Home Fruit trees Comprehensively thematic planning by op mosaic. Report on the implementation of the "mosaic" program and the software and methodological complex "mosaic park. Ways and directions to support children's initiative

Comprehensively thematic planning by op mosaic. Report on the implementation of the "mosaic" program and the software and methodological complex "mosaic park. Ways and directions to support children's initiative

Review of POOP DO "Mosaic". The presentation provides information about the developers of the program, pilot sites for testing, its goals and objectives, the age range of pupils, as well as the features of this program.



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Overview of the program "MOSAIC" Educator: Norskaya Nadezhda Nikolaevna Rybinsk 2015

Approximate main educational program preschool education Mosaic Developer of the Mosaic program: Tyumen Regional state institute development of regional education (TOGIRRO). Authors-compilers: Belkovich Victoria Yurievna, Grebyonkina Natalia Valentinovna, Kildysheva Irina Afrikovna Reviewers: T.V. Volosovets - Ph.D., professor, director of the Institute of Psychological and Pedagogical Problems of Childhood Russian Academy education; IN AND. Zagvyazinsky - Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Education, Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation N.G. Milovanova - Doctor of Pediatrics, Professor of the Department of Andragogy of TOGIRRO; S.N. Fokeeva - Ph.D., Associate Professor, Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation.

Approbation and implementation of the Mosaic Program The Mosaic Program was tested in 2011-2012. in seven preschools - pilot sites in the Tyumen region. Stages of approbation 1. Installation and analytical stage 2. Transformative -technological stage 3 . The final stage As a result of approbation and implementation of the Program, the following results were obtained: For preschool education For pupils of preschool education For teachers For parents

The content of the program is designed for children from 2 to 7 years old. The goal of the Mosaic Program is: to expand the opportunities for developing the personal potential and abilities of each child before school age. The Mosaic program is aimed at implementing the following tasks: providing conditions healthy lifestyle the life and safety of the child; introducing children through the types of activities corresponding to their individual age characteristics to socio-cultural norms, traditions of the family, society of the state; development of interest and motivation of children in the knowledge of the world and creativity; implementation of variable educational programs; respect for the rights of the child, parents and other participants educational process.

The program is aimed at creating the following psychological and pedagogical conditions: personality-oriented interaction between adults and children; full communication of the child with peers, older and younger children; development of developing pedagogical technologies, age-appropriate and based on the assimilation cultural media activities at a certain age; development of a developing subject-spatial environment that provides communicative, playful, cognitive, speech, physical, creative activities of children in accordance with age; the possibility of choice for all subjects of education (teachers, children, parents (legal representatives)) of educational programs, pedagogical technologies and activities.

STRUCTURE OF THE "MOSAIC" PROGRAM The appendix to the program contains: - exemplary complex-thematic planning for different age groups, - a list of publications of the PMC "Mosaic PARK" for teachers and children, - a list of equipment, - a glossary.

Features of the MOSAIC program Absence of strictly regulated forms of organization of children Ensuring optimal motor mode (free movement of the child) Flexible mode that allows the child to be included in regime moments without disturbing psychophysiological comfort

The components of the model of the educational process: joint activities of the teacher with children and independent children's activities and interaction with parents Organization of the educational process on the basis of the "club of interests" with the provision of developing (enriching) psychological and pedagogical support Maximum minimization of "paper" planning (freeing up time for direct interaction educator with children and parents) Opportunity to organize inclusive education for children with disabilities Features of the program "MOSAIC"

week - the time period of planning the formulation of sequential training and development tasks, (specific) for this period, the solution of which is expected in joint activities, during regime moments, situations everyday communication with children selection of optimal forms of interaction and methods of activity with children definition of basic concepts for assimilation by children adjustment (replenishment) of the subject-developing environment development correction (individually or for the whole group) Sequential planning algorithm

PROGRAM "MOSAIC" Educational activities are built in accordance with: significant events social life and the surrounding world; the principle of integration (educational tasks are integrated and contribute to the creation of a holistic educational process). Comprehensive thematic planning has been developed for each age group. Each month has its own integrating theme. For example: September - "AUTUMN IS WALKING ON THE PATH." The theme of the month determines the themes of the week. For example: “MULTICOLORED LEAVES”, “CLOUDS AND RAIN”, etc.

