Home Fruit trees Фз about preschool education. The system of preschool education in the new Law "On education

Фз about preschool education. The system of preschool education in the new Law "On education

Mastering educational programs preschool education is not accompanied by intermediate attestations and final attestation of pupils. The standard should normatively provide state guarantees of equality of opportunities for every child in obtaining preschool education.

The new law "On Education" spelled out state guarantees for "compulsory preschool education." Clause 3. Article 5 of Chapter 1 interprets: “In Russian Federation guaranteed availability and free of charge in accordance with federal state educational standards of preschool, primary general, basic general and secondary general education ... ", etc.

This is not an obligation for all children to go to a d / s, but a guarantee of the state that it undertakes obligations and officially fixes this in the law - to provide all full-fledged school education". The parent himself will decide where to give the child to him - in a d / s, family group, non-governmental institution or will be his

educate yourself. Preschool education can be carried out both in a preschool institution and in the form of family education. In accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 64 of Chapter 1, “parents (legal representatives) of minor students who ensure that children receive preschool education in the form of family education have the right to receive methodological, psychological, pedagogical, diagnostic and advisory assistance without charging a fee, including in preschool educational organizations and general educational organizations, if they have established appropriate consulting centers. The provision of such types of assistance is ensured by the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. "

According to the new Law "On Education", EC is separated from the supervision and care of children. Babysitting and caring for children can be carried out not only educational organizations, but also other organizations carrying out educational activities. Supervising and caring for children is a set of measures for organizing meals and household services for children, ensuring that they comply with personal hygiene and daily routine.

Preschool education is free, and childcare is paid. The amount will depend on the founder of the kindergarten. At the same time, the founder has the right not to charge or reduce fees for certain categories of parents. There is no parental fee for looking after and caring for disabled children, orphans and children left without parental care, as well as for children with tuberculosis intoxication studying in state and municipal educational institutions. At the same time, the norms of compensation for a part of the parental pay remain: at least 20% of the average parental pay - for the first child, at least 50% - for the second child, at least 70% of the amount of such payment for the third child and subsequent children.

The entry into force of the new Law caused the emergence of another normative document: in accordance with part 2 of Article 13, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation published the "Procedure for the organization and implementation of educational activities in general educational programs of preschool education." This normative act establishes the rules for the organization and implementation of educational activities both for preschool organizations and for other organizations that implement preschool education programs or provide childcare and supervision.

So, dear colleagues, we are entering a new academic year with a new Law. Congratulations on the start school year and I wish you creative, fruitful success in the implementation of the Law for the benefit of the younger generation!


Parents' meeting "New law" On education ". Changes in the legislative framework of a preschool institution "

Parents' meeting New law on education. Changes in legislative framework preschool

From January 1, 2014, clauses 3 and 6 of part 1 of article 8, as well as clause 1 of part 1 of article 9 come into force.

Education levels

preschool education

primary general education

basic general education

secondary general education

Preschool education recognized for the first time independent level general education, which means, must now work according to the standard. (Article 10, Part 4).

Federal state educational standards are approved for all levels of general education (art. 5, part 3, including for preschool.


Education and training in the interests of individuals, society and the state

(LAW "ON EDUCATION", 1992, 1996)

Single purposeful process education and training, which is a socially significant benefit and is carried out in the interests of a person, family, society and the state, as well as a set of acquired knowledge, skills and attitudes, value attitudes, experience and competence of a certain volume and complexity for the purposes of intellectual, spiritual and moral, creative, physical and professional development of a person, his satisfaction educational needs and interests.

(NEW LAW "ON EDUCATION", 2013, CH. 1, ART. 2)

1. In the Russian Federation, the right of every person to education is guaranteed.

2. The right to education in the Russian Federation is guaranteed regardless of gender, race, nationality, language, origin, property, social origin, place of residence, attitude to religion, beliefs, belonging to public associations(Chapter 1 Art. 5 Clause 1, 2)

The new law "On Education" spelled out state guarantees for "compulsory preschool education." Clause 3. Article 5 of Chapter 1 interprets: "In the Russian Federation, accessibility and free of charge are guaranteed in accordance with federal state educational standards of preschool, primary general, basic general and secondary general education ...", etc.

This is not an obligation for all children to go to a d / s, but a guarantee of the state that it undertakes obligations and officially fixes this in the law - to provide everyone with a full-fledged preschool education. " , a family group, a non-governmental institution or will raise it independently.

Preschool education can be carried out both in a preschool institution and in the form of family education.

In accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 64 of Chapter 7, “parents (legal representatives) of minor students, who ensure that children receive preschool education in the form of family education, have the right to receive methodological, psychological, pedagogical, diagnostic and advisory assistance without charging a fee, including in preschool educational organizations and general educational organizations, if they have established appropriate consulting centers. The provision of such types of assistance is ensured by the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. "

According to the new Law "On Education", EC is separated from the supervision and care of children. Supervision and care of children can be carried out not only by educational organizations, but also by other organizations carrying out educational activities. Babysitting and caring for children is a set of measures for organizing meals and household services for children, ensuring that they comply with personal hygiene and daily routine. Preschool education is free, and childcare is paid. The amount will depend on the founder of the kindergarten. At the same time, the founder has the right not to charge or reduce fees for certain categories of parents. There is no parental fee for looking after and caring for disabled children, orphans and children left without parental care, as well as for children with tuberculosis intoxication studying in state and municipal educational organizations. At the same time, the norms of compensation for part of the parental pay remain: at least 20% of the average parental pay - for the first child, at least 50% - for the second child, at least 70% of the amount of such payment for the third child and subsequent children

Federal state educational standard

On August 28, 2013, the Council of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on Federal state standards approved the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education (FSES DO).

Why do you need a standard

This is a requirement of the Law on Education in the Russian Federation, which entered into force on September 1, 2013. For the first time, preschool education was recognized as an independent level of general education, and this means that it must now work in accordance with the standard. FGT made demands on the structure and conditions for the implementation of the main educational program, the Federal State Educational Standard also set requirements on the results of mastering the main educational program, and this is a fundamental innovation. One of the requirements of the standard is to move away from the academic system. The child must master the ability to live in peace with himself, get skills in the game individual work and group interaction, learn to learn. It is at the preschool age that the basic qualities of the personality, key social skills - multiculturalism, respect for other people, adherence to democratic values, a healthy and safe lifestyle are formed. Therefore, one of the most important tasks of preschool education is to lay the foundation for the formation of a child's self-identification in the world around him: with his family, region, country.

