Home Useful properties of fruits Butter cream on biscuit. A simple homemade biscuit cake with butter-condensed cream - a step-by-step recipe with a photo. Recipe for custard filling with butter

Butter cream on biscuit. A simple homemade biscuit cake with butter-condensed cream - a step-by-step recipe with a photo. Recipe for custard filling with butter

How delicious is carp meat!

True, freeing it from bones is a long and not the most pleasant process, which often repels cooking.

A great option in this case is crucian cutlets - a dish that is prepared with small bones and does not cause unnecessary trouble to the hostess.

In addition, crucian cutlets are a great alternative to meat cutlets.

Carp meat provides tremendous help to the body, because it is a storehouse of amino acids, vitamins, minerals and beneficial trace elements including calcium and phosphorus Construction Materials living organism. Consumption of crucian carp improves the functioning of the digestive tract and has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. It is also an invaluable source of protein, it is almost 20 percent in this fish!

Recipes for making cutlets from crucian carp are surprisingly simple and practical. Excellent cutlets will surely please even the most capricious and fastidious kids in food. Cutlets are also suitable for those who calculate calories. The calorie content of fresh crucian carp is less than 85 kcal, and there is almost no fat in it.

General principles for cooking cutlets from crucian carp

Be sure to choose fresh fish. If possible, it should be a fish that is still moving a little. If you cannot determine the freshness of the fish yourself, consult the seller and check when the catch was made.

The most time-consuming part of cooking cutlets is the separation of the bones from the fillets, but the effort spent will definitely pay off when you see the end result. Having separated the head and tail, we scroll through the meat grinder twice, and the bones will not be felt at all.

To add juiciness, you can add cream, mayonnaise, sour cream to the cutlets. And to make them airy, beat the mixture with a blender or fork. You can bread in flour, semolina, corn grits or crackers.

Spices for fish perfectly complement the dish, garlic and spices will add aroma and piquancy.

An ideal addition to cutlets would be a vegetable salad, mashed potatoes or buckwheat porridge. You can simply lay out fresh or pickled vegetables and decorate with herbs.

Classic carp cutlets

  • 4 carp;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 3 art. spoons of semolina;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of starch;
  • salt pepper;
  • a glass of flour.

1. We clean the fish from the insides. We dip the crucian carp into boiling water for a few minutes. This will greatly simplify the separation of the fish from the bones.

2. We take out the fish, let it cool and begin to separate the bones from the meat. Boiled crucian meat is well kneaded with hands.

3. We rub onions and carrots. Add them to the minced fish and mix to obtain a homogeneous mass.

4. Add eggs, semolina, starch and continue to knead. Salt and pepper will not be superfluous to add spice to the dish.

5. Put spherical cutlets wrapped in flour into a preheated pan. Fry until golden brown for 3 minutes on each side.

Homemade carp cutlets with spices

Crucian - 1500 g;

Bulbs - 3 pieces;

Potatoes - 3-4 pieces;

Ground red pepper;

Ground black pepper;

Seasonings for barbecue;

Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. a spoon;

Garlic - 3 cloves;

Olive oil.

1. We clean the fish and turn it through a meat grinder three times. The more times we turn, the less bones will remain. So, it will be safe to give them to eat to children.

2. We clean the potatoes and send them to boiling milk for 15 minutes. Then we make puree.

3. Add chopped onion, crushed potatoes and an egg to the minced meat.

4. Mix all the ingredients and add spices: ground red pepper, ground black pepper and seasonings for barbecue. Sprinkle with lemon juice to taste.

5. We form cutlets in the form of cakes, covering with flour. On the olive oil Preheat the pan and fry for 3 minutes on each side, without closing the lid.

Cutlets from crucian carp with the addition of lard

Small carp - 600 g;

Salo - 200 g;

Potatoes - 3-4 pieces;

Salt pepper.

1. Cut off the head and fins of crucians. We clean from scales and sort out the fish from the bones. Gutted, separating the bones from the meat.

2. We pass minced fish, lard, potatoes and onions through a meat grinder. We twist the mass several times to get rid of small bones.

3. Add the egg (yolk), salt and pepper. We spare no effort in constant mixing. Minced meat is desirable to leave for 20-30 minutes in the refrigerator.

4. We form cutlets, wrap in flour and put in a pan. Fry over moderate heat with a little sunflower oil to blush.

Tender carp cutlets

Crucian - 500 g;

2 pieces of bread;

A glass of milk;

Salt pepper;

Spices for fish.

