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What is tolerance and what types of it exist? What is tolerance

In the structure of tolerance, the following functions of tolerance can be distinguished:

  • 1. motivational (determines the composition and strength of motivation for social activity and behavior, promotes the development life experience, because allows the individual to accept other points of view and visions for solving problems. Encourages expansion of contacts, dialogues, activities, and constructive interaction with others);
  • 2. informational (understanding the situation, the personality of another person);
  • 3. regulatory (tolerance has a close connection with a person’s volitional qualities: endurance, self-control, self-regulation, formed in the process of education);
  • 4. adaptive (allows the individual to develop, in the process of joint activity, a positive, emotional, stable attitude towards the activity itself, which the individual carries out, towards the object and subject of joint relations).

Based on the signs of tolerance identified by L.V. Skvortsov, D.V. Zinoviev identifies types of tolerance.

Table 1. Types and signs of tolerance

Types of social consciousness

Types of tolerance

Signs of tolerance


"hidden" tolerance

“Tolerance has not yet been conceptualized. Society is tolerant of the specifics of philosophical thinking, since it does not yet lead to the destruction of the images of mythical consciousness, but ultimately there is a tendency to suppress philosophy ... "


"paradoxical" tolerance

“In the structure of absolute faith, monotheism, tolerance is impossible in principle, since it destroys absoluteness. But religious wars, the basis of which was religious intolerance, ultimately prepared the legitimization of tolerance...”


"sociocultural" tolerance

“In a secular society, tolerance becomes a reality as a result of recognition as true universal moral principles. On this basis, respect for others, acceptance of ethnic and national characteristics, differences in social views that are generated by the peculiarities of living conditions, professional activity, cultural traditions. Tolerance here is a consequence of high spiritual and moral culture...”

Russian philosopher V.A. Lektorsky believes that tolerance can be expressed in four possible forms:

  • - indifference (tolerant relations in this form are quite sufficient when it comes to differences in customs, opinions, beliefs).
  • - respect for another, whom at the same time I cannot understand and with whom I cannot interact (this form of tolerance can exist in science and culture: all scientific views and cultural traditions are equal, but at the same time incommensurable).
  • - condescension towards the weakness of others, combined with a certain amount of contempt for them.
  • - extension own experience and critical dialogue (the ability to look at another from his point of view, and thereby see the weakness of his own position).

In philosophy, there are five levels of tolerance: civilizational, interstate, ethnic, social and individual]. Civilizational tolerance implies non-violence in contacts between different cultural worlds (civilizations). Therefore, the civilizational dimension of tolerance, as the most general level of its existence, is a condition creative development“cultures of the world” (UNESCO term) in modern times.

Tolerance in international relations is a condition for cooperation and peaceful coexistence of states, regardless of their size, economic development, ethnic or religious affiliation of their population, etc.

Social tolerance is defined as non-violent, respectful attitude between different social groups, is a guarantor harmonious relations in society. It is aimed at balance in society and recognizes the right to unite people to protect their rights and interests. In a socially oriented society, conditions are created for the formation of tolerant behavior of the individual and his responsibility.

At the individual level, tolerance is the norm of behavior for a responsible person. “Tolerance towards people who differ from us in their beliefs and habits requires an understanding that the truth cannot be simple, that it has many faces and that there are other views that can shed light on one side or another of it.”

The basis of tolerance is an active attitude, formed on the basis of recognition of universal human rights and fundamental freedoms, I.V. Krutova highlights next levels tolerance:

  • 1. The level of containment of a negative reaction to a morally significant factor excludes violence (the level of tolerance). It is necessary to take into account that tolerance is an expression of free empathy and cannot be generated by threat, entreaty, or imitation. The following may be mistaken for tolerance: slowness of reaction, indecisiveness, inability to differentiate between values, reliance on the automaticity of fate, cynical indifference. A.E. Zimbuli identifies the following types of tolerance:
  • - quasi-tolerance - types of restraint that outwardly appear as tolerance, but are imaginary, unreal; possible motives for such behavior are pragmatism, conformism, self-promotion, connivance, belief in the automaticity of events;
  • - pseudo-tolerance - cases of deliberately misleading someone; motivation is a pretense;
  • - “negative” tolerance - tolerance that is ostentatious in nature, as well as malicious non-interference; motivation - well-established revenge, malicious abstinence;
  • - “positive” or genuine tolerance is determined by such motives as attention, understanding, sympathy, help, concern for the recipient.
  • 2. The level of readiness for mutual understanding and understanding of another on the basis of universal human values, as well as recognition of his right to exist.
  • 3. The level of critical dialogue and expansion of one's own experience based on critical reflection.

Conclusion: this paragraph discusses the functions, types, forms and levels of a teacher’s work.

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Modern global changes in culture, economics and politics are extremely aggravating issues related to the attitude towards the “other”, “different”, “stranger”. Coexistence of states with different political systems and different levels of economic development, with different national and cultural traditions, the aggravation of religious contradictions put forward the problem of tolerance as central at the turn of the third millennium. All these processes are fully revealed in the new Russia in the conditions after the collapse of the USSR. Migration processes here have specific characteristics, associated not only with the movements of Russians from the former national republics, but also with the “great overpopulations” of people of other nationalities.

The formation of new and the establishment of old ethnic structures in the autonomous republics and regions is also difficult, sometimes accompanied by interethnic conflicts, the growth of separatism and other phenomena that threaten the security of the country. It is in connection with all this that the orientation of society and the state to expand and deepen activities to form tolerant consciousness and behavior, to cultivate religious tolerance, peacefulness, and intransigence towards extremism has acquired special importance and meaning in Russia. And this problem is especially relevant in organizing the education of the younger generation. This is due not only to the general severity of the real situation of this problem in the country, not only to the need to preserve vital positions, but also to the fact that new generations do not have the positive practice of intercultural and interethnic relations that took place in the life of the older generation, who gained experience of the commonwealth in during the war and other difficult periods in the history of the Motherland.

The main thing is that, due to their age characteristics, the younger generation does not have the necessary knowledge to understand modern ethnic problems with sufficient depth, does not have a common culture and psychological readiness to participate in them.

We must understand that modern children live in new conditions: in new conditions of existence of the ethnic group to which they belong (in particular, often in isolation from the territory on which the ethnic group was formed), in conditions not of bilingualism, but of multilingual information space, in which they are included in a situation of intersection of many cultural channels, in which they are included through the media and which are not always regulated by parents and school, society (to a small extent the state), in conditions of contacts with multilingual peers, etc.