Comprehensive thematic planning - specific, variable, integrating. The theme of the week in each subsequent year expands, deepens, generalizes. For example, the theme "ME AND MY FAMILY": junior group- "MOTHER AND FATHER"; middle group- "GRANDMOTHERS AND GRANDFATHERS"; senior group- "CHILDREN IN THE FAMILY"; preparatory group for school - "RELATIVES". MOSAIC PROGRAM

In complex-thematic planning for each week (thematic module): 1) indicative list the main types of organized educational activities; 2) lists games, books, developing notebooks published as part of the PMK DO "Mosaic PARK", which solve the educational tasks of this week. The educator independently determines the types of educational activities and publications of the PMK DO "Mosaic PARK". MOSAIC PROGRAM


benevolent respectful attitude everyone with everyone. Constructive dialogue with parents (qualified counseling, concrete recommendations). Committed to conflict-free communication(demonstration effective ways conflict resolution). Careful observation of the child, timely response. Stay in kindergarten should bring joy to the child, and educational situations should be exciting Creating an emotionally comfortable educational environment

MAIN FEATURES OF THE MOSAIC PROGRAM MOSAIC is a modern domestic program, which provides specific pedagogical tools in the context of modernization of preschool education. "MOSAIC" creates an educational space that involves the unification of teachers, children and their parents into a single community. "MOSAIC" offers teachers a wide range of pedagogical technologies for building an individual educational trajectory of a child's development.

Principles and approaches to the formation and implementation of the Mosaic Program The main principles for the formation and implementation of the Mosaic Program are as follows: milestone in the overall development of man. 2. Support for the specificity and diversity of preschool childhood. 3. Implementation of the Program in forms specific for children of this age group, primarily in the form of a game, cognitive and research activities. 4. Creation of a favorable social situation for the development of each child in accordance with his age and individual features and inclinations. 5. Personally developing and humanistic nature of the assistance and cooperation of children and adults in the process of children's development and their interaction with people, culture and the outside world. 6. Variability of the organization of preschool education. The Mosaic program was developed on the basis of cultural-historical and systemic-activity approaches, which are the methodology of the Federal State Educational Standard.

PROGRAM AND METHODOLOGICAL COMPLEX OF PRESCHOOL EDUCATION "Mosaic PARK" creates a complete information and educational environment for the implementation of the "Mosaic" program and includes: manuals equipment Games, books, developing notebooks

"Preschool education" - Socio-pedagogical passport for children from 0 to 7 years old in the Belogorsk district. Development of a unified model of a graduate of a preschool educational institution. Building a system of preschool education is a necessity due to public demand. Request of parents of the Belogorsk district for forms of preschool education. Raise professional competence frames.

"ICT in the educational process of preschool educational institutions" - The use of ready-made digital educational resources. Memory. The use of ICT in preschool educational institutions. Items and toys. Stages of work. Management of the process of professional competence. Transformations in management activities. Children's activities. Low level information competence. Diagnostic card.

"Planning in kindergarten" - The content of the teacher's work. long term plan for a year. Defines the content of the work. Plants. We live in Russia. Calendar plan in the educational planning system process. Algorithm. Thematic planning. Requirements for planning work with children. Planning of educational activities.

"Innovative technologies" - Gaming technologies. Innovative technologies in preschool education. Define new methods of the form of technology means. Aspects of the concept of "pedagogical technology". By focusing on personal structures. Pedagogical technology. By level of application. The content of education is aimed at: Methodological guidance for the innovative work of preschool educational institutions.

"The role of preschool education" - Social infrastructure. Bilingual private kindergarten. Job growth. Preschool education. Investment and nursery. economic arguments. Individual approach. Accessibility problem. The role of non-state DOs. Agreement. Skills.

"Development of preschool education" - The program determines the mandatory part. It is impossible to work in the old way, so we are starting a new business. Specific indicators activities of the preschool educational institution different types. History of preschool education in Russia. Requirements for the ratio of parts of the main educational program. Multifunctional, developing system.

There are 15 presentations in total in the topic

Municipal Budgetary Society educational institution

"Average comprehensive school No. 2 of the city of Osy "

Calendar-thematic planning extracurricular activities short course mug

"musical mosaic"

Compiled by:

Denisova Elena Vladimirovna,

music teacher

MBOU "Secondary School No. 2 of Osy".

