of the game. Before the start of the game, it is agreed who will be the bees and who will be the flowers (for example, boys are flowers, and girls are bees). Then everyone scatters around the room or area. As soon as the teacher's signal is heard (a blow to a tambourine or a clap), the children depicting flowers kneel. The bees flap their wings and fly from flower to flower, while they imitate the buzz of bees: in-z-z-z-z. With a new blow of the tambourine, the children change roles, scatter around the site, and the other bees are already practicing pronunciation of the sound z.

c) "Hares and the Fox"

Target. Automation of sounds from - z in the text.

Description of the game. According to the number of players, minks are drawn along the edges of the site or chairs are placed. Children (bunnies) stand at their minks. One of the players is a fox. Bunnies pronounce the text: A gray bunny jumps Near wet pines, It's scary to fall into the paws of a fox, Foxes to get ...

Bunnies run out of holes and jump on both legs. Then they form a round dance and jump in a circle. The words of the teacher are heard:

Bunnies, prick up your ears, Look to the left, look to the right, Is anyone coming?

Hares look around, seeing a fox that is slowly making its way towards them, shouting: “Fox!” - and scatter along the minks. Fox catches rabbits. The game is repeated.

D) "Cat Vaska"

Target. Differentiation of sounds s, s’, z, z", ts in the text.

Description of the game. Children (mice) sit on chairs or a carpet, one child is a cat. He walks on his toes, looks to the right, then to the left, meows.

Teacher and children: Vaska walks white, Vaska's tail is gray, And he flies like an arrow, And he flies like an arrow.

The cat runs to the chair at the end of the room and sits on it - falls asleep.

Children: Eyes are closed - Sleeping or pretending? The cat's teeth are a sharp needle.

One mouse says that she will go to see if the cat is sleeping. After looking, she waves her hands, inviting other mice to her. The mice run up to her, scratching the chair where the cat sleeps. Vaska cat:

Only the mice will scratch, Gray Vaska is right there. He will catch everyone!

The cat gets up and runs after the mice, they run away from him.


a) bike ride

Target. Differentiation of sounds from - sh.

Description of the game. The teacher says; “Now we are going to ride bicycles. Check if the tires are well inflated. Weakly inflated, we pump them up with a pump: ssss ... (Children, imitating a pump, pronounce: ssss ...) We pumped up the tires well, we only hear: the air hisses. It turned out that there was a small hole in the tire, so the air comes out. How does air get out of a tire? ( Children sh-sh-sh...) Seal the hole and inflate the tire again. (Children: ssss...)

Now you can ride bikes. And who remembers how the air came out of the tire? (Children: shhhh...)!

You can draw the attention of the children that when they inflated the tire and uttered the sound with, the air was cold, the tongue was down. When the air came out of the tire (shhh...), it was warm, the tongue was at the top.

b) "Cat and Mice"

Equipment. Rope, two chairs, bench.

Description of the game. One of the players is a cat, and the rest of the children are mice. Mice are placed underground (behind a rope stretched between two chairs). The cat sits on a chair with its back to the mice. The host says:

On a bench by the window A cat lay down and dozes. Now the mice are expanse, Quickly came out of the underground, All scattered in the corners, Dragging crumbs here and there.

To the words of the presenter, “quickly came out of the underground,” mice crawl under a stretched rope and run around the yard. The host says:

The cat opens its eyes, the cat arches its back. Unleashes the claws. Jump - ran, Mice dispersed!

The cat makes movements corresponding to the words of the host. To the words “jumped - ran,” the cat jumps up from the chair and catches mice, and the mice run underground (crawl under the rope).

c) "little houses"

Target. Differentiation of whistling and hissing sounds.

Equipment. Animal masks.

Description of the game. For the game, they choose a hare-leader, a wolf. The rest of the children are bunnies. They sit on chairs in a circle. The hare-leader walks in a circle, knocking on the houses to the bunnies:

Little houses in the dense forest stand,

Little white bunnies are sitting in the houses.

One hare ran out, he ran through the forest,

Sweet at the window to everyone, knocked to everyone.

Come out, bunnies, let's go for a walk in the forest.

If the wolf appears, we will hide again. Then, being in the center of the circle, he beckons the children with his hands. Bunnies run out, jump, jump until a wolf appears. When a wolf appears, the bunnies hide in their houses. The wolf catches the rabbits. The one who is caught becomes a wolf and the game continues.


a) "Orchestra"

Target. Automation of sounds p, p" in syllables.

Description of the game. Children sit in a semicircle. One group of children are trumpeters, the other is violinists, the third is drummers. The teacher is a conductor. He shows each group how to imitate the movements of trumpeters, violinists and percussionists. Then he offers to sing some familiar tune. The trumpeters sing the syllable ru-ru-ru, the violinists sing ri-ri-ri, and the percussionists sing ra-ra-ra. After the rehearsal, the teacher begins to conduct. Only the group that the teacher points to with a stick sings. When the teacher raises both hands, everyone plays at the same time. Then the teacher calls three or four children and invites them to perform some song on any instrument. The rest of the children are invited to guess which song was performed.

b) "Steamboat"

Target. Setting and automation of interdental sound l..

Equipment. To play, you will need water (basin - indoors, outdoors - a stream), toys; steamer, small dolls, nesting dolls.

The teacher addresses the children: “We will go for a ride on the steamer. Do you know how a steamboat hums? Listen: s-s-s ... Let's repeat all together how the steamer hums.

Now put the wide tip of your tongue between your teeth, bite it lightly and hum like a steamboat: s-s-s ... ”The children are buzzing. The teacher continues: "The steamer can give a few beeps." Then he invites the children to take turns riding a bunny, a nested doll, etc. on the steamboat. The attention of the children is fixed on the fact that they got the sound lll when they bit the tip of the tongue.

c) "Find your picture"

Target. Differentiation of sounds l - r in words.

Equipment. Pictures with the sound l or r in their names. For each sound select the same number pictures.

Description of the game. The teacher lays out the pictures with the pattern up, then distributes the children into two groups and tells them that one group will select pictures for the sound l, and the other for r. At the signal of the teacher, one child from each group comes to the table. One takes the picture to the sound l, the other to the sound r. Approaching his group, the child claps the palm of the person in front and stands at the end of the group, and the one who turns out to be the first goes after the next picture, etc. When all the children have taken the pictures, both groups turn to face each other and name their pictures. When repeating, the game can be slightly modified: the group that picks up their pictures faster wins.

d) "Catch a mosquito"

Target. Differentiation of sounds l, l", p, p" in the text.

Equipment. A thin rod 1 m 25 cm long with a cord 1/2 m long tied to it, at the end of which is a mosquito made of cardboard.

Description of the game. Children stand in a circle, in the middle a teacher who circles (circles) a rod through the air a little higher than the children's heads. Children jump up and try to catch a mosquito. To the one who caught the mosquito, the children sing a song:

Oh, yes Kolya (Olya) well done! The mosquito is finished! Tra-la-la, tra-la-la, Komaru is finished!


a) "Trouble"

Equipment. Masks may be used.

Description of the game. One group of children is hens, the other is cockerels, the third is geese, the fourth is kittens. One of the guys portrays a dog, the teacher (or presenter) - the hostess.

At the beginning of the game, all birds sit on perches, and kittens sit on trees (fence, tribune, ladder); the dog hid in the kennel.

The mistress comes out to feed the birds. "Chick-chick-chick!" she calls the hens and cockerels. "Tega-tag-tag!" - calls the geese and sprinkles them with food.

Birds run to her (get off their perches) and begin to peck grains (imitate movement).

