Home Roses What does the green color of the aura mean. What does the color of a person's aura mean?

What does the green color of the aura mean. What does the color of a person's aura mean?

Almost every one of us can partially see the aura and its colors by applying different kinds filters. In this case, it is perceived as a multi-colored radiation emanating from energy centers human body, i.e. chakras

Often they talk about the aura as streams of light of various colors, but this is also not true: instead of saying “color” in this case, it is more correct to say “wavelengths” or “frequencies”. From a practical point of view, the color diagnostics of the aura is of great importance, but such a characteristic is rather arbitrary, as shown above, and for a correct understanding it requires in-depth knowledge of the actual nature of such a phenomenon as the aura, knowledge of all its layers and their features, etc.

You can train yourself to see the aura at any moment, even on a clear sunny day. To do this, ask one of your friends to stand so that his figure is against the background of the sky, or you can, for example, lie down on the grass, your friend will become not far from you. In the light of bright sunlight, you will definitely see the aura of a person, even if your third eye is not yet open enough to see it all the time. You can see a halo, that is, a halo above a person's head. It has a bright golden color in highly spiritual people and has duller shades if a person is weighed down by earthly passions and concerns.

AT general plan it can be said that the main colors of the aura change with the person; primary colors determine the basis of personality. Countless subtle shades show thoughts, intentions, as well as the degree of spirituality - they can completely change or change their saturation. Colors surround the body like an ascending spiral and flow from head to feet, and there are many more of them than in a rainbow: after all, a rainbow is only a refraction of light in a drop of water, while the aura is inexhaustible life itself.

The Meaning of Pure Aura Colors

  • Red - materialistic thoughts, thoughts about the physical body. The predominance of pure red in the aura indicates a materialistically minded person.
  • Orange - inspiration and a sign of power, the ability and desire to control people.
  • Blue - the will to live, freedom, strength, energy. People with a blue dominant aura color are internally balanced.
  • Turquoise - indicates a person capable of programming events, influencing other people. People with a dominant turquoise color in their aura can do several things at once with excellent results, but quickly get tired when they focus on one thing.
  • Green - in the presence of a person with a green aura, a calming effect is felt. People with pure green in their aura are potential healers. The integrity of nature.
  • Pink - love, balance between the spiritual and the material. Pink color very rare in the aura.
  • Yellow - freedom, vitality. People who glow yellow are full of selfless inner joy, frank. A yellow halo around the head indicates spiritual development. It appears due to the activity of the brow chakra. When this chakra is most active, a yellow halo appears around it, which covers the entire head.
  • Purple - indicates spiritual thoughts.

Everyone's aura specific person distinguish their color options. Subtle energies are multicolored, while each individual has his own characteristics, including different shades of the general background. The purity of colors and their saturation indicate the state of both physical and spiritual health. If, when deciphering the information contained in the aura, in the structure energy field of a person there are certain symbols, many conclusions can be drawn about the inner world of the person himself. However, this is only available to those who own the decryption method. It is also possible that alien energy clots are detected in a person’s energy - this, as a rule, indicates that a person has been attacked.

Aura color , or energy field, can sometimes say more about a person than he does. So, red is the color of rage and opposition, depending on its saturation. Cold, steel shade, the color symbolizes inevitability, etc. Aura colors can be either simple, one-color, or composite, consisting of many colors. But a person with energy vision sees the environment through his own field. It is from this that discrepancies arise in the perception of color. In addition, one more point must be taken into account: the observer may consider that the color of the object has changed, and this is not always the case. In fact, the observer himself for the first time observed the aura of another person, being in a state of harmony, the second time - in a state of excitement or excitement caused by his own internal problems.

Mood aura

The aura is a direct indicator of a person's mood. Any emotions, especially strong ones, are brightly colored in the appropriate color. You can determine the state of a person by the colors of the aura, which correspond to certain emotions of a person.

  • Red-yellow flows in the aura - incontinence, anxiety.
  • Waves and stripes of blue with a reddish tint - fear, alertness.
  • Red-blue stripes in the form of radii, going from the inside to the outside - tension, expectation.
  • Flashing orange-yellow dots - strong excitement.
  • Bluish spots of variable shape - absent-mindedness.
  • Silver-blue streams - sincerity, nobility of thoughts.
  • Dirty blue streams - envy.
  • The black color of the aura is hatred.
  • Red-brown flashes - anger.
  • All shades of red indicate nervous excitement.
  • Gray-brown stripes - selfish thoughts.
  • A dark gray cloud means a deep depression.
  • Greenish-gray stripes - vanity, insincerity.
  • Green-brown dots with red splashes - jealousy.
  • The blue-brown color of the aura is characteristic of a religious, but not elevated mood.
  • A beautiful pink cloud enveloping a person is love and compassion.
  • Pink rays emanating from the inside out - love, peace, inner harmony.
  • An orange cloud with brown drops is a base passion.
  • Greenish blurred cloud - sincere empathy.
  • Light green color- sympathy.
  • Brown-gray stripes with red - selfishness, the desire to rise above others.
  • Purple lines - the pursuit of high ideals, selflessness and kindness.

spots of color in the aura

  • Brown - anxiety, earthiness of thoughts.
  • Gray - dark and depressing thoughts, unclear intentions.
  • Mustard - constraint, pain, anger.
  • Whitish - artificial arousal (drugs). Very often it can indicate a disease.

Aura color as a mirror of the inner world

Any object has an energy shell, everything has a glow - this is the glow of the energy-information field. The human aura is no exception. But no other shell is able to say so much about what it surrounds.

It is noted that of the colors of the aura, red is the easiest to see. Blue colour it is already more difficult to perceive - many people distinguish red in the aura, but do not see blue.

Very often people do not see the aura, but have a special sense of its sensation. Thus, when you say, "He must wear such and such colors and must not wear such and such," it comes from an instinctive understanding that certain colors correspond to the aura and others do not. That is, without seeing the aura itself, you feel which colors are incompatible with the aura of a given person.