The standard pursues the following objectives

ensuring by the state of equal opportunities for every child to receive quality preschool education;

Provision of state guarantees of the level and quality of education based on the unity of mandatory requirements for the conditions for the implementation of basic educational programs, their structure and the results of their development;

Maintaining the unity of the educational space of the Russian Federation in relation to the level of preschool education.

On the basis of the standards, the main educational program of preschool education of the OEP of preschool education is being developed, which will determine the complex of the main characteristics of preschool education (volume, content and planned results in the form of targets (and not ZUN or integrative qualities) of preschool education, organizational and pedagogical conditions pedagogical process... The program is approved by the organization independently (Article 12.6 of the Law "On Education in the Russian Federation").

Family and preschool interaction

Parents have primary responsibility for the upbringing and development of the child, whose best interests should be the primary concern of the parents.

Convention on the Rights of the Child (article 18)

“Parents (legal representatives) of minor students (pupils) have a priority right to the education and upbringing of children over all other persons. They are obliged to lay the foundations of the physical, moral and intellectual development the personality of the child.

(article 44, part 1)

"State authorities and local government, educational organizations provide assistance to parents (legal education of children, protection and strengthening of their physical and mental health, development individual abilities and the necessary correction of violations of their development ”.

(article 44, part 2)

For failure to comply or improper fulfillment of responsibilities for the upbringing of children, parents can be brought to various types of legal liability:

Administrative (Article 5.35 of the Code of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses(“Failure by parents or other legal representatives of minors to fulfill their responsibilities for the maintenance and upbringing of minors”);

Civil law (Articles 1073 - 1075 Civil Code Russian Federation) ;

Family law (Article 69 "Deprivation of parental rights", Article 73 "Restriction of parental rights" Family Code Russian Federation) ;

Criminal (Article 156 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Failure to fulfill obligations for the upbringing of a minor")

For non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the duties established by this Federal Law and other Federal Laws, the parents (legal representatives) of underage students are liable under the legislation of the Russian Federation. (Law "On Education", Chapter 4, Art. 44)

Family is happiness, love and luck.

Family is a summer trip to the country.

Family is a holiday, family dates,

Gifts, purchases, pleasant spending.

The birth of children, the first step, the first babble,

Dreams of good, excitement and awe,

Family is work, caring for each other,

Family is a lot of homework

Family is important!

Family is difficult!

And it's impossible to live happily alone!

for your attention!

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Article 18 Preschool education Law on education of the Russian Federation (full text) (2015). Relevant in 2015 | The law is simple!

1. Parents are the first educators. They are obliged to lay the foundations for the physical, moral and intellectual development of the child's personality in early childhood.

Clause 2 - Abolished.

(as amended by Federal Law of August 22, 2004 N 122-FZ)

3. For raising children preschool age, the protection and strengthening of their physical and mental health, the development of individual abilities and the necessary correction of developmental disorders of these children, a network of preschool educational institutions operates to help the family.

4. The relationship between the preschool educational institution and the parents (legal representatives) is regulated by an agreement between them, which cannot limit the rights of the parties established by law.

5. Local self-government bodies organize and coordinate methodological, diagnostic and advisory assistance to families raising preschool children at home.

Download the Law on Education of the Russian Federation ( full text) (2015) Actual in 2015

Source www.zakonprost.ru

Preschool Education Act

Since the beginning of the new academic year in 2013, a new the federal law№-273 "On education in the Russian Federation". First of all, the amendments affected preschoolers.

Now preschool education as such is another niche in the entire education system on a par with school education and training at a university. The list of organizations that will be able to carry out the education of preschoolers is also being replenished, now this is not only government agencies or institutions of a municipal nature, organizations that are involved in the treatment or prevention of a preschool child can also be involved in this. Preschool education can also be carried out by legal entities, and individual entrepreneurs.

The new law abolished the norms that previously limited the size cash payment for looking after and caring for the child. Each founder of the organization independently sets the fee, it may or may not, but you should not count on it. As the saying goes, free cheese is only in a mousetrap.

Also, the law contains the following norms:

Parents of a child who does not Kindergarten ik, can receive methodological, psychological, pedagogical and other assistance;

Payment for disabled children, children who were left without parental care and other socially vulnerable groups;

They are not allowed to take additional funds for the maintenance of the real estate of organizations, as well as the implementation of the general education program.

Most of the parents are frightened first of all by the fact that there is no established limit for the collection of fees by organizations for attending a child's preschool institution. People are afraid of sky-high maintenance prices; salaries do not rise as fast as payments. However, so far no discontent among the people has been identified.

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A new law on education in Russia comes into force on September 1, 2013 Consultant Plus

Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation"

The law defines the levels of general education (preschool education, primary general education, basic general education, secondary general education) and the levels of vocational education (secondary vocational education, higher education - bachelor's degree; higher education - specialty, master's degree; higher education - training of highly qualified personnel) ... Another level of higher education is being introduced - training of highly qualified personnel, which includes training programs for scientific and pedagogical personnel, residency programs, and internship programs.

Along with the main educational programs in the field of education, there are also additional educational programs of various orientations and degrees of complexity, formed taking into account age characteristics, interests, abilities, educational level and professional qualifications of students.

The law has expanded the range of subjects entitled to conduct educational activities, including the legal possibilities for access of "non-educational" organizations to educational activities. In addition, the law contains a separate article dedicated to the regulation of the legal status of individual entrepreneurs conducting educational activities.

The law now also regulates the provision of scholarships to students of educational institutions of vocational education.

The Law contains separate provisions on:

Credit-modular system of the organization of the educational process and the system of credits;

Network interaction in the implementation of educational programs, including a mechanism for offsetting the results of mastering individual parts of the educational program in third-party organizations;

The use of distance learning technologies in the educational process;

Training in integrated educational programs;

Educational and information resources in the educational process, etc.

The conditions for conducting experimental and innovative activities in the field of education are regulated. In addition, the models have been updated economic activity in the field of education.

From the date of entry into force of the new Law, the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" and the Federal Law "On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education" are recognized as invalid. For certain provisions of the new Law, other terms of their entry into force have been established.

