Home Indoor flowers Prepare for pregnancy after 35. Late pregnancy: how to prepare for the birth of a child? Pregnancy preparation for conception

Prepare for pregnancy after 35. Late pregnancy: how to prepare for the birth of a child? Pregnancy preparation for conception

Today, a modern woman, just like a man, is interested in a promising career, and pregnancy planning is gradually relegated to the background.

Statistics say that the peak of abortions occurs among girls aged 20–29 years, and only after 30 years is a woman ready to take responsibility and realize her main function- become a mother. That is why the first pregnancy at 35 years old is a very common occurrence in modern world.

Yes and medical technology do not stand still: in vitro fertilization does not set age limits; a woman can think about conceiving even at 60 years old! And technologies for freezing embryos make it possible to maintain low risks of anomalies and congenital malformations in the unborn child.

The older the age, the more thorough preconception preparation a married couple requires; a woman needs to take very seriously questions such as “Preparing for pregnancy after 35: where to start?”, “What examination plan needs to be completed?”

How to plan a pregnancy after 35 years

No one denies the fact that after 35 years of age it is much more difficult to get pregnant than at 20; there are a number of reasons and factors for this that impose certain “prohibitions” on fertilizing an egg:

Decreased ovarian reserve

Even in the womb, the girl has an individual supply of follicles, of which already in reproductive age A woman produces eggs that are ready for fertilization.

A woman's ovarian reserve

With age, this supply is depleted, and the pregnancy rate becomes lower. Accordingly, the risk of chromosomal abnormalities increases significantly.

Complicated obstetric and gynecological history and number of sexual partners

From each sexual intercourse with a new partner, a woman receives opportunistic microflora and pathogens of new infections. For example, chlamydia “eats” the fallopian tubes, and the egg can no longer enter the uterus, the human papillomavirus (HPV) is a predictor of cervical cancer, and endometriosis generally causes infertility.

Harm from the chlamydia virus to women's health

Any infection leaves its mark on the health of the reproductive system; any intervention (abortion, cauterization of the cervix, curettage) complicates the physiological processes of pregnancy.

Bad habits

Every time a woman drinks alcohol, the ovarian reserve comes under its influence; and the frequency of mutations increases with each drop.

Smoking has an adverse effect on the circulatory system, in particular the uterus: insufficient blood supply to the pelvic organs reduces the function of the entire reproductive system.

Extragenital pathology

Arterial hypertension, pyelonephritis, cholecystitis, anemia - the pathology of any body system will certainly affect the course of pregnancy. And the risk of complications also increases.

Therefore, a married couple needs to know how to prepare for pregnancy after 35 years, so that the woman can bear a full-fledged pregnancy. healthy child.

First steps in planning pregnancy after 35 years

Ban on drinking alcohol, coffee, smoking for a successful late pregnancy

Preparing for pregnancy after 35, where to start:

  1. Give up with your spouse bad habits– alcohol, smoking, caffeine.
  2. Reset both(!) excess weight and achieve a normal body mass index. Proper nutrition and moderate physical activity will help cope with this task.


It has been proven that obese men have sperm of worse “quality” and speed than those of a physically healthy young man.

Fight with overweight for successful conception after 35 years

Reducing a woman’s body weight by 10 kg will increase the activity of her reproductive system by 80%.

  • Regular sex life– 2-3 times a week without using any contraceptives.

Sometimes at a doctor’s appointment it turns out that a woman continues to take oral contraceptives or has intrauterine device because she doesn't want to get pregnant. Discuss your desires with your partners, do you both really want the same thing?

  • Reduce your stress load.

Now that your risk factors have been minimized, it's time to make an appointment with your doctor.

Visiting doctors

At a joint appointment with an obstetrician-gynecologist, they will explain to you what preconception preparation is and what it includes:

  1. Anamnesis collection. Inspection. Physical examination.
  2. Obstetric and gynecological examination, assessment of vaginal microflora and cytological smears.
  3. Taking folic acid and determining the risk group for neural tube defects, using potassium iodide (both spouses!), iron supplements after assessing the metabolism of iron and vitamin D
  4. Determination of the health status of both spouses, consultation with specialists, sanitation of lesions chronic infections. Vaccination against rubella and chickenpox in the absence of immunoglobulin G in the body.
  5. Normalization hormonal levels: identification and treatment of gynecological diseases, elimination of progesterone deficiency, treatment of inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs, restoration of the endometrium.
  6. Medical genetic counseling will help determine the risk of developing hereditary diseases, and the geneticist will give instructions on adjusting and reducing risk factors.
  7. Correction of the “male” factor

Testing for infertility in men

A consultation with a urologist-andrologist will help determine the influence of the “male factor” on the success of conception and pregnancy prognosis.

Examination of male sperm to identify possible problems on the part of the man

Risk factors for reproductive abnormalities for men may include the following:

  • Infertility;
  • Previous and existing diseases of the genital organs, including those of an infectious nature;
  • Changes in the spermogram - decreased speed, sperm agglutination, disturbance protein composition sperm, increasing the viscosity of the ejaculate.

Important! Preconception preparation begins with a spermogram of the partner. No gynecologist or reproductive specialist will begin examining a woman without knowing the spermogram results.

Screening for infertility in women

A woman's infertility is associated with gynecological diseases and a complicated obstetric history.

Vitamins to strengthen the body

  1. It is enough to take folic acid in the right dosage to prevent neural tube defects, potassium iodide and iron-containing drugs.
  2. Vitamin D intake is recommended, as its deficiency is associated with complications such as preeclampsia, premature birth, gestational age diabetes, birth of low birth weight babies (less than 2500 grams).
  3. It is also advisable to consume polyunsaturated fatty acid, since they ensure the immune status of the fetus, preventing the development of allergic reactions of the respiratory tract, obesity, and diabetes mellitus in the child.

Planning pregnancy after 35 years

The approach to pregnancy after 35 years, the first child requires very good psychological preparation of the couple.

You need to be prepared for the fact that nothing may work out the first time, it is important to emotionally support each other and tune in to a long and responsible path not only to pregnancy at 35 years old, but also to the first birth and the birth of a healthy baby.


Surgical delivery has absolute and relative indications.

Caesarean section operation

Despite the fact that relative indications include age over 35 years, this does not mean that surgery is inevitable.

Second pregnancy

If the family already has a child, then it will be easier for the spouses to navigate the preparations for conception, but they should also be prepared that this pregnancy requires more careful preparation, it may be more difficult than the first and the situation as a whole may turn out completely differently.


A married couple should take a very responsible approach to the question of how to get pregnant after 35 years, and not neglect visits and recommendations of doctors, as well as pre-conception preparation.

Only with the teamwork of the couple and doctors will the chance of the birth of a full-fledged and healthy child be high, regardless of the age of the pregnant woman.

Video: Pregnancy management after 35 years

Having a healthy baby is a big responsibility. Both future parents should approach this consciously. Planning a pregnancy includes several stages. Preventive measures will help to avoid many problems with conception, pregnancy and childbirth.

