Home Preparations for the winter Who gave birth at 45 years old. II. Possible signs

Who gave birth at 45 years old. II. Possible signs

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Modern society is significantly different from the previous one. Today, many women make a career first, and only then think about the future generation. Getting pregnant after 40 is, of course, more difficult than when you are younger. This is explained by physiology and age. And today we will talk about exactly this - how to get pregnant after 40 years?


Sometimes older women want to give birth to a child quite late, but they face the problem of conception. And it becomes quite difficult to get pregnant at 45 years old.

According to statistical studies, only 1/2 of women after 41 years of age can become pregnant.

By the age of 45, the indicator worsens: every tenth woman has a chance to give birth to a child.

In the case when a twenty-year-old girl cannot get pregnant for one year, then we have to talk about infertility. Some doctors note the fact that for women over forty years of age, hope of conceiving a child is lost after just 6 months of trying.

Often, ladies do not take into account their own age and the fact that their chances of having a child are catastrophically reduced. Closer to fifty years, ladies are at the end of their own reproductive phase. The supply of egg follicles is almost completely exhausted, and estrogen is no longer produced in the same quantity.

For example, at 40, a woman experiences no more than two ovulations in one year. Of course, doctors say that it is better for a woman after forty to become pregnant naturally, only often the possibility of conceiving a child traditional way unlikely. Such chances are reduced due to the small supply and age of eggs in women.

The exact time of conception

Women 40-45 years old should not immediately give up after an unsuccessful second or third attempt to conceive a child. You just need to more accurately calculate the time of ovulation.

Some believe that perfect time The twelfth and thirteenth days before menstruation are the best time to conceive a baby - a misconception. It is necessary to take into account such important factors after forty years, ladies like hormonal disbalance, stress, chronic diseases of the patient.

After a violation of the regularity of menstruation, we have to talk about the problem of childbirth due to the difficulty of determining the exact time of ovulation.

If the thought of motherhood haunts you as you age, then you should monitor your periods as closely as possible.

It is possible to find out the exact “schedule” of your ovulation using. Sometimes doctors use ultrasound and very accurately determine the expected date of ovulation.

Ideally, think about conceiving a child in a day or on the day of ovulation, because scientists have proven that male sperm capable of living in a female body for three days.

All the pros and cons!

The desire to get pregnant must be justified.

It is important not only to conceive a child, but also to bear a healthy and full-fledged baby.

Even at 37 years old, every woman has a much higher chance of getting pregnant than at 38 due to fertility. From 37 it begins to decrease significantly. Even if a woman can become pregnant at an advanced age, it will not be so easy to bear a fetus, because with age the likelihood of a miscarriage increases.

The world does not stand still, and modern technologies do miracles. It is only worth noting the fact of an increase in the number of handicapped children with congenital defects in older women.

Life often brings surprises, late pregnancy is one of them. As a rule, unexpected conception in mature age- a rare event. Basically, pregnancy after 45 years is planned.

Late pregnancy entails risks and complications of various kinds. Repeated pregnancy at this age will be less problematic. Pregnancy after 45 years is a conscious choice, so it is important for a woman to know what chances she has of getting pregnant. This is achieved through preliminary medical examinations and laboratory tests. Conscious planning late pregnancy must be accompanied maximum level diagnostics Difficulties will occur at every stage. Therefore, you should be patient and optimistic. Pregnancy after 45 years is a controversial phenomenon; the pros and cons of late pregnancy are expressed as follows.

The following points are not favorable for late pregnancy:

  • Starting from the age of thirty, the number of eggs in the female body decreases. From birth, each girl has about 300-400 eggs. The supply of eggs lasts a lifetime. The eggs “sleep” until a certain time. Only after receiving the appropriate impulse does the maturation of one or another female cell occur. If the menstrual cycle is not marked by conception, the death of the egg occurs. With age, errors occur during the growth and division of eggs that increase the risk of having defective children. After all, toxins affect chromosomes, medications, various gynecological diseases and infections. Therefore, spontaneous conception after 45 years of age most often does not occur. It is called secondary infertility. When a woman has children, but cannot get pregnant again.
  • The presence of chronic diseases at this age is found in half of women. Problems arise in the musculoskeletal motor system, cardiovascular, digestive. Significant fluctuations in blood pressure are present in the majority of expectant mothers.
  • The risk of having a child with diabetes and Down syndrome is extremely high. One in thirty children from late pregnancy has mental developmental disabilities.
  • Mother's health matters not only in the process of conceiving and carrying a child. For the next 15 years, the mother should be physically healthy and active. This also applies to psychological health.
  • Half of late pregnancies end in premature miscarriage. This usually occurs before the 20th week of pregnancy.
  • Delivery at this age usually occurs through caesarean section. This is due to poor contractility of the uterus, inelastic muscles, and the likelihood of bleeding and rupture.

The undoubted “advantages” of pregnancy after 45 years can be considered:

  • Strong family situation, sufficient financial resources and absence of housing problems.
  • Life experience, awareness of responsibility and correctness of position.
  • Experience in caring for a child and proper upbringing, which young mothers cannot give due to inexperience.

Unplanned late pregnancy usually ends in abortion. In this case, women's health receives a colossal burden. After all, the majority of mature women have a number of gynecological problems and abortions throughout their lives. To avoid complications, you need to think about optimal protection.

Pregnancy protection after 45 years is complicated by factors such as: female diseases, excess weight, bad habits (smoking, alcohol). The most optimal means of contraception are:

  • Intrauterine devices.
  • Hormonal contraception.
  • Sterilization.
  • Barrier methods of protection.

Intrauterine devices have contraindications in the form of diseases and changes in the uterus. Hormones in the form of tablets require regular use, which for many is an impossible condition. In this case, injections, which require administration once every three months, have an advantage. Surgical sterilization- an irreversible method of contraception. The effectiveness of barrier contraception is not very high. Therefore, if possible, use other methods of protection.

For the vast majority of women, motherhood is the highest happiness and main goal in life. Reproduction and raising offspring is inherent in women by nature itself, and they adequately perform this most important function. Even though modern girl Career occupies an important place in life; sooner or later it is interrupted in order to give the world a new member of society. But it very often happens that pregnancy does not occur for a long time, and when a woman is ready to resign herself and give up her motherhood, life suddenly presents a surprise in the form of a late pregnancy. Is a 45-year-old woman able to bear and give birth to a healthy child? This question has become relevant for many married couples. Is it worth risking the health of a pregnant woman carrying such a desired fetus? Let's try to figure out whether pregnancy is dangerous at 45 years old.