1. We clean the crucians from the skin, cut the fillet and remove the bones. Small bones can not be touched, because after passing through a meat grinder twice, they will not be felt.

2. Leave the bun soaked in warm milk for 15-20 minutes.

3. Scroll the fish fillet, onion and squeezed bun through a meat grinder. Pepper, salt, add spices to taste.

4. Knead the resulting mass in a deep bowl. It is best to put on a hard surface and knead with your hands to make the meat tender.

5. In breadcrumbs we form cutlets with a knife, as carefully as possible so as not to disturb the structure.

6. Fry the cutlets in a heated pan under a closed lid. After 2-3 minutes, turn over, put on moderate heat and bring to readiness.

Diet fish cakes

Carp - 1 kg;

Bulb - 2 pieces;

Potatoes - 3 pieces;

Salt pepper;

Nutmeg - 1 teaspoon

Mayonnaise - 3 tbsp. spoons;


1. It is necessary to separate the loin from the bones. We pass the cleaned fish through a meat grinder. We also send onions, carrots and boiled potatoes there.

2. Add salt, pepper, chopped greens (parsley, cilantro), seasonings and nutmeg to this mass.

3. Add a few tablespoons of mayonnaise if desired, so that the cutlets become juicier. To give the cutlets splendor and airiness, knead the minced meat well.

4. We form cutlets from minced meat and put them on a baking sheet, previously greased butter and covered with special baking paper. If desired, garlic can be crushed into patties. Lubricate each cutlet with mayonnaise with a brush.

5. Leave to bake for half an hour at a temperature of 200 degrees. Be sure to place a plate of water under the baking sheet so that they do not dry out.

Carp cutlets with cheese

1 kg crucians;

Cheese durum varieties(parmesan, Russian) - 100 g;

Breadcrumbs - 200 g;

Salt pepper.

1. We clean the fish from the bones and leave it in a solution slightly acidified with vinegar.

2. Finely chop the dill, rub hard cheese.

3. Add eggs, salt, pepper to minced meat. We spare no effort to knead.

4. In the center of the formed oval cutlet, put a piece of butter, herbs and cheese. Carefully wrap around the edges.

5. The resulting cutlets must be rolled in breadcrumbs and fried on both sides until cooked.

Carp cutlets with bell pepper

medium carp -6-7 pieces;

carrots - 2 pieces;

onions - 2 pieces;

bell pepper - 2 pieces;

garlic - 3 cloves;

1. We gut the crucians, scald the crucians with boiling water so that the scales are easier to peel off. Separate the bones from the fillet carefully, as it is very tender.

2. We twist the fish fillet in a meat grinder.

3. We clean the carrots and rub. The onion must be finely chopped so that it is not strongly felt. Break an egg into a bowl.

4. We clean the bell pepper, finely chop and add to the resulting porridge-like mass.

5. Mix thoroughly, season with sour cream and grated garlic.

6. Salt, pepper, leave to brew for 15-20 minutes so that the minced meat is saturated with garlic and spices.

7. Then roll the cutlets in semolina or flour and put them in a heated pan.

8. We can put canned peas and garnish with parsley leaves.

Cutlets from crucian "Fish Pancakes"

crucian carp - 1 kg;

flour - 2 tbsp. spoons;

mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. spoons;

soda - 1 teaspoon;

1. Cut off the tail, fish head and fins with a sharp knife. Cut into several small pieces and send to a blender. This can be done in a meat grinder, but in a blender, as a rule, it turns out faster, and all the bones are ground. The consistency of minced meat will be similar to mashed potatoes.

2. Add mayonnaise, flour, eggs and soda to it and mix. Salt, pepper.

3. The mass should be similar to the dough from which pancakes are made. If you feel that it is still watery, add flour.

4. We choose the shape of the cutlets to your taste, it is best to form an oval and knead with your hands along the edges to make a cake. Fry the cutlets in a pan on both sides. Serve with rice and vegetable salad.

To easily get rid of the bones, we will use the following secret: put the fish in boiling water, then bring it to a boil again and boil for three minutes. During this time, crucian carp will not have time to cook, but the bones themselves will freely move away from the fillet.

Tasty and juicy cutlets are made by the yolk and slices of rolls soaked in water or milk.

If crucians have the smell of algae, silt or mud, it is necessary to dip them in salt water or freeze them before cooking. You can also soak crucian carp in milk with salt for half an hour, this will help get rid of the characteristic smell of fish. If there is no time for this, you can remove bad smell spices and herbs.