Simultaneously with the entry into force of the new Law, a number of by-laws, adopted in accordance with it, come into force. Among them, in particular:

Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 15, 2013 N 706 "On approval of the Rules for the provision of paid educational services";

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 04.24.2013 N 370 "On approval of the Rules for payment for the services of experts and expert organizations and reimbursement of expenses incurred by them in connection with the accreditation examination";

Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of 05.24.2013 N 438 "On state information system"Register of organizations carrying out educational activities in accordance with state accredited educational programs";

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 10, 2013 N 582 "On approval of the Rules for posting on the official website of an educational organization in the information and telecommunication network" Internet "and updating information about an educational organization";

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 20, 2013 N 611 "On approval of the Rules for confirming documents on education and (or) on qualifications";

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 25, 2013 N 627 "On approval of requirements for the implementation of state control (supervision) in the field of education over the activities of educational organizations implementing educational programs containing information constituting a state secret";

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 08.08.2013 N 678 "On approval of the nomenclature of positions of teaching staff of organizations carrying out educational activities, positions of heads of educational organizations";

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia of 03/06/2013 N 160 "On approval of the Procedure for the creation in educational institutions implementing educational programs of higher education, scientific organizations and other organizations carrying out scientific (research) activities, laboratories carrying out scientific (research) and (or) scientific and technical activities ";

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia of 03/15/2013 N 185 "On approval of the Procedure for applying to students and removing disciplinary measures from students";

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia of April 18, 2013 N 292 "On approval of the Procedure for organizing and carrying out educational activities for basic vocational training programs";

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 06.06.2013 N 443 "On approval of the Procedure and cases of the transition of persons studying in educational programs of secondary vocational and higher education from paid education to free";

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated June 13, 2013 N 455 "On approval of the Procedure and grounds for providing academic leave learners ";

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia of June 14, 2013 N 462 "On approval of the Procedure for conducting self-examination by an educational organization";

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia of June 14, 2013 N 464 "On approval of the Procedure for organizing and carrying out educational activities in educational programs of secondary vocational education", etc.

Date of publication on the site: 04.01.2013

Material from the site www.Consultant.ru

Other legal entities, as well as individual entrepreneurs, are also entitled to carry out educational activities, including educational programs for preschool education.

If parents give their child preschool education in a family, then they have the right to receive methodological, psychological, pedagogical, diagnostic and consultative assistance without charging a fee, including in preschool educational organizations and general educational organizations, if they have established appropriate counseling centers.

The preschool educational organization provides education, training, supervision, care and health improvement for children aged 2 months.

Law on Education: Specifics of Regulation of Preschool Education | Articles | Preschool director's guide

At the end of 2012, a new Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" was adopted, which comes into force in September 2013. How does it differ from the current normative act? What's new in the regulation of early childhood education?

The new law on education is very different from the old one. The provisions of the RF Law "On Education" dealt mainly with managerial and financial and economic relations in the field of education. The Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" regulates not only these relations, but also the content of education (including setting requirements for educational programs and standards), and also regulates in more detail the rights and responsibilities of participants in the educational process.

In accordance with the new law, education in the Russian Federation is subdivided into general education, vocational education, additional education and vocational training. At the same time, general education and vocational education are implemented at several levels. In particular, general education includes:

  • preschool education;
  • basic general education;
  • secondary general education.

Thus, preschool education is now one of the levels of general education. The development of educational programs for preschool education is regulated by federal state educational standards, but is not accompanied by intermediate certification and final certification of students.

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Material from the site www.resobr.ru

Article 64 Law on Education in the Russian Federation 2015 (New!). Preschool education

1. Preschool education is aimed at the formation of a general culture, the development of physical, intellectual, moral, aesthetic and personality traits, the formation of the prerequisites for educational activities, the preservation and strengthening of the health of preschool children.

2. Educational programs of preschool education are aimed at the diversified development of preschool children, taking into account their age and individual characteristics, including the achievement by preschool children of a level of development necessary and sufficient for their successful mastering of educational programs of primary general education, based on an individual approach to children preschool age and specific activities for preschool children. Mastering educational programs of preschool education is not accompanied by intermediate certification and final certification of students.

3. Parents (legal representatives) of minor students, who ensure that children receive preschool education in the form of family education, have the right to receive methodological, psychological, pedagogical, diagnostic and advisory assistance without charging a fee, including in preschool educational organizations and general educational organizations, if corresponding consulting centers have been established there. Ensuring the provision of such types of assistance is carried out by the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.


In the conceptual apparatus

A number of new concepts have been introduced:

educational organization, organization providing training, organizations carrying out educational activities; relations in the field of education, participants in educational relations, participants in relations in the field of education; conflict of interests of the teacher; other.

In early childhood education

  • Preschool education is becoming an independent level of education and is regulated by federal state educational standards.
  • It is separated from “looking after and caring” children, ie. it will be free to teach a child in kindergarten, and you will have to pay for supervision and care. The fee is determined by the founder. The kindergarten will now be taught at the expense of the state, and fed at the expense of the parents. You can get compensation from the budget for looking after and care. Its size is determined by the regions. And if someone wants free education no extra markups - welcome to short-stay groups.
  • Low-income parents, by decision of the founders, can pay less or not pay at all. Disabled children, orphans and patients with tuberculosis are exempted from payment.
  • Another innovation is the educational standard for the preschooler. It is not very clear why it was called the "standard" - in fact, it is more of a reference point. A sort of guiding star for parents. This standard is not for the child, but for the teacher and parent, - It corrects those excesses that have developed over last years- substitution of primary school for kindergarten. The task of the kindergarten is not to teach counting and reading, but to prepare the child so that he wants to learn and has opportunities for socialization. The new law prohibits final grading for a student. Simply put, if your two-year-old does not meet the standard, then you do not need to panic and hire a horde of tutors. Maybe he is brilliant in something else. It is possible that the child is a defective child prodigy, and new law will allow him to harmoniously develop his abilities.

In the field of general secondary education

The powers of regional bodies of state power and local self-government bodies are being redistributed to ensure the rights of citizens to receive public and free preschool education. Closing rural schools can only happen with the approval of the village gathering.

The names of the types and types of educational organizations are changing. There is no question of gymnasiums and lyceums in the law. The specialization of an educational institution can be indicated in its name.

Those who live in the territory to which the school is attached receive the right of preferential registration in the first ticket offices.