Where to start planning your pregnancy

An increasing number of married couples are beginning to realize the importance of planning for conception. This is what will help you give birth to a healthy baby. However, not everyone knows what this process involves or how to build it correctly. You need to start by visiting your gynecologist or reproductive specialist.

Also today there are special family planning centers. The couple will have the necessary consultations and conversations. Based on their results, various tests and studies will be prescribed.

In general, planning a pregnancy involves examining the general health of a man and a woman, treating acute and chronic diseases, giving up bad habits, following a special diet and taking essential vitamins.

To start preparing for conception, you need to do the following:

  • Stop smoking for both partners or reduce the number of cigarettes to a minimum. This must be done at least three months before pregnancy.
  • Stop drinking alcohol three months before conception.
  • Reduce the amount of caffeine-containing liquids.
  • Directly during the cycle when conception is planned, do not go to the sauna or bathhouse.
  • It is advisable not to make sudden climate changes and avoid flying.
  • Do not diet for weight loss.
  • Don't engage active species sports, with increased risk injuries and stress.
  • Do not take medications that are not approved by your doctor, and do not get sick. And if you had to use antibiotics, then the date of conception will have to be postponed by another 1 - 2 months.
  • For six months, start drinking a vitamin-mineral complex for both women and men.
  • After discontinuation of oral contraceptives during the first 3 months, the likelihood of multiple pregnancy. It is worth carefully weighing your options.
  • Eliminate occupational hazards by changing the workshop or job in general.
  • Stick to diet or basics healthy eating. Eat more foods containing vitamins such as group B, A, C, D, zinc, magnesium, folic acid.
  • If there are medications that you need to take constantly, you should discuss this issue with your doctor and develop a treatment strategy.

tests before planning pregnancy

From it you will learn about the list of tests required for both parents, prescribed examinations, and tests for men.

And here is more information about what you need to know about your first pregnancy.

For girls

In addition to the activities described above, girls should undergo additional training. These include:

  • Check what vaccinations you already have, what diseases you have immunity and antibodies against. This can be done in a clinic with a general practitioner and, if necessary, vaccination before pregnancy. The girl must have developed antibodies to hepatitis B, diphtheria, tetanus and chickenpox.
  • Also, a few months before conception, you need to measure your basal temperature. The data should be entered into a special calendar and observations should be shown when visiting a gynecologist. This will help you plan your pregnancy more carefully, as well as calculate ovulation and have sexual intercourse on the right day. As a result, the number of attempts is significantly reduced.

For guys

Not all men yet understand that they need to prepare for pregnancy too. Some still believe that the main preparation lies in examining the female body. A man's health status plays an equally important role.

The expectant father should begin preparing for pregnancy at least three months in advance, because it takes 90 days for the formation of normal, active sperm. But since conception may not occur in the first cycle of the attempt, you must expect to adhere to certain rules it takes six months to a year.

During this time, a man should begin to more closely monitor his health before pregnancy:

  • Give up bad habits, if any.
  • Stop working with varnishes, paints and other substances that have toxic fumes and harmful radiation.
  • Watch your diet. Stop eating fast food, fatty foods, salty foods, give up foods with chemical additives and dyes.
  • Observe temperature regime. The fact is that sperm is formed in the testicles, which are located in the scrotum. Its temperature is one and a half degrees lower than the base temperature of the body. This is one of the factors influencing the formation of sperm of the correct structure. Therefore, during preparation you should not visit baths and saunas; it is advisable not to use heated seats, wear insulated underwear and trousers.
  • It is also important to lead an active lifestyle, but not to get involved in traumatic sports, such as cycling or martial arts. A bruise in the groin area can negatively affect the future process of conception.
  • Try to avoid stress and tension. Spend more time with your significant other, learn to listen to each other.
  • Also intimate relationships will require some scheduling. You should not have sex more often than once every two to three days. This is necessary for the maturation of new healthy sperm in the required quantity.

After 30 - 35 years

Today, giving birth after 30 years is already considered the norm. By this age, people understand what they want from life, strengthen family relationships, become more responsible and ready to become parents. However, there are some disadvantages to late pregnancy. Many women and men acquire chronic diseases.

Therefore, preparing for pregnancy after 30 years consists of cleansing the body, saturating it with vitamins, nutrients and a thorough examination. In general, planning for conception in adulthood requires the same activities as before the age of 30. However, this needs to be done more carefully.

Watch the video about pregnancy planning:

Important examinations for women and men

Preparing for pregnancy first of all means a series of examinations. A woman and a man need to undergo a number of general tests and some specific ones.

Important tests

Both partners must undergo the following tests:

  • General clinical and biochemical blood tests. They will show you the work internal organs, inflammatory processes, blood condition.
  • Blood test for group and Rh factor. Due to the discrepancy, there is a high probability of miscarriage and complications in the development of the fetus.
  • Urine tests. From it it will become clear about the functioning of the kidneys and metabolism in the body.
  • Fluorography.
  • Revealing infectious diseases, such as hepatitis B and C, HIV, herpes, HPV, CMV, rubella, toxoplasma, syphilis.
  • PCR testing for STDs, including ureaplasma, mycoplasma, genital herpes, chlamydia, trichomonas and others.
  • A blood sugar test will help identify elevated levels and prevent the development of diabetes.
  • Consultation with a geneticist to identify the risk of transmitting hereditary diseases during pregnancy.
  • Hormone testing. It is prescribed when, after all the tests and cured diseases, conception does not occur. The levels of progesterone, testosterone, estrogen, TSH, LH and FSH are examined. Both men and women have all these hormones in different proportions. They are responsible for the production of eggs and sperm, the fixation of the embryo in the endometrium, the development of the uterus and the formation of the placenta.

Special Research

In addition to the general tests that are listed above and are mandatory for both partners, there are also special ones. They prescribe only to a woman or a man. The expectant mother needs to go through the following additional tests:

  • Flora smear. It gives an idea of ​​the state of the microflora, the presence inflammatory process. Various bacteria and other pathogenic microorganisms may be detected.
  • A coagulogram is needed to determine the state of the blood and its coagulability.
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic floor organs, mammary glands and thyroid gland.
  • Test for antibodies to rubella, hepatitis B, herpes and toxoplasma.

The man, in turn, must undergo the following examinations:

  • Spermogram. It will show how active and healthy the sperm are.
  • MAR test for the presence of antibodies that attack sperm.
  • Analysis of spermatozoa for morphology and structure.

Visiting specialists

In addition to clinical studies, a woman needs to visit specialists to exclude and treat chronic diseases. So, for some indications it may be prescribed C-section. The expectant mother should undergo examination:

  • ophthalmologist,
  • otolaryngologist,
  • allergist,
  • therapist,
  • cardiologist,
  • dentist

Before conception, if any diseases are detected, they need to be cured, because during pregnancy, immunity decreases, and the body is practically defenseless.

