Home Mushrooms How to draw up minutes of a staff meeting. Minutes of the meeting of the labor collective. Sample document and main design nuances

How to draw up minutes of a staff meeting. Minutes of the meeting of the labor collective. Sample document and main design nuances






1. On the establishment of new official salaries.

2. On employees’ compliance with fire safety, electrical safety, and labor protection requirements in the workplace.

3. On approval of the Regulations on the procedure for preparing and organizing self-examination of MADO No. 9


On approval of the Regulations on the procedure for preparing and organizing self-examination of MADOU No. 9

The head of MADOU No. 9 familiarized the staff with the Regulations on the procedure for preparing and organizing self-examination of MADOU No. 9.


1. Senior teacher – Romashkina L.V. put forward the issue of approving the Regulations on the procedure for preparing and organizing self-examination of MADO No. 9 to a vote.

“For” – 37 people;

“Against” - 0 people;

“Abstained” - 0 people.


1. Approve from 01/12/15. Regulations on the procedure for preparing and organizing self-examination of MADO No. 9


On the establishment of new official salaries.

The head of MADOU No. 9 familiarized the staff with the Resolution of the Board of Administration of the Kemerovo Region dated December 29, 2014. No. 528 On amendments to the resolution of the Board of Administration of the Kemerovo Region dated 03.25.11. No. 120 “On management new system wages for employees of state industry organizations of the Kemerovo region, created by an educational institution from 01/01/2015.


1. Install from 01/01/2015. new salaries for employees.


On compliance by employees with fire safety, electrical safety, and labor protection requirements in the workplace.

The head of MADOU No. 9 spoke about the organization in Preschool work on the safety of employees and students. Regularly, once every six months, briefings are conducted on labor protection in the workplace, fire safety, electrical safety with workers with 1st clearance group. Regular monitoring of compliance with labor safety requirements is carried out.

Made a speech:

1. The caretaker T.S. Zherdeva raised the question of the need to promptly inform her about all equipment malfunctions.


1. Comply with fire and electrical safety requirements and labor protection in the workplace.

2. Notify the caretaker in a timely manner about all equipment malfunctions.


meetings of the General Meeting labor collective MADOU No. 9

venue of the meeting general meeting labor collective: Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution"Child Development Center - kindergarten No. 9."

Present: MADOU team of 37 people

Absent: 3 people, for good reason.

Secretary– Mingazova G.T., teacher


1. Approval of the Regulations on the provision of additional paid educational services in MADO No. 9.


Approval of the Regulations on the provision of additional paid educational services at MADO No. 9.

The head of MADOU No. 9 familiarized the staff with the Regulations on the provision of additional paid educational services at MADOU No. 9.


1. Senior teacher - Romashkina L.V. raised the issue of approving the Regulations on the provision of additional paid educational services at MADO No. 9.

“For” – 37 people;

“Against” - 0 people;

“Abstained” - 0 people.


1. Approve the Regulations on the provision of additional paid educational services at MADO No. 9.

Chairman: _________Izmailova T.G.

Secretary: ________G.T. Mingazova


meeting of the General Meeting of the labor collective of MADOU No. 9

Venue of the meeting of the general meeting of the labor collective: Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 9".



Secretary– Mingazova G.T., teacher


1. On amendments to clause 2.1. Regulations on the distribution of the incentive part of the wage fund of a municipal autonomous preschool educational institution dated September 1, 2014.

2. Listened:

On amendments to clause 2.1. Regulations on the distribution of the incentive part of the wage fund of a municipal autonomous preschool educational institution dated September 1, 2014.

Chairman of the trade union organization Karina M.A. told the team about the need to make changes to clause 2.1. Regulations on the distribution of the incentive part of the wage fund of a municipal autonomous preschool educational institution dated September 1, 2014. She proposed that bonus payments based on work results, established for employees based on the results of their activities according to evaluation sheets, should be established not for six months, but quarterly.


Head Izmailova T.G. - raised the issue of amending clause 2.1. Regulations on the distribution of the incentive part of the wage fund of a municipal autonomous preschool educational institution dated September 1, 2014 for voting.