Probability of pregnancy

Life is full of surprises and is full of surprises, so late pregnancy nowadays surprises few people. To begin with, many women deliberately delay the moment of motherhood until they get a good higher education, build a career, arrange their lives and provide decent living conditions for the family and the unborn baby. Moreover, modern development Medicine makes it possible to safely bear a baby even after 40 years. Especially if the expectant mother monitors her health and does not have bad habits, plays sports and has a strong, trained body at such a mature age. Since in most cases, pregnancy at 45 years of age is planned, girls take care of their bodies in advance for late childbirth and cope well with the task - they become happy mothers.

Today in medicine the very concept of “old-born” has changed. Even in the recent past, it offended 24-year-old girls so much. From year to year, medical statistics bodies record the growth of mature women giving birth, and this has virtually no effect on the positive outcome of childbirth. If previously someone doubted whether it was possible to give birth to a child at 45 years old, today this has already become obvious. Modern women look much better at this age than they did half a century ago. And they feel much healthier and stronger in order to give birth to healthy offspring without any problems.

Second or third pregnancy

There are a lot of cases when a 45-year-old woman goes to an antenatal clinic about her first pregnancy. At the same time, the same statistics record data that the number of women giving birth under the age of 19 tends to decrease. Of course, among late pregnancies there are also unplanned cases when conception occurs at such a mature age and a 2nd or even 3rd pregnancy occurs. Many people simply do not notice the signs of pregnancy while the body is preparing for menopause. Some already had it in the initial stage, and women, hoping for the absence of menstruation, ceased to protect themselves properly.

Pregnancy or menopause?

Meanwhile, the reproductive functions of the body do not immediately disappear even after the onset of menopause. They can fade away gradually over several years, and it is quite possible to become pregnant during this period. Moreover, when pregnancy occurs, not everyone can recognize its signs. The symptoms of menopause in an older woman overlap with the symptoms of pregnancy and mask them until the signs of pregnancy begin to appear more clearly. The latter no longer leave any doubt about the presence of a fetus in the womb. Therefore, it is often too late to take any measures to terminate the pregnancy.

Nevertheless, the 2nd or 3rd pregnancy at 45 years of age is still less problematic than the first. As a rule, each subsequent birth occurs faster than the previous ones. And the pregnancy itself develops less difficult. But all this is individual and to a greater extent depends on the state of the body and the mood of the woman. If you do not plan to have a baby after menopause, continue to use protection and pay attention to the signs that appear. Symptoms of menopause in an older woman, especially if it is severe, can distract attention from those signs that indicate pregnancy.

Many women are simply convinced that it is impossible to get pregnant during menopause. That’s why they don’t pay attention to the body’s signals, attributing them to other health problems. However, there is a high probability of pregnancy at 45 years old, which should be remembered by those women who no longer plan to give birth. Moreover, with the age of the woman in labor, the risk of developing pathologies in the child also increases. Although here everything is individual and depends on many factors, the main one of which, undoubtedly, is the current health of the expectant mother. What are the risks of pregnancy at 45 years old and can they be avoided? More on this later in the article.

Difficulties of pregnancy and childbirth after 45

It is possible to become a mother even after 45 years of age - modern medicine allows you to do this today with almost no serious risk. However, in addition to a mature woman, others should also move strong feelings. Let us present the most compelling arguments why pregnancy after 45 years is not very desirable. Quite a lot of qualified specialists speak out for and against this phenomenon.

One of the feelings of the expectant mother, which should prevail over the desire to have a child, is responsibility for the health of the unborn baby. Having decided to become a mother, a woman should be well aware of all the pros and cons of this important step. Of course, obstetrics and gynecology have reached a level where danger to the life of both mother and child can be almost eliminated. But, nevertheless, pregnancy at 45 years old is still a certain stress for a not-so-young body. Therefore, it is always better to know about possible consequences in advance.

Today, among older women in labor, pregnancy is fraught with much fewer complications, especially if it is not the first. But it won’t hurt anyone to think carefully about this issue and weigh all the arguments for and against. Moreover, the first pregnancy at 45 years old is for many a deliberate step, and not an impulsive decision. Since it is known that there may be risks, family planning should begin and be carried out based on the results of a thorough diagnosis. A woman planning a pregnancy after 45 years of age must understand what she may encounter and be prepared for it both physically and mentally.

First: at this age, getting pregnant is not as easy as in younger years. This occurs due to physical changes in a woman’s body. After the thirty-year mark, the process of gradual reduction of eggs begins, and the remaining ones may have some chromosomal abnormalities. Such a pathology at the age of 45 can cause serious trouble for a woman and her fetus, since the risk of miscarriage is quite high. And if the fetus can be carried to term and delivered safely, the child may have physical or mental defects. In order not to become a hostage to the situation after childbirth, when planning a pregnancy, a woman should definitely remain under the supervision of a geneticist - both during planning and during the process of bearing a fetus. To eliminate or at least minimize the risk, it is necessary to carry out the recommended tests and studies.

For some women, even those who have given birth before and are already ready for a second or third child, pregnancy does not occur at 45 years old precisely because of their age. Because it can be difficult for them to reproduce their own eggs. Difficulties include the tendency of the body at this age to heart disease and vascular systems, musculoskeletal system, which can cause various complications. This, of course, does not necessarily mean that problems will arise during pregnancy, but the likelihood of such manifestations of age-related diseases still exists.

Problems with the baby during late pregnancy of the mother

Even the most desired pregnancy cannot guarantee that the baby will not develop diabetes or Down syndrome, which, according to statistics, is not so rare - with almost every thirtieth child. If the expectant mother feels the strength to accept such a fate for the child, then she can take such a risk. But again, it must be thoughtful and balanced and be carried out under the strict supervision of specialists. But this problem still happens much less frequently than the risk of miscarriage. According to statistics, almost half of old-time women did not carry the fetus to term until the 20th week. But this is by no means an argument in favor against, but only a warning so that the woman understands the full responsibility of the moment and is careful while carrying a baby, and does not hesitate to once again disturb the attending physician if there is any hint of an uncomfortable condition, because not only is at stake the life and health of the child, but also the health of the woman.

Readiness for high activity

In addition to these medical difficulties, a woman must also understand that Small child will require her physical activity for a very long time. After all, even young girls find it difficult to cope with a baby without the help of their husbands, mothers and grandmothers. Moreover, a child born at a late age may be more capricious than other infants due to general weakness and soreness of the body. You need to be prepared for this both psychologically and physically, trying to provide your body with everything necessary complex vitamins, minerals and others useful substances, prolonging youth, giving strength and vital energy.