It is also impossible not to take into account the new pace at which children are growing up and their more pronounced desire for self-affirmation, when the ethnic component becomes one of the most effective means such self-affirmation, on the one hand, and on the other, the need for familiarization with a large new space, a world where there is a huge number of attractive objects, is clearly manifested.

In a word, the real situation in the country, the significance of the tasks, responsibility for the future make the problem of the formation of tolerant consciousness and the development of intercultural, interethnic relations acute and significant, although extremely complex, especially in connection with the high demands placed on the methods and levels of its solution.

Concept and types of tolerance.

As a working definition of tolerance, we will use the definition of tolerance given by S.K. Bondyreva: “Tolerance is a special relationship that is formed (like any other relationship) on the basis of an assessment of a certain object (usually another individual) thanks to a constant connection with the object.” (1, p.5).

N.M. Lebedeva understands ethnic tolerance as “the absence of a negative attitude towards another ethnic culture, or rather, the presence of a positive image of another culture while maintaining a positive perception of one’s own.”

First, let's look at the history of the concept of “tolerance.” Its appearance is associated with the era religious wars. In its original content, it expresses a compromise that Catholics and Protestants were forced to agree to. Later, tolerance as a principle of consent emerged in the liberal consciousness of the Enlightenment.

Outstanding scientists of the 17th-18th centuries: Hobbes, Locke, Voltaire, Rousseau - spoke out against violent religious clashes and religious intolerance.

In “Philosophical Letters” (1733), “Treatise on Toleration” (1763), Voltaire argued that the belief that all people should think alike should be considered the height of madness. Any belief, the scientist believed, has the right to exist.

The result of the activities of the educators was the gradual penetration into public consciousness of the idea of ​​tolerance as a universal value, a factor of harmony between religions and peoples.

In 1789 - 11 years after Voltaire's death - the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen was adopted in France. It became the harbinger of modern declarations on human rights, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948, which proclaimed the principles of peace, democracy, and non-violence in relations between peoples and states (4, p. 14).

In Russia, the concept of tolerance is associated with the name of L.N. Tolstoy, who formulated a program for the spiritual renewal of humanity based on the example of non-violence.

An analysis of the main theoretical works of the thinker and scientific positions contained in the works of modern researchers of his work (B.S. Bratus, T.T. Burlakova, V.I. Slobodchikov, etc.) allows us to highlight the following main philosophical and pedagogical ideas of L. Tolstoy , significant for the education of tolerance: spirituality, love, non-resistance to evil by violence, freedom, self-improvement, movement.

In Russian XIX culture century (F.M. Dostoevsky, L.N. Tolstoy, A.A. Ukhtomsky) a tradition arose of interpreting tolerance as understanding. This tradition was developed in the works of M.M. Bakhtin and his followers (4, p. 14).

IN last years In society and in the field of education, active work is being done to cultivate tolerance. The corresponding law has been adopted, the Federal Target Program (FTP) “Formation of attitudes of tolerant consciousness and prevention of extremism in Russian society” and a number of other measures in the spirit of the Declaration of Principles of Tolerance, adopted by the General Conference of UNESCO in 1995, have been approved and are in effect.

Very interesting scientific and journalistic works appeared (A.G. Asmolov, S.K. Bondyreva, V.S. Sobkin, G.U. Soldatova), a number of articles in periodicals (E.G. Bagreeva, G.N. Volkov , V.V. Glebkin), dedicated to the problem of tolerance.

The etymology of the term “tolerance” goes back to the Latin verb tolerare (to endure, withstand, tolerate). However, the term “tolerance” became widespread in its English interpretation - tolerance - where, along with tolerance, it also means “to allow”.

IN modern life understanding of tolerance is ambiguous and unstable, its understanding varies different peoples depending on their historical experience. For this reason, the concept of tolerance has a fairly wide range of interpretations. Thus, in English, tolerance means “the willingness and ability to accept a person or thing without protest,” in French this term is understood as “respect for the freedom of another, his way of thinking, behavior, political or religious views.”

In Chinese, to be tolerant means to allow, allow, be generous towards others. Against this background, the concept of “tolerance” expresses the widest range of feelings and attitudes in Arabic, where it can be used in the meaning of “forgiveness, leniency, gentleness, compassion, favor, patience, disposition towards other people.”

In the Russian language, the closest in meaning to the concept of “tolerance” is the term “tolerance”, which in everyday use means “the ability, ability to endure, put up with other people’s opinions, be lenient towards the actions of other people” (7, pp. 22-23).

According to E.S. Smirnova, “the concept of tolerance in its modern meaning does not presuppose a humble and enduring attitude towards unpleasant people or influences, but on the contrary, disposition and goodwill, respect and recognition of others, recognition of their rights to their own way of life, treating them as oneself.”

In the scientific literature, tolerance is considered, first of all, as respect and recognition of equality, refusal of domination and violence, recognition of the multidimensionality and diversity of human culture, norms of behavior, refusal to reduce this diversity to uniformity or the predominance of any point of view.

In this interpretation, tolerance means recognizing the rights of another, perceiving another as an equal, claiming understanding and sympathy, a willingness to accept representatives of other peoples and cultures as they are, and interact with them on the basis of agreement and respect.

ON THE. Astashova considers tolerance in different aspects. Tolerance can be considered as a value of the sociocultural system, a kind of inner rod socio-psychological existence. This is a complex phenomenon that determines a person’s attitude both to himself and to the world around him. Without an attitude towards a person, one cannot talk about tolerance and value. Consequently, tolerance-value acts as a kind of behavioral guideline.

Tolerance can function as a principle. This option is associated with the transfer of tolerance to the status of a guiding idea, a basic position, an internal conviction that determines human activity. Tolerance as a norm allows us to strengthen the orderliness of social interactions and accurately outline the implementation of the rules developed by humanity. At this level, tolerance reflects the position of the individual in a given situation, focused on specific samples behavior, general principles of activity.

When considering tolerance, it is necessary to understand the basic psychological components of tolerance.

Empathy (from the Greek etmpatheia - empathy) - comprehension of the emotional state, penetration, feeling into the experiences of another person, that is, understanding a person at the level of feelings, the desire to respond emotionally to his problems.

