Home Perennial flowers What to do when you're on edge. Suhoor and Iftar (morning and evening meals). What is advisable to do during fasting

What to do when you're on edge. Suhoor and Iftar (morning and evening meals). What is advisable to do during fasting

Ramadan: What is possible and what is not? Rules, conditions, prohibitions

18:00 25.06.2014

To observe fasting there are only two instructions and three necessary conditions, but there are a lot of interpretations, and it is often difficult for the fasting person to understand. “Russia for Everyone” has collected all the rules and prohibitions in order to figure out which circumstances can break the fast and which cannot.

To observe fasting in the month of Ramadan, there are only two instructions and three necessary conditions, but there are many interpretations of them, and it is often not easy for the fasting person to understand them. The Internet portal “Russia for Everyone” has collected all the rules, prohibitions and conditions in one material in order to understand what is possible and what is not, and what circumstances can break the fast and what cannot.

There are two requirements for fasting:

  1. Intention (Niyat).
  2. The fasting person should have sincere intention fast in your heart for the sake of Allah. It can be expressed in words like this:
    Navyaytu an asuuma sawma shahri Ramadan min al-fajri ilal-maghribi haalisan lillayahi ta'aala, which translated means: “I intend to fast the month of Ramadan from dawn to sunset sincerely for the sake of Allah Almighty.”

  3. Abstaining from eating and other things. During Lent (from the beginning of time morning prayer(dawn) until sunset) you must completely abstain from eating, drinking, inhaling tobacco smoke, sexual intercourse in daytime days.

In addition, there are three conditions under which a Muslim can fast. If at least one of them does not correspond, he is prohibited from fasting:

  1. the person must be an adult (according to Sharia);
  2. the person must be of sound mind, that is, not mentally ill;
  3. the person must be able to fast and not be sick.

“Fast and you will be healthy”

Who is exempt from fasting?

  1. Travelers on a long journey. A traveler can be considered one who is far from his place of residence at a distance of 90 km or more and is in his place of stay for less than 15 days. If this person does not find it difficult to fast, then he can fast if he wishes. There are no regulations in Islam that travelers must not fast.
  2. Sick. Fasting during illness can harm the health of the fasting person and contribute to the deterioration of his condition, which is prohibited in Islam.
  3. Women during menstruation and postpartum cleansing.
  4. Pregnant and breastfeeding women who fear for the health of their child or themselves.
  5. Elderly people who are unable to fast or are terminally ill. This category of believers must make a donation for each missed day of fasting in the amount of fidiyah sadaqa. However, if in the future a person has the strength and opportunity to fast, then the missed days should be made up, in which case these donations will be considered voluntary (nafil) sadaka. Fidiyah sadaqa is a donation, the amount of which is considered sufficient to feed one poor person twice a day.

“O you who believe, fasting is prescribed for you, as it was prescribed for those before you. Perhaps you will fear God."

What breaks the fast?

Circumstances that break the fast and require atonement (kaffara):

  1. Intentional smoking, ingestion of food, liquids, medicines and anything that is suitable for consumption.
  2. Intentional marital intimacy.

Circumstances that break the fast and require compensation:

  1. Penetration of drugs into the body through the nose and ears;
  2. Using an enema;
  3. Intentionally inducing vomiting;
  4. Beginning of menstruation or postpartum period;
  5. Water entering the nasopharynx during ablution (taharat, ghusl).

“Fasting is Mine, and I reward it”

What does not break the fast?