Benefits of giving birth after forty

There are also undoubted advantages of late births, and they consist in the fact that in the overwhelming majority such planned children are loved and desired. Their mothers have already reached such an economic position where they can afford expensive medical services, and quality feeding, and a prosperous future. Such mothers are more restrained in their emotions and better understand their functions; they can pay so much attention to the child that he always feels constant care and protection, love and tenderness. A woman who has gone through the risk of losing the health of her little defenseless bundle of happiness is fully aware of how richly fate has gifted her, so she will always love and understand the baby.

In addition, a late-parous woman already has a significant life experience and “immunity” to difficulties. She is not so easily knocked out of the saddle by temporary setbacks. She is resistant to stress and will not transfer her negativity to the child. In addition, such families are very strong and well-off financially, which reduces the likelihood of stress and gives a feeling of confidence in tomorrow both for yourself and for the child. If the mother is calm and balanced, then the child will grow up more prosperous and stress-resistant.

Such arguments for having a child after 45 years are quite logical and justified, so pregnancy in adulthood is attractive to many, and there is quite a good chance that it will end successfully and safely. Let's move on to consider the question of what features pregnancy has at 45 years old. What should a woman do to ensure that the process of bearing a child and childbirth is as favorable as possible? More on this later.

What should a woman do during pregnancy?

In order for pregnancy to be a joy and a healthy and strong offspring to be born, a woman must be absolutely sure that the decision to have a child was made correctly, and that everything will go well. Therefore, first of all, you need to set yourself up for good result and don't doubt him.

When planning to replenish your family, you should find a good geneticist who will give initial valuable advice on the chances of having a healthy child. In the future, you should maintain close contact with him and be under his close supervision throughout the entire period of pregnancy. Set yourself up to unquestioningly follow the instructions of qualified and experienced doctors, strictly follow all appointments and instructions, do not miss scheduled visits to the doctor, and in any doubtful case, consult with specialists.

A woman preparing for childbirth must provide her body with the necessary feasible loads, naturally agreed upon with the treating staff. Give preference to quiet walking and deep breathing, spend more time in nature and in places with a clean ecological environment to provide cells with a high-quality flow of oxygen and normalize metabolic processes. Swimming is very good for the health of a pregnant woman, so visiting the pool is also welcome.

But the most important thing is the woman’s positive attitude, the expectation of pleasant events and a happy release from the burden. In conclusion, we will provide some information about how pregnancy at 45 years of age is regarded in the civilized world. Doctors' opinions in this regard are positive. Doctors do not see any special obstacles to women giving birth not only at a young age.

Doctors' opinion about pregnancy

Most foreign experts believe that the birth of a child is a great gift of nature, and when deciding to become pregnant, a woman must understand the high level of her responsibility. Israeli medicine is clearly at its best in this matter, because despite all the existing risks and difficulties, they do not dissuade women from childbearing, but offer to observe good clinics with extensive experience in age-related childbirth and excellent statistics. Israeli clinics have extensive experience in monitoring pregnancies after 60 years, and in almost all cases they were able to ensure a successful outcome.

Of course, doctors are not enthusiastic about late labor, but they don’t see any particular reason to panic. First-class specialists and good care can ensure the normal course of pregnancy and the birth of a baby. In the USA, scientists have found that women who give birth to a child between the ages of 40-50 years have a greater chance of longevity. It doesn’t even matter whether it was the first child or the last. In addition, such childbirth delays the onset of menopause, which prolongs women's youth. Candidate of Sciences and practicing obstetrician of the Moscow Science Center obstetrics Elena Degtyareva also believes that women are quite ready to give birth both after 45 years and after 50. They observed many such women, and all of them gave birth safely and were discharged home with healthy babies.

So the birth of a child after 45 years is by no means an exceptional case, but rather the norm. But the role of heredity and care plays a big role in this case.


Now it is clear how dangerous it is to give birth after 45 years, and whether women should risk their health and the life of their child. As can be seen from the material, in order for everything to go well and the baby to be born healthy, the mother must lead healthy image life, have good hereditary indicators and strictly follow the advice of doctors.

Conceiving after 45 years is not a unique phenomenon in our time. Women became pregnant and gave birth at a very mature age long before the spread of the ideas of feminism and the desire for career and social self-realization before the birth of their first child. It’s just that previously late pregnancies were most often not the first, and even unexpected - against the backdrop of menopause and the decline of childbearing functions.

Now, with the growing ambitions of modern women and the fantastic achievements of reproductive medicine, there is a boom in “age-related” pregnancies, including first ones. Public opinion ambiguously: some ardently support non-young mothers, others zealously protest against giving birth after 40-45 years.

Late pregnancy has its advantages, but when deciding on it, you definitely need to prepare and learn everything about the risks and difficulties of conception, pregnancy and childbirth after 45 years.

Causes of late pregnancies

Not only career women want and can get pregnant after 45 years and experience the happiness of motherhood. Other common reasons for such a brave step by mature ladies:

  • Long-term health problems and the onset of a long-awaited pregnancy as a result of treatment.
  • The desire to have a second (or third) child of a different gender.
  • Feeling of an “empty nest” after older children leave home or die.
  • Remarriage and desire to have a child together.
  • Unplanned pregnancy during menopause.

Possibility of getting pregnant after 45 years

The ability to conceive in girls occurs with the onset of menstruation, but physiologically and psychologically they are not yet ready for pregnancy and childbirth. Such readiness is formed with further physical development and the establishment of a regular menstrual cycle.

Doctors consider the optimal age for the first birth to be 20-27 years old - this is the peak of fertility in women. Then the body begins to weaken, diseases of the genital area and other organs and systems develop, the level of female hormones gradually decreases, the number of eggs decreases, they age, mutate and mature less and less.

By the age of 35, the ability to conceive and bear a child weakens, by 40 it decreases significantly, and by 45 it declines significantly. Only about 10% of women can get pregnant on their own at the age of 45. The rest can only hope for successful IVF after 45 years.

45-55 years – the period of menopause in women, after which pregnancy naturally is no longer possible. IVF technology is increasingly used after 45 years, reviews of which are often positive. However, the chances of spontaneous conception remain at this time - until the last ovulation. This is how unexpected late pregnancies, initially mistaken for menopause, occur.

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Risks of late pregnancy

As their number increases, the attitude towards “age-related” pregnancies becomes more loyal, including from doctors. But it is worth knowing and remembering that the older the woman planning to become a mother, the more problems she may encounter during pregnancy and childbirth.