To schools with in-depth study for any subjects, admission will be done individually in middle and high school.

The specifics of obtaining education by foreigners and stateless persons and convicts have been determined.

Individual study schedule. No, this does not mean that you can officially skip and go to lessons a couple of times a month. It is possible only if there is no other way.

The individual schedule is intended primarily for those who, due to circumstances, cannot attend school regularly - for example, those who are seriously involved in sports or music and go to competitions. Or those who have recently changed school - already passed in old school courses can be re-enrolled, others can come to additional classes This option is also for those who have health problems and who cannot attend school regularly.

The child's right to high-quality inclusive education according to adapted programs is separately spelled out.

Introduced the concept of "security school environment», Which simplifies the filing of claims against the school due to an accident with a student.

More details on measures disciplinary action... Students will be subject to stricter discipline and academic requirements, up to and including dropping out of school, incl. and in the case of failure of the student to fulfill his obligations for the conscientious development of the educational program and the implementation of the curriculum.

The summer scandals with the Unified State Exam did not teach anything. The law does not prescribe any additional regulatory mechanisms. Of course, while they are working on it. But it looks like the 2014 edition will still be able to download itself correct tasks and post the answers on the Internet.

The USE results will be valid for 4 years.

The law enshrines the principle of the secular nature of education in public schools and the teaching practice of ORCE. Religious organizations received the right to check the curriculum of the course for compliance with the doctrine, as well as recommend their teachers for work in schools.

Separate articles are devoted to the status of teachers and leaders. Also, the rights, duties and responsibilities of teachers are regulated in more detail. As for teachers' salaries, according to the law, they cannot be lower than the average salary in the respective region.

The teacher is obliged to undergo retraining courses every 3 years, and not every 5 years.

In secondary vocational education

Vocational schools offering initial vocational education programs will be closed.

Educational institutions received the right to introduce integrated educational programs and provide both school and vocational education at the same time.

It is allowed to select students for creative educational institutions according to their abilities immediately after they graduate from elementary school, and upon graduation, give them not only a certificate, but also a diploma of secondary vocational education.

In the field of higher education

According to the new law on the education of state-funded students, there should be at least 800 for every 10 thousand people aged 17 to 30 years.

Benefits for admission to a university are reduced, and instead, certain categories of beneficiaries are given the opportunity free training in preparatory courses.

It will be possible to enter the university only after USE results, with the exception of Moscow State University, St. Petersburg State University (as well as several other federal universities), where you will have to take additional exams.

Winners and prize-winners of the Olympiads have the right to enter the university without entrance examinations. For admission "to the budget" out of competition for children with disabilities, a quota is set - 10% of the total budget places on specific direction(specialization), provided successful passage by them entrance examinations.

Beneficiaries are also provided with priority living quarters in a student hostel, and they are exempted from accommodation fees. For the rest of the students, the educational organization itself decides on the establishment of fees.

All other conditions being equal, the priority right to admission to military higher educational institutions is given to "children of citizens doing military service under a contract and having a total duration of military service of twenty years or more."

The law obliges all universities to participate in the monitoring of the Ministry of Education and Science.


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For the first time in the law it is stated that preschool education is the level of general education. This event is significant: it is preschool education that is especially important for the formation of the child's personality, his further destiny.

A logical continuation of this decision is the adoption of federal state educational standards for preschool education. Preschool education is becoming the first level in the education system As for concerns about the rise in the cost of education, they remain relevant only for preschool educational organizations.

The law does not guarantee a limitation of the parental supplement for kindergarten maintenance, so in theory (if the founder decides to do so) this could lead to an increase. It is impossible to expel a child from a preschool educational organization due to late payment by his parents (legal representatives) for supervision and care.

Conflict of interests of the teacher. There was no such concept in the legislation on education before, although there was a conflict of interests as an objective reality.

This is a situation in which a pedagogical worker, when exercising professional activity there is a personal interest in obtaining material gain or other advantage and which affects or may affect the proper performance teacher professional duties due to the contradiction between his personal interest and the interests of the student, parents (legal representatives) of minor students. 2. Monitoring the effectiveness of universities is becoming annual and mandatory for both public and private universities. In the fall of 2012, the Ministry of Education and Science conducted the first monitoring of universities.

It was attended by 541 state university and 994 branches. As a result, about 30 universities and 262 branches were recognized as ineffective and in need of reorganization. 3. The results of the unified state examination (USE) will be valid for five years4.

Individual needs of students are taken into account The law gives priority to inclusive education, which involves teaching children with disabilities not in a specialized, but in a regular educational institution. At the same time, they can still receive education in special institutions.

The legislator secures the right of the student to an individual study schedule and to choose subjects for the course. According to the new

Preschool education of children: what to expect from the new standard

Many teachers believe that the knowledge and values ​​laid down in a child in preschool age will become the determining factors in the future fate of a person. Preschool education plays an essential role in the formation of the future personality. Perhaps, it is from these considerations that when reforming the education system in the Russian Federation, the legislator paid Special attention problems of preschool education. About how the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" (hereinafter - the Law on Education) has shown itself in several months of its application, and what to expect from the federal state educational standard of preschool education1 (hereinafter - the standard of preschool education), which comes into force on January 1, 2014, we talked with the director of the Institute of Psychological and Pedagogical Problems of Childhood of the Russian Academy of Education, Ph.D., professor, member working group on the development of a standard for preschool education Tatiana Volosovets.

Before the entry into force of the Education Act, preschool education was first step general education. After September 1, 2013, preschool education belongs to level general education (art. 4 of the law on education). How do you rate this innovation?

T.V.: Very good. The Education Law defined new status preschool education as level general education. The rise in the status of preschool education is a very positive trend.

At the same time, it would be nice to raise the status of a teacher of preschool education, including equalizing the level of salaries in preschool education and at school. This work is already underway in the regions.

Everyone knows that the problem of queues in kindergartens is very acute in Russia. According to the official data, at the moment they are waiting for places in groups of about half a million children... How can this problem be solved?

T.V .: This problem can be solved in two ways. The first is the construction of new kindergartens. This task was set in the May (2012) presidential decrees2 and is being fulfilled by the regions of Russia.

For construction from federal budget directed 59 billionrub... The second is the development of variable organizational forms of preschool education, and this method is precisely reflected in the standard of preschool education.