Vaccinations and immunization

This is also an important stage of preparation. It is much easier to check the availability and suitability of all necessary vaccinations and be calm for nine months. This way the body will be protected from many dangerous diseases, because infection with them will mean a threat of termination of pregnancy, the development of deformities and complications in the fetus.

Mandatory vaccinations include:

  • from rubella,
  • from hepatitis B,
  • from diphtheria and tetanus.

By the way, it wouldn’t hurt for the future dad to make them either. This way the risk of infection will be reduced to zero.

Features of planning a late pregnancy for a couple

In the modern world, the number of couples wanting to have children under 40 is growing. This is due to certain social and economic conditions life. Some are only going to give birth to their first child, while others are deciding on a second and third child. In any case, you need to approach this issue more carefully and responsibly than before the age of 30.

When a couple decides to get pregnant after 35, it is necessary to undergo, in addition to the above tests, additional studies. In addition, the risk of developing pathologies and complications during pregnancy, as well as during childbirth, increases.

The probability of having a child with Down syndrome is 1 in about 400, if at 25 years old it was 1 in almost 1.5 thousand. This is due to the fact that after a critical age people suffer from chronic diseases, “aging” of germ cells occurs, and the body is saturated with toxic substances. During pregnancy, any disease that did not cause problems for the woman will worsen and reach a new level.

Therefore, 3 to 4 months before conception, you need to undergo a complete and thorough medical examination. As a result, the likelihood of complications will be clarified, as well as whether the disease is a contraindication to pregnancy in general.

In addition, the couple should visit a geneticist who will predict the likelihood of developing disorders in the unborn child. Of course, he cannot give a 100% guarantee, but partners will be able to weigh the pros and cons.

Also, at the pregnancy planning stage, it is important to switch to healthy image life, saturate the body with useful substances and vitamins. This reduces the risk of developing pathologies and complications.

vitamins when planning pregnancy

From it you will learn about the necessary substances when planning pregnancy, prescribed vitamins for men and women.

And here is more information about pregnancy after cesarean section.

Planning a pregnancy is an important stage for a couple who wants to have a child. It is very important not to rush and not draw premature conclusions. A full examination of both partners and consultations with specialists will help you become happy parents.

Nowadays, pregnancy and childbirth after 35 years have become commonplace. A conscious approach to planning for a child in adulthood significantly reduces the risk of growing up in a dysfunctional environment. But from a medical point of view, there are many obstacles to a successful pregnancy at this time.

Where to start planning pregnancy after 35

Medical statistics are inexorable - over the years, the risk of complications during pregnancy and childbirth increases. In addition, the diagnosis of infertility is more often made to women who have crossed the 35-year mark. But modern medicine has reached great success in assisting in the process of planning the birth of a child married couples mature age.

The reason for mandatory consultation with a gynecologist is the lack of results after six months of trying to conceive a baby. This period may be the basis for a diagnosis of infertility for one or both spouses. But such a conclusion can only be made on the basis of a comprehensive examination and based on the results laboratory tests. Not only the woman, but also the father of the unborn child must go through these procedures.

The system of measures for planning pregnancy for couples approaching their fortieth birthday includes the following measures:

  • Identification of problems with the ability to conceive in both spouses. For men, the quality of sperm, the viability of sperm and the speed of their movement, the number of sperm in 1 ml of seminal fluid and other indicators of fertility are checked. In addition, the spouse must check the functioning of all body systems, since a man’s ability to fertilize can be due to various reasons.
  • For women, the quality of the egg, the absence of problems with the reproductive system, and general health are of decisive importance.

The initial stage of preparation usually takes 2 - 3 months, this time is quite enough to identify the presence of problems with reproductive function in spouses.

where to start planning pregnancy

From it you will learn about the necessary examinations for expectant parents and the features of planning a late pregnancy.

And here is more information about genetic testing when planning pregnancy.

If this is your first pregnancy

Regardless of age, the first pregnancy is always an important moment in a woman’s life, and it must be planned together with a gynecologist.

Consultation with a gynecologist

The first visit to a specialist begins with collecting an anamnesis. During the survey, the following points are clarified:

  • what contraception used by the married couple, for how long;
  • does the woman have any chronic diseases;
  • whether you have ever been treated with antibiotics or hormonal drugs;
  • what diseases of the reproductive system did you have in the past;
  • Are there any cases of hereditary pathologies in the family?

After the interview, the gynecologist must conduct an examination to determine the condition of the reproductive organs. This is a mandatory stage of preparation for pregnancy planning, during which the doctor finds out:

  • condition of the cervix, presence or absence of erosion;
  • if a woman has an intrauterine device installed, it must be removed;
  • The condition of the ovaries is preliminarily assessed by palpation.

The final stage of the first visit to the gynecologist is the appointment of a number of studies, among which the following are mandatory:

  • consultation with a therapist, including an ECG;
  • referral for various tests, primarily a general urine test, general and biochemical blood test, hormonal markers and identification of possible infections and pathogenic flora;
  • It is advisable to visit an endocrinologist to find out the possible presence of diabetes mellitus and problems with the thyroid gland;
  • ultrasound examination of the reproductive system organs;
  • a mandatory visit to a geneticist, and both spouses must come to this specialist.


An examination by a therapist is also necessary for two spouses, since in adulthood most people already develop systemic diseases that can be an obstacle to successful conception. In addition, during pregnancy, the female body experiences increased stress, which can negatively affect the health of the expectant mother and child.

In addition, the doctor general practice can recommend that a potential mother receive the necessary vaccinations to prevent dangerous diseases during gestation, and also advise which medications can be used for various ailments, and which should be avoided.

If it is necessary to undergo treatment for any systemic disease, especially if it is associated with taking antibiotics or hormonal drugs, the therapist can advise how long it is better to abstain from conceiving.

The therapist, together with the gynecologist, can recommend which specialists you still need to contact to fully plan your pregnancy.

  • Dentist. Every woman should know that during pregnancy the condition of teeth can deteriorate significantly, this is especially true in adulthood. Therefore, it is better to sanitize the oral cavity before conception. In addition, carious teeth are a source of infection in the body.
  • Otolaryngologist. The doctor will examine the mucous membranes of the nose and determine whether there is a risk of infectious diseases.

The list of specialized specialists can be expanded depending on the health status of each individual patient. Most often, according to indications, this list can be expanded by a nephrologist, cardiologist, immunologist, surgeon, allergist and neurologist.


Indications for consultation with this specialist include overweight or underweight, disorders menstrual cycle, diabetes or thyroid problems. A visit to an endocrinologist is mandatory if the couple cannot conceive a child within six months.


It is advisable for all couples preparing to become parents to visit such a specialist, but for people over 35 years of age such a consultation is mandatory. This is especially important under the following circumstances:

  • The presence of close relatives of the husband or wife suffering from Down syndrome or Alzheimer's syndrome, patients with schizophrenia or other mental disorders.
  • Diseases such as thrombophlebitis and some pathologies of the cardiovascular system can also be inherited.
  • Cases of hemophilia in the family.