With the decline of reproductive functions, during pregnancy after 40-45 years, the risk increases:

  • Exacerbations chronic diseases from the expectant mother.
  • Early and late toxicosis.
  • Development of diabetes in pregnant women, hypertension, gestosis and eclampsia.
  • Gene mutations and congenital malformations of physical and mental development in the fetus, including Down syndrome.
  • Miscarriage and intrauterine mortality.
  • Prematurity, premature birth and low birth weight.
  • Placenta previa and premature placental abruption, malposition and fetal hypoxia, weakness of labor and other reasons requiring surgical delivery by cesarean section.
  • Postpartum complications and long recovery after childbirth.

With age, the likelihood also increases multiple pregnancy– and this is an additional burden. In addition, the birth of a child implies the need to be physically active for at least another 10-15 years.

There are many risks, but a lot depends on the health and mood of the expectant mother. Pathologies of pregnancy and childbirth also occur in 18-20 year old women, and 40-45 year old women can become pregnant and easily give birth to a healthy child, especially if it is not the first. Methods of modern medicine and prenatal diagnostics make it possible to heal and strengthen the body before pregnancy, increase the chances of conception, identify problems in a timely manner and minimize complications and risks.

Benefits of a “mature” pregnancy

Among the advantages of late pregnancy and childbirth:

  • Accumulated life experience and material well-being.
  • Conscious attitude towards your condition, compliance with medical recommendations.
  • Rejuvenates the body, stimulates the ovaries.
  • Smoothing unpleasant symptoms during future menopause.
  • Increasing your chances of becoming a long-liver.
  • A conscious approach to education, early discovery of the child’s talents and abilities through the use of various developmental techniques.

How to increase the likelihood of getting pregnant after 45 years

The chances of successfully conceiving a baby depend not only on the age of the future parents. The health status of partners, especially their reproductive systems, the presence or absence of bad habits and stress, the frequency of lovemaking, and the regularity of a woman’s menstruation are also important.

Increase the likelihood of conception and speed up pregnancy:

  • a comprehensive medical examination of both partners and, if necessary, a course of treatment at the stage of pregnancy planning;
  • taking multivitamins with folic acid;
  • diverse and good nutrition, maintaining normal body weight;
  • sufficient rest, sleep, long walks, moderate sports - swimming, yoga, dancing, giving up bad habits;
  • avoiding stress and mastering the skills of independent relaxation and calming down;
  • regular sexual intercourse - daily or every other day, obligatory intercourse in the middle of the cycle - days of expected ovulation. The best poses are with a partner on top or behind, the optimal end to intimacy is for the lady to rest lying on her back with her pelvis raised.

If spontaneous pregnancy does not occur, IVF technologies can come to the rescue - artificial conception using your own or donor eggs.

In IVF technology after 45 years, positive fertilization results largely depend on which eggs are used in the protocol. In a state before menopause, there are still chances of undergoing an IVF procedure after 45 with your own egg, reviews of which are often positive. If IVF attempts with your own egg fail, a woman may be offered IVF after 45 with a donor egg. Successful IVF, in which donor eggs are used after 45, are also not uncommon.

Use after 45 IVF, reviews of which can be found on the Internet, gives a woman a great chance of conceiving a child.

Pregnancy is a special condition and stress on the female body at any age. By the age of 40-45, the possibility of conception drops significantly, the risks of pregnancy and childbirth are aggravated, but with sufficient level With self-discipline and conscious implementation of medical recommendations, it is quite possible to get pregnant and become the mother of a healthy baby even after 45 years.

Do not forget that IVF after 45 years, the successful experience of which is increasingly confirmed by statistics, is another opportunity for a family to become complete.

Pregnancy, like other physiological processes of the body, has the most favorable age periods women. The period of 25-30 years is considered ideal for conceiving and having a child.

This fact is due to peak maturity reproductive system female body, corresponding to the specified age, as well as psychological readiness for pregnancy and childbirth.

Pros and cons of late conception

Currently, cases of late pregnancy (after 40 years) are becoming more frequent.

When deciding to experience the happiness of motherhood at this age, a woman needs to study the positive and negative aspects of the issue.

When formulating the advantages of motherhood at the age of 40, it is worth mentioning the following:

  • psychological readiness and awareness for the birth of a child;
  • a solid “base under your feet” (money savings, stable job);
  • success in career growth;
  • strong family ties;
  • “delay” in the onset of menopause and its milder form;
  • the process of becoming a mother “renews” the body (the risk of age-related diseases decreases: osteoporosis, stroke);
  • childbirth and beyond breast-feeding The baby rejuvenates the female body, thanks to a “hormonal shake-up”.

It is important to keep in mind the possible risks of late pregnancy not only for the expectant mother, but also for her child.

Why is pregnancy dangerous?

  • psychological “collapse” of a woman’s reproductive system, caused by nature (the body is not ready for hormonal shocks and in every possible way prevents favorable conception, the course of pregnancy and childbirth);
  • excessive caution on the part of doctors (prescribing medications, tests, examinations “just in case”);
  • more difficult recovery after childbirth and difficult adaptation to a new rhythm of life;
  • catalyzed maturation of a child from late pregnancy;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases, the number of which by the age of 40 is significantly greater than at the age of 25;
  • “wear and tear” of the female body increases the risk of developing severe toxicosis, gestosis, ruptures, cesarean section, as well as other “delights” of pregnancy and childbirth;
  • aging of eggs causes the likelihood of having a sick child;
  • high risk of stretch marks, age spots, wrinkles during late pregnancy.

Natural conception during late pregnancy

It is possible, although unlikely, for a woman over 40 to become pregnant naturally. Conceiving and bearing the first child is much more difficult than the second and third.

The difficulty of conceiving in the traditional way is due to significant changes in the female reproductive system experienced at the age of 40-50 years:

  • unstable menstrual cycle;
  • increase in anovulatory cycles;
  • “wear and tear” of organs and tissues.

Women who adhere to a healthy lifestyle have a great chance of experiencing the happiness of motherhood over the age of 40: proper nutrition, sport, minimal amount stress.

Having gone through pregnancy and childbirth several years ago and deciding to repeat the process a second or third time at 40, a woman must understand that there is a huge difference between the previous motherhood and the “later” one. With age, fertility decreases significantly, the number of healthy eggs and ovulation decreases, which means that conception can be regarded as luck.

Comparing the process of late labor with earlier ones, it is worth noting the high percentage of stimulation of cervical dilatation, as well as the use of surgical intervention - caesarean section.