"Kitty Kitty Kitty!" - the mistress of the kittens calls and gives them milk, and she leaves. A dog appears barking. A commotion begins.

As soon as the commotion rises (hens clucking, roosters crowing, geese cackling, kittens climbing trees and stairs with meowing), the hostess comes running and drives the dog out. The game is repeated 2-3 times.

b) "Street traffic"

Equipment. Two discs (green and red).

Description of the game. Children are divided into several groups, each of which represents a certain type of transport (tram, car, bicycle, etc.). In the middle stands the traffic controller, in his hands he has two disks. When he raises the green disc, the tram moves along the marked tracks, the cars move freely and make the appropriate sounds. Truck: too-too-too, passenger car: b-b-b, bus: vrrr-vrrr, tram: tsyn-tsyn, bicycle: ding-ding-ding.

c) carousel

Description of the game. Children lead a round dance and say:

Roundabouts, roundabouts, You and I got on a boat And we went, and we went.

Imitate the movements of the oars and pronounce Sh-sh-sh sound in time with hand movements. Then the children again join hands and say:

Roundabouts, roundabouts, You and I got on a horse And rode, and rode.

After these words, the children depict riders and click their tongues in time with the movements.

Carousels, carousels, We got into the car with you And drove, and drove.

Children now pretend to be drivers and, imitating the sound of the engine, say rr-r or quickly: de-de-da, passing a finger under the tongue.

Roundabouts, roundabouts, You and I got on the train And we went, and we went.

Children, imitating the movement of the train, are buzzing: woo, choo-choo-choo.

Roundabouts, roundabouts, We got on the plane with you And we went, and we went.

Children pronounce the sound rrrr and, depicting the wings of an airplane with their hands, run in a circle.

d) "Shop"

Equipment. Items that have the required sound or group of sounds in their name. (For example, to automate sound with: sleigh, plane, fox, table chair, sock, owl, bag, bowl, scales, stork, beads, etc.)

Description of the game. The teacher puts a number of objects on the table, in the name of which there is a sound with. Children sit on chairs. The teacher calls the children one by one. They come to the store and, choosing the item they want to buy, show it to all the children, call it out loud and go to their place.

e) “Who wakes you up in the morning?”

Description of the game. Children sit in a semicircle. Choose a driver. He comes forward, and the children ask him: “Who wakes you up in the morning?” The driver answers, for example: “Crow!” And the children determine who is talking about. The teacher can first advise who to imitate so that the children practice pronunciation of different sounds (vrrr, qua-qua, chirp-chirr, kud-kuda, woof-woof, mu-u, bee-bee, quack-quack, ha-ha and etc.).

f) "Wonderful bag"

Equipment. A bag and a set of toys familiar to children.

Description of the game. Toys are placed in the bag, in the name of which the required sound (s, sh, p ...) or a pair of sounds (s-sh) will be used. The teacher, shaking the bag, draws the attention of the children to the fact that there is something in the bag, and thereby arouses interest in the game. First, the children take turns trying to determine by touch what got into their hand. Then they take out toys from the bag, show them and name them. The one who got the cockerel shows how the cockerel sings, the one who got the dog shows how she barks, etc.

g) "Different sounds"

Equipment. subject pictures.

Description of the game. Children receive paired pictures or lotto, for example: a car, a tram, a train, an airplane, a chicken, a rooster, a goose, a duck, a dog, a cat, a cow, a drum, a pipe, a bell.

The host calls the object or animal shown in the picture. The child who has the corresponding picture repeats the name of the object and imitates the sound of this object, the cry of an animal or bird. The rest of the children determine whether their friend completed the task correctly.

svetlana ablezgova
Didactic games for sound pronunciation in children

Didactic the game is a way of learning and developing the entire speech function of the child, and in particular the development of phonemic hearing and visual perception. What is didactic game? This is a multifaceted, complex pedagogical phenomenon, one of the forms of the educational influence of an adult on a child, this is the main activity children. Didactic game has two purposes: teaching, pursued by an adult and play, for which the child acts. This is a kind of games with rules specially created by adults. Didactic the game has a certain structure: didactic task, solving which in an entertaining way, children achieve a positive result, game action is the basis games, is the plot pattern games, a rule that helps to manage the educational process. In Game children First of all, it attracts the game action, it stimulates children's activity, causes a feeling of satisfaction. Unnoticed by himself, without much tension, while playing, the child performs didactic task. Didactic the game also has a certain result, which is the final games, where the achievements of each child are emphasized, and for the teacher, the result is an indicator of success children in the acquisition of knowledge and skills.

Play develops language, and language organizes play. The main purpose of games is the development of the child, the correction of what is inherent and manifested in him, the withdrawal of the child to creative, experimental behavior.

Game practice.

Speech therapist: “Dear educators! Today we will take you on an exciting journey through the land of knowledge. To get into the country, you do not need to go through untrodden paths, but you need to open several doors. Each door has a key, but to get the key, you need to solve the task. There are two ways to go on an exciting journey. Let's split into 2 teams. Whose team will quickly and correctly cope with the task, whoever has more keys, will win.”

So, go!

1. Before you is the country of Knowledge. We are met by the Prince of Knowledge and the Princess of Skills. But in order to open the first door, you need to name the prince and princess.

Didactic game "Say the name".

Target: exercise children in the definition of the first sound in the word and the composition of the word from letters; cultivate attention, concentration.

move games: pictures of a boy or girl. In each picture, select the first sound and name. (Whose team will name the name faster, gets the key.)

2. So, we are at the next door. Here you will see what miracles can happen with words, look for those who escaped sounds.

Didactic game “Sounds got lost”.

Target: to develop auditory perception, attention, the ability to find a mistake in the text.

move games:. The host reads the text, the players find the mistake,

So! Attention!

It is not known how it happened

Only the sounds got lost,

Jumped into someone's house

And they host it!

On the yellowed grass

The lion drops its leaves (Forest).

Five sheep ate Tolka

And said: "So many more" (bananas).

We collected cornflowers

We have puppies on our heads (wreaths).

The cauldron gored me

I'm very angry with him (goat).

The team that completed the task without error receives the key.

3. Before you the third door!

Didactic game "Chain of words".

Target: develop phonemic awareness, visual perception, the ability to hear sound at the end of a word.

move games:In order to get the key to the third door, you need to lay out a chain of objects. Teams receive ten pictures of objects. The first picture is marked *. The next link in the chain will be the word that begins with sound, which ends the previous one. Whoever has the longest chain is the winner.

4. At the fourth door, the next task awaits you.

Didactic game "What is superfluous".

Target: activate dictionary children; develop the ability to classify objects into groups; develop the ability to think logically; cultivate attention, concentration.

move games: teams are exposed to one poster with an image of 9 items. For 1 team - animals. For the second - vegetables It is proposed to highlight an extra item, explain why. If the teams cope with the task, they receive a key.

At the fifth door

"How many words from sound Sh? "

Target: learn to find words with a given sound when listening to a poetic text.

Game progress:

The facilitator reads a poem, in the text of which there are many words with sound Sh. Children are given the task of listening to the text, finding words with the given sound and memorize them. After reading, the presenter asks children what words they remember. That one wins who memorized more words.

Speech material for the game:

In the silence of the wilderness, a whisper hurries to a rustle, A whisper hurries to a rustle, a whisper rustles through the forest.

Our Masha got up early: dolls of all counted:

2 Matryoshkas on the window, 2 Tanyas on the pillow,

2 Irinki on a perinka, and Parsley in a cap,

on an oak chest.

We went to the store and bought ourselves a ball,

We will inflate the balloon, we will play with the balloon,

Inflate our ball, inflate big,

Stay like this, don't fall apart.