If you suspect a problem with heredity, your doctor may prescribe additional tests to detect chromosomal abnormalities.

Watch the video about the features of planning pregnancy after 35 years:

If repeated

If a woman plans a pregnancy after 35 years of age, having already had one or more children, this causes less worry among specialists, especially if the previous birth took place without complications.

In this case, an examination by a gynecologist is also mandatory; the doctor must determine the condition of the genital organs, the presence of pathologies of the cervix and vagina, and prescribe tests at his discretion.

It is necessary to find out whether all children were born healthy, whether they have developmental delays or other growth characteristics, and how the pregnancies proceeded.

Of particular importance when planning a second pregnancy is the nature of the birth: whether it was spontaneous or a caesarean section was performed for medical reasons.

Also, when preparing for the next birth, you should find out whether the couple had any cases of stillborn children, spontaneous abortions or missed abortions.

Otherwise, the pregnancy planning scheme for older couples does not differ from that offered to first-time mothers.

Consultation with a geneticist for the second and subsequent births is mandatory if the unborn child has a different father, if he is also of adulthood.

Possible problems for women at this age

Approaching 40 years of age, expectant mothers may face a number of specific difficulties, especially if the planned pregnancy is their first. The most common ones can be designated as follows:

  • Genetic disorders. The risk of having a child with an incorrect set of chromosomes or damage to their structure increases over the years. According to statistics, parents in adulthood have a high probability of having a baby with Down syndrome. If women at 25 years old give birth to one such baby in 1250 healthy ones, then at 35 – 1 in 400.
  • Spontaneous abortion, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy. In the period under review, this risk is 20%.
  • Risk of hypertension and diabetes. Late pregnancy can provoke the appearance and development of many diseases in a woman; high blood pressure is especially dangerous during this period.
  • Pathological development of the placenta. After 35 years, the risk of pregnancy pathology such as placenta previa triples, which can lead to severe bleeding during childbirth and even death.
  • Early birth. Over the years, the likelihood of delivery before 37 weeks increases, and therefore the baby may be born with a critically low weight.

All these possible problems should be taken into account at the stage of planning conception and, together with doctors, measures should be taken to reduce risks.

If “after 35” only a man

Representatives of the stronger sex are in a more advantageous position - their ability to conceive can persist into old age. However, not everything is so optimistic.

By the age of 35, age-related changes begin in a man’s body, which cannot but affect a woman’s fertility and the course of subsequent pregnancy. Over the years, problems with the heart and blood vessels begin to appear, and weight often begins to exceed the norm. Bad habits especially contribute to these unpleasant processes - smoking, drinking alcohol, and a sedentary lifestyle.

A spermogram often shows a decrease in the number of sperm and a decrease in their quality. The reason for this is often


and others inflammatory diseases genitourinary system.

In addition, in adult men, erectile function begins to fail and decreases. sexual desire, because testosterone levels are no longer normal.

All these factors have Negative influence on fertile function, somewhat reducing the likelihood of a quick and successful conception. Male factor infertility is as common today as female factor. Therefore everything more Couples have to go to assisted reproductive medicine centers to be able to conceive.

In addition to the advice of doctors during preparation for pregnancy, expectant mothers and fathers should follow a number of simple recommendations:

  • Change your usual diet by eliminating fatty and fried foods, alcohol and sweets. Make the most of every meal fresh vegetables and fruits, since the body must be filled with the necessary vitamins, minerals and amino acids. The menu should include foods rich in iron and folic acid, so it is important to eat every day fresh salad, spinach, apples, bananas, buckwheat.
  • A prerequisite for a successful pregnancy and the appearance of a long-awaited baby is a complete cessation of smoking.
  • It is necessary to monitor your weight, play sports, lead an active lifestyle, and spend a lot of time outdoors.

Planning a pregnancy requires a responsible approach from both parents, especially if they are no longer so young. After all, they must have the strength not only to give birth, but also to raise him. The key to the health of all family members is a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, compliance with medical recommendations and a good psychological climate.

Recently, statistics have increasingly recorded cases where women express a desire to become a mother and become pregnant at a fairly mature age - about 35 years and older. And sociologists do not find anything surprising in this: according to them, value guidelines and attitudes towards the birth of a child have now changed significantly. If just a few decades ago it was customary to get married as early as possible and immediately “work” on conceiving a child, then modern women are already refocused on personal development, career growth, and acquiring a name in society. A potential mother today realizes that the child needs to be given the best, and for this, on the eve of his birth, he will have to work hard. And sometimes he “works” to the point where doctors begin to talk about increased risks of bearing and giving birth to a child - up to 35, 38, 40 years old...

Yes, yes, if a woman reaching the age of 35 expresses a desire to become a mother (especially if this pregnancy is her first), then preparation for it should be much more thorough than for a pregnancy that occurs before the age of 30. It is advisable to plan pregnancy after 35 in advance - both in order to avoid increased risks and to make the pregnancy easier, that is, to protect the unborn baby from all sorts of unforeseen troubles. But, doctors remind, there are still risks during pregnancy after 35 – and the older the woman, the more they “accumulate”.

It is precisely the dangers that increase over the years that determine the punctual planning of pregnancy after 35. And it is advisable to begin preparation no later than six months before the planned conception, and even better - a year. This time should be enough to maximally cleanse the body of the “obstacles” that have accumulated over the years in the form of alcohol, medications, nicotine, as well as undergo all scheduled examinations, take tests, prepare the body physically and mentally prepare for pregnancy.

So, planning a pregnancy after 35 begins from the moment the expectant mother starts thinking about having a baby. And in the near future, it is necessary to visit a general practitioner who will determine the mother’s health status and the degree of readiness of the body to bear the baby. On this segment life path A woman usually already has some deviations in the normal functioning of her organs and systems, there is an increased risk of hypertension (especially if she is overweight), and sexually transmitted infections are possible. Appropriate examinations will make it possible to exclude any of these factors negative for pregnancy, and if they are identified, to eliminate them in a timely manner.

Already half a year before the planned conception, increased attention should be paid to nutrition: the expectant mother should receive all useful substances, vitamins and microelements from food. Regular physical activity is shown, with the help of which it will be possible to prepare the body for bearing and safe birth of a child. Physical activity will also help bring your weight back to normal, if necessary. IN mandatory it will be necessary to exclude such dangerous or toxic substances like alcohol, tobacco, some medications. It is necessary to give up them even at the stage of planning a pregnancy after 35, and even while carrying a child you need to forget about such substances.

Management of late pregnancy should be carried out under the supervision of a competent specialist, the search for whom is also best done while preparing for conception. By the way, if you fail to get pregnant right away in your first attempts, then you should not worry too much about this: with age, the uterus undergoes some changes, especially for women who have not given birth. Therefore, some couples, in order to conceive a baby after 35 years, will have to “work” on this for some time.