“For” – 38 people;

“Against” - 0 people;

“Abstained” - 0 people.


1. Make changes to clause 2.1. Regulations on the distribution of the incentive part of wages of the MADO No. 9 dated September 1, 2014.

“Bonus payments based on performance results are established for employees based on the results of their activities, according to score sheets on a quarterly basis.”

Chairman: _________Izmailova T.G.

Secretary: ________G.T. Mingazova


meeting of the General Meeting of the labor collective of MADOU No. 9

Venue of the meeting of the general meeting of the labor collective: Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 9".

Present: MADO team of 38 people

Absent: 2 people, for a good reason.

Secretary– Mingazova G.T., teacher




1. Listened:

Transition and organization of the summer health period for pupils of MADOU.

The head of MADOU No. 9 familiarized those present with the work plan for the summer health period, drawing attention to the need to pay Special attention to organize the regime of pupils, hardening and ensuring a safe stay in kindergarten. She covered the issues of organizing the drinking and sanitary-epidemiological regime. She said that the main task of the team preschool is to preserve the health of pupils and therefore it is necessary to make efforts from all structures: educators, junior teachers, senior nurse, labor safety commission.


  1. Senior teacher Romashkina L.V. raised the question of the need for educational, health and educational work carry out in close cooperation with parents.
  2. Head nurse Reichert L.V. spoke about the rules for processing sand in sandboxes, providing first aid medical care and prevention of poisoning and intestinal diseases in children and adults.


  1. Ensure the transition to the summer health period in accordance with the work plan.
  2. Those responsible for educational, recreational work, labor protection and fire safety monitor the implementation of all assigned tasks.

2. Listened:

Familiarization with the repair work plan.

The head of MADOU No. 9 familiarized those present with the schedule of repair work, with the plan of repair work in groups. I told the team that everything needed for the renovation had been purchased.

Made a speech:

1. Caretaker T.S. Zherdeva raised the question of the need to promptly inform her about all malfunctions of the gaming equipment.


1. Carry out repair work within the period from 06/15/15 to 07/15/15.

2. Notify the caretaker in a timely manner about any malfunctions of the gaming equipment.

Chairman: _________Izmailova T.G.

Secretary: ________G.T. Mingazova


meeting of the General Meeting of the labor collective of MADOU No. 9

Venue of the meeting of the general meeting of the labor collective: Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 9".

Present: MADOU team of 39 people

Absent: 1 person, for a good reason.

Secretary– Mingazova G.T., teacher


1. Approval of the new Regulations on the distribution of the incentive part of the wage fund of a municipal autonomous preschool educational institution.

2. Approval of new assessment sheets.

3. Approval of the Regulations on the Supervisory Board.

1. Listened:

Approval of the new Regulations on the distribution of the incentive part of the wage fund of a municipal autonomous preschool educational institution.

Chairman of the trade union organization Karina M.A. familiarized the staff with the new Regulations on the distribution of the incentive part of the wage fund of a municipal autonomous preschool educational institution. She drew attention to the fact that, on the basis of the new Regulations, the following is established for other service personnel: maximum amount points – 40 points.


Head Izmailova T.G. - put forward the issue of approving a new Regulation on the distribution of the incentive part of the wage fund of a municipal autonomous preschool educational institution for voting.

“For” – 38 people;

“Against” - 0 people;

“Abstained” - 0 people.


1. Cancel from 10/01/2015. effect of the Regulation on the distribution of the incentive part of the wage fund of a municipal autonomous preschool educational institution dated September 1, 2014.

2. Approve the new Regulations on the distribution of the incentive part of the wage fund of a municipal autonomous preschool educational institution and put it into effect from 10/01/2015.

3. Notify all present and absent employees of the changes against signature.

1. Listened:

Approval of new assessment sheets.

Chairman of the trade union organization Karina M.A. spoke about the need to make changes to employee evaluation sheets. She offered the team new evaluation sheets for consideration, in which the maximum number of points for other service personnel was changed:

Janitor – 40 points

Watchman – 40 points

Worker for routine repairs and maintenance of the building – 40 points

Office cleaner - 40 points

Cook – 40 points

Laundry washing operator – 40 points

Loader – 40 points

Seamstress – housekeeper – 40 points

Helper - 40 points.


