Home Perennial flowers "Dead souls" of utility workers. Who and how is making millions out of cleaning yards? Why do you need a seal on the coarse filter?

"Dead souls" of utility workers. Who and how is making millions out of cleaning yards? Why do you need a seal on the coarse filter?

Employees of the State Budgetary Institution “Zhilischnik” fictitiously employed janitors and illegally received income in the amount of more than 500 thousand rubles, RBC sources say. The Investigative Committee is investigating three criminal cases of fraud

On Monday, February 19, at Eastern district In Moscow, three criminal cases were initiated under Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (fraud) in relation to unidentified persons from among government employees budgetary institution"Dweller of the Sokolniki district."

According to law enforcement agencies, employees of the organization fictitiously employed janitors in apartment buildings, a police source told RBC. The information was confirmed by a source in the Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee for Moscow.

“It is known that a number of employees of the State Budgetary Institution received money for work that was not actually completed,” a police source noted. Salaries for the so-called " dead souls» arrived at bank cards, which were at the disposal of State Budgetary Institution employees, the interlocutor added. According to him, the investigation established that over the past year, employees of the State Budgetary Institution “Zhilishchnik District Sokolniki” illegally received more than half a million rubles.”

RBC sent requests to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Investigative Committee.

Earlier, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Igor Lebedev and Deputy Head of the LDPR faction Yaroslav Nilov wrote a letter to Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin, in which the real correspondence of the number of janitors in the capital to the staffing table. “We do not rule out that as a result of the illegal actions of individual officials, one janitor is simultaneously employed in several areas, which makes it physically impossible to perform official duties in full,” the letter says.

The deputies also noted that poor cleaning of Moscow courtyards and streets after a snowfall “does not have the best effect on the international image of the Russian capital,” and recalled a high-profile case when Australian Ambassador Peter Tesch expressed dissatisfaction. He complained to Sobyanin via Twitter that the sidewalks in Kropotkinsky Lane had not been cleaned for 17 days, and mountains of snow had formed on the streets in the center. The next day, the ambassador said that the snow had been removed.

On February 18, the deputy mayor of the capital for housing and communal services and landscaping, Pyotr Biryukov, stated who was responsible for poor snow removal. “A number of managers were removed from their positions and received penalties. Now there is a fairly strict, principled assessment of the work of the heads of the State Budgetary Institution “Zhilischnik”, district administrations, and prefectures,” the deputy mayor said then.

Back on February 6, Biryukov promised that utility workers would be in Moscow in five to six days. The next day Biryukov complained that there was a lot of snow. “That is, move, move, remove 85 million cubic meters. m. Can you imagine what this is? Train, which, if this snow were immersed [in it], could circumnavigate our entire earth along the equator,” he explained then.

At the beginning of February, heavy snow fell on the Moscow region; in a short period, 122% of the monthly precipitation fell on the city and its suburbs. The snowfall was the highest since the beginning of the 21st century. According to Biryukov, the height of snowdrifts in the city as of mid-February 2018 was 70 cm, which is twice the norm.

The editors have received questions from residents of Altai Street regarding inspections of apartment water meters that take place in Golyanov. “I am forced to pay for the installation of new seals on water meter filters - 500 rubles each. But the meters were installed for me free of charge in 2009. So, it’s the company’s fault that they didn’t seal my filter?” - asks Raisa Petrovna from Altai Street. “How can residents know where and how the seal should be placed correctly?” - Alexey from house 7 on the same street is also indignant.

Who checks apartment water meters?

The State Budgetary Institution “Zhilishchnik of the Golyanovo District” reported that the company “Mik-Stroy Group” LLC, with which a contract for these services was concluded, checks how apartment water meters are installed and takes control readings from the devices.

— We're going around the apartments. If the door is not opened, we leave a notification about the need to contact us at the specified telephone numbers,” senior foreman of the company Alexey Klimov told VO.

If the resident has not contacted the inspectors, a second notice is left on the apartment door warning about the possible transfer of payments to a common house meter. After this, the information is transferred to the “Zhilischnik” for taking appropriate measures.

Why do you need a seal on the coarse filter?

The most common violations are the use of magnets to distort meter readings in one’s favor, as well as the absence of a seal on the coarse water filter. In the absence of a seal on it, unscrupulous citizens have become adept at screwing the part together and using water past the meter.

The inspection revealed that some apartments have filters installed, the modification of which does not allow them to be sealed.

“The “correct” filter has a special eyelet through which a wire is passed for sealing,” says Alexey Klimov.

Filters without an ear are a violation. The resident will be forced to pay for the installation of a new “correct” filter and subsequent sealing.

To the question of how a resident can know exactly how the seal should be located on the metering device, Mik-Stroy Group LLC found it difficult to answer.

Commercial organizations install, replace and verify water meters in Muscovites' apartments. When the apartment metering device is put into operation, the management company employee is not present. At the same time, according to the resident who applied, she was unable to get the company that installed her water meters to provide a free replacement of the filter, which cannot be sealed. It turns out that residents should pay for the negligence of commercial organizations? “VO” sent a request to Rospotrebnadzor whether in this case there was a violation of the rights of consumers who were provided with a service of inadequate quality.

The famous sociologist Sergei Belanovsky, together with his colleagues, conducted a series of focus groups in March about the situation in the country and the political expectations of Russians in Moscow, Yaroslavl and the depressed city of Gus-Khrustalny. The results were stunning, very important for society and worth being published. Previously, the Belanovsky Group, through the results of its research, had already predicted the largest protests in the country and changes in the ratings of the current authorities. We present for you the transcript of the focus group in Moscow, as well as excerpts from Sergei Alexandrovich’s comments on the study.

S.A. Belanovsky: I did not immediately decide to publish the transcripts, so as not to escalate the situation. But then I decided that things couldn’t get any worse. It will work out - good, if it doesn't - that's also good. Personally, I was simply shocked by what I heard. I didn't expect this. Apparently, the processes are moving very quickly. But I don’t presume to predict anything.

A study conducted in March 2019 showed that the rate of change in the consciousness of Russians is increasing compared to April 2018. The most obvious sign is the prevailing opinion that solid presidential power has not justified itself over the past almost 20 years.

Compared to focus groups conducted in April and October 2018, the negativistic trend towards the authorities and V. Putin personally intensified. This is also confirmed by data from other organizations (VTsIOM, Levada Center). At the same time, the demand for democracy has grown very significantly, which primarily means transparent and public discussion of important issues.

According to respondents, an absolutely unacceptable social stratification has developed in the country, which is becoming hereditary. Society was stratified into a hereditary “nomenklatura” and an impoverished people. People who don't have money have no chance of giving their children a good education.

All the negative aspects would not be taken so seriously if society were given an answer to the question “Where are we going and why are we enduring all these inconveniences?” Neither the respondents themselves nor, in their opinion, the authorities have an answer to this question. This is the main problem and the main source of the crisis.

Foreign militaristic policy, which a year ago was approved by a significant part of respondents, is now disapproved by almost no one. Respondents almost unanimously insist that Russia needs a peace-loving foreign policy. The lifting of sanctions is important because we need to develop. It was also said that external military threats to our country from its nuclear weapons no, but from within the threat of destabilization is very real.

Television propaganda ceases to work. For example, sport, which used to be one of the most popular TV programs, is now “tired of it.” Respondents are especially outraged by the fact that during significant sports broadcasts the most “anti-people” laws are adopted (for example, increasing taxes).

Respondents see the main reason for this development of events in the individual decision-making, the closedness of the procedure for making them, and the unanimous support of them by parliaments at all levels. Hence the requirement for openness of power, discussions, transparent decision-making procedures and control over their implementation.

The most important finding from the focus groups was the prevailing view that politic system Russia must be radically rebuilt towards democratization. When asked what would be better – a presidential or parliamentary republic, in the Moscow group (respondents without higher education) the majority spoke in favor of a parliamentary republic, since it is more open and real discussions take place in it.

In general, we can say that the Russian people are looking for a way out of the situation, and these searches are somewhat reminiscent of a sine wave: the demand for democracy in the late USSR, then the demand for a “firm hand” after the rampant democracy in the 90s, and now, on the threshold of the 20s. ies, the demand for radical democracy is growing again.

Focus group #1
Moscow, March 16, 2019

Moderator: First, let's introduce ourselves, and then move on to our questions. Who works where?

I work in an agro-industrial holding. I am in charge of purchasing. Administrative and economic indirect procurement.

Moderator: if it’s not a secret, how much do you get?

Sergey: A little.

Irina: I work as a reviewer in the state defense order, Ruselectronics holding. A closed enterprise that produces all sorts of things for space, microcircuits, in general a scientific enterprise.