As for the planned management of pregnancy after 35, examinations must be carried out regularly, following all the doctor’s instructions. It is known that after 35 years, women have a significantly increased risk of having a child with chromosomal abnormalities, namely Down syndrome. It is possible today to determine abnormalities in fetal development thanks to extensive examinations and the work of geneticists. Particular attention should be paid to monitoring the blood sugar level of the expectant mother, because with age the risk of developing diabetes during pregnancy increases. The risk of miscarriage also increases, so the doctor will monitor the condition of the uterus and the development of the baby very carefully. It is imperative to monitor weight gain - normally it should not exceed more than 15-16 kilograms during the entire pregnancy, and if before pregnancy the woman’s weight was higher than normal, then even less.

In addition to everything else - for example, constant monitoring of the condition of the pregnant woman and the development of the fetus - the expectant mother is simply obliged to eat normally, following the rules of a healthy diet. On the recommendation of a doctor, it would not be superfluous to take additional vitamin-mineral complexes and folic acid. Physical activity is also recommended during pregnancy: a suitable set of exercises can be selected together with your doctor. Walking in the fresh air, a positive attitude, sufficient rest and sleep, the exclusion of any factors that irritate the psyche are a prerequisite for normal bearing of a baby after 35 years. And you should not be embarrassed to consult a doctor even with minor symptoms that worry the expectant mother. Even if the symptoms do not seem so significant, a timely visit to specialists sometimes makes it possible to “get ahead of the curve,” so even with any suspicious signs, it makes sense to immediately go for a consultation.

Especially for beremennost.net - Tatyana Argamakova

It is impossible not to notice that in the modern world the concepts of family and values ​​are somewhat different. No, not in a bad way. More specifically, modern women more often think about children and become mothers at a more mature age than 20-30 years ago. Statistics boastfully demonstrate that the number of women over 30 giving birth has increased by a third! This can't help but rejoice!

But why does this happen? After all, our mothers and grandmothers, in most cases, got married in their youth, and by the age of 25 they were already raising one or two offspring. Today everything is somewhat different. A woman is given, to some extent, more freedom; she prefers to first build her career and become established as a professional. Some women are in no hurry to get married and have children, preferring entertainment and their favorite hobbies. Some people simply meet the love of their life closer to 30, while others simply adhere to the Child free direction, in no hurry to devote their lives to children.

It also happens that a couple who has a child decides to have a second child already in adulthood. But some couples who have been married for several years simply have difficulty planning offspring. Often it is the last option that is most common: a long-awaited pregnancy occurs after long treatments and is achieved through titanic efforts, when the woman is no longer 18 years old.

But, whatever the root causes, planning a pregnancy after 35 years has a number of features. Although, any desired pregnancy implies careful preparation and a responsible approach of both parents, including in this case There are some other nuances that we will talk about in more detail.

Pregnancy in adulthood - what's so scary about it?

So, pregnancy after 35 years: what are the difficulties? How does it occur in a mature woman and what is special about it? Surprisingly, nothing really, except for a couple of points. It is very strange to hear and read frightening materials that a woman whose age has exceeded three decades is experiencing a lot of problems with conceiving; she definitely needs in vitro fertilization (IVF), constant ultrasound screening and a bunch of tests. Of course, after reading such articles and being pretty frightened, the desire and desire to give birth to a child fades away, and is replaced by anxieties and fears. However, not everything is so bad, see for yourself!

Planning a pregnancy after 35 years is absolutely no different from ordinary plans to become parents. The whole point of this very planning comes down to minimizing the risks of possible disorders and pathologies, to increasing the likelihood of carrying and giving birth to a healthy baby. The age of the woman in this case does not matter; everyone wants healthy offspring both at 20 and 40 years old.

And now a little about the physiological side of the issue. Experts believe that the most favorable period for pregnancy from 20 to 30 years. Agree that not so much, considering the life expectancy of a person. The menstrual cycle at this age is regular, the vital resources of the body allow it to withstand stress, and the general state of health is not satisfactory.

Why exactly this period? The fact is that girls under 20 rarely become pregnant consciously, and the growing body requires vital resources on their own development, which can be to the detriment of pregnancy. The situation is slightly different for women over 30. As you know, until the age of 25, the human body grows, fills with life, and by the “quarter” it reaches its peak, after which the reverse processes begin.

Every year, slowly but surely, the body ages, resources are depleted, and under the influence of external factors, toxins accumulate, changes at all body levels, and chronic diseases. These changes may increase the likelihood of a bad pregnancy outcome, but are by no means a necessary component. After all, how many cases is known to the world when women successfully became mothers at 40, 50 and even... at 70 (!!!) years old, although the last case can be called unique.

Features of the course of pregnancy and childbirth in adulthood

In the maternity hospital, women over 30 are called “old-timers,” and the process itself is called “late birth.” It’s not very pleasant, but such a concept is not intended to offend a woman or humiliate her in any way, everything is justified with scientific point vision.

The fact is that the body’s resources and its capabilities are a fickle phenomenon and tend to be exhausted. This is why very old people are so frail and inactive; one might say that their biological “battery” is discharged. The same can be said about the reproductive function of the fair sex. Every year, menstrual cycles undergo changes, reproductive organs age, and the “battery” is discharged.

And if at 23-27 years old you can brag regular ovulation, then after 35 the regularity is not so enviable. If we consider the annual picture of the menstrual cycle, then only in half of the cases does ovulation take place (the formation and release of an egg). Naturally, this affects the likelihood of conception; getting pregnant becomes somewhat more difficult than in the hectic years of adolescence.

Accumulated health problems also do not pass by: chronic diseases, injuries. Under the influence of pathogenic factors (bad environment, toxins, etc.), with age, the mechanisms of cell division are disrupted, mutations accumulate in the chromosomal apparatus, as a result of which the likelihood of having a child with genetic abnormalities increases. Again, if you look at the statistics, chromosomal abnormalities known as trisomies (extra chromosome) are more common in children whose mothers gave birth to them in adulthood.

The probability of having such a baby is 1:19 over the age of 45!!! If the mother is between 35 and 39 years old, then the probability is 1:214 cases. But, 80% of children with this disorder are born to mothers under 35 years of age, since the frequency of births in this age group is age group much higher. The dependence of genetic pathologies on the mother’s age can be clearly seen in the diagram below.

With age, the uterus also weakens, and if a woman does heavy work physical labor, then it descends into the pelvic cavity. Accordingly, incompetence of the uterus and its cervix is ​​a very common case in older pregnant women. This determines the likelihood of miscarriage; as practice shows, miscarriages occur in women after 35 years of age, as well as the risk ectopic pregnancy increase by a third.

Often, pregnant women at this age are not spared the problems of gestosis, gestational diabetes, problems with the placenta, weak labor and other “pregnant” troubles. “Fetal hypoxia” is one of the most common phrases in the birth report of an “aged” woman, which causes such a large number of caesarean sections in women over 30.