6. A mysterious task awaits us at the sixth door.

1)Didactic game "Wonderful fishing rod".

At the end of the thread, a small homemade fishing rod has a magnet attached. Lowering the fishing rod into a bucket, where there are several pictures, to which metal clips are attached, the child takes out a picture and names the first, last sound and gives a description.

2) "Ducks and perches".

Target games: teach to recognize by ear and distinguish stressed vowels O and U in words.

Game progress:

children are divided into 2 teams - perches and ducks. They move randomly around the site. The host pronounces the words in turn, then with a shock sound, then with a shock O. The “perch” children should freeze when they hear the word with sound Oh, and "ducks" - when they hear a word with U. Those who do not stop on time are eliminated from games. That one wins, who never made a mistake and stayed on the site the longest.

Words for games: hoop, vegetables, autumn, donkey, island, rest, vacation, Olya, lake, sheep, order, cloud, angle, fishing rod, dinner, beehive, vacation, smart, coal, narrow.

" Friendly sounds"

Target: learn to recognize sounds, pronounced with exaggerated intonation.

Game progress:

The speech therapist creates game situation next story: Once upon a time there were different sounds in one Sound State. When words began to be created, they had to disperse to their home-words. And instead of one sound"A" there are many of the same sounds"A". They want to get together because they miss each other. Help sounds come together. I will say 2 words each, and you clap your hands if sounds will be the same.. To make it easier for you to look for friends, I will pronounce them long, loudly. First you need to say what sound I call loudly in the first word, and then - in the second word. After that we will compare sounds and rejoice if they are the same, clap your hands.

"Dolls Get Lost"

Target: teach to highlight in a word sound, pronounced with exaggerated intonation.

Game progress:

At children several dolls. Their names: Anya, Olya, Ulya, Elya. The dolls went into the forest and got lost. Which sound ask to go look for Anya? Each child must find his own doll, name the one sound, which was pronounced by the presenter with greater force (stressed vowels stand out).

Didactic game"Add to cart"

Goals: Locating sound in a word. Automation and differentiation of consonants sounds"R" "L"

Thus, you have clearly seen that, thanks to the use of didactic games, the learning process takes place in an accessible and attractive way for children preschool age game form.

Didactic the game develops speech children: the dictionary is replenished and activated, the correct sound pronunciation, coherent speech develops, the ability to correctly express one's thoughts.

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"One of the most pressing issues facing modern society- an increase in children with various speech disorders. Therefore, the search for new forms of organization of correctional individual and subgroup GCD for preschool children is becoming a priority today.

One of the main indicators of a child's readiness for successful learning is correct, well-developed speech. good speech- the most important condition for the comprehensive development of children. For preschool children suffering from various speech disorders, play activity retains its significance and role as necessary condition all-round development of their personality and intellect.

However, the shortcomings of sound pronunciation, insufficiently clear perception of the sound image of words, limited vocabulary, complete or partial absence of grammatical forms, as well as changes in the tempo of speech, its smoothness - all this, in varying degrees affects their play.

An urgent problem is the development of didactic games for working with children with speech disorders. This allows us to consider the topic of our study as an urgent problem. The object of the study is speech therapy work on the correction of speech disorders in children. The subject of the study is didactic games designed for children with speech disorders. The purpose of the study is to develop a set of methodically selected games for children with speech disorders. In connection with the goal, we set ourselves the following tasks:

1) Consider the norms of speech and their violations;

2) To identify the causes of violations of sound pronunciation;

3) Conduct a speech therapy examination;

4) Develop a set of didactic games for children with speech disorders.

Very difficult and somewhat monotonous for preschoolers is the work of automating sounds. Children have to repeat the same syllables, phrases and sentences over and over again. So that these exercises do not cause boredom and unwillingness to work in children, we use in our work various games and game tasks.

I. Norms of speech and their violations

1.1 Age norms for the development of speech of preschool children

Speech is an innate function and is acquired by each person individually, as well as from imitation of the speech of others. The entire course of speech development proceeds according to certain patterns, which can be clearly traced in the speech of each specific child, and also proceeds within certain time frames. At the same time, in the development of a child's own speech, it is important to trace the developmental features of his sound pronunciation, vocabulary and grammatical structure of speech.

The age period from birth to about a year and a half years plays an extremely important role in everything further course speech development of the child. The acquisitions of this period are as follows:

Attention to human speech and understanding of it develop;

There is a need for it, in verbal communication with others.

Memory for words develops;

The ability to distinguish speech sounds by ear is formed;

The age period from one and a half to three years is considered the pre-preschool stage of speech development. In 3-year-old children, there are irregularities in the pronunciation of a number of words, especially long ones.

Abbreviation of words (siped - bicycle, atabail - car);

Rearrangement of syllables in the word (zamukalnye - musical);

Permutation in the word of sounds (girl - girl, first - first);

Sometimes children, in order to avoid consonants, introduce additional vowels that gradually disappear (ship - ship).

The pronunciation of each sound by a child is a complex act that requires a lot of coordinated work of all parts of the speech-motor and speech-auditory analyzer. All this leads to the fact that the child does not distinguish speech sounds by ear.

Word order in a sentence is not always correct (I want no - I don't want);

Sometimes the gender of nouns is distorted (one wheels)

Gradually, they develop control over their own speech.

The age period from three to seven years is the preschool stage of speech development. In 4-year-old children, words continue to lengthen and become more complex. Speech becomes more coherent and consistent. After 5 years, children use words in various grammatical forms and combinations, express their thoughts in simple common sentences.

Children 5-6 years old, listening to the speech of others, are able to remember the pronunciation features of others and the shortcomings in their speech.

Hearing plays a leading role in mastering the correct sound pronunciation. Distinguishing all speech sounds by ear is permissible for a child from the age of 2, which allows him to try to imitate these sounds. By the age of 3-4, he is able to hear the acoustic difference between his own, imperfect pronunciation of a sound and its pronunciation by adults, which makes him “pull up” his pronunciation to the model that is available in the speech of an adult.

The sequence of assimilation of sounds different in their articulatory complexity is determined mainly by the capabilities of the motor speech analyzer, which in development somewhat lags behind the auditory speech analyzer. Because of this, the child, who already tends to distinguish by ear all the sounds of speech, until a certain age is not able to master their correct pronunciation.

At the age of 2-3 years, the pronunciation and series of articulatory-comparative simple sounds are mastered. These include I, S, Y; F, V; T, D, N; K, G, Ch and sounds of the middle language Gy, Ky. Each of these groups of sounds is characterized by the presence common features articulation. Raising and pressing the tip of the tongue to the upper incisors becomes available to the child, so all three sounds articulated in this way appear in his speech - T, D, N.

The pronunciation of the whistling C, Z, C and hissing Sh, Zh, Ch, Sh sounds, which are much more complex in their articulation, the child masters at a later date, at the age of 3-5 years. So, if at first the sound T, Ty acts as a substitute for the sound Sh, then a little later in this role we already see Sy and, finally, the sound Sh itself.

At the age of 5-6 years, the child masters the normal pronunciation of the most difficult to articulate sounds P and hard L.

At the age of 7, the process of formation of sound pronunciation in children ends. Now all the words uttered by the child consist only of correctly articulated sounds, and in this respect speech does not differ from the speech of an adult.

Thus, up to a certain age, the sound pronunciation of all children without exception is characterized by imperfection. This circumstance often lulls the vigilance of parents and even individual specialists. What features in the pronunciation of speech sounds by children should be alarming?