If you are in the presence of a person who can see and read the aura, beware of telling lies - the aura will give you away. Usually, if a person lied, greenish-yellow flashes appear in the glow of a blue or yellow hue.

Most often you can see a blue or yellow glow, which is called a "halo". At the very top of the aura one can see something like a fountain of light, which in the East is known as the Blooming Lotus, because it really looks like this flower, which changes its colors as it does so. The higher the spirituality of a person, the more golden yellow in his "halo". If negatively colored thoughts arise, certain parts of the person's aura acquire a dirty brown color, a color with a yellowish-green tint, and so on.

Aura Color Meanings

  • Bright blue is a religious feeling.
  • Blue - subtle perception of beauty, dedication.
  • Dark blue - spiritual aspiration, mercy.
  • Violet - spirituality, intelligence, disposition and compassion; with an aura of a significant size - high spirituality, wisdom, a high degree of disclosure of spiritual abilities.
  • Blue - activity of thinking, readiness for action, determination, sincerity.
  • Light blue - fluctuations, uncertainty.
  • Dark blue - spirituality, self-awareness and growth.
  • Bright or grassy green - sympathy, the desire to help, the desire for good.
  • Dark green - selfishness, insecurity, deceit.
  • Light green - persistent reflections.
  • Green with a yellowish tint - self-interest, greed, the desire to manipulate people.
  • Pure yellow - high intelligence, active friendliness, large creative potential.
  • Dark yellow - greed, cowardice.
  • Reddish-yellow - emphasis on intellect, denial of spirituality.
  • Orange - kindness, sympathy, respect.
  • Orange-green - causticity, mockery, spiritual callousness.
  • Golden - creativity, integrity, reliability.
  • Gold - spirituality, high disclosure of creative potential.
  • Red - courage, activity, perseverance.
  • Scarlet - self-confidence, pride, selfishness.
  • Bright red with flashes - anger.
  • Dark red - malice, aggression.
  • Red with brown - strong passion sometimes a craving for violence.
  • Burgundy - sensuality.
  • Pink is love.
  • Pale pink - shyness.
  • Hot pink - the ability to show love at the highest level.
  • Silver - spirituality, will, integrity and strength.
  • Brown - selfishness.
  • Brown with red - hatred, anger.
  • Light brown - greed.
  • Dark brown - depression, despair.
  • Black is anger.
  • Light gray - unreliability, apathy, often deceit.
  • Gray - depression or laziness.
  • Dark gray - fear.

based on materials from the book: Mikhail Bublichenko - "Your aura is the path to spiritual perfection" .

The human aura can be viewed from different points of view. From the point of view of esotericism, the aura is a substance flowing from the human body. From the point of view of science, this is our energy field (the aura is also called the bioenergy field, psychokinetic energy). The aura, as it were, envelops a person, something similar is depicted on icons when saints are painted with a halo or a glow around their heads.

Human aura: colors

At different people an aura of different colors, moreover, these colors can change depending on the spiritual and physical state of a person. The aura is brighter, the more different colors are included in its composition, the better, more harmonious the human condition. By the predominant color, one can determine the character, characteristics, inclinations of a person, his health. The color of the aura can even tell about the thoughts and desires of its owner.

Aura Color: Meaning

So, each color present in the human aura has a certain meaning. The predominant color is the most important, it shows the main thoughts or problems of a person. Severe illness affects color scheme our bioenergetic field. Also, serious illnesses lead to the fact that the aura becomes paler, the glow weakens. As a rule, with the death of a person, the aura also disappears, but in some cases this happens even during life, which indicates a completely hopeless state of this person.

Helps you understand what they mean aura colors decoding the meaning of these colors.

red aura

Red is the color of energy and everything that it can give: strength, vivacity, love. The presence of red in large quantities can indicate a person's leadership abilities and ambition. People with the primary red color of the aura radiate are used to taking responsibility and making decisions on their own. Always striving for financial success. They have remarkable energy, temperamental, conscientious and brave.

For men- red is associated with the subconscious, with the state of exposure female body, erotic dreams, creativity.

For women- excitement, passion, embarrassment, childbirth, children, creativity, conscience.

People with a red aura, realists, rarely suffer from remorse. They love to live and achieve their desires. These people are explosive and quick-witted. In communication on the emotional, intimate level are experiencing difficulties. Sometimes life with the Reds can be compared to a bullfight. They tend to defend their feelings and thoughts. They hate retreats. They are self-possessed, hardworking, honest and can provide for children. These are self-confident people who prefer to work independently.

If different shades are mixed with red, the value of the color also changes:

  • Dark red - unbalanced nervous system, irascibility, desire to dominate.
  • Dirty red - aggression, outbursts of anger. A person with a predominance of dirty shades of red in the aura is unreliable and even insidious.
  • Red-brown - lack of energy. If such a color appears next to some organ, this indicates its illness.
  • Scarlet - excessive selfishness, the highest degree of self-confidence.
  • Pink - love, sociability, spiritual well-being. They like to plan, dream about financial well-being. Purposeful, tenacious. They set the bar high in life. Pink - gentle, caring and always adhere to their beliefs, if necessary, defend their point of view.

purple aura

These people are striving for knowledge and wisdom, they are spiritual, intellectual people.

For men- this color carries the fragrance of the female body, deep suggestibility, power, strength, holiness, self-denial.

For women- hidden anxiety, rejection of the new, sadness, longing, nostalgia, stability.

These people are extraordinary, strive for freedom, independence. Space is very important. Throughout life they experience ups and downs, their life is replete with surprises and zigzags. Outstanding leadership skills. Prefer intellectual and spiritual communication and often lack such communication. They gravitate towards everything mysterious, inexplicable and always try to find a clue to such phenomena. They are highly intelligent but physically weak.