In paragraph 2, part 3 of Art. 44 of the Law on Education states that parents (legal representatives) of minor students have the right to give their child preschool education in the family. Who in this case controls the receipt of the specified education by the child?

T.V .: There is no answer to this question yet. The Ministry of Education and Science of Russia in the Action Plan to ensure the introduction of the federal state educational standard for preschool education plans to develop Guidelines"Organization of receiving methodological, psychological, pedagogical, diagnostic and advisory assistance to parents of children receiving preschool education in the form of family education" in 2014.

Many criticize the standard of preschool education for the abundance of general norms (there is no clear regulation of how to develop children; what conditions should be for this; what is the maximum number of children allowed in a group). What is your opinion on this matter?

T.V .: The standard of preschool education focuses on the multiplicity of possible Model basic educational programs of educational institutions with recognition of differences in their psychological and pedagogical foundations, methods and forms of work, recognition of the variability of conditions and results of work of preschool educational institutions.

Everything related to education and development will be reflected in these programs. Conditions, including psychological and pedagogical, personnel, financial, material and technical, are reflected in the standard of preschool education. The maximum occupancy of groups, including in groups of compensatory and combined orientation, is established in accordance with sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations.

Previously, the size of the parental fee (payment for the supervision and care of a child) in state educational institutions implementing the basic general educational program of preschool education, was set at no more than 20% of the cost of maintaining a child (Article 52.1 of the Law of the Russian Federation of July 10, 1992, No. 3266-1 "On Education"). The education law abolishes the 20% limit for the specified fee and gives the founders the right to set the limit themselves.

Thus, kindergarten fees for childcare services may increase for parents. five times... What ways out of this situation do you see?

T.V .: There is only one way out - to amend the law on education. I would like to return the wording of Art.

52.1 of the Law of the Russian Federation of July 10, 1992 No. 3266-1 "On Education", according to which the amount of parental pay (fees for looking after and caring for a child) in state educational institutions implementing the basic general education program of preschool education was set at no more than 20% of the cost of maintaining a child.

Dmitry Livanov, Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation:

“The availability and quality of preschool education is one of the significant factors when young families make decisions that they are ready to become parents. And, in fact, it is preschool education that is the only one where we do not guarantee public accessibility to citizens. task ".

Receiving preschool education in educational organizations can begin when children reach the age of two months(article 67 of the law on education). What activities will be carried out for children of this age?

T.V .: Now the authors are finalizing the Model Basic Educational Programs, which also reflects the system of working with children from two months to three years. Teachers and psychologists have accumulated a lot of experience in the development and upbringing of children at this age.

Nursery groups existed in Soviet times, and they function now. I do not see any problems in the development of Programs for infants and young children.

How is the creation of counseling centers for parents (legal representatives) of underage students in Russia, ensuring that children receive preschool education in the form of family education?

T.V .: So far, nothing, although in paragraph 3 of Art. 64 of the Law on Education established the right of parents to use methodological, psychological, pedagogical, diagnostic and advisory assistance in counseling centers. The Ministry of Education and Science of Russia in the Action Plan to ensure the introduction of the federal state educational standard for preschool education provides for the development of "Methodological recommendations for the organization and functioning of consulting centers (organizational, economic, functional issues)" in 2014.