Any shortcomings in sound pronunciation, even if they are expressed in a simple replacement of some sound with another sound correctly pronounced after 5-6 years, can no longer be considered the norm. If this is not the case by the noted age, then there are some special reasons that prevent the full-fledged work of the speech-motor or speech-auditory analyzers.

However, in much more early age the child may have peculiarities in the pronunciation of speech sounds.

With the normal structure of the articulatory organs and their normal mobility, no kind of peculiarity in the pronunciation of sounds should take place.

Violations of sound pronunciation in children if they appear against the background of an insufficient vocabulary for his age and a formed phrasal speech, then they are only one of the symptoms of a complex speech disorder. In this case, in the process of speech therapy work, one cannot be limited to the correction of sound pronunciation alone.

1.2 Causes of violations of sound pronunciation

The main causes of sound pronunciation disorders in children with normal intelligence, without pronounced deviations in behavior, are the following:

Hearing impairment and auditory differentiation of speech sounds;

Violation anatomical structure articulatory apparatus;

Violation of its normal functioning (insufficient mobility of articulatory organs);

Incorrect speech of people around the child or insufficient attention on their part to his speech.

Classification of violations of sound pronunciation.

Defective pronunciation of a sound or sounds of one phonetic group (for example, whistling C, Z, C or back-lingual K, G, X) is polymorphic. In the same cases when we are talking about the incorrect pronunciation of many sounds at once or only two sounds, but of different phonetic groups (for example, Ch and K, R and C, L and Sh), then this is a complex, polymorphic violation of sound pronunciation.

In principle, the pronunciation of all speech sounds without exception can be violated: both vowels and consonants.

Voicing defects (mutual substitutions of paired voiced and deaf consonants: P - B, K - G, F - V, S - Z, Shch - Zh).

Mitigation defects (mutual substitutions within 15 pairs of voiced and voiceless consonants: for example, P - Py, B - By, etc.).

Within each of these groups there is a more detailed classification of the violation of sound pronunciation.

Phonemic disorders, in contrast to phonetic ones, are expressed in the complete replacement of one speech sound with another (for example, S is pronounced instead of Ш).

In these cases, it will be difficult or even impossible for the child to make out words that are close in sound (such as BEAR-BOWL). In addition, such violations of sound pronunciation are usually reflected in the letter, i.e. one existing defect leads to the appearance of another. Special terms are used to designate phonemic defects.

A variety of sounds can act as substitute sounds. So, for example, the sound B is more likely to be replaced by P or Y than by K. Phonemic defects do not include age-related replacements of sounds that until a certain time have quite an “enviable? right to exist."

“He pronounces well who distinguishes well the individual sounds of a word. Therefore, if during the examination of speech defects in phonemic hearing are established, first of all, it is necessary to deal primarily with the education of the child's auditory-speech differentiations. (Khvattsev M.E.)

When designating consonants that are complex in articulation, various articulatory organs and, in particular, lips or tongue, may occupy the wrong position. For example, when pronouncing the sound L, in the formation of which the lips should not take an active part at all, the lower lip may come closer to the upper teeth. This defect is called labiodental lambdacism. If there is a convergence of both lips, then we are talking about labial-labial lambdacism, in which instead of L, a sound close to U is heard (UAMP instead of LAMP). In a similar way, labial labial rotacism is distinguished. R, formed by the vibration of both lips and labial-labial sigmatism. Lateral sigmatism and rotacism "takes place in those cases when, during the formation of sounds, a stream of expiratory air does not come out in the middle of the line of the tongue, but at one or both of its lateral edges.

II. The value of the game in educational and speech therapy work with children

2.1 Game as a form of activity

Play as a form of child activity contributes to harmonious development psychological processes, personal traits, intelligence.

A number of studies (A.V. Zaporozhets and others) confirm that the formation of these qualities in the game in a child is realized faster and more firmly than when using only didactic techniques.

The results of the research showed that the game in the system of preschool institutions occupies one of the first places, games have great importance for physical and mental development, for the formation of individuality and the formation of a children's team. The game is the leading activity of children with speech disorders. Knowledge of the features of gaming speech disorders will allow you to more fully use the possibilities of the game in correctional work.

Play is the main activity of a preschooler. In an organized children's team the game serves as a means of education and training. Therefore, speech therapy work requires a variety of gaming correction techniques that take into account the individual characteristics of children with speech disorders. The game improves the physical, mental and moral development of the child, deepens his cognitive processes: perception, memory, attention, thinking and speech. The use of didactic games and game techniques at different stages of speech therapy work is of great theoretical and practical importance.

The need for play is inherent in the child by nature itself. Author's games involve preschool children in practical activities, the goals of which are the development of the phonemic side of speech, as well as the awakening of the need for constant communication with sound and the desire to constantly improve the correct pronunciation. Children enjoy the process of playing. And although speech games often require effort, concentration of attention, endurance, speed of reaction dictated by the instruction, children believe that playing them is not at all difficult. That is why children enter the game without fear and fear, being carried away by the colorfulness of subject pictures, they play, not paying attention to time and possible fatigue.

2.2 Didactic games

A didactic game is a type of game organized by an adult to solve a learning problem. These games are aimed at solving specific problems of teaching children, but at the same time, they show the educational and developmental influence of gaming activities; they are diverse in content.

Didactic games are used to solve all the problems of speech development. In working with preschoolers with speech disorders, a speech therapist sets himself the following tasks:

* Widely use games in correctional work, as a means of physical, mental, moral and aesthetic education children;

* With the help of the game, increase the child's need for communication, stimulate the accumulation and development of his speech skills and abilities;

* When playing the game, take into account the age and possible features behavior of children with various speech disorders;

* Speech therapy work should be in the nature of educational and gaming activities for the child. pronunciation violation speech game

Math word games - intellectual travel

Sensory board games - emotional assumptions

Speech games with objects and toys - regulatory instructions

Musical games - creative puzzles

Nature games - social conversations

To get to know the environment

Distinguished by direction the following types educational games:

To automate and differentiate delivered sounds;

For the development of phonemic perception;

For the development of fine motor skills;

for teaching literacy;

To improve the grammatical structure of speech;

By enriching the dictionary;

For the development of coherent speech.

Over the years of my work, I have made many different games. I watched some games from colleagues and, when making them for myself, I necessarily processed, modified, some I invented myself. But when making games, I tried to make them develop as many speech functions as possible.

I have developed a collection of games used in individual and subgroup classes with a description and photo application.

The games that I want to bring to your attention are multifunctional. These games serve to automate and differentiate sounds, are aimed at developing phonemic hearing and perception, fine and articulatory motor skills, and contribute to the formation of lexicogrammatic categories.

Regardless of the type, the didactic game has a certain structure. The game used for learning should contain, first of all, a teaching, didactic task. While playing, children solve this problem in an entertaining way, which is achieved by certain game actions. Depending on the moment at which the game is used, its meaning also changes: at the beginning of the NOOD, the game organizes and interests the child; in the middle - leads to the assimilation of the program; at the end - is exploratory in nature

* The game must be based on program material;

* The game should contribute to the involvement in the correctional process, first of all, of more intact analyzers (visual and tactile);

* The purpose of objects, pictures, manuals, the meaning of questions, the conditions of games should be clear to children;

* Benefits for the game should be outwardly attractive;

* The conditions of the game and the number of aids used in the game should ensure the involvement of all children in the correctional process. In the game, the child does not get tired, long time holds interest, he is active in it. Didactic games have a special educational value. Games are one of essential funds development of independent speech activity. They consolidate and refine the vocabulary, change and form words, exercise in making coherent statements, develop explanatory speech. Didactic games help the development of both specific and generic concepts. In these games, the child finds himself in situations where he is forced to use the acquired speech knowledge and vocabulary in new conditions. They are manifested in the words and actions of the players.