Explanatory note

"The beautiful awakens the good"

D.B. Kabalevsky

Federal state requirements for the structure of the main general education program determine the content of the educational area "Art" in the subject "Music" to achieve the goals:

Formation of the foundations of musical culture through the emotional perception of music;

Education of an emotional and value attitude to art, artistic taste, moral and aesthetic feelings: love for the Motherland, pride in the great achievements of domestic and world musical art, respect for history, spiritual traditions of Russia, musical culture different peoples;

Development of perception of music, interest in music and musical activity, figurative and associative thinking and imagination, musical memory and hearing, singing voice, creativity in various types musical activity;

Enrichment of knowledge about the art of music;

Mastering practical skills and abilities in educational and creative activity

As well as tasks:

Development of an emotionally conscious attitude to musical works;

Understanding their vital and spiritual and moral content;

Mastering musical genres - simple (song, dance, march) and more complex (opera, ballet, symphony, music from films);

Studying the features of the musical language;

Formation of musical and practical skills and skills of musical activity (composition, perception, performance), as well as the creative abilities of children.

1. Relevance.

The need to introduce musical art in extracurricular activities is due to the fact that it is very effective means spiritual and moral and aesthetic education. AT modern conditions development of society, modernization of the educational process in Russia, work in initial links systems. Modern understanding The problems of musical education of children involve their involvement in the process of communication with music based on the principle of activity and creative play. Introduction to music occurs most naturally in active forms joint music-making (playing on musical instruments, singing, movement), which should form the foundation for the musical education of children of preschool, primary school age. Not all children are talented, but all are capable.

Playing children's musical instruments not only introduces children to entertaining and complex musical performance, but also prepares well and affects the comprehensive development of the individual, has a great educational and educational value, gives rise to confidence in their abilities in children, which means that interest in music lessons is activated. . Playing a musical instrument is always associated in children with a sense of joy and pleasure, and the desire to play in an orchestra is so great that children do not notice that great academic work which is carried out in the process of making music and from which they do not get tired, because they are actors, and not outside observers or listeners. In the process of studying the course of extracurricular activities of musical art, schoolchildren master the basics of individual performance, develop artistic taste and expand their musical horizons, develop music-making skills and gain experience in stage performance. In the process of playing musical instruments, elementary performance skills are formed through which the student could express his mood, his feeling of music. The experience of realizing one's "I" and the significance and behavior in society is acquired.

The work program for extracurricular activities "Musical Mosaic" was compiled on the basis of the program "Playing in the Orchestra by Ear" by M. A. Trubnikova, which in many respects has something in common with the goals and objectives of the subject "Music". The aim of the program is teaching children to select melodies by ear and play children's musical instruments (in an ensemble, orchestra)

The course program is distinguished by a fundamentally new method of teaching children to play musical instruments, based on the selection of melodies by ear. Along with the development of an ear for music (timbre, sound, melodic) and a sense of musical rhythm, the program comprehensively resolves issues general development child as an individual. The musical repertoire of the program consists of works of classical, modern and folk music. The program "Playing in an orchestra by ear" is highly effective both in terms of developing basic musical abilities and expanding the scope of musical activities that contribute to the development of memory, figurative thinking, attention, overcoming stiffness, shyness.

Novelty: the program is made in accordance with the federal state requirements. Provides a differentiated personality-oriented approach to each child. The value of instrumental music-making in solving this problem is great.

Experts rightly emphasize that musical instruments are unmatched in the speed and ease of learning them, especially in joint performance, where people with extremely limited natural abilities can take part and gradually develop their ear.

First, playing musical instruments prevents children from developing a barrier of inferiority. Secondly, it allows you to successfully develop pitch, timbre and modal hearing in children.

Thirdly, joint music-making develops imagination, memory, will, a sense of empathy, responsibility for a common cause, collectivism. M.A. Trubnikova in her program “Playing in the orchestra by ear” notes that playing children's musical instruments is one of the favorite and promising types of musical activity for children.

Play by ear effective method the development of not only an ear for music, but also the system of musicality in general and the only productive way to learn to play in an orchestra. The main conditions for the formation of the activity of selecting a melody by ear are: the preliminary accumulation by children of the necessary musical and auditory representations; individual sessions with them on one purely tuned musical instrument, and then - the transfer of the acquired methods of action to other instruments.

The formation of the activity of selecting a melody by ear consists of two stages: preparatory and main. At the preparatory stage, the formation of musical and auditory representations takes place in children. The second - the main stage of the selection of melodies by ear on musical instruments has three stages: tentative-timbre, rhythmic and melodic.

2. Purpose and objectives of the course.

The aim of the course is the cultivation of the artistic taste of students and the development of culture, as well as practical work on the development of children's musical abilities. To form an interest in communicating with orchestral music, to consolidate and generalize students' knowledge about the orchestra and the role of the conductor in it.