We scroll the minced meat several times: the first time one fish fillet, the second time with the addition of onions and vegetables, the third time with a softened bun or potatoes.

Remember to wet your hands with water to keep the patties from sticking.

To make the cutlets crispy and with a golden crust, fry them in olive oil for 2-3 minutes on each side without a lid. Then simmer for 15-20 minutes over low heat.

Do not rush to throw out the fins, tail and head of the fish. You can make a simple fish soup out of them.

Serve the meatballs warm as a side dish. They are sure to surprise you appetizing view, aroma and extraordinary taste.

If you have been made happy with the catch of fresh fish, do not waste time and start cooking delicious crucian cutlets as soon as possible. A delightful smell and a sweet aftertaste will not leave guests indifferent. Bon Appetit! Cook with pleasure!

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Sweet crucian meat is very appetizing. Only the bones of this fish can bring you out of patience, besides, it is dangerous to give the dish to children.

A great way out for lovers of delicious crucian carp is crucian cutlets, which can be cooked directly with the bones, without burdening yourself with a long release of the fillet from the fish skeleton. This not only facilitates the work of the hostess, but also increases beneficial features future cutlets, enriching them with phosphorus and calcium.


4-6 medium carcasses of fish must be freed from the skin and passed through a meat grinder twice using a fine grate. Without disassembling the meat grinder, pass a long loaf previously soaked in milk through it, so that it is 1/5 of the minced meat, onion, and carrots. Knead the minced meat thoroughly, adding the egg, salt and spices for fish.

Meatballs are fried vegetable oil. One side needs to be fried quickly over high heat. Turn the patty over to reduce the heat and cover with a lid. So fish cakes will be juicy and will undergo reliable heat treatment.

Cutlets from crucian carp with bones are being prepared very quickly and ideally combined with vegetable salad and mashed potatoes.

Gentle treatment option

Cutlets prepared in this way are useful, they can be safely given to children. However, if the child is very small or there are patients with gastritis in the family, fish cakes you can bake. To do this, you need to form balls from the minced meat and put them on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil. After 20-30 minutes, dietary and healthy dish ready.

Fish lovers like the sweet meat of crucian carp, but it is not always possible to cope with the bones that are so rich in River fish. If in large carcasses they can still be selected, then in specimens weighing less than 150 grams, such a task seems impossible. But do not immediately reject small fish. You can cook cutlets from crucian carp with bones, a recipe for a delicious fish treat that will undoubtedly please your home.

So that small bones are absolutely not felt in the finished dish, you just need to follow all the nuances of preparing this dish, and exactly observe the proportions of the products indicated in the recipes.

Secrets and general technology for cooking cutlets from crucian carp

In general, the basic culinary processes of cooking cutlets from crucian carp are no different from cooking ordinary ones. meat cutlets: preparing and grinding ingredients, mixing minced meat and forming blanks, heat treatment. But each stage has its own secrets, which are successfully used by experienced chefs.

  • For cutlets, you should choose only fresher fish with transparent eyes, bright red gills, a dense and shiny carcass. So that the fish meat does not taste bitter, you need to be careful when cleaning the husk, do not press hard on the abdomen and do not crush the bile.
  • You need to grind fish with bones in a blender or meat grinder, choosing the smallest grate. The first time the crucians themselves are passed through the meat grinder, the second time adding onions and others raw vegetables, the third - along with soaked bread or boiled potatoes.
  • They often have an unpleasant river smell of mud. You can get rid of it if you soak the fish for several hours in milk and salt. If there is no time, then help onion, which must be added in this case.
  • When mixing minced meat, you need to remember that crucian meat does not have such juiciness as pork, beef or poultry, therefore, for greater stickiness, they add to the mass egg or flour.
  • Cutlets formed from minced meat are prepared by frying them in vegetable oil, baking in the oven or steamed in a dietary version.

Cutlets from crucian bones with bones recipe, video:

Cutlets from crucian carp with bones: a recipe with lard

Ready cutlets from crucian carp will turn out much more tender and juicier if you add a little lard to the minced meat. The proportions of the products according to the recipe will be as follows:

  • 800 g of small carp;
  • 100 g fresh pork;
  • 100 g of onions;
  • 100 g of stale white bread;
  • 50 ml of milk;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 20 g of fresh dill;
  • salt and spices to taste;
  • vegetable oil for frying.