Didactic games - effective remedy strengthening grammatical skills. Insufficient development of phonemic hearing and perception leads to the fact that children do not independently develop readiness for sound analysis and synthesis of words, which subsequently does not allow them to successfully acquire literacy at school, without the help of a speech therapist.

So, the totality of the above gaps in the phonetic-phonemic and lexical-grammatical structure of the child's speech serves as a serious obstacle to mastering the kindergarten program. general type, and in the future, the program of a comprehensive school. Thus, the following conclusions can be drawn:

The games that I use in correctional work form in children the ability to achieve maximum clarity in pronouncing words and phrases with a given sound and the ability to evaluate their quality.

Using games, it is necessary to carefully prepare for individual and subgroup GCD:

Carefully select material with and without sound being worked out,

Check the material and equipment of games, which helps to activate not only the process of pronouncing sounds, but also various mental processes needed for future schooling.

During the game, the speech therapist only controls the process, giving children maximum freedom in selecting pictures and fulfilling the conditions of the game. The intonation when explaining the instructions should be emotional, but not intrusive, concise, but not harsh. They are designed to work with older preschool children, both individually and in subgroups.

Speech therapists - practitioners under "speech games" understand not only didactic, but also all those that can be used to develop various aspects of speech.

III.Experimental- practical work on correctional work with children with speech disorders

3.1 Speech therapy examination

Before starting corrective work with children with speech disorders, it is necessary to conduct an examination.

1. Delimitation of true violations of sound pronunciation, requiring special speech therapy assistance, from outwardly similar manifestations ("physiological tongue-tied tongue").

2. Deciding whether the defects in sound pronunciation are an independent speech disorder or whether they are just one of the symptoms of some complex speech disorder.

3. Identification of all incorrectly pronounced sounds.

a) how many sounds the child pronounces defectively

b) which sounds are disturbed in him (sigmatism, rotacism, etc.);

c) what is the nature of the distortion of sounds (parasigmatism, interdental ..).

4. Establishment, if possible, of those reasons that cause incorrect pronunciations sounds.

5. Identification of possible secondary disorders associated with defects in sound pronunciation.

To get an idea of ​​the state of the child's speech as a whole, you can ask him to talk about something. As a topic for such a conversation, a visual and accessible plot picture can be offered. First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the presence or absence of phrasal speech in the child.

It is important to follow the correct grammatical design of the sentence.

The state of sound pronunciation is clarified in the process of specially selected pictures independently named by the child. Pictures are selected primarily for articulatory complex sounds (whistling, hissing, R, L, Y), which are most often skipped defectively. Three pictures are selected for the desired sound to be checked so that this sound is in three positions in the word: at the beginning, in the middle and at the end. For example, pictures such as sledge, scales can be selected for the sound C, for the sound Ш - COAT, SHOWER, and each of these words contains only one “difficult” sound, all the attention of the inspector is focused on only one sound and during the test it should be immediately noted which sounds the child pronounces distortedly or replaces with another sound.

When a child replaces some speech sounds with others, it is necessary to check the state of his biological hearing. Children with hearing loss are characterized by some behavioral features. In particular, when talking, they try to turn to speaking topic the ear with which they hear better, and also carefully look at the articulation of the speaker and often answer “out of place”. If a child has such symptoms, it is necessary to examine his hearing by contacting an otolaryngologist for this.

The study of auditory differentiation of individual sounds is usually carried out using specially selected paired pictures, the names of which differ in one sound being tested (such as KIDNEY - BARREL, CANCER - LAK).

To identify possible anomalies in the structure of the articulatory apparatus, you need to carefully look at the child and offer him a number of simple “procedures”. Asking him to open his mouth, you should pay attention to the "normality" of the structure of his hard and soft palate. To identify the correctness of the bite, offer him to “show his teeth” - spread his lips to the sides with closed teeth. (In this case, the upper incisors should overlap the lower ones by about 1/3).

When examining the mobility of the articulatory organs (tongue, lips and lower jaw), the child is asked to perform a number of simple movements, you can do this in front of a mirror. So, invite the child to stretch his lips into a tube (“proboscis”) and then spread them apart (“grin”), stick out his tongue from his mouth and put it back into his mouth, raise his tongue to the upper lip and lower it to the lower one.

V difficult cases violations of sound pronunciation associated with paralysis (cuts of the articulatory muscles or with gross violations of the anatomical structure of the speech organs), not only a speech therapist, but also a neuropathologist, an otolaryngologist and other specialists are involved in the examination of the child.

With the correct organization of speech therapy work, the result is achieved with all types of dyslalia. A prerequisite for success with speech therapy is the creation of favorable conditions for overcoming the shortcomings of pronunciation: emotional contact of a speech therapist with a child; interesting

forms of organization of NOOD; combinations of working methods to avoid his fatigue.

To overcome pronunciation defects, didactic material, tongue twisters, nursery rhymes, jokes are widely used.

In preschool children, pronunciation deficiencies are overcome in a shorter time than in schoolchildren, in younger students - faster than in older ones.

Logopedic influence is carried out in stages, while at each stage a certain pedagogical task is solved, subordinated to a common goal.

3.2 Workshops with children with speech disorders. Types of didactic games

Collection of didactic games for the correction of sound pronunciation.

The collection includes twenty games. Three games are presented to your attention.

1. Didactic game "FLOWER GLADE".

Game for children 5-7 years old. It is carried out individually or in a subgroup of 2-3 people.

OBJECTIVES: Automation and differentiation of all groups of sounds.

Improve grammatically correct speech.

Develop fine motor skills.

Correction of phonemic hearing.

MATERIALS: Box with holes all over and painted grass; flowers made of thick colored cardboard (blue, yellow, green and red) with a small hole in the center; lollipop sticks; bases for candles for the cake; circles with painted objects for all groups of sounds with a small hole in the center.

ASSEMBLING a flower: prick a flower on the sharp part of the base for a candle, pin a picture on top. Insert a lollipop stick into the wide part of the candle base.


Circles with images of pictures with automated sounds and without them are laid out on the table. Each child is given flowers, sticks and candle bases.

OPTION 1: Find a picture with a given sound, collect a flower and put it in a clearing.

Option 2: On a flower of blue color put the pictures with the sound C, on the green one with the sound Z (on yellow flower- sound Zh, on green - З, etc.)

3 OPTION: If the automated sound is at the beginning of the word, put it on a red flower, if in the middle - on yellow, at the end - on green.

4 OPTION: Collect a flower with an automated sound and form a plural from these words. Make a sentence with each picture.

OPTION 5: Group the flowers according to any sign (clothing, dishes, animals, food ...).

2. Didactic game "SAVE THE FLY".

The game is intended for children 4-7 years old. Used individually or in groups of 4.

OBJECTIVES: Automation and differentiation different groups sounds in syllables and words. Development of phonemic hearing. Formation of grammatically correct speech.

Equipment: Whatman sheet 50x50 with a web drawn on it. At the corners of the web are circles of red, yellow, blue and Green colour with transparent pockets sewn to them. In the center of the web is a black circle for the spider. 4 corks from plastic bottles of the same colors with images of a fly glued to them, and 4 corks of the same color with a picture of a spider. Circles with the image of objects for all groups of sounds. Circles-symbols of vowel sounds (A - a large circle, O - an oval, U - a small circle, I - a rectangle, Y - a half of a circle).

Game progress.

Children choose for themselves, without looking, a fly from a bag. The color of the fly determines the color of the playing field.

