Home Berries Khigir meaning of name and patronymic. Male names. Boris Khigir says

Khigir meaning of name and patronymic. Male names. Boris Khigir says


When I say your name

I want to yawn, miss, grumble,

While other names

When you say them, they open

Quite different doors of our feelings...

W. Shakespeare . Much ado about nothing


The name of a person carries a lot of information. It gives answers to numerous questions that concern not only parents, teachers, but the whole society. In what profession will the natural inclinations of the future citizen be most fully revealed? How will his relationship in the family develop? How will he raise his children? What negative character traits need to be softened, muffled by education, and which positive ones, on the contrary, should be singled out and developed?

Try to take the name as a guideline in your relationships with other people - and you will see what unexpected horizons will open up for you, how many problems will be removed.

Since ancient times, mankind has been reverent about the name. As a rule, it testified to the purpose of the newborn, and, giving a name, counted on the patronage and protection of God. In Islam, all ninety-nine epithets glorifying God serve as names. The Bible is the source of many of the names that are still used today. So, the virtues pleasing to God - love, meekness, patience - were expressed in the names Galina ("quiet") or Irina "peacemaker"), and in the name Isaiah, which literally means "may God save you", the hope for the support of the Almighty was embodied . The mother of Jesus Christ - the long-awaited child of the elderly Joachim ("spell") and Anna ("grace") - is called by a special name Mary, which means "exalted", "exalted" or "lady".

As one of the researchers of biblical names Father Alexander Mumrikov points out (Science and Religion. 1994. N 8. P. 61), the significance of a person in ancient society increased according to his "renown". If the name did not contain the idea of ​​patronage, its bearer was considered ignorant by genealogy or even insignificant and did not enjoy respect. Several names were given to an important person, called to perform as many glorious deeds as he has names. This custom was partially preserved in catholic church, where a person often has three names given at birth, at baptism in childhood and at chrismation to enter the world with the grace of the Holy Spirit. In Japan, some noble and especially distinguished people still have up to thirty names, receiving them one after another, for example, as they change professions.

The name is an integral part of the personality. "To touch" a name means to touch a person. The "Second Book of Kings" tells about the census, which was perceived as the enslavement of the individual - through the promulgation of the secret name. The change of the name radically changed the social status of a person or meant the loss of his independence. But in special occasions the name changed according to the instructions from above, it was a sign of the Divine mission. Giving the apostle Simon (“hearing”) the name Peter (“stone”), Jesus Christ entrusted him with the duty to become the foundation, the stone of the Church under construction, created a spiritual man from a carnal man (Matt., 16, 18).

The research I have conducted convincingly testifies that the brilliant guesses of the ancients about the fateful meaning of the name are not at all a trifle, not a historical rudiment. The name, of course, affects the personality, predetermining its psychological characteristics.

Also in youth I have noticed that people with the same names have a lot of similar personalities. About fifteen years ago, leaving the main profession, I completely devoted myself to the study of the issue that occupied me. I read a lot of literature, researched thousands of people with different names until I was convinced: the character of a person really depends on the name.

In this book you will find my advice on choosing a name for a child - questions of this kind I most often hear during my speeches and meet in my mail.

From the early childhood and throughout life, not a single word is heard by a person as often as his name. Parents want the name to sound beautiful (although everything is very relative here, because what is beautiful from the point of view of one is sometimes unattractive for another), so that it already endows the baby with its meaning positive qualities(for example, Alexander - "courageous defender" or Valentina - "healthy, strong"). Sometimes the child is named after family tradition, sometimes - in memory or in honor of a dear person.

In the 18th century there was no family where Catherine was not. According to the parents of numerous Catherines, their daughters, having received such a name as a gift, should have at least somewhat become like Mother Catherine the Great. Belief in the power of names is preserved, albeit not to the same extent, even now. In any case, it is rare that parents will call their baby the first name that comes across. “Recognizing a name as an empty sign, a shadow of shadows, an all-powerful insignificance and a conditional nickname, and at the same time bringing this insignificance in the fullness of tender feelings, as the first gift to a baby that has delighted with its birth, is psychologically absolutely impossible,” wrote P. Florensky. There are times when I am asked to help change the name of a child, because the baby is experiencing internal discomfort, he has an unstable nervous system, and unreasonable irritability. I willingly help those who wish to choose a different name, and after a while the character of a person gradually changes, adults have a personal life. You should not dramatize the events if you have already named the child, the concern may be in vain, but in order to avoid trouble, think carefully before making a decision.

As my further observations showed, the character depends not only on the name. It is important, it turns out, at what time of the year a person was born and what patronymic he wears. There is a certain pattern: people with one name and patronymic are impressed by others with certain names and patronymics. Some names and patronymics simply irritate them. Indeed, each name and patronymic are sound stimuli that in one way or another excite a certain part of the brain. This is, to some extent, the attraction of each person to each other or, conversely, their repulsion. Such sound vibrations are imperceptible, but are clearly reflected in the character of a person and even in his personality. appearance. Some sounds are pleasing to our ears for reasons we do not understand, while others are unpleasant to us. If the name is consonant with those names of people whom we know and love well, then against our will there is sympathy for such a person, and vice versa. That is why we often hear: "I did not find my betrothed, we did not agree on the characters." And there were extremely few chances to get along in character, because this was originally inherent in the sound of the names and patronymics of each of the partners.