Failed Attempts

Often, late pregnancies are associated with a woman’s desire to “get back on her feet,” get a reliable partner, and be fulfilled in life. Along with the described cases, there are also situations where, over the course of several years, pregnancies ended in failure.

Failed pregnancies in the period before the onset of “late” pregnancies (over the age of 40) will not become an obstacle to successful motherhood only if the true problems that are the cause of previous failures are eliminated.

If you can’t get pregnant, the pregnant woman will have to undergo an examination conducted by gynecologists, which revealed no reasons for concern; the expectant mother should not worry about possible influence"past" to its current state.

Worth stabilizing mental condition(perhaps with the help of a professional psychologist), “get it out of your head” bad thoughts, capable of driving you into a depressive state, which negatively affects the health of a woman and her unborn child.

Planning pregnancy after 45 years

Many women wonder whether it is possible to get pregnant naturally after 45 years if you have regular periods? There are known cases of successful conception, gestation and birth healthy child at mother's age over 45 years. Successful course of pregnancy and childbirth in in this case unlikely without advance planning.

The fastest, compared to other cases, will be conception when a woman has a stable menstrual cycle. Having regular periods will allow the gynecologist to determine the days of ovulation. If necessary, the doctor will also be able to prescribe special medications or examinations to stimulate the process of conception.

Regardless of the characteristics of the reproductive system at a later age, for a successful pregnancy it is important for a woman to lead a healthy lifestyle, following medical recommendations.

During premenopause and menopause, pregnancy is also possible. Despite frequent anovulatory cycles, egg maturation continues, which theoretically makes conception possible during these periods. With proper pregnancy planning, the birth of a new life will not be long in coming.

Preparing for conception

A woman, wanting to experience the happiness of motherhood after 40 years, must understand the importance of planning the process: adjustment family image life, consultation with specialists, examinations.

Firstly, the expectant mother needs to visit a doctor - a geneticist who can realistically assess the risks of having a child with chromosomal diseases. Secondly, by contacting an experienced gynecologist, a woman will need to undergo tests prescribed by the doctor. Thirdly, it is worth making an appointment with a dentist, surgeon, endocrinologist, and subsequently undergoing the necessary examinations in their area.

For psychological comfort and setting yourself up for quick conception an expectant mother, even after 40-45, can turn to folk remedies, signs, but only after coordinating your actions with the gynecologist observing her:

  • saturate the body with vitamin E, which is responsible for increasing fertility;
  • use special herbs (hogweed, red brush and others) as dietary supplements;
  • drink “wheat drink” (wheat grain juice);
  • get a ficus, take care of it, talk to it as if it were an unborn child;
  • stroke the belly of an already pregnant girl, sit on her chair, ask her to sneeze in the direction of the girl preparing for motherhood.

Child development

It is not enough just to conceive a child; it is important to understand that pregnancy after 40 years does not always proceed calmly, without complications.

To avoid irreparable harm health or the condition of the unborn child, a woman must follow the recommendations of the gynecologist and take the test on time necessary tests, do an ultrasound.

The course of late pregnancy early stages may be complicated by severe toxicosis and the threat of miscarriage. In recent weeks, the development of gestosis, diabetes mellitus, and the appearance of swelling is likely.

It is extremely important for an expectant mother aged 40-45 to be aware of the possible risks and complications of the current pregnancy and subsequent births:

  • various dysfunctions of the placenta and blood circulation in it;
  • the risk of having a child with disabilities;
  • high probability of oxygen starvation of the child during labor;
  • premature birth;
  • development of preeclampsia and eclampsia.


  • The presence of serious chronic diseases, especially disorders of the reproductive system of the expectant mother;
  • excess weight, which entails a number of additional difficulties in bearing a child;
  • hypertension;
  • lack of opportunity or desire to undergo thorough medical examinations at all stages of becoming a mother;
  • existing infectious diseases of the woman (until they are completely eliminated).

In Europe, doctors do not undertake IVF procedures for women over 40 years old, due to certain risks. In other countries, in particular Russia, there are no such restrictions.

Having resorted to artificial insemination Over the age of 40, a woman usually carries a child herself, conceived with the help of donor cells.

However, it is worth remembering that even modern medical developments do not guarantee the successful development of the baby in the womb, due to the changes the female body undergoes during this period.

Answering the question whether it is realistic to become a mother after 40, doctors are unanimous in their answers. Conception, pregnancy and successful childbirth at this age are possible by following a healthy lifestyle, doctors’ recommendations, and being attentive to yourself and your unborn child.

But it is worth taking into account the possible risks of late pregnancy and childbirth, which means being aware of how thorny and long the path of becoming a mother at 40-45 years old can become.

Having serious intentions, making efforts, investing finances, not giving up at the first failures, a woman will certainly, sooner or later, experience the miracle of the birth of her child.

Useful video

A woman’s desire to self-actualize and achieve something in this life pushes thoughts about pregnancy and family further and further away. If previously at 23–25 years old a girl was considered an old maid, now even at 30 this cannot be said, because most people at this age begin to think about marriage and children.

Late pregnancy

Disputes on this issue have been going on for a long time and even experts in this field cannot come to a consensus. Some consider late childbirth a danger for the woman and child, while others have positive views and support the decision of “mature” men and women to become parents again or for the first time.

Before succumbing to anxiety and worry about middle age, mature mothers are advised to understand such concepts as calendar, psychological and biological age. Every woman is individual organism, separate unique system, which develops independently of others. Some girls mature at a very early age, and their body, accordingly, ages earlier, while for others, the process of maturation and aging is slowed down, and a woman at 45 according to her passport can feel like she is 30 according to psychological and biological age criteria. Therefore, pregnancy can be late only according to the calendar, but due to health and psychological readiness just right. If a woman at 40 still feels maternal potential, then she needs to use it, especially if she has zeal and desire.

Late pregnancy becomes much more dangerous if there are serious age-related disorders in the health system, which most often happens. In this case, it is necessary to thoroughly study all the pros and cons of late conception.