Flies flew all day (imitation of the flight of a fly)

And they didn't know any worries

Picked up bread crumbs (squat, show how a fly eats)

And they were catching up with each other (catching up with each other).

Played out in earnest (flies are planted in the center of the web),

Everyone got caught in the web.


Pictures with automated or differentiable sounds are inserted into transparent pockets

Save your flies from the spider. The fly chooses the path of its color. To find out which fly goes first, they take out a spider that went hunting from the bag.

The fly (child) finds its row and “flies” along it, naming the pictures. The spider (speech therapist) follows her. If a fly mispronounces a sound in an automated word, the spider eats it.

Complication: “Flying” from word to word, the baby fly comes up with a sentence with words for the given sounds.

Complication: Match these words with numbers: one, two, three, five, seven.


For fixing automated or differentiable sounds in syllables.

Symbols of vowel sounds are inserted into the pockets.

The fly, “flying” from circle to circle, calls the resulting syllables with automated or differentiable sounds: SA-SO-SU-SY;

SA-SHA, SO-SHO, SU-SHU... If the child makes a mistake, the spider "eats" the fly.

3. Didactic game "THE JOURNEY OF THE WHY".

The game is intended for children 5-7 years old. You can play individually and in a subgroup of up to 4 people.

Purpose: Automation of all groups of sounds in words and sentences.

Develop phonemic awareness.

Develop sound-syllabic analysis.

Improve grammatically correct connected speech.

Develop thinking (prove your choice).

Materials: Playing field (4 rows of pictures are placed on the field, 4 pictures in each row. A magnet is attached to one square in each row from the bottom: in the 1st row on the 3rd square, in the 2nd row - on the 4th square, in the 3rd row - on the 2nd square , and in the 4th row - on the 4th square), a kinder surprise toy with a magnet glued to the base, 4 chips of different colors (red, yellow, blue, green). Game tables with pictures for automated sounds: S, Z, C, W, F, H, W, R, L (9 pieces)

Table number 10 articulation. The position of the lips, tongue, the bell is whole and crossed out, the nature of the air (stream cold, warm, explosion) are drawn in the squares.

Table number 11. Fairy tales. 1 row: invisibility hat, Vasilisa, Karabas Barabas, grandmother; 2nd row: pirate Magic wand, Baba Yaga, Pierrot; 3rd row: Malvina, Thumbelina, flying carpet, Koschey; 4th row: old man, Pinocchio, Cinderella, walking boots.

Rules of the game: 1-4 children participate. Children choose their chips certain color. The child "snake" leads the hippo according to the pictures. In those pictures where the hippo is magnetized, he puts chips. The card is then rotated 90 degrees. The second child "walks" through the pictures and arranges his chips, etc.

OPTION 1. The child names the objects on which the toy “stuck”, answering the question: “Why did the toy stop at these pictures?” (In them the same sound at the beginning of a word (in the middle, at the end) or a hard (soft) sound being studied).

OPTION 2. The child names the objects on which the toy is magnetized and forms the plural from these words and Genitive plural.

Challenge: Make sentences with the given words.

OPTION 3. (game without a toy). Name only pictures with a given sound. Name the pictures that given sound no.

OPTION 4. (table with sound articulation).

Come up with 3 words with automated sound. Find the articulation of this sound on the table (put chips in the appropriate notation).

OPTION 5: Name the heroes of the fairy tale on whom the toy was magnetized. Name what story they came from. Which hero is missing? Make up a fairy tale with the selected characters and magic items.


To achieve a positive effect in overcoming defects, the correct organization of speech therapy techniques plays. The method of speech therapy influence is a vital and necessary element in the development of both the individual and society as a whole.

A prerequisite for success in speech therapy is the creation of favorable conditions. Need to do training interesting game. More often to approve the child, to praise, then it will be easier and more interesting for him, he will not get tired so quickly and will not lose his desire to work.

With the help of speech therapy methods and correctional work, the personality of the child develops, they compensate for all the restrictions and prohibitions, becoming a testing ground in preparation for adulthood and a universal means of development that ensures moral health, versatility of education.

Good speech is the most important condition for the comprehensive development of the child. The richer and more correct a child’s speech is, the easier it is for him to express his thoughts, the wider his possibilities in cognizing the surrounding reality, the more meaningful and a more fulfilling relationship with peers and adults, the more actively his mental development is carried out.

Therefore, it is so important to take care of the timely formation of the child's speech, its purity and correctness, preventing and correcting various violations, which are considered to be any deviations from the generally accepted norms of the language.

Used Books

1. Akredolo L., Gudovin S. 68 games for brain development - M., 2004, p. 14-23

2. Aleksandrova T.V. Live sounds or phonetics for preschoolers - S.-P. 2005, p. 27-47

3. Alyabyeva E.A. Speech therapy exercises without musical accompaniment - M, 2005, p. 36-55

4. Belova-David R.A. Speech disorders in preschoolers - M., 1972, pp. 41-55

5. Budennaya T.V. Speech therapy gymnastics - S.-P., 2004 - p. 31-39.

6. Bolshakova S.E. Speech disorders and their overcoming - M., 2005, p. 88-100

7. Volkova L.S. Speech therapy - M., 2004 - p. 148-156.

9. Child. Early detection of deviations in the development of speech and their overcoming. / Ed. Garkushi Yu.F. -M., 2004, p. 9-19.

10. Dyakova E.A. Logopedic massage. - M., 2005, p. 12-32.

11. Zalmaeva R. Himself a speech therapist. - S.P., 1996, p. 20-34

12. Kovalko V.I. ABC of physical education for preschoolers. - M., 2005,

13. Kuznetsova Ya.V. Workbook of a speech therapist and educator correctional groups. - R.-on-D., 2005. p. 107; 115.

14 Maksakov A.I. Is your child correct? - M., 1982, p. 52-76; 112-116.

15. Melekhova L. V. Differentiation of dyslalia. Essays on the pathology of speech and voice. - M., 1967. p. 80-85

16. Paramonova L.G. speech therapy for everyone. - S.P., 2004 p. 97-117.

17. Pavlova L.N., Terecheva M.N. Didactic material for the correction of violations of sound pronunciation. - S.P., 2004 p.20-47; 100-132.

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Didactic games by sound pronunciation

for preschoolers with general underdevelopment of speech

MADOU D / S 9 "Rainbow", Belorechensk

speech therapist Chich I.S.

Objective : To create favorable conditions stimulating the process of correcting the sound side of speech in children with speech disorders using a variety of games.

One of the areas of speech therapy correctional work is the formation of the correct sound pronunciation. Sometimes it is not so difficult to put a sound on a child, how to automate and put it into speech. As a rule, the child will be able to freely use the set sound only after repeating this word from seventy to ninety times. But the mechanical repeated repetition of the same word tires children, does not stimulate them to use it independently.

As E.F. Arkhipova points out, the stage of sound automation is the consolidation of conditioned reflex speech-motor connections on linguistic material of varying complexity until the skill is fully consolidated. M.E. Khvattsev, M.F. Fomicheva, G.V. Gurovets, S.I. Maevskaya and others were engaged in the development of methods and stages of automation of sounds. I.A. Smirnova notes that a speech therapist should form in a child motives, strong-willed qualities necessary for long-term work, giving stable results. And this must be done easily, naturally, in a playful way, intriguing the child.

To form the correct sound pronunciation, it is important for a speech therapist to make the most of the visibility and game techniques, given that the game is the leading activity for a preschooler. Thanks to the use of games, the process of automating the set sounds takes place in an accessible and attractive form for children. Important in the correction of sound pronunciation and the development of phonemic perception is the work of the organs of hearing and vision, as well as a special place is given to the work of the motor analyzer (hands). It is known that the motor and speech centers in the cerebral cortex are located nearby, so the mobility of the articulatory apparatus is due to the state of the motor sphere. In the process of playing, children work together with all analyzers: auditory, visual, motor speech, which allows for the most effective correctional work.