Anton: I work as a service department manager, the company is engaged in the automotive business. I have an office and traveling job. I can’t hide it, I get from 50 thousand, it depends on the amount of work.

Elena: I work in the field of domestic tourism. Salary level from 30 thousand plus or minus. Now the work is more difficult. Salary is also based on bonuses and some kind of salary. There is a concept of “season” and “out of season”. On some holidays, naturally, there is a rush of shopping. If there is some kind of low season, then vice versa. There were, of course, good years, but now, due to the development of the Internet, everyone can open and book, find, buy the best deals. Only the lazy turn to us now. Where there is already a hotel and excursions. They come and don’t want to bother themselves.

Alyona: I work as an administrator at a tour desk. I give excursions and walks around Moscow. My salary is average. The lower level of the average salary. But the job suits me. Not complicated. Walking tours, Muscovites walking. We show you everything you want: Stalin’s high-rise buildings, Stakheev’s mansion, bus tours around the nearest Moscow region. You need to have an idea about this. Initially, I myself also visited these places, various routes. This is very interesting, this is an acquaintance with architectural styles. Didn't finish the course.

Sergey: AXO manager in legal campaign. Maintenance department.

Dmitriy: sports school No. 62, building technician. The salary was more than 42, closer to 50 thousand, now they made 24-30 thousand. We received a list that, in addition to technicians, we must also be janitors and also bring coffee in bed to the boss. They refused. We received a notification that if we do not agree, we will be laid off. I’m still working, but I’ve already found another job. It will be completely different there. Work in a warehouse. I have a friend who is a storekeeper there. It turns out that things are getting worse and worse. It is impossible to get a job without meeting someone. A friend of mine is now unemployed and can’t get a job anywhere.

Alexei: I work in the accounting department of a restaurant company as a department head. I have a secondary specialized college education.

Larisa: I work administrator. The company deals with Internet providers. Provides Internet services to businesses. I accept requests if something happens. They write to chat on the computer, there are some problems, people write letters. I receive, answer, and simultaneously perform the duties of a secretary. The job suits me, the only thing is that the salary is small, 35 thousand, but it was better before. There were bonuses. But now they don’t exist at all and never will. Clients leave, find other companies, and fight for the ruble. Even though the quality of services there is worse and people have been with us for many years, they found it cheaper and moved there. And then they started having problems and trying to go back. Because it’s literally a little cheaper, they run away right away.

Daria: Blinds office manager. I do paperwork, not sales. We have many different departments. The company is small, medium.

State Duma elections in 2016 in Moscow / Photo: DW
Moderator: let's get down to business. I want to remind you that in 2021 we will have elections to the Federal Duma. Shall we go or shall we not go?

Woman: No.

Woman: I'll go, I always go.

Moderator: Raise your hands, who will go? Three. Four. Out of ten, 40%. And who will we vote for?

Woman: It happens that we like a candidate, and we vote for this party.

Moderator: I agree. Yes. We don’t know the candidates yet, so we’re just talking about the parties.

Woman: I have this principle: we vote for anyone except United Russia. Because there are already so many of them. But if I like a certain person, I can vote for United Russia. Because there are a lot of them, and the majority, so that there is opposition. They voted for the pension law, maybe someone was against it. But there is more "United Russia". All of United Russia voted FOR. The law passed anyway.

Dmitriy: for any party except United Russia. Well, what good have they done for us? I take my family, I don’t see anything positive for anything to come from this party for the people, the population, and specifically for us. They are fooling us with this Venezuela and Syria. My mother-in-law lives 300 km from Moscow, so there is no electricity there. Who is guilty? The mother-in-law sits without electricity for 2-3 days and if there is no electricity, they have no water. What is being done in our country for the people in general? Yesterday they showed that a collective farmer has several hectares of land. He receives a thousand dollars for each hectare, and 400 dollars for each cattle. What do we have? On the contrary, they want to impose taxes. For every greenhouse, barn, and toilet in the country. The neighbor has chickens, he says that he is now a farmer. This is bad.

Daria: I, too, will vote for any party except United Russia, because I also don’t see anything good. Things have been very bad in recent years. The laws that are being passed are absurd. Pension law, child benefits that mothers now receive. Can you imagine what this is? Fifteen thousand child benefits for low-income people. This minimum subsistence level in our country is ridiculous. Now it has been increased to 15 thousand, previously it was less than 10 thousand rubles. This means two people should earn 15 thousand maximum. I can’t get paid, my salary is 30 thousand.

Sergey: I am not much different from those who spoke earlier. I believe that the people have placed a fairly high level of trust in this party. I mean "United Russia". Since 2000 and this is absolutely unjustified. We have been in some kind of a state of disarray for 19 years and nothing has happened. Only 5–7% of the population is doing well. 90% remained as it was in an unknown place. And if we compare with the countries with which we started in the same way, they are generally the same. I mean China, which along the way managed to both betray and sell, whom we call friends, but it doesn’t matter. Where they were in the 90s, and where we are. Just as we were near the toilet, so were they, only on the other side. And where are we now, and where is China? There, a courier earns 60 thousand, but we have poor people in a country that occupies 1/6 of the landmass. I don’t really like communist views, but there are a majority of such people in this party. We do not have a socialist party as such.

Daria: there are a lot of scandals associated with this party. Corruption, Navalny. They caught a man with 3 billion. Do you have any idea what 3 billion is?

Woman: and also nominees. We removed an experienced school principal, who was over 50, and installed a 29-year-old football player, a physical education teacher, but a member of United Russia. The school is now going to no one knows where.

Moderator: now let's all those who don't vote, why?

Sergey: I do not see the point. Nothing has gotten better in 20 years. I don’t want to waste my personal time, but the Communist Party of the Russian Federation has not gone anywhere for 20 years.

Alyona: In my opinion, the presence of opposition parties on the voting sheet is just for formality. So that there is healthy competition. Everything is fine with United Russia, unlike the Russian people. And to choose only against “United Russia” is simply ridiculous.

Woman: They are all no longer among the people. Zyuganov is a millionaire. They are all millionaires, not from the people. Who to vote for? It is difficult for them to understand the problems of ordinary people with their salaries.

Anton: I don’t see the point and I don’t think that my voice can change anything. There are no people for whom it would be interesting to vote. These are people who are alternative to the current government, and I have a rather bad attitude towards it. Now the only alternative is the communists, to whom I also have an extremely negative attitude. If there was a democratic alternative, an opposition party that adheres to pro-European principles... This is what Navalny, Kasyanov and whoever else should ideally come to. Now they do not inspire confidence among the majority of the population. The people are not ready to follow them. I would like a certain opposition to appear that would adhere to democratic principles. On this moment I don't see that.

Woman: everyone views the communists as a counterweight to United Russia, but they perceive the communists from the past. Those communists who are now represented in the State Duma are already modern. There will be no going back. We have already switched to a market economy. I would like to add one more thing about the candidates. It is necessary that their program be close to the people. There shouldn't be such extortions. I am close to everyday problems. Previously, we paid for gas once every three years, but now a decree has been passed that now we have to pay every year. It seems that all large-scale construction projects in the country should be paid for by the people themselves. Let’s not even talk about sporting events, which are just too much to chew on. All these Olympics, championships, athletes who are rewarded not according to their intelligence. Their maintenance is not worth that kind of money. If you don't have money, you won't even be able to go to a fitness club to work out. You can't even get into a free stadium. Is this a sport?

Woman: As for Ukraine, I don’t care. I have a lot of friends who are directly connected. They were either born there or have relatives. They are very worried and curse Russia with all their words for showing weakness. It didn’t suppress, it didn’t help. There are too many sports now. You turn on the news, the first event is sports.

Alexei: I used to participate in elections from the other side, I was the chairman of the election commission. Previously this was adequate. At least they had enough numbers, people would come. But V recent years 7, there really are only stuffings. There is no point. Now everything is adjusted to one.

Moderator: There are different forms of democracy in the world. Would you vote for a presidential republic or a parliamentary one?

Elena: in our case, there is no difference. All laws that the president needs are supported by parliament.

Sergey: We have both a quasi-democracy and a quasi-presidential republic. Our parliament will not provide a full definition of a parliamentary republic . I would like there to be a parliamentary republic. I'm interested. I look at the experience of other countries and, at a minimum, there is room for discussion. I'm listening to the UK Parliament hearings in the original. This is a real process. It's funny for us. This is really a fairy tale.

Elena: I would like to leave it as it is. I find it difficult to answer.

Anton: in a parliamentary system of government there are more defined discussions, but in modern times there is still no difference. Everyone supports the same direction. But a parliamentary republic would be more interesting.