Shades of purple:

  • Amethyst - spiritual insight.
  • The lilac color, which prevails in the aura of a person, speaks of his enthusiasm and desire to benefit other people. Such people are just and often perform heroic deeds. It characterizes in people philanthropy, altruism, healing.
  • Purple with silver is the highest degree of knowledge and experience available to man.
  • Ultramarine-indigo - immobility, mystery, gentle fragrance.
  • Dark purple with dirty stains - fears, vampirism, illness, depression.
  • Purple is the color of spirituality and devotion. People who meditate or have strong religious feelings usually have this color in their aura. But purple is also pride and a passion for show.

orange aura

Orange color is an indicator of vitality, confidence. People who have orange in their energy field respect those around them. However, a large amount of this color may indicate liver problems.

People with an orange primary aura radiate love to spend time with family and close friends. They are caring, gentle, have good intuition, balanced, ready to cooperate, practical, stand firmly on their feet.

For men orange color is associated with intellect, flowering of sensuality, eroticism, love passion.

For women- courage, sensuality, courage. sacrifice, heat, heat.

Orange - daredevils, thrill seekers. They love competitions where there is physical danger, realists. They love to challenge and go beyond any limits. They love to make plans for the next adventure, they boldly go where no human has gone before. Incredibly inventive, energetic and self-confident. Oranges usually do not show interest in family and marriage because they are busy with their adventures. But, if they find another soul mate, then these people also have the courage and courage to share their adventures. Orange succeeds every time they overcome obstacles, reach the top of a mountain, perform another risky stunt, go through fire and stay alive. They are not emotionally connected with children. They only care about a good standard of living for children.

Shades of orange:

  • Bright orange - strong emotions, fun, optimism.
  • Dark orange - indulgence, indicates low intelligence.
  • Dull orange - irritability.
  • Golden - these people are not looking for easy ways. They are ready to sacrifice the comforts of life for the sake of making their dreams come true. Hardworking, patient, focused. They have extraordinary abilities and are very responsible. it successful people are usually leaders. Their energy is transmitted to others.
  • Golden orange - vitality, good self-control.
  • Orange-greenish - a tendency to conflict, causticity, internal mockery, callousness of character

yellow aura

Yellow is the color of health and well-being. "Yellow" people are friendly, they are not afraid of change and are always ready to learn. They do not care about small problems, they are optimistic about life. As a rule, these are creative people who, moreover, are attractive to the opposite sex.

People of new ideas, like to talk heart to heart, the goal is self-expression. Have Creative skills, intelligent people. They have a sharp mind and love to have fun.

Men- perceive yellow as the clothes of the emperor, orgasm, striptease, the individuality of the male subconscious.

Women- this is fire, warmth, fertility, work, husband, children, loneliness.

These are open people, their lives are replete with bright moments. They are smart, sensitive, and sometimes oversensitive. These people strive for happiness and their perseverance achieve it. Yellows believe that life is meant to be enjoyed. They want to be liked and loved by everyone. Energetic, intuitive. These are creative people who love power, who know how to concentrate strength and will and direct it to where it is most effective.

Shades of yellow:

  • Bright yellow - high intelligence, willpower, cheerfulness. A person with bright yellow in the aura can be trusted completely.
  • Lemon yellow - clear mind.
  • Mustard yellow - deceit and dishonesty.
  • Muddy yellow - lack of clarity of thoughts, confusion in thinking, fears.
  • Dark yellow - greed, sometimes cowardice. If the intellect is content with achievements of a personal nature, phenomena of a lower order, then a dark yellow color appears.
  • Yellow with a red tint - timidity, a feeling of inferiority, an inability to complete the work begun.
  • Yellow-brown - carelessness and laziness, a tendency to go with the flow.

green aura

Green color is a symbol of rationality, positive. People with a predominance of green in the aura will always come to the rescue, sympathize.

People with green aura seek to defy fate and achieve their goals. They have the gift of healing, noble, sympathetic and reliable.

For men this color is associated with rebirth, friendship, expectation, calmness, endurance.

For women- with nature, flowering, mystical union, self-satisfaction, boredom of restraint.

These people are stubborn and persistent. This is the color of bankers. They are solid, respectable, able to create material stability for themselves. They love peace and nature. Greens are secretive, but have a strong will, able to overcome any difficulties. Greens are very bright people, full of strength and intelligence, good organizers, self-critical. They often experience the fear of failure, although they rarely fail. The greatest problem for them is to find a partner. They can crush any color. Greens are very demanding of themselves and others. They feel like they can do more when they are alone and love to play solo. In conversation, the words "should" are often used.

What can shades of green in the aura mean:

  • Emerald green - versatility of personality, openness and honesty.
  • Muddy green - envy, deceit, jealousy, heartfelt feelings, fears
  • Light green - creative thinking.
  • Light green - the color is a sign of mental development.
  • Green-blue - shows a capable teacher
  • Sea wave - peacefulness and reliability. People with an aura of color sea ​​wave has all the qualities to be a good teacher.
  • Dirty green - envy, cunning, betrayal.
  • Yellow-green - insecurity, duplicity, the desire to do everything just for the sake of profit.

blue aura

Blue is the embodiment of wisdom, spirituality, harmony, contemplation and prayer. People with a blue radiant aura are caring and enjoy solving family problems. Responsible, responsive, merciful.

For a man- this is the sky, height, blue glasses, strict calculation, purposefulness, supernaturalness, conscious knowledge,
faith, conviction, mysticism, divination, shamanism.

For woman- depth, distance, blue stocking, restraint, modesty, wisdom, passivity.

These are emotional, sensual, spiritual people. Many devote themselves to religion or to the sciences. However, there are frequent mood swings. These people have a pronounced intellect.

Shades of blue:

  • Bright blue - religious feeling, caring for others, responsibility, spiritual insight.
  • Muddy blue - disappointment, depression, negative thoughts.
  • Light blue - purposefulness and perfection.
  • Blue - love freedom and diversity. They like to travel, change their place of residence, social circle. Always stay young at heart. Sincere, honest and usually say what they think. These people are intuitively gifted. They can know ahead of time further developments. The life of gays is a continuous search for knowledge about what GOD is. They crave to be loved and can arrange checks. They do not like compliments, do not want to disturb others and create inconvenience. They often live in the memory of the past without seeing the present. They prefer to do things alone. These are spiritual people, devoted, obligatory and lonely. With children they need an emotional connection, love to read, play, hug and be involved in their lives.
  • Dark blue - spirituality. People with a dark blue aura devote themselves to good cause and completely surrender to him.

gray aura

The gray color of the aura means weakened health, vagueness of thoughts, limitations. This is due to a lack of energy in people with a gray aura. They rarely love someone, while being jealous. They cannot express their thoughts clearly. Mixing black with gray means that a person has been disappointed.