The didactic game has a certain structure (E.V. Karpova). Structure is the main elements that characterize the game as a form of learning and game activity at the same time. The following structural components of DI are distinguished:

Didactic task;

game task;

Game actions;

Rules of the game;

Result (summarizing);

When providing games, it is necessary to preserve all the structural elements, since it is with their help that didactic tasks are solved.

In a situation of CI, knowledge is acquired better. The didactic task is hidden from children. The attention of the child is drawn to the performance of game actions, and the task of teaching them is not realized. This is what makes the game special. game learning when children most often inadvertently acquire knowledge, skills, abilities. The relationship between children and the teacher is determined not by the learning situation, but by the game. Children and the teacher are participants in this game. This condition is violated and the teacher takes the path of direct teaching.

Thus, CI is a game only for a child. For an adult, it is a way of learning. In DI, the assimilation of knowledge acts as side effect. The purpose of DI and game learning techniques is to facilitate the transition to learning objectives, make it gradual.

In DI, conditions are created in which each child gets the opportunity to act independently in a certain situation or with certain objects, acquiring independent, effective and sensual experience.

DI allows to provide right amount reps per different material while maintaining emotional positive attitude to the task.

Thus, the special role of DI in the educational process is determined by the fact that the game should make the learning process itself emotional, effective, allow the child to get his own experience. Games and exercises in which children act through trials and measurements develop their attention to the properties and relationships of objects, the ability to take these properties into account in practical actions. In the future, this improves visual perception.

CIs are of great cognitive value, because expand the horizons of children, teach them to highlight the properties of objects, find similarities and differences in them, etc.

During the game, the speech activity of children develops, endurance is brought up (the child must answer when asked). DI is conducted by the teacher with the whole group, with a subgroup and individually. In CI, the child learns to subordinate his behavior to the rules, they form his movements, attention, ability to concentrate, that is, abilities that are important for successful schooling are developed.

The game -This is a complex socio-psychological phenomenon. Being the main activity of the preschool period, the game provides significant achievements in the physical, mental and personal spheres, gives the effect of overall mental development. In the game, the child learns to control himself.

Here are some of the games I used:

ball games “A vowel sound will be heard by the ears, the ball flies over the top of the head”, “Colorful balls”, “Sound chain” with the transfer of the ball, “Catch the ball and throw the ball - how many sounds, name”, “Meet the word on the road - I will break it into syllables” by T.A. Vorobyeva and O.I. Krupenchuk “Ball and speech” KARO St. Petersburg 2003
- games with clothespins: "Collect sound beads", "Distinguish and name", "Magpies". You can find these and other games with clothespins in the manual of Yu.A. Fadeeva, G.A. Pichugina, I.I. Zhilina “Games with clothespins: we create and speak” - M .: TC Sphere, 2011. (Library of a speech therapist).

outdoor games: “Flowers and bees”, “Live arrow”, “Find your house” and others you can find in the article by Sotnikova V.N. “Outdoor games in working with children ONR” magazine “Speech therapist” No. 3/2011.

I want to dwell in more detail on didactic board games, the main purpose of which is automation and differentiation of sounds; as well as the development of phonemic perception; skills building sound analysis and synthesis.


(sound automation)

« Luntik's birthday"

Target: automation of sound [L, L] into words, develop vocabulary. Develop attention, memory, visual perception.

Equipment: a picture depicting Luntik; “Gift boxes” with pictures with automated sound on the back.

Game progress:

1) Luntik has a birthday. He invited many friends. Who do you think came to the holiday to Luntik? (child's answer). They brought many gifts. Let's see what's in these boxes. Name the pictures, clearly pronouncing the sound [L].

During the game, you can offer the child:

Determine the place of a given sound in words (at the beginning, middle, end)

Come up with a sentence with the name of any picture.

Divide the word into syllables and count their number.

Distinguish between living and non-living.

Say the words kindly.

Guess which picture is missing by covering it with a card.

"Refrigerator" EThis game is very popular with children. It automates and differentiates delivered sounds, develops memory, spatial representations.

Game options:

    The child needs to put in the refrigerator only those products in the name of which there is a sound C (or another).

    An adult asks to put it on a shelf above or below the previous one, etc.

    When everyone is in the fridge necessary products, then it is closed, and the child remembers what lies there.

    Differentiation: on the right door, put the products in the name of which there is a sound C, on the left in which there is a sound Sh.


Game options:

1 Children like it very much, because you never know in which aquarium there are more fish swimming. To find out, an adult pronounces 10 words (using the sound Sh as an example). If the sound Sh is at the beginning of the word, the child puts the fish in the first aquarium, in the middle - in the second, at the end - in the last. It remains to count the fish in each aquarium.

2 A variant of the game with the sound R. The child catches a fish, pronounces a word with an automated sound R. If the sound R is at the beginning of the word, the child puts the fish in the first aquarium, in the middle - in the second, at the end - in the last. It remains to count the fish in each aquarium.

It is very easy for an adult to check the child - in the first there will be only blue fish, in the second - yellow, and in the third - green.This game is very popular with children. It automates and differentiates delivered sounds, develops memory, spatial representations.

"We play with the sound" R "" a poem in pictures allows you to quickly remember it, as well as automate the sound [P].

"Funny Octopuses" The good thing is that it is multifunctional. With its help, you can automate the set sounds in words, develop lexical and grammatical categories, coherent speech.

"Spring meadow"


Fix the correct pronunciation of the sounds Sh - Zh, S -Z.


To teach children to differentiate voiced and deaf consonants.

- learn to determine the place of the sounds Sh-Zh, S-Z in words.

Develop hand coordination

Develop memory, attention, thinking.

Material: panel depicting a spring meadow. Cardboard bees on one side with the image of objects and animals in which the sounds С-З are found, and cardboard butterflies with the sounds Ш-Ж. A plastic bag with a magnet attached to it.

Description: the child takes the net, catches the bee and turns it over, naming the picture shown on the reverse side. In one bucket he puts the pictures with the sound C, in the other with the sound Z.

Likewise with butterflies. During the game, you can offer the child: the place of a given sound in a word, name the word affectionately. Choose any bee and make a sentence with this word.

Paired pictures” The game is bright, colorful, cards with pictures are matched to each sound. With this game, I not only automate the set sounds, but also exercise children in the use of nouns in units. and many others. number; as well as in agreement of numerals with nouns.

"Snail". I use three variants of the game. One is flat on cards, where a cube and chips are used, and the other is on a children's pyramid, on which you need to find pictures with a given sound.

"What did the Bunny dream about?". In this game, I automate and differentiate the sounds Z and Zb. The child is invited to take a cloud and say what the Bunny dreamed about. If he calls the sound Z correctly, the picture remains with the Bunny, if not, it remains with the speech therapist. The second version of the game: you need to find and name only those pictures in which the sound Z is hard or only those in which the sound Z is soft.

"Feed Zina with pies and sweets." The child needs to take a pie and name correctly and clearly what it is with. If the child calls correctly, then the pie remains with Zina, if not, then the pie remains with the speech therapist. Similarly, the game is played with sweets.

"Friendly Penguins" an exciting game I use it for a subgroup of children. Players take turns rolling the die and making the required number of moves. If the child stops at the blue hexagon, then he comes up with a word containing hard sound(for example, P), if on green, then you need to name a word containing soft sound(for example, R). The one who reaches the finish line first wins. It is especially interesting if children use penguin toys from Kinder Surprises instead of chips.