Communicative tolerance is a characteristic of a person’s attitude towards people, showing the degree to which she tolerates unpleasant or unacceptable, in her opinion, mental states, qualities and actions of interaction partners (5, p. 39).

Empathy and communicative tolerance are the hallmarks of a tolerant person.

The image of a tolerant personality combines the most important characteristics that reflect the psychological and ethical lines of human relations:

· Humanity, which presupposes attention to the original inner world of man, humanity interpersonal relationships;

Reflexivity - deep knowledge personal characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, establishing their compliance with a tolerant worldview;

· Flexibility - the ability to make a decision, depending on the composition of the participants in the events and the circumstances that arise, to build a system of relationships based on the possession of complete information;

· Self-confidence - an adequate assessment of one’s own strengths and abilities, faith in the ability to overcome obstacles;

· Self-control - self-control, control of emotions, actions;

· Variability - a multidimensional approach to assessing the surrounding life and making decisions that are adequate to the prevailing circumstances;

· Perception - the ability to notice and highlight various properties of people, to penetrate their inner world;

· Sense of humor - an ironic attitude towards awkward circumstances, ill-considered actions, the ability to laugh at oneself (2, pp. 77-79). tolerance compromise relationship psychological

A positive understanding of tolerance is achieved through understanding its opposite - intolerance or intolerance. Intolerance is based on the belief that your group, your belief system, your way of life is superior to others.

Tolerance and intolerance are special relationships that are formed (like any other relationship) on the basis of an assessment of a certain object (usually another individual) thanks to a constant connection with the object. Consequently, the formula is valid here: connection - assessment - attitude - behavior (intention), tolerant or intolerant.

In the hierarchy of relationships, tolerance and intolerance play the role of basic ones. Tolerance as an attitude generates an attitude of trust, a readiness (attitude) for compromise and cooperation, as well as joy, sociability, and friendliness.

Accordingly, intolerance, as an attitude, gives rise to negativism, hostility, the tendency to “emerge” with or without reason, as well as negative emotions - anger, annoyance, malice, malice.

According to S.K. Bondyreva, tolerance as an attitude is “the ability of an individual, without objection or opposition, to perceive opinions, lifestyles, behavior patterns and any other characteristics of other individuals that differ from his own” (1, pp. 4-5).

Understanding tolerance as tolerance, trust, agreement, etc. associated with certain goals and objectives of a political, economic, cultural nature. We also consider it as a structure-forming component in the organization of society in general. Tolerance is not only the norm of humane relations, an important moment in their establishment, but also a really constantly, multifaceted “organizing force” in the development of society.

As you know, the most acute problem is tolerance in the sphere of interethnic relations. IN different eras it acquired specific characteristics and took on different shades in different regions. The rights to preserve their language, their cultural values, traditions, names were presented as fundamental requirements and were protected by ethnic groups at different levels. And the tasks of peaceful coexistence, and even more so the active interaction of ethnic groups, have always been extremely difficult to practically solve at a decent level. It is obvious that tolerance is understood today as an objectively arisen phenomenon, as a tool for regulating interethnic relations. IN in this case Tolerance is understood as tolerance for a foreign culture, other thoughts, other faiths, and trust.

N.M. Lebedeva understands ethnic tolerance as “the absence of a negative attitude towards another ethnic culture, or rather, the presence of a positive image of another culture while maintaining a positive perception of one’s own.” (5). This understanding is based on the postulate of value equality of ethnic cultures and the absence in this regard of the advantage of one culture over another.

Discrimination based on cultural or linguistic characteristics individual or group, based on the belief in the superiority of some cultures over others (ethnocentrism) and the opinion that one nation has superior rights to another (aggressive nationalism) are extreme manifestations of interethnic intolerance.

According to the “Declaration of Principles of Tolerance” (UNESCO, 1995), tolerance means “respect, acceptance and understanding of the diversity of cultures of our world, forms of self-expression and ways of manifesting human individuality. Recognizing people's differences appearance, social status, speech, behavior, values ​​and the right to live in peace.”

Formation of a tolerant attitude.

One of the most important stages the formation of tolerance is the formation of a dominant two-stage analysis (comprehensive assessment) of an object, first - the object as such, and then its connections and relationships.

The nature of the assessment is directly related to tolerance or intolerance. Naturally, we are tolerant of what we evaluate positively.

A negative assessment may contain biases and preconceptions. Prejudice in its meaning is an assessment that does not take into account the arguments of reason, either due to the absence of such arguments, or because of their weakness, or because of the presence of an attitude - to determine everything for oneself in advance, without going into specific details.

Prejudice is a predisposition “against” on the basis of some past event, and it is selective.

Prejudices and prejudices characterize poor (inflexible) stereotypical behavior.

Let us now consider the role of bias in the formation of tolerance/intolerance. Bias interferes with the evaluation process. More often, bias gives rise to unreasonably negative assessments and attitudes and, therefore, underlies intolerance. But in some cases there may be a biased positive attitude (uncritical adherence to fashion) (1, pp. 79-80).

S.K. Bondyreva, D.V. Kolesov propose the following scheme for the formation of tolerance (see Diagram 1), while emphasizing that it is assessment that determines the nature of our relationships to objects, processes, and phenomena of the environment. And tolerance and intolerance, as we have already said, are nothing more than an attitude.

So, it all starts with the individual's perception of the object. After this, a connection is formed between them in the form of knowledge by the individual about the existence and properties of this object.

The next step is to formulate an assessment. If the assessment of an object is positive, a positive attitude towards it arises (forms, develops), which opens the way to positive motives in relation to this object. And as a result, we have natural tolerance.

Let us note that positive assessments also include our assessment of a person or his behavior as similar to ourselves. This is identity tolerance (TI in our diagram). It is quite clearly expressed by the following statement from an individual: “How can I criticize you for this if I am the same myself!” At the same time, the assessment of the fact of identity is one of the positive assessments, since the individual always evaluates (and should evaluate) himself (as a whole) positively, and is self-critical only about the details of his appearance and (or) behavior. A negative attitude towards oneself is a mental pathology (self-denial, self-blame; self-harm, suicide).

The emergence of constructive tolerance is associated with the action of these additional factors (including attitudes) on the path between assessment and attitude formation (CT in the diagram). A characteristic phase that expresses the essence of constructive tolerance is the following: “Well, let’s try to benefit from our differences!”