  1. I ate or drank, forgetting about fasting.
  2. If a person, having forgotten about fasting, ate or drank something, but, remembering, stopped eating and continued fasting. The hadith says: “Whoever, out of forgetfulness, begins to drink or eat, completes (continues) fasting (on this day). Verily, it was the Almighty who fed and watered him” (al-Bukhari, Muslim, at-Tirmidhi, Abu Dawood).
  3. Taking a shower.
  4. Commitment complete ablution or taking a shower, as well as a short stay in the bathhouse, does not in any way break the fast.
  5. Food tasting.
  6. Tasting food, provided that the fasting person does not swallow it, also does not break the fast.
  7. Rinsing the mouth and rinsing the nose.
  8. Rinsing the mouth and rinsing the nose, as well as absorbing (swallowed?) the remaining moisture with saliva after rinsing the mouth do not break the fast.
  9. Dropping medicine into the eyes, tinting the eyes with antimony.
  10. Swallowing food residue left between the teeth if its size is less than a pea.
  11. Cleaning teeth with miswak and brush.
  12. Blood donation, bloodletting.
  13. Inhaling incense.
  14. Involuntary release of sperm.
  15. Small amount of vomiting.
  16. It's about about involuntary vomiting, spontaneous return of part of the vomit back to the stomach, or deliberate induction of vomiting without filling the cavity with it.

During the month of Ramadan, fasting people eat only twice: in the morning (“Suhoor”) and in the evening (“Iftar”).


Suhur is the time before dawn, intended for eating before the time of fasting.

Eating must be completed before the first signs of dawn approaching. As with any meal, it is not recommended to overeat during Suhoor, but you should eat enough to gain strength for the whole day of fasting.

“Eat before dawn! Truly, in Suhoor there is grace!”

(al-Bukhari, Muslim, an-Nasai, at-Tirmidhi)


Iftar (breaking the fast) - evening reception food at the end of the day's fast (at sunset). Believers, fasting throughout the day, thank the Almighty for the opportunity to benefit from His bounties during the month of Ramadan and turn to Him with a prayer for Him to accept their fast and forgive the mistakes they have made through knowledge and ignorance:

Allahumma lakya sumtu wa bikya aamantu wa ‘alaikya tavyakkyaltu wa ‘alaya rizkykya aftartu fagfirliyi yaya gaffaaru maa kaddamtu wa maa akhhartu, which translated means: “O Allah, for Your sake I fasted, in You I believed, in You I relied. Make breaking the fast what You have given me. Forgive me, O Forgiver, those sins that were previously and future ones.”

It is not advisable to delay eating until later.

What is Tarawih?

Tarawih prayer is an obligatory (muakkyada) sunnah (meaning that abstaining from it is very undesirable for a Muslim).

« Whoever stands up for prayer in the month of Ramadan with faith [in its significance] and expectation of reward [for it only from the Lord], his previous sins will be forgiven."

The time for performing the Tarawih prayer begins after the night prayer (Isha) and lasts until dawn. This prayer is performed every day throughout the month of Ramadan (the month of obligatory fasting). The Witr prayer (performed after the night prayer) these days is performed after the Tarawih prayer.

It is highly advisable to perform this prayer together with other believers (jama'at) in the mosque, although it is also permissible to perform it individually. If a person was unable to perform the Tarawih prayer before its expiration, then there is no need to make up for it.

Fasting according to Mecca time

IN summer time in some countries, the time between dawn and sunset can be up to 19 hours or more, which, especially in hot weather, makes it somewhat difficult to avoid food and, above all, water. However, there is one relaxation in this regard, since “Muslim canonical injunctions do not aim to subject the believer to torment, to bring him difficulties, to oppress,” say theologians. After all, life and health are of paramount importance in Islam.

In this regard, those who find it difficult to fast due to too long daylight hours in the place where a person is located can fast according to the time of Mecca, the Umma website Shamil Alyautdinov writes about this and quotes the words of the famous Egyptian scientist Ali Juma, who was asked a similar question

“Considering that in some states the days are long, extending far beyond the borders average duration day (12 hours), for example, reaching 19 hours, which leads to a serious burden on Muslims in the matter of fasting (creates unbearable difficulties for them), we believe that local communities (imams, muftis of these regions) should determine for themselves the average duration of the day day, using the fasting schedule of the nearest areas, where the day length is moderate, or focusing on the Meccan or Medina schedule, that is, according to the time of those areas where Muslim legislation was formed,” the theologian answered.