"Pack your suitcase and backpack." A complex speech therapy game for the automation of sounds

The set includes 2 backgrounds - the family packs a suitcase at the sea and the family goes on a picnic in the forest and 72 high-quality subject pictures. Help collect all the things that will be useful at sea. Help me pack all the things you can't do without in the forest. Name the pictures and highlight the sound R, L, S ... (depending on what is being automated). Speech material: shorts, sundress, towel, blouse, belt, watch, circle, comb, toothpaste, cream, shoes, player, slates, slippers, dress, mirror, umbrella, camera, sandals, shirt, swimsuit, sneakers, jeans, phone, varnish, sandals, panties, bag, wallet, razor, tickets, key, toothbrush, batteries, hat, glasses, washcloth, t-shirt, headphones, pills, passport, socks, mask, tube, knife, flashlight, binoculars, baseball cap , rod, plaster, blanket, toilet paper, bowler, boat, sandwich, soap, compass, map, scarf, shovel, matches, totoror, rackets, saw, thermos, rope, shuttlecock, tent, barbecue, salt.



Didactic game "Funny cooks"


Activate the dictionary on the topic "Vegetables"

Learn how to make common sentences.

Material: saucepan and saucepan cut out of cardboard. Pictures depicting vegetables.

Description: pictures of a pot and a saucepan are laid out in front of the child.

It is proposed to arrange vegetables in a saucepan, and fruits in a saucepan.

Invite the child to cook borscht, stew and compote, make a salad.

Teach children to make a sentence with a given word.

Complicate: What can be done with the leftover vegetables and fruits? How can they be prepared? (eggplant, corn, cucumber, tomato, pineapple, banana, etc.)

Game "Count and name"

Target: exercise in agreeing numerals with nouns.Game progress: An adult shows a map showing items of clothing, shoes, hats and invites the child to help Tanya count things.For example: One hat, two hats, three hats, four hats, five hats. One jacket, two jackets... five jackets. One pair of boots, two pairs of boots, three pairs of boots... six pairs of boots.

Game "Say the other way around"

Target: exercise children in the selection of words that are opposite in meaning (antonyms).Game progress. The adult invites the child to answer the other way around: Clean shoes - ...dirty shoes; New boots...old boots; Wide skirt - ...tight skirt; Long coat - …short coat; White jacket...black jacket.

The game "Lay out on the shelves"

Target: exercise in the classification of items of clothing, shoes and hats.
Game progress. An adult shows a picture of a cabinet with shelves and reports:
- Look, it's a closet. Each item has its place in it: hats are stored on the top shelf, shoes - on the bottom, and clothes - on the middle one. Let's arrange the pictures depicting various items of clothing, shoes and hats in their places.

"Fun Train" there are many variants of this game and this is its advantage; on the principle of eliminating the superfluous, many tasks of the correction process are solved.

Speech game "Russell in houses"

In the houses "he", "she", "they", "it" live the words of masculine, feminine, neuter singular and plural. "Settle" words into houses - intuitively determine their gender and number without the name of the terms.

The game "Cookware"


Activate the dictionary on the topic "Products" and "Dishes"

Learn how to make common sentences.

To consolidate the knowledge of colors and their shades.

Develop memory, attention, thinking.

Material: Utensils: pots, pans, baking sheets, pictures of vegetables, loose cereals (buckwheat, pearl barley, etc.)

Game progress. Children are invited to open a saucepan of the color that the speech therapist calls and say what is being cooked in it. (For example: fish soup - fish soup, bean soup - bean soup, onion - onion etc.)

Thus, the use of gaming methods and techniques allows you to speed up the process of automating sounds, including all analyzers, including fine motor skills of the hand. In addition to the work of motor and speech analyzers, mental processes are also included in development: perception, memory, thinking. All this makes correctional work the most diverse, maintains interest in speech therapy classes, and helps to prepare children for school in the most qualitative way.

In creating many games, I used not only my own ideas, but also games developed by a speech therapist teacher I.A. Matykina. from her website http://logorina.rusedu.net/, as well as materials from scientific and methodological journals: “Speech therapist in kindergarten”, “Hoop”, “Speech therapist” with the application “Speech therapist library”, “Sweetie”; "Preschool Pedagogy".

Games and exercises for the development of sound pronunciation

From the birth of a child, a lot of sounds surround him: the speech of people, music, the rustle of leaves. But of all the variety of sounds perceived by the child's ear, only speech sounds serve the purposes of his communication with adults, a means of transmitting various information, stimulating action.

The intelligibility and purity of speech depend on many factors, and primarily on the state and mobility of the articulatory apparatus. The purity of pronunciation is ensured, first of all, due to the correct pronunciation of consonants. Mastering this skill takes several years.

As you know, preschool children love to play more than anything in the world, so it is advisable to use specially designed speech therapy games for the development of speech. They develop auditory attention in children, correct speech perception, teach to correlate a sounding word with a picture or an object, clearly pronounce one-, two-, three-, four-syllable words, answer questions; loudly and quietly reproduce onomatopoeia. We offer you several such games.

What does it sound like?

Visual material: drum, hammer, bell, screen.

An adult shows the children a toy drum, a bell, a hammer, calls them and asks them to repeat. When the baby remembers the names of objects, he is invited to listen to how they sound: play the drum, ring the bell, knock on the table with a hammer; then name the toys again. Then the adult sets up a screen and behind it reproduces the sound of the indicated objects. "What does it sound like?" he asks the child. The child answers, and the adult again rings the bell, knocks with the hammer, etc. At the same time, he makes sure that the child recognizes the sounding object, clearly pronounces its name.

Miracles in a bag

Visual material: a bag, small toys depicting baby animals: a duckling, a gosling, a chicken, a tiger cub, a piglet, an elephant calf, a frog, a kitten, etc.

All of the toys listed above are in a bag. An adult, holding a bag, approaches the child and, saying that there are many interesting toys in the bag, offers to take one out of there, show it and call it out loud. Purpose: to ensure that the child correctly and clearly names the toy. If the child finds it difficult to answer, you need to prompt him.

Let's go or not?

Visual material: a box and pictures depicting vehicles, as well as other items with the sound c (s) in the name: sled, plane, bicycle, scooter, trolleybus, bus, chair, table, boot, etc.

The child takes turns taking pictures out of the box, names the object depicted on it and says whether you can ride or not. It is necessary to ensure that the child correctly pronounces the sound with (s) in words, clearly pronounce words with this sound.


Purpose: to teach children to speak loudly, quietly, in a whisper, and also to develop auditory perception (to distinguish between the degree of loudness of spoken words).

The adult invites the child to listen carefully as he pronounces the words, and pronounce (repeat) them in the same way. It is necessary to ensure that the child pronounces the words clearly, with an appropriate degree of loudness. For this exercise, it is recommended to select words in the pronunciation of which the child has difficulty.


For the lesson, you need approximately the following toys: an elephant, a sled, a fox, a bus, a chicken, a chicken, an egg, a hare (there may be other names with sounds s (s) or ts, but always at the beginning, middle and end of the word).

After clarifying the names of the toys, invite the child to lay out toys whose names contain the sound c (sb) (sledge, bus, fox), separately from toys with the sound c (chicken, chicken, hare).

An adult monitors the correctness and clarity of the child's pronunciation of these sounds. If a mistake is made in the selection of toys, the adult pronounces the word, emphasizing the sound ts in his voice, and asks: “In the word hare, what sound do you hear, s or ts?” After clarification, you can invite the child to pronounce the word again so that this sound is heard in it.

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