Article 64. Preschool education
The commented article is not new for the domestic educational legislation, since the relevant norms were contained in Art. 18 of Law N 3266-1. Meanwhile, within the commented article specified provisions largely updated and supplemented by new regulations.
The article is devoted to the legal regulation of preschool education. The basics legal regulation preschool education in the Russian Federation is laid down by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which in Art. 43 guarantees free and accessible preschool education in state and municipal institutions, thereby imposing on the state the obligation to ensure the implementation of this right. However, constitutional norms do not specify the content of this right and do not determine the details of the legal regulation of this area of ​​educational relations. More detailed regulation is carried out at the level of the commented Federal Law and by-laws. So, the strategic aspects of the development of the sphere of preschool education are laid down in the Concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period until 2020, approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 17, 2008 N 1662-r * (83). Among the priority tasks, the Concept outlines an increase in the flexibility and variety of forms of provision of services for the preschool education system, which is designed to provide support and more complete use of the educational potential of families. Note also that by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 07.05.2012 N 599 "On measures to implement public policy in the field of education and science "* (84) the task is set to achieve by 2016 one hundred percent availability of preschool education for children aged three to seven years.
Part 1 of the commented article defines the concept of preschool education. The Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" did not contain a clear definition of this concept, however, established that preschool institutions are created and operate to help the family in order to educate preschool children, protect and strengthen their physical and mental health, develop individual abilities and the necessary correction of developmental disorders of children. The commented Federal Law specifies the goals of preschool education, naming among them: the formation of a general culture; development of physical, intellectual, moral, aesthetic and personal qualities; formation of prerequisites for educational activities; preservation and strengthening of the health of preschool children.
Thus, the emphasis is on the general developmental goal of preschool education. Preschool age is the age of accelerated physical and mental development of a child, the formation of general skills and abilities in him that predetermine his further physical, intellectual, mental development and are basic for the subsequent formation of individual developmental characteristics. The protection and strengthening of the health of preschoolers is also important.
A fairly massive regulatory layer in the field of preschool education is the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. So, in Kaliningrad region the Law of November 10, 2009 N 388 "On State Support of Preschool Education in the Kaliningrad Region" was adopted. This Law, providing mechanisms of state support for preschool educational organizations, is aimed at the development of municipal-private partnership in the field of preschool education and regulates the forms of such partnership, as well as measures of its financial incentives.
Constituent entities of the Russian Federation are implementing a large number of various regional and municipal short-term and long-term targeted programs aimed at developing a network of preschool educational institutions * (85). When developing and implementing such programs, the goals are set to increase the level of accessibility of preschool education and improve its material and technical component. The programs determine the subjects and objects of the programs, the volumes and sources of funding for the activities within the framework of the programs. Activities may include: reconstruction and construction of buildings for preschool educational institutions; return of previously converted preschool buildings; creation of additional places in preschool educational institutions and groups of preschool children in educational institutions, etc.
In St. Petersburg operates special program construction and reconstruction of kindergartens * (86). In some constituent entities of the Russian Federation, programs are being implemented that provide for special measures aimed at increasing the number of places in preschool educational institutions * (87). In the Saratov region, measures are being taken to return the objects in which the regional institutions are located to the existing network of preschool educational institutions * (88). It seems that the presence of regional and municipal programs aimed at the development of a network of preschool institutions and provided with appropriate funding, subject to their high-quality implementation, can contribute to an early solution to the problem of a shortage of places in preschool educational institutions and the full realization of citizens' right to preschool education.
In some constituent entities of the Russian Federation, there are program documents that determine the main trends in the development of preschool education in the corresponding territory. So, in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), the Concept for the development of preschool education in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) for 2011-2016 * (89) was approved, which contains an analysis state of the art preschool education in the Republic and determines targets and predictive component further development the investigated area. It should be noted that the Concept not only sets the task of increasing the number of places in children's preschool institutions according to demographic needs, but meaningful target parameters for the development of this sphere of social relations were also set (for example, the expansion of innovative organizational and pedagogical forms of preschool education; focus on the development of inclusive education, etc.).
Part 2 of the commented article determines the general direction of educational programs for preschool education. The content of education in a preschool educational organization is determined by the educational program of preschool education, which, according to Art. 12 of the commented law is developed, approved and implemented by the educational organization in accordance with the federal state educational standard and taking into account the approximate educational programs of preschool education.
By general norms, enshrined in Art. 11 of the commented law, federal state educational standards are a set of mandatory requirements for a particular level of education, including those requirements: a) to the structure of the program; b) to the conditions for the implementation of the program; c) to the results of mastering the program. The content of education is directly determined by educational programs; for the level of preschool education - educational programs of preschool education. The state develops model educational programs, which are educational and methodological documentation that determines the recommended volume and content of education at a particular level, the planned results of the development of the program, approximate conditions of educational activities, etc.
According to the commented article, educational programs of preschool education are aimed at the diversified development of preschoolers, taking into account their age and individual characteristics, including their achievement of the level of development necessary and sufficient for the successful development of educational programs of primary general education. At the same time, educational programs for preschool education are built on the basis of an individual approach to preschool children and activities specific to preschool children. Mastering educational programs of preschool education is not accompanied by intermediate certification and final certification of students.
Currently, the federal state educational standard for preschool education is being developed. In addition, the issue of the procedure for the development of approximate basic general education programs, their examination and maintenance of their register is at the stage of elaboration. Obviously, prior to the enactment of the federal state educational standard and the formation of a register of exemplary basic general education programs in the implementation of educational programs for preschool education, one should be guided by the Federal state requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the basic general educational program of preschool education (approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 2151), as well as Federal state requirements for the structure of the main general educational program of preschool education (approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of 23.11.2009, N 655). It should be borne in mind that the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation has developed Methodological Recommendations on the development of the basic general educational program of preschool education (letter of 21.10.2010 N 03-248), an approximate basic general educational program of preschool education "Success" (letter from the Ministry of Education and Science RF dated 22.07.2010 N 03-13).
Thus, the commented Federal Law provides for a standardized approach to teaching in preschool educational institutions, which, given the independence of the development of the educational program of preschool education, makes it possible to adapt education to individual characteristics and the needs of pupils, and also mediates the pedagogical autonomy of educational organizations.
Part 3 of the commented article stipulates the right of parents of minors receiving preschool education in the form of family education to receive methodological, psychological, pedagogical, diagnostic and advisory assistance without charging a fee. According to the Law, such assistance can be provided, including in counseling centers operating at preschool and general education organizations, however, the creation of special counseling centers is not excluded. The federal law assigns the provision of the above types of assistance to the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
This is a new authority of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of preschool education, provided for by the commented Federal Law. The introduction of this power will require its consolidation in the relevant regulatory legal acts subjects of the Russian Federation. In addition, in order to avoid the declarative nature of the named norms, the constituent entities of the Russian Federation should provide financial security exercise of this authority. We also note that the full functioning of consulting centers in preschool educational organizations and general educational organizations needs regulation in the regulatory acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation of the legal status of such centers and the mechanisms of their interaction with parents.
In some constituent entities of the Russian Federation at the municipal level, there is a practice of regulating the issue of organizing free methodological, diagnostic and consulting assistance to parents who ensure that children receive preschool education in the form of family education. This is due to the fact that the previous legislation on education provided for the authority of local governments to organize and coordinate such assistance to families raising preschool children at home. So, in the Astrakhan region, the administration municipality"Limansky district" by the decree of 22.03.2011 N 324 approved the Regulation on the organization of methodological, diagnostic, advisory assistance to families raising children at home. The regulation provides that the organization of such assistance is carried out on the basis of a preschool institution through the integration of the activities of specialists of such a preschool institution (educator, psychologist, speech therapist, social teacher and other specialists) who conduct group and individual sessions with parents raising children at home (lectures, consultations, seminars for parents, etc.).
The practice of creating counseling centers for parents with preschool children is common in many European countries... For example, in Finland there are free kindergartens with free attendance, which are located in the municipal authority. In these kindergartens, parents take care of the children themselves and can receive advice on care and education. In Denmark, Article 11 of the Consolidation Act On Social Services (2007) obliges local administrations create conditions for citizens to receive preschool education services, including organizing free counseling centers where families and parents can receive qualified assistance in solving any problems related to raising and caring for children, including on an anonymous basis.

The law on education in the Russian Federation - FZ 273, adopted The State Duma On December 21, 2012, it completely regulates the education sector in our country. For managers, this document is desk book, a kind of Bible, which they are obliged to know and strictly observe all the provisions. It is advisable that both parents and students of various educational institutions also become familiar with the main provisions of the Law.

Unfortunately, within the framework of one article, it is impossible to make out in detail the entire Law, each of its points. We will analyze the key, most important provisions that can help many consumers of educational services, since the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" is applied in kindergartens, schools, colleges, universities, etc.

Basic concepts

Education is a single purposeful process of upbringing and teaching a person, a set of acquired knowledge, skills, experience, moral values, attitudes. The goal is to form a comprehensively developed citizen with high intellectual, physical, cultural, spiritual and moral development.

It is a mistake to believe that education is only about obtaining information. Here we are using terms incorrectly.

Training is the purposeful acquisition of knowledge, skills, and abilities.

Education is a process aimed at the spiritual and moral development of a person, as a result of which the development of generally accepted rules and norms should occur.