Therefore, if a person feels physical difficulties, which, as the resource cites, becomes obvious on the third day of Ramadan, then he can morning reception produce food according to, for example, Moscow time, and break the fast according to Meccan time.

Yulia Shapko

Reading time: 7 minutes


During holy month Muslim calendar, which is called Ramadan in Arabic, or Ramazan in Turkish, Muslims are required to observe strict fasting - limit yourself in drinking, eating and intimacy.

Following the rules of Ramadan, mature people give up their passions. This is how they cleanse themselves of negativity.

The fast ends with the great holiday of Uraza Bayram.

Features and traditions of Ramadan fasting - what are iftar and suhur?

Posting believers test their strength human spirit . Compliance with the rules of Ramadan makes a person reflect on his lifestyle and helps determine the main values ​​in life.

During Ramadan, a Muslim must limit yourself not only in food, but also carnal satisfaction of one’s needs, as well as other addictions - for example, smoking. He must learn control yourself and your emotions.

Observing simple rules post, every Muslim believer should feel poor and hungry, since the available benefits are often perceived as ordinary.

Swearing is prohibited during Ramadan. There is an opportunity to help the needy, the sick and the poor. Muslims believe that prayers and a month of abstinence will enrich everyone who follows the tenets of Islam.

There are two main requirements of fasting:

  1. Follow the rules of fasting sincerely from dawn to dusk
  2. Abstain completely from your passions and needs

Here are a few conditions for what a fasting person should be like:

  • Over 18 years old
  • Muslim
  • Not mentally ill
  • Physically healthy

There are also those for whom fasting is contraindicated, and they have the right not to observe it. These are minor children, the elderly and pregnant women, as well as those women who are menstruating or experiencing postpartum cleansing.

The fast of Ramadan has several traditions

Let's list the most important ones:


Throughout Ramadan Muslims eat their meals early in the morning, before dawn. They believe that Allah will greatly reward such an action.

During traditional suhoor don't overeat, but you should eat enough food. Suhoor gives you strength for the whole day. It helps Muslims to stay sane and not be angry, as hunger often causes anger.

If a believer does not perform suhur, then his day of fasting remains valid, but he will not receive any reward.


Iftar is evening meal, which also takes place during fasting. You need to start breaking your fast immediately after sunset, that is after the last day(or the fourth, penultimate prayer of this day). After Iftar comes Isha - Muslim night prayer(the last of the five obligatory daily prayers).

What not to eat during Ramadan - all the rules and prohibitions

What to eat during Suhoor:

  • Doctors recommend eating complex carbohydrates in the morning - cereal dishes, sprouted grain bread, vegetable salad. Complex carbohydrates They will provide the body with energy, despite the fact that they take a long time to digest.
  • Dried fruits - dates, nuts - almonds and fruits - are also suitable.

What not to eat during Suhoor

  • Avoid protein foods. It takes a long time to digest, but it loads the liver, which works without interruption during fasting
  • Should not be consumed
  • You should not eat fried, smoked or fatty foods in the morning. They will cause extra stress on the liver and kidneys
  • Avoid eating fish during Suhoor. You'll want to drink afterwards

What not to eat in the evening after adhan

  • Fatty and fried foods. It will harm your health - cause heartburn and put on extra pounds.
  • Exclude from food products instant cooking – various cereals in bags or noodles. You won’t get full of them and literally after an hour or two you’ll want to have another meal. In addition, such products will increase your appetite even more, as they contain salt and other spices.
  • Can't eat sausage and frankfurters. It is better to exclude them from your diet during Ramadan fasting. Sausages affect the kidneys and liver, satisfy hunger for only a few hours, and can also develop thirst.

