Home Indoor flowers At 12 weeks what develops in the baby. What happens to the fetus at twelve weeks of gestation

At 12 weeks what develops in the baby. What happens to the fetus at twelve weeks of gestation

This is the time when nausea and vomiting subside. The woman’s well-being improves significantly, but her belly is not yet so big, so she can enjoy her position, blooming appearance and excellent health.

What happens during the 12th week of pregnancy

By this time, the uterus had grown even more. The dimensions of the uterus during the twelfth week are about 12 cm wide, 10 cm long - like the head of a newborn baby. She still has enough space in the pelvis, but soon she will begin to rise into the abdominal cavity. The height of the uterine fundus at this stage ranges from 2 to 6 cm.

Weight during pregnancy may increase by 1.8-3.6 kg, depending on individual characteristics body. If a pregnant woman had severe toxicosis, it may decrease at 12 weeks of pregnancy. Wherein weight gain should not exceed 300-450 g per week.

During this period, the load on all internal organs women - kidneys, heart, lungs, liver. That is why it is important to avoid overwork or violation of the work and rest schedule. It is advisable to rest more, breathe fresh air and enjoy your position.

What happens in a woman's body

Most women feel well at the twelfth week, since during pregnancy the increased production of progesterone by the corpus luteum ceases. By the end of the first trimester, the placenta has practically formed, so from that moment on it already provides life support and protection to the fetus.

Since the size of the uterus is increased at 12 weeks of pregnancy, it can put pressure on the system blood vessels, along which the blood from lower limbs rises to top part bodies. The increased size of the uterus after twelve weeks causes swelling of the legs and dilation of the saphenous veins in most women. To prevent possible complications Your doctor may prescribe compression stockings.

Characteristic external changes:

  • the appearance of a dark stripe running from the navel to the pubis;
  • hyperpigmentation of the skin on the chest, face and neck;
  • appearance/intensification acne due to disruption of metabolic processes in the body;
  • stretch marks in the chest, abdomen and thighs.

To prevent the formation of stretch marks, it is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the skin, avoid excessive weight gain, and regularly moisturize the skin with special creams and oils.

Signs of pregnancy

The 12th obstetric week of pregnancy is characterized by a decrease in toxicosis. But sometimes, due to the individual characteristics of the body, nausea, vomiting and odor intolerance can persist for up to 4-5 months. This is due to the fact that the functions of the corpus luteum, which is responsible for the production of progesterone and maintaining pregnancy, are taken over by the placenta.

The 12th week of pregnancy is the period when emotional sphere The woman still lacks stability.

Hormonal changes in the body still lead to increased irritability, frequent mood swings, anxiety, and tearfulness. Such changes can happen up to several times a day.

What happens at the 12th obstetric week of pregnancy:

  • breast enlarges;
  • headache appears;
  • lower limbs swell;
  • varicose veins develop;
  • possible tachycardia;
  • frequent urination.

12 weeks pregnant - how many months is it?

As the gestational age increases, the difference between the usual lunar and obstetric months becomes more and more noticeable. The countdown when carrying a baby begins from the first day of the last menstrual cycle. The obstetric month is four weeks, which means the 12th week is the end of the third month and the first trimester. How old is the fetus? - 10 weeks.

Feeling in the stomach

People around her may not yet notice changes in a woman’s appearance, but the expectant mother herself may notice an increase in hip circumference and a growing volume of her tummy. The feeling of “tightness” is caused by the growth of the uterus and its pressure on other organs located in the pelvic cavity.

The sensations in the abdomen at 12 weeks of pregnancy are individual for each woman. If the pregnancy is the second and subsequent, then the stomach may already be significantly rounded. This is due to the fact that the muscles and ligaments have already been well stretched during the previous pregnancy, so they are elastic and mobile. After 12 weeks of pregnancy, the size of the abdomen may depend on other factors, such as body type, where the placenta is inserted and the number of fetuses.

Discharge at 12 weeks of pregnancy

Normal discharge during pregnancy is considered transparent, white and yellowish without admixture of pus and blood, as well as a pungent odor. If there is a significant increase in their volume, a change in color and consistency, as well as the appearance of burning and itching, you should contact a gynecologist to make a correct diagnosis.

A dangerous symptom is the appearance of significant volume of bloody discharge, accompanied by sharp cramping pain in the lower abdomen and lumbar region. Such symptoms at 12 weeks of pregnancy may indicate placental abruption and an incipient miscarriage.


The 12th week of pregnancy is the period of the mandatory first screening examination, which allows us to assess the viability of the fetus, its condition and development, the place of attachment to the placenta, as well as the presence or absence of genetic disorders or abnormalities.

During the examination, the specialist evaluates:

  • weight and size of the fetus;
  • brain structure;
  • correct location of the baby’s internal organs;
  • head and abdominal circumference.

If during the twelfth week of pregnancy the sensations in the abdomen deviate from the norm, and any problems are identified, the expectant mother should undergo additional examinations. To confirm the diagnosis of Down syndrome, a special analysis, capable of conducting precise definition the likelihood of having a child with such a deviation. Depending on the size and weight of the fetus, the doctor also sets the expected date of birth.

Fetal development

At the twelfth week of pregnancy, the belly increases, and the fetus grows even more. The baby's height is about 60 mm, and weight varies between 9-13 g. future child the size of a lemon. His heart beats at a rate of about 110-160 beats per minute, which can be heard during an ultrasound examination.

The fetus can already raise and lower its chest, as if breathing, and is also able to close its eyes, open its mouth, and move its fingers and toes. The child may suck his thumb, swallow liquid, urinate, and hiccup. In addition, he is actively moving, but the woman cannot yet feel his movements, since they are softened by the placenta and amniotic fluid inside.