Head Izmailova T.G. - put forward the issue of approving new assessment sheets to a vote.

“For” – 39 people;

“Against” - 0 people;

“Abstained” - 0 people.


1. Approve new assessment sheets and put them into effect from 10/01/2015.

2. Notify all present and absent employees of the changes against signature.

2. Listened to:

Approval of the Regulations on the Supervisory Board

1. Head Izmailova T.G. introduced the team to the Regulations on the Supervisory Board.


1. The chairman of the trade union, Karina M.A., put forward a proposal to approve the Regulations on the Supervisory Board for voting.

“for” -39 people.

"against" - no

“abstained” - no


1. Approve the Regulations on the Supervisory Board

Chairman: _________Izmailova T.G.

Secretary: ________G.T. Mingazova


meeting of the General Meeting of the labor collective of MADOU No. 9

Venue of the meeting of the general meeting of the labor collective: Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 9".

Present: MADOU team of 36 people


Secretary– Mingazova G.T., teacher


1. Summer results - health work.

2. Work plan of MADO No. 9 for the 2016-2017 academic year.

1. Listened:

Results of summer health work

Head Izmailova T.G. , said that the summer health work at the MADOU was organized according to the work plan adopted by the pedagogical council and approved by the head.

The goal of summer work: to create as much effective conditions for organizing health-improving work with children and development cognitive interest among pupils in the summer.

During the summer, recreational activities were carried out with children: reception on the street, morning exercises on fresh air, extended walks, hardening and hygienic activities such as air baths, washing feet after a walk before bedtime, recreational jogging with children senior group. Complied with in groups drinking regime. Throughout the summer, children's menus regularly included fresh vegetables, fruits, juices. Conditions were created to increase the physical activity of children.

At the same time, it was noted that teachers paid little attention to organizing sunbathing and other summer hardening procedures. Insufficient mobile and sports games, there was no variety.

During the summer, educational activities were carried out with children in all areas. Organizationally – pedagogical work completed completely. A sports ground is equipped on the territory of the preschool institution.

All documentation was completed on time, and the group and reception rooms were ready for the start of training.

During the summer period, work was carried out regarding the implementation sanitary rules, readiness of the institution to work in the autumn - winter period. The caretaker prepared everything for the heating season in a timely manner and received a certificate of readiness heating system to work in winter conditions.

During summer period control was exercised by the administration over educational activities in groups, performing job responsibilities, labor discipline of employees of the institution.

Tatyana Grigorievna noted that the summer health program has been fully implemented.


Senior teacher – Romashkina L.V. made a proposal to recognize the work of summer recreational work at the MADOU as satisfactory.

“for” -36 people.

"against" - no

“abstained” - no


The work of the preschool institution during the summer health period should be considered satisfactory.


Work plan of MADO No. 9 for the 2016-2017 academic year

The head, Tatyana Grigorievna, introduced the tasks of MADOU No. 9 for the 2016–2017 academic year:

1. Organize psychological and pedagogical support for students in the context of the implementation of the Educational program.

2. Ensure the development of human resources in the process of Federal State Educational Standards for Education.

Introduced the administrative and economic work plan for the 2016-2017 academic year:

I. Strengthening materially – technical base MADOU No. 9:

Adjustment of cost estimates (budget, parental fees) for 2016 – 2017;

Purchase of household goods goods, cleaning and disinfectants, medicines, stationery, soft equipment.

II. Fire prevention measures:

Recharging fire extinguishers according to deadlines;

Conclusion of a contract for maintenance and repair automatic installations fire extinguishing, fire alarm;

Conducting fire safety training.

III. Work on improvement of the preschool territory:

Delivery of earth, sand;

Sanitary cleaning of the territory, lawn cleaning.

IV. Activities for the repair of preschool educational institutions:

Cosmetic repairs in groups;

V. Preparation for the heating season:

Flushing and pressure testing of the heating system;

Insulation of windows, doors;

Obtaining a certificate of readiness of the preschool educational institution;

Availability and check of instrumentation, checking of pressure gauges.

