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Ultrasound examination of gallbladder function. How to prepare for an ultrasound examination of the gallbladder. Dosages are prescribed by the doctor individually

I don’t think I’ll surprise anyone if I say that the most valuable resource on the planet is time. This statement is also true in the case of infertility treatment.

You can never say exactly how long it will take to achieve results, how long do I still have to wait? Is it time to stop?

Time is a factor with which we cannot do anything. It is impossible to turn back time or even stop it. Although it is possible to stop IVF, more on that below.

A woman’s age is a factor that we are unable to influence, despite all the advances in medicine. The biological clock ticks regardless of anything. We can speed them up, but it is almost impossible to slow them down

Why does time have such an impact on childbearing?

I think it's a matter of biology. I don’t know what exactly the plan was, but I assume that nature thought not only about the issue of conception and birth of a child, but also about its upbringing. A person, unlike other living beings, is helpless in the first years of his life and requires care for a long time. If the child’s mother cannot do this, then the child, and therefore our species, will become extinct. Nature did not expect that there would be hospitals, orphanages, special services, or someone to take care of the child.

Apparently this is the reason for the decline reproductive function for many years, decades before the extinction of other body systems. Nature gives a lot of time to raise a child.

Evolutionarily, this is a very deep mechanism, it is extremely difficult to change it. Thus, over the past 100 years, life expectancy has almost doubled, while menopause and the age at which the last child is born have remained virtually unchanged.

And nature decided to put the “stopper” precisely on the ovaries, reasoning where pregnancy without eggs would come from. And she practically didn’t touch the uterus. Therefore, using donor eggs, you can get pregnant at the age of 70, and from technical point From a perspective this won't be anything surprising. At this age, other problems associated with pregnancy arise, but again, technically it is quite possible to get pregnant.

With men everything is much simpler.

With age, decline also occurs, but much more slowly. Apparently, the role of a man in raising a child, from the point of view of nature, is not entirely important.

Is it time to do something or not? Is it time to do IVF or not?

When communicating with patients for the first time, the issue of time comes up when we discuss the very existence of the problem of infertility. Yes or not? Should we talk about this or is it too early? Everything is individual.

If a very worried young couple of 25 years old who have been trying to conceive for 3 months comes to me, most likely all they need are some encouraging, soothing words. They will succeed without medical intervention. and it is unlikely that they will return. If more than 12 months pass, then of course an examination will be required.

A different situation, the same age, but during the conversation the presence of early ovarian depletion, which arose for one reason or another, becomes clear. In this case, there is absolutely no time to wait, something needs to be done now and most likely this is IVF.

The third situation, a 30-year-old couple, the woman has ovarian endometriosis, which has already been operated on and part of the ovary is damaged. Now everything seems to be normal, except for the reduction of follicles in the operated ovary. There are no other health problems. Is it possible to wait, and if so, how long? It seems like there are no plans to have a child yet. Formally, you can wait, but if endometriosis also affects the second ovary, and this, as a rule, happens sooner or later, then the ovarian reserve may not be enough to get pregnant. Therefore, I would already talk about IVF, obtaining embryos and transferring them into the uterine cavity (as an option for cryopreservation of embryos, if pregnancy is not yet needed).

Fourth situation, 32-year-old couple, obstruction detected fallopian tubes. But it is possible to quickly restore patency. There are two options, both have pros and cons. The first is laparoscopy, restoration of patency, attempts to conceive a child for 6 months (then the effect of the operation is lost) if IVF does not work out. The second option is immediate IVF.

Fifth situation, a 37-year-old couple, the patency of the tubes is impaired, but an operation can be performed to restore the patency of the tubes. I am usually against surgery in in this case, And main reason- this is lost time. It is better to go straight to IVF.

How long do I still have to wait to have a baby??

The question comes up quite often. The answer depends on a number of circumstances. BUT the main factor will be age. You need to give birth to a child before the age of 35. Further difficulties with conception will increase sharply.

If there are any factors that reduce the ovarian reserve, it is better not to postpone it at all.

Is it possible to stop time in terms of childbearing?