Education includes training (acquiring knowledge and skills), upbringing (mastering generally accepted norms), physical development.

education requirement

A pedagogical worker is a person who carries out the educational process. He is in an employment relationship with an educational organization, performs certain job duties receiving for this wages... Before the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” was adopted, there were no restrictions at the legislative level for hiring a teacher in a school or a kindergarten teacher. At school, it was quite normal to see a person as a teacher who had hardly graduated from it at one time. In the absence of professional personnel, with low wages for teachers, few went to pedagogical universities. The problem is exacerbated by low interest graduates who decided to connect their lives with educational institutions.

Today the situation is different: the law "On Education in the Russian Federation" prohibits teaching activities persons who do not have the appropriate qualifications. In Art. 46 of the Law expressly stipulates that a person who graduated or a higher educational institution has the right to be an employee of education. Education alone is not enough. It will also be necessary to pass the additional specialization "Pedagogy" if the applicant's university or college is not pedagogical.

Education document

The Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" provides for the issuance of supporting documents (certificate, diploma) for passing the following levels of education:

  1. Basic general.
  2. General average.
  3. Initial professional.
  4. Average professional.
  5. Higher education - bachelor's degree.
  6. Higher education is a specialty.
  7. Higher education - Master's degree.

Education system

The Law "On Education of the Russian Federation" (latest edition) contains a hierarchy of main components in unified system education:

  1. and the instructions are regulations for which schools, institutes, colleges, etc. are obliged to carry out educational activities. The status of an educational organization does not matter: commercial, budgetary, state-owned - if it has a license to issue the relevant documents, then it is obliged to carry out training on the basis of standards.
  2. Direct implementation of training: educational organizations, teaching staff, students, legal representatives.
  3. Federal government bodies, the authorities of the entities exercising control. the main role belongs to the Federal public service on supervision in the field of education (Rosobrnadzor). In the regions, this function is performed by the regional ministries of education. They monitor the implementation of state standards in educational institutions.
  4. Organizations providing educational activities. In the districts, the district education committees are responsible for financing budget schools. They also spend appraisal activity on the controlled territory of all schools.
  5. Associations of individuals or legal entities engaged in educational activities. A prime example serves as a trade union of teachers.

Objectives of Federal State Standards

Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" key location allotted to federal state standards. They perform the following tasks:

  1. Unity of education. This implies that throughout the country, students receive the same level of education, which means equality of opportunity.
  2. Continuity. Despite the dynamic development and reform of the education system, the introduction of new standards and requirements, the key task is to maintain continuity. You cannot completely destroy the entire system every year for the sake of momentary political or economic gain.
  3. Variability. Despite the unity of education as a whole, the law on education in the Russian Federation excludes the rigid totalitarian framework of unity in obtaining it. Depending on the ability, desire, time, are created different options achievement of certain tasks.
  4. Guarantee. It follows that the state controls the unity of education throughout the country.

You can study at home! Forms of education

It's hard to imagine to the Soviet man, but the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" provides for training not only in educational institutions. Article 17 lists the acceptable forms of study:

  1. In the traditional form - in specialized educational institutions.
  2. In an alternative form - outside specialized educational institutions.

The traditional form is subdivided into:

  1. Full-time.
  2. Correspondence.
  3. Full-time and part-time.

Distance learning is gaining popularity nowadays. In the century information technologies it has become a reality to visit museums, theaters, rare exhibitions on the other side of the planet, without leaving home. Information and communication technologies have permeated education as well.

The Law "On Education of the Russian Federation" is a new law. However, it does not highlight distance education into a separate category. The student is at home, prepares according to an individual schedule, listens to lectures remotely, using communication channels. Consequently, distance education belongs to the category of distance learning.

Alternative form

The child does not have to be sent to school today to receive the Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" allows for such a possibility. In addition, the state allocates money for alternative forms of education for each child.


Obtaining a certificate outside of school is divided into two types:

  1. Family education.
  2. Self-education.

Family education involves shifting the function of learning to the family. It is for this form that the state pays compensation. Of course, schools react very painfully to this. This is understandable: no one wants to be left without a salary. Judicial practice shows that the courts are completely on the side of the parents. The average compensation for a middle and senior pupil is about 10 thousand rubles.

The problem of attracting child labor as cleaners

School duty is a tradition that we inherited from the Soviet past. Many parents still do not see the problem of cleaning the floors with their children as part of their school duty. However, Article 34 of the Law directly provides for parental consent to such involvement of a child in work. Classes in technology and labor training are compulsory. It is on them that the students on legal grounds, in accordance with federal state programs, are obliged to engage in labor: sewing, cooking, woodworking. Everything else - only at the request of the parents.


So, the main law that regulates the field of education is the Federal Law “On Education of the Russian Federation”. Its articles contain a description of the organization of the educational process, competencies local authorities power, forms and types of education, rules of final certification, etc. The most interesting moments We have analyzed this Law in the article.

In 2018, changes were made to improve the quality of education and the level of comfort of pupils. The adoption of this bill is aimed at providing citizens with a sufficient number of places in kindergartens. This issue is quite acute today, since due to the impossibility of identifying a son or daughter in a preschool institution, thousands of Russian women cannot start working and raise the material level of their family.

Preschool Education Act 2018

The adoption of the law presupposes the introduction of a number of amendments to the previously existing draft law. The latest changes will help make preschool education more accessible and convenient for both children and their parents.

The law provides for the solution of the main issues related to:

  • sending children to preschool institutions,
  • the right to receive certain services,
  • actions in the absence of places in the selected garden.


The magazines "Handbook of the head of a preschool institution" and "Handbook of a senior teacher of a preschool institution" published important materials for heads of preschool educational institutions:

1. What should be the kindergarten development program? 2. Social partners: who is useful to ECE and how

Knowledge of all the intricacies of the new bill will help parents quickly navigate a disputable situation and know the procedure for their successful resolution. The innovations also affected the order, the age of registration of babies in kindergarten and the possibilities of obtaining a place in an institution on a preferential basis. Educators will also be able to learn about their rights to provide a certain range of educational and educational services. The bill is aimed at correcting shortcomings in the preschool education system in order to overall improvement functioning of this area.

Preschool Education Act

This bill regulates all the subtleties of the work of kindergartens - from the recruitment of groups to the features of educational programs. The law grants the right to receive free preschool education to absolutely all children, regardless of their place of residence and registration in the country.