Despite the prohibitions and strict rules, there are benefits from fasting:

  • Refusal of carnal passions
    A person must understand that he is not a slave to his body. Fasting is a serious reason to give up intimacy. Only by abstaining from sin can a person preserve his purity of soul.
  • Self improvement
    By observing fasting, a believer is more attentive to himself. He gives birth to new character traits, such as humility, tolerance, obedience. Feeling poverty and deprivation, he becomes more resilient, gets rid of fear, begins to believe more and more and learns what was previously hidden.
  • Gratitude
    Having gone through refusing food, a Muslim becomes closer to his Creator. He realizes that the innumerable benefits that Allah sends are given to man for a reason. The believer gains a sense of gratitude for the gifts sent.
  • An opportunity to experience mercy
    Fasting reminds people of the poor, and also encourages them to be merciful and help those in need. Having gone through this test, the believer remembers kindness and humanity, as well as the fact that everyone is equal before God.
  • Economy
    Fasting teaches people to be economical, limit themselves and curb their desires.
  • Improves health
    Benefit physical condition human health is manifested in the fact that the digestive system rests. Within a month, the intestines are completely cleansed of waste, toxins and harmful substances.

Holy Ramadan schedule until 2020 - when does Ramadan fasting begin and end?

IN 2015 Ramadan fasting begins on June 18 and ends on July 17.

Here next dates Holy Ramadan:

2016– from June 6 to July 5.
2017– from May 26 to June 25.
2018– from May 17 to June 16.
2019– from May 6 to June 5.
2020– from April 23 to May 22.

Violation of the Ramadan fast - actions that interrupt the Muslim fast of Ramadan, and punishments

It is worth noting that the rules of Ramadan fasting apply only during the daytime. Some actions performed during fasting are considered prohibited.

Actions that interrupt Muslim Ramadan include:

  • Special or intentional meal
  • Unspoken intention to fast
  • Masturbation or sexual intercourse
  • Smoking
  • Spontaneous vomiting
  • Administration of rectal or vaginal medications

However are lenient towards similar actions . Despite their similarities, they don't break the fast.

They include:

  • Unintentional meal
  • Administering medications using injections
  • Kisses
  • Caresses, if they do not lead to ejaculation
  • Teeth cleaning
  • Blood donation
  • Period
  • Involuntary vomiting
  • Failure to perform prayers

Punishments for those who break the Ramadan fast:

Those who unintentionally broke the fast due to illness, must perform the missed day of fasting on any other day.

For sexual intercourse committed during daylight hours, the believer is obliged to defend another 60 days of fasting, or to feed 60 needy people.

Today, June 6, the majority of Muslims around the world will begin fasting in honor of the holy month of Ramadan, which will last 30 days. From dawn until sunset, believers cannot consume food, liquid, or indulge in entertainment. They must also refrain from profanity, abuse, and slander.

Below we have collected all the necessary information about the holy month of Ramadan, which will help believers fast correctly.

When is the holiday in 2016?

On the night of June 5-6, the Muslim holy month of Ramadan (Ramadan) begins, which will last 29 days in 2016 and end on July 4. Muslims around the world are required to abstain from eating and drinking, smoking and intimacy during the daytime. This post is called uraza.

What should you do during Ramadan?

Muslims fasting should spend time in worship, reading the Koran, abstain from sinful acts, obscene language and alcohol, do good deeds, help the poor. In addition to the usual five prayers, every night, individually or collectively, the prayers provided for only during Ramadan are performed. additional prayer, called "tarawih".

Who can avoid fasting during Ramadan?

Travelers, nursing mothers who fear for their own or their child’s health, women during menstruation, as well as those who are sick, do not need to keep up. However, they need to “make up” the missed days at another time after the end of Ramadan. People with severe and chronic diseases can feed one poor person for every day missed.

Is it possible to keep your spirits up if you don’t read namaz?

Yes, fasting will be accepted even if the Muslim does not pray.

Does fasting count if you forget to drink water or eat something?

Yes, it counts. Eating food and liquids out of forgetfulness does not break the fast. As soon as you remember that you are fasting, you should immediately stop eating and drinking and continue fasting.

Is it possible to smoke while fasting?