What to do if the years go by and the woman has not found a man worthy of becoming the father of her children. Is it possible to stop time from the point of view of reproduction? The answer is yes. With IVF you can obtain eggs and freeze them. Okay, then at what age? A study was conducted on this matter, it turned out that this should be done at 34 years old, before 35 years old. It doesn’t make much sense to do it earlier, because if a woman meets a worthy man and there are difficulties with conceiving, then they can be solved before the age of 35; if cryopreservation of oocytes is carried out after 35 years, then their quality will be significantly worse than before the age of 35, Accordingly, they will need approximately 2 times more.

The cost of cryopreservation of eggs is comparable to the IVF program (150-200 thousand). The choice of clinic is especially important. Not all clinics are able to “freeze” eggs well.

How long will the treatment last?

There are two answers to this question. If you ask a doctor, you will find out how long the treatment that will be carried out now will last. For example, standard program IVF approximately 33-35 days. But you are more interested in when the treatment will end and pregnancy will occur. This is much more complicated. Depends on a number of factors: age, ovarian reserve, the choice between health risks and money, willingness to donate oocytes, surrogacy.

For example, a couple under 35 years old, tubal factor, good ovarian reserve. In 70% of cases, the issue will be resolved within two months. In 95% of cases the issue will be resolved within 6 months.

Second option, 41 years old, reduced ovarian reserve. You most likely won’t get pregnant with your own cells. With donor oocytes we return to the first option (In 70% of cases the issue will be resolved within two months. In 95% of cases the issue will be resolved within 6 months).

Each case, each situation is individual and the prognosis depends on these specific circumstances.

But whatever decision you make, remember the time.

Just 3 decades ago, a child born outside of an official marriage was condemned and perceived as the fruit of the mother’s moral failure. Modern society treat the problem of illegitimate children more fairly: when a single lady decides to give birth to a child “for herself,” neither colleagues nor relatives no longer see this as a terrible sin. On the contrary, the woman is understood and supported. However, not every woman without a husband who aspires to become a mother manages to become pregnant naturally. Unfortunately, the years spent building a career take a toll on reproductive health. And then the desired motherhood is impossible without the timely intervention of doctors. In this case, eco for single women is the only opportunity to achieve motherhood. Patients of assisted reproductive technologies (ART) departments are not always successful businesswomen; often they are ordinary women with an unsettled personal life.

Having decided to become a mother using ART, any woman worries: is it possible to do IVF without a husband or is having a companion mandatory? The problem is quite delicate; I don’t want to discuss it with friends, colleagues, or parents. We will try to give a detailed answer to the question of whether a single woman can undergo IVF or use other reproductive technologies.

  • Legal grounds on IVF without a husband
  • Review modern technologies VRT
  • Is IVF possible under compulsory medical insurance for a single woman?
  • Is the impossible possible?
The content of the article

Legal grounds for IVF without a husband

In the Russian Federation there is Article 55 Federal Law on health protection, which stipulates the rights of single women to use reproductive technologies. The only requirement for future single mothers is mandatory consent to medical intervention. That is, the IVF procedure without a husband is possible only after signing informed voluntary consent.

On the eve of signing, the doctor explains the procedure technique to the woman in detail, talks about possible risks. Only after the patient receives detailed information about the upcoming manipulation, an employee of the ART department offers to sign the relevant documents and begins to examine the woman. Therefore, the question of whether IVF is done for single women is not posed entirely correctly: personal loneliness is not an obstacle to motherhood. But without a preliminary detailed examination, the procedure is impossible.

Review of modern ART technologies

ART departments have various technologies. Most clinics dealing with infertility problems offer their patients other ways to achieve the desired motherhood.

We list the main ones:

  • IVF – in vitro fertilization. The method is based on drug stimulation of the production of oocytes, which are then fertilized in vitro with donor sperm. After culturing the embryo, it is transferred to the woman's uterus.
  • IVF ICSI (intracytoplasmic injection) is a technique in which sperm are injected directly into the cytoplasm of the oocyte. It is used when a previous IVF attempt has failed, and is also recommended for women with immunological infertility and patients over 40 years of age.
  • AI (IUI) – artificial insemination or intrauterine insemination. A technique in which donor sperm are injected directly into the uterus or cervical canal women. AI is a more cost-effective procedure than various options ECO.

Is IVF possible under compulsory medical insurance for a single woman?

If your choice is happy motherhood with the help of IVF, you, of course, are interested in the cost of medical procedures. The procedures are not cheap, and the costs are not limited to paying for the medical intervention.