From twelve weeks of pregnancy, the fetus develops the thymus gland, which is responsible for the production of lymphocytes. After his birth, she will take an active part in the formation immune system. In addition to red blood cells, white ones also appear in the blood. Other internal organs also begin to function actively.

The liver secretes bile in small intestine Peristalsis appears, and a strong bone substance is formed in the baby’s skeleton. The fetal body was covered with skin last week, and at the end of the third month, the first hairs appear on the thin layer of the still transparent epidermis. The volume of amniotic fluid is already about 50 ml, it is updated daily.

Possible problems

The twelfth week of pregnancy is a relatively calm period. The threat of spontaneous miscarriage has already receded, but harmful external factors can have an impact significant influence on the proper development and functioning of the fetus. During this period, the woman, along with an ultrasound, undergoes several tests - biochemical, for syphilis and a study of blood glucose levels.

Possible problems during this period include:

  • abnormal process of placenta development -;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • threat of miscarriage.

A delicate problem of this period is frequent bowel movements that arise as a result of the influence of the hormone progesterone - it relaxes the intestinal muscles and makes it difficult for food to pass through it. It is extremely undesirable to allow this to happen - the overcrowded intestine puts pressure on the uterus and disrupts its blood supply. You can prevent negative consequences if you include it in your diet. fresh fruits and vegetables, cabbage and beet dishes, mixtures of steamed dried fruits. Description of all healthy products can be easily found on any specialized website and forum where obstetrics and gynecology are discussed.

The intestines can also be stimulated folk remedies: on an empty stomach in the morning you should drink a spoonful vegetable oil, drink water with lemon and honey or kefir, Herb tea from fennel (it effectively fights tension in the stomach). It is strictly not recommended to do laxative enemas or take appropriate medications. They contribute to the tone of the uterus and cause undesirable consequences.

If the intestines do not empty for 3 or more days, and no procedures help, you need to contact a specialist to prescribe laxatives, taking into account the characteristics of the pregnant woman’s body.

To prevent any complications, it is necessary to avoid nervous tension and stressful situations at home and at work, prevent possible injuries (for example, from a fall), limit contact with sick people and visits to public institutions, etc. A woman should take care of herself as much as possible, since any illness can cause a miscarriage, the appearance of pathologies in the fetus, or a missed pregnancy.

What to pay attention to

You shouldn’t give up sports during pregnancy, but physical activity should be reduced to 60-80%. It is also worth giving up cycling, scuba diving, roller skating, ice skating and others for a while. dangerous species sports.

A pregnant woman's diet should be rational and balanced. Avoid eating unhealthy, fried and fatty foods and carbonated drinks. Weight gain for each week should not exceed 300-450 g, so if these optimal values ​​are exceeded, it is necessary to reconsider the diet.

If your breasts are significantly enlarged, you should buy a special natural cotton bra with soft cups, wide straps, and no wires. It will help prevent sagging breasts and the appearance of stretch marks.

Since the uterus has already significantly increased in size, you should not sleep in a prone position on your stomach, as compression of all pelvic organs may be felt.

Contrary to popular recommendations, you should not completely give up perfumes and cosmetics. If odors do not cause discomfort, cosmetics can be used throughout pregnancy. It is important for almost any woman to be confident in her beauty - this gives her confidence in her abilities. In addition, this method is almost the only one for expectant mother to take time to take care of yourself. Of course, you shouldn’t overload your body and face with excessive care and makeup; the skin should actively breathe. You can refuse funds for intimate hygiene and gels with fragrances and fragrances - it is better to replace them with regular baby soap. Intimate parts V this period very sensitive, such products can cause itching, burning or thrush.

It is extremely important to give up everything bad habits including smoking. Ideally, you should give them up at the moment you decide to get pregnant.

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The end of the first trimester continues to please the woman with good overall health. At this time, the embryo is growing rapidly, reaches 8-9 cm in length and weighs about 60-80 g. The 12th week of pregnancy is 14-15 obstetrics, most of changes occur unnoticed by the woman. The mammary glands are preparing for the upcoming lactation, the uterus increases in size and the belly becomes difficult to hide.

Despite the relatively calm period, a woman is not immune from complications such as leakage of amniotic fluid and spontaneous miscarriage. At this time, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the cervix in pregnant women with a history of miscarriage, with chronic infections. The table tells us what normally happens during this period.

Table - Interesting facts

How the baby grows

The uterus, together with the baby, already protrudes beyond the womb, but it is impossible to determine it independently. And by the 16th obstetric week, she is in the middle of the distance between the pubis and the navel. By this time, some women, especially during the second and subsequent pregnancies, notice the first movements - kicks or “gentle” turning over. Features of fetal development at the 12th week of pregnancy (from conception) are reflected in the table.

Table - How the baby grows

Organ systemsChanges
Head, torso, limbs- The head is relatively large and occupies ½ the length of the entire fruit;
- the first hair appears on the top of the head;
- upper limbs have standard proportions, but the lower ones are still shortened;
- sweat glands appear and hair continues to grow throughout the body
Digestive system- The differentiation of all departments continues;
- liver and pancreas function;
- the intestines may contain a small amount of meconium
Respiratory system- Differentiation of the respiratory organs continues;
- bronchi and lungs are filled with amniotic fluid at this time
Genitourinary organs- The anlage is completely finished, the organs are growing;
- gender is not in doubt with ultrasound
Endocrine system- The thyroid gland and thymus function;
- the spleen actively participates in the process of formation and destruction of blood cells;
- insulin is already synthesized in the pancreas
The cardiovascular system- The heart and main vessels are formed;
- the capillary network is clearly visible under the “transparent” skin
Nervous system- Development continues, nerve endings spread throughout all tissues

How does a woman feel?