How to cook carp cutlets:

  1. Prepare the fish: peel the husk, gut the insides, trim the tail and fins, cut off the head and cut out the spine. The bones of the ridge are easy to remove if you put the fish with an open belly up on a cutting board, and cut along the carcass along the ribs with a sharp knife. After that, cut the carp into pieces that will be convenient to grind in a meat grinder.
  2. Remove the skin from the fat, cut into small pieces. Peel the onion from the husk, cut into four parts. Soak bread in milk, squeeze. Skip the fish, bacon, onions, bread, herbs, garlic through a meat grinder. So that the bones in the finished dish are not felt, you need to grind the fish through a fine grate more than two times;
  3. 3. Mix the minced meat well, add an egg to it, salt and pepper. Then pick up the minced meat with a tablespoon, put it in a pan with hot vegetable oil. Fry on both sides until golden brown. excess fat from the finished cutlets should be blotted by laying on a paper towel.

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Classic recipe for crucian cutlets with bones

The recipe involves the use of the following ingredients:

  • 600 g of fresh carp;
  • 100 g of onion;
  • 100 g carrots;
  • 100 g boiled potatoes;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • 50 g of semolina;
  • 50 g mayonnaise (fat content 67%);
  • 12 g of garlic;
  • 100 g ground crackers or wheat flour for breading;
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • salt, spices and herbs to taste.

The sequence of cooking processes:

  1. Wash carp, gut, with sharp knife cut out the fins, head and spine bones. Leave small bones. Cut the prepared fish into pieces, pass at least three times through a meat grinder or chop with a blender.
  2. Onion, boiled potatoes and carrots are also chopped in a meat grinder. Finely chop the greens with a knife. Pass garlic with other ingredients through a meat grinder or chop with a press.
  3. Combine minced fish, chopped vegetables, greens, semolina, mayonnaise, egg, salt and spices, mix well.
  4. Form cutlets with your hands, roll in breading, fry in vegetable oil on each side. Serve with vegetable salad, buckwheat porridge or mashed potatoes.

Diet fish cutlets from crucian carp

This is a recipe dish. diet food has a bright summer accent in the form of fresh bell pepper. The list and quantity of ingredients and spices will be as follows:

  • 700 g of medium or small carp;
  • 100 g bell pepper (yellow or green);
  • 65-70 g of onions;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • 30 g of semolina;
  • 7 g of table salt;
  • 2 g ground bay leaf;
  • flour for breading blanks.

Step by step:

  1. Prepare the fish in the same sequence as in the previous recipes. bell pepper free from the stalk and seeds, remove the husk from the onion.
  2. Grind all carp meat and vegetables in a blender. If there is no such kitchen assistant, then do everything with a meat grinder too. Grind carp several times, and then (once) onion and pepper.
  3. In a bowl with minced meat, add the egg, salt, Bay leaf and mango. Mix the mixture well and leave for a quarter of an hour for the cereal to swell, which will absorb excess moisture.
  4. After that, you can start forming cutlets, which must be rolled in flour. You can steam a dish in a slow cooker,

    Calorie cutlets from crucian carp

    The calorie content of crucian meat is generally not high (approximately 87 kcal / 100 g), but additional energy value ready-made cutlets add products that are part of the composition and method of heat treatment.

    So having prepared the dish according to classic recipe, frying cutlets in vegetable oil, the average output is 130-140 kcal per 100 g.

    lovers juicy cutlets with the addition of fat (cream or butter), you should know that these products increase calories ready meal up to 150-160 kcal for every 100 g.

    Those for whom the issue of caloric content of food is especially acute can choose steaming or baking in the oven, which can reduce the energy value of one hundred grams of ready-made cutlets to 110-120 kilocalories.

    Now every housewife will know that there is no more ideal solution to use the catch of small fish, with which the husband returned from fishing, as cutlets from crucian carp with bones. Recipe, satisfying the needs of anyone, will also be easy to pick up.

Cutlet Recipes

carp cutlets


40 minutes

110 kcal

5 /5 (1 )

Crucian carp is almost the only fish that is the most reliable source of high-quality protein for the human body. Scientists claim that the regular use of this fish contributes to the development of memory, the ability to analyze and critical thinking.

Join and you can learn how to quickly and easily make healthy cutlets from carp.