Why is pregnancy after 35 great?

But all of the above phenomena are not a given and do not haunt every “pregnant woman” who is already in her 40s. You’ll never guess here, but you can and even need to make every effort! A lot depends on the mood of the beautiful lady and her lifestyle, and there are so many benefits from late pregnancy!

Carrying a child involves a complete restructuring of hormonal levels; for successful gestation, estrogens, progesterone and prolactin are needed. Increased estrogen levels due to " interesting situation» women, moves away menopause for several years, and she herself becomes more attractive and literally shines vital energy. The level of female hormones directly affects the condition of the musculoskeletal system, in particular, bones and muscles. The elasticity of the skin and the absence of wrinkles is the work of estrogen.

Late pregnancy is usually very desirable. It is rare to see a woman give birth at this age for reasons other than a strong desire to have children. Married couples over 30 years of age are often established people in life who have a certain support, know what they want from life and are financially independent. In the past, crazy actions, parties, I want family happiness, and, most importantly, there is confidence that the child will not need anything.

Women who already have experience in motherhood will be able to look at things from a new point vision, try everything again and correct past mistakes. The birth process itself, as a rule, is easier and faster, since the body already “knows what to do”, and the woman herself has an idea of ​​​​what awaits her.

Where to start planning?

So we gradually approached the main question: “how to prepare for pregnancy after 35 years”? In general, the algorithm is not much different from standard planning: everything also needs to go through various types of research. For greater convenience, we will divide them into two blocks: standard studies and additional ones, necessary specifically for “age” pregnant women.

Standard studies include:

  • general urine and blood tests, determination of blood and Rh factor;
  • additional tests as prescribed by the doctor (blood coagulogram, blood for hepatitis, HIV, TORCH complex, STIs, hormone tests, etc.);
  • consultation with specialists of a narrow profile (neurologist, endocrinologist, ophthalmologist, ENT, etc.);
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
  • fluorogram.

This is the required minimum that all those planning to add to the family undergo. Women over 35 years of age may be prescribed additional studies that allow them to assess the risk of developing pathologies of the woman’s reproductive system, the fetus, and monitor the course of pregnancy in the future. Among them:

  • colposcopy;
  • spermogram (for partner);
  • flora smear;
  • tests for hidden infections;
  • charting basal temperature to detect ovulation.

A pregnant woman can expect:

  • Ultrasound screening according to indications (standardly performed 3 times in each trimester, but can be prescribed additionally);
  • analysis for AFP (alpha fetoprotein) to detect chromosomal abnormalities of the fetus (performed at 16-18 weeks of gestation);
  • chorionic villus biopsy (method for diagnosing abnormalities, including genetic ones in the second trimester);
  • mammography (examination of the mammary glands for benign and malignant neoplasms);
  • cordocentesis (blood test from the umbilical cord);
  • amniocentesis (examination of amniotic fluid) and a number of other studies.

Constant monitoring modern methods allows you to minimize the possibility of giving birth to a baby with severe pathologies, and if threatening conditions quickly normalize the situation. Thus, there is nothing frightening in a “mature” pregnancy; if a woman has decided to take such a step or has learned about her wonderful situation at this age, she must boldly accept the gift of fate and do everything possible to give birth to a healthy child.

But that is not all. As already mentioned, a lot depends on the expectant mother herself. Pregnancy after 35 years implies not only the process of bearing a fetus, those same 280 wonderful days, but also at least 3 months of preparation, a kind of “young fighter course” (in our case, a middle-aged fighter!).

It is important to reconsider your lifestyle and slow down the frantic rhythm of the city bustle. To successfully carry a baby, the body uses all its resources, sometimes even to the detriment of the mother’s body. And if these resources are not enough to provide for two organisms, not entirely pleasant consequences may follow (have you heard about hair falling out, brittle nails and even teeth in “pregnant women”? Yes, yes, that’s all for this reason).

Taking vitamin complexes in advance, proper nutrition, healthy sleep, absence of stress and heavy physical activity is what is needed during such a period. Women who like to smoke cigarettes and drink alcohol should give up such “entertainment” and prioritize a successful pregnancy and a healthy, desired baby.

Chronic diseases, recurrent diseases, sexually transmitted infections and dental problems are also resolved during the period of preparation for pregnancy - within 3 months before conception. This will greatly simplify the task and eliminate unpleasant consequences and complications.

How to believe in yourself?

It turns out that in this issue The moral aspect is also important. Very often, women over 30-35 years old, planning to become mothers or expecting a baby, encounter strange misunderstandings from others. It doesn’t matter whether this is the first child or not. Many dissuade, citing age or some other reasons. Surprisingly, some doctors have a similar point of view and do not advocate “late” childbirth. In such cases, it can be very difficult to cope with your own emotions, and sometimes fear and doubt creep in.

There is a solution. Not everyone can maintain self-confidence, especially with such psychological pressure. Talk to your spouse and close friends; their support will probably be very significant. Communication with similarly “aged” mothers will increase self-confidence; let them share their experiences, and using their example, you can be inspired and forget about all your fears.

If your friends or close relatives have small children, do not distance yourself from communicating with them, offer all possible help, try to look after the baby, because soon you will be doing this every day, and all your time will belong to the child.

There is a psychologist's office in the antenatal clinics; you can visit it not only as planned, but also at any time when something worries you or you doubt the correctness of the decision. It has been proven that during such a period, the help of a specialist has amazing results and allows you to reconsider your views on the situation.


Every year, the number of successful births in mature women (let’s not call them “old-timers”) increases at an enviable pace, which suggests that pregnancy after 35 is not a risk or a challenge to fate, but a real and common practice. Modern medicine and prenatal diagnostic methods make it possible to detect up to 99.9% of trisomies of various nature(Down, Patau, Edwards syndrome) and more than 40% of congenital defects of the cardiovascular system and other organs. This gives confidence that all possible developmental disorders will not be an unpleasant surprise and a heavy burden for parents.

Giving birth after 35 means feeling like you’re 25, even if you’re still a girl at heart. Although it is still very early to write you off and classify you as an old woman, physiological processes are already undergoing changes in the direction of regression. Female sex hormones during pregnancy ignite a new spark in female attractiveness, and subsequently have a positive effect on her health and sexuality.

Planning a pregnancy at this age is practically no different from ordinary preparation to become parents. In some cases, additional studies may be prescribed, but only if necessary. All fears and doubts should be dispelled even before conception, and all sidelong glances from the outside should be perceived as a sign of dementia. As a last resort, you will find support from a psychologist or in online communities.

And remember - your destiny is in your hands, when you set a goal, go towards it and achieve it with all possible ways. Pregnancy is not a disease, but a great happiness that a woman can experience at any age! Believe in yourself and then success is just around the corner!