The emergence of adaptive tolerance (AT in the diagram) is associated with the influence of certain factors on the path between a negative attitude and negative motivations: the individual simply may not have the energy to act in accordance with his negative attitude. This type of tolerance is expressed very clearly by the following statement: “I’m tired of you - do what you want!”

Finally, the emergence of indulgent tolerance is associated with the influence of certain factors at the stage between negative motivations and actions. The essence of condescending tolerance is clearly expressed by the following statement: “This is a trifle for me - I don’t want to delve into your affairs!” The essence of this type of tolerance is that something to which an individual has a fundamentally negative attitude does not affect him personally: otherwise he would not have shown tolerance (1, pp. 47-51).

1. Tolerance is respect and recognition of equality, recognition of the multidimensionality and diversity of human culture, norms of behavior and rejection of domination and violence.

2. Tolerance is a special attitude that is formed on the basis of an assessment of a certain object through interaction with it.

3. There are two main types of tolerance: natural and problematic. Natural tolerance arises if we have a positive assessment of an object, as well as if we do not find any particular differences between it and ourselves. This is identity tolerance. Problematic tolerance arises despite our negative assessment of the object, but in the presence of an attitude towards cooperation (constructive tolerance), adaptation (the individual has gotten used to it, has gotten used to it, and is finally tired of “this”). The condescending tolerance of the assessed individual often does not deeply affect him precisely because he was “raised that way.”

4. Any assessment is based on a comparison of the object being assessed with a certain image (standard). The more standard images are imprinted in the psyche of an individual, the higher his ability to evaluate new objects for him, the ability to accept the diversity of the world around him.


The relevance of tolerance issues has now acquired unprecedented urgency.

In recent years, social, political and economic upheavals on a global scale have led to unprecedented migration of peoples, their relocation, resettlement, clashes, mixing, which, of course, leads to a conflict of cultures.

At the same time, scientific and technological progress and the efforts of the rational and peace-loving part of humanity are opening up more and more new opportunities, types and forms of communication, the main condition for the effectiveness of which is mutual understanding, dialogue of cultures, tolerance and respect for the culture of communication partners.

All this taken together - both alarming and encouraging - has led to particularly close attention to issues of intercultural communication. However, these questions are eternal; they have worried humanity since time immemorial. As proof, let us remember one proverb. Proverbs are rightly considered clots of folk wisdom, that is, the very folk cultural experience that is stored in the language and passed on from generation to generation.

A Russian proverb, living and in use, which, unlike many others, has not lost its relevance, teaches: You don’t go to someone else’s monastery with your own rules. Its equivalent in English expresses the same idea in other words: When in Rome, do as Romans do [When you arrive in Rome, do as the Romans do]. So in each of these languages, folk wisdom tries to warn against what is now commonly called the term conflict of cultures. This phrase, unfortunately, is now “in fashion” for the sad reasons already mentioned: in conditions of social, political and economic conflicts, numerous refugees, immigrants, and repatriates suffer from conflicts with “alien rules” even in a prosperous economic situation. Therefore, in the end, I would like to note a quote from Ter-Minasova’s book:

"People! Be patient, respect “strangers”, not your own cultures, and life will become easier and calmer. Three “Ts” - Patience, Tolerance, Tolerance - this is the formula for intercultural communication.”


1. Bondyreva S.K. Tolerance (introduction to the problem) / S.K. Bondyreva, D.V. Kolesov. M.: Publishing house of the Moscow Psychological and Social Institute; Voronezh: Publishing house NPO "MODEK", 2003. 240 p.

2. Bezyuleva G.V., Shelamova G.M.. Tolerance: view, search, solution. M.: Verbum-M, 2003. 168 p.

3. Grishaeva L.I. Introduction to the theory of intercultural communication: textbook. aid for students linguistic fak. higher textbook institutions / L.I. Grishaeva, L.V. Tsurikova. 3rd ed., rev. M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2006. 336 p.

4. Guboglo M.N. Tolerance of youth consciousness: state and features // Tolerant consciousness and the formation of tolerant relationships (theory and practice): Collection. scientific method. Art. 2nd ed., stereotype. M.:, 2003. P. 106-133.

5. Lebedeva N.M. Methodology of ethnopsychological research of ethnic tolerance in multicultural regions of Russia // (http://ppf.uni.udm.ru/conf_2002/etnos/lebedeva.html).

6. Ter-Minasova S.G. Languages intercultural communication: (Textbook). M.: Slovo/Slovo, 2000. 624 p.

7. Tolerant consciousness and the formation of tolerant relationships (theory and practice): Sat. scientific method. Art. 2nd ed., stereotype. M.: Publishing house of the Moscow Psychological and Social Institute; Voronezh: Publishing house NPO "MODEK", 2003. 368 p.

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What is tolerance and what is the level of tolerance in Russia. It is this issue that we will discuss in detail today.

“Is there a limit to tolerance? Where will total tolerance lead humanity - to a world where the words “mother” and “father” are prohibited, traditional relationships are considered savagery and barbarism, and the multicolored “rainbow” future has long ago become commonplace?

In a world where the aggressive invasion of other cultures and ideologies completely crushes the hospitable hosts? And how can this threaten the state and society?”

(from the annotation to the book “Ruthless Tolerance”)

“Tolerance (from Latin tolerantia - patience, forbearance, acceptance, voluntary enduring of suffering) is a sociological term denoting tolerance for a different worldview, lifestyle, behavior and customs.”

Wikipedia also adds: “Tolerance is not the same as indifference. It also does not mean accepting a different worldview or way of life, it is about giving others the right to live in accordance with their own worldview.”

A very necessary thing, according to the essence of the concept, in our society, we sometimes lack it so much... this tolerance. Like seasonings for a dish, or an absorbent that will absorb all toxins and clear the way for good.

But is it really that simple? Is it so white and fluffy, promoting friendship between peoples, worlds and different worldviews?

Let's figure out whether tolerance, which has become so popular recently, is so good?

Now Russia has begun to celebrate the International Day of Tolerance, our children are taught lessons about tolerance, on TV, on the Internet, someone will definitely highlight phrases about the need for Russian society to transform into a tolerant one in a special intonation or in bold font. This sugary-glamorous word, reeking of the sugary aroma of the West, is now found literally at every step.

Tolerance is a medal with two sides. And reassurance about the positiveness of tolerance will not cancel the danger that is fraught with insipidity called “accepting everyone without disputes and opinions.”