VI. Providing conditions for the safety of work of preschool employees:

Carry out an inspection report on resistance measurements;

Passing a medical examination of preschool employees;

Carrying out practical lesson to develop an evacuation plan in case of emergency situations;

Timely provision of employees with special clothing.

She also spoke about the planned activities for each annual task (seminars, pedagogical council, meetings, etc.). Monitoring in all areas of work is planned throughout the year.


The chairman of the trade union, Karina M.A., made a proposal to adopt the work plan of MADOU No. 9 for the 2016 – 2017 academic year. year

“for” -36 people.

"against" - no

“abstained” - no


Accept the plan without changes.

3. Listened:

Report of the commission on the acceptance of group premises for the new academic year.

Head Izmailova T.G. introduced the staff to the act of readiness of the preschool educational institution for the new school year. According to of this document MADOOU No. 9 – ready for the 2015 – 2016 academic year. without comments. It is recommended to install emergency lighting in group rooms, on the stairs of blocks 1 and 5. Implementation of this item will only be possible with funding.

Made a speech:

Caretaker Zherdeva T.S. suggested taking the information into account.

“for” -36 people.

"against" - no

“abstained” - no



1. Take the information into account. Upon receipt of funding, urgently purchase and install 13 emergency lighting fixtures.

4. Listened:

Approval of the Regulations on the remuneration of employees of MADO No. 9 employed in the organization of additional paid services.

The head, Izmailova T.G., introduced the staff to the Regulations on the remuneration of workers of the Regional Medical Institution No. 9 engaged in the organization of additional paid services. Talked about the features of accrual wages employees for paid services.


The chairman of the trade union, Karina M.A., put forward a proposal to approve the Regulations on the remuneration of workers of the Moscow Regional Administrative Institution No. 9 employed in the organization of additional paid services to a vote.

“for” -36 people.

"against" - no

“abstained” - no


3. Approve the Regulations on the remuneration of employees of the Municipal Administrative Institution No. 9 employed in the organization of additional paid services.

4. Inform all present and absent employees against signature.

5. Listened:

Approval of the Regulations on the organization baby food in MADO No. 9.

Art. nurse Reichert L.V., introduced the team to the Regulations on the organization of children's nutrition in MADO No. 9


The head of Izmailova T.G. put forward a proposal to approve the Regulations on the organization of children's nutrition in MADO No. 9 to vote:

“for” -36 people.

"against" - no

“abstained” - no


1. Approve the Regulations on the organization of children's nutrition in MADO No. 9

2. Inform all present and absent employees against signature.

6. Listened:

Approval of the Smoking Ban Regulations.

Head Izmailova T.G. introduced the staff to the Regulations on the ban on smoking in MADO No. 9.


1. The chairman of the trade union, Karina M.A., put forward a proposal to approve the Regulations on the ban on smoking in MADO No. 9 for a vote.

“for” -36 people.

"against" - no

“abstained” - no


1. Approve the Regulations on the ban on smoking in MADO No. 9.

2. Inform all present and absent employees against signature.

Chairman: _________Izmailova T.G.

Secretary: ________G.T. Mingazova


meeting of the General Meeting of the labor collective of MADOU No. 9

Venue of the meeting of the general meeting of the labor collective: Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 9".

Present: MADOU team of 42 people

Absent: 4 people, for good reason.

Secretary– Mingazova G.T., teacher


1.About amendments to clause 2.1. Regulations on the distribution of the incentive part of the wage fund of a municipal autonomous preschool educational institution dated 01.10. 2015

2. On changes in the amount of payments for high-quality work on the design and updating of the preschool educational institution website. clause 3.5.8 of the Regulations on the distribution of the incentive part of the wage fund of a municipal autonomous preschool educational institution dated 01.10. 2015

1. Listened:

On amendments to clause 2.1. Regulations on the distribution of the incentive part of the wage fund of a municipal autonomous preschool educational institution dated 01.10. 2015

Chairman of the trade union organization Karina M.A. told the team about the need to make changes to clause 2.1. Regulations on the distribution of the incentive part of the wage fund of a municipal autonomous preschool educational institution dated 01.10. 2015 She proposed that bonus payments based on work results established for employees based on the results of their activities according to score sheets should be established not quarterly, but monthly.