By this time, many women claim that they cannot shake the feeling that a baby is growing in their stomach at 12 weeks of pregnancy. Some even try to touch him through his stomach. But all this is nothing more than the wild fantasy of a woman who wants to feel her baby as soon as possible. By this time, only single kicks from the baby can be felt if it hits the wall of the uterus during movement. In the meantime, space allows him to “float” freely.


The belly becomes more noticeable at 12 weeks of pregnancy. Despite the fact that the uterus only protrudes from under the womb, all the space in the small pelvis is occupied by it. Accordingly, the intestines rise higher, and the tendency to constipation and bloating creates the appearance of a “pregnant” belly. This is especially noticeable during the second and subsequent pregnancies, when the abdominal muscles are stretched by previous pregnancy or there is excess weight.

Mammary gland

They are noticeably larger than they were before pregnancy. The chest may remain tender, but there is no significant pain. When pressing on the area of ​​the areola and nipple, droplets of colostrum may appear; this is normal. The venous pattern on the skin of the chest becomes more pronounced due to increased blood flow to the mammary glands. The area of ​​the nipples and areola darkens.


Normal discharge during pregnancy is light and whitish. They indicate a good hormonal background. The following discharges should alert you:

  • copious mucous- appear when there is an excess of estrogen against the background of a threat of miscarriage;
  • watery - it is possible that amniotic fluid may leak at this stage, the volume of which is already about 100 ml in the amniotic fluid;
  • bloody - spotting brown or bright scarlet, copious or a few drops, in any case, they should be a reason to consult a doctor, as they speak of abruption or bleeding with a low location of the placenta;
  • inflammatory in nature- yellow, green, with unpleasant smell, very abundant, curdled discharge meet at different types inflammatory process in the vagina.

General health

Mood, general well-being and body temperature (if elevated) usually improve by the second trimester. Almost everyone has symptoms of toxicosis; there is no such pronounced reaction to smells, food, or other people.

Emotional lability, sensitivity, and tearfulness may pass, but often persist throughout pregnancy. Everything that happens to psychological state moms, in to a greater extent depends on her character and personality traits.

Do I need to see a doctor?

If a woman is registered for pregnancy and has undergone the necessary examination, in the second trimester the first visit will only be closer to the 18th obstetric week. You should now consult a doctor in the following situations:

  • not registered- in this case, it is necessary to visit a doctor as soon as possible and undergo an examination;
  • did not pass screening- if a woman did not undergo an ultrasound at the 12th week of pregnancy (from the moment of conception), as well as a “double test” with the determination of PAPP-a and hCG, it may now be too late to do this; this must be checked with a doctor;
  • have chronic diseases- in this case, additional examinations and dose adjustments of medications taken may be necessary.

In case of miscarriage, already at this stage it is necessary to monitor the condition of the cervix, including with the help of ultrasound. Its shortening, softening and opening of the internal pharynx may be indications for installing an unloading pessary or applying an obstetric suture.

Ultrasound at 12 weeks of pregnancy

Ultrasound screening is performed up to the 12th week of pregnancy (up to 14 obstetric weeks), a later examination is not informative for detecting malformations in the fetus, for example, Down's. Therefore, if a woman did not conduct a study at 11-13 weeks, it can be performed, but if the embryo size is more than 84 mm, it does not provide the necessary data. Ultrasound during this period is performed for the following indications:

  • when bleeding- Ultrasound helps to determine abruption, low location of the placenta, and incipient miscarriage;
  • for abdominal pain- they can occur with placental abruption without bleeding, with increased tone uterus, ultrasound helps to understand these conditions;
  • for examination of the cervix- the length, width, and condition of the internal os are measured to assess the prognosis of premature birth and the need for additional manipulations;
  • with insufficient growth of the uterus- if upon examination the doctor determines that the body of the uterus does not correspond to 14 obstetric weeks, an ultrasound is also performed to exclude frozen pregnancy and detect the fetal heartbeat.

Dangerous symptoms

Despite the fact that the end of the first trimester is accompanied by a decrease in the risks of miscarriage and other pathologies, pregnancy complications can occur, especially with twins. For their timely detection and effective treatment, it is necessary to seek treatment as early as possible. medical care when suspicions arise about them. The following symptoms should alert you:

  • pulls the lower abdomen, lower back;
  • blood stains appeared on the linen;
  • The feeling of pressure on the bladder does not go away.

The 12th week of pregnancy does not bring serious changes in the functioning of a woman’s internal organs, not yet heavy load on the spine. However, it will be useful to purchase the following things.

According to reviews from women and doctors, there are no special restrictions during this period. Sex, lungs physical exercise are allowed if the pregnancy proceeds without complications. Nutrition and daily routine should correspond to the “interesting situation”. The diet should be as balanced as possible. You need to rest at least seven to eight hours a day.

Everything that happens to the baby at the 12th week of pregnancy can be described as further differentiation of tissues, “testing” of organ functions. Despite the high rates of development, the birth of a baby is accompanied by its death at this stage due to extremely low weight and imperfect functions of all organs.

Reviews: “My daughter is tumbling, cheerful and cheerful”

I'm 14 weeks pregnant, and toxicosis hasn't left me yet, but it's not exhausting me as much. The good news is that in the last 2 weeks I at least began to go outside for a short time... until 12-13 weeks from continuous toxicosis, I was so weak that getting dressed and going to the store was a feat for me!) I didn’t go out very much for a long time, I slept, slept, slept, well, lay there) Now it’s a little better, there are days when it even seems that I’m completely recovering from toxicosis)) But I wanted to talk about back side nutrition)) Pregnancy is a state when you want something that you haven’t even looked at before and would never buy. In my case it's ice cream, pizza and chips. Of course, I don’t eat this every day, with my toxicosis I may want it maybe once a week, but if I take chips, I’ll eat the whole pack. Of course, I feel terribly bad afterwards and my stomach is upset with me ((((There is a fear that when the toxicosis goes away, I will want it much more often

Thank you

The site provides background information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

From the twelfth week (according to the obstetric period), all further pregnancy is considered obstetric weeks, that is, according to obstetric period. Embryonic term is no longer indicated, since it becomes virtually unnecessary, because all indicators of normal development, with which the actual condition of the fetus is compared, are designed for obstetric period. By the twelfth week, as a rule, ultrasound examinations have already been performed, the gestational age has been clarified, and with these clarifications it is considered obstetric.