You should include the following items in your list of expenses:

The cost of eco for a single woman is no different from that for married lady. Costs for IVF range from 120 thousand Russian rubles, IVF ICSI – from 150 thousand, AI – from 25 thousand rubles.

It is possible to carry out the IVF procedure under the compulsory health insurance quota. The right to free intervention is limited by age (22-39), the presence of contraindications to IVF, and some other aspects. A single woman who wants to succeed as a mother should get on the waiting list at any clinic listed in federal program. If there are no contraindications to the use of ART, medical intervention will be performed free of charge.

Is the impossible possible?

When starting an IVF procedure, any woman worries – will it work? After all, the Internet is full of both positive and negative reviews about this. Yes, and friends have several in stock instructive stories! The main thing here is not to indulge yourself with illusions. On average, the IVF procedure allows you to have a child in more than 50% of cases; the AI ​​procedure guarantees motherhood for only 20% of women.

Everything matters - including age expectant mother, and availability inflammatory diseases female genital area, and general somatic pathologies. It is clear that what younger woman, the greater her chances of success. Once you've made the difficult decision to become a mother, you shouldn't seek advice from friends and family. It is better to completely trust the doctor and methodically follow his recommendations. You and the doctor must become one team, striving for the goal, only then after a short period of time a child’s voice will sound in your home.

If you are confused by the low success rates after IVF, do not take them into account. After all, it is much easier to doubt the result than to systematically achieve it. Be patient, trust the doctors and remember that IVF is a real option that can give you the joy of motherhood. And we sincerely wish this for you!

Modern medicine offers women the latest infertility treatment methods, including in vitro fertilization (IVF). The procedure is a process where an egg is fertilized in a special medical vessel, and the embryo is grown in a certain nutrient medium. Next, we will consider in what cases.


To carry out the procedure artificial insemination There are no age restrictions. But doctors have proven that the ability to get pregnant drops significantly after 40 years. So, if the chance of bearing and giving birth to a child before 35 years of age is up to 43%, then at the age of 40+ it is no more than 18%.

Indications for IVF:

  1. gif there is obstruction of the fallopian tubes (for example, a large number of adhesions) or their absence (congenital defect, as well as removal of one or both as a result of an ectopic pregnancy);
  2. due to the presence of an aggressive environment in the cervical mucosa, leading to the death of sperm;
  3. ovaries are unable to produce eggs (problems with ovulation);
  4. infertility of the partner - poor sperm quality, insufficient quantity;
  5. endometriosis is a benign degeneration of the uterine walls if drug treatment does not help;
  6. age restrictions (inability to conceive a child naturally due to age);
  7. ineffectiveness of other treatment methods for unexplained infertility (unclear genesis).

When patients contact a medical institution, IVF is performed in all such cases.

Free IVF

Until recently, not every couple could afford the expensive procedure of artificial insemination. But today there is a free IVF program in the country. One attempt is paid for by the state and the next two attempts are paid for by regional entities. The state does not limit a woman’s age, but many local authorities set a limit of 38-40 years.

List of documents for providing free IVF:

  • questionnaire (filled out on a standard form);
  • a copy of your passport and extract from the medical institution;
  • written consent to the processing of individual data.
  • if IVF is indicated;
  • if the spouses do not have common children.

To get free IVF, you need to collect a lot of documents. The very first thing is a receipt with all the data from the attending physician at the place of observation, certified by the signature of the head of the medical institution. You need to contact the Ministry of Health of your region and provide documents. After this, the couple is put on the queue.


In what cases does IVF not help? The reason may lie in low-quality embryos. Embryos should consist of 6 - 8 cells with a high rate of division. In addition, pathologies of the endometrium, fallopian tubes, and immune abnormalities also affect the success of IVF. There are also problems at the genetic level, age expectant mother more than 40 years and doctors' mistakes.

Contraindications for the procedure:

  1. the presence of mental or somatic diseases in which bearing a child is contraindicated;
  2. heart defects;
  3. hypertension of the third and fourth stages;
  4. presence of ovarian tumors, benign tumor uterus that needs surgery;
  5. defects, defects of the uterus that interfere with the attachment of the embryo and further full gestation;
  6. inflammatory diseases of various localizations;
  7. the presence of malignant tumors, including a history.

Is IVF possible during menopause? Doctors say that a woman between 45 and 50 years old may well be a mother. It is possible to do IVF during menopause without menstruation, but there must be no contraindications for women's health, for hormone therapy, and also if the patient can bear a child in the uterus. IVF and menopause are quite compatible things.