Nowadays, pregnancy and childbirth after 35 years have become commonplace. A conscious approach to planning for a child in adulthood significantly reduces the risk of growing up in a dysfunctional environment. But from a medical point of view, there are many obstacles to a successful pregnancy at this time.

Read in this article

Where to start planning pregnancy after 35

Medical statistics are inexorable - over the years, the risk of complications during pregnancy and childbirth increases. In addition, the diagnosis of infertility is more often made to women who have crossed the 35-year mark. But modern medicine has made great strides in helping mature couples plan the birth of a child.

The reason for mandatory consultation with a gynecologist is the lack of results after six months of trying to conceive a baby. This period may be the basis for a diagnosis of infertility for one or both spouses. But such a conclusion can only be made on the basis of a comprehensive examination and based on the results of laboratory tests. Not only the woman, but also the father of the unborn child must go through these procedures.

The system of measures for planning pregnancy for couples approaching their fortieth birthday includes the following measures:

  • Identification of problems with the ability to conceive in both spouses. In men, the viability of sperm and the speed of their movement, the number of sperm in 1 ml of seminal fluid and other indicators of fertility are checked. In addition, the spouse must check the functioning of all body systems, since a man’s ability to fertilize can be due to various reasons.
  • For women, the quality of the egg, the absence of problems with the reproductive system, and general health are of decisive importance.

The initial stage of preparation usually takes 2 - 3 months, this time is quite enough to identify the presence of problems with reproductive function in spouses.

If this is your first pregnancy

Regardless of age, the first pregnancy is always an important moment in a woman’s life, and it must be planned together with a gynecologist.

Consultation with a gynecologist

The first visit to a specialist begins with collecting an anamnesis. During the survey, the following points are clarified:

  • what contraceptives the couple used and for how long;
  • does the woman have any chronic diseases;
  • whether it was ever carried out or with hormonal drugs;
  • what diseases of the reproductive system did you have in the past;
  • Are there any cases of hereditary pathologies in the family?

After the interview, the gynecologist must conduct an examination to determine the condition of the reproductive organs. This is a mandatory stage of preparation for pregnancy planning, during which the doctor finds out:

  • condition of the cervix, presence or absence of erosion;
  • if a woman has an intrauterine device installed, it must be removed;
  • The condition of the ovaries is preliminarily assessed by palpation.

The final stage of the first visit to the gynecologist is the appointment of a number of studies, among which the following are mandatory:

  • consultation with a therapist, including an ECG;
  • referral to a variety of tests, primarily a general urine test, general and biochemical blood test, hormonal markers and identification of possible infections and pathogenic flora;
  • It is advisable to visit an endocrinologist to find out the possible presence of diabetes mellitus and problems with the thyroid gland;
  • ultrasound examination of the reproductive system organs;
  • mandatory, and both spouses must come to this specialist.


An examination by a therapist is also necessary for two spouses, since in adulthood most people already develop systemic diseases that can be an obstacle to successful conception. In addition, during pregnancy, the female body experiences increased stress, which can negatively affect the health of the expectant mother and child.

In addition, a general practitioner can recommend what a potential mother can do to prevent dangerous diseases during pregnancy, as well as advise which medications can be used for various ailments, and which ones should be avoided.

If it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment for any systemic disease, especially if it is associated with taking antibiotics or hormonal drugs, the therapist can advise how long it is better to refrain from conceiving.

The therapist, together with the gynecologist, can recommend which specialists you still need to contact to fully plan your pregnancy.

  • Dentist. Every woman should know that during pregnancy the condition of teeth can deteriorate significantly, this is especially true in adulthood. Therefore, it is better to sanitize the oral cavity before conception. In addition, carious teeth are a source of infection in the body.
  • Otolaryngologist. The doctor will examine the mucous membranes of the nose and determine whether there is a risk of infectious diseases.

The list of specialized specialists can be expanded depending on the health status of each individual patient. Most often, according to indications, this list can be expanded by a nephrologist, cardiologist, immunologist, surgeon, allergist and neurologist.


Indications for consultation with this specialist include overweight or underweight, menstrual irregularities, diabetes mellitus or problems with the thyroid gland. A visit to an endocrinologist is mandatory if the couple cannot conceive a child within six months.


It is advisable for all couples preparing to become parents to visit such a specialist, but for people over 35 years of age such a consultation is mandatory. This is especially important under the following circumstances:

  • The presence of close relatives of the husband or wife who suffer from Alzheimer's, schizophrenia or other mental disorders.
  • Diseases such as thrombophlebitis and some pathologies of the cardiovascular system can also be inherited.
  • Cases of hemophilia in the family.

If you suspect a problem with heredity, your doctor may prescribe additional tests to detect chromosomal abnormalities.

Watch the video about the features of planning pregnancy after 35 years:

If repeated

If a woman plans a pregnancy after 35 years of age, having already had one or more children, this causes less worry among specialists, especially if the previous birth took place without complications.

In this case, an examination by a gynecologist is also mandatory; the doctor must determine the condition of the genital organs, the presence of pathologies of the cervix and vagina, and prescribe tests at his discretion.

It is necessary to find out whether all children were born healthy, whether they have developmental delays or other growth characteristics, and how the pregnancies proceeded.

Of particular importance when planning a second pregnancy is the nature of the birth: whether it was spontaneous or a caesarean section was performed for medical reasons.

Also, when preparing for the next birth, you should find out whether the couple had any cases of stillborn children, spontaneous abortions or missed abortions.

Otherwise, the pregnancy planning scheme for older couples does not differ from that offered to first-time mothers.

Consultation with a geneticist for the second and subsequent births is mandatory if the unborn child has a different father, if he is also of adulthood.

Possible problems for women at this age

Approaching 40 years of age, expectant mothers may face a number of specific difficulties, especially if the planned pregnancy is their first. The most common ones can be designated as follows:

All these possible problems need to be taken into account at the stage of planning conception and, together with doctors, measures should be taken to reduce risks.

If “after 35” only a man

Representatives of the stronger sex are in a more advantageous position - their ability to conceive can persist into old age. However, not everything is so optimistic.

By the age of 35, age-related changes begin in a man’s body, which cannot but affect a woman’s fertility and the course of subsequent pregnancy. Over the years, problems with the heart and blood vessels begin to appear, and weight often begins to exceed the norm. Bad habits especially contribute to these unpleasant processes - smoking, drinking alcohol, and a sedentary lifestyle.

In addition to the advice of doctors during preparation for pregnancy, expectant mothers and fathers should follow a number of simple recommendations:

  • Change your usual diet by eliminating fatty and fried foods, alcohol and sweets. It is necessary to fill every meal with fresh vegetables and fruits as much as possible, since the body must be filled with the necessary vitamins, minerals and amino acids. The menu should include foods rich in iron and folic acid, so it is important to eat fresh salad, spinach, apples, bananas, and buckwheat every day.
  • A prerequisite for a successful pregnancy and the appearance of a long-awaited baby is complete refusal.
  • It is necessary to monitor your weight, lead an active lifestyle, and spend a lot of time outdoors.