Daria: I think a discussion is needed. Because it hit someone’s head that such a law should be passed, but our laws are adopted a little incorrectly. One accepted, everyone agreed.

Woman: All my friends are sitting there, everyone knows each other, they will agree and sign.

Moderator: I realized that everyone is inclined to parliamentary republic, to the fact that discussions are needed. Let me try to argue. Here we will vote for parliamentary party, and then we’ll see all this and say that the presidential one is better. Let me ask again, are you for the parliamentary party or for the presidential one?

Sergey: nothing has changed in 30 years of the presidency. So let's try the parliamentary one.

Alyona: discussions are possible in any case, but people come there for a high salary, sit in a chair doing nothing, poke at a smartphone, wink at friends, and promote their business. All for yourself. People come to power for their own benefit. What kind of pensions do they have? Salaries of 600 thousand.

Woman: what do they get for? For sitting and doing nothing?

Moderator: what can be done so that people do not come to power for money?

Woman: lower the salary to 30 thousand, and let them pay another 8 thousand for the apartment.

Man: It’s not housing and communal services that are expensive here, not cars. We just don't get enough. You need to respect people. There is not enough respect for the people. There are people who are ready to go to work in government without money. Political work is a burden, it is an idea. Have you ever seen a flag bearer who gets paid for it? He will receive a maximum of 50 grams of kick. A deputy should receive as much as his constituent receives .

Moderator: I’ll pose the question differently. Who is for our presidential republic?

Man: They dispersed some, others came. Let's go to the second stage, when we can discuss normal life. You need to come to the opinion of the majority, and not remain in one person.

Moderator: we don’t have a person who is FOR a presidential republic?

Man: No. If there is a normal candidacy, it could be for the presidency. Now everyone has given birth, everyone has settled for everyone, everyone is relative. This is the same plan in which everything is done only for yourself. For statistics, they need to buy 10 million cars. Funny. Now everyone is afraid of losing this power. If everything is decided by one person, this is bad. You need to listen to the opinions of others. Then the majority will simply stop being afraid. If we take average bill, which is spent in a store in England or Spain, it will be slightly higher than ours. But the wages there are many times higher. With an average salary of 90 thousand, their average check will be 2 thousand, and our average salary is 30 thousand, and the check in the store is also 2 thousand. rubles The difference is three times. Our pension is 15 thousand, and there it is 3000 euros. They sat down and went to rest. Pensioners even help their children.

Woman: The parliamentary one can be chosen in the event that, based on their numerical strength, they will decide something between themselves. When one person will not influence others.

Man: Russia cannot be compared with Moldova. Moldova is too small a country. There, the majority is formed by a coalition. This is what causes fights. The electorate there is not so smart as to cite her as an example.

Russians are getting poorer for the fifth year in a row / Photo: Wikipedia
Moderator: are we for capitalism or for socialism?

Man: for socialism. In Norway, 45% of fossils are a fund to distribute resources among everyone.

Woman: from the point of view of the Soviet Union, life was easier for us. And now it turns out that they pay us pennies, but they take everything. If the employer has the opportunity to pay less, he will not pay more.

Woman: the employer can also be understood. They openly say that it’s hard for them. It all comes down to endless taxes and checks. Where do they all come from?

Man: in fact, it doesn’t matter what name it is – socialism or capitalism. Khrushchev, when he returned from Sweden, said that this is where socialism is. The state must be social. And the name doesn't matter. It is necessary that everything be done for one’s own people, and not for others.

Woman:Why do we need to go to other countries? We have a lot of problems of our own. Regions are dying out.

Man: we lend money to Greece when their average pension is 700 euros. Who should lend to whom?

Woman: We have so many mineral resources, but not enough for anything. This is the strangest thing. Everything was paid.

Man: In my country there is everything, but the people don’t have anything to eat. It's funny, but it's true.

Moderator: next question. I'll tell you what I read on the Internet, and you can tell me whether it might be true or not. There will be presidential elections in 2024. Do you think that in 2024 V.V. Will Putin leave or not?

Man: No

Woman: may still extend the presidency. At first it was 4, then 6. They’ll do it for 20 years and that’s it.

Sergey: if we follow the path of the Constitution about changing the term, then I am 1000% sure that no one will agree to this, because the pressure from outside is so strong that they will only attract attention to themselves. It’s another matter when there are a really large number of other instruments that will allow the current government to remain, just in a different capacity, i.e. Only the caps will change.

Anton: I agree with Sergei. Putin as a figure can remain. They will come up with a position for him.

Woman: I get the impression that Putin does not lead the country. It's my personal opinion. He just sits and signs papers. But I have no confidence at all that he creates any ideas as a leader. The only time his eyes light up is when he's standing at a sporting event and waving. Therefore, if he is healthy in 2024, the authorities will also keep him. If something changes there, they will install someone else, but the same, from his circle. There are even rumors on the Internet that Volodin will follow him.

Alyona: I think that new ones will not come to power. Putin may not be called president, but he will still be “at the helm.”

Sergey: We've been through it all. This will be a change with Medvedev. They will switch places, and then back again.

Dmitriy: I also think that nothing will change. They won't give up power. There will be no democracy. There will be a revolution. Just like in 1917. Everyone is now fleeing Russia. Everyone is closing their businesses (those who had them). Many people move to America, to Canada and everyone is very happy. Students generally do internships here for two years and then leave. A friend says he remembers life here as horrible dream. Many students already have an agreement with their teachers and the smarter students are immediately sent on an internship for six months abroad and after graduating from university everyone goes there. And we are being replaced by Kyrgyz. They are paid 24 thousand for the same work, although he is away from work for half a day: he goes to the director to install a toilet, etc., and we have to do everything for him. We're not going to install a toilet. This is at sports school No. 62. Our deputy director goes on vacation for a month, comes back, and he has a bonus of 500 thousand, everything is on the papers. The director took on 5 or 6 deputies and all of them had salaries of 300-400 thousand, and employees of 20-30 thousand..

Woman: a wonderful law that Medvedev adopted that in state-owned enterprises the director himself manages the money. It turns out that his salary is at least 100 thousand, and employees receive 30 thousand, and in the cultural sector they are generally self-sustaining. Come, recruit children, study. This is actually some kind of nonsense. It's the same in medicine.

Man: everyone knows that Moskomsport allocates half a million a month.

Woman: Salary does not depend on education, qualifications, or experience. All this was filmed and now everything is as agreed. Whoever agrees to work for a lower salary works.

Woman: during an interview they offer first minimum wage. Those who agreed are taken.

Woman: sometimes they cheat. They offer one salary, but in reality it turns out to be less. They say that we need to work for them for another year.

Man: Why are Tajiks and Uzbeks paid 20-25 thousand?

Woman: They call the president directly and ask about all this, but they don’t seem to be heard. Do they think we are completely idiots?

Photo: Invest-Foresight
Moderator: what about what will happen in the next years? How do you imagine the future of the country?

Man: The smart ones will leave here, and the Asians will come.

Alexei: those who can will leave, and those who remain will not care.

Olga: my daughter is in eighth grade. Arrival is just around the corner. I think about this with horror. Now there are very few budget places. Some send them to universities in Poland, for example. The money is the same, but then you can stay there. What's the point of paying here? But you still have to pay. If the child is smart and doesn’t get into medical school in Moscow with a gold medal, he goes to Crimea. It's very easy to get in there. And if she didn’t get accepted in Moscow and there’s no way to leave, and her parents can’t pay, then what?

Woman:our children have no future. I want my child to go to college, but she won't go there with her brains. We looked at MEPhI and there was one budget place at the faculty. There are many faculties, but each has one budget place. The girl won't go anywhere. You'll have to graduate from some technical school. Again, it is paid. This means she needs to go work somewhere. What kind of future is this? A child at 18-19 years old graduates from school and goes to work at McDonald's? At the same time, without receiving an education. She won't get it in our country. It turns out that Chechnya is doing everything because they have money. They consider themselves Russians. I saw what kind of children study there. Or geniuses, or with money. There is no other option. This is our future.

Sergey: the new generation is our future. We are the present. The children were divided into two parts, both parts are angry because we stole everything from them. They don't have a damn thing. No prospects, no opportunities. They understand that our country no longer needs smart people. This is no longer the Soviet Union. We need obedient slave-owning cattle. They are more profitable to manage because they do not understand anything. As a result, some will be forced to stay and do something, while the rest will leave.

Woman: I agree with Sergei. The children went away angry, embittered. How many murders and thefts among teenagers. What is their future? To train a child and give him a normal specialty, you have to pay 300-400 thousand a year. Where do people get this kind of money?