Thus, before IVF is carried out, the woman is seriously examined. When certain contraindications are identified, the procedure should be abandoned. Each situation is individual. If contraindications are detected, the doctor must inform you about this.

Thick blood

Wrong lifestyle of a woman overweight, as well as the lack nutrients in the diet can lead to complications. As a result, the expectant mother experiences thick blood during IVF. This condition indicates disturbances in its structure. This is often the reason unsuccessful attempts fertilization. Therefore, a woman planning a pregnancy should monitor her blood composition even before it occurs.

The main symptoms of the pathology are:

  • high blood pressure;
  • weakness;
  • headaches;
  • feeling of coldness in the extremities;
  • the appearance of nodes in the veins.

Thick blood during IVF – serious complication, leading to the formation of blood clots that can cause blockage of the vessels of the uterus. The consequence of viscosity may be insufficient oxygen supply to the fetus, which contributes to its death in the womb or premature birth. Improper blood circulation caused by thrombosis leads to a heart attack or stroke in a pregnant woman.

To avoid problems with IVF with blood, you must consume:

  1. dairy products;
  2. berries;
  3. citrus;
  4. dried fruits;
  5. grenades;
  6. tomatoes.

You should limit your salt intake and drink more fluids. Moderate physical exercise can not only get rid of unwanted blood thickness, but also give vigor.
If you experience thick blood after IVF, do not try to deal with the problem yourself. remember, that medical supplies Should be taken only after a doctor's prescription.

The most important advice that experts give is faith in success. Getting in the right mindset is already halfway there. You can use any psychological techniques(such as visualization), believers can draw strength from prayer.

Until now, many people believe that IVF is necessary only if there are serious problems With health, this is not entirely true. IN last years, many people first of all are engaged in arranging their lives, careers, and only then think about children. But the duration of the reproductive function is limited.

You can feel young even at 40 years old, but the ovaries age, every year there are fewer follicles with high-quality eggs, and the chances of getting pregnant naturally decrease sharply.

How to decide on IVF and stop being afraid?

Nature has endowed a woman with an excellent ability to bear children. But what to do if for some reason the long-awaited pregnancy never happened? Most women turn to specialists for help, who ultimately advise them to undergo artificial insemination.
But how to decide on IVF and overcome various concerns about this?

Should I do IVF? Myths and misconceptions

There are several misconceptions about this procedure that arise due to incompetence.
Let's look at the main ones.

  1. – it is very painful and unsafe.

In fact, this procedure lasts less than an hour and is performed using anesthesia. That's why painful sensations are excluded in principle. Also, you should not be afraid of any complications, since experienced and competent specialists will be with you at all times.

  1. IVF can be performed regardless of the woman’s age.

It is believed that every woman has a certain number of eggs in her body. Childbearing age, of course, is determined individually in each specific case, but it is advisable to adhere to general indicators. From the age of 27 it gradually begins to deteriorate. Therefore, when thinking about whether to do IVF, we must remember that up to this age the effectiveness of such a procedure will be much higher.

  1. Artificial insemination is always the cause multiple pregnancy.

This statement is also not entirely true. The fact is that with this procedure, the likelihood of having several children increases, but this does not mean that this will definitely happen. This process depends on many factors, and in one case several embryos may implant, and in another none.

  1. IVF is carried out as an independent one-time procedure.

This is not true, because the entire preparation period for such an operation is about 3 weeks. At the first stage, the woman is prescribed hormonal drugs that stimulate active work eggs, after which several of them are fertilized in the laboratory and after some time introduced into the uterine cavity.

IVF: pros and cons

Disadvantages of IVF

The biggest fear for all those who are thinking about whether to do IVF is negative sides this procedure. So, how does this manifest itself?

Foremost by-effect which may happen during in vitro fertilization, - This . In addition, as a result of taking medications, the functions of the gastrointestinal tract and liver may be dramatically impaired, or allergic reactions may occur. Sometimes doctors have to, which can then negatively affect the pregnancy and cause a miscarriage. Also during female body, bleeding may occur or an infection may enter the uterine cavity. Another complication that may arise during IVF is unsuccessful embryo transfer, and as a result, .