Gray shows weakness of character and usually general weakness of health. If a person has gray stripes over the vital organs, this indicates that the organ is being destroyed, destroyed or under the threat of destruction, medical assistance is immediately needed. In people with constant severe headaches, gray smoke has been observed swirling and passing through the halo, and regardless of the color of the halo itself, gray streaks will pass through it just at the time of headaches.

shades of gray

  • Silver - Builders of grandiose plans, ideological, dreamers. The carriers of the silver background are spiritual people, gifted with intuition and rich creative imagination. They are noble, honest and trusting. Silver - always rely on their intuition and try to see only the good in people.
  • Dark gray is an indicator of health problems.

white aura

The most perfect and purest color is white. If in a person it is he who prevails in his bioenergetic field, then this is a person of wide consciousness, high intuition and spiritually pure. These people have their own beliefs, their own way of looking at things. These people are caring, modest, merciful. The main goal of these people is to serve the "higher" with full dedication. These people are pure in soul, independent and have a constant need to increase their intellectual level and wisdom.

black aura

Opposite to white, black means cruelty and a tendency to destructive activity.

Black - means that the light in the aura is completely absent, which means that a person with a black aura denies and does not accept life. The black aura represents side effect the impact of inferno, when, after exposure to a sufficiently powerful inferno, a person or another miraculously remains alive, but his aura experiences a painful deformation. People with a black aura often experience unpleasant situations, illnesses, disagreements in the family. The owner of a black aura is malice, anger, often from damage, a strong evil eye. Corruption deals energy strikes, damage nervous system, physically and morally, a person is exhausted, eats himself - from which the aura becomes black. People with a black aura are in a depressing, irritated state, which adversely affects not only the person himself, but also those around him.

The color or combination of colors of the aura in some people remains constant throughout life, in others it can change repeatedly. Such changes most often depend on the living conditions in which a person falls.

How to see a person's aura

There are different opinions about why only some people see the aura. According to one of them, only those who are endowed with supernatural abilities can see the aura. In another way, all people from birth are able to see it, but over time this ability disappears. It is preserved only by enlightened natures who are constantly striving for purification.

There are methods that suggest how to learn to see the aura person. It is usually suggested to perform some exercises that help develop this ability.

You can try to start with three simple exercises.

  1. Lighting in the room should be subdued, neither too bright nor too dim. Stretch your arms in front of you, raise your hands up so that you can see them. Relax. Close your eyes. Concentrate your mental gaze on the hands. After a while, you will be able to see a slight glow around them.
  2. Ask someone to help you: let him stand at a distance of 3 meters from you on some light background. Relax and calmly look at the person. Perhaps over time you will be able to see the aura in the form of a glow around him.
  3. Stand in front of a mirror, half a meter away from it or further away if possible. Make sure that a white or neutral background is visible in the mirror behind you. Relax, breathe deeply and sway slightly from side to side. Focus your eyes on the surface texture of the wall behind you. Looking past the outline of your head and shoulders, you will see a sheath of light around your body that will move with you as you sway lightly. Remember to watch your breath as you are now the observer and the object at the same time.

Why see the aura? It is believed that every moment of life, achievements, problems of a person and his illness are captured on it. That is, by the bioenergetic field, you can learn a lot about a person, diagnose him. There is an opinion that the study of the aura will become the basis for the future development of medicine.

Location of aura colors

Center (primary aura color)

The color in the center of the aura represents the main color of the person's aura. Most people have one dominant color for a long time. This color represents an individual color type. It shows who a person really is and what are his inner feelings, goals and desires. It is by this color that an individual color type is revealed.

Left-hand side

The left side of the body represents the passive, introverted pole. You receive and absorb these energies. These colors represent the frequency of the energy field that provides a link to the person's future or change that is about to take place. Perhaps, intuitively, a person feels what the color values ​​\u200b\u200bin a given area can be associated with.

Right side

The right side of the body is responsible for the active, extroverted pole. The colors here represent the qualities in which the person being photographed is described by other people. In this guise, the outside world feels you.

Heart region (feelings and emotions)

The colors in the heart area show a person's ability to give and receive love. By their meanings, one can understand how a person expresses and experiences deep feelings.

Around the head (thoughts and beliefs)

The colors around the head give information about the mind and mental activity. By color, you can judge how a person thinks, what foundations he supports, as well as his life goals.

Aura Strengthening

To strengthen the aura, very useful breathing exercises, Fresh air and sunlight. But there are situations when additional protection is required. One way is to surround yourself with bright white light through meditation. White light It will let positive energy in and repel negative energy. White color is the color of protection. And so - to strengthen the aura, you can use the sounds of music. Good music calms, restores strength, improves mood.

The aura of a healthy person cannot be confused with anything. In a healthy person, the aura shines, there are no inclusions, the aura, as it were, declares that the person is mentally, physically and spiritually healthy. Any disease, with the exception of accidents, is the result of many years negative thinking. At the same time, the first signs appear long before the disease appears on physical level. There are changes in the size, color, structure of the aura. people suffering chronic diseases, have an aura of greyish-brown hues. Dirty colors, they take out the main ones and you can understand which part of the body is affected. If a migraine develops, an unhealthy color of the aura appears around the head. Damage to muscle tissue is seen as holes that disappear after repair. Health problems appear in the form of spots appearing in the etheric body. If the symptoms are disturbing, dark areas occupy a large area, this indicates that there has been a loss of energy balance.

How to find out what color a person's aura is and what the meaning of the colors of the aura is. If you are interested, I suggest you take the Richard Webster test.