Using such a simple method as characterizing a person by name, patronymic and month of birth, one can in principle determine psychological type a person to predict behavior in certain situations. From psychological compatibility depend and strength family union, and entrepreneurial success.

This book will become a kind of guide for you. Use it when in doubt. Remember, choosing a name is a very serious matter. It largely determines the fate of a person who has come into this world. It is up to you to make her happy.


Alexander - "courageous defender" (gr.).

He is always decisive, smart, witty and sociable. But often he is quick-tempered, impudent, sharp, does not respect the boundaries of decency. Whoever tries to influence him from a position of strength, let him not count on success.

By nature, an introvert, tries to escape from reality, hides in his subconscious. He has a vivid imagination and incredible curiosity. Has a synthetic mindset and a reliable memory. Justifies his actions and deeds in advance, especially when he deserves condemnation. At first glance, he has remarkable willpower and he can make every effort to achieve the goal, but there is still a certain amount of doubt and shakiness in his determination. He is afraid of the unknown, often and unreasonably afraid of failure. There is some anxiety in perseverance, and it determines the inconstancy of character.

Current page: 1 (total book has 12 pages) [accessible reading excerpt: 7 pages]

Boris Higir
The secret of the male name

© Khigir B., 2015

© Design. LLC Trade and Publishing House Amfora, 2015

Index of male names

Adam (bibl. "red clay")

In childhood, a child with this name is often sick, very vulnerable. The nervous system is very unstable. He doesn't look like his father or mother. Very emotional, stubborn, persistent, can lie. He has a lot of friends. Goes in for sports: football, gymnastics. "Winter" can become a high-class athlete. Thanks to his perseverance and even stubbornness, he achieves great results. AT adulthood character changes, becomes more calm. Achieve a lot in life thanks to patience.

A man with this name is a good father of a family. A complex relationship is established between Adam's wife and mother: they have complete incompatibility. Adam loves animals, nature, often goes on vacation to the forest. Jealous and stubborn. It is useless for his wife to try to command him.

Adam is not a careerist, he goes to the goal the hard way. Always thinks over his words, does not cut off the shoulder. He does not like to go on business trips, carefully chooses work. Successful in marriage. Doesn't shun any homework. Because of his addictive nature, he often does not marry for a long time.

"Winter" Adam is very talented. Can become a wonderful artist or musician. Does not like to talk a lot, prefers to act, and this contributes life success. "Autumn" is very prudent, but compliant and does not rush to conclusions.

Professions: sports coach, agronomist, veterinarian, programmer, designer, cook, priest, writer.

Adolf (German "noble wolf")

The character from childhood is complex, stubborn. He looks like his mother, with age he becomes closer to his father - both externally and in character. He studies well at school, likes to play chess, football, table tennis. Reads a lot of adventure literature. Adolf is a brave man, despite his inner vulnerability. He chooses his own friends. Interested in numismatics, likes to make things. Required and punctual. Able to convince, but not to beg. Adolf - inquisitive person with a developed imagination; big dreamer. He is very talented and can work successfully in a variety of fields.

Marries late, chooses a calm woman. He only does what pleases him. He likes to pick mushrooms, cook delicious food- He is a good cook. Life is monotonous.

"Winter" is a good organizer. He can be assigned hard work, he will perform it accurately and accurately. Doesn't like to travel. "Autumn" prudent, does not take rash steps. Reaches great heights in science. This is a man who is fanatically devoted to the cause. "Summer" is vulnerable, closed, prefers to listen more than speak. Despite isolation, he will never refuse an invitation to visit.

Professions: banker, artist, engineer, jeweler, driver, doctor, writer.

Akim (Heb. "God will raise up")

As a child, he grows calm, not capricious, but stubborn. In friendship, he is selective, demanding of friends and can grow intolerant if he is not explained that all people have flaws. "December" - bold. If he is guilty, he can be deprived of some privileges, but physical or moral violence cannot be used. If you give him an example of violence, then sooner or later he will answer you in the same way. Try not to punish him without good reason; if it seems to you that the child is wrong, logically prove it to him. Stand on a position of justice - so you will not lose his respect.

Adult Akim is active, open and fair to people. The wife, as a rule, leads him, but family life shaping up well. Likes animals. Visits relatives, but internally lonely. Very attached to parents.

"Noyabrsky" is eccentric, which can be a mask. Conservative in everything. He always considers himself right, does not trust anyone, tries to rely only on himself. Likes to give advice. If necessary, he can risk his life with a smile on his lips. He is not a braggart and does not like it when people show off. Has an excellent memory. Inventive and able to solve the most difficult problems with amazing speed. Possesses courage, strong will. Thanks to these qualities, he achieves in life great success. Tries to help colleagues. Some impulsiveness interferes with him. Sometimes he does not weigh his forces and does not distribute them rationally. Possesses good organizational skills. A leader by nature, always relies on himself, does not allow himself to be surpassed, sometimes merciless and unceremonious. Wherever Akim works, he always goes to meet relatives and colleagues, it is difficult to advance in the service, he does not like to adapt to his superiors.

Professions: designer, physicist, programmer, investigator, patent specialist, personnel officer, journalist, tax inspector, doctor, director.

Alexander (ancient Greek "protector of people")

As a child, he often gets sick, but, becoming older, he intensively goes in for sports and grows up as a strong and purposeful man. Always achieves his goal, an excellent leader who knows how to manage a team and pays tribute to capable, gifted employees. Enjoys a reputation as a just person. He likes to drink, in a state of intoxication he becomes boastful, loses control of himself. Self-confident Alexander is not easy, and sometimes almost impossible, to persuade him to drink less. However, a strong life shock can turn him away from alcohol forever. In relations with women, he strives to be charming. You rarely meet such a friendly and helpful man as Alexander. To give a hand, to help put on a coat, to buy a bouquet of flowers - it is absolutely natural for him. His main weapon is a compliment. He does not play and really believes in the sincerity of his words, as well as in the truth of his declaration of love. The trouble is that, having sworn to love forever, Alexander after some time with the same fervor will swear in the same and another woman.

"Summer" is madly in love with children. "Winter", "spring" and "autumn" are more restrained towards children.

Alexei (other - Greek. "Defender")

So a calm, self-confident woman will call her son. The son is very attached to his mother. Since childhood, he feels himself to be her protector, and having matured, he becomes the protector of all women. He is friendly, laconic, a man of action. As a child, he does not lead a gang of boys, but they always turn to him for advice.

An adult is diligent, enjoys painstaking work. Whatever he does, he will know his business best of all; at the plant he is an indispensable master, in teaching he is an experienced mentor, in sports he is a patient coach, in business he is an indispensable partner. He is ambitious, and this helps him achieve a good position in society. Creative person with subtle intuition.

His special character trait, which all mother-in-laws appreciate, is complaisance. He is always calm, thorough, hardworking, persistent and conscientious. Yields to his wife in trifles, but in serious matters he shows firmness. Touchy and vulnerable. In women, Alexey appreciates cleanliness. God forbid to appear before him in an untidy dressing gown: he will be silent, but will make it clear that this is unpleasant for him. In the conflicts of the wife with others, she always takes her side, even if she is not right. Not jealous. He is faithful, most often out of a sense of disgust. He cares more about his children than about himself. Until old age, he retains filial affection for his parents.

Professions: artist, writer, actor, engineer, physicist, surgeon, criminalist.

Albert (Old German "noble brilliance")

AT infancy restless child, especially if born in December. The baby is alive and energetic. Growing up as a brave boy, not afraid of large dogs. Animals are drawn to him, feeling his strength and kindness. He has a good appetite, which confuses his parents, and they often overfeed him. It should be protected from diseases with pharyngitis and tonsillitis. "July" - very kind, flexible, which does not go well with his appearance; he is usually a big boy, strong and hardy, is the protector of the weak, the patron of babies.

Adult - strong man, calm, mature and reliable. Monogamous by nature. He is not in a hurry to marry, he meets his chosen one for a long time, but, in the end, he marries her. He is popular with women, it flatters him. Avoid obsessive ladies. He takes a calm, intelligent and kind woman as his wife and does not make mistakes in choosing a wife. It is important for him to have strong family and a good relationship with all household members. Sex means a lot to him, and since he is monogamous, the wife should be quite sexy, tender, responsive. disharmony in sexual relations can lead to family breakdown. He does not know how to change, and if he has a relationship on the side, then most likely he will divorce his wife.

"Summer" great attention gives peace of mind. It is important for him to feel reliable. family relations, he does not tolerate conflicts, does not tolerate quarrels. He himself is a calm, gentle person, does not like to attract attention to himself, always tries to be in the shadows, as if embarrassed by his strength. He is easy to communicate, but he never makes the first contact. It is easy and safe with him. He is not a fighter by nature, but he knows how to stand up for himself and his loved ones. In the family, he does not strive for leadership at all, he gives all the initiative into the hands of his wife, he completely trusts her. The wife decides all issues on her own, so he chooses a decisive, energetic and faithful woman as his wife.

"Winter" has strong character, the leader in the family, always remains behind him the last word. "Spring" is somewhat lazy and imposing. He is little interested in household chores, but he is engaged in raising children himself. He introduces them to sports early, spends all weekends with them outdoors or at the stadium. “Autumn” is a hard worker, he knows how to do everything with his own hands. Tryna have land plot, loves to dig in the ground, loves to plant fruit bushes. Roses are his weakness. Good host. Knows how to provide for the family financially, knows what to buy for the house on the way home from work. He likes to take care of children, and children love him very much.

Alfred (English "mind, wisdom")

The character in childhood is stubborn. He studies well at school, is obedient, loves mathematics and history. At first, not standing out among his peers, he later becomes a leader. Bold and thoughtful at the same time. Devoted to loved ones. He doesn't force his opinion on anyone. Often he cannot reveal his talent for a long time, he tries a lot different professions before it finds itself.

"Winter" is very controversial. He likes to argue and prove his own. Amorous. He does not marry for a long time, because he makes great demands on his future wife. Selfish and independent. He has a strong desire to change places. Likes to teach. He treats his parents very well, he always helps them. Thanks to cunning, diplomacy and extraordinary hard work, he achieves a strong position in society. Emotional and stubborn. "Summer" is especially sexy.

Professions: engineer, doctor, artist, composer, military man, administrator, journalist, writer, philosopher.

Anatoly (Greek "sunrise")

As a child, he is closed and unsure of himself, afraid of the street. Likes to read science fiction and adventure novels imagining himself as a superman hero. Growing up, ceases to be sissy, he is respected by his peers for his intelligence and knowledge. But at heart he remains a romantic.

He knows how to get along with people and is known as a person with an accommodating character, but in extreme situations he can oppose himself to the team, become uncontrollable, prickly and quarrelsome. He has a developed sense of justice; as a leader, he never humiliates employees. Delicate. Resentment and suspiciousness do not prevent him from making good money.

He is prudent, balanced, easily wins the trust of women. Loves blondes. He quickly establishes good relations with his wife's parents, especially with his father-in-law, whom he treats like a good old friend.

Easily addicted to alcohol. AT drunk Poorly controls himself, sometimes rude, can start a fight.

The wife is usually the leader in the family. Diktat wife sometimes takes rough forms. Therefore, it is not surprising that one day Anatoly, for no apparent reason, can leave the house. With children does not always find mutual language.

"Winter" or "autumn" is endowed with a variety of talents. This is a businesslike, active-minded man. Has good intuition. He shouldn't drink alcohol. "Summer" or "spring" - trouble-free, kind and trusting. Indifferent to praise. Avid traveler. Somewhat squeamish. Not self-critical.

Andrew (Greek "man of courage")

Little sly and dreamer. He can enthusiastically assemble the designer, but he can also rush around the apartment with screams, depicting an airplane or a rider. Naughty. Sweet, because of which she spoils her teeth from childhood. Mother listens according to her mood, tries to argue with her father. If there is a brother, he is friends with him and loves him; to younger sister treats jealously and does not yield to her. Andrei the teenager does not stand out in any way. But later, others will suddenly notice that he and sports school graduated, and settled in life better than his peers. The girls are offended by Andrei's inconstancy: he can confess his love to one, and the next day, without noticing her, pass by on the other. Nothing will bother him. He will sincerely tell a lot about himself to his next girlfriend, as if in confession. But do not flatter yourself - you will never know everything about him.

In the service he is appreciated by his superiors. Older employees treat him condescendingly, young ones expect surprises from him. No one knows what may come to his mind in the next minute. Impulsive and unpredictable, he can cause real delight in his wife. an expensive gift, and then he will drive her into a frenzy by refusing to buy a cheap thing that is needed in the household.

He chooses a beautiful, emotional, spectacular woman as his wife, not being interested in her character and inner world. Persuasion of relatives and warnings of friends not to rush into marriage, he rejects. He has high self-esteem, he is selfish and artistic, demands heightened attention to yourself. He can be jealous of his wife if she devotes a lot of time to the child, and little to him. Relationships with mother-in-law are difficult.

"Winter" - especially gifted in the field of arts. "Autumn" is prudent, punctual, does not hover in the clouds, chooses a profession in the field of accurate and natural sciences. Successful in business.

Professions: director, actor, singer, composer, artist, scientist.

Anton (lat. "wide", Greek. "opponent")

Charming child. He retains his charm even into adulthood. He is similar in character to his mother, but holds fast to his father, even if the parents are divorced. However, Anton tries all his life to treat both with great respect. Painful in early childhood. AT school years he is lazy, he does his homework under pressure, but then he can change his attitude to learning. It is still difficult to get him to make his bed in the morning, but he will engage in his chosen science or specialty day and night. In his youth, he is surrounded by many girlfriends, but it is not easy to marry him. He takes this step exclusively on his own, having thoroughly considered it. You cannot call him an exemplary family man, he is not a homebody, but kindness and complaisance help him avoid conflicts in the family. He good worker a talented scientist. Very efficient. Hardworking. Master of his craft. Reads a lot. Sexy. With women he is kind, but proud, sometimes very jealous and then uncontrollable. Likes to drink. Cowardice is the only serious flaw that he carefully hides.

"Winter" in life is easier. He is bold, cunning, persistent, prudent and diplomatic. "January" can become a good sportsman, has fighting qualities.

Arkady (Greek "happy")

A favorite of grandparents. Worship, affection, admiration of adults - all this he will receive in abundance in childhood, but he will not become an egoist. Helps parents without giving up homework. Adult Arkady carries a charge of love and kindness, received by him in childhood. He quickly finds a common language with any person, therefore conflicts in the team, where Arkady is the boss, - a rarity. He is unforgiving and always tries to keep his promise.

His disadvantage is a tendency to drink and internal spontaneity. He can spend his entire salary in a restaurant, although a couple of hours before that he was going to go home without thinking about entertainment. Drunk Arkady is very boastful. Not every wife can endure such a life. But he compensates for his failures with fidelity in marriage, Don Juanism is not his style. Family is his main concern. He refuses without regret promising work, a prestigious position or moving to another city, if these changes worsen the situation of his loved ones. Stability in the present attracts him more than good luck in the future. He is a calm, gentle and caring person. In every way he avoids domestic quarrels, he is ready to give up old habits for this. He is obligatory, and if he promised something to his wife, he will definitely keep his word. Likes to play with small children.

Remarriage is a rarity for him. Family is the main thing.

Arnold (German "reigning eagle")

Little Arnold is very irritable, stubborn and always wants to be first. The character is difficult. She does well in school, especially in mathematics and physics. Too direct, therefore conflicts with teachers. He lives in isolation, does not let anyone close to him. Him skillful hands well-developed imagination. He completes any task. However, the service is moving slowly.

The first marriage is often short-lived, the second is more successful.

Fate does not spoil the "summer" Arnold. He is overly condescending. By old age, he can become disabled. "Winter" - with a difficult character, not devoid of abilities. Hardworking and persistent in achieving the goal, overly irritable and stubborn. Difficult to match with strangers and is having a hard time breaking up with friends. He himself knows the shortcomings of his character, but stubbornness prevents him from becoming different.

Professions: engineer, radiologist, actor, director.

Arseniy (Greek "courageous,


Doesn't cause much trouble for parents. He studies well, does not conflict with peers, is sociable. Vulnerable and sensitive. He is engaged in music, but under pressure from his parents. Loves animals, especially dogs. He only wants to do what he likes. Often gets into ridiculous or ambiguous situations that he himself creates.

"Summer" is not talkative, prefers to listen to what others say. He is not a leader. It is difficult for him to move up the career ladder, and if he makes a career, then thanks to his parents. "Winter" is resourceful, brave, but very stubborn, and this complicates his life. He goes in for sports, but without visible results. "Autumn" - cunning, prudent, hardworking and accurate. Appreciates friendship, but does nothing disinterestedly. Makes plans, often far from reality. He is accommodating, but if he quarrels, he holds a grudge for a long time and will never take the first step towards reconciliation. Often married twice. Can devote himself to the service of God. Collects old books, icons, coins.

Professions: designer, sports coach, doctor, cook, artist, architect, lawyer, driver.

Artem (Greek "healthy, unharmed")

In childhood, he often catches a cold. Calm, never imposes his opinion on others. There are usually no problems at school. He reads a lot, is objective in assessing the situation, always tells the truth, and sometimes he gets it for it. Friendly and sociable. In adulthood - flexible, but purposeful. Not a careerist, hardworking. Achieves everything with his work, very devoted, knows how to keep secrets. He loves traveling, drives a car well, repairs it himself. Good husband. There is no leader in the family. He loves to receive guests and cook for them.

Professions: jeweler, doctor, electrician, artist, journalist, architect, teacher, watchmaker.

Arthur (Celtic. "mighty bear")

This is a calm, balanced child - a joy for parents, everyone is happy with him, he is obedient. At school, the character changes, the boy becomes quick-tempered and shows stubbornness. He is fond of drawing, numismatics. Marries late, very attached to the family, children, but does not help his wife. Willingly travels on long trips. Hospitable.

"Summer" is closed, not too talkative. Fastidious, easily hurt. He likes to drive a car, but not to repair.

"Winter", on the contrary, is emotional, goes in for wrestling, boxing, reads a lot. Nature is engrossed. He has a hard time in life, although he is stubborn and persistent. Before getting married, he chooses a bride for a long time, prefers tall and slender girls. It is not easy for him to succeed. He is quick-tempered, sometimes cunning. But thanks to its flexibility, it still reaches a position in society. Jealous. In the morning he likes to sleep longer.

"Autumn" - prudent. "Spring" is often sick: he has weak lungs and throat. Very sensitive.

Professions: merchant, dentist, surgeon, lawyer, artist, tailor, shoemaker.

Boris Higir

Secret female name

The name is the thinnest flesh, through which the spiritual essence is determined.

Pavel Florensky

© Khigir B. Yu., 2015

© Compilation, design. LLC Trade and Publishing House Amfora, 2015

Name - the first code of fate

The mysterious, inexplicable power of names over the fate of a person was noticed by the ancients. Therefore, the names were often given double. The real name was kept secret - as a talisman of the baby. And the middle name was used in Everyday life. Historians and ethnographers find the custom of hiding one's name among almost all peoples of the world. Ancient people were sure that the fate of a person, a city and even a state is destined in his name. A change of name is a change of destiny. Therefore, a woman, entering into marriage, takes a new name - the surname of her husband. Writers and actors take a pseudonym, starting a new career. People change their names by taking tonsure or church dignity joining a secret society.

A name is a kind of bundle of social information about its bearer. Knowing only one name, we already have an idea of ​​​​the origin, nationality, possible religion, the main properties of the character and temperament of a person. After all, the Russian Orthodox custom of giving a name according to the calendar is not accidental, when behind each name there was a life story of a saint with very specific forms of behavior, character traits, attitude to the surrounding reality, that is, his life.

Each name has its own sounding music. Some names sound soft, affectionate and evoke a corresponding reaction from others. Others, on the contrary, evoke unpleasant emotions, make you cringe internally, tense up, and become cold. The attitude of others towards its owner sometimes depends on the sound of the name.

Various names are associated with different colors spectrum. And each color has a different effect on the psyche. Red shades cause a state of anxiety, danger, suffering in a person; blue, on the contrary, gives rise to a feeling of calm and tranquility. The reaction of others to the owners of "red" or "blue" names is the same. What has an impact on the psyche of the owner of the name.

Affects the fate and character of a person and the date of birth, and the time of year, and patronymic, and surname, and much more. A whole conglomerate of factors turns into cards of our life, with which the solitaire of human destiny is played out.

Boris Khigir's books offer the reader "golden keys" that will help open many enchanted doors: to understand one's own fate, and the fate of loved ones and relatives, the fate of one's children. They will save you from mistakes and help you harmonize the world.

Index of female names

Augustine (Greek "majestic, sacred")

Stubborn and selfish. These qualities are manifested in them almost from the cradle. She is a little bastard. If she has planned something, she will do it out of spite, even knowing that she is threatened with punishment. Often sick during childhood.

The desire to achieve her own at any cost is also characteristic of adult Augustine. This is a woman with an offensive demeanor: she likes to impose her opinion on others and behaves as if she was created for some great mission. touchy; having quarreled, he can pout for a long time and not talk. Very wasteful.

"Winter" is a particularly emotional person. She enters into an argument, but does not know how to listen to the interlocutor. The discussion for her turns into an exclusively own monologue.

"Autumn" is different. This is a balanced, calm, "home" woman, a little lazy and sickly. She is cautious in her actions and restrained in assessing her own merits. Knows how to control himself and is not inclined to seek adventure.

Aurora (in Roman mythology "goddess of the dawn")

Aurora is a complex, unpredictable person. In early childhood, this baby gives a lot of trouble to both parents and caregivers. She is irritable, capricious and stubborn. Outwardly similar to her father, in character - to her mother. exposed colds. Vulnerable nervous system. She studies well, she is attracted by music, dancing, reading. Growing up, remains persistent and stubborn. Aurora gets things done. She has an extraordinary mind, and she dresses outside the box. Favorite colors: purple, brown and blue.

"Winter" - sometimes she never gets married, because she is prone to being too high self-esteem. Natural talent makes her strive to shine in society at any cost. Spender. Likes to travel.

"Autumn" - reasonable and does not commit rash acts. There will be no surprises in her life - she will calculate everything in advance. Patient and sensitive. Married quite happily. In the family, he strives to lead, but at work, on the contrary, he prefers to stay in the background. She doesn't tend to boast.

"Summer" - nature is carried away, romantic. She loves poetry and often writes poetry herself.

Agatha ( Agafya ) (Greek "kind, good")

Her character is by no means as soft as one might assume, judging by the translation of the name. She is persistent and firm in her desires. He does not like to cry and complain about life, strives for independence. Usually restrained, able to hide both joy and sorrow, it is difficult to determine by external manifestations what feelings she has. The peculiarity of Agatha is love for her own hearth, the desire to equip a house, to build a cozy nest. She goes to someone else's house with obvious displeasure, preferring to receive guests at her place.

"Yanvarskaya" is not emotional in a winter way, her emotions are literally written on her face. However, a stormy temperament often serves as a protective mask designed to hide indecision and doubt.

"February" - difficult to communicate. It is difficult to be friends with her because of her excessive straightforwardness and intransigence. These qualities often cause family troubles.

Its character is difficult to characterize in in general terms. For her, the combination of first name, patronymic and date of birth is especially important. Therefore, some Agates are open to the world, observant and receptive. Others, on the contrary, are indifferent to others, they are only interested in their own state.

Agnes (Greek "sheep", Latin "immaculate, chaste")

Lively, kind and brave girl. Being a baby without shyness, she performs in front of guests with pleasure. She studies well at school, especially mathematics and Russian are given to her. He goes in for sports, but without noticeable results. She is a leader among her peers. Honest, principled and fair, often enters into an argument to prove her point. Very dedicated to work and cause. With age, her character almost does not change, except that she becomes more accommodating. Sometimes they never get married. But a married woman is a hospitable and hospitable hostess. This woman is very perceptive, it is difficult to mislead her. If she convicts someone of deceit, she will break off all relations with such a person. Inner world hers is lofty and bright.

"Summer" - capable of self-sacrifice.

Agnia (others - Russian “immaculate”, Sanskrit “fiery”)

Usually the best student, she is always set as an example to others. Outwardly similar to the mother. Homebody. He is fond of symphonic music, reads a lot. It has a refined taste.

A woman with this name is very principled, with a complex character. She is very talented, pragmatic and prudent in her actions, does nothing without thinking. This is a nature with a rich spiritual world, subtle and sensitive. With her presence, this woman can decorate any society. She is a wonderful storyteller, hospitable and sociable. Quickly converges with people, but parting with them is not easy.

"Winter" - with a controversial character, a debater, likes to insist on her own. In her personal life, she is often unlucky. It may happen that in her declining years she will be very lonely. In old age, she gets sick a lot, especially her heart and legs are worried.

Boris Higir

Male patronymics
Women's patronymics
Grooms about brides
Brides about grooms
Your name and business.
"Difficult people" and compatibility in the team
Characteristics of some well-known politicians and pop stars
(Berezovsky B.A., Putin V.V., Yeltsin B.N., Gazmanov O., Pugacheva A.B., and many others)

When I say your name
I want to yawn, miss, grumble,
While other names
When you say them, they open
Quite different doors of our feelings...

W. Shakespeare. Much ado about nothing


The name of a person carries a lot of information. It gives answers to numerous questions that concern not only parents, teachers, but the whole society. In what profession will the natural inclinations of the future citizen be most fully revealed? How will his relationship in the family develop? How will he raise his children? What negative character traits need to be softened, muffled by education, and what positive ones, on the contrary, should be singled out and developed?
Try to take the name as a guideline in your relationships with other people - and you will see what unexpected horizons will open up for you, how many problems will be removed.
Since ancient times, mankind has been reverent about the name. As a rule, it testified to the purpose of the newborn, and, giving a name, counted on the patronage and protection of God. In Islam, all ninety-nine epithets glorifying God serve as names. The source of many names that are still used today is the Bible. So, the virtues pleasing to God - love, meekness, patience - were expressed in the names Galina ("quiet") or Irina "peacemaker"), and in the name Isaiah, which literally means "may God save you", was embodied hope for the support of the Almighty. The mother of Jesus Christ, the long-awaited child of the elderly Joachim (“spell”) and Anna (“grace”), is called by a special name Mary, which means “exalted”, “exalted” or “lady”.
As one of the researchers of biblical names father Alexander Mumrikov points out (Science and Religion. 1994. N 8. P. 61), the significance of a person in ancient society increased according to his “renown”. If the name did not contain the idea of ​​patronage, its bearer was considered ignorant by genealogy or even insignificant and did not enjoy respect. Several names were given to an important person, called to perform as many glorious deeds as he has names. This custom is partially preserved in the Catholic Church, where a person often has three names given at birth, at baptism in childhood and at chrismation to enter the world with the grace of the Holy Spirit. In Japan, some noble and especially distinguished people still have up to thirty names, receiving them one after another, for example, as they change professions.
The name is an integral part of the personality. "To touch" a name means to touch a person. The "Second Book of Kings" tells about the census, which was perceived as the enslavement of the individual - through the promulgation of the secret name. The change of the name radically changed the social status of a person or meant the loss of his independence. But in special cases, the name was changed according to the instructions from above, this was a sign of the Divine mission. Giving the apostle Simon (“hearing”) the name Peter (“stone”), Jesus Christ entrusted him with the duty to become the foundation, the stone of the Church under construction, created a spiritual man from a carnal man (Matt., 16, 18).
The research I have conducted convincingly testifies that the brilliant guesses of the ancients about the fateful meaning of the name are not at all a trifle, not a historical rudiment. The name, of course, affects the personality, predetermining its psychological characteristics.
Even in my youth, I noticed that people with the same names have in many ways similar characters. About fifteen years ago, leaving the main profession, I completely went into the study of the issue that occupied me. I read a lot of literature, studied thousands of people with different names, until I was convinced that the character of a person really depends on the name.
In this book you will find my advice on choosing a name for a child - questions of this kind I most often hear during my speeches and meet in my mail.
From early childhood and throughout life, a person does not hear a single word as often as his name. Parents want the name to sound beautiful (although everything is very relative here, because what is beautiful from the point of view of one is sometimes unattractive for another), so that with its meaning it already endows the baby with positive qualities in advance (for example, Alexander - "courageous defender" or Valentina - "healthy, strong"). Sometimes a child is named according to family tradition, sometimes - in memory or in honor of a dear person.
In the 18th century there was no family where Catherine was not. According to the parents of numerous Catherines, their daughters, having received such a name as a gift, should have at least somewhat become like Mother Catherine the Great. Belief in the power of names is preserved, albeit not to the same extent, even now. In any case, it is rare that parents will call their baby the first name that comes across. “Recognizing a name as an empty sign, a shadow of shadows, an all-powerful insignificance and a conditional nickname, and at the same time bringing this insignificance in the fullness of tender feelings, as the first gift to a baby who has delighted with its birth, is psychologically absolutely impossible,” wrote P. Florensky. There are times when people turn to me with a request to help change the name of a child, because the baby is experiencing internal discomfort, he has an unstable nervous system, and unreasonable irritability. I willingly help those who wish to choose a different name, and after a while the character of a person gradually changes, adults have a personal life. You should not dramatize the events if you have already named the child, the concern may be in vain, but in order to avoid trouble, think carefully before making a decision.
As my further observations showed, the character depends not only on the name. It is important, it turns out, at what time of the year a person was born and what patronymic he wears. There is a certain pattern: people with one name and patronymic are impressed by others with certain names and patronymics. Some names and patronymics simply irritate them. Indeed, each name and patronymic are sound stimuli that in one way or another excite a certain part of the brain. This is, to some extent, the attraction of each person to each other or, conversely, their repulsion. Such sound vibrations are imperceptible, but are clearly reflected in the character of a person and even in his appearance. Some sounds are pleasing to our ears for reasons we do not understand, while others are unpleasant to us. If the name is consonant with those names of people whom we know and love well, then against our will there is sympathy for such a person, and vice versa. That is why we often hear: "I did not find my betrothed, we did not agree on the characters." And there were extremely few chances to get along in character, because this was originally inherent in the sound of the names and patronymics of each of the partners.
Using such a simple method as characterizing a person by name, patronymic and month of birth, it is possible, in principle, to determine the psychological type of a person, to predict behavior in certain situations. Both the strength of the family union and the success of entrepreneurship depend on psychological compatibility.
This book will become a kind of guide for you. Use it when in doubt. Remember, choosing a name is a very serious matter. It largely determines the fate of the person who came into this world. It is up to you to make her happy.

Alexander - "courageous defender" (gr.).
He is always decisive, smart, witty and sociable. But often he is quick-tempered, impudent, sharp, does not respect the boundaries of decency. Whoever tries to influence him from a position of strength, let him not count on success.

Upon learning that my daughter's name is the same as mine, Boris Khigir was terribly indignant: “Rename it immediately! Naming a child by its own name means constantly conflicting with it. And condemn to big problems with health".

The hero of this material has a reverent attitude towards the CHOICE of a name. One of the leading specialists in onomastics in our country (a section of linguistics that studies proper names) is convinced that a name is not just a set of sounds. The initials of each of us contain a coded program of our life and our destiny.

flour sound

Boris Khigir drew attention to a STRANGE regularity in his youth. Many of his acquaintances with the same names had not only similar characters, but also the same problems with health. Today, my interlocutor has no doubts: the well-being of a person and his name are really connected. Proof of that - fundamental research, which he spent, shoveling hundreds of personal files in police stations, clinics and family consultations.

The researcher himself explains the essence of this phenomenon quite simply: it's all about a special combination of sounds, certain vibrations that act on our brain in a certain way. Each name has its own set of sounds of different heights and timbres, and different stimuli, as you know, excite the parts of the brain responsible for the work of a particular organ.

Among those who are predisposed to pulmonary diseases, for example, Natalia, Vladimir, Yana, Alexei, Alexandra are most often found. Neurotic people were most noticed among Nikolaev, Dmitriev, Igorey, Yekaterin, Anzhel, Tamar. Diseases of the cardiovascular system haunt the owners of such names as Olga, Zoya, Arkady, Boris, Valentin, Yuri, gastrointestinal tract- people with the names Nina, Inga, Alena (not to be confused with Elena), Daria, Anatoly, Victor.

Son for father

But what about the individuality of each of us? After all, Zoya, Arkadiev, Viktorov, Anatoliev - thousands, and they are all different, you will be indignant. And you will certainly be right. Our name is half the battle. The main thing, Khigir believes, is that it should be combined with our patronymic, which carries a certain program, a gene code that is passed down from generation to generation. Any incompatibility leads to internal disharmony, distortion of the sound range. And, ultimately, to the disharmony of the physical and intellectual development a "misnamed" person. Boris Yuryevich is convinced that when choosing a name for your child, this cannot be ignored.

And also - the time of the year in which he was born. Those who were born in March, for example, should be given "strong" names. Such as Edward, Konstantin, Vladlen, Stanislav. Why? Yes, because they are born weak and frail: the vast majority of women in labor in March suffer from beriberi. But hard names, according to Boris Yuryevich, who are distinguished by a tough temper and an unbalanced psyche, are contraindicated for “winter” children. Those born in December, January and February should be given soft, melodious names so as not to aggravate the negative traits of their character and neurological problems inherent in nature itself. The wrong name for such children, Khigir believes, can be fatal.

Mom, call me back!

A NEW name is sometimes a real salvation. In the memory of the researcher, there are many examples when a change of name literally transformed the life of the newly minted Natalia, Konstantinov, Dmitriev, Svetlan.

- I am often asked to help change the name of the child.

The reasons, as a rule, are the same: a difficult character, internal discomfort, increased excitability and poor health of the “wrongly” named baby.

Higir refuses no one. Sometimes it takes him two weeks to come up with a new name. The result has never disappointed either the master himself or his wards. Some time after the name change, according to Boris Yuryevich, a completely different person appeared before him! The way it happened, for example, with 8-year-old Nana (formerly Dasha). Until she was renamed, she was a real hedgehog: neurotic, uncontrollable, prickly. It came down to a visit to a child psychiatrist. Having become Nana on the advice of Higira (for whom her parents applied), the girl was transformed. It became softer, calmer. There is no trace of yesterday's problems.

Among those whom my interlocutor helped to find a new “I”, there are many people who have long since left their tender age. True, in this case, the new name does not bring dramatic changes into the life of the newly named one: the heavy burden of life experience affects.

No, no, not that!

CONCLUSION suggests itself. The sooner you take care of suitable name, all the better. That's just how? What to be guided by when choosing it? The desire to perpetuate the name of a close relative? Fashion?

“Neither one nor the other,” says Khigir. - In choosing a name, the main thing is harmony. Before giving a name to a child, remember what patronymic name he will have to bear. Harmonious sound occurs if the stress in the name and patronymic falls on the same syllable, so that there is no heap of consonants or vowels at their junction. For example: Alexander Vladimirovich, Alexei Mikhailovich. Say these combinations out loud and you will immediately feel the difference with other, less successful options: Stepan Igorevich, Dmitry Stanislavovich.

Make sure the name is easy to pronounce and easy to remember. Avoid hard-to-pronounce, weird names. In the future, they can cause numerous complexes in your child (which, of course, will not add to his health).

You should not name the baby in honor of deceased relatives (brother, sister, grandmother, grandfather). Especially if their fate was tragic. People have long noticed that the life of such children is not very happy. About this and one of the many letters addressed to our "hero" (they come to him from everywhere). Its author (a 40-year-old woman) writes about the strange collisions that haunt her son after her husband decided to name him Vyacheslav in honor of his tragically deceased brother: “Misfortunes began to haunt her son immediately. At first there was a severe birth trauma, defeat nervous system. At the age of three he developed allergies, at four he fell into kindergarten and suffered a severe concussion. And that is not all".

Ivan Ivanovich

THE SAME applies to the dangerous, from Higir's point of view, tendency to name children after moms and dads (especially if we are talking about boys). The same name and patronymic, he believes, give the character of the child instability, increased emotionality, excessive irritability, a tendency to depression and breakdowns. According to the laws of genetics, children already inherit a lot from their parents. So is it worth aggravating negative heredity?

Don't call girls by masculine names

A LOT of dangers lie in wait for the "wrongly" named girls. Be careful naming your daughters male origin: Alexandra, Anatolia, Evgenia, Daria (from the male Darius), Valentina.

It has been noticed: the owners of such names often form a rather complex, downright male character. Some of them are deprived of tenderness, femininity, which can subsequently greatly affect their personal lives, lead to sexual disorders and mental disorders.

Don't lisp

Boris Yuryevich doesn’t even advise lisping with a child: calling your beloved child diminutive names means confusing the formation of his inner “I” (after all, they will not always be Sanya and Alena). Since ancient times, mankind has been reverent about the name. It wasn't just given. Initials carry a lot of information. Try to keep it with a plus sign.

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