Previously, only 40 percent of preschoolers received places in kindergartens. Today it happens that the heads of preschool institutions refuse to take the baby to the kindergarten. Adoption preschool education law regulates this issue. Until recently, it was easier to arrange a place in the garden from the age of three. At the same time, it is extremely difficult to decide on a nursery. Gradually, this situation will be solved by the introduction of new places for children from one and a half years old on a paid basis.

Since 2018, all children from the age of three to seven must be admitted to kindergarten, if there are unoccupied places in the preschool.

Features that are taken into account by the law on the education of a preschool institution

In 2018, amendments were made to the bill, which provide for the regulation of the following issues.

  1. The total number of groups of permanent maintenance in the gardens will be reduced by 1.5 times.
  2. Parents will have the opportunity to send their children to, which function exclusively on the basis of educational, absolutely free.
  3. Special counseling centers will start operating. In them, families who need support will be able to receive psychological, pedagogical and counseling assistance.
  4. Kindergartens acquire the right (and not exclusively the obligation) to provide care, supervision of children in the institution and their upbringing.
  5. The law provides for compensation for payment in the amount of 20 percent for the first child, 50 for the second, 70 for the third and all the following. Mandatory payment for services is regulated depending on the pricing in the market in full.
  6. Kindergartens receive the right to refuse to provide places for babies aged one and a half, two, three years and older if they are absent.
  7. Parents of pupils have the right to take the queue to receive an empty place in another preschool institution.

Preschool Education Act provides in the future the possibility of obtaining the right for families of children to invite educators to a home for one and a half year old pupils. It is planned to create preschool groups at schools, as well as to increase the number of private kindergartens.

New career opportunities

Try it for free! Training program: Management, economics and quality management in preschool educational institutions. For passing - a diploma of professional retraining. Educational materials presented in the format of visual abstracts with expert video lectures, accompanied by the necessary templates and examples.

Who will receive preschool education

Innovations in the legislation provide for the design of a place in the garden without the need to stand in line for the following persons.

  1. Orphans, adopted children, as well as those who are under guardianship or left without parental care.
  2. Pupils whose families suffered from the Chernobyl disaster.
  3. Children whose parents are orphans or are without parental care at the age of 18-23.
  4. Pupils whose parents are employees of the prosecutor's office, The Investigative Committee or the police.
  5. Disabled parents, single mothers, large families, children of kindergarten workers, children with a brother or sister studying in this institution can also get registration without a queue.
  6. Children whose parents serve in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

When exactly will children be able to register in the garden?

Provides for the granting of the right to children from three to seven years old to study in preschool institutions on a free basis. The opportunity to enter the kindergarten directly depends on the availability of free places in the chosen institution. The workload and admission of children to groups is carried out taking into account the internal regulations of a particular children's organization.

Actions in case of a lack of space for children in a preschool educational institution

Preschool Education Act 2018 gives the child's family to write a special application for the purpose of registering the child in another kindergarten. If a parent is denied admission to their children, they can file a complaint with the City Education Department. This application should be considered and an appropriate decision should be made.

If in this department, too, parents receive a refusal to enroll a child in a preschool institution, you can go to the prosecutor's office or write a letter to the President to receive assistance in resolving the disputed situation.

  • The innovations, which provide for amendments in the legislation, guarantee significant changes in the field of preschool education.
  • By reducing the number of children in groups, it becomes possible to provide an individual approach to each child, and the burden on educators is reduced.
  • Certain categories of citizens will be able to send their children to kindergarten without having to stand in line to get a place.
  • Preschool Education Act regulates the age of admission to kindergarten, as well as the need for reform in the nursery.

Changes in legislation guarantee an increase in commercial kindergartens, in which there will certainly be enough places for all pupils. Parents do not have to wait in line for years to go to work and provide quality care for their baby.

Compliance with the rules and regulations that are provided for by current legislation is guaranteed both in public and private kindergartens. The bill regulates the basic norms of preschool education, which must be adhered to by all institutions.

  • Chapter 7. General education
  • Chapter 8. Vocational education
  • Chapter 11. Features of the implementation of certain types of educational programs and education by certain categories of students
  • Chapter 14. International cooperation in the field of education
  • new basic law on education in Russia

    Federal Law of December 29, 2012 n 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation"

    The law was developed in order to improve the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of education and is a fundamental regulatory legal act in the field of education.

    The law defines the levels of general education (preschool education, primary general education, basic general education, secondary general education) and the levels of vocational education (secondary vocational education, higher education - bachelor's degree; higher education - specialty, master's degree; higher education - training of highly qualified personnel) ... Another level of higher education is being introduced - training of highly qualified personnel, which includes training programs for scientific and pedagogical personnel, residency programs, and internship programs.

    Along with the main educational programs in the field of education, there are also additional educational programs of various orientations and degrees of complexity, formed taking into account age characteristics, interests, abilities, educational level and professional qualifications of students.

    The law has expanded the range of subjects entitled to conduct educational activities, including the legal possibilities for access of "non-educational" organizations to educational activities. In addition, the law contains a separate article dedicated to the regulation of the legal status of individual entrepreneurs conducting educational activities.

    The law now also regulates the provision of scholarships to students of educational institutions of vocational education.

    The law contains separate provisions on:

    Credit-modular system of the organization of the educational process and the system of credits;

    Network interaction in the implementation of educational programs, including a mechanism for offsetting the results of mastering individual parts of the educational program in third-party organizations;

    The use of distance learning technologies in the educational process;

    Training in integrated educational programs;

    Educational and information resources in the educational process and others.

    The conditions for conducting experimental and innovative activities in the field of education are regulated. In addition, the models of economic activity in the field of education have been updated.

    From the date of entry into force of this law, the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" and the Federal Law "On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education" are recognized as invalid.

    The Russian Federation



    The State Duma

    Federation Council


    Article 1. Subject of regulation of this Federal Law

    1. The subject of regulation of this Federal Law is public relations arising in the field of education in connection with the realization of the right to education, the provision of state guarantees of human rights and freedoms in the field of education and the creation of conditions for the realization of the right to education (hereinafter referred to as relations in the field of education).

    2. This Federal Law establishes the legal, organizational and economic foundations of education in the Russian Federation, the basic principles of the state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of education, general rules the functioning of the education system and the implementation of educational activities, determines the legal status of the participants in relations in the field of education.

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