When tolerance is good

The official concept of tolerance (Wikipedia) states:

“According to the definition of the Philosophical Encyclopedic Dictionary, “tolerance is tolerance for different kinds of views, morals, and habits. Tolerance is necessary in relation to the characteristics of different peoples, nations and religions. It is a sign of self-confidence and awareness of the reliability of one’s own positions, a sign of an ideological movement open to all, which is not afraid of comparison with other points of view and does not avoid spiritual competition.”

Tolerance means respect, acceptance and proper understanding of other cultures, ways of self-expression and manifestation of human individuality.

Tolerance does not mean concession, leniency or indulgence. Showing tolerance also does not mean tolerating social injustice, abandoning one’s beliefs or yielding to the beliefs of others, or imposing one’s beliefs on other people. «.

Tolerance in the right way, positive value This word does not imply any ambiguity, compromise with something unworthy, adherence to principles, moreover, it is a factor in establishing peace, “preventing” war, productive interaction between people who are completely different, and does not imply (as the concept says) avoiding competition and comparison.

After all, if everyone were intolerant and gave free rein to their feelings and aggressive instincts, then war would break out everywhere not only at the international level, but also at the everyday level: people would not be able to be friends, live together, study... a world saturated with conflicts would not be able to to lead a full life, etc.

But in this case, please note, tolerance is opposed to readiness to incite discord, disrespect for other people’s worldviews, but besides tolerance there are many other qualities that contribute to the conflict-free existence of people.

There are people in the world who are different from us. Moreover, we ourselves are different from each other. Okay, we are ready to accept those who are more or less different from us, and sometimes tolerate them, but we most often do not want to understand those who are more fundamentally different from us. It is different not so much in an extraordinary, creative way, but in the fact that people have disabilities, a different race, etc.

After all, it is right not just to tolerate, but to accept people with disabilities, people of other nationalities (if they are not aggressive and do not pose a danger), otherwise we will come to a new format of the T4 program (the killing of the disabled in the 20th century, embodied by the National Socialists), fascism and similar.

Any extreme degree of intolerance towards those who, through no fault or whim, are in a difficult situation or simply have peculiarities leads to the embitterment of the latter or to the aggression of those who are intolerant.

We need to respect other peoples (in order for us to be respected), we need to respect other faiths and people who adhere to other religions, and here the issues are not so much life, death and salvation, but political ones, because we live on the same land, and all adequate faiths call for peace .

We must respect people who have some kind of disease that limits their life activity, that is, you cannot treat people with disdain just because of some of their external defects. And this cannot be taught at once, by introducing lessons of tolerance; it requires a systematic, multifaceted immersion in the ideology of correct values, adequate attitude towards others. Inclusion, zeal for the rights of those “not like everyone else,” and promotion of moral values ​​are only slowly shifting this cold block of general indifference, but to achieve any significant results, more time and effort are needed.

After all, we are not barbarians; we live in a civilized, cultural world. Long gone is the era of conflict resolution, when bearded Indians in loincloths sorted things out with spears, roars, murders, when a person was almost indistinguishable from an animal.

We are part of an intelligent, smart, subtle world, you cannot kill someone head-on (although this happens often) for eating a cutlet from our plate. Diplomacy may not exclude revenge, but it presents it so carefully that a person does not immediately understand that he has been taken revenge.

Even revenge should be cultural. The more gracefully and carefully one manages to realize ambitions, revenge, etc., the higher the level of intelligence and culture of the people. “Advertising” of anti-nationalism, subtle revenge, good manners, proper upbringing, acceptance of those who are different from us as almost the fulfillment of religious commandments - sounds already from everywhere, and in an appropriately veiled form.

The same propaganda of tolerance that everyone has been talking about lately is part of all this.

Does the world become better thanks to passing through the filters, or does it just acquire an external gloss, but internally everything is the same as in prehistoric times? As Freud said, art, cultural activity, creativity are the ideal way to transform animal energy into creative energy, and the world really becomes better, the level of violence and cruelty decreases. This means that the world is actually getting better.

But a smarter, educated, cultural world also has much greater potential than barbarians, which in the event of a war, from which not even the most powerful propaganda of tolerance can insure, presupposes a smart and global strategy for waging battles.

“The most common vectors for studying tolerance in sociology are:

Gender tolerance

Racial and national tolerance

Tolerance towards people with disabilities

Religious tolerance

Sexual orientation tolerance

Political tolerance

Educational tolerance

Interclass tolerance."

When tolerance is bad

We are “stuffed” with absolute tolerance for everything, sometimes without much instillation of cultural values, and even when there is a clear overreach, as soon as you say the magic word “tolerance”, many begin to think that this is how it should be, that everything is right. The concept of this very tolerance is a good one, and we need tolerance itself, but it has long become only a tool for instilling other values.

Once we begin to accept those who really need to be accepted (people with disabilities, other races, religions), we are offered to accept gays, lesbians and others like us as equals. And those who oppose the general ideology are condemned...by comparing gays with disabled children.

That is, tolerance and the need for its manifestation are already becoming higher than Christian commandments. In this case, when, under the guise of noble ideas, we are asked to selflessly endure all kinds of abomination, tolerance ceases to be a good phenomenon and turns into what it actually is in the modern world.

This is just a subtle path to planting in the minds of our children, in our minds, that gays are normal, they need to be respected, their choice is sacred, and we can become the same, because we will read lines from the Constitution about our rights and freedoms(the fighters for tolerance taught us this) and let’s say the code word “tolerance” - and let everyone feel ashamed that they do not share the “pure” thoughts of gay people.

Under the guise of absolute nobility, a program for the collapse of society and the destruction of family and Christian values ​​is being introduced. After all, look: people with disabilities have only become a little better accepted, but lesbians are already treated as a self-evident fact, as a fashion trend, as if they were rhinestones on skirts that were temporarily popular, and not elements of the decay of society.

And this is the main goal of instilling tolerance: not the acceptance of people with disabilities, but the acceptance of any abomination as a matter of course.

For example, a very interesting picture emerges if we take “puzzles” from other values ​​of tolerance:

« Immunological tolerance is an immunological state of the body in which it is unable to synthesize antibodies in response to the introduction of a certain antigen while maintaining immune reactivity to other antigens. The problem of immunological tolerance is important in organ and tissue transplantation.

Environmental tolerance is the ability of organisms to live and develop in a wide range of environmental conditions (including unfavorable factors).