Woman: Our children don't have a role model. When we were growing up, there was the Soviet Union, we saw our parents. Yes, we had nothing. Everyone was poor, but at least there was an idea. There was an idea. People lived for something. Our children want iPhones. We read books, we did not have the Internet. Nowadays children don't read books at all. My daughter says she wants to see Putin, he great person. What did he do? No answer.

Moderator: Anton, how do you imagine the future?
Anton: It’s very difficult to say, I have no thoughts, I don’t understand what will happen next.

Elena: in terms of history, all other states enslaved other countries to feed their people. But we have developed such a model that they pull money from their own people, and everything is scattered to no one knows where. And as for the future... We have lost our future. Nowadays children are angry because they have no outlet for their aggression. Now they are gathering, drinking something, smelling something. Previously, we could just go to some palace of culture and visit all the circles. Direct this energy to work, under the supervision of leaders who helped and directed the child. Now the children are left to their own devices. They open the Internet and can find everything there: both swearing and vulgarity. Educating yourself is the most difficult thing. And it’s easy to find the Internet and read all sorts of nasty stuff there. That’s why this generation is growing. This is a lost generation. Everything should be available. And everything is inaccessible to us, the price tag is too high for everything. We overpay for everything. Sending a child to several clubs a month is the entire salary.

Woman: what a few circles there are. I can’t send my child to one circle.

Man: I looked at several faculties, came to an open day, and talked with the person who would lead the direction, and I was told (only without last names, without names) that you won’t find this here, it’s all within the framework. They told me that we will educate you and you will have a prestigious job. And I realized that this is a miniature personification of what is happening in our country.

Moderator: maybe look for some institute more aimed at your profession?

Man: I will honestly tell you that this is more developed in the world, but in Russia you can expect this in 15 years. This is a new direction for Russia and is very in demand. But we only have a formal program, but there is no normal training. There is only the declared program. And in the end I reached the rector.

Moderator: Alena, the question was about how you imagine the future of your country.

Alyona: I think it’s unclear which one. I think people will feel lost. A complete lack of understanding of what will happen tomorrow. There will be more and more dissonance between what we see on TV and what we see in our own life. The stratification between rich and poor. And the dissonance will increase, and people will have a complete misunderstanding of where they are. Why do they tell us about endless “Crimean Spring” festivals while grandmothers rummage through containers of expired food in supermarkets? Is this the same city or different planets? And why, when retirement was just a stone’s throw away, and now it’s already there somewhere. And it’s unlikely that we’ll even survive now. But there were already certain plans. Just in Once again knocked out a man's stool from under his feet. The state waved: "Hello!"

Man: and the rest did not fit into the market, as Chubais said.

Woman: Yes, “there is no money, but you hold on.”

Sergey: Yes, everything is very bad and everything will get worse. But they will tell us what is improving. They will show us everything as it should be on TV. It seems to me that everything will only get worse, right up to the repartition of Russia. Everything will be torn into pieces and sold abroad. There is no cohesion. Everyone who has strength and power will try to run away from here and endure everything. And the Asians are clan management, they are not like Russian people, they take up places little by little, everything will be very bad.

Moderator: tell me, did Sergei say the phrase that Russia will fall apart, and everyone agrees with this?

All: Yes Yes…

Woman: But how many Chinese are there in the Khabarovsk Territory? Far East, Kamchatka... There were representatives from Lake Baikal, they said that some shares there had already been 99% sold to the Chinese. More precisely, they register for Russian women, but her husband is Chinese. In general, the Chinese are everywhere. Far East, Siberia, Baikal. There's one there locality, a lot has already been written about this, and to Putin too, and no action has been taken. Hotels are being built. Sewerage to Baikal. And everyone has been talking about this for the second year. Expansion is underway. And our people drink. Without war we were defeated.

Moderator: Alexey, do you think that the country will fall apart?

Alexei: I don't know, I can't tell you. There is tension, but of course I wouldn’t want to be a guest in my own country. They will bring in their religion. They say there was a statement by a Dagestan general, he said: I don’t like Russians. Moreover, he is in Russia.

Woman: I don’t know, the borders may remain, but there may be something really interesting there. There is a Russian village on the border: the men all drank themselves to death, but the Chinese came. And they have a shortage of women in China. Well, now they live and work here. And the Chinese children went. That is, there will be a capture from the inside. Then there will be entire Chinese villages there.

Moderator: Daria, your opinion?

Daria: Of course, they will tear the country apart. Of course, I don’t understand it that well, but most likely there are two options. Either Europe will begin to take over us, or everything will be divided into regions. I am inclined to believe that someone from outside will take over and the country will be torn apart into regions. I read on the Internet, on forums.

Man: Well, I largely agree. But you understand, we are a nuclear country. This is a serious factor, it’s not so easy to take us and... But there is a split that can tear the country apart inside. But these premises are quite alive. And all this is quite active. And yet there is an all-round increase in discontent. And How defensive reaction, the government has prepared a fairly recent law stating that one cannot scold the government. This is administrative or criminal liability. This is generally the top of everything, because we have the primacy of international law, and we are a subject of international law. But Tolstoy, an employee of Channel One, he generally said that for Russia let’s abolish the supremacy of the international, and let’s do only the national. This is completely nonsense. We will become Guatemala. Is this possible? I can't understand these metamorphoses. But it seems to me that there is no threat from the outside, this is unlikely. As a leader, he made the outer wall strong. And here hardly anyone can blame him. But he needs a second person. We have a double-headed eagle. We have a request for justice, we have a request to equalize the gap between rich and poor. This is still a lot of work. Nobody can withstand this credit of trust. Where will we go? And we need the second one, which will look inside. And in view of that. We are indignant that it does not exist and is not expected. Therefore, we do not understand where we are going. And even if it appears, we will need to wait 20 years for this poker to level out. She's crooked.

Moderator: Irina, will the country survive or not?

Irina: I can’t say, but it seems to me that there will be something inside. There will be some kind of split. There will be some changes.

Anton: Yes, I believe that there is a possibility of a certain split. Perhaps these will be some kind of interethnic, interreligious conflicts. Maybe inter-clan conflicts. And from China - soft introduction. This is a possible option. But at the same time, I also deny an external threat, any threat of war, with such a nuclear power as Russia, is unlikely. More like an internal split.

Moderator: opinions mostly coincide, but what is your opinion?

Woman: I have the feeling that the authorities are engaged in some kind of cheating towards us. After every cry from the authorities on TV, I open the computer and look at what they write on the Internet. Recently, Putin said that we are attracting specialists, teachers, to the villages. But in our country there are no idiots who would go there for a million. I reveal the law. And it turns out that this million is given like “ maternal capital" And you can spend this million on only two things: a mortgage or buying a home. That is, you need to find an idiot who will pay for travel at his own expense, come to this village, buy some kind of wreck, repair it, and receive a three-kopeck salary. Is it really so difficult to simply give a young specialist housing, as with Soviet power? There are a lot of abandoned houses there. And this applies to every new law, who are they counting on? Maybe for the future younger generation who will fall for this? But we are people who still think somehow. As for the future, it will fall apart, it will not fall apart, if they take measures, really look deep into the country, at the people, in order to create at least some prosperity and raise the standard of living, then maybe the country will not fall apart. But the only thing is migration. This is all clan stuff. Well, here’s Moscow, you come to a restaurant, and you no longer feel at home, but the visiting people who bought a business here, they already tell you what to do. and it will grow. This is pressing, they are more aggressive than Russian people. And they will show aggression. And if the laws allow them to do this, it will be so completely.

Alyona: I think that people coming to Moscow in particular will come with their own charter, and internal tension will increase. Conflict and aggression of different population groups towards each other will increase. Before supreme authority they can’t reach it, so they will pour out their anger and aggression on each other.

Moderator: do you personally see this? Can you give examples?

Alyona: even just in your own area, by the way visitors behave. I live in Strogino. It's extremely unpleasant to be there. In the famous Moskvoretsky park on the river bank, especially in the summer, a barbecue smokes under every bush, they sit in a circle in flannel robes, cross-legged, wearing hats... yes, the Russians do this too, but the foreign cattle of others cause even more rejection than our cattle, which You're not going anywhere. That is, if highly intelligent, educated people came to us, it would be one conversation. But when the worst representatives arrive, and at the same time they are completely alien in upbringing and culture, on the contrary, they even try to bend this Moscow reality to themselves, without having any reason to do so. Starting from some small household things, they make noise and smell. The entire entrance smelled of them.

Arrests on March 26, 2017 / Photo: Maxim Shipenkov EPA/Scanpix/LETA
Moderator: Sergey, I will remind you that you said the word revolution. How do you understand this?