Positive sides

The more positive the no longer young future parents are, the more likely it is that the pregnancy will proceed calmer and more confidently. On the one hand, late pregnancy has some advantages for both parents and baby:

  1. Life experience behind you. Those situations that seemed catastrophic in youth and led to panic, in adulthood are already perceived more softly and simply. The past years have given “adult” parents experience and knowledge, and instilled a proper attitude towards life and family values. All their thoughts will be occupied with raising a child, and not with dreams of noisy parties and plans for career development.
  2. Solid foundation family life. A woman aged 40–47 who decides to get pregnant, as a rule, already has a reliable and faithful partner next to her. By this age, the couple’s relationship had been tested more than once in different situations and life’s ups and downs, which provided a strong family foundation. In addition, by the fourth or fifth decade, the family already has its own home, and the housing issue is not on the agenda. In such a family the child will be very comfortable.
  3. Improved health. Late childbirth can delay the onset of menopause. It can proceed easier and more painlessly. In addition, giving birth at 40–47 years of age can reduce the risk of osteoporosis and stroke, and reduce the likelihood of problems with the hearing aid and genitourinary system.

Problems and dangers

When it comes to the possibility of getting pregnant after 45–47 years, as a rule, doctors recommend that you think carefully about this decision, because bearing a fetus and the birth itself most often occurs with various complications and difficulties. Planning a pregnancy at this age needs to be done consciously, thoughtfully and with the highest diagnostic level. So, the main risks and problems of late pregnancy:

  1. High risk of giving birth to a child with a mental or physical disability. At the age of 47, the chances of having a child are small, since at about 30 a gradual decrease in the number of eggs begins. In addition, there is no guarantee that their condition will be excellent, because there is a danger of chromosomal abnormalities, which can subsequently leave their mark on the mental or physical development fetus An “adult” mother urgently needs consultation with a geneticist throughout pregnancy in order to identify pregnancy problems in time and, if possible, eliminate them.
  2. Danger of complications during childbirth. By the age of 40–47, a woman’s body has already accumulated a number of health problems, including a couple of chronic diseases. Promotion blood pressure, disorders of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular diseases and other unpleasant ailments can cause various complications during gestation and childbirth.
  3. What seemed simple in youth will turn out to be difficult. The energy potential characteristic of young people in adulthood, when they are already 40–47 years old, decreases significantly. And this fact must be taken into account before you decide to get pregnant. In the first months, a newborn baby requires increased attention - sleepless nights, whims, pain in the tummy, teething, etc. Therefore, a “mature” mother must mentally and psychologically prepare herself for pleasant, but difficult, difficulties.
  4. High risk of miscarriages. According to statistics, about 50–55% of “age-related” pregnancies end in miscarriages before the 20th week.
  5. Postpartum recovery. Women who give birth late in life have a higher risk of postpartum hemorrhage and infections.
  6. The risk of caesarean section is 45%. If the pregnancy is late, and also the first, then childbirth will be much more difficult than for young comrades. Over time, tissues lose their elasticity and become rough. This condition becomes an obstacle to natural childbirth. It is a rare doctor who will allow a woman to expel the fetus from the uterus on her own. In this case, a caesarean section is a necessary measure to ensure that the child and mother remain alive and healthy.
  7. Elderly parents. If the parents were 45 years old at the time of the child’s birth, then by the time the child enters school, they will be 52 years old, and this is the age of the grandparents. The child will need an active pastime, but due to age-related changes in the body, elderly parents will not be able to fully give it to him. Considering the average life expectancy is 70 years, there is a high probability of not living to see the birth of grandchildren. No matter how sad it may sound.


There is an active discussion on the topic of late childbirth on the Internet, and women ask many questions to which they want a thoughtful and reliable answer. Here is a list of the most popular of them.

Question: How long does it take mature parents to successfully conceive a child?

Answer: At the age of 40, every second woman has the opportunity to become pregnant without special effort, but after 45 such a chance is given only 1 in 10. If all attempts have failed for six months, then the couple cannot do without the help of specialists.

Question: Is it true that late childbirth rejuvenates a woman both physiologically and psychologically?

Answer: According to doctors, this is a myth. Rejuvenation of the body does not occur at all, rather the opposite. Late pregnancy is stressful for the body. It aggravates and reveals processes occurring in a hidden form. In addition, pregnancy causes serious changes in the hormonal system, puts pressure on the spinal column, affects the functioning of the heart, and so on.

But psychologically, a woman who has given birth can feel like a young mother, but only in her heart and not for long, because menopause is “just around the corner.”

Question: Where should “mature” parents start preparing for pregnancy?

Answer: Definitely from visiting a specialized doctor and undergoing all the necessary examinations for both women and men. With age, the reproductive system of both partners reduces its capabilities and depletes reserves, hence the difficulty in conceiving. Historically, if a couple can't get pregnant, the problem is with the woman. This is a misconception. According to statistics, in 40% of cases of infertility, the reproductive function is impaired in men. Therefore, both the expectant mother and father should be prepared for a thorough check.

Question: How to solve the problem of smoking if a woman has been smoking all her life? There is an opinion that you shouldn’t quit. Is it so?

Answer: You need to quit smoking as soon as possible. Tobacco, drug and alcohol addictions negatively affect the course of pregnancy and the process of intrauterine development of the fetus. The myth that at this age you can’t quit smoking was invented by smokers themselves, so as not to limit themselves from the addiction developed over the years.

One cigarette smoked can cause a half-hour spasm of the uterine arteries, through which oxygenated blood flows to the fetus. As a result, his respiratory ability is suppressed, and along with it, pulmonary pathologies, delays in physical and psychomotor development, as well as brain diseases develop. Women who smoke have a higher risk of stillbirth. By quitting smoking, a woman increases her chances of bearing and giving birth to a healthy baby.

Question: What causes the high percentage of abortions (about 70%) during pregnancy at 40–47 years of age?

Answer: The most common cause of abortion in adulthood is unplanned pregnancy. Many women believe that pregnancy after 45 years is impossible, since this is the time of menopause, and they find themselves trapped in their own ignorance. While your period is ongoing, pregnancy is possible.

When pregnancy occurs, the woman is frightened by the unexpected, then realizes her age, the presence of existing children and has an abortion.

Women consciously choose to terminate a pregnancy because they are not afraid of its main consequence in the future – infertility. Hence the high percentage of abortions. This fear is typical of young girls who plan to get pregnant and have children.

Of course, all the disadvantages of late pregnancy are upsetting and discouraging, but still they do not stop “adult” parents on the path to what they want.

In a world that flies and revolves around us at great speed, women forget about their original role. And now you’re over... good job, material goods. But there is no main thing. “How to get pregnant at 40?” - the woman thinks. Despite the achievements of modern medicine and the assurances of experts that it is now possible to become pregnant at any age, questions arise.

Why is it harder to become a mother at 40 than at 20?