In the future, another monitoring of the gestational age is carried out based on the first movements of the fetus, which are felt by primigravida women at the end of the twentieth week, and by multipregnant women - at the end of the eighteenth. Therefore, if a woman is carrying her first child (even if there were previous pregnancies that ended in abortions or miscarriages before the 13th week), then the sensation of fetal movements is considered the end of the twentieth week of pregnancy. If a woman is carrying a second, third, etc. baby, then the sensation of movement is considered the end of the eighteenth week.


The baby has already grown a lot, his body length is different days twelfth week of pregnancy is 60 - 90 mm (on average, by the end of the twelfth week, the length of the fetus is 82 plus or minus 4.1 mm), and body weight at the end of this week is on average 19 plus or minus 0.8 g (during the week grows from 13 to 20 g). From the twelfth week, the length of the fetus and its growth rate are more important indicators than weight, since the weight can fluctuate significantly depending on the nature of the mother’s nutrition and genetically determined constitution (thin-boned thin body type, large-boned dense body type, etc.).

At the twelfth week, the fetus is actually a miniature person. Almost all organs are formed, and in the future they will only grow and develop, mastering the functions that will be needed after birth. On this period The nails have already grown on the fingers, and a unique papillary pattern (the so-called fingerprints) is formed on the pads. The epidermis is renewed throughout the body, and on the newly grown upper layer of skin, fluff forms in those areas where hair, eyebrows, eyelashes, beard and mustache will grow in the future.

Due to active development brain, the fetus acquires the ability to move all muscles, including the smallest ones. At the twelfth week, the fetus trains various muscles: the muscles of the body and limbs are trained through somersaults, flips, movements and bending in the joints of the arms and legs; the fetus trains its facial muscles by making various grimaces, opening and closing its mouth, folding its lips into different figures, sucking a finger in his mouth. Such muscle training allows the child to learn how to control them even before birth.

In addition, during the second visit, the doctor conducts general examination women (legs must be examined for the presence of varicose veins), measures blood pressure, records height and weight, and calculates weight gain. If the blood pressure is elevated, it is recommended to consult a physician, and if hypertension is confirmed, then antihypertensive drugs are prescribed, which will need to be taken throughout pregnancy. For varicose veins, the doctor will recommend wearing compression hosiery, and to select it, he will give a referral to a consultation with a phlebologist or surgeon.

In the absence of complaints of discomfort in the genitals gynecological examination At the second appearance, consultation is usually not carried out.

During the conversation, the doctor indicates which symptoms are dangerous and alarming for this particular woman and focuses on the fact that when they appear, it is necessary to immediately call " Ambulance" or in as soon as possible contact a gynecologist.

Already from the twelfth week you can begin preparing for childbirth. For this purpose, the doctor recommends attending psychophysical prevention courses and classes on physical therapy for pregnant. The doctor also draws attention to the fact that there is no need to try to lie down a lot and not move, because during childbirth a woman will need strength, endurance and sufficient training of the muscles and lungs, and this requires constant exercise. Walking on a walk is perfect for training the body as prenatal preparation. fresh air, water aerobics or simple yoga classes.

If the pregnancy is progressing normally, the doctor will set a date for the next scheduled visit in a month, that is, at approximately 16–17 weeks. Until this point, if nothing bothers the woman, she does not need to go to a consultation.

In general, consultation visits during the normal course of pregnancy are not so frequent. So, up to 28 weeks, consultation should be attended once a month, from 28 to 37 weeks - twice a month, and from 37 weeks until birth - once a week. But if the pregnancy proceeds with complications, then the frequency of visits is determined by the doctor based on the condition of the woman and the fetus, as well as the effectiveness of the treatment.

Feelings, signs of pregnancy and changes in body condition

The corpus luteum in the ovaries dies, and the placenta completely takes over the function of producing hormones that support the normal course of pregnancy. Thanks to this, the endocrine system of the expectant mother begins to work less hard, as a result of which by the twelfth week, in most women, manifestations of toxicosis (nausea, vomiting, drooling, dizziness) disappear. After all, toxicosis, as a rule, is caused precisely by the work of the corpus luteum, and as soon as it dies, then the unpleasant phenomena provoked by it disappear.

Accordingly, at the twelfth week, almost all women begin to feel much better. In addition to toxicosis, mood swings, drowsiness, fatigue, irritability, and tearfulness occur. In general, a woman’s behavior and reactions to any events become calm and balanced, there are no more explosive reactions, causeless transitions from euphoria to extreme depression, etc.

Unfortunately, toxicosis disappears by the 12th week only in the majority of women carrying one child. In some women pregnant with one fetus, symptoms of toxicosis continue until the 16th week of pregnancy. And women carrying twins or triplets should be prepared for the fact that toxicosis will inevitably last until about the 16th week.

From the twelfth week, a woman’s weight will inevitably increase by about 500 g per week, which is considered normal. More exact information individual changes in a pregnant woman’s weight can be calculated using pregnancy calculator, presented at the bottom of the page.