Sergey: Well, this is a change of power in a short period of time. What forces? Yes, it just goes that way. Now a tricky maneuver has been made, very similar to our summer football tournament. At the moment when everyone was drinking beer and shouting “Hurray”, they raised the VAT, adopted these laws... They neglected the lower class, but at the same time raised a very high class. AND middle class remained in such a gap. That is, to unite forces for the same revolution, resources are needed, there are very rich, and there are very poor, and there are also those who leave, there are those who have given up on everything. There is a layer of people who are generally below the poverty line. And all these groups do not intersect. And they do not represent such a single force and threat. Disunion. This is very visible and noticeable, so the military and police force is strengthening. Plus the law that you can’t talk badly about the government and so on. The government closed itself off from everyone.

Man: Even in Times Square you have 15 minutes for any opinion. You can come out and say everything. And according to our law, then everyone there should be fined and imprisoned.

Daria: We have no poor, no beggars in the country, they artificially remove it from us. They pass laws that artificially do not exist. According to statistics. Everything is fine in our country. I’ve already told you, single mothers, but if a person has a small salary, but if I have an apartment, I’m deprived of all these benefits, you can’t join the stock exchange. You can be there for three months and then that’s it. And they pay for three months, but you’re not a beggar. And you still can’t help but work, new law.

Woman: and about defrauded shareholders, this is absolutely terrible, we have so many of them in the country, millions of people. and you can’t find fault with the documents, the state allows everything, but when you are deceived, the state has nothing to do with it. Or only in Moscow.

Dmitriy: I just wanted to say that yes, we are a nuclear state. But take our officials, Peskov’s wife, children in America, England. Even taking the presenters is the same. And if missiles fly at us, what do they care, they have children and families there... The fact that we are a nuclear country is nothing. And regarding the Caucasus, a week ago a Chechen stabbed a guy to death. And before that it was the same. Well, the Russians got into a fight and got drunk. But here it’s different. Between us the whole world, not just a step.

Man: well, people of different financial capabilities. And there was a case with football players, they don’t live here, and one hit the other, but it happened in front of everyone, and they must be punished. But impunity. Lack of equal laws.

Moderator: okay, I’ll ask the last question, we have some kind of picture emerging, not very happy, but suppose Putin’s term ends, there will be some elections and suppose a sane person comes to power. Man of sense. What can he do?

Man: we need to nationalize what was...

Woman: and raise taxes so that it is like in the West. Differentiated. Yes. Differentiated tax.

Man: organize production, not close it. Develop regions. They bend like they did in the 90s.

Man: the problem of power is visible. Each region can create a program. And for three years, let them not take anything from them. How businesses are given holidays. But to report back later. And even if the federal government receives nothing from them, there is oil, gas, diamonds...take it from Lukoil, Rosneft. There is where to get it, leave the regions. So that they reach a certain level. Let people live normally. To stop the desire to leave here. There must be a plan for every day. And without showing off, showing off is enough to vomit. We have a huge demand for justice, it doesn’t exist, it doesn’t live here. And more and more people will follow such a person, and this situation will be reversed
And these corruption schemes, Navalny alone fights them all.
The price range is colossal; there must be regulatory authorities. Groceries, housing and communal services, gasoline, pharmacies, medicines. There must be stability so that we can plan.

Moderator: good. I want to ask everyone, Anton, what is your opinion?

Anton: I don't have any specific suggestions. But I am concerned about migration policy, to stop the flow of migrants.

Irina: make education accessible. Free. And quality. Teachers' salaries.

Alexei: For me, migration is important, and I am more for justice. There must be a socially oriented policy. I transferred my pension savings to Sberbank, but I understand that I will never receive them. Inflation is 6%, and wages have not increased for a year. And some people drive normal cars, you want to strive for that. But try to get a job somewhere like this. What is justice?

Sergey: It's hard to say, a fabulous cocktail. I think the national wealth of the country should be divided among everyone. All property is divided among all citizens. Like in Norway. Everything that is earned is divided among everyone. This is the first.

Moderator: well, I’m grateful to you, let’s leave it at that. Thanks to all participants!

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

On April 23, public hearings were held in many districts of Moscow. "Moscow activist" did a report from Nagatinsky Zaton, where on that day the issue of building two transport hubs - “Klenovy Boulevard” and “Nagatinsky Zaton” - was discussed.
The meeting within the framework of public hearings was held in the building of the cadet corps on Kolomenskaya embankment.

The event was supposed to start at 19:00, but already at around 18:00, when registration was supposed to begin, people were practically no longer allowed into the room and a crush formed at the entrance. The deputy chief of police from the Nagatinsky Zaton Department of Internal Affairs, Valery Anatolyevich Rubtsov, unexpectedly wedged himself into the crowd and began to push citizens aside. Then he stood at the entrance and, based on some signs only known to him, began to selectively let people in.

Another police officer without a badge, with a clear intention not to let activists in, tried to snatch the camera from our cameraman, cynically hiding behind the interests of the “women” in the crowd, in whom later local residents recognized the advisers to the head of the council. Moreover, this employee tried to justify blocking the entrance by comparing the local residents at the entrance to “animals.”

Those who managed to get through found that at 18:00 the hall was already full of people. There is only room left for residents in the very back of the hall under the equipment room and standing places on the sides.

These, obviously, were specially brought pseudo-residents. It is interesting that on the eve of the hearings information appeared about training for extras specifically for this event.

At the end of the meeting, we even met our “old acquaintance” Pumpolovich Alexey Tadeushevich, who had previously participated in falsifying the will of local residents in different areas of Moscow.

Previously, Alexey Pumpolovich boldly threatened our cameraman at a rally on Lobnenskaya 13, but now he behaved much more modestly.

Extras at the hearings in Nagatinsky Zaton did not allow local residents to ask questions that concerned them, asking about what had already been said or about abstract topics; the presenter behaved strangely and resembled the host of an auction. And at this time, down on the street and between the first and second floors, local residents tried to break into the meeting - they were the ones we found during the break.

The security at the meeting behaved extremely defiantly, illegally used force on people and did not carry only uninformative “security service” badges.

The police did not stop the guards from breaking the law right in their presence, despite numerous appeals from citizens. The police also violated the federal law about the police - they avoided identifying themselves in response to citizens' requests and did not have badges on their clothes.

The behavior of the police and the incomprehensible guards was beyond the bounds of the law

In addition, it turned out that in the “reserve” room, where there was only a video broadcast of what was happening basically, the radio microphone did not work - it was basically turned off and could not connect with the remote control upstairs due to the signal range and concrete floors, and the assistants were deceiving people , because of which they could not ask questions, which grossly violated their right to participate in the meeting as part of public hearings.

What are the residents protesting against?

The transport hub projects presented for hearings do not meet the interests of citizens. Together with the transport and interchange component itself, within the framework of the transport hub they are going to build a house for renovation (no question), but in addition to this, a 100-meter high tower for commercial housing with compensatory landscaping on Ak.Millionshchikova Street in the neighboring Nagatino-Sadovniki district. People do not want such a radical redensification of their area, and they are also against compensatory landscaping in the neighboring area instead of their own. In addition, for the sake of construction, the adjacent territories of three houses were stolen and they ended up on the border of the construction site.

"Moscow activist" will continue to monitor the situation.

Monday, April 22, 2019

GlavClub has completed the presentation of candidates for the elections to the Moscow City Duma in September 2019.
Despite the huge queue at the very beginning, caused by checking people at the entrance, the event brought together about 1,500 people from different parts of Moscow and took place without provocations.

At the meeting with volunteers, five candidates presented themselves and talked about why they were running.

Ivan Zhdanov, lawyer, director of the Anti-Corruption Foundation is running in district No. 8 - Airport, Voikovsky, Koptevo and Sokol districts. Ivan said that current officials cannot work without stealing or indulging in theft and that the current Moscow City Duma does not make any statements about the real problems of Muscovites. Zhdanov proposes making the real estate of politicians and officials completely transparent, taking budget expenditures under public control and abolishing bureaucratic privileges.

Lyubov Sobol, lawyer, general producer of the Navalny Live channel is coming in district No. 43, which includes Arbat, Presnensky and Khamovniki districts. Lyubov spoke about her fight for the rights of children who fell ill with dysentery as a result of mass infection through food in children's institutions. The politician said that she will continue to fight for the rights of Muscovites - both children and their parents, and employees of budgetary institutions who also turn to her.

Vladimir Milov, economist, politician, host of the program “Where is the Money?” on NavalnyLive channel, running in Konkovo ​​and Teply Stan - district No. 35. Vladimir spoke about the unfair distortions in the current city budget and the mafia conspiracy in practically all spheres of life support in Moscow. The politician proposed, if elected, to conduct a public audit and, based on its results, begin real changes in city management.