Cutlets from crucian carp: a classic recipe

kitchen utensils

  • A table long knife and a cutting board are useful for cleaning fish and chopping the necessary components.
  • I also recommend preparing several containers of different depths and sizes.
  • A meat grinder is needed to prepare minced fish.
  • Paper towels or napkins will also not be superfluous.
  • A small saucepan is useful for heating milk.
  • Of course, you won’t get any cutlets without a frying pan, preferably a large diameter.
  • A flat spatula will make it easier to turn the cutlets during frying.

Required Ingredients

Let's prepare the fish

Let's prepare the minced fish

Fry fish cakes

final stage

Video recipe for cooking cutlets from crucian carp

After reviewing the video below, you will learn how to cook delicious crucian fish cakes according to the recipe described above.

Very gentle and delicious meatballs fish carp

Today we will cook very tender and tasty fish cutlets from crucian carp




  • Stop your choice exclusively on fresh fish, its smell should not give off vinegar.
  • In order to clean the fish and at the same time not stain yourself and everything around, I advise you to scrape off the scales under water. Do this in short and sharp movements, starting from the tail and slowly moving towards the head.

  • When cleaning the fish, be careful not to damage gallbladder, otherwise the cutlets will give bitterness.
  • Some housewives dip the fish for 30-50 seconds in boiling water so that the crucian fillet is easier to separate from the bones.
  • Be sure to add onions to the minced meat - it helps to get rid of the smell of mud, which is inherent in river fish.
  • The fish can be passed through a meat grinder three times, then you will definitely be sure that all the small bones will be ground. I also advise you to use a meat grinder attachment with the finest mesh.
  • If you add a little sour cream, mayonnaise or cream to the minced meat, the cutlets will turn out to be more juicy. And in order for them to turn out to be also airy, beat the finished minced meat with a blender.
  • You can also roll cutlets before direct frying in flour, chopped unsweetened corn flakes or semolina. You can also cook delicious products without using any breading.
  • To make the products harder and definitely not fall apart when frying, add a raw chicken egg to the minced meat and spread the cutlets with a tablespoon.
  • Cutlets prepared according to this recipe can be baked in the oven, after greasing the baking sheet with vegetable oil.

Cutlets from crucian carp: a recipe for a couple in a slow cooker

  • Cooking time: 55 minutes (your participation is about twenty minutes).
  • Number of cutlets: from 7 to 13.

kitchen utensils

  • First of all, you need a blender.
  • Of course, nothing will come of it without a multicooker.
  • A table knife and board will be needed to grind the ingredients.
  • It is also necessary to prepare several containers for laying out the chopped components.
  • It is better to prepare plates for serving the finished product on the table in advance.

Required Ingredients

Cooking sequence

Let's prepare the ingredients

Let's prepare the minced fish

Let's cook meatballs for a couple

final stage

Bon Appetit!

Video recipe for steaming cutlets in a slow cooker

The step-by-step sequence of cooking steamed crucian cutlets in a slow cooker according to the recipe described above is presented below.


Fish cutlets without eggs. How to cook steamed fish cakes in a Redmond slow cooker at home, a simple recipe for fish cakes from fish. Diet dish. Recipes for the multicooker. Multicooker.
🍜 Ingredients: 2 onions, 550 gr. — fish fillet, 100 gr. - Hercules flakes, optionally 2 cloves of garlic, 1 teaspoon salt, 1/4 teaspoon black pepper. Grind the flakes, twist the onion and fish fillet into minced meat, mix all the ingredients, beat off the resulting mass. For garnish: 2 multi-glasses of buckwheat (290 grams), 1 heaping teaspoon of salt, 500 ml of water (3 multi-glasses + 40 ml.).
⏰ Cooking time: 35 minutes rice/cereal mode.

You can read more about the READY FOR SKY technology and the multicooker here: http://multivarka.pro/lp_ready4sky/skycooker_m900s/

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  • Very tasty and tender, just melt in your mouth. Cod is the most important source fatty acids, the deficiency of which leads to impaired memory and behavioral functions, and also causes mood swings or neuroses. Fragrant and mouth-watering cutlets are perfectly combined with mashed potatoes.
  • Also pay attention to healthy and tasty. Nutritionists recommend such dishes to people who want to lose weight.
  • It will not be superfluous to look also, perhaps you will find the ideal option for you.

Eat for health! Hope you enjoy simple recipes cooking cutlets from crucian carp. If you need additional advice or help regarding the described recipes, write about it in the comments, I will definitely get in touch and help you avoid any mistakes. Perhaps you cook fish cakes differently or use additional ingredients for stuffing that improve taste qualities dishes? Share your culinary experience, I will be very grateful for new information. Happy culinary experience!

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