Planning a pregnancy requires a responsible approach from both parents, especially if they are no longer so young. After all, they must have the strength not only to give birth, but also to raise him. The key to the health of all family members is a healthy lifestyle, compliance with medical recommendations and a good psychological climate.

If you are planning a pregnancy after 35 years of age

If you are planning a pregnancy after 35 years of age

Every year everything more women started having children after 35 years of age. And this is largely due to the successes of modern medicine and positive changes in social life.

Today, representatives of the fair sex often first build a career, and only after that think about procreation. As a result, they delay their first pregnancy.

In addition, there are other reasons that force women to give birth after 35 years. The most common include:

  • Divorce and the desire to have a baby from my second husband.
  • The loneliness that parents experience as their older children grow up. There is a desire to get pregnant again.
  • Diseases of the reproductive system and long-term treatment.

After 35 years, family planning has a number of its own characteristics. Not all women at an older age manage to get pregnant immediately, as soon as they decide for themselves.

Sometimes this takes several months or more. And during pregnancy and childbirth, there may be a risk of complications, both from the mother and from the fetus.

Planning pregnancy after 35 years

Pregnancy after 35 years is a very important and responsible step in a woman’s life. Her body has already undergone a number of changes, so she needs to be well prepared for bearing a child. Proper planning pregnancy is the key to its successful course and completion.

First, you need to undergo a series of standard examinations and diagnostic procedures to establish your health status. It is necessary to evaluate not only reproductive function, but also the functioning of the body as a whole to find out whether it is ready for pregnancy.

The list of diagnostic procedures includes: blood tests, urine tests, cervical smears cytological examination, colposcopy. It is advisable to undergo fluorography and echocardiography. As well as ultrasound of the pelvic organs and mammary glands.

You need to especially carefully monitor the health of women who give birth for the first time after 35. They may be more likely to have complications during pregnancy. In addition, patients who had problems with a previous pregnancy (frozen pregnancies, spontaneous abortions, premature births, etc.) are at risk.

Potential Risks

Risks of pregnancy after 35 years. A woman's body undergoes certain age-related changes over time. Doctors believe that the optimal time for conceiving and bearing children is the period from 18 to 25-27 years.

The body of the fair sex is at its peak physical capabilities and pregnancy does not burden him so much.

At the same time, bearing a child after 35 years is fraught with a number of nuances and potential risks that are worth remembering:

  • Decreased fertility. Reproductive system is subject to the influence of sex hormones and the general condition of the body. Often during this period there is a certain decline in hormonal activity. The result may be reproductive dysfunction and the inability to conceive a child without the help of doctors.
  • The presence of a “bouquet” of chronic diseases. Often, by the age of 35, somatic diseases have developed (gastritis, pyelonephritis, colitis, cystitis, etc.), which will become an aggravating factor for bearing a child. During pregnancy, most of these pathological conditions have the ability to worsen, which is primarily associated with suppressed immunity in the early stages.
  • Gynecological pathologies. Many genital diseases can cause miscarriage or increase the risk of complications during pregnancy and childbirth. Therefore, it is so important to do all the necessary research at the family planning stage. It is likely that a woman needs treatment before becoming pregnant.

All these factors are worth taking into account, but you don’t need to deny yourself the joy of motherhood because of them. Even if some problems are found in the body, modern medicine quite successfully solves most of them.

The role of men in this matter

When we're talking about About pregnancy after 35, in most cases they talk about a woman. However, it is important to understand that the role of men in this process cannot be underestimated.

His body also undergoes age-related changes. Depending on the general state of health and the lifestyle a man leads, the quality of his sperm and, accordingly, the chances of pregnancy will directly depend.

It is advisable that at the stage of family planning, the man also goes to the doctor and undergoes some tests. The required minimum is a spermogram. By analyzing the ejaculate, the doctor will assess whether the sperm is suitable for fertilizing an egg. If any problems are discovered, additional research may be required to establish the root cause of the pathological process, or therapeutic measures may be prescribed to improve sperm quality.

Potential dangers during pregnancy itself

If conception has occurred, we can say that a lot has already been done. However, for a woman’s body, bearing a child after the age of 35 is quite a serious burden. According to statistics, every year the chance of developing problems during pregnancy increases. This is not a reason to despair, but such a situation requires greater attention to your health.

The main problems that can become an obstacle to the birth of a healthy child after 35 years are:

    Chromosomal mutations. This is one of the reasons why older women the risk of miscarriage or the birth of children with developmental defects is greater than that of young mothers. To prevent them, it is advisable for both spouses to undergo blood tests in advance (even at the planning stage) for the presence of genetic pathologies.

  • Spontaneous interruption pregnancy. To reduce these risks, it is very important to see a doctor as early as possible to monitor your pregnancy. Follow all doctor's orders and, if necessary, go to the hospital to maintain the pregnancy.
  • Secondary diseases. During pregnancy, the risk of certain diseases increases (diabetes, hypertonic disease, phlebeurysm). Some of them affect not only the quality of life of the mother, but also the vital activity of the fetus.
  • Pathology of the placenta. Given the deterioration of the blood supply to the uterus, the risk of improper fixation of the placenta, its insufficiency or premature detachment increases.
  • Premature birth or low fetal weight. This is due to the poor supply of nutrients to the baby.

Obviously, there are many potential problems. Therefore, the entire period of pregnancy should be observed by specialists, without neglecting medical recommendations.

Thanks to the advances of modern medicine, women have the opportunity to prevent a lot of problems. It is enough to contact a competent specialist to get the necessary support, including information. At the antenatal clinic or at the reproduction center, the expectant mother will be explained how she should behave, what to eat and what medications to take.

Infertility and methods to overcome it

Sometimes after 35 years a woman fails to get pregnant. In such cases, young girls are usually advised to consult a doctor after a year of unsuccessful attempts. But after 35 years there is no time to wait, and the risk of infertility is much higher. Therefore, you need to go to a fertility specialist if you cannot conceive a child within 6 months.

At the clinic, the doctor will prescribe some tests and perform instrumental studies (ultrasound, hysteroscopy). They are necessary to find out the reason for the impossibility of conceiving a child. Further, as soon as the cause is established, the fertility specialist will begin to work on eliminating it. Often, it is enough to undergo a course of drug therapy (anti-inflammatory, hormonal) or surgery(hysteroresectoscopy, laparoscopy).

If during the examination it is determined that the cause of infertility cannot be eliminated, the chance of healthy pregnancy still there. To do this, you will have to use assisted reproductive technologies. By performing artificial insemination or IVF, you can achieve pregnancy even in adulthood, with impaired reproductive function.

In any case, a successful pregnancy after the age of 35 is possible. You should not focus on its negative aspects. Nothing in the world can replace the happiness of motherhood and a full-fledged family. Although pregnancy after 35 years is associated with certain risks, for most women it passes without complications and ends with the birth of a healthy baby.

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