Every woman's body is individual. Some people have a good chance of conceiving and bearing a child in adulthood, while others will encounter obstacles along the way. Big role Heredity plays a role, not only of the mother, but also of the father of the unborn child.
Studies have been conducted and they have shown that irreversible changes occur in a woman’s body after 30, such as:

  • reduction in the number of ovulations,
  • during the menstrual cycle the egg does not mature;
  • There is an accumulation of a number of diseases, in particular the organs of the reproductive system;
  • there is the emergence of chronic diseases that can affect the function of childbirth;
  • problems arise in carrying a baby, threatening miscarriage;
  • the percentage of complications during pregnancy and childbirth increases.

The number of eggs in a woman’s body is not unlimited; it decreases from year to year. At 38 years old, this process accelerates sharply.

Statistics show that after 40 years of age, 50% of women manage to become pregnant naturally; at 43 years of age or more, the figure decreases to 10%. A few more numbers: of women over 45, only one in 100 will be able to conceive a child. If a woman decides to get pregnant and give birth at 46 years old, she is offered not natural conception, but IVF.

Many people know that there are certain days, in which there is a high probability of conceiving a child. However, depending on age, the number of ovulations can also vary. At 35-40 years old there may be only two to four ovulations in a whole year.

Features of late pregnancy

A woman's eggs undergo a number of changes over the years. They are aging and their numbers are declining. Research shows that fertility in girls increases and reaches its maximum by the age of 20-25. Then it starts to go down.

Plus, diseases in the woman herself and egg pathology begin to accumulate. Also changes hormonal background, the production of the female hormone estrogen decreases. This creates a certain risk for fetal development and the risk of miscarriage.

Even if conception has occurred, successful pregnancy is also in question. At the age of 40, a quarter of pregnancies end in miscarriage, at the age of 42 - a third, after 44 years - more than half. In addition, older pregnant women often have high blood pressure and gestational diabetes. The level of fetal developmental anomalies is also high.

Women are especially worried if this is their first pregnancy after 40. It is believed that the second and third pregnancy are easier than the first. This is only partly true. Repeated natural births actually go faster. But in general, the risks and difficulties of pregnancy are approximately the same. The health status of a particular woman is more important than the pregnancy number.

This was bad news. And now the good ones. The birth of a baby is God's providence. Everything here is very individual and not fully understood by science and doctors. Yes, there are unfortunate cases. But there are more happy ones! These are thousands of women who gave birth healthy babies at the age of “good for...”. Therefore, tune in to the fact that you will be lucky!

Planning a pregnancy

How to get pregnant after 35? What needs to be done for this? How to plan a pregnancy, what to do if you can’t get pregnant?

  • First, both the mother and the future father need to be examined. These may be certain tests that the doctor will prescribe. During the examination, it may be revealed hidden infections, including chronic ones.
  • Start leading a “healthy lifestyle” and engage in physical exercise. In particular, exercises to strengthen the back muscles, as well as the abdominal muscles.
  • Eat nutritiously, eliminate all kinds of exhausting diets and physical overload.
  • Avoid eating unhealthy foods and drinks containing caffeine. Read whether coffee and conception go together.
  • Give up bad habits (alcohol, cigarettes).
  • It is mandatory to be at the fresh air at least two hours.
  • If possible, avoid stress and take vitamins.
  • Be sure to maintain your weight at the proper level, in accordance with your height. If there is a need to lose weight, you need to do it before pregnancy. Find out how weight affects conception.

Read about how to prepare for pregnancy after 30.

If the desired pregnancy does not occur, then you need to consult a doctor who will advise and prescribe a set of necessary tests. As a rule, partners visit a fertility doctor after a year of unsuccessful attempts to conceive a child.

Catching ovulation

The most favorable moment for conception is the period of ovulation, that is, the moment when a new egg is released.

Ovulation may occur around the 14th day after your period begins, although this time may vary. In fact, the moment of conception is influenced by many factors. For example, when your periods are irregular. The condition of a man's sperm also matters.

The best time to conceive is not only the day of ovulation, but also the period two to three days before it. Doctors have determined that sperm can live inside a woman for 3-4 days.

Many women experience the problem of irregular periods at this age. They can take place every two or even three months. Therefore, it can be very difficult to determine the time of ovulation. Then special ovulation tests will help.

The father of the unborn child also needs to monitor the condition of his body. Sperm also have the ability to “age.” And so that they are viable and strong - do not have sexual intercourse 2-4 days before moment X (expected conception). Frequent PAs “deplete” sperm.

Another small, but quite important point: immediately after the act you should not take a shower, especially a hot one. The sperm will simply be washed away. Also, soapy water and elevated water temperatures have a detrimental effect on them.

Advantages and disadvantages

Still, is late pregnancy good or bad? It is already clear that after 35 years of age, the likelihood of women becoming pregnant on their own decreases every year. Naturally, after 40 years this figure is even lower, however, having overcome some obstacles, at this age there is still a possibility of becoming parents.

Watch a video about what diseases late pregnancies are contraindicated for.

Let's consider the positive and negative sides such a pregnancy.


  1. Both parents are already adults, psychologically balanced people. They approach their responsibilities towards the child with responsibility.
  2. Mothers who are over forty try not to eat unhealthy foods and try to feed their children breast milk.
  3. The peculiarity of such parents is patience and wisdom; they will pay more attention to the baby, giving up their own entertainment.


  1. A woman's body is aging. Consequently, the egg also ages and changes occur in it, including chromosomal ones. This may affect the child's health. Among the “late” children, many are born with Down syndrome.
  2. A woman’s uterus also ages. The number of miscarriages and missed pregnancies is increasing.
  3. Diseases accumulate in the body.
  4. At the age of 40, it is difficult to be an energetic and exciting mother. Although everything is individual here.

To summarize, we can conclude that a woman over forty can become pregnant naturally. But there are other options. For example, IVF - in vitro fertilization. Speaking in simple language, a “test tube baby,” when an egg is fertilized and implanted in a woman’s prepared, healthy uterus under medical conditions. There are also some types of surgical interventions that subsequently allow a woman to become pregnant.

Medicine is developing, new methods and treatment regimens are appearing. Now advances in medicine allow childless couples, who for a long time did not have the opportunity to experience the happiness of motherhood and fatherhood, to finally achieve the desired result.

The female body begins to change after 40 years. Disturbances in the menstrual cycle occur, eggs ready for fertilization are not released as often, and tissue elasticity deteriorates significantly. This reduces the likelihood of pregnancy, and if fertilization occurs, it makes pregnancy and childbirth more difficult. But if a couple leads a healthy and active lifestyle, there is a chance to find a long-awaited heir at the age of forty-five and later.