Tolerance in pharmacology, immunology and narcology - decreased response to repeated administration of drugs, drugs or psychoactive substances; addiction of the body, due to which a larger and larger dose is required to achieve the inherent effect of the substance«.

There is no need to attack gays and prostitutes with spears, but being indifferent to their ideology means making it clear to your children that this is not bad. And everything that is not bad, according to the usual logic of the younger generation, is good. It’s worth adding here that real gay-lesbians hide their orientation (and it’s their problem how they live in such perversion), and are not particularly outwardly different from the rest of society, and those who feignedly flaunt all their intimate sides are simply creating a circus , get a thrill from corrupting the world, but not from the fact that they are not like everyone else.

This “show” has a particularly dangerous effect on teenagers who are starting to try everything in this life... after all, they were told that gayness, gender reassignment is just like putting on a new fashionable dress, “if it doesn’t fit, you’ll wear something else, you need to try.”

Maybe we should introduce mandatory tolerance towards drug addicts, alcoholics, and life-sentenced people?..

“The word “tolerance” (which is synonymous with tolerance) is present in almost all dictionaries of the Russian language. In particular, V. I. Dahl’s dictionary interprets “tolerance” as the ability to endure something only out of mercy or leniency. Other dictionaries give a similar interpretation. According to M. V. Semashko, the concept of “tolerance” contains passive acceptance of the surrounding reality, non-resistance to it, and the ability to turn the other cheek.”

However, activists and defenders of a tolerant position in society say that tolerance and tolerance are not at all identical concepts, that tolerance is broader and implies active social activity along with self-confidence (there are even theories that say that those who find fault with others - they simply do not have self-confidence), without infringing on the freedoms of other people, which contributes to the manifestation of their own freedom, etc.

Naturally, if we say that tolerance is agreement with all nonsense, breaking principles, tolerance for sin, how many followers will there be? And if we say that this is equality of freedoms, a peaceful way to resolve conflicts, in which it is easier for everyone, and especially those promoting tolerance, then there will be many times more people willing to follow this path.

"Ruthless Tolerance" is a collection of contemporary fantasy stories(Russian writers) with a consistent bias towards social modeling, in which “traditional values” are replaced by new ones, often completely opposite.

The genre of most of the stories in the collection is defined by the word “liberpunk” - this is a type of dystopia that deals with the hypothetical consequences of ultra-liberal public choice, with possible future excesses of political correctness, tolerance and the “dictatorship of minorities”” (lines from the annotation to the book appear in the epigraph to the article) .

The format of behavior described in the book is not so far from reality and from the behavior format of our society. Tolerance has nothing to do with religious values; along with the acceptance of other cultures and races, it presupposes the acceptance of all abominations. Tolerance in a cube.

Once I wanted to watch a foreign TV series, a modern one (I won’t write the title so as not to look like an advertisement for nonsense), with an exciting plot at the beginning, good game actors... but throughout the whole story it’s the same thing: clones, prostitutes, homosexuals... The trick is that when you realize that you’re watching nonsense, you want to know how it all ends, you’re drawn to watch it, which I noticed from many viewers of the series expressing exactly such impressions.

The creators managed to develop the plot to a climax before starting to present propaganda of homosexuality, etc. This is how Western society gets hooked on the “needle of tolerance” towards everyone and everything, including through the media and films. And you know, through TV series and the like, through books (which are written by openly or falsely gay people) the best way to introduce this way of life into society.

People look and begin to see the human, ordinary in gay people... they begin to believe that homosexuals are capable of love, they begin to feel sorry for the latter, to treat them like normal people, and the tolerant behavior of others in the film acts as a worthy format for the audience to embody it in life... Generations grow up on this. Through interesting story- instilling ideas that corrupt society.

Level of tolerance in Russia

According to information statistical funds— the level of tolerance in Russia has increased significantly in recent years. However, in reality and in life personally, I observe a slightly different picture: the acceptance of dubious “heroes” has accelerated and improved, but the situation of those who really need respect has not changed much.

Russians are most tolerant, according to statistics, towards children born with disabilities and adults, beggars, tramps, alcoholics, AIDS patients, and the mentally ill. According to research by another statistics center, alcoholics are in the forefront among those to whom Russians are least tolerant. Russians are not ready to be friends with sectarians, murderers, and homosexuals.

About tolerance in Russia in the program of the “Culture” channel (interesting opinions, without pathos):

About extremes and other values

Manipulation of tolerance leads to denigration of peaceful values... and extremes, both one and the other, are harmful. It's better to always think with your own head...

People either begin to deny all tolerance as something identical to tolerance, or they completely agree with everything, or nothing changes in their lives, because they don’t even know what tolerance is.

Tolerance is neutral in itself; it equals both bad and good. Therefore, you cannot be good, smart and in every possible way positive, principled, if you do not agree with any types of tolerance; those who accept abominations are no better than the one who expels “dubious” elements from our society with a baton.

There are completely different and not so ambiguous, confusing and politically global (even if not fashionable) concepts, good ones, for example, mercy, nobility, leniency, integrity, mercy, firmness of one’s position, etc.

The word “tolerance” is quite relevant in modern life. However, each of us understands the definition of this concept in our own way and understands it differently. So what does it mean in simple words?

Concept of tolerance

Tolerance (from Latin tolerantia - patience) means an understanding attitude towards the feelings, opinions of others, behavior, attitudes, worldview of another person. Synonyms are tolerance, acceptance, patience. A tolerant person is a person who has spiritual, moral values ​​and qualities. The opposite example of tolerance is: a child defending his own interests, constantly insisting on his own, using force to resolve various children's conflicts.

History of development

The founder of the principle of tolerance is the famous ancient philosopher Voltaire, who said: “I hate your beliefs, but I am ready to give my life for your right to express them.” This statement reflects the internal content of the concept of tolerance. Later this term was used in medicine (in relation to immune system), psychology (a person’s ability to channel a feeling of rejection or protest towards some other person or phenomenon into a safe direction).

In the context of growing globalization, with the help of the efforts of international organizations, most of all UNESCO, in the 21st century tolerance received the status of a universal moral imperative, the core on which human relationships should be built both within one state and at the international level.