The blood volume increases even more, mainly due to plasma, as a result of which physiological blood dilution is observed, in which the hemoglobin level decreases by several units. However, this is not true anemia, but a simple dilution of the blood, when, against the background of the remaining unchanged number of red blood cells, the volume of liquid in which they float is sharply added. Thus, the concentration of erythrocytes decreased not in absolute, but in relative terms. This phenomenon is called physiological blood dilution during pregnancy. That is why anemia is diagnosed in pregnant women when the hemoglobin level drops below 110. That is, the physiological dilution of the blood is taken into account, and the hemoglobin rate decreases according to this process.


Normal discharge in the twelfth week of pregnancy is copious or moderate, thick, uniform in consistency, with a slight sour odor, whitish or transparent. Externally, the discharge should look like raw protein chicken egg or rather thick sour cream. Such discharge should not be accompanied by any discomfort in the genital tract. If there is discomfort, pain, itching, burning, swelling or redness in the genital area, then, regardless of the nature of the discharge, this is a sign of pathology (usually an infectious-inflammatory process) and requires consulting a doctor.

Pathological is discharge with impurities of pus, mucus, blood, with flakes, bubbles or particles resembling cottage cheese grains, and also colored yellow, green or grayish. As a rule, such pathological discharge are a sign of some kind of genital tract infection, which requires qualified and proper treatment. Therefore, if such discharge appears, you should immediately consult a doctor. If sexually transmitted infections are not treated, their pathogens can eventually penetrate the uterus and infect the fetus, which, naturally, will negatively affect its growth and development.

Also pathological are bloody or brown discharge, since most often they appear when there is a threat of miscarriage. If such discharge is also accompanied by pain in the abdomen or lower back, then this indicates high risk spontaneous abortion. In such a situation, if bloody discharge appears with abdominal pain, it is necessary to call an ambulance and be admitted to the hospital.


Any amount of blood coming from the vagina for more than two hours is considered bleeding. At the twelfth week, bleeding from the vagina may be due to a threatened miscarriage, spontaneous abortion, placental abruption, ectopic pregnancy, cervical erosion, tumors of the genital organs (uterine fibroids) or infectious diseases(trichomoniasis).

If the bleeding is due to infection, cervical erosion or tumors of the genital organs, then it is usually not accompanied by abdominal pain and occurs after penetration into the vagina, for example, after sexual intercourse or gynecological examination. In such a situation, you need to consult a doctor as soon as possible, but immediate hospitalization is not required, since there is usually no threat to the life of the woman and the fetus.

Threatened miscarriage, incipient abortion, placental abruption or ectopic pregnancy always cause bleeding, combined with severe cramping, nagging pain in the lower abdomen and/or lumbar region, and when they appear, you should immediately call an ambulance, since the woman needs urgent help.

Uterus and belly

The uterus exits into the abdominal cavity with its upper end, which is called the bottom, due to the fact that the grown organ no longer fits within the pelvis. If during this period a woman tries to palpate her abdomen above the pubic bone, she will most likely be able to feel the dense fundus of the uterus protruding 1 - 1.5 cm above the pubis. In the future, the fundus of the uterus will rise higher and higher, and the abdomen will increase more and more.

At the twelfth week of pregnancy, the belly rounds and begins to increase in size. Moreover, first of all, the waist is smoothed due to the expansion of the sides, and the protrusion of the abdomen forward is still insignificant and almost imperceptible. However, some experienced women or doctors may already notice an enlarged abdomen even under clothing. During this period, if a woman lies on her back, her stomach will not collapse, as it did before conception. It will only flatten a little and remain at the level of the sternum, and protruding parts will appear on the sides. By this sign, you can unmistakably understand that a woman is pregnant.

Pain in the abdomen and other parts of the body

Normally, in the twelfth week of pregnancy, a woman may feel slight nagging pain in the lower and sides of the abdomen, which is caused by the growth of the uterus and the tension of the ligaments that hold this organ in the pelvis. And since the uterus becomes heavier, the ligaments that hold it in place become tense, which causes mild pain in the lower and sides of the abdomen.

Sometimes a woman may feel unpleasant cramping pain in the abdomen associated with intestinal compression. Such pain is also normal and can be easily recognized by the accompanying presence of bloating or constipation.

Also, normally, from the twelfth week of pregnancy, a woman may feel pain in the lower back, which occurs due to a shift in the center of gravity and deviation of the back when walking due to an enlarged abdomen, “pulling” the body forward. In addition, occasional and not very severe pain in the lower back may be associated with softening of the ligaments and discs of the spine, which is necessary to ensure their greater mobility, which is important during the childbirth process. After all, when a child passes through the genital tract, he needs enough space, and if soft fabrics can stretch, then the bones do not stretch. And to increase the width birth canal, the bones should diverge a little, and it is for this purpose that throughout pregnancy the discs and ligaments of the spine soften, which will allow them to diverge at the moment when it is necessary.

In addition, lower back pain can be caused by an infectious-inflammatory disease Bladder. They are usually combined with the presence of leukocytes, red blood cells or bacteria in the urine.

Since lower back pain can be both pathological and normal, if it occurs, it is recommended to consult a doctor so that he can determine the cause. pain and, if necessary, prescribed treatment.

In addition to normal, there may be pathological pain in the abdomen, indicating a threat of miscarriage, appendicitis and other organ diseases abdominal cavity. Pathological are pains that have nagging character, lasting longer than 2 - 3 hours at a time and possibly combined with brown or bloody discharge from the vagina. Such pain indicates a threat of miscarriage, and if it occurs, you should immediately be hospitalized.

Also pathological are any sharp, stabbing, sharp pains in the abdomen that do not go away within half an hour, increase over time, or are combined with an increase in body temperature. Such pain may be a sign of appendicitis or acute illness other abdominal organs. If such pain occurs, it is necessary to urgently go to the hospital for the necessary treatment.

