Home Flowers Day in kindergarten in the nursery group. Getting ready for the garden. Daily routine for the nursery group. Morning reception for children

Day in kindergarten in the nursery group. Getting ready for the garden. Daily routine for the nursery group. Morning reception for children

By daily routine we mean specific activity V certain time days. Its main goal is to balance the time of active and passive activity, eating and sleeping. Children's stay in kindergarten is subject to a certain daily routine (regime). We’ll talk about how time is distributed in kindergarten and what benefits a child has if he follows a routine or routine.

The daily routine in different preschool institutions may differ. However there is general rules What unites them all is the mandatory inclusion of meals, activities, games, walks and sleep. They are held at specific hours, and a certain amount of time is allocated for them. The approximate daily routine for kindergarten consists of: the following types activities:

  • An hour is allotted for the reception of children, after which morning work-out and breakfast;
  • then classes are held (comprehensive or thematic);
  • if the weather permits - a walk, games fresh air;
  • dinner;
  • preparation for daytime sleep;
  • quiet hour followed by afternoon tea;
  • games, entertainment, activities, getting ready for a walk;
  • Often parents take their children home straight from the street.
So that the child does not experience stressful conditions during the initial period of visiting preschool, parents should familiarize themselves with the daily routine there and try to prepare their baby for it in advance.

This is what a child gets by following a certain daily routine:

  • timely meals, mandatory walks in the fresh air, sufficient time to sleep - all this makes the baby healthy, cheerful and joyful;
  • strengthening the immune system (the body itself, at the subconscious level, prepares for one or another type of activity at a certain time, so the appetite becomes good and sleep is deep);
  • children whose lives are subject to an established regime have the opportunity to avoid surprises and fuss, they become more self-confident and calmer;
  • the regime develops self-discipline.


In ordinary preschool institutions, three meals a day are provided (breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack). In many private kindergartens, these meals are supplemented with a second breakfast (the menu of which most often includes fruits or juices) and dinner (for children who stay overnight).

In kindergarten, a menu layout for kids is drawn up for a week so that parents can see in advance what their children will be fed on a given day. It must include:

  • meat and fish,
  • cereals and dairy products,
  • vegetables and fruits,
  • bakery products.
  • A medical professional takes part in creating the menu. kindergarten.


The full upbringing and development of children in kindergarten involves not only the regime and balanced diet, but also different types classes, the schedule of which includes:

  • fine arts and sculpting,
  • physical education and music,
  • speech development and mathematics.

The lion's share of them is carried out in a group under the guidance of a teacher (musical - with the participation of a music worker). The time allocated in kindergarten for a specific type of activity should not exceed 30 minutes per day. senior group, and 10-15 - in the nursery. Classes in a preschool institution can be conducted in three main forms:

  • a game;
  • direct educational activities (the so-called GCD);
  • practical and substantive work.

The main goal of any type of activity is to develop the child’s independence and curiosity, his ability to work in a team.


In any type of kindergarten, a mandatory component of the daily routine is a daytime nap, which we used to call “quiet hour.” Its duration is two to three hours. Even those children whose parents allow them to give it up at home quickly get used to the idea that in kindergarten they have to go to bed at a certain time and, even if not sleep, then at least lie quietly.

Long-term studies confirm that at least until the age of six, a child’s body simply needs two hours of daily rest for normal development. By the age of seven or eight, he himself gradually adjusts to only night (monophasic) sleep.

Unfortunately, some parents violate the established kindergarten routine on weekends. And many children who do not attend preschool are completely deprived of daytime rest. This often results in...

Lyubov Puchkova
Daily routine in kindergarten

Organization regime in kindergarten.

Software solution educational objectives is decided not only within the framework of continuous educational activities, but also during regime moments.

Basic regime moments:

Proposed organization design regime moments is based on the idea of ​​organizing the everyday activities of children as a condition for the formation of their general culture and development personal qualities. Based on this, in mode We will highlight the following days regime moments:

Morning reception.

Morning exercises.

Catering (breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner).

Organization of a walk.

Organization of sleep.

Going home.


Free games, independent activities,

educational games,

individual work with children.


Hand washing, washing with cool water before eating


Interaction with teachers and specialists, games and motor warm-ups between classes.


Speech development;

Social and communicative development;

Cognitive development;

Artistic and aesthetic development;

Physical development.


Table setting, eating, developing table etiquette



Hand washing, washing after a walk. Table setting, eating,

development of a culture of behavior during meals.


"Dining duty". Develop labor skills and abilities, the ability to see disorder. Cultivate a desire to work for the benefit of others.


relaxation, use of elements of music therapy and fairy tale therapy


Gymnastics after sleep, walking on tactile paths, hardening

Setting the table, eating, developing table manners

Games, independent and organized children's activities


Outdoor games (running, jumping, games to develop communication skills and cognitive sphere.


Hand washing, washing after a walk. Independent activity children.


Outdoor games, independent and organized children's activities. Going home.

Publications on the topic:

Consultation “Day regimen in a preschool educational institution: pros and cons” It's no secret that proper distribution of time for sleep, rest, and eating contributes to the normal functioning of all organs.