Tasks: Educational: Know: Definition of the composition of the orchestra, the role of the conductor in the orchestra, what is the score, the names of the works that sounded in the lesson.

Be able to: Distinguish the sound of individual musical instruments of the orchestra, Read the simplest rhythmic scores; Participate in the collective performing activities of playing musical instruments.

Educational: emotional and value attitude to music; musical taste of students; listening and performing culture; the need for independent communication with music; interest in musical culture.

Developing: musical ear, sense of rhythm, musical memory, creative, imagination, associative thinking, creative activity.

The main task is to teach children to play children's musical instruments and, thereby, to interest them in music, to arouse the desire to play music on their own, both in music classes and at home. Great importance has an early learning curve. It is very important to interest the child from the first lesson, to make him want to learn to play, using his natural curiosity. Therefore, the first lesson should be tried to be done in the form of a small holiday or some kind of discovery. After all, children have probably already seen many instruments, but not everyone knew and heard that they can be played while performing real music.

Children's interest in learning to play musical instruments must be constantly supported. The success of this learning depends on the consistency of all forms of musical activities of children. In the classroom, they receive a volume of knowledge and skills, accumulate a repertoire that children willingly, with great pleasure and pride demonstrate at holidays and entertainment.

In the course of achieving these goals, musical and educational tasks are solved:

Collective music making

Accumulation of musical and auditory impressions.

Improving musical ear.

Mastery of orchestral and rhythmic skills.

Education of musical and aesthetic taste.

The development of organization, the ability to work in a team.

Development of hearing, attention, memory.

Expanding musical horizons.

Development of musical and creative data.

3. The structure of the course.

The course includes the following sections:

1. Musical and creative installation.

2. Study of musical instruments and methods of playing them.

3. Work on the rhythm.

4. Work with an elementary orchestral score. Drawing up your schemes-scores of a musical work.

5. Work on the ensemble.

4. Features of the program implementation.

The program is designed for group, short-term training in the orchestra for children 8 years old, the implementation period is 1 year. General course lessons in musical art in 2 classes, which is 34 hours per year and 1 hour per week (8h + 8 + 10 + 8). The groups of children change every quarter because this is a module. The group of students is from 10-15 people. The composition of the orchestra is determined by the students themselves, who signed up, at will, in different circles of the module and changes in quarters:

first quarter - the first subgroup of students from different 2 classes

second quarter - second subgroup of students in grade 2

third quarter - the third subgroup of students in grade 2

fourth quarter-fourth subgroup.

It turns out that during the year, all students of the second grade of the school will try to play in the orchestra in order to determine for themselves what is closer, better, to the soul.

Group classes are held according to the school schedule every Tuesday for 35 minutes. This short-term course of the program provides the basis for the performance of which is the musical instruments of the children's orchestra, the piano part, which is performed by the teacher and the phonograms (pluses and minuses) of the work, on audio equipment, as well as on a computer.

The author has given exemplary age stages learning to play by ear. Each teacher, depending on the degree of ability and development of children, can build this system in his own way. I propose my algorithm for working with the product:

The algorithm for working on the work:

We listen to a piece of music.

We sing the melody of a song or music. works or nursery rhymes by ear.

We play our own version, with a selection of music. tools.

I suggest a melody, or pick up sounds together by ear (on high-pitched instruments).

Adding parts of other instruments.

We perform different variants changing parts and changing instruments.

I give them the parts that are offered in the score of the work, possibly in a simplified version, it depends on the preparedness of the groups.

5. Planned results.

As a result of studying the course in the circle "Musical Mosaic", the student must master the following subject results:

1. They will master the techniques of playing elementary musical instruments.

2. Learn to play, focusing on the conductor's gesture together.

3. Recognize the elements of musical literacy.

4. Master and expand their orchestral skills.

5. Learn to play their solo part in a piece.

6. Be able to expressively perform a piece of music.

7. Participation in performance musical works at the concert.

8. Gain experience in individual and group creative activities.

9. Expand the skills and abilities of intonation of music and its performance with the help of elementary music making;

10. Learn to get involved in the process of rhythmic and instrumental improvisations.

11. Select instruments suitable for playing in a piece of music by ear.

12. Will be able to determine the structure of simple works.

13. They will be able to recognize musical instruments by their appearance and sound.

14. They will be able to determine by ear two-part, three-part, four-part.

15. Master the orchestral parts of musical works.

16. The skills of correct concert performance of a piece of music will be formed.

Accounting for UUD is carried out in the following forms:

1. Photo report, video report.

2. Concerts, participation in school events.

3. Performance of orchestral musical works as part of the lesson.

6. Class structure

1. Cognitive part (acquaintance with musical terms and concepts related to the course of the circle: orchestra, conductor, parts, score, gesture, etc.)