Types of sociological tolerance

Sociologists J. Mead and G. Bloomer studied the problem of tolerance at the level of microsociology, on the basis of which they identified the following types of sociological tolerance:

  • gender – respectful attitude towards the opposite sex;
  • racial – tolerance towards a representative of another race;
  • national – respectful attitude towards people of other nationalities;
  • in relation to people with disabilities;
  • religious – respect and acceptance of representatives of other religions;
  • sexual orientation – respectful attitude towards people with non-traditional sexual orientation;
  • political – tolerance towards representatives of different political parties and movements;
  • educational – equal treatment to people without education and with higher education;
  • interclass – respect for all people, regardless of their material well-being.

The difference between indifference and tolerance

The first means a lack of interest in the life of another person, the second means tolerance towards the life of another (his views, opinions, actions, behavior, etc.), awareness of the other’s right to life in accordance with his own worldview.

Important! Tolerance is manifested in respect and correct understanding other views, cultures, methods of self-expression and manifestation of individuality. She is against social injustice, concessions to other people's views and beliefs, and the cruel imposition of her opinion on others.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any phenomenon, tolerance has two sides: good and bad.

Pros of tolerance:

  • leads to humanity and understanding of other people;
  • helps overcome fears associated with communicating with people with different views, thanks to the ability to build effective communication;
  • promotes an understanding attitude towards people who express themselves in different, sometimes not consistent with generally accepted ideas, ways;
  • through the transfer of experience and knowledge, through the interaction of people with different points of view, leads to personal growth and social development.

Disadvantages of tolerance:

  • allowing you to keep your distance from a person with dissimilar views, respect his rights from afar, does not bring people together, but alienates them from each other;
  • acts as a way of destroying the traditional way of life, religions, when patience, which is the main biblical virtue, is replaced by tolerance for sin;
  • in modern realities instead of solving real social problems respect for the rights of representatives of other nations, cultures, races, religions, etc. is only hypocritically declared;
  • it is impossible to draw an exact line when tolerance develops into slavish patience, causing damage to a person’s personality;
  • many, under the guise of good intentions, manipulate people’s consciousness;
  • can be perceived as indifference, indifference, unwillingness to defend one’s opinion and fight for it;
  • in the modern world digital technologies true values are replaced by false ones.

Example of a negative point

An example where tolerance led to negative consequences is the resettlement of some refugees from Arab countries to civilized European cities. The problem is that they came to “someone else’s monastery with their own rules.” Their cultural values, inherent in underdeveloped countries, contradict the values ​​of civilized countries and act as a kind of atavism, a relic of the past, savagery. The list of such values ​​includes various medieval rituals (sacrifice, brutal battles, etc.) or rude, sometimes violent, treatment of women.

The most important and surprising thing is that refugees demand to be tolerant of their way of life, absolutely not accepting and condemning the value system of the country that gave them shelter. In this example, you can see a situation where unreasonable tolerance of a different way of life led to negative consequences and the emergence of new difficulties.

Tolerance and the future

Tolerance- This is a necessary condition for communication in the modern world. The cultural and moral development of society depends on the tolerance of each of us.

Each person is a person, individuality, uniqueness; we need to find our own approach to each person and be tolerant in every situation that would happen in our lives. Since norms and values ​​depend on the personality of each person, all efforts must be directed towards careful work related to their correct formation.

Important! Practice shows: the more educated and cultured a person is, the more tolerant he is towards the people around him and the world as a whole.

Not all people use the concept of tolerance in their lives. What it is? These are accepted in social environment norms of behavior that are expressed in people’s tolerance of each other, religions, customs and feelings. It can be said that The basis of tolerance is considered to be the right to express thoughts of every person. These are human feelings that are expressed in people’s positive attitude towards something, but not towards violations of moral and universal principles. This word has come into use not so long ago; let’s try to understand this concept in more detail.

peony flower

Tolerance includes such human qualities as:

  • Compassion and tolerance;
  • Forgiveness and mercy;
  • Perception of one's neighbor with all his shortcomings;
  • Respect for people's rights and freedoms;
  • Desire to cooperate;
  • Maintaining a spirit of partnership and parity among people.

In 1995, the UNESCO Declaration of Principles on Tolerance was adopted.

According to this document, tolerance is:

  • Patience;
  • Lack of aggression;
  • Philosophical worldview and the ability to philosophically evaluate life positions and manifestations of the character of other people.

Depending on the area of ​​manifestation, tolerance is divided into the following categories:

  • Political;
  • Pedagogical;
  • Medical;
  • Scientific;
  • Administrative, etc.

Types and types of tolerance in modern society

The concept of tolerance is not just a Wikipedia definition. There are different definitions, as well as divisions of tolerance into types, types, subspecies and subtypes. Psychologists divide tolerance into four types, which are based on interpersonal communication between people:

  1. Natural (natural). This type of tolerance is characterized by the fact that the child cannot contrast his own “I” with the world around him. He has too little experience for this. Children's consciousness is driven by forgiveness and trust. It is these qualities that allow little man adapt to living conditions. However, these character traits force the baby to suppress his desires and manifestations of will.

People with different colors skins can be tolerant to each other

  1. Moral tolerance. This type of tolerance is characteristic of self-sufficient and wise people who know how to use mechanisms psychological protection body. The main manifestation of this attitude is considered to be tolerance towards others. Passions of indignation may rage inside him and accumulate negative energy, but outwardly the person is extremely calm.
  1. Moral tolerance. It will be surprising to many people that two paragraphs with synonymous subheadings appear in a row. But there is a significant difference between moral and moral tolerance. Moral tolerance is different in that it determines the degree of trust in a person. This type is typical for people who try to accept thoughts, values, stereotypes, life principles another man. It is easy for such people to bear conflict situations and withstand stress.
  1. Ethnic tolerance. Causes long-suffering and lack of judgment towards foreign culture, customs and way of life.

A person endowed with ethnic tolerance is able to live for a long time in an environment that is unusual, and sometimes even unpleasant for him, of foreign culture and traditions.

Main types of tolerance consist of four subtypes:

  1. A person’s attitude towards a situation and the people taking part in it. Subdivided situational tolerance to the following levels:
  • Low level characteristic of a person’s negative attitude towards the world and the surrounding reality (“they irritate me”);
  • On average level the person expresses tolerance towards his interlocutors (“I like communicating with them, and I understand them perfectly”);
  • Highest level characterized by complete acceptance of a person by a person (“I feel comfortable and good with them”).
  1. A person’s position relative to other people, based on political, ethnic and national characteristics. This subtype of tolerance is called typological.
  2. Another subtype of tolerance is professional. This is people’s reaction to the environment in which they are forced to spend a large amount of time - employees, co-workers, colleagues.
  3. Collective Tolerance (general) consists of the characteristics that a person exhibits as a result of the previous three observations. Their systematization gives a general picture of the level of tolerance of an individual.