Head Izmailova T.G. - raised the issue of amending clause 2.1. Regulations on the distribution of the incentive part of the wage fund of a municipal autonomous preschool educational institution dated 01.10. 2015 to vote.

“For” – 42 people;

“Against” - 0 people;

“Abstained” - 0 people.


1. Make changes to clause 2.1. Regulations on the distribution of the incentive part of wages of the MADO No. 9 dated 01.10. 2015

“Bonus payments based on work results are established for employees based on the results of their activities according to monthly evaluation sheets.”

3. Notify all present and absent employees of the changes against signature.

3. Listened:

On changes in the amount of payments for high-quality work on the design and updating of the preschool educational institution website. clause 3.5.8 of the Regulations on the distribution of the incentive part of the wage fund of a municipal autonomous preschool educational institution dated 01.10. 2015

In connection with the increase in work on the design and updating of the preschool educational institution website, the chairman of the trade union organization Karina M.A. suggested that the team make changes to clause 3.5.8. Regulations on the distribution of the incentive part of the wage fund of a municipal autonomous preschool educational institution dated 01.10. 2015 and increase from 01/01/16. payment amount up to 996 rubles.


Head Izmailova T.G. - raised the issue of changing the amount of payments for high-quality work on the design and updating of the preschool educational institution website. clause 3.5.8 of the Regulations on the distribution of the incentive part of the wage fund of a municipal autonomous preschool educational institution dated 01.10. 2015 to vote:

“For” – 42 people;

“Against” - 0 people;

“Abstained” - 0 people.


1. Make changes to clause 3.5.8. Regulations on the distribution of the incentive part of wages of the MADO No. 9 dated 01.10. 2015 and increase from 01.01. 2016 the amount of payment for high-quality work on the design and updating of the preschool educational institution website is up to 996 rubles.

2. Notify all present and absent employees of the changes against signature.

Chairman: _________Izmailova T.G.

Secretary: ________G.T. Mingazova


meeting of the General Meeting of the labor collective of MADOU No. 9

Venue of the meeting of the general meeting of the labor collective: Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 9".

Present: MADO team of 38 people

Absent: 3 people, for good reason.

Secretary– Mingazova G.T., teacher


1. Coordination of the vacation schedule for MADOU employees for 2016.

2. Adoption of the Charter of MADO No. 9 new edition.

3. Instructions on fire safety and anti-terrorism.


Coordination of the vacation schedule for MADOU employees for 2016.

Head Izmailova T.G. introduced the team to the vacation schedule for employees of MADO No. 9 for 2016.


The chairman of the trade union, Karina M.A., made a proposal to accept the vacation schedule without changes

“for” -38 people.

"against" - no

“abstained” - no


1. Leave the vacation schedule for MADOU employees unchanged.


Adoption of the new edition of the Charter of MADOU No. 9

Head Izmailova T.G. brought to the attention of the team that in connection with changes in current legislation, it is necessary to make changes to the current Charter of MADOU. She introduced those present to the new edition of the Charter of MADO No. 9.


The chairman of the trade union, Karina M.A., made a proposal to adopt the Charter in the new edition without changes.

“for” -38 people.

"against" - no

“abstained” - no


1. Adopt the Charter of MADOU without changes.

3. Listened:

Instructions on fire safety, anti-terrorism

Caretaker Zherdeva T.S. conducted a fire safety briefing with employees and reminded those present of the electrical safety rules that must be observed especially on New Year's holidays and winter holidays. She reminded the employees of the MADOU of their actions in the event of a fire. I brought to the attention of employees that during the winter holidays they need to be especially careful when walking around the territory and inspecting the MADO building.


1. Take the information into account.

Chairman: _________Izmailova T.G.