Konstantin Jankauskas, municipal deputy of the Zyuzino district, officially announced his candidacy for the first time in the 31st arrondissement, which includes part of the Zyuzino, Chertanovo Northern and Nagorny districts. Konstantin, who twice defeated United Russia in his home district of Zyuzino in municipal elections, hopes to win this time too. According to the deputy, the current authorities are systematically destroying everything that was dear to him and his friends - first in their area (from the closure of their own maternity hospital to the demolition of the store around the corner), and now throughout the city, the entire “vertical of power” from the president is permeated with lies until the last head of the council, and this can no longer be tolerated.

Ilya Yashin, head of the Krasnoselsky district municipality is running in district No. 45, which includes it Krasnoselsky area, as well as Basmanny, Meshchansky districts and Sokolniki. The politician spoke about the positive changes he and his team managed to achieve in just over a year of work as the head of the Krasnoselsky municipal district. Ilya noted that, unlike United Russia members, for whom Moscow is business and nothing personal, he and other independent candidates are fighting for our habitat, with which our whole life is connected.

All candidates agreed on one thing: the current composition of the Moscow City Duma does not correspond to the real needs of Muscovites and is dedicated to meeting the needs of anyone other than more than ten million taxpayers living in Moscow.

Also speaking to the volunteers was Alexey Navalny, who had previously launched the all-Russian project “Smart Voting”.

Let us remind you that in Moscow elections to the city parliament will take place on September 8, 2019. Currently, out of 45 mandates, 28 belong to deputies from United Russia, another 10 to deputies from the coalition “My Moscow” related to United Russia, 5 to deputies from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, and 1 each to deputies from Rodina and LDPR.

Friday, April 19, 2019

On April 13, 2019, the IV Congress of Independent Municipal Deputies was held in Moscow, where, in addition to standard sessions, there were presentations by experts. We present for you the speech of Professor V. Solovy and his answers to the questions of the participants.

Dear friends! Everything you do, no matter how you view it, is politics. As soon as it comes to your minimal political ambitions, to manage even minimal resources, to make even tiny changes in municipal government, you encounter insurmountable obstacles. Why? Because in Russia any issue in which one begins to interfere government, even if this is a question of our personal correspondence and a question of with whom we spend our free time, automatically turns into a political question. And, of course, in such a situation there cannot but arise a desire and intention to influence politics at least at the city level.

Now you are thinking about how to go to the Moscow City Duma: what strategy to build, who to block with, and solving important technical issues.

Do you think that the government, which knows that sixteen gubernatorial elections are taking place this year, including elections for the governor of St. Petersburg, as well as elections to the Moscow City Duma, which are in some way equivalent to elections to the national parliament, is ready to lose Moscow and St. Petersburg?
No. It is ready to lose several regions, and most likely it will lose them. But she will lay down her bones - and not her own, but ours - so as not to lose Moscow and St. Petersburg. Because she is afraid of the symbolic and political effect of the Moscow and St. Petersburg experience and their replication.

Independent deputies of the Moscow City Council, 1990 / Photo: A. Pankov’s archive
Those of you who are older remember very well that when at the turn of the 80-90s of the last century the communists lost control of the Moscow and Leningrad soviets, they had not yet formally lost the country, but the loss of the capitals was perceived as the end of a symbolic monopoly Communist Party and the beginning of death Soviet Union. So, the current government has learned this lesson perfectly.

What practical conclusions follow from this observation? The opposition's chances of getting registration in the upcoming elections to the Moscow City Duma are not very high. However, you can guess this yourself. If the opposition is admitted, it will not be so that they will win. However, it seems to me that we need to look at least one step further and consider the Moscow situation in a national context.

If Moscow cannot yet become the political battlefield where opponents will be decisively defeated, then the Russian capital can and should become a generator of meanings, a generator of ideas for all of Russia, which is what is actually expected of it now.
Unlike the turn of the 80-90s of the last century, the situation has changed in that protest can roll out from the provinces and to some extent this is already happening. I do not mean only the conventional protest, which we observed during the September vote in the regions where four regions lost power - Vladimir region, Khabarovsk Territory, Khakassia and Primorye. Then she was able to return one region, Primorsky Krai, but at the cost of colossal concessions. By doing something she had never allowed before, in particular by allowing criticism federal center. By sending a strong candidate to Primorye, the authorities actually exposed Sakhalin. In the 2019 Sakhalin elections, the Kremlin does not have a viable candidate.

Almost a week ago we saw an unconventional protest in Arkhangelsk. Several thousand people took to the streets of the city, easily overcame the police cordon and held a spontaneous rally.

Spontaneous political practices will most likely now arise in the provinces. Because acute crisis local situations arose there - this is the first thing. And second: anti-crisis management and management in general, thanks to the so-called “technocratic governors” in a number of regions, is now at an extremely low level. They are not able to manage the situation where they find themselves. And this is not the assessment of opposition experts.

However, all the brave, courageous people who have taken the path of fighting for their inalienable rights in the provinces lack an understanding of what is happening and, most importantly, an understanding of the goals and prospects on a national, rather than local and regional, scale. Everything that relates to meanings, goals and strategy should come from here – from Moscow. There is no other place in Russia where this can come from - only from the national capital. Because this is how the cultural, ideological and communication space of Russia has historically developed.

Now you are busy preparing for the elections, in September you will experience their results, but what will happen next? From my point of view, what is coming is much more important than what will happen in September. The general political, socio-psychological situation in the country has changed decisively compared to what it was a year ago. People are not only angry and irritated, they are ready to act. But in order for them to move on to political practices not spontaneously, but more or less purposefully and consciously, they need to be offered a strategy of action. And the proposal that will be heard by all of Russia will come only from Moscow.

What strategy are we talking about? I recently looked at books on the experience of economically successful reforms in the world. All successful economic reforms- no matter in Europe or Asia - were carried out using the same set of tools and methods. These tools and methods have been adapted, but their set is universal. Everything is exactly the same political movements, who achieved decisive changes in their own countries (I mean the beginning of the 21st century and the end of the 20th century), acted using the same set of tools and methods and used the same strategy.

This is a civil disobedience strategy that has proven to be highest degree effective.
This strategy immediately states that it does not use physical violence, but physical nonviolence does not mean not using politically active means and politically active actions. As a rule, the start to the creation and proclamation of such a strategy and the launch of national campaigns is the creation of a civil coalition. Please note, not a political coalition, because I foresee lamentations: “How many times have our politicians tried to unite, it all ended the same way!” It is not politicians who need to unite. We need to unite citizens, civil activists, and civil organizations. Zoo defenders, human rights activists, environmentalists, activists of all stripes, including political ones - please. Only such a coalition can tell society: “We are not protecting and realizing someone’s group political interests. We represent a national civic interest." This is a qualitative difference between a civil coalition and a political one.

Can you and I formulate in understandable and accessible language, at least for ourselves, what we want? Russian society? I'm sure we can. We can argue about specific formulations, but we firmly know that people want to live with dignity. For you and me, if we are talking about a civil coalition, “living with dignity” means complying with the constitution. Fulfill everything that is written in the constitution.

Why am I talking about civil protest, about a civil coalition? The word “political” will be off-putting. And you know this well. As soon as people hear that this is a political coalition, they will say: “No, no, this is not for us. We are only for our own interests.” And the advantage of a civil coalition is its ability to integrate many local interests on a single platform.

Therefore, I urge you now to do what is written in all books on globalization: act locally and think globally.
Namely: to think now about starting to form a civil coalition after the September elections. You, municipal deputies, can, and it seems to me, must, become its core. On a national scale, a coalition will not emerge on its own. It will arise only when the banner of hope is raised in Moscow. It doesn't matter whether you succeed in the elections or not. Hope is important for people; a model of behavior that can be copied is fundamentally important for them. And as soon as the banner of the coalition rises here in Moscow, people in Russia will understand perfectly well what and how to do.

What are the goals of such a coalition? I think there are no more than five or six national requirements. They are easy to formulate, they lie on the surface. And in the regions, one or two local agendas may be added to them. Please note that the agenda should not be political. It must be civil and nationwide.

It seems to me that the national flag should become a sign of belonging to the coalition and, in general, an act of civic identity. You and I can stick to whatever we want. political views, have any ideological beliefs, but you and I are united by the same thing - we are citizens of Russia, we want our civil rights and the rights of our compatriots were fully realized so that the constitution became a law of direct effect.

Put national colors in one form or another on your avatar, wear badges with the national flag. As soon as people see the identification mark, they realize that they are not alone. This is fundamentally important. Thus, the spiral of silence is destroyed, the spiral of helplessness that the authorities persistently creates is destroyed.