2. Preparatory part (study of musical instruments. Free music-making. Techniques of playing musical instruments. Role-playing games "Cheerful orchestra", "Conductor", etc. Rhythmic games, exercises aimed at developing a sense of tempo, rhythm, timbre representations )

3. Individual work(learning selected topics, parties with children playing melodic instruments or playing in small groups of 1-2-3 people).

4. Accumulation of the repertoire (Learning new works. Work on the ensemble and system. Musical and creative activity. Performance of the learned musical material and repetition of the old material). Performance and repetition of parts of the entire repertoire. Performance in the lessons, as part of the lesson, by students who are part of the group, at concerts. Incorporate student performances into the school work plan.

5. Repertoire: L. Knipper "Polyushko-field", W. Mozart "Minuet", S. Rachmaninoff "Italian Polka", R. Schumann "Brave Rider, R.N.P. “In the garden, in the garden”, P. Tchaikovsky “Kamarinskaya”. The repertoire may change, be supplemented at the discretion of the head, due to different composition groups of students.

6. Outcome - control provides for the performance of students at events and concerts of the school, class, part of the music lesson.

7. Calendar-thematic plan.

Student activities



Introductory lesson (study of instruments, playing techniques, game-performance of songs-chants).

R.n.p. "In the garden, in the garden"

(spoons, tambourines, whistles, rattles, glockenspiel)

P. Tchaikovsky "Kamarinskaya"

(spoons, tambourines, whistles, rattles, metallophone, triangle)

L. Knipper "Polyushko-field

(Drums, triangles, tambourines)

S. Rachmaninov "Italian Polka" (tambourines, metallophone, maracas, bells)

R. Schumann "Brave Rider"

(castanets, sticks, spoons, maracas, tambourine, glockenspiel)

W. Mozart "Minuet"

Repetition of parts of the entire repertoire:

1) L. Knipper "Polyushko-field",

2) V. Mozart "Minuet", 3) S. Rachmaninov "Polka"

4) R.N.P. "In the garden, in the garden"

5) R. Schumann "Brave rider"

6) P.I. Tchaikovsky "Kamarinskaya"

Performance at lessons, events and concerts of class and school. Display student work experience for parents.

Approximate result-control

Concert for grandparents dedicated to the Month of an elderly person with r.n.p. "In the garden, in the garden."

Christmas tree

To our mothers.

4 composition: Spring fun

Video report,

photo report

8. Planned results for GEF:

Subject: Know / understand the rules of behavior in the classroom, master the initial skills, participate in collective music making.

Personal: emotional and moral responsiveness to a piece of music.

Regulatory UUD: Analyze information, compare, establish an analogy;

Cognitive UUD: Choose actions in accordance with the task;

Communicative UUD: Adequately evaluate own behavior and the behavior of others.

9. Literature:

1. Borovik T. “Sounds, rhythms and words” - Minsk, 1991.
2. Zimina A.N. “We play, we compose!” - Moscow, Yuventa, 2002
3. Kononova N.G. “Teaching preschoolers to play children's musical instruments” - Moscow, Education, 1990.
4. Simukova V. “Could you play the nocturne?” - “ Musical director” No. 3, 2005
5. Trubnikova M. “We play in the orchestra by ear” - Moscow, 2000.
6. Tyutyunnikova T. “Noise orchestra outside and inside” - “Musical palette” No. 6, 2006. 7. Vetlugina N.A. Education of musical ear. - M., 1993

8. Kononova N.G. Teaching preschoolers to play children's musical instruments. - M., 1990. 9. Laptev I.G. Orchestra in the classroom. - M., 1994

10. Kryukova V.V. Musical Pedagogy.- Rn-D. 2002

11. Zatsepina M.B. Child development in musical activity: A review of preschool education programs. - M.: TC Sphere, 2010. - 128 p.

Approximate basic educational program of preschool education "Mosaic" The developer of the program "Mosaic": Tyumen Regional State Institute for the Development of Regional Education (TOGIRRO). Reviewers: T.V. Volosovets - Ph.D., professor, director of the Institute of Psychological and Pedagogical Problems of Childhood of the Russian Academy of Education; IN AND. Zagvyazinsky - Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Education, Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation N.G. Milovanova - Doctor of Pediatrics, Professor of the Department of Andragogy of TOGIRRO; S.N. Fokeeva - candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor, honored teacher of the Russian Federation.