Secretary: ________G.T. Mingazova


  1. Text highlighted green replace with the appropriate one. Fill the gaps "______". After completing the protocol, remove the colored highlight;

  2. Protocol in electronic version send to the addresspta@ bti. secna. ruand in paper (1 copy) - hand over to Pavlova T.A. in the cab. 211B until 11:00 o'clock 04.10. 2012.

  3. In order to delete notes on the right side of the text of the sample minutes of a TC meeting, you need to right-click on the note and select the command “Delete note” from the drop-down list.


general meeting of employees ____________
city ​​of Biysk "____" __________ 20___

Personnel: _____ people.

Staff: ______ people, including:

External part-time workers: _____ people.

Present: ____ people.
Note: The decision on the election of delegates to the Conference of the BTI AltSTU labor collective is valid if at least 2/3 of the payroll of employees (students) of the departments took part in the voting. The decision is made by a simple majority of votes.

The participants present form the necessary quorum. The meeting has the power to make any decisions.

Ivanov I.I. : To conduct the meeting, it is necessary to elect a chairman and secretary of the meeting. I propose to elect O.V. Petrov as chairman of the meeting and A.S. Smirnova as secretary.
“For” - ____, “against” - ______, “abstained” - ____.

O.V. Petrov was elected chairman of the meeting.

Smirnova A was elected secretary of the meeting . WITH .

  1. Election of delegates to the Conference of the labor collective of BTI AltSTU on 10/05/2012 to elect a representative body for conducting collective bargaining on behalf of all workers, developing a draft collective agreement, preparing and holding a conference of the labor collective to conclude a collective agreement for 2012 - 2014.

  2. Election of delegates to the Conference of the BTI AltSTU labor collective on May 26, 2012. on the adoption of the Collective Agreement for 2012-2015;

Chairman of the meeting O.V. Petrov put the question of approving the meeting agenda to a vote.
“For” - ____, “against” - ______, “abstained” - ____.

The meeting agenda has been approved.
The agenda included:
On the first question:
We listened to I.I. Ivanov, who reported that on October 5, 2012, a Conference of the labor collective of the BTI AltSTU will be held at the BTI AltSTU to elect a representative body for conducting collective bargaining on behalf of all workers, developing a draft collective agreement, preparing and holding a conference of the labor collective for concluding a collective agreement for 2012 - 2015, for which it is necessary to elect delegates in accordance with the norm of representation approved by the Academic Council on October 1, 2012. Thus, from ______________ it is necessary to elect _______ delegates. It was proposed to hold an open vote.


Decided: Delegate to the Conference of the BTI AltSTU labor collective on October 5, 2012 - ___ people:
On the second question:
We listened to I.I. Ivanov, who reported that on October 26, 2012, a Conference of the BTI AltSTU labor collective will be held at the BTI AltSTU on the adoption of the Collective Agreement for 2012-2015, for which it is necessary to elect delegates in accordance with the norm of representation approved by the Academic Council on October 01 2012 Thus, _______ delegates must be selected from ______________. It was proposed to hold an open vote.
The following _____ candidates for delegates to the Conference are proposed:

1. Kuznetsov M.V. – head of department (administration) (proposal by O.V. Petrov);

2. Malov I.G. – deputy head of department (management) (proposal by Zemtsova N.A.);

3. Stepanova I.N. – engineer (proposal by L.P. Cherkasova);

4. Razin A.A. – specialist (suggestion from Bobrov M.V.)
No other proposals were received.
1. Kuznetsov M.V. – for - ___ people, against - ___, abstaining - ___;

2. Malov I.G. – for - ___ people, against - ___, abstaining - ___;

3. Stepanova I.N. – for - ___ people, against - ___, abstaining - ___;

4. Razin A.A. – for - ___ people, against - ___, abstaining - ___;
Decided: Delegate to the Conference of the BTI AltSTU labor collective on October 26, 2012 - ___ people: Kuznetsova M.V., Malova I.G., Stepanova I.N., Razina A.A.
Due to the consideration of all issues on the agenda, the meeting is declared closed.