An aura is an intangible energy shell of a person. It surrounds a person within a radius of 1.5 meters and its color is constantly changing. It depends on his mood, thoughts, health, energy and emotions that he is experiencing at the moment. Usually there are several different colors and shades.

But there is the main background of the aura, it does not change from birth to departure from this world, and its color can tell something about a person.

How to see an aura

Some people are given to see the aura, but most people are not endowed with such a gift. There are several ways to develop the ability to see the aura. And in 1992 in the USA they even invented a special photographic device - "Aura-camera-6000", which shows the colors of the aura.

By the way, I found a video tutorial in which they talk about this. And people write under this video what happens ...

Now there are companies that sell aura cameras. Some entrepreneurs provide a bonus if the buyer has purchased goods for a certain amount. And give out such photos of the aura that you see

But since we do not have such a device, and in order to work out other ways of seeing the aura, time is needed. Therefore, we will use numerology and determine the main color of the aura by the date of birth.

This system was compiled by the famous New Zealand parapsychologist and psychic - Richard Webster.

For example, the date of birth is 05/12/1979.

You need to add all the numbers together so that the result is one number.

And look below which color corresponds to the resulting number.

7 - purple, click on purple and look at the description.

Attention! If after adding the date the first number is 11, 22 or 33. Then they do not need to be added together. Because these are high numbers. 11 - silver color, 22 - gold.

Now look what color of a person's aura corresponds to the received number. And to find out what this color means, click on the name of the color. Also, under the characteristics of the auristic background, some of its shades are written, in case you develop the ability to see it in yourself or take an auristic photo.

  1. Aura red.

Red indicates that its carrier is by nature a leader, cheerful, assertive, active, courageous and possessing sexual power. And also ambitious, emotional, optimistic and liberated.

Temperament: choleric.

Therefore, they quickly explode and quickly move away. Do not take seriously what they say in anger, after 5 minutes they themselves will be ashamed.

A person with a red background of the aura needs to set a worthy goal. And be sure to choose successful and ambitious people for communication. To be inspired by their example. If you manage to achieve your goal, and these people almost always achieve it, then the background of their aura will become radiant. And this will positively affect health and abilities.

They make good military, entrepreneurs, athletes and rescuers.

Shades of red:

Delicate, bright red - means that a person is in love.

Scarlet - excessive self-confidence, selfishness and false pride. In corrupt women, the hips are girded with scarlet.

Very bright red - anger.

Red with brown - gives out a tendency to violence.

Dark Red: lack of energy, physical and emotional fatigue, as well as malice and aggressiveness.

Red, with dark shade and bright flashes - anger, rough energy.

Raspberry - shows sexuality and passion.
Dirty - Red: selfishness, unmotivated rage.
Red-Orange: speaks of vitality and weakness to cheap effects.
Dull Brick-Red: Arrogance, arrogance.

Because of this behavior, others often mistake them for frivolous and superficial people.

But this is absolutely not true! They like to learn, because they have a sharp mind by nature, they are creative. People with a yellow aura love power, they know how to concentrate willpower and direct it to where it is needed at that moment. They are successful because they like to be popular.

They have a too open and vulnerable Soul. Therefore, it would be good for them to learn to be more protected.

And since they have well-developed eloquence, it is better for them to choose professions where they need to communicate with people. Such as counselor, consultant or psychologist. That's where they get it great success.

Temperament is sanguine.

Shades of yellow:

  • Pure yellow - strong intellectual and creative potential, pronounced sociability.
  • Bright yellow - you can completely trust this person, he will never betray you. He has a strong intellect and willpower, while he enjoys life like a child.
  • Lemon - a bright and sharp mind.
  • Yellow - Red - inexhaustible vitality, willingness to quickly implement the decision.
  • Red - yellow. Lack of endurance and conviction, eternal throwing. Unprincipled, not developed mind, inferiority complex. Moreover, the more red - the more developed the inferiority complex. Bad luck in personal life.
  • Mustard - cunning, cunning and meanness.
  • Muddy yellow - a clouded mind, an obsession with various fears.
  • Dark - self-interest, indecision. Satisfaction of the intellect with its lowest achievements.
  • Brown-yellow. The predominance of dirty thoughts and weak psychic development.
  1. Orange.

It is the color of healing, openness and emotionality. If orange is present in a large amount in the aura, then this means that either the process of emotional self-healing is underway, or the person has pronounced healing abilities.

Usually they are energetic and healthy people. Optimistic and proud, they love change, they try not to sit still. Caring, kind and sensitive - they most often find happiness in helping other people. They also love adventure and thrills.

They make good private detectives, racers, stuntmen and entrepreneurs.

Temperament - choleric + sanguine.

Shades of orange.

  • Bright orange. Warmth, vitality, joy.
  • Dark orange. Low intelligence, lack of ability to assemble, weak willpower.
  • Turbid. Short temper.
  • Orange green. Tendency to quarrel and argue for no reason. Stubbornness, absolute rejection of someone else's opinion. They enjoy the process itself, whether they are right or wrong, they do not care.
  1. Green aura.

Hard work, consistency, balance. Nothing can stop them if they know they are right. Noble and reliable.

And they are persistent and stubborn, solid and respectable, bright and smart, self-critical. Skillfully create for themselves and their loved ones material well-being. Since green is the color of growth, nothing can stop them on their way. Slowly but surely they are making their way up.

They make good organizers. They are very demanding, not only to others, but to themselves too. They are afraid to fail, although in fact it very rarely happens to them. The word "should" for them is above all.

At the same time, they are sentimental, love nature and tranquility. Quite secretive, so they have difficulty finding partners.

By temperament - phlegmatic.

Shades of green.

  • Pure - magnetism, healing abilities, responsiveness.
  • Bright green - tact, survival in any conditions, sincerity.
  • Dark green - selfishness, deceit, jealousy.
  • Emerald green - compassion and good-naturedness.
  • Dull green - fear, envy and love experiences.
  • Light green - positive thinking, creation.
  • Green-yellow - manipulating people for their own benefit, greed for money.
  • Light green - a talent for teaching people. The greater the transition to blue, the more reliable this person.
  • Dirty green - means depression and longing.
  1. Blue aura.