Week 12: fetal development. Causes of miscarriage and maintaining pregnancy (recommendations of an obstetrician-gynecologist) - video


If a woman is not at risk of miscarriage, the pregnancy is not multiple (twins, triplets, etc.) and the placenta is not low, then she can have sex. Intimate intercourse can be not only pleasant, but even useful, as it causes blood flow to the genitals and improves the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the fetus. The only restrictions that must be observed when engaging in sexual intercourse during pregnancy are not to practice hard and rough sex, avoid putting pressure on your stomach and choose simple and comfortable poses. If in some position a woman feels discomfort during sexual intercourse, then it should be changed to another, in which only pleasure will be felt.

Sometimes after sexual intercourse a woman may experience cramps, but if they go away within half an hour, then this is normal. If the cramps have not gone away half an hour after sex, then you need to call an ambulance.


By the twelfth week, a woman’s body weight increases by 900–2000 g, based on the weight that existed before pregnancy. And what? thinner woman, the more weight she gains by the twelfth week, and the fatter the pregnant woman, the less her body weight increases. That is, by the twelfth week, a plump and large woman will add only 900–1500 g, and a thin woman – 1500–2000 g. You should not be afraid of weight gain, since during all twelve weeks it was not due to fat deposits, but due to an increase in volume blood, expansion of the lungs, increase in the mass of some internal organs. All this will pass after childbirth, and the weight will decrease.

Food and alcohol

In the twelfth week of pregnancy, you cannot follow a diet for weight loss, since the fetus requires nutrients in normal quantities, not in small quantities. Therefore, a woman should eat well, including in her diet dairy products, meat, fish, vegetables, cereals made from unprocessed grains (unrefined

Pregnancy 12 weeks– it’s the end of the first trimester! Hooray! You can breathe easy and cast aside all fears! After all, miscarriages, most often, occur only before the term “12 weeks pregnant.” Finally, self-doubt and tearfulness disappear. And you can forget about toxicosis! Pregnancy 12 weeks makes a woman overestimate life values, think about spiritual things.

Your baby will no longer have new organs. The existing ones will grow and develop. Baby 12 weeks pregnant is already moving. He may even squint and open his mouth! The skeleton is actively forming, nails are growing, and hairs are beginning to appear. Your baby is already eating! Capable of pushing food through itself small intestine. She is able to absorb sugar and glucose.

At gestational age 12 weeks The baby’s nervous system and brain continue to form, and bile is already being produced in the liver. In addition, baby teeth are formed.
Pregnancy 12 weeks- the time when you can hear heartbeat your baby using a special device - Doppler.
12 weeks pregnant on ultrasound allow you to accurately determine the sex of the baby (of course, if he wants it and takes the desired position).
Pregnancy 12 weeks increases the amount of amniotic fluid, now it is about 50 millimeters.
Gestational age 12 weeks, and your weight may well not have changed. However, you could gain or lose a couple of kilograms.
Uterus at 12 weeks of pregnancy no longer fits in the hip bones. It will be easy for you to feel it above the pubic bone.

IN 12 weeks pregnant you may be sent to the first ultrasound. It is considered important to do it no later than this period. Right now it is possible to identify fetal malformations, for example, Down syndrome. In addition to this, it is in 12 weeks pregnant ultrasound allows you to determine the baby's age with an accuracy of several days. And when you're in 12 weeks pregnant you'll get to ultrasound, don’t forget to arrange for the very first photo of your baby! This will be something to brag about to your friends!

Belly at 12 weeks of pregnancy
is gradually growing. A dark stripe may appear on it, passing through the navel; it visually divides your belly into two equal parts.

Pregnancy 12 weeks –
time to visit the dentist and also report your situation at work.

registered in antenatal clinic must certainly happen before the deadline 12 weeks pregnant. Before going to the doctor, remember (or better yet, write down) the data about your menstruation (at what age did it start, how regularly did it occur, the start date of the last one). Now yours pregnancy12 weeks, but you will have to remember all previous pregnancies, abortions, and illnesses. By the way, you need to collect information about the health of your baby’s daddy. We hope that pregnancy 12 weeks b – the time when your gynecologist already knows your height, weight, blood pressure.

If your pregnancy 12 weeks, you should already have everything needed tests urine and blood (except for general tests, you will be sent to donate blood from a vein for HIV, syphilis and hepatitis B).
In addition, you may have to undergo a urine test for hCG during pregnancy 12 weeks. It may be prescribed if there is a threat of miscarriage in order to choose the right course of treatment. To do this, you need to submit 50 milliliters of urine collected in the morning to the laboratory.
Also, in the first trimester of pregnancy, the doctor will try to determine the size of your baby from the tailbone to the crown. This allows you to find out the duration of your “interesting position” as accurately as possible. Error when using Totr at 12 weeks of pregnancy may be just a few days.

During the examination, the doctor may notice that you have discharge at 12 weeks of pregnancy. If they have bad smell, green, gray or yellow, this may indicate an infection. In this case, the gynecologist will prescribe treatment, most likely it will be special vaginal suppositories.
If you have pregnancy 12 weeks, A temperature rises to 37 degrees, don’t worry, this temperature in the first trimester is considered normal. Simply put, this is how the body gets used to pregnancy.
If your pregnancy 12 weeks accompany pain, be sure to inform your doctor about this during the examination. By the way, in the medical school of Europe this is considered the norm (of course, if the pain is not severe and does not have a cramping nature). Therefore, if pregnancy 12 weeks, and you I have a stomachache, learn to react correctly to this. You just need to get used to it and relax. Nature is actually very wise. After all, she is already beginning to teach the expectant mother relaxation skills, which, oh, how useful they will be during the upcoming birth!

And remember: you take care of your baby while taking care of your own health. Therefore, if you have not already done so, buy a comfortable bra that supports your breasts well. Eat a varied diet, eat exclusively fresh foods. And then pregnancy 12 weeks will only bring you joy!