In addition to other disadvantages, one can highlight severe psychological condition women during this period, which consists of prolonged stress and anxiety, which in some cases can lead to neuroses, psychoses and other similar mental disorders. And of course, the big disadvantage is that such a procedure is very expensive, and not every couple can afford it.

Benefits of IVF

The IVF procedure, for and against which there are many opinions and judgments, still has larger number pros rather than cons. After all, do not forget about the most important thing, for the sake of which this is happening this action- about a small creature that will definitely appear if you believe in it. And don't worry about possible occurrence the unborn baby has congenital pathologies or abnormal conditions - this procedure does not affect this in any way.

In addition, artificial insemination allows you to bear a child even if you are sick or male infertility. The effectiveness of this procedure has long been proven, so it is also an indisputable advantage.

Contraindications to the artificial insemination procedure

It may also happen that, having considered the option of an IVF protocol, for and against which you have formed different opinions, and come to the conclusion that it is still worth deciding on it, the specialist suddenly puts forward restrictions. It is better to foresee this in advance.

So, contraindications for in vitro fertilization include the following:

  • various inflammatory processes in organism;
  • ovarian tumors of any nature (malignant or benign);
  • serious diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • some kidney diseases;
  • oncological diseases;
  • mental disorders.

Is it worth doing IVF? The right mental attitude

Of course, whether you should do IVF or not is up to you to decide. But, in any case, why not use the chance that nature did not give, but fate gave?

To make the right decision, just try to distract yourself from various stressful situations and other problems. For example, at work you can take a vacation and allow yourself to spend as much time as possible in a pleasant and relaxing environment. You can walk and breathe the sea air, because it perfectly helps to shed excess negativity and find harmony with yourself. Feel how important it is to realize yourself as a mother, and what you are willing to do for the sake of your future baby. So the necessary solution will come by itself.

And if, while thinking about whether to do IVF, you nevertheless came to a positive conclusion, you should not be afraid that your family or friends will judge you for agreeing to such an operation. From them you can only get support and understanding, because they love you, which means they are always on your side! If you are afraid of a possible pregnancy, remember that the percentage of successful pregnancy after artificial insemination is very high, because it is not without reason that it is considered so effective!

Thus, we examined the possible pros and cons of in vitro fertilization, as well as the most common misconceptions about this procedure. But there is no clear recipe for deciding on IVF, since each woman must determine for herself the significance of this protocol.

Since for many couples this is the only opportunity to have their own own child. This method has been practiced for several decades, it is quite well studied and as a result of it more than 5 million children have been born. The doctor considers it a myth that weak and sick children are born as a result of IVF. Numerous studies show that the health of children born as a result of IVF is no different from the health of children conceived naturally. Since during the IVF process doctors sometimes practice transferring several embryos into the uterus, multiple births often occur. Weaker children may be born not as a result of IVF itself, but as a result of multiple pregnancies, which, of course, increases the risks of miscarriage and premature birth.

The second expert, obstetrician-gynecologist Ekaterina Bolshakova, believes that some people resort to IVF too early. Very often, the inability to get pregnant is not associated with infertility, but simply with the woman’s level of health. Before turning to such a serious procedure as IVF, you need to restore your strength. If common problems If the woman’s health is not resolved, then the IVF program will not succeed in one attempt. In addition, now there is a huge percentage of so-called infertility of unknown origin, when parents are in good health, but they cannot conceive. This is often found in people with high level control, including control in the body, which interferes with natural fertilization.

There is a story in my close circle that is related to IVF. One of my friends couldn’t get pregnant for a very long time. As a result, she and her husband decided on IVF and gave birth to a wonderful girl. When the baby turned 4 years old, the couple decided to have a second child. Since the doctors convinced them that they would never be able to get pregnant themselves, they began to prepare for new procedure ECO. We went to the doctor - and it turned out that the woman was already pregnant! It turns out that infertility occurs not only in the body, but also in the head. And as soon as a woman relaxes, accepts her nature or is convinced that she can give birth, then natural conception occurs.

We encourage all parents to share their opinions and experiences on this topic. Perhaps you have encountered problems conceiving or an IVF procedure? How did this happen for you, and what do you think about it?

Watch the full episode of the program, where our experts answer in detail all questions related to IVF and natural conception:

– What factors influence the health of an unborn child conceived through IVF?
– How is the IVF procedure performed, how much does it cost and can it be done for free?
– What are the statistics on pregnancy rates using IVF?
- Does it exist psychological factor infertility?

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