Good intuition and strong intellect, love of travel and diversity, straightforwardness, honesty. These are adventurers with a rich imagination, forever young and ready for accomplishments. There are many workaholics among them who do not consider it necessary to relax, and this provokes stress in them.

Gifted by nature, they tend to scatter their potential. They like to grab onto several things at once, without finishing the previous ones. They can achieve a lot in any field if they learn to focus on important things and not waste their huge natural potential on trifles.



  • Pure color. sensitivity, active position, creative activity, kindness.
  • Light blue. Indecision.
  • Dark shades. If the color is pure, then this indicates self-awareness and the disclosure of spiritual potential and the absence of fear of difficulties. If the shade is dirty, then this indicates excessive suspicion.
  • Bright blue. Devotion and worship to high ideals.
  • Sky blue. Energy. The ability to understand and empathize with other people.
  • Turquoise. Charisma, peace-loving and tenderness.
  • Dark blue. Spirituality, wisdom, readiness for self-sacrifice, cheerfulness and health.
  • Pale blue. This means that a person hesitates and needs help in making the right decision.
  1. Blue aura.

Loyalty, self-confidence, responsibility, deep wisdom. Strong intellect, emotionality and sensuality. With frequent mood swings. Artistic, selfless and with a highly developed intuition.

At the same time, they like to solve family problems and take care of their neighbor. Therefore, they always have many friends and acquaintances - people feel this peculiarity of them and are drawn to them.

But sometimes they are too picky not only to others, but also to themselves, this is because they are looking for perfection in everything.

tend to be scientific, or religious activities. And from them they get good psychologists, physicians, educators, teachers and writers.

Temperament is phlegmatic.


  • Bright blue. Reliability, caring, religiosity.
  • Cloudy blue. Negative, disappointing.
  • Dark blue. Anxiety, confusion, depression.
  1. Purple aura background.

Tendency to self-denial, mysticism and clairvoyance. intuition and spiritual strength. A rich imagination, a penchant for creativity and mysticism.
Free and independent. Therefore, they usually rely only on themselves, as they do not like to bother other people with a request for help.

Often they are closed, because they do not know how to intelligibly talk about their thoughts, and this is the wrong way. They need to communicate more with people in order to keep their aura in good condition.

After all, if the aura decreases, then wisdom will leave its bearer and the disclosure of his super abilities will stop.

There is artistic and literary talent. But they succeed in any field of activity.


  • Amethyst - Spiritual awareness.
  • Purple - Selflessness and the gift of healing.
  • Purple with silver is the highest level of knowledge available to man.
  • Purple - can mean both devotion and pride.
  • Dark purple speaks of a tendency to homosexuality, drug addiction, vampirism and mental disorders.
  1. Aura pink.

It is called the color of planetary intuition, in the aura it indicates falling in love and spiritual love. These are advanced people, they are all right with both spirituality and the material world. They are kind to close people.

They make the most faithful friends, and the most dangerous enemies who never forget insults, and, on occasion, take cruel revenge.

If they do not agree with someone's opinion, they will definitely do as they see fit. And they are always ready to defend their point of view to the bitter end. They are well versed in everything related to money, and in this area they rarely lose. But sometimes they overestimate their capabilities and lose everything in the process.

They achieve great success in advocacy, teaching and financial activities.

Shades of pink.

  • Pale pink. Shyness and indecision.
  • Bright pink. The highest stage of love.
  1. Bronze aura background.

Very often this color is the main one in the aura of the defenders of nature. Often there is a gift of clairvoyance and healing. These people are determined and prone to self-sacrifice. They love to help without asking for anything in return.

Their surroundings get used to the fact that as soon as they are asked, they drop all their affairs and run to help, which begins to neglect them. Therefore, they need to learn to refuse in some specific cases, otherwise they can completely sit on their necks.

"Bronze" are usually happy no matter what.

They are suitable for such professions as a musician, poet, artist or actor. As well as a fortune teller, a medium, a doctor.

11. Silver background of the aura.

People with this aura background are dreamers and idealists. Noble, spiritual, honest and trusting. In choosing friends, they rely only on their intuition and do not believe in reservations until they are convinced of this themselves.

Emotional in nature, they often experience nervous overload. They need to learn how to relax, meditation or self-hypnosis are suitable for this.

Art, literature and psychology are the most preferred areas of activity for the "silver".

22. Golden background of the aura.

These are real leaders, endowed with outstanding talents, a sense of responsibility for everything that happens. They make great leaders. They have such a strong energy field that they are like batteries capable of charging the people around them.

For them, the main thing is not to lose their potential over trifles. Therefore, the higher the goal and the more precisely the priorities are set, the better.

They will be successful in any profession. Suitable such as a builder, engineer or architect. But most of all, large-scale activities are suitable for them. For example, statesman, scientist.

33. White background of the aura.

This is the perfect backdrop. This color was the aura of Christ. A person with such
the background of the aura is often religious and strong in one's faith. And it can also be endowed
psychic and parapsychological abilities. He likes when around peacefully and calmly.
Such people are usually wise and serve the highest ideals.
But sometimes he can be thrown into extremes from religiosity, he can go, for example, to drug use. From sympathy for people to complete indifference.

And in conclusion, I want to say - maintain your aura in the proper form. After all, if it decreases or fades, you will begin to have health problems and fate. To do this, try not to do bad deeds, do not allow negative thoughts, develop spiritually and physically.

Let your aura be voluminous and brightly shining. As it should be the aura of a spiritual and physically healthy person. Love, health and success to you!

At the word "aura" we imagine for ourselves something mystical and inaccessible to an ordinary person. Our mind is not able to fully capture the whole essence this concept. Only after a long and deep penetration into the secrets of the energy forces of the Universe can one understand the meaning, as well as the power of our aura.

It is generally accepted that human aura is a cocoon of energy that surrounds the entire body. The cells of our body secrete their own power, which has individual characteristics: color, shape. The ability to see radiation is possessed by selected people.