Chairman of the meeting O.V. Petrov

Secretary of the meeting A.S. Smirnova

Minutes of the general meeting of the team

Some production issues at an enterprise can only be resolved by bringing together the entire team. Workforce meetings are effective measure, with the help of which problems that already exist and that may soon appear are identified.

The process of discussing production issues, disputes and disagreements, proposed ideas and decisions made must be recorded. This is necessary not only for composing, but also for improving productivity. A good protocol reflects personal and collective opinions and helps formulate a strategy for further action.

As such, there is no general opinion on how it should be compiled. If you do not know exactly how to create and formalize the minutes of a general meeting of the workforce, you can find it in. The network offers a large number of options. You need to take into account those that meet the following requirements:

  • Have a clear structure;
  • Concise and to the point;
  • Summarize the meeting;
  • Reflect the results of voting or voting;
  • They allow you to understand within a minute the essence of the meeting and the goals it achieved.

The protocols are filed in a separate folder. With their help, you can draw conclusions about how the team is configured and what is needed to create at the enterprise quality conditions and a favorable psychological atmosphere.

Collective meetings are held when problems arise; they are often associated with internal disagreements and discontent, therefore it is very important that the protocol is not a formality, but a document that 100% reflects the situation in the team. According to , meetings are considered legitimate when they are attended by from one second to two thirds of the team. Decisions are made by voting and counted when half of those present have voted, plus one more vote.

The minutes of the team meeting should clearly reflect the essence of the issues being resolved.

How should the document be drawn up?

The very name “protocol” suggests that it must comply general requirements and have all the standard characteristics of any , that is, it must indicate:

  • The date of the,
  • Time,
  • Place,
  • The number of people present and its comparison with total number team members,
  • Information about those who chair the meeting and take minutes of it,
  • The essence of the issues discussed and decisions made,
  • Counting of voters, etc.

There is a rule common to all enterprises and companies, according to which all protocols must be drawn up on company letterhead.

Minutes of the meeting

Write your question in the form below

Appendix No. 1
Sample minutes of the general meeting


general meeting of employees


(name of company)
_____________ №______

G. __________
Total employees of the organization ______ people

There are ________ people** present at the meeting (list attached).


1. On the election of the chairman and secretary of the general meeting of workers.

2. On the election of a counting commission to conduct secret voting.

3. On the election of a representative body of workers to represent the interests of workers when considering and resolving a collective labor dispute between workers and the employer at the local level.

(or"On empowering a trade union committee, uniting less than half of the workers, to represent the interests of all workers when considering and resolving a collective labor dispute between workers and the employer at the local level")

4. On approval of workers’ demands to the employer.

Full name, position of rapporteur - proposed to elect ( FULL NAME. candidate) chairman and ( FULL NAME. candidate) secretary of the general meeting of employees.


1.1. Elect ____________ (full name, position) as chairman of the meeting, ____________________ (full name, position) as secretary.
The chairman of the meeting proposed to approve the rules of the meeting:

  1. Decisions are made by a majority vote by open voting (with the exception of secret voting on the issue of electing the composition of the representative body).

  2. Elect a representative body of workers (for example, a commission for the consideration and resolution of a collective labor dispute) composed of ___ people.

  3. Allow time for each speaker to nominate and discuss candidates - up to 2 (5 minutes).

  4. Other procedural issues.

“for” – _______ people; “against” – _______ people; abstained – _____ people.

Full name, position of rapporteur - proposed to elect a counting commission consisting of 3 people to conduct a secret ballot for the election of a representative body of workers:


Instruct the counting commission to organize the secret voting procedure and counting of votes.

“for” – _______ people; “against” – _______ people; abstained – _____ people.


2.2. Instruct the counting commission to organize the secret voting procedure and counting of votes.

Option 1 – election of a representative body of workers:
Full name, position of rapporteur - proposed to nominate the following candidates to the representative body of workers:

________________________________________ (full name – position)




Full name, position of the rapporteur - with proposals for candidates to the representative body of employees.
For the secret ballot, the following candidates were included in the ballot:

________________________________________ (full name – position)



________________________________________ (full name – position)



It is advisable to determine the chairman of the created body.
3.2. Empower the representative body of workers to represent the interests of all workers when considering and resolving a collective labor dispute between workers and the employer at the local level.