During the daytime, when fasting is in effect, it is not possible. After breaking the fast it is possible, but not approved.

Is it possible to take a shower/bath during the day?

You can, but you should be careful not to swallow the water. It is also allowed to rinse your mouth and nose, but so that water does not get inside.

How to protect yourself from dehydration on hot summer days?

Dehydration is when the body loses a lot of water. If a fasting person does heavy work on hot days, he may develop heat, diarrhea, dizziness, nausea, headaches and other signs of dehydration. In order to protect your body, you need to stop drinking artificial drinks such as tea, coffee, soda. Most of them contain chemical substances and caffeine, which remove fluid from the body. Still water, green or herbal teas best suited for quenching thirst. Before dawn, while eating and drinking, you can add a pinch of salt to the water, as it helps retain water in the body.

What foods should you eat to reduce stress on the fasting body?

In the morning, before starting the fast, you should not eat fried, fatty, salty, spicy or overly sweet foods, as they irritate the intestinal mucosa, are difficult to digest and can cause thirst during the day. Porridge is very well digestible, it has healthy fiber which will give you energy for the whole day. Eating raw or boiled vegetables has a beneficial effect on the body. Dairy products also improve intestinal function. It is better to start the evening breaking of the fast with dates, as they contain great amount useful microelements and fructose, which will quickly restore the body, can be washed down with water. And then start the meal.

What is fitr sadaqah?

Fitr Sadaqa is a small amount of money collected from Muslims only during the month of Ramadan. The proceeds from the fitr sadaq go to help the elderly, people with disabilities, families without breadwinners, orphans and the poor.

Which important dates Are there any things you can't miss during and after Ramadan?

During Ramadan there is a special “Night of Destiny”. It should be spent in worship of God, since it is believed that on this night all the angels descend from heaven, and all sins are forgiven to the one who prays. It is believed that this night occurs on one of the last 10 days before the end of the month of Ramadan. According to general agreement clergy, it was decided that the “Night of Predestination” in 2016 will be from July 1 to July 2. Eid al-Adha begins on July 5th. Also known as the Festival of Breaking the Fast and Eid al-Fitr. It is celebrated on the occasion of the end of fasting. It lasts three days, during which time people go to visit each other, and lavish tables are set everywhere. Muslims need to visit relatives and spend these days with family and loved ones. After the end of the month of Ramadan comes the month of Shawwal, where believers can fast for an additional 6 days, and this is counted as if a person had fasted the whole year.

Does a woman fast during haida and nifas (menstrual and postpartum bleeding)?

No, if a woman fasts during such states, she will be sinned.

Should a woman make up the days of fasting missed due to haida and nifas (menstrual and postpartum bleeding)?

Yes, in the hadith narrated from Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, it is reported that the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said that women do not need to make up the prayers missed during menstruation, but they need to make up the days of fasting missed for this reason ( I'lyaus-Sunan, vol. 1, p. 372)

Does the day of fasting count if a woman starts menstruating a few minutes before the evening adhan?

If the cycle began only after sunset, then the fast is considered valid.

Is a day of fasting counted if a woman’s cycle begins immediately after breaking her fast before night prayer?

If the cycle began only after sunset, then the fast is considered valid.

What to do if your menstrual cycle begins during the week?

It is necessary to break the fast. A hadith narrated by Abu Saeed al-Khudri, may Allah be pleased with him, says: “Doesn’t she give up prayer and fasting when she begins to menstruate?” (Al-Bukhari, no. 1951, Muslim no. 889). After the menstrual period, you will need to make up the missed fasting days.

Is it advisable for a woman who is menstruating to abstain from eating food during Ramadan fasting?

In this state, a woman should not abstain from food and water, but she should show respect to those who fast during the month of Ramadan.

Should a woman fast if she is cleared of menstruation immediately after morning prayer?

Will this day of fasting count? A woman can fast, but this day of fasting will not be counted.

Should a woman make up for a day of fasting if she has cleared her menses just before morning prayer?