So, the formation of a common identity is the first, the second is the proclamation of common goals, the third: you ask, who will be the leader of the coalition? It should not have any single leader. It must have a governing body, but not a dimensionless one, as the Coordination Council of the Opposition once was. Experience shows that the governing body should not exceed five to six people. This is the optimal number of people who are capable of leading. Do not agree on procedures, but rather provide leadership. Once the number exceeds nine, it is simply impossible to agree on anything meaningful. Five or six is ​​optimal, two or three is not enough, and they will be looked at with suspicion.

We declare this coalition open: organizations and individuals, including political organizations, can join it if they recognize the platform of the coalition. A laconic set of requirements. It is obvious to me that this is the cancellation of the pension reform in its current form. This is the cessation of any aggressive military policy outside Russia until internal Russian problems are resolved. Not help to the “brothers” in Syria and Venezuela, but help to our compatriots in Pskov and Nizhny Tagil. This is the state’s refusal to interfere in our correspondence, our personal lives, including the digital space. Here are three requirements. Very easily you and I can formulate two or three more.

Once a coalition announces its platform, it calls for the creation of similar coalitions throughout Russia and proposes political practices. What political practices? The authorities showed us that conventional political practices in Moscow will no longer be implemented in any form. Gudkov, who with a group of activists tried to hold environmental events in the Moscow region, received an almost complete refusal. The Libertarian Party, which submits two bids for Internet freedom rallies, is a complete failure. This means that we will talk about practices that will create a situation of sacramental choice for the authorities. Either she accepts them or she herself will provoke a large-scale conflict. Such practices exist, but I will not talk about them now.

The practices initiated by the coalition must become national. I can even offer one of them now. You are going to regional elections, you are discussing elections to the Moscow City Duma, Russia is waiting for some good idea from you. This idea is: “Not a single vote for United Russia and its henchmen!” When will it sound from here, from Russian capital, then this will take on the character of a national call and guide to action. You all remember how it was in 2011: “For any party except United Russia.” Now I propose a slightly different idea. Not a single vote. You just have to say it. In the form of a statement, in the form of posts on social networks. Here is an example of mass political practice, which is understandable, does not need to be explained, it fits perfectly with the mass mentality and is extremely simply implemented. We may disagree on who to vote for, but no one is of two minds about who should not be voted for under any circumstances.

There is no idea until it is spoken. Everything we think remains our thoughts. But when we formulate an idea and when we launch it as propaganda, it begins to live. It generates new civic behavior. There are many similar ideas that can give rise to new practices.

Creating a coalition, proposing new civic practices on a national scale and consistently moving towards the ultimate goal. I know that all this will seem illusory to you now, but in all the countries where political changes took place, they were not carried out by aliens. The gods did not descend from heaven. The opposition leaders were not heroes, they were people just like you and me. But these countries were successful. You choose the right strategy, you take the right steps, and you get results. But in order to achieve this result, we need to start moving forward. I want you to think about how we can move forward together after the September elections. This is something you have to think through for yourself. And everyone must make a decision for themselves. It will be very important decision in your life. It will be possible to stop and get out, but it is a decision that will affect you forever. And what you and I will do, we will not do for ourselves. We will do for our people, our country, our grandchildren and children. All truly historical deeds begin with small, imperceptible steps. It's time to take the first step.

Answers to questions from the audience

– Now a coalition of nominees from United Russia is being formed, who will not be listed anywhere as being from United Russia. We call for voting: “Not a single vote for United Russia.” Voters come, read - not a single one from United Russia - and vote for a self-nominated candidate. What to do in this situation?

– You and I still know perfectly well who really belongs to United Russia. It's not that hard to determine. You simply publish a list of people who actually belong to the party in power. “United Russia” generally aims to completely replace elections in the regions based on party lists with majoritarian ones. This is a problem we will face constantly.

– Is Nyuta Federmesser from United Russia or not? She seems to be an independent, beautiful woman, but...

– In this case, the approach is contextual. We cannot now compile in advance a list of criteria for people who come from United Russia. As they said in Soviet films: you will definitely feel them with a sense of class. It is unlikely that you will be able to hide your affiliation with the party in power.

– Is it possible to have an effective slogan that is not positive, but negative?

– There is no need to fall into psychological self-deception. The slogan “Down with autocracy” was the most successful political slogan in the history of Russia at the beginning of the 20th century. The slogan “Not a single vote for United Russia!” has an excellent chance to become successful even among big business, which treats United Russia even worse than political and civil activists treat it.

– Your attitude to Navalnov’s “Smart Voting” initiative.

– If you propose a short, succinct slogan, I will gladly support it. The slogan should be extremely motivating and clear. You tell people: “Not a single vote...” this is a categorical imperative, this is something that should not be done under any circumstances. Who to vote for is a completely different matter. It depends on your political views. From your sympathies. Alexey Navalny proposes to vote for those candidates whom he proposes. However, people prefer to make such decisions on their own, based on their own likes and dislikes. “United Russia” is equally unpleasant for everyone. And United Russia knows very well what their rating is and that it will decline.

As for the positive program, I will repeat it again. The task is to formulate a strategy for at least two to three years. What is the problem of the opposition, from my point of view? We have always played by the rules that were imposed by the authorities and in their coordinate system. But you can only win if you start changing the agenda. The time for this has come. A year ago this was impossible. Now this is possible. The authorities themselves did everything for this. In order for the slogans of the new agenda to work. The issue of power in Russia can be resolved through peaceful political practices. Through all means of political influence, the possibility of which is laid down in the constitution and international conventions signed by the Russian Federation.

– The slogan “Not a single vote for United Russia” is wonderful, but “United Russia” will still win the next Moscow and St. Petersburg elections on this slogan, if it is not supplemented with smart voting. Because United Russia will receive its 20%, we know from whom, which means we must donate at least 20–30% for another candidate. I cannot agree with your passable attitude towards the Moscow and St. Petersburg elections. You can’t relax, this is wrong, you need to act at one hundred percent power, one hundred and fifty. Then, at least, Russia will see that Moscow is capable of something, and will listen to Moscow. How many deputies we bring depends on us. Three years ago, at Echo of Moscow, I proposed the widespread use of bell icons. It is important that this symbol becomes common, on the chest, on the sidewalk, on the window of a car with inside. This tactic can be implemented in time for the Moscow elections, in order to prevent the authorities from cheating, to warn that this will end badly for them.

– As for the icon, the symbol, this is not a tactic, but an indispensable condition. Any protest identity must be symbolically expressed and designated. I don't know anything better than the national flag. And the experience of other countries shows this. How to make sure that the Moscow elections are noticed in Russia? The only way. If on the night of the vote count you can bring one hundred thousand people onto the streets who will try to ensure an honest count with their peaceful presence at the Moscow City Electoral Commission. Otherwise, the whole country will know only one thing: 38-40 of the 45 seats were taken by independent candidates supporting United Russia. More country will not know anything. Because people are not interested in our words of truth, people are interested in what they can use. They are interested in mass political practices. Regarding “smart voting”. Neither in Vladimir, nor in Khakassia, nor in Primorye did anyone know anything about “smart voting”. And, I assure you, in September 2019 in the regions, for the most part, no one will know anything about it either. People will vote based on completely different criteria. First: they hate United Russia, which they associate with the deterioration of their lives, the lack of any prospects, and mass poverty. And second: for anyone who seems even a little attractive to them. We need to understand what motivates people. They are now beginning to be driven by very simple emotions, and the main one is strong irritation. Strong irritation turning into hatred. In order for this hatred to acquire a constructive character, it is necessary to explain in what direction and how to direct it, so that it is not self-destructive, so that it is useful for the country and for the people themselves. Here is my response to your very appropriate comments. I believe that any discussion here can only be beneficial.

– I am convinced that the current election campaign will end with something like the phrase “And the referee raised his hand, which I did not hit.” Just great amount candidates will not be allowed to participate in the elections, and it will be very difficult to raise a wave, including taking to the streets. I had an alternative thought related to the horizontal positive self-organization of people where they live, that is, the development of territorial public self-government. This idea is a long-term project, it needs to be deployed in the regions for quite a long time, but the protest can then be converted into a positive direction. What is your opinion on this?

– My attitude towards this is certainly positive. I believe this good remedy influence on the situation. But we must understand that this format is exclusively local - first. And second: we will not be able to extrapolate this practice to the whole of Russia. I don't think we have 15-20 years of historical time for this. A whole generation of young people has already grown up under Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, just as I grew up under Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev. Are we willing to wait another 15–20 years? This is what the government is planning. She has strategic planning until 2033–2035. I propose something else: the situation can be overturned within two to three years. But no one will do anything for us. You shouldn't hope for any miracles. The miracle is within ourselves. The same associations may well become part of a general civil coalition. I don't see any contradiction here. It's just that if we're talking about politics - and I started with the fact that everything you encounter becomes political - political problems can only be solved by political means. And since these political problems are not local, but national, they can only be solved at the national level. There is simply no other way.