Pregnancy at 45 comes with certain risks

Positive aspects of late pregnancy

At the age of forty, a woman has usually already established herself as a specialist, has reached high levels career growth and sustainable financial situation. Having decided to give birth, she plans to devote most of her time to the upbringing and development of the child. The child will most likely not be deprived of attention.

  • Experience. By this age, a wealth of knowledge has accumulated, which will help to properly prepare for childbirth and control anxieties and fears. Especially if this is not the first experience. A woman who has already given birth knows how to behave during childbirth and how to care for a newborn.
  • Emotional maturity. At the age of forty and older, mothers know how to restrain their emotions. They are able to provide the baby with as much attention as he needs so that he always feels care and protection, love and tenderness, but does not grow up spoiled.
  • Improvement of the body. Late childbirth can delay the onset of menopause. It will be easier and less painful. Giving birth at 45–47 years of age can reduce the risk of osteoporosis and stroke, possible problems with hearing and the functioning of the reproductive and excretory systems.

Another positive side is that late childbearing has a rejuvenating effect on a woman and adds up to 15 years to her life. During pregnancy and childbirth, a real revolution occurs in the body: the activity of the ovaries and thyroid gland doubles, and the condition of the skin, hair and nails undergoes significant improvements amid a surge of hormones.

Features of premenopause

Symptoms of the onset of menopause can distract attention from those signs that indicate pregnancy. The danger lies in the fact that the symptoms are very similar: the same nausea and vomiting, malaise in the morning, general weakness, drowsiness. Also in both cases there are:

  • headache;
  • chest pain;
  • loss of appetite;
  • frequent urge empty your bladder.

Due to similar symptoms, a woman finds out about pregnancy when it may be too late to have an abortion. Ladies whose plans do not include having a child should not forget about this. Moreover, the older the woman in labor, the higher the risk of developing pathologies in the baby. If warning signs appear, you should consult a doctor and have your body diagnosed.

Even after the onset of menopause, a woman still has the opportunity to conceive and give birth to a child. Childbearing functions may disappear gradually over several years, and it is quite possible to become pregnant at this stage. If your plans do not include having a child, then you should use protection. You can stop worrying if menstruation does not occur for more than a year.

Rejuvenation of the mother’s body is an important positive side of pregnancy at 45

Ways to increase the chance of pregnancy

After 40 years, a woman enters the premenopausal period. The synthesis of sex hormones decreases. Tissues, including the uterus and vagina, partially lose their elasticity. Most women already had diseases of the genital organs inflammatory in nature, some had gynecological operations and abortions. This reduces the chance of fertilization and successful completion pregnancy.

If a woman has no bad habits and leads an active lifestyle, then the desire to have a child does not seem impossible. Spontaneous conception at this age is rare and requires careful planning.

To increase the possibility of conceiving in adulthood, it is recommended:

  • walk more often in parks and squares;
  • accept vitamin preparations with a high concentration of folic acid;
  • maintain a sleep and rest schedule;
  • do not be exposed to stress or overwork.

Also, both future parents will need to completely renounce alcoholic drinks and cigarettes.

Both partners should give up bad habits to reduce risks

Preparing for conception

It includes complete walkthrough medical examination and use of ovulation tests to determine the most suitable day for fertilization. At the planning stage, the expectant mother needs to undergo laboratory tests:

  • general blood and urine tests;
  • biochemical blood test;
  • determination of sugar level;
  • coagulogram;
  • colposcopy;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs.

Additionally, you should donate blood for sex hormones and substances secreted thyroid gland. Preparing a potential father includes examination by a urologist or andrologist and a spermogram to assess fertility potential. An older couple must visit a geneticist and immunologist, identify the Rh factor and blood group, and be tested for all possible sexually transmitted infections.

A woman also needs a thorough diagnosis of chronic diseases that accumulate by this age, and their transfer into a state of remission. The development and life of a child can be threatened by diabetes mellitus, pyelonephritis, arterial hypertension, hepatitis, and impaired blood flow in the brain.

Risks of having a baby in adulthood

In pregnant women after forty-five, the possibility of pathological development of the fetus increases. This is the main disadvantage of late pregnancy.

What should mature couples who decide to have offspring be wary of:

  • the occurrence of serious gestosis, preeclampsia and eclampsia;
  • pregnancy failure at up to 20 weeks and premature birth;
  • manifestations of uterine hypertonicity and fetal hypoxia;
  • fetoplacental insufficiency;
  • birth of a baby with genetic disorders;
  • disorders of the formation of the connective tissue membrane - dysplasia - in a child.

Dysplasia pathologies are treated successfully in most cases. But with such deviations, children have a greater risk of developing heart valve defects, diseases of the joints and connective tissues.

Older women are more likely to experience complications after the birth process: ruptures, hemorrhages, thrombosis. The rehabilitation period lasts longer. Mothers over forty often experience a lack of milk to fully breastfeed their baby. To feed the baby you have to use formula. Because of this, the baby’s immunity is less prepared to withstand infectious diseases, allergic reactions are possible.

One of the features of late pregnancy is common problems with lactation

The chance of a caesarean section at this age is 45 percent. During the first late pregnancy, the labor process will be much more difficult than in younger women in labor. Fabrics become inelastic over time. In this case, the operation is a necessary measure to preserve the life and health of the woman and baby. During the second and third pregnancies, carrying and giving birth to a child occurs with fewer problems than during the first.

Disadvantages of late childbearing

They concern not only the birth process itself. The baby needs to be raised. In the first year of a baby’s life, parents need to be prepared for constant lack of sleep. As soon as the little one takes his first steps, he will have to spend a lot of time in motion, and the load on the musculoskeletal system will increase.

The baby is quickly gaining weight. You will have to carry up to 10–12 kg of live weight in your arms.

Not every young mother has a spine that can withstand such a load. It will be the hardest for a woman with existing changes. intervertebral discs or problems with joints.

By the time the baby goes to school, mom will be in her early fifties. She will be about twice as old as the other parents. WITH psychological point This can cause discomfort for both her and the baby. By the time she completes schooling, such a mother will already be retired. And you need to think in advance what kind of help she can provide to her child to continue his studies. Taking into account average duration Before the age of 70, there is a high probability that you will not live to see your grandchildren.

One of the disadvantages of late pregnancy is a big difference aged with a child and parents of his age

The decision to have a late baby must be made taking into account the individual characteristics of the female body and the capabilities of the couple. Most of the problems can be prevented by constantly monitoring the progress of pregnancy and following doctor’s prescriptions.

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