If a woman has cleared her period before morning prayer and she became convinced, even for a moment, that she is clean in the month of Ramadan, then she is obliged to keep the fast, and her fast will be valid.

Should a woman make up for a day of fasting if she cleared herself of menstruation before morning prayer, and bathed after praying?

Should a woman make up for the day of fasting if she cleared herself of menstruation and bathed only after morning prayer, performed prayer, and continued to fast?

There is nothing wrong with this if a woman bathed only after morning prayer.

Should a woman fast on the day when her menstruation suddenly stopped before the morning azan, but she did not get up for Suhoor?

If, upon waking up, she did not do anything that could break the fast, then, if desired, you can make an intention according to the madhhab of Imam Abu Hanifa. In this case, the intention can be made even an hour before the time for lunch prayer. If she makes such an intention and fasts until the end of the day, then her fast will be valid and will not have to be compensated.

What should a pregnant or breastfeeding woman do during Lent?

If a pregnant or breastfeeding woman suspects that fasting may harm her and her baby, she may refrain from fasting and do it later. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should consult a doctor (preferably a Muslim) to see if fasting will harm them and their baby. It must be borne in mind that if a woman keeps fasting in this state and subsequently it turns out that her health or the health of her child has worsened due to fasting, she will be sinned.

If a woman vomits due to pregnancy, is the fast broken?

If vomiting happened involuntarily, then the fast is not broken.

Should a pregnant woman break her fast and prayer if she sees blood a day or two before giving birth, while not yet experiencing pain?

If a woman is not yet experiencing suffering (difficulty), such blood is considered dirty, but not related to ancestral cleansing. In this case, the woman is obliged to perform namaz and can fast.

You can take special hormonal drugs that delay the advance monthly cycle to fast throughout Ramadan without interruption?

This is acceptable, but is considered undesirable. Taking these medications may have side effects and lead to problems with performing namaz (or performing hajj and umrah) in the future. Moreover, these drugs are not harmless from a medical point of view. Allah has ordained humility for the daughters of Adam: fast when nothing hinders you, but if something makes it difficult for you, then break your fast with what Allah is pleased with and commanded, praise be to Him.

Should a woman in labor keep a fast if she was cleansed before the end of 40 days?

Yes, if a woman is pure in the month of Ramadan, then she must fast and her fast will be valid. There is nothing that prevents her from fasting, praying and having intimacy with her husband outside of fasting.

Is it possible to breastfeed a baby while fasting?

Yes, this is permitted; breastfeeding does not affect the validity of the fast. However, it is important that fasting does not harm the condition of the woman or child.

Should a woman in labor keep a fast if postpartum bleeding lasts more than sixty days?

In this case, the woman must restrain herself from worship for another normal period of the cycle, and then she must bathe and stand for prayer. If blood remains, you should consult a doctor, as this may be due to illness.

Will the fast be valid if a woman has slight drops of blood on days other than her cycle?

Even if these drops of perspiration then continue throughout the month of Ramadan, the fast is considered valid. As Ali bin Abi Talib, may Allah be pleased with him, said: “Drops that look like nosebleeds are not menstruation.” White, yellow, cloudy discharge or droplets (perspiration) are not menstruation.

Will the fast of the day be complete if a woman sees blood, but is not sure that it is menstruation?

The fast is valid until it is known that this is the beginning of a cycle. If this discharge was the beginning of menstruation, this day will need to be made up.

Is it permissible for a woman to fast on the day of a miscarriage?

In the event that the fetus has not formed, the blood is not postpartum cleansing (nifas) and the woman can perform namaz and fast, and her fast will be valid. According to scientists, the fetus will become pregnant in 81 days. A miscarriage before 80 days is considered dirty blood, due to which a woman should not leave prayer and fast.

Can a woman who has constant discharge fast during Ramadan?

A woman who has constant bleeding due to illness interrupts prayer and fasting at the time at which she previously had her cycle. Having counted the days of the cycle, a woman must take a bath, pray and fast. The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, ordered women who suffer from continuous discharge to renew their ablution after each prayer.