– In the 2018 elections, governors were elected from the opposition. You talked about the Vladimir region, about Khakassia. Where are the guarantees that the authorities will not apply pressure using financial levers and others? Second question: big business hates United Russia, but why then won’t it support the opposition?

– Instead of an explanation, I’ll tell you an everyday story. Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev exposes Stalin's personality cult at the CPSU Congress. A voice from the audience: “Nikita Sergeevich, where were you at that moment?” - “Who asked?” - the audience is silent, - “Here, comrades, I was there too.” Big business is located in the same place as most of Russia.

Now regarding the first question. Power can use whatever it wants. The number of regions where it will be defeated will increase in September. Maybe she will change strategy, trying to co-opt governors, as she did with communist governors in the 90s. But we ourselves need to focus on searching and developing our own proactive proactive strategy. If you start playing by the rules of power, you will always lose. This is a unique historical moment. Russian history is no longer predetermined. It was not predetermined from 1989 to 1993, then everything began to fall into line. Now we are again entering a period of uncertainty. I recently spoke with people who lived through 89–90, partly in the then Soviet leadership, partly in the opposition. But they all said the same thing: “Yes, the sensations are the same.” The possibility of historical creativity appears, and not the need to play by the rules that someone imposed on us, which are beneficial for those who imposed these rules, and not for us.

The goal is to give people hope. They all watch and wait to see where the light will light, who will raise the banner. They are ready. Naturally, this hope cannot come either from Perm, or from Nizhny Tagil, or from Voronezh. Only from Moscow. This is how the cultural, ideological and communication space of Russia is organized. As soon as you say here: “We can, we want, and we will achieve this,” many will follow this path. Including according to a typical Russian habit: if they said so in Moscow, then now it’s possible for us too.

Will this entail risks? Yes. It will not be possible to get rid of them completely under any circumstances. But if we want to change history, if we want to achieve freedom, human dignity, then any risk is appropriate. Moreover, there is no need to exaggerate them. There is an opportunity to minimize risks. These are technologies that have been known in the world for a long time. Moreover, if you manage to start this dynamic, you will be surprised to discover how many allies we have in Russia. How many people have been waiting for this moment. Because everyone says: “Yes, of course, we are against it, but who should we follow? Who should we focus on? For people like you, ordinary people who are tired of waiting. And who have something to say and something to offer the country. The main thing is that the country is ALREADY ready to share these values ​​and these goals.

– My question is about risk optimization and about the hundred thousand that you said could be noticed. Now we have much stricter legislation than during the Bolotnaya. Everyone is really afraid to go outside. What we see now - double standards. Muslims gather near the Burmese embassy, ​​they tell us: “They have the right to self-expression.” Other people gather for other reasons - this is an unauthorized rally, it is illegal.

– In order for people to stop being afraid, they are taught to get rid of fear. Through gradual political and civil practices. The first of these practices are not dangerous. But once you've taken the first step, it's easier to take the second step. The third step carries limited risks for you. But if a hundred thousand people take to the streets, they will no longer be as afraid as if only five hundred of them came out. As soon as a critical mass arises, fear begins to, if not disappear completely, then dissipate. What are people afraid of?

- They'll go to jail.

– Physical violence.

– Remember how the protests began on December 5, 2011, and then continued for three or four days, when people were no longer taken to police stations, they were simply released. The departments were overcrowded, people were no longer afraid, and the police were tired. This all happened before your own eyes.

Rally on December 5, 2011 / Photo: A. Makhonin, Vedomosti
People are afraid that they will have to pay fines. This means that a national fund needs to be created that will cover at least part of these payments. It is impossible to make the situation completely safe, but you can minimize or at least reduce the level of risk.

– Why are you talking about strategy outside the context of the Moscow City Duma elections? Why don't we now start doing what you're talking about and can it be used as part of the agenda?

– Those people who intend to participate in the elections to the Moscow City Duma should talk about this. Some of what I said is quite applicable to the Moscow urban agenda. I think you can clearly see exactly what I said applies.

“You said that the economic sector is very dissatisfied.” United Russia“Are there those in the elites who are dissatisfied with the party’s policies and are ready to defect at any moment? Maybe in St. Petersburg, in addition to the main candidate, there is another one?

- No, that won’t happen. The elections in both St. Petersburg and Moscow will be moderated by the authorities extremely strictly. I explained why: symbolically and political reasons the loss of Moscow and St. Petersburg is absolutely unacceptable for the Kremlin.

As for the disagreements. Yes, of course there are disagreements, but you will only see these disagreements when mass protests begin. You will immediately suddenly see the notorious split in the elites, but not before. As soon as there are a lot of people on the streets, and these people show persistence, you will suddenly learn with surprise that it turns out that this minister, this oligarch, and this TV presenter have always kept a fig in their pocket in relation to the authorities, but in fact, with their hearts and in soul they were always with the people, and moreover, they corrupted the government from within. I already saw this at the turn of the 80s and 90s. And I have no doubt that I will see you again.

However, before mass grassroots dynamics begin, one should not be under the illusion that a split in the elites will occur. As soon as the elites are faced with a serious choice, they will begin to think about stepping aside, joining the rebellious people, and generally doing something. But not before. For some reason, it seems to me that those who are considered the backbone of power, that is, the security forces, will be the first to jump back. They will not go over to the side of the people, they will simply stop following orders. This is Russia's favorite form of protest. If we don't like something, what do we do? We ignore the orders of our superiors and disappear from their sight. Something similar happened in December 2010, when football fans gathered on Manezhnaya Square. Then the order came to the riot police: go, disperse them! The riot police answered their superiors: “Go and disperse it yourself.” It’s not the participants of the “March of Dissent,” it’s the football fans there. They are strong, they know how to fight, they are ready for collective action.” One way or another, we have all, although for different reasons, reached the limit of patience. And the security forces are no exception here.

Now there is something in the air that we did not feel a year ago. Not only in Moscow, throughout Russia. But no one will take the first step until there is an example. And an example from here, from the Russian capital.

– Why can’t Navalny, who is in Moscow, be such an example? Why hasn't this happened yet?

“I think it’s better to ask him than me.” From my point of view, the opposition as a whole missed several great opportunities to act as an example and radically influence the situation in Russia. What happened in 11–12 is a classic case of an aborted revolution. That revolution would not have won completely and completely, but the situation now would be completely different. We wouldn't have everything we have now.

This time the rate will be much higher, but the number of dissatisfied people will be much greater. What is 2011–2012? A revolt of the urban middle class that had a moral root cause. It was a protest against dishonest elections; they formed the core of those who came to the square. Now the urban middle class is turning into the new Russian poor and can be supported by the poor throughout Russia. The situation has changed dramatically. If at that time any result, even a successful one, would have been half-hearted, this time the successful result will be complete and final. From my point of view, the full and final result is the completion of the revolution that began in Russia at the turn of the 80s and 90s. This is the completion of the Russian democratic republic. This is precisely the historical task on the agenda.

As soon as a civil coalition arises, you will soon see Alexei Navalny in its ranks, because his supporters will say: “There is power and there is the opportunity to influence, go there, be with them.” This is normal logic, because together there is a much greater chance of achieving success. This does not mean that political and ideological differences will disappear. They will stay. But they will be postponed until later. Before competing with each other, we must achieve fair and just elections.

– Can the opposition have strategic goals in the sense that there is no definite leader, but an agreement must be reached. How can strategic goals be formulated when everyone pulls the blanket on themselves, one way or another, exposes spoilers to each other, and so on. How to formulate a strategic task in such conditions?

– I will not call for self-restraint and common sense. I can say that if you want the opposition to come to an agreement, start creating a new center. Create a civil coalition of new people. And when this coalition proposes a more or less realistic strategy, all those who now cannot agree will come there in order to be where the power is and where the future is. In 1989-1991, discussions within “Democratic Russia” were no less fierce than within the current opposition. Moreover, I met these people after 30 years, and they also continued to argue about the same thing. But the task is to be united in just one historical moment, in one instant. And the stakes are very high. Then they were all united by the fact that they felt the taste of victory. A year ago, you and I could only engage in moral lamentations: “Oh, we must unite!” But now the spirit of the times has changed, and everyone is beginning to feel it - both the authorities and the opposition. For the first time in 30 years, History is on our side again.

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