So 12 weeks of pregnancy have passed. The first trimester has ended for mother and baby. Many fears and difficulties are left behind.

The week itself is marked by a generally calm character. By this time, even if an ultrasound had not been done, then the right moment had just arrived. Additionally, they are screened for various genetic diseases, undergo a complete first pregnancy medical examination, and much more.

By the beginning of the 12th week, the expectant mother’s tummy is not yet visible. Although if it is very fragile and graceful, then a slight bulge may appear.

Weight gain can reach 1.5-2 kg over the entire period. Although the rate of increase is 0.5 kg per week.

Many people, on the contrary, lose weight due to toxicosis. However, you shouldn’t start eating “for two” for this reason.

You need to monitor your weight from the very beginning of pregnancy, that is, not to overeat, but also not to be hungry.


If you look at the baby at this time, he has almost completely formed into a little man. There are still small differences, but in a couple of weeks they will be erased, that is, they will develop to their usual appearance.

The brain is fully formed. All the makings of the body are laid down, now they will be improved until the end of the term. The heart beats rhythmically and can be heard using special devices.

During this period, bone tissue is formed. Hair buds begin to form. Thyroid fully formed and performs all its functions.

By 12 weeks the fetus is already actively moving. However, due to its small size, the mother does not feel this. He can move his arms and legs. He develops contractile reflexes, which will disappear over time after birth. He can clench and unclench his fingers, makes sucking movements with his mouth, the muscles around the eyes (which are still closed by eyelids) also contract.

The baby becomes especially active when the mother puts her hand on her stomach or in situations she likes (rocking, singing, etc.).

Internal organs also develop. The intestines are already quite developed, but part of it is located in the umbilical cord. Both the urine processing and excretion system works. From this period, not only red blood cells, but also leukocytes are formed in the fetal blood. This improves the immune system.

Gender of the child

The gender of the child is determined at conception. That is, nothing changes during these 12 weeks. It just gradually develops and forms into the external and internal genital organs.

Determining gender at this stage is almost impossible. The doctor performing the ultrasound gives a 50/50 guarantee. That is, none.

However, experienced uzologists can determine with a higher probability the angle of inclination of the genital tubercle in the fetus. If this tubercle is 30 degrees or more inclination relative to the child’s back, then it can be said that the baby will be a boy. For girls, this angle is less than 30 degrees.

By appearance the genitals at this stage are no different. Especially if a girl’s outer labia are swollen, then there is no difference even with a high-quality ultrasound. But after a couple of weeks you can determine with greater probability. It’s better to leave this until 18-19 weeks, when the external genitalia are accurately visualized.


Ultrasound at 12 weeks is mandatory in the list of examinations for pregnant women. It determines the size and approximate weight of the fetus. Using them, the doctor can clarify the duration of pregnancy. On it future mommy“getting to know” your baby.

Ultrasound at 12 weeks

Of course, it’s not very easy to understand what she sees on the screen. Therefore, she can ask the doctor all her questions in order to get to know and become closer to her baby.

Ultrasound evaluates the condition of the uterus, its tone, the location of the placenta, the attachment of the fetus, and the number of fetuses in the uterus. All data obtained is compared with tables of norms. This is done in order to assess the condition and development of the fetus and whether the pregnancy is progressing normally. All data is entered into the card in order to further monitor the development and growth of the fetus, as well as to prevent the occurrence of various abnormalities in time.

An ultrasound can also bring unpleasant “surprises”. These could be heart defects, chromosomal abnormalities of the baby (syndrome), etc.

This is very difficult moment for parents, since the treatment of these diseases is complicated or impossible and they have to do difficult choice– leave the child or resort to termination of pregnancy. But at the same time, mothers are offered to undergo additional examinations that can confirm or refute the sad diagnoses.


Screening is a set of procedures that includes ultrasound. Blood is also taken for biochemical analysis. It is carried out in specialized laboratories that examine genetic and chromosomal abnormalities of the fetus using the mother’s blood.

Hormone studies, which are included in screening studies, determine the risk level of certain abnormalities in a child.

For example, when increased value b-hCG is two or more times suspected of Down syndrome, and if it decreases, Edwards syndrome is suspected. Another conclusion is the determination of the fetal neural tube defect.

But even though this study is considered highly informative, it is not the basis for the final conclusion. It only determines the degree and possibility of the risk of developing such anomalies.

Based on the screening results, the need for further examinations is considered. The pregnant woman is also referred to a geneticist, who will recommend certain research methods to clarify or refute preliminary diagnoses.

It happens that even with the most unfavorable prognosis, an absolutely healthy baby is born. Therefore, you should not despair in advance; you need to completely go through all the recommended procedures.


At week 12, it is also necessary to donate blood for analysis and detection of the following diseases: AIDS, hepatitis, syphilis, blood group, Rh factor, biochemical analysis, sugar. At the same time, the level is determined. If this was done before, it needs to be done again to determine the normal development of the fetus.

In addition, a urine test is required. It monitors the presence of protein and red blood cells.

In case of any deviations, the observing gynecologist refers to specialized specialists: urologist, dermatovenerologist, etc.

Fruit size

At 12 weeks, the baby is still very tiny. In size it can be compared to a large plum.

The baby's height varies from 58 to 90 mm. Weight – 9-15 g. Biparietal head measurement – ​​at least 20 mm. Abdominal circumference – at least 25 mm. The coccygeal-parietal measurement is at least 58 mm. Thigh length – at least 9 mm. Diameter chest– not less than 22 mm.

In particular, the size of the nose and the distance between the eyes influence the determination of normal fetal development. These indications are clarified with the leading physician.