We are all different. This also applies to the aura. Its density and color depend on the set of qualities, emotions, thoughts, possibilities. The defining moment in this is the activity of the human chakras.

The first mention of the aura is found in the memos of ancient times. We can say that with the advent of the mind, people immediately found out that everyone has an energy field. This field comes from the body and is a luminous radiation.

Those who possessed clairvoyant abilities could see it. In subsequent years, a lot has been written about Aura. scientific works. It was used in their creations by famous artists and craftsmen.

Gradually developing science gave a clearer explanation for the previously mystical concept. Scientists have determined that the human aura is an electromagnetic field that surrounds all living organisms. In other words, a person's aura is his.

As already mentioned, the individual characteristics of a person give impetus to the formation of radiation characteristics. That is, the color of the aura, its density, as well as the direction of the rays depends on the state of the organism, on current experiences and on the level of development.

Thanks to their unique properties The human aura is able to protect us from negative influences.

It is a defense mechanism that repels bad thoughts, envy, damage. But this mechanism does not always work. What does it depend on?

We ourselves destroy our aura without even knowing it.

When we get angry, quarrel with loved ones, in our energy protection cracks or even holes appear.

To avoid such events, you need to monitor your behavior, your thoughts and inner content.

When talking, do not waste your vitality, it is better to be restrained and deliberately pronounce words.

Like fingerprints, the human aura is completely unique.

There are similar to each other, but the same does not exist. The spirit individually accumulates and absorbs the effects of the Universe, and therefore the radiation of energy is unique.

Some auras have the accumulation of painful energy, anger and destruction. To protect yourself from the adverse effects of them, it is necessary to monitor the state of balance.

Who can see the human aura?

In discussions about the composition and appearance of the aura, many disputes arose. This was due to the fact that it is visible only to highly sensitive natures who have a connection with the Cosmos. Some people see part of the radiation and prove that the whole essence of the aura is manifested in this.

Due to the insufficient development of psychic vision, they are not able to fully grasp the tender and beautiful fullness of the aura. They see only the gross component. Without thinking about the lack of facts, they are completely sure that their vision is the real essence.

In fact, the human aura has great amount forms and manifestations. She has balance and harmony. The level of sensitivity of nature and the subtle organization of the mind make it possible to know the power of radiation.

AT recent times there was a theory that the field of energy is a continuation of the material body. But to claim given fact not very appropriate. After all, we do not believe that the sun's rays are the physical part of the luminary. So it is in this case.

The human aura comes from the principles of the human body, but is not part of these principles. In total we have seven beginnings (chakras). Each has its own energy.

The rays that come from the seven principles are similar in nature to X-rays. Ordinary people unable to see them. Those who have a higher spiritual organization and developed psychic senses are able to discern the aura emanating from the six principles.

But the last beginning is available only Higher Powers, a person is not able to reach such a high level. The sensibility of mental sensations can be gradually developed, striving for higher sources of knowledge and skills. But you should not be guided only by your vision and draw conclusions about the aura and its composition. To master the truth, one should listen to people who have reached the heights in unity with the Universe.

How to see a person's aura

Exist special exercises, helping to reveal the ability to see the aura. First of all, you will be able to analyze your own energy radiation and recognize yourself. You will also have access to information about the auras of the people around you.

The human aura has several layers. The first, which is closest to the body, has bright color and it's easy to see. Almost everyone who followed the recommendations was able to identify this layer. They call it ethereal.

Next comes the astral shell. Her appearance different from the first layer. The density is much less, it is scattered. Not everyone can see the astral shell. There is never a clear boundary between layers. They constantly interact, interfere with colors, move from one position to another.

Enlist the help of someone close to you whom you trust. Let him help you complete the next steps. Ask him to stand near the wall. It is desirable if the background surface is light and uniform, ideally completely white. Extra patterns, drawings, posters will distract and interfere with the concentration of instructions.

So, a person is standing in front of you at a distance of 45 to 60 centimeters in front of the wall. Watch out for lighting - there should be no direct sunlight, and also avoid artificial sources. You are three meters from the object.

The state of the subject is very important, so tell him to keep everything in balance and calmness: thoughts, breathing, muscles. Let him rock the body a little.

Your eyes should not be focused on the physical embodiment of the object. Try to look at the wall, as if through the body.

Gradually around the body you will notice a blurry light. Its width is about one centimeter. This is the first layer - the etheric aura of man.

Don't be surprised and don't stop. The next step is to see the light behind the object. It is dyed yellow or silver. Not everywhere will be a homogeneous structure, the aura is quite changeable and not symmetrical.

It happens that the first time it is difficult to catch the light around the body. It depends on the person himself. Some see colors instantly, others only after a few exercises.

To develop mental organization, one should work with different objects.

If you regularly work on your sensuality, you will soon clearly distinguish a strip of light up to half a meter wide. Most likely, it will be scattered, and the color will be darker than the first stripe. This next layer is the astral layer.

How to see your own aura

You can examine your aura in front of a mirror at a distance of half a meter. Behind you should not be any distracting objects. Let it be a wall. If this is not possible, hang a plain white sheet.

Watch your muscles, your breathing - everything should go calmly and measuredly. Swing lightly. Look at the background behind you, concentrate on it.

In time you will consider the weak and thin line light that sways along with the body. To help you see the aura better, make sure that the light is natural, not bright, not direct.

It doesn't matter what you wear.

Gradually, you will be able to change the basic colors of the aura. You can watch this change. Thanks to the new skill, you will be able to harmonize your wardrobe with your aura.

Human aura colors. Meaning of colors

It has long been proven that each color has its own characteristics and unique characteristics. That is why, after analyzing the colors of the aura, one can come to the appropriate conclusion about emotional state person, about his health, about peace of mind.

The meaning of the colors of the aura

  1. Purple

Corresponds to individuals who are well versed in the spiritual spheres, who have contact with the Higher Beginning. People with such an aura easily learn the secrets of their body, comprehend the truth of the world around them and open themselves up to absorb super-knowledge. Location purple located in the region of the pituitary gland.