Option 2 – empowering the trade union committee


Full name, position of rapporteur - proposed to give the trade union committee, which unites less than half of the workers, the authority to represent the interests of all workers when considering and resolving a collective labor dispute between workers and the employer at the local level.


3.1. Based on the results of a secret ballot, give the trade union committee, which unites less than half of the workers, the authority to represent the interests of all workers when considering and resolving a collective labor dispute between workers and the employer at the local level.

Full name, position of the speaker - proposed to put forward the following demands of employees to the employer:



    1. Approve the following demands of employees to the employer:


4.2. Instruct _________ (full name) to forward to the employer the employees’ demands approved at the general meeting.

4.3. If the employer refuses to comply with the above requirements, instruct _________ (full name) to send the employer a proposal to form a conciliation commission, including employee representatives in its composition (elected to the representative body or from among the trade union committee):




4. Grant the right to employee representatives to participate in all conciliation procedures when considering a collective labor dispute, make decisions on the settlement of a collective labor dispute, and enter into agreements with the right to sign.

Secretary (signature) I.O. Surname
Sample newsletter


name of company

Signatures of members of the counting commission

Explanation of the procedure for filling out the ballot
Place any sign in the empty square to the right of the names of the candidates in whose favor the choice was made.

The sign can be placed in several squares.

FULL NAME. candidate

FULL NAME. candidate

FULL NAME. candidate

FULL NAME. candidate

FULL NAME. candidate


* If it is impossible to hold a general meeting of employees in organizations with large numbers of employees or if structural divisions are located in different populated areas, a workers' conference is being held.

For the conference, delegates are elected from each structural unit organization (workshop, department, etc.) in proportion to the number of employees of each division (for example, one delegate from 15 employees).

** A meeting of employees is considered valid if more than half of the employees are present. The conference is considered valid if at least two thirds of the elected delegates are present.


(name of company)


general meeting of employees

_____________ No.______ city __________

Total employees of the organization ______ people

There are ________ people present at the meeting (list attached).


1. On the election of the chairman and secretary of the general meeting of workers.

2. On the election of a counting commission to conduct secret voting.

3. On the election of a representative body of workers to represent the interests of workers in social partnership at the local level.


Full name, position of rapporteur - proposed to elect ( FULL NAME. candidate) chairman and ( FULL NAME. candidate) secretary of the general meeting of employees.

1.1. Elect ____________ (full name, position) as chairman of the meeting, ____________________ (full name, position) as secretary.

The chairman of the meeting proposed to approve the rules of the meeting:

2. Elect a representative body of workers (for example, Labor Council) composed of ___ people. The composition of the representative body should include one representative from 10 people (from one department, workshop, etc.).

3. Provide time for each speaker to nominate and discuss candidates - up to 2 (5 minutes).

4. Other procedural issues.

"for" - _______ people; “against” - _______ people; “abstained” - _____ people.


Full name, position of rapporteur - proposed to elect a counting commission consisting of 3 people to conduct a secret ballot for the election of a representative body of workers: Full name. - position, full name - position, full name - job title.

Instruct the counting commission to organize the secret voting procedure and counting of votes.

"for" - _______ people; “against” - _______ people; “abstained” - _____ people.

2.2. Instruct the counting commission to organize the secret voting procedure and counting of votes.


Full name, position of rapporteur - proposed to nominate the following candidates to the representative body of workers:






Full name, position of rapporteur - with proposals for candidacies for the representative body of employees.

________________________________________ (full name – position)





________________________________________ (full name – position)





It is advisable to determine the chairman and deputy of the created body.

3.2. Empower the employee representative body with the following powers:

represent the interests of all employees in social partnership at the local level;

conduct collective negotiations on the preparation and conclusion of a collective agreement, as well as monitor its implementation.

3.3. Instruct the chairman of the representative body of employees _________ (full name):

send the employer a proposal to begin collective negotiations for the preparation and conclusion of a collective agreement on behalf of all employees;

Chairman of the meeting (signature)

Secretary (signature)

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