Report at the teachers’ council “Children’s daily routine in kindergarten: schedule of classes, sleep, meals” REPORT on ped. advice on the topic: “A child’s daily routine in kindergarten: schedule of classes, sleep, nutrition” Contents 1. Why it should be followed.

We need different games, all kinds of games are important! In our senior group "Dolphin", which is in kindergarten " gold fish", children don't get bored! Kids love.

Consultation for parents “Daily routine at home” Consultation for parents in kindergarten. Daily routine at home Dear parents, great importance for health and physical development.

Consultation for parents “Child’s daily routine” A little about the regime You've probably noticed how incorrectly some people behave: they're always in a hurry, they don't go to bed on time.

Consultation for parents in kindergarten “Daily routine at home” Dear parents, the daily routine not only in a preschool institution, but also at home is of great importance for the health and physical development of children.

Presentation “Day routine” Preschooler's daily routine: Breakfast, which should also be varied. Get your baby's attention interesting stories about proper nutrition.

The routine in kindergarten is the same for all children. Therefore, if at home you are used to sleeping until lunch, not putting your child to bed and eating whenever you want, then before entering a preschool institution you need to bring your home daily routine as close as possible to the routine in kindergarten. This will help the child during the adaptation period.

Usually three-year-olds easily tolerate it. At this age, they are ready to communicate with their peers and other adults and gain new knowledge. Being raised at home, the child does not receive the necessary social communication. In addition, in kindergarten classes with the child are conducted according to special program, corresponding to his age characteristics.

In a group of peers, it is much easier for a child to learn to communicate or gain self-service skills by looking at other children. And in order for your child to endure the adaptation period even easier, you need to accustom him to the regime within 2-3 months. It is very difficult to maintain a rigid daily routine at home. And in kindergarten it is built optimally for little man and contributes to his physiological and psychological development.

The regime in different kindergartens may differ, but its principle is the same everywhere.

Approximate daily routine in kindergarten

Meals and sleep remain constant in the daily routine. The walk depends on weather conditions and time of year. If the weather is bad, games or activities are held at this time. Some kindergartens also have a second breakfast.

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Requirements for the daily routine in kindergarten according to SanPiN

Children are provided with four meals a day at the group premises. The interval between meals is no more than 4 hours. For more information about diet, diet and menu, see.

A walk is organized 2 times a day: in the first half of the day and after sleep, which is a total of 3 - 4 hours. At temperatures below -15°C and wind speeds of more than 7 m/s, the duration of the walk is reduced.

Daytime sleep for children from 3 to 7 years old is 2 - 2.5 hours. During nap time, the presence of a teacher in the bedroom is mandatory. Before going to bed, it is not recommended to conduct active and emotional games and activities.

Independent activity of children 3–7 years old should take at least 3–4 hours a day. This includes preparation for educational activities, personal hygiene.

All rooms must be ventilated daily. Through ventilation is carried out at least 10 minutes every 1.5 hours in the absence of children, 30 minutes before they arrive from a walk or activity. In the presence of children, ventilation is permissible only in the warm season without a draft. When ventilating, the air temperature should not drop by more than 2-4°C.

Bed linen is changed at least once a week.

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Organization of classes

Required for harmonious development The child’s daily routine, according to SanPiN, includes developmental activities, which subsequently serve.

Classes in kindergarten are conducted in the main areas:

  • musical;
  • physical training;
  • classes to develop fine motor skills;
  • speech development classes;
  • introduction to basic mathematical knowledge.

Activities that require increased cognitive activity and mental stress of children are held in the first half of the day and alternate with physical education and music classes to avoid overworking the child.

Continuous Duration educational lesson preschooler does not exceed:

  • 10 minutes for children 3 - 4 years old (younger group);
  • 15 minutes for children 4 - 5 years old (middle group);
  • 20 minutes for children 5 - 6 years old (older group);
  • 30 minutes for children 6 - 7 years old (preparatory group).

No more than 3 classes are held per day. Breaks between classes are at least 10 minutes.

Physical development classes

Classes on physical development are held at least 3 times a week. Their duration ranges from 15 to 30 minutes depending on age group. In summer, such activities are recommended to be carried out outdoors.

In addition to physical development classes, other forms of physical activity are used: morning exercises, physical exercises, outdoor games, in some kindergartens - exercise classes, swimming, etc.

Morning reception for children

Reception of children must be carried out by teachers and (or) medical workers. Identified sick children or children with suspected illness are not accepted. If a child falls ill during the day, he is isolated from healthy children (placed in a medical room) until the parents arrive or are hospitalized, with the parents informed.

Most kindergartens have a 12-hour day (from seven in the morning to seven in the evening). This allows parents to free up time for work, and children to receive full-fledged preschool training.

The daily routine is a thoughtful alternation of such routine moments as nutrition, play activities, rest, and educational activities. This alternation gives children the opportunity not only to gain new knowledge, but also to have time to rest.


The day in kindergarten begins with the reception of children. It is the morning time that is important for general mood groups. The teacher’s task in the morning is to find out in what mood the children came to kindergarten. For quick monitoring, you can use so-called “mood screens”. This will allow the teacher to understand exactly how to build communication with a particular child.