PROGRAM AND METHODICAL COMPLEX An exemplary basic educational program of preschool education "Mosaic" was developed for children from 2 to 7 years old: group early age(third year of life); junior group (fourth year of life); middle group (fifth year of life); senior group (sixth year of life); preparatory group for school (seventh year of life).

STRUCTURE OF THE "MOSAIC" PROGRAM The appendix to the program contains: - an approximate complex-thematic planning for different age groups, - a list of publications of the PMC "Mosaic PARK" for teachers and children, - a list of equipment, - a glossary. The program includes three main sections targeted content organizational

Shifting the emphasis from preparing for school to socializing the child; - solving educational problems during games, cognitive research and productive and creative activities of children; - flexible design of the subject-developing environment, creation of a situation of choice; - formation personal qualities necessary for life in a rapidly changing environment; - new mechanisms of interaction with parents. Implementation of the basic principles of the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education:

Features of the MOSAIC program Absence of strictly regulated forms of organization of children Ensuring optimal motor mode (free movement of the child) Flexible mode that allows the child to be included in regime moments without disturbing psychophysiological comfort

Approximate schedule days in accordance with the mode of stay of children in the preschool Regime moments Activities of the children of the educator Reception of children Morning warm-up Breakfast Organization of game, cognitive, productive, creative activities with children Walk Return from a walk Lunch Preparation for bed

Features of the "MOSAIC" program Components of the model of the educational process: joint activities of the teacher with children and independent children's activities and interaction with parents psychological and pedagogical support Maximum minimization of "paper" planning (freeing up time for direct interaction of the educator with children and parents) Possibility to organize inclusive education for children with disabilities

Sequential planning algorithm week - time period of planning formulation of sequential learning and developmental tasks, (specific) for this period, the solution of which is supposed to be in joint activities, during regime moments, situations of everyday communication with children selection of optimal forms of interaction and methods of activity with children determination of the main concepts for assimilation by children adjustment (replenishment) of the subject-developing environment development correction (individually or for the whole group)

PROGRAM "MOSAIC" Educational activities are built in accordance with: -complex-thematic planning for significant events in social life and the world around; - the principle of integration (educational tasks are integrated and contribute to the creation of a holistic educational process). Comprehensive thematic planning has been developed for each age group. Each month has its own integrating theme. For example: September - "AUTUMN IS WALKING ON THE PATH." The theme of the month determines the themes of the week. For example: “MULTICOLORED LEAVES”, “CLOUDS AND RAIN”, etc.

PROGRAM "MOSAIC" Comprehensive and thematic planning - concrete, variable, integrating. The theme of the week in each subsequent year expands, deepens, generalizes. For example, the topic is “ME AND MY FAMILY”: the younger group is “MOM AND DAD”; middle group - "GRANDPAD AND GRANDPA"; senior group - "CHILDREN IN THE FAMILY"; preparatory group for school - "RELATIVES".

PROGRAM "MOSAIC" In the complex-thematic planning for each week (thematic module): 1) an approximate list of the main types of organized educational activities is given; 2) lists games, books, developing notebooks published as part of the PMK DO "Mosaic PARK", which solve the educational tasks of this week. The educator independently determines the types of educational activities and publications of the PMK DO "Mosaic PARK".

Creation of an emotionally comfortable educational environment Friendly and respectful attitude of everyone to everyone. Constructive dialogue with parents (qualified counseling, concrete recommendations). Striving for conflict-free communication (demonstration of effective ways to resolve conflicts). Careful observation of the child, timely response. Kindergarten should be fun for the child, and educational situations should be fun.

MAIN FEATURES OF THE PROGRAM "MOSAIC" "MOSAIC" is a modern domestic program that provides specific pedagogical tools in the context of modernization of preschool education. "MOSAIC" creates an educational space that involves the unification of teachers, children and their parents into a single community. "MOSAIC" offers teachers a wide range of pedagogical technologies for building an individual educational trajectory of a child's development.

Developmental effects: Comprehensive development basic mental processes underlying knowledge Development of children's initiative, independence, responsibility Formation of the ability to argue one's own own choice Development individual abilities and natural inclinations

Effects of socialization: Testing different social roles. Skills of working in a team, in a group. Enrichment personal experience: - development various ways activities; - acquisition of communication skills. The habitual situation of choice. Ability to navigate in a changing subject environment and act according to the situation. The ability to choose what is most interesting and satisfy your cognitive needs.

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