  1. Blue colour

These are people with great knowledge in science. Their mental organization is rather thin and vulnerable. Harmonious with the natural forces of nature. Blue color is distinguished near the pineal gland.

  1. Blue

It is located in the brain, respectively, indicates high level intelligence and powerful logical abilities. Depending on the shade, one can judge the character of a person. More bright hues mean that the person has a pure soul and thoughts. But the dark ones speak of excessive reflection on different topics about suspicion.

  1. Green color

People who are harmonious and calm have this color. Such natures often become doctors, they like to bring joy to people. Only here the dark tones of green indicate the dishonesty of a person. It can be seen in the neck area.

  1. Yellow

If the color is bright, sunny, then the person is one. These are people who can cheer up at any moment, bring cheerfulness and love into the situation. And if the color is dark, then here we can talk about the envy of nature. You can see it in the chest area.

  1. Orange color

Located in the region of the stomach. Talking about good general condition body, physical fitness. If the color is unclear, then we can judge the low development of mental abilities.

  1. Red color

It testifies to a quick-tempered and passionate nature, loving life. People whose aura colors have a darker red tint have an angry character and often quarrel. Its location falls on the area of ​​​​the reproductive system.

Features of the human aura

  • All colors of the aura have their own characteristics. The brighter and purer the color of the aura, the purer the human soul. Dark and muddy elements, on the contrary, speak of negativity in the soul and low desires in thoughts.
  • The situations that surround us directly affect the aura. The more happiness, joy around, the better our energy becomes. The human aura absorbs everything and absorbs.
  • If you have the ability to see the aura, you can recognize the person in advance.
  • The composition and colors of the aura depend on the people you communicate with.
  • To keep your aura intact, watch your behavior and your words.

How to see an aura in 10 minutes?

In this video, Reiki Master Evgenia Dolgorukaya will teach you to see the human aura in 10 minutes.


Let your aura shine with all the colors of the rainbow!

Artur Golovin


Aura (from Greek. trend) represents the glow or manifestation of the human soul. Without delving into esoteric aspects, the glow of the aura can be explained from a scientific point of view, bypassing the skepticism of scientists. Human body is by no means a rough frozen matter. Every cell is made up of molecules that are constantly moving. In all objects of the material world - stones, trees, grass, water, air and, of course, in our body - molecules are in motion. The denser the observed object, the slower the movement speed.

If you see this molecular chaos, then with surprise, the similarity of the body with the Universe is revealed. Only instead of stars - particles. In the bones, they move more densely (like a cluster of stars in milky way), in soft tissues movement faster. Wandering creates an energy that continuously vibrates and manifests around a person. etheric body. The ethereal body itself is not an aura in the context of the glow, it is its core. The aura is a mirror of thoughts, health, success, worldviews and human problems.

In this article

Features of the white aura

If the body gives out high, divine vibrations, then the aura glows white. it a rarity in our time and says that a person easily enters a transcendental state. Biological processes work perfectly in the body. Thoughts are focused on the exoteric, the secret.

Perhaps a person is immersed in a spiritual search, meditates, raising the frequency of vibrations. Quite ambiguously, it can combine complete indifference, detachment from the worldly and empathy for others. This color reflects everything. negative influences and negatively charged energies, being a magical shield.

Among people with a white glow of the aura, there are healers and spiritual mentors. White color is universal and original. With its spectral decay, other tones arise.

Features of the silver aura

She speaks of a multifaceted and sophisticated nature. From childhood, a child with a predominance of silver in the energy shell will show unusual abilities, the development of which will make him a clairvoyant, a master of astral practices. The spiritual component of the life of such people is in the first place. Will and unwavering adherence to high ideals reflect from others. The world goes forward and helps the "silver coins" to achieve their goals throughout their lives.

It is rare to find a person with a solid silver radiance of the aura. This shade appears in almost everyone, but not for long and not always.

The world of dreams and dreams opens doors to people with a silver glow. Sometimes it's quite difficult to get down to earth. Being in the clouds is an integral part of their life, which is harmful. They become isolated and withdraw into themselves for a long time, removing the world. Upon reaching a balance between reality and the astral, such a person reaches incredible heights.

There are 3 shades of silvery aura.


Sensitivity and responsiveness are the main qualities of people of this aura tone. They are not indifferent to the grief of others. Will always be near right time to support, listen and help. Often such people put the care of others above their own needs.

purple fire

Acquires the aura of the person to whom the highest truths are revealed. Chakra Sahasrara has this color. Sometimes it is called divine. Under the influence of violet color, wisdom and spiritual revelations descend. It is said that fire destroys the darkness in a person.

White-silver tones of the aura

Vibrate with the talented positive people filled with happiness and knowing the taste of life. And darker tones, approaching gray, talk about health problems. If a gray aura manifests itself in any part of the body, then you need to seek medical help. Most likely, the organ near which such a glow is formed is sick.

The qualities of a healer easily develop in people with an aura of a shade of silver, but for the most part they choose for themselves the development of telekinesis, clairvoyance and communication with the other world.

Influence on character

Prominent people have a white tint of aura. Great friends, lovers. They are able to listen and empathize. Highly developed intuition helps them see a person's problem long before he voices it. Talent is a feature of such people. Always able to help and even push in the right direction.

Striving for high ideals, possessing a great potential of vital forces make people with a silver tint of aura real Creators and Creators. Purity and gullibility, eccentricity and intuition - these are the main signs of "silver coins". They are able to easily let go of grievances and forgive, but they cannot forget the unhealed wounds in their souls. They make decisions based on their sixth sense.

Problems of people with a light aura

Despite the glorious and attractive features of the light aura, people who failed to realize the bestowed potential of life energy are doomed to self-criticism and suffering. If the artist is deprived of the opportunity to draw, then he will soon begin to fade. Creative natures suffocate in offices with a rigid daily routine. Everything that can bind them is alien to them. If the "fireflies" do not develop and realize talent, then depression and a change in aura tones to rough gray are inevitable.

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