At the end of the first trimester, women often experience relief. And not only physical (since toxicosis set in), but also moral. In the second case, this is due to the fact that in the first weeks there is often a threat of losing a child, many are afraid and look forward to the first one.

Hormonal background is also gradually established, excessive emotionality and tearfulness disappear. Although even if they remain, this is a temporary phenomenon or a negative external influence that needs to be removed.

Woman's shape at 12 weeks

By 12 weeks, a woman’s curves begin to round out. The uterus increases in size, although most often not yet enough to alert others to the woman’s interesting position. But it is already enough for a woman to feel discomfort and visit the toilet more often. There may also be problems with bowel movements.

All this happens due to the enlarged uterus, which begins to squeeze the internal organs surrounding it and move it out of place. After childbirth, when it shrinks, everything will fall into place and the problems will go away on their own. Now we need to help the body cope with these problems.

The mammary glands also enlarge, preparing for lactation in the future. As your breasts grow, itching may occur. It can also occur in the abdomen and thighs. This occurs due to the occurrence of stretch marks (stretch marks). To prevent and eliminate them, you need to thoroughly moisturize the skin and use special creams or oils.

A dark stripe appears on the abdomen, which will disappear after the baby is born. In addition, pigmentation may appear on the face, neck and décolleté. Another cause of concern for a pregnant woman is vascular formations. You shouldn’t worry too much about all this, because these changes occur “thanks to” hormonal changes, in particular, as a result of the accumulation and release of melanin, a substance that colors certain parts of the body.

At this time it may occur. Although it is more often a companion to pregnant women at a later stage, however, due to the effect of progesterone on the septum between the stomach and esophagus, weakening it, gastric juice begins to move down the esophagus. For this reason, a burning sensation occurs.

Although there is no particular need yet, it is quite possible to start updating your wardrobe. In particular, you need to choose clothes that will not compress the abdominal area. This will also help the expectant mother relax, get in the right mood, and get closer to her baby.

Shoes also need to be changed to more comfortable ones. natural materials in low heels. You can change and underwear. In particular, a bra, since the breasts grow, and squeezing them can lead to the threat of termination of pregnancy.

Feelings in the abdomen

Of course, every woman is most concerned about the feelings in the abdominal area. Especially if it is pain or other unpleasant sensations. But not all of them are dangerous. So, experts say, if such pain is localized in the sides and radiates to the leg, groin or back, then this is within the normal range, since the body is in “search” for progesterone. But this is normal only as a temporary phenomenon.

If painful sensations permanent, then you need to contact a specialist.

But if the pain is localized in the lower part, has a pulling, aching or cramping nature, then the pregnant woman needs to urgently go to the hospital. The situation gets worse if there is bloody or brown look from the vagina. This picture may indicate a spontaneous miscarriage, which, with timely response, can be prevented.

To reassure a pregnant woman if she experiences any incomprehensible, painful or unpleasant sensations, you can consult with the obstetrician-gynecologist leading your pregnancy, who will conduct an examination and a series of tests.


In the first three months of pregnancy, the discharge is quite thick, light or transparent, of uniform consistency, with a slightly sour odor. Changes in their appearance may indicate any pathologies during pregnancy.

Diseases at 12 weeks

If the color of the discharge becomes yellowish, gray or green, the smell takes on an unpleasant, putrid hue, impurities of pus are observed, the consistency becomes foamy or curdled, then this indicates the presence of an infectious disease.

During pregnancy, this is very common, since immunity is reduced so that the fetus is better established and is not rejected by the body. Itching and burning in the genital area, which intensifies with urination, is also common.

If the discharge turns pink, red or Brown color, then it can mean spontaneous. However, the same symptoms can occur after intimacy between spouses, an internal examination by a gynecologist, or in the presence of erosion.

But in any case, the changed allocations should concern expectant mother and she needs to see her doctor, who can answer exactly what this means.

Diseases at 12 weeks

Often observed in the first trimester various diseases. Including viral and colds. You should try to avoid them, since it is during this period that the little man inside you is formed. But if this cannot be avoided, then you need to contact a pediatrician who will prescribe the correct treatment that will help you and not harm the baby.

Be sure to drink plenty of fluids. You can drink various teas and berry fruit drinks.

The main thing is to read which ones should not be consumed at this stage, as some can cause the threat of miscarriage. You can also add honey, ginger,...

Self-medication is absolutely contraindicated. Many folk recipes harmful and even dangerous, each requires consultation with a therapist. If after three days of prescribed treatment there is no relief, then you need to contact a specialist again.

From the 12th week, the fetal skeleton begins to form, and if the pregnant woman has not yet started taking calcium supplements, then it is time to do so, otherwise the mother herself will begin to have problems with her teeth. Cramps in the legs can indicate a lack of calcium. But this may also indicate a lack of magnesium. It will also help you become calmer and more balanced.

The problem with heartburn can be corrected using available remedies: milk, carrots, seeds, mineral water(“Essentuki”, “Borjomi”). If this does not help, then you can try taking special medications (“Rennie”, “Galstena”).

If you have a problem with constipation, then including fresh, stewed and baked fruits and vegetables in your diet will help. You can eat a little dried fruit (dried apricots), which also have a laxative effect.

You need to give up sweets, fresh yeast baked goods, starchy foods, gluten-containing cereals, etc.

In all incomprehensible, strange, frightening circumstances, you need to consult a doctor. He will help you figure it out and give advice on how to improve the situation.

The first trimester is over. Many pregnant women believe that the hardest time is behind them. In fact, there is still 2/3 of the way ahead, when other difficulties will be encountered.

Now the main thing is to take a complex of vitamins and minerals for the proper development of the baby, to maintain a routine and calmness. Mom needs to eat right to avoid extra pounds and get a good night's sleep. In this case, the child will develop and grow correctly.

Video about the results of the first trimester of my pregnancy:

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