Many people are intolerant of men and women with tattoos

Examples of tolerance from life

The most obvious manifestations of tolerance in life, as a rule, are associated with religion: you can meet a Christian who talks with a Muslim, and both of them are tolerant of each other, listen to each other’s position and opinion. Another example of tolerance can be a conversation between people of different political views. The important thing is that l people don't try to impose their point of view, but have the strength to acknowledge that the other person may not share your political beliefs.

Often people are intolerant of the appearance of people who dress or look completely different from you. For example, you don’t like tattoos and as soon as you see a girl with a tattoo, your attitude towards her immediately deteriorates, or you don’t want to communicate with her at all.

It will be absolutely intolerant to express your position as the only correct one, to hint in every possible way that a person is wrong, that all his arguments seem stupid or insignificant to you. In this situation, you can safely call yourself an intolerant person.

Tolerance and intolerance

Striving to become tolerant, a person does not think about the fact that his manifestations of tolerance sometimes have the nature of violence against himself. That is, he does not have moral tolerance, which is conditioned by acceptance and forgiveness. This process occurs at the level of moral tolerance, which suppresses internal rejection of any processes.

Tolerance and intolerance manifest themselves in all spheres of human relationships: professional, interethnic, interreligious and others.

How to understand that a person is tolerant? As a rule, the following signs of tolerance and a tolerant personality are distinguished:

  1. Humor. The ability to laugh at one’s own shortcomings is the main difference between a tolerant person. He reacts adequately to criticism and jokes directed at him.
  1. Self-realization.

A tolerant person is focused on self-improvement and the implementation of his plans.

He is inquisitive, open with people and selflessly comes to the first call for help. An intolerant individual does not know how to empathize and does not show compassion for people. He cannot determine himself and does not strive for self-improvement.

  1. Self-esteem. Tolerance is a person’s ability to adequately evaluate himself and others. He clearly knows and strives to eradicate them. Tolerance implies harmony between people with the world and within themselves. An intolerant person is accustomed to blaming others for his troubles. He transfers all the blame to those around him, to the circumstances. At the same time, intolerant people extol their own achievements and push forward virtues that, perhaps, do not exist at all.
  1. Security. Despite all the problems of modern reality (rampant crime, terrorism, etc.), a tolerant person feels protected in society. However, intolerant people see in everything that happens around them real threat own safety.
  1. Responsibility. Tolerant people are not afraid of responsibility. In everything that happens around them, they look for true reasons and meaning. It is not difficult for them to take on certain obligations and bear responsibility for their own misdeeds and those of others.

Conchita Wurst, aka Thomas Neuwirth, winner of the Eurovision Song Contest 2014 in Copenhagen

  1. Democratic. Tolerant people will never try to convince you that they are right. They will definitely listen to your point of view, but will remain with their own. Intolerant people are dictators in their psychological attitude. They need to know that everyone around them is subject to their concepts and aspirations.

Tolerance in the modern world

Tolerance for our state and its citizens is something new that has come to us since the times of “Perestroika” and the formation of a new state. In the Soviet Union, tolerance was considered, if not a sign of weakness, then a betrayal of political views promoted by the state. In a communist society, differences of opinion, religious views and preferences were not allowed. The distorted concept of tolerance was recognized only in the call for equality and brotherhood of all peoples and sectors of society. Which, however, was pure propaganda and had no basis in reality.

Nowadays, people in our country and all over the world are increasingly asking themselves the question: “How to become a tolerant person?” Moreover many people confuse tolerance with forgiveness in Christianity. However, this concept is far from the Christian call for a patient and stoic desire to “carry your cross” or “turn your cheek to be struck again.” Orthodox Fathers they categorically deny tolerance as a science and in every possible way prevent its teaching in schools and universities. They believe that accepting and understanding any point of view destroys the moral foundations of a person that were brought up in him from childhood.

We can list several examples of double interpretation of manifestations of tolerance in society:

  1. The youth. Let's consider shining example manifestations of denial of tolerance - skinhead groups. They believe that tolerance of foreign culture, beliefs and views leads to the oppression of the Slavic race. How to explain to a child what tolerance is? By my own example, Firstly. Do not be afraid to discuss sensitive topics in the family regarding any type of tolerance. Tolerance for children, especially young ones, can be a difficult concept, but over the years the seeds you sow will pay off and your child will become a truly tolerant person.
  1. Family. In some countries, where a tolerant position towards people has been promoted for a long time, there are some excesses in concepts. For example, in England it is prohibited to use the words “husband” and “wife” in document flow. Thus, the state authorities try not to offend the feelings of sexual minorities entering into a marriage union. However, this is not the limit either; in the future it is planned to ban the words “mother” and “father” for the same purpose. European society condemns the denial of Russians towards same-sex partners who want to adopt children.

  1. Policy. IN political life There is a very fine line between tolerance and servility. Politicians receive appropriate training and skills that help them manipulate the public and the opinions of the majority of people. Take the same ban on teenage homosexuality, adopted at the legislative level in Russia. In tolerant Europe, this caused a storm of condemnation and accusations of intolerance of Russian rulers.

Today we see that the Russian public is outraged by the manifestation of fascism and extremism in the territory of the former Russian state- Ukraine.


From all of the above, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  • Manifestations of tolerance towards non-traditional views on life and minority concepts must be justified by logic and common sense;
  • It is necessary to consider the adoption of certain positions guided by the laws and traditions accepted in society;
  • It is necessary to clearly know and understand the limits of tolerance;
  • Tolerance should not develop into permissiveness and trampling of true values.

It is necessary to respectfully accept and understand the meaning of life, positions and aspirations of other people, which must correspond to such concepts as “morality”, “morality” and “democracy”. A tolerant person is not one who is endowed with any one positive quality, is an individual who possesses them all to the fullest. He will never enter into conflict, even justified by certain circumstances; he cannot be called upon to condemn or sharply reject other people’s ideals and aspirations. However truly tolerant people must have high moral principles. In order for our society to become tolerant, it is necessary to educate and instill in young people tolerance based on standards of morality and morality.

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