If a pregnant woman bleeds on the day of Ramadan, how does this affect her fast?

If a woman is sure that this is not menstruation, then her fast is not broken. The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said: “A woman who is menstruating does not pray or fast.”

What to do in a situation where during the menstrual cycle the blood stops and does not appear for the whole day?

If this cleansing (blood) is associated with a cycle, then it is not considered the final cleansing, and therefore the woman is prohibited from everything that is prohibited to women during menstruation.

Should a woman start fasting if she does not have white discharge at the end of her cycle?

If a woman usually determines the end of her period by white discharge, she should refrain from fasting for the entire duration of the cycle. If such discharges in last days A woman usually does not menstruate and has no more blood, she must fast.

Can a woman visit a gynecologist or use medicines, which are entered through intimate organs(candles and the like)?

Since the genitals are not connected to the digestive system, inserting medicine or an instrument soaked in medicine into the private parts does not break the fast. Therefore, visiting a doctor or injecting medications into intimate organs does not break fasting.

If a woman gets her period while fasting, can she eat? Or, conversely, what should she do if her period stops during the day of fasting? Will her post be valid in this case?

If menstruation began during fasting, you can eat, but you need to try to do it so that fasting people do not see it. She will need to make up this day of fasting after Ramadan (even if her period started a few minutes before Iftar). If, on the other hand, a woman's period ends during daylight hours (when fasting is obligatory), she should fast until the end of the day out of respect for Ramadan, although this day will still need to be replenished afterwards.

What to do while a nursing mother is fasting?

A pregnant or breastfeeding woman is allowed not to fast if she fears for herself or her child. Our Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said: “Allah has eased the obligation of fasting and part of the prayer for a traveler, and He has eased the obligation of fasting for pregnant and lactating women” (at-Tirmidhi, 3/85)

Followers of Islam are now celebrating the holy month of Ramadan, during which every believer fasts. They live according to lunar calendar, which means that every year the period of spiritual purification begins in different time, but certainly for the 9th month of the year. In 2018, Ramadan began on May 15 and will end on June 14. During this time, Muslims are prohibited from taking food and water during daylight hours. And only after sunset the usual way of life begins: the family begins to eat.

The holy month was created for spiritual and physical cleansing. Ramadan is honored as a memory of the fact that it was during this period that the first lines of the Koran appeared to the Prophet Muhammad. It is believed that during this period the gates of Heaven are open and the doors to hell are closed, and even the devils are on chains. For a whole month, those who honor Islamic traditions pray more than usual and adhere to strict fasting.

But the day before the onset of Ramadan, you need to prepare. Perform a complete wash of the body and voice your intention to fast. Then say special prayer and the next morning forget about eating during the day. The main thing is to do good deeds, give alms to the needy and feed the hungry.

Supporters of Islam argue that fasting helps Muslims control their emotions. This way they are freed from everything negative: anger, envy, temptations. The main task of the righteous is to get closer to Allah. Fasting contributes to this in the best possible way, pacifying the soul and flesh.

What time can you eat today during Lent: who is allowed not to abstain

There are some exceptions for certain categories of people who, for objective reasons, cannot adhere to traditions. We are talking about pregnant and lactating women, children under age, sick and elderly people. They are allowed not to fast, otherwise there is a risk of deterioration in their health.

If, due to circumstances, you have to retreat from fasting for several days, then after the end of Ramadan it is important to compensate for these days by abstaining from food and water during the day for the same number of days. Another option is to feed the hungry. At the same time, for the amount that a person usually spends on food for himself for one day. For every day of deviating from fasting, one hungry person must.

Thus, during Ramadan, Muslims eat from sunset to dawn, pray during the day and, at first glance, lead a normal lifestyle. Night hours become a small holiday in such a difficult and important period of life as Lent. For the entire period of the holy month one must give up bad habits and in no case should you drive during the day intimate life. This is one of the most serious violations.

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