Exercise is a mandatory element of physical activity. As a rule, it is carried out before breakfast. Thanks to exercise, the baby's body prepares for the day's activity. This is also facilitated by the obligatory musical accompaniment.

Breakfast is the first meal in kindergarten. From the age of 4, children help on the table. This promotes the development of self-care skills and responsibility.

Educational activities take place in children in the form of classes. Depending on age, they last from 7 to 25 minutes. The game form allows you to well assimilate new knowledge. Classes are held in the first half of the day after breakfast and at evening time after afternoon tea.

Kindergarten teachers integrate educational material into other types of activities. In this way, preschoolers learn the material better and acquire new skills.


A walk is a mandatory routine in kindergarten. Movement in the fresh air gives children relaxation. In addition, various types of outdoor games are held during the walk, which enriches the physical activity of children.

After a day's walk, which lasts 1-1.5 hours, preschoolers have lunch. For lunch, children are offered salad, first, second and third courses. Full lunch allows the child’s body to restore the calories spent during the first half of the day.

An important routine moment in the daily routine in kindergarten is sleep. Children are put to bed from 13.00. Rise - at 15.00. This break helps children relax and prepare for evening activities.

If a child does not sleep during nap time, teachers offer him to lie quietly in his crib. It also gives the body a chance to rest.


After a nap, children receive an afternoon snack. A light snack helps children not feel hungry until dinner. In addition, during the afternoon snack, children’s bodies finally wake up.

The educational block in the evening consists of light classes (construction, reading fiction etc.). Advantage game form carrying out is preserved.

Dinner is held at 17.00. After it, parents can pick up their kids from kindergarten. Those children whose parents work longer stay with teachers until 19.00.

Daily routine and menu nursery group kindergarten

Growing up, kids gradually join in adult life, the laws of which are sometimes very different from carefree pastime at home. Of course, having plunged into the world of kindergarten, it will be difficult for a child to immediately accept and understand the rhythm of his life. Therefore, if you know for sure that after a few months your baby will be going out into the world, try to gradually and very gently introduce her to nursery mode day and maybe even make some adjustments to your usual home schedule.
Mode for a nursery group for children (1.5 -2 years)

8:00 morning exercises (running, jumping, games).
8:10-8:40 breakfast, which the guys are offered curd soufflé and casseroles (1-2 times a week) milk kazhi, steam omelette or egg porridge with salad from fresh vegetables, warm drink.

9:10-9:20 and 9:20-9:30 classes aimed at the diversified development of the child: music, physical education, dancing, sensory skills with elements of mathematics, drawing, modeling, knowledge of the surrounding world, speech development. In this case, two activities should not overlap or repeat each other, so as not to tire the child. It is optimal when classes to develop thinking, imagination, and speech are replaced by fast and active games, dancing, and physical exercises.

9:30-11:30 walk. Outdoor games.

11:30-12:00 lunch. At this time, pureed, steamed vegetarian soups for children meat dishes(meatballs, cutlets) or boiled fish, side dishes in the form of cereal dishes or mashed potatoes, fresh vegetable salads (daily). For the third course every day, children receive fortified drinks (compote, jelly).

12:15-15:00 nap.

15:00-15:30 gradual rise, carrying out hygiene and health measures (light warm-up).

15:30-15:45 afternoon snack, which may consist of a drink (milk, kefir, barley coffee drink0 and flour product(loaf with butter or jam, waffles, cookies).

15:45-16:45 time of active wakefulness. During this period, classes are held on the diversified development of the child, but they in no way repeat the morning ones. For example, if in the morning there was drawing and dancing, then in the evening you can sing songs or do modeling.

16:45-17:15 dinner. For which children are offered milk porridge, pureed vegetable dishes, egg omelet with fresh vegetable salad, etc.

17:15 walk, active games, reading fairy tales and just chatting in a pleasant and friendly company.

At the same time, dinner in kindergarten should not be the last meal of the day. daily diet baby, and in the evening (19:00-20:00) at home the child must be fed a homemade dinner. It is best if vegetable dishes serve as the evening meal: stew from a mixture of vegetables, braised cabbage, carrot or beet caviar, vegetable casserole, cottage cheese soufflé and puddings or milk porridge. Perfect addition to this healthy meal dairy products(kefir, curdled milk, fermented baked milk), fresh fruits and juices, the abundance of which, unfortunately, the menu of kindergartens cannot boast of.

Deciding on the main kindergarten dishes is a task of increased complexity, since all the “basic” ones are collected in a thick book called “Collection of recipes for dishes for early and school age"and their number exceeds well over a thousand. The management, nutritionist and cook of each individual preschool institution are free to choose from this list those dishes whose recipe corresponds to the kindergarten's food supplies and optimally satisfies the needs and, of course, the taste requirements of the children. Practice shows that that the set of “favorite" dishes in kindergartens may differ markedly. However, do not be alarmed, because a salad of tomatoes and cucumbers, mashed potatoes, vegetarian borscht and steamed meat cutlet, which your baby is used to at home, occupy worthy place on the